Spells list

  This is a spells list that you can reload to see the new spells in the list, think and choose one or two spells to do from at will. They don't effect the target/s, if you don't intend them to be effected.

The spells list intro
The damages and how long it lasts..
The degree of effects in effect by effect..
The spell levels..
The other stuff..and Will save

Spells in general and elementalism
The rest of the spells
The rest of the spells II
Dark path spells
Illusionous spells
Creative effect spells
Special effect spells
Last epoch type spells
Diablo IV type spells
Life effect spells
Reaction type spells
Town spells
Dungeon spells
Incident spells
Enshrouded spells and effects
Various other spells from DnD amongst others
Extra spells of idea, movies and old games
Paladin spells
Faith spells
Meta magic spells
Aether spells
Astral effect

The spells list introduction

  These are some spells to do. This is gotten by the "Magic focus" special ability, thats added to your special ability list on the character sheet w/o quotes. You don't need to learn the spell with this, as its using a special ability to cast it. That is where you think of the effect and state to the dm/gm, that you need this spell done. Think of it and your subconscious engineers the moment, as you mention the effect to him/her. The ability is what is possible as you use Energy % for this list, again that is 5% normal effects and 10% Uber or ultra powerful effects.

  That you can do with this idea..as in you focus the effect for 2 or 3 actions to get a combined uber effect that does combined damages..whereas a normal effect is 1 action dealing normal damage listed below. The ability is there in all of us. Think to create, need the idea to exist. Then the will to create the effect is done, that's by the power of the soul and spirit. Will is the thing here. If you will things, they tend to exist. Then, it happens as you need it to occur. The mind commands the soul and the spirit is directed, that's done by your soul as your thinking to get a result. Say you willed someone to leave the room, then they would leave the area. How strong is your willpower?

  The trick to this is to imagine or think the idea, then if you need the idea do the right actions. That's done by suggesting the idea to your subconscious, this is done in a statement out loud or under your breath of what you want to happen. It comes to you or goes to where you want it to go. That's if what you want is coming from the land of imagination. This uses the suggestion, thought, imagining things and making use of the subconscious mind. This is how the spells will work here, as though the creator, Mystra the magic goddess or some other deity. Any one, that's thinking to make the effect occur where and when you wanted it to occur.

  These spells are for the area or targets that you want to effect, so basically if you use the area as energy. The energy is known by the amount of heat in the air, if you have it too low you could freeze or not get a result. When its there as heat, you feel warmth. Then, you can use it again to get what you want. How this works, you can think of the area as though an energy source and state a need or result. This causes the source, thinking to cause its energy to be there and cause heat in the air near you and it goes near the target. When you use it your not sensed as the energy temporarily blinds the target or targets to your use. So you can't be detected..

  This hides you from being detected as the source of the spell. That's until your effect is sensed. This is with thinking to create a point or expressed idea. You can use this until the heat gets lessened in energy amount. Then think, all that's required, that's where you allow the air to renew its heat energy after 1d4 minutes outside of combat. This is the Energy % in practice and if enough heat is restored its alright to use again. After every battle your energy % is restored to full, that's from energy in the air being restored. If its restored, your able to be restored in energy from the heat being absorbed as energy, that's where the heat directed is your energy %. This is thought as though a need were there, that the energy consciousness sensed and formed where you wanted it in the right area. This is all in the use of the town and the area otherwise, thinking to create a result. Think and you know what to do. If you don't intend the spell to be created, then nothing happens.

  The effect is any spell that is done at will that can take up to 1 round in battle, 1 action or 1 minute of focus on the idea outside of battle. Thinking to cast an effect as if you cast it with a focus check, of 1d20+focus ranks and get a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action that is instant. The spell can be done 3 times a day. This effects any target/s you want effected by gated in energy as you direct it with thought by the soul creating it. You can even use the Baldur's gate 3 and alternate spell list.. yet ignore the damages listed as it does what is described here in this list. The list is here. For an alternate list of spells look here.

  Because you know things, its the subconscious that can block out the effect if you know of it and don't want it. So you don't get effected. However, if they aren't aware of what you are going to do or are doing bad then they can be effected. Its as though your body used the area heat as energy, then you cast it forth to generate body energy that's usable. The statements you intend or gesture you do after the fact is what uses the energy you cast forth. This is how you cast body energy as an effect spell is done.

  So they were caught off guard for the moment's notice. Otherwise, if you distract them, they can still be effected by the idea through the spirit. You see, the spirit and soul create the effect. Its not that you don't have a soul, its what you want to happen. The effect can be gated to the area of the targets. That is because the soul or spirit can cause the gateway for the effect, that the targets will be near for it to effect them. This negates distance and makes the effect near or on the targets. No matter where they are in life. There is a concept that makes it lifelike. So if you think to use this, then you must know where the targets are in the area they exist. This is known by psychic means, we are all psychic in one way or another. This is a known effect.

  Due note: For additional action effects. You may only use one spell and special ability of additional actions, that you can do on you or your allies. That's one with the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability.. either time effects, action surge, poly geometry line, formula magic or a time spell..and 2 of them may be used without intensity or multitasking together. Also, with creating effects of new spells not in the listing, you make a craft roll instead of a focus roll. So optionally, you create an effect with craft and do damages and healing amount using the focus ranks. This is the effect of choice..you can use this if you want to get effect. That you made up, think or use focus to create an effect in this list.

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Damages and how long it lasts..

  So if you think you deserve it or they are guilty or creatures, you can still be effected or create effects on the target/s. This works, no matter what. The damages or healing are normally done, if not specified otherwise. They know by intuition when it was done. This can last 1d6 rounds in battle, the time of effect total on your character sheet or until you don't need it outside of battle. Basically, its thought or action that forms reality by the subconscious creating what you need created. So, a safe spell is using any language that bypasses the consciousness.

  This can last 1d6 rounds in battle, the time of effect total on your character sheet or until you don't need it outside of battle. Basically, its thought or action that forms reality by the subconscious creating what you need created. So, a safe spell is using any language that bypasses the consciousness, then you target someone and get them to do something that you wanted. This means that whatever the effect, you create by thinking it and the subconscious does what you intend it to do. There are many sorts of spells you can cast as your God or the creator does it, that's with the subconscious guidance to your deity and resulting vision from the deity that effects what or whom you want effected. If you expend 10 stp or 10% energy, this is a way to deal 25% more damage, but the spell takes 50% longer to cast.

  Due note: The damage/healing possible are by level and per each 3 focus ranks round down. For healing, its each 3 healing skill ranks rounded down instead of the focus ranks. That's like you have 15 focus or healing ranks and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 15d8+6. In amount, that's 126% health that's removed or given at its maximum. At its minimum you could get 21 in amount. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every 3 focus or healing ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every 3 focus or healing ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every 3 focus or healing ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every 3 focus or healing ranks for the health of levels 30+.

  After level 10 you get an enhanced magic effect, where the spell can last twice as long. That is where 1d6 is now 1d12 rounds in battle. If any length of time that it lasts. The range of the elemental effect is every 10 levels is an additional 30'. So at level 12 you can cause a 60' effect for a normal fireball or iceball. This is making the effect form in manifest, where you want it to form. The gate can be formed anywhere you want it to effect your targets. Any spell you don't want effecting you, doesn't effect you by this effect. If you want it to effect yourself, then it will by the power of the soul. This in effect effects those you want effected by it, so think and there is a gate where you can get what effect you intend.

  If you don't have intention for it to effect, then you think there is no effect. That by feel is in effect and there is no effect otherwise. There is no ill effect by what you do, however a ghost can create an ill feeling. See you can do this at least 200 miles away and still get an effect by what you gate. If you form a gate on intention, you get your way. Think to the ghost, "I have no intention to be in an effect." Then, your left alone as the the ghost will do what its told to do using the energy of your "voice" as programming. You can even get it to then show itself in a picture, that's by telling it to show up on any image. I have yet to get it to do that, but I will eventually. Think and you know what to do.

  Any mention of Ward effects is when you cast a Shield or Ward type spell. Despite its listing, this is how much you are protected before taking actual damage if you needed a number. This is from the Last epoch game by the Eleventh hour games (c) 2024. This is where a number is kept by the DM/GM for your character sheet, that is the Ward you have and allows you not to get hurt as the ward number goes down instead of your health. Any spell in this list except for the Last Epoch list spells, that will get you 10 Ward. Any 10% costing spell will get you 20 Ward. Any spell that costs 15% energy, that will get you 40 Ward. Any spell that costs 20% energy, that will get you 60 Ward. Any spell that costs 25% energy, that will get you 80 Ward. Any spell that costs 30% energy, that will get you 100 Ward. Any spell that costs 35% energy, that will get you 120 Ward. Any spell that costs you 40% energy, this gets you 140 Ward.

  This game is where you think up what to do, so think and know that you are able to handle any situation as it comes up or goes down. This means you are able to cope, think and do what you wish. The DM/GM (Dungeon mater or Game master) has the right to say what isn't possible. This means you could negate any amount of damages. Absorb it and use it to create even better idea. This makes an excellent shield. Make use of this if you intend to live. What you do is up to you, what others do is up to the players and the GM/DM themselves. This is an ideal attempt to make a playable game. So you know what to do, always ask the DM/GM what is allowable. Thank you for your allowance..Think about it.

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The degree of effects in effect by effect..

  The degree of effect is optional. This means you may or may not use this as an idea for your game. That means you create an effect and depending on how long you effect the targets by, think about it and you can give them more healing or damages by feel. Think about it, you could create a lot of elemental damages. So when you think to create an effect of water, they get normally effected and each action after gives them more exposure to water. So any other element, you create with an idea and make with a manifest. That is where and when you want an effect so think to tell the DM/GM what you wanted, and he or she can cause it to exist as you want. That's if the DM/GM decides to make it. That is.

  This means you create the idea by energy making it exist, thought to use more actions increases the damages by each additional action. That's per level for the increases per added action in use. This is where levels 1-9 you get +30% damages or healing. Levels 10-19 you have +60% damages or healing. Levels 20-29 you have +90% damages or healing and levels 30- you have +120% damages or healing. So think of the point or expression, then you make what you think into what time and space you want to effect. Thinking your influence will effect those that you want to effect, makes the effect exist as a point or area observance of some effect. This means you cause, and effect those you desire to effect. So whatever element you want to make as an effect, it exists as you want and it knows whom is friendly and whom is foe. Think and you know what to do with this.

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The spell levels explained..

  Here are the cantrips and levels of spells explained.. cantrips are level 0 spells costing 5% energy..level 1 spells are spells that cost 6-10% energy.. level 2 spells are spells that cost 11-15% energy.. level 3 spells are spells that cost 16-20% energy.. level 4 spells are spells that cost 21-25% energy.. level 5 spells are spells that cost 26-30% energy.. level 6 spells are spells that cost 31-35% energy.. and level 7 spells are spells that cost 36-40% energy. Any level spell can be cast at any level as long as you have the energy to cast it with no matter what.

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The other stuff..and Will save

  Anyone can do a spell with the magic focus listed in special ability. However, these spells are not real life spells, where all you have to do is focus and create by thinking of what you need. Then think about the idea, it exists as a form of manifest with a 50% chance on a bad day and 60% on a good day of manifestation, unless you pray for better chances. Prepping things makes the effect more potent, like you prep food and create a masterpiece. This in idea makes the chance of success 100%, that's where you prepare for the spell. Think of getting a point of focus, then you create with the effect of what you say and make a manifested result.

  Normally, The energy in the air is heat and that allows you to get results. The energy amount is starting with the measured heat in the air or temperature and each action lowers it, that's lowered by how much the Energy % costs per action. So wait until the heat comes back and you can cast again. Prayer is an improved spell with 80% or more chance to succeed, that uses your Deity as the source of magic and it always works. Otherwise, the creator creates the effect, as the source of magic if no Deity or God. The general rule about prayer, that is you can pray for anything. The creator is neutral and will do what you desire. Any God, depending upon whether it is deserved, will do harm or help with some target. Think about it, as you can even get divine intervention. That means you either stop all fighting, stop the bad effects, restore all health and energy. Or, you create with an idea to make what you want to happen instead of what occurred.

  You don't even have to list the creator or a God as your deity. That's using the power of the cells and the soul gating in energy from the void of space, and that energy is cleansed or cleared of programming by the soul. That's only to be programmed by the mind thought, that can make what you think your God or the creator does. Whatever energy that's used up goes back to the void by feel. So if you think of the possibility you can do it in life. Like making a symbol traced in the air, as you think the target is being effected. That creates the effect as you your soul and spirit creates it. However, if the target/s or creatures don't deserve it or they are innocent, then nothing happens to them.

  You determine the chance by thinking to get a result and stating the end result. Rolling a 1d100, where you roll a 40 and up you get a result you desire. With a prayer you roll 20 or up, then you get the result. When you try, then with prepping you don't need to roll to get a result. Things just happen for your need is the directive idea that causes the energy consciousness to do things. If you don't need an effect, then you won't get a result.

  Its where you can cast things like wand effects, that require a wand to cast as a form of high magic that you can find in the Equipment list or ask the DM/GM to allow you to add. Then there's smoke cloud, time effects such as time stop, speed or slow time on the target/s, cold effect (by finger or hand gesture) or trapping floor by walking over a spot or circle thinking they are trapped in the floor on the ground. Otherwise make up your own spell to cast. Always remember, if aware of this effect and don't want it to effect you, your immune to its effect as the soul doesn't allow it to effect you. The effect is shot off to effect the targets you want effected. This is like a slingshot effect, where if you think it hits it effects like a self-guiding missile or effect you want to have done. Think and you know what to do. Each action ends the moment its done, that means you then use another action that you have or allow some other participant to do their actions. This is how it works.

  This will save is an important aspect and reaction effect. It can be done the same time you sense an effect happening to you. So in a will save spell you can use your will or charisma to make the effect you desire, that's as long as you mention to the gm/dm what you want to happen. You see its your will against theirs. Think to apply it as a 1d20+will to hit and get over their AC or will not to be hit. Then you hit. It could be a test to see who has the greatest will to control the fire balls. See its not all monsters that have will though. So would it be an automatic hit unless overcoming their charisma mod, that is used by you with rolling 1d20+charisma mod, this is a success by getting a total over their will. If they lack it then it would be an automatic hit, unless they used charisma to charm the targeter. Because they lack the authority to control the attack. Otherwise getting a 10 result and above means success.

  If they use something else instead of will, then they would have a low chance to control it, but it would have to be a good roll. Some monsters do have charisma. Thus, the charisma can be used in attack to control the caster. It is like your in a battle of the minds to control the outcome of an attack or not. Sharing will is yet another aspects of this, where you create even better results as a group spell. You combine your will with the helper, then you cast an effect and get overwhelming effects. So mention the spell and if you don't like it, it dissipates harmlessly by feel. This is totally either allowed for by the DM/GM or not. The DM/GM will tell you if it is allowed for if you ask them.

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Spells in general and elementalism:

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

Elemental effect

  This is where you cast forth any element like fire, air, earth and water to effect the target with a gesture. Some elemental effects are using an elemental summons where you think of an effect that is elemental, like blast of ice shards or cold and freezing air, or fire shot.. this could be any element. The elements for use are where this can include the focused elemental effects, that you gate in as energy by the soul. That's forming what you want. Then, your soul is unforming the gate afterwards. The range of the elemental effect is every 10 levels is an additional 30'. So at level 12 you can cause a 60' effect for like a fireball or waterball.

  The higher the level, the smaller you can compress the element into a ball. The more you think to compress the element, the smaller it becomes and the more damage it can do upon the thought of release and sending. The level of compression is due to how much you practice. If you practice it everyday, you will get better effects. This is a point from the past. However, thinking in dnd terms, this means as the level increases of the character. You can improve on your focus ability. Then, you create greater results with the level of compression increasing in increments. Once your at level 30, you can do devestating results in one action. So think and you can do what you want. That means at level 30, you could do things with 30 focus ranks and 7 charisma mod. So if you apply dnd math, this is 60d8+7 which equals 487% damage at most and 67% at its least.

  This is making the effect form in manifest, where you want it to form. The gate can be formed anywhere you want it to effect your targets. This is where its earth, lightning or electricity, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid and time formed by will or thought energy that forms a psiball. Again, the smaller it is the greater the effect damages. That means as you think its compressing energy into itself, then once compressed enough. You cast it forth, that's done by thinking its sent. That's through the gateway forming its effect.

  That's causing the energy to come and go to where you want, you make the energy form into what you desire by the gate making what you need as you focus is done. This is with a hand gesture and the third eye sending it forth, thinking of the area to effect where you wanted. Then the third eye guides it to where its to effect from where you are. The effect is easily done, so think and you know what it can do. This means you can make the area be destroyed, if you are high enough level. That's done by compressing heat energy into a pinprick size, then sending it out by thought to do its deed.

  The elements
    Earth; Earth can be used to hold or block things or form earth balls around the target or in the air, that you mentally project towards the target.
    Lightning; This is is shock that can be summoned by thinking it into existance to effect what you want by a soul formed gate, its raw energy in formation where summoned and can rip through armor and the person/s beneath, electrifying them or form lightning balls that go through the targets to instantly shock them. It can electrify anything. However there is a verbal form of lightning called "shock", that you state certain things and get peoples attention to the ideal. This is idea that you think should be viewed or known about in life. So don't be afraid to explain what you want to be known, anything could be a talking point.
    Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms that can levitate you and others, hold things in the air and punch people up.
    Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity, freeze out the idea you don't want and form ice balls or hail from the sky.
    Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke.
    Water; Water can change things, cause fire to burn out, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water from the air into waves or water balls.
    Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls. The smaller the fireball formed by compressing it into a psi ball and thrown, will reach the target faster and deal more damage. If you used 2 actions in forming one, your damages or healing would be doubled.
    Void; Void can if gated cause void or removal of the energy, erase a target of what is not liked. So it can dissipate the target into energy where you make the target disappear, think to cause the target/s to be drained of stp and mp, you can cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s. Otherwise form draining void balls, that shoot to the target to do deadly damages to disease or whatever you target making the target numbed. This is effective to cure disorders as well, so use it to cure as you want to feel better.
    Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
    Acid; Acid can be summoned to eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, or form acid balls.
    Time; Time is controlled by will and can shift you to anywhere anytime or anything you intend to shift, that's to any time you want to be in and by feel. Also, you can stop time where no events actually happen and the targets gets no actions per round, slow time down where slower events occur or the targets have 1 action per 1d6 rounds as the target relaxes, speed time up where things seem to happen faster or the targets get 1d6 actions per round and you are more tense. Otherwise you can revert time to be normal time flow again, think and actions possible are normal and you have no stress. Time spells are neat. You can do anything in any order. It's a moment you think is there, that manifests itself through time whever you wanted. You just imagine a time or place you'd rather be, think and it happens by the soul manifestation there. This includes freezing time on moments you don't want happening. You could freeze a war with this effect. So think and you know what to do. What you freeze you stop, that's as though it didn't exist. You may only use one spell and special ability of additional actions, that you can do on you or your allies. That's one with the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability.. either action surge, time effects or a time spell..and 2 of them may be used without intensity or multitasking together.

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________________________The rest of the spells________________________

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts..for the speed area, slow area and stop area spells, basically, time can pass by faster and slower or be stopped in two or more areas near each other. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Custom spell; This spell is costing 10% energy. You can craft any spell you'd want from the energy forming what you'd want. This uses the idea you speak if you writ it down or speak it from your thoughts, this is what you intend as a guide to the energy consciousness. The energy consciousness makes the effect happen. As long as you describe it to the DM/GM, think and its created if the GM/DM allows.
   Seed mantra; This costs 10% energy and every additional element is 5% more energy. That is using a mantra to summon your favorite elements and every element that is extra like you have one element and summon another, it would then cost 15%. So three elements are 20% energy. Chant the Bija mantra or mantras you want to use as you like, this is thinking to create the elemental effect or combined elemental effects.

   That's done by generating them where and on whomever you would target. Then it can be unsummoned. Think about the idea as it exists, you can direct it to effect as you wish. This can effect multiple targets at once. That's where elemental combinations are like water and air for ice or freezing a target to seem covered in ice for 1d6 rounds, water and air and no heat for coldness, where the lack of heat or fire in the air by focusing causes the degree of coldness that you intend by the soul making it. Feel free to cool down with this effect. Then there's water and earth for mud, and as you add air its quicksand. That swallows the targets into the ground or holds the targets for 1d8 rounds.

   Then think, as there is earth and fire for lava with double damages. Fire, oil and water for firewater or a hot fire that's blue, think and this also does double the damages using your thoughts as energy. Void draws from the targets and deals damage with their energy. That's used to power its effect, this is done as it effects them by sucking them near an area and sucking them dry. Ether is spirit. Oil is where you can cause the targets to slip and slide or fall over for 1d4 rounds. This can make an oil slick so be careful. Poison is earth substance spread with aeration that can kill anything that is touched by it that you don't like. Dealing damage per round for 1d6 rounds. Acid is earth substance overcharged with fire energy. This is a acidic burst in the air, that causes the effect of eating away what you want targeted per round. This lasts 1d6 rounds.

   Heat is fire in air heating the water vapors to a degree, where you focus fire to heat the air and you feel warmer due to the water vapor heating up. Otherwise you replenish the energy in the air. Then, you can cause heatstroke in the targets, that makes them pass out for 1d6 rounds. Lightning and thunderbolts are natural focused energy phenomena caused by the discharge of electricity in the atmosphere or channelled fire energy in the air by thinking about it. So you see, if you no longer need the elements you summoned, you unsummon them. How you unsummon it is by willing it away in a dismissal of the energy, use void or this is using the opposite element. Describe the effect you want to the DM/GM, that's so you think to aptly describe it and he causes it to form however possible.

Bija Mantra  Element Chakra

  1. Lam            Earth     Muladhara
  2. Vam            Water    Svadhishthana
  3. Ram            Fire      Manipura
  4. Yam            Air       Anahata
  5. Ham            Ether    Vishuddha
  6. Flo            Void      Anahata and Vishuddha
  7. Vamx         Oil     Muladhara Svadhishthana
  8. Lam Ram     Lava     Muladhara Manipura
  9. Yam Vam     Ice     Anahata Svadhisthana
  10. Vam Lam      Mud     Svadhishthana Muladara
  11. Shakti         Lightning       Manipura Anahata
  12. Ech Ram Yam       Acid     Muladhara Manipura Anahata
  13. Vam Lam Yam     Quicksand     Svadhishthana Muladara Anahata
  14. Ram Vamx Vam     Firewater     Svadhishthana Muladara Manipura
  15. Vam Yam Lil Ram   Coldness     Svadhishthana Anahata Manipura
  16. Ram Yam Med Vam    Heat     Manipura Anahata Svadhishthana
  17. Pan Lam Yam Jul   Poison     Muladhara Anahata

