ARS_d&d_5ed version 5.5

  This is an idea that was for a dnd by a few spell system add-on based off Ars magicka and d&d.

  There are 53 classes that can be used, or you may opt for a normal DnD class.

  The rest of the system below to be used with the normal dnd system aka monsters, other classes and dnd spells in scroll form. It replaces the spell system, replacing it with the mp/stp system, except elder spell scrolls (which are just done). This system adds the spell effect system, stamina system and the power level system for optimal gameplay.

  For normal DnD add-in the 55 classes as class replacements in the Class Description section. All bonuses and mods apply as in the normal dnd system. This system can work with normal dnd game modules, or feel free to make up one on your own.


World base
The World Map
The source of power
Playing this game. Read this!!
Rounds in this game
The optional Diceless system
The fate dice
Energy %
Magical focus ability
Geo enchantment
Honour mode
Spells effect system
Magic point system
Health system gauge
Stamina system
Power level system
Attack in effect system (modified 3/16/2022)
Getting Beaten Up
Rank of Class
Food for thought
Alternative punishment
Remembering Spells and creating Innate ability
Worshipping or using demons and angels
Class descriptions (modified 12/6/2022)
Magic system skills (modified 8/15/2023)
Skills and Feats with skills or feats list
Special Abilities (modified 3/23/2022)
Character alignment
Character creation Updated 3/18/2024
Optional spells list Updated 3/18/2024
Charts for character tables and Experience level
Glossary of terms
Diseases reference with a more complete disease reference here
The complete 5e crafting guide in PDF form.

Source credits

 World base

   This world is based off the old world so woe if it be done, this was before the point before earth had some idea of fairness. So you don't have to do things, this is when fairies ruled the world. There was such as freeborn men or slaves that lived with enjoyment. The dark elves were there underground, yet living aboveground were the elves and sea-elves lived in the oceans. The world was known as a united traders world and Amerindia or in the old name "Ambigascar" was its name as it owned the trade, even then the the world was unpeaceful and not truly incited to war. Thats for the truce and pacts of which held it together, they were called "t-elect-teeves" meant as the free world trade pact. However, it was counted as peaceful moments in life.

 This was truly the world of before the Atlanteans fall from the earth. Thought with rare mytholig beasts or mythological idea and strange humans with other forms attached to them. Freedom calls to where an Amerindia would be for they would fight to the end if they had to and then they banded together as they could. This formed the United Trade Commision of Amerindia that existed underground where it allowed business to rule itself for its own sake and when some asked the business, there was always an answer. However compared to todays united worlds, they were corrupt to the point of absolution and any would kill for gold had they to get some.

 The people are apart of a free trade alliance who traded for drugs, slaves and other things like high tech stuff without any illegality or disruption. yet the worst was the willingness to torture and negotiate for that was all except for the crystalline equipment and modernlike machines that would do as they thought at it or spoke what they wanted. This culture was backward and varied as to unknown degrees and very suited to adventure and information to the willing except for weak people who got killed if they upset them. The advanced old ages are hard to forget as it allowed open swords and armor, yet was advanced with problems of kingdoms and early democracies. Where this world is advanced the middle ages were similiar yet unadvanced in technology, and is what dnd, medievil wargame, along with some other adventure games were coming from as they were copying some personal and world attitudes at that time. But on the other hand some would say a game is a game and this world is a good choice to "steal" from along with others as in middle earth and middle ages.

Some background

 This is the info I had to create some background by idea is seeming the point necessary if the point isn't lost as you are the feel, you feel or not that you use things right or wrong if you think to allow disruptives by disrepute. This without the lead use so you aren't "r"eally seen, see the area is not always influence or created so you don't not overreact. Say or gven as if expected see as due or sane. As any color you see your not there if you glance to yourself or with an object is use. So you see the focus is use by the concept. See as your available for anything your aware or activity dumbness or feel is job use, I don't now see as I don't realize what you. As the stupidity disappears as thats accosted or if you realize what you are as intrusion.

 As this use is idea or creator idea to work. So work is use or not focus except to create by focus or work out by water cleaning the area. As this is activity then think to focus "not damned" and unwanted energy goes to the water, do as you want as clean energy wipes the situation away in your mind. The real you would never accept debasing as you think to effect or not effect. Think as you want, as energy is what you feel in life. Water can seem water use at your creation to your idea to feel. See think with energy and balance in your mind or no pain is nothing with ego, as no go by the end as you do something else by result. As this energy is inner or outward attribute, that balances out by feel with psychic senses in concept and body weight goes down.

 The area you see were in is useful or useless as a castle area, yet this can see or end seem or nothing is altering your idiot result by meeting or crafting as you wish. This uses things such as one or more can think, nulle attack as this is to think a conceit to do better or worse as you feel is necessary by what you consider. This is not what you think, as water is water and life is life and this is energy to focus as you imagine time to be think "created or seen as the point is not this" that is what you did to stop and do something with what you are with in life. Seeing the area is feel or use or think to avoid the damage or danger you are

 Death aura energy effect protection is developed by the feel or the area, no you meant this as an ability modifyer as yes the ability is the Death aura or life aura by liber libre libera energy you are seeing use for useful intuition. Think or use so you see or create by sense with sensation or feel is not there. So just focus the death essence to cause the effect to decay or disrupt the body that targets you ah yes is feel or if targeted think stop, not to the targeter. Then if focus is intense you can instant death unless you save your point to do other thought. This is you are seeing use for useful intuition. Think or use so you see or create by sense or obsense that is for orc or work. This with no sensation is sensation or if, the idea is then its dead as its not there with life.

 So to tell me just focus the death energy, think to causse no twist for the essential oil to cure by feel. Seein a scare tactic to how death energy starts with a bone or boner, this is if defense by little or less result with death by essence. The death with essence is focused with dead body that is death energy essence. This can cause the deacay effect to decay effect to focus a body part to decay or to not cause death. That is the to not cause effect, see night has the the power control to use or create time by focus as you think you cause or as you think with that statement you cause death or unimmortal. Otherwise you see disruption to the body or the bone area with tissue. That targets you if you think to see or area effected you die because you die before attempting it unless life is there.

 Because life is there you see live things with some point. Thats the trick, then if you don't you or if focus otherwise intense. You seem instant death to those you think to remove diseases nor to see or effect. Unless you save yourself the trouble somehow as you are you save yourself the point or throw away the area to save yourself. See to do other idea is to create other thought. That is fousing death energy from you to the use throught pisser or body hole. That is creating or focusing to the use to create the area, that stops or placed is phasing out by feel is focus or use is thought to do. This is as a saving throw is the worst you can do, the best use is accepting what you do so the aura energy thought create or is curing by disrupting the disease is disruptiong yourself. Think to not disrupt to not use disruptive area feel that is chaos. Then your some concept you are allowing life to live by, yet not if genetically altered to some sane state too much that leaves you unbalanced yet focused. See our way is cool or not creative to the area, don't except to yourself to effect so your halloween stuff works.

 Thought to do then is to capture the illegal drug user essence to use it against the foe. Think to focus or create if you want due monster or unmolestic results by feel. So if you think to create life, you create life as you wish as you see or use is sense to think to the feel. So you think correct or protect by warding in life to the use with thought to send away or thought to cause the danger to go away forming somewhere else. That is easy to stop, assuming death is energy this is essence to the focus to cause no more movement to cause no life as you see they are what they think they are doing. So to focus death essence is thought to cause no life by their thinking their starving to day or light that is not unlike choking or whatever is the true idea to do.

 Think to cause or create life or cause life damages to stop the body from living. That is think as you are to cause, stop, do that is damage or dying off. This is cause life by focus to cause or not have life. This to think as cause life by focus is to create as the thought is if sex no excess drugs to life so that causes by no demon essence is not going to have life or turn demonic. So life that turns demonic that is blood that ends demonic by feel tht is the demon feel by idea. This you see to the use or see obstricion, see to the feel that I am thinking this is not always to correct or protect than ward to create. By feel I mean not do this to me or others if you think this is wrong.

 So this is better to not create for some ward to death, seeing to ward then is death later or they that attack is related I relent as I did it. I am done with you so you see if use is there. This is to remember the thought is then create with idea to cause cell death is the death of the disease. I think if you go on and attune to stop then this will stop. Think to focus or create, pet not nothing as you are thinking to cause to effect or no effect happens. focus to create or feel, oral sex is damned in the vampire. This is proven to the area or feel from you as suming your feel is incorporative to the point you see by sense.

 So sue not me if I sue you type of thing. This brings dark activity never inevitably feel to create with dark desire unless no desire as necessary exists, seeable results are aware as you see here what this is revert or focus as you are aware. So you create yet if bad feel then if your were you alter by focus, see to cure yourself or thinking to create is focusing idea effecting through the aura. This is not always occuring as you think to cause, this is resale or reason by result or you don't go along with each result. If the area is there yet your not aware so stop.

 The area you effectis not effecting you or others negatively with no death if each cell dies, by death energy or essence cleanup or experience is with drinking water. So use is with no death or death by feel if guilt to effect others to not cause drug use. That is death or decay feel to live till death for what idea you have. Starting with the death, then as the area to stop something you see by feel or you see your own death. So the body is decaying from within as due note ninja decay teeth faster, this is rot that the cell decay is causing or stopped by the thought some brush their teeth or the creator wants to release you with as the body drops from ceasing body functions.

 So you see the body ceases to exist, function the idea is some where to some thought that drops down not to move. Some are alive again you know unless their is some area or way to work that viewed brings you away or way out. No that is not moving as a body is ceasing to stillness. So to go any further would be as though pushing them with a spoon or the spirit is support. This use is something called near electricity they have, means are as I can't actually use aren't useful by feel is cool to use yet realize you can do things. So you see the energy they have is the power with words, they are working with or bearing the results from with the area feel. Wee monster are nothing as not allowed here is not allowing you here if your a monster.

 So think your dead to them to work not kill or bankrupt to kill them, as you suspect or not use as they are os don't create unless you want the computer or kill themselves by their uses. Their own way then is uses to others not to create, so think with as you want or use water or drink by water. As you so or see the use to create with the fee or feel, think not to obuse or create with nothing as no feel. See the area you sight is creativity by feeling so your use is your ideal life the subconscious shows you. The subsconscious however, this only shows you what you wat to know. Wat is hop to supposable area repository with the word for freedom, think from within so you see this ability is amazing if it works.

 This is a reason to use death aura protection if no focus necessary or focus seeable results by imagining thought though not through the aura to effect or release as you focus the death essence away to the eagle. See not or user feel is death energy cleaned up by swiping a surface, instant area changing to cause not riot or otherwise, as you pass the death essence away to some area that you want target. No this isn't right you can't have more children at once, as a stop you don't go so you see sex you go or leave with what you want of tis that is cool to the area use. That really means to create by use is to feel, the created idea form to create by what the idea you imagine is able to create. As this is so this was added by the time you say you played it, tis was energy use as your able to use the idea.

 So go ahead as you think to each your own you are so as you are your energy you use now, so you see this is your own so have one oruse protective. This is despite yourself not having one using the chaos gate jump technique en. Ciao is a happy energy ending that leaves as you are able with no sicke thought by some healing. So to get no worse by fear, use is energy by feel or foci in energy use or use. So your use by nothing nono as misunderstood, you can cause no fear in no or feel by use no hex or life. Think separate then you get his type to type idea to use yet no end result in sight to create as he thinks or he stops as he gives up.

 As you see you are unaffected by the demon or whomever is named "daemona", as you see to create created feel by "m en na or jailbait is violation" show no emnity to the nation or live as you want an not evil swing or not any nasty enemy defense swing. Some intuition or feel use is required so use is why you think, as you feel some need you see to get what you request as I accept. The third eye is the manifest the I is the creator or focus is feel. See the ue first or create inly what you see the use for idea. That is what I found useful as think protection you ward away by thinking the thought they don't like at them, "unless a violation um no this is mine H3OI17N3 or not use" so this seen is the use or think allow they are or were or on they are as your off as they want to learn it or use it but think your not effected then they seem as you want. Think you do or they do then they create what the think you want as they do what they want sometimes by what you think so you direct their thought subconscious use. This is from an american abstract with thoughts from another place or time.

 Seeming result is concept or concubine yet thought was semen sharing to a sperm bank. As you sense aware thought you could be irritable, see the use before the means so you see to create things correct. Seen as use not concept so stop. The higher energy is stablizing or sane as you see to think stable. The insanity comes from insane thought so were able to come or go yet not to abuse. So you see the use was were possible or thought to creative purpose anyway, so you are or were able to work together as done or not possible. So think if your satisfied your use is conceptive use. I didn't take it as they say so i guess I am gone by now. So I will use the experience creative to user feel yet not create or use is not to seem obstrusive by obstructive measure.

 See the area result is immortality is creative use or silver is time with silver turned blue, as stabilizing seems different things to different people or immortal by stevia. Seem unless too much energy is passed to the turmeric this use, thus so the body alcoholism isn't necessary to use water to drink. This is the point I saw that interests me yet isn't possible, by the fact immortal energy causes unstable moods if too high with water energy so good yet not. So if enough is sometimes the longer one lives the more they will or won't be able to have children. Able minded is not that as you see to not have the result body is not to always have a result. Be sure to not keep the protection up as you release, the protection by breaking the circle of protection or thinking the circle will drop. I was never as creative as I thought so I stop to create things as possible.

 As not bad if not there that the body will I normally don't see the result with this, so thought in normally seem otherwise to bring up or down the area concept. See no magic weight to cause the effect with lower budget to food or drugs as thought in idea, as you can't do it this won't happen so release the superstring by relaxing or thought shift to create by thought. Without in concept or thought is some by use in meditation, as you don't seem lax unless as you are necessary or see to seem too lax is not always to do. This protection causes the "Whatever we got you don't use or you can use, if this is there or not bother to use and go hide somewhere else that is another home."

 As too lax is no movement productive is use to tense as you create, use is so this is release as nothing done or not is allowable. As the use you see concept is cool or hot. As too hot think cool or calm, thought to cool off by water or not feel pain. See to create or feel is cool by lore, by feel your ability heals or uses the core energy by idea or think. See to the core or as you see religion don't think to the core, as you see or cause by feel or use with no weapon or no as yes. As you see or not see to not neutralize life matey, see to realize the area is molecules to create with is some. See with no breaking to create or feel by love or positive idea, your will seems your way or think to none to create by feel by time creator.

 This can trick you into things or thinking you create you don't always create. So you see the area situation is a trap, think the area is what you saw or you get somewhere to touch or touch base to your use by something you wish. This will get you in trouble so you stop. This is what you see as something to scare away were like, think by idea they are attack then create or focus to see, they aren't as they realize they aren't effected to the scare so halloween with use is alteration basing upon your own thought by fact or values in power or electricity. The body reaction is negative think to use some area other than the place you see negativity as the spot is prohibited. So you are aware that something like a mirror shade is something you see is interesting yet not to no use as haunting is possible.

 So the creator is something else then as he keeps you from damages or trouble, as danger is conscious feel to the area you see to use as you aren't were. So you see no use in seeming there, think to see something other than negative in life value by concept your avoiding negativity. So think your using positive idea or the creator causes some idea to do effects. So you see something to use your fee or use is ludicous or ludicrous, if you can't get objective results as one point to succeed. See the area use is focus use or create with use to feel better. So I thought use enery focus to see or create game results then think to create some game change.

 So seeing the point is lost as this is interest or not useful if you don't speak to see fruit unless necessary, as though if you see were not interested so think to talk to someone else. This without the led use so you aren't "r"eally seen, see the area is not always influence or created so you don't not overreact. Say or not possible is given as not is right no result if expected see as due or sane. As any color you see your not there if you glance to yourself or with object is use. See the focus is use by the concept. See as your available for anything your aware or activity dumbness or feel, as I don't now see I don't realize what you are. As the stupidity disappears as thats accosted or acconted you realize what you are as intrusion. Seen because the guy doesn't check on me so I knew his thoughts so I completed the idea.

 I fixed the game I was playing by the idea, I had in mind this rule you told me about with my rule system in a new game I was working. So I will add the rule now as quick chi chaos jump. That is think to see some area, jump as you focus chi to see the area hopefully interest added. That is if you use the weight to adjust with some area creativity, the idea you use is from the soul as the area energy influence corrects this done is the body psyched with use. A true artist by true chaos, as you say energy you seem to use energy so energy is use as feeling is important. As everything shifts around to focus, as if a finger was held up to control chaos or energy. Think, Say or create, done or not is by idea what this is done to use or this is onto focus as energy to think by idea as I if were or can seem aware. Not done as you see, so you see is what you can show.

The source of power

 The source of all power is raw energy from the planet core or thoughtful activity energy that is or surrounds everyone. Its created by the sun then radiated by the planet core at night creating a constant wild energy field. All this energy fluctuates like gravity and is shaped by purpose like runes, weaving, I was using magic by iffy idea or if use was command words etc. This energy is undepletable as the sun will send it radioactivity that replenishes the planet core as in sunlight and yet isn't noticed till a sensitive works with it or by meditation. You see its that easy to have children anyway, so we put such restrictions on ourselves that we don't have any.

  This makes the raw earth energy a wild constant by possible effect failure. At any given time there could be a fizzle because wild energy is in a state of flux. The real god is what you see as food or drink so the area you feel is energy to useful place energy arrangement. This is feng-shui nowadays yet your energy you fee or feel is focusable feel by thought I mean the idea to what is obvious to use. What some see or feel is the area you can work by feel or not be oboxious ignore.

  This power is called mana and feeds the body energy in which is pooled by the body as stamina (life force). Magic users tap into this mana for direct use and other classes use the bodily filtered stamina from mana that takes a small bit more, to achieve effects because its channeled through the body. The only exception are the gods that grant magic for those who champion their cause, and this is divine magic counted as stamina. Only those who are worthy can channel this raw force to make effects happen. Sometines these people are "god touched" and act like zealots only when a "religious experience" happens and they are rendered unharmable.

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Playing this game, read this!!

  How to play this game: If you need help understanding this system, use AI/ChatGPT to help translate it with the query of "what is the usefulness of: [list what confuses you here..]." The DM/GM will host the game, they are in control of the gaming session. Ask for things if you must from the GM/DM. It can be hosted online or in person. If its hosted online, its hosted online with a gaming site that you can get to as you must. This means DM is Dungeon master and GM is Game master.

  They present the idea as a scenario, that you role play or play act through. Role playing is the acting out a part or anouncing some action and rolling some die as you need to determine the outcome. See, you can play using the rules, or dismiss some of the rules as preferred and play. Its your choice. If you dismiss the rules you don't like, or don't use a section in this manual and play it freely like a modular game..

  Go ahead then its even more playable if you do. You know be creative with it and have fun doing your own style. You see this friend liked to use wisdom instead of intelligence, so I allowed it with skill points. He seems to like the game, he liked playing it like it was homebrew. So it just depends on how your style is. So it's a modular thing.. If you need unlisted spells that's not there, feel free to make up the spells as you need it like you want. Yet remember, you can scale up the monsters in hp and experience given for them to the players level. This will improve the game entirely, like a computer roleplayer game and make it more challenging.

  Remember, it may be a very fun game, but to make it better it can have more detail. This is like adding what color an item or monster is to aid the imagination. DMs may ask the players to describe what a spell looks like. The more the detail, the better the game.

   Rolling a 1d10 can mean a possibility of negative results, this is where you roll 1-5 for negative results and 6-10 for positive results. Rolling 1d5 can mean only the positive. Rolling a 1 means failure. Roll a 2-5 for positive results. In rolling, roll only if you want to.. otherwise the dm/GM can do it. I think this is the best thing to do.

  Level is the measure of the character achievement, where you think to go through encounters. Those are moments set by the DM/GM, thinking to challenge the characters in play. They can be creatures, monsters or people. There is two ways you could win an encounter, if you peacefully convince the targets to not fight you and your party or if you fight them and either win or lose.

  Any peace causing spells still allow you to get the experience of the fight. Its a peaceful way to make the fight end, and maybe the aggressors wander away out of disinterest. If you win, you gain the experience of the encounter in points or experience points. If you lose, you could die and have to start the game session over again. If you gain enough experience points, you gain some levels. This is how the levelling system works.

  Anything with stats that has a 10 or above mod is automatic success. They create by skill checks the actions you can do. The stats themselves are what allow certain things. The higher the intelligence the more skill points you can get to create with your character skills. The higher the constitution the more health you have with your character. The strength can determine if you open things or force things open. The dexterity can determine if you dodge attacks. The charisma can be used to talk people into things. Wisdom I actually don't see a use for so it doesn't have to be high.

  Again the skill check is.. rolling a die 20 or 1d20 and add in the mod to get over 10 as a result for success. This is a math based game. The attack roll is overcoming the target/s Armor class or AC. Rolling a 1d20+your base attack bonus. and if you do get over their AC as a result you hit. Spells just happen, and if you have a 10 or more Focus skill, you manage to get an effect off on the target.

   So remember this..if you have a character vocation, think to see that is a "class" or character class, you can play this game easily. The skill called profession is yet a minor vocation, that you can change at will. You change the Profession by listing in on the character sheet as a "Profession: job" or what you need it as. That's like you wanted a singer vocation, then it would be "Profession: singer" w/o the quotes. Whatever the class or vocation, you can use any weapon you want. This uses the proficiency to help with the "to hit" rolls.

   The profieciency you have is what allows you to do things. It is listed in the Feat list on your character, that allows you to hit with the weapon or wear armor without penalty due to its weight. The armor profieciency is listed in the feats list as well, the stronger you are the heavier of armor you can wear. Any weapon or armor you can get from the equipment list or the GM/DM.

  This is described later on in this article. See the weapon can target a foe or something you want targeted. So the weapons your using can single out opponents and the spells can do mass targets. Mass targets = multiple targets. The feats and special ability can help by adding ability to create results. There are weapons that deal damages to multiple targets. So don't get me wrong. Its described in detail in this article.

   The effect is caused by the skill called focus. The skill has skill points assigned to them by you, where you only get so many skill points per level. If the skill gets 10 or above points its automatic success. The higher the focus skill the more effect damages you do. Each weapon can deal damage if you hit the target/s. It uses the base attack bonus, that allows you to hit with the weapons attack. If you roll the dice you get the effect of damage with weapons. The dice are the unknown random factor. So the weapon attack is the "to hit" roll of 1d20, the BAB or base attack bonus is the modifier with other modifiers.

  There is a special feature in this game called learning abilities. You can pick whatever ability or ability list you want, and its an extra ability to your character. The damages the ability does is listed with the ability. If your curious we will be using a special ability called magic focus. This allows you to do spells off a spells list. Its rather unique, since that is the meat of the game. Ask your DM/GM to allow the magic focus ability, if you want over 500 spells that you can do.

   This is an explanation of advantage and disavantage. Characters with Advantage have a +2 modifier to their to hit roll, things or characters with disadvantage have -3 modifier to their to hit roll. This means if you have no line of sight, you have disadvantage. Where, if you have line of sight you gain advantage. Same for dark and light area, if you have darkness, maybe through a darkness spell, and can't see through the dark you have disadvantage. If you have light, maybe through a light spell, you can see and have advantage over the target if its your turn.

   Alignment is the moral compass of the character, its the things your character will do. Know the alignment can change on the character sheet. So if you have a Good alignment and do evil things. THen, you can create for your character a neutral or neutral evil alignment. Same for being neutral and doing good things, then your character changes its alignment to neutral good and so on.

  However, if undecided on what alignment you want to be. You can choose the undecided or unaligned alignment. This is a game changer, since your not held to any actual alignment in what you do. That is what is known as you can use the menu link to read in detail the alignments and what they are..of course the DM/GM will decide if your character changed alignment.

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Rounds in the game

Normally a round in battle is 6 seconds, yet you can think of the round being 1 minute outside of battle. Each round allows for 1 action, that's unless you use the multitasking or intensity special ability where you get 1d6 actions per round. However, outside of battle is different where you can count the rounds for hours using a free action. You see, some things last a few rounds, this means the round could tell you how long things will last. So now you know how long that is in seconds. That's for things you do or you can allow it to last, until you no longer need it since it is a free action. This makes the games you play interesting. So make use of things as you can if you want to get the idea to do things with rules. Otherwise there us freestyle, where there is just RP or roleplay and no rules are used. So think and you know what you can do.

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The optional diceless system

  The diceless system is what this option for gameplay is where you don't use dice, that is when you halve the dice base and times it with the number of dice. Then add the modifiers, this is an effect done by feel. If you had 4d8+12 damage, then that would make with diceless a 4*4+12=28 damage dealt. For the idea you think, this is what is done. The choices of success is using d20 as 10+skill rank or mod and get a 15 or above, then you got success, if your not doing this online then either use a penny toss with a call or drawing straws, and then getting the longest or shortest straw for success. So if you use a 10+focus rank approach, then a 10 + 6 focus ranks (6) = 10+6=16 or automatic success. Otherwise 10 + 4 focus rank = 10+4=14 or automatic fail.

  A fortitude check with +4 is a fail, otherwise a +5 fortitude is success. However for attack rolls, This is using the d20 as 10, the modifier is either base attack bonus or strength and/or dex mod added to weapon proficiency. This total is compared to the Armor class of the opponent, and if greater then this is a hit. So say you had a +3 weapons accuracy proficiency and +6 strength mod, that 9+10 must equal or be greater than the opponent AC of 15. This means 3+6+10=19 compared to 15 making the opponent hit. This is how the Diceless system can work, that's unless the GM/DM has something else in mind. However this may be appealing, it's up to the GM/DM to see if they can implement the idea. If not, then there is always rolling a die.

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The fate dice

  3d9 fate calling is sometimes necessary, if you want to give fate a chance. Fate is a force of nature. This means you call upon fate to make a result, you cause something to occur. No matter the point. Hopefully, you get a good result. If you want fate to cause an effect or action to get results. Roll 3d9 dice and you allow fate to make the action happen. This is the fate dice. This would be used to render a good or bad fate for the moment, that you cast forth by trust. This means a 17 or better for success, and 21 or higher is critical success. Re-roll up to 10 times if you must. If you don't trust fate to be on your side, then think to use another dice like 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above for success. This is the luck of the draw. So do things that you think are right for the moment.

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Energy %

  This is an optional stat, that can be used in place of Stamina (STP) and Magic points (MP). This is used for the spell list. The energy of the body is what comes from the things we absorb in life. It looks like a deep blue color. The food we eat and the drink we drink, that adds to the energy amount. This is the effect of whatever we intend that is created with thinking the idea and needing the result. Think about what you need and state the idea, then you do a spell that intended to exist as manifest. This creates what you wanted. So think and you know what to do. This is on the character sheet somewhere as "Energy %: 100% of 100%" w/o quotes. Its represented as %, where we start off with 100% energy. Feel free to add in the constitution mod per level as a bonus. What we do lessens the energy per spell action.

  What we do lessens the energy per action. This is the amount of 5% per action, 10% per uber action. The energy amount is the % replenished, that is with a recovery rate of 10% per round in battle or minute outside of battle. Drink water, rub your hair or move around thinking to increase your Energy %. Per minute or action, its 10% energy restored. Fed by the energy in the area or objects, the consciousness of the air causes the thought you think to come and see to be there. It doesn't exist if you don't think its needed. So you know what you can do, if the energy is below 0%. Then, you collapse to the ground until you recover from energy loss and feel numb from the recovery.

  That's done by energy restoring itself, think and its where you don't feel energy as it happens things to occur.. That means your prone, until you have at least 1% energy. However you do things, no chaos or chaotic energy that's external causes you to feel chaotic or unstable. No guarantees though as you can still feel the result, and if you overfeel it you can get burned out. Overfeeling the idea is thinking about the idea for 10 minutes as you feel the feeling of energy or OHM feel. This is a feeling of energy in itself. If burned out, you may no longer want to do magic..this feeling lasts 1 hour so think and you know what to do.

  After adult age is reached, their is a natural limiter that is optional. This is a bonus to your Wisdom stat of +1 Wisdom per every 10 years after adult age. Then, there is a restriction penalty due to age. The penalty is -1% energy every 10 years after adult age for your race is reached. Say your race was human, that means adult age is 20 or something like that. If you were 40 years old, that would have a +2 to your wisdom and you'd have a energy penalty of -2%. If you were a magus race, that means adulthood is 100 years old. So being 200 years old, that would have a bonus of +10 to your wisdom and a penalty of -10% energy. This is usually an effect of life. So think and you know what to do.

  The effect levels are based upon the energy you use to create the result. This effect level is what you can use to get better effect, think and you start at a basic level meaning 5% energy or 10% per effect. This means you can use even more energy % to get what you want per effect level. After every battle your energy % is restored to full, that's from energy in the air being restored. If its restored, your able to be restored in energy from the heat being absorbed as energy, that's where the heat directed is your energy %. In order to use this, announce to the gm/dm what level your using.

  The rewards are per level represented by letters you can make use of by feel.

   A for actions that you do with +20% to the effect and this takes +2% energy to do.
   B for beings that you can use by summons, you can summon almost any being like a god or djinni. Mention what being you need to do things. That's with +40% to the effect and this takes +4% energy to do.
   C for causes in idea that you do things with +60% to the effect and this takes +6% energy to do.
   D for daylight energy that you effect with +80% to the effect and this takes +8% energy to do.
   E for energy effects that you do with +100% to the effect and this takes +10% energy to do.
   F for body effects that you do things with +120% to the effect and this takes +12% energy to do.
   G for gravity effects anywhere on a planet using the sun and planets energy, that you do things with +140% to the effect and this takes +14% energy to do.

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Magical focus ability

  Well, with the magic you have naturally comes magic focus. This means that there is just one actual ability for magic by this, and you can use a focus device to improve its effect. Such as a crystal like quartz or diamond. If you use a focus device. Add your focus or concentration skill ranks, thinking to add to the damage or healing done by any magic act. This is the manifest ability, that is done in so many different ways. There is different damages per each different way you manifest things. So if you think about the effect you want, then the soul creates the idea with the spirit gathering energy as a form of manifest. The subconscious directs the soul. What you need is done and creates itself by what you intend. Any effect is done with no limit to distance and as it can form anywhere, all you really need to do is imagine it or think it forming where you want. You can create any element or any effect, such as making something shrink. When you think to understand someone speaking then you do.

  If you make an element exist, then if you create with the elemental plane an energy being gated in to an area and manifest the elements that are void, poison, acid, earth, air, fire, water, ice, and the poison, acid, void and fire can create longer lasting effects. The time duration is the lasting period of time where in acid, the damage lingers and eats away the surface or with fire things catch on fire or with poison you cause a lingering decay. The void can act upon the targets with singularity or miniature black holes, suck the life out of a target over time. If sucked of life, they drop dead. Of course, this is all possible by a willing DM/GM. So this ability you can use to get the effect, thats with an added "Magic Focus" w/o quotes to your special ability list.

  The void is nothingness, that holds energy and that energy is gated here to create what you think. This energy is infinite and comes from singularities, if you focus the energy around you to create a singularity and gate in its energy. The fact that they exist is amazing, they can gate in any energy of a source area. This means you can create with the consciousness of energy and make what results that you want as a need. This also means what you focus on creating, is what you project forth to make or manifest as a thought is there. The soul is the source of the body that makes energy possible to work with, its your thought and if you don't intend to create anything. Then, nothing is created by feel of what you intend.

  This is the point of idea, you point out what you want and it manifests.. what you think to effect will be effected, each effect is a point you state and the idea you know by feel or observation. The effect is with an indrawn breath and an exhaled energy to create by the law of attraction. If you don't need it, it stops manifesting so think of the idea and you know what to do. This includes heat, or subtle fire in the air that is creating what heats up you need. What you void out with a sigularity or energy sucking, is the excess heat or energy in the breath. That remains until you find it is gone.

  The energy in the breath and what you rub together creates the idea you think to make, that breath which is exhaled will share itself with the area and your thought is programming to the air combined with rubbed energy. That goes to the target as an effect you intend and it effects the target. This heat energy loses itself to the void sucking it, so as you think the idea your consciousness shares itself with the air and makes the effect. As time goes on, the heat energy dissipates and this cools down the area. The effect is where you cast a result, where the result is an effect made by the law of attraction, then it dissipates away harmlessly as the effect disappears.

  Sigils are another part of magical focus. Since sigils are a part of this, they are empowered lines that your mind empowers to create a result. They can create any result. The sigils you make create its effect by making fat converted to energy, That is done by the power of the mind and the energy converted by thought doing what you intend. In order to make sure that sigils are created, you think of your need and intent by focusing on the thought as you draw or trace the line drawn out.

  This is done in the air to make it effect what you need, thinking is done using the consciousness of energy by charging the heat in the air to make what you want. Positive thinking and reinforcement will create the result faster. This is basically done by saying "it works" or "it worked" and this causes the subconscious to make the result needed by feel. This serves as a boost so the energy will do what you intend if you think it will. If thought exists, then anything can exist by the power of the creator.

  Then there is blocking. You may block those effects, people or creatures you sense will do things. The point you think is the point you focus into existence. See then you create by feel, because of the creator you sense things out and know what is what and you know what is there or possible. If you intend time to create it, you do. Time to do this is a free action and you can prevent any spell or elemental formation with this effect. Think the blockages are gone to remove it. If you say or think "non block" then the block is gone. If you say or think, "nonblock that persists" then its gone forever. You can block any results with this effect.

  The focus check or 1d20 with focus ranks or 1d20+focus ranks and getting a 10 or above is success. If using diceless, then if you have 15 or above total is automatic success. The duration period is 1d6+charisma mod in rounds will do things, until you don't want the effect or they die. The damage/healing amount is 1d10+focus rank per each 2 levels round down. So say you cast forth a healing manifest or creation effect, that makes a 10d10+15 for 115% healed with 20 levels and 15 focus ranks. Also you wanted to poison someone, that is with level 10 and 10 focus ranks a 5d10+10 or 60% poison effect. That lingers 5 rounds by a rolled 5 on a 1d6 with 60% health taken down per round max for a level 10 character.

  This means you killed them unless they are resistant to poison or they have an antidote.. then they get 1/2 damage per round. There is no resistance to void attacks until you cancel out the effect for no damage dealt. This is done by thinking the singularity closes up and ceases to exist. In fact, any durable effect is cancellable by using water on fire, causing the poison to be sucked out, acid attacks to be nulled by water and etc, so on with the idea and what you get with results is what you will. You can identify anything and know what it is that occurs with it or what you have, by the energy consciousness telling you what is what or nothing is thought and nothing or void is energy that has no thoughts.

  This brings us to the list of spells, that you can do with this. The point is done by the soul or creator using the summoned effect by gate energy. Think and you know what you can do. This list is possible where you can use it with 1 or 2 spells at once from it with the right gesture that you think is correct for the a point you say the spell and hold out your hand or holding your thumb and forefinger together at the tips thrust forth for a elemental ball release. Whatever you do, think and you can do it. Enjoy the cast as you can, think and you know what to do.

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Geo enchantment

  Geo enchantment is the overall idea about adding gemstones to weapons or golems. This is geo enchantment that will work with life energy..though you would have to get the stones its a nice thought. This means adding stones to your weapon or golem, adds elemental ability. The damages possible are additional elemental damages. THis includes; 25% more damages for levels 1-9, 50% more damages for levels 10-19, 75% more damages for levels 20-29 and 100% more damages for levels 30-. This stacks, attach multiple stones to the weapon or golem, then you do multiple damages. Of course the stones use the energy of the weapon or golem as a powersource, that empowers the stone and weapon or golem with the elemental ability. You can get the stones by getting a gembag in the Equipment list. Otherwise you can ask your GM/DM for a Gembag, that he or she can choose to gift you..

  The stones we know..
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Honour mode

  The honour mode is similar to a difficulty level that is hard to defeat. If you so choose it, then you ask the DM/GM to allow it before you play your game. Think of the idea though and you are the DM/GM, then you can play through it with your players. This basically includes with the GM/DM, the effect of harder to kill monsters or targets. 25% more experience per encounter. Also, if you die and your party is dead as well, then honour mode is over. You can start another Honour mode gaming session to see if you earn a prize. DM/GM take note! You have to set the encounters that may or may not have 30% to 50% more Health, and 30-50% more damages. Legendary actions like resistance to all damages, immunity to all physical damages and idea like that. This is where you can shine! Think about it, it takes a thought to do this. Once you succeed your game session, you get a reward. This reward is either an ability, a magical object or Immunity to something. This is worth it in the end!

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Spells effect system

  The spells effect system is what uses a focused effect, that is where you create with a point and make with the subconscious what you intend to create. Any spell is done with no limit to distance and as it can form anywhere, all you really need to do is imagine it or think it forming where you want. This is where you focus and need the idea that you feel is needed. Then the effect is something that creates by feel what you needed. This is done to a target by thinking and stating what you will or suggest to the subconscious, feel what you want as you need your soul to create the effect and that is making what you need. This creates the effect of what you will as your soul makes what you need. So if you focused a psiball to exist and will it into creating a result, this is what you end up doing sometimes. Also you could will money to come to you in the amount that you need.

  This includes elemental effects, actions and uses of 1 round of 6 seconds inside melee to create your desire and 1 second outside of battle to sustain this effect or it only takes about 1.8 seconds to create the effect outside of battle. This is the subconscious that counts as a dm/gm and this creates what you want or need as you will it into existence..if you don't need it, then it doesn't happen. If you are in need you get an effect easily. This makes the drug user dangerous, as they need their addiction then they state what they need and they can get it unless countered or their not countered and get away with what they wanted. Think of your need and you get what you want.

  However if another did this to your willed effect, its called a counterwill. That can create what the other person desires or stop your effect. This is magic in a nutshell. In which you create by a moment, and that moment could last forever as you apply tricks to make the counter to the counterwill. Like make them think your someone else, then suggest your own thoughts that you feel are what is needed. So enjoy what you do, as you do it you create with the point. That is the idea you express and otherwise need, that creates magic by the power of the word or need you have. If you act it out, then you can create secretly what you desire by doing what you want in private. Think about it and you know what to do.

  This effect system uses the sunlight or other such as background radiation. The crystals are what operate to work with this energy. This works by your focus where you think, then your mind causes by the ideal crystals some magic effect. Where due notice some like to do things on their own. So that effects what are with a grid energy effect. Some are with the effect of the sun, that is the sunlight can effect by the energy fluxuation where no storm then the effect is what you think. This is with a storm the fluctuation is there by what you think, so your ability is to create as a chaos roll or a roll with a die 4 effect. That is rile or not rile on a die 1, create as you think with a die 2, work with some other result by a die 3 or get a thought about ideal other than normal from a die 4. Sometimes to create not always to effect the physical world by decision of the game master.

 So the crystal matrixes are then the thing that creates. The crystal matrixes are unbreakable even if you move, so any effect you think to create is done unless you don't want that effect. So unground yourself then think to go there where you want then work with the ideal that exists. Think of the moment event or even though the moment doesn't occur it will as you think then you are creating sometimes creativiely. This uses the crystal matrixes then that are aware sones or crystals that create what you think or wish. So stop feeing stop fleeing or destroying yourself, that is cool so to use an to see.

 For some in real life that is use by alpha mode to sit, otherwise is standing for some sit up to thought is focus or stop. See to a point feeling better cool in feeling or hot is nothing by idea. There is no death only a transition point that you think to transition between planets or worlds. This is not to create distraction, so your ability is hot or thought to hear by what you think or sometimes see. See to the idea is easy feel. That to use by some cool off is feel by the idea to feel. There is some idea to creativity by ideal with your inner child with focus by now.

 The crystal effects as you think to cause as this just works to work by some effect. Think the crystal to effect with by feel, as you glance or see the thing then think or imagine what you wish to create. Then the crystal can create what you wish or think to see, sight or create by ideal or feel is what you think otherwise of. That is what or where you think then otherwise consist to consider what you is considered thought that creates what you think or creates a monster.

  The will save is an important aspect. In a will save you can use your will or charisma to make the effect you desire. You see its your will against theirs. Think to apply it as a 1d20+will to hit and get over their AC or will not to be hit. Then you hit. It could be a test to see who has the greatest will to control the fire balls. See its not all monsters that have will though. So would it be an automatic hit unless overcoming their charisma mod, that is used by you with rolling 1d20+charisma mod, this is a success by getting a total over their will. If they lack it then it would be an automatic hit, unless they used charisma to charm the targeter. Because they lack the authority to control the attack.

  If they use something else instead of will, then they would have a low chance to control it, but it would have to be a good roll. Some monsters do have charisma. Thus, the charisma can be used in attack to control the caster. It is like your in a battle of the minds to control the outcome of an attack or not. Sharing will is yet another aspects of this, where you create even better results as a group spell. You combine your will with the helper, then you cast an effect and get overwhelming effects. This is totally either allowed for by the DM/GM or not. The DM/GM will tell you if it is if you ask them.

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Magic point system

  All magic users have a starting reserve of 25 mp or magic points as raw energy. As a standard action taking 1 whole round, casters may 'focus' to increase their reserve by 1d20 points per round. This is permenant mp till used up unless over 100 mp then it dissipates every round by -10 till 100 mp reached unless its used that round. Once a caster has 100 mp, the rate of increase by focus slows significantly. You must focus for a full five minutes to gain any benefit outside combat. However, as your level increases, the benefit gained from focusing increases as well except in combat. This means you can cast a spell right off as in a spell worth 20 mp thus you would have 5 mp left. For spells below 0 mp take 1 point of nonlethal damage per 5 mp of the spell cost. On failing you take real damage, not nonlethal. Mana spell costs listed in charts.

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Health system gauge

  Characters at the beginning of the game, start out with 100% health(hp) + Constitution mod. This is the fhp, or full health points. If you are at 100% hp or above, then you are in perfect condition. When an enemy's attack hits you, you deduct the amount done in damage as though a percent of the Health gauge. This is based off the idea of 100% being fully healthy in the body.

Also this is where 0% is being not healthy and inactive of body condition. Hp only acts as a buffer for the damage you take. In fact, any hit dice mention or hit points mentioned is considered as though a converted to 100% health. That is done unless you add your constitution mod times level as added percent. Consider this toughness.

  You can still get a limb taken off at 100% hp, though it'd be very very hard to do so. When you reach 0% hp you do not die, after one hit though you are knocked out. Healing spells are each point healing in % recovery. Sleep is 30% hp per hour, recovered. Natural Regeneration rate in battle is 5% hp per round recovered. One round is 6 seconds. And, 5% per every minute outside of battle, except if poisoned or diseased.

  The HP cannot go above fhp unless its a temporary increase with food and drink and healing spells except when you use the monstrous regeneration special ability, which is a special case. Also, when you rest, the added temporary health goes back to the fhp %. Also, without monstrous regeneration, you don't regenerate past fhp.

