The following Character Sheet uses a spell system located here.

Alente Hudra kao, Female half-dragon chaot; lv 21: CR 10; AL CG; Medium Dragon human (Chaotic,Cold,Earth,Electricity,Fire,Water,Air,Reptilian); HD 18d10+24/2d12 hp 186; Init +11; Spd Burrow 40, Climb 30, Swim 30, 40, Fly, Perfect 20; AC 32; BAB: +9/+4/+1; Melee BAB: +10; Ranged BAB: +14; 2 Claws +6 Melee, Breath Weapon +10 Ranged, Bite +6 Melee, Tail slam +10 Ranged, Tail slap +10 Ranged, Tail sweep +6 Melee, 2 Burning touch +8 Melee, Ranged: Acid (flask) +8/+3, Melee: Mana greatsword +5, PPC gun +10, Ranged, Melee: Unarmed +4, Melee: Armor spikes +0 (2 Claws, 2d6+1/crit 20/x2; Breath Weapon, 3d6/crit 20/x2; Bite, 2d4+1/crit 20/x2; Tail slam, 1d6/crit 20/x2; Tail slap, 2d4/crit 20/x2; Tail sweep, 1d4+1/crit 20/x2; 2 Burning touch, 4d6+1/crit 20/x2; Acid (flask), 1d6/crit 20/x2; Mana greatsword, 1d12+8/crit 20/x3; PPC gun, 2d8+3/crit x3; Unarmed, 1d4+1/crit 20/x2; Armor spikes, 1d6+1/crit 20/x2 );
SA: , Breath weapon (Su), Burn (Ex) , Burrow (Ex) , Captivating song (Su) , Charm (Su) , Air mastery (Ex) , Create spawn (Su) , Create/destroy water (Sp) , Darkness (Su) , Detect thoughts (Su) , Dominate person (Su) , Earth mastery (Ex) , Hive mind (Ex) , Haste (Su) , Ground manipulation (Su) , Lethal shock (Su) , Magic drain (Su) , Psionics (Su) Absorption 1 At Will Acid Orb 1 At Will Antimagic Field 1 At Will Astral Projection 1 At Will Blur 1 At Will Bolt of Conjuring 1 At Will Break Enchantment 1 At Will Fire Storm 1 At Will , Smoke claws (Ex) , Fiery aura (Ex) , Fire (Ex) , Water mastery (Ex) , Trap essence (Su)
SQ: All-around vision (Ex), Aura of menace (Su), Celestial qualities, Detect gems (Sp), Detect magic (Su), Elemental endurance (Ex), Fast healing (Ex), Gaseous form (Su), Flight (Ex), Genie qualities, Guarded thoughts (Ex), Immunity: Acid (Ex), Immunity: Magic (Ex), Immunity: Sleep (Ex), Immunity: Poison (Ex), Improved speed (Ex), Pass without trace (Ex), Plane shift (Su), Polymorph (Su), Regeneration (Ex), Scent (Ex), Telepathy (Su), Water breathing (Ex), Vulnerability: sonic (Ex), Unnatural aura (Su), Half damage from piercing (Ex), Half damage from slashing (Ex), Can't be tripped (Ex)
Class Features: Chaot: Simple weapon proficiency, Spells, Summon Familiar;
SV Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +20; STR 19, DEX 21, CON 20, INT 25, WIS 25, CHA 23, STR Mod +4, DEX Mod +5, CON Mod +5, INT Mod +7, WIS Mod +7, CHA Mod +6 .

Burrow 40, Climb 30, Swim 30, 40, Fly, Perfect 20

Current XP: 205175
XP for Next Level: 230000
XP Remaining: 24825

Skills: Animal Empathy (Cha) 4, Appraise (Int) +10, Acrobatics (Dex) +15, Bluff (Cha) +12, Concentration (Con) +12, Athletics (Str) +16, Connaissance undead (Int) +8, Craft (Int) +5, Craft Gemcutting (Int) +6, Craft Metalworking (Int) +7, Craft Trapmaking (Int) +7, Decipher Script (Int) +7, Diplomacy (Cha) +10, Thievery (Dex) +14, Disguise (Cha) +8, Forgery (Int) +10, Gather Information (Int) +9, Handle Animal (Cha) +8, Heal (Wis) +8, Stealth (Dex) +19, Innuendo (Int) +8, Intimidate (Int) +8, Intuit Direction (Wis) +9, Arcana (Int) +9, Knowledge Engineering (Int) +8, Knowledge Law (Int) +8, Knowledge Literature (Int) +8, Knowledge Martial Code (Int) +8, Knowledge Mathematics (Int) +8, Knowledge Weaponry (Int) +8, Perception (Wis) +9, Perform (Cha) +8, Ride (Dex) +8, Scry (Int) +8, Sense Motive (Int) +10, Speak Language +6, Arcana (Int) +28, Perception (Wis) +16, Use Rope (Dex) +5, Wilderness Lore (Wis) +9, Focus (Wis) +17,

Untrained Str Skill Bonus +14, Trained Str Skill Bonus +19; Untrained Dex Skill Bonus +15, Trained Dex Skill Bonus +20; Untrained Int Skill Bonus +17, Trained Int Skill Bonus +22; Untrained Wis Skill Bonus +17, Trained Wis Skill Bonus +22; Untrained Cha Skill Bonus +16, Trained Cha Skill Bonus +21.