   Persona magic; This is where you think of the persona and think it will make use of the attack or the energy of the attack, think and that is a creative spirit of the weapon. So think it does something, like a metaphysical attack with radiance damages. Then the persona of the weapon with your will energy as direction, creates the result as you do a physical attack with it. However this could even be a writing tool, think the persona of the weapon is active as you feel. That it is and and as you feel emotion, that's where the persona makes use of the emotion to empower it.
   Smart luck; This is where you act smart, think and increase your luck by feel. You get +5 on all your luck rolls and intelligence based rolls. This doesn't stack on use of dumb luck. You can get one or another.
   Dumb luck; This makes you act dumb on a topic yet you get lucky and somewhat unaffected by things, as you think to do things add a temporary +5 to your luck and survival rolls as your due to feel good and relax. This doesn't stack on use of smart luck. You can get one or another.
   Missile and weapon breakdown; This effect costs 15% energy. It will cause the idea of chaos to be in a shield, that breaks down any missile or weapon in a strike. That means your aura sends chaos tendrils towards the strike, that's what comes by thinking to break down the weapon or missile. This effect is immediate, think and it can be used to do what you intend, survive. One thing, you can only be effected by magic. It could be possible to repair all the broken missiles and weapons.
   Air gap; This effect costs 15% energy. It thickens the air around the target, so their evasion goes up dramatically. There is a 1d20+luck roll just to get a feel of how the spell got casted. If you roll a 1 you know it miscasted somehow. But, if they roll a 20 it is a critical success. The numbers in between represent the divide between imagination and reality. There is a negative modifier to the hit dice on all ranged missile attacks. That modifier is -5 to the to hit roll at levels 1-9. -10 for levels 10-19. -15 for levels 20-29 and a -20 for levels 30-.
   Orb of destruction; It is a ball of purple arcane energy that uses Conjuration. It does double damage and uses ultraviolet magic energy mixed with mana. It takes 2 actions to reach its target unerringly. The orb of destruction effects those with immunities, except for if they can resist magic. If they are resistant or immune to magic, then they aren't effected by this spelled orb.
   Appeasement; This is where you send a little of your energy to cause the being or target to do what you want as you request the idea from their spirit or subconscious mind. This calms the targets down and they no longer want to fight you, that's done no matter what as you think calm thoughts and do what you intend.
   Slow area; This slows time around the targets to a crawl. It makes it so everything around the targets is slower to their perception. This spell makes it so there is 1 action per every 1d6 rounds.
   Speed area; This spell speeds up the area surrounding the targets. It makes it so everything around the targets is much faster to their perception. That's where you cause 1d6 actions per every round.
   Stop area; This is a no movement area that surrounds the targets, where the targets will think that nothing moves besides themselves.. This means that things stop and you only need to navigate around the area to get places. This spell makes it where no actions are done in the area of the targets that's perceived, that's done by the area for 1d6 rounds and upon continuance. The area energy surges, then things continue normally.
   Selective time; This makes it so the devices will speed up doing 1d6 actions per 1 round, slow down doing 1 action per 1d6 rounds or stop doing 0 actions per 1d6 rounds due to the subconscious causing the reaction. THat's depending upon yourself, as you intend it to occur and speak your desire to the dm/gm.
   Iron shot; The effect of causing iron particles shoot forth like iron shot and puncture the targets.
   Magma bolt; This is costing 10% energy. Its where you summon by gateway the magma from a volcano, that's in the form of a bolt that shoots forth and melts through armor and other items. Then, it impales the targets. The gate closes by itself. Finally, you can form 1d4 of them for levels 1-9. 1d6 of them for levels 10-19. 1d8 of them for levels 20-29. 1d10 of them for levels 30-. The damages they do are 1d20+focus ranks each. A quirk of magma bolt is it can work on enemies immune to fire. That's because it is a combination Fire/Earth magic school Destruction spell.
   High jump; This causes you to be able to long jump..as it focuses energy beneath the feet and then you jump better and longer.
   Energy vulnerability; This is a spell that causes the targets to become able to be effected by the elements.
   Recharge; This spell costs 10% to cast, think and it makes you fully recharged in energy. The creator recharges you on a thought. Make your energy % list as your full energy amount.
   Item powered focus; Hold an item, then focus your mind on the thought you want to summon. This is the idea you create by making, that's with the power of the soul. You can create any effect, that's done by willing it to exist and it manifests as you want. You could create ice effects, fire effects, lightning after standing back and concentrating. Also, you can create with the power of the item and the energy of the target. The effects are instant if formed, they can effect multiple targets and you control the element you create.
   Aesthetic powers; This is where you create an effect, that's done by making with the spirit using the creator to make a manifest. Think and that means you can focus, through the spirits hands you create what you desire. This includes any element in an aesthetic touch or purification done by feel. Purifying things make the idea you don't get influenced badly. That's done by the point you notice, this is with no poison or acid effect as you basically clean the area up of corruptive influence.
   Focus points; This is a concept, that ghosts use. They focus on a target or targets, see as they think to use the items or the creator, that they have nearby as energy. THen, they create what they need to occur in a manifest by use of that energy. So basically, you can do the idea that ghosts do. Such as a orb of light that deals radiant damage, dimming the light and causing damage, pinning the targets down and dealing damages, shielding you and your allies, fire or ice arrows and anything else you would want. Say what you want to create as you need it to the dm/gm and its done.
   Sphinx calling; This is where you call upon a sphinxe, that has a human head and lions body. Think to ask for something from it and it asks a riddle. That riddle answered correctly, this will grant you your desire as a reward. If you miss the answer, bad things will occur. Don't call one unneccessarily.
   Large hail spell; This spell costs 10% energy to cast. Baseball sized hail is where you nail the targets with exploding ice damages by a storm suddenly forming in the sky, that are in a 30' area for levels 1-9, 40' area for levels 10-19, 50' area for levels 20-29 and 60' area for levels 30-. That does 1d10 damage each for levels 1-15. Then for levels 16- you deal 1d20 damage each with basketball sized hail. You get 1d20 of them to deal damage from the sky.
   Rescinding attack of energy; This attack costs 10% energy. This is what creates the effect of energy attacks in waves, that are firey and fall from the sky to effect the targets in an explosion. This effect lasts 1d6 rounds.
   Rescinding elemental attack; This attack costs 10% energy. This is what creates the effect of any element in attacks in waves, that are the element and fall from the sky to effect the targets with the elemental effect. This effect lasts 1d6 rounds.
   Swand; This spell costs 10% energy. That is where you use your weapon as though a wand. When you cast an effect that you want to use with this effect, you get to use the energy of the weapon itself. That's added to the effect damages. So feel free to add in +50% damage with your effect damage. This is done by stating to the DM/GM, " I use the swand spell to cast the spell I need to cast. [Mention the spell here..to the DM/GM]" Then its done.
   The lightning trap; This spell creates what you want, lightning walls and the effect of trapping your targets between them. The damage of the walls are dealt only as they try to escape and do things with the walls.
   Lightning sword; This is a lightning sword created by a spell, that has a throw attack that does normal damage at first and gets 2x stronger each time you hit enemies with the sword.
   Chain and strike; This causes the targets to be spiritually chained to the spot, and struck by an elemental effect of your choice..
   Chain and strike II; This causes the targets to be spiritually chained to the spot, and struck by death and decay energy..causing them to die by death energy.
   Crit turn; This is doing a spell that lets you have another turn if you crit with the attack. It can be an attack with huge potential only limited by the luck of the dice rolls.
   Quick power rest; This recovers half your health and all your do once spells. Those are spells that you can't do when done until a rest is done. This counts as though an instant quick rest and if you use Energy % that is restored as well..this is as though you yawned and your energy is restored as you just had a quick rest. This is a quick power rest, where you focus energy in from the creator and you are restored including half your health.
   Butterfly energy effect; You release all the extra stored cell energy and you transform into a slimmer person with spiritual wings. This effects the body by increasing energy output by increasing your energy 50% and triples strength by adding +7 to your strength related rolls. THis makes peace by absorbing the energy in the area and this adds to the energy output. The soul is converting it with the body to make it for your use. Think peace and its formed. When you use this ability, you gain in height temporarily by a foot.
   Transformation; Think of the idea to become, send a little energy and the target becomes what you need the energy to transform it into.
   Energy golem; This is where you sacrifice by giving it up of 1 to 3 things to the creator, think and form an energy golem that can emulate any element. once the energy golem is unformed by will, then your items reappear or are given back where they left you. The energy golem, acts like you and is well behaved.
   Rain spell; This is where you think the moisture in the air coelesces into clouds and it falls in the area you wanted.
   Snow spell; This is where you think to create the effect of snow, that's as you focus in the area coldness and moisture. Then will it to form into snow that falls upon the targets in a 50' area. This does no damages except freezing damages and slowing the targets to 1 action per 1d6 rounds..
   Ice storm II; This is where you think to create the effect of ice, that's as you focus in the area coldness and moisture and feel emotional. Then will it to form into ice that falls upon the targets in a 50' area. This does damage to the targets.
   Tornado II; This is where you focus at the clouds in the sky your emotions, then upon imagining a tornado as your feeling good a tornado forms with your need for one. This is where your will directs where the tornado goes, also your feelings can make the tornado last.
   Area glow; This is where you think to see the area by channelling the fire energy to the aura and you cause a glow. This is wherever you end up going as the aura shares itself where you are in idea. The distance you can see is up to 50' in glowing energy. The area glow doubles with intensity with life energy. This depends upon what you feel at the time, think to intensify the feeling of energy in the aura and you double that vision range. This requires no concentration, that's as the soul creates it.
   Moonglow II; This effect is where you think and create with the energy of the moon, a glow in the area that you may see with by feel. Thinking to the moon creates this effect, the moon catches the thought and then makes it into reality. So as you need it its there. This vision is projected by the third eye focusing energy to the moon and extends to 100' in the distance.
   Empowerment; This spell allows you to become empowered by hits you deal to the target. You get the amount of damages as energy and health to yourself. This spell lasts until a long rest.
   Rough up; This spell causes the target to be beaten up by energy blows and they end up having half their health.
   De-effects; This is a spell that neutralizes magical effects like potions or debuffs, that's done by sending death and decay energy at the target.
   Invisible stalker; This spell causes a stalker being that does your bidding. This being serves you and can identify its targets you wanted dead, that's done by reading their minds. It can even read the targes minds you want read undetected, think and share the thoughts by insights to you. That means it does damages, also it otherwise has your stats. This being has a long spear, javelin or sword (your choice and you can have it have many weapons, too), that is used to invisibly strike the targets with 3d10 damage each hit. Once you decide to not have it summoned, it dismisses itself. Otherwise it is defeated if detected by either a true sight or see invisibility spell, and it keeps itself invisible with an improved invisibility spell. Improved invisibility allows the caster to remain invisible even if active. Think and you know what to do. This doesn't use concentration to have it work, that's as its sustained by the subconscious mind itself. Dogs and other animals are able to smell the invisible stalker. So, you can use them to detect it. Once detected, it appears as a ghostly outline. Then will it gone using its own energy and it is dismissed.
   Silent stalker; This spell causes a being that silently stalks the targets, this being serves you and can identify its targets you wanted dead by reading their minds. It can even read the targes minds you want read undetected, think and share the thoughts by insights to you. It only goes after those you want effected by this, think and casts long range effects at the targets to effect them. Otherwise it has a venomous bite, that effects poison damage per round if bitten until death or a poison cure is used. That being uses improved invisibility, thinking to remain invisible. It has 100% health, your stats otherwise and can deal interesting elemental damages that effect the targets in idea. That means you can cause it to exist by summoning it, then when done desummon it. Otherwise it must be detected by a true sight or see invisibility spell. Then think, as it can be effected by magic and enchanted weapons. It disappears back to its planar dimension, once its not needed. Dogs and other animals are able to smell the invisible stalker. So, you can use them to detect it. Once detected, it appears as a ghostly outline.
   Smoke cloud; This is where you focus energy to form smoke in the area of the targets. This causes them to not see you or where you go.
   Time effects; This is where you imagine or think a clock is stopping for time stop, speeding up for speed time, and slowing down for being slower time. Time stop is where only you and your allies move or do things, speed time where you sped up the movement for you and your allies. So basically is 1d6 more actions done per round. Slow time cast on the target/s are where you make them do 1 action per 1d6 rounds. You may only use one spell and special ability of additional actions, that you can do on you or your allies. That's one with the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability.. either action surge, time effects or a time spell..and 2 of them may be used without intensity or multitasking together.
   Cold effect; This is done by finger or hand gesture, where you think to freeze the targets as you gesture.
   Trap floor; This is trapping your targets as its set off by your targets walking over a spot or circle, thinking the energy causes them to be trapped in the floor on the ground.
   Ensnaring bolt; This is a bolt of energy that goes forth and causes the targets to be ensnared or held prone, that's for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle.
   Silent spells; This is where you think of the spell to cast and your soul casts it at the right time, this allows you to make no sound as you cast the spells you intend to create. That's done by using the power of the subconscious mind, and the soul causing the statement an you desire it to do things. This lasts till you no longer need it.
   Shield; Any attempt to damage you is energy to you instead that you can use. You negate all damages while this is in effect, that's by your soul negating it for 1d8 rounds in battle and 1 hour outside of battle.
   Create; This spell creates whatever you desire as you need it created. The area is any range and whatever you think is possible.
   Sunbeam; This is with an effect that allows you to send focused beams of the sun, that do scorching damage thinking it goes to those that you want effected in a path of light.
   Weapon magic; This is possible starting at level 10 or making use of 10% energy, it is a weapon that shoots 3 shots in succession or all at once. Its an imagined weapon that you need. It is there and you can see it there floating in the air with the third eye controlling it. This creates the basic idea of a weapon. That could be any weapon and it is with the elemental discharge of your choice as projectile such as elemental balls or bolts.
   This means earth projectiles which bludgeon or give concussion.
   Air projectiles which pass through the target and can put holes in them.
   Ice projectiles that cause puncture and freezing.
   Water projectiles that create wetness, short out things and create water.
   Lightning projectiles that cause shock damages.
   Fire projectiles that create searing.
   Lava projectiles that melt right through armor and strike the target with double damages.
   Acid projectiles which cause eating away of the targets.
   Poison projectiles which cause steady poison damages for 1d6 rounds in battle.
   Chaos projectile balls are balls of energy that break down the targets, or causes the targets to be prone for 1d6 rounds in battle. That's as it deals primordial chaos damage and that means anything can happen.
   Also if there's void ball projectiles, which cause a pulling into the area of the shot void balls.

   This weapon can be summoned in effect, that lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it outside of battle.
   The multiple elements attack; This is where you summon at level 20, otherwise you can expend energy by doing this idea with a cost of 30% energy. This is 6 elements in sphere form, that will effect the target. That means they attack the target or targets and they deal individual damages. The elements are fire, ice, acid, air, chaos, poison or some other element. If the targets are immune to the element, then the element doesn't effect them. So the energy chooses another one, that will effect them and manifest it instead. If nothing effects the targets, then nothing happens..
   Mind swap; This is the ability to swap two target's minds. It translates to switching two creatures Wis, Cha, and Intellect points. So if you're fighting a wizard you can mind swap him with his warrior buddy, so his spells do less damage while the warrior gets stats he can't use. The targets deal 30% less damages. They can be very confused for 1d6 rounds, and the effect lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you no longer need it to happen.
   Future sight; This is the ability to see a few minutes into the future to predict what an enemy is about to do. You are never surprised by the enemy. You are always one step ahead.
   Chaos orb; This is a spell that sends out an orb that causes temporal and mental breakdown, that's where the target's body breaks down and not be in the fight. Once broken down after 2 shots of this, the target is disabled and whatever the case they get damage from the chaos..
   Water beam; This is a water based momentum power..where you would gather up water slowly from the water vapors and moisture, building a vortex and then it would self power itself and shoot out beams from itself. This takes 1 action to do.
   Solar beam; It is a grass type move, that takes 2 actions from summoned creatures and costs 10% energy. These creatures you can summon in 1 action and they fire the effect beam in another action, that create for you this effect on those targets you desire to hit. You summon enough creatures to hit all targets, that unsummon themselves after the effect is done. This does normal radiance damage against those you target. It does things against negative it neutralizes it.

   So with dark energy, that's in the form of shadow beings it neutralizes as well. You see it's formed by focus of the sun energy from the plants, that you think to focus at the targets. The sun energy can be gated in and focused by will by opening a gateway to the sun and think the plants are collecting its heat, that's as the light of it shines through at the target to form a focused effect. So you don't actually need the sun to shine on you, or near you to cast this effect.

   At higher levels you can locate mentally and use brighter and better stars as you progress. Those blue stars and huge stars shine brighter and some stars are binary. So at levels 10-19, the spell now costs 15% as you begin to use a bigger star as its source. That means you deal double the normal damages. At levels 20-29, the spell costs 20% as you deal triple the normal damages. At levels 30-, the spell costs 25% as you deal 4x the normal damages with a huge star being used.
   Elemental bomb; This is a bomb made of energy, that you imagine in your hand and throw to the area to effect a 30' radius. That's of whatever element you think will work against selectively the foe, and it doesn't effect friends. This energy is smart, as it can detect friends from foe.
   Elemental death trap; This is possible to be used after level 15 or you expend 15% energy, that's the idea of trapping in an area of 30' diameter, the targets by shadows to strike them with draining energy and any damage they seek to do to others is done to them by the shadows, so think and energy knives form by the energy being shaped into elemental knives. The element is what you want it to be and is up to 2 elements allowed at once. This is done for 1d4 rounds or 1d6 actions in battle or until otherwise needed outside of combat.
   Commanding voice; This voice is done by thaumaturgy, where you speak what you want the target/s to do. Then they hear it in their heads as though a God spoke it to them. They either do the idea or they don't as a form of compulsion and fear. They are 1d6 rounds out of battle due to the fear. Roll a 1d100+luck to see if they do with a 51 or above rolled.
   I-esc; I escape, this is a spell that makes you invisible, and you go away from the area to escape by will.
   Cool; This is where you gain a cooling shield that changes heat to a cooler feel. All you need is to drink water or some cold drink and your body converts it to become a cool feeling.
   Warmth; If you think about the heat in the air, then you thought gather it in your aura and heat up by feel.
   Usurper; This is where you focus a little energy to overwhelm the mind of another, think and suggest what you want to occur. You control the victim and target.

Goto top menu

----------==========The rest of the spells II==========----------

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Elemental ball; This effect will cause what you intend as a sphere that bursts, and it will spread out for 30' diameter elemental effect energy. Choose an element to use for this upon casting it to an area. The elements you summon through a gate as energy to form as they are. They are void, fire, earth, air, water, ice, lava, poison, and acid. Lava does double damage as it melts the targets into melted mounds. Void pulls things towards itself as it drains the targets of energy needed to do an action, that's for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. Water makes things doused if in case its needed, like putting out fire. Earth gives concussions to the body that is targeted. Ice freezes the targets as it bursts from an ice sphere, that you cause to burst by willing it into ice shards that spread out and it impales the targets. So fire burns the targets. Air causes coolness in the area and a push back by a rush of air. Poison causes a sickening of the target. Acid eats away the target.
   Summons; This spell causes creatures, that you'd like to appear by energy gating where you need them. So for levels 1-9, you get 1d10 creatures for levels 10-19, you get 1d12 creatures for levels 20-29 and 2d8 creatures for levels 30 and up. They have 100% health and your stats otherwise. They are shaped like the creatures you need there, and do what you want. Upon death, they disappear by feel.
   Light clone; This forms a clone of you out of sentient light energy, you cause the clone to be sentient by creating a soul copy as you think of what you want and need it. Then it does what you want or need. Wherever you need it. So it has 100% health, your other stats and does 60% your damage.
   Gaseous; This spell causes you to expel gas, and the energy from the gas restores you as you smell it. Since this is kinda nasty or stinky, think about the idea before doing it near others.
   Thorny skin; Energy thorns that can be poisonous if desired can grow from your skin by focus, that allows you where you can impale the enemy. That means you make them pass out.
   Energy weapon; This is created by bio energy and concentration with heat energy or body heat. This is where you think the sword or weapon exists from the hand or arm. This creates a heat slash that is there by slashing or stabbing the weapon. This weapon can extend a long distance quickly. It ceases to exist if you think it doesn't exist.
   Blinding light; This is a sudden blast of light, that blinds the target and targets for 1d8 rounds in battle or until they recover in 10 minutes.
   Action surge; This is a free action to do a spell, that gives you a few extra actions. That's done by thinking energy goes in the body through the heart as though an adrenaline surge. That causes you to be able and do what you want in idea with 1d4 more actions. You may only use one spell and special ability of additional actions, that you can do on you or your allies. That's one with the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability.. either action surge, time effects or a time spell..and 2 of them may be used without intensity or multitasking together.
   Cloud kill; This is where you think of death and cast forth a mist filled with death and decay energy, that's done with air moisture by thinking the mist exists and thinking its filled with your death and decay to do what your need is in a 40' range. This can be cleared away by a gust of wind.
   Mirror images; This is where you cast forth duplicate images of yourself. That's through willing the spirit to show itself as 1d6 images that appear as you need them.
   Dark cloak; this effect is where you think and will the shadows to cloak you by feel. the people looking for you, they can't see you clearly enough to get a hit on you.
   Foul wind; This spell is where you think to cast at a group, thinking to rub excretion from the butt on your skin. Then you send it forth by willing a wind to effect the area targets. That's when you cause them to smell a bad wind. That makes them distracted by feel and scent making them sick to their stomach. Wash it off after the moment is done.
   Regeneration; Think energy surges and things you want will occur. This includes regenerating the spirit and body of all its wounds.
   Sneak attack spell; This spell is one that only works, if the target can't see you, but does massive damage. This spell does 3x the damages if your unseen, otherwise its normal damage. That you project forth with intensity, and an element of choice. That's done by thinking it is formed, going at the target or targets.
   Uplifted; This is a spell that launches the enemy into the air, and hurts them when they hit the ground. Unless they have slow fall, or flying or something similar. Then, they do get effected by fall damages. This is 1d10 per every 10 feet.
   !fnord; Cause things you need hidden to seem to disappear in plain site, and if you know to focus upon it you see it.
   Dimension shifting; This is a spell that lets you move from the 3rd to 4th dimension, that's done by thinking of the dimensional number and willing yourself there and back again. Thinking to go to 3rd dimension to get past a wall without touching it.
   Ghost barrier; This is where you bar access to any spirit, mainly by thinking the creator makes a emanating barrier. This barrier prevents ghosts and spirits, including demons from entering. You can cancel it at any time, by thinking the ghost barrier drops.
   Mana pool; This is a spell that costs 10% energy to cast, that causes mana rich water to pool from the ground, that spell also could makes mana enrich the water supply or water particles in the air. That's restoring stamina and energy to those it touches or influences. This influence is from the aura absorbing through touch the energy of the pool. You roll a 1d20 and triple the results with the calculator. Thinking to make it more random and dynamic energy and stamina regaining. This does not effect body fat, except to lessen it as its turned into energy. So you exercise or do activity more easily.
   Unlock potential; This unlock spell also unlocks potential. Whatever you want to achieve becomes achievable, that's by the power of the creator and your soul. Any damages you deal or any healing you do, they are increased by x3 if not already increased. There is a +5 to all rolls. Also you may cast any spell, that's allowable 3 levels higher than you..this lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or 1 hour outside of battle. Since this is a concentration spell, the moment your not concentrated upon this spell working. It stops. So every round in battle or every 10 minutes outside of battle, you must roll a concentration check to see if it still is in effect.
   Instant Quick Sand: Create a 3 feet deep pit of sand that allows things to easily sink into it, but difficult to pull out of it by feel. The effect is to keep the targets out of battle. This lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle.
   Phantom fire; Create orbs of ethereal fire that circle the target and burn anyone within melee range. Does not harm the target they circle.
   Oil flame; The build-up on the weapon of human oil or oil flares up in the moment of excessive heat that you focus upon the weapon. This produces a firey weapon, that deals an extra 2d10 damage until put out by smothering the flames out.
   Aura of murder; This is a spell that causes those near you to be rendered vulnerable or able to be effected and as they feel your murderous intent you cause fear in them. This effects the targets for 1d6 rounds in battle or until otherwise needed outside of battle.
   Oppium; This is where you sit, stand or lay down, then opium traces come to you to make you feel good. That's as you think of creating with extra energy bursts.
   Aura of magic; This is where you imagine deep blue mana energy swirling in your aura. That makes whatever you say and need to manifest, that's if you desire it. Any damages or healing are created with this in mind.. for levels 1-9 its normal in amount, for levels 10-19 its double in amount, for levels 20-29 its triple in amount and for levels 30 and above its quadruple in amount.
   Aura of distraction; Think to distract them and your aura sends out waves of energy to cause this effect. It keeps them from focusing on you for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you no longer need it outside of battle.
   Aura of withering; This causes your aura to send out aura waves, that effect your targets and makes them wither into dust.
   Withering touch; This causes upon touch or teletouch, the targets to wither into dust.
   Pooling spell; This is a spell that turns the target into a temporary pool of blood or water, (your choice), that can't make attacks, but can move around at normal speed and always evades physical attacks.
   Instant command; This spell causes those you command, due to the tone of your voice and the way you speak it to do it.
   Instant control; This spell causes through thinking of what you want and speaking it under your breath, the targets to be controlled by their subconscious doing what you wanted..
   Spell language; The spells you speak are understood, that's as though an understood spoken language where understanding is there to have. If you intend it to be understood, its understood as though a language you and the audience can understand. This also allows you to think and create effective spells, that's as you think to intend an effect by feel as you speak of the effect and need it to be done.
   Faerie Fire; This is foxfire that will illuminate targets with a vibrant light, making them Visible and giving Attack Rolls a +5 to attack the targets.
   Music creation spell; Beautiful music seems to be heard out of nowhere. This is created by the soul. Then if you need to do this, with the power of music you create what result you state as you listen to the music and relax. As you relax you and your allies calm down and heal, then you cause the targets to calm down and that ends the fight. In other words, you control them and can make them feel better. Whatever you do to them they will accept, so think and you get what you want by feel. After awhile of listening (maybe 1 minute) to the music, the comatose or unconscious patient wakes up being revived. Thinking a hymn could make it heard, the right hymn is done so it matches the mood and raises the mood so your no longer in a bad mood. Whatever it is your needs are met or created. This could be the light version of the spell to create light, A creative song could be control by words where the targets do what is stated, a dirge could be a dark version because they are usually played at funerals to create darkness, think and a shanty could be the water version to create water. You could use a Diss song to taunt all the enemies that hear it into attacking one person or target, who can be buffed with other spells to take less damage.
   Distracting scent; This distracts the targets with odor for 1d6 rounds in battle, and until you no longer need it outside of battle.
   Feeling good; If in idea you give a positive opinion they feel better. You make the effect of +5 to their rolls.
   Music inspiration; This is where you cause the effected allies and yourself to get a bonus to attack and healing. The bonus is +5 to all rolls. You and your allies get +10 health for levels 1-9, +20 health for levels 10-19, +30 health for levels 20-29 and +40 health for levels 30+. This additional health and effects of the spell are temporary.
   War missiles; This spell causes by war energy fueled magic missiles. That make radiant damage. This at level 10 does double damage, level 20 it does triple damage, level 30 it can do quadruple damage. You get 2d8 of them set off at the command "impendium" at the targets you choose to strike.
   Dissonant whispers; This spell causes you to send out dissonance to the targets, that does music damage. This effect can leave the targets in disarray for 1d6 rounds or minutes outside of battle.
   Vicious mockery; This spell causes things like mocking sounds, then it effects the targets by making them confused and dealing sound damage.
   Mini missiles; This is the effect of summoning miniature highly compressed red fire balls combined with radiant energy, that are not noticed by the targets. Think of miniature missiles of fire energy coming from your hand, then they are directed by the fingers pointing to the targets. You generate 2d8 of them by actions you do..think and they strike whomever you want to strike with 1d12 firey radiance damage.
   Decoy Sound; Play a note that sounds exactly like your choice of a distraction sound projected any visable distance.
   Vivacious mockery; This causes severe sound damage of the nerves by the right frequency using the creator's energy. That leaves the target unconscious and thinking they heard voices.
   Radiant wall; This is a practice wall, where you focus energy at the wall and think it to make it radiant with no reflection on yourself. That causes it to absorb energy and show results as you need them shown. Including, 1d10 magic missiles at half damage each or some element effect. That's like you cast using the wall of force, the effect of elemental energy to make like a ice ball that shatters and wounds the target with ice shards. This is ended by a warding effect, that the radiant wall causes the radiant force that would reflect back at you to not hit you. You see, the wall of radiant force only keeps the energy for so long. That is 1d10 hours. So it almost always goes back to the caster. This is for practice only. Instead the area around the caster is hit instead.
   Enwarding; This spell is cast by a spoken "peridhe" and in a judiciary point, "peridhen". It allows you to do nothing and things settle themselves. Also an alternative of this is a spoken "en", that ends whatever you don't like. So in certain conditions, like justice, plants or money points, you must sometimes act or you find yourself doing things. This spell is using ward as though an end all for the moment. The effect is ended, as you think of someone and state "en" to cause it to end. This is all done by the power of the soul.
   Potion effect; This is where you think and need the effect as you drink in water that comes from the air moisture. Add ingredient essence to enhance its effect. Any potion can be created by this effect, including intelligence, speed, jumping, shapeshifting, giant strength and etc..and any attribute or skill increase effect is a addition to your roll of +5 for levels 1-9, +7 for levels 10-19, +9 for levels 20-29 and +11 for levels 30+. That is like strength is coming from giant strength. The effect lasts till you rest or next game.
   Poof!; This spell causes whatever you don't like to disappear and things you like are there instead that remain. This can even make targets disappear. Think of the disliked idea and state "poof" and the disliked things disappear by the power of the spirit.
   Skill recreation; Recreate any skill magically if you need it done. Pick any skill to create and its recreated by feel.
   Aura of command; This is where you think of the idea and need it to get done, that's as though what you say causes the target to do it. Using the energy you send from your aura. The target is whomever you speak to that you want to effect. This can be resisted with a will or charisma roll, so if they don't agree its not done. THe roll is either done with use of will or charisma mod and rolling a 1d20+will or charisma mod. Then think, for success you get a 10 or above.
   Spell casting; Pick any spell not in this list to cast and attempt it with this effect. The effect is instructing energy to cast the spell as though you. It effects whomever or whatever you want.

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Dark path spells

  The path of spells you'd do if you follow the dark path or the path of chaos. Its okay to do some dark spells, as long as you don't do harm to those tyhat don't deserve it. As always, the will save can cancel or half the effect, that you get from this idea. Mention the spell and if you don't like it, it dissipates harmlessly by feel.

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   The dimensional trap; This trap is where you think of the 6th or 12th dimension, think and will it's energy to trap the target into the dimension. This makes the targets disappear from here, and appear in the dimension that kills them instantaneously by its forces. In the 12th dimension its the death impulse energy, that you find causes things to impale you. In the 12th, its the flying energy discs that go quickly to impale you unless you outrun them. Mention what dimension you want the targets trapped in or released from. If you intend them to be released, think "freedom" or "release" and they return.
   Wall of eldritch blast; This is a wall of force, that calls forth eldritch blast or fire and death energy against the foe that gets nearby. It is 30' wide.
   Symbol of death; This causes you to draw in the air a symbol to expell all your death and decay energy, that goes towards the targets to cause them instant death. If immune to death, then this doesn't effect them.
   Bone chill; This does necrotic damages by sending your cellular death and decay energy to the target, that leaves you younger and more energetic in appearance as it chills them to the bone. This means it prevents them from healing. That is till 1d6 rounds in battle passes, or you don't need the effect outside of battle.
   Death ward; Despite the death, the death doesn't last and the person is alive as they want to live.
   Death ray; This is a ray of death and decay energy that projects from the body to cause instant death upon the targets.
   Sinister; This spell effects the brain by the energy you program into doing things with your thoughts. Thinking dark and dour idea that would cause fear in to the person or targets, that makes the effect you desire of the targets being under your control. This lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle and until thought released outside of battle.
   Dark urge; This is where the targets will do dark things like killing things or people nearby, that's like they had a demon in them and it acts up only when the urge is upon you. Think to dispel this by realization of what you would do or accepting your past.
   De-effects; This is a spell that neutralizes magical effects like potions or debuffs, that's done by sending death and decay energy at the target.
   Invisible stalker; This spell causes a stalker being that does your bidding. This being serves you and can identify its targets you wanted dead, that's done by reading their minds. It can even read the targes minds you want read undetected, think and share the thoughts by insights to you. That means it does damages, also it otherwise has your stats. This being has an spirit gun, long spear, javelin or sword (your choice and you can have it have many weapons, too), that is used to invisibly strike the targets with 3d10 damage each shot or hit. Once you decide to not have it summoned, it dismisses itself. Otherwise it is defeated if detected by either a true sight or see invisibility spell, and it keeps itself invisible with an improved invisibility spell. Improved invisibility allows the caster to remain invisible even if active. Think and you know what to do. This doesn't use concentration to have it work, that's as its sustained by the subconscious mind itself. Dogs and other animals are able to smell the invisible stalker. So, you can use them to detect it. Once detected, it appears as a ghostly outline. Then will it gone using its own energy and it is dismissed.
   Silent stalker; This spell causes a being that silently stalks the targets, this being serves you and can identify its targets you wanted dead by reading their minds. It can even read the targes minds you want read undetected, think and share the thoughts by insights to you. It only goes after those you want effected by this, think and casts long range effects at the targets to effect them. Otherwise it has a venomous bite, that effects poison damage per round if bitten until death or a poison cure is used. That being uses improved invisibility, thinking to remain invisible. It has 100% health, your stats otherwise and can deal interesting elemental damages that effect the targets in idea. That means you can cause it to exist by summoning it, then when done desummon it. Otherwise it must be detected by a true sight or see invisibility spell. Then think, as it can be effected by magic and enchanted weapons. It disappears back to its planar dimension, once its not needed. Dogs and other animals are able to smell the invisible stalker. So, you can use them to detect it. Once detected, it appears as a ghostly outline.
   Seek and destroy, this is where you think to form a chi ball that's compressed in itself in the air, and then instruct it by thinking to it. The instruction is "seek the target/s by trace and destroy them." Then will it to find the target/s that deserve it.
   Seek and kill, this is where you cast a seeking spell. Thats when you make a charged death and decay energy infused chi ball, then think to it to "find" the target/s trace and upon finding the target to kill them as you will it to form in the air.
   Lich form is a spell, that makes you undying and bony by focusing the death and decay energy of the cells internally at the body. That is done by feel forever, then your spell effects are doubled by feel and intense focusing.
   Miasma, this is where you focus your death and decay energy or radiation energy at the targets' brain. Making them sick and disrupted in thinking. That lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until you dispell the effect outside of battle. If the effect continues after 1d6 rounds from focusing it another round, you make them pass out for 1d8 rounds or until you no longer need it to effect them..
   Dupe; This is where you think to make the targets accept what you want them to accept and lie about things that you want to protect as you do it..do a bluff check to see if the spell works to cause their acceptance. The target of this spell is called a dupe.
   Horror; This spell creates a horrific vision, cast by stating "Oh the horror" and intending it that is what the targets perceive and run away in fear from you thinking of it.
   Crazy; This spoken with intent to cause the targets to be crazy, makes the targets not care about what they do and attempt things.
   Insane; This spoken with intent to make the targets insane, makes them accept the idea and not care about what they do or occurs.
   Vampiric touch; This spell can be done as you need it done, think to create a health drain that's temporary health to you. This is done upon touch or teletouch and that's done by thinking about it.
   Speak with the dead; This spell allows you to speak to the dead spirit, that's done by the power of the soul anytime you'd like. This lasts until a rest or new game session.
   Dust of peaceful rest; This is the effect of using anything that is powdery or sandlike. Thinking peace and putting some on the body causes the creator to make the dead and targets peaceful enough, so you can slay them or cause them to sleep for a long time without trouble. This lasts for the time you need it to last. THis can effect any vengeful spirit, that's done by causing it to sleep. This dust can cause the targets to not come back.
   Karsus's compulsion; This spell in idea makes your third eye cause the crown chakra, that's causing it to doing what you want and you control it through focus. So when you think to create something that you need, its created. When you think to control someone, state what you want him or her to do and your crown chakra causes it to be done. If aware of this effect, your immune to its effect unless you want it to happen.
   Domination; This spell controls the target using a soul copy and the spirit suggestion, that is done at any distance. Since this goes to the target/s subconscious mind, you cause them to do what you wanted.
   Enervate; This causes whatever you think about to live, that's as though the idea were a person and you can control it by thoughts and feelings projected at it in your mind. The counter is "un enervate" said whenever you want.
   Mass control; The effect is this, to control the target/s and make them do things that you want them to do. This is where you effect them with thoughts in a thought wave, that's sent from the aura. Then, you create what results that you want. The effects are done for 1d8 rounds in battle, or until you don't need it done outside of battle.
   Elemental death trap; This is possible to be used after level 15, that's the idea of trapping in an area of 30' diameter, the targets by shadows to strike them with draining energy and any damage they seek to do to others is done to them by the shadows, so think and energy knives form by the energy being shaped into elemental knives. The element is what you want it to be and is up to 2 elements allowed at once. This is done for 1d4 rounds or 1d6 actions in battle or until otherwise needed outside of combat.
   Commanding voice; This voice is done by thaumaturgy, where you speak what you want the target/s to do. Then they hear it in their heads as though a God spoke it to them. They either do the idea or they don't as a form of compulsion and fear. They are 1d6 rounds out of battle due to the fear. Roll a 1d100+luck to see if they do with a 51 or above rolled.
   Shadow shift; The shadows are you conveyance by focusing, so each time that you step through the shadows you shift to be where you want to be.
   Paralyze; This causes the body or bodies you target into becoming unable to move. They can fall over if they are standing. That's as though you caused the creator to make the shadows come and paralyze the targets, until you no longer need them to be paralyzed. Otherwise this ends when you can't focus them into being in paralysis with a hit to yourself, that makes your concentration broken.. Once its not needed or concentration is broken, the hostile shadows disappear.
   Overwhelm; This causes an overwhelming moment of so many things at once, that make the targets not get effective results. They get a -5 to their rolls as less effect until 1d6 rounds pass by in a moment.
   Shadow shift; This is where you think to step into shadow, think of the area to be in and know the shadows will shift you into an area you wanted to be.
   Dark cloak; this effect is where you think and will the shadows to cloak you by feel. the people looking for you, they can't see you clearly enough to get a hit on you.
   Foul wind; This spell is where you think to cast at a group, thinking to rub excretion from the butt on your skin. Then you send it forth by willing a wind to effect the area targets. That's when you cause them to smell a bad wind. That makes them distracted by feel and scent making them sick to their stomach. Wash it off after the moment is done.
   Nightmare; This is a spell that gives a sleeping target a twisted nightmare that damages them, but doesn't wake them up.
   Nightdome; This spell creates a dome of night energy, that's done by thinking the idea to form a dome from darkmatter. This can direct dark energy that causes you to not be hurt, that's as the dark energy causes the dark matter to absorb what your hit with by feel. However the dome travel with you, so if you get attacked the dome deals double the damages back. If no damages are done, no attack happens. This where you create a dome using levels. At levels 1-9 you get a 30' dome. Levels 10-19 you get a 40' dome. Levels 20-29 you get 50' domes. Levels 30- you get 60' domes.
nbsp;  Night call; This calls upon Night the being, that forms as you wish and does things you need or want as she interacts with you. If you charm her, she will go out with you or have sex. This deity is good, neutral good. If she sees reason, she will do what is necessary to get the idea done. Her avatar that comes has 100% health, also she has your stats except for health.
   Dark call; This calls upon the being called Dark, that does things on request and if you offer him something it may disappear. His avatar that comes has 100% health, also has your stats except for health.