  How are you hit though, if your feeling weak or feel the blow? As you get less hp, you get weaker and more tired due to lost hp, and you may get bloodied, as well, at the moment of half hp. Unless you receive a cut, then weakness is somewhat instant. Shock value is when you go into shock and may become prone, which is decided by fhp %/5. This makes for a more realistic combat scene. When a character suffers their Shock Value in damage, done by various means, there is a chance they can become stunned. At -2% your character dies.

  If you want to use the Con mod as a bonus, then you may add it to your % starting at level 1 or the level your at. This is where you have a +3 constitution bonus at level 1, that's applied as +3 to your 100% health. This is per level until you raise the Con stat for fhp. So with 103% as your level 1 health percent, 2 more levels raised at +3 Con mod is +6 to your 103% making 109% and so on at level 3, that makes for a stat change allowing +4 Con mod at level 5. So this means your allowing the character to have +7 for 2 more levels. Applied, this makes 116% for level 5, and that's how this will work if the DM/GM allows this point.

  Instead, if you add the con mod as a bonus at the level your at then, you can possibly choose from level 1 to your current level for addition that makes fhp. So say its level 10 with a +7 con mod, that's 7*10=70 added health percent. See that makes for a 170% health percent. That seems fair, if your the right person for it. So feel free to use this if you want more health percent. After all if your the DM/GM or your DM/GM allows for this, then you can create a more fit character.

  This is a subdual explanation and is optional. This is using nonlethal damages where all damages, that happen are now using the subdual damage track for you. Thats after you reach 0%, then you switch to the subdual damage track instead of passing out. That's where you can rest off the damages. Nonlethal damage is based off dnd and is the negative energy that can be used for energy effects of many types. This energy is ultraviolet or ultra blue-purple and thats not seen by the human eye. Its effects are to weaken the body everytime its used for a spell, that's by adding to a nonlethal damage total where every 30% damage is 1 point. Each point causes 3 months aging repairable by healing of any sort or rest for 10 min per point. After reaching 10 points, your character dies.

  The profession skill can be gotten and this is written as profession (Wis) in your skills list with some choice of healer, nurse or doctor written somewhere as your profession, then you can negate the need for a healers kit. This means, if you use the profession of healer, then you don't need a healers kit to heal by feel. This is because you use the healing skill as though a special ability.

  Then you make the result of (half-level and round down)d(skill rank selection, look at chart below)+charisma mod in health restored. That means 10d12+7 damage reduced for healing the percent of health, this is with a level 20 character, 15 focus skill rank and 7 cha mod. For a level 10 character with healer profession, 12 focus skill rank, and 5 cha mod, you would have 5d10+5 health percent restored.

Skill rank selection chart

Die; Focus rank/s
d6; 1-6
d10; 7-12
d12; 13-18
d20; 19-24
d30; 25 and above

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Stamina system:

 This is for kinetic, daily activity or body channeled effects. You start at 100 stamina (100 stp) then each action will consume a bit of your stamina. Also, the rate of use for stamina points is 1d6 per round or per hour, otherwise you can do 1 round of actions for melee or 1 hour of activity outside of melee. The regen rate for stamina is 1d10 stp per round that is recovered and after 0 stp its nonlethal damage. Otherwise, if you stay still or walk, then you build up stamina 5% per foot travelled. That's till you get back to 100%. This is permenant till used up unless its over 100 stp where it drops by 10 per round, till 100 stp or used that round in a spell like action. Some spells and maybe actions could recover stamina like drinking or eating for 1d10 stp, stamina increase spell effect for 1d20 stp.

 Yes, this means you can gain stamina back to continue fighting after hanging back to eat or drink something. You can still go above 100 stp via
focus by a standard action to gain 1d10 stp. For actions below 0 stp take 1 point of nonlethal damage per 5 stp. This nonlethal damage is the same as the mp system. Stamina channeled effect costs listed in the charts section. Fatigue is where you get below 50 stp. When fatigued, your constitution and dexterity takes a -1 temporary reduction per each 20 points starting at 50 stp. This is only temporary, regain the stamina points somehow above 50 and you can remove the temporary stat mod.

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Power level system

  The power level system is optional and uses the PL gauge that details how effective your spells  and effects will be. The effects are only efficient because our bodies are capable of handling the energy necessary and this allows us to pull off the effect. As our bodies become even less adept at handling the raw or filtered energy, each action. The more you attempt something, makes the effects even less powerful unless you focus, restore or allow yourself to regenerate the power level you have. This makes the game even more realistic and adds a challenge to it.

  This PL(Power Level) gauge starts at 100% and each action effect uses up 5% per every minute of effect casting per every effect. You are actually using energy up per effect and the more you use by even more actions, makes the gauge lower itself even more till it goes to 0% efficiency. At 100% PL, the effect is fullly there in how much it does. At 0% PL, there is no effect at all.

  It effects mathematically by this manner, the PL%(converted to decimal) x Amount done or calculated = New Amount of effect. So at 70% PL and 30 points damage, there's a .7x30=21 points damage dealt. Round up on the decimal results.

  As it effects,
focusing can increase that power level till its upto 200%. Focusing decreases in the amount of increase of PL % by every second in combat and every minute out of combat that you focus, increasing it by 5%. Then there is the fact that Focusing while causing or casting the effect also decreases the amount of PL % used up per action and by reducing the amount of PL% used, it does so by making 1% used up instead of 5%.

  Resting or healing, can restore the Power Level, as well as food and drink. As in, each hour rested is 25% PL restored. Each point of the percent healed is a point to restored power levels. So, 20 HP healed up is 20% PL restored. Eating food or drinking something is 10% PL restored. With this, is a natural 1% per minute outside battle or 6% per round in battle regeneration rate. Unless you focus, you can't go over 100%.

  This gauge is an optional efficiency measure, just think that the GM can decide to use this. Then you can just ask him or her.

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Attack/Effect system

 Use the attack roll for the normal attacks. Nonlethal attacks are also useful, if you intend to not kill the targets these attacks can create what you intend, if its in the bludgeoning of the target till they pass out. Those are done by declaring to the DM/GM, "I use a nonlethal attack". That is done each time you use this. Think to cast a spell that just happen so you need not roll except for those requiring the skill check.

 Any spell is a free action thus normal spells by feel, damage by the spells and healing are the spells that are possible using a free action. See for casting spells wearing armor there is no spell failure chance. Effects are in the magic system section such as damage modification, healing modification and round effect length by focus skill points. The spell or innate ability is possible as you just do the effect or if you must roll then use a focus skill check with a 10 or above as success. Effects are stopped any time through various methods and that uses the mind making the effect of stoppage. Each action outside combat is 1 minute or instant for spell effect and mp/stp amt.

  Such as on the move archery with or without moving targets. You can use bows and arrows, crossbows, guns and other weapons that you toss to hit. I know its 1d6 to hit a moving target with damage in percent. Added is bonuses such as dex mod or luck bonus. If you want to use it, roll a 4 or higher to hit and get a 6 for a critical hit.

  Action counter: This is the counter to someone's actions as you state or do things on the spot. This means you nullify the effect of their action with no damage taken. So there is the possible action counter, this is the counter to someone's actions or something as you state "I counter the action of [name action here]" or do things that counter the action.

  This uses a 1d20+luck bonus with a 10 result that makes success. The action counter can leave the attacker fazed for 1d10 rounds on a rolled 1d4 where the rolled die is 2 or less. This means they are out of combat for so many rounds.

  Use of free actions are to instantly manifest an effect. Those who have the spell skills in the character classes will be able to use the ability listed as described in the spell skills listing. For example: 

  A level 8 sorcere with 7 will word rank wants to cast a light spell so said character tries a will word spell with "make pyr alter". He gets the spell, costing 10 mp and it flares into existance lasting 7 hours out of battle. This means 7d6 stp. That is 23 stp used up for stamina. That's easily recovered by drinking, eating or resting and possibly you may create a stamina increase using spells.

  A warrior kinetic does a kinetic flight spell and costing 25 stp. Said warrior soars into flight for the duration till landing. This spell lasts 4 hours, the stp used for this is 1 hour per 1d6 stp used up outside combat. So that means 4d6 or 15 stp used stamina. That's easily recovered by drinking, eating or resting and possibly you may create a stamina increase using spells.

  The attack of a 10th level sorcere to cause a lightning bolt use on a goblin using will word. She has a 6 skill rank nailing the goblin for 6d6 hp with a rolled 21 lightning damage costing her 10 mp. Done at 90% PL makes it 19 lightning dmg instead. That means 1d6 stp for 1 round of battle action, otherwise 4 stp used up in stamina. That's easily recovered by drinking, eating or resting and possibly you may create a stamina increase using spells.

  A 14th level mage with 8 skill points in will word with 0 mp and must defend against a troll using non-lethal damage. He uses the will word to cast fireball with "make pyr destroy" at the troll with a 10 mp cost. The caster causing 10/5=2 nonlethalcaster damage and 8d6 damage potential, rolled 32 fire damage to the troll. But, since it was at 37% PL, there was 12 fire damage instead. That means you used up 1d6 stamina points, this is for 1 round of battle action. Otherwise 3 stp used up for stamina. That's easily recovered by drinking, eating or resting and possibly you may create a stamina increase using spells.

  Due note: Size does not matter, in the attack so its no longer counted, as a modifier.

  The damages are arranged by 5 groups, so:
deal 1-15 for light damage/healing that must be healed in 2 days time or the character dies,
16-30 for medium damage/healing that must be healed in 1 days time or character will die of shock,
31-45 for major damages/healing that must be healed within half a day or the character dies,
46-60 for heavy damages/healing and the character is dead on the spot,
61+ for extreme and the character is dead without possibility of ressurectiof for the extreme wound.

  Head wounds are critical hits that daze the person. Any critical hits will daze them unless blood rage, cold rage and other rages, for which they are not effected. For dazing the person or monster loses a round till the next time..

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Getting Beaten up

You don't have to get beaten up though getting beaten up, is when a character becomes ‘bloodied’ at half hit points, a status effect which we’ll see to add to the Status attribute. Players can activate a “healing surge” to restore one-quarter of their hit points 9 + Cn Mod times per day, as a kind of “brief rest to regain stamina”. Other effects possible are a “second wind” ability, that allows you to restore 2d10 hitpoints, useable once per encounter.

  Shock value, is HP / 5. Makes for a more realistic combat scene. When a character suffers their Shock Value in damage, there is a chance they can become stunned. On a roll of a die, decided by the GM, a 1d6 is used if none is decided on, for general idea and purposes. Where 1-3 is shock happens and 4-6 is where no shock happens. If in shock, then there is a 1d6 of rounds missed for the shock to subsist.

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Rank of Class

  Rank of class, is where each rank is a Tier rank thats added to your class name, of the class itself. Each rank after the first, is gained after 4 levels are achieved. With each rank after first, there's a special ability. Each special ability is kept as you get them.

  The First rank is the class itself and is a null rank as the character starts with it.

  The Second rank, called achiever, to achieve more easily the actions you desire, to be done. As, there's a +3 to all rolls.

  The third rank, called the effector, makes the effect somewhat more easier to achieve. With, a +4 to all rolls added on. Added also is a special ability, called effector ability, that is to make effects by a will of intent. There's a 20% chance of failure. Made by a roll of 5 or lower on a 1d20.

  The fourth rank, called the dominator, with a +5 to all rolls. Comes with the special ability called Dominator ability, which allows the character to dominate the moment and nearly anyone in the area. The ability makes for the idea that you will to overcome the encounter and disperse the effect that is near you, even as you take control of someone. Their's a 30% chance of failure with this, decided by a roll of 10 or lower on 1d30.

  The fifth rank, called benefactor, is a +6 to all rolls. Comes with a special ability of the benefactor ability, where you get the benefit of the doubt each time. Things tend to go your way.

  The sixth rank, called specialist, is the focusing in and on detail, to cause any result beyond the normal. This includes a +7 to all die rolls. There is a special ability called the specialist ability, in which is to make effect from any action a successful one. There is no chance of failure. As, you learn the ins and outs and make an effect to be easier.

  The seventh rank, called discipliner, focuses in on idea and makes idea manifestation seem easier. With, a +8 to all rolls, the discipliner special ability allows for the character to discipline the person or thing into doing what the character wants them to. There's the 20% chance of failure. Decided on a 1d20 with a fail being a roll of 5 or less.

  The eigth rank, called enforcer, focuses in on enforcing a moment or rule that comes up. There's a +9 to all rolls. The special ability of this rank, be the enformcement ability, where you use the enticement of an effect to cause a law to be followed, as though it were a self-rule of the moment.

  The ninth rank, called focuser, focuses in on special idea and achievent is done from the idea. There's a +10 to all rolls, where the special ability is to have a temporary specialty, in the doing of the idea.

  The tenth rank, called disciplinist, be to focus in on great details and be able to get even better results. There's a +11 to all die rolls. The dicipline special ability, is to be able to make the effect desired and by describing the idea or detail.

  The eleventh rank, called worker, focuses of an effect on making work and desire come true. There's a +12 to all die rolls. The working special ability, focuses in of an affect to create work and know-how for a success. There's a 10% chance of failure. Decided by a 1d10, with the roll of a 1, making the fail.

  The twelvth rank, called Disciplist, focuses in specialties that exist and creates from example, the desired idea and effect. The Disciplist follows a person in example an makes the idea occur easier. The bonus of this is a specialty thats gained, and thats of the person's choice. There's a +13 to all die rolls. The special ability is called the Disciplist special ability. Where the personal character, can reinforce an idea in the target and cause the reaction they desire. It happens when the player states the desired reaction. There is no failure to this ability, Just 1/3 lessened effect, due to resistance.

  The thirteenth rank, called dedicated, makes you able to play out the role of a person with dedication to the cause, with a chance of hate at you, and this is with some blame. There's a +14 to all die rolls and there's a specialist choice available with this rank, as a bonus for gaining it. The special ability, for this, is called dedicated ability, where you can mimic any one effort or effect done, with success. The 20% chance of failure is decided on roll of a 5 or lower using a 1d20.

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Food for thought

  For more realism, there's a possible food necessity, decided to be used however the GM wants. Food necessity, where the character must eat or die in 24 hours and be weakened by 1 point non-lethal damage every hour after 12 hours not eating or drinking. This can be rested off after eating or drinking something. There is 1 hour that passes by for every 2 points removed of non-lethal damage.

  When players or venders sell ingredients cheap enough, then you can turn them into food with skills. That let you make more batches, so you can sell to vendors for an easy profit. It's like magically enhanced cooking. This means if you have a cooking skill, you can do what you must to eat better. Otherwise, you don't have to use idea. So think of what you want and you can do what you need as a want.

  Eating plant food, this increases stamina and energy by 20 points per bite. Eating meat, this increases health by 20% per bite. So what is edible? Anything that gives calories is edible. The exception is water. It doesn't have calories, but our bodies need it more than food for other reasons. You don't have to use this, this is optional. So feel free to ask the DM/GM to make use of this feature.

  Then there's other being form, where the character becomes other than the form that is solidly physically formed. If in other being form, then food isn't necessary as energy is the food. In fact, 1 bite of food or 1 ounce fluid is actually 100 hours energy and improved activity. Otherwise, they are unlimited in actions and usually somewhat high in energy. Other being form is possible by etherealness and gaseous form special abilities or the Energy body feat.

  The non-lethal damage can make the character lose 2 points of constitution and strength each point. Think about the idea and eat or drink and each point is temporary, that is used energy and removed is a point per bite of food or sip of drink.

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Alternative punishment

  This is asked for or allowed by the GM/DM, where you recycle the target by the power of the creator or your God, that you know did bad and it can be any target. This isn't realized by the body yet it is realized by the soul. That allows the body to be controlled or created by your thinking and statement of "I recycle [name target..]." So you don't feel them change, and yet you cause them to become an animal form or lesser formation. This lasts until they earn the right in the eyes of God or yourself, living out the moment and thinking to be a human or whatever shape they want.

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Remembering Spells and creating innate abiilty

  There is spell learning and creating by extra innate ability, that is done with the ability effect or have idea to declare what you will learn. This is done as to announce a spell or special innate ability and then roll to remember the spell or ability, that is done by what is used for an arcana skill check to remember how to do the effect, then optionally you may roll a wisdom check to remember it. Be sure to write it into your character sheet.

  This is done as if you wanted to learn an outside spell called entice or Summon Golem guardian, that you mention in a spells ability: Entice (Int) Rank 1 or Summon golem guardian (int) rank 1. Otherwise you wanted to learn an innate ability or special ability, this by use if you wanted to learn an innate ability then you called Create, you remembered the use of the ability and wrote it down. This is written as a ability listed under the heading of "extra ability skills" list. This is done as Create (Cha) Rank 1.

  If you learned a special ability or Magic system skill, then it's from the special ability list without a feat point or Magic system Skills list, without level necessity chosen from ability not in your class features. This is where you list that special ability or Spell-like Ability, that is listed in the special ability list and you don't need to mention a rank. If you learn a magic ability group, you can make use of the spell like ability in the group as you are a certain level. You can list the group name, yet you can make use of the ability thats listed in the learning ability level. That means what your at or above in character level, you can do with the learning ability level matched up. This is listed with the ability.

  Optionally you can put what the special ability does, after the name of the special ability. Optionally you can put what the special ability does, after the name of the special ability. There is a limit to how many spells and ability groups you can learn. Approximately 10+int or wis mod (whichever is higher). Be sure to look at the Learning ability level listed with the ability, so you know what you can use at what ability you learned by rememberance. There is a limit to how many spells and ability groups you can learn. Approximately 10+int or wis mod (whichever is higher).

  The more you can use this spell ability excepting for Special and Spell-like ability, that's mainly by doing it as though a 1d20+1 and casting it forth or making a use of it, the more the ranks rise with its use. This is like with the create spell, you create release of something. You would roll a 1d20+2 with 10 or above for a successful creation effect. So with the create ability, you use it with a focus check of 1d20+focus ranks and get a 10 or above for success.

  I think with spell learning and ability use; Its uncastable or unusable until you recall it and ability require no skill ranks, so for spell recall it's +1 on successful recall + 2 on first cast or use + 3 on second cast or use and so forth, otherwise this is a +3 for a 20 or above that's rolled on the Arcana check. So if you use it, then it raises despite the skill points. This is true as the magic skills and learned skills are separate from the class skills. So its an option to use a skill point, then you of the ability can raise the magic skill or innate ability rank.

  The damage or idea it does, excepting for Special or Spell-like ability, is the point of rolling a d20 with the ranks as an addition. Then getting an ideal 10 or above for success. That deals out 1d10+charisma mod per each two focus ranks for damage/healing or 1d6+focus rank in duration, this is done as though rounds in melee or unlimited time outside of battle, unless elemental then its minutes. See this is an effect for the ability you create. If you created an elemental effect, then the idea is instant or for sleep then the idea is in rounds or unlimited time until your soul wakes you up. So you create an item, that item could last until the time is up for it, where for items there is no actual time. This is a known effect done by the character in idea.

  These skill ranks, if any assigned for spell skills and ability skills, excepting for Special and Spell-like ability, they are possible to raise in ranks using points from the skill points described here in skills and feats and extra points are applied by gm/dm otherwise. That means the DM/GM adds to the rank of the spell or innate learned ability whenever he or she wants, otherwise you can apply your own skill points.

  The effect is decided upon by the gm/dm, so think about what you want and you can get a result. You can create almost any innate ability, however you sometimes have to have a spell come from a spellbook. This is depending on a DM/GM so feel free to ask him or her if its allowed, otherwise the GM/DM might say it never happened.

  Here is a list by school of spells you can use. You now know the procedure for sifting your memories for old spells you learned, somtimes from this list. If you want to learn harder spells you need to practice extensively in a certain school. Unless you want to walk the path of wizardry and dabble a little in everything...Or solicit a wizard for a spellbook. If you can even hope to encounter one...With a high enough Charisma you might even hire him to tutor you for the day.

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  If you pray to a God, that can be chosen from here for gods that can do things or here with Gods that you can use, and you do not have to dedicate yourself by focusing some energy to them and they use that energy, they use it to create what you need or that in use is what you intend. Any god can be chosen, yet if you choose a god you meet the god somewhere in your mind. If he or she chooses you, you can get requests or spells from him or her. This is done as you think the request for effects. Under the creator, the Gods are divine beings that are lesser lords and can create what you intend created. Whatever lord you think to use or work with, they are aspects of the creator and you can create things with them that uses the creator as a source. That's like turning the tide or warding away some bad moment, so you add 1 point to devotion per request and that is piety. See you call upon the chosen God, then you focus your energy to create by conditions or effect. This is where your thinking about what you want, and the God will create the point. If you give up the God/dess ability or benefit that the God/dess granted to you, then you no longer have to be there and devoted to the God/dess of choice and you can choose another if you so need to have one.

  So with multiple gods, you can have them yet you won't get them jealous. This is the idea you think to serve many gods a request. When you do that you can do a rite, then create the point by expression to the god you requested things from. This means those Gods of same alignment or neutral and some other alignment won't get jealous reactions from the Gods you serve, since they are aspects of the creator. You see, the Gods that are neutral to each other is not minding each other, so there is no jealousy. This is done if your GM/DM allows for the Gods to be used. So if you think of a point, then you can use the point and the Game master sometimes will allow it. The Gods ability from the God/s you choose are listed under the heading Divinations and on the Character Sheet you list your God/s beside the "God:" on the list. You can always use the creator as the God you chose. He or She will do any request.

  These conditions or idea are events that come up are by idea, think about your response and you create the point that you think about as a moment, that exists a vision and your soul is what talks to the God or Lord that serves under Ao, the primary God. He might bring up three set paths, or She might come up with something to do. This is a point in idea. That means once you decide to make a deal, then your dedicated and you can create the point more easily. That you think about as insight or realization. Then you realize the God's name and your not unlike a follower of Him or Her.

  Any effect that's damage or healing is done with them by each 2 devotion points, each 2 focus skill ranks or each 2 levels, that is used as a 1d10+charisma mod in points. Duration is either instant or using the points as for an amount of time the idea effects. This is seconds in rounds of 10 seconds in melee or otherwise minutes and hours out of combat. That means you got a 42 second effect, then 42 divided by 10 is 4 rounds. This is where you round down the decimal point. That's unless you don't want the effect, then the effect ends. Otherwise you have a timeless effect, then you can make a conditioned effect that effects when you need the idea to happen. These effects can happen after a successful focus skill check with a 10 or above, if no deal is made for the effect.

  The altar to the deities can be used to worship the deities. They reside in the churches or can be built. The building of your altar is with use of putting together stone slabs and wooden legs or make use of a table devoted to the purpose. This is where you create with the point of expression, then place a special item on the altar or sacrifice an animal or the enemies body. The benefit from the gods is devotion points and luck. See each God could have a preferred item they want left on their altar. War gods might want the weapons of fallen enemies while a peace god might want some herbs or healing potions left on the altar. Then they can get some devotion points they can spend on divine interference. Use 2 devotion points for divine interference. The luck you can get is listed here.. Luck can be used to create results, if you need the result by feel. Use 2 devotion points for divine interference. Per each good act done with a Altar, you get 1d6 devotion points, otherwise you get nothing if the act is unacceptable. Be sure to ask your DM/GM for the materials of the Altar, so you may build one and to get the materials for doing rites on the Altar.

  You see altars are high-bandwidth connections directly to your god. They are either aligned or unaligned. Aligned altars are either lawful, or neutral, or chaotic.

  There are three uses of altars:

  If you drop items onto an altar while not blind, you will know their beautitude. Any altar can be used for this purpose. Note however that if you drop a fragile item (e. g. potion, mirror, crystal ball...) while levitating, it will break. Sacrificing. There is no way to sacrifice unless you stay over an altar. Prayer. While you certainly can try to pray everywhere, prayers while standing on altar cause better or different outcomes.

  A temple is a room with an altar and a priest. Not to be confused with the player role, priests are generated peaceful and will stay at the temple (unless angry), most of the time at or near the altar. Altars in temples can have any alignment or be unaligned. The tending priest has same alignment (or lack of it) as the altar. In a temple, you can donate money to its priest, provided he or she is peaceful, and the altar had not been converted/destroyed/desecrated. His alignment is not important in most cases. If you try to convert an altar in a temple, the priest will get angry and will not accept donations anymore.

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Using demons and angels

  Worshipping and using demons or angels by thinking or stating a request to them is a point they are empowered, they gain their health percent they started with back and that uses the focus skill to make the success or fail of the moment. Note, any angel that's "killed" on the battle front will return the heavens. Any demon that's "killed" will return to the abyssal realm. Demons are beings and spirits that are freed from the body and enraged or acted upon by feel. That is done to get what you need, this is where devotion is only attention so do what you want without worry over jealousies that some Gods may have by feel. Any forgivance is what will drive the demons away that feed on your emotions. They do this to get energy, that is done as well as an use your thoughts to work with the feel.

  See this means you are aware and if you invoke one you will always get what you need, that means you get things as a want. These beings aren't devoted to actually, the beings are creating what you need as a want and don't really care about worship or devotion except for empowering themselves. They are aware beings otherwise, so I think I know what will happen or occur. If they are called up, the demon name is the spirit name and the person too otherwise the species name.

  So this is where if you think of the moment, then the moment may occur if you need the idea. This is similar to using the subconscious, then creating is the idea being expressed. Then you are in idea by what you experience. However you can send energy by thinking the request to their spirit, then you can free yourself by what you do. This is an idea in response from one that knows by the on feel. So think about this before you call upon a demon by feel in idea, really this is enough to make me think about the idea.

  This is the case of the idea you can get from the demon, then if you focus and remain calm you get a positive result. So think to work and you are devoted for a time, until you decide to devote some time to other beings or deities. I am in idea of this fact as I work with the being. That means I will create with a concept and pointing out things, this is basically what I need or want. If you think your sane, then your sane by influence in life, which would make demons a drug in use. This is a demonstration of the ability of the mind and use of metaphysics to create what you want.

  The demon you call into existence, they will do what you want or need by feel. So this is a point I think things into existence, that is following the rules of the plane. Some demons serve their own purpose, though the idea is done if not by the demon or spirit then by the subconscious. This uses the unconscious mind to direct by your feel, and the subconscious does what you think you need. So that means if the spirit is freed from the body then the body dies and creates a release of the spirit of now ghost. Enrage the spirit and you create a demon, that will do things if you use the right subconscious suggestions. So if you think and feel calm the spirit will calm down and no longer be a demon, then leave to go back to where you state and think they go. This is a noted effect.

  Otherwise the demon could cause you to be insane, so think to be rid of the demon and you are safe by feel. The chaos roll is what you need to determine if you are insane, this is a will check using a d20+will mod and getting a result. This is the end roll of the action, that is where your sane if rolling above 9 and insane if you roll a 9 or below. That means you can create the point, then you roll a d20 and possibly if your insane and nearby anyone you could go off on them if you or the GM/DM rolls a d4 and get 2 or below. Then the point is made by your actions or others actions, and you are sane again after the fact. So think and you are normal by feel and think you are aware by what you do. Think calm and you are calm, the idea is this where you create what you are by what you do. This is a list of demons for the use in DnD. Think and you know what to do.

  Angels and Valkyrie are those devoted servants to yourself that create by the feel and use the God as a source of energy, they are listed here and here. That's in idea where you use them for the needs that are known or felt, so then created is the point and what you think will happen without insanity. Angels can be used for multiple things and Valkyrie are mostly battle Angels. So to use the angel, think of the angel name and you think of the idea and need and make a statement, otherwise for Valkyrie you think and state, "I call upon a Valkyrie." Give them a name, if you want to personalize them. Then thinking or stating what you need for the Valkyrie to do, whatever you call to create effects then you can make with what is there, or create by the idea you have and the angel is what does the deed you need, this is sometimes unseen.

  This use of these beings is done by thinking of the name and if you need them there, they use free energy particles and that allows you to summon it there from their dimension then they do what you need in the area. When they die here or leave to go back, they return to their dimension. If you summon a demon, offer an object as a thing to possess, then if they won't possess you your free from craziness. So a balrog named bill, that is going to do things for you will create what you need as a want that is done by the being. This is an effect of the point, you create by focus then and using imagination or feel. That works as you think of the need now with what you need by feel. There is a being swap, too. That you can do by feel if necessary.

  The being is usually an angel, valkerie or demon in sight or thought about that can be swapped in place and you get to be in the being's place, that is done when the character uses the spirit energy and turns into energy, then is where this is suggested as though an ability used by your character to shift to the area through the spirit energy. The being disappears and you form where the being was formed. The being reforms or materializes when you shift back, that's if you need it there. This is done if he or she that is a GM allows for this effect, otherwise this not possible to do. The idea however if allowable, that is using an effect done if there is enough requests. This is with 2 or more requests to the beings, where the character can do that, btw.

  This is done with a 1d8+cha mod per each 2 focus ranks or each time you make a request as a point of creation for the point of the day. Each new day has a reset of request points to 0. So a person that made 4 requests in a day or had 10 focus ranks and +7 charisma mod, they will get 5d8+7 effects. Duration is 1d6 rounds unless outside of battle. This is set as length in duration with rounds in melee or until the requester decides to end the moment, that is with possible minutes and possible hours outside of battle. That of course uses a 1d20+focus rank with 10 or above as success. The health percent of the demon, valkerie or angel is 100%+your con mod times the level. They also have your other stats. The limit for requests to a demon or angel is int mod or charm mod + half level.

  So remember, you pray to a God for piety, think a request to a demon or angel and otherwise do things by the point of making use of the subconscious. The subconscious is the activity of the brain or mind focused in creating an effect of ability or magic, that creates what effect there is by use of something or stating some idea with a point to create an effect your intent. The optional math rule you may use, that's behind this is (half focus ranks)d10 (according to level)+charisma mod worth of effect or 7d10+10 effect damage or healing for a level 20 character. The dice base or d10 is for a level 20 character. The dice base changes according to this idea, d6 for levels 1-8, d8 for levels 9-16, d10 for levels 17-24, d12 for levels 24-32 and up. Duration if any, this is 1d6+charisma mod worth of rounds in melee, otherwise that is unlimited time outside of battle until you decide to end the effect by feel or thinking. This is making use of energy and imagining the end of the moment. Once ended, then it's as though it didn't exist here to effect by feel.

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  Godmode is a special mode that is granted as if by a God, this is where you can use any ability and thinking done that allows this is done by the DM/GM. This is where you play as though a God, and things are easily done where you receive no hits and your hitpoints/percentage of health and stamina is always 100% or full health. The stats you have are unaffected by disease or illness or stat drains, so other things such as stat raises still can occur. The idea is done as though telekinetic or able to do things psychically. The Game master can even make this a spell or ability you can do or say, that you grant yourself Godmode as though divine. The Godmode is usually given to the DM/GM character or usual NPC the Game master wants to protect, so think about the idea as a special condition or something similar, if you ask for the Godmode on your own character.

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  Breakage is when you use an item and it breaks. This is a rule your DM/GM can improvise or make effective. Think of the effect, then make use of the item. After each use there is a 2% reduction to the 100% life of the item. There is a 50/50 chance that the item will break after 10 uses or the life of the item goes down to 40%, that's through wear and tear and when the life of the item reaches 10% the item is destroyed and doesn't work otherwise or cannot be used. Represented by a luck roll of 1d20+luck and getting a success of 10 or above. Each success makes it 10 more times of use for the item, and etc..

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Class description

The classes in this system are Belmage, Sorcere, chaot, Warrior Kinetic, Batlmage, Runic Master, Warlock Druid, Weaver, Anti-paladin, Rogue wiz, Psychic Monk, Hell cleric, Kinetic Assassin, Mage Assassin, Actor bard, Mana Knight, Dreamwalker, Jedi Knight, Shaman, Voodoo Witchdoctor, Elementalist, Ninja mage, Tengu, Samurai, Witch, Eldritch, Were, Angellic, Sentinel, Sun runner, Shadow practitioner, Light creator, Dimensionalist, Chi warrior, Elemental warrior, Chi master, Templar, Solamnic knight, Focuser, Hunter, Hell weaver, Summoner and Mystic class amongst others.

    If the DM/GM allows for it, then another class can be added as a sub class. This means the Experience isn't split up, and is applied fully to both classes that you have. All the features, including the skills and abilities are applied to the sub class. So you don't miss out on the features of the class. You get all the subclass features and each spell doesn't use spell slots, they use Energy % where the spell costs 5% energy to cast. However, if the subclass is like Warlock or Cleric, then the class specific feats are allowed. You may use any homebrew subclass, that exists in its listing, as well. A subclass is listed by the "Subclass:" label on your character sheet.

  You can pick up to 3 subclasses that are any class you wish to be. So you have the main class and the subclasses. You don't need to split the experience points for this like in split classes. These classes are to be used in place of the PHB classes as:

Runic master and Anti-mage class replace wizards.
Celestial Mage, Sorcere, Chaot, Weaver, Dreamwalker, Wave master, Elementalist, Eldritch, Angellic, Sun runner, Shadow practitioner, Light creator, Divine, Chi warrior and Chi master classes replace sorcerers or sorcerors.
Warrior kinetic, Were, Sentinel and Hunter classes replace fighters.
Batlmage replace the barbarian class.
Warlock druid and Shaman classes replaces druids.
Anti-paladins replaces paladin.
Rogue wiz replaces the rogue class.
Psychic monks and Sorcere Monks replace monks.
Hell clerics replace clerics.
Actor bards replace bards.
Mana knights, Jedi knights, Dragon knights, Dread Knights, Shadow Knights, Chaos Knights, Templar, Solamnic knights replace rangers.
Focuser are a class of sorceror.
Hell weaver are a class of mage.
Summoner are a mage class.
Mystic class are a Psionic mage class.

Belmage replaces the Archmage prestige class.
Kinetic assassin replaces assassins as a Prestige class.
Mage assassin replaces assassins as a class.
Kinetic Sorcere are as Prestige Sorcerer class.
Voodoo Witchdoctors are a Prestige cleric.
Ninja mage are a magical ninja that replaces ninja.
Tengu are a class of ninja.
Samurai and Elemental warrior are a class of warrior or fighter.
Witch and Dimensionalist are a class of wizard.
Necromancer and Healer are a class of sorceror.

  The remaining PHB classes except psion and mage gain a d12 base hit dice change to become 100% health, unless there already and the spells are replaced with the will word skill at 1st level, Psion gains a d12 hit dice base to 100% health only and Mage gets a d10 hit dice change to 100% health. This is with the will word (Wis) added in place of spells at 1st level as an innate ability.

  The classes are allowed by gm to go epic level as is wished. Since this is a nonlethal type magic, it makes the characters with higher health percent because below 0 mp or 0 stp it takes from health for spells if spell failure. The reason for the different spell classes is these are specialist classes except for the mage who is a generalist. Most skills are listed in the Magic system. The skills in class features are w/(core stat). The (core stat) are str, int and etc, as in (int).

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Celestial mage (celestmage)
Celestial mage abilities in the magic systems are

Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Class features:
1st level gains Celestial Ability (Cha).
2nd level gains 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis).

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting level 4 and every three levels higher than 20th.

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Belmage (belmag) or Epic Archmage
Belmage abilities in the magic systems are

Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: 1 exotic, all martial, simple weapons and ambidexterity makes them good with two-bladed swords and all other weapons except dire mace, battleaxe and greatsword but no armor or shields.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod

Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Profession (Wis), Arcana (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Class features: +1 mod to initiative per 2 level.
1st level gets will word (Wis) and limited wish (Wis) allowing for small effects to normal effects.
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains unlimited wish ability (Wis).
6th level 2 bonus feats.
8th level 2 bonus feats.
10th level 2 bonus feats.

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. Any level there is a bonus language only once.
Bonus Feats: Every 3 levels after 10th a belmage gains 2 bonus feats. At each such opportunity, he/she can choose any feat that the mage meets the prerequisites for.

goto class index

Sorcere (sorc)
Sorcere abilities in the magic systems are

Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Class features:
1st level gains will word (Wis).
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
6th level gains Elemental ability (Wis) and 2 bonus feats.

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 8 and every three level higher than 20th.

goto class index

Chaot (chaot)
Chaot abilities in the magic systems are
here and all EX ability are here.

Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis) and focus (Wis) .

Class features:
1st level gains Chaos effect (Cha).
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains Spell subversion (Cha).
4th level 2 bonus feats and One pointed focus (Ex).
5th level 2 bonus feats and Switching frequency (Cha).
6th level Chaos confusion (Cha).
7th level 2 bonus feats.
8th level gets Chaos shield (Cha) and 2 bonus feats.
9th level 2 bonus feats.
10th level gets 2 bonus feats, Tonal shield (Cha) and Light portal (Cha).
11th level 2 bonus feats.
13th level 2 bonus feats.
15th level 2 bonus feats.
16th level 2 bonus feats.
18th level 2 bonus feats.
20th level 2 bonus feats.

A familiar is gained any level. 3 Bonus feats every three level higher than 20th.

goto class index

Warrior kinetic (warkin)
Warrior kinetic ability in the magic system are

Saves: Fortitude and Reflex good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: 1 Exotic weapon and Martial weapons can be used with light armor and all shields.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

Class skills: Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Ride (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Athletics (Str), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Class features: +1 AC bonus per level.
1st level gains a bonus combat-oriented feat, Kinetic speed-up (Cha) and Human defense field (Cha).
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Kinetic attack (Cha) and Kinetic funnel (Cha).
6th level 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Kinetic runic (Wis) and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
8th level 2 bonus feats.
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Kinetic manipulation (cha) and Kinetic flying (Int).

Bonus Feats: The bonus feats must be drawn from the fighter bonus feats. The epic warrior kinetic gains 2 bonus feats every two levels starting level 12 and every level higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score minimums.

goto class index

Batlmage or sorcerer/barbarion (batmag)
Batlmage abilities not in the
magic system are here.

Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: 1 Exotic and Martial weapons can be used with two-weapon fighting and medium armor but no shields.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis) and focus (Wis).

Class features: +2 AC bonus. +1d10 hp any spell effect. +2 rounds to any noninstant spells. +2 AC bonus.
1st level gains spell recognition skill (Wis), will word (Wis) skill, Fast movement, Controlled Rage 1/day.
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats and Uncanny dodge.
3rd level Trap sense +1.
4th level gains Controlled Rage 2/day and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains chaos effect (Cha), Improved uncanny dodge.
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Trap sense +2.
7th level gains gains unlimited wish ability (Wis), Damage reduction 1/-.
8th level gained Controlled Rage 3/day and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level Trap sense +3.
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Damage reduction 2/-.
11th level gains Greater rage.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Controlled Rage 4/day and trap sense +4.
13th level gains Damage reduction 3/-.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Indomitable will.
15th level gains Damage reduction 4/-, Controlled Rage 5/day.
16th level gains Damage reduction 4/-, Controlled Rage 5/day and 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Damage reduction 4/-, Controlled Rage 5/day.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Trap sense +6.
19th level gains Damage reduction 5/-.
20th level gains Mighty rage, Controlled Rage 6/day and 2 Bonus feats.

Familiar gained any level for free or with discount. Controlled rage +1 use/4 level above 20th level. Every 3 level after 18 a Trap Sense +1 bonus. Every 3 level above 19 gains Damage Reduction +1. 2 Bonus feats every 3 and 4 level higher than 20th. A batlmage who becomes lawful is unable to gain level but retains the abilities.

goto class index

Runic Master (runmas)
Runic master abilities in the magic system are

Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: simple, plus staff only but no armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod

Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Wis) and focus (Wis) .

Class features:
1st level gains Runic (Wis) skill. +2 to runic skill.
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Elemental ability (Wis).

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. Any level there is a bonus language. A 2d4 runestaff they start with as in this example of a Runestaff.gif.

Bonus Feats: Every 2 levels starting with 4 is 2 bonus feats, every 3 levels after 20th, there's 2 bonus feats. At each such opportunity, he/she can choose any feat that the mage meets prerequisites.

goto class index

Anti-mage (anti-mag)
For Anti-mage class skills not in
magic skills section, goto here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) and focus (Wis).

Class features: Psicrystal is gained any level.
1st level gains Chaos effects (Cha) and two psionic combat modes.
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats and Spell Subversions (Cha).
3rd level gail gains Psychic ability (Ex), Still mind and Psionic combat mode.
4th level gains Kao Conversions (Cha) and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
6th level gains Psionic combat mode.
7th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Psionic combat mode.
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Psionic combat mode.
11th level gains Psionic combat mode.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains Psionic combat mode.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus feats.

After After 20th, there's 3 bonus feats every 4 levels higher.

goto class index

Warlock druid (warlk drd)
For warlock druid abiliies not in Magic system go
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All Martial weapons including club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape.All light, medium but no metal armor. Shields are all but tower that can be use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Arcana (Int), Survival (Wis), Athletics (Str) and Focus (Wis).

Class features:
1st level gains 2 Bonus feats, confusion (cha) skill and an animal companion for a familiar.
2nd level gains woodland stride.
3rd level gains 2 Bonus feats and trackless step.
4th level gains Resist nature's lure.
5th level gains 2 Bonus feats, subversion (cha) and wild shape 1 per day.
6th level gains wild shape 2 per day.
7th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Chaos effects (Cha) and wild shape 3 per day,
8th level gains wild shape large.
9th level gains venum immunity and 2 Bonus feats.
10th level gains Wild shape 4 per day.
11th level gains wild shape tiny, 2 Bonus feats and Possession (cha).
12th level gains wild shape plant.
13th level gains a thousand faces ability and 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains wild shape 5 per day.
15th level gains timeless body, 2 Bonus feats and wild shape huge.
16th level gains wild shape 1 elemental. Wild shape 6 per day and elemental 2 per day.
17th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains wild shape elemental 3 per day, 2 Bonus feats and huge elemental.

Animal companion every 3 level higher than 20th gains +2 health percent, +1 strength and dexterity, and an additional trick. After 18th Wild Shape +1/day every 4 level. Elemental wild shape does not improve. 2 Bonus feats after 20th, every 3 levels.

goto class index

Weaver (wev)
For weaving skills in
magic system go here, or if not in magic system go in here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons no exotic with ambidexterity and light armor but not shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Class features:
1st level gains weaving (Cha) with +2 to effect or rolls.
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Elemental ability (Wis).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Creation.
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains spell recognition (Wis).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Things in action.
10th level gains 2 bonus feats.
11th level gains Things I know.

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. At any time the weaver can enter into a group they choose by feel, however they are Aes Sedai or Asha'man after the point of tests or acceptance. There's 2 Bonus feats every 2 levels starting with level 12, and every three levels higher than 20th.

goto class index

Sun runner (Sun_runner)
For weaving skills in
magic system go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons no exotic with ambidexterity and light armor but not shield. This is accurate weapon and light armor proficiencies.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Class features:
Any level gains +2 to effect or rolls. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Sun weaving (Cha)
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Elemental ability (Wis).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Creation.
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains spell recognition (Wis).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Khepser (Cha).