At will Powers: chaos bolt, storm walk
Encounter Power: bedeviling burst
Daily Power: dazzling ray

Chaot special features: Chaos effect (Cha) +18, Spell subversion (Cha) +18, One pointed focus (Ex), Chaos confusion (Cha) +18, Switching frequency (Cha) +18, Chaos shield (Cha) +18, Tonal shield (Cha) +18 and Light portal (Cha) +18.

Feats: All Armor Proficiency: heavy, Combat Casting, Iron Touch of Kruk-Ma-Kali, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Improved Initiative, Dirty Fighting, Born of the Cradle, Art of Fascination, Powerful Voice, Child of the Earth, Jack of All Trades, Attention to Detail, Energy Substitution, Etch Object Rune, Armor Proficiency: medium, Snatch, Blind-Fight, Artistic Crafter: Craft (Armorsmithing), Artistic Crafter: Craft (Weaving), Artistic Crafter: Craft (Weaponsmithing), Artistic Crafter: Craft (Trapmaking), Simple Weapon Proficiency, Noble Pride, Improved Familiar, Alertness, Artificer, Channel Positive Energy [Cleric], Chain Spell, Stonebones, Armor Proficiency: light, Flyby Attack, Fey Blood, Fearsome and Fearless, Ambidexterity, Multiattack, Blindsight, 5-foot Radius.

Equipment: 3569 PP, 31 brown diamonds, Life-Drinker, Acid (flask), Armor spikes, Aspergillum, Backpack, Bedroll, Bell, Blanket winter, Candle, Case map or scroll, Chain (10 ft.), Chalk 1 piece, Chess set (common), Crowbar, Expandable pole, Firewood (per day), Fishing net 25 sq. ft., Flask, Flint and steel, Grappling hook, Hammock, Incense common, Ink (vial) colored, Inkpen, Ladder 10-foot, Lantern hooded, Marbles, Mirror small steel, Paper (sheet), Pole 10-foot, Portable writing desk, Pot iron, Potion belt, Rations trail (per day) Small, Reading lamp, Reverse lock, Rope silk (50 ft.), Scroll organizer, Secret component pocket, Sewing needle, Shovel, Signal whistle, Sealing wax, Signet ring, Sledge, Soap (per lb.), Spyglass, Tent, Torch, Vial ink or potion, Waterproofing, Waterskin (full), Whetstone, Disappearing Ink, Glitterbright, Cheese hunk of, Bread loaf, Meat chunk of, Potion: Flaming Fists, Potion: Flaming Fists, Potion: Flaming Fists, Ring: Ebony Bolts, Ring: Elemental Resistance Major, Ring: Protection +5, Wondrous: Amulet of natural armor (+5), Wondrous: Bag of holding (Bag 3), Wondrous: Bag of tricks (tan), Wondrous: Bead of force, Wondrous: Belt of Many Pockets, Wondrous: Boots of elvenkind, Wondrous: Bracers of armor (+8), Wondrous: Chaos diamond, skeleton key, PPC gun, mana greatsword, jewelled scepter, speed boots, command crown, 2 alchemist fire, heartstone.

Alente Hudra kao's Eyeball
STR 6 DEX 16 CON 9 INT 10 WIS 10 CHA 10
Fort + 2 Ref + 6 Will + 7 HP 14 Spd 5 Init + 3
AC - Base 20 AC - Flat 17 AC - Touch 15
Light rays +10 Damage Critical 20/x2
Bite +0 Damage 1d3-2 Critical 20/x2
Special: Eye rays (Su) , All-around vision (Ex), Flight (Ex)

Skills: Sense Motive + 4, Appraise + 9, Bluff + 7, Ride + 7, Escape Artist + 9, Diplomacy + 7, Spot + 6, Gather Information + 5, Climb + 10, Search + 7, Hide + 15, Scry + 7, Listen + 4, Heal + 3, Intimidate + 5, Perform + 5, Disguise + 5, Forgery + 9, Jump + 8, Move Silently + 14, Balance + 9, Concentration + 11