The reason for this companion to Ars dnd is a thought to have it as a separate world that can be modern. This is a different view of Ars dnd by having you play it normally with dice or act it out with or without costumes, however you don't have to act it out. You make the characters by modelling yourself or making up the stats, choose the moral or alignment of the character as you desire for this is a person you might portray. Yet this helps a small bit to put a little of you into it to make more realistic and lively the action. When you read this and see it for what it is, you might want to play it as its more interactive and with a lot less dice rolls compared to dnd.
This world is based off the old world before the middle when
faeries ruled the world as freeborn men, workers or slaves worked with enjoyment with
the dark elves underground, yet living aboveground were the elves and sea-elves were in the sea. The world
was known as a united traders world and Amerindia or in the old name
"Ambigascar" was its name as it owned the trade, even then the idea of the
world was unpeaceful and not truly incited to war. This is for the truce and
pacts of which held it together, that was called "t-elect-teeves" meant as the
free world trade pact. It was counted as peaceful, yet death wasn't minded.
This was truly as you think of the world of before. This was before the Atlanteans fall from the
earth. Thats with rare beasts and strange humans with other forms attached to
them. Freedom calls to where an Amerindia would be for they would fight
to the end if they had to and then they banded together as they could.
This formed the United Trade Commision of Amerindia that existed underground and allowed
business to rule itself for its own sake and when some asked the
business, there was always an answer. However compared to todays united
worlds, they were corrupt to the point of absolution and any would kill
for gold had they to get some.
The people are apart of a free trade alliance who traded for
drugs, slaves and other things like high tech stuff without any
illegality or disruption. Yet the worst was the willingness to torture
and negotiate for, that was all except for the crystalline equipment and
modernlike machines that would do. As they thought at it or spoke what
they wanted. This culture was backward and varied as to unknown degrees
and very suited to adventure and information to the willing except for
weak people who got killed if they upset them.
The advanced old ages are hard to forget as it allowed open
swords and armor, yet was advanced with problems of kingdoms and early
democracies. Where this world is advanced the middle ages were similiar
yet unadvanced in technology, and is what dnd, medievil wargame, along
with some other adventure games were coming from as they were copying
some personal and world attitudes at that time. But on the other hand
some would say a game is a game, and this world is a good choice to
"steal" from along with others as in middle earth and middle ages. These
people were beyond corruption, itself.
The source of all
power is raw force that surrounds everyone. Its created by the sun then
radiated by the planet core at night creating a constant wild energy
field. All this energy fluctuates like gravity due to the sun if storming
is represented by a roll with a die 4 or with a 1 is your effect, then
with a die 2 is your own ideal yet different, by a die 3 some other effect,
otherwise die 4 is some effect that is not on the physical. This is energy
derived by focus to the crystals and is shaped by purpose like runes, weaving,
command words that work by your mind thinking to create that the crystal,
using your energy is sometimes tails is a mystical fox for ideal that are
used to create. This is what you wish in the planet create by changing with
the area energy fluctuation or area feel, that means etc or things that were
supposed to are going to occur.
This energy is undepletable as the sun will send it radioactivity
by use that replenishes the planet core with its sunlight. This makes the
raw earth energy a wild constant by possible spell failure. At any given
time there could be a fizzle because wild energy is in a state of flux,
causes are storming with the sunlight that is higher energy that messes
with energy or devices. This power is called energy and is represented
by percent, that feeds the body energy in which is pooled by the body
as stamina (life force). Magic users tap into this mana for direct use
and others use the bodily filtered stamina from mana.
Some think that takes a small bit more to achieve effects,
its because its channeled through the body. The only exception are the
gods that grant magic for those who champion their cause, think and this
is divine magic counted as stamina created by the creator that uses you.
The creator is the being or beating that creates distraction that goes
on to create what you consider. Only those who are worthy can channel
this raw force to make their needed effect happen. Sometimes these people
are "god touched" and act like zealots only when a "religious experience"
that happens. This is the main point of the magic system, that exists here
the trauma that is tragedy from personal experiences. Only think then you
create by your own ideal that you can describe.