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. At any time the weaver can enter into a group they choose by feel, however they are Aes Sedai or Asha'man after the point of tests or acceptance. There's 2 Bonus feats every 2 levels starting with level 10, and every three levels higher than 20th.

goto class index

Shadow practitioner (Shadow_pract)
For shadow practitioner skills in
magic system go here and if any non magical system skills look here.
Requirements: To qualify to become a shadow practitioner, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any neutral or evil.
Skills: Disguise 3 ranks, Stealth 4 ranks, Focus 3 ranks.
Stats: Int 16 or higher
Saves: Reflex and Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: 1 Exotic weapon, Ambidexterity and crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), short sword and longsword. Shadow practitioners are proficient with any armor but not with shields. This is accurate weapon and light, medium or heavy armor proficiencies.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Thievery (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int), Poisoning (Int) and Focus (Wis).

Class features:
Class features: Any level +3 reflex roll, +2 will, +1 save against poison and disease every 2 levels. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Shadow elementalism (cha).
2rd level gains Create poison (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
3th level gains Resistance (Ex), Summon shadows (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level Shadow form (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level Shadow angel (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Poison aura (feat). 10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th and higher levels, so every 3 levels after 11th, starting with 12th level there is 2 bonus feats and stat raise.
15th level gains transformation (Ex).

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount.

goto class index

Light creator (light_crea)
For light creator skills in
magic system go here and if any non magical system skills look here.
Requirements: To qualify to become a light creator, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any neutral or good.
Stats: Int 16 or higher
Saves: Reflex and Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Ambidexterity and crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), short sword and longsword. Light creators are proficient with any armor but not with shields. This means accurate profficiency and light armor, medium armor or heavy armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int), Healing (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Class features:
Class features: Any level +3 reflex roll, +2 will. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Light elementalism (cha) and turning (cha).
2rd level gains Cure poison (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
3th level gains Resistance (Ex), Summon beings (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level Light form (cha) and luck (Ex).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level Light angel (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Light aura (cha). 10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th and higher levels, so every 3 levels after 11th, starting with 12th level there is 2 bonus feats and stat raise. Also, there is 5% of additional health percent per every 2 levels after level 12.
15th level gains light avatar (Ex).

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount.

goto class index

Anti-paladin: (apal)
For anti-paladin magic system unlisted skills go
Saves: Fortitude, Will, and Reflex good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: 1 Exotic weapon and all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with shields (except tower shields).
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Religion (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Streetwise (Cha), Insight (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Arcana (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Class features: +3 to all saves. Any level the character has a Secret language.
1st level gains Chaos effects (Cha), Aura of control, Detect threat and Smite foe 1/day.
2nd level gains Saving grace, 2 Bonus feats and Lay on hands.
3rd level gains Aura of courage, Immunity and Spell subversion (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Turn being.
5th level gains Smite foe 2/day, Special mount and Kao confusion (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Remove disease 1/week.
7th level gains Devine ability (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Remove disease 2/week.
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Smite foe 3/day.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains Remove disease 4/week, Smite foe 4/day.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Remove disease 5/week.
20th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Smite foe 5/day and Ascension.

Smite foe 1/day every 5 level higher than 20th. Remove disease +1/week every 3 level higher than 18th. 2 Bonus feats every 3 level higher than 20th. They follow the Code of conduct.

goto class index

Rogue wiz or wizard/rogue (rogwiz)
For rogue abilities not in
magic system go here.
Saves: Reflex and Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: simple and finesse, plus shortsword, dagger and staff, hand crossbow, rapier, shortbow, and short sword. but light armor and no shields.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod

Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Dungeoneering (Wis), Profession (Wis), Arcana (Int), Appraise (Int), Streetwise (Cha), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Thievery (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Insight (Wis), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex) and Focus, (Wis).

Class features:
Gains at level 1; will word (Wis) and Sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding.
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats and Evasion.
3rd level gains Sneak attack +2d6 and trap sense +1.
4th level gains Uncanny dodge and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Sneak attack +3d6.
6th level Trap sense +2 and 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Sneak attack +4d6.
8th level gains Improved uncanny dodge and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Sneak attack +5d6, trap sense +3.
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Sneak attack +6d6.
12th level gains Trap sense +4 and 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains Sneak attack +7d6, special ability.
15th level Sneak attack +8d6, trap sense +5 and 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Sneak attack +9d6.
18th level gains Trap sense +6 and 2 Bonus feats.
19th level gains Sneak attack +10d6.
20th level gains 2 Bonus feats.

Any level a familiar can be gotten for free or discount. Any level a bonus language is possible.
Bonus Feats: Every 3 and 4 levels higher than 20, 2 bonus feats are gained. At each such opportunity, he/she can choose any feat that he/she meets prerequisites for.

goto class index

Psychic monk or psychic warrior/monk (psimnk)
Psychic monk ability not in
magic system are here.
Saves: Fortitude and Reflex good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: 1 Exotic weapon and all simple and martial weapons like club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, siangham, and sling. All armor (light and medium) and shields.When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a psychic monk loses her AC bonus, as well as her fast movement and flurry of blows abilities.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Athletics (Str), Arcana (Int), Religion (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Tumble (Dex), Use Psionic Device (Cha) and Focus (Wis).

Class features: +1 AC bonus per level. Psicrystal is gained any level.
1st level gains Kinetic speed-up (Cha), Bonus feat, flurry of blows, unarmed strike, and two psionic combat modes.
2nd level gains, 2 Bonus feats and evasion.
3rd level gains Still mind and Psionic combat mode.
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Kinetic attack (Cha), Ki strike (magic) and slow fall 20 ft.
5th level gains Purity of body.
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, slow fall 30 ft and Weapon Specialization.
7th level gains Kinetic funnel (Cha), Wholeness of body and Psionic combat mode.
8th level gains Slow fall 40 ft and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Improved evasion and Psionic combat mode.
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Kinetic manipulation (cha), Ki strike (lawful), slow fall 50 ft and Psionic combat mode.
11th level gains Diamond body, greater flurry and 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains Abundant step, slow fall 60 ft and Psionic combat mode.
13th level gains Diamond soul, 2 Bonus feats and Psionic combat mode.
14th level gains Slow fall 70 ft and Bonus feat.
15th level gains Quivering palm, Bonus feat and Bonus feat.
16th level gains Ki strike (adamantine), slow fall 80 ft and 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon.
18th level gains Slow fall 90 ft and 2 Bonus feats.
19th level gains Empty body and Bonus feat.
20th level gains Perfect self, slow fall any distance and Bonus feat.

Bonus to Armor Class when unarmored increases by +1 every five level higher than 20th. Unarmed strike damage does not increase after 16th level. Speed when wearing no armor increases by 10 feet every three level higher than 18th. After 20th level Ki strike ability does not increasel. After 20th, they gain 2 bonus feats every 3 levels higher

goto class index

Sorcere Monk (sorcmonk)
Psychic monk ability not always in
magic system are here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Religion (Int), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Perform (Cha), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Stabilize Self (Str), and Focus (Wis).

Class features: +1 AC bonus per level.
1st level gains will word (Wis), Bonus feat, flurry of blows, they gain a special ability of Source make and unarmed strike.
2nd level gains, 2 Bonus feats and evasion.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis), Aura Assault(Ex) and Still mind.
4th level gains Ki strike (magic), Bonus feat and slow fall 20 ft.
5th level gains Purity of body and Bonus feat.
6th level gains Wish ability (Wis), Bonus feat, slow fall 30 ft and Weapon Specialization.
7th level gains Wholeness of body.
8th level gains Slow fall 40 ft and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Improved evasion.
10th level gains Ki strike (lawful), 2 Bonus feats and slow fall 50 ft.
11th level gains Diamond body, greater flurry and Bonus feat.
12th level gains Abundant step, 2 Bonus feats and slow fall 60 ft.
13th level gains Diamond soul.
14th level gains Slow fall 70 ft and 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains Quivering palm and 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon.
18th level gains Slow fall 90 ft and 2 Bonus feats.
19th level gains Empty body and Bonus feat.
20th level gains Perfect self, or slow fall any distance and Bonus feat.
21st level gains Body shape.

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount.
Bonus to Armor Class when unarmored increases by +1 every five level higher than 20th.
Unarmed strike damage does not increase after 16th level.
Speed when wearing no armor increases by 10 feet every three level higher than 18th.
After 20th level Ki strike ability does not increasel.
2 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.

goto class index

Hell cleric: (helclr)
For cleric
magic system unlisted skills go here.
Alignment: Any neutral alignment
Saves: Fortitude, Will, and Reflex good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All simple weapons, ambidextrous, with all types of armor (light, medium, and heavy), and with shields (except tower shields). A cleric who chooses the War domain receives the Weapon Focus feat as a bonus feat. He also receives the appropriate Martial Weapon Proficiency feat as a bonus feat, if the weapon falls into that category. This is the Deity Domain list.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod

Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Domains and Class Skills: A cleric who chooses the Animal or Plant domain adds Nature (Int) to the cleric class skills listed above. A cleric who chooses the Knowledge domain adds all Knowledge (Int) skills to the list. A cleric who chooses the Travel domain adds Survival (Wis) to the list. A cleric who chooses the Trickery domain adds Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), and Stealth (Dex) to the list. Their deity is whomever they want to serve at the time.

Class features: +3 to all saves. On Character creation, they get a bonus language. Any time the Domain ability (Cha) can be used.
1st level gains Chaos effects (Cha) and Turn or rebuke undead.
2nd level gains Aura (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Spell subversion (Cha) and silent death.
4th level gains Spontaneous Casting and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Kao confusion (Cha) and Enslavement.
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Possession (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus feats and shapechange.

  Hell clerics can become Ex-Hell clerics.
2 Bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th.

goto class index

Kinetic sorcere (kinsorc) (prestige class)
Kinetic sorcere ability not listed in magic system are listed
Requirements: To qualify to become a kinetic sorcere, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any alignment
Skills: Disguise 4 ranks, Arcana 4 ranks, Concentration 5 ranks, Craft 4 ranks
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (5+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 5+Int Mod

Class skills: Disguise (Cha), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) and focus (Wis).

Class features:
1st level gains Kinetic spell(EX).
2nd level gains Kinetic runic (Wis) and 2 Bonus Feats.
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic speed-up (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Kinetic attack (Cha) and Kinetic flying (Int).
8th level gains Human defense field (Cha) and 2 Bonus feats.
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic manipulation (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).

A familiar is gained any level. 2 Bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 12th.

goto class index

Kinetic assassin (kinass) (prestige class)
Kinetic assassin ability not listed in
magic system are listed here.
Requirements: To qualify to become a kinetic assassin, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any evil.
Skills: Disguise 4 ranks, Stealth 8 ranks, Arcana 4 ranks.
Special: The character must kill someone for no other reason than to join the Kinetic assassins.
Saves: Reflex and Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: 1 Exotic weapon, Ambidexterity and crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), short sword and longsword. Kinetic assassins are proficient with light armor but not with shields.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Thievery (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int) and Focus (Wis).

Class features: Any level +3 reflex roll, +3 will, +1 save against poison every 2 level.
1st level gains Sneak attack +1d6, death attack, poison use, Kinetic runic, dark vision and Shapeshift (cha).
2rd level gains create substance, uncanny dodge and 2 Bonus feats.
3th level gains disable touch, Kinetic manipulation (cha), Sneak attack +2d6.
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and death needle.
5th level vapor touch, Improved uncanny dodge, Sneak attack +3d6 and Kinetic funnel (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Create item.
7th level shadow shift, Sneak attack +4d6.
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, hide in plain sight and Shadow manip (cha).
9th level gains Sneak attack +5d6 and Kinetic choke.
10th level gains heart stop and 2 Bonus feats.

12th and higher levels, so every 3 levels after 12th, starting with 12th level there is 2 bonus feats and stat raise. Also, there is 5% of additional health percent per every 2 levels after 10th.

goto class index

Mage assassin (magass)
Mage assassin ability not listed in
magic system are listed here.

Requirements: To qualify to become a mage assassin, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any neutral or evil.
Skills: Disguise 5 ranks, Stealth 8 ranks, Focus 5 ranks.
Special: The character must join for no other reason than to join the Mage assassins.
Saves: Reflex and Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: 1 Exotic weapon, Ambidexterity and crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), short sword and longsword. Kinetic assassins are proficient with light armor but not with shields.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Thievery (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int) and Focus (Wis).

Class features: Any level +3 reflex roll, +3 will, +1 save against poison every 2 level.
1st level gains Sneak attack +1d6+focus rank, death attack, create substance, runic ability (Wis),Psionics (special ability), dark vision (special ability) and Shapeshift (Ex).
2rd level gains poison use, uncanny dodge, Sigils (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
3th level gains disable touch, Chaos ability (cha), Martial arts (feat), Sneak attack +2d6+focus rank.
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Cord shift (Ex), Information gathering (Ex) and death needle.
5th level vapor touch, Improved uncanny dodge, Sneak attack +3d6+focus rank and Death and decay effect (Ex)
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Flight (Ex) and Create item (Ex).
7th level shadow shift, Sneak attack +4d6+focus rank.
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, hide in plain sight and Shadow manipulation (cha).
9th level gains Sneak attack +5d6+Focus rank.
10th level gains heart stop, Poison aura (feat), Save bonus against poison and 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Channelling (Ex), Casting gem (Ex), The annulment (Ex) and Sneak attack +6d6+Focus rank.
12th level gains 2 bonus feats. +5% health percent, Mental crippling and The act technique (Ex).

14th and higher levels, so every 3 levels after 12th, starting with 15th level there is 2 bonus feats and stat raise. Also, there is 5% of additional health percent per every 2 levels after 10th.

goto class index

Actor Bard (actbrd)
The Actor bards skills not shown in
magic system are here.
Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Hit Die: d10
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: all simple weapons, plus the longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, and whip. Light armor and shields (except tower shields).
Skill Points at 1st level: (6+Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional level: 6+Int modifier.

Class Skills: The bard's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Profession (Wis), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Dex), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Insight (Wis), Thievery (Dex), Arcana (Int), Athletics (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha) and Focus (wis).

Class features:

1st level gains Bardic ability, bardic music, bardic knowledge, fascinate and inspire courage +1.
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Inspire competence.
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats Potion making (Ex).
6th level gains Suggestion, 2 Bonus feats, Acting (Ex) and mimic act.
8th level gains Inspire courage +2 and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Inspire greatness.
10th level gains song skill and 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains Inspire courage +3 and 2 Bonus Feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Mass suggestion.
20th level gains Planar shift, 2 Bonus Feats and inspire courage +4.

3 Bonus feats every 3 level higher than 20th. Inspire courage ability increases +1 every 6 level higher than 20th. Bards can be ex-bards. There are the Harpers (Ex) that bards can join as a point to do good in life.

goto class index

Mana knight (mnaknt)
The Mana Knight skills not shown in
Magic system are here.
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons, and with light armor and shields except tower shields.
Skill Points at 1st level: (6+Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional level: 6+Int modifier.

Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Athletics (Str), Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), Use Rope (Dex), Psicraft (Int), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Perception (Wis) and focus (wis).

Class features:
1st level gains 1st favored enemy, Track, wild empathy and Telekinetics.
2nd level gains Combat style and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Endurance and spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains Animal companion, 2 Bonus feats and Devine ability (cha).
5th level gains 2nd favored enemy and Kinetic speed-up (Cha).
6th level gains Improved combat style, 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic flying (Int).
7th level gains Woodland stride and Weapon power (Cha).
8th level gains Swift tracker and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Evasion and Summon (int).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and 3rd favored enemy.
11th Combat style mastery and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains Camouflage and Kinetic funnel (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains 4th favored enemy.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Hide in plain sight.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 5th favored enemy.
+20th level gains +1 favored enemy/+5 level, bonuses against 1 favored enemies category +2/+5 level and 2 bonus feats every 3 levels after 20th. The Mana Knight will abade the Honor code.

goto class index

Dreamwalker (drmwlk)
The Dreamwalker skills are shown in the
Magic system.

Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All simple weapons with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Class features: +3 to all saves. +1 to cha stat.

1st level gains Dream ability (Ex).
2nd level gains will word (Wis).
3rd level gains Bonus feat.
4th level gains Elemental ability (Wis) and Bonus feat.

A familiar is gained any level. 2 Bonus feats every 2 levels starting at level 6 until every three levels higher than 20th.

goto class index

Jedi knight (jedi)
The Jedi knight skills not shown in
Magic system are here.

Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons, and with light armor and shields except tower shields.
Skill Points at 1st level: (6+Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional level: 6+Int modifier.

Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Athletics (Str), Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), Use Rope (Dex), Psicraft (Int), Knowledge (psionics) (Int) and Focus (wis).

Class features:
1st level gains Track, wild empathy and Jedi ability (Cha).
2nd level gains Combat style and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Endurance and spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains Animal companion and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Create item (int).
6th level gains Improved combat style and 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Woodland stride and Weapon power (Cha).
8th level gains Swift tracker and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Evasion and Shapechange (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th Combat style mastery.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains Camouflage.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
+20th level gains 2 bonus feats every 3 levels.

goto class index

Shaman (Shamn)
For shaman abiliies not in
Magic system go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape. All light, medium but no metal armor. Shields are all but tower that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Arcana, Nature (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), Athletics (Str) and Focus (Wis).

Class features:
1st level gains Mysticism (Wis) and an animal companion for a familiar at any time adding regeneration as a special ability.
2nd level gains Spirit guide(EX), Medium (SP) and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains trackless step and Spirit walk (Wis).
4th level gains Resist nature's lure and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains wild shape 1 per day and Totem effect (wis).
6th level gains wild shape 2 per day and 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Wild shape 3 per day and etherial form (wis).
8th level gains wild shape large and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains venum immunity and Guiding will(EX).
10th level gains Wild shape 4 per day and 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains wild shape tiny and Spirit possession (Wis).
12th level gains wild shape plant and 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains wild shape 5 per day, 2 Bonus feats and Manifestation.
15th level gains timeless body and wild shape huge.
16th level gains wild shape 1 elemental and 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Divine intervention.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
19th level gains Wild shape 6 per day and elemental 2 per day.
20th level gains 2 Bonus feats, wild shape elemental 3 per day and huge elemental.

Animal companion every 3 level higher than 20th gains +2 health percent, +1 strength and dexterity, and an additional trick. After 18th Wild Shape +1/day every 4 level. Elemental wild shape does not improve. 3 Bonus feats after 20th every 4 level. Any level they follow the Spirit Crede for which can hamper their spiritual ability.

goto class index

Voodoo witchdoctor (Vudu Wch) (Prestige cleric)
For Voodoo magic system unlisted skills go
Alignment: Any neutral alignment
Saves: Fortitude, Will, and Reflex good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All simple weapons, ambidextrous, with all types of armor (light, medium, and heavy). He receives the appropriate Martial Weapon Proficiency feat as a bonus feat, if the weapon falls into that category.
Skill points at 1st: (5+Int Mod)x5
Skill points per level: 5+Int Mod

Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int), Perception (Wis), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Class features: +3 to all saves. Character creation begets a bonus language and with any level they can get a familiar.
1st level gains Mysicism (Wis) and Spiritual Turn or rebuke.
2nd level gains Supernatural ability (Cha), Spirit guide(EX) and 2 Bonus Feats.
3rd level gains silent death and shapechange.
4th level gains Spontaneous Casting and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Enslavement and limited wish.
6th level gains High ritual(EX) and 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Spirit Possession (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Guiding spirit.
9th level gains Gestalt healing(EX).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and unlimited wish ability.
15th level gains Divine self (Ex).

2 Bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 10th when going epic.

goto class index

Wave Master (WavMst)
The Wave Master skills not shown in magic system are
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity, including light armor and shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Perception (Wis), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Profession (Wis), Arcana (Int) and Focus (Wis).

Class features: +3 to all saves.
1st level gains Chaos effect (Cha).
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis), Spell subversion (Cha) and Special ability Cause wave probability.
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains the Elemental ability (Wis).
6th level gains Chaos confusion (Cha) and 2 Bonus feats.
On level 7, the special ability of Aura of 'I trigger it'.
On level 8, 2 Bonus feats and the special ability is gained: Chaos Wave Result.
On level 10, 2 Bonus feats and the special ability is gained of: Elemental mastery. 

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats after level 10, every two levels higher.

goto class index

Dragon knight (draco kni)
The Dragon knight skills not shown in magic system are
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons, and with heavy armor and shields, plus tower shields.
Skill Points at 1st level: (6+Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional level: 6+Int modifier.

Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Athletics (Str), Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), Athletics (Str), Use Rope (Dex), Psicraft (Int), Knowledge (psionics) (Int) and Focus (wis).

Class features:
1st level gains 1st favored enemy, Track, wild empathy special ability: Awareness ability and Telekinetics.
2nd level gains Combat style and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Endurance, special ability: Raging and spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains Animal companion and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains 2nd favored enemy and Kinetic speed-up (Cha).
6th level gains Improved combat style, 2 Bonus feats, special ability: 'manipulation of will' and Kinetic flying (Int).
7th level gains Woodland stride and Weapon power (Cha).
8th level gains Swift tracker and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Evasion and Summon (int).
10th level gains 3rd favored enemy, 2 Bonus feats and the 'ability of dragons'.
11th level gains Combat style mastery and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains Camouflage and Kinetic funnel (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains 4th favored enemy, an ability feat and one extra ability feat every 2 levels after.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Hide in plain sight.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 5th favored enemy, 2 Bonus feats and the ability of 'polymorph self to dragon form'.
+20th level gains +1 favored enemy/+5 level, bonuses against 1 favored enemies category +2/+5 level and 2 bonus feats per every additional 3 levels.

goto class index

Dread knight (dred kni)
The Dread knight skills not shown in magic system are
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons, and with heavy armor and shields, plus tower shields.
Skill Points at 1st level: (6+Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional level: 6+Int modifier.

Class Skills: Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Athletics (Str), Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), Athletics (Str), Use Rope (Dex), Knowledge (Psionics), Psicraft (Int) and Focus (wis).

Class features: 
1st level gains 1st favored enemy, Track, wild empathy and Telekinetics.
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats, Combat style and special ability: Dread aura.
3rd level gains Endurance, and spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains Animal companion and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains 2nd favored enemy and Kinetic speed-up (Cha).
6th level gains Improved combat style, 2 Bonus feats, special ability: 'in aptitude' and Kinetic flying (Int).
7th level gains Woodland stride and Weapon power (Cha).
8th level gains Swift tracker and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Evasion and Summon (int).
10th level gains 3rd favored enemy. Also, they gain 2 Bonus feats.
11th Combat style mastery and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
12th level they gain 1d6 languages and 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains Camouflage and Kinetic funnel (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
15th level 4th favored enemy and a special ability: Magna force.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Hide in plain sight.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus feats and 5th favored enemy.
+20th level gains +1 favored enemy/+5 level, bonuses against 1 favored enemies category +2 every 5 levels and 2 bonus feats every additional 3 levels.

The dread knight will abide, by the Dread Knights oath.

goto class index

Shadow knight (draco kni)
The Dragon knight skills not shown in magic system are
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons, and with heavy armor and shields, plus tower shields.
Skill Points at 1st level: (6+Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional level: 6+Int modifier.

Class Skills: Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Athletics (Str), Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), Use Rope (Dex), Streetwise (Cha)  and Focus (wis).

Class features:
1st level gains 1st favored enemy, Track, wild empathy and Shadow manipulation.
2nd level gains Combat style and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Endurance, special ability: 'Shadow Aura' and spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and an Animal companion.
5th level gains 2nd favored enemy and Kinetic speed-up (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Improved combat style and Kinetic flying (Int).
7th level gains Woodland stride and Weapon power (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Swift tracker.
9th level gains Evasion and Summon (int).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and 3rd favored enemy.
11th level gains Combat style mastery and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains Camouflage and Kinetic funnel (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains 4th favored enemy, an ability feat and one extra ability feat every 2 levels after.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Hide in plain sight.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus feats and 5th favored enemy.
+20th level gains +1 favored enemy/+5 level, bonuses against 1 favored enemies category +2/+5 level and 2 bonus feats every 3 levels higher.

goto class index

Chaos knight(kaoknit)
The Chaos knight skills not shown in magic system are
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons, and with heavy armor and shields, plus tower shields.
Skill Points at 1st level: (6+Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional level: 6+Int modifier.

Class Skills: Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Athletics (Str), Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), Use Rope (Dex)  and Focus (wis).

Class features:
1st level gains 2 Bonus feats,1st favored enemy, Track, wild empathy and Chaos effect (Cha).
2nd level gains Combat style and Chaos fear (Ex).
3rd level gains Endurance, 2 Bonus feats, Spell subversion (Cha) and Spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains Animal companion.
5th level gains 2 Bonus feats, 2nd favored enemy and Kao confusion (Cha).
6th level gains Improved combat style and Kinetic flying (Int).
7th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Weapon power (Cha).
8th level gains Swift tracker.
9th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Evasion and Summon (int).
10th level gains 3rd favored enemy.
11th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Combat style mastery and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
13th level gains Camouflage, 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic funnel (Cha).
15th level gains 2 Bonus feats and 4th favored enemy.
17th level gains Hide in plain sight and 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus feats and 5th favored enemy.
+20th level gains +1 favored enemy/+5 levels, bonuses against 1 favored enemies category +2/+5 levels and 3 bonus feats every 3 levels.

Chaos knights follow the Chaos Crede.

goto class index

Templar (Templar)
For Templar abilities not in Magic system go here.

Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are all including tower that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod

Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).

Class features:
1st level gains Improved weapon manifest (Ex), Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
3rd level gains Nothingness (Cha) and Improved focus (Ex)
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains LOA change (Cha) and Strength enhancement (Ex).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Dexterity enhancement (Ex).
7th level gains writing magic (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Weapon specialization (Ex).
9th level gains Time ability (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Weapon focus (Ex).
11th level gains Self-creation (Cha)
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Dark focus (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Dedication (Ex).

 Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Templar gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Templar gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.

 An Templar can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language.

goto class index

Solamnic Knight (Solamn_Knight)
For the Solamnic knight's abilities not in Magic system go here.

Description: The solamnic knight is a knight that uses their god to get whatever they would want, so they are God knights. They follow the oath and the measure. The oath is the sworn oath to their god that they would remain faithful to his or her duties as he or she serves others in duty. The measure is the point they do things and work with a code of rights.
Alignment: Any Neutral or Good alignment
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are all including tower that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod

Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).

Class features:
Any level: They gain and can use Traveling (Cha).
1st level gains Solamnic manifest (Cha), Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
3rd level gains Solamnic force (Ex) and Weapon specialty (Ex)
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Water Absorption (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Lunar (Ex).
7th level gains Energy absorption (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Instances (cha) and Dorce bubbles (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains God weapons (Cha)
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Holy being (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Raise in advance (Ex).

 Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Solamnic Knight gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Solamnic knight gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.

 A Solamnic knight can be any alignment and that they use STP. Any level there is a bonus language.

goto class index

Elementalist (Elemnt)
For the Elementalist unlisted skills in the Magic system, go
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons except exotic. Has ambidexterity, and if over 15 Str then heavy armor or large shield.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
1st level gains Elemental ability (Wis).
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Chaos effects (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Fastcast (Ex) and Spell Subversions (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Kao confusion (Cha) and Kinetic speed-up (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Fast regeneration (Ex), Human defense field (Cha) and Weapon Power (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Kinetic flying (Int) and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
14th level gains Purify element (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains Absorb energy (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Greater elemental formshift (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 3 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.

goto class index

Chi warrior (kiwarrior)
For the chi warrior, their magic skills are
here, their unlisted skills in the Magic system, go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons except exotic with weapon specialist feat at +2 weapon proficiency. Has ambidexterity, and if over 15 Str then heavy armor or large shield with Heavy armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
1st level gains Psionics special ability.
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Chi manipulation (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Illusion (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Manifest (Cha) and Lucky strike (Ex).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Danger sense (Ex).
9th level gains Ascension (Ex) and Healing blow (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Ascended mastery (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 3 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.

goto class index

Chi master (Chi master)
For the chi master, the magic ability is listed
here, the unlisted skills are in the Magic system, go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons except exotic with weapon specialist feat at +2. Has ambidexterity, and if over 15 Str then heavy armor or large shield with Heavy armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
1st level gains Chi Elemency.
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Spell recognition (Wis) and Chi shield (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Chi boost (Ex).
5th level gains Lucky chance (Ex).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Manifestation (Cha) and Danger sense (Ex).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Transcendancy (Ex).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Transfiguration (cha)
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Transcendant master (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 3 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.

goto class index

Ninja mage (NinjaMage)
For the Ninja's magical skills look
here and for ninjutsu skills look in the Magic and ability list.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor Proficiency. All martial weapons including exotic. Has ambidexterity and if over 15 Str, then allows large shield.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Acrobatics (Dex), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
1st level gains Special effects (Ex).
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Spell recognition (Ex).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Fastcast (Ex).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Weapons expert (Ex).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Fast regeneration (Ex).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Flying (Ex).
14th level gains Purify element (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains Absorb energy (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Greater Elemental Formshift (Ex).

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 3 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.

goto class index

Tengu (Tengu_Ninja)
For the Tengu's magical skills look
here for Ninjutsu in the Magic system and for (Ex) skills look Ninjutsu here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Heavy Armor Proficiency. All martial weapons including exotic. Has ambidexterity and if over 15 Str, then if heavy armor or large shield.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Acrobatics (Dex), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
1st level gains Elemental ability (Wis), Runic Ability (Wis) and Ninja ability (Int).
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Chaos effects (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Fastcast (Ex) and Spell Subversions (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Kao confusion (Cha) and Kinetic speed-up (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Fast regeneration (Ex), Human defense field (Cha) and Weapon Power (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Kinetic flying (Int) and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
14th level gains Purify element (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains Absorb energy (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Greater elemental formshift (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 3 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.

goto class index

Samurai (Samurai)
For the Samurai's magical skills look
here and look for samurai (Ex) skills in the Samurai gloss here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Heavy Armor Proficiency. All martial and normal weapons including exotic with a Accurate weapon Proficiency. Has ambidexterity and if over 15 Str, then if heavy armor or large shield is possible.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Streetwise (Wis), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Survival (Int), Acrobatics (Dex), Perception (Wis), High Bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
Any level: There is a natural armor bonus of +2 to the AC per each level. Also, if the samurai is a wandering warrior without a clan, then they are Ronin. So if they are with a clan they are with job offers and Samurai in idea.
Level 1 gains Natural adaptation (Ex), Focus ability (Wis) and Will word skill (Ex).
Level 2 gains 2 bonus feats.
Level 3 gains Martial arts (Ex) and Herbology and medicine (Ex).
Level 4 gains 2 bonus feats.
Level 5 gains Combat skill (Ex) and Combat trance (Ex).
Level 6 gains 2 bonus feats.
Level 7 gains Charm (Ex) and Natural understanding (Ex).
Level 8 gains 2 Bonus feats.
Level 9 gains Survival (Ex) and Maneuvering (Ex).
Level 10 gains Fame (Ex), Abundance (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
Level 11 gains Energy body as a feat if not there already and greater energy body as a feat.

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. Every 2 levels starting with level 12 and every 2 levels above until level 20 is with 2 bonus feats. Every 3 levels starting with and after level 20 is with 2 bonus feats.

goto class index

Witch (witch)
For the Witch's magical skills look
here and look for Witch (Ex) skills in the Witch gloss here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light armor or no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and light armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
Any level: They follow the superstition (Ex) and if they don't they act normally. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Charm magic (Cha).
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Supernatural ability (Cha).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Hex magic (Cha) and Potions (Ex).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Natural science skill (Ex).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats and Spontaneous combustion (Ex).
9th level gains Luck (Ex).
10th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
14th level gains Divine self (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. They follow the moment using their superstition (Ex). 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 12 and every three level higher than 20th.

goto class index

Eldritch (Eldritch)
For the Eldritch's magical skills look here and look for Eldritch (Ex) skills in the gloss here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light or medium armor and no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
Any level: +2 to familar effects or attack if any gotten. At any time, the eldritch can turn vampiric nature and if they died they are vampires (Ex). They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Chaos effect (Cha).
2nd level 2 bonus feats and Eldritch magic (Cha).
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Spell subversion (Cha).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Natural science skill (Ex) and Chaos confusion (Cha).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats and Hex magic (Cha).
9th level gains Luck (Ex).
10th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 bonus feats.
13th level gains Elder being (Ex).

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 14 and every three level higher than 20th.

goto class index

Were (Were)
For the Were's magical skills look here and look for Were (Ex) skills in the gloss here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light or medium armor and no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
Any level: They can turn into an animal of choice and back again, and that is a large form. At any time, the were can turn vampiric nature and alter reality to what they need. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Were elemental effect (Cha) and Prescience (Ex).
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis), Animal shaper (Cha) and heat seeking (Ex).
4th level 2 bonus feats, Animal boost (Sp), Animal control (Sp) and Were boost (Sp).
5th level gains Spell subversion (Cha) and Animal call (cha).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats and Were ability (cha).
7th level gains Natural science skill (Ex) and Chaos confusion (Cha).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats and Hex magic (Cha).
9th level gains Luck (Ex) and Alter form (cha).
10th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 bonus feats.
13th level gains Were altering (Ex).

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. They follow the moment using their prescience (Ex). 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 14 and every three level higher than 20th.

goto class index

Angellic (Angellic)
For the Angellic's magical skills look here and look for Angellic (Ex) skills in the gloss here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All normal weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light or medium armor and heavy shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3. medium armor proficiency and heavy shield proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
Any level: +2 to familiar and group effects or attack if any gotten. At any time, the angellic can turn vampiric and any hostiles nature (Ex) and if they died they are angels of good or deva of neutral nature and otherwise demons of evil. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Angellic magic (Cha).
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Messaging (Wis).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains God magic (cha).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Natural science skill (Ex) and Shifting (cha).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats.
9th level gains Luck (Ex).
10th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 bonus feats.
13th level gains Angel form (Ex).

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 14 and every three level higher than 20th.

goto class index

Sentinel (Sentinel)
For the Sentinel's magical skills look here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light or medium armor and no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
Any level: They can tune into the area so they know and gain a +3 to any rolled or no dice check. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Digestive magic (Cha) and Extreme senses (Cha).
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Emotional creation (Cha).
4th level 2 bonus feats and creation by idea or feel (cha).
5th level gains Transformation (Cha).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Power of words (Cha).

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 8 and every three level higher than 20th.

goto class index

Necromancer (Necromancer)
For the Necromancer's magical skills look here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon you can get with ambidexterity and accurate weapons proficiency, armor; any light or medium armor. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency of +2.
Skill points at 1st: (5+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 5+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Knowledge:Any (Int), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis), Healing (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
Any level: They can tune into the area so they know and gain a +3 with wandering soul or spirit to any rolled or no dice check. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Source ability (Cha) and Distemporal shift (Cha).
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Positive Boost (Cha).
4th level 2 bonus feats and Animation (cha).
5th level gains Death Aura (Cha).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Consoling (Cha) and Console.
8th level gains 2 bonus feats.
9th level gains Discorporeal shell (Cha) and Necro healing (Cha).
10th level gains 2 bonus feats.
11th level gains Half-life (Cha).
12th level gains 2 bonus feats.
20th level gains Necro enhancement (Cha) and Necro point (Cha).

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount by feel. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 13 and every three level higher than 20th starting at level 20.

goto class index

Dimensionalist (Dimensionalist)
For the Dimensionalist's magical skills, that uses mp so look here and look for Dimensionalist (Ex) skills in the gloss here..
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon you can get with ambidexterity and accurate weapons proficiency, armor; any light or medium armor. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency of +2.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Knowledge:Any (Int), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis), Healing (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
Any level: +1 initiative per each 2 levels. They can learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Thinking spell (Wis) and Mental Boost (Ex).
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Reality hacking (Wis).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Dimensional Shift (Wis).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Pass the idea (Wis).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats.
9th level gains Dimensional timing (Wis) and Dimensional created effects (Wis).
10th level gains 2 bonus feats.
11th level gains Timeshift (Wis).
12th level gains 2 bonus feats.
20th level gains Dimensionalism (Ex).

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount by feel. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 13 and every three level higher than 20th starting at level 21.

goto class index

Divine (Divine)
For Divine skills in
magic system go here and if any non magical system skills look here that uses mana.
Requirements: To qualify to become a Divine, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Pick a God or feel free to use the creator.
Stats: Int 15 or higher, Cha 15 or higher
Saves: Reflex and Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Ambidexterity and crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), short sword and longsword. Divine are proficient with any armor but not with shields. This means accurate profficiency and light armor, medium armor or heavy armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Healing (Wis), Concentration (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

Class features:
Class features: Any level +2 will. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Psionics (special ability).
2rd level gains Divine Wizardry (cha) and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Divine glow (Ex).
4th and higher levels, so every 2 levels starting with 4th level there is 2 bonus feats, and after 11th level there is with each 3 levels for 2 bonus feats and stat raise. Also, there is 5% of additional health percent per every 2 levels after level 12.
15th level gains Divinity (Ex).

A familiar is gained any level for free or discount.

goto class index

Elemental Warrior (Element Warrior)
For the Elemental warrior's magical skills look for Elemental warrior in the
magic system and for (Ex) skills look for Elemental warrior skills here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but heavy armor or no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and heavy armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis) , Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
Any level: The elemental warrior can create with spells using the learning a spell feature.
1st level gains Energy manifest (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains 2 bonus feats.
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Elemental ability focus (Ex).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
8th level gains 2 bonus feats.
10th level gains Weather magic (cha) and 2 bonus feats.
20th level gains The ultimate form (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 12 and every three level higher than 20th.

goto class index

Healer (Healer)
For the Healer's magical skills look here and for (Ex) skills look for Healer skills here.
The healer serves a god or the creator for his ability so he must either list a God or the creator as his God.
Necessary skill for the class, healing 6 ranks or higher
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon you can get with accurate weapons proficiency, Armor; any light or medium armor. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency of +2.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Knowledge: Any (Int), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis), Healing (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
Any level: They can use God will (Cha) to create effects. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Phasing (Cha) and Potion making (Cha).
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Elemental defense (Cha).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Healing (Cha).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Improved healing (Cha).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats.
9th level gains Auratic healing (Cha) and Shield effect (Cha).
10th level gains 2 bonus feats.
11th level gains Faith healing (Cha) and Illness and poison resistance (Cha).
12th level gains 2 bonus feats.
13th level gains Immunity (Ex) and Elemental immunity (Ex).
14th level gains 2 bonus feats.
20th level gains Avatar (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount by feel. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 14 and every three level higher than 20th.

Focuser (Focuser)
For the Focuser, the magic ability is listed
here, the unlisted skills are in the Magic system, go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons except exotic with weapon specialist feat at +2. Has ambidexterity, and if over 15 Str then heavy armor or large shield with Heavy armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
1st level gains Focus magic (Cha).
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Spell recognition (Wis) and Dust of peaceful rest (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Herbology (Ex).
5th level gains Magic food or drink (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Premonition (Ex).
7th level gains Ice magic (Cha) and Remote listening (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Creature summoning (Cha) and Genetics (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Thought magic (cha)
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Grand focuser (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 3 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.

goto class index

Hunter (Hunter)
For the Hunter, the magic ability is listed
here, the unlisted Ex skills are in the Magic system, go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including exotic with weapon specialist feat at +2. Has ambidexterity, and if over 15 Str then heavy armor or large shield with Heavy armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

  Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Weapons (Dex) and Focus (Wis).

  Class features:
1st level gains Elemental creation (Cha).
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats and Weapon specialty (Ex).
3rd level gains Spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Staking (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Machinery (Ex).
7th level gains Immunities (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Magick (Cha) and Magick Resistance (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Faith effects (cha)
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Head hunter (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.

  There is 3 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.

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Hell weaver (Hell-weave)
For the Hell weaver, the magic ability is listed here, the Ex skills that are not in the Magic system are here.

Description: This is a class of weaver that weaves fate, heaven and the hell itself by feel and ideal expression learned from an advanced ancient race.
Alignment: Any evil alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons or swords and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are up to medium that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Climbing (Dex), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis) and Concentration (Con).

Class features: Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Hell weaving (Cha), Heavenly weaving (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Gating (Ex) and Natures luck (Ex).
3rd level gains Send (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Neutralization (Ex) and Sense (Ex).
5th level gains Hellstorm (cha) and Hellish heat wave (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Do (Ex) and Undo (Ex).
7th level gains Aura flare (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Voices (Ex).
9th level gains Hell touch (cha) and Hell vent (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Wish (Ex).
11th level gains Aura of inimical will (cha) and Fate weave (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Psyche logic (Ex).
13th level gains Particle wind (Cha) and Inimical wind (Cha). 14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Demonoid (Ex).

 Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Hell weaver gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Hell weaver gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Hell weaver can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.

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Summoner (summoner)
For the Summoner, the magic ability is listed here, the Ex skills that are not in the Magic system are here.

Description; This is a magic user class that uses summons, that is summoning things or idea to exist from imagination.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod

Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Climbing (Dex), Knowledge: all (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), High bartering (Wis) and Concentration (Con).

Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Spell casting (Cha), Ethocraft (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Guidance (Ex).
3rd level gains Ethercraft (Cha) and Telepathy (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Dispel summons (Ex).
5th level gains Summoning (Cha) and Demonology (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Creature recall (Sp).
7th level gains Angelogy (Cha) and Protection (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Summons manipulation (Ex) and Mind manipulation (Sp).
9th level gains Survival Skills (Cha) and Transformation (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Summon Questgiver (Sp).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and God transform (Ex).

 Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Summoner gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Summoner gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Summoner can be any alignment and that they use MP and sometimes their God for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.

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Mystic class (mystic-c)
For the Mystic class, the magic ability is listed here, the Ex skills that are not in the Magic system are here.

Description; This is a Psionic magic user class that uses psionics and magic, that is creating things or idea to exist from imagination.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod

Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Dex), Climbing (Dex), Knowledge: all (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), High bartering (Wis), Mysticism (Cha) and Concentration (Con).

Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Thinking (Cha), Think confusion (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
3rd level gains Elementalism (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Elemental beam (Cha) and Mind thrust (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Psionic shield (Cha) and Telepathic link (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Thought reading (Cha) and Mystical vision (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Advanced elementalism (Cha) and Mental Fortress (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Astral projection (Cha) and Psychic rejeuveation (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains Mind over matter (Cha) and Psychic pulse (cha).
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Mystic Mastery (Ex).

 Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Mystic gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Mystic gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.

  A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Mystic can be any alignment and that they use MP and sometimes their God for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.

