Field background by Jay
How people think and rules to go by
Color therapy
The psyche idea and memory power
How to achieve it
Conversation effort
Medical concerns
Chi needle work
How to survive in a fight
Field hypnosis
Meditation technique
Chaotic therapy(slightly dangerous)
Coping game
Rated Rages and Anger
The art to discussion
How to argue and disargue
How to do discipline
Life Philosophy of some
have been working with the people in field cases and studies, I took 3
years of classes toward the goal of knowing people. To understand what
field psychology is and how it works their first must be a know how of
what it is. Its self psychology dealing with people who intend things
that are slightly crazy or deranged. The field psychologist is a person
who is capable of this and more like getting people to better
lifestyles or diverting destruction. As in a talk down of a lunatic or
hypnotism to handle most problems in life and not out of control as is
forementioned by action with intent to do an activity. As if your
energy is what you can see to be, your ability is wat working solution
is there to work with as with ability your energy is cool to use.
This is to cause recovery quickly by energy as in
thought if "there you go" this is what we we try to achieve and thought
was their idea to make people with control of themselves where they in
idea, that we don't beat them we work with them unless you don't need
to as to think as your aura causes a peace by energy influence in them
as if they are not out of control. By many other idea and many means
available to seem, as if yourself as in consideration of life. Don't
push people beyond their limits unless you want them to react.
This is the fate as the consequences with a thought of fate
and getting results from fate the setting creates by what you do in life
work in life. As you feel what creates emotion, the tought to create is
to withhold the feel so they resolve the issue themselves. So this is no
attack or effect is done. So as you eat a little then you gain a energy
boost. As you think the transigent physiology you must be aware, that
this is the brain activity or neural pathway.
That is energy buildup or release. Such as dendrites where
you feel stress you could by feel if denied allow or go your own way.
As your thinking your sensitive then you are, so as you could think
your not sensitive and you aren't. This is sometimes by the chemicals,
where you take in ideal or lose it and become psychotic. So any other
ability is ability that your aware of by feel. So think your getting,
along then you are.
Unless conditions change they are feeling nice and are
aware you just want to act nice, think to present calmness and don't
act slow to them as they are likely to catch on and make use of you.
As you think to make them wait then they sense that, this is what
causes their reaction to be seen by the feeling that they get. Then
you are aware by the feel, that your existant point is thinking by
the point.
So when you feel the area energy or are sensing things, with
the psycological sense they think you are sensitive like them and
are calm towards you. As they are calm then nice this doesn't mean
they are aware, sometimes to their inner feelings where they act
normal and yet are insane or sane by activity. So when they are
aware, by what they think is good to act like.
They are self-assured with feel to get or go with things
they have. Call this a nervous twitch or ideal by activity that
you do become aware of by feeling out their senses, that means
they are aware till they think to be aware of something else
with directed focus. So let them become aware of your feel,
then you know by what you think.
As then you are aware to what to do, as they are aware
as well by what you do. So if they aware like that where you
sense the act with accord to what you think, that means they
are aware so think you said something so beware their reaction.
Think so your not doing what you think or why say things. So
you know what to do by what you consider.
As you think to fate you can get a response as they are
Nord, Nordic as in the act is to use fate by created effort or effect
in use, Nords or the three fate sisters as if getting the idea or
explaination out, and etc.. What drugs, if any for use are alcoholic
and as in AgCu2NO4C2 + H2O that causes easier talking to or agreement
without thinking about it along, with others that effect the mind. The
effective antidote is any drink. As the idea is you are popular, if
your accepted as such as the point. We are a point and you are a point
that isn't actually due to be seen anymore. As the reason is the we and
you can be seen, if not and not antually liked by imposing idea that in
a sentence is actually not in use by the english speaker unless
Think this is how you act and is association by your
action, can seem to be accepted for the act. Stop the act as you don't
need, to act out or don't is to not want what you see like a error
message or stop on red as if to do is exactly a stop sign or do what
you want. If you feel down, you can go ourt and eat. As you feel like
chatting to people, and you pretend to chat with people as work you do
by pretending or pretension that is removal of the tension that comes
when you chat and you are wat is so stop pretending after the fact.
you think to correct to create and thought to make with energy, things you use are what a
word or thought is by influence and as if engineering the future or
past your will is what becomes. This is with the will by the others in
the energy by others your wyrd or fate is what creates with the others
energy, what others does is what you can seem to do with life in an
aspect or with what lives.
As lifes you use are what you are as essence
to magic or energy in life as energy, the energy is what created by
electricity creates things that fade away. Think you know you care,
so you do as you know you do. This is energy to the use as residual
energy in traces so trace the source, think to collect the source
energy so this to saturate unsaturating or creating the energy to
dissipated use as I remember I saw.
this idea came in from and is how to use the psychology treatments without a
big room, in a hospital room or a couch as is in a field of people, and
try to get a calm situation of peace of mind to make a solution instead
of a problem. Even though the problem could be worse than the solution
or vice versa and cause more destruction. Reform is necessary with
those whom you can as in nothing with cost it can be very hazardous
to their health of the moment or crazy making with too much to do.
Who use it in different forms in mind by will to go as needed, cops
by action in thought you did it, reformers with console or consolement
and those who control are control and rehab people like admins or
concept law.
Psyche use for this is the 5 types of psycholigically
feeling related repair, that is to relate by feel or focus to create
clear idea to clear away a problem. This is a basis to what you feel,
so off the basis is to talk it out to work things out. Reverse psychology
that isn't always useful that is say opposite idea to create a positive
or non positive thing, as the person could use this in idea on you or
nothing happens unless badly thought relieved by meditation.
Alchemical in based idea is thought water to correct
something in idea, law or idea appeasing is the body if it hurts by
thought or to not have physical pain. The fourth is what you see as
use, talk it out or you can see as you use or count an idea attack. As
he appears several ways in different area that is an idea. He is him in
thought, think unaggression to the person if aggrieved so the person
allows or not. What you say to do as you walk around him. Just
remember, don't be bashful. As your idea is an idea to use, relational
values are where you are. If you think the right idea, creative if your
energy is up, your not effected unless realized use is what you allow.
Thought to not linked to you, so no effect is where you yourself are
Focus as you think to get what you want, as if you are
aware this is not done. The idea you see is the thing you show or can
see use to do, think by the creator making or not as no need in aspect.
The last idea is thought some idea is useful or not so useful, as
relaxed in mind your concept is done to user feel. Thought is feeling
not expressed to the use, think or not is thought by feel or feel what
you will as energy responds to the area activity. With insight or the
right words is what come to you, with the correct methods in life
unless punishing so don't punish yourself.
How people
think is quite simply amazing,
as it, the actions, will achieve themselves once your aware of the
thinking process. A good example of this is with field psychology and
is how people think with pain to make
sure that what is said and done doesn't remind the person of the pain
they went with. This can cause the person not to shrink from attempting
things when they go to do in thought as things you create are create
createable with the conceit. Its the conceit of the moment with the
possibility, that you think and your thought energy creates things by
what is subconscious that creates.
Think to remind yourself as they create
and you are where you are of the pain can cause the effect of the person
half-heartedly attempting, and fearing the pain they stop and do something
else unless they take strength from the pain and then they do things with
it. Think to create te formula or wat you want as generally specific this
is not painful, as the pain is gone by the energy feel from the aura in
idea by concept. This pain could in imagination be caused by a moment in time or
incident, which nearly did not seem to have crippled them. If too much pain
don't give the pain a path, as that was from then or at the moment they will
attempt to be safe and negate their effort if the attempt brings pain to
them or not thought is the pain.