How to play this game: If you need help understanding this system, use AI/ChatGPT to help translate it with the query of "what is the usefulness of: [list what confuses you here..]." The DM/GM will host the game, they are in control of the gaming session. Ask for things if you must from the GM/DM. It can be hosted online or in person. If its hosted online, its hosted online with a gaming site that you can get to as you must.
This means DM is Dungeon master and GM is Game master.
They present the idea as a scenario, that you role play or play act through. Role playing is the acting out a part or anouncing some action and rolling some die as you need to determine the outcome. See, you can play using the rules, or dismiss some of the rules as preferred and play. Its your choice. If you dismiss the rules you don't like, or don't use a section in this manual and play it freely like a modular game..
Go ahead then its even more playable if you do. You know be creative with it and have fun doing your own style. You see this friend liked to use wisdom instead of intelligence, so I allowed it with skill points. The skills are with skill points that are adjusted by use of the skill or applied points. see you may buy skill points too. He seems to like the game, he liked playing it like it was homebrew.
So it just depends on how your style is. So it's a modular thing.. If you need unlisted spells that's not there, feel free to make up the spells as you need it like you want. Yet remember, you can scale up the monsters in hp and experience given for them to the players level. This will improve the game entirely, like a computer roleplayer game and make it more challenging.
Remember, it may be a very fun game, but to make it better it can have more detail. This is like adding what color an item or monster is to aid the imagination. DMs may ask the players to describe what a spell looks like. The more the detail, the better the game.
Rolling a 1d10 can mean a possibility of negative results, this is where you roll 1-5 for negative results and 6-10 for positive results. Rolling 1d5 can mean only the positive. Rolling a 1 means failure. Roll a 2-5 for positive results. In rolling, roll only if you want to.. otherwise the dm/GM can do it. I think this is the best thing to do.
Level is the measure of the character achievement, where you think to go through encounters. Those are moments set by the DM/GM, thinking to challenge the characters in play. They can be creatures, monsters or people. There is two ways you could win an encounter, if you peacefully convince the targets to not fight you and your party or if you fight them and either win or lose.
Any peace causing spells still allow you to get the experience of the fight. Its a peaceful way to make the fight end, and maybe the aggressors wander away out of disinterest. If you win, you gain the experience of the encounter in points or experience points. If you lose, you could die and have to start the game session over again. If you gain enough experience points, you gain some levels. This is how the levelling system works.
Anything with stats that has a 10 or above mod is automatic success. They create by skill checks the actions you can do. The stats themselves are what allow certain things. The higher the intelligence the more skill points you can get to create with your character skills. The higher the constitution the more health you have with your character. The strength can determine if you open things or force things open. The dexterity or agility can determine if you dodge attacks. The charisma can be used to talk people into things. Wisdom I actually don't see a use for so it doesn't have to be high.
Again the skill check is.. rolling a die 20 or 1d20 and add in the mod to get over 10 as a result for success. This is a math based game. The attack roll is overcoming the target/s Armor class or AC. Rolling a 1d20+your base attack bonus. and if you do get over their AC as a result you hit. Spells just happen, and if you have a 10 or more Focus skill, you manage to get an effect off on the target.
Focus skill goes up with higher vibrations and morale. That's when your out of stamina, where its down if out of stamina. This means every 1 morale point above 5 there is a +3 to your focus rolls. Every time your out of stamina, your focus rolls can go down with a -5 penalty. Otherwise your focus roll goes down with a -2 penalty after your stamina reaches 10.
So remember this..if you have a character vocation, think to see that is a "class" or character class, you can play this game easily. The skill called profession is yet a minor vocation, that you can change at will. You change the Profession by listing in on the character sheet as a "Profession: job" or what you need it as. That's like you wanted a singer vocation, then it would be "Profession: singer" w/o the quotes. Whatever the class or vocation, you can use any weapon you want. This uses the proficiency to help with the "to hit" rolls.