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Magic system skills

  The magic system is based off spell-like abilities, these abilities are not meant to be done irl its meant to be played. So in game, that means it doesn't always occur unless you went and rolled 1d20+focus rank and got 10 or above, especially if the other makes a will save so they are listed as special skills with intuitive intuition by what you experience and treated like special abilities without effect length. Be sure to look at the Learning ability level listed with the spells, so you know what you can use at what ability you learned by rememberance. Naturally, your character can teleport. So if the GM/DM allows, add the teleport skill as a special ability to your character sheet. This is where you think of the area and need to be there and your there by the subconscious making you appear there.

  Also, you can subcommunicatably at any time in use of the subconscious, think to send messages at will as a subcommunication special ability added any time to your character sheet. This is using the subconscious to send a message to the target by idea you express where you are shown what is necessary by the subconscious mind in the form of a vision. They can send one back too that you realize by the soul insight at any time by thinking the message and otherwise envisioning the idea. The choices of success for going diceless is using d20 as 10+focus rank or mod and get a 15 or above then you got success.

  If your not doing this online, then either use a penny toss with a call or drawing straws, and then getting the longest or shortest straw for success. So for effect lengths see charts. Think to see when they are gained, look at the Character description. When the character gains a level and they spend skill points for focus skill they raise a special skill by these points, alotted by skill point calculation in the charts section. This is where they are the skill points listed as a chart attribute.

  They that experience the point of an ability, then can make it a listed ability. This means they can add Jedi ability (cha), if they use the recall by remembering if what they experienced is useful. Then if they recall what the person did or how it felt with a Arcana check, then they can recreate it as a point. They can add Jedi ability (Cha) or whatever ability they recall as an added ability with no skill ranks required. This looks like a Jedi ability (Cha) listed on your character sheet in Extra Ability. Roll a Focus skill check of 1d20+focus skill ranks with 10 or above results to see success.

  If the mp/stp is used up and goes nonelethal damage (<0), then opposite elements used will weaken the person thus per point nonlethal damage, there is 1d4 additional ideal damages that aren't always as if your hit. Soul batteries are collected energy that can be used for creating an energy source made from the area energy, outside yourself for any purpose and by anyone with magical ability. That is a use by the word use that creates for what is there, by what energy conscious is there by thought.

  However if you want to add a cool idea, that is realistic or not always possible as chaos is possible with the chaos die roll. Now that is useful or decided upon the area use, or not as 1 for actual done, 2 for something as 3 for water or elemental changes that aren't specified in the area or 4 for not happened.

  The action verbs are northern based words actually used freely with nouns to direct by what you think but is a must so used in the sentence as thought in make, seem control, do or alter, see or destroy, so protect and create or perceive to no influence. Spell words are focus words tat create as you focus energy to create by will thought with the creator. If spellsongs are brought about by the action play word as in "I play the hym ritual song".

  Otherwise alternate idea is the art action words that are if subvert, use or feel control, see to alter, feel to destroy and think to protect so seeing thought in use not always done is what caused this. So if you will to thought in thought you can use or create with the energy to change things on or with an instance. The noun descriptions are what you decide to use in fixing an idea, think or avoid fixing an idea to not be in the area to be with use creating what you wish use with wisdom to create or see use. So think, basically you may use these abilities below as examples and gain their abilities by the attempt to learn them.

Magic Menu System
General and focus ability
Soul Batteries
Will word ability
Runic ability
Wish ability
Creator ability
Chaos ability
Kinetic ability
Devine divinity ability
Shadow manipulation
Elemental ability
Bardic ability
Shift ability
Dream ability
Celestial ability
Jedi ability
Mysticism ability
Ninja ability
Witchcraft ability
Eldritch ability
Were ability
Angellic ability
Sun runner ability
Sentinel ability
Necromancer ability
Shadow practitioner ability
Light creator ability
Dimensionalist ability
Divine ability
Chi warrior ability
Elemental warrior ability
Chi master ability
Healer ability
Templar ability
Solamnic knight ability
Focuser ability
Hunter ability
Hell weaver ability
Summoner ability
Mystic class ability

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General Abilities


  All classes can teleport at will in an instant using a free action. This happens naturally using the energy as a source, as though you create yourself where you intend to be. Think to shift, as you focus on an energy source you think is a source of energy. Then imagine yourself there where you intend to be or touch an item for its energy. Then the spirit uses the soul to shift you there by that energy source. If you use an object to teleport, then you used a port key. The portkey can be anything. In reality always remember, that the things that exist you in this life or elsewhere are your thoughts. Your thoughts are reflected in reality and now become your reality. Your consciousness is everything you make up your world.

  So if too dangerous, you you know it bt danger sense and can always shift back by feel. So think your spirit shows you what is there. Then if you will the result, you can know by feel what is there via vision and what happens if you actually get there. The point is done when you think to realize what is there and you feel what it's like there. This can even shift you or let you know what is what to other planets. So think of the area and your there by feel. That's if you want to teleport. This is where there is phasing, the point that phasing occurs in teleportation is where you think about something and you do it in use of an idea with the blink of the eye by feel.

  If you want to remember it, you can always remember in flashbacks or dreaming. In dreaming you can always fall asleep and you dream of the moment that you experienced by what you do in idea. If you don't dream much, think about it or focus on your need to remember then you will see a flashback sometimes and remember for a short period of time. If you feel its a bad experience, then your mind might block it out if necessary or you can't bear the thought by idea. If you can bear the thought, then you won't block the recall of the memory. This matters because your aware of the moment an you might shift and want to remember where you were and you avoid going back there.

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  Focus ability

   Learning ability level: 1.
  This skill is "Focus ability" on the character sheet and stat block (the area where class skills and abilities are listed by feel). Focus is the ability that allows for you to focus on a thought and creating what you need. This is done with a 1d20+focus rank die roll and counts as success with a 10 or above rolled. Otherwise this is increased energy for more potential spells.

   You may increase your mp by 10/level in which you use a standard action. 2 attacks taken up would have a Focus rank to succeeding and +(however many here) to the mana you get. Your full round taken up with idea by focus could have 20 mana regen. For stamina you can go above 100 s to gain 15 s and Focus rank. Focus for 5 min; for mp and s, 1st level regains 20, 2nd level 40, 3rd level 60. 4th level 80, 5th level 100, 6th level 120, 7th level 140, 8th level 160, 9th level 180, 10th level 200 and +10x etc.

   Focusing allows for greater damage focus by casting it then waiting a round to effect release. As though in what you do as damages if normal and then that use is the focus ability to effect greater damage. Doing so allows for increased damage effect by spell or weapon. Using this damage focus takes an extra attack. So to use, take 1 attack action for the weapon or 1 whole round for the spell. Then use is easier, this is another point for the focus with accumulated two attacks taken up.

   Each skill point in focus ability adds 1d6 hp to the focused spell or weapon damage like 2d6 hp healing via 2 focuser rank. It also increases your mana restored by +1 like 1d10+2 for 2 focusing skill ranks. Per skill point it adds +1 to the stamina recovered like 1d10+2 stp for 2 focusing skill ranks. This uses a concentration skill check to be made for success via d20 and takes no no mana or stp points where this is a specialty lightning by thought with ions made with elements and personal allowance.

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Soul Batteries

  Learning ability level: 1.
  Get the crystal or object and say "a-d" (Aid-Dee) or "makrawees" (mak-ray-weh-ee-s) at the crystal to create an energy trap source with a lit candle near. This soul battery can hold 100 mp/stp with your charge or others. It can sustain the energy for spells and pass the rest to the body for addition to your original count.

  Will word ability:

  It is to imagine the event whatever way the mage wants then will the event to occur by speaking a power word or phrase that represents the effect. The noun form keywords are: "yl" for wild magic, "pyr" for fire, "lece" for water, "air" for air and zone, "humu" for earth, "as intus" for life and heal, "neta" for nether, evil, void or negative, "bodio" for body", "ypa" for clean-up, "uma" for summons, "myu" for magic, "t" for time (speed, slow or stop), "avem" for dream and "fatalis" for instant death.

You use these words through will word the effect you desire as in "make control pyr" for creation of a fire that controls people. The words "yl protect" for a wild magic protection.. Gain a will word effect by casting it with a free action. Each 2 focus skill points for levels 1-9 to an ability has the effect of +1 round to all non-instant will word duration, +10/- damage reduction. Speed, slow and stop time effects here and +1d8 + wis mod for all will word effects. With time effects, do not apply the all skills bonus.

Each 2 focus skill points for levels 10-19 to an ability has the effect of +2 rounds to all non-instant will word duration, +20/- damage reduction. Speed, slow and stop time effects here and +2d8 + wis mod for all will word effects.

Each 2 focus skill points for levels 20-29 to an ability has the effect of +3 rounds to all non-instant will word duration, +30/- damage reduction. Speed, slow and stop time effects here and +3d8 + wis mod for all will word effects.

Each 2 focus skill points for levels 30+ to an ability has the effect of +4 rounds to all non-instant will word duration, +40/- damage reduction. Speed, slow and stop time effects here and +4d8 + wis mod for all will word effects.

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  Learning ability level: 1.
  Runic ability:

Runic Divination. Divination runes are marks of choice on a tine(rune carved piece of wood, ivory, bone, etc..) and the focus of the mind to bring future vision through it. Just do it to bring the vision, with the use of a rune of choice. To use this say, "I divine with astral rune" then wait for a dm supplied future glimpse.

  Runic Magic: Learning ability level: 3.
  Runes are the symbols of the representative force Use: focus through the rune and will through that force the effect you'd want. You just do the rune to make it happen. You can draw the runic picture and use that as a temporary focus or use a runestaff to make more permenant spells. If the wielder is good enough being 10+ level said wielder can imagine the effect and say the rune name to channel through. To use a runic effect for level 1-9 draw the rune on paper thus state result like "I use this fire rune making fire healing for [person or thing]"..For level 10+ just state "I call the water rune for cooling the temperature down" or "I call the nether rune to make 20 gold" for the instant +20 gold. Each 2 focus skill points to an ability has the effect of +1 to non-instant runic spell duration, +10/- protection and +1d6 + wis mod for runic effects. This uses wisdom as core stat.

The runes to draw are as below:

For wild magic: the runic symbol is a fairy picture.
For fire magic: the runic symbol is a dancing flame.
For water magic: the runic symbol is a picture of a few wavy lines.
For air magic: the runic symbol is a picture of a whirlwind.
For earth magic: the runic symbol is a picture of ground.
For life magic: the runic symbol is a picture of a dancing person.
For nether magic: the runic symbol is a picture of a skull.
For the astral plane magics: the idea runic symbol is a picture of a cloudy tree or what your energy is concept in art.

An example of these runes are here with this Runestaff.gif

Wild magic is chaos magic and the magic that people would call to get what they want when no other force works. It is the most difficult and takes the most effort. It is raw force that will overcome any other force being the power that underlies all powers. It is the power of decay and disruption plus this power controls all other forces plus its opposite is astral for it counters the astral energies. One can call demons with wild magic as demons are chaotic in nature thus controlled or contained with the chaos in an area.

Fire magic is from the plane of the fire elementals. It is also heat. It has the power to cause or quell fire and its opposite is water.

Water magic is the ability to manipulate water. It to can quell fires. It can also do great water damage plus its opposite is fire.

Air magic is the power of the wind, weather, psychic and lightning. It can cause great damage through any of this respective power. This also serves as support as barriers, shields platforms plus its opposite is earth.

Earth magic is the power of the earth. It is divided into lava manipulation, plant life manipulation, and earth manipulation. Minerals, metals and rocks are of earth as well as plantlife of most sorts as well plus its opposite is air.

Life magic is good because of it being soul power and does not control but supports in its manner without end.. Through it people can manipulate spirit force by this soul energy. The soul is a very powerful life force that is represented by life magic. Things are alive (including inanimate objects) because of the soul except unworshipped things for its people that give a little of their soul force as they focus. Everything becomes alive by life given from peoples thoughts. The proof is to believe a stone has conscious and then do this for ages till it does. One day the stone has a conscious will through belief effort thats revealed to its worshipper. To resurrect by life you bring back the soul to the body in reuniting by spirit force. This spirit force is the element to keep life going plus its opposite is death..

Nether magics are evil for its the magic of death, dark and void. Anything dealing with death is done with this force. Animation of a body or skeleton is controlling life to make an alive state in a dead thing drained of life. Compulsion is part of death as it can force a personal fear to make conformity by threat. Undead are animated by desire and purpose or by someone else including liches and vampires. Its death manipulated life that allows the dead to come back as in raising. Void is death as it consists of nothing but death and lost things bringing entropy to what it touches. You can make objects from death recreating the object in perfection including memory and emotion plus its opposite is life.

Astral plane magics is dream magic plus people can use dreams to best effect through this power. Visions can also be enacted to the person who is the target. Be wary of attracting power beings for the very use of astral power begets attention. This power can replace the other powers as a energy source except death for the effects you need plus with this power people become stronger in the mind. Overlong use becomes a +1 int mod to character as in any use of this power. Its opposite is wild magic as it counters the wild magic energy. This is what can effect others.

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  Wish ability:

  Learning ability level: 1.
  The wish ability is the Saying of a wish and the effects a few minutes to a few days later. It is slower than a spell only because of the echo effect that causes the power to manipulate the events to occur. Any event can be accomplished by a wish. .The wish ability is governed by will(wis) and accomplished when you do it. Usage: state "I wish for [desired goal]" then it happens. An example: "I wish for 100 gold" and the it appears near you or on you as dm decides. This effect is instant thus per 2 skill points for limited wish or per 1 point unlimited wish. The limited wish allows for small to normal effects as in wishing for gold, dealing 1d10 damage/healing for each 2 focus skill ranks, +5/- protection, for speed, slow and stop time wish effects look here.

  The unlimited wish allows for any effect like make an enemy disappear as if non existant.

  So for levels 5-9 this is per every 2 focus ranks dealing 2d8 damage, +15/- protection, and speed, slow and stop time effects as above.
  So for levels 10-19 this is per every 2 focus ranks dealing 3d8 damage, +20/- protection, and speed, slow and stop time effects as above.
  So for levels 20-29 this is per every 2 focus ranks dealing 4d8 damage, +25/- protection, and speed, slow and stop time effects as above.
  So for levels 30 and up this is per every 2 focus ranks dealing 5d8 damage, +30/- protection, and speed, slow and stop time effects as above.

 This uses wisdom for the core stat. No stat wishing due to buying stat points with xp and no instant death due to the spell death. With time effects, do not apply the all skills bonus. With the wish ability, If you gain this ability by learning it, you gain the wish ability as a listed unlimited wish.

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Creator ability:

The creator ability contains skills that are instant or round based. Skills in the ability are; Creation for the effect and Spell recognition for the recognizing of the effect so far, that means this can use the creator to recognize the idea and create the effect. If you need to create with these abilities and roll a die, then roll a d20 + focus skill ranks with 10 or above as success.


Creation (Ex): Learning ability level: 1.
This is a creator's wish ability, think it and state the result to create it. The gm will decide if its possible. He or she can create whatever he or she wants by thinking about it and his or her need manifests. How quickly it manifests is with a roll of a die 10 (if you use a die roll), this is 1-2 within 1 second, 3-4 is within 2 to 4 seconds, 5-6 is within 5 to 8 seconds, 7-8 is 9 to 12 seconds and 9-10 it doesn't manifest. This roll represents how long you focus energy to create the manifestation, otherwise you could just focus for 2 to 10 seconds for 1 seconds is manifests within 6-10 seconds, 2 seconds is manifests within 3-6 seconds, 3 seconds is within 1-2 seconds manifest. This is creation of whatever you want that appears somehow, and you think it, act as though using it and you can seem to create it.

  Spell recognition (Ex):

Spell recognition (Ex): Learning ability level: 3.
This is where you know what the effect was and can create the spell or effect again, this is if you knew what the effect was. So you know by thinking you know, and the spirit allows you to realize the effect by knowing what it is. On a die roll to see if you knew it, their maybe a die 6 where 1-3 is success and you do and 4-6 is failure and you don't or there could be a 1d20+focus rank and that's getting a 10 or above for success that you knew. Otherwise the GM allows this ability to work.

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  Chaos ability:

There are 7 skills within this ability thus they are Chaos effects (Cha), spell subversions (cha), Switching frequency (Cha), Kao confusion (Cha), Chaos shield (Cha), Tonal Shield (Cha) and Light shield (Cha). Each skill is gained separately at some level. No roll is used for success of these skills as you just do it unless you are needing to roll, then you may roll a 1d20+focus rank with 10 or above..

  Chao effects:

Learning ability level: 1.
Chaos is wild magic so the worker will only have to imagine the event and it will happen by calling upon chaos to make it so. The chaos energy, can even make it happen, by imitating the source! Call chaos by a free action with these keywords; "kao" for chaos, "p" for person and the action words are make, control, alter, destroy and protect.

You use these words through chaos to effect your desire as in "kao create" or "create kao", for a chaotic event, such as healing by chaos or other things as in stating the effect and having it happen with the chaos making it occur, by a 'kao create'
"kao control" for a chaotic control spell
"control p" for personal control
"kao destroy" for a chaotic destruction spell.

Each 2 focus ranks, round down, this is 1d10+cha mod damage/healing until your level 11 where it's 1d12+cha mod for damage/healing and level 20 where its a 2d10+cha mod in effect, otherwise its +10/- damage protection and any effect can last 1d6 rounds, speed time along with slow and stop time described here.

 Spell subversion:

Learning ability level: 3.
Subvert an active spell as it happens. The spell must first be seen in some manner to subvert . A successful chaos roll makes the subversion happen. Then after that the chaot simply redirects plus reforms the raw spell as needed. To stop a subversion one makes a save versus will. Call this effect using a free action by these noun form keywords; "juu" for spell, "kao" for chaos plus the art action words are subvert, control, alter, destroy and protect as in "juu kao subvert" to subvert a spell, "juu control alter" to make it a control spell, "juu protect alter" for making the spell into a protection spell and "juu destroy kao alter" for a destructive chaos spell. Each focus rank is +1 to the chaos roll.

   Switching frequency:

  Learning ability level: 5.
  You can cure any disease or fix any problem. The idea of this is the "vibration switching frequency". You are constantly touching a sick place or problem area. That is once per second and you say the name of god. The frequency of all kinds of diseases or problems are changing and getting better by feel.

  Kao confusion:

  Learning ability level: 5.
  Causes destructive confusion near the target enough to distract the opponent or target. This will be a disturbance somewhere where the caster wants it so to be effective plus it can take any form the practicioner wants. Call this by natural ability or wild rune with a free action. A chaos roll is needed for success plus there is a save vs will to null the effect of being dazed for 1 round. Each 2 focus ranks added in makes it +1 round to the dazed state upto 6 rounds with a 1d6 rolled to decide how many.

   Chaos shield:

  Learning ability level: 7.
  This shield is made with the shield construct that acts by making the aura energy protect you from chaos, you can think about the "shield construct" and it will activate for yourself upon statement that its active. Then is the point your protected and it provides for you and protects you from any chaos in the area, albeit energywise or mind know when its active as you feel calm and without stress.

  When active, there is a chance that it will create whatever you need or want as you desire it.. Also the area is cooler by feel. This shield lasts until you are without heat and reactivates when the heat is replenished after 1d6 actions or until you don't need it. Any chaos in the area or where you think to see empowers it to do its things that you want as a need.

  This is basically an all around good shield to have. What it does in damage or healing amount is 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks, round down, until level 20 where its then 2d10+charisma mod. That means for a level 10 chaot with 13 focus ranks and 5 charisma mod, that's 6d10+5 in amount or 65% max. Level 20 with 20 focus ranks and 7 charisma mod is 20d10+7 or 207% max in amount. How long it lasts is 1d6+charisma mod in rounds, if there is any duration effects.

   Tonal shield:

  Learning ability level: 8.
  This shield construct uses chaos and order as its bases, that in balance keeps things normal and makes with both chaos and order forces what you will into existence. When you have disorder or out of balance moments, the shield destabilizes and when you think "in balance", the shield remains to protect you from things you dislike. Such as attacks and effects cast against you. If you have too much disorder the shield balance falls apart and disappears, as the tonal shield becomes nothing energy that goes back into the void. This is done as it naturally goes back to the void, that's done by your soul making a gate that sends it back.

  The effect of this shield is to protect against all attacks and making use of assaults energy, thinking to create something that you want. If you think to use it, it lasts in melee/battle 1d6 rounds and unlimited time outside of battle. If you create with it, you make what you will into existence with the energy of the events. This doesn't form attacks, yet it can create effects like warding to ward off attacks, making things you want happen or make the attacker not want to attack. Think to use this creatively, as you can create nearly anything by the power of chaos and order.

   Light portal:

  Learning ability level: 9.
  The energy made by frequencies are projected by lights that make exist a portal within an area, this creates by using added light energy and the area energy as a portal. That creates within the area an egress to another dimension, that's you want to go to that your soul guides you to that is with your senses by feel. This portal can act as a viewing gate, where you glimpse what you want to see through it as you think to the area in general and the portal itself of what you want to see.

    If you resist the urge to enter it, the portal if nearby can close if the frequencies aren't there, then the portal was closed and the area, including people, revert to normal. This is instantaneous in effect, where it can be used to cast forth attacks or effects you make instantly. That means it can project forth a weapon or effect without being nearby them in an instance. This lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle, and can gate you anywhere you want to be.

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Kinetic ability:

This effect is the concept of motion which is focused by the warrior's single-minded focus through the effect you would want. Focus it through your body motion or weapon choice motion believing that your motion will allow for the effect. There are many things you can do with this. Things to do are: Kinetic speed-up (Cha), Human defense field (Cha), Kinetic attack (Cha), Kinetic flying (Int), Kinetic manipulation (cha), Kinetic funnel (Cha), Kinetic runic (Wis), Kinetic Antemetal (Cha), Kinetic choke and Weapon power (Cha). These effects are just done and it happens sometimes with a a 1d20+focus rank and a 10 or above is success.

Some skills are done with a perform skill check. Each skill point is applied to all of the skills equally so all you really need is the focus rank as in 3 focus ranks=3 kinetic speed-up=3 human defense field=3 kinetic attack= 3 kinetic flying=3 kinetic manipulation=3 kinetic or will skill funnel=3 Kinetic runic 3 Weapon power. Except the kinetic choke is not a true skill but a special ability, thus each skill has its own effect as you gain all the kinetic skills at different level with kimetic ability that channels skill energy unless class specified.

  Kinetic speed-up:

  Learning ability level: 1.
  When traveling, by 3x light with 2x movement you can speed things up by using your kinetic motion and imagine time speeding up as in a clock. Imagine this clock as it is in normal motion. Now speed up the hands of the clock in your mind while moving and it will speed up time for your group or yourself as it moves. Now allow the clock in your mind to slow down to normal while not moving and this will keep time stable. This method can make ideal traveling time as in minutes from hours to cross a place that would normally take hours to cross. When in effect there is a +20' to all base speed in character party till the effect focus fades away. When dazed the effect is cancelled leaving the worker slightly tired. Call this effect by a "make spe" for make speed-up and lasts till worker decides to end it by "destroy spe" for end speed. Each skill point is +5' increase to the +20' speed and gives +1 attack action to the party upto +4 with a concentration check and a 1d4 to see how many attacks are added to all party members. With time effects, do not apply the all skills bonus.

  Human defense field:

  Learning ability level: 3.
  This method is called the human defense field. While moving in some manner, try to visualize a air field that keeps attacks from touching you. It bounces the attack because of as inther and motion of body being linked by mental focus. The better that one gets at this, the less likely they will get hit even by spells themselves. This gives the worker +6 to AC and +3 to the will saving throw. Call this effect by "make 14 seh" for make defense field plus this effect lasts till combat end or a "destroy 14 seh" for end defense field. Each skill point adds +1 AC to the +6 AC of the caster.

  Kinetic attack:

  Learning ability level: 5.
  The kinetic attack is similar but not similar to normal attack as you power the weapon to assault with. This effect goes like this: Focus the motion of the body and weapon in hand to make itself energized. Just feel you body and weapon motion being channeled into an energy effect of your choice on your weapon. Now swing your sword or whatever you do with your weapon at the target of choice. Causes +1d6 damage added to choice weapon when in effect. Call this ability into effect by "make eqyu" for kinetic attack. The worker can end it by a "destroy eqyu" for end kinetic attack or be disrupted. Each skill point is an +2 to the the 1d6 as 1d6+2 for 1 skill point and 1d6+10 for 5 skill points.

  Kinetic flying:

  Learning ability level: 5.
  Flight is achieved through the effect of sudden movement while you feel happy by a happy thought. Gathering your kinetic energy while feeling happy you fly in the air. The happy feeling will lift you up on kinetic motion of the sudden movement. This works most times granting worker the ability to fly at will while in effect plus stops working on touch of ground. In order to work you must lift off the ground through a free action. To call this into effect say "make jio" for make fly while with happy thought and kinetic channel. Each 2 focus skill points adds a +1 mod to the perform skill check.

  Kinetic manipulation:

  Learning ability level: 7.
  The kinetic manipulation is simple because of the fact of imagination. Imagination rules the mind and it also rules kinetic motion, by manipulation. Imagine the effect needed and focus your movement into fueling that effect into happening. Allow the motion to cause the effect and control another, by relaxing your mind and focusing your will to control, as you do the idea. This uses your gut feeling to convert it through focus of your motion, and making the effect you imagined. Moving your finger in some manner will do it. Control anyone at will without realization of it. Call this ability into play, with "control p", for manipulate people and "destroy control", for end manipulation.

This effect ends on a successful savings throw vs will by victim done each round of effect till broken or on the controllers command plus can be done anytime.Each skill point counts as kinetic strength as in 50 lbs per point. 1 skill allows you to control up to 50 lbs person. 2 skill points allows you to control up to 100 lbs person. 3 skill points allows you to control up to 150 lbs person. and etc. So a 5 kinetic strength = up to 250 lbs person control.

  Energy funnel:

  Learning ability level: 9.
  Funnel the energy of others including objects into yourself as they do an action. Fueling yourself for another action plus your own kinetic energies to keep up an assault or do another spell. Drain an emotion to cause the person calmness, drain an enchantment by draining enchantment or sap the attackers will to stop an attack early. Call this into effect through noun form keywords: "efunn" for energy drain, "wim" for emotion, "objii" for object enchantment, "wyl" for will, "e" for energy, "p" for person or spell use in mind for energy.

On a 1d10+2/skill rank is hp as in 1d10+6 for 3 skill ranks drained per round from people to be considered as stp to you. For objects enchantment disappears leaving a normal object. Will drains on success creates dazed effect on person.lasting 1 round /skill rank to bring the person out of the fight . Emotion drain person calms or brings people out of berserk state on success. Protection effects are +10/- damage reduction per skill rank. Control effects are to control objects or energy via voice commands plus objects must be seen as in a magical statue or control a spell thus to end it quickly or force it on the caster. Examples: "make efunn wyl" for energy drain person will, "destroy efunn wyl" for end energy will drain, "destroy efunn" for end energy channel, "make efunn objii" for energy drain enchantment, "control e destroy". for spell end and "control e p" for control spell to person.

  Kinetic runic:

  Learning ability level: 10.
  The kinetic rune is the focus on the rune using the hand or finger trace in air or on paper to cause the rune to enact temporarily with purpose by intent. Carving it into something may permanently place it in action. The worker can do any rune with this, called in the same manner as runic magic for it uses the same runes. Each 2 focus skill points is a +1 round to non-instant runic spell effect, +10/- damage reduction.

  Each 2 focus skill points you can make a +1d8 hp for levels 1-9.
   +2d8 hp for levels 10-19.
   +3d8 for levels 20-29.
   +4d8 for levels 30+.
  That's thinking to create a runic effect, then its with a symbol that you think to empower.

  Kinetic Antemetal:

  Learning ability level: 11.
  This is the ability to get effects from metal and stone, as a form of magic in the area, by speaking to the metal itself. The ability is activated by thinking of the metal, in the area and to imagine the event whatever way you want. Then, to will the event to occur by speaking or willing a power word or phrase that represents the effect. The metal will cause the effect, by you, an adding your energy through activity, as though speaking to the metal and making vibration, to the metal itself. Thus, the metal will vibrate and make it an effect. Through the speaking, by vibration, to the area energy and possibly causing the result.

The noun formed keywords are: "yl" for wild magic, "pyr" for fire, "lece" for water, "air" for air and zone, "humu" for earth, "as intus" for life and heal, "neta" for nether, evil, void or negative, "bodio" for body", "ypa" for clean-up, "uma" for summons, "myu" for magic, "t" for time (speed, slow or stop), "avem" for dream and "fatalis" for instant death.

Where in thought, influence is to create an event by the causing it. As you think of a moment or create some idea to use, your idea is thought or idea use in concept by what you see. What you see is there if you think this is.

You use these words through willing them, for the effect you desire, as in "influence control pyr" for creation of a fire that controls people or fire destroy to cause the fire to destroy a target. The words "yl protect" for a wild magic protection.. Gain a willed effect by casting it with a free action. Each 2 focus skill points to make an ability has the effect of +1 round to all non-instant effect duration, +10/- damage reduction. Speed, slow and stop time effects here.

The attack effects of this is a 2d10+charisma mod damage for levels 1-9 per every 2 focus skill points
3d10+charisma mod damage for levels 10-19 per every 2 focus skill points
4d10+charisma mod damage for levels 20-29 per every 2 focus skill points
5d10+charisma mod damage for levels 30+ per every 2 focus skill points

This is negatable through resistance to the effect and this isn't counted as magic it's metal effects, or a reflex save.

  Kinetic choke:

  Learning ability level: 11.
  Choke a person to death using metamagic to cause the throat to close up killing them. A concentration check is necessary but a save vs will halts the effect unless the kineticist decides to stop the effect.

  Weapon power:

  Learning ability level: 12.
  Elemental magic power focused by kinetics to the sword. This effect goes like this: Focus the motion of the body and weapon in hand to make itself energized with the element of choice. There can only be one element or a combined element. Just feel your body and weapon motion being channeled into an elemental effect of your choice on your weapon. Causes +1d8+cha mod elemental damage added to choice weapon when in effect. Call this ability into effect by "make eleqyu" only for weapon power attack. The worker can end it by a "destroy eleqyu" for end weapon power attack or be disrupted in some manner. Each 2 focus skill points is used as +3 to the the 1d8+cha mod as 1d8+4+3 for 1 skill point with 4 cha mod and 1d8+4+3 for 2 skill points with 4 cha mod, +2 rounds to duration like 4 rounds greek fire with 2 skill rank. The elements are listed below.

  The elements listed in the runic ability if you are wild, fire, water, air (lightning), earth, life (heal, bless and life) layed against wound for healing, nether (instant death, void, negative, evil) and astral plane for effects. The combined effects are fire and earth for lava or brimstone, fire and water for greek fire with 2 rounds burn damage (unkillable fire), water and air for cold or ice, wild and any other but astral for double damage of 2d8+Focus rank damage, life and any other but nether for element healing like lay weapon against wound to heal, nether and all elements but life for dealing elemental damage to any creature like werewolves, dragons and vampires, astral and all elements but wild for attack at any distance as if you were near the target, nether and life for pain (unconscious) thats 2 round, wild and astral for domination (control) from anywhere as if near for one strike for 2 rounds, air and nether for blindness of 2 rounds, air and fire for body nova that causes the struck victim to explode and doubles damage effecting all enemy for 2d8+Focus rank.

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Other abilities


  Learning ability level: 1.
  This is use of a weaving ability, that is when you use a free action to cause energy to do what you intend. The ability is what you use when you focus the energy of the air and body thinking to swirl it around the body and on focus, there is some effect to create what you intend by what you think and the energy forms. This is including the elements themselves, as you think, focus on an idea and create as you feel it is created so you know it's there. This can create almost any effect, that you imagine or think about and that's thought in the energy weave an that creates it. However, it's just one clever way to do a manifest. You can even heal yourself or others easily with it.

  What is possible is gating with the weave of energy, this is with gating that you can use as the "gate weaving feat" using frequencies or this way by thought and imagination to open gates. Think of the area and imagine an oval in the air expand until it is the size of your body and walk through. The soul is the conscious mind awareness that will make you shift and the spirit will tell you what is occurring. Normal shifting is mentally done, so your soul is where your consciousness is by feel. Then with gating you shift your body and soul, and as your consciousness shifts with the soul, the spirit creates what you intend to create. Thus, you get to be where you intend to be. So what you have to do with gating, then is to make certain your not in an area that would kill you. However you can shift back, so with gating you could end up right behind the target, and then shift to somewhere else after taking it out by feel.

  See with a weave and gating, you could find yourself anywhere or you can open a viewing gate where you view the area by a gateway that shows the area, that's before you go there and the spirit allows you to see it with a vision. You can cause an effect through an open gate, this is done by saying or thinking of what you intend for there. So think and you know what to do and by feel you know what it is there. If you can't survive there, again, you can always shift back. This is in use by what is a point from the past and future lifetime.

  You can also teleport anywhere using gating, all that's needed is to imagine the gate and you walking through it to another place and time, then the soul causes you to shift your body there in a blink of the eye. This is using the energy consciousness to detail things. The body always manages to find the where and what the spirit went and did. Yet time is a point you make and say as a concept you need in life as its idea. So think of a point in time that you open a gate to and your there at that time. This is is known as the idea of gateway creation.

  If you succeed in gating you will have shifted physically, think of where you want to be or see and say where and that is using gating. Then you create a gateway to wherever you want to be at the time you decide to be in the point. Then as you think to exist in the area your in the area. This is an effect of weaving energy and that means you use gating by feel and focus in on the place and time with the energy of the area making a link. This link is broken, when you think it is gone. That is done by a statement to the gm/dm, that 'I focus a gate to exist and I use it to shift to an island.' or somesuch.

  So with weaving that allows you to combine the elements listed in the runic ability, this is used as a energy weave but you don't have to draw the rune. You state "I weave this element for the effect I want" in use and then do it as an action. Each weave does different things. There is wild, fire, water, air (barrier, all enemy zone or lightning), earth, life (heal, bless and life), nether (death, void, negative, evil) and and astral plane to weave together or separate for effects. The woven together effects are fire and earth for lava or brimstone, fire and water for greek fire +2 rounds burn damage (unkillable fire) or heat, water and air for cold or ice, wild and any other.

  Not really bad is astral for a character specified wide area effect that use effects many or one, life and any other but nether for element healing, nether and all elements but life for that effects as damage to even magic immune creatures, astral and all elements but wild for dream element effects that effect as if you were next to the enemy, nether and life for pain (dazing), wild and astral for domination (control), air and nether for darkness effect (blindness) or a black hole that deals 1d6+cha mod per extra round, air and fire for nova that is instant but doubles damage (2d6) effecting all enemy, nether with life and astral create a time weave that allows one to change time faster, slower or stop time. This is a known effect of it.

  The effects for each 2 focus skill points are 2 rounds, +10/- protection, +1 attack for group or person with cha mod as additional bonus to bab, slow time to -1 attack for target/s, halts the activities for the target/s for +1 round and 1d6+cha mod for duration and effect points unless instant effect for level 9 or below, so 2d6+cha mod for levels 10-19, then there's 3d6+cha mod for levels 20 to 29 and so on. See then there's every 1d6+charisma mod or 3d6+4 cold damage for a 6 focus rank skill and 4 cha mod and level 5, so level 11 would be 10d6+4. This is where there's a 3 round pain effect for a 3 rank focus skill.

  This is a 8d6+4 black hole lasting 3 rounds with 8 focus skill rank and 4 cha mod, thats with a character who's level 10. Otherwise, this is a woven weapon that projects from the hand and can hit with whatever element you chose to use. That's stronger than steel and inflicts for a level 10 character, then with 6 charisma mod and 13 focus ranks. The amount of 12d6+6 damage on hit with the element of choice. It lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until its no longer needed outside of battle. There is a save vs spell that halves damage/length. With time effects, do not apply the all skills bonus.

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  Devine devinity ability:

  Learning ability level: 1.
  The Divine ability derives off Mystra the magic goddess and even allows exorcism, don't have to do it she grants unlimited spells limited only by the stamina system. These commands will suffice: "yl" for wild magic, "pyr" for fire, "lece" for water, "air" for air, "humu" for earth, "as intus" for life and heal, "neta" for death, void, evil and negative, "bodio" for body", "ypa" for clean-up, "uma" for summon, "myu" for magic, "ras" for raise, "t" for time (speed, slow or stop), "uo" for instant and "avem" for dream. You can use these words by what you see for use with a divine art effect you desire as in "make control pyr" for creation of a fire that controls people. The words "make ras bodio" for raise dead is what isn't very useful as you have to be near auratic energy to stay alive with focus or thought. "make neta ras bodio" for raise skeleton by the fire energy.

Each 2 focus skill points to an ability has the effect of +1 rounds to all non-instant divine spell duration, +10/- protection and 1d10 + cha mod for all divine spell effects. Like 4d10+4 hp or 44 max damage for a 9 focus skill rank and +4 cha mod. This uses charisma for the core stat. With time effects, do not apply the all skills bonus. As use the words to create with if you think or feel the intuitive or thought to create.

  Domain ability:

  The hell cleric domains are these command nouns: "ruh" for animal, "tobb" for plant, "myis" for knowledge, "trans" for travel, "tryk" for trickery, "war" for war, "onza" for Chaos, "gax" for Evil, "g" for Good or "roy" for law, myu" for magic, "air for air, "neta" for death, "nyc" for destruction, "pyr" for fire, "as intus" for healing, "luc" for luck, "rowan" for protection, "dylu" for strengthen, "stern" for sun or "lece" for water. A hell cleric may choose two any given moment.
  These spells use the stamina system to work and these commands will suffice for all free use or spontaneous spells: "bodio" for body and wound, "ypa" for clean-up, "uma" for summons, "ras" for raise, "gos" for ghost (spectre, wraith or apparition), "ilp" for disease, "pos" for poison, "hea" for heal, "yl" for wild element (all elements), "uo" for instant and "godd" for holy.

You use these words in combination with a hell cleric domain for the effect you desire unless spontaneus or normal as in "make control gax" for control evil people. The words "make hea bodio" for heal body. "control neta bodio" for control skeleton. Just do it for a spell effect. Each 2 focus skill points to an ability has the effect of +1 rounds to all non-instant domain spell duration, +10/- protection and 1d8 + Cha mod for all domain spell effects. Like 4d8+4 hp damage for a 8 domain ability skill rank and +4 Cha mod. This skill uses cha as its no by thought or core stat.

Exorcism; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you drive out the spirit or demon by a will and act of Mystra and make sure it doesn't come back. This is when you call out a god's name and command that the spirit leave by idea you feel sorta like rejection of it. Like "Mystra! I command this possessive spirit to leve the body and no longer come back to it." That is an example though. You can do it however you want.

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  Shadow manipulation:

  Learning ability level: 1.
  Manipulate shadow with a command. Just doing it begets a success with cha core stat. Call this by using these noun form keywords: "as intus" for life, "kyo" for drain, "air" for air, barrier and zone, "pyr" for fire, "bodio" for body", "ypa" for clean-up and "neta" for death magic (negative, void, death and evil), "sad" for dark or shadow, "uo" for instant plus idea you can think of or up. For example "make sad air" causes a shadowy zone, "make sad pyr destruct" for a dark bolt that drains, "make neta air" makes death zone, "make sad pyr as intus" for restoring dark flame, "make sad protect" for shadow protection and "make kyo air destroy" makes hp draining death zone. Each 2 focus skill points is a +2 round to non-instant shadow spell effect, +15/- damage reduction plus a +2d6 to shadow effect. Uber effects are destroying a town while normal effects are destroying monsters using zone range effect.

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Elemental ability:

  Learning ability level: 1.
 What it is, is to make use of the elements, that is creating a gate if the element isn't near. This is done by imagining the event and summoning the elemental energies, that allows you to be manipulating them as it's possible, then this is done to cause an element effect in whatever shape or size of area effects you want in a form. The point is a moment, that is where the element once summoned is creating itself from the gate energy. It's in use of an idea shape whatever way you want, this is a point it effects either the area or the person. So I think about the element and then will the event, the element will do what you want to occur your intention with the consciousness of energy, if you want to speak your intent then it's done by speaking of the point with a surge of energy and a power word or phrase that represents the elemental effect. The chaos adds its strength into it as well. You can cause elemental damage or effect healing. The elements here are represented, known by elemental energies.

 The idea is done when you close the gate, think its closed and the brain makes it closed. The idea is a concept that's done in time, where you can imagine the area and that is what appears from the element in use, so if you use the time as though an element then you can create with a point or thinking of the time to create the effect. Then it's created wherever you intend and whenever it's to be there.

 Here are the use of the other elements:
 This is earth that blocks things out if you imagine building a wall of mud or transmits the energy to the area that forms as you want. Fire is where you create with a concept and think the fire forms from heat what you want.
 Lava can create a melting of the body or material in the area. This also causes heat damage, that effects to the body can make the target collapse after 1d6 rounds. Yet after 1d6 rounds, the item is melted. Otherwise the target receives heat damage, that is the effect damage over a few rounds if in melee. This is 1d6+focus ranks in rounds or until decided to not effect the target.
 Life energy is event energy, and that includes the body energy. This is making use of the life, that is what exists to create events or activity from what exists. This includes healing by the feel or restoration done on focus.
 Fire and ice makes the material or body have internal combustion, this turns it into ashes. This elemental combination cannot by saved from, so this means you create the effect of instant death.
 Air is where you think of the point and make effects, an this is with the intention and thinking of an area that is filled with air. This air creates by condensing itself, then making with the energy and your awareness of what is thought to be. This creates the effect of air and psychic nature is with it's vibration, so that if you desire to realize and the air allows you to know what is possible so you can be guided by what you need represented by visions. These visions can stop when you need them to stop, this is done by the creator ending the point or vision using the dimensional "I" consciousness of energy.
 Water is possible to manifest by thinking at it what you want, that is sometimes use of a water gem like aquamarine or blue moonstone that you hold and focus energy through to create the water. This can freeze into ice with cold air, if you think to focus water into a shaped form you can create water effects. See you can create with a thought being projected to make an icy effect or freeze an idea that you don't like out and it dissolves back into energy, this works as you think of the ice being formed. Sometimes this is working with the element or otherwise is holding a diamond, thinking to channel the cold energy into becoming ice in effect. If you freeze something and this is done by freeze out, you can create purified energy from the frozen thing that is existing and all that horrible result that energy which makes the frozen thing or idea not exist. You see one thing, even if energy, replaces or adds to something else. This is a known effect. That means you are free from an effect, that you freeze so it doesn't exist.
 Acid is the formation of dissolving liquid, that acts on a surface or target. The applied acid can also dissolve substances and surfaces. Acid once used, this will dissolve things applied to or this will cause acidic damage to the target. The acid damage lasts as a per round melee effect or as long as the acid is applied, that means 1d6+wis mod rounds of effect. You don't even have to focus on it.
 The dream element is making things by putting some part of you asleep, then you see what the subconscious allows you to see as though a vision or glimpse, that's as a point is done if you intend it to be noticed in a vision and you can even put a person asleep to mentally chat with them and wake them up after your done.. You control the vision by thinking you do, that is done with the point and intent or thinking of what you need. This vision ends when you realize what's wrong, think you wake up or hear a loud noise. Then your awake, you are aware of what is there as though you were refreshed and awake.
 Disease as an element is any illness or bad body condition, that happens upon the body.
 Poison is the very dirty water, that dehydrates the body and causes it to get worse in condition or plant that causes bad health.
 Void is where you focus on the point, then create with nothing. That is what makes what you want if you have what is being copied. Otherwise this is MPO, that is where the object or element is created if it exists. This is a concept that makes what you want, however if you use void as a raw force, you can create a sucking of the energy and life that is there in the target. This is where you create a knockout and death by the effect, if exposed long enough to void.
 The counter to the elemental energies being used is making use of the creator, that caused it and can cause the element to unexist and that's as though it disappeared so it no longer effects what it can do or did.