As it is nothing with essence, the drug name can seem or that is create or cure different idea
by no conditions with no results. Think most try to do the things they do or not and avoid
the pain, as the right time correct idea with NSO by teeth as thought by repair with dentistry. To avert stupidity is to use (H2O)2 with
the cure NO2, so as I just thought it to exist for restoring wakefulness or whatever in thought
you want with or without influence, so we didn't know to do it to you here.
Think to thought as if to restore or I (HNO2)O3 or with idea by feel
SNO with (HNO)3 is with composition by (HO3)2 with water that is NO cure
as if with concept by blood focus where the apetite or insulin is gone by focus energy, thought to create awareness or NO is
concept in thought where the actual cure is HNO3 with O2I done for laughing gas only if proven. Effect or (HNO3)3 in idea is
not to creative cure or not to use. Thought as some necessary is idea in yes in money making sigils.
So energy to use is that by idea to create things or curative thought by application to skin as Iodine. Then think to use is
thought not as you won't get the effect. Don't use these if you don't know what they will do as NO will
cause blood clots where the energy is too much, tis with thought will seem magic
as the correct right thing is with the right time.
This is that you aren't disgusting or as you bathe you
clean off or think use because it is use, as no this is a secluded in a point
with an alternative point by feel. Think to know with thought to no or yes
by view by imagination, or focus by aware thought in concept. There is nothing
wrong by the teeth as you brush your teeth. As you imagine with teeth as a
construct you can create, the results you chance or no to the use is thought
to be of use.
Thin or not is if not needed this is no use or thought by use.
That you can create is not in your mind, as first you think by a lessened
effect to not do as you discourage you not. Think or not do what is right
so as you can't do "wat" is possible with energy, think something else
to do in thinking to do by what you can feel is correct.
This is to mask by estrogen
or testosterone by imagining a balance scale or thought, this with the pain
is the pain disappears or no pain by thought. Think to dissipate by separate
activity with energy "focu" or think to imagine "separating two parts of bread
being cut". That is the separating the cult way with the disease from yourself.
This is with no thought of terrors, with no worry except to focus on water or
thought and you can think with the pain as though "nothing treated nothing lie" so say
as you say the least. This is there as is another thing about this, if
you think to your use in use energy tis chi energy. As a chi thought in
focus is thought to create a energy balance, release energy by needle thought
or inserted points to the right spots.
This is like a concept or thought with an animal spirit or thought, its a life
experience and make your decision separate. As your idea is not inseparate the
idea, the more this gets more difficult the more you can stop or indicate things
but you don't have to do whatever. As this is it is separating two words by separator
ernest energy with earnheart in ideal. This is the idea that allows you to bring there,
you are there as think or be there or not as in noting is noting or there or there now
you continue your own life as there is here.
now we get what is thought to use as look at how idea and events are
interpreted by what you see, the brain can do with the life
cycle to keep the feel alive now don't keep the thought. Otherwise you are watching what
you see or consider not, so to seem or be using and this is for the thoughts
and how they work think the use as the idea is usable. Life
(lcl) found at the link. Some people make up their own minds, on how to
deal with things, that would otherwise seem impossible to them. Where
some rules to live by
are found, as a list of conditions that you put on paper or a text file
to clarify the situation for yourself with questions. To prevent
and pain go here
at But to
analyze the person is to be able to treat
the condition or to win an arguement. There are types of personalities
and mental opinions, that follow a pattern and that make up how we
think. I classified some of
them, but not all can be counted including mine and therapists and
other people who contributed to these opinions. These patterns are only
just opinions of what can be.
We start with
recognizing the 19 distinct patterns of cognition for the psychological
types; chaotic gain, ordered gain, respiteful gain, insight gain,
retrospect action, recognition action, disposition act, sanity act,
mistaken conceprion, insanity act(despoiling act), acceptance act,
carrier act, conclusion, recognition pattern, concerted effort,
conceived thought, intuition effort and intuitive thought.
types are caused by different states of mind
pathologies such as: arrogance, errogance, irrigance, irrogance,
orragance, urragance, urrigance, yrragance. To gauge in these idea,
field psychology was used, or sehpsych for field psychology with
on-the-spot intuition as in-depth psychological field action and
practice out of doors. Part of this is motion as the motion you
in thought to imagine what you do is energy and that the energy
is a transmutational point in a clean area, the fact that life
you use creates from the energy you think in what this does what
you will.
There is a point in space that time exists and is a time
that is as points in space coexists as that is a point think the area
in space and create what you think as in a point you think and the
area exists you coexist it to your own area and as you think the
space is existant as the extent is what your space is you boundary
in their mind sets the space apart from you and as you think this is
as a point that the existing energy barrier your will is what shifts
you away as you can create what your thought is the existence creates
what is there. Thus, to change the perceptional space is to create
a different view, that adjusts perception and your reality is what
There is no point as is this is a sphere effect that shifts as
you think, as you are where you are this is what comments are meant
as nothing and created in thought unless not desired. As if nothing
creates some idea by the intention with focus. As you don't need
the effort, your will creates what thought not to need to look.
The reason is magic can create what is in the point, there and back
again mana is essence with life that exists.
As you gather plant
and life that is in any, as if a plane with a planet reality in
the area of some space thought as a concept is reality. There is
no view that can disrupt your focus, if you don't want to be disrupted
as you focus in breath and your in focus as if somewhere else that
can seem by mention. There or not is the point, that torment is
discordant energy that happens in the mind is not in thought. As
a concept and this provides, as answer assumed in thought is not
a point that is an example, as what you think you do in life in
that as what you don't think to do isn't in life.
The types are: anthrovert, controvert, introvert, extrovert, angrovert, extremist, radical, pacifist and omnivert. The colors effect personality of when and what colors.
Color therapy starts with imagining the
body as color. Red is for pain and blue is for coolness and healing of
the body. Imagine the red of the body pains fading to blue and notice
the painlessness of the area thus setting the moment in your mind by
noticing the emotion and thought before the recurrence and making it
real for yourself by making it happen with a statement. The more
advanced way of doing it is focus while exercising on the parts of your
body that are hurt, strained, or in your mind the red spots. Turn the
red into blue practicing the act and it will heal your body while you
are exercising thus making the work out longer. This is the way to get
rid of pain and only by stating a phrase, imaging the color or to heal
the colors are used sometimes as a guide to
reactions that denote the wound or personality. Personal color
associations for wounds and people are the colors associations, to a
person that is associative with how people react to color and the hair
and this will effect personal character and clothing color that is
effective of most
people, thats around and their are mixes between. Some meanings don't
apply to certain situations.
To imagine the color, being there. You will become of that
color, in reactions. This is very useful, as you become what you want.
And, can start to reflect a new attitude, but it can also be temporary.
What's certain though, is the fact, that your subconscious makes the
effect, as it listens to your every word and thought. This also works
in the idea associated to being with the coloration. Sometimes, by
thinking of a color, you can become the color.
Misery and cruelty colors |
\E2 Coalblacky =
Inky, Willing to gain knowledge and
material goods and seek it out while doing so for material values. They
the person are responsible to doing many things with a good
disposition. Their motion is for the person to see the truth and accept
almost any answer. The emotional state is for bringing grief to the
person who hurts them with revenge of grief, otherwise they downplay
the feeling. \EA Blacky =
Willing to behave and gain knowledge for
the sake of understanding. In emotion they will bring misery to those
they want, but their emotion is blunted. Also in emotion, their is an
overachievement. \EE Creamblacky
= Dictator, A point almost cruelly and
unfairly dispositioned is personal by one who lives for the moment but not glory.
As if on a two-edged sword, but the story is most important. Who lives
for more understanding with no time for him/herself unless emotional.