The proficiency you have is what allows you to do things. It is listed in the Feat list on your character, that allows you to hit with the weapon or wear armor without penalty due to its weight. The armor profieciency is listed in the feats list as well, the stronger you are the heavier of armor you can wear. Any weapon or armor you can get from the equipment list or the GM/DM.
This is described later on in this article. See the weapon can target a foe or something you want targeted. So the weapons your using can single out opponents and the spells can do mass targets. Mass targets = multiple targets. The feats and special ability can help by adding ability to create results. There are weapons that deal damages to multiple targets. So don't get me wrong. Its described in detail in this article.
The effect is caused by the skill called focus. The skills are with skill points that are adjusted by use of the skill or applied points. See you may buy skill points, too. That means the skill has skill points assigned to them by you, where you only get so many skill points per level. If the skill gets 10 or above points its automatic success. The higher the focus skill the more effect damages you do.
Each weapon can deal damage if you hit the target/s. It uses the base attack bonus, that allows you to hit with the weapons attack. If you roll the dice you get the effect of damage with weapons. The dice are the unknown random factor. So the weapon attack is the "to hit" roll of 1d20, the BAB or base attack bonus is the modifier with other modifiers.
There is a special feature in this game called learning abilities. You can pick whatever ability or ability list you want, and its an extra ability to your character. The damages the ability does is listed with the ability. If your curious we will be using a special ability called magic focus. This allows you to do spells off a spells list. Its rather unique, since that is the meat of the game. Ask your DM/GM to allow the magic focus ability, if you want over 500 spells that you can do.
This is an explanation of advantage and disavantage. Characters with Advantage have a +2 modifier to their to hit roll, things or characters with disadvantage have -3 modifier to their to hit roll. This means if you have no line of sight, you have disadvantage. Where, if you have line of sight you gain advantage. Same for dark and light area, if you have darkness, maybe through a darkness spell, and can't see through the dark you have disadvantage. If you have light, maybe through a light spell, you can see and have advantage over the target if its your turn.
Alignment is the moral compass of the character, its the things your character will do. Know the alignment can change on the character sheet. So if you have a Good alignment and do evil things. THen, you can create for your character a neutral or neutral evil alignment. Same for being neutral and doing good things, then your character changes its alignment to neutral good and so on.
However, if undecided on what alignment you want to be. You can choose the undecided or unaligned alignment. This is a game changer, since your not held to any actual alignment in what you do. That is what is known as you can use the menu link to read in detail the alignments and what they are..of course the DM/GM will decide if your character changed alignment.
Normally a round in battle is 6 seconds, yet you can think of the round being 1 minute outside of battle. Each round allows for 1 action, that's unless you use the multitasking or intensity special ability where you get 1d6 actions per round. However, outside of battle is different where you can count the rounds for hours using a free action. You see, some things last a few rounds, this means the round could tell you how long things will last. So now you know how long that is in seconds. That's for things you do or you can allow it to last, until you no longer need it since it is a free action. This makes the games you play interesting. So make use of things as you can if you want to get the idea to do things with rules. Otherwise there us freestyle, where there is just RP or roleplay and no rules are used. So think and you know what you can do.
This is sometimes used as the idea is a point for game accuracy. You have a starting reserve of 25 mp. Magic points are a reserve of energy you can use for spells. Casters may 'focus' to increase their reserve by 10/skill rank with each round used. This is permenant mp till used up, unless over 100 mp, thus it falls at 10 per round (each 6 sec) unless its used that round. Once a caster has 100 mp, the rate of increase by focus slows significantly. You must focus for a full five minutes to gain any benefit. This means you can cast a spell right off as in a spell worth 20 mp thus you would have 5 mp left. For spells below 0 mp take 1 point of nonlethal damage per 5 mp of spell. If the spell fails then it turns to real damage.
This is sometimes used for daily activity to create
complexity and game accuracy. This is when stamina effects anyway,
this is just a game though so you can play this anyway you want.
This stamina can be used where you do actions. You start at 100
stamina (100 S) then each action will consume a bit of your stamina.