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Illusionous spells

  This section is for illusions and what you can do with it. Think the illusion is gone or disbelieve them as though you don't think it happened and it dissipates away. You see illusion doesn't happen until believed to occur. So if you disbelieve it, its gone. A will save can be used to keep it from occurring as well. What makes the illusion work, this is where you use intelligence to think it happened. So if you don't think about it it doesn't occur to you that it happened.

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Matrix illusion; This costs 10% energy. The illusion is set by the matrix..think of what you want seen in idea and the targets perceive that as reality an react better towards you. This uses the creator to make it exist to them. It ceases to exist, the moment you don't need it to be perceived by them by feel.
   Major illusion; This is seen by the 3rd eye or eyes you have, if concentrated upon creating it. This is where you create the area by illusion, or if you want a whole person or city then imagine the people or the city there. That's as you think the creator creates it. You can do a major illusion whenever you want.
   Live illusion; This is where you think to do things and cause by your actions a illusion that's live. Thinking its broken causes it to break itself, that is done as it disappears as suddenly as it formed.
   Grand mastery illusion; This is the effect of mastery over illusion itself. You recognize illusion, you know how to form illusion and you know how to break illusion. This ends by a spoken "enn" or written enn.
   Indescreption; This is using illusion to cause what you wish, and you keep your privacy by focus.
   Dispell illusion; Think to use your 3rd eye to dispell the illusion as it can see right through it.
   Distraction; This spell causes a illusionary vision of something in the area, that makes you see and sense the illusion as though it were real. This distracts the target/s until you no longer need it to distract them.
   Canoplis; This causes you to focus an illusion of a city, that doesn't really exist into their minds that you target with this effect. The effect lasts until your target/s dies in the made up city, or you release them by instructing the subconscious that "you aren't there". Ever afterwords after entering the city, they think they are still there after suggesting it, and that places them there in their own made up mind city. Released by causing them to think, "you aren't there".
   Illusionary effect; This is where you use your soul to make seem what is there, that you are wanting to cause belief in and is there. The soul does show the idea through the spirit, what is there is what you want seen. The third eye can see right through it, however. Though, the point is mute, if in idea you intend to see it.
   The heart illusion; This is where you present to the target an illusion of what you want and its powered by the heart. This includes creating a linked effect. Where the mind links itself to other targets at your will, think and this causes their minds to set upon themselves a damaging idea that they do. This is possible till you decide its not to be done.
   Illusion; The illusion is what you think, if you feel it's there. Then, the 3rd eye can see through the illusion that is projected forth. It's treated as though real until disbelieved or a savings throw is made versus illusion.
Illusionous effect II; Anything you can think of is done the body's bio energy and the subconscious mind, if believed by the person or creature will effect them. If you imagine the result, then it is done. State what you want them to believe. Then act a part as you think of things, that's meant to fool the senses. This can make them believe it. If disbelieved or the illusionist no longer needs the illusion, the effect fades away by feel.

   One such illusion for example is where you imagine the person they respect talking to them as you talk. This tricks their mind in hearing what they want to hear and they do things as they go along with you. Another illusion is where you create an illusion of ice encasing their body and they act as thought, they feel cold and freeze to death. These are examples of the idea you coul make in what you wanted to effect a target or targets by in feel or visual concept.

   This ability is limitless in what you intend them to experience. Yet if you make it too unbelievable, they can dispell the illusion and get no effect on themselves. So by belief, they could do what they want and that sometimes is acting as though what their mind sees is real even if its illusionous. However, sometimes illusion is hiding what is really there. So think about that as its apparent to what is really there, then you use illusion to make your way.
Poison mist; A poison constellation illusion, it starts out as a cloud of purple mist and then a star constellation is formed star by star and linked by golden light in the middle of it. This chokes the person to death as it poisons them until disbelieved by saving throw or it finishes the target.
   True sight, this is where you use your third eye to see what really is there including illusion. That's done by thinking of seeing with the third eye, then willing it to see and share its vision with you.
   Mind manipulation; This is subliminal manipulation where they create an illusion of what they want you to believe. Then they draw energy from the body to create what they want to manifest using the energy they got.
   Mind link; This uses your mind that shoots out a line of telepathic linking, that affects the person closest to them which effects the next person until you have a large web. You can effect any result with its shared energy and the body or heat energy added in. Thnk of what you want and you can cause anything you wanted.
   True time illusion; Think of what you intend to show by feel and the soul shows it to the mind of an audience. This is a true illusion, where you present something that seems true yet isn't true. If you think this does any damage, think again. This true illusion does nothing to you. However you can fool people into creating a response. Otherwise you can cause a stopping point in their need to fight. This can form a trap, where you think the illusion and what you need forms by the power of the soul.

   Except in a trap, you create with the idea and the mind sees things as they should be or as you want them seen. When the truth is known, it sometimes is too late and then the trap has sprang. This means you could cover a hole of spikes in the ground by illusion, then the person comes by it and trips over the hole. The third eye can see through sense of the area what is there, so your nevere caught by this type of trap.

   Give them the illusion of death or a dead person that looks like you if they target you, then they would stop the need for fighting. If you gave them the illusion of a post, then they sometimes won't attack and unless distracted definitely they won't as they are distracted. So, if you made something look like another thing, then you hide the item within reality. The possibilities are infinite, including making a doppleganger appear.

   Then you get to fight it unless you dismiss the doppleganger and it then disappears. This all depends on the belief that its there, other than that you can dispel the illusion anytime you need it gone.
   Sustained genjutsu; This is where you focus on the area and direct its consciousness to create a genjutsu or magical moment using its energy that effects the target of the area. Released by thinking its released as you do a hand language sign thinking its release. This can be anything that released it. Including destroying the area. Think positively about this, you get positive results. Since this is illusion, it lasts till now where 1d6 rounds in battle passes by, until dismissed by the caster, or unless disbelieved.
   Genjutsu averted; Think to die or touch the body with the thought, that's to avert the genjutsu and you wake up from the illusion of genjutsu.
   Illusion III; The illusion is where you think of something to show, then think of the idea as you need it shown. The subconscious uses the soul to create a vision with your idea, that is seen by the target..such as an illusionary office in life.
   Illusionous ability; This ability is where you can make any effect as the illusion by suggestion to the subconscious, that is not really happened as it occurs to others or yourself. Its like the targets falls into a trap... wall starts closing down on them... it is closing down... it is closing down... it is a paper wall. Otherwise, the illusion starts as though an animal or dragon, that comes to strike you and at the strike of the animal or dragon. Then, its revealed as a person striking the target and your inflicting damage.

   Other idea, this is where you can show their minds what will occur, that's before it is done unless the third eye sees through it. If it does, then you know what really is there. Otherwise, you can use your third eye, thinking to cause illusion with it to show you or the targets what happens or what is where you want to see. Then you can use telepathy to talk to people there. This is an ideal ability, that can be used for almost any purpose. Think and you know what to do. If you don't want to be effected, then think to your third eye to block the illusion. Then, it stops right then, and it sometimes ends before it begins.

   In order to use this idea in dnd, state to the DM/GM that you form the illusion of [state what you want it to do]." Or, "I use 2 actions to form the illusion of [state what you want it to do] as I attack with a weapon." Then it either occurs or doesn't occur, according to the focus check results that are 10 or above as success.
Coin illusion; The ability to throw illusory coins that look like normal gold coins, but disappear when something touches it. This distracts the target/s for 1d8 rounds in battle, or until the coins disappear.
   Illusionary Magics; The ability to create illusions and misdirect people with your magic. Including the illusion of them getting things as they help you. This does no damage if disbelieved.
   Poison mist; A poison constellation illusion, it starts out as a cloud of purple mist and then a star constellation is formed star by star and linked by golden light in the middle of it. This chokes the person to death as it poisons them until disbelieved by saving throw or it finishes the target. Dealing poison and choking damage per round, Each round the character must make a concentration check to keep it going. This effect can daze your target/s for 1d6 rounds in battle and outside of battle remains, until the caster decides to not want to do it or the target/s are dead.
   The matrix; This is a worldwide illusion of life, that improves itself by what you think. What it shows is what you need shown. So think of the moment and you create what you need as the matrix shows what you want seen. That's until you don't want to see it. Then it disappears.
   Phantasmic illusion; This is where you think to get an illusion that effects the area, thinking to the mirror what you want and a phantasm comes to create the illusion of what you wanted. This breaks the illusion, disbelieving in the illusion till it disappears. Otherwise, its stronger and stronger till it seems realistic the more you believe in it. Once gone or disbelieved, the phantasm is no longer "fed" by your belief and disappears back to the other side of the mirror as though dismissed. Illusions spells are cool, because they can effect what actions an enemy takes in an indirect way. It is still up to them how they react to the illusion. So think about it. If the targets think they were dealt damages, they deal damage to themselves, instead. Whatever you want, you can create as though in an instant moment ended by thinking its ended. This is what it is.

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Creative effect spells

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Substance effect; This is using an effect that allows you to empower your soul, or spirit for those that don't have a soul. Mainly its done by sipping, drinking or eating and the body converts the essence of the substance into energy. That means you re-energized yourself, as you think to create with the energy. Think about the effect, then you create it if you will it to exist. This effect allows you to empower yourself by feel. Add +10% energy per sip. Add an additional +40% energy per drink. Add +10% energy per bite. Add an additional +40% energy per eaten food. This can be any food or drink, think and you don't gain any weight by this effect. This spell lasts until you don't need it.
   Multistrike; This is a strike of a weapon, that hits multiple targets by the weapon essence spiritually hitting them multiple places all at once. That's hitting the targets, as you wave or stab the sword as much as you want to hit them. Then the weapon does damages to allot of people, the essence of the weapon forms spiritual versions of itself and that mimicks itself, this happens as its attacking the targets by feel. The weapon damages are the same wherever it strikes, that's with energy raised by surging the effect. Then, the strike happens and the effect fades away. The effect costs 10% energy.
   Progressive change; This is a spell that makes a small change of what you wanted early on that slowly gets bigger.. Any effect has x2 in effect each round or minute. This spell lasts until you don't need it. Name this spell and what you want done, that's to the DM/GM as the small change to start the effect. Any effect you don't want doesn't happen if you don't need it to occur as its cancelled out by the soul. Also, name what you don't want and state "I don't need this" to the DM/GM and it is stopped.
   Progressive lessening; This is a spell that makes what you don't like lessen or if damages you receive, its halved per round or minute that you receive. This effect can last until you don't need it to effect you. So state to the DM/GM what you don't like and the spell you cast to lessen it, think and its done. Then when you don't need it, state to the DM/GM, "This spell of lessening has ended." Then it ends.
   Expansive attack; The larger the targets the more the targets get hurt. This is where you create more damages to targets larger than you. The effect is exponential, where you are attacking the large target you get double damage. Where you are attacking a gigantuan you get 3x the damages. This spell lasts until you are resting. So instead of dealing normal damages to a dragon, you do double. This is because you focus meta energy on the attack and that makes the attack you do, that's double or triple the amount of damage per attack. Think and you know what to do.
   Elemental being; This costs 25% energy to cast. The elemental being can create with any element and make an effect of what you desire. This is including attacks of elements or fists of energy in attack. It knows what can effect the targets. It comes from the aetherical plane of existence, as its an aether being and any element it can use or form as such. This means it can withstand allot of damage, that is physical and magical attacks are what can effect it. It however is immune to elemental attacks except the opposite of what element it shapeshifts into. It has 300% health and each point in constitution is +10 to its health.

   It can create a result within 1 action and has 1d6 actions per round. Its elemental magic is where an elemental being can control any element. For example, an elemental can create and control fire, air, water, earth, ice, lava, void, poison, chaos and acid in its natural form. They can do shape-shifting. An aetherical elemental being can shape-shift into any element, which can be a very effective combat strategy. If they shapeshift, they can only deal the elemental damages of what the shapeshifted into being. They can always shapeshift back to an aetherical elemental being formation. So there's elemental control. An Elemental being can control other elemental beings of the same type, allowing them to lead other Elementals in battle.

&   It has your stats otherwise. It can be summoned until it is dismissed or isn't needed. It regenerates your health with a +10 to your health per regenerated health moment. Normal damage is done in the first hits it does but if it hits more than 3 times it starts to do damage, increasing of 2x the damages each time. If shapeshifted into an element of choice, it does 3x the nomal damages each time after 3 hits done by feel. You see it can stack if the elemental is attacking a target weak to its element. You can summon 1d6 elemental beings at any given time. It does things for you because it respects you. It can telepathically hear and respond to your needs and queries positively.
   Sun being; This is where you look at the sun and create a being or a few beings, you can generate 1d6 beings that do what you need. That's by thinking to the sun what you want. A being made of sun particles. This being is immune to fire and radiance effects. It does what you want, where you want it to do it and the effects it does. They are 2x the normal damages or healing. It can telepathically speak and hear the things spoken to it. It heals itself by focusing sun energy into itself. The regeneration rate is 3d12+charisma mod per round. Bone chill can prevent its regeneration.