Where he/her dictates to the stuff he/she owns or other people if
around them. Added by Jack. |
Service and availability colors |
\F4 Coaly = Always available to do things unless necessary but will burn with desire. In emotion their attempts are destructive and everyone else is scathed. Added by Serena Coyl. \FB Creamcoaly = A compassionate person thats always available, who works for a living and tries to deal with things as they come, by making time as needed. An emotion response is to overreact with precise timing and act to calm people down. \FC Creamy = Passionate person who is knowing, and rejects waiting, until it comes of them by passion. Their testy if they lose as a "sore loser" unless their emotional and proceed to win with sabotage and random acts of violence. Given by Amy. |
Seek and destroy colors |
\F6 Coalbrowny = To see and burn with the truth of moment and a dark heart, that burns with desire to heal those necessary. These people are philosophical softies who work for a living or try to seek employment. Enjoyment is with jibes or creative idea that are worked with and listened to by others. With emotion is to effect an idea that was talked on, otherwise its just "their own thing". \EF Browny = Ruddy, Fudgy, A person who is very much a faery in personality, yet serious in mind, intent, and serious in body to actively achieve results according to how their lives are, but almost always to aid. In emotion, they are persistent and try to disrupt or divert. \EB Creambrowny = Creamburger, With chocolate feelings or passion by food like fast food or sweets, the cream browny is a associative person, They, the person, works as they desire within a framework. of positive idea or motion as information. They don't really care for fitness as its food and thought. The emotional state is cool if necessary, given to talk people down with their own emotion. |
Rage and emotion colors |
\E4 Coalreddy = Coalragey, The person bears confrontation, they will attempt to retain a constant emotion that keeps them warm inside. Like be alight by a fire inside and make actions count. Where the actions don't count, they feel empty and they won't be a coward. They, the person, can channel high emotions. They, the deep feeler, won't feel rage as their emotions are to feel a deep empty emotional pang that can drive the person to kill. \FF Reddy = Ragey, Raged with emotion, yet will almost be raged when doing things. A person swinging a sword with an extra strength is like one of them. ? Creamreddy = Cream coating of rage, Allows no rage while achievements are happening. Focuses the emotion into activity so its served a purpose When emotional, they are 3 times as strong. |
Manipulation colors |
\B0 Coalorangy = Dangera, Demonic type personality, with ability of being independent or stupid, but the general rule is instant is good and I can fix anything. In emotion, they usually are determined by extreme effort. \A7 Orangy = Manipulative but manipulated into moodiness and able to achieve things, by digression of will and for progress. If slighted, they are raged, and when they achieve their result they sabotage those who work for them in case of defunctness. Added by jay. \A9 Creamorangy = Creampuff, Sugar sweet cream with manipulation and deliberateness. These people can pile the sweet words and be charming as well. In working with others, their separatists and in emotional states their scientifically brutal. |
Cool colors |
? Bluey = Coalbluey, Cool as a whipsnake and able to manipulate information, yet will blow up at a failure if nothing else. If in emotion they, the bluey, will be driven on sometimes by desperation. ? Creambluey = Cool informant, Cool blue, Cool as a whip but twice a striking. They're willing to give information only when they see reason and goof around and yet they never lie except when pressured or when pressured, they allow almost any answer and are uncountable as white lies. Their studies are general and they are very knowing in most things. They have some greed for information and living staus. The emotional state of mind is to be in straight white lies or action. |
Expression and headonist colors |
\A2 Coalgreeny = Coalhedgy, An energetic person that can cause a war if not perfected in the idea. To use or make the energy of many or use energy as from drink or food. These are likely to be emotional is strained, Persistent when undenied and when denied, wait or do other things. A reaction is to deflect idea or use magic by mixing or matching with safety in mind, if any to get things to do. The emotion is directed to fuel a flame of desire that is objectioned to violent people and yet might do violence. In emotion they are calm till the target of choice. ? Greeny = Hegdy, A person will mix and match till success often dying for the effort in some way unless safety is made possible with enough information, Excellent martyrs and willing to achieve what is desired, these people use reasons to get the goal that is set by dreams or others. Emotional responses are actions that cause a glory of some sort including causality and fate. \A3 Creamgreeny = Mr. passionate, Girly, A passionate hedgy, that allows for dreams to interfere and intercede, a "I can do things but I..I get cold feet" so they never finish what they want and end up on another track. They do finish as they desire and sometimes without help. They see everything as a benefit, any tool has a use. Yet in emotion they will not panic and finish what they start, unless they don't know what to do. This is when they're the hardest to influence. |
Fame colors |
? Coalyellowy = One who is shadowy and focused on the desire of the moment to deal justice and use plausiblity as a heroic or momentous deed. With emotion, they too are destructive. \B1 Yellowy = A nonhuman or human person that will cowardly attempt, secretly and persistant acts to do things in an effort or secretly kill something and openly acknowledge an activity and act the positive deed for glory. With emotion they run away as its often fear. \E6 Creamyellowy = Hosty, Boston creamy, A boston cream with a yummy filling and and just keep on giving. Nonhuman and human alike to give deserts as items asked for when needed, and give food as a device or when feeling nice. This may sound like mom and some fathers are like this with gifts. They sabotage or lash when emotional and have to be told to get over it or let live. |
Pleasantry and moralistic colors |
\F7 Coalwhity = Evensteven, Servicy, A downright dirty person in their own right with duty. As they have moments of greed that are unseen unless spotted. They are service people that get the job done with less than needed if its necessary. When emotional they, the greedy, will attempt any act to clear their name and getting even. Including trashing others with falsehood by jealousy. \E7 Whity = A person that is of peace to effect desire and emotion in others of peace. Often by desire to cause chaos in a positive intention or to meditate for an answer. In emotion they cooly downplay the event. \B6 Creamwhity = Creampuff, Whitepuff, Moralistic passion person that willingly do things, including suggestions. When they are doing things they are independant and not taking idea unless it suits the project. They are flighty and able to mate with anyone, except when they're working. Some can go insane, in a moments notice. The dreams they have give them pause and, they are well understood and understanding with a pose. With emotion they are either superstitious or calm and derive the emotion into fear or strength. |
Giving someone
something to think about, by the idea expressed in an example, and
possibly an inserted memory. Will make the person not want something,
if the memory was with a bad result, or make them want it more, if the
idea expressed was a good one. This can be a dirty psychology, if the
idea inserted as a memory was bad, to prevent an action, and it works
only if they consider it important to them or as though it were a
warning. Thus, the bad becomes good. As though, the memory of a
bursting water pipe and the place flooded, was placed, then the person
who had the altered memories would work to get rid of bad pipes or
flooding the place he is in. Again, this doesn't work if the person
thinks the bad is good.
If the idea qualities of some interest or strain is projected and felt
on or by others, then if they have those qualities and their aura
can reflect it they can show sign of it or not if not intending
to be effected by how they feel in strangeness. As psyching out
and taught is thought in psysioligical psychology and research that
taught me tis idea. The Psych class I took and ideal I got was to
use what was given, as a trait if necessary there are many ways
of saying things.
Thought through actions or intent is by speaking the
idea, some can think by energy from amongst the influence and use
calmness with aura others are projecting to you. The opposite idea
or monster idea, seems that if thought of this point is not liked.
As if they that be with the energy can seem that moment, considered
an aspect they want to show and feel and the body is reactive or
otherwise that be of an idea which is good for the moment. This idea,
that can be true and is simple, is the basic moment of when a person
changes his ways to seem good because when a respected person is
stating something.
They listen and respond or do things by the thought
they decide to seem independent, if a thought and then bad can
come from good intentions the spirit can show you what you want
to make you feel better. You can make reparations or create better,
think from what you see and reflect on the moment as if an omen.