 The noun form keywords are: "yl" for wild energy, "pyr" for fire energy, "lece" for water energy, "air" for air and zone energy, "humu" for earth energy, "pyrhumu" for lava, "cyro" for ice, "pyrcyro" for fire and ice or internal combustion, "aetus" for life and healing energies, "ach" for acid or dissolvation, "zez" for disease, "pasa" for poison, "neta" for nether, evil, void or negative energies, "bodio" for body energy, "uma" for summoning energy, "juu" for magic energy, "t" for time (speed, slow or stop), and "avem" for dream energy.

The action verb words are cause, control, alter, destroy, protect and percieve. Et al..

 You use these words through your will and with the effect you desire, as though used as "cause control pyr" for creation of a fire that controls people or "cause pasa air" for making a poison wind. The words "yl protect" for a wild magic protection. Then you get an effect, this is done by casting it with a free action.

 Each 2 focus skill ranks has the effect of +10/- damage reduction. Speed, slow and stop time effects here.

  +1d10 + wis mod for all elemental effect amounts with levels 1-9.
  Level 10 is where it goes to 1d20 + wis mod.
  1d30 + wis mod for level 20
  2d20 + wis mod for level 30+.

  Duration of non instant effects are 1d6 + wis mod in rounds for melee or unlimited time for outside of battle. A concentration check is made for each round that is more than 1. That's until it's ended by thinking it is ended. So with time effects, please do not apply the all skills bonus.

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  Bardic ability:

  Learning ability level: 1.
  As long as there is mp, a bard can use his song or poetics to produce magical effects on those around him (usually including himself/herself, if desired). While these abilities fall under the category of bardic music and the descriptions discuss singing or playing instruments, they can all be activated by reciting poetry, chanting, singing lyrical songs, singing melodies, whistling, playing an instrument, or playing an instrument in combination with some spoken performance. Each ability requires both a minimum bard level and a minimum number of ranks in the Perform skill to qualify; if a bard does not have the required number of ranks in at least one Perform skill, he does not gain the bardic music ability until he acquires the needed ranks. Starting a bardic music effect is a standard action.

Some bardic music abilities require concentration, which means the bard must take a standard action each round to maintain the ability. Even while using bardic music that doesn't require concentration, a bard cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), or activate magic items by magic word (such as wands). Just as for casting a spell with a verbal component, a deaf bard has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use bardic music. If he fails, the attempt still counts against his daily limit of mp.

Just do the spell for the spell or a song for effect unless it requires a concentration check. Each 2 focus skill points has the effect of +10/- damage reduced for shield effect. Time effects are listed here.

  Otherwise, this is where a damage/healing amount is 1/6 the health at levels 1-9, 1/4 the health at levels 10-19, 1/2 the health at levels 20-29. All the health are at levels 30+, unless your target rolls a 10 or above for a savings throw. That's done by rolling a 1d20+luck or if no luck, then its 1d20. Then it's 1/2 the health.

  You use these words for the effect you desire as in "play iptuc" for play wolf song. The words "make yl destroy" for a wild magic destruction. "make yl protect" for element protection of 30/-damage reduction and 3 performance ranks that are then taken into use and worn down, these are not every round except for what the total remaining reduction points are. This uses save vs spell for effects.

  The noun form keywords are:"yl" for wild, energy. "pyr" for fire, "lece" for water, "ypa" for clean-up. "as intus" for life, restore, cure, good or heal, "neta" for nether, void, evil, death and negative, "avem" for astrl or dream, "humu" for earth, body, plant, rock, lava and wound. "umo" for summon: creature of; bard level:creature 1:dire badger, 2:dire boar, 3:dire wolf, 4:dire spider, 5:dire tiger, 6:dire bear. 7:any creature. "juu" for spell, "t" for time (speed, slow or stop), "badu" for sonic that dazes the victim for 1 round with 1d10+int mod damage, "air" for air, barrier or zone. "ureu" for identify. "phit" for fear on enemy "col" for cold or ice.

The songs be:
  1. "creatio" for the song of creation. With the song of creation, think of what you want and then sing about it. The subconscious creates what you want as you sing about the idea. The effect can be anything, including any element like earth that can be mentally propelled earthballs or energy of the earth that blocks things, air that is like an air platform, airballs or air wall, water that is waterballs, watery effects that shorten out machines or water waves, fire that creates a burning effect and can be formed into fireballs, void that sucks any energy you want sucked from the target to you or the void itself, poison that can have damage per round otherwise poisonballs or acid that eats away at things or the target and does damages per round. You can use any element combo, like earth and air for airborn dirt clumps that attack the eyes. This is lasting 3 rounds. It can last longer with successful concentration checks after the 3 rounds.
  2. "iptuc" for wolf song that instills fear that makes the target run unless spell vs save.
  3. "hym" for ritual song that steadies the mind for +2 cha +2 int lasting 3 rounds. It can last longer with successful concentration checks after the 3 rounds.
  4. "hyma" for mood song that causes enemy dazing and courage for bard actor. Each round must have a successful concentration check.
  5. "hyme" for chorus song that causes moral +3 lasting 4 rounds with a successful concentration check each round after the first.
  6. "orous" for shield song that energy buffers halving spell attack. by +10/- damage reduction and +2 will.
  7. "jiy" for song of joy that brings +2 to allies attack, will and saving throws for 4 rounds.
  8. "jicrukido" for banshee wail or death song that causes death for the victims except for a save vs spell.
  9. "nixi" for beguiling song that makes the enemy charmed for 4 rounds unless a failed concentration check after the first round.
  10. "oryu" for magic warning that wards the area, for any problems.
  11. "oriu" for bardic magick that causes any effect. This is instant.
  12. "hymu" for singing that caused fascination on the target but not ally.
  13. "orau" for haunting melody that has +3 all saves 2 rounds.
  14. "warcry" for spirit animal war cry that stuns enemies for 3.
  15. "lybsov" for Song of Freedom (Sp): A bard of 12th level or higher with 15 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to create an effect equivalent to the break enchantment spell (caster level equals the character's bard level). Using this ability requires 1 minute of uninterrupted concentration and music, and it functions on a single target within 30 feet. A bard can't use song of freedom for self.
  16. "xei" for Inspire Heroics (Su): A bard of 15th level or higher with 18 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to inspire tremendous heroism in himself or a single willing ally within 30 feet. For every three bard level the character attains beyond 15th, he can inspire heroics in one additional creature. To inspire heroics, a bard must sing and an ally must hear the bard sing for a full round. A creature so inspired gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws and a +4 dodge bonus to AC. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the bard sing and for up to 5 rounds thereafter. Inspire heroics is a mind-affecting ability.
  17. "contasov"" for Countersong (Su): A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to counter magical effects that depend on sound (but not spells that simply have verbal components). Each round of the countersong, he makes a Perform check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself ) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the countersong is already under the effect of a noninstantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the countersong, but it must use the bard's Perform check result for the save. Countersong has no effect against effects that don't allow saves. The bard may keep up the countersong for 10 rounds.
  18. "cupanci" for Inspire Competence (Su): A bard of 3rd level or higher with 6 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to help an ally succeed at a task. The ally must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the bard. The bard must also be able to see the ally. The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as he or she continues to hear the bard's music. Certain uses of this ability are infeasible. The effect lasts as long as the bard concentrates, up to a maximum of 2 minutes. A bard can't inspire competence in himself. Inspire competence is a mind-affecting ability.
  19. "ityi" for Inspire Greatness (Su): A bard of 9th level or higher with 12 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to inspire greatness in himself or a single willing ally within 30 feet, granting him or her extra fighting capability. For every three level a bard attains beyond 9th, he can target one additional ally with a single use of this ability (two at 12th level, three at 15th, four at 18th). To inspire greatness, a bard must sing and an ally must hear him sing. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the bard sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. A creature inspired with greatness gains 2 bonus Health Percent (1d10), the commensurate number of temporary health percent (apply the target's Constitution modifier, if any, to these bonus Health percent), a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves. The bonus Health Percent count as regular Health Percent for determining the effect of spells that are Health Percent dependant. Inspire greatness is a mind-affecting ability.
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  Shift ability:

The summoning ability contains three skills that are instant yet skill rank limited, and the fourth ability is not rank limited and yet only demons can do it. The skills are with core stat: Create item (int), Summon (int), Shapechange (cha) and Possession (cha). Each skill point is applied for all skills so, thats 4 create item=4 summon skill=4 shapeshift skill=4 Possession skill.

  Create item: Learning ability level: 1.
  It creates the item of choice alotted by skill rank. The item appears where the crafter wants selected from the list. This is limited by 10 max skill rank. 1st skill rank any one good, equipment piece or simple weapon. 2nd skill rank any one sword, scimitar, rapier, axe, light weapon and flail except great, heavy or double weapon. 3rd skill rank any one great sword, great axe, heavy flail, halbred and warhammer. 4th skill rank any one exotic weapon. 5th skill rank any one magic item at a +1. 6th skill rank any one magical item at a +2. 7th skill rank any one +3 magical item. 8th skill rank any one +4 magical item. 9th skill rank any one +5 magical item. 10th skill rank any one +5 intelligent item.

  Summon: Learning ability level: 3.
  The summon ability is limited by skill rank. The skill ranks are limited to 10 ranks. 1st rank gains any small animal or small seaform summoning ability. 2nd rank gains enables any large creature summoning ability. 3rd rank gains all other humanoid races summoning ability. 4th rank gains plant life and rock form summoning ability. 5th rank gains any inanimate object summoning ability. 6th rank gains small, medium or large elemental (any element in runic ability elements) summoning ability. 7th rank gains any huge shape (dragon, griffin, hydra, giant, giant aquatic etc...) summoning ability. 8th rank gains any tiny form summoning ability. 9th rank gains enables any Huge elemental shape (all elements) summoning ability. 10th rank gains any Elder creature form (elder eye tyrant, elder elemental, elder aquatic form etc..) summoning ability.

  Shapechange: Learning ability level: 5.
  The shapechange ability is like the polymorph spell except use a skill rank to determine the form shift. The skill ranks are limited to 10 ranks. 1st rank enables any small animal, small seaform and body part shift (cat, starfish, a hand into a sword blade etc..). 2nd rank enables any large creature shape (troll and etc). 3rd rank enables all other humanoid races shift. 4th rank enables plant life and rock form except not a creature. 5th rank enables any inanimate object shift. 6th rank enables small, medium or large elemental (any element in runic ability elements). 7th rank enables any huge shape (dragon, griffin, hydra, giant, giant aquatic etc...). 8th rank enables any tiny form shift. 9th rank enables any Huge elemental shape (all elements). 10th rank enables any Elder creature form (elder eye tyrant, elder elemental, elder aquatic form etc..).

  Possession: Learning ability level: 7.
  To possess somone the person takes over the body by shifting a part of themselves, as in their spirit, into the victim and its like you have a puppet where you are your the puppetmaster. It controls the person fully and not the controller that gains the skill of the puppet or if they lose the will battle to control themselves they gain the puppeteer ability. This uses cha as the core stat and the possession duration is measured in rounds. For each 2 skill ranks its 1 round + Focus rank. Means a 5 focus skill rank will last 3+4 Focus rank or 7 rounds possession.

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  Dream ability:

The dream ability contains skills that are instant or round based. Skills in the ability are; Dream manipulation (Wis), Astral create (cha), Astral shift and Astral summons. The dreamwalker only uses astral so all other elements are illusions.

  Dream manipulation: Learning ability level: 1.
  Manipulate dreams with a command. Just doing it begets a success with wis core stat. Call this by using these noun form keywords. "ylfxe" for false power that allows control for 1 round. "as intusfxe" for glamour illusion like make illusion more real and causes the illusion to be unnegatable, "domn" for dominate, "airfxe" for air illusion like mirages, illusion barrier and illusion zone (effects all), "pyrfxe" for illusion fire, "bodio" for body", "ypa" for clean-up and "netafxe" for death illusion magic (negative, void, death and evil) that causes victim to be helpless, "humufxe" for illusion earth that allows false memory manipulation. "fha" for fright illusion that dazes, "dre" for nightmares that frighten.

For example "make airfxe" causes a illusion zone, "make pyrfxe destruct" for a fire illusion that burns till disbelieved (will save), "make netafxe airfxe" makes zone that causes all enemies to be helpless, "make netafxe pyrfxe as intusfxe" for flame that disables while doing damage, "make netafxe protect" for death illusion protection. Each 2 Focus skill points is a +2 round to non-instant spell effect, +15/- damage reduction for the element plus a +1d8 to effect. This is cancellable by a will save.

  Astral create: Learning ability level: 3.
  It creates the item of choice alotted by skill rank from dream material. The item appears where the crafter wants selected from the list. This is limited by 10 max skill rank. 1st skill rank any one good, equipment piece or simple weapon. 2nd skill rank any one sword, scimitar, rapier, axe, light weapon and flail except great, heavy or double weapon. 3rd skill rank any one great sword, great axe, heavy flail, halbred and warhammer. 4th skill rank any one exotic weapon. 5th skill rank any one magic item at a +1. 6th skill rank any one magical item at a +2. 7th skill rank any one +3 magical item. 8th skill rank any one +4 magical item. 9th skill rank any one +5 magical item. 10th skill rank any one +5 intelligent item.

  Learning ability level: 5.
  Astral shift allows for the shift of the person into another area or place at will. This allows for the person to walk into dreams or to other places on use. To use: state out loud "I shift into [target here]." Do a 1d20+focus rank with 10 or above for success.

  Astral Summon: Learning ability level: 7.
  So Astral summon by some water drinking ability is just imagine then the creator creates or pulls people or objects from dreams, so you see by the ruler you could gain weight by some creature. See then by feel or seen as a person the goddess Anis is a doe or not yet is human, if wished by feel and is limited by focus skill rank. The skill ranks are limited to 10 ranks. 1st rank gains any small animal or small seaform summoning ability. 2nd rank gains enables any large creature summoning ability. 3rd rank gains all other humanoid races summoning ability. 4th rank gains plant life and rock form summoning ability. 5th rank gains any inanimate object summoning ability. 6th rank gains small, medium or large elemental (any element in the area use as energy you create by understood runic ability elements) summoning ability. 7th rank gains any huge shape (dragon, griffin, hydra, giant, giant aquatic etc...) summoning ability. See or use is cool, think to create to feel or not do as you don't need to.

  8th rank gains any tiny form summoning ability. 9th rank gains enables any Huge elemental shape (all elements) summoning ability. 10th rank gains any Elder creature form (elder eye tyrant, elder elemental, elder aquatic form etc..) summoning ability. So by any use think the rune menaing, then create with lava as you think lava a source use the correct motions by feel.

  Cat human is interesting yet don't think of anymore. Think to create idea or seeing you are as you area create, think not or you understand so the naruto runes are known better then your use is focus. Thus the celestrial ability is usable to create naruto or astral runes. So think astral energy or focusing to create idea by fear to drive away things to cause, what you focus as idea as you trace some idea not to happen unless you are focusing to survive are area aware or don't doubt. See or not doubt is use or create for feel, you succeed the dice roll by a roll of 5 or lower by use you think. Feel to the area to understand what is near by the area existing, from imagination to think or use as we left this to imagination. Think of some useful idea to give if you want some idea or use.

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  Celestial ability:

  Learning ability level: 1.
  Celestial ability is the ability in using the stars as a source and using that source through a focusing key. This can be a key that is used in a lock, or a figurative key that is a word. This is done by drawing a sigil or naming a sigil to invoke the stars power in the air. Then, you may optionally state the constellation name. The main thing, stating 'I summon [name the summons here]', is needed. This is forming gates where the thing you want to summon is and summoning at will. Then, your getting the summons to where you are, or near where your target is. This is to make thought of where you want it to appear. This innate ability uses Charisma.

  At level 1, you can summon any elemental effect. At this level of summoning, you can get 1d6 per focus skill point allocated + Focus rank, for the total effect. For shielding its
+10/- per Each 2 focus skill points.
  At level 5, you can summon any creature to aid you and attack the target/s. At this level of summoning, you can get 1d10 per skill point allocated + Focus rank, for the total effect.
  At level 10, you can summon any elemental to aid or attack target/s. At this level of summoning, you can get 1d12 per focus skill point allocated + Focus rank, for the total effect.
  At level 15, you can summon any greater elemental, to direct with your will. At this level of summoning, you can get 2d8 per skill point allocated + Focus rank, for the total effect.
  At level 20, so you see or create you can summon any Deity effect by stating the Deity name and the effect to get a result. Here is the Deity Domain list. See or not if your aware of what the Deity name is then think to evoke what the Deity rules or creates by idea. At this level of summoning, think the deity to use as you describe then you can get 1d20 per focus skill point allocated + Focus rank, for the total effect.

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  Jedi ability:

  Learning ability level: 1.
  The jedi ability contains skills that are instant or round based. The skills are with cha core stat that use the focus rank; Use a 1d20+focus rank with a 10 or above for success. The skills are suggestion, light saber, telekinesis, cleansing, folding space, force strangle, force wall, heart burst, prescience, mind reading, evoke emotion, astral shift, time shift, fluid shift, shapeshift, force bolt, invisibility, mental mentapathy, time manip, image projection, simulcrum, blind strike, blindsiight, useful banishes, force project, item hide, force wand, force shield, raising and regenesis.

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  Mental use is mentapathy use is for mental focus thought or no fist is self-creative thought some creator creates, think the uses then you create the area idea or the subconscious creates the uses you consider or not as the thought going allows. So you see the area, think to create or focus to making points is creating by the creator. So you roll a die think the result state the area effect then hope it works. The area effect is ruled by the dice so create as you wish is thought, you don't have to use the die roll. So the die is 5 or less is success as 1 is chaos or order seen. Say or not however no is not chaos you think as 1ist is done.

  Think as you see feel as you are or know. As you see you know or you feel you create yet feel is motion, so emotion is a point that you think to useful information. So you see the point I include things I think interest me as I use gurps, so with many different character styles as I like jedi. This is my uses list if you want thought so they exist if you think they exist to know, so what i saw there thataway i got this informing by feel or imagination was forthcoming. So don't lock to see as you are, if I was something or saw something i saw thinking or use were if not many results. Seeing how I saw this I think I was a bit too ddisruptive so I got nothing for something done to me. So I thought quit to get better then i changed things, as I saw the positive allowance thus things are better.

  All this is covered by the jedi ability, these are memories with god ability if you are not unlike a god as soul creates any idea if you think. Soul points by useful banishes are think a purpose, use is activity by them you see as energy then or your own uses are your own devices. Set or unset as your uses are banishing those unliked or realized as to the use. Seen is uses or thought is the focuses to use as your own idea or not so you think to use idea. Set to a dice roll this is 6 or above for success. As you see the area use your area is something useful Sometimes your use are my means, so your uses are some focus point to create with. Seeing by feel you can manage nearly any attributed point or focus, your usage is useful to create with the feel to use as you think this is possible. Seen use is nothing so see the use before, the purpose released is there or your reason is known. The soul creates by the area you see or focus is along a wreck, you sight or use is thought energy focus to the planet core to some point.

  Suggestion: Changing the mind in the fashion of making a person obey your will, manipulation by imagination, and making someone believe what you want them to believe is quite simple. Stare or look at the person and focus the force on said person while saying out loud the statement you want to have said person believe or obey. Imagine instead the conversation and the results you want to enact with said person to get that resulting imagined conversation. The rule here is that the force will flow along the direction of thought and imagination to make the event occur. Don't expect the exact imagined conversation. Instead, just go along with the feeling of the confrontation. Always effect surprise at result of the conversation or said targets will feel they were manipulated. Each skill point is +1 to the concentration check.

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  Light saber: To make use of a light saber effect focus the force in your hand an mentally project the force as a laser light. Feel it extending as a force to the length of which is your desire. With enough focus it should happen as of a laser projection. Each 2 focus skill points are a +1d8 to norm damage such as 2d8+5 cha mod for 2 focus skill points. This effect lasts as long as the worker wants it to.

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  Telekinesis: The act of telekinesis is to lift something with the mind and to bring said object to you or away from you by force of will. Doing it will take patience..Focus with the force. Make a gesture of some sort with the hand and allow that gesture to be linked in your mind to using that force. This is called mind force. Raise the hand to raise the item, gesture to you to bring it close. Gesture away to force the item away. Hold out your hand open to accept the item from the air. When you imagine the item intended to be moved, imagine it doing what you want. Allow for the link to the idea of force. If it worked, things you imagined should happen. This takes considerable practice. Another way is to imagine the item lifting off the ground and feel the force making it happen. Move the hand to move the object that you want in any way you need.

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  Cleansing: This is the ability to not be effected by alcohol and remain cleansed, at least in spirit. Think that your not effected by alcohol and things that you do cleanse your body. This is the way to do this ability, and there is a 50/50 chance that you aren't effected by alcohol. Represented by a d10 where 1-5 is failure and 6-10 is success. The cleansing if you want it happens by the molecules you control to create a clean state.

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  Folding space: Folding space is the act of the body to move through space and time by the way of a force channel. The way is simpleand focus the force to fold space like a piece of paper that has been folded in half. To affect yourself where you are and to where you want to be. The effect of this happening is like punching a hole in the sheet to two parellel points far away from each other. Focus the force to make that similiar effect, by imagining the idea of you or the object in the place you want yourself or the object to be. Now initiate it by imagining a drawn a line from you to the place in your mind that you or the object wanted to be. There should be a feeling of force being used, and you or the object will be shifted. This could be used to teleport anywhere by thought to an, area that reforms by item or person in energy with ability from the person in the area.

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  Force strangle: Strangling someone by force of will has an effect of killing them by closing their throat using the force. This is only intended for revenge purposes, there are better ways than killing people by this method to fix or resolve your problems. Talking is an option by saying your feelings. How to kill by strangling, is to make focus with force on closing the throught by sheer force of will. Use your feelings of needing to get revenge or the feelings of getting rid of dark emotion. This will increase the effort of your force to accomplish the goal quicker. Knocks out victim for +1 round per 2 focus skill ranks and broken by will save. Beyond 4 rounds and the victim dies if the victim fails will save at 20 dc.

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  Force wall: Creating a force will to keep people or things from you is act of creating a force wall. When a person effects a force wall, said person actually makes a barrier of will. This neutralizes the force being present and enacting upon you that you don't like or want. To do it, feel the force and focus it by allowing it to neutralize any hostile force in the area; through feeling the need of protection from danger, or focus it by mentally telling it to neutralize the force that enacts upon you. Another focusing idea is to have the force block the thing you don't want to touch you. If you create a force wall with the direction, of being in a radius of a certain area of effect, you could make it into a dome of protection. To do this effect, think on the protections you would want. Now, feel the force and focus the force to make protection of the thing or things you would want, in an ever expanding force bubble that expands to the necessary radius of your desire. When you think about it, you could make a house shield of protection from lightning, natural disasters, thieves and people investigating your crimes.

  Another thing with the force wall is to make a focus of force that is in a shape of a moving wall. This moving wall will move forward from you to pass through the targets of your desire. What it will accomplish is the things you thought about before it was formed or as you form it. These things are: to make a freezing wall by thinking freezze while forming it and sending it. As the wall passes the targets, bend with your mind the force will around said targets to make them be kept in their minds or in physical form to stop them from moving. This does a freezing effect on the targets that you want effected. To cause a killing wall, just make a focus of force with the feeling of needing death while imagining the wall moving forward and passing through intended victims.

  This kills them where they can stand or as they stand by making them disappear as if they had never existed. If it doesn't work, it will disorient said people instead and make them wish they were dead. If you think the force wall has an elemental force associated with it, the elemental force will effect a target with the elemental force being emulated. The thoughts of making a person come back to life and forming the force to the will in the form of this thought will make anyone you would want come back to life. All it has to do is pass over dead person and it will raise them. This will effect many things or just one. Each 2 focus skill point to has the effect of +1 rounds to all non-instant manipulations, +10/- protection and 1d8 + cha mod for all manipulations effects. Like 2d8+4 hp damage for a 4 skill rank and +4 cha mod.

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  Heart burst: Indian shamans had a method in which they strangled a person heart by their will to make the death look like a heart attack. This was done by the use of force. When they did it, this was for revenge. To do it, make use of the force. Focus the force on the idea of causing a heart attack within the cone you would want to get revenge on. Imagine a hand that is a force will that sqeezes the heart of the intended victim until you feel it burst. Afterword in life, intended victim will be dead and you will have to accept the consequences in some manner that does not reflect to you.

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  Prescience: Prescientific method is the effort of projecting your mind a few minutes into the future using the force to allow for your body to react to what you see. When you attempt to accomplish this act of projection, remember that one is invulnerable to attacks and can make no actual mistakes that are uncorrectable. To start, make yourself calm by imagining yourself in your own mindscape that relaxes you. Whence there, calm your mind and focus the force to project yourself one to five minutes in advance of your own time. Now feel the tension of your body that is there and feel your mind slip to the projected point using the moment of tension release to send you there floating on a current of feeling. The force is your link to yourself. Now watch what comes and the body reacts to what you watch as if you guide yourself through the force. It is simple as that. It reduces damage +15/- per 2 focus skill points.

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  Mind reading: To use the force to detect lies or read minds, try to focus on making an attempt to listen to the voice that gives information. Focus the force by focusing on the voice and feeling tension in your body. Now feel your mind follow along the voice to its owner. You will feel a shift. Mentally ask "show me the truth" in his mind or mentally ask "tell me the truth". When you get an answer, it will either come as a verbal response or a mental vision as he speaks. Where you get specifics, is what said person is hiding. Another way is to simply observe what said person is thinking. Allow yourself to percieve what he has thought.When done, allow your mind to return to your body. Now use the information with discreetness. Reading minds is just the same except you only see what said person is thinking while talking to said person or listening to them. Combine this with good questions that are focused by what you see.

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  Evoke emotion: Evoking emotion in a person will make the object of conversation appear. The object of conversation is the result you desired from it. Emotion can cause a person to become clouded in a conversation. Though you may have a losing conversation, evoking emotion will cause you to win. How do you this? It is bit of imagination and feeling. Focus the force on the feelings you want the other person to feel. In the midst of conversation, imagine the person showing that feeling. Now imagine the conversation as you would want it. This will cause the conversation to be gaining the end that one desired. This dazes the person for +1/two focus skill points duration.

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  Astral shift: Astral plane shifting through time and space is simple. Focus the force with the idea of being in a forest that has a path going through it. The forest is cloudy and only the path is seen. The rule is to enter the forest with a destination in mind. If the destination is clear in your mind then the forest path is clear of blockage. Following the path through the forest to its end will make you appear at the place you would want as you step off the path. When you are off the path entirely, The path disappears and you are at the place you are in. Step off the path in between and you will appear at a place you probably don't want to be. This affects the subconscious to shift you to any place you desire through the place of dreams.

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  Time travel: Time Shifting is the moment of the force to make an idea of time manipulation happen. To do it focus the force on an image back in time. Say three times "I wish to be there back in time at the spot of my desire." This should make you appear in the time point of your desire. Another idea is to focus the force and send your energy back in time in the form of yourself to the point you remember. Now you say "in five minutes I will be there where I desire!" What will happen is the fact of you collecting enough energy in the form of you that you disappear from where you are and reappear at that point and if enough energy is sent. To go back to your time, do the same thing but focus on an image of the time that you want to be at. What may help is think of your items you used and imagine you standing right next to one. Now touch the item in your mind. Usage: say "I time travel to [time/place here]."

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  Fluid change: Changing water to wine or any other substance is an easy task. Focus the force by holding your hand around the water container and imagine an energy stream going through the water container by going from four fingers to thumb. Have another thought while doing this of changing water to wine. Keep charging the water until turns into wine. To change water to another drink just change the method above and make the thought of change water to the drink of your choice. Usage: say "change water to the [drink of desire].

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  Force bolt: Force bolts are an idea of your force being projected as a weapon. Focus and know the force by imagining the force as a small ball in front of you. Imagine it shrinking to the size of a needlepoint. Now yeild the force and hit the target by linking the idea of the ball of force to the target of your choice with a line in your head. Basically, draw a line in your head from the force ball to the target picture. Now let go of the force ball. Each 2 focus skill ranks is +2d6+cha mod with any element desired.

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  Time manipulation: Controlling time is the process of using the force to manipulate time. Focus the force by imagining a clock in your mind with the words beneath it that represent the area that you would want the clock to effect. This clock is moving at the normal speed that time is moving at. Now speed up the clock or slow the clock down by imagining the clock hands moving at the speed you would want. This forces the time around you to move at the rate you selected. Another way to manipulate it is to imagine the clock and say out loud "time now moves [this percentage] slower for [this area]". Notice the clock had changed. Now dismiss the clock from your mind by allowing the image to disappear. Slow time is -1 atk/focus skill point from target. Speed, slow and stop time gives as described.

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  Image projection: Projecting your image is like making an allowance for the force to act on your behalf. Focus the force by visualizing yourself in the area where you would want to have your image appear. Now speak in your mind to make this work. Allow the responses to be heard by making a sound channel. Allow the force to work with you as you speak by being that channel. When you are finished speaking, dismiss the image in your head of your speaking form. Now think on something else breaking your concentration. The image is unkillable and lasts +2 rounds/two focus skill ranks.

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  Simulacrum: Making a simulacrum is a bit like projecting your image. Focus the force by visualizing yourself in the area where you would want to have your image appear. Now allow the form to take shape as yourself by giving it more energy from yourself. When you feel the temperature, link the simulcrum to the sun. Do this by imagining a sun drawing and making a drawing of your simulcrum. Draw a line to the image of your simulacrum from the sun drawing. Say "I wish my simulcrum had a mind of its own and to be invulnerable to attacks." Now feel the simulacrum take form in full. That is simple. Undoing a simulacrum is just as simple. Will with the force to undo the simulacrum. The simulacrum has the same abilities and 1/4 the hp as the original till death.

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  Blindstrike: Hitting the target by force alone while blinded is simple and straightforward. Put a blindfold on and imagine a dark place in your mind. Now be in the dark place and feel the threat. Allow the force to guide you and when the threat comes near, attack it by using the force as a guide. This takes considerable practice and must be instinctual. It makes +2 atk/two focus skill ranks.

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  Blindsight: Seeing while blind is a practice that cures the blind. The idea is to allow the force to act as sight. Focus the force through the third eye and imagine the things you saw. When you can see clearly in your mind that sight allow your mind to shift the image to the true image of what is around you. The force will allow you to see in truth. To reaffirm belief in the sight, say mentally or out loud "I will see through my eyes the truth of the matter." Say this three times. The caster gains the blindsight ability with all blinding spells negated. It lasts +3 rounds/two focus skill ranks.

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  Force projection: Force projection is the force being used as a physical tool. When it is used as this it is a raw extension of your will. This raw extension is made by imagination of a hand that is in energy form. Use this hand as you would your normal hand. To strike someone feel it form into a fist and strike the person in the gut or the face as in the nose. This force projection is unique as it can make itself look like any weapon. It is like this: it is to imagine the weapon in your hand as you think it should look. Keep believing and focing the force into that items form until it exists. After that it will exist to be used as that weapon. Make it appear and disappear as you will. +1d8/two focus skill points + cha mod.

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  Hide item: Making things disappear is allowing the force to hide the item intended. Doing this is to focus the force on the idea of the item intended. Use the force to tell the object to be hidden. Just focus on the object and tell it to be hidden. Hides objects for +1 round/two focus skill points.

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  Force wand: Using your hand as a wand is to gather your force in your hand to which ye speak what ye want it to do. Focus and need the effect in mind to happen while stating the words. The event will come about in the least noticable manner or as ye would want. Each 2 focus skill points to an ability has the effect of +1 rounds to all non-instant manipulations, +10/- protection and 1d8 + cha mod for all manipulation effects. Like 3d8+4 hp damage for a 7 focus ability skill rank and +4 cha mod. This only effects one person.

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  Force Shield: To create a force shield that rebounds or protects as needed, link your hands together. then feel the force surrounding ye to make a perfect barrier. Thus ye won't get touched by the elements that you don't want to be touched by feel. Atk are bounced/deflected and no damage touches person. It lasts 1 round/focus skill rank.

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  Raising: To resurrect feel the force within you and make imagination of the cadaver being alive doing an activity. Call the spirit back to the body by feeling the body come back to life and want the body come alive. Then think "come alive!" saying out loud at the cadaver in a low voice with authority "Death to life!" and either the force will respond to bring back the body or the body will be enlivened. Do this over an over again as needed because this may take more than once. This takes a concentration skill check. Each 2 focus skill points is +1 chance bonus to concentration.

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  Regenesis: Create as you think, the energy of the body resurges and creates the lost limb back to normal from DNA patterns in the body and its a little bit weaker than before.

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Mysticism ability:

The Mysticism ability contains skills that are instant or round based. Skills in the ability are; Mysticism (Wis), Spirit walk (Wis), Totem effect (Wis), Etherial form (Wis) and Spirit possession (Wis).

  Mysticism: Learning ability level: 1.
  Being a mystic be the epitome of using spells, rituals and words to cause an effect by life energy for the effect to happen. The ritual be most important as it allows you to focus the energies in however small the ritual or effect. Studying the pattern to recognize the effect be also a part of this as it enables the Shaman to effect a counter with no trouble or ward away disaster. A general rule be to know the effect be to recreate the idea or product and to recognize danger signs give you ability to make proper saves aka a +2 to will saves and reflex rolls. Now to the ritual or word phrases using art as the verbs and form as the nouns with raw magic as the material and these words are:

  Form noun words: "juu" be magic, "corpo" be body as in living body or dead body, "ego" be mind as in mental or perception, "solido" be material as in any materials, "grubb" be plant, "el" be metamagic as raw power, "kuh" be illusion, "ert" be earth, "lava" be lava, "pyr" be fire, "lece" be water, "purn" be ice, "sild" be shield and "air" be air and barrier

  Art action words: make, alter, destroy, control and perceive. Using these words are to get these results: Each 2 skill points gives a success to be achieved with a +1d10+wis mod effect ae healing/damages, +1 rounds to non-instant effects, shields are +5/- per any weapon.

  Each 2 skill points after level 10 gives a success to be achieved with a +2d8+wis mod effect ae healing/damages, +2 rounds to non-instant effects, shields are +10/- per any weapon.

  The effects possible are for "juu solido make" for magic missile, "ego perceive" for adapt perception, "el control" as in raw force bend aside and "ego make" for create image. That's with others possible for different combinations.

  Spirit walk: Learning ability level: 3.
  Thinking to walk the planes in spirit form and hope to get back without death as it takes the spirit to power the body and the body weakens quickly after 12 hours and yet its a gift of the spirits to be able to granted by prayer or service to the spirits. On gaining this ability focus a gray wall to hide yourself and then send your spirit as "ether", sending it out to travel for you into the spirit world or where you think about, you can go anywhere and anytime to "visit" in another body unseen including the "animation" of a dead to very dead body and it will appear as you want. Your presence be naturally against being seen with exception to detection spells or spirit traps to catch the possessor. Your will forget natural functions after 24 hours of walking and yet you can cheat this by using soul batteries that act like blue magic containment to convert raw magic of any sort including spells sent for or against yourself and this can be represented by crystals or soul and energy traps.

  If your spirit guide is near then you can travel together without harm. To get the spirit back to you "yank" it to you mentally after thinking on it and it will come. The amount of stamina governs your spirit walk and if you lose stamina to the negative and then you will weaken and gain nonlethal damage. After 12 hours your body will recieve 1 point nonlethal damage every 30 minutes regardless of stamina without a soul battery with spirit walking. You cannot go past 12 hours in the past or 12 hours to the future without making a concentration check.

  Totem effect; Learning ability level: 5.
  You can drop totems or object that are empowered items, that heal or attack depending on the type and they are easily destroyed. So it is usually worth it to destroy it. This is created by thinking the item you hold, it creates an effect as you drop it and someone comes nearby. This means you direct the "programming", that you think to the item. So think what you want and it will do it.

  The effect is instant energy effects, yet the damages or healing possible are: This is done by level and per each 2 focus ranks round down. That's like you have 18 focus ranks and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 18 character, it would be 18d10+6. In amount, that's a max of 186% health that's removed. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.

  Etherial form: Learning ability level: 7.
  This be like the etherial form special ability, except a Shaman is gaining etherial form by prayer, a deed to spirit or by spirit walking that makes it more possible every time its done throughout the weakening of the dimensionsal walls near you. This uses Will to shift you to a ghost form of any shape that becomes as though real life and may become invulnerable at will to any attack except corruption itself by demon or spell. Which, can turn you unless you make a will check. This negates the spirit walking limitation and allows unlimited travel.

  You travel as yourself with your body in energy form wherever you go. This form cannot actually be seen, but it can be felt. With Will and intent, you can make it seen physically. This is until you lose your focus on wanting it seen.

  If turned you could be controlled or sent away as in turned back into your form. Its done freely without any stamina used up and with a free action that takes up a entire round. This isn't a natural form because you need a push by making a self-sacrifice and say or think "ghost form" or "etherial form" and thereafter can take the natural form of what you were with possibility of other shapes. This is only with a concentration check.

  If the etherial form be achieved then your body may dissapear into energy with you recombined with it as its now energy but only if you did Spirit walking 10 times. Otherwise you can't be detected if you keep a gray wall around you and focus by folding energy around your shape to feel it form and there you are in the form of choice. By focus on your body and mentally stepping into it will bring yourself back at the moment of death. You then will reappear at the place you are at to live again in the body of your option.

  Spirit possession: Learning ability level: 9.
  Thinking to possess somone over a divisional point of spilt wine is a mistake, by spirit this is like beating another that is unlike themselves with possession. This is where you can ask "are you possessed?", so I think by the person taking over the body with the person. This is usually by shifting a part of their spirit into the person, they are a victim and its like you have a puppet where your the puppetmaster without the skills or kills of the puppet thats hostile. It is the demon of themselves that controls the person then nearly drives them insane, until forgiven or love or something that drives the demon away.

  They are fully there and the controller gains the skill of the puppets body with the stats of the body "sharing" its attributes to the puppetmaster. With the shared attributes, the puppetmaster gains what this is to the body be in shape and skills. Whatever shape and in this way they are shapeshifters. This uses cha as the core stat and the possession duration be measured in rounds of 10 seconds. For each 2 skill ranks its 1 round + Focus rank. Means a 5 skill rank will last 3+4 wis mod or 7 rounds possession till resisted by will check, that's roll a die of 1d20+intelligence mod and get a 10 or above. If no intelligence then its 1d20 with a rolled 10 or above. This is the point you make with the ideal attribute nothing more than that.

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Ninja ability:

  This skill is the general use of the ninja, where they get to use all sorta unique toys. This skill is basically using intelligence with acrobatics ability. The skill rank with d10 is the length, that use is this the ninja skill that lasts. They are the ability to clone effects or spells, the ninja ability that exists as you think. They both use Intelligence as their base. They are aware as you can think to play one aware. That is all there is to them.

  Learning ability level: 1.
  The object and ability cloning ability is where you are cloning a sword or thinking to copy some ability that is used. That is usually by the area observed, that is with created ideal that exists if you think this exists. Any damage is usually ninja skill rank with d10 + dexterity mod. Any healing is the amount needed to be healed that is instance by alpha mode, through thinking to heal instead of use against the person usually remembers what is done. You can heal the ninja way with skill rank that with your health percent is with the players constitution mod. So think to heal someone then state, that you are healing then if the person had 6 constitution mod where you had 8 focus skill ranks with ninja then where your health percent is 100% that means 8d10+6 with health % healed. You know you succeeded if you think to use a 1d20+focus rank with a 10 or above.

  Learning ability level: 3.
  This ninjitsu ninja ability is where I think the ninja can create energy effects by thinking them and this includes elemental effects, that is done so they create by focus then thinking the point to create with a focus skill rank level d10 with strength bonus added to strength modifier. This is 7d10+11 for damage percent, healing or effect length, for a 7 focus skill rank with 11 strength bonus with modifier. They can use the tool by what always is there for them or the ideal energy effect.

  This is where they are thinking of the point they create or think to use by the point where you think then use. This is with weapons, smoke devises or items that you can shoot, throw forth or create with swings or not use the weapon you can just say no then point out the ideal. This uses the point you think then the effect is what you use, use is either your voice, with silent breath or useful item. They are aware of you and you know them they know you, hiding in plain sight then is what you do or that is all or walk away with no thought to yourself. The successful attempt is with a 1d20+focus rank, that's for a 10 or above as success.

 Walking silently; Learning ability level: 5.
  Walking silently is the point you use distraction or the balls of the feet or walk away with not much noise by the correct shoes used. Thinking to walk silently unnoticed is think your not seen walking away or seeable this is by feel that your in or out unnoticed, they either want to be seen or not seen so then you think a distraction or cause one. Thought you create works as you walk with the balls of the feet, seen or not that you walk without the back of your feet touching the ground. Then walk around or away and from the area, this is without seeming detected or effected by what is about to occur. You know you succeed with a 1d20+focus rank for a 10 or above as success.

  Learning ability level: 9.
  Walking up walls and surfaces, this is where you think to walk up the wall, that uses energy on the feet to adjust gravity and you walk naturally up a surface area like a wall. This sometimes works, so think to use 1d20+focus rank and if you roll then a total above 9 then you succeed.

  This body cloning ability is where you make clones of yourself, this is done by going to a special plane with a three touched rib area and this is like instantly creating by self-energy birth the clones you need, that form from air or they appear as you think they do using an element. You can release your energy to form them by the idea you use the energy so you form the clones. Feel free to use a 1d6+ninja skill rank as bonus for how many clones you create. You realize that you formed them and succeed in your action, this is with a 1d20+focus rank as bonus and rolling a 10 or above.