   It lasts for 1d6 rounds and has 200% health. Its stats are yours at the moment otherwise. It takes energy strikes and any physical attack passes through it. There is a luck roll to see if it melts the targets weapons. 10 or above is a success with a 1d20+luck. If it hugs targets, it can melt their equipment and deal sunfire damages to its targets. Its energy effect is radiant or sunfire, that it channels from the sun to create from sunfire in effect. This includes a sun aura flare. That effects all targets you want effected near it. Think and you create what you want by the power of the sun.
   Physical spirit; The effect of creative approach to make a spirit physically there. It looks like what you want it to look like or human. However its a spirit in the physical plane which looks physically there, it seems to have all its stuff until it disappears with it. See it then does what you want to do as you need it to do things. It on attack is undefeatable, so that means it can dissipate into energy and reappear anytime. If you no longer need it, you dismiss it and it will disappear. It can attack as you need it too. It can also heal you as you need healing. It has 100% health and your stats. Its effected by energy strikes. Its immune to death and negative energy. This summons is there till you dismiss it or don't need it to be there.
   Elemental weapon; This is using a cantrip you make up thinking to make by the creator causing the effect, a element effect the weapon gives off as you strike with it. This elemental damage is a force projection of your will in element form. It does normal elemental damages added to your weapon damage..
   Web; This is where you cast forth sticky webs that cover an area. The consciousness of the web strands can convey information to the targets and back again, or "freeze" them as they are there. This can also hinder the thought they have, that's as they are connected to the network of web strands. The web strands dissipate harmlessly, if you don't need them you can use water or some hand gesture to clear away the web strands. This is an effect in itself worth the effort.
   Double or Nothing; Think of chaotic influence as you need to influence your attack with tempered or stable energy for random effects on your attack. Roll a 1d4, where 1-2 is half the damage and 3-4 is double damages.
   Fixation; Think of a room as a dimension and you can cause whatever you need in that room, wherever it is as you think to it what you want and the room energy creates what you desire. The room has to physically exist. They can direct the room to crerate energy effects in it. However, once demolished, the effect can end. If the room exists you can use it as energy and you don't even have to be in it.
   Go tank; Have a situation? Then, eat a lil and drink plenty of water to handle it and any situation is okay.
   Weightlessness II; If you by will lower your weight using the energy as you think it lowers and focus on your body to make it lower..you can become weightless and able to manifest any effect. That's as though a spell you point things out, thinking to make it occur with a statement of intention that your subconscious does. This is a power word. You can create any type of spell with this effect. The fuel to the spell effect is your body mass. What you eat and drink adds to the energy the body has stored. What is the power word? Statement of your intention as a word that you think is going to effect a manifest. Like dobe. This is where your thoughts create by a word, thats with your thoughts as energy directing the subconscious mind. This effect negates the need for a focus check as the spell is done by feel. The spell lasts until 1 hour from the time of casting or sleeping.
   Soul shield; This takes 15% energy to cast. The soul becomes you and absorbs the attacks as energy. You are protected from all attacks, no matter what until you no longer need this effect. This requires no concentration, think and it easily can form any effect at a target. So what it means is you create with the point of expression, and the soul will create it as a moment or result. This is the way it works as a third generation spell system.
   Identify item; This is the spell that causes insight into what the item can do, that's done by the soul realization that comes to you. You know what, where and how it works including the special magic properties of the item.
   Wat; This forms a electrical charge along the ground using a blue moonstone. This costs 10% energy and does double the damages, that last for 1d6 rounds dealing damage per round. Water energy is formed from moisture in the air along the ground by focusing it there holding a blue moonstone. Then, focus your bioelectical energy there. Its used to spread biolectrical energy you think into existence, that's going along the ground to effect the targets with what you intend to do to them.
   Watter heal; This uses 10% energy to cast forth. This causes uses of bioenergy focused to exist in body water and around the target and thinking about healing as you will the energy to heal the target for double in the amount. Also, you restore lost energy. The energy causes you to move more quickly by x2. and you move around making the weight associated with the effect of health to drop away. So you gain no weight. You will move around allot by feel. However, if you don't intend it, you won't get the effect.
   Watter surround; This costs 10% energy to cast. It could work to improve your circumstance. Make use of water moisture and form water moisture into water, thinking to surround the targets and effect them by it. That maybe will drown them as a special attack. Charge it with your electrical body energy focus and you electrify them for double damages.
   Elemental surround; This will allow you to create by gating it in, the element as you want. The element forms from the gate surrounding the target. Then it can create an effect of overwhelming them or effecting them by it as it goes into the target. If its hot air, then it can cause suffocation. If its cold, freezing air or ice it can cause cold damage. It stops the target for 1d6 rounds in battle. Otherwise its until not needed outside of battle. If its fire, then it would burn them alive. If its earth, then it would cause a barrier effect or smother them. If its water, then it would drown the target. If its lava, then it would melt their equipment or armor and severely burn them for double the damages.
   Memory visit; This is a spell that lets you visit the target's memory. Its instant and you know what they know.
   Golden chest; This is a spell that turns a defeated monster or opponent and all his loot into a golden treasure chest that requires a high roll on a luck check to be able to open, but has better loot if you succeed. On a rolled 12 or higher on a d20 to double the loot value. It takes a luck of 2 to start to be profitable.
   Mirrored reality; You must announce to the dm/gm, that you cast the mirrored reality spell and have a mirror to cast this effect. This spell by the power of a mirror pointed at the targets, that will cause the targets to be mirrored by themselves. Any action they do is done by feel to them. This is from the creator making it occur. It ends when you want it to end. So if you wanted to cause a mirror reality effect on the target, then they attempt to attack you they attack themselves for normal damage with levels 1-9, double the damages for levels 10-19, triple the damages for levels 20-29 and quadruple the damages for levels 30+. Same goes for spells with the effect damage due to level that goes to them. How you end this spell is think its ended. Then the creator ends the effect as you think it doesn't effect you and it stops.
   The dimensional trap; This trap is where you think of the 6th or 12th dimension, think and will it's energy to trap the target into the dimension. This makes the targets disappear from here, and appear in the dimension that kills them instantaneously by its forces. In the 12th dimension its the death impulse energy, that you find causes things to impale you. In the 12th, its the flying energy discs that go quickly to impale you unless you outrun them. Mention what dimension you want the targets trapped in or released from. If you intend them to be released, think "freedom" or "release" and they return.
   Incapacitate; This is where you create an unconscious state of the targets you target, where you knock out the targets by feel. That's done through channelling God and focusing his energy at the targets.
   Force wall; This focuses a wall of energy, that causes the targets to be forced back by 30' with a push of energy.
   Elemental force wall; This is where you summon an energy wall made of an element of your choice. That goes in the direction of your targets to push them back 30' and deal elemental damage to them.
   Energy wave; This is a point of expression that turns into a wave of energy of 20' width, that disrupts the targets into creating a wave of nausea in their body and being out of a fight. This doesn't work on machines or robots.
   Elemental wave; This is where you form a wave of elemental energy from gated in element energy. That goes forth and causes wave damage to the targets in a wave of 30' width. This can even put out fire. Yet the elements for use by this are: lightning, electricity, fire, water, lava, earth, air, void, poison, ice, and acid. If using void, then you draw voidal energy from the void and it sucks the energy from the targets effected, as it pulls the targets toward the wave of energy. If its lava as the element, this can melt things and do double damage to the targets.
   Energy cure; This programs energy into curing whatever ills you, no matter what forever.
   Reflection; Reflect a spell effect back at the caster that you don't like, that's done by the aura making it reflected.
   Word connotation; This creates the effect of making what you want, using your words that you speak.
   Soul weaving; This allows any element to be woven or created by feeel. The energy you weave is from the soul and you cause whatver effect by the aura swirling with energy and reaching threads of itself out to create what you wanted, then you can desire and create things by thinking about the idea to create as you need it to exist. This style of weaving is able to be done at level 10 and above or you may use 10% energy to create it. If the threads are "thought snapped" or "snapped", then the soul makes the threads disappear and go back to the soul.
   Ignite Poison; this is a spell that turns deadly poison into even more deadly fire. That does double the damages normal fire could do of poison and fire damage. you can do this spell at level 10 and up..otherwise this uses 10% energy to cast.
   Sphere of creation; This creates a sphere of creativeness, you can create as many orbs that you want that makes what you think into existence.
   Triangles of effect; This is where you think of triangles to exist and the creator makes them. They create what you need into existence, that can be elemental damages of your choice or they could expand and explode with elemetal effects.
   Circle of effect; This can protect you or damage those targets you have in mind that stand in it.
   Expanding circles; This is where you create an energy effect by imagining a circle that expands to effect all those in it that you target, if in idea to do things that you wanted.
   Dome of effect; This dome creates what you think as you need it to exist. including fire and water or ice. This where you create a dome using levels. At levels 1-9 you get a 30' dome. Levels 10-19 you get a 40' dome. Levels 20-29 you get 50' domes. Levels 30- you get 60' domes. You can use the dome to create a bunch of clones of yourself, that have your stats and 100% health. You can generate 1d6 clones of yourself, if you want.
   Feather fall; This is where you think your light as a feather and you, and your group don't take fall damage as you float down to the area you intend to go.
   Void attack; This is where you attack with gated in void energy to destroy the target, that's from within by creating a void ball inside them turning them to dust.
   Elemental ray; This is where you send out a ray of elemental energy to effect the target or targets.
   Column of energy; This is where you think of energy that forms what effect you want, that's in a column of light over the targets.
   Solar fans; This is where you think about harnessing gated in solar energy, thinking to create what effect of sun energy that you want.
   Air fire; This fires off a fireball, that is combined with air and expanded by air it creates a devestating effect over a 45' range.
   Symbol shiftblast; This can be done at level 14 or up or use 15% energy to cast, thinking to create an ultimate blast of fire or whatever element you desire to use. That destroys the entire area you target and you and your allies shift away from the blast.
   Sense enhancement; This is a spell that enhances the senses. It can be any sense, including taste.
   Create object; This spell creates an object from the nothing energy of void. The thing is there until its countered. To counter it, think you create not a thing.
   Horror; This spell creates a horrific vision, cast by stating "Oh the horror" and intending it that is what the targets perceive and run away in fear from you thinking of it.
   Crazy; This spoken with intent to cause the targets to be crazy, makes the targets not care about what they do and attempt things.
   Insane; This spoken with intent to make the targets insane, makes them accept the idea and not care about what they do or occurs.
   Dupe; This is where you think to make the targets accept what you want them to accept and lie about things that you want to protect as you do it..do a bluff check to see if the spell works to cause their acceptance. The target of this spell is called a dupe.
   Save point; This is where the subconscious saves the point or idea you notice, and you can restore it by thinking its restored as you think of the point in idea and the fact that its restored is felt. This can restore any point you want, and "saved" is the command to save things to the subconscious mind.
   Weird spell; This kills all your enemies with fate and by the power of fate, they can be killed or damaged. So this spell uses fate to kill the target, however they will die. See that's if you want to kill them. Otherwise, nothing happens.
   The creative spell; This spell causes whatever you want, it can do anything that includes knocking out people except for harming people. That's as though your creative by feel and then things occur that you needed as you want it done.
   False life; This spell causes you to gain 100%+constitution mod in temporary health. That's if its done by the shadows granting you, and your allies the health from your targets.
   Vampiric touch; This spell can be done as you need it done, think to create a health drain that's temporary health to you. This is done upon touch or teletouch and that's done by thinking about it.
   Vampiric drain; This spell can be cast at level 10 and above or you use 10% energy, this causes the targets life force to become yours, that's necrotic damages to them as though psychically and vampirically they were touched. All their health and Stamina points are yours, temporarily transferred by the power of the creator. The targets fall unconscious, and all you need to do is cause them additional damages to kill them as they are at 0% health.
   Bone chill; This does necrotic damages by sending your cellular death and decay energy to the target, that leaves you younger and more energetic in appearance as it chills them to the bone. This means it prevents them from healing. That is till 1d6 rounds in battle passes, or you don't need the effect outside of battle.
   Greater invisibility; This is castable at level 10 and above or use 15% energy to cast, that is an advanced form of invisibility done by the subconscious upon you and your allies. It renders you invisible to the eyes. That makes you unable to be heard, unless you want to be heard. You can attack or cast spells, and still not be seen.
   Fate spell; This spell is castable at level 10 or higher or use 10% energy. That causes fate to effect the targets, that's anyway that you intend them to be effected. Mention the fate spell and what you want it to do, then its done. That's like killing off the need to eat, or making them die on the spot by fate itself with a natural condition like a sudden heart attack.
   Soul magic; This happens at level 10 or above or make use of 10% energy. The soul creates the idea you need and if you think about it, the idea comes to you. What your soul doesn't want, it won't allow and you know it.
   Psychic nature; The idea is known by what you think to know, the spirit finds out and the subconscious shows you as you think to know. Otherwise ir lets you know about it, as your spirit finds out and the soul or the area is the source.
   Displacer; This causes you or some object to disappear and reappear somewhere else that you decide to be.
   Still shift; This is where you think to stay still and think of appearing, that's where you want to be seen or noticed. The creator causes you to appear or disappear where you deem it necessary.
   Instant rest; This is where you think to focus on instant sleep and rest occurs naturally in an instance. You recover all your ability as though a full rest, all your health is restored, and if you use STP that is restored as well.
   Telepathy; This spell enables you to talk to others in their minds, that is "heard" as though it was spoken. Think of what you want heard and need it to be understood. Then it is send. Need to hear their thoughts they reply with as you concentrate on hearing their thoughts, then its understood by you. Given that you send or hear the thoughts in return. This is a very interesting idea.
   Telekinesis; This is where you direct the object or person, thinking to cause it or the person to lift off the surface or ground. Only to go to where you need it or the person to go. Its used by stating to the DM/GM, that you use the telekonesis spell and move the target that you describe to somewhere.
   Reasoning; The spell causes you to reason well with others, and you say the right things after this spell is cast to cause your desire.
   Payment; This is a settlement effect, that settles the moment as you see it necessary. Peace is gained after stating this spell with those that were fighting.
   Healing mantle; This effect is where you cast greater spell mantle uponst yourself, then you aren't effected by any spell you don't want to be effected by. All the excess energy goes into healing and any effect that you want, think and its making regeneration for yourself. You can cast any spell with the excess energy, as you think and need the idea to exist.
   Greater spell mantle; This spell effects the body and mind as it calms it down, then by creating with the planets mantle energy. You can cast any applicable spell, as you also can absorb any spell energy cast that you don't like. That means the effect energy is being sent by a link, that's as though it were a singularity pulling it to the mantle of the planet. You can make use of the mantles energy to create what you desire, that's as energy flows both ways and you get what you need from the mantle. This is great protection, from the curse or area effect that you sense happens to effect you.
   Water bubble; This a spell that launches really cohesive water, that form huge droplets gated in from some water source like a lake or water moisture. This water follows along your thought and makes what you want. That can make it hard to breathe, if it engulfs an enemy's head or body. If surrounding the body, it restrains them and keeps the targets from moving. Unless they have water breathing, can swim their way out or don't breathe, then they don't get effected.
   Faery wish; This is where you wish for things at level 10 or making use of 10% energy, think the faery does it and a faery does the granting as a form of manifest.
   Dagger scythe; This effect is where you imagine daggers slicing all the targets throats, or slicing one throat then all the rest of the targets follow. This causes energy daggers to form by the power of the subconscious and they slice the targets throats. That kills them instantly. That's unless they make their saving throws. Then they get paralyzed for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until otherwise needed outside of battle.
   Tokens of power; This is like a wish that's possible starting at level 8 or using 10% energy, think you focus your energy to the item. Its either your energy with a gemstone or some item you hold, that you focus your mind upon a thought to create with its energy. You can create with an item, an effect of love, healing, making, energy attack, energy effect or whatever you may want in life. This increases your attack effect by 2x, or if you intend nothing as an effect then you get none.
   Shocking grasp; This is where you focus bio energy along your body and to your hands as you reach out and shock the target with a shocking bioelectricity. The moment you do, you create a point where the target is stunned and takes shock damages. You focus energy along your body, thinking its producing electicity and when generated, it can shock on touch. This is where your body produces a shocking grasp. Trace a rune or symbol empowered by thought you want it to do with the drawn symbol or sigil. Then, you create the entire area with shocks. The area can be as large as you want. What stops it from effecting you, this is thinking your coated with rubber. Rubber blocks out the energy and keeps you protected.
   Void creation; Think the void creates what you wanted, as you imagine finding it. This works by replicating the item if you have an item to replicate, that's done by the power of void energy creating it in perfect condition as you think or need and feel it exists. Like in Avalon, what comes from void, goes to void eventually.
   Call lightning; This is where you send lightning bolts to the targets that descend upon them, then you think of energy from your hand forming electrically in the air where you want it. See it attracts itself to the targets from above. Electrifying them as it strikes. This lasts 1d6 rounds. If you summon water upon the targets from the moisture in the air first, they get a x2 damage.
   Water proofing; This is causing rubber essence to be upon the targets, think it exists and it repels water and lightning by the power of the creator.
   Color spray; This is use of brightly colored energy, that you send towards the targets. That blinds them for 1d6 rounds.
   Unstoppable; the effected of this spell are unstoppable, they receive 1% damage for 1d6 of the next attack rounds done to them by the spirit absorbing the damages as energy. Albeit physical or magical.
   Damage conversion; each percent of damage is converted to weight loss on the body instead.
   Energy conversion; Each % of magical damages done, the soul absorbs the damages to the person effected. They are caused to be with more energy for the body, thinking to use for spells and stuff like healing.
   Bio enhancement; Magic courses through you and renders you more able to attack with spells or physical attacks. Each percent of damages done to your targets are doubled for 1d6 rounds or 36 seconds.
   Shadow shift; The shadows are you conveyance by focusing, so each time that you step through the shadows you shift to be where you want to be.
   Phase step; This is where you focus energy and think its phasing you, then you go where you intend to go as you step to somewhere. It shifts you there instantly.
   Cold welding; If an enemy has metal armor you could weld it together with magic, reducing armor class because they can't move as easily by a -5 ac penalty. It could be done by removing the layer of air that prevents metal from cold welding together. You see if two chunks in metal without a layer of air collide in space they just merge.
   Weapon polymorph; This is a spell that polymorphs enemy weapons. It changes which damage type it does to something you resist.
   Purify water; This spell creates pure water out of dirty water. Think energy flows into it, that combines with an energy source from the the roots of the planet to make the water clean.
   Copy ability; This is a spell that copies abilities. This ability is a spell that you copy into your mind. That you can make a manifest of as you deem necessary, that's on whomever you want.
   Conversion; Think to release energy from the object or thing, as you destroy it or it destroys itself. Then, you create a new item by thinking it exists from the released energy of the item.
   Karsus's compulsion; This spell in idea makes your third eye cause the crown chakra, that's causing it to doing what you want and you control it through focus. So when you think to create something that you need, its created. When you think to control someone, state what you want him or her to do and your crown chakra causes it to be done. If aware of this effect, your immune to its effect unless you want it to happen.
   Focused attack; This is using radiating force damage to create damages, that goes through the weapon and is focused any dead thing or inanimate object. They are lifted up in the blast to strike the target with the radiating force.
   Reverse Momentum: Changes the direction a moving target is moving while keeping all of their momentum. Can be used on a fleeing target to make them move towards you, that's until they pass a perception check.
   Wordsmithing; This spell focuses your energy along a word or phrase of power. That instructs the energy to create the idea, thinking of what you describe by speaking.
   Magic rice cake; This is doing a spell that summons a magic mirror rice cake, that makes fires go out in rooms it is in as is sucks in the fire energy to exist. Desummon the cake or eat it to end the spell effect.
   Hunters mark; This effect causes the target or targets, that you intend to hit to be hit with a +10 to your attack rolls and damages.
   Netherbrain; This is where you focus and create with your brain, think to use your crown chakra thinking to enhance the brain as it functions. The energy of your use, it cases the brain to evolve and you gain +5 bonus to all your rolls and senses permenantly. This won't effect your hearing, though unless you focus to hear.
   Light urge; This is where you feel to do good by memories and need. It comes upon you, that you do good for yourself and others.
   Dark urge; This is where the targets will do dark things like killing things or people nearby, that's like they had a demon in them and it acts up only when the urge is upon you. Think to dispel this by realization of what you would do or accepting your past.
   Speak with animals; This spell causes you to speak to the animals and understand them. It lasts till you don't need it. This also lasts until a rest or new game session.
   Speak with the dead; This spell allows you to speak to the dead spirit, that's done by the power of the soul anytime you'd like. This lasts until a rest or new game session.
   Magic food; This is doing a spell that summons a magic mirror bit of food, like a meatloaf dinner that makes fires go out in rooms it is in as is sucks in the fire energy to exist. Desummon the food, throw it away or eat it to end the spell effect.
   Speaking in tongues; This is an effect that you tell the creator to do. You think to him to cause your soul to translate the things that are said or done. You understand whatever is stated or written, this includes writing what is understood. Whatever is expressed, you know what to do about it.
   Levitation; This effect is where you levitate or float upwards and fly towards your destination.
   Walk on water; This is where you think energy goes to your feet, and you walk quickly across the surface of the water without sinking.
   Walk on surfaces; This is where you think energy goes to your feet, think and you realign gravity to your feet so you walk on the walls and surfaces.
   Meteorite; Pulls a large rock from space to fall on the enemy. This does double damages and effects a radius of 50', that's with a crater and bludgeoning shrapnel effects.
   Micro meteorites; This costs 10% energy to cast forth. That's where you focus your energy upon the thought, thinking to form mini meteorites. There is up to 1d10 of them, that deal 1d10 damages with each for levels 1-9, 1d12 of them that deal 2d10 damages for levels 10-19, 2d8 of them that deal 3d10 damages for levels 20-29 and 1d20 of them that deal 4d10 damages for levels 30-. This you toss metaphorically speaking, this is done by thinking it goes to the target as you mimic tossing it with a pinched thumb and forefinger thrown forward and unpinched. It hits with a bludgeoning and shrapnel effect. Effecting 20' of where it is thrown.
   Fire storm; This calls upon the area with your targets a storm of fire, think of the area to hit with fire and you deal a decent amount of damages. The creator causes it to exist, it hits with an area of 40'.
   Elemental storm; This causes an element of your choice to fall upon the targets in a range of 50'. The creator causes it to be gated in from the plane of elements, then it hits the area with your targets for 1d4 rounds. The elements are as the elements in the elemental effect, except you have option to make use of dark fire and dark ice. This means you can cause void formed fire and ice, they disentigrate or make into dust whatever you target.
   Moonglow; This creates with the body a glow of the aura by focus as you need to see in the dark. This is where your body projects light that extends 30'. It lasts until the next gaming session.
   Enveloping light; this is a light sphere, that is formed by imagination of it and needing it to be there. It's programmed by thought that causes the targets it envelopes to go somewhere else in the blink of an eye. This can be another dimension itself or wherever you want them to go.
   Knowledge; This spell is done by relaxing your mind, looking and allowing the knowledge to come into your mind.
   Dust of peaceful rest; This is the effect of using anything that is powdery or sandlike. Thinking peace and putting some on the body causes the creator to make the dead and targets peaceful enough, so you can slay them or cause them to sleep for a long time without trouble. This lasts for the time you need it to last. THis can effect any vengeful spirit, that's done by causing it to sleep.
   Empowered dust; The mind is the key to anything you do. So use a powdery substance by thinking of energy infusing it and toss it on the targets. The bodies burn up and turn to dust.
   Innocense; THis spell causes by the power of the soul what you want, that's done by feel and no matter what you remain innocent. Your untouched by what you do.

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Special effect spells

  Some effects require reagents like sulphur, salt, and copper sulfate..that you toss in the air or think send the reagent somewhere and send fire through the reagent to form the effect. Feel free to ask your DM/GM for the reagents so you have some, he/she might charge you for them, though. Also, think to add in air to the fire, that's as an elemental mix to increase the effect range by 20'. Thinking to use mana with the fire, makes the fire summons require 2 actions. Since it takes a little time to focus mana into the effect. If you add mana to the effect, take 2 actions instead of 1 to complete the effect. However, the targets can be any distance away, unless throwing a fireball that effects 30' of the area thrown too. The fire can form on the targets, due to your will no matter how many targets you have.

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Yellow fire; This where you cast forth fire the color of yellow at level 10 and above or use 10% energy, that is fire and sodium or table salt that deals double the damage at any target you wish to target and this can be many. You must have sodium to make this fire. It can be a ray of fire, a fireball of 30' diameter or suffusive fire that covers the entirety of the body all at once. This fire can melt what you target with it like a torch, that melts what you target with it. Think its combined with mana or ancient magic, to cause it to be 4x the damages, as the mana is eaten by the yellow fire to produce a hotter flame.
   Yellow lightning; This can be cast at level 10 and above or use 10% energy. Think to concentrate a Yellow energy into lightning. That can be in ball form or lightning bolt form, that splits off to strike whatever targets you wanted to strike. Then you create with a very focused form, that deals 2x the normal damages possible. Think its combined with mana or ancient magic, to cause it to be 4x the damages, as the mana is eaten by the yellow energy to produce a more concentrated strike.
   Blue fire; This where you cast forth fire the color of blue at level 15 and above or use 20% energy, that is combining fire with sulphur and this makes the hottest flame. That deals triple the damage at any target you wish to target and this can be many. You must have sulphur to cast this effect. It can be a ray of fire, a fireball of 30' diameter or suffusive fire that covers the entirety of the body creating 3rd degree burns all at once. This fire can melt what you target with it like a torch, that melts what you target with it easily. Think its combined with mana or ancient magic, to cause it to be 6x the damages, as the mana is eaten by the blue fire to produce a hotter flame.
   Blue fire bomb; Its possible at level 15 and above or use 20% energy to make concentrated blue fire, that is fire combined with sulphur and spreads out in a bomb blast of 50', and creates 4x the damages by focusing the intensity of the blast as you need it to effect your targets. You must have sulpur to cast this effect, as you focus fire upon it and think teleport the suplhur. Thinking to be where you want to strike it with fire. This blue fire bomb is set off by sigil, that you mean to set off the effect. Think its combined with mana or ancient magic, to cause it to be 8x the damages, as the mana is eaten by the blue fire to produce a hotter flame.
   Blue lightning; This can be a cast effect at level 20 or above or use 25% energy. That deals concentrated blue lightning, and it effects as many targets as you want. Its damages are 4x the natural lightning, you normally cast forth. Its effect is either a ball or a few branching lightning bolts. Think its combined with mana or ancient magic, to cause it to be 8x the damages, as the mana is eaten by the blue energy to produce a more concentrated strike.
   Healing fire; This is formed by focusing concentration with fire and copper sulfate, that you can imagine is green or think into existence. You must have copper to create this healing flame. Then you heal by working fire, that results in restoring you by feel. Think its combined with mana or ancient magic, to cause it to be 2x the damages healed, as the mana is eaten by the green fire to produce a more concentrated flame.

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Last epoch spells

  Last epoch spells from https://lastepoch.fandom.com/wiki/Skills. These spells came from the Eleventh Hour Games (c) 2024. Any mention of Ward in the Last epoch list is meaning a number kept by the DM/GM for your character sheet, that allows you not to get hurt as the ward number goes down instead of your health. You may do any one or two of the Last epoch spells at a time. Each spell is a skill in use, so you know this is an idea to use for other games. A skill in use is spell like ability used to create the effect, that's as its a special ability that allows for these effects.

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

---====General type skills====---

   Elemental dome; This is the effect of envisioning through invoking it a dome of selected elements to effect the targets caught in the dome. If you are levels 1-9 you get a 30' dome, levels 10-19 you get a 40' dome, levels 20-29 you get a 50' dome and levels 30- you get 60' domes. You can always leave the dome and survive. This dome can deal damages per round, whatever you want to create in elemental form..
   Rune mastery; Think of what you need and trace a simple picture in the air, as you think it will create itself. Then if you describe what rune you traced and what it means to the dm/gm, you make with a runic sigil with a empowered drawing using thoughts as energy. This can create any result, including any element you choose to use to get a result with by feel and ideal. This means, you say "I use the rune mastery spell and draw the rune of prosperity to make 3000 gold appear in my inventory." The gm/dm will tell you if its made or not.

   Otherwise for an elemental effect, you could say "I use the rune mastery spell and draw the rune of cold to effect the targets." Then the gm/dm will say if it happened and you roll the cold damages and how much it slowed the targets down. That's basically where cold/ice slows the targets to 1 action per 1d6 rounds as it deals cold and ice damages. Other elements are normally done to either heal or damage the targets. Like earth, that absorbs damage and can knock out the targets. Fire burns. Air blows the targets down. You can cause air platforms to lift your targets or hold them in the air. Airballs are used to shoot holes in the targets.

   Water can form in a cup, form as water balls in the air and shoot holes in the targets. The water can become like a wave that overwhelms the targets. Lightning can charge things or shoot forth after forming in the air to strike the targets and electrify them. Lava can form around the targets or on the targets and melt them where they stand. Acid can form on the targets to eat away at them for 1d6 rounds with acid damage.

   Poison can cause illness and make the targets either use an antidote, or they will fall prone for 1d6 rounds with poison damages per round. Chaos can create dissolvation of the target by breaking your targets down and they cease to exist except as chaos energy. Void can form attraction to be pulled to an area or suck energy and health to you. This is an example, so think and you know what to do..
   Elemental healing dome; This is the effect of envisioning through invoking it a dome of selected elements to effect the targets, that's done by healing them using the elements of those caught in the dome. If you are levels 1-9 you get a 30' dome, levels 10-19 you get a 40' dome, levels 20-29 you get a 50' dome and levels 30- you get 60' domes. This dome can heal damages per round, whatever you want to create in elemental form..
   Lava circle; This is the effect of creating as your making a circle around you with thinking its there, and need it to be filled with lava energy. That you create melting or burning effects with feel, thinking of the targets being in the area. The lava effect is done by expending 20% and deals double damage.
   Poison circle; This is where you focus energy to become by thought a pool of poison in an area. This area is a circle or some other geometrical shape, that you project the summoned essence of poison and kill by poisoning the targets. Think and you know what to do.
   Bombardment; This is focusing the element of choice and bombarding the targets, this is with that element you chose to use as you think of damaging the targets caught in the blast range. The blast range is 30' in diameter.
   Flame thrower effect; This is in idea where you project fire in a circling motion, that your spirit does by feel. Your spirit does a 360 degree turn around as you project it forth. The effect of projection is per level. Levels 1-9 is with a 20' projection. Levels 10-19 is with 40' projection. Levels 20-29 is with 60' projection. Levels 30- is with 80' projection. This lasts 1d6 rounds and whomever gets caught in it is dealt double the fire damages. This costs 20% energy.
   Energy projectiles; This uses 10% energy, that is where you project energy attacks towards the targets. That means you project radiance damages. So think of the effect and you can deal it.
   Circle spell; This is where you think of the circle surrounding you, then you create with an idea that you think and the circle does. The circle moves with you as you think it does, because it moves with your aura and is an extension of your will. The circle can be as large in radius as you want it to be. This could be protection that prevents damages from occuring to you, damages to targets, or some element effect. You could heal your allies and damage your foes. So think about the effect and you can do it.

---====Acolyte type skills====---

   Bone Curse; Apply a curse to enemies in an area for 1d8 rounds that causes physical damage when their hit. The damage is tripled if you inflicted the hit yourself. This takes 16% energy to cast.
   Summon Bone Golem; Summons a bone golem, that has 400% health and your stats. With intelligence it gains 20 Health per point, 4% Increased Damage per point. With the level it gains 20 Health per level. This bone golem attacks slowly, but has a 15% chance or a 15 and up rolled on a 1d30 to retaliate with bone nova when hit. A bone nova is where the bone golem swirls its bones around itself and causes shrapnel damage to the targets nearby. This takes 20% energy. It sticks around until its desummoned.
   Harvest; A melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you, dealing double damage to those that are Cursed.
   Hungering Souls; Calls forth five hungering souls that seek out enemies, on hit they deal necrotic damage and then possesses the target. Possessed enemies take necrotic damage over time for 1d6 rounds. Enemies cannot be possessed by multiple souls at once. This takes 11% energy.
   Infernal Shade; Target enemy and all nearby enemies take fire damage per each action of 1d6 rounds. Each enemy can only have one Infernal Shade attached at a time. Expires after 1d6 rounds. Max 4 active shades. This takes 20% energy.
   Mark for Death; Marks enemies in a target area for death, causing them to take 25% increased damage for 1d8 rounds. This takes 16% energy.
   Marrow Shards; Fires sharpened bones from your body. The bones pierce through enemies inflicting physical damage. Instead of Energy, 9% of your current health is consumed to cast this spell.
   Rip Blood; Rips blood out of a target enemy dealing physical damage to it. An orb of the blood is drawn back to you, restoring 10 health when it reaches you. This takes 3% energy.
   Spirit Plague; Curses a target with a powerful necrotic damage over time effect which lasts 1d4 rounds. Spreads to a single nearby target on target death. This takes 3% energy.
   Summon Skeleton; Summons a skeleton warrior or skeleton archer to guard you. That has your stats and 100% health. You are limited to 3 skeletons at a time. This takes 15% energy.
   Summon Volatile Zombie; Summons a Volatile Zombie which trudges towards the nearest enemy. It has your stats and 100% health. When it reaches an enemy or dies, it explodes dealing physical and fire damage to surrounding enemies. This takes 16% energy.
   Transplant; Creates a new body for you at the target location, then detonates your old body to deal physical damage to enemies around it. Instead of Energy, 13% of your current health is consumed to cast this spell.
   Wandering Spirits; Reveals wandering spirits around you for 1d6 rounds. The Spirits wander at random dealing necrotic damage over time to enemies they pass through. This takes 18% energy.

---====Lich type skills====---

   Aura of Decay; Makes the Aura of Decay, which poisons you every round, this lasts 1d6 rounds and leaves a trail of decay. Enemies near you or in the trail are poisoned four times per second. While aura of decay is active you take 50% less Poison Damage.
   Death Seal; This is used to remove all Wards and seal your Health preventing it from going above its current value for 1d4 rounds. Deal more damage equal to your percent missing Health and take less damage equal to half your percent missing Health. Think to create it to unleash a Wave of Death dealing damage based on how long Death Seal has been active and your current percent missing Health. This uses 1% energy.
   Reaper Form; Take on the mantle of death itself and transform into a Reaper, temporarily gaining the Reap ability. This means you deal 50% health damage of your death and decay energy, that's to the targets with death energy strikes. While in Reaper Form, your health regen does not apply and your health decays over time. That means 10% per round. When your health reaches 0 instead of dying you transform back to your normal form and are healed to full health.
   Soul Feast; Feasts on the souls of cursed enemies, dealing necrotic damage to them, and drawing fragments of their souls back to you. The soul fragments each grant 5 Wards when they reach you. Feasts on up to 10 enemies, prioritizing those closest to you. This uses 20% energy.
   Reap; This summons a reaper that does a short ranged dash, that deals your melee damage to enemies you pass through and returns heals you for each enemy hit.

---====Necromancer type skills====---

   Assemble Abomination; Hold a key and think to channel to absorb minions in a moderate area. When you release, summon a single hulking abomination with added health and more damage per minion absorbed. It has your stats otherwise. The abomination's Health decays increasingly fast over time. That's 5% over 1 round. This uses 35% energy.
   Summon Skeleton Mage; Summons a skeleton mage to assist you. They have your stats except for 100% health. You are limited to 3 mages at a time. This uses 27% energy.
   Dread Shade; Target minion takes 3% max Health per action for each round the shade has been active, but it and minions around it deal 25% more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers). This uses 20% energy.
   Sacrifice; Rips apart an allied minion, dealing physical damage to enemies around it that you would normally deal. Added damage applies at double effectiveness. This uses 25% energy.
   Summon Wraith; Summons a wraith that rapidly fades from this world, but will seek and attack your foes while it remains. There is no limit to the number of wraiths you can control at once. They last 1d6 rounds. This uses 20% energy.

---====Mage type skills====---

   Disintegrate II; Channel to create a beam of pure energy in the target direction. The beam deals fire and lightning damage to all enemies caught in it. Cost of 10% energy.
   Elemental Nova; Casts a nova around you that deals fire, cold and lightning damage. All types of Elemental Nova that you have enabled have an equal chance to be cast. This uses 11% energy.
   Fireball; Cast a ball of fire towards the target that turns the target to dust. Added spell damage applies at 125% effectiveness. This uses 3% energy.
   Flame Ward; Grants a burst of 400% ward. Then for 1d6 rounds, hits deal 30% less damage to you and cause a retaliatory burst of flames. This uses 20% energy.
   Focus II; Think to channel the creator. While channeling you have 100% Increased Energy Regeneration and gain 10 Ward per action. After channeling for exactly one round you gain a burst of 30% energy and 30 ward.
   Glacier; Creates three successively larger ice explosions in the target direction. Each explosion deals more damage than the last by 20% more damage per burst. This uses 40% energy.
   Lightning Blast; Hurl a bolt of lightning at the target. This uses 3% energy.
   Mana Strike; A spirit does a melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you, returning 15% energy if it hits an enemy. This uses 10% energy.
   Snap Freeze; Freezes enemies in a cone in front of you. Freeze lasts for 1d6 rounds. This uses 20% energy.
   Static; As you move or when you get hit, Static charges up. Think of the Static to discharge what you have built up, striking up to 5 nearby enemies with lightning. 100 charges maximum. Damage is multiplied by the number of charges. This uses 15% energy to cast.
   Teleport II; Teleport to target location that you think to seem in. This uses 20% energy.
   Volcanic Orb; Casts a fiery orb that spews burning shrapnel in all directions. This uses 30% energy.

---====Sorcerer type skills====---

   Black Hole II; Summon a powerful black hole at target location that aggressively pulls enemies and deals double void energy damage. This uses 20% energy.
   Arcane Ascendance; Think to prevent movement and drain 25% energy each action from your targets. [Energy drain increases by 5% per action. All Spells cost +5% to cast. 100% Increased Spell Damage and 50% Increased Cast Speed. Also deals Lightning Damage over time to surrounding areas. This uses 1% energy.
   Ice Barrage; Opens a rift that repeatedly shoots a barrage of ice shards in a target direction for 5 rounds. This uses 30% energy.
   Meteor; Call a meteor from the sky that deals a large amount of damage upon landing. Added damage is applied at 600% effectiveness damage. This uses 40% energy.
   Static Orb; Casts an orb in a target direction that deals lightning damage and pulls enemies that it hits towards it as it travels. At the end of its path it discharges, dealing lightning damage to enemies around it. This uses 20% energy.

---====Spellblade type skills====---

   Enchant Weapon; Active: Enchant your weapon with elemental power. Your Melee Attacks deal 50% more Elemental Damage for 1d6 rounds. Passive: Your Melee attacks deal 15% more Elemental Damage. This uses 20% energy.
   Firebrand; A Melee Attack which grants you a Firebrand that appears in the air to effect fire damage if it hits an enemy. Each attack effect of the Firebrand increases the size of subsequent Firebrand attacks and adds +25% Melee Fire Damage. This uses 10% energy.
   Flame Reave; A Melee Attack that releases a wave of flames from your weapon cleaving through enemies in a cone in front of you. Deals up to 50% less damage to distant enemies. Deals 15 additional Fire Damage. Other added Melee Damage applies at 150% effectiveness damage. This uses 20% energy.
   Shatter Strike; A sweeping melee attack that strikes enemies in a circle around you dealing Cold Damage and instantly kills Frozen enemies below 100% Health. This uses 15% energy.
   Surge; This is a quick fixed distance dash by your spirit, which hits all enemies in the path with a Lightning Melee Attack. This uses 25% energy.