As the spirit knows by what you think to see and knows, this is
before the moment and as the idea and thing is formed.
Where if the point is not necessary or a waste of time,
its sometimes to be with a bad result or home reaction. The only
good that comes from this idea, let it be that the moment be the
cause of good feelings and feeling stronger or not and do something
else, think by them suddenly accepting the results of their actions
and 'doing their own thing as if love'. Them being the one who is
capable, by thought tis of the doing.
The subconscious is a powerful analysis tool so if
suggestion is right to the feel, then your spirit can allow for
the activity or right and not and the activity seems not to happen.
Thought made by this in an os is a point, as to see and make
intelligent idea by the suggested programming as the right things said if
at the right things at the right times and done correctly is what
you will.
The idea can change peoples lives in the lives viewed by soul
reading, or make the person's life philosophy happen, and sometimes to be
altered. Especially with a win win situation, and by result. As, if it
works for them, then they will accept it and maybe promote the basic
point. But if a thought is individually done think if proven wrong,
there could be a bad reaction, with a point that is and the idea that
does, this can go along with other similar idea and in necessity be
discounted. Sometimes it is a learning tool thought that is unreacted
to or not created, as the originator of point is energy in the idea,
thinking on what is can reveal what is considered a bad liar and a
fake within notion that doesn't pan out.
Where the test is to answer an idea, or is in the use
that is presented at the end that is concept in a point. That they
might give by feel, this was to test the idea by a Super computer
with the right suggestion named Watson. Amonst other names this
show here,
shows what that was given to validate them.
So if things were in the point of use, thought and
appreciated moment then as tis by what you view or not in now
is with this case can turn into a win lose situation. As if
association is a natural transition, to think by associated
words by subconscious and thought sometimes with prevention.
"This is "or not" or thought is to do by other words, that
the meaning is defined right now."
With in the tester feeling as a feel by satisfaction
in life, thought with a win or win win idea is as a sense of
purpose is the thing you decide to do. There is a point and
if the loser being the idea giver or energy is with like credit,
as if the idea giver is discredited and return answer or exchange
is credit.
Yet the moment can accelerate, as to seem into a snowball,
in a moment thats detailed only by the effected or those that sense.
Remembered in an ideal is the fundamentals of dreams by the effected,
thought and understanding treated is in a moment as though a taught
concept in energy use or lesson learned. Think or seem indifferently
in mind and yet unusually taken and used, the machine made is the idea
in use even with magic.
Due note: The idea can change, if given a
reason to, and this reasoning includes the opposite example, that works
as well. For contrast, the opposite idea might appeal more, to their
senses. As, it is less troublesome or more troublesome. By thinking, of
the idea, you can become the idea.
effect of one holding a calm demeaner and
keeping your resolve is a strong demeaner and keeps you from being
doubted, Using the calm of the moment or the calm of a stressful
situation and getting the person to chat about it, if they care to talk
then you resolved the problem. Due note: sometimes druggies are
illegally violent to cause destruction if they realize you got them to
talk about it. If they think they would be giving info up or they were
used, then you are likely in trouble.
to cause trouble else to seem distracted and keep them off balance
through words that make a person wow or think twice. For pattern
setting as an example of positive idea, let the person see you as
defeated, and act it out to get reprieve or effort of aid from the
person. Make them think they arent manipulated by examples to improve
their mood and that you were right and they were right without much
effort, effectively proven to get better resolve by allowing them time
to think on it, situations or with good examples and they, the subject,
might not be suspicius. Not true for tormented or targeted victims of
the moment. This is very difficult so remember, use examples and it
would be better.
give them something else to chat on, and you don't have to worry on
what they said as it will divert them, or you can end up ignored,
messed up or
dead. The idea is to get them to do something else other than drugs,
their activity, or
the destructive activity that is irritating. And pseudo-rehabilitate by
enforcement. Use of the frame-up, saying 'I __' statements, to get them
to do what you
want and then force the issue, to frame them, and to give up on their
actions, the atttack or
usage of illegalities.
you sense it, a bad moment, give up the idea of a idea chat and go
elsewhere because what will occur may be the rejection of your idea,
for some other idea. If
your address is revealed then likeliness they won't remember it or or
you can move to other area of an existence. Simple rule, if you see
trouble don't be there, to avoid being assaulted and change your
pattern, if you
think it might be of your life, thats effected in the area of yourself.
you find people annoying or disruptive, be unnannoying with
professionalism or just as annoying, then triumph by effecting a
release of emotion to get your way. or the other option are to beat
them, with their own game. Now the effort to debate can arouse
attention so make it short or
guide by choice words, to make understanding and avoid hostility,
the person is sore or tired with the tactics and then keep them busy.
If that fails, then the idea is necessary, and not to say much, as you
walk away. Thus the subject won't think on your words, but on the
action, so only give idea for
working with and talk not at them if you do at all. In this manner,
they will ignore you and effect a tension-wrench release by work alone.
This also acts like a meditation to effect a job of self-promotional
work, for the cause of self-production.
if its you, then use the effort, of stating a point to ignore the
effort and
annoyance, and do as you want as some would do. If the person is in
pain, they would suicide or actively trick you into believing your
views, that they would want. While doing other things you won't want to
happen, if your
preventative, give them more resources to subdue the pain they have and
cause coping, by
some action or walking or talking. A worthwhile source of activity
gives them, the
activist time to reconsider.
A person will steal if they, the thief to
happen to have more pain than resources and then the idea or desire of
item occurs to overcome the pain. The person manages to connive a way
and stealth occurs. Added by suggestion of Frodo of de Baggins aka
crystal peaks.
To get what you desire, need, or just have a person allow for your actions,
try common sense and think of the facts. Do certain things, as in hold a heavy
object and the person might wait for you, for an answering reply. As,
they will wait for you, they will also back off a bit. To hold your
tension and then speak, will also make you seem serious as you are. To
also be nice about this, is to say 'Maybe later..', or 'Not right now',
or 'wait a bit and I will get right back to ya'. Sometimes, to get out
of a situation be technical and point out the situation as though it
were unavoidable. You can only use this once or twice, before the other
person gets tired of this, unless you agree with what they say after
they make a point.
If the person your dealing with, isn't all there or says
something strange. Point out the obvious or some fact to get them to be
normal and 'there' again. Optionally, you may point something out as though
it were a fact and get responses where there isn't. This isn't lying,
but making things up as you go along. This is the art of creating and
directing the conversation.
To be believed, make a statement with a straight face
and use feeling that its true for you that you project with the statement.
Try to make up an idea or arguement to make it seem more plausible. If
they don't know you, then they won't humour your actions, albeit there may
be a few exceptions to this rule. Where you laugh a little with each expressed
idea and alleviate tension. If you do ask for something, see your reasoning
and use your feelings to help reason things out. That approach may get
reasoning worth the other persons time.
Don't acknowledge what you think isn't worth it. To
appear polite in this instance, seem to appear observant and acknowledge
the other person and/or at least listening. Don't appear to give approval
of things that irritate you. Don't mention things that were done that
you wanted one or two days before and expect to get agreement with the
same reaction. Don't be too insistent, insistent behavior can lead to rejection.
Don't make nonesense up and expect to be listened to or taken seriously.
One's nonsense can appear differently to others. It only appears like nonsense
if one can't make use or get the sense of it.
Finally, just to make conversations, try to state a
point that is there for the other person. This is to point things out.