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Witchcraft ability:

  This ability is using charisma as the base stat. There is four innate skills in witchcraft: Charm magic, Supernatural ability (Cha) and Hex magic. As always, if you need to get success, then use a focus skill check with 10 or above as result. Otherwise you may use the Diceless system.

  Charm magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  This uses the angels, sephirim or devas to create what you need, the effect is 1d10+charisma mod per every 2 focus ranks. There is 1d6+focus rank duration. if non-instant, in seconds or rounds within battle and minutes outside of battle unless unlimited amounts of time is allowed.

  Supernatural ability; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is using the spirits, their spirit or the spirit that goes through everything, thinking of what you want and need to cause by the soul the spirit, whatever it is, to get what results you want as though a charm. The effect damage or healing is 1d12+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. The duration is 1d6+focus rank if non-instant. This is done in seconds or rounds in melee and minute outside of battle unless unlimited in time.

  Hex magic; Learning ability level: 5.
  The magic of curses and what you need by the spirit that goes through everything, this uses the third eye and that is energy used to create your desire. This is stronger than charms, so think instead of 1d8 its 2d8. So basically the effect is 2d8+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. There is 1d8+focus rank duration. if non-instant, in secocond with battle and minutes outside of battle unless unlimited amounts of time is allowed. Witches can use riled or poltergeistic spirits, too. So these riled spirits are Demonic, this means they will do whatever you wish to whomever you want effected. This includes anything you want or need excepting what you don't want or need. Wiccans won't use riled and demonized poltergeistic spirits as they are sometimes too dangerous if thought to be so.

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Eldritch ability:

  This ability is using charisma as the base stat. There is one innate skill in eldritch ability: Eldritch magic (Cha). As always, if you need to get success, then use a focus skill check with 10 or above as result. Otherwise you may use the Diceless system.

  Eldritch magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  Eldritch is condensed mana magic to cause effects and it transcends time and space. This uses the death of something to get an effect with added personal mana energy and other energy. To kill something doesn't mean you always kill it, you just stop some function. By using this, you can master the negative.

  The way we gather it, is think of a container being in an object and this makes the energy gathered by a thought 'anme' at the object. This makes it gather the necessary energy. When used by thinking about it, the effect is possible to create a detriment or death in the object. You create effects with thinking about the container of energy, and stating or making by willing your intent for the effect.

  If you decide to end the eldritch energy that effects by objects. Then, decide to stop it, and it stops itself. So if you wanted to get an effect for levels 2 to 7, then its 1d10+cha mod per each 2 focus ranks. For levels 8-13, its 1d12+cha mod per each 2 focus ranks. For levels 14-20, its 2d8+cha mod per each 2 focus ranks. For levels 21-27, its 2d10+cha mod per each 2 focus ranks.

  For levels 28 and above, its 3d8+cha mod per each focus rank. Now duration is 1d6+focus ranks for levels 2-7, 1d8+focus ranks for levels 8-13, 1d10+focus ranks for levels 14-20 and 1d12+focus ranks for levels 21 and above. That is done in seconds or rounds in melee, minutes outside of battle or unlimited for non timed events unless the person wanted to end the moment.

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Were ability:

  Learning ability level: 1.
  Were effect is done in two different forms: Were ability (cha) and Alter form (Wis). As always, if you want success, then you can do a focus check with a 10 and above result (if rolling) or 15 and above (if diceless where you add 10 to the skill rank), otherwise drawing straws and getting the longest or shortest will work by feel. Otherwise you may use the Diceless system.

  Were elemental ability; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you create with harmony and work with the point or expressed idea, that creates what you need or intend. This can create almost any result, that's allowable to the GM/DM. Including the elements, mainly earth, air, water, fire, poison, acid and void. You can mix or match the elements, as you combine them for greater effect. You can burn up things or targets with fire. Cool things off, make airballs or make barriers with air. Block or absorb things or make earthballs with earth. Cool things off, make things wet or water balls with water. Eat things up with acid, cause things to die after a period of time with poison and suck all the energy from the target to you or cause the target to disappear with void.

  The duration or how long this lasts is 1d6 rounds in battle, and unlimitedly outside of battle. The damage or healing possible with this, that's 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19, 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. That's all of the health for levels 30+, unless you have a successful save as it's then 1/2 the health, so it's mainly 1d20+luck and roll a 10 or up. If no luck stat, then you don't have to use luck and roll a 1d20 for a save that's possible with 10 or above rolled.

  Animal shaper; This is an ability that makes your form that of an animal and you have option of standing on 2 legs. You keep your stats, except for height, weight and shape. This lasts until 1d6 rounds pass in battle or until not wanted outside of battle.

  Animal call; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you summon animals that do what you want, that's up to 1d6 in amount with 100% health and your stats. That is lasting 1d6 rounds in battle and until dismissed outside of battle. This lasts until 1d6 rounds in battle or until not wanted outside of battle.

  Were ability; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you use metaphysics and create by thinking or feeling what you need to happen and the subconscious creates what you need or state. So the metaphysics uses: the affinity of something, is an attraction and unattraction of objects or humans in and of a relation. Thaumaturgy or like actions that can control or manipulate like actions through linking actions, exerted force over an object, or visualization from a person. 'As above, so below. Make something happen on a small scale, and you give this the energy to happen your need on a large scale.'

  Mind over matter is yet another way this works, so how much focus in thought, as a grey ritual is just as good as a real one and how in use you are much in idea as that you put into the moment, think to occur the moment and if you feel, make thinking happen to occur. The amount of thought equals amount of energy. An approach is you can change as you think or that you are on a project with creation and the focus is on that project. The more energy you have, the more chance of manifesting or finishing things. If distracted, the project sometimes never gets done, because of sidetracking. The more will one has to occur the project to completion, the more power one puts into it. Eventually, the project is finished.

  Alter form; This is where you think of the form to become and breathe in and out, that is with thinking to become the form you see or intend. Allowing the idea and DNA energy from the spirit of the animal or being, this is done to help manifest or create the altered shape with an induced strength of +1d6 str stat raise that lasts until the effect wears off. This first effects the spirit, then you can choose to shape the body. This is done to create the were shape. Popular shapes that are achieved: other human or humanlike, wolf, fox, rabbit, goat and other shapes including cat.

  This effects for 1d6+focus skill in rounds or until fighting is over. Otherwise 1d6+Focus rank in minutes or until you don't desire the were altering. Sometimes where this effects the body, there is a were moment of random irritation and sensitivity that can cause anger and hate moments. This is decided by the GM or yourself (where allowed) by a d100, in results that means 51 or above is a were moment of some hatred and with a release of anger. This were shape stops being with irritation and your were moment is done. That is done in 1d6 rounds in melee or battle or 1d8 hours outside battle by feel and idea. Otherwise its until not wanted, then the change undoes itself.

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Angellic ability:

  Angellic ability; Learning ability level: 1.
  This ability is using charisma as the base stat. There is four innate skills in Angellic ability: Angellic magic (Cha), Messaging (Wis), God magic (cha) and shifting (cha). As always, if you need to get success, then use a focus skill check with 10 or above as result. Otherwise you may use the Diceless system.

  Angellic magic; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is ability where you write or think things, then state the idea and the area energy consciousness is what creates the results for what you think of what you need by feel. Also if you imagine the event or action, then you create with the energy using your energy as guidance, thus imagination becomes real results or manifestation. If you need things, then they come to you by what you feel is necessary.

  The effects of angellic ability uses the creator, the one whom created us, this is done to create peace and harmony in the area by feel, also if you focus on a target you can create a generated result of what you imagine is formed. This has the effect of 1d8+cha mod for levels 1-6, if you are levels 7-12 then its 1d10+cha mod, so for levels 13-19 it's 1d12+cha mod and levels 20-26 it's 2d8+cha mod. This is per each 2 focus ranks. The duration is 1d6+focus ranks for levels 1-6, 1d8+focus ranks for levels 7-12. 1d10+focus ranks for level 13-19, and 1d12+focus ranks for levels 20 and above. This is in seconds or rounds in melee and minutes outside of battle unless instant or unlimited in time.

  Messaging; Learning ability level: 5.
  The ability of an angel is really where you are a messenger of telepathy, so if you think of the message to send, then think the person you want to have the message gets the message. The person will get a message by feel. So this is the messaging ability, really caused by what you think and need, that the soul causes the spirit to make known. This gets to the person you think about, that ends up with the message you intend to send.

  God magic; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is using God names to create what is needed, this works as you call out or think the God name and ask a request. This is what is used by feel for the people that use this as an ability . where they their ability is powered by their spirit guded by their soul. The effect for this idea of God magic is similar to other forms of magic, except the damage or healing amount is 2d8+Focus rank per each 2 levels as a point for the character. Duration, if non-instant, is 1d6+focus ranks for seconds or rounds in melee and minutes outside of battle unless unlimited in time.

  Shifting; Learning ability level: 9.
  This ability is where you think about the location and you are there if you need to be there. This is a form of teleportation that uses the creator, an though are what is "created" there where you need to be and uncreated where you are at the moment.

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Sun runner ability:

  This class has two actual abilities, sun weaving and khepser and the rest is whatever they learn. This ability follows the charisma stat as its core. A focus or concentration check may be required if to make the ability work, this is with a 10 or above for diced results and 15 or above for no dice. Otherwise you can draw straws and get the longest or shortest cut straw for success, or a coin toss is possible to make certain to succeed the task.

  Sun weaving; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is a skill that is what creates by the sun or moon where moonlight is sun energy that is reflected here and the light of this is where they weave into things the light of the sun or the energy of the moon. This manifests what they wish to see, the consciousness of energy is what does the deed of creating the effect. If you don't need the area effect then work with the idea as it will form anyway. This is the form by the feel.

  So the effect is the sun energy and what they think and focus to create the sun does for them. This is where they stand in the sun or moon light, and focus on the light imaging a weave of color effect the formation or target area. Then that is what this does, that's by the power of the mind with what you imagine or feel should effect. So if you think to protect someone or some area, then feel the light of the sun or moon will do what you need. The light does the deed of protection through a dome or surrounding of light. If you focus the light, then you can melt through things. This takes 6 seconds focus.

  If the light of day or night is used by imagining you shift to some area then you appear there and find yourself there. If you imagine or think about the effect you need, as you direct sunlight or moonlight then the idea will effect the target or area. When you create with a point that's spoken or your with thought, you use solar energy and thinking of the point as if an intent is to make the result what you needed or wanted. This is a point in idea, so think about what your intent is to create the idea as an end result with the power of the solar body and its consciousness.

  This is felt when you think to create with the consciousness, that's done by words or thought and this is the first step and needing the result directs the light. This is what is directed by the spirit and of what they imagine is what can happen. This then is done as what you think is result.

   This effects by a 1d10+cha mod per every 3 focus ranks until level 6.
   At level 6 its every 2 focus ranks for a point until level 12.
   At level 12, its 2d10+cha mod per every 2 focus ranks.
   After level 18 is reached, then its 3d10+cha mod per every 2 focus points.
   After level 24 is reached, then its 4d10+cha mod per every 2 focus ranks reached by feel.
   After level 30 and onwards is reached, this finally is 5d10+cha mod per every 2 focus ranks.

  If the effect is not instant, then its where you focus per round in melee, or outside of combat in minutes with concentration checks.

  Khepser; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is drawing in light energy by thinking its there and sunlight if not there is gated in. This energy changes things from the inside out. So feel and think and your thinking is what the energy does by transformation with energy, and that's known as a transformation. This is achieved by a focus check with the energy doing what you want from a 10 and up result. Otherwise use a drawn straw to achieve a result. What you change into is up to yourself, yet you may also change others. So this seems instant yet may take moments.

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Sentinel ability:

  This class has 6 abilities: Digestive magic, extreme senses, emotional creation, creation by idea or feel, transformation and the power of words. They use charisma by the feel, that is the core stat behind these abilities. A focus or concentration check may be required if to make the ability work, this is with a 10 or above for diced results and 15 or above for no dice. Otherwise you can draw straws and get the longest or shortest cut straw for success, or a coin toss is possible to make certain to succeed the task.

  Digestive magic; This has to deal with things that create sights by what you think to eat. This is a list of things you work with and create by thinking of what you need, and then eating or drinking something. The magic of what you digest is what forms things internally, that creates the idea outside of yourself by energy that the body casts off in waves. This wave of energy you can direct, that is where thought you focus creates what you need or want. This works if you can focus, then what you need and think about is formed by the subconscious guiding the spirit.

  The effects of this is to think and you create, so you have 1d8+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks and if non instant, then you get 1d6+focus ranks in seconds and rounds duration. This is where out of combat it's minutes and hours outside of combat.

  Extreme senses; Learning ability level: 1.
  The senses are extended and create a sense of calm. The senses are able to create awareness of the moment, think and you can sense things that are almost impossible to know by realization. This happens to effect your ability to sense the truth. So if you think to extend your abilities, then you create by feel for the sense of falsehood. So you know things by what you imagine or sense. If you don't want to sense it then you won't.

  Emotional creation; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is the point that you create with projecting emotional feelings. You can recreate anything you feel, this is done by realization of the moment. Then focus on the feel of the point you realize by the spirit sense and create the idea by statement or thinking its created, though the soul is what makes this effect, the spirit knows what the soul is doing.

  The effects of this is to think and you create, so you have 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks and if non instant, then you get 1d6+focus ranks in seconds and rounds duration. This is where out of combat it's minutes and hours outside of combat. However if you think emotional constraint, then you stop the effect.

  Creation by idea or feel; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you think the idea and feel it will happen, then the spirit will create what you need using the power if the soul created the idea.

  The effects of this is to think and you create, so you have 2d8+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks and if non instant, then you get 1d6+focus ranks in seconds and rounds duration. This is where out of combat it's minutes and hours outside of combat. However if you think emotional constraint, then you stop the effect.

  Transformation; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you focus in mind what you think to intend, and feel the change occurs in the body by what you eat or drink as energy for the change. This can cause you to lose weight and allow you to create things from the body change easily.

  This is an immediate result by thinking its immediate, yet results prove that this may take moments. Otherwise you could take a year or less. Think to act like the idea you had in mind and you do the intent. If you attempt to transform into a creature, then you will find that creature nearby if any exist for you to change into. This happens by feel, so think and you know what to do.

  See with a focus or concentration check that has a 10 or above for normal dicing and 15 or above for no dice, you succeed. What you focus in lengths of seconds is what you can become. This sometimes almost works, so if your concentration breaks after 1 round or a few minutes, then you change back. This is where you create a result in focus ranks.

   At 1 to 4 focus ranks you can transform into a dog, cat or other lesser animal like large squirrel or racoon. This includes bugs and similar shapes including female if you were man and man if you were female, that is ruled by your spirit guided by the soul. Again this sometimes almost works, so again if your concentration breaks after 1 round or a few minutes, then you change back.

   Otherwise you can transform into yourself again by thinking of yourself as though human and the energy consciousness of the body changes you back to seem yourself. This change takes 1 round
   At 5 to 8 focus ranks you can transform back quickly and become yourself. Otherwise you can change into a nice person that does requests. If an animal shape is required in mind, then you can change into a large creature. This transformation takes 1d6 seconds yet actually is with moments.
   At 9 to 12 ranks you can transform into a creature that's huge. This seems to be instant no matter the amount of time you actually take.
   At 13 to 17 ranks you can transform into a gigantic creature, known as dragon or wyvern or similar. This is seemingly instant yet may take a few moments.
   At 18 and above ranks you can transform into anything, this is including dinosaur or other creature. This is instant yet may seem to take moments.

  The power of words; This is effect done by creation with the subconscious, otherwise you state what you need or want and you make the idea intent that you think will happen. The subconscious creates what you think, need and want by feel, so really this ability is what you think to occur that you state and you make with the subconscious mind as you direct the subconscious by use of the spirit. That spirit is the will of the energy consciouness.

  If you don't intend the words to effect a result, then they wont do things by idea or feel. This uses suggested idea and creation is done by the spirit using the soul. If you think to use this by idea, the point you make is what is done.

  The effects of this is to think and you create by idea you state or think and need, so you have 2d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks and if non instant, then you get 1d8+focus ranks in seconds and rounds duration. This is where out of combat it's minutes and hours outside of combat. However if you think emotional constraint, then you stop the effect.

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Necromantic ability:

  This class has 12 abilities: Source ability, Distemporal shift, Positive Boost, Animation, Death Aura, Consoling, Console, Discorporeal shell, Necro healing, Half-life, Necro enhancement and Necro point. They use charisma by the feel or with idea to use them, that is the core stat behind these abilities. A focus or concentration check may be required if to make the ability work, this is with a 10 or above for diced results and 15 or above for no dice.

  Source Ability; Learning ability level: 1.
  This ability is choose a source or two and think to use it as you do things to create results. This source is used up after 1d6 times used, so this could be anything including diseases or acid, otherwise the elements you can gate into the area and have it create results. This result is possible to cause a point where they give up fighting. You can even have an event as a source, so if you think of the event and think it's used by feel you can create any result, such as healing or elemental formation. I believe you can create any point of a result, so if this is using up your death and decay cell energy as a source. Each time you use it, you can become healed by idea of 1d10+focus ranks health and that is a point in use. That means in game terms, you could create a death effect on the living target. This uses the consciousness of energy or "I" dimensional conscious and you can heal or create whatever effect you intend by idea or feel with life energy.

  This is with a 1d10+charisma mod with each 2 concentration or focus ranks for effect. If the effect is enduring, then it takes a concentration check and the moment it lasts is 1d6+focus ranks in seconds for melee or 1d10+focus or concentration ranks in minutes or hours you do. So if you mix sources, then you create added effects, however you can't mix opposing sources like water and fire, so your limited to 2 sources at once. This is like poison and death energy used to kill bugs off. Otherwise you could think the problem is a source and you use it up, then somehow the effect you need or item works again. This is an example of how this ability works, you can use it anyway you want or the dm/gm allows.

  Distemporal shift; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you create with a point you think or state and shift with a surge of energy. Where you imagine or think you'll be is where you are after the idea is done. This is a point in idea, that you blink and you are there. This is where you create the point, then go where you need. The surge comes from the energy in the area rising as heat from the planet and this uses the sun energy that is what triggers the moment, then you break-up in body energy to remake itself where you want to seem to materialize yourself. This dematerialization and materialization. If you shift dimensions, then on thinking of the area and needing to return, then you shift back and are where you are when if you thought to shift.

  So I think if you thought to shift objects to yourself, then they will come unless you don't need them. Otherwise thinking about the area to shift them there..then you have a 50% chance of causing the item/s to dematerialize sometime and rematerialize somewhere else unless you needed the objects, that's as though the material were shifting like a superconductor in heat. This is with a rolled 1d6 with half being it remains in the area or 1d20, and that is rolling a 11 is where it relocated. If you think it goes somewhere, then the dimensional consciousness of energy shifts the item or items as a dimensional point.

  The dimension shifts the energy of the object and that object comes to the area. This is a point if there is a silver sphere that contains energy, then you could cause the sphere to dissolve things and the area into itself. This means if the sphere were a godparticle, then it could dissolve the universe into itself. That means everything is energy, so think and you are thought of where you think to be. This particle existed then shifted into a circular pattern of clouds, that disappeared with the sphere going into another dimension.

  This means you can create with a point you intend to happen more easily, if you think of the area and what you want the dimension to go do. So then if you do a successful focus or concentration roll, then you can create the item or yourself as a shift somewhere you want or need the item to be. This can be any time, space or area, including a planet you might want to shift to by feel. Thinking about the item, then imagining it there where your at will create the object appearance and then you find it in the area. If the item doesn't reappear within 2 hours, then it's in use or not there. So when left alone, it will shift back if you need it there. This will delocate and relocate something, that is if you needed something and gave thanks for it. See that is without used or bitter feeling. This feeling isn't there, because what is done is created by feel with idea yourself does.

  So basically, this is where the silver sphere is a perfect holding sphere that is weightless and could be an unlimited bag of holding, if you think to contain what the spirit knows is there in energy form. This is where the spirit shifts things and the item goes to where you want, otherwise that is like the object materializing outside or inside the silver sphere where you need it. This sphere can have a separate part of itself, where it contains elements. This is a point things are aware, so they work if possible or if excessive heat, then that heat is siphoned away into itself so it's used up to create what you need and unused excessive heat is sent to that area of elements or sheol itself. This can cause the point of coolness in an area you think to cause coolness. So think about this as though an end and you know what to do in that area.

  Positive boost; Learning ability level: 2.
  This is where you think positive or you identify something and you recognize better results. This is when you get a +4 to your dice rolls, and that means you can get or understand what you need to know. By use of this ability, you can trace any idea or effect and understand where it came from. This can include psychically knowing things. So this means your aware of things, if you think to know.

  Animation; Learning ability level: 2.
  This animates anything you think is going to be animated. You can animate and control 1d6+focus ranks worth of beings. This includes skeletons, and dead bodies. Deanimation is where you think the life energy stops animating the being/s. This happens by use of the spirit, otherwise where you want them to hold off on attack or do what you want, then think the creator makes a soul copy that creates your need by them doing things you need.

  Death Aura; Learning ability level: 3.
  This ability is where you think the energy is doing what you want and this is death energy that goes into the Aura, think to project the energy and you create death or cause the target to pause and die as it turns into dust. However you effect machines, you will notice that the machine will recover.

  Consoling; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you think to console the spirit, and then that will pass it to the astral plane. This plane is where you can send spirits to remain.

  Console; Learning ability level: 3.
  The point of improved soul burial, this is where you think touch the spiritual forehead. Thinking of sending it away to the spirit land. This creates a burial effect, that is where you send the spirit and wandering soul back to the creator. This works even with demons and creates calm in idea. When you know the spirit and wandering soul departs the land, you realize there is peace in the area and things seem to work out by feel. The point is a concept after this in idea, so if you think you solved the problem your at peace as well. However, if you realize the anger and frustration is there and accept the point that happens. Then the spirit that remains is calm or leaves and that's if you notice a poltergeist.

  So this works even if there is a slight chance of not working. If this works, then you prevent the wild spirit effect, the idea is not noted as a mural on the wall. Then all you need to do is look away. Breaking eye contact with the wall mural is what releases your soul back to yourself. So if you think about it, you can find anything out feel. Think "don't show yourself" at the walll mural and the effect halts. Think suggest to the area of the wall, that "things are alright." Then they turn to be better. Suggest to the wall, "the murals disappear", then the wall murals disappear. Think to not make direct eye contact to the wall murals, then you don't connect your soul to the wall and it's not "collected" by feel.

  I think a concept is this with them, the peace of mind or feel, so they say poltergeists are angry spirits or demons an if there on the wall this means the point you made is what fueled it emotionally so it can make an appearance. See that means the spirit tore up the room or you left before it did anything. Some people aren't so psychic, so I think the point is an effect and things work out by what is done or it's lifelike on the wall. This is a concept that if killed by the spirit of the room, then you are within the wall world. What you do is what is done as depicted on the wall in a moving line picture. So in order to end this effect, think the creator releases you from the wall. Then you are there as though not killed by the spirit. This means the creator made it by feel so you are set in time, that's where you weren't effected and he or she bypasses the moment of killing that's done by time manipulation.

  This is a point you think of as you need the idea, then the spirit creates by feel. So if you think the right things, then the effect is done. When you do things like this, the idea is useful to know about the point before doing things. So this means there is no problem, there is only situations, this is a point in the past. The present situation is what you set up by idea, think about what is done and the soul or spirit corrects for the point you realize by feel. This is a point you know, so if you seek proof that something happened. Then you know by the spirit making awareness, and the idea is there if possible to know it. This is the nature of necromancy, where you think to see what happened and the wandering soul, creator or spirit consciousness makes you aware by visions or knowledge that comes to you. That's why if you give them that when they are upset their space, they calm down by what is thought in life. Yet you are not your thought. You are separate from your thoughts. So calm down there is no problem, that is all to this technique.

  Discorporeal shell; Learning ability level: 5.
  That is a spirit that is doing things, this spirit uses death energy as a point to create with life so it uses a little of the object or body life energy. This is death copy, that is a clone of yourself in energy that creates your point with a focus to create what you need and has capability to take death energy with intent to create with it. This is where the spirit creates a copy of itself and this is made from the air with a soul copy that can shape itself as you need it shaped, and that is conscious so this uses a construct to create what it senses is needed or wants in life. One thing to notice, if the body dies, it disappears and the experience of the clone is yours to know. That happens to occur anyway, unless it's not possible. Dismiss the "clone" and it disappears as if it never existed by feel. Yet even if it doesn't die, you in idea still have it's experiences of the place you think to see by clone. What you wanted to see, the clone can experience, so the idea is about the same as though you were there. There is a limit to how many clones of yourself you can have, that is known by the roll of a 1d6.

  Necro healing; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you focus and perception of the death energy is there. The point you think is what the energy does. So if the death energy is thought to leave the body, then the body feels better or then is healed. It appears youthful so that doesn't mean it's younger. All stamina and magic energy is restored. The effect of this is 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. One thing to note with this, the healing could seem to last a few rounds or minutes before the body feels better. So think about this and you can create healing by feel and make what you need. If you target the disease with death energy, then you treat the symptoms and cause the disease to dissolve by feel or the feeling you get. This is denucleurization in life that exists. That is done by feel, if you intend to have the result. This is a point in itself, if you can't do it then don't and you are okay as the effects of trying fade away.

  Half-life; Learning ability level: 7.
  This causes the target/s to half their health percent unless they heal themselves, then if they feel worse for the effort they do, this is temporarily done. Then they feel better about themselves and do what they need. There is no saving throw to this.

  Necro enhancement; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you are creating enhancement by the aura, thinking to enhance the body you can make enchantment or change of the DNA and you then cause the body to improve. This is the ultimate ability. So when you think to remove the death and decaying energy to harmlessly dissipate in the air, you create unaging of 1d6+con mod in years and you remember your experience. Also, you can create any changes you may want. So if you wanted to create a painless sprain, then you would create no pain and deswelling in the foot. Your character gets an added +5 constitution, +4 Intelligence, +4 charisma and +5 dexterity as stat boosts. Also, you get in health 100% in life. Weight goes down with the constitution addition by feel by 5 lbs per constitution mod point.

  Necro point; Learning ability level: 9.
  This point you think and create with death and decay creatively, think to make a point by what is done and things work out by feel. The death energy creates the idea, controlled by the spirit to be what you want. This means that you convert the energy to make what is needed with a concept. This is what a necromancer does, Yet note this point, a spirit that wanders will be able to use this energy, if you find a spirit that is angered or willing. Then offer some energy andyou can get it to do things that you want by feeling the idea is necessary and intending the point you make. This is a known about idea. So there is a point that the spirit won't do, if you find such a point then you can desist, leave the area, then wait a few moments and the spirit will calm down. This works because you gave the spirit it's own space.

  So even if you wander back to the area, then in idea you won't be attacked by a riled spirit, yes I know it's more likely to do what you want so it helps out. This is a point you know about when what it does seems to manifest results..This is where you can get a wandering spirit to aid you in a fight or create where you can't create the point. So this is with a roll of a focus or concentration check, gets a 2d8+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks result. The duration can be 1d6+focus ranks in rounds for melee or unlimited for outside battle. That's why you can decide to end the effect and the spirit knows when you want to end it. Then it's no trouble and things work out as they do. If you think to realize by insight, then if you know what happened, when you want to know and where. This is a known effect in a concept, then that is peaceful feel represented by idea in songs that you hear in some way.

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Shadow practitioner ability:

  This class has 4 abilities: Shadow elementalism, Summon shadows, Shadow form and Shadow angel. They use charisma by the feel or with idea to use them, that is the core stat behind these abilities. A focus or concentration check may be required if to make the ability work, this is with a 10 or above for diced results and 15 or above for no dice.

  Shadow elementalism; Learning ability level: 1.
  This can form any element out of the shadows energy or darkness if any darkness is nearby, that effects the target if you think it will and the effect is per each 2 ranks of focus or concentration skill, whatever is higher. This is 1d10+charisma mod. The duration is 1d6 rounds in melee or unlimited outside combat, if any duration will happen from the effect. Until light or fire is exposed on the caster or the area. This shadow element is what can strike even from the shadows of the target.

  Summon shadows; Learning ability level: 3.
  This allows you to summon any shadow shape by what you think, The shadow shape can only be effected by light, fire, and magical weapons. Yet the shadows do what you want and can create what you need. Think about the idea and you create with the shadows, if you intend to create a result. The damage and healing that is done by the shadow shape is per each 2 ranks of focus, this is 2d6+charisma mod in amount. Duration is instant. The health of the shadow shape is 100% hp. This is a point you can work with if you think you know the character and want to do things according to the alignment. If you don't, then you will raise or lower your alignment.

  Shadow form; Learning ability level: 5.
  The shadow is what is there and you are then the shadow, and if not felt this can be undetected except by you. You revert to normal after you are exposed to light. When you are the shadow, you create with energy and what you create is then up to you. This is what you can use to make any effect to a target, through the shadows. This includes healing or damage of each 2 focus skill ranks, that is 1d10+charisma mod. Duration time is 1d6+charisma mod in rounds or until light has been exposed to by feel. You aren't effected by normal weapons, however elements such as water, fire, earth and air or magical weapons are what can hurt you.

  shadow angel; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is the idea, you summon a shadow using night as the energy source. Then think the creator shapes it into an angellic servant. The Gods or Dithemos can command the shadow angel, so that means the angel of shadows will do what you need. The light in the area, this can dispel it, however it can shift from cast shadow to cast shadow and do what you need. The effect is a point you think about, the stats are your stats, the health however, they are 100%. It can send to the target whatever you send through the shadows or dark element. The damage effect is per each 2 focus or concentration ranks of 2d8+charisma mod. The healing effect is with energy you send, this is per each 2 ranks of focus at 2d8+charisma mod healed. Duration is short term, a 1d6 rounds or until daytime if cast at night.

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Light creator ability:

  This class has 6 abilities: Light elementalism (cha), Turning (cha), Summon being (cha), Light form (cha), Light angel (cha) and Light aura (cha). They use charisma by the feel or with idea to use them, that is the core stat behind these abilities. A focus or concentration check may be required if to make the ability work, this is with a 10 or above for diced results and 15 or above for no dice.

  Light elementalism; Learning ability level: 1.
  This can form any element out of the area energy or light if any energy is nearby, that effects the target if you think it will and the effect is per each 2 ranks of focus or concentration skill, whatever is higher. This is 1d10+charisma mod. The duration is 1d6 rounds in melee or unlimited outside combat, if any duration will happen from the effect. Until light or fire is exposed on the caster or the area. This shadow element is what can strike even from the shadows of the target. This proves that energy converts into something else equally.

  Turning; Learning ability level: 1.
  Turning is where you change the point of idea that the being, person or thing does. This is where you think to turn something or what have you that you don't like, and the energy is what does the effect of turning away. You could turn a monster or goblin into doing something you intend to be done. This is all done by a focus check or concentration check.

  Summon being; Learning ability level: 3.
  This allows you to summon any being that is shaped by what you think, said being can create with what energy or particles are there. The being shape can only be effected by elementalism, and magical weapons. Yet the being do what you want and can create what you need. Think about the idea and you create with the being, if you intend to create a result. The damage and healing that is done by the being is per each 2 ranks of focus. This is an 2d6+charisma mod in amount for what is desired. Duration is instant unless you desire some timed effect with 1d6 rounds in melee or unlimited time outside of battle and said being is cancelled out by the darkness that is directed it's way. The health of the being shaped by will is 100% hp and they act as you direct them. The light energy is what creates your will by itself. So all you really need to do is think about the point to create and direct the conscious energy. This is done by the energy consciousness making what you want or intend.

  Light form; Learning ability level: 5.
  The light is what is alive there and you are then the being, and if not felt this can be undetected except by you. You revert to normal after you are exposed to directed darkness. When you are the light, you create with energy particles and what you create is then a concept if up to you. That is energy reacts as though you created something from the energy, this means that you focus by thought the energy and your energy waves or vibes program the area consciousness to create by itself. This is what you can use to make any effect to a target, that effects through the sunlight or light. This includes healing or damage of each 2 focus skill ranks, that is 1d12+charisma mod. Duration time is 1d6+charisma mod in rounds or until directed darkness has been exposed to that is done by feel. You aren't effected by normal weapons as your immune to weapons that seem to pass through you, however elements such as water, fire, earth and air or magical weapons are what can hurt you.

  Light angel; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is the idea, you summon a light being using the creator or a god as the energy source. Then think the creator shapes it into an angellic servant. The Gods can command the light angel, so that means the angel of light will do what you need. The light in the area, this can cause regeneration to it, and it dissipates as darkness is directed at it. However, it can shift from any in point and this is used in the light to create any other area effect with light or particles. The effect is a point you think about, the stats are your stats, yet note the health however, they are 100%. It can send to the target whatever you want to effect them through the light gate summoning the idea or themselves. The damage effect is per each 2 focus or concentration ranks of 2d8+charisma mod. The healing effect is using thought with energy you send, this is per each 2 ranks of focus at 2d8+charisma mod healed. Duration is short term, a 1d6 rounds or until dark if cast in the daytime and that is done by feel.

  Light aura; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is a point you think of the concept of light particles as an energy wave, that create the healing and light shift of compatriots and yourself as a form of teleport self or others if you intend to shift. Think of where you want to go, then you will shift yourself and others you think to shift that get near your aura. Healing done by this is 2d10+healing rank in percent of health. This is a point, that you create and make work with what you get. You can shift teleport anywhere you think to exist and imagine.

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Dimensionalist ability:

  This class has 7 abilities: Thinking spell (wis), Reality hacking (wis), Dimensional shift (wis), Pass the idea (wis), Dimensional timing (wis), Dimensional created effects (wis) and Timeshift (wis). The ability of the Dimensionalist is using Wisdom as it's core stat with idea to use them, that is the core stat behind these abilities. A focus or concentration check may be required if to make the ability work, this is with a 10 or above for diced results and 15 or above for no dice.

  Thinking spell; Learning ability level: 1.
  So suggestion in use is where the character can create by dimensional energy, think about the idea and state the effect then they make things easily by use of the subconscious and unconscious mind. The effect is 1d10+wis mod per each 3 ranks of focus at levels 1-10, and per each 2 focus ranks with levels 11-20. for levels 21+ thinking spells create 1d10+wis mod per each rank of focus. There is 1d6+wis mod for amount of rounds in melee or unlimited time until decided to quit outside of battle.

  Reality hacking; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is the point you think, then state what you want and you create what you will into manifestation. This means there is a 50/50 chance to have success. That is rolling a focus check and using your focus ranks to see or feel if the effect worked with a 10 or above roll. Otherwise you can roll a d100 and you create the effect with a 51 or above. This can work as attack, too, that's done by a successful roll with an element you pick as the force that effects. This works as an instant effect, that is 1d10+wis mod per each 2 focus ranks and no savings throw.

  Dimensional shift; Learning ability level: 3.
  The shift is done where the brain consciousness creates new sensations and you are aware of things that exist in a way of thinking. So a raise in vibrations are what you think to do with a positive viewpoint. Think to do good things and you create with the mind, see as you create you raise vibrational states, and then your senses make you aware of the things that are done.

  If you don't become aware of things in a higher vibrational state, see then you need to think positively and you create an uplifting moment. This moment is the shift in perception, so think and you are aware. This works by the spirit that goes through everything, so if you think about the point and then you are no longer down in feelings. You are feeling better by feel. That is the active spirit, this is the point of idea and creation. So think and you know more of what exists by feel. Sometimes feedback occurs and things work out, so with a focus or concentration check, if you get a 10 or above you succeeded.

  Pass the idea; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where the dimensional being, that is the said person creates a transfer of energy. Think of the person and if you need to have what you want to transfer, then you create with a point or some action what you need shifted or created elsewhere. This is a upbringing action, that creates a positive vibe and you can work with others about by use of awareness. If no awareness is there, then the area or place doesn't exist. If you think of a positive result, you are positive and that creates a positive vibe. A vibe is a vibrational state, that will be what creates with some idea you think and that is done by what you need.

  So that is a good thing, if you think positive thoughts you create positive results, this is a known effect of ions in space. What's not known, this is a point you consider, think and things become clear. If it doesn't then think of something else. Bringing yourself down doesn't help anything. Think about a good thing and you bring positive results with what you will, think or consider. This is a known fact of life. If you do things by thinking positive to bring yourself up in mood, then you can help yourself out in the end. That is the known facts of life, think and you will know. The effect is done by a d100 and getting a 51 or above. The effect happens with a 51 rolled on a d100 or rolled 10 or above focus check.

  Dimensional timing; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think to state the place to shift to by feel, the time you think is the time that passes by there and you know what happens by the power of the third eye where you think to be. Think of the time and area and you return by feel. So, if you think to cause attacks to pass, and state where you shift to to wait out the time. The timing is done and you can return by feel with the spirit returning you to whence you came. This works as you are with a 10 or above result from a rolled focus or concentration check.

  Dimensional created effects; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you make results including raise dead, so think of the area and you are there at least in perspective. That is where you know the point, the spirit makes you aware and this spirit goes through everything. So the spirit makes you aware of what happened, if you think you know, then things will be alright. This comes as insight, that is the soul and this means it can be anywhere. So think of what you need and you create the point, the subconscious mind is what creates the point. The programming that it follows, this comes from the soul. The point happens if it's necessary. What you create somewhere, that is creatable here. Think the spirit creates what you want and it's done. That is using life energy, so what is death? The absence of all senses except the spirit sense. This is the energy of the body, that creates with a point and that makes what you need.

  The death energy comes into existence if you think it does, the cell energy is with decay and that is what you direct by a thought point. This if directed from the body, will make the body live longer. The death and decay energy, if you direct it at diseased cells will be what breaks down the disease. That makes what you think of a cured condition, so think and you know that is where the conditioning of the body is what is undone.

  After that, then think positive, wait a minute and you create with a cured body freed of whatever had ailed it. Enjoy the moment and you make with results that you know about. This is a point from what I remember. So think positive and you can create positively so they say. This is a point you know, so think and you create with a deep subject or concept that comes from the subconscious mind. That is a known effect of life and not much else.

  So think about things and you create the idea as you know what you do there, thinking about things leads to actions and that means you make the point by use of the soul and this is what you can observe in real life. So real life is a point in perception, that is a point in the past life. This is what I remember from that time. So remember, what happens in the past is the past moment. This is what happens, so now is a point that creates memories. See this is what can occur, and what you feel is what also allows you to remember things more easily. That is long term compared to short term memory.

  This is what is written, that is the result of feeling things out with insight at the end. The soul is insight, so you can see where this goes. The end point is always better than the beginning, unless you think darkly. So think and you know the point of revelation. The idea is what creates. I think so you know where knowledge can come from and what you can do with things. This is where positive action is done in perception. React accordingly, the soul can see what is there and you realize the idea from the spirit. This is a realized result from what is done, nothing more than that actually exists. If it does, then you would know about it. So whatever occurs, you are where you are and that is all that counts. For up until now, things were easy. After this point, things will get different results by what you do. Think about this, the point is a point so live with it. This works with a 2d8+wis mod per 2 focus ranks for effects. There is 1d6+focus ranks for amount of rounds in melee or unlimited time until decided to quit outside of battle.

  Timeshift; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where the point in dimension is a moment and you think to see that moment. When you do, your in a different time that you think about being. When you think of your own point, then the time becomes the moment of time, that is whence you came. This is a known effect that's done, if you get a 51 on a d100 or a 10 and above on focus checks.

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Divine ability:

  This is with energy effect that can be anything allowable by the GM. The focused and concentrated effect is possible. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action. This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a focus or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 7 actual ability: Divine Wizardry (cha), The jinx (cha), Foul transformation (cha), Clean transformation (cha), Scaning (cha), The divine ability (cha) and Supreme healing technique (cha). They use charisma by the feel or with idea to create by a point. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Divine wizardry; Learning ability level: 1.
  Divine wizardry is fun and uses the soul copy, that you can know by the spirit and this then the soul allows you to realize as though insight if created. This is where you think and you create, if you intend the creation to manifest with the soul for the body or soul copy for other things and targets. Since the spirit knows things by the creator or your God, then if that means the character can use any one of these that are based with a free action and charisma. (Sic) The effect duration is used and allowed for, if you say catch something or some monster on fire or freeze the target until you don't want the effect outside of battle and 1d6+charisma mod in rounds for battle.

   At levels 1-10, the effect is per each 2 focus or concentration ranks, that allows 1d8+charisma mod energy effect or healing effect.
   At levels 11-20, the effect is per each 2 focus or concentration ranks, that allows 2d8+charisma mod energy effect or healing effect.
   At levels 21-30, the effect is per each 2 focus or concentration ranks, that allows 3d8+charisma mod energy effect or healing effect.
   At levels 31+, the effect is per each 2 focus or concentration ranks, that allows 4d8+charisma mod energy effect or healing effect.

  The jinx; Learning ability level: 3.
  Think you feel bad and project the bad feelings towards a target, this can cause even people to not do things correctly. This is with a -5 to luck rolls that the target/s have to make. Otherwise it's the evil eye and could make things not work right if you direct the energy towards a device. In order to deflect the evil eye, state or think, "creator, make things of bad intent not effect me." Of course, there is a 50% chance of success, so think what you like if that works, then your naturally lucky with a luck roll.

  Foul transformation; Learning ability level: 4.
  This is an example from watching Giuliani and is the idea from genshin impact where you create the greater strength and endurance by thinking of your need and getting energy through the skin or swallowing, that means your surviving foul energy, cleansing yourself after the point. this is when you create with a fart and smelling yourself yet you can do what you want, this works as you think to absorb energy to the body and imagining the result. then created is the response that creates what you intend or think will happen. this energy is burned away by the solar energy or sun energy. then you are working with the sun energy, used to create what you think and feel will happen. this works by the feel and thinking about the idea you intend to transform into by the point.

  The overall effects of this is your ability temporarily increases by a +4 to ability rolls, you become faster by +10', you become slenderer by a +3 con, you have numbed pain and you laugh to yourself so you ignore pain as you become stronger or seem to have more endurance with a +5 Str. Basically, you become godlike, this is done all by the thinking to absorb energy into the body. What a foul transformation, indeed. However, if you don't cleanse yourself, you could feel weaker by the stat additions not being there after 1 hour of what I call the effect. This is the energy that does it, so you know that the creator is great indeed. Without god, we would only be a memory. This is a known effect, don't do it if you don't need meltdowns or too much sweating as thought is doing an effect.

  Clean transformation; Learning ability level: 4.
  This is where you think to absorb clean energy and any elemental energy, then you make the point you think about to create the effect by feel. You use the energy to create the point. This effect is temporary by the way and it feels better than foul transform. The creator or god with your intent will make you feel good and you will not be unlike a god or being as you get +50% HP. You will be immune to disease as you are aware of the point and whatever is necessary to know. This works best as you are careful of the idea you were to avoid.