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Diablo IV spells

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Force bubble; The energy of the aura you project forward and around you with focus upto 40' diameter, this bubble travels with you as your thinking to protect yourself from harm. You and your allies cannot be hit while in this bubble. That is done in effect, yet you can hit inside and outside of it.
   Rain of Arrows; Acid and radiance arrows from gated in acid rain, rain down over a large area of 50' diameter.. this happens twice, with each wave dealing damage. This is allowed for after level 10 or you use 10% energy.
   Shadow Clone; Your shadow mimics your actions for 1d6 rounds in battle, dealing 60% of your damage.
   Smoke Grenade; Throw a smoky concoction made from the soul forming energy at enemies that dazes them for a time.
   Concealment; Vanish, gaining an advanced form of Stealth for a time that won't be removed when taking damage. Also makes you Unstoppable, increasing movement speed by 10' and allowing you to move through enemies. Attacking during Concealment will break the effect.
   Poison Trap; Place a trap which activates when an enemy is in range of 20', applying Poisoning damage over a time of 1d8 rounds to enemies in the area. This is allowed for after level 12 or you use 15% energy.
   Shadow Step; Become Unstoppable, quickly moving by an additional 20' through the shadows to stab your victim from behind for x3 damage. Gain increased movement speed for a time. The shadows are you conveyance by focusing, so each time that you step through the shadows you shift closer to be where you want to be.
   Twisting blades; This is using energy of your weapon as you use it, that your soul forms into blades and it goes forth through the targets. Making them take 7% increased damage from you while impaled. Then it hovers in a circle for a round for damage dealt to the targets and you can wait and it comes back through them. That is doing 30% more damage to the targets it hits.
   Death trap; This is possible to be used after level 12 or you use 15% energy, that's the idea of trapping in an area of 30' diameter, the targets by shadows to strike them with draining energy, think and energy knives formed by the energy being shaped into knives. This is done for 1d4 rounds or 1d6 actions in battle or until otherwise needed outside of combat.
   Poison strike; This is summoning poison essence to strike forth against a target or targets. this lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and effects per round.
   Shadow cloak; The shadows serve your purpose and surround you, thinking to take the damages no matter what until you don't need them to do it.
   Shadow shroud; This effect can create whatever you want and think to create by the shadows. You cause by will the shadows to surround the targets. They inflict damage on the targets as they feed from them, and in the end cause the affected to explode.
   The Army; This is allowed at level 15 or you use 15% energy, allowing you to summon hordes of skeleton and golem enemies (around 1d10 of the skeletons and 1d10 of golems) to overwhelm your enemies. A great choice if you want to stay back and let your allies do the work for you.
   Darkness; Darkness spells mostly have damage over time (DOT) effects that can drain enemies' health, along with debuffs of -10 ac penalty to the enemy. That help you and your party members deal more damage. This creates a dark area that you and your party can see through by feel, and others won't see you that would attack you because they would be effected.
   Bone; Bone abilities allow you to use the remains of enemies to summon Bone Spirit minions or set traps.
   Blood; Blood magic is done by focusing on your blood and thinking of the effect you want formed wherever its needed. This allows you to create a result using your blood energy or oxygen levels in the blood. If almost out of energy, like it was 10%, you can breath in and out for 1 action or 1 round, this restores your oxygen levels and then your energy is restored. Otherwise you can drain the life force of enemies to heal yourself and party members, and increase your power. It's valuable for clutch moments where you need a big increase in health to stop you from dying. This blood magic allows you to use blood or oxygen levels in the blood, that's safely done without needing a sacrifice.

   So if you think to create a result, you need to effect something. Then you get a manifest, that is a creation of what you intend to create. If you use a blood sacrifice, you can draw a Demon to your area by pricking a finger and allowing blood to drip on a candle flame. That's so you can create your needs, if you think of the idea to create. So if you needed it to do things for you. That's formed from energy or talking to get a result. You can also call a Angel, Valkyrie (battle angel) or Deva to be there, that is done by thinking of the angel name and thinking the Angel is there from your Deity. The Deity will send the Angel, Valkyrie or Deva to you and you can get what you wanted.

   The Angels can form energy or radiant effects at the target. The increase in health and Energy is +70%. Any blood golems you think to exist, they are perfect distractions in the battlefield. That's as you need energy golems formed from blood energy. The Demons, Angels, Valkyrie, Deva and Blood Golems are with 100% health and your stats otherwise and can form energy attacks. You can form 1d6 blood golems by this effect at once. Once defeated or not needed there, they disappear an as though not there. This is an interesting effect, that doesn't need concentration.
   Blood Wave; Creates a tidal wave of blood that knocks enemies back, dealing damage to them.
   Bone Storm; A swirling storm of bones appears around you and your Golem, dealing damage over time.
   Army of the Dead; This can be used after level 10 is reached or you use 10% energy. Volatile skeletons (about 1d10 of them), emerge over a period of time, exploding around enemies to deal damage.
   Iron Maiden; Affected enemies take damage each time they deal direct damage.
   Decrepify; Slows targets to 1 action per 1d4 rounds and makes them deal less damage of 25%.
   Corpse Tendrils; Veins burst from a corpse, pulling in enemies and stunning them for a period of time along with dealing damage.
   Corpse Explosion; Detonate a corpse to deal damage to surrounding enemies.
   Bone Spirit; Consume all health of an enemy to conjure a spirit of bone that seeks enemies, exploding and dealing damage upon reaching them.
   Bone Prison; Create a prison made of bones that surrounds a target area for a time.
   Blood Mist; Become immune to magic and attacks for 1d6 rounds; slows down your movement speed but partially heals you by damaging nearby enemies, that's with the damage done in amount as health to you.
   Sever; Specter charges forward and returns to you.
   Blood Surge; Draw blood and expel an Area of effect nova; damage is increased by 10% per enemy drained, up to 50%.
   Blood Lance; Throw a lance that deals damage for 1d6 rounds, or until you don't need it outside of battle to the target and other lanced enemies.
   Blight; Unleash a blight that leaves behind a defiled area. That makes the targets ill for 1d8 rounds in battle, or until you no longer need it outside of battle. Then the defiled area dissipates away. As they are ill, they no longer need to fight due to the illness.
   Reap; Sweep an ethereal scythe in front of you, dealing damage. Hitting an enemy with Reap increases your Damage Reduction by 15% for 1d6 rounds or until you no longer need it outside of battle.
   Haemorrhage; Burst an enemy's blood, dealing damage. Haemorrhage has a 20% chance to form a Blood Orbs. (Blood Orbs heal for 15% of Maximum health when picked up).
   Decompose; Tear the flesh from an enemy, dealing damage per action and forming a usable Corpse with the flesh every 2 actions.
   Bone Splinters; Fire 3 Bone Splinters, dealing 1/2 damage from each.
   Petrify; Encase all enemies in stone, stunning them for a time of 1d8 rounds in battle, or until you no longer need it outside of battle. You deal a percentage of increased Critical Strike Damage of your weapon to all enemies affected by this.
   Cataclysm; After level 10 or you use 10% energy. You can use this. A massive storm follows you for 1d8 rounds or until you don't need it outside of battle, and Twisters knock back enemies, with lighting strikes dealing damage.
   Hurricane; Creates a hurricane around you that surrounds enemies and deals damage.
   Boulder; Unearth a large rolling boulder that repeatedly knocks enemies back, dealing damage for each hit.
   Wolves; Passively, summon Wolf companions that bite enemies for an amount of damage. When used as an active skill, Wolves will focus on an enemy, leaping to them and striking.
   Ravens; Passively, Ravens fly above you, periodically attacking enemies over time. As an active skill, the area is swarmed by Ravens, dealing damage over time.
   Poison Creeper; Passively, a poison creeper periodically emerges from the ground over a time, applying poison damage to enemies in the area. As an active skill, vines strangle surrounding enemies, immobilizing and poisoning them over a period of time.
   Earthen Bulwark; Rocks surround you for a time, ranting a Barrier that absorbs a percentage of your Health in damage.
   Cyclone Armor; Powerful winds grant you a percentage of Non-Physical Damage Reduction.
   Tornado; Conjure a vortex that moves outwards and curves in a random direction, dealing damage every second it's active. Roll a concentration check and get a 10 or above to keep the spell active per round.
   Lighting Storm; Crush enemies between three earth pillars that deal lightning energy.
   Wind Shear; Conjure a piercing blade of wind, dealing damage and increasing your movement speed by 5% for 1d6 rounds.
   Storm Strike; Electricity will spawn around your weapon, letting you damage an enemy and chain lightning to nearby enemies.
   Earth Spike; Sunder the earth, impaling the first enemy hit.
   Inferno; Spawn a fiery serpent that burns enemies in an area for 1d8 rounds in battle, or until dismissed outside of battle. This spell can be done at level 12 or above.
   Deep Freeze; Become immune for four seconds while encased in ice; continually deal damage and chill enemies for 1d8 rounds in battle; deal extra damage when the effect expires of 1d12+focus ranks. This can be done after level 12 or 15% energy is expended.
   Ball Lightning; This orb slowly moves forward while zapping foes. Damage rate is increased by 200% of your attack speed bonus. Once Ball Lightning hits close enemies 50 times, its next cast stuns hostiles for one second.
   Firewall; Create a wall of flame that burns enemies for 1d8 rounds in battle, or until not needed outside of battle.
   Meteor; Strike a wide area of 50' and burn the target location.
   Blizzard; Cause a Blizzard in an area, dealing damage while continuously chilling enemies.
   Lightning Spear; Create a spear of lightning that tracks opponents and strikes each action.
   Ice Blades; Conjure blades of ice to slash enemies; 30% chance to make them vulnerable by rolling a 1d30 and getting a 15 or above for success. When vulnerable, they are easy to hit with a -10 ac penalty to the enemy AC. This can be done after level 13 or you use 15% energy.
   Hydra; Summon a three-headed Hydra that spits fire; maximum of one Hydra active at any given time. This spell can be done at level 10 or above or you use 10% energy.
   Teleport; Transform into lightning, becoming Unstoppable and surging to the target location, dealing damage around you once there.
   Frost Nova; Freeze enemies around you for 1d6 rounds.
   Ice Armor; This barrier-type effect lasts for 1d6rounds, absorbing 30% of your base HP; 10% of your damage dealt is added to this barrier.
   Flame Shield; Cast to become immune (i.e., cannot be damaged and all negative effects are removed) for 1d6 rounds; burns surrounding enemies.
   Charged Bolts; Release five bolts of lightning along the ground.
   Chain Lightning; Chains between enemies (up to 1d6 times).
   Ice Shards; Launch five shards; +25% increased damage versus frozen enemies.
   Frozen Orb; An orb that chills and shoots piercing shards; will then explode and chill enemies once more.
   Incinerate; Channel a beam of fire to burn enemies, dealing more damage over time.
   Arc Lash; Generate arc lightning in front of you; every 10 swipes stuns enemies for two rounds.
   Spark; Launch a bolt of lightning that deals damage to an enemy then arcs toward nearby enemies, dealing 30% less damage.
   Fire Bolt; Hurl a flaming bolt that damages and burns enemies for 1d8 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it to outside of battle.
   Frost Bolt; Throw a bolt of frost at an enemy to damage and chill them.

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Life effect spells

  Life effects are light path spells, that are everyday spells people cast to help with work and it gives them the power over life and death. The thing about these spells are they use life energy given by the creator that does not overwhelm you.

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   False dawn; This is created by the creator there as a sun that is energy shaped like one, think to see it and it rises in the night. This turns any undead into dust.
   Life shield; This costs 10% energy to cast and its where you summon energy to the spirit, that draws in energy from the opponents and their hits. That's as you think to protect by warding away damages. Then, it negates all hits and any unwanted effect. Each attempted hit of damages, that's energy and health back to you.
   Hate spell; This is where you avoid what you hate and the targets hate each other enough to attack each other. The caster chooses what the target hates and will attack. They have a +6 to their rolls and this spell lasts 1d6 rounds.
   Hate elemental; This costs 20% energy to cast. This is where you create an elemental of hatred, its created by feeling what you hate about things and thinking energy forms from the aetherical plane in the shape you wanted. This is a form that serves your purposes. Think and need and it does what you want. It has 300% health with +10 to its health each point in Intelligence. This elemental lasts 1d8 rounds and has your stats otherwise. On hit it causes the targets it hits to hear a "voice" that is you that commands them and they do what it says as though it were God.

   They gain +6 in all rolls and +10% damage dealt per intelligence point to your targets. It makes them attack whom you want, and think to avoid your party for 1d6 rounds. It can strike multiple targets with a hit of hate energy. At the end of 1d6 rounds for the target that was hit, there is a undeniable 400% damage to themselves. If filled with love and hate, they love you and do what you want, as they hate their compatriots and attack each other.
   Love effect; This makes the targets love you and never want to hurt you. So think, then they attack your targets instead or they no longer want to fight. They get a +5 to all their rolls to do so. This lasts for 1d6 rounds. If the targets resist this, they will want nothing to do with you.
   Love elemental; This costs 20% energy to cast. You form the love elemental by thinking of what you love, think and willing energy to form from the aetherical plane of existence in the formation of a what you want. If it hits the target they get "in love" status. That's where there's +2 to all stats for 5 rounds and no need to fight or they fight for you, they do anything you ask but at the end of round 5 it gives the target unblockable 500% dmg unless dispelled. This love elemental lasts 1d6 rounds then its dissolved itself unless not needed, then it dissolves iself early.. The love elemental can hit multiple targts at once by energy strikes. It has your stats except for 200% health.
   Purify water; This is a spell that purifies water to make it safe to drink. This is where you focus energy from the ground to combine with the essence of the drink and as you pour it into another cup its purified.
   Thought creation; The energy of life is used to create your thoughts into reality.
   Re-energizer; This spell boosts your Energy by 100%. You can add +100 temporarily to your Energy %. That's until you use the energy up by doing activity.
   Health boost; This is a spell that gives temporary HP. The effect lasts until a full rest, that's as you gain +100% additional health.
   Improved effect; This is a spell to create improved energy effects. That's +25% restoration or damages for levels 1-9, +50% for levels 10-19, +75% for levels 20-29 and +100% for levels 30-.
   Plant life; This is a spell that collects life energy from nearby plants and heals you by the energy, that's as you gain in energy from it. That's +25% for levels 1-9, +50% for levels 10-19, +75% for levels 20-29 and +100% for levels 30-.
   False life; This spell is costing 15% energy to cast. That causes you to gain 100%+constitution mod in temporary health. That's if its done by the shadows granting you, and your allies the health from your targets.
   Debuff protection; This a spell to aid homeostasis. A spell that protects from extremes of temperature and removed debuff status effects.
   Thought protection; This protects you from the thought life, that's in creation with other idea you do.
   The energy manipulation; This effects the spells that are directed at you or your allies, you can transform it by thinking or stating the effect for energy that is suddenly doing whatever you want.
   Adaption; This is a spell that helps the caster and allies adapt to any environment. You and your allies can survive whatever the conditions.
   Time shift; This spell causes the idea to exist in time, think and the targets can experience the idea as though it occurs again.
   Time effect; You experience the effect without having to do it as you think about the idea to know. This is time in effect.
   Time and again; This effect is where you cause the target to experience the same idea over and over again, that's per round as you need them to experience it. If you don't need them to experience it, then they don't.
   Time restoration; This fixes the time changes that you cause, so think about the adaptions and changes and its as though you never did them.
   Evolution; This effect can cause the time of change that makes the targets evolve into something else, that means you or your soul decides they change into by feel. This is instant and done by the subconscious, that's as though in an instant moment in time. This is where you could transform a target into a cat form. This can be done long range as though you changed someone into something else even though you never meet them. This is in effect.
   Stimulus effect; The response to stimulus is a trait of life, think so this spell is what doubles how far you see and helps you notice things you would've missed otherwise..add +5 to your perception check. The range of sight is where you can see things by a perception check.
   Deep focus; This is where you use memories of life, thinking to cause a focused improvement. Sorta like hypnosis its trance instead, yet you can wake yourself up anytime. This improves the creation of any effect you think to create. Add +5 to all focus related rolls.
   False living; This spell is where you project idea onto the target's subconscious mind, that creates the false memories that never happened. You can manipulate anyone you think to do this to do what you want by feel.
   Insurgencies; This effect is where you create by cause, thinking to make the idea that you intend to have as a manifest. This effects what you want, where you want and as an aftereffect, it surges the area energy to create it by feel.
   Undead to living; This is a spell that turns an undead monster into a living creature.
   Death to life; This spell causes the dead to be living again. No damages occur to the targets as you think about the target being alive, your thought and willing them to live causes them to be revived by the power of the creator.
   Life to death; This spell makes the living targets die, think and they crumple to the ground dead.
   Life correction; This makes the target not attack you, that's as your thought projected at the targets corrects their life in an instant moment that occurs to them. Its as though no mistakes were done by them and they are relaxed. This is as though they were smart and saw no need to attack you. This ends the need to attack and combat over. This can effect any combatant.
   Life event; This is where you think of things and the targets live through it as though it occurred to them.
   Enervate; This causes whatever you think about to live, that's as though the idea were a person and you can control it. The counter is "un enervate" said whenever you want.
   Thought focus II; This is where you think about the idea and are entertained by the thought you perceive. This distracts the target for 1d6 rounds and keeps them from attacking. It starts with yourself and ends with them.
   Inanimate life; This is doing a spell, that gives life to inanimate objects. The inanimate life has thoughts you can sense, that's as it creates whatever you want to experience for itself. It shares its experiences with you by perceived thought. If you don't want to be distracted, don't use this near yourself. You can cast this on the targets' weapons or items. They are distracted by it for 1d6 rounds. As they are distracted, they do nothing nearby and leave you alone.
   Extra life; This effect causes the targets to empower you, that's as though they were a life source. You live if they live or die. The idea is thinking of the idea to live beyond death. So they that were a life source, they cause you to live and if you have no need for them they died. So if you want them to live, they live by the power of the creator. However they can die on the spot, as you need them to die and you absorb their life energy into yourself. They no longer are a source of life to you, think and they are released from this spell. Add their health and energy to yourself from them. If they are a source, that you choose to cause to die. they no longer are a source. If you absorb their life energy, you don't become like them. Instead, you can persuse their memories like your own, those are memories that fade away over time. So think and you can create what you want, that's with this extra energy being gained and your not dying from it.
   Day calling; This calls for the entity Day, that serves your purpose using sunlight. Think and need what you want as though a desire and he gives it to you as though a request were done. This avatar that comes has 100% health, also it has your stats except for health.
   Light call; This calls upon the entity of the Sun to materialize anything you desire, that uses whatever source you want used or sun energy itself to manifest your need that you request from Light. It's avatar that comes has 100% health, also it has your stats except for health.

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Reaction type spells

  You may choose any 1 suitable reaction spell, that is due to the target's attack upon you that you don't like. Otherwise you can cast it and you may if you so desire. Thus if its a reaction, you may interrupt their attack. If aware of this effect and don't want it to effect you, your immune to its effect as the soul doesn't allow it.

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Counterspell; This spell can cause the spells of others you target, thinking dark thoughts and to fail and you create with the released energy. This is a reaction that effects spells you don't like, that's on the time of attack.
   Counter effect, this spell is a counterspell that causes the target to not effect any spell or do any spell you don't like. This is a reaction that effects on the time of attack.
   Charm, where you in idea think to charm people into doing or believing in what you want. If they make their resistance roll to magic, then they may hate you if you are nearby them. This is also a reaction that effects the targets that attack you.
   Charm creature, this is dissuasion where you in idea think to charm the creature into doing or believing what you want. Speaking calmly, they create by reaction what you want. If they make their resistance roll to magic, then they may attack you if you are nearby them. This is also a reaction that effects the targets that attack you.
   Unravel, this is where you make the spell or idea you notice undo itself by feel. That's using gated in void energy, and thinking it causes the effect to undo itself. This can be a reaction that effects the spell on the time of attack.
   Redirection; This is where you redirect the energy of the spell or effect, to be somewhere else and as you think of the idea you cause it. This can be a reaction spell, as its castable on the same round as the spell attack by feel.
   Mirror action; You must have a mirror to cast this effect. Think to a mirror that it causes the action you want repeated, thinking to repeat back the activity at the targets that they did attempt on you. Then it makes the action you wanted to effect them, that's effecting them by feel. This only effects those you want effected wherever they are, as they find the same thing happening to them by some force or person. This is also a reaction that is done on the same round as the atackers turn.
   Shield II; This effect causes the attack, including long range attacks, to miss you. Its a reaction during an attack done at you.
   Hellish rebuke; This causes 3d10 worth of damages on the target, that's in a fire energy sent to the target due to reaction to attempted assault.
   Destructive wrath; This effect is a reaction to an attack, that's attempted at you or by you. It sends lightning towards the target, thinking to strike with damages upon the targets. This damage is doubled for levels 10-19, tripled for levels 20-29 and quadrupled for levels 30+.
   Elemental rebuke; This is a reaction to an attack, that causes whatever element dealt to you as attempted damage. That will effect the target double damages as an element in idea that will effect them, thinking to strike them upon their attack to you.
   Radiant rebuke; This is a reaction to an attack, that deals radiant damages to you. Instead it deals radiant damages back at the target, that is double the amount attempted at you.
   Instant shift; This is where you instantly upon sensing an attack, as a reaction you shift out of harms way or to somewhere else. Totally being missed by targetive attacks or spell atacks. This works by you sensing danger, then your third eye shifts you to a safe place by feel. The place may seem to appear similar, yet know nothing will harm you there.
   Energy conversion; This is where any energy converts into another by what it does. You can convert an energy effect into what you want it to be. As though, a strike turns into a healing effect or somesuch. Otherwise, fire energy or radiant energy into water energy and what have you to do. It also effects those you want effected. This can be a reaction spell, that is done as the effect is attempted at you. This can render you immune. If immune, your not effected.
   Cutting words; Distract with words the attackers.
   The power; This is where you think of casting forth energy, think and it dazzles by an explosion of light the target who is sending forth an attack. This distracts them or could blind them, that effects who attacks you and makes them miss you.
   Antimagic strike; This is where you cast forth an antimagic effect at the target that is casting spells, its a special attack that you do when your spirit senses and your soul reacts to by making this effect on the targets. Resist the effect by your soul not allowing it, this is a 1d20+charisma mod and modifiers check with a 10 or above roll for success. You can cause the antimagic field not to effect you.
   Spirit bomb; This is the effect of energy gotten from the creator, that's cast forth to make the targets that are attempting to attack you to be distracted. That's with thought to be effected by distractions of thought and energy damage, that's maybe making the targets lose their turns.
   Psychic physical reaction; This spell causes by your thought, the energy to be programmed by what you intend the target's body to do. This can be done at the moment of attack on you. It can be a reaction spell on the same round of attack, think and its an effect done at the beginning of an action. This works by the energy and its programming, that is what the brain reacts to by feel. The brain is your physical world level awareness. So if this in effect it is a control spell, and that can control many targets. If your aware of it, you resist it and it doesn't effect you by the soul denying its effects. So roll a resistance roll of 1d20+charisma mod or will check of 1d20+will, that's where you think. As you get above the casters will in amount, you cancel this effect out. If the caster doesn't have any will, its cancelled out by rolling a 10 or above as result on a will check or resistance roll.
   Warding flare; This spell creates what you think as a flare of energy to attack the targets. That effects when there is an attack on you. This can blind the targets and cause them to miss you, that's on attempt to attack you. Warding flare can ignite the grease spell.
   Shield reflection; This is where you get a shield, that is energy that reflects the things that hit it back at them. This is a reaction spell that can be done anytime, including on the time of attack.
   Shield shift; This is where you think to touch a shield, and cause it to do what you want. That means you can shift to anywhere or cause it to attack the targets with energy damages. Also you can say "hi" and cause them not to attack. This is a reaction spell that can be done anytime, including on the time of attack.
   Fractal shield; This shield is cast when you use 15% energy. That is where you use swirls of energy, this will break apart the energy around you or attack into pieces. What you do is summon the energy from the ground in a swirling pattern. That's thought to raise itself from the ground and surround you to protect you. As a fractal pattern, that will deflect back radiance damages at the target or create an energy effect that you desire, this is from what they intended to hit you with. This is a reaction spell that can be done anytime, including on the time of attack.

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Town spells

  These spells are for town, so basically if you use the town as energy. The town energy is known by the amount of heat in the air, if you have it too low you could freeze or not get a result. When its there as heat, you feel warmth. Then, you can use it again to get what you want. How this works, you can think of the town as though an energy source and state a need or result. This causes the source, which is the town, to share its energy and cause heat in the air near you and it goes near the target. When you use it your not sensed as the energy temporarily blinds the target or targets to your use. So you can't be detected.

  This hides you from being detected as the source of the spell. This is with thinking to create a point or expressed idea. You can use this until the heat gets lessened in energy amount. Then think, all that's required, that's where you allow the air to renew its heat energy after 1d4 minutes outside of combat. This is the energy amount and if enough heat is restored its alright to use again. You will know if you feel warmth. This is thought as though a need were there, that the energy consciousness sensed and formed where you wanted it in the right area. This is all in the use of the town and the area otherwise, thinking to create a result. Think and you know what to do. If you don't intend the spell to be created, then nothing happens.

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Building location; You know where you go and look and you find the buildings you need, this is without having to ask someone and its psychically known.
   Rain spell II; This spell causes rain to fall and make the crops better and weather as you want it to occur.
   Sunny spell; This makes the sun peek out by feel, you get a sunny day if you need it by the creator making it happen..
   Universal translation; This where you hear or read the languages used and understand, or know how to respond by the creator translating for you.
   Economy stimulus; This spell stimulates the economy. The creator makes a magic field around the town, that reduces scarcity and increases productivity. It causes you to have lower prices all around and higher quality goods and a better selection.
   Progress; This spell makes the targets think good as you need them good. This works as you feel good you think better and as you think better, the targets use the thoughts as energy and think good as well.
   Feel: This spell causes the target to feel good about something, think to do and they agree with you with a charisma roll.
   Agreement; This spell causes you to seem to agree so the target agrees. You always seem to get the deal. This uses a charm roll with a 10 or above rolled as success.
   Realization; This spell causes you to relax by the feel of energy or Ohm currents. You realize the name of the town or world. This is where the calmness and relaxed state lets the spirit find out and send to your soul, that you realize its thoughts from the idea sent.
   Church prayer; This is a prayer that creates what you want. Using the creator as the source that makes the God request create what is desired. There is no limit to this spell.
   Gohd; This blocks the effect that you don't need that's created by some God. It translates to "hold god", that makes the effect mentioned not occur by him.
   Exploration; This spell allows you to explore the town or area and you don't get in trouble.
   Relax; This word spoken makes you relax by feel. You get +5 to all your rolls.
   Disguise; This spell causes you to make your appearance adjust by the energy consciousness you think to program, so think of the person or being and you appear like someone you see or saw. That's as the energy picks up on the idea to form and you get a result.
   Intent; Think of the idea where you think and create what you need, that's done by your soul creating what you desire or want as a need is there.
   Knowing things; This is where your targets including arguements, they are killed by a spiritual force and you can think to stop it. This happens if you intend it to occur, otherwise nothing happens..or you realize what you need to know.
   Consciousness; This is where you shift your awareness to that of another body. Then instantaneously, when done you shift back.
   Powering up; Think of energy generating the electro current, that is spread from your hand or spirit hands. Think of the device and its possible to power your device like phones or computers.
   Luck roll; If you need to know or get to a place, you can know and get to it by a luck roll that has a +5 bonus to it.
   Spirit manifest; This can create wherever you want the spirit manifest, that you direct by focus and creating with the spirit arms and hands. This can create a real manifest, that's as though you physically did it and the spirit body can do things separate. That is energy sent from yourself to create a result. Think and you know what you can do.
   Warp; The warp energy is the energy projected by the spirit hands, thinking to create extra speed bursts. Think of the idea and you can be very fast, that's as though guided by the soul to not run into things.
   Soul items; This is where the soul creates the items you need, think and you happen to find it wherever it is sold cheaply or nearby you.
   Getting answers; This is a spell that causes charm to the person and they give a good answer. You must pass a charm roll to cause this effect as a success. Also, you have a bonus to your charm roll of +5, thinking to help you out from your soul and spirit interactions with them.
   Flatulence; The spirit body does things on its own, think and it creates the spell for you without you seemingly doing it. This can physically cause you to flatten your stomach and you get a farting sensation, that makes what you have in mind.
   Flat line; This causes the person on a machine support to die by heart attack.
   Sage; This makes the evil in the area disperse.
   Ability; This is the energy manifest from thinking of the effect, think of the need and you get a result by the soul creating the idea like an end result.
   Teleportation; This is where you shift to somewhere else, thinking of where you need to go and willing the idea to happen. It takes practice and when its done, there usually is a black out.
   Jail shift; This is where you think of jail and sending the person there in spirit, the body usually finds itself there by feel. Release is if you think "your released" and they shift back.
   Gahd; This is what causes God to dismiss what isn't liked. Otherwise, whatever the element it is its God dismissed.
   Then if; if you need help you got help, this is an idea in itself.
   Instant judgement; This is where you send energy to the target, then need it to cause what you say. So as you say a judgement, the energy causes what you want the targets to do.
   Crowd control; This causes you to have a magnetized voice, then as you speak you sooth the crowd and cause the mob to be under your control. They will do as you need or feel to do. This requires a point you think, so you use a charisma roll or a charm roll on a 1d20 and get a 10 or above.
   The spirit rite; This is a secret ritual, thinking of the idea and you focus with your spirit and know with the soul realization. You basically, think to create an effect and the spirit or soul does the rite in instant time. Then you get a result without actually seemingly doing it, that's with a moment in time and in an instance.
   Thinking; THink it and it is formed. That's it, the effect is formed as you think its formed, and not any time after. So think and you know what to do. That's like thinking to hit, and the hit is done by energy itself.
   Enchantment effect; This effect is where you think of the effect to get, then you use an item for magic. This is where you create the result of it by holding or thinking about the item. The items energy conscious creates the result using your energy combined with it's own. The item will do things as many times as you want the item or items to do an effect. So think and you can create what you want as a need. This means as you think a space concept, you can cause the space craft to work better. If you wanted a fireball, then you create the fireball to effect the area you desire. However, each use of the objects energy, that makes it less reliable. The usage of it's energy, lessens the objects life energy.