This point can be a situation for a situation totally unrelated to their
situation. For situations with no answers forthcoming, then use explanation
of some idea or just leave the person alone. And for unknown situations
that pop up, use a problem or a idea that comes to mind, at the moment,
for conversations. To keep a conversation going, pipe in with an okay,
keep going, go on or similar. Sometimes making conversation is using a
point of your own experience. Or, use an example or story to make an impact
and thought. This can make a conversation more meaningful.
some but not others, there is medicine that can work to cure the
victim like Risperdone or Risperdal, and yet it will do side effects,
so what it will do is the same
as making the person, a different person. So on medication they might
appear undisrupted but underneath that focus and calm reserve, They are
probably piqued, feeling something or panicked and some can be this
same way to effect smooth concern for most things. The term is seamless
interaction to effect an understanding mood that does well to be seen.
the person is to focus that much to get things done, they are likely to
not show anything wrong. If the person did they could find cause to
fake a moment and hide the reactions. What not to do with field
psychology around these people, is to act falsely and not prove your
point of speech.. If done so, you could be ignored or pushed out of the
area by methods sometimes unseen. If pushed then they could be
disruptive and yet there is an opposite reaction. This doesn't work
with all as its for a moment of other wrongs they remember.
medication can be with bad side effects causing extreme emotionalism,
Thus, use the "walk-on-eggshells" technique is to avoid their attention
and the above idea of irritated activity. Remind them of what they did
or might do and make certain to let them be undisturbed. The fix is not
used around criminal types, to be apologetic and willing to get to an
area on command by the person and appear strong and prepared or
appearing weak and insignificant, or to say the least cowed.
use emotion with speech to get the result of desire as it seems to
allow moments of begrudgement or respect for the moment. Most
definitely will you get a reply of noncommittal activity or non
antisocial behavior. Always be willing to adapt as there are
malcontents to effect release of the moment violently. with negativie
emotion. Thus the use of persuasion is makes for free speech and to
stand up for the law that you would peacefully follow.
stand-up peace code is a necessity to have, that uses white lies of
part truth and devotional lying or lies to divert attention. The idea
is to effect a emotional balance of agreement without agreement. Use of
mabey's and noncommittal answers are for these people will not remember
the address or effort if done right. Making the area unseen by
undisclosure with a lie or two or a straight answer with one intention,
to cause doubt or amazement. Pathological lying is acceptable to a
point but white lies are acceptable after.
the effect of a person is destructive, then use positive actions and if
the person has negative intentions use convincing or positive
intentions with an act of positive or negative negation, but don't
attempt to attain the physical action of equal reply like brutality
attack where attack is or browbeat unless you can accept
responsibility. Don't be dismissive to people who agree or it could be
a insult. Take everything as a lesson with suspending disbelief. Don't
honor terror but the peaceful intent instead, by honoring solutions
with use of terror or small destructive instention, to create a peace
with small terrorisms that make a person think twice or not be dumb. However with it you will be dumb.
follows the rules force negates force of equal intention along with
power of emotion. Disruption or disagreement is only aiding in this
cause as this is chaotic therapy that follows the golden rule of like
gets like result with a measured balance. Don't use this with the "I
feel like beating you for it" idea and then counting it a win. If this
don't work, use the example technique of a story to get the meaning
across and reduce tension or use force with force to negate the emotion
and make even reactionists pause in good intentions.
is a focus of degrees of insinuation to provoke a reaction, through
legend and speech that most won't "catch" but they will impulsively act
on or disregard. Make an assumption the person has to correct with a
more accurate view and force the person to revaluate their idea in an
arguement. The effect of relating an idea is to explain the event to
cause resolution. What it doesn't do is cure schitzophrenic and mental
disease, only brings people around to sanity or focusing them. If you
want understanding try to make things clear for those seeking answers,
or deserving an answer, unclear to those who want violent action except
to white lie, to make clear an idea use ephemeral statements or
commentary that give directions where needed but direct the emotion to
calmness or you will find digress.
See that is chi energy used as to create a cure or
needlework, think a cure or drug name to create the drug by need as you
focus to imagine shooting the serum. That is possible if a source from
something in use, to create what is not a drug or cure unless by aura
use so lets not if cancer. Think or not as creative needle magic is ci
or chi needle created with feel with energy as a substance, this was by
or from what I remember so that is what I saw. This in is use that was
interesting, that I saw in use was not always there so what I saw was
energy in use. As "Umen" or lumen energy by the energy field or thought
power created by computer in use thought, this was with bioelectricity
with watt energy by thought.
This is not if a drug that allowed memory to come as focus is
aware concept. The idea you use is thought that creates by idea or
figuring out that energy is the focus to a needle to create what shot
you think to create. This is in energy by thought the area that in
creates or doesn't create, think by what you can see or feel is
necessary as no need no mercy or nothing wrong nothing bad off.
This is any idea of a formula or substance not abusable, that
you are in use of to create effects with. Except to those that don't
deserve the drug, as your mind is subconsious minding things if you
think or not in to use. Thought or not is with thought you can use the
idea not to target, as this is not always possible. Don't as you have no reason as no reason is no reasoning to do.
This is with the creator to make what is necessary if necessary.
So think the drug name to use as thought be where you think, as energy
is forming unless not necessary this is energy to the use. Think as if
your energy is forming from the area energy to create what you want,
not created as if you think the need this isn't there unless not
This the moment that by the idea is the end is much like a
mobile needle an that is clean where creatable is seeable. Te Ci is ci
energy that is energy drugs or what you think to use, as drug or water
essence is the chi or substance energy to use. Boosted by feel is
boosted by thought, seeing is believing were alteration is possible to
cure by or where your idea creates the formula or thought touched drug
from the area energy that the use or substance was use or expensive to
So think a formula or some drug essence to create with to make
use of this, such as AgN2O3(SP)2 Silver nitrate oxide or FeN2O3 is with
a possible way to lose weight. So only if by imagining the energy from
your area, think to gather energy by imagine chi hands in the aura
energy to use collectively unless thought ot necessary. As if you in
manage to breath pure oxygen with Sulfer or focus energy, tis by
nitrogen with oxygen or thought to use no sulfer or think "without
potassium" as you eat a banana in thought to use the surface area
energy. This can also use the crater surface energy in crete, think to
use "hot ashes" or "not ashes" by the concept thought with mention to
focus or not do unless necessary.
This with idea to use "or not" as particles with ashes or trace
elements essence as carbon by hydrogen in use by energy focus if
present as trace gases allow thought focus. This is focus energy or
thought where you can see use to nulle high fructose or some idea in
mind from drinks, think to see or create with the excess potassium in
use as you think a source with copper, hydrogen or helium to allow
magic or body essence that dissipates.
So life is possibility yet if you don't think this is a
possibility, then you can find your body doing reaction to create as
you focus when moving. The idea you think is as if thought or not, as
you might find yourself doing something like no disruption to life or
thought life is not as I actually understood unrealized potential.