  Scanning; Learning ability level: 5.
  On the topic of scanning and clearing... it just takes practice, visualization, and a whole lot of discernment.

  Because dark energy likes to get in the way of clear visualizing as well as clear energy work. You have to be aware of what is real and what's illusionary/fantasy. Real energy is felt. You see it and feel it. Illusions have no feelings to them, or are jumbled and nonsensical. Focus on what you'd like to scan, and visualize it in front of you, then focus on sensing whatever you'd like to sense. It takes practice to get it clear. Think to clear things, use a golden rainbow sword, or a golden rainbow tool. Use your intuition to feel out what's right when healing and clearing.

  The divine ability: Learning ability level: 7.
  The point and create of the purple power; This is from Lalate as example. The point you think and ask about by statement, this is the point that's done by the soul if intended. Many people do things without intention, so this where you create by feel and make with a concept, that means you describe or state and you make what you need by the point. This you express or calm down and do, so at least things are done by the spirit and soul. That allows manifest and things to work out by feel. If you think about the point, you create by the feel with idea some result you want. You can't attack with this ability. This is a known fact of life.

  Supreme healing technique; Learning ability level: 9.
  The rainbow bridge. Rainbow energy heals all things, and clears lower energy near instantly. By doing the following technique on all of your body, you will notice great mood improvements and gradual bodily healing.

  Rainbow bridge- State or imagine a rainbow pouring down from the sun, the clouds, or from whatever source you wish, pouring down over your crown, washing over your etheric body, healing and clearing all parts of it. Then the rainbow pours over your physical body... brain, senses, pouring through all of you, cleansing and purifying you. Once it goes through all of you and you feel satisfied with the shift in energy within you, it goes down into the earth, grounding and centering you in your power. If you have specific ailments, focus the rainbow energy on that ailment and visualize it clearing and healing. Anything can be healed. Enjoy what you do!

  The emerald fire is connected to the divine, and is profoundly healing. It can be used to heal broken hearts as well. Visualize the emerald fire engulfing whatever part of you you wish to heal. Some enjoy seeing my whole body engulfed in it.

  The Violet fire transforms energy into it's highest state and clears dense energy. It's connected to the creator or your god. Visualize same as the emerald fire. The violet fire can be used to clear ego, and beliefs.

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Chi warrior ability:

  Chi warrior; Chi warrior ability is fun and uses the spirit empowered by the soul as chi or life energy. So this you can know by the spirit and this then is where the soul allows you to realize as though insight if created. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create, if you intend the creation to manifest. Since the spirit knows things by the creator or your God, then if that means the character can use any one of these that are based with a free action and charisma. The effect duration is used and allowed for, if you say focus upon something or some monster is set on fire or freeze the target until you don't want the effect outside of battle and there is 1d6+charisma mod in rounds for battle.

  This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM. The focused and concentrated effect is possible. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action. This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a focus or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 4 actual abilities: Chi manipulation (cha), Illusion (Cha), Manifest (Cha) and Healing blow (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or with idea to create by a point. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Chi manipulation; Learning ability level: 1.
  Chi manipulation is the changing of the effect by use of the source. This is where you can manipulate any effect by realizing and commanding the source. Then thinking the effect is something else instead, that you get because of the source you imagine.

  Illusion; Learning ability level: 3.
  The illusion is what you think, if you feel it's there. Then, the 3rd eye can see through the illusion that is projected forth. It's treated as though real until disbelieved or a savings throw is made versus illusion. The effect of this is per each 2 focus ranks that is with 1d8+cha mod effect of damage or healing. Duration for non-instant effects is 1d6+cha mod rounds per melee or unlimited amount of time outside of battle.

  Manifest; Learning ability level: 5.
  The spirit is what makes the effect easier and that is any effect, that is done as what you want using the soul as a source. This counts as a +5 to your focus and concentration skill rank by what is done. The duration is 1d6+cha mod in melee and everlasting outside of battle until otherwise desired. This can even form objects out of thin air or space. This works by generating a 1d12+cha mod damage or healing per each 2 focus skill ranks for effects.

 Healing blow; Learning ability level: 7.
  See this is a shield to anybody or any effect you don't want. The healing blow is the effect of programming the blows energy not to effect you and by damaging the attacker you heal instead. This works by generating a 2d8+cha mod damage or healing per each 2 focus skill ranks for effects.

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Elemental warrior ability:

  Elemental warrior; Elemental warrior ability is what uses the energy of the body as bioenergy. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by focus with the body as energy that effects if the soul allows for it or no resistance roll is made. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM. The focused and concentrated effect is possible. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action. Each action uses Stamina if the Stamina gauge is used.

  This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM. The focused and concentrated effect is possible. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action. This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a focus or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 2 actual abilities: Energy manifest (cha) and Weather magic (cha). They use charisma by the feel or with idea to create by a point. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Energy manifest; Learning ability level: 1.
  The point of energy manipulation is using the aura and as you swirl energy around the body, focus your mind on the thought you want to create. This is thinking to create a result with the energy from the air, that allows you to create what you intend as a result. This is heat energy that's used and once used, that replenishes itself by feel. The rate of replenished energy is a rolled 1d6 seconds. The effect result can be anything with or without gesture or speaking about the idea to create.

The effect itself is 2d6+charisma mod per each 2 ranks in the focus ranks. The duration per each non instant effect is 1d6 for melee in rounds and outside of battle is unlimited until not necessary or desired.

  Weather magic; Learning ability level: 5.
  The weather is good to work with by feel. You can create any weather or weather effect by thinking about the weather that you intend and it manifests.

  Including striking a target with lightning. Otherwise making a tornado and controlling it with a 1d4, 1d8 or 1d20 and getting half or more as a die result. It does then what you intend..going through the targets.

  The effect attack damage is 3d10 per each 3 focus ranks. Duration in melee is 1d6+charisma mod in rounds and outside of battle is unlimited until undesirable.

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Chi master ability:

  Chi master; Chi master ability is what uses the energy of the body as chi or life energy. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by focus with the body as energy. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM. The focused and concentrated effect is possible. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a focus or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 4 actual abilities: Chi elemency (cha), Chi shield (Cha), Manifestation (Cha) and Transfiguration (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or with idea to create by a point. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Chi elemency; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is using your chi energy or life energy, you can focus into existence any element that exists. This is a 1d10+cha mod per each 2 focus skill ranks in effects for levels 1-10. This is a 2d10+cha mod per each 2 focus skill ranks in effects for levels 11-20. This is a 3d10+cha mod per each 2 focus skill ranks in effects for levels 21-30. This is a 4d10+cha mod per each 2 focus skill ranks in effects for levels 31+. Also the duration or how long it lasts depends on the effect you desire, so if you desired a fie effect, it lasts until the fire is put out or eats the material up. Its mainly duration that is 1d6+cha mod in rounds in melee and everlating outside of melee until desired otherwise.

  Chi shield; Learning ability level: 3.
  Your chi energy causes your aura to become a shield, that is absorbing the energy and reprogramming the attack and effect energy to not occur. This converts the damage amount into healing energy, so you should heal instantly the amount of damage done and then it's leaving you unharmed and unaffected. That lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle.

  Manifestation; Learning ability level: 5.
  The manifest is life energy focused and that more easily creates what you intend by what you desire. You can create any effect using chi energy as a life force. This is a +5 to your focus and concentration skill. Duration of the effect is 1d6+cha mod in melee, out of combat is everlasting until otherwise needed. Say you wanted to instantly shift, it's more easily done than usual by the roll of a 1d20+focus or concentration skill rank with a 10 or above result, and you appear where you intend to appear to do what you need by feel. This can even make objects appear from thin air or space.

  Transfiguration; Learning ability level: 7.
  By the power of chi, your body changes into what you want your body to become until you don't want to be that shape. You don't have the ability of the person or thing.

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Healer ability:

  Healer ability is what uses the energy of the body as your subconscious creates with care, the effect you need or want using the creator or your God as a source. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by focus with the deity or creator as energy. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The focused and concentrated effect is possible. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a focus or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice in a system comparison. This class has 10 actual abilities: God will (cha), Phasing (Cha), Potion making (Cha), Elemental defense (Cha), Healing (Cha), Improved healing (Cha), Auratic healing (Cha), Shield effect (Cha), Faith healing (Cha) and Illness and poison resistance (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or in with idea and to create by a point in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  God will; Learning ability level: 1.
  The will of the character is reflected through the creator or his God and creates whatever is needed at the time. This is a point done by idea, including making the attacker disappear, that is where you think the idea and the energy consciousness creates it using the creator as a source. Any healing or attacks done for levels 1-9 is 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. Any duration or how long things last, this is infinite until not desired out of combat and in melee or combat is a 1d6+focus ranks in rounds.
  Any healing or attacks done for levels 10-19 is 2d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks.
  Any healing or attacks done for levels 20-29 is 3d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks.
  Any healing or attacks done for levels 30+ is 4d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks.

  Phasing; Learning ability level: 1.
  Think to go somewhere and your subconscious makes it happen as your body seems to shift and disappear to reappear in the area you think you should be or its not done.

  Potion making; Learning ability level: 3.
  This ability you use to make the mixtures that include water mixed with herbs. These herbs are ones that heal or cause other effects, and this includes the right herbs.

  Elemental defense; Learning ability level: 4.
  The character can absorb energy and cast forth any elemental attack using it. It glows green in the aura and counts as a health shield forcefield that lasts lasts 30 seconds or 5 rounds. The effect is able to be used from the energy itself being formed into one or two elements, that goes to where you will it and has 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks damage. Any duration effect such as someone catching on fire, where the extended fire damage is 2d6+focus rank rounds or outside of battle until the target is burned up. That's like the parasite disappears as it burns up.

  This leaves you with nothing left to work with as what's burned is destroyed and water can put it out. Water can create a drowning sensation or area energy blocking that's absorbed into the water, otherwise you can carry on the water particles in the air what energy is there such as programming that you think it does or illness energy. If illness energy is transferred by water particle waves, then you create diseases in the target that last until cured.

  Ice energy can freeze the foe for 2d6+focus rank in rounds during combat, or outside of combat is unlimited time until it thaws. Earth can smother or block something out, for the same amount of time that fire can burn. Air can carry or hold things for the same amount of time that fire burns. So in carrying or holding, this includes radiating diseased energy or focusing death and decay energy from the body that deadens or kills the foe. If you focus on the thought of all your death and decay energy gets projected from your cells, think and it gets projected from the body then you live longer and lack diseases that occur from pooled death energy.

  Healing; Learning ability level: 4.
  The character will heal by taking the wound energy into himself and repairing the body from it like he or she is with monstrous regeneration (2d10+focus skill rank) in hp recovered. Also they regenerate lost limbs and this is within 1d6 rounds in melee or instantly outside of melee using creator created compressed time. That means there is instant recovery outside of battle using a creator made subconscious time difference effect, so that is a mental time zone that's allot quicker than usual. Also, the character recovers from any disease or poison using this time zone.

  Improved healing; Learning ability level: 5.
  Heal after a sword or weapon plunge using water particles, otherwise its word of mouth or poem directing the energy of the weapon. Then you heal using water particles directed by the energy consciousness. This heals 1/3 your hp during the round or fully your hp outside of combat.

  Auratic healing; Learning ability level: 6.
  The character will create by aura presence 1/2 the hp back per round or Instant recovery of full hp by being nearby and thinking of healing outside of combat. Also, the aura will cause instant recovery from poison and diseases.

  Shield effect; Learning ability level: 7.
  The character is shielded by feel, any damage is absorbed as energy that is used for effects you think the shield to do. This includes focusing energy to cause damage or healing, that is with 1d10+focus ranks in percent that's done, thought or making some effect that you think about is the idea of this done by feel. As it is done, it's buffing up your hp to 100% if not there already.

  Faith healing; Learning ability level: 9.
  This you think with the power of the creator or some God, you restore anyone you focus on including yourself and think to heal perfectly as though nothing was wrong with them. This effect is instant and all hp is recovered. All diseases and illnesses are healed up.

  Illness and poison resistance; Learning ability level: 9.
  The character gets resistance to poison and disease. Roll a 4 or less on a 1d10 to check if you got damage.

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Templar ability:

  Templar ability is what uses the energy of the body to summon the voidal energy and your subconscious creates with care, the effect you need or want is created using the creator or your God. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by focus with the deity or creator as energy. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The focused and concentrated effect is possible by focus. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a focus or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice in a system comparison. This class has 6 actual abilities: Nothingness (cha), LOA change (Cha), Writing magic (Cha), Time ability (Cha), Self-creation (Cha) and Dark focus (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or in with idea and to create by a point in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Nothingness; Learning ability level: 1.
  How about this with an idea for an ability, stating out loud, "I can create with nothingness." and if you focus on nothing and state out loud what you intend as an idea. This generates a result out of nothingness. Nothingness contains unlimited mana energy. This is where you think, I will create a breeze, then state the affirmation word "breeze" as you look at nothing for a slight breeze in the area.

  Now realize that everything that comes from the void the character can think it to the void. This is including disease and wounding, goes back to the void that makes it disappear from here. So if you summoned an object from void, it could disappear back to the void of life. So if you thought and needed something, then you ask the void energy to create it. Since that is a point you have, you could think it didn't happen to exist and sending the existing thing's energy to the void could make it not exist.

  The effect in DND terms for this is per each time to use this, it's as though 1d10+charisma mod with each 3 focus ranks (rounded down) for effects. That include the elements such as fire, water, earth or air energy or healing. Its like watching a concert, it exists yet doesn't after the fact of it not being needed. The effect is this, you can summon a thought that turns into an object from the void of nothingness. Then you summoned an object.

  If you instead summoned a fire energy to cause healing, then its not causing damage its making the body heal quickly and to a certain point. If you summoned the fire energy to create harm, then it causes the fire or heat in the air to make damage. Its an idea that exists by the consciousness of energy. This energy does what you intend by it receivving the thought you need and it does a manifestation of effect..duration is how long you need the fire energy to do the idea you had.

  In DnD terms it's 1d6 rounds in battle, and outside of battle it's unlimited until you dismiss the summoning and this causes it not to exist. You you make an instant effect of thinking the wound was the energy and make it by gates of singularities to be sucked back into the void per the amount you rolled or decided with no-dice systems per minute outside of melee or battle. As it does this thing, you heal the wound and restore good health to the body.

  This at 20 ranks in focusing and 7 charisma mod means 6d10+7 in amount, that has a max of 67% health restored each round in battle or minute outside of battle. The effect is focused into existence by the power of the creator. In the effect, you have to think and state the desire as a need to create the result as stated by the DM/GM. If you don't, then how do you know it worked? I think it's interesting if it does, and interesting if you get some other result.

  LOA change; Learning ability level: 3.
  One way you could use the LOA in trying to attract people is also by having someone who you already know go through a slight change and some mental growth which will produce the exact same result. LOA isn't just about manifestation for something to happen, but also for something to change and become what you wanted to happen, but in a different way and perspective. What you focus upon that comes is changed, thinking of what it is to become by what you want by feel with this ability. This is possible to change a form or attribute of the target you thought to bring to the area, on a successful focus or concentration check with 10 or above results or 15 total with no-dice.

  Writing magic; Learning ability level: 4.
  Writing what you think or need or as you describe the idea by writing or statement otherwise thinking to write it like a story, that makes it by the subconscious creating what you describe. This self-creates the point you make by feel or idea you observe. The writing effect in DnD terms will work by rolling a 1d20+focus or concentration ranks with a 10 or above and otherwise with a no-dice determination it's a 15 or above result for success.

  Time ability; Learning ability level: 5.
  The character will be able to manipulate time and events by imagining or stating the idea they want and if the energy of the element is summoned by this its through gating. The means create the effect and the idea is the point you speak. This comes into existence as a point of activity. The activity allows you to get things by feel. You can get things done very easily. However, with the time ability, the character gains 1d6 actions per round. They literally speed up and get things done quicker. This means they use the 1d6 for rounds of time speed up. That means you get multiple actions per round and rounds of it.

  A DnD result by this effect is a focus or concentration check and 10 or above results to cause fighters to demise as though not existing and things are better after. Otherwise the result is per each 2 focus or concentration ranks round down. The effect is 1d10+charisma mod for the amount. Each amount is used as percent for healing or damage. So a 15 skill rank in concentration, a 5 charisma mod and the intent spoken of "I will create a water effect to heal using the time ability." Creates a 7d10+5 amount in percent. That amount is what summoned water if successful will heal your character by feel.

  Self-creation; Learning ability level: 7.
  The character that rolls a focus skill check with 10 or above as a result or has 15 total is the result with no-dice, and that character focuses can create using the energy of the area, that is directed by will and the subconscious creates what you want by feel. This is concentrated energy, so think and you know what to do. The thing this energy does is start the change, that is from imagining what happens within to create without problems. Self-creative thinking can produce the result or effect, that the building or area energy creates by being nearby. Since this is more focused energy, the result is produced by using your focus skill.

  The DnD result is creating anything in the area by the power of the area. This means in math terms, that for levels 1-9 you per each 2 levels, round down, is 1d10+focus ranks of the character for the elements or energy to create as an instant result. A thought of this idea can create the result. It's self-creative from the consciousness of the building or area making the result. What this means, if the area consciousness is awakened, it can create for you what you focus on to create. The result is a total that creates if elemental and healing is intended, with a level 15 character and 15 focus skill ranks, 7d10+15 in amount. This amount has 85% health restored.

  That means at levels 10-19 you per each 2 levels, round down, is 2d10+focus ranks of the character for the elements or energy to create as an instant result.
  That means at levels 20-29 you per each 2 levels, round down, is 3d10+focus ranks of the character for the elements or energy to create as an instant result.
  That means at levels 30+ you per each 2 levels, round down, is 4d10+focus ranks of the character for the elements or energy to create as an instant result.

  The duration or how long it lasts, is what you intend it to last, this means outside of melee or battle its as long as the area lasts and per 1d6 rounds in battle. So say you cast a earth effect, from the earth energy forms the result you intended. And, it lasts a rolled 5 rounds. Say this effect was to create an object, thinking and stating, "the self-creation I intend is to use earth energy to make appear a few hundred gold coins wherever I find them." This creates with an unlimited amount of time, the gold coins that appear from focused earth energy with a successful focus check and since it's outside of battle it's where the gold coins are there indefinitely..unless you are in battle, then it is there for 5 rounds of 6 seconds or 30 seconds.

  Dark focus; Learning ability level: 9.
  This uses the void and the focusing of energy by feel, that allows you to create what you need as though a want was created. This combines the weapon focus and nothingness technique, thinking to make the improved weapon focus idea as this. The idea is where you create by drawing forth a gate and making energy come to here, where you are then focusing it along the edge of the weapon. Then by thinking, you create the atomic edge that is diamond hard and can cut through anything. This gives you an ability to slice through anything by the power of the void, you can even slice a limb off or two. Also with effects, you can use the weapon by holding it as though a wave comes from it with a swing or shot and upon hitting the target you create what result you desired. This is giving you +10 to the effect and totals, that's with rolls of the weapon and effects you do by feel or idea you notice by idea you do. Think and you know what to do with this.

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Solamnic knight ability:

  Solamnic knight ability is what uses the energy of the body to summon the god they serve and your subconscious creates with care by directing their god, the effect you need or want is created using the creator or your God. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by focus with the deity or creator as energy surges to make the result. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The focused and concentrated effect is possible by focus. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a focus or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice in a system comparison. This class has 8 actual abilities: Traveling (cha), Solamnic manifest (Cha), Water absorption (Cha), Energy absorption (Cha), Instances (Cha), Force bubbles (cha), God weapons (cha) and Holy being (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or in with idea and to create by a point in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Traveling; Learning ability level: 1.
  The area you think to be in is the point your spirit shifts you to be in instantaneously.

  Solamnic manifest; Learning ability level: 1.
  The ability of a solamnic knight is yours, this is where you can create by feel with your god what you have to create and then make with the idea that is possible by feel. Their ability is done to manifest the idea by what you think coming to fruition or being made by their god. This is intention that the god does as though you, whatever your intent that is a point and the soul creates it with energy from their god as the ability of the body and spiritual magic thereof. That makes the point by the spirit guided with the soul directing their body into doing the right things, this means your area energy is used into creating influenced magic and manifesting using the universes energy by what you want with a prayer spell. You can create anything if you think to make with their god, and this guides the spirit and uses your soul energy into having you realize what was done by the insight.

  This means in math terms, that for levels 1-9 you per each 2 levels, round down, is 1d10+focus ranks of the character for the elements or energy to create as an instant result.
  That means at levels 10-19 you per each 2 levels, round down, is 2d10+focus ranks of the character for the elements or energy to create as an instant result.
  That means at levels 20-29 you per each 2 levels, round down, is 3d10+focus ranks of the character for the elements or energy to create as an instant result.
  That means at levels 30+ you per each 2 levels, round down, is 4d10+focus ranks of the character for the elements or energy to create as an instant result.

  Water absorption; Learning ability level: 3.
  The water in the body as well as the water in the area can be absorbed as health %. Add on focus 2d10+focus ranks in health. If absorbing from the target body it's potential water particles, after your done the target will collapse.

  Energy absorption; Learning ability level: 3.
  The food energy your able to absorb as it's flavored energy that's intense. The food will become flavorless and you will have recovered 3d10+constitution mod in amount of mp and health percent at will.

  Instances; Learning ability level: 5.
  Through the power of prayer you get instances. The instance you do things, is the moment that can last forever. You see the instance is an action and this action is a moment that can in idea last forever. The instance ends when you think its ended by other instances or idea you do. Otherwise the moment ends itself by stopping.

  Force bubbles; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you focus your thought energy and extend out the aura by 1d10 feet to create a bubble of focused force. This means you extended your aura energy and create additional damages or effects. Add 2d10+focus ranks to the total of damages and healing. Add 1d6 rounds to the effect you cast forth in battle. This effects those that get in your force bubble.

  God weapons; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where energy crafts itself as a weapon with prayer. As if directed by god, you can use it anyway you like. The God weapon is created by the deity and you find it in your hand or nearby as a point to use. The area energy and your god energy makes the weapon effect and it does 3d12+focus ranks in magic damage. This effect dispells itself as its not thought about, needed to dissipate or not needed at the moment and it is easily dismissed.

  Holy being; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is your god that reforms your body as though it turns into an godlike being and you don't need food or drink. All you need is the energy from your god. You are never hurt unless it's magically induced damage and always keep full health percent as your god restores your hp % instantly except for magic damage, that you heal yourself by prayer spell and restore yourself to full health %. You can turn yourself unsolid or solid at will. If unsolid, all your gear turns unsolid as well. You are unable to be hit by any weapon. Upon turning solid, you can be hit by magic and all your gear returns to solid state as well. At anytime, your god allows you to shapeshift at will into any other form. This is a worthy idea by observation to have in life, if the DM/GM allows for it.

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Focuser ability:

  Focuser ability is what uses the energy of the body to summon with the inner demon your results and your subconscious creates with it by care. This is done by directing their soul to direct the demon. The effect you need or want is created using the creator or your God as a source. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by focus with the soul as energy that makes surges to make the result. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Mana points (MP). The focused and concentrated effect is possible by focus. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a focus or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice in a system comparison. This class has 8 actual abilities: Focus magic (cha), Dust of peaceful rest (Cha), Magic food or drink (Cha), Ice magic (Cha), Remote listening (Cha), Creature summoning (Cha), Genetics (cha) and Thought magic (cha). They use charisma by the feel or in with idea and to create by a point in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Focus magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  The focus of the mind creates charm or curse results, so stating the result as an end result as you feel its necessary makes the manifest occur if its intended on a target. So upon focus you create the point of idea and that you feel should exist exists. However, if there is a counterwill, then you can expect no results. This can create any result that you can imagine, state or say just like a wish. It can even use a rite or ritual to make results, only as long as you focus the result to manifest and exist. This can generate from energy gated in as the elements, or whatever effect you want energy to create. Yep, you can use the power of attraction to draw anything with this.

  So for duration or how long things can last with a charm, roll a 1d6 for rounds in melee or battle. Outside of battle is unlimited until you decide when to quit. For effect amount, that means the amount of damages or healing done. This is 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks for the amount round down. That means for a level 18 character with 6 charisma mod and 14 focus ranks, you have 7d10+6 or 76% damage or health restored. If you add in emotion to the effect, the effect is a curse and lasts forever until death or you decide the target is then no longer cursed.

  One such curse is feeling your emotion and stating your intent that you want the target to do. Where a curse is possibly where the target is always female, the energy consciousness transforms the target into female formation instantly with sensitive tits. Or, you intend the target to not ever fight and you easily win by the combat or spell being cast. This effect is endless and you can create or craft nearly anything by feel.

  Dust of peaceful rest; Learning ability level: 3.
  If you find a body and want to use dust to cancel out its ghostly influence. Then gather sawdust or cremated body dust and hold the bag of it thinking to repel the the ghost from the area that it influences. Then, sprinkle the dust on the body and bury it. This fixes the moment and creates peace where it was unrest. This is called into action by your energy charging the dust and the thought you wanted occurs by its sprinkle, this is the dust of peaceful rest done by feel in a game. This you gather and can use at will.

  Magic food or drink; Learning ability level: 3.
  You can force your body into creating the shape you desire by eating or drinking. This uses the reprogrammed energy of food or drink with the thought focused through the food and drink as you eat or drink it and the thought is what you get as a result. However, once the food and drink is processed in the body, it changes back. That's how you can tell when someone does this, they tend to either fluctuate in body shape or change back right in front of your eyes if you manage to catch it. Say you intended by thinking about becoming a slimmer shape, think your becoming slimmer as you eat a little bite of food and as you eat and think your body reshapes itself by feel. The end result is the shape you intended and thought to become. Then after some time, you are your old shape again. This is a polymorph self and other. Yet If you drink or eat something, then you get a +4 to your die roll.

  Ice magic; Learning ability level: 5.
  Write a note in your own language and place it in a disposable cup of water, then freeze it and you caused what you wrote that you didn't want to be frozen out of time, permanently not to exist. If you dispose of the ice in some manner and you can reuse the cup. This ability can make the target not exist at all as though it disappears..

  Remote listening; Learning ability level: 6.
  Think to hear what it is by feel, then you create a moment that you hear the idea or about things there. Then your spirit acts the eyes and ears of the soul and hears it for you. The spirit can be anywhere, as though it notices or watches the idea as it happens.

  Creature summoning; Learning ability level: 7.
  This ability can be used to summon any creature in the area, that serves your will and does what you want. You can summon 1d6 creatures at first. 1d10 creatures at level 10. 1d12 creatures at level 20. 2d10 creatures at level 30+. The creatures will leave the area uponst dismissal without harm to you. Each creature has 100% hp and 25 foot per second movement.

  Genetics: Learning ability level: 9.
  There are several things you can do with genetics.. These are what they are so far that you can do:
  genetic wake up; You can wake the genetic pattern up by thinking of the gene to wake up as you drink water. This is not intended in real life, yet is how it is done. This process can take at most a day and you develope the trait of the idea you intend..

  genetic correction; This is a water type body formation that you think of the genes correcting themselves, and as you drink water you get a purified body. If you don't intend this don't do it. If you do this, then your body is pure so you become ageless.

  fire genetic correction; Think of heat energy that enters the body and creates what changes you desire, such as cleansing the genetic patterns and correcting problems by feel.

  earth genetic correction; Think of earth energy coming into the body to block out the problem genes. This reverts you to normal.

  air genetic correction; Think of air entering and changing the genetic pattern to create what results you state or desire. The air particles are conscious so its the energy of air that does your request.

  void genetic pattern change; This corrects the genes as they exist as traits and uses void energy to change the body as the void, through its energy sucks the genes essence that block what you want. Effectively turning off the genes that are bad. You unlock elemental ability and potential by feel. This adds +2d10 damage or healing in amount to your elemental damages or healing done.

  Thought magic; Learning ability level: 10.
  This is a more powerful version of the focus magic. This is where you think of what you want, focus the thought and create with the result manifesting by feel or observed idea. Counterwills play a huge role in this, where other things are thought and funny things occur instead. Then there is the combined effect of 2 or more people, where you think of the point and someone else thinks of a point and by focus you create a combined effect. That needs a focus point though, so focus your thoughts on an idea you speak about. You then create with a major focus of many people, or just two people at its minimum. This is why it's more powerful and can generate unlimited amounts of money.

  Think to use this ability to create with idea in duration or how long it lasts, as 1d10 rounds in melee or battle and unlimited until otherwise needed outside of battle. The point of damages/healing for levels 1-10 are 1d12+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks in amount, round down. This is a point you think of use to create with idea. Because it means for a level 15 character with 13 focus ranks and 5 charisma mod, that you have 7d12+5 in amount or max amount done is 89% damage dealt or healed.

  The point of damages/healing for levels 11-20 are 2d12+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks in amount, round down.
  The point of damages/healing for levels 21-30 are 3d12+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks in amount, round down.
  The point of damages/healing for levels 31+ are 4d12+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks in amount, round down.

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Hunter ability:

  Hunter ability is what uses the energy of the body to summon with the soul as direction your results and your subconscious creates with it unusually by care. This is done by directing their soul to direct the creator. The effect you need or want is created using the source of energy or your God as a source. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by focus with the source as energy that makes surges to make the result. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The focused and concentrated effect is possible by focus. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a focus or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice in a system comparison. This class has 6 actual abilities: Elemental creation (cha), Staking (Cha), Immunities (Cha), Magick (Cha), Magick resistance (Cha) and Faith effects (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or in with idea and to create by a point in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Elemental creation; Learning ability level: 1.
  This specialy is where you focus the elements drawn from gating with the elemental plane of aether, thinking to do things, you focus the idea of what you want and gesture or state what you want. Then you create upon a target or a surface your desired creation. This is the effect of healing or damages done by the elements themselves. The effect amount is 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks and round down. The duration is how long things last, if there is duration like fire and that is 1d6 rounds in melee/battle or 1d10 minutes outside of battle.

  Staking; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you stake the living target, that's using iron energy shaped as a stake. This is instant killing of the target if you get the heart or critical hit. Otherwise it's 2d10 damage.

  Immunities; Learning ability level: 3.
  you gain instant immunity to all elements. You are no longer effected by the elements unless you cast the effect uponst yourself. You get +10 to elemental resistance rolls.

  Magick; Learning ability level: 5.
  You invoke by writing or saying statements with intent to create, as you mention it with intent to create the result then you manifest it. The magickal effect is 1d12+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks round down, that is used in amount to create results. Otherwise, if there is a duration or longer than an instance for the effect, then in melee or battle its 1d6 rounds and outside of battle its unlimited until you decide to not need it.

  Magick resistance; Learning ability level: 5.
  You are no longer effected by magick unless you attempt or allow it uponst yourself. You get +10 to your magical resitance rolls.

  Faith effects; Learning ability level: 7.
  Your faith is your armor, they say. So by faith in yourself and possibly a god, you create using the soul what you want or intend. This intends that your soul is the thing that creates your desire using the creator or Ao as the source for its effects. Make results by focusing and stating your intentions with this ability. You can get 2d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks, round down, that is used in amount of damages.

  Any healing is where you restore 1/2 the full health percent to the intended target, each time you attempt this feature. Any duration or how long it lasts, is 1d6 rounds in battle/melee and unlimited outside of battle or until you need no longer the effects. Also since you believe your faith protects you, add +5 to your AC, since the act of faith makes you harder to hit.

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Hell weaver ability:

  Hell weaver ability is using the moment to create a result by heaven or hell energy you gate in and think to program with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name ability] to target [name target/s]". That's where the soul copy is used to summon what you need. This is done by directing it with need thought to the area energy, then you direct the soul copy by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you gate in heaven or hell energy to the aura. That's sent forth as waves of energy from the aura. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by focus with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate after you don't need it.

  The source is either the heat energy in the area, the unlimited soul or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Mana points (MP). The focused and concentrated effort in effect is possible by focus. That is done by either a free action or taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a focus or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice in a system comparison. The class has 12 actual abilities: Hell weaving (cha), Heavenly weaving (cha), Send (cha), Hellstorm (cha), Hellish heat wave (cha), Aura flare (cha), Hell touch (cha), Hell vent (cha), Aura of inimical will (cha), Fate weave (cha), Particle wind (cha) and Inimical wind (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Hell weaving; Learning ability level: 1.
  Think of what you want and you focus the powers of hell by thinking hell sends its energy as if to create a result. This is done in channeling them to create what you need with a very powerful fire effect including visual effects. This means your will can use fire energy to transmute the trace elemts in the air into any other element or you can materialize any item to create a result that you want. Like you wanted to create a firey death of the target and you were level 16 with 16 focus ranks. You would deal out 8d10+8 in amount. Maximum amount would be 8*10+8=88%. Each amount is a % that is is removed from the targets HP.

  The effects of this in damages/healing are based on level and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle:
   levels 1-9: 1d8+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 10-19: 1d10+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 20-29: 1d12+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 30+: 2d8+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.

  Heavenly weaving; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you use the power of heaven by thinking of heaven and needing its energy to create what you want or will into existence. This is used to create a result that you want or need to occur. Think about the idea and it manifests, if you make use of channeled heaven energy to create your way. You can heal or restore with this effect, as well as create a positive feeling as you make any result as though a wish were woven.

  The effects of this in healing/restoring are based on level and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle:
   levels 1-9: 1d8+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 10-19: 1d10+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 20-29: 1d12+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 30+: 2d8+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.

  Send; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is done on purpose by thinking of the target and saying "I send the target to hell." Think to send a target to hell and their soul goes to hell where the target body drops to the ground. So optional is the calling of an angel to release the target as though not sent to hell.

  Hellstorm; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you channel lava from the aetherical plane into the area to "storm" over the target or targets at 2000 degrees farenheit. Think of the idea and the moment happens as you state your intent to the dm/gm.

  The effects of this in damages/healing are based on level and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle:
   levels 1-9: 1d10+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 10-19: 1d12+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 20-29: 2d8+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 30+: 2d10+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.

  Like "I use the hellstorm ability to rain lava on the targets I intend to hit." At 2000 degrees farenheit, though there would be quite a bit of damage to the area. So use this ability carefully.

  Hellish heat wave; Learning ability level: 4.
  This is an ability to draw forth the heat of hell and have it centered upon the targets that will receive heat damage from the 2000 degree farenheit heat wave that goes and effects the target. Also the targets collapse by feel, that's for 1d6 rounds in battle and unlimited time outside of battle until the heatwave cools off.

  The effects of this in damages/healing are based on level and can effect the entire group of target/s that will last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle:
   levels 1-9: 1d10+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 10-19: 1d12+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 20-29: 2d8+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 30+: 2d10+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.

  Aura flare; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you think the hell energy goes into the aura and flares by feel. The radius of effect is 1d6 feet. That means you can cause up to 6 feet some heat damages and burns. Think about this one for a bit to get it to effect the target.

  The effects of this in damages/healing are based on level and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle:
   levels 1-9: 1d12+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 10-19: 2d8+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 20-29: 2d10+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
   levels 30+: 2d12+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.

  Hell touch; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you channel hell into a point of touching the target and instantly killing it. Think of the target and state "I use the hell touch upon the target." Then mimicking the touch. There is a savings throw of 1d20+charisma mod and getting a 10 or above to make it so the target receives fire damage instead of death. If the target has no charisma then the saving throw is negated. The effects of this in damages/healing if the savings throw is made are based on level and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle. The damages possible are 1/4 the full health percent of the target.

  Hell vent; Learning ability level: 8.
  This is where you think to open a vent of the planet to hell. Then the demons come and take away your targets wholly dragged in to hell. After that you close the vent to hell and its as though nothing out of the ordinary occurred.

  Aura of inimical will; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you focus and make an evil eye effect that causes disasters upon the foe/s like them tripping and not attacking. Think and you weave hells evil energy by gating it into the aura that you send towards the foe/s in waves, think of effecting a target or targets and you do. It causes things to go wrong for the target or targets you have in mind where they are controlled by you so they attack themselves instead of yourself. The target or targets get a -5 penalty to all their rolls for 1d8 rounds in battle or until you stop focusing on the effect.

  They are distracted by voices for 1d8 rounds in battle and 1d10 minutes outside of battle. So they don't attack you by feel. There is a will savings throw of 1d20+will and get a 10 or above for success, that allows the target or targets to not be effected as though they did things in the light and nothing bad happens. If the target or targets have no will, then the savings throw is negated and things happen as you will them to exist. In effect, you get away with whatever idea you want as an effect on them.

  Fate weave; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you focus as you channel upon fate being formed, that's as you think to effect the target/s. This is thought with what you thought to effect them with by feel or idea. This ability can deal 1/2 the health damage to the target/s in damages or healing each time its used.

  Of course, with a fate weave fate borrowing or giving is also possible, this is where you focus upon the person and say that you "take" their fate that you know is going to happen. Whatever was going to occur to them, this no longer happens to effect them and you can get what would happen to you. Otherwise, you can give them back their fate, saying "I give back their fate.." will make the subconscious do what you say and you give back their fate.

  Particle wind; Learning ability level: 10.
  This is where everything that is made of particles changes and your will moves the particles as though a wind, that creates either damage or healing or change to be whatever you imagine or state to be existant through the power of the dm/gm making it happen. If you heat up or intensify the particles in the area by visualizing the red particles rubbing together, then you cause them to move through the target or targets by thinkng it does things. Then, you cause the particles to do what you think. You see, what you think it does it will do using yout thought waves as programming.

  The frequency you need it is the thought you have projected towards the target, that you intend them to experience. So thinking of the idea, then projecting forth a energy blast will move the particles and cause a result of energy particles, that's making a firey blast that effects whom you want effected anywhere you want it to be and it conks out the victims of it. This follows psyche logic, where you form what is there by thinking about the idea. Focus reveals what you think or feel is there. Think and you know what to do.

  The effects of this in damages/healing are based on level and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle. The damage or healing it can do will effect those you want effected, so if you wanted to heal someone then you get 3/4 of their health restored of their full health percent. If you wanted to damage the target or targets, then you would do 3/4 of their full health percent in damages. That would mean the damages look like damage appearing and being there suddenly.

  Inimical wind; Learning ability level: 11.
  This is making use of gated in hells energy to cause the particles an evil wind effect. This is where you think of the energy in hell to be there near the target/s, then you cause it by thinking it does to move towards and through the target. Disrupting their focus and created is the disasters that distract the target/s. This is like missing the target and they get hurt instead by clumsiness with their own weapon. So if they make their will save they get distracted for 1d8 rounds in battle, attacked by themselves and that's until not focused into existence otherwise outside of battle. Also if effected and they don't make their will save, they instantly die and are unresurrectable.

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Summoner ability:

  Summoner ability for this game is not meant to be done irl, its meant to be played in a game scenario. What it is, its using the idea with the energy of the voice, the soul copy and the spirit for summoning with an act of magic by the creator. Magic in this case is using a source to create results by creating a moment. This is focusing your energy to make with the spirit, and think to create with the energy conscious and the soul copy. The energy is guided into doing things yet always will return to you, cleansed by the soul. The soul is guiding the energy and summons by your thought, that's making the moment as you need the result. That's done by the soul duplicating itself and the soul copy directs the moment. That energy you gate in or back out to the void as an energy source.

  This is then where you think of the point of expression, and that's when the soul copy disappears. Thinking to create where you intend it to create effects as a result. Its when that's an expressed idea where the energy is programmed by thought, that's made up to do things. That allows you to think its done. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]".

  You see the area energy consciousness represented the creator consciousness, thats by the heat energy uses the aura as a point of expression is done, these are the area energy responses that responds to your thoughts. That you think to the area, thats directed by programming things from the aura wave of energy. This goes forth to create a result as a wave of energy in effect. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making by manifest from the idea vibration within the charged by thought aura waves. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and you get it to the target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves.

  You can gate in extra energy from the void itself, that's to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and sending it back to the void after use. If to some area and it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect, this is with the subconscious mind allowing it. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by focus, thats with the energy source. Closing the gate in its use is done by the spirit or soul, after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think is done of the idea as the source, that makes the result like having a ball of lightning generated. Which on use as a source it causes it to cease. These are abilities that are based on activity with Wisdom. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (MP). The focused and concentrated effort in effect is possible by focus. That is done by either a free action or taking a round.

  If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering or cloth other fire and similar. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a focus or concentration check per round. Then, on a failed concentration check, you stop the effect. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. This is with a 15 or above for no dice in amount. The class is what has 10 actual abilities: Spell casting (Cha), Ethocraft (Cha), Ethercraft (Cha), Telepathy (Cha), Summoning (Cha), Demonology (Cha), Angelogy (Cha), Protection (Cha), Survival skills (Cha) and Transformation (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Learning ability level: 1.
  Spell casting; This is done by summoning energy from the creator, that will emulate any effect or element that you want. That's so that they can support the team without relying on summoned creatures. They would be able to create any effect that you would want. Including what adds up up to any elemental effect. You could summon poison fire to surround you and be in your aura to kill the bed bugs and other bugs as you think the af-brain part of you makes the effect unconsciously. The only price is drinking or eating things to give your body energy to create it. An example of spells you may use is the Optional spells list.

  This includes elemental effects..the effects can be with the elements like earth, air/wind, water, fire, lava, ice, acid, poison, plasma, lightning (for medieval play) or electricity (for modern play) and void. Any lava or plasma effects is doubled as it melts things. Any ice effects are bursting ice effect. Any element formed from the inside of the targets, that will burst the body with instant death. So the damages and healing possible are with this done by level and per each 2 focus ranks round down. That's like you have 14 focus ranks and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 13 character, it would be 14d8+5. In amount, that's a max of 117% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.

  Learning ability level: 1.
  Ethocraft; This is where you summon the spirit to create what you want, that's thinking of what you need to create. The spirit uses influnce and sheer emotion to summon real changes that effect the real world in whatever way you desire. The spirit is immune to damages except for energy effects. It has your stats with 100% health. The damage done or health recovered is depending on level where levels 1-9 have 1/8 the health as damage or healing, levels 10-19 have 1/4 the health taken or given, levels 20-29 have 1/2 the targets health taken or given and levels 30+ have all the health taken or given unless they make their savings throw using will. Then, its half their health.

  Learning ability level: 3.
  Ethercraft; This is where you focus upon the drink your energy and drink it for energy that builds up over time. You may use this energy to create with whatever you want by feel. If the drink is alcohol then you double your energy and effect is x2, that's temporarily done. If its non alcoholic, then you create with life by doing idea and regaining all your energy used up in created you deal normal x1 effects.

  Learning ability level: 3.
  Telepathy; This is using communication skills, thinking to establish a link to creatures, Angels and Demons and make them work with you. Add +5 to all charisma and charm checks.