   The object starts as 100% life or full repair, then the object lowers in life 1d6% each magic use. So if the object goes to 30%, the object will need repair or has a possibility of breaking. This possibility is calculated by a 1d20+luck and getting 9 or below. Once the object has 1% life, the object will break. So to repair the object, think energy goes from you to the object as you think "repair". As you do this, you cause the object to repair itself or you can take the object to a shop and pay money to have the item repaired. After each repair, the item's energy goes back to 100% after 1 minute of focus. This is the energy restoration effect, and that works no matter the point. That's if you have the area or town's energy to cause the item to work. The point is your focus and the objects activity. Think and you know what to do.
   Heart magic; The magic of the heart. This magic creates any result. It starts by creating results from calming yourself, thinking calm thoughts. Then, thinking of the heart as a source, you draw forth the energy from the heart. This goes to your aura, that means you can create the effect you desire. This includes healing, after your done with the effect you put back the energy from the area or town. This means you send energy to the heart and the idea is done. This is wild magic at its best as it even works with low magic.
   Jemp; This is where you summon the energy in the body, thinking to jump to cross dimensions to a space by name or idea you think and then jump up, forward or backward. Think to see the world as you need to see what's there. You get the idea from the energy information as to what is there. This is where you create what you intend and then jump back, if you need to return think of the space and do the jump. Then, the energy of the space shifts you there, as it determines what you need. That's done by perceiving the thoughts in the energy you send to the space..The effect is instant and you know the space your in by the creator having you know what the space information is instantaneously. This is as though you were one with the creator and knew what he or she knew. Avoid the battle plane though, its rather dangerous.

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Dungeon Spells

  These spells are using energy drawn from the area, think and its focused into creating whatever you think is necessary or want.

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Go up; This is where you become energy and go up a level. Then you solidify and are able to take on things you find.
   Go down; This is whre you become energy and go down a dungeon level. Then you solidify again.
   Find entrance; This is where you find out the entry point to the level as though autonavigated there by the creator.
   Surface teleport; This is where you and your party shift as energy through a gate to the surface, again that's near the surface entry point.
   Dungeon gate; This can teleport you anywhere you want to go within the dungeon itself.
   Finding things; This is where you find treasure or items, that's as though you sought them out intuitively. This even lets you find food.
   Surprise; This effect is where you get to go first and surprise the target.
   Location; You always know where you are in the outside area and dungeon.
   Spotting; This spell shows you by the 3rd eye vision, the area you are about to enter.
   Instant meal; This spell causes the vision sent by the creator, thinking to cook a meal that you see is there instantly. This meal counts as a meal you'd eat and is sustenance.
   Darksight; This is where you and your party is aided by the 3rd eye so you see in the dark easily.
   Heightened senses; This is where you use your third eye senses. The third eye allows you to see and sense what's there. You even sense if there is any monsters in the area.
   Sensation; The point of knowing through your senses, you know what's coming.
   Area summoning; You can summon anything you want, if its from the area you think about. This can even summon food as provisions.
   Desummoning; This is where you think of the item, person or thing and wish it away as you dismiss it in your mind.
   Burst; This causes the bodies you target to burst into ashes. This is from internally experiencing extreme cold and heat instantaneously. Leaving their stuff behind. So you always get their stuff, once their dead.
   Ashes to ashes, dust to dust; This is where you think about turning the targets into dust after stating the spell. The spell is, "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust" and the target if a vampire, ghost or ghoul, turns to dust.
   Ashes to ashes turn into dust; Think this, "Ashes to ashes turn into dust" at the targets and you cause the targets into dust. Leaving their stuff behind.
   Unn; This spell if stated as "Unn" pronounced as "un" without quotes causes whatever you don't like to be undone as though erased from existence.
   Umn; This spell pronounced as "Umm-n" causes you to be consuming the problem as energy, and undoing what you don't like as you do things. This can cause thinness as you think of the idea as a source and do things.
   Rolling my eyes; The moment you think is dismissed from the minds you are connected with by feel.
   Un Unn; Pronounced "Oon Un-n" in ancient. This can cause the end of the moment, where you get what you wanted as you think of the effect you desire. Then, you can do things to empower the moment, like drinking or eating things. This uses the sustenance as energy and creates what you wanted.
   Exactly the point; This causes what you wanted, so by thinking about things, that's what you need as you know exactly what to do about things.
   Ummm; This causes the targets to go their own way as though a maybe moment, thinking to leave you alone.
   Unm; Pronounced "Un-m" this spell causes the undoing or dying of the target as they experience a bad moment and then turn to dust.
   Innate; This is where you think about the idea, and it is created by the spirit with intuitive soul guidance.
   In; This is where you think about the idea and nothing bad seems to happen.
   Out; This is where you send from yourself to an object, that includes energy programmed to do what you don't like. This allows you to not feel pain or not need to eat as you send that energy to somewhere else.
   Think out; The point you think in your stomach, you cause less weight by feel.
   En enn; This spell causes you to end the targets life by causing fate to snuff it out by feel. Otherwise, it ends the effect you dislike.
   Feeling things; This effect is where the 3rd eye allows you to see the effect. You can feel what the target goes through, as they are healed or attacked. This allows you to feel the attack, that the targets go through so you understand what occurred. If you don't need to do this, then you can stop your 3rd eye by telling it to stop then it does stop.
   In enn; This is where you end the need or feeling by which you don't want. You send the feelings you have at your targets. This effect can make your targets feel so good, especially if cast with feelings projected that they won't want to feel much else. The targets are still for 1d6 rounds while this spell lasts.
   Ihn end; This causes your targets to be effected by energy that you use your 3rd eye senses to see, they suffer extreme death that is hidden from sight.
   Clearance; This spell the creator allows you to have that detects the life in a dungeon to make sure it is cleared.
   Magic locks; There are magic locks that require keys and this is a detect key spell. Keys could be fun to find. So this reveals to you whom and what has it.
   Magic coins; This is a spell that converts dungeon loot into gold coins, that appear in your coin stash or you add to your money amount.
   Mass flee; This is a spell, that causes all the remaining enemies to run out of a dungeon. This can be a dangerous spell to use until near the end. This spell could fill the dungeon with smoke, that the targets perceive. That's causing the enemies to try to flee towards the entrance, where a trap could be laid. It could be countered by enemies putting on masks. Certain enemies wouldn't be bothered by smoke, like fire breathing dragons.
   Magic trap; This spell can set a trap for the targets you want effected, that's with radiant or elemental damage traps.
   Digging; The digging spell is used to make a short tunnel to bottleneck enemy groups, escape down a level, or up a level with flight, and create unexpected paths through walls to traverse a dungeon. It can also damage enemies made of stone.
   Capture; This is a spell that let us capture the dungeon boss or some target, thinking for a better bounty reward. Your choice, either hold monster or person, paralysis or turning them into stone will work for as long as you want.
   Energy damage; This is a spell that does a damage to everyone in the dungeon, but only if they are enemy targets. That's done by thinking to the area, the idea of dealing damage to all your enemies, then the area consciousness does it. It would alert everyone in the dungeon that magic is being used against them, so I think it would be a good spell to cast as soon as the cover gets blown. Then there's the idea of enemies over time, finding ways to counter the spells. So eventually the enemies could rough each other up a bit, so the spell won't work against them.
   Spirit vendor; This is a spell that helps, if you forgot an item like a crowbar and you have to get past a boarded up door. That means a spirit vendor shows up and sells things like a magic vending machine for dungeon kits or needed items. The vendor disappears to whence it came after your done. Yet, what it sells you, you find it in the area magically.
   Dungeon siege; This is a spell that lays siege to a dungeon. It blocks the exits and speeds up time to weaken enemies, that makes them damaged by energy every minute you need this spell to work and they age 10 years. That's making them use up their supplies. Then it opens the entry points and you can have fun.
   Magic talking; This is a spell that makes an enemy talk about everything they know about the dungeon or what you want to know.
   Magic mouth II; This is for dungeons, where you think of a voice that discusses what you want. Its expressed by the soul copy, that is created for a purpose. So make the purpose to have the item or wall create a voice that's heard. Then if it asked a question, the answer determines what is done. Guided into manifest by it telling the energy consciousness, what it wants to occur. That's like you are asked do you want to proceed? Then, if yes is stated, the way is opened for you to go.
   Gateway; This is imagining the energy splitting open near you, that is forming a large oval you can walk through. This gate allows you to go where you think to go. Remember, where your spirit goes, your soul goes by feel. THen, the body goes where the soul is eventually. You can make a gate to go somewhere within the dungeon or outside the dungeon, like a town. This is all that there is to know about it.
   The breakdown effect; This is where you break down doors, locks and chests by drawing energy from it, then as you attempt to break it down your using its energy as a source. this uses your weapon and the items energy to do the job.
   Vision; The vision is of what is there, that comes from the dungeon itself. The thid eye gives you the vision, using the dungeon as a source.
   I in out; This is scrysight where the third eye exists a copy of itself, that's where you want to see what is there. The copy sends info, as though a form of vision to your eye. After its done, it dissolves into nothingness.

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Incident spells

  These are the spells empowered by fate, thinking to create with incidence what you wish to occur.

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Nasty rebuke; this effect is then where words or actions are taken against those, that sometimes do things to you. When you get attacked, think and this effect is rebuke against that assault. You can deal double the damages back as you use the energy of the attack, along with your own energy that you send to make them pay. If you don't feel like rebuking the targets for their assault, then the moment passes you by leaving you unscathed as the attack fades away into nothingness. This causes people that are rebuked, to make peace and if not dead. Then they get along with each other, pretend to be nice and you are left alone.
   Nasty letter; This is where you think to note down everything the person did wrong, think and write in letter form pointing out what they did. That causes the recipient of the letter to reform or ignore the points of expression. Roll a 51 or above on a 1d100+luck for reform, and 50 or below for ignoring it.
   War; this spell creates peace as they war with themselves in their mind. They lose interest in physical warfare and you win the fight..
   Peachy; peaceful as you are, your demeanor makes you cause calm by how you feel. Your feeling is projected forth and the targets lose interest in fighting. They stop fighting.
   Incident II; This is using an incident proves to the fighters, that they should seek peace. This is an incident similar to war. You win as they no longer seek to fight.
   Victor; this is a spell that brings decisive victory without any bloodshed Art of War style.
   Resolution; this causes the subconscious to make the targets respect each other and resolve to not fight you and your team.
   Rebuilding; this is a spell that aids in the rebuilding process afterwards. Mainly it makes it happen.
   Signs; Your subconscious makes the right sign to create the result you desire. This takes some interpreting yet I think is where your causing signs cause peace, so the sign of an olive tree is present in the combative minds. This causes calm and peaceful interactions instead.
   Sanctuary II; this is a spell that makes anyone in an effected area, they have to get a 15 or higher on a willpower check to initiate a hostile action.
   Transform; This is a spell that turns an enemy's ammunition into flowers.
   Psychology; This spell causes the targets to not need to fight, as their minds present a psychological statement which makes them not attack.
   Fight simulation; this is doing a spell, that turns a fight into a simulated fight. so you can show the enemy how bad, they will get beaten if they choose to fight. In the end, the opponents choose not to fight. If you roll a 51 or above on a 1d100+luck you cause them to stop fighting.
   Obvious ideal; You pan out your frame of view, and think of the hidden connections things might have. Things become obvious by what you observe.
   Magic whittling; This is where you turn a log or block of wood into anything you want made of wood. It makes ladders easier to get.
   Weird spell; This kills all your enemies with fate and by the power of fate, they can be killed or damaged. So this spell uses fate to kill the target, however they will die. See that's if you want to kill them. Otherwise, nothing happens.
   Fate spell; This spell is castable at level 10 or higher or you use 10% energy and causes fate to effect the targets, that's anyway that you intend them to be effected. Mention the fate spell and what you want it to do, then its done. That's like killing off the need to eat, or making them die on the spot by fate itself with a natural condition like a sudden heart attack.
   Everything; This spell casts the everything has its own time effect and creates per moment what you want. The moment ends when you think it does.
   Real thought; This is thinking about things and they happen by feel. That's if you need them to occur in happenstance.
   Happenstance; Think of the moment and as you speak about it, the subconscious creates the moment as a point you express. This uses conscentration, where you happen to go into a trance state called a stance. Then, thinking by mention, you create the effect easily. Add +5 to your focus and effect rolls. You wake up from the trance by a sound of a bell.
   Sharing damages; This is doing a spell that shares the damage between two fighting groups, so they can't hurt each other without hurting themselves.
   Force; The moment you focus on the targets your indomitable will overcomes their ideal effect. Then reason makes them think to give in to your will. Make a will roll and get a 10 or above to get this to work.
   Do; Its in idea that you do, so you create with a point of expression and make with the subconscious to cause what you need to occur.
   Advantage; This is using a spell, that gives defenders a huge advantage over attackers. The creator helps you win. You get a +10 to your attack and damage rolls.
   Fate II; This effect is where you think to do things as a point is expression done by fate. This spell costs 10% energy.
   Effected; Whatever the cause, you aren't effected by the effect made by others.
   Pain; This is where you focus the pain the targets have by magic, then they leave the area. THere has to be some sorta pain they feel, first. If not, then this won't work. Ghosts have the pain of death, so they leave if you focus on them and cause them to feel it.
   Peaceful petition; This is doing a spell that petitions a war god to stop the conflict, that's done through the help of a peace god like Pax.
   Pendulum of Peace; Cast this deep in enemy territory to initiate a peace talk by the power of the creator, that's between two opposing forces under a large pendulum that starts pointed towards war, but slowly shifts to peace as the talks progress. This completely resolves the current conflict until fate intervenes again. Requires level 15 to cast or 15% energy to cast.
   Goes does; This is an effect that creates peace where you think it will effect. You win, the fight ends prematurely.
   Worse II; The saying, "things could be worse.." is associated with this. That is where the creator makes things worser for your opponent with incidents done by feel, think and its better for you. So you may add +5 to your allies and your own rolls. You may deduct -5 to your opponents rolls as a penalty done to this idea.
   Victim; This is the victim spell. That creates like a person wounded and they appear like a victim in the idea. The target gains +4 to their charisma and charm rolls. That's as though things go on their side.
   Betterment; This is where you get over the attack or wounding in an instance. The incident is gone from your mind and you heal all wounds.
   En; The point of expression you need to end, this is ended by stating "En" w/o quotes. That is where En is meaning at the end, as its with nowhere near that bad of incident.
   Improvement; This is where you and your allies improve by feel. The moment a positive incident happens, this is where you start to improve by what is done. Add +5 to all rolls.
   Inn; This is where you go and stay as there are no incidents things improve drastically. Add +3 morale.
   Enn; This is where you create a point or expression and end the moment as a true end. A true end is where things end that you don't like, think and they don't start up again.

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Enshrouded spells and effects

  These spells came from what the game called "Enshrouded" shows and can be used anytime. The creator makes the effect as you think and need the idea. FYI, melee is short ranged arrack. Some of this gotten from https://deltiasgaming.com/enshrouded-all-skill-trees-and-playstyles-classes/. Enshrouded game made and (c)ed by Keen Games.

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Viewership power; The power is in your hands, focus it by statements and if heard or known about. Its done if you need it done by the power of the subconscious mind.
   Death shroud mist; This is where you summon the energy of the mist of death to come and effect your targets, that's in a 40' radius from where its cast to. This mist lasts 1d6 rounds and effects by damaging them per round, that's if enshrouded by proximity in the mist. This mist is easily dismissed by the caster, blown away by the breeze or breath of fresh air. If dismissed, it disappears.
   Think raise; The energy of the creator raises your stats per every 2 levels. THat's done by every 2 levels as 1 extra for the amount. Each amount is points for your core stats. So if you had a level 16 character, then you can get 8 points to spend on stat raises. Once cast, this spell is always active as each 2 levels after the initial cast is 1 extra point. You can wait until you are high level to cast to get a bigger bonus.
   Think effect; This is where you think you created an effect and the creator does it.
   Long range power attack; This is where you create the point of extra power, as you project your energy towards the enemy with a long range attack. Add an elemental effect to your attack.
   Runes; The runes are what improve the effect, this is where you have for each 1 rune for 5% damage increase.
   Force projection; This is where you cause energy to be projected and that does damage to the target.
   Blaster; This is the effect of sending forth energy that's concentrated energy, thinking to blast apart the targets.
   Water; Drink clean water and you heal quickly (like 10% more per round than usual) with stamina increase of +10 stamina.
   Mushrooms; This improves endurance by adding +5 to stamina and +10 to health after eating one.
   Fire view effect; This is where you see a view of people and their energy source. So with this view comes the ability to draw in their fire or add to it as its a source and strengthen your own or their own. You choose how much you get or give as energy % from what the dm/gm says is there.
   Stat allowance; This makes your charisma or dexterity core stat (whichever is more), as though each mod point you have be a +5% damages.
   Respawn; This effect allows your character to be alive again with all its health, that's as though it didn't die off and you can choose where your character is to appear at.
   Mana charge; This is where you focus mana energy and get a magical effect on the targets, that means you project forth energy and create an attack of immense damages of x2 the damages. This costs 10% energy.
   Spirit; Increases your charisma attribute by 1. Increases Energy by 20 per Attribute Point.
   Counterstrike; After receiving damage there is a 20% chance to inflict the same amount of damage to the attacker. This is a magical attack.
   Intelligence; Increases your Intelligence attribute by 1. Increases Magic damage by 5% per Attribute Point.
   Begone!; A magic-powered punch that pushes and stuns hit foes. Replaces your unarmed attacks as long as you have the necessary mana available: This requires 30% energy.
   Terror; on a critical hit with a spell, the target will be stunned for 1d4 rounds.
   Arcane Concentration; you will gain one charisma point added to your effect die roll for every two levels of the charisma.
   This Is The Way; when attacking with a magical weapon all damage is increased by 10%.
   Arsonist; All fire damage is increased by an additional 10%.
   Necromancer; When killing an enemy with a magic weapon, you have a 10% chance to summon a friendly fire wisp with 100% health and half your other stats.
   Iceman; All ice Damage is increased by an additional 10%.
   Thunder; All Shock damage is increased by an additional 10%.
   Pyromaniac; All Fire damage is increased by an additional 20%. This costs 10% energy.
   Lightning; All Shock damage is increased by an additional 20%. This costs 10% energy.
   Sub Zero; All ice Damage is increased by an additional 20%. This costs 10% energy.
   Frost; When receiving melee damage, the attacker will be slowed down for 1d6 rounds.
   Radiant Aura; All fell foes within 10 meters take 1% fire damage per intelligence per action.
   Sun Aura; All fell foes within 10 meters take 1 additional fire damage per intelligence per second.
   Wizard; Then, when attacking with a magical weapon your critical hit chance is increased by 10%. Represented by lowering the 20 needed for a critical hit to 15.
   Chain Hit; on a critical hit with a magical weapon, the attack will automatically hit a second enemy with 15 meters for 5 shock damage per intelligence.
   Mass Destruction; A critical attack with a magic weapon will hit all enemies within 20 meters of the target for 2 shock damage per intelligence.
   Healer; Health gain from healing spells will be increased by 10%.
   Healer 2; Health gain from healing spells will be increased by 20%. This costs 10% energy.
   Water Aura; All players within 15 meters regenerate 1 health point per round for every point of your intelligence.
   Healer 3; Health gain from healing spells will be increased to a total of 300% health. Cost: 30% energy.
   Healing Revive; Revived players will heal 25% of their health instead of 10%.
   Waters of life; all players within 15 meters regenerate 1 additional health point per intelligence.
   Martyr; When you are killed by An enemy, all allies with 50 meters will heal30% of their max health.
   Absorb; When you suffer magical damage, you have a 10% chance with a 8 rolled on a 1d10 to generate 1% energy for each health point lost.
   Blink; Replaces the Dodge Roll with a Short Range teleport.
   Blink Attack; Blinking into an enemy triggers an explosion that deals fire damage in a small range of 20'. Damage and Energy % cost scale with the intelligence attribute.
   Emergency Blink; You can blink while being stunned. This will break the stunned state.
   Wand Master; 30% Chance or a rolled 70 and above on a 1d100+luck to spawn an additional wand projectile.
   Sting; repeated wand damage is increased by 20%.
   Shiny Plates; Physical Armor gains 10 AC more armor points.
   Battle Heal; when dealing critical damage with a melee or close ranged weapon you will heal 5% of your maximum health.
   Constitution; Increases your constitution attribute by 1. Increases Health by 50% per attribute point.
   Warden; When there are three or more enemies within 20 meters you suffer 15% less magical damage
   Tower; when there are three or more enemies within 20 meters you suffer 10% less physical damage.
   Strength; Increase your strength attribute by 1. Increases Melee damage by 5% per attribute Point.
   Earth Aura; All Damage against players within 10 meters is reduced by 10%.
   Thick Skin; You will gain One constitution for each two levels of the charisma. Increases Health by 50% per attribute point.
   Battle Heal; When delaing critical damage with a melee weapon you heal 5% of your maximum health.
   Jump Attack; When equipped with a melee weapon you can perform a jump attack which deals 50% more weapon damage in a small blast radius of 25'.
   Vigorous Detection; you gain 30 stamina when you parry an enemy's attack.
   Blood Warrior; Spawn a health orb after defeating an enemy with a Sneak Attack or Merciless Attack. Gathering the orb replenishes 10% of your health.
   Bash; Your parry Bashes the enemy for 20 blunt damage.
   Relentless; Dealing critical damage with a two-handed weapon increases your critical chance by lowering the critical hit number rolled by 2 for the next hit.

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Various other spells from DnD amongst others