Also, the amount of time it takes for the body to adapt is measured
in time by moments.
Every round of actions in melee is a 1d6 stp reduction.
Each hour of activity outside of melee or battle is a 1d10 stp
reduction. Fatigue is 50 stp or less. Each 20 stp starting at 50
stp will be a -1 constitution and agility temporary mod. The
recovery of stp is what negates the temporary stat reduction. Get
the stp above 50 and you recovered from fatigue as you remove the
stat reductions.
The regen rate for stamina is 1d10 S per round that
is recovered and after 0 S its nonlethal damage. Otherwise, if
you stay still or walk, then you build up stamina 5% per foot
travelled. That's till you get back to 100%. This stamina is
permenantly gained till used up unless its over 100 S where
it drops by 10 S per round till 100 S unless its used that round.
Some spells and maybe actions could recover stamina like drinking
or eating for 10 S, and stamina increase spell effects for 20 S.
Yes, this means you can gain stamina back to continue fighting
after hanging back to eat or drink something. You can go above
100 S via focus, by a standard action, to gain 15 S. For actions
below 0 S take 1 point of nonlethal damage per 5 S. This nonlethal
damage is the same as the mp system.
This is an optional stat, that can be used in place of Stamina (STP) and Magic points (MP). This is used for the spell list. The energy of the body is what comes from the things we absorb in life. It looks like a deep blue color. The food we eat and the drink we drink, that adds to the energy amount. This is the effect of whatever we intend that is created with thinking the idea and needing the result. Think about what you need and state the idea, then you do a spell that intended to exist as manifest. This creates what you wanted. So think and you know what to do. This is on the character sheet somewhere as "Energy: 100% of 100%" w/o quotes. Its represented as %, where we start off with 100% energy. Feel free to add in the constitution mod per level as a bonus. What we do lessens the energy per action.
What we do lessens the energy per action. This is the amount of 5% per action, 10% per uber action. The energy amount is the % replenished, that is with a recovery rate of 10% per round in battle or minute outside of battle. Drink water, rub your hair or move around thinking to increase your Energy %. Per minute or action, its 10% energy restored. Fed by the energy in the area or objects, the consciousness of the air causes the thought you think to come and see to be there. It doesn't exist if you don't think its needed. So you know what you can do, if the energy is below 0%. Then, you collapse to the ground until you recover from energy loss and feel numb from the recovery.
That's done by energy restoring itself, think and its where you don't feel energy as it happens things to occur.. That means your prone, until you have at least 1% energy. However you do things, no chaos or chaotic energy that's external causes you to feel chaotic or unstable. No guarantees though as you can still feel the result, and if you overfeel it you can get burned out. Overfeeling the idea is thinking about the idea for 10 minutes as you feel the feeling of energy or OHM feel. This is a feeling of energy in itself. If burned out, you may no longer want to do magic..this feeling lasts 1 hour so think and you know what to do.
After adult age is reached, their is a natural limiter that is optional. This is a bonus to your Wisdom stat of +1 Wisdom per every 10 years after adult age. Then, there is a restriction penalty due to age. The penalty is -1% energy every 10 years after adult age for your race is reached. Say your race was human, that means adult age is 20 or something like that. If you were 40 years old, that would have a +2 to your wisdom and you'd have a energy penalty of -2%. If you were a magus race, that means adulthood is 100 years old. So being 200 years old, that would have a bonus of +10 to your wisdom and a penalty of -10% energy. This is usually an effect of life. So think and you know what to do.
The effect levels are based upon the energy you use to create the result. This effect level is what you can use to get better effect, think and you start at a basic level meaning 5% energy or 10% per effect. This means you can use even more energy % to get what you want per effect level. After every battle your energy % is restored to full, that's from energy in the air being restored. If its restored, your able to be restored in energy from the heat being absorbed as energy, that's where the heat directed is your energy %. In order to use this, announce to the gm/dm what level your using.
The rewards are per level represented by letters you can make use of by feel.
A for actions that you do with +20% to the effect and this takes +2% energy to do.