  Learning ability level: 5.
  Summoning; This ability allows you to summon anything or any creature, that you can think of to get a result by feel. You summon 1d6 of the idea and it has 100% health with your stats otherwise. It stays until dismissed. The effects it can do can be with the elements like earth, air/wind, water, fire, lava, ice, acid, poison, plasma, lightning (for medieval play) or electricity (for modern play) and void. Any lava or plasma effects is doubled as it melts things.

  Any ice effects are bursting ice effect. Any element formed from the inside of the targets, that will burst the body with instant death. So the damages and healing possible are with this done by level and per each 2 focus ranks round down. That's like you have 14 focus ranks and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 13 character, it would be 14d10+5. In amount, that's a max of 145% health that's removed or given.
  The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.

  Learning ability level: 5.
  Demonology; This is where the summoner understands hell and its beings. The summoner calls upon hell to do his idea, this includes demons and hellish effects that create what the summoner wants. You summon 1d6 effects or demons by will. It has 100% health and your stats otherwise. If dismissed, the Demon will leave.

  So the damages and healing possible are with this done by level and per each 2 focus ranks round down. That's like you have 14 focus ranks and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 13 character, it would be 14d12+5. In amount, that's a max of 173% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d12+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.

  Learning ability level: 7.
  Angelogy; This is where the summoner understands heaven and its beings. Said summoner uses heaven to get what is desired. The summoner can call 1d6 angels to aid in the situation. The angel has your stats and 100% health. If dismissed, the Angel will leave.So the damages and healing possible are with this done by level and per each 2 focus ranks round down. That's like you have 14 focus ranks and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 13 character, it would be 14d12+5. In amount, that's a max of 173% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d12+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.

  Learning ability level: 7.
  Protection; This is where the summoner calls upon heaven or hell to protect said summoner and the area of interest. This summons 1 being of either heaven (a mjala) or hell (A bjala) to protect the summoner and said summoner's area. The being has 100% health and your stats. It stays until defeated or no longer needed to be there and keeps damages from effecting you, your party and the area..

  Learning ability level: 9.
  Survival skills; This is useful where they can get out of tight spots when creatures are not available by teleporting away to a safe distance and heal yourself. Add +5 to all survival check rolls.

  Learning ability level: 9.
  Transformation; This ability allows you to summon a copy of the soul, that's of the target being or creature, then upon request or stating "I like that" you become like them to the degree that you want. All the while keeping your health and stats. The only thing that changes is the shape. You keep the shape until either hit, wanting to be your own shape or disrupted in focusing.

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Mystic class ability:

  Mystic class ability for this game is not meant to be done irl, its meant to be played in a game scenario. What it is, its using the idea with the energy of the voice, the soul copy and the spirit for focusing and creating with an act of magic by the creator. Magic in this case is using a source to create results by creating a moment. This is focusing your energy to make with the spirit, and think to create with the energy conscious and the soul copy. The energy is guided into doing things yet always will return to you, cleansed by the soul. The soul is guiding the energy and summons by your thought, that's making the moment as you need the result. That's done by the soul duplicating itself and the soul copy directs the moment. That energy you gate in or back out to the void as an energy source.

  This is then where you think of the point of expression, and that's when the soul copy disappears. Thinking to create where you intend it to create effects as a result. Its when that's an expressed idea where the energy is programmed by thought, that's made up to do things. That allows you to think its done. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]".

  You see the area energy consciousness represented the creator consciousness, thats by the heat energy uses the aura as a point of expression is done, these are the area energy responses that responds to your thoughts. That you think to the area, thats directed by programming things from the aura wave of energy. This goes forth to create a result as a wave of energy in effect. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making by manifest from the idea vibration within the charged by thought aura waves. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and you get it to the target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves.

  You can gate in extra energy from the void itself, that's to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and sending it back to the void after use. If to some area and it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect, this is with the subconscious mind allowing it. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by focus, thats with the energy source. Closing the gate in its use is done by the spirit or soul, after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think is done of the idea as the source, that makes the result like having a ball of lightning generated. Which on use as a source it causes it to cease. These are abilities that are based on activity with Wisdom. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (MP). The focused and concentrated effort in effect is possible by focus. That is done by either a free action or taking a round.

  If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering or cloth other fire and similar. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a focus or concentration check per round. Then, on a failed concentration check, you stop the effect. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. This is with a 15 or above for no dice in amount. The class is what has 15 actual abilities: Thinking (Cha), Think confusion (Cha), Elementalism (Cha), Elemental beam (Cha), Mind thrust (Cha), Psionic shield (Cha), Telepathic link (Cha), Thought reading (Cha), Mystical vision (Cha), Advanced elementalism (Cha), Mental Fortress (Cha), Astral projection (Cha), Psychic rejeuvenation (Cha), Mind over matter (Cha) and Psychic pulse (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Learning ability level: 1.
  Thinking; Think and you create what you need or want. This takes 1 action. The damage or healing done is depending on level where levels 1-9 have 1/8 the health as damage or healing, levels 10-19 have 1/6 the health taken or given, levels 20-29 have 1/4 the targets health taken or given and levels 30+ have 1/2 the health taken or given.

  Learning ability level: 1.
  Think confusion; The effect of this causes by thinking of confusion to make the targets confused. So they are distracted by thoughts for 1d6 rounds. They do not attack for that amount of time.

  Learning ability level: 3.
  Elementalism; This is where you may form from gated in energy the element you need near or on the target. Lava does double the damage and ice shatters near the targets. This includes elemental effects..the effects can be with the elements like earth, air/wind, water, fire, lava, ice, acid, poison, plasma, lightning (for medieval play) or electricity (for modern play) and void. Any lava or plasma effects is doubled as it melts things. Any ice effects are bursting ice effect. Any element formed from the inside of the targets, that will burst the body with instant death. So the damages and healing possible are with this done by level and per each 2 focus ranks round down. That's like you have 14 focus ranks and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 13 character, it would be 14d8+5. In amount, that's a max of 117% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.

  Learning ability level: 5.
  Elemental beam; This is where you focus energy into a very concentrated beam of energy with your third eye to strike with elemental effect that you want to strike them with in a pathway. This includes elemental effects..the effects can be with the elements like earth, air/wind, water, fire, lava, ice, acid, poison, plasma, lightning (for medieval play) or electricity (for modern play) and void. Any lava or plasma effects is doubled as it melts things.

  Any ice effects are bursting ice effect. Any element formed from the inside of the targets, that will burst the body with instant death. So the damages and healing possible are with this done by level and per each 2 focus ranks round down. That's like you have 14 focus ranks and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 13 character, it would be 14d10+5. In amount, that's a max of 145% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.

  Learning ability level: 5.
  Mind Thrust; The Mystic targets creatures within 60 feet, sending a searing psychic bolt directly into their mind. The creatures must make an Intelligence saving throw or take psychic damage and have disadvantage on its next attack roll. The damage done is depending on level where levels 1-9 have 1/8 the health as damage, levels 10-19 have 1/4 the health taken, levels 20-29 have 1/2 the targets health taken and levels 30+ have all the health taken unless they make their savings throw using will. Then, its half their health.

  Learning ability level: 7.
  Psionic Shield; This is a reaction. When the Mystic is attacked, they can use their reaction to project a psychic shield, adding their Intelligence modifier to their AC for that attack.

  Learning ability level: 7.
  Telepathic Link; The Mystic can create a telepathic bond between themselves and another willing creature within 60 feet for up to an hour. This allows for silent communication, regardless of language barriers.

  Learning ability level: 9.
  Thought Reading; The Mystic can probe the thoughts of any creature or target within 30 feet. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw; on a failure, the Mystic can read surface thoughts. As a bonus action, they can delve deeper, but the target gets another saving throw to resist.

  Learning ability level: 9.
  Mystical Vision; The Mystic can see into the ethereal plane and other unseen realms for 1 minute and share the vision as a visual that the targets can see as a vision. During this time, they can also detect invisible creatures or magical effects.

  Learning ability level: 11.
  Advanced Elementalism; This is where you focus your mind and combine it with the energy in the area. That includes heat, object energy and similar. Think to create any element with x2 the Elementalism effect damage/healing.

  Learning ability level: 11.
  Mental Fortress; The Mystic is resistant to psychic damage, and they have advantage on saving throws against charm and fear effects. Their mind is shielded from unwanted intrusions.

  Learning ability level: 13.
  Astral Projection; The Mystic can separate their consciousness from their body for up to 10 minutes, entering an astral form at any time. While in this state, they can move through objects and explore unseen areas, though their body remains immobile and vulnerable.

  Learning ability level: 13.
  Psychic Rejuvenation; The Mystic can use psionic energy to heal themselves or an ally within 30 feet. The target regains health percent equal to 1d8 * the Mystic’s level. This can be used a number of times equal to the Mystic's proficiency bonus per long rest.

  Learning ability level: 15.
  Mind Over Matter; The Mystic can use their psychic abilities to manipulate physical objects. They can cast Mage Hand, but with an increased weight limit of up to 100 pounds. This ability does not require verbal or somatic components.

  Learning ability level: 15.
  Psychic Pulse; The Mystic releases a burst of psychic energy in a 20-foot radius. All creatures in the area must make an Intelligence saving throw or be stunned until the end of 1d6 turns, as their minds are overwhelmed by the psychic force.

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Skills and Feats

  Skills and feats are listed in the D&D player handbook whatever version you want. Also this is an idea here that is a convenient list of the 4th edition skills. The Epic level handbook lists level 21+ feats and skills whereas the Players handbook list level 1 to 20 skills and feats. This and other dnd stuff can be found here, this is with DnD 3 and 3.5 stuff or more is here, otherwise this is with DnD 2ed to 5ed stuff, seen for here is the resources, with DnD 4ed and 5ed stuff. For other resources like D&d 5e look here.

  Skills are Abilities that a character chooses with skill points every one or two levels after 1st as decided by DM/GM, 1st level you get x4 the skill points. So you still may buy a feat using skill points at 3 skill points for 1 feat. Any level, you can get a new skill. So think to get the focus skill, then you can do magic checks and anything that requires focusing, if necessary.

  Remember though, you only get a certain amount of skill points. That uses points as decided in charts. There are far to many for a single character to learn but you can focus your character on skills that best accentuate capabilities. Also, you can buy feats and skills from the GM/DM. Offer 1000 Gold per feat or skill point and you can buy up to 2 feats or 4 skill points per level raised.

  Skill bonus and stat bonus is a 4th edition ideal or otherwise something that you don't have to use, if you find mention of the skill bonus treat it like a skill rank and if you find mention of stat bonus, treat that as if stat mod instead. this counts as a miscellanious skill mod and is half your level + ability score modifier, with +5 if you’re ‘trained’. Otherwise the ability mod will work.

  The ability score mod is calculated by thinking to determine an ability modifier without consulting the table, subtract 10 from the ability score and then divide the total by 2 (round down). If you follow the 4e ruleset. All Strength, Dexterity and Constitution based skills suffer armour check failure or success by a roll of a die 20 minus 5 if no profiency or +5 if there is profiency. The Skill Training feat lets you add another skill as a trained skill, at +5. There are 4 allowed trained skills at first level. Humans can choose 1 extra skill to train in at 1st level.

  The limit of how much you can have in each general skill of allocated skill rank points is the Intelligence mod plus character level.

  Feats are special capabilities to your character that benefit by adding talents not there or improving the feats you have. They cost 5% energy to do. Character feats are gained every 3 levels but with wizards and fighters, there are class related feats in the players handbook and Ars magic feats are listed here.

Some feats have prerequisites. Feat gaining is 1 feat per character class except wizards and fighters gain 2. Two bonus feats at first for all 1st level characters. So a fighter mage gets 2 feats at first and at the 3rd level its 4 feats. Whereas mage thief get 2 feats at first then 3 feats every 3 level. You may use a special ability instead of a feat that you get. You can now use any feat points, free or not, to get special abilities. Any special ability costs 5% to make use of.

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  The alignment you choose or if undecided, as ouch or allow is the area its obliged yet nothing more so think its unaligned. Twelve distinct alignments define, seeing what all the possible combinations of the lawful-chaotic by ley use or focus is axis with the good-evil axis. Each alignment description below depicts a typical character of that alignment. Remember that individuals vary from this normal cleanup, allowable and that a given character may act more or less in accord with his or her alignment from day to day. Use these descriptions as guidelines, seeing to the use not as you are scripts. The first six alignments are the useful idea created by wizards of the coast, lawful good through chaotic neutral by feel so they are the standard alignments for player characters. Seen or by idea they choose, as they are decided to use things as unaligned. The three by idea or more evil alignments are there relating by relation for no thought or monsters and villains, this will stop as you create or the last seen and the last three general points are not useful or by focus there for the true backbone of people.

  The ultra alignment is a alignment for the extremist as a march to fifteen. The ultra reality of the borg, so you see the area you feel to use so thought is use unless abuse. See they allow overpopulation so you don't have to worry to the area you see. The unaligned alignment is for those who are there are no reasonable relities or realities after this to some area uses that you see. The only reasonable ways you to go though them is role play as the area you think is where the subconscious is creating as the alignment is so the area they think, then this is your use as you wat or wish by feel if a good idea is breathable makes seeable the area only reasonable suvivable places or unexistable is focus as this can exist otherwise is mentionable or if in case you can't do anything then think un allowed this is some cool area. That are where you think or your subconscious manipulated body is create or feel, as you wish so if to survive in a place humankind can't then other races are possible. As long as water is nonpoisonable you are safe. The food is what you wishes create yet if you may wish to return, if they aren't alive anyway the realm is the area or divined point yet this is your own decision. So you see not to use or not to conclude is dismiss, yet exists if you think the idea necessary where not is nothing no need is some feel or not to be. So you see or you can use the area energy, basically none of them are effected so afftected is one with or not by idea seen or understand naruto runes better with many uses for them anyway.

  Lawful Good so you see or feel to cause, the undependable area is "Crusader" is the area you use not the area you think to become.: A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.

  Neutral Good see to the feel not the feel or use is not by what you think, this is the point you see to adjust for "Benefactor": A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them.. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order.

  Chaotic Good with the use is form, that was to meet someone now I don't think to as real "Rebel": A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society. Chaotic good is the best alignment you can be because it combines a good heart with a free spirit.

 Lawful Neutral is point by thought, think to nothing for energy release. The point to focus excess to the ground or the road energy to the core from feel to relent to create or just this. "Judge is feeling by sense to feel" to create or not create.: A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs her. Order and organization are paramount to her. She may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or she may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot.

  Neutral is concept non control, control is thinking though to seem "Undecided" or cleaning by feelling failure or success: A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She doesn't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil-after all, she would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she's not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way.

  Some neutral characters or use by feeling concept, feel the concept or create not "with on or off" the other hand. See to think to commit themselves by feeling non vile nature is restorative yet feeling vile they are likely to go clean up or down to work philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, then the use due to malady leads to the most balanced road is use in the long run. Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion to thought think not to be enslaved. Ciaou.

  Chaotic Neutral by thought care or careful use, think to use the area aanimal user feel or animal spirit as "Free Spirit": A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it. Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal.

  Lawful Evil decorate by dedoctorate, seen or not is nothing by or not useage is "Dominator": A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve. He condemns others not according to their actions but according to race, religion, homeland, or social rank. He is loath to break laws or promises. This reluctance comes partly from his nature and partly because he depends on order to protect himself from those who oppose him on moral grounds.

  Some lawful evil villains have particular taboos, such as not killing in cold blood (but having underlings do it) or not letting children come to harm (if it can be helped). They imagine that these compunctions put them above unprincipled villains. Some lawful evil people and creatures commit themselves to evil with a zeal like that of a crusader committed to good. Beyond being willing to hurt others for their own ends, they take pleasure in spreading evil as an end unto itself. They may also see doing evil as part of a duty to an evil deity or master. Lawful evil is sometimes called "diabolical," because devils are the epitome of lawful evil. Lawful evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents methodical, intentional, and frequently successful evil.

  Neutral Evil or creative concern, think the use or "Malefactor" effect is malicio de greater user or malicio the great is useful: A neutral evil villain does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, see pure and no by simple thought. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. She has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble. On the other hand, she doesn't have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has. Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies. Neutral evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents pure evil without honor and without variation.

  Chaotic Evil is there in some feel yet not so bad off is the area they feel, yet not see despotic natives as cool so they aren't the "Destroyer": A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed non feel, hatred by thought, seeing and lust by failure for destruction drive him or release not to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. Chaotic evil is sometimes called "demonic" because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.

  True good is feeling use as you care or if no thought is caring, "The hero" is the person you think time to create better by feel.: A quibbler is a person that created the univeral way by wavelength or thought you think to create better use, this was reported thanks to robert seen as some of use is a general good person doing good intents with evil or good training. Your balancing good intents while doing good and evil or neutral actions. Double deal those who make trouble. Don't believe rumours, or do what isn't in the best intention of most. Use what is useful and may intention a positive understanding. Pay lipservice only if you need to or use by request the law by obeying them, this is thought only in the open and near the law as necessary. With a regressive motion this is so i decide, they can turn on those who were or are evil. Some use psience or science to back them up. They use laws so they get some effect, the quibblers are likely not to care on results except for what the think. Seeing is not only off the thrilling feel of the moment along with the people responsible this use is the response as they achieve what they think is wanted is necessary. They might say things are not always fair yet careful planning is creating, its not fun to play alone and yet the point by area they don't really help with as they focus on their own needs.

  The true good is to not tell of peoples problems and only so they can play with the faults. Aspects are to notify enforcement of law to what is occurring if any and to reflect the law. If they can't do that then they notify people of the laws which apply. Some do argue the point for quite a while till the nonhostile gives up. In their mind there is no wasted events and time is always of interest. The goal is to achieve a position of greatness and allow fame to cause glory and yet to not stop progress. The en thought "For the worthy can usually use or use the end to achieve, by a game that guides the way and most enemies fall by the wayside." Seeing the use is wayside service, seen and yet use is in or by the thought brownie area that are points. Seeing the area point you may think this is some focusing idea, yet my lover was a witch that loved if devestating was me as I didn't please her so she was not. This was a relationship not so bad off "yet thought I was a bum" she was structural use I was focus.

  True Neutral by the shirt feeling not to do, this was the area you saw to create with so you prophecized for us not those that didn't seem to need a "Prophet": A true neutral character or generally a neutral will control of what a person may or may not want to do by attempting to see and prophetize as they desire, on what seems to be a good idea. She/he doesn't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos, compared to accepting the visions of what may come. Most true neutral characters don't exhibit a lack of conviction or bias, its rather a commitment to neutrality as the two forces are what drive the visions and if there is only one vision then duality dissapears. You however don't have to do anything at all.

  Duality is twine or created result to seem or not be with idea, Seeing this in this case is to a cause or things are thought to appear existant from good and evil or not see effect, by your idea this is wok or working as you think to wok I suggest working as you wish or side by side. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil-after all, she/he would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones that are guided by a vision or dream. Seeing the end result was my desire, so you see the end for yoursel you may want to know think before you act so you avoid think some avoided result to work with things.

  Still stop as you are so you don't do what you don't need to do, she/he is not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or use by some universal way. When they have to they will prove a point, like socially they are almost banned from giving or protraying a vision so they help the besieged and to aid a group for their own free will. In their mind there is no wasted events and time is always of interest and vision will derive from most any sign they get, like a black hand on a pole where there was none meaning endangerment, except they love to study and give examples. This is used of what you use.

  True Neutral is the best for nuttyness, because it means you act naturally and strange, and without prejudice or compulsion even while you dream and its counted as an acted out vision. The goal is to be true to yourself and most will fall into place. What can be said "make good where it can be good and bad where necessary without prejudice except by using to work or create better with good comparison."

  True evil by feeling yet you don't have to do unnecessry idea by what your idea is or you don't have to experience things you don't want to create, true evil then is not evil as you see the area you see to use or create sight to not have to experience is not alwaays some "evil monster": Some aren't always like this but some can fit this evil monster role. This general evil achieve for the love of evil profit or greed and objects and do evil intent with good and evil actions. They won't think to debate between criminals and investigators of doing intention of evil! They're doing evil actions while looking for bad results in an area to disrupt. They play to own with time and choose not to follow rules, except for what rules are made by themselves. These people are the easiest to control because they follow the notions and consider what can be abused. If a vision occurs then they might attempt to change it, by vision manipulation and/or guilt trips. When they have to they will prove a point, as socially they are almost banned except they show redeeming points so they help the people needing help and try to aid a group for their own reasons.

  They attempt to control and connive or live by possessive standards. The monster maker isn't responsible for their own bad actions, they were possessed by an impulse or so they might say. If not that, then its a self excuse. The goal is to achieve with statement of bad as truly skilled for the sake of imfamy and seek to own. If everything is perfect then they will achieve with what they think of right, to think its right. They will do many things and mostly bad appearing good without forcing an issue. The true evil leave it alone or don't do if its an idea thats new, unless paid to. The true evil person is to claim an idea for their own and subjucate the idea maker, without giving up and they make things pretty hard in the end. So the line "Placate or use till the idea is dead" and "Don't beat a dead puppy, for its a useless activity."

  The ultra class is thought to use idea or not seem as you aren't as you think. See the area you feel if you do things this is their folly as they feel they aren't effected by what they do. See as you are aware your alert to the area you feel to create, as they are the feel unless you think you are feeling as they feel what you feel or feel what they want they create or do. This is their feel to the use so they think good if their way iss some feeling better. Some are area aware or activity creating to give an other things to create. They are aware yet there "where are they", so you see the area feel this is auratic influence or not always there if the wrong or not by the aura use. See with actic or activity is radience that radiation thought is collected to some area, this uses an energy convertor that is energy from thought sent to some pool. See as your not there by incorrect feel with some influencer not there.

  Ultra good or "Ultra yet end very creative" are then the use by feel create with the cool area feel, as do is creative or be is not bearing to beating or not being as if beaten as your nice that is seeable feel is sight or thought to see good intent not done as doable is finishing. See to create better or think less destruction, as you are aware by life or feel see or use is seen use by feel. "Cris is a madhouse" as if you see or feel use is a quaint description. So an try to use thought to create thought by feel. Say or feel to use better sense or creator feel to use cool or see cool air flow by the creator. As you see "think no evil to be no evil" an things are right or "sodomy", think better to seem better by feel or real use. These are physical materialistic spiritual types. As you see yes or as you see if things, as things worked I worked over on technology so this worked by your basis on technology so don't put me there. This can lead to seem vindictive.

  Ultra neutral; Ultra yet non crazy; As "pure back" you see what your doing your creative enough "pure neutral" or creating by feel to balance both sides is "pure clean energy". The creator is what you see as use, so your use is energ use by seen idea no way done is done by life by feel. As you see if you can't do it ten don't try. So energy is introspective, see as you are your aware as alert or if feeling or details by some clue are what you see or set aside "neutrality" as use. "This is said as you leave a area" by use really no use unless necessary. There is energy in no anarchy so your use is usable as use in materialism. I noticed as you see use they see use or see, an use reason to do things elsewhere nothing else "I think to in see no evil, eviction or burn notice" as thought no evin. This means or not there and so not any other techniques to fuse, the souls to your own so this is your feel or use by feel or that's it by focus or not see to do things for seen approval "or not" is the term they can use. The ultra neutral is sometimes thought to do so think is activity or indertermined idea. Be is not their use so they use the idea or nothing is done. The area is focusable as the area is concept to create with some point. Indeterministic yet determined with information or use by feel is concept determined in feel.

  Ultra evil "Palaz the paralyzing agent user"; They turn ultra into tragedy as they think be is beating or you are useful. This is the area you see to sense yet is serene. These are statues or things to form by molecules use by feel looking by focus or creative, with focus by failure to seem better or not mind by what happens so you see the real area use as um or use. See or seeming in use is by feel is a bit "this is expensive" to use, as you see or use feel by idea to create what is necessary by idea or not use. So deefective energizing by effect is use an no palaz means to ai or feel use, view or feel. They coordinate or cooperate by some idea so by use is feel. See by use is feeling yet see as you are your ignored till you create "no is cruelty until your creating", thinking to use is focus or in use to the use you feel. This is focus to some area you think to see or feel. Thinking seems use that is wrong or correct by no thought except by feel. "So now you realize things, you can see what you feel is use or not waiting in line as "cheat or not". Stop or go as you want so you went or were left off by feel." This is what they feel to the area use or not.

  See as you seem to do this, yes as you seem use or in no see, so you create as use is use as no havoc thoughts with use by this. So use is drugs as not necessary tragedize carefully if you target carefully thin or no tragedy will occur. These are physical use people. "I think no worse yet, I am great not to feel as you do now that you know or not as no need as I am point out stupidity as a thought is done. This is said from some lunatic." See now in feel better to see better or this is thought reasoning to defense or non retrieval, I heard that as "This is said when you leave hell. But that is why lyers are like you."

  This is life in a machine. See as living can seem done by use. Considered root 315 as a world bided by machines seen from a window by some tense or release consider in use some machine life. See as your aware or can create by feel, your ability is energy to create as you will or wisely done as wish. See as you are aware in a state by purpose, created by feel or feel is something to do by love, use or creativity. See that is the purpose to this blog. Some info I saw that was useful yes I realize what is there yours don't eat.

  Yet you see or not always seem to use, as you don't need to not do so your use is not unuse is free energy or use is feel to free. Not so by supernaturally or use done. So time the creator uses by what is to "seem create", what is useful you can or can't in see or thought is use to see with as focus not create a twisty stick so you want or help with intuition. See that is the purpose to this blog. Some info I saw that was useful yes I realize what is there. So suggest a good idea for some intent to be good so aaw for you. I am sure you can get good intention, yet beware the freak were creature by what you find here. See or as I will to create to the area as determined is future yet reaction is not always put off. So I changed the permissions to use your sense or feel as there is not always there.

  Unaligned by idea or idea is real thought is focusing, "Just let me go about my business.": If you?re unaligned to our purpose, you don't have to stay or actively seek to harm others or wish them ill. But you also don't go out of your way to put yourself at risk without some hope for reward. You support law and order when doing so benefits you. You value your own freedom yet don't take your battles out of states, without worrying or not worry with the idea by thought much idea about protecting the freedom of others. A few unaligned people, or so you see don't do the real thought because its realistic some places. So you see what is to earn or you don't have to yet not other places and most unaligned deities, some by a point aren't undecided about alignment. Rather neutral ultra evil as they can do yet think they own this as that is all. See the point to them is they can do yet not create unless they own it, so they've chosen not to choose sides just go or create with what is there, "seeing so feel no vindictiveness" then they won't striken or not from thought not vindictiveness so its either because they see the benefits of both good and evil or because they see themselves as above the concerns of morality. The Raven Queen and her devotees fall into the latter camp, believing that moral choices are irrelevant to their mission since death comes to all creatures regardless of alignment.

goto index

Character creation

  See to make a character use the dnd e-tools for 3.0E and 3.5E or handmake it, for 4.0E or 5.0E. I made several new races for etools and the dnd books found, here for 2E to 4E books.  For an example, of a handmade character, look here for the Alente character or here for the newer text editor made character using 5e. If doing a handmade character, look at the PlayersHandbook; 1and 2, of 4e or 5e, for creating a stock character, like a giant, so when looking online then look at this step-by-step character page and using this page as a racial bonus and skills listing. The experience level chart is here.

E-tools instructions

  To use the race if not there already, try to place the .rac files into the e-tools install directory under [base dir]/user/races. Then load e-tools and the race is there for character creation in the PH category.

  Then use the normal dnd classes for template, using e-tools or 4e or 5e stock character, just remembering:

Runic master class are wizards
Belmage uses the wizard class
Celestial mage, Sorcere, Chaot, Dreamwalker, Wave Master, Elementalist, Eldritch and Angellic class are sorceror/ess
Warrior kinetic and Were are fighters
Batlmage class are barbarian/sorceror multiclass
Shamans are druids
Warlock druids are counted as druids with the race as demon(your choice)
Weavers are sorcerers
Anti-paladins are paladins
Rogue wiz are rogue/wizard multiclass
Psychic monks and Sorcere monks are monk
Voodoo Witchdoctors are prestige clerics
Hell clerics are clerics with the das inmon race
Kinetic Sorcere are a sorcerer prestige class
Kinetic assassins are assassin prestige class
Actor bards are bards
The knight classes are rangers
Tengu class is a ninja
Ninja mage class is a ninja
Samurai are a class of warrior or fighter.
Witch and Dimensionalist are a class of wizard.
Necromancer are a class of sorceror.
Shadow practitioner are a class of sorceror
Light creator are a class of sorceror
Divine are a class of sorceror
Chi warrior, Chi master and Healer are a class of sorceror
Hunter are a class of fighter
Hell Weaver are a class of mage

  The rest of the dnd classes get a 100% health percent plus any spells are replaced by will word (Wis). So think to keep balance all classes get Focus (Wis). Split classes with non Ars dnd get 100% health nontheless. like a Sorcere lev 4/Psion lev 2 get 100% health.

Normal instructions

  Think to extract the dnd character for modification from e-tools or use a handmade character, this is done with some text editor or put it on paper using pencil. Make the character leaving at least 6 skill points for skills listed in magic system and as to what the class gets in character description. Now get the character to the level desired. Then think to export as html character sheet and html stat block..Load the stat block in web browser then copy the info to a text editor or edit the character sheet in webpage editor like dreamweaver or notepad. Add the missing info from the character sheet to the text editor. If editing the character sheet goto the next stage of character modification. Feel free, to add the character powers, to the character sheet, if your using DnD 4e or 5e rules. Think about things that you want to create and don't forget to add in the Skill bonuses, if you use the idea. Which is +5 more if you’re ‘trained’ or +5 if trained. As listed in the Skills and Feats section.

  Now for the character modification, after character creation modify by making the age anything greater than 15 and the weight anything greater than 50 lbs and altering hit dice base to list 100% health and removing spells as this Ars dnd does spells differently through spell-like abilities, that are innate magic effects.

  The stats are tradable, where you can trade 1000 gold to raise a stat, there is 5 stat raises allowed per level with gold trade..They at first are decided by rolling a 6d20 or use of 100 points, this is where each point is a stat point and your assigning the collective points, this is set amongst the different stats that are:
   Strength (Str or St)
   Dexterity (Dex or Dx)
   Constitution (Con or Cn)
   Intelligence (Int or In)
   Wisdom (Wis or Ws)
   Charisma (Cha or Ch)

  When you apply this to a handmade character. Calculate the Ability score mods unless you want to use a chart. The ability score mod is calculated by thinking to determine an ability modifier without consulting the table, subtract 10 from the ability score and then divide the total by 2 (round down).

Ability Score Ability Modifier
1 -5
2-3 -4
4-5 -3
6-7 -2
8-9 -1
10-11 +0
12-13 +1
14-15 +2
16-17 +3
18-19 +4
20-21 +5
22-23 +6
24-25 +7
26-27 +8
28-29 +9
30 +10

  So if to get luck, then use this idea for Ars magic: Luck is supposed to sometimes be a hard stat to increase. But the benefits are bountiful, even if luck starts at 0. If you pray to your god in Ars DnD with a luck of -1 or lower he will punish you. How to raise it then is to find something and pick it up off the ground for luck if valuable, see a use for or whatever you find happens in the luck event. However certain objects that you can find, they will increase your luck bonus. The luck check is used to determine success of an action. Roll 10 or over for success, roll below 10 for fail where something could happen to you. This is known by what the DM/GM says or does.

  Otherwise, make use of Altars to get luck. Altars are high-bandwidth connections directly to your god. They are either aligned or unaligned. Aligned altars are either lawful, or neutral, or chaotic.

  There are three uses of altars:

  If you drop items onto an altar while not blind, you will know their beautitude. Any altar can be used for this purpose. Note however that if you drop a fragile item (e. g. potion, mirror, crystal ball...) while levitating, it will break. Sacrificing. There is no way to sacrifice unless you stay over an altar. Prayer. While you certainly can try to pray everywhere, prayers while standing on altar cause better or different outcomes.

  A temple is a room with an altar and a priest. Not to be confused with the player role, priests are generated peaceful and will stay at the temple (unless angry), most of the time at or near the altar. Altars in temples can have any alignment or be unaligned. The tending priest has same alignment (or lack of it) as the altar. In a temple, you can donate money to its priest, provided he or she is peaceful, and the altar had not been converted/destroyed/desecrated. His alignment is not important in most cases. If you try to convert an altar in a temple, the priest will get angry and will not accept donations anymore.

Regular Luck Adjustment Event
+1 Find a lucky piece or coin.
  +2 Worship at an Altar of your God.
  +3 Leaving a "gift" or token of power at the Altar for a God.
-2 Break a mirror. (Other glass items have no effect on Luck.)
+1 Sitting on a throne (sometimes).
0 Throwing a worthless gem at a unicorn.
-1 to +1 (averages to 0) Throwing unknown valuable gem at cross-aligned unicorn.
-3 to +3 (averages to 0) Throwing known valuable gem at cross-aligned unicorn.
+1 Throwing unknown valuable gem at co-aligned unicorn.
+2 Throwing named valuable gem at co-aligned unicorn.
+5 Throwing identified valuable gem at co-aligned unicorn.
-1 Killing a tame monster.
-1 Killing a peaceful monster (sometimes).
-2 Killing a peaceful human when you are not chaotic. ("You murderer!")
-5 Killing a co-aligned unicorn.
-5 to -2 Cannibalism (eating your own species), unless an orc or a caveman.
Set to 0 Praying with negative regular luck (sometimes: "golden glow" boon).
-3 Praying on wrong altar.
-5 A sacrifice (not your own race) on Moloch's altars in Gehennom.
-3 Being converted by trying to convert an altar.
-1 Otherwise unsuccessful at converting altar.
+1 Successfully converting an altar.
-1 Sacrificing at another god's altar.
-1 Kicking another god's altar ("Thou shalt pay, infidel!")
-1 Trying to engrave something on another god's altar (also gives "Thou shalt pay, infidel!")
+2 Sacrificing your own race on your own chaotic altar.
-2 Sacrificing your own race on Moloch's altar.
-5 Sacrificing your own race when you aren't chaotic.
+1 Sacrificing, slightly mollifying your god, negative luck.
Set to 0 Sacrificing, mollifying your god, negative luck.
+1 Sacrificing, having a hopeful feeling, negative luck.
Set to 0 Sacrificing, reconciling, negative luck.
0 to +5 Sacrificing, god happy.

  The carrying capacity, otherwise known as encumbrance, is Strength x 10. That total tells you what you can carry as equipment or magical gear. This total is adjusted when the idea total for strength is changed by stat additions or subtractions. The damages the item can do is listed in the equipped area of the character sheet. This is gotten by combining the base like 1d8 with magic damage if any, the dexterity mod, the strength mod and the weapon proficiency like +1, +2 and +3 (Weapon Proficiency (Inaccurate), Weapon Proficiency (Normal) and Weapon Proficiency (Accurate) in order). You must have a proficiency in weapons before using it, or you have +0 for the proficiency bonus. This is where you have a 1d8 weapon base, a +5 dex mod, a +6 strength mod and a +3 accurate weapons proficiency. Altogether the dmg is 1d8+14, that your weapon can do listed right beside the equipped weapon along with the range..

  Work is str+con/2; drop the remainder. Work details how effective the idea is like you wanted to create an enhantment, then the item you enchant causes what you want with the work you put into it. This effects by adding the work mod as a + to the items effect. Like a +5 for an weapon+5.

  Wealth is work + cha /2; drop the remainder. This stat creates an effect of increases in what wealth, you get that from the targets that you kill or persuade. This is like a multiplier to your wealth that you normally get. Where a 6 wealth mod is a x6 to your money that you get. Otherwise, its a +6 wealth to your object luck and stuff.

  The Will is used for resisting the effects cast at you and also making a difference in reduced effects from magic. This is gotten by (St + In) / 2 and rounded down. Feel free to use the stat and add a mod with the idea to form a stat mod, that is used from rolling a D20 and adding the modifier as you are with 10 or above then you succeed the will or resistance check. How you can use your Will in resisting effects, that is used by the point and this is used to subtract your Will from the amount of damage done by the other.

  The Fortitude check, is formed by (St + Cn) /2 and Rounded down for ability to know when you are sick or poisoned. Used by combining the Fortitude value with a rolled D20 or acted part, this is used in comparison to a DC. Which this is done on a success and nothings wrong when the combined value is greater than the DC roll. The DC is a rolled die 20 that is where or when you think you are acting right. Otherwise, make use the stat mod and add the mod to a rolled D20, any total 10 or above is success.

  The Speed, this is how fast you are in an action and makes the initiative. Calculated by (St + Dx) / 2 rounded down. How to use the speed, is to compare with other characters and whomever is faster, as in greater in speed score, goes first. A random factor that can be added to initiative, is d10 + speed.

  The reflex roll, this is used to dodge things. When its used, you stop the damage and dodge attack. You form it, by the formula of (Speed + In) /2; Round down the remainder. So if you think to make a Dodge roll, compare DC with the combined value of Reflex value and a rolled D20. If the value is higher than the roll, otherwise feel free to use the reflex as though a stat and give it a stat mod. This is where you roll a d20+reflex mod, and if you roll a 10 or better then you made it. Otherwise rolling under 10 is a fail, and you didn't dodge the attack.

  Charm is how well you can convince a person to create friendships and that is created points of convincing others, this is done mainly by speaking or causing the point of feeling do you get an effect by feel. Charm is created by use of a combined charisma and intelligence, then divide by two and round up the remainder. That means the formula of (Int + Cha)/2 and round up the remainder. Then record the score and get the ability mod and use that with charm effects and charm checks.

    Memory; This is useful to remember things by another means instead of using arcana. It is calculated by (Con + Wis)/2 and drop the remainder..then record the score and get the ability mod and use that with remembering things and memory checks.

  Number of actions per round, this is where you can get the Intensity special ability or Multitasking special ability. Then you gain 1d6 actions per round..otherwise its 1 action per round.

  Time of effect; This uses duration or the time things effect, it mentions how long an effect has to do its thing. That is either instant or using the focus ranks, times the number of actions in a round or speed of time. That's for an amount of time the idea effects. This is seconds in rounds of 6 seconds in melee, otherwise its minutes and hours outside of combat. That means you got a 60 second effect from 4 actions per round times a 15 focus rank, that makes it 60 then 60 divided by 6 is 10 rounds.

  This is where you think to round down the decimal point. That's unless you don't want the effect, then the effect ends. If you had a 20 focus rank, and 6 actions per round. Then, you have a 20 round effect. Otherwise you have a timeless effect, then you can make a conditioned effect that effects when you need the idea to happen. These effects can happen using a trigger and word or idea, that's spoken after a successful focus skill check with a 10 or above. That's if the effect time is not mentioned for the effect.

  Inspiration points are inspired points of idea you get better actions from thinking about the inspiration from it. It starts at 0. These points are built up over time as you complete an activity you gain a point. They're there if you want to use it for an extra reroll per point used.

  Energy % is an optional stat, that can be used in place of Stamina (STP) and Magic points (MP). The energy of the body is what comes from the things we absorb in life. It uses the area heat energy and looks like a deep blue color. The food we eat and the drink we drink, that adds to the energy amount. This is the effect of whatever we intend that is created with thinking the idea and needing the result. Think about what you need and state the idea, then you do a spell that intended to exist as manifest. This creates what you wanted. So think and you know what to do. This is on the character sheet somewhere as "Energy %: 100% of 100%" or whatever the % is w/o quotes. Its represented as %, where we start off with 100% energy, feel free to add in the constitution mod per level as a bonus.. What we do lessens the energy per action. This is the amount of 5% per action, 10% per uber action. The energy amount is the % replenished, that is with a recovery rate of 10% per round in battle or minute outside of battle. Drink water, rub your hair or move around thinking to increase your Energy %. Per minute or action, its 10% energy restored.

  BAB or base attack bonus is used to hit the target, that is where you compare a d20+BAB with the AC of the target. This is gotten by combining the Strength mod with Dexterity mod and the weapon proficiency modifier. Say you had a +4 Str mod, a +3 Dex mod and a +3 accurate weapon proficiency. This means you have a +10 to hit added to the d20 on the attack roll. When you roll a 12 and add it to the 10 BAB, you actually rolled 22 and if the foe had 15 AC, you hit for however much damage. If you had no weapon proficiency, then you'd add a -1 to the BAB instead of the accurate weapon proficiency of +3. Making +6 BAB instead.

  The weapon damage is individually represented added to and per each weapon. There is melee and ranged weapons. That means melee is close up range of 5' or something and ranged is 40' or distance weapons. That's as you add the strength mod to your your weapon damage. This is where you have a 1d6 normal damage, then add to it the +4 strength mod. Allowing, a modded 1d6+4 damage you can deal. If you had no weapon proficiency, then you'd get an additional -1 penalty to the damages. Making 1d6+3 damage dealt per hit.

  AC is how hard you are to hit, the armor profiency details what type of armor you can wear. That means light armor profiency allows light armor without a -1 penalty to your AC. A heavy armor proficiency allows the use of heavy armor without the -1 penalty to your AC. The AC is your Armor class, this is where you add the Dex mod, and the AC Bonus Value. Say you had light armor proficiency and a +6 Dex mod addition, then you add the 5 AC Bonus from the armor rating. That means you have a 11 AC. If you had no armor proficiency, then it'd be a -1 added to the AC for 10 AC.

  Now add the special skills as listed in the character descriptions that suits your class and level, into the skill section. Treat these special skills like dnd skills as in skill point allocation adding in the leftover skill points. Put the skills in their own section of the special skills block as in Psychic monk skills for a psychic monk. Then rename the character class as it will not be the same, except for the mage, fighting classes such as barbarian and etc. With the fighting classes not mentioned in Ars dnd you keep the same except change hit dice to list 100% HP instead as needed.

  Warlock druids you replace the race with any demon and hell clerics replace the race with demon. Don't forget to add the bonuses that are applicable as listed in the character descriptions. Change the hitpoints by making the hitdice listed as 100% for the character and any monster is rolled hit dice as percent. Whala! you are now done and need to choose the game module in which to play or make a module up as you go. There must be a willing dm for the game module or it won't happen. For epic 20+ level characters look in the epic level handbook found in dnd resources or here at

  When you play your character. Somewhere on the character page, try to keep track of the the Health and MP or STP anyway you want. Optionally, the PL as well can be used. That's if the dm/gm allows this for use.

goto index
Written by skyhawk
Aaron H.
Aaron H. contact info:
Yahoo: DarkBlackWolf2k
Other contributers:
Leppy the leprecaan, Zackal, Kioku, Raven Wolf Claw, Balthazour, Lance Maelstrom, Jay and Tavruli

Chaos Magic for nonlethal magic system
Epic Level Handbook plus others found here.
d20 System Reference (c) 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
OPEN GAME License Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, LLC. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.
"ARS Magica" book by Judith Tarr
Playing the game idea: Mistress Mommoth and SH