These is the area not hit that are the idea of life to lose a life,
things that doesn't like life are fire energy related so not use is to
do in excercise with focus that can disrupt energy parasites are "so
what" that disrupts the diseases.
fighting and use of psychology, is to use of
two modes: verbal or physical. either way the idea is to avoid the
fight. First thing, on the concept of defense, what you think on the
moment will occur so when preparing allow negative energy to support
the positive energy of your effort in a strengthening move with an
object by "seeing the negative filtered through an anchor of white or
black light and sent, to the object" and then use through voice as a
directive guide to form its purpose and the feeling of a happy moment.
the attempt, would strengthen in the end and weaken at first. The main
purpose is not to fight but to create a unstable mindset thaat serves
an object lesson, up to a point and until they the attacker leaves you
alone and without anyone dying. Yet if you must win then triumph to
survive or distract and run. Strive to win by disarming and then to
kill if you must by maiming to disarm, and then as if ordered not to
kill, knock the target out.
are three possible outcomes for the fight: fate by unusual
circumstances or incidences, conditions with people who are skilled and
conditioned with a bad side or injury, and shortcoming as what they
can't deal with and what they are trying to avoid. Point out the
obvious so they will do else. To win use the freakout technique of
unexpected things or items to occur with speech pattern thats
unforseeable, the person could find it funny and leave. Best way is
clumsiness or accidental effect thats observable and thats non painful
to you for a clumsy man will not always win but you can stop a small
fight or be missed unless a fatal mistake.
goad a person is to sometimes win a fight because at first they, the
victim, will not react and then your getting them angry if your
persistant. Sometimes you can drive the victim off or get them to
fight, yet if your pointing of gibes aand what others say of them, the
victim will leave to go after them and leave you alone. Sometimes the
victim will attack you as you can get the goader to be driven off or
away by police as someone might notice.
of things they, the opponent did works to sometimes get guilt trips to
the foe. As in a taunt of "You don't understand, you did this to
yourself." With a followup of "Whatever, or however (state a good
quote." Sometimes use white lies, to get the effect of what you desire.
If possessed, see or make an image of a dagger to "toss" at the person
to drive away the evil, in the area as the sacrifice to drive the
possessor away by moving into the person mentally, Innuendo has the
effect of use on lies or white lies to get the reaction or action if no
other reason, or panic and dive away to get away but with good speed or
throwing arm. Don't do this these things with friends. Trust me, you
might find a repeat of your actions.
political term of innuendo, is to blackwash or use dirty warfare like a
dirt campaign to make the person look bad. To just make the person look
bad allows you to make amends and if you stop their aim or goal then
their is a chance to regain friendship or the friendship is lost. In a
fight of debt or honor the warfare will actually end if one gives in to
their arguement. A blood debt or blood war is settled by death or
someone disappearing before the fight and they, the victim must not
hear of the foe they claimed.
hypnotism of the person is as straight facts of what you observed, and
a strong tone to convince the person of a story which is opposed of
effect and to advent a set idea or to achieve unopposing actions for
victims. Go for their weakness of what they don't like to do or what
they didn't say that was observed. Give examples to stop what they
intended as evil or as idea such as freedom for the enslaved to cause
an uprising. Use thought focus to effect more efficient idea or effect
of voice manipulation without screaming. This takes two points of fact
to one factual opinion that you want attempted with a negative reaction
at first to work well or two nouns and one verb or adverb to effect at
least as desire would allow. Now this isn't clinical hypnotism to
effect a thought by a rhythmic voice and get the broken resolve or
resulting effect trough subconscious manipulation. But this is just as
useful to make the idea of clinical hypnotism mixed with the strong
voice of a story to effect a desire from a positive idea.
normally a field hypnotism is likely to get results without the
clinical addition. Use of the freakout and the idea of hypnotism may
induce an assaulter to pause enough to kill as a unexpected fate or
making a personal attempt to attack the morals and get a self suicide.
Use of field hypnotism to get a unsuicidal attempt and a will to live
on is also good. The use of questions will only happen to work if the
person feels guilty to do a favour. When your aware of this you say
firmly a "No" several times to resist or shake head and or suggest
something else. Another way is to walk away and not talk to the field
hypnotist because they could try again.
strength that they have is their weakness in a fight and their other
weakness is the actions they may not want to do. If they are aware of
this, then be aware, its a strength instead. What they resist is what
they don't do unless you know them as a stranger or tried hypnotism
before on the target, in this case they will attempt to do as you say
and not to do as a action. To misquote on purpose their intent or what
you think they want to achieve gets them to quit and them to state the
effect. To get pity gets more to your favor what you want as long with
stating rules of an encounter and explain it unless their not
listening, only then stop and consider options. Last but not least
state your reason of white lies and you might get unharmful relief, but
project with feeling by strong voice or channeled or cold emotion or
you won't get your result of a resolve of some sorts. When their
realising they can't beat your attempt, they might act like a trapped
rat and fight unless you give the person a way out. Appear to give in
and they will gloat a little or not, but readily give in to yourself.
For more information, in or on hypnosis goto the Hypnosis document. @ here.
hs been around for centuries, ever since
the buddhists in their religion of knowledge and meditation, has it
been allowed in religion. What it does is to create the mindset of a
peaceful moment. This process of soothing mantras allows for a calm
outset of which is considered thoughtful and your non panicked. Whaat
to do for people is to talk them into doing it if they don't already.
But, only if they are willing to and stressed. There are 3 or more
different types possible. Standing, calm and relaxing normal, and
chaotic. If you want more help on the subject, look it up on the web
under meditation on your favorite web engine, or look at
My friendpage
account and
choose any one document site, Then look at the document list to select
a subject of meditation to read.
meditation is to put forth to the
unconscious to achieve, the action and then call the effect forth by
feeling, seeing(visualize) or saying the intended occurance. Another
name is suggeston or self-suggestion.
meditation is to lay down or sit comfortable and focus on clearing your
mind, then think of your goal with a murky shroud around you to see or
get an idea of what you achieve or to instruct the subconscious on what
to do. Alternatively, use a focus of a white light for an easy
meditation, and spread it to your self roots from sunlight to spear
through you and change yourself to surround your being and body in a 2"
circle. Change the color to that which your desire for desire to occur
for a different effect.
for control, wall and absorbative, golden to use infini shield, pink or
purple for
emotion, gray to cause concealment by cooling to no temp and absorb
radiation, blue for healing; almost anybody and alteration, and black
for nothingness, coolness and absorbing. Ask your subconscious by a
question to get a keyword to speak and to achieve the desire. This
ensures better results on projects to desire a successful ending to.
One thought, light a candle first to achieve results with more clarity,
preferably not red.
meditation is to raise emotion or hope meditate with not thinking of
much to clear your mind or think of what you have to achieve in orderly
thoughts. Then using unordered murky or disruptive memories of which
you unrelate mentally with a switch labelled on/off and feel the
disbelief of the memories to effect you and turn off the switch for
suspension of disbelief. Once your dazed, try to be startled or snapped
out of it on meditation end. By "The art of creative thinking" to
become calm with the release of tension by remembering the soothing
chaos. To avoid suicide tendency, make yourself not see the memories as
memories but as moments that are dismissed or emotional detachement
will occur with numbness and madness.
For more meditation techniques goto the How to to meditate doc @ here.
do chaotic therapy is to use three methods indivisuaally or together,
but the main goal is to set in mind a framework of tolerance by giving
examples or getting agreements to work together. These methods are
Chaotic meditation wherein you start to to get used to chaotic events
that are very disruptive to people normally, Chaotic counselling where
you are treating an described or observed behavior pattern of people,
Chaotic conditioning is where the person is conditioned by talking into
actions not otherwise achieved.
counselling is to use a chaotic pattern to fix the moment of which
people speak of and devote people to better methodology and peace while
your looking the part of an authority. This includes chaotic
consultation where people derive a meaning or purpose to give them a
better purpose unless they don't desire it. With this set purpose of
desire into set purposes is to shock them by actions they do and hope
to get better with a "click" to put it all together from random idea.
The bases is illogical patterns make a person sane or figure things out.
suspend disbelief allows for understanding of a set purpose as you
listen to both sides. Two things can cancel each out with the idea to
disturb problems to cause more stable relations and by using unstable
action. Last but not least, use reverse psychology and reverse
freudlike approach to cover for mistakes. Fixing a resolution and
sometimes bad thoughts from a truthful exposure, yet this approach can
leave a person in a bad mood. Choosing a different approach everytime
to fix the situation through use of strain and emotion directed by
their will, as they, the client is the controller and guides the
session toward a new goal or a better solution. Exemporary use, on
warfare area victims, thieves and people with lost hope or desire. To
derive a false beginning and end the story or example with the truth is
to make for a calming tale.
hope is by random focused thoughts to give people a direction and to
chat things out by given questions, using field psychology the worst
case scenario "is" to drive a person insane by crazy making and set
goals where people will set alot of goals to give a crazy moment.