B for beings that you can use by summons, you can summon almost any being like a god or djinni. Mention what being you need to do things. That's with +40% to the effect and this takes +4% energy to do.
C for causes in idea that you do things with +60% to the effect and this takes +6% energy to do.
D for daylight energy that you effect with +80% to the effect and this takes +8% energy to do.
E for energy effects that you do with +100% to the effect and this takes +10% energy to do.
F for body effects that you do things with +120% to the effect and this takes +12% energy to do.
G for gravity effects anywhere on a planet using the sun and planets energy, that you do things with +140% to the effect and this takes +14% energy to do.
This is used for health instead of hitpoints. Characters
at the beginning of the game start out with 100% hp unless noted otherwise,
add the Con Mod times level to make fhp. If you are at fhp you are in perfect condition.
When an enemy's attack hits you, you deduct the amount done in damage as
you see fit. Hp only acts as a buffer for the damage you take. You can still
get a limb taken off at fhp, though it'd be very very hard to do so. When
you reach 0% hp you do not die, after one hit though you are knocked out.
Healing spells are 20% hp recovery. Sleep is 30% hp per hour recovered.
Natural Regeneration rate is 5% hp recovered per round of 6 seconds in
battle. But, every minute out of combat.
The hp
cannot go above 100%, but it can go below 0%. Unless, you want to gain
temporary HP by Eating, Drinking or Healing spells. In which, it goes
back to 100% HP after you rest. If you want permenant extra HP, then
get the monstrous regeneration special
ability, which is a special case.
How are you hit, though, if your feeling weak or feel the blow?
As you get less hp, you get weaker and more tired, due to lost hp, and
you may get bloodied, as well, at the moment, of half hp, unless you
receive a cut, then its somewhat instant. Shock value, is when you go
into shock and may become prone, which is decided, by hp %/5.
This makes, for a more realistic combat scene. When a character suffers
their Shock Value in damage, done by various means, there is a chance
they can become stunned. When they suffer accumulated damages that
drop their HP to -2%, the character dies.
If you want to use the Con mod as a bonus, then you may add it
to your % starting at level 1 or the level your at. This is where you
have a +3 constitution bonus at level 1, that's applied as +3 to your
100% health. This is per level until you raise the Con stat for fhp.
So with 103% as your level 1 health percent, 2 more levels raised at
+3 Con mod is +6 to your 103% making 109% and so on at level 3, that
makes for a stat change allowing +4 Con mod at level 5. So this means
your allowing the character to have +7 for 2 more levels. Applied,
this makes 116% for level 5, and that's how this will work if the
DM/GM allows this point.
Instead, if you add the con mod as a bonus at the level your
at then, you can possibly choose from level 1 to your current level
for addition that makes fhp. So say its level 10 with a +7 con mod,
that's 7*10=70 added health percent. See that makes for a 170% health
percent. That seems fair, if your the right person for it. So feel
free to use this if you want more health percent. After all if your
the DM/GM or your DM/GM allows for this, then you can create a more
fit character.
This is a subdual explanation and is optional. This is
using nonlethal damages where all damages, that happen are now using
the subdual damage track for you. Thats after you reach 0% health,
then you switch to the subdual damage track instead of passing out.
That's where you can rest off the damages. Nonlethal damage is based
off dnd and is the negative energy that can be used for energy effects
of many types. This energy is ultraviolet or ultra blue-purple and
thats not seen by the human eye. Its effects are to weaken the body
everytime its used for a spell, that's by adding to a nonlethal damage
total where every 30% damage is 1 point. Each point causes 3 months
aging repairable by healing of any sort or rest for 10 min per point.
After reaching 10 points, your character dies.
The profession skill can be gotten and
this is written as profession (Wis) in your skills list with some
choice of healer, nurse or doctor written somewhere as your profession,
then you can negate the need for a healers kit. This means, if you
use the profession of healer, then you don't need a healers kit to
heal by feel. This is because you use the healing skill as though
a special ability.