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Slickdown; This is where you put mud or summon oil to form and cover yourself except your hands and feet, think to act and get out of the grasp of those holding you.
   Bezerk; You look calm and sane yet are bezerk or raging and healing at double your normal rate. What can happen is you striking at any nearby targets with double the damages, that makes you dangerous to be around. This enraged state lasts for 1d8 rounds.
   Psychic mental scream; This does psionic damage and creates the target as a prone figure.
   Warning and preparedness; This causes you to prepare for the battle or attack. So by the creator you take -5% damage from all attacks, and you get a +5 to all attack rolls..
   Psychic crippling; This spell causes by focusing bad thoughts with intense feeling at the target. The body to be crippled and only for a period of time.
   Calm spell; This is a spell cast by the spirit, the spiritual influence is what calms the feral nature or any stress disappears as you think calm thoughts. On touch with a calm thought, the target is calm. Once calm, your always calm.
   Feral; This spell causes you to attack the target spiritually with chaotic thoughts. Then they turn feral or easily wanting to attack and that's even themselves. Done by feel.
   La grande; This plasma ball comes gated in from the sun as a huge firey plasma ball and effects an area of 100', that happens with melting of items and fire damage to any enemy in the area. Any item or device can burst into flames within 100' of this.
   Choke n kill; This effect can cause what you think..its where you think to choke the targets and kill them psychically after the action is over. This is done then by the focused energy in the hand, that you extend and think the throats close of the target as you close the hand. This makes them choke to death, unless you release the fist you formed to choke them within the action time.
   The plasma storm; This is where the sun sends an x-class solar flare of plasma to the planet. Then you get an effect of the area melting, that's where in the area you targeted by the solar flared plasma storm.
   The inversion field; This is like the antimagic effect, where you invert the energy field of the targets by thinking it is inverted. That's of the target or targets, and you cause whatever they do to be against themselves. This lasts until they kill themselves by actions that they do, when that is done and they die the energy reverts back to normal.
   K; This effect upon statement intending the ancient meaning, kills the motion or idea you want killed instantly. This can even end the targets life within 1 action or instantly if you intend it to do so. Normally, it can be used to kill off the need, if the need was there to attack something.
   Internal mana bomb; This netherese bomb is castable at level 10 and above or you use 15% energy. That's made of mana fed by your God, or the infinite creator and uses a soul copy. This mana soul bomb resides in your soul copy, that creates as you think it does where you want. The soul copy goes to where you desire and what you wish is created by it..an explosion so great it decimates an area and turns your targets to dust in a radius of 120'. After the explosion you can reform as energy either solid or energy form your body. That's as your soul clone can become energy and solid at will, that's from the release of energy. This is done as your an energy being that can be solidly formed. Yet in energy form your untouchable by attack, and solid or energy formed you recover all your health on transformation. Think and the bomb is restored to pre-exploded state, that's in a soul copy formed by your soul. This is creating it for such a purpose as the soul copy contains the reformed bomb in itself. This is a dramatic effect. So use at your own risk.
   Soul copy; This is the effect of creating an energ form of you by the soul creating a soul copy for a task, that means it can go to where you intend it to go and it can do what you want it to do. It has your stats, it also can do any spell that is allowable at your level. This soul copy dissolves into nothing energy, that's as it is no longer needed. When it becomes nothing, it forms into a usable void ball that upon throwing somewhere. It can suck the targets you wanted into an area of the void ball, that dissolves upon thought activated use..
   Breakage; This creates an effect of whatever you target will break down. That includes weapons and machines. When you cast this on a target that lives, then it breaks their mind and leaves them out of combat.
   Mass grave; This is where you state, "mass grave" as you state or think of your target. That causes the targets to be killed in some manner and buried in a mass grave.
   Black tentacles; This spell causes the target's withing 30' radius, thinking to be entangled in black tentacles that traps the targets so they can't move. That will deal bludgeoning damage per action or round for 1d6 rounds in battle, or each minute until not needed outside of battle. Make a dex or strength check to get out of the tentacles.
   Hex; This makes the targets get worse results by a -5 to all attack rolls and ac. They miss their turn in missing 1d6 actions being missed. They are easier to hit by feel.
   Breath of wind; When you breath out focusing you cause a wind by thaumaturgy, that blows the targets back 10' and blows away the air toxins and scents.
   Ray of fear; This is where you focus and create with a ray of energy, that creates by thinking the energy makes fear.
   Ray of wounding; This creates a wound that's deadly to the target, that's by a ray shot forth to do so.
   Morph; This changes the target's form into what you want it to be. That is the change of the figure entirely.
   Incineration; This spell turns your targets into dust however you want this to occur, the creator does it.
   Moonbeam; Create a luminous radiance that can inflict damage upon any creature that comes within range. You can move the moonbeam by will and thinking it moves to a new location you need it to move to deal damage.
   Thorn Whip; Hit a target with a whip of thorny vines that spring up from the ground, thinking to deal Piercing damage while also bringing the target closer to you by 10'.
   Trap; This spell is where you embue the nature of some element, and a condition that triggers it to effect the target and paralyze them. That's for 1d6 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it to effect them. This trap spell can effect those you want effected, also it is not to effect you. Like "This effect effects those besides me and my allies."
   World shift; This misty step you use through the soul that shifts you to a planet or another world. Thats where you think to use the mists of time or the places energy. The thought is is done by feel, and what you sense is what you sense.
   Defense; This spell causes energy to defend you in any way you need help by defense. It reduces any damages by 1/2. This lasts until 1d6 rounds in battle passes you by, or you don't need it outside of battle.
   Giant form; This causes you to grow in height when you state what height you want to become. It lasts until you can't eat your height up.
   Psychoport; This is where you think to shift to wherever you want, so basically your soul shifts you using your subconscious mind..
   Embue; Allow energy to give you an ability that you choose to have. This only lasts until you sleep.
   Sanctity; The targets or yourself cannot be attacked or targeted with spells unless they attack.
   Silence 30'; This silences any sound you don't want to be heard in a 30' diameter.
   Spiral bolt; This is where you form a spiral bolt cast by the spiralling of your hand at a target. It counts as radiant damages.
   Disguise; This disguises you with energy cloaking as though another person, you basically appear differently and anyone else you want disguised is disguised as well. By will its dispelled.
   Void balls; This creates balls of void energy that draw in a target or targets to an area where you intend them to be.
   Flying; This spell causes you to be able to fly, at the speed of 30' at will by inertial energy cancelling out gravity, then your will directs where you go by will where you want to go. That makes gravity do what you want. This lasts until you don't need it.
   Mage hand; This creates with an idea to form a hand in the air to do what you want by feel.
   Magic mouth; This spell lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until you don't need it outside of battle. It causes a mouth of magic to form a voice that is "heard" by the third eye, that hears it gives this effect as a vision.
   Ray of frost; This is where you call upon the energy of cold, you make into a ray to hit the target and think coldness effects the target/s with freezing.
   Shield III; Protects against many effects and attacks. This costs 10% energy to cast.
   Mage armor; This spell is cast by thinking energy goes to the aura, and protects against things that would effect you that you don't want. It increases the AC by +5 for levels 1-9, +10 for levels 10-19, +15 for levels 20-29 and +20 for levels 30-. The effect doesn't stack. Meaning you can't cast it within the round over and over again, that's after casting it and still get the AC increase.
   cloud of daggers; think of a cloud of energy, that forms by feel and causes energy daggers to the targets in mind.
   Ray of sickness; This causes a disease to effect what you think the target should have including sickness.
   Knock; This spell unlocks any lock you target.
   Influence; Think of the energy and feel its effects as you need the target/s to do things.
   Ice storm; This is causing a energy storm of ice to effect the targets in an area of 30'.
   Death ward; Despite the death, the death doesn't last and the person is alive as they want to live.
   Death ray; This is a ray of death and decay energy that projects from the body to cause instant death upon the targets.
   Freedom of movement; This frees the stunned or paralyzed victim to become able to move again.
   Scorching ray; This is where you focus fire, and cast it forth as a ray attack.
   Energy shots: art of war; These are radiant damage enhanced magic missile that you can use at level 10 or above or you use 10% energy. This energy missile splits off into 1d10 of them to attack the targets, they deal 1d20+focus ranks damage each. That's done by selecting the target and how many effect the targets, that's to create what effect you want as your thinking it into existence.
   Insect plague; this calls upon the target area a allot of insects that causes damages to the targets by infliction.
   Disintegrate; This is causing what you think is turning the body to dust.
   Witchbolt; This spell creates by energy a lightning effect, that you direct to the target/s by the power of the creator.
   Butterfly effect; This effect creates changes in time, that you notice sometime at the moment you sense or come across it. Think to create a change and focus your mind on the idea and you change time by feel.
   Uncaring; This effect is where you feel that things aren't important and state what you know. That puts people off and causes them not to care.
   Caring; This is where you feel things are important and state something, then its concern and care put to the idea.
   Concern; Think and know whats what, this is a point you realize by the idea you know.
   Black hole; This blackhole is where you think a singularity into existance, and it sucks whatever is in the area into itself like a black hole that your soul makes nonexistant.
   Psi blast; This creates the effect of mentally blasting the targets and causing damage to them by thinking it to exist.
   Divine intervention; This is where you call upon the creator or God, thinking or feeliing to intervene for yourself on the behalf of yourself to effect what you may effect.
   Shadow shift; This is where you think to step into shadow, think of the area to be in and know the shadows will shift you into an area you wanted to be.
   Contingency; This is where you cast one spell with others after the main spell..thats in a chain of events that you name after the fact. So cast it, name the spells you want to do. You can name up to 5 spells you want to effect all at once.
   Magic duel; These are interesting duels. This is an effect that's done any time, its like a psychic duel where you think to your 3rd eye to simulate a fight, project the idea by thinking its projected as you breathe in an out. Think and it appears as though a vision. The fighters are those whom you want to face with yourself. This does no damage, except the point or ideal expression, and making the target think they fought. They see no reason to fight, win or lose. The fight is managed by the subconscious mind, and its known by what you sense. Yet, the experience is not felt after or remembered after the fact. This is used to test what you know, learn new idea and see how powerful you are in magic.
   Blink; This is a spell that allows you to shift at will and you end up where you want to be. All you need to do it think your soul shifts you, then as you blink your eyes and will yourself there. Your there. This spell is instant and there is no distance, that is limiting you.
   Domination; This spell controls the target using a soul copy and the spirit suggestion, that is done at any distance. Since this goes to the target/s subconscious mind, you cause them to do what you wanted.
   Witches bolt; Think to call forth fire as a point in expression is stated. Then, imagine or think it is splitting off, and hitting all the targets you want to hit. That's if there are many targets. This spell lingers until 1d6 rounds in battle goes by, or 30 minutes outside of battle passes you by feel.
   Thunderwave; This is where you think of energy forming lightning in a wave of energy, that creates what you intend as though a wave is cast forth from the aura through the water particles in the air and effects all the enemies in a wedge shape projectory.
   No; This is where you state "no" and what for and it is understood. So they are disuaded from doing things, the target/s stop what they are thinking or doing and do something else.
   Yes; This is where you think to say yes in any way you want, so you get a result of agreement and sometimes a deal is made.
   Stroke; This causes by energy programmed with your thoughts to do so, the person or targets will have a heart attack and stroke that makes them unable to move for the rest of the battle.
   Shit; This is where you cause the target/s to need to shit and if they resist, they take a crap in the pants or on the ground. They are distracted for 1d6 rounds in battle or 1d10 minutes outside of battle.
   Mastery; The mastery spell causes you to master your own luck amongst all things, thinking about the idea causes you to master your thoughts and that reflects in what you do. So add +5 to all rolls for 1d8 rounds in battle or 1d10 hours outside of battle.
   Sinister; This spell effects the brain by the energy you program into doing things with your thoughts. Thinking dark and dour idea that would cause fear in to the person or targets, that makes the effect you desire of the targets being under your control. This lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle and until thought released outside of battle.
   Camoflauge; This spell is where you think of camoflauging or hiding yourself in plain sight, think of the effect and your thoughts instruct the energy consciousness. That creates a blending in of the area, you are not seen with thinking to not be revealed. This lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until you don't need it outside of battle.
   Decency; The decency spell makes an image due to the soul causing the idea to pop up in the brain of the target/s, that makes them do decent things. This lasts until you remind the target of things that were done. Then, they act or react to create a better point.
   Torn; This spell creates a doomed feeling in the body, thinking to twist the stomach and make it feel bad. It lasts until you don't need it to effect thye target/s.
   Comply; This spell is a stated "Gorudo" at the target, thinking to force the target/s to susist and do something else.
   Complication; This causes unnecessary risk complication in the thoughts of the target/s, and they think to comply or stop what they are doing.
   Sinistar; This causes a sinister feel in the body as you think to the energy consciousness, to implant a star in the body or bodies of the target/s. This miniture star is felt, then reacted to and disappears as you think to not bother people. That's due to the creator making a result.
   Forgivance; This causes energy by your thought projection, thinking to forgive and that means you create forgivance in the other as you make a result or do things to cause the need to forgive.
   Worse; This causes the situation for the targets to get from bad to worser. They receive -5 to all their rolls as long as this spell is in play.
   Guilt; This causes by thought suggestion, the subconscious mind of the target/s to feel guilty of their actions. They desist and do something else other than deny you your wish.
   Programming; This is projected thought, otherwise its a word of power you think will work where you create by the thought you think. The consciousness in idea of energy is what does the thought or statement and you get the result that you thin/k to get. It is what creates the point or expressed idea.
   Physics; This is where you change the laws of physics, when you describe them as you wanted and your subconscious mind makes them change. Or, the laws of physics changes around you, and you adjust your perception. This is where you can make things float or become heavier by feel and things like that.
   Concentrated effort; This is using both eyes, and focusing in upon a target or targets. Then, thinking about the idea to manifest, and by the power of your two eyes you get 2 doubled in effect amount effects.
   Manipulation; This is where you think to use the right words and make a person do things by feel. There is a 50% chance that it would succeed. Roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above for success.
   Fear; The target or targets affected by this energy you send forth, that makes them fearful as you program with your projected thoughts. They do things out of fear of things to come or death. So they run away from things that are done. This lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until 1d10 minutes pass them by outside of battle.
   Spirit trap; This spell causes energy through suggestion to trap a spirit or spirits in the mind of the target/s, that's done by any object influencing the moment that you hold at the moment. That's causing them to stay still, you get their energy of STP or MP and they do not move for 1d6 rounds in battle or until you no longer desire to trap them.
   Mass elemental ball; This is where you use 30% energy to focus energy to form what you want. That's as you gate it in, this is where you think and need the creator to create 1d10 balls of some element in the air for targets for levels 1-10 and 2d8 balls of some element in the air for targets after level 10 is reached. This is done after 1 action in battle, or 10 seconds outside of battle. They strike the target/s unerringly, and deal damage per each elemental ball. This can be earth, water, ice, air, fire, poison, acid and any other element. These elemental balls can and will create damages, that's as you select how many and what targets to hit with them. This is all for fun, so enjoy the idea yopu want to do.
   Mass sleep; This is where you cause target/s to sleep by soothing waves of energy. Thinking to program it with the thought of sleep. You cause all the target/s to goto sleep. This can be a single individual or many. Roll a 1d100+luck to check if its a success, that's with 51 or above rolled.
   Mass wave; This is where you exerience a flood of energy, that is directed at the target/s and can cause them to collapse or break their minds. Roll a 1d100+luck to see if it succeeds, rolling a 51 and above is success. Roll a 1d100 to see if its a collapse or breaking their minds. This is where a 1-50 rolled result causes the targets in collapse. 51-100 rolled is a broken mind and collapse of the body.
   Mass control; The effect is this, to control the target/s and make them do things that you want them to do. This is where you effect them with thoughts in a thought wave, that's sent from the aura. Then, you create what results that you want. The effects are done for 1d8 rounds in battle, or until you don't need it done outside of battle.
   Mass shift; This causes the target/s you think about to be effected, they shift to where they dimensionally are placed elsewhere. That's as everyone you want effected is shifted by feel.
   Mass transformation; This changes the mass of the target/s to be something else. Whatever you decide them to be, they are in real life (Game real life).
   Mass dilemma; Think of the idea that is like a plague or illness, and think it effects the target/s. Then it will effect what you want onto them, thinking to create what condition you want them to have.
   Mass confusion; Think of the confusion of chaos, then will it to effect your target/s. What you think makes them attack themselves. This has a 50% chance to succeed, so roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above for success.
   Redirection; This is where you create a confusion in the target/s, thinking to them confusing thoughts and then redirect them to something else.
   Thinking; This is where you use area energy to cast forth a a "thinking" wave, that effects the target/s into thinking about things and then there is no need to fight.
   Influence; This is where your thoughts program the energy near the target, then you cause manifest waves by the energy going in the direction of the target/s. They literally can do what you think, that is like feeling the need to goto the bathroom or piss and they do.
   Reconditioning; This is where you condition the brain and mind to do what's right by area energy influence, or influenced by thought area energy that are in a wave pattern. This means that no need to fight can come up, that's as the effect is done.
   Grease; This is where the area in mind becomes slick as though the floor was greased, and causes falling to or slipping across the floor.

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Extra spells of idea, movies and old games

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Insightful mdo; This is a spell that creates in idea what you want with knowledge from what the soul or spirit knows, that means you realize what you want to know and the need is fulfilled by the spirit with feel. This spell can create anything, and its done in creation with nothingness energy by the power of the soul or spirit. This can create anything from the spirit or soul creating what you desire. Including weightlessness or you being an energy form, that isn't effected by weapons.
   Fear language; Think of inciting fear and speak, then you provoke fear as you focus and speak. That means your projecting forth energy causing fear in the targets. They are out of combat for 1d6 rounds.
   Deep focus; This is breathing in and out, thinking to be in trance. Think of what you want and suggest it to your self and you more easily get things done. Hear a loud noise to 'wake' up. Add +5 to all rolls till this effect wears off.
   Mist summons; This is used for memories and you can summon through time with energy what you desire. This includes the living, that you can summon by feel.
   Rite of recall; This can make use of a lit candle. This causes the memory essentially to be recalled as a memory that is there.
   Rite of summoning; This can make use of a candle. This causes you to summon things or idea that exists where and when you want it to exist. You can use the rite of summoning to summon money, as well.
   Desummoning; This uses focus. Think the being is unsummoned after offerring it some of your energy, then think it goes to heaven by willing it to calm and go to ascend. Otherwise you can make it go to hell by banishing it with your will after thinking to dismiss it and the creator does it. This works especially after discovering a ghost in the area that wasn't summoned.
   Fire burn; The energy creates a burning effect, that makes one shotting the target happen to burn up the target into ashes. This effect works well even on ghosts and apparitions.
   Fire transform; This causes fire energy to suffuse the targets and change the targets into something else.
   Fire will; This spell causes fire energy to make the targets do what you want, that's as you focus on the targets and will them to do it. That creates a result by the spirit causing your will, and this uses the soul to create what you desire.
   Despair; Lose your whole stored inventory, but gain 2 stat points. This does not effect your bag of holding or ring of holding inventory.
   Meditation; This is where you focus and think calm thoughts, you meditate no matter the point. Breathing in and out, you calm down and if you listen to music. You create a restoration of energy to 100% and health is restored for long meditation. Half health is restored and all energy if you short meditate.
   Mastering; THis ability allows you to master or keep calm the targets you want to master in idea. They don't strike out as though it were a natural thing. Fight ended, you won.
   Prevention; This is where you think of what you want, thinking that's a will causes the idea and if you don't need it your subconscious causes it to not exist or effect you.
   Bark skin; This is where you think about the skin temporarily hardening on its surface. Then the skin is harder to cut through. See its like you give yourself a barklike skin and its hard like the sole of your feet. This adds +3 AC. This effect doesn't stack, meaning you can't cast it within the round over again and get even more AC once cast..
   Thick skin; This is where you think and need the skin to harden a bit, as you drink something to cause it. This increases your AC by +3.
   Strength of ten men; This is used with 10% energy used in idea, where you increase in strength by the subconscious making the creator cause your character's strength increase. That's an increase by +10' to your speed. There is also +10 to strength and strength related rolls.
   Strength of five men; This is used in idea where you increase in strength by the creator making your character's strength increase somewhat. That's an increase by +5' to your speed. There is also +5 to strength and strength related rolls.
   Strength of iron; This is used with 20% energy used up in idea, so you increase in strength by the creator making use of iron particles for your character's strength increase. That's an increase by +15' to your speed. There is also a +15 to strength and strength related rolls. Due to the iron controlling chaos, and making with your thoughts. This is making you as strong as a dragon. Add to your attack and effect damages or healing, +25% for levels 1-9, 50% for levels 10-19, 75% for levels 20-29 and 100% for levels 30-..
   Flying; This is where you gather up energy and its inertia in your body that allows you to think up and away. You can fly to wherever you want to go at 40' per second. This spell lasts till next game.
   Teleporting; This is where you think of the moment you need to be somewhere. Then, you are there by the power of the soul causing the creator to shift you as you need to teleport. This spell is instant, so think of the area to appear in and your there.
   Power up; Think of the creator's energy, then imagine a white light filling you up with life. This restores your lost energy and things light up in the area from the aura energy waves. Make your MP 100 and STP 100, unless its already infinite upon casting.
   Vortex; If you think of it a vortex is energy swirling from various things. So think of water energy in the air swirling, and you created one by the subconscious making it be there..this can deal damages to the target/s or it can even shift you. That's where you trace in the air the circled forefinger above your head. This is done with thinking of the area, and allowing it to port you by needing it to bring you places.
   Time vortex; Think of the time and what happens at that time, then touch the inner wrist blood vessel. This causes you to control time, and make time move as you want it to move. Albeit forward, back or normally. This can also move you through space time, thinking of where you want to be as you touch the wrist spot. Then a time vortex occurs and this is swirling blood energy, that causes by vortex what you want sensed in life. That causes in the end you to shift or time to happen. This is done, as you sense it by noticing the time change. Thinking time moves normally, causes time to move normally. That's as you touch the inner wrist spot.
   Blood port; This is where you focus the energy in your blood and think of the area to go, then the energy is used up as you shift to a new area with 1 action.
   Hypnosis; This is where your soul hypnotizes the person or target/s. It causes them to go into a tranced sleep. So thinking to create with a point or expression, this where you cause them to do what you want and that is done by their subconscious mind. That's until your soul breaks the hypnosis by waking them up from their tranced sleep.
   Raven; The raven is a point you say "I call the raven..", this summons the spirit of the raven to judge the guilty and kill them on the spot. If the target/s attack or are wanting to do violence, this summons from the creator a force of energy that freezes the target/s in place and gives them a heart attack. They that are the attacker or instigator of wrongdoing are dead on the spot. If nothing happens or if they are proven right, where you did nothing wrong. Then they are not touched by the raven spirit and nothing seems to happen to them.
   Likeness summons; This is where you think to focus on creating a likeness of some form from thin air. This is done by the creator making it appear. It disappears when it isn't needed. The source of this appears to be an angel sent by God or the creator to appear and act like you want it to act. If your evil, then you call by thought a fallen angel or demon to do what you want. The idea is you create an appropriate appearance, if you have in mind the person or thing you want to mimic. If no image appears, then God or the creator must have thought to not allow it. So luck be with you.
   Rockfall; This is where you create a gate to a rocky area of mountains, that is overhanged with rock. Then, cause by magic the rocks to fall down the mountain through the gate from over the targets position. This buries the target/s with rock, so they are stuck there and frozen in positiion for until they are unburied.
   Avalanche; If the target is near the mountains area that has an overhanging snow bank, or a gate is made in the pathway of the snow fall. You can cause it to tumble down over the targets position by a loud soud in the area. That's burying them in place and they can't move as they're frozen there. That lasts until they are unburied or fire melts the snow where they are at.
   Energy strike; This is where you send forth a pulse of light generated by your god or the creator, that appears like a red beam. That's hitting with a bright red light of radiation..instantly damaging them with laser radiation or using a empowered laser pointer.
   Mosquito tornado; this effect is where millions of Mosquito are gated in as they form a tornado formation that goes where you intended. the effect damage is stinging damage to the target/s.
   Lava sweep; The Lava gated in to an area sweeps forth to go into an open area close to the target/s. This lava burns everything with melting heat. It does so much damage, its triple the heat damage to the target/s.
   Tornado fire; This is a tornado of fire that goes out by burning itself out, that's after 1d6 rounds in battle or 1d10 minutes outside of battle. This is so intense, it does double the damage if it hits.
   Lava bombs; This is gated in lava balls 65 cm big, that rolls into the area at the target/s after falling down. These balls are very hot. So hot, they do double the normal damage.
   Fight, this spell causes by you thinking and needing the result of a fight. You to get that result. Say your result is the target/s fight amongst themselves, then that's what they do for 1d6 rounds in battle or until otherwise needed outside of battle..
   Need, this spell causes by you needing something from the target/s to give it to you.
   Eating and drinking, it doesn't matter what they do. This spell causes by the spirit and your need to eat or drink. The target/s to need to eat and drink. Think of them when casting this, as they are distracted from attacking anything except food or drink. This lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until you decide they no longer need to eat or drink outside of battle. What stops it, this is where you feel the energy of the cooked food and think it is electrical. Then the need stops.
   Dancing, this spell once done by the soul by thinking or needing, the effect that is done of causing the target/s to dance. This causes the target/s to dance uncontrollably for 1d6 rounds in battle or until you no longer need them to dance outside of battle.
   Hideous laughter, think if you must, yet your spirit causes the target/s start laughing until 1d6 rounds in battle pass them by in life or until you no longer need them to laugh outside of battle. This means they are distracted from doing anything, so they are aware of life and no longer want to attack.
   Transferrance, this is where you transfer what you want from the target/s, that's including their health and energy upto 40'.
   Loudness, this is where you think loud and it becomes loud in a zone or area by feel of 10'. This is the opposite instruction from the silence zone spell. Think to form a green chi ball and think to it "make them heard", then you create the effect by throwing the loudness chi ball at the target area.
   Flesh to stone; this is where you think to the target/s "turn to stone", and their subconscious starts turning to stone as they are still after that point.
   Stone to flesh, this is a spell that you cast on a stoned target or targets, that's with a thought of "turn to flesh". Then, they are turned into flesh from stone, that's from the subconscious doing the deed. Otherwise, they start moving again as they are a living stone form.
   Weightless, this is where you are weightless and seem to have less weight. Think of the body weight lessening, and state or need the effect. Then, you lower your bodyweight by the power of your soul.
   Silence zone, this is where your energy makes people in a zone or area silent of 10' diameter. Think to throw a chi ball that you form by imagining green chi energy forming itself into a ball, and thinking to it "make them quiet", at the area that you want effected. You are immune to this spell, btw. Because, its the subconscious that can block out the effect if you know of it and don't want it.    Immunity, whatever you dislike that would hurt you, your immune to by feel even if its evil.
   Incarceration, this is where you create in the target/s mind a jail scene. Think of the moment and intend them to be incarcerated in their mind as they do things bad and the subconscious creates that in their mind's eye. This ends as if it never happened where they don't do bad idea.
   Energy shot, the energy you summon by gate is shaped by the subconscious into being a shot, that goes off as though shot by a rifle. If it hits, its instant death unless you don't hit the head or heart. Then, its normal damage.
   Sun strike, this is where you think and focus on a thought, thinking to cause the sun to do what you want it to do. This case is where you need it to strike the area with intensity, that you wanted targeted by a plasma strike. The plasma strike will hit the atmosphere and cause fire damage, that's as your targets fall asleep for 1d6 rounds in battle or 1d10 hours pass them by outside of battle. On a cloudy day, this effect fails.
   Sun shield, this is where you think and focus to shield yourself and your allies. They and you are unaffected of any attacks for 1d8 rounds in battle or until 1d10 strikes happen outside of battle.. This includes plasma strikes. You won't need to sleep, that's only unless you intended to sleep. On a cloudy day, this effect fails.
   Shield, this spell casts by thinking energy to the aura, thought to empower it and causing it to absorb 1d8 attacks. These attacks can be elemental, physical or both.
   Translate, this is where you think to know what is said or written, that's when the creator translates it in your mind and you know what it is that was said.
   Truth seeker balls, these balls are then formed psi balls that as you think form in the air. So think of forming the psi balls in the air and program them to seek the truth. Otherwise they are to make the truth happen and come out. This programming is done by thinking of the psi balls and stating, "Do what I need. Seek or make out the truth. Then, focus and let it be known to the right authorities." You can create 1d8 psi balls without problems.
   Seek and destroy, this is where you think to form a chi ball that's compressed in itself in the air, and then instruct it by thinking to it. The instruction is "seek the target/s by trace and destroy them." Then will it to find the target/s that deserve it.
   Seek and kill, this is where you cast a seeking spell. Thats when you make a charged death and decay energy infused chi ball, then think to it to "find" the target/s trace and upon finding the target to kill them as you will it to form in the air.
   Seek and create, this is where you seek the target or targets trace with a chi ball. That's thought formed in the air, that you instruct to seek out the target/s and create whatever condition you intend them to have. That's like finding the target/s and creating wealth or crippling as a result.
   Learning balls, this is where you focus on the air and imagine an energy sphere form. Then, instruct it by thinking to it, the idea of learning what you want the target/s to learn as it repeats it to them in their mind in their own language.
   Trip, this spell is cast by thinking a tripping effect catches the feet of the target/s, and the target/s drop to the ground unaware that it would happen. The end to the effect is not needing it to happen and occur.
   Rememberance, this spell causes you or a target to remember what they can about things and you "read" them by insight that comes to you of what they know.
   Trace, this is where you think of the idea and it comes to you of what you need to know, that's about the idea or person that you now know did things.
   Liebe, this spell is a love feeling that runs its course in the body. State "liebe" w/o quotes, and you have the feel of love by the subconscious creating it.
   Hassen, this is a stated "hassen of [what you want effected]" w/o quotes, that creates a hatred of the target/s by the subconscious mind that is either avoided or changed by feel. That is using an effect of many types on the target/s, since what you hate you can effect or hurt by energy focus.
   Leben, this is a spell that is cast by stating "leben" w/o quotes, that reveals life as it would be and if you did anything wrong you would be imprisioned until released from jail or a freedom spell is cast.
   Freedom, thinking of freedom makes you feel free for life, that you think to use to free yourself from an entrapment spell.
   Entrapment, this causes you by thinking of entrapment to make the target/s trapped. That's where they are in a energy crystal, that goes into the planet. If a freedom spell is done, then they are freed and back to where they were.
   Convince, this spell creates a charming effect by thinking to be convincing, this is a good reason the spirit conveys as your talking to those you need to convince. The target/s end up believing in what you want and doing what you intend. There is a 1d100+charisma mod die roll, that's successful if you roll a 51 or above.
   Entanglement, this spell is done by thinking energy creates a plant like growth, that creates underbrush within one round or action and then this tangles itself with the feet and you trip and fall.
   Magic missile, this is where you focus energy into a chi ball that you focus gated in elemental energy into as you think compress it and it is thrown against a surface or target/s. As it goes through the area to hit the target, it splits into 1d10 balls of charged radiant energy. That strike the target or targets for 2d6+focus ranks damage each, this is for damage per each ball that goes to the target/s and hits unerringly.
   Freeze target/s, this freezes the target/s into not doing anything. So they only unfreeze after you think the spell fades away. This is in effect, by thinking about the cold energy and it spreading about the target/s. As it takes form, it freezes them..this includes freezing people or slowing them down due to the cold energy. They slow down to 1 action in 1d4 rounds.
   Polymorph self, this effect is where you think of the form and figure. Then, imagine yourself as it as you drink water. This changes by the subconscious making your body change. You keep your stats, except for the change of shape and size. Like you had a 19 strength, then you still have a 19 strength. So you could imagine yourself being the size of an atom. Any shape you are in the moment, that's released by thinking of water moisture is in the mouth. As you think about being your normal shape and size. This creates what you want and you can't be effected or targeted, yet you can fly and effect them by the power of the atoms.
   Polymorph other, This is where you think of the shape as you look at the target and will the spirit to change that target's shape. The soul aids the spirit with water moisture in the mouth into changing the shape, and its done within one round. This leaves the target/s in a form, that still has their stats yet they are a different shape and size. Imagine them being a shape of an ant, then all you need to do is step on them. End of battle.
   Mimickry, this spell is formed as you think to mimick the attacker. The subconscious creates what effect you decide to do that they do to you.
   Lich form is a spell, that makes you undying and bony by focusing the death and decay energy of the cells internally at the body. That is done by feel forever, then your spell effects are doubled by feel and intense focusing.
   Incendiary cloud, that is where you call a cloud of intensified fiery particles that descends upon the targets you have in mind.
   Charm monster, where you cast this on your target/s, even if a monster, then you cause them to be friendly toward you.
   There is a spell of coma effects, where you cast a person into a coma state or a state of not moving. Yet they aren't effected, if you decide to break the spell or the caster dies.
   There is froth, where you enrage or work up the area target/s and then cause them to make mistakes.
   Stinking cloud, this is where you focus on farting into the area of the target/s and they are sick or distracted from the cloud of putridness. They are are so sick they do nothing for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until the cloud disperses outside of battle and that's after you don't need it..
   Dimension door, this is where you imagine the area as a place and think of a portal forming with the right frequency or humming sound heard. Then walk through the gate and your there. If you wanted to return, then you create another gate thinking of the place you left. Then walk through and your back.
   Confusion, this is where you confuse the target. That's making them think one thing and you do another. Yet they have a 50% chance of attacking their allies or otherwise they ignore you. This is with a 51 or above result on a rolled 1d100 for success.
   Frost, where you think cold effects the target or item and cools down the heat of the moment.
   There is lightning, that is focused from the air and goes to each of the targets from the formation of energy at the palm of the hand..
   There's also Blur self, that causes you to not be attacked as they can't really see your form.
   The thought cloud, where you think of things that you want and it forms in a bubble in the air or around the target/s. That's as earth is magnetically pulled to surround the target. Immobilizing them as you think it surrounds them.
   Bubble of force, where the target or targets get surrounded by a green energy from the heart. This causes them to think they did something, when they did not as though your subconscious controlled a vision. That they perceived, so by thinking about it you change the vision. This bubble ends as you think to "pop" it out of existence. This bubble of green energy prevents them from attacking you.
   Miasma, this is where you focus your death and decay energy or radiation energy at the targets' brain. Making them sick and disrupted in thinking. That lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until you dispell the effect outside of battle. If the effect continues after 1d6 rounds from focusing it another round, you make them pass out for 1d8 rounds or until you no longer need it to effect them..
   Finger fire where you cast forth fire, as you point your finger at someone and fire forms as though your finger formed a line of it.
   Thought spell where you create your thoughts form reality and thoughts exist. The thought is also able to break a time spell, think of the time and think its broken.
   Levitate, where you cause your target's to levitate or de-levitate.
   Invisibility, that's causing the matrix to make yourself invisible where you aren't detected even though you move. True sight can see the invisible idea, person or item.
   True sight, this is where you use your third eye to see what really is there. That's done by thinking of seeing with the third eye, then willing it to see and share its vision with you.
   Poison cloud, this is where you think of the poison gated from somewhere that is spread through the air of the target/s. This effects them by dealing poison damage to the target/s for 1d6 rounds in battle or until they cure poison outside of battle.
   Force back, this is where you think of energy physically pushing back the target/s 1d10 feet. The soul forms what you think should be formed. As always, think its not done and it stops effecting the target/s or area by feel.
   Hold, this spell causes the energy you gated in to "hold" the target/s still for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed.
   Hold monster, this spell causes the monster to think and not do things by feel. That lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until not needed outside of battle.
   Animated body, This is where you have the spirit animate the body and act as if alive again.
   Exploding body, this is where you create the body gasses due to energy you put into the body, thinking to cause it to expand rapidly enough to explode in the area near the target/s. That is dealing shrapnel and energy damage to the target/s themselves.
   Animate skeleton, this is where you think to use the soul copy to cause the skeleton to be animated.
   Animated exploding body, this is where you use the spirit and soul copy to animate the body. At the right time it explodes near the target or targets, that's done by rapid gas expansion. This does shrapnel and energy damage.
   Acid splash, this is where you summon by gate, powerful acid to shoot forth into the target/s face and eyes. That's doing acid damage in idea that can damage or eats away the flesh of the target for 1d6 rounds in battle or 1d10 minutes outside of battle. That is where each minute is 1 round of damage. Also you blind the target/s, so they can't see you to attack.
   Power word create, this is where you create what you think should be created, that's by the words you state and the thought you have. That instructs the soul and spirit to create it.
   Erase, this is where you erase the effect or idea by telling your subconscious and it doesn't manifest by intent.
   Healing, this is where you heal the damages that's done to you by focusing energy through the body and the wound disappears as you think or need to heal.
   Bath, this is where you clean yourself by focus and create the cleanliness with water moisture. The effect of your body being washed by feel or idea that you know.
   Cleanse, this effect is cast when you think of the water moisture, that goes and cleanses the surface of whatever you don't like.
   Cleanse II; This clears away the dirt and dust in from the area, and things that are dirty are cleaned up by summoned up by gating water and fire energy or heated up water, then earth energy is used to cloy the scent. The thought is a reminder, that comes to you to do things and you remember to clean up. Then, your spirit cleans and clears away the detritus or area of dirt using that elemental energy.
   Blood lightning; This is lightning produced by drawing upon blood energy, then creating lightning from its pooling effect with thinking of the idea and needing the soul to do it as you think to direct the energy into creating manifest. You can use blood energy in two ways, think the energy of the body. That is circulating in the blood surges, or cut in a sacrifice mode the finger and allowing a blood drop come forth. Either way, what you think will occur. Think and you know what to do.