Always use compliments to get a better result with cocky and humorous
idea for adults. Being humorous is to affect a outlook of be as you are
but a little exaggerated. Like "Your doing fine this morning with just
yourself". Using the right words make a better idea with resolving
possibilities, or other resolutions.
for children and adults behaviour, its cocky but self-assured with
affirmative speech To use direct focus with speech and command with
reason is a failsafe, to guide by sound reason and use the conditioning
behavior in your voice powered by emotion or relaxed idea, is to see
the directed use of slight tension. A thought of what can happen to
something or a destructive cause to cause harm as in jest makes it
possible to calm people. Things are always possible if your mind is set
in an openminded idea and if not state the obvious to cause openminded
nature. Chaotic council made by skyhawk for critical thinking and other
area where this can be used along with distraction or to get things
conditioning, use two or more different idea to effect a pause and
reconsideration, to fix a thought in the head by stating a chaotic
thought to make forgettance of the other idea that was suspected or
thought on before. This works similiar to hypnotism but is different as
you need no hypnotism to make it work.
is clinically adaptive or chaotically adaptive and it uses the idea of
chaos and some pain to stay stable, which is a personality type that
uses positive and negative values to, accept that which allows you to
feel good and not that of otherwise, to like a destructive idea except
to tolerate that which allows for chaos, evil or disruption. The forces
against you effect a balance as to a normal person, we the tools, and
are like a record to work with and to a chaotic adaptive we are a tool
to manipulate at a distance. We, being that which is used for known or
unknown purposes. Like treat a person well after some person
browbeating them or to do a somewhat nasty action and then treat them
well after as in pms. Also be a bastard and come up with good ideas. So
to sum this up with a quote by unknown, "Perfection to a degree with
persuasion equates to perfection in itself".
cope, some use life as a game to find the moment of peace and envelope
the pain so they persevere, as in a game watched and it makes an
impression, and they cope as that impression is like a stigma or
thought that you can react to. So to be forthcoming with the feelings
allows you not to be brutal but happy and cocky with humour. When
confronted, be aware that things can intercede and distract the
pursuing party. When watching on a request if the person is not making
a mistake, then be nice. When the person is inactive and making
mistakes be alert. Not doing as stated, be ignorant and act a if they
didn't do anything or when emotional and unstable be miffed or
devoted to
a cause of glory and peace to remember that ruin may
happen if not careful. So to effect a calm but cruel demeaner is if
they, the worker is active and wrong. To work and see people in action
try to act approvingly, then be aware that you were watching and if
done in the wrong, right it with advice, unless their unnaccepting then
be silent. But if they are wrong, then hinder with critcism or other
ways like leave and hope you weren't seen. Some parts written by others
and the first part is mine. The effect of people on the nerves can be
startling so meditate as you can. Meditation told of here.
Brownie points
are the nice
things you do to get peoples appreciation. It stems from when you do an
action and the other appreciates it, then you earned some brownie
points The more brownie points, coping is easier.
How to deal with anger is
symptomatic and apart of coping as its dealing with several types of
anger. As anger can be stressed anger and pressured
anger and is within all of us except when were calm. Anger is easier if
stressed. So if stressed there are some off switches and that is to
breathe deeply, count to 10 and listen to soothing music. You may also
cry it out. Except when you get the pressured anger where your so angry
that you can't breathe... or think... the world seems to be on fire,
and then the anger lasts for several hours more unless you can find
some way to release it. Simply stop talking and leave if your that
On pressured anger, some can cry easily under
this pressure and some are as stoic as the silent types who lock it in
and sometimes keep it as a grudge. Normally you can cry it all out,
either that or slam doors, bang table and walls, but the most effective
way of venting the frustration without doing any harm to others is to
take a piece of paper, write what you're angry about or who you're
angry to and then tear it into as many pieces as you can. Writing helps
the feelings come out. This can follow the rule of say or find what it
is, do and then think. As you find out or say what it is, you do the
act necessary and then think about what, how and the results of it.
Knowing it was okay if it got some result that was unharmful. Otherwise
it turned into rage. Most rage is deflectable or stopped when something
is destroyed.
Rage is active anger and this anger is gotten by frustration and stress
or focus. Rage allows for strength modifiers, to energy and
the body activity, as long as the rage lasts. Like a orange range gives
you 10% more energy into the activity and lowering the intelligence by
1% every second, unless its a
controlled rage, cold rage or fashion rage that negates the reduction.
Where the rage leaving the body allows for a stamina reduction of 10%
and restoration of intelligence as you start thinking as your not
enraged. This, the rage lowers the body temperature a few
Degree Celcius per second of rage, so they cool off the rage and are
normal after 3 or four degrees. There are different types of rage as
The art of discussion is to use an integrity that allows you
to be kind, interesting and to the point. This is making a point that
can be talked about and worked with by the other person. Where, the art
of discussion takes place, this be when there's sometimes a switch-off
to commanding or arguing. To which is using a different set of idea or
where the other doesn't agree. The goal is to get an understanding
between the people discussing things. So remember this, when you want
to get along and to get their agreement, you can make your idea seem like
theirs and then if possible make it seem to have come from the other
person. Sharing a viewpoint, if you can or asking a question for a
question when you actually don't have anything to say.
However this is what I remember. When it goes to either of the
two, then its up to you. The discussion has to be ended sometime, so be
aware of that and try to either give an excuse to talk another time or
to state that you must do something else or let the conversation end as
you 'choose' to walk or go away from the discusser. Sometimes not
saying anything is to end the conversation early and you have option to
choose to go away from the other. So sometimes when there is no way to
continue a conversation, it is ended and somebody walks away.
Where I am certain that it is somewhat more interesting. This is
when you are trying to bring up what they said and tell it in your own
words, as a restatement to make the other assured you heard the thing
said. The other thing is to restate what they did as a fact. When you
make them think, by doing so, then you can get them to be swayed to
your point. Sometimes to discuss something you gain a possible friend
and someone to work with. Sometimes they may be abstinate or obsessive
and go into arguing a point. The conversation with discussion is to
make a point, not to actually argue and try not to stress the point. So, make it seem as though it were
a good point as it can make a difference, otherwise drop the idea.
Otherwise, you can state your problem or situation and in the
place of a response. This can be useful when you don't have anything to
say about what they say. It serves to point out something of the moment
that can be discussed or resolved. Try combining those idea of
conversation, if you want to try something different. Try using the
feelings you get through empathy, then you will know what to say, as it
feels right.
This is the point though, to seem to give in and yet make a
point to get you a winning point of recall in the discussion. This is like a
debate, where the art of discussion is the idea of working with another
for a result. So, they can turn into associates, and it can lead to
pride and friendship. Which leads the future conversations you might
have. On the other thing that can happen, be that the meeting can turn
into nonchalance or dislike.
So watch what you say, as some things said could lead into
disaster. This be where the idea of holding back on saying the
irritating thing in discussion works better for you. In fact, I believe
its knowing when not to say something, also called saving face, where
you state what they want to hear and leave off the rest. What feels
right to say, should be a good approach than just bluntly saying
things. Always remember the final last words. Where the dismissal of a
discussion is the final last words.
How you argue is with a win win type situation. That is to
win and have the other win, in some manner. The arguement is key to the
conversation. So, to argue one work out their viewpoints and must be
aware that each side has views that must be expressed to get
understood. Thus, to win, one must wait out the anger or emotion and
not react to it while thinking of what he or she will say. The
emotional outburst can cause a reaction in a heated moment. This
reaction can lead to attacks, of many sorts. If the other person feels
they are ignored, then they will leave off arguing or attack. The key
to this is discussion. Don't be afraid to express your thoughts and get
things understood. When an understanding is reached, then you are free
to do as you want.
This is done in many variety of ways, one of which is presenting
your arguement in a firm or focused manner that makes sense to the
other, as long as its practical they will agree and may end the
arguement. Unless the other is obstinate, they will agree. Another such
way is to be present for the idea you want to discuss in a manner that
causes them to think they won the point, where you actually win by
sacrificing something you want for getting the agreement. Thus,
feigning or seeming to lose is sometimes winning. This may be seeming
to give in, and presenting a point thats similar to their point will
win them over. So, if done right you both win. Where the idea is to get dismissal of the bad thoughts.
Be willing to say, 'Ok' every now an then or make it a point to
allow them no arguement. Be willing to be concillatory to the point of
effort, by any method you want to use. This means accepting the point
of view and working with it, adding your idea in with it, and
presenting it. The arguement is best ended quickly before it gets bad
or violent. Albeit, don't seem to be a pushover too many times, as they
might take advantage of you. In the arguement, be sure to state the
situation to get the other to understand where your coming from. If
necessary, make a stand-off moment where you may request time to think
it over or similar. Waiting 10 seconds by counting backwards from 10
can work wonders. Don't be afraid to to say 'no' and point your reason
out. This is being assertive.
Stress the point that is important to you and they will get the
point. Don't yell it though, just firmly state it as it can act to get
attention to you. Thats the reason you can't always tell what the
outcome is with concillatory moments except by concillatory actions. As the concillatory moment is
changing the outcome where you can tell what's going to happen with the
person who's dead-set and made to act with emotion. Its better to act
with concillatory moments. It makes an interesting point, either ignore
the points that don't fit with the object you have in mind. Or, take
notice only when it deems important. Ie, they must make a point of it,
with evidence that supports their idea. So the only way to actually win
is accede the point, accept the situation and work out an agreement.
The one exception amongst many is that sometimes people argue over the
idea they have to release stress and they can make up after working
things out.
So, be willing to laugh the problem off and let go of your
pride. Pride is ego and takes up a position in your mind that promotes
emotion. Emotion can make stress and a health problem may result. Thus,
to lose the stress requires meditation or a decisive mind to achieve
and not sweat the small stuff.
Discipline is gained from a repeat moment that has results
that can be desirable. There be three ways to do discipline and
Willpower is part of all of them. To even attempt to use the three
possible ways, requires a will to which you want and need to do
something, mostly with your life. As, if there be a will then there is
a way. But, it can be with others.
To be knowing this can help you in the end.
'Attitude is a main ingredient to discipline. If you have an
attitude expecting failure, you will practice your hardest and
inevitably fail or hit a wall when obstacles present themselves, even
if you surpass those obstacles a negative attitude degrades
performance, whereas a positive attitude can change your outcomes for
the better in every sense.
Also, this means that you can have the will and the discipline
and work hard but attitude can make or break what you are doing. In the
end, a negative attitude defeats you as does one expecting to take
longer to achieve results, even one that allows memories of a past
injury can alter results and actions in training. To have a positive
attitude will make the result be clear and a success.' - Aryn
The first way is the training way to use activity and decision
to make an achievement which effects others or yourself. First, decide
on whom to discipline, either it be yourself and/or others. Then cause
the target to do things that help them improve on the effect you need
them to improve in. Doing the repeat moment enough times that cause the
basic idea you are attempting to train, into becoming habit. The more
you attempt of an activity, or genres of activity, the more will you
build up.
The warriors way is yet another adaptation to this. Its the
second way thats done by the self. This is to do things that are
impeccable and to store poder. By, not doing things or results, that
aren't needed, as in being too much of anything. This is the effect of
choosing the more efficient option than doing something that wastes
your time or choosing to do things that you actually need to do. Poder
is your personal power that helps you understand and get things done.
As you use controlled folley to get even better results, you can use
controlled folley by choosing on the moment to which you will do.
Don't do the wasteful acts, basically this includes getting
emotional, which consumes maybe 70% of our energy, and stopping our
inner speakings. However, positive emotions don't steal our personal
power, but also they make us vulnerable for psychic attacks. that kind
of energy is usable, manipulatable.
And also, things like fasting, -especially fasting of silence,
limiting the masturbation etc.. helps you with gaining personal power.
No sex? Nope, just limiting masturbation as sex energy is important.
Its the life blood of our body's energy. Its only the body act, like
doing sports and at the same time having orgasm and wasting some of
your life giving energy; but its probably better than wasting that
power with your own hand. When I say 'life giving', I don't mean making
a baby. What I mean, is that its life energy.
Everything is a choice, with the warrior's way that you attempt
because you choose to. Either from thinking about the situation, doing
an activity on an educated guess or from doing the choice on a whim.
Thus, controlled folley is very enduring. It can be very unique to do
your own thing, that you choose and get power from. And we only
actually have a certain amount of power that we are born with. That can
be redirected to better purposes. As though everything be a personal
challenge and fight to achievement. Work with things that come your way.
Recapitulation is necessary to reclaim lost memory and poder.
Which is named other things as well, like summarization. Listed here @
Also, try to laugh at everything that happens, as you also laugh
at yourself. This improves the mood and you learn to not take
everything seriously. This creates an idea situation to do things
better and you don't get 'down' on life. Try not to let the things that
happen be too much of a concern. And, worry is annulled. As with the
saying, 'don't sweat the small stuff.'
The third way is self disciplining, which be to attempt to
achieve that which effects for yourself and have the guff to do things
till they are done or you get tired of the actions. Decide which you
want to do and go for it! Use controlled folley for things you are
unsure of. It helps to talk about and will yourself to want to do the
actions with intention to do the necessary acts. Again, don't let
things be too much of a concern. In fact, meditation on the act or
effect you want to achieve, also meditation on just nothing, is
helpful. And, if something was done that you didn't like, laugh it off.
Feel free to use psychology with these techniques and combine
some of them for better effect. Always remember with using discipline,
to work with what you get or work around what you get and laugh off the
small stuff.
Controlled folley and the warriors way is from the Castenada
The parts of the body and mind are responsible to the physical actions due to eating and drinking, as to what the body creates, in emotion and addiction, for whatever food, drink for the calm and energy surges or emotion surges to support any addiction.
Physical activity to cause a temporary fix
is in
two parts. The turning over the
hands releases stress or to hand over control to a fresh person can
cause spiritual pressure release causing renewal. By pressure point
manipulation and movement of the wrist, from the orient and egypt. And,
to use
a brownian motion to instant recharge by somewhat frenzied activity
with feeling of nothing or numb with intensity.
Now the formulas that are responsible for the above. Thanks to examples by Steve Kamm, Steven Spielburg and Karl with advice from Curt.
Politics are the essential actions to make good a example or promise, plus you can pursue a moment and give the good example or to get a result, in a result, as you yourself would. Where any great thought deserves death that is proven out unless their is to be more or no sense of ending. This is built off the face system in china and japan where in fact it came from the mongols (false honor) to get promoted from battle, thanks to a chinese woman. Where the deeds of good intent then its known by some,anner as fame The bad result is a bad deed and criminal intent and known as rumour and smut. With some its dark deeds and and is left mostly unseen. Where for good deeds, some say its openly known and some say applauded. Some info by people such as Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, other people like Vanna White through influence and example.