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Paladin spells

  Paladin spells are where you think to channel your God or the creator energy and use his or her energy, thinking to create a result with idea that you intend and stating your purpose or intention that the subconscious does to do things with the Deity energy. So anyone can do a spell, paladin-like, if they have a Deity. Some of this list are my idea, however most are from here @ https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Paladin/spells.

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Laying of hands; This is where you focus energy on the palm of one hand, then place it on the shoulder. Then place the other hand on the other shoulder. Then, you will energy to heal the person, thinking it goes from one hand to the other. Passing energy through the body is healing it or freeing the person from what traps it.
   Attunation; Think to absorb the energy as a source you want to attune to. So think as you are near it, that means you gain a benefit from the energy of +5 to the rolls using the energy source. This allows you to control those effected by the source, that's as you need to do things and suggest to the targets. See what you desire is done as you suggest the idea at least mentally and at most physically stated.
   Dark control; After you attune to darkness, you can think to create results with control of the dark urges. This spell controls the dark urges in people and attackers, if they occur. You can make the attackers drop dead or they do what you want..
   Light control; This is where you can attune to light energy, then control how light appears. Like, if you wanted it to shine brightly or with less intensity. This can deal damages to the vampire, the more brightly it shines, the more it is done.
   Elemental control; If you focus upon the energy of the element, then your aura absorbs some of it and you can control it. If it effects you or what it does to your body, you can cause it to do something else. As though instead of hurting you, it heals you. So think of what you want, and you can get the idea done.
   Command; This spell causes the target/s to be commanded, and that means they do what you want like Army commanding its soldiers. This works instinctively, where you command them. They do it without thinking, as though compelled by your energy cast by the aura to do what you want.
   Compelled Duel; This is a enchantment spell. This spell allows spellcasters to compel an enemy to ignore other targets and attack only the spellcaster. Force an enemy to attack only you, giving it Disadvantage against other targets.
   Divine Favour; This spell allows spellcasters to empower their Weapons to deal extra Radiant damage. Your prayer empowers you with divine radiance. Your weapons deal an additional radiant damage.
   Divine Smite; Divine Smite allows a you to expend a Spell to deal additional Radiant damage with a melee weapon attack. Your weapon emanates divine might as you strike, dealing an additional 2d8 Radiant DRS damage by feel.
   Heroism; This spell allows spellcasters to instill themselves or an ally with courage. The affected creature cannot be Frightened and gains Temporary Hit Points. Make yourself or a target immune to Frightened and gain 10 Temporary hp for levels 1-9, 20 temporary hp for levels 10-19, 30 temporary hp for levels 20-29 and 30 temporary hp 30 and up.
   Daylight; This is where daylight cast forth, allows spellcasters to dispel darkness by summoning a sphere of light or enchanting an item to shine like the sun.
   Protection from Evil and Good; This spell allows spellcasters to surround themselves with magical protection that causes them to not be effected by Aberrations, Celestials, Elementals, Fey, Fiends, and Undead.
   Searing Smite; This spell allows spellcasters to cause their melee weapon to flare with white-hot intensity, searing their targets on hit. Your weapon flares with white-hot intensity. It deals, on top of weapon damage, an extra fire damage and radiant damage.
   Bright spell; This is a spell, that shines really bright light on an enemy like faery fire. It deals extra radiance damages and blinds them.
   Shield of Faith II; This spell allows spellcasters to surround themselves or an ally with divine protection and gain a bonus to their Armour Class. Surround a creature with a shimmering field of magic, that increases its Armour Class by 2 and your Deity takes the damages the protected would take. Range: 18m / 60ft Concentration At higher levels. Casting this spell at a higher level grants no additional benefit.
   Thunderous Smite; This spell allows spellcasters to cause their weapon to ring with Thunder as they strike, pushing targets away and potentially knocking them Prone. Your weapon rings with thunder as you strike, pushing your target 3m / 10ft.
   Wrathful Smite; This spell allows spellcasters to channel their wrath through their melee weapon, possibly Frightening their target on hit. Your weapon absorbs your wrath as you strike, possibly Frightening your target.
   Branding Smite; This spell allows spellcasters to cause their weapon to gleam with astral radiance, allow them to mark targets with light, preventing them from turning Invisible.
   Lesser Restoration II; This spell allows the spellcaster to cure an adjacent creature. Cure a creature or person from being Diseased, Poisoned, Paralysis, or Blinded.
   Protection from Poison; This spell allows spellcasters to grant a creature or target they touch with protection from Poisonous effects. Touch a creature to grant it protection against Poisonous influences.
   Blinding Smite; Blinding Smite allows you to expend a Spell to deal additional Radiant damage with a melee weapon attack and possibly blind their target..
   Crusader's Mantle; This spell allows spellcasters to imbue their allies' weapons with holy power, causing them to deal additional Radiant damage. Radiate a holy power that emboldens nearby allies. Their weapon attacks deal an additional radiant damages.
   Warden of Vitality; This spell allows spellcasters to heal allies repeatedly with Restore Vitality. While this aura lasts, you can cast Restore Vitality as though to heal yourself or nearby allies by hit points.
   Death Ward; This spell allows you the spellcasters to prevent a target from dying. Protect a creature or target from death. The next time damage would reduce it to 0 HP, it remains conscious with 1 Hit Point left.
   Staggering Smite; This spell is only available for those that want to use it. It allows spellcasters to cause their weapon to attack their victims minds with Psychic damage as they strike.
   Destructive Wave; This spell allows the caster to create a massive shockwave, that damages all creatures or targets that you target and can possibly knock them prone. Create a shockwave of either divine or malevolent thunder, that damages nearby creatures and possibly those you target.
   Dispel Evil and Good; This spell allows spellcasters to protect themselves from Evil and Good creatures, think and it allows them to break Enchantments on allies.
   Light shield; This is a spell that infuses an aura with light energy to make a shield, that protects against three attacks.
   Searing light; This is a spell that uses searing light that damages the target with radiance and makes to remove debuffs the party could get. Like poison, silence, or diseases.
   Undead prevention; This is a spell that can be cast on fallen enemies, that prevents them from turning into undead.
   Holy spell; This is a spell, that blesses weapons with ability to deal holy damage. This is a holy light, that can dispell demons from the area.
   Freedom II; Your free by the power of your deity of any condition or paralysis.
   Turncoat spell; Lose your diety, but gain 2 saving rolls PER TURN until battle is completed, then gain status 'exhuastion'. Which makes small and long meditations fail until it expires.
   Bogus; This causes the moment not seem to occur by the power of your deity, that's as though the damages were halved or it didn't happen at all. That's as though you dismissed the idea. Think and by dismissal, you create with the subconscious mind what you wanted instead.
   Divine strike: magic; This is where you think of the idea you need, then desiring it causes the right actions to be done. That's as though in a hit with your Deities energy, you cause release of the energy and concentration held to make the effect and you create what you want. That's as though upon release of the energy it is done, that's by the soul absorbing the energy of the strike. That causes the soul to do the things you wanted. This makes results, that you create by focus and making the caster do what you intended. This is using the Deities energy to cause what you wanted, that's using the soul as guidance and divine energy in a strike to create results.

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Faith spells

  These spells are either created by the creator or your God..this is where a cleric can create with faith as their deity will create what they want. Mosty by their ability to channel their God's energy, that's as they pray to create their need as they think of it. This is where you know of the effects by your soul, that's causing you to realize it by feel or idea. That is where ideal realization can then come to you, see then you know what to do. This is a list of ideal, that you can do with this.

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

   Healing spell II; This is a spell that allows healing per level the effect of: levels 1-9 of 1d10+healing skill, levels 10-19 of 1d20+healing skill rank, levels 20-29 of 1d30+healing skill and levels 30- of 2d20+healing skill ranks for healing amount. This will require a healing check as you get 10 or above as result on a 1d20+healing rank to see if it worked.
   Guidance; Your God or the creator gives you guidance in what you do.. you get a +4 to your rolls until you rest.
   Creation energy; Think or need something and the energy consciousness creates the idea, where you intend it to be created. This lasts until you no longer need it. Describe the idea to the DM/GM that you want and it is possibly done.
   Praying; This is where you think of what you need, and state out loud or under your breath what you desire, remember your God is what creates it. Like world peace.
   True heal; this uses the creator to make the target or targets healed fully.
   Healing junct; This effect is where a healing energy falls upon you, thinking to heal you of whatever is wrong with you.
   Armor of faith; Believe your Deity will protect you and your spirit is bolstered by the Deity absorbing the taken damages, that's increasing the chance of success by the God you follow. Where the spirit is who will do this as it does in effect following your will. Any damages are diminished by a certain amount. Per level, levels 1-9 the damages are diminished by 25%, levels 10-19 the damages are diminished by 50%, levels 20-29 the damages are diminished by 75% and levels 30 and up the damages are diminished 100%. It only goes down as much as possible.
   Faith weapon; This is where you use your faith by expression, then God creates an effect as though a weapon that creates what you needed. Though this is including wounds to the heart, an idea, making the targets leave you alone, stop fighting, causing fire, harm or healing on the target.
   Faith effect; The effect of faith and your God is where in idea you think of a need, believe it will effect the targets and the person or people that can do things for they respond.
   Cloth effect; This effect creates with the power of clothes and faith, that's what you think or need into being created. Including, an armor effect that wards away damages and attacks..this is where you ward away the damages and not feel it.
   Prayer circle; This invokes with a group of casters, your God to create what you want as you intend it to exist and speak as a prayer. That does double the effect.
   Hero's feast; This is where you think of and need to eat enough, like a hero's feast then the feast of food comes to you or you find it if you need it. Yet you will not overeat with this spell. That's if you think you won't. If you do, then you will and hope your not fat from it.
   Slay living; This spell does 1/2 the health of the target/s by the power of the creator.
   Living spell; This is where you create a living or some body/ies to be alive again. That's done by the creator, reanimating the dead as though they never died.
   Revive, where you cause a person to revive themself by the power of your soul and spirit.
   Raise dead; This is the moment your God or the creator makes the person, that died come back to life and appear where you want them perfectly fine.
   Raise mummy; This spell creates a mummy out of the body, with the power of the creator to animate the dead that can paralyze and kill your targets. It has what stats you have except for 100% health and can't fly.
   Raise winged undead; This causes a winged zombie to form out of the dead body to create with its wings and make movement. The zombie can paralyze and give rot to the targets it touches or hits. It has what stats you have except for 100% health.
   Animate zombie; This spell causes an effect of the body you target to become animated by the creator, and zombie like with greater strength and ability to cause on touch more zombies. It has what stats you have except for 100% health and can't fly.
   Spirit guardian; This spell is where you summon a guardian angel to protect you by causing your aura to become charged with fire.
   Guardian of faith; This causes you to summon a guardian being by thinking its there, and the soul causes it to exist that does what you want.
   Glyph of warding; This wards away danger as it can exist and do what you want to intruders.
   Animate dead; This is where the creator makes the dead animated and do what you want. It has what stats you have except for 100% health and can't fly.
   Spirit weapon; Think of the idea weapon to form and your spirit is creating it by feel. It can fly at 20' per second and do what you want. However long it lasts, its immune to all damages to it and does half-level+d8+focus ranks in damages, that's with your BAB as its attack bonus..this is the ultimate distractor as the targets that are hostile will attack it instead of you. This can last 1d6 rounds in battle or until you don't need it outside of battle.
   Guided bolt; This is where you think to guide the path of the magic bolt, that you summon from needing the point of a bolt to hit the target/s.
   Resistance; This spell causes you to be immune to the elements, thats by the power of the creator.
   Make undead; This spell causes living dead or vampires out of the living or a fresh body by the power of the creator, when you think of a target and need the creator to raise undead like vampires, zombies or undead.
   Create or destroy water; This spell creates water from moisture in the air that forms where you intend it to form and also can destroy water as you target water in the area to turn back into moisture air particles.
   Create food and drink; This spell causes you to find or create food and drink particles in enough quantity to sustain you, that is from a gated in source upon necessity. It can be any food and any drink you desire.
   Protection from good and evil; You are unaffected by good and evil, as this wards them from hurting you for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until not needed outside of battle.
   Light; The light spell creates a ball of light from a soul copy, that dissipates away even shadows upon not needing it and goes where you need it to go, and lights the area you want to see.
   Healing word; This heals anything or anyone of damages as you state "heal" and need it, then your deity causes the wounds and illnesses to heal.
   Mass healing word; this is a concept usable for levels 10 and above or make use of 10% energy. Think to use energy by instructing it's consciousness into creating what you want. So it can heal any group of allies into better health by stating "mass heal", then you cause you and your allies to heal up..by the power of your deity.
   God focus; If you want to overwhelm your target's defenses, think you channel your God or the creator and seem like your deities' avatar. Then you think to channel your God's energy at a target from your aura, thinking to overwhelm them and make them unresistant to things or vulnerable. This overwhelms them and they are prone for the time of 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you no longer channel it. They are easily effected by what you want to effect them by feel. THat's like, they are resistant to fire. After focusing your God's energy at the targets, they are rendered unresistant. This does not effect immunities.
   Creator's spell; This is castable starting at level 10 or make use of 10% energy, where you think of what you need. Feel it exists and the creator causes it to exist. Feel it doesn't exist and don't need it and it ceases to exist. The things created literally disappear. This is a displacement effect to the point of shifting items, that's by thinking it shifts to where you want it shifted.
   Hand of doom; Think of a shadow hand, that hovers over the targets heads. This shadow hand causes a concussion and explosion of energy, that's set upon the targets as a force making the targets unconscious. Then it disappears.
   Hell; State "hell" w/o quotes 3 times and think of the person to cause the targets soul to be shifted to hell, that's done by the power of the creator and you get the effect of no enemies standing. This causes the targets to be out of the fight as their consciousness has left them..and they are dead. That's if you want to do this until you say "and that's not known" w/o quotes. Then you cancel out the effect.
   Heaven; State "bless" or "heaven" w/o quotes 3 times, thinking to send the person or targets to heaven. This creates the effect to make them shift their soul to heaven by the power of the creator, think and they have no consciousness from here. This drops them from the fight and kills them on the spot, until you say "and that's not known" w/o quotes.
   Zone of sweet air; This is with the effect of the creator doing your thought you need at the moment. It makes a fresh sweet air zone, that is fragrant of essential oils you like. This will effect the area of 50' and clear the air of bad stenches and nasty effects.
   Aura of healing; This is where you think of healing and your aura causes you and your allies to heal.
   Aura of harm; This causes by thinking of it, the creator to make your aura cause harm upon the targets you don't like.
   Shackle; This spell binds the targets to the ground or some object spiritually, that's done by the power of the creator doing the need. To release the shackles, think them released and the creator releases you from your bounds.
   Wormhole, this is where you think your God or the creator forms a wormhole singularity. That shifts you and others to the area that want to go to where it links you to by a white hole, that happens to be where you intend to go. This is instantaneous in transhifting you, that's unforming you as your energy and reforming you from energy where you want to be by feel. The singularity unforms itself, when you think it's unneeded. So think and you know what to do.
   Animate item; This causes the item you target to be animated, and do things on its own. Done by the power of the creator, until not needed. This item has 100% health, and 16 ac with natural material as armor and it uses your BAB as its attack bonus.
   Jesus; This spell of command causes all dangers to leave you alone, that's like a holy presence is there. This causes you and your party to shift by teleport to a safe alternative place without the dangers in mind.
   God; The spell that causes your God or in the Creator as idea is expressed as a source to appear nearby, this uses your words and is a summons and it makes your deity aid you or smite your foes.
   Brought; This spell causes you to create what they did to you to them.
   Aura of God; This is castable at levels 10 and above or you use up 10% energy where you attain the God aura, redirecting energy from your God to your aura and thinking of what you want to create. The energy causes it to be created.
   Aid; You temporarily increase your health and gain an ability to hit with a +5 to your to hit rolls. That's until a rest or next game. They increase in health by +10 with levels 1-9, +20 for levels 10-19, +30 for levels 20-29 and +40 for levels 30 and up.
   Bless; This spell makes you and those you cast it on, thinking to feel good as the effected will get a +5 to attack rolls and resistance to magic. That means you can hit better and reduce magic damages by 50%.
   Special ghoul summoning; This spell can cause by thought to the creator, the creator to make appear 1d6 ghouls. That appear and follow or strike the targets, you want to attack and they know whom to attack by you thinking of them. That's as you need to strike them down, so they do it. They have your stats and 100% health. They can transform any target you intend to strike into a ghoul. That's upon a strike that hits. They can eat a corpse to restore all of their health.
   Age reduction; This spell can cause you to reduce your age as you cast spell effects. This means you can reduce the aging you get, that's done by the creator reducing your age. So if you happen to get subdual and nonlethal damages, that's 6 months reduced per every spell cast with this. You can make 1d6 spells by this effect each time you cast age reduction. You can't cast Age reduction as one of the 1d6 spells though.
   Hell junct; This is where you think of hell and your spirit visits it upon the targets by channelling hell itself.
   Angellic call; This is a spell that causes your guardian angel to come and fight alongside you. It has 100% health and your collective stats otherwise.
   Divine strike: lightning; This is where you create a thunder strike by feel.
   Divine radiance; This is a spell that causes radiance of the dawn in the area and it kills vampires, shadows and undead.
   Soul retribution; Whenever an evil aligned character casts a spell, this activates. Every roll the evil aligned char rolls with -1.
   Chicken vengeance; Spawn as many chicken zombies as chickens or small livestock, that you want played. Each chicken has +1 to dice rolls in every circumstance and 100% health with half your stats otherwise.

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Meta magic spells

  This is the magic of the mind, that makes use of the realm of imagination or other dimensions using the figment element. The figurative element, It is basically just the dream/idealization world. Not a true painting of the world, it only consists of beliefs. Areas nobody remembers aren't painted and the world only consists of lucid creature's beliefs. The figuritive world. A figuritive element, say an imaginary friend like a Jackie Chan tulpa you created can beat the shit out of a ghost that is haunting your ass for example. Basically the sum of all being's memories. A giant dream junkyard dimension. As opposed to the dimension where spirits go. This works by imagination and need, that the thauma or magic then picks up on and creates by feel.

  Its easily countered by the Aether effect. Aether or felt influence, there is manipulation by the energy of the soul represented with the spirit by thinking about it. Think of what you need and you get it. You can see what you will into existence, this is created by feel from imagination energy. So think of what you want and you create with the mind's energy to make what you will and need come into existence. There is a limit, the limit is what you think there is. Otherwise it doesn't exist, if you think it doesn't exist. This results in a quotient of chaos. Each thing done with the mind is with the chaos quotient +1. The chaos quotient number is what the DM/GM maintains. This quotient is doing things in use with a Wisdom roll, this is a rolled 1d20+Wisdom mod+other mods.

  A successful roll of the Wisdom is with a 10 or above with nothing bad done, and you get what you want. A failed roll is a 9 or below result, where you don't get what you want. That's with bad results coming your way, where you can't help thinking about it. Think about it. Each failed check is summoning something to exist. That is a creature or monster with the quotient number, added to their to hit roll and damages. Low level characters would imagine lower level monsters more often. Otherwise, the characters will fight monsters they fought recently because it is in their memory. Once the chaos quotient is used up, it goes back to 0.

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

  This includes:
   Perception increment; An ability that increases perception so much they see better in reality. This improves perception by +5 for levels 1-15 and +10 for levels 16-.
   Ability improvement; An ability that references how everyone strives to get bigger numbers in DnD. They will it, they get a +5 to all rolls for levels 1-9, +10 for levels 10-19, +15 for levels 20-29 and +20 for levels 30-.
   Mental shift; A spell that breaks a mental wall to make a tactical retreat. Imagine the characters retreating behind the mind's eye, almost like they have access to a new dimension.
   Narration; The ability to charm the narrator of the story to get a favorable outcome.
   Paradox; A spell that causes a paradox due to the in game mechanics. This makes glitches in the matrix, where you think of the idea and it happens if you need it to occur. One paradox is the players seeing a character do one action, then go back and do a different action because of a reroll. Another paradox is creating 3 of you that look alike and do exactly the same thing. Then there's stopping the motion of something as you think to look. Whatever you think of you can use.
   Int inc; See, if the intelligence increases past a certain point the character might figure out the true nature of their reality. So the player gets +5 to their intelligence related rolls for levels 1-9. There's a +10 for levels 10-19, +15 for levels 20-29 and +20 for levels 30-. If the character has a high strength, a strength above 17, they can lift the dice for a reroll.
   Int bonus; The effect of a bonus to intelligence, this makes the effect of creating with the concept. You can add in to your effect and focus rolls the intelligence mod.
   Dimensional hop; There is a dimension hopping ability, think of the plane to be and let your spirit pull you there as though you "hopped" to the dimension through a portal. You can use portals to change dimensions.
   Chaos production; The ability to use chaos to produce a random object, that fits a stated pattern. For example if you said tool or item, then the chaos will produce a random tool or item that you need.
   Item conjuration; The ability to conjure any item out of thin air with the restriction, that it will dematerialize when you don't need it to be there.
   Imaginary area; The ability to enter a characters imagination, thinking to see how a certain event they were involved in occured through their eyes.
   Imagined crystalization; The ability to open a doorway to a realm, where imagination crystalizes into items based on the character's stat modifiers and usage of a Wisdom roll. Again, this is a rolled 1d20+Wisdom mod+other mods, where the good successful check is with a 10 or above rolled and a bad check is a 9 or below rolled. A good Wisdom roll gets good items. A bad Wisdom roll gets a bad idea to manifest. This can be weapons, that use the character's highest modifier as a bonus. Otherwise, its whatever they imagine crystalizes into reality.

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Aether spells

  So with aether or felt influence, there is manipulation by the energy of the soul represented with the spirit. The spirit is the emanation of the soul energy through the body particles with this. The thought you have is sometimes realization brought about by the soul with insight, this is where the spirit is creating things you need or want by what you think. The spirit does things by influence, so if you create the point you make by idea or expression. This is a known effect, where the spirit knowledge is used to create it by what the soul reveals.

  That's if you need to know and the subconscious is making you aware of the point. If not, then things are normal and the idea is what you think. There is an aetherical plane, too that has all elements in it. The spectral elements come from there. So don't get them confused. The point is made as simple as this, to get how someone or something died or lived, then think to the spirit of the dead bones or dead body and ask it to tell you how it lived and died. This is an effect that the soul reveals to you by insights on what the body did.

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

  Here are some things you may do with this..however, you may create whatever result you wish to create, this is with the power of the soul and spirit.
   Spectral manifest; This is doing a manifest of whatever you want as you think of the idea and need the soul to create the effect. It costs 10% energy to cast.
   The aether ghost; This is where you use the ability to summon a chill of ghosts, that do aetherial damage to the area and targets you desire to haunt. That means they come, deal spiritual damage and leave.
   The song; This is a haunting song that prevents enemies from running away.
   Spectre touch; This is a teletouch of the mind, that causes the targets to be drained of energy and vitality. You gain 1/2 the targets energy and health.
   Wall pass; This is using the ability to turn into energy and pass through walls.
   Spectral drain; This takes 20% energy to cast, yet drains the targets of all the energy and vitality the targets have. They collapse to the ground, dead.
   Latency; This is doing a spell, that absorbs the latent life energy in an area. Half the energy of the area is given to you by feel.
   Nightmare; This is a fear spell, that makes enemies have to run away from the caster.
   Thinking weapon; This can summon a spectral sword or weapon of choice, it can be any weapon that thinks for itself and ignores half of the target's AC. It also flies and goes to attack for you the target. It is undestroyable and goes to where you need it to go. Its damage is spiritual damages.
   Spectral heal; This is doing a spectral healing, that costs 10% energy gets healing done from the creator of the targets for all their health. This can overheal the target by a bit by absorbing creator energy, so they have 25% over max health. So someone with 100/100 health would be written 125/100 hp.
   Reporting wisp; This uses a spell that summons a wisp, that can pass through walls and fly that scouts an area and reports by telepathy where enemies and items are.
   Ghost friend; This is a spell that befriends ghosts by you offering energy and then asking requests from it. See if you do a quest for the creator or your Deity, then ghosts won't be hostile anymore.
   Giant spectre; The ability to summon a giant skeleton, that emerges from the ground and uses a femur as a club..it has 100% health and your stats otherwise. The club does 1d8+strength mod damage.
   Attack drain; This is the ability to have attacks drain energy instead of health, because the attacks phase through the targets.
   Spectral push; This is using the ability to push the target's spirit away from their body, and they have to make it to their body to be able to move again.
   Pirates; The ability to summon a ghost ship full of pirate ghosts, that form over the area and fly in to fight for the caster. You can summon 1d10 pirates to come to your aid for levels 1-9, 1d20 pirates for levels 10-19, 1d30 pirates for levels 20-29 and 2d20 pirates for levels 30-. This effect costs 30% energy. They have 100% health and your stats otherwise. Their ghost sabers and guns take in a lot of life energy when they connect. Each hit heals the pirate the amount done in damages.
   Spectral earth; This cools down the area as you think of the area targets, that smothers or makes pass out the targets in its energy.
   Spectral lava; This lava effect burns all targets and melts things in the area around them.
   Spectral fire; This causes the area to warm up and create burning on your targets.
   Spectral air; It can transfer any stink from the area to the targets. This can nauseate the targets, making them disgusted for 1d6 rounds. They are unwilling to fight after being disgusted with the stink and nausea.
   Spectral ice; This is using a spectral ice attack, that slows enemies down so it takes twice as long for them to do things. The targets slow by going to 1 action per 1d4 rounds.
   Spectral rain; This is a spectral rainstorm that reveals wandering spirits.
   Spectral lightning; This is lightning, that phases through walls and jumps between people.
   Spectral hail; This causes a hail storm, that makes damages in a wide area to targets of 100'.
   Spectral poison water; This is where spectral poison mixes with spectral water and forms spectral poison water. This poisoned water falls like rain at the targets, and kills them with double intensity in the area.
   Spectral poison; This can poison the targets with ethereal poison that needs an antidote to cure or the targets die by poison damages per round.
   Spectral acid; This effect causes acidic energy that eats away at the targets per round.
   Spectral void; This is darkenergy at its best, think and its what can pull your targets together by feel. That's as it sucks energy from them with its dark energy.

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Astral effects and spells

  So for how much the spell does that's not listed in damages or healing amount with the spell itself.. look up top..at the damages and how long it lasts.. These spells are done with a 1d20+focus ranks, think to see a result and if getting a 10 or above your getting success. If you have a 10 or above focus skill, its an automatic success for the game unless you want to roll the focus check.

  Doing things in the astral plane, and you can create anything in the astral plane. This is using another dimension in idea, thinking to create a result where you intend it to be formed, including here. So since it takes 3 times the effect to form it, as you wanted here think of what you want to create, think and feel it is 3 times the effect like a tornado or gale force winds to form a strong wind here. This means that you create what you form, where you want it and when you want it. So think of the effect as it could be any effect, if you need it in idea and want it as a point of expression is stated. Its formed as you intended. Especially if you make it 3 times as strong in the Astral plane, only to form it here as normal force. Think and you know what to do. The damage and healing amount is up top yet x3 on the astral plane, so think and you create what you want by what you feel is right.

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Source: Dungeons and dragons: Honor among thieves..
Source for Diablo IV spells: Diablo 4 classes: All abilities and skills
d20 System Reference (c) 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
OPEN GAME License Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, LLC. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.
Enshrouded ideal by Keen Games.
Last epoch spells came from the Eleventh Hour Games (c) 2024.
SH, Larion studios, Caz and Kittymoo: the rest of it..as contributor.