Then you make the result of (half-level and round down)d(skill
rank selection, look at chart below)+charisma mod in health restored. That means 10d12+7
damage reduced for healing the percent of health, this is with a level
20 character, 15 focus skill rank and 7 cha mod. For a level 10 character
with healer profession, 12 focus skill rank, and 5 cha mod, you would
have 5d10+5 health percent restored.
Skill rank selection
Die; Focus rank/s
d6; 1-6
d10; 7-12
d12; 13-18
d20; 19-24
d30; 25 and above
The power level system is optional and uses the PL gauge that
details how effective your spells and effects will be. The
effects are
only efficient because our bodies are capable of handling the energy
necessary and this allows us to pull off the effect. As our bodies
become even less adept at handling the raw or filtered energy, each
action. The more you attempt something, makes the effects even less
powerful unless you focus, restore or allow
yourself to regenerate the
power level you have. This makes the game even more realistic and adds
a challenge to it.
This PL(Power Level) gauge starts at 100% and each action effect
up 5% per every minute of effect casting per every effect. You are
actually using energy up per effect and the more you use by even more
actions, makes the gauge lower itself even more till it goes to 0%
efficiency. At 100% PL, the effect is fullly there in how much it does.
At 0% PL, there is no effect at all.
It effects mathematically by this manner, the PL%(converted to
decimal) x Amount done or calculated = New Amount of effect. So at 70%
PL and 30 points damage, there's a .7x30=21 points damage dealt. Round
up on the decimal results.
As it effects, focusing can increase that
power level till its upto
200%. Focusing decreases in the amount of increase of PL % by every
second in combat and every minute out of combat that you focus,
increasing it by 5%. Then there is the fact that Focusing
while causing
or casting the effect also decreases the amount of PL % used up per
action and by reducing the amount of PL% used, it does so by making 1%
used up instead of 5%.
Resting or healing, can restore the Power Level, as well as food
drink. As in, each hour rested is 25% PL restored. Each point of the
percent healed is a point to restored power levels. So, 20 HP healed up
is 20% PL restored. Eating food or drinking something is 10% PL
restored. With this, is a natural 1% per minute outside battle or 6%
per round in battle regeneration rate. Unless you focus, you can't go
over 100%.
This gauge is an optional efficiency measure, that the GM can
decide to use.
Well, with the magic you have naturally comes magic focus. This means that there is just one actual ability for magic by this, and you can use a focus device to improve its effect. Such as a crystal like quartz or diamond. If you use a focus device. Add your focus or concentration skill ranks, thinking to add to the damage or healing done by any magic act. This is the manifest ability, that is done in so many different ways. There is different damages per each different way you manifest things. So if you think about the effect you want, then the soul creates the idea with the spirit gathering energy as a form of manifest. The subconscious directs the soul. What you need is done and creates itself by what you intend. Any effect is done with no limit to distance and as it can form anywhere, all you really need to do is imagine it or think it forming where you want. You can create any element or any effect, such as making something shrink. When you think to understand someone speaking then you do.
If you make an element exist, then if you create with the elemental plane an energy being gated in to an area and manifest the elements that are void, poison, acid, earth, air, fire, water, ice, and the poison, acid, void and fire can create longer lasting effects. The time duration is the lasting period of time where in acid, the damage lingers and eats away the surface or with fire things catch on fire or with poison you cause a lingering decay. The void can act upon the targets with singularity or miniature black holes, suck the life out of a target over time. If sucked of life, they drop dead. Of course, this is all possible by a willing DM/GM. So this ability you can use to get the effect, thats with an added "Magic Focus" w/o quotes to your special ability list.
The void is nothingness, that holds energy and that energy is gated here to create what you think. This energy is infinite and comes from singularities, if you focus the energy around you to create a singularity and gate in its energy. The fact that they exist is amazing, they can gate in any energy of a source area. This means you can create with the consciousness of energy and make what results that you want as a need. This also means what you focus on creating, is what you project forth to make or manifest as a thought is there. The soul is the source of the body that makes energy possible to work with, its your thought and if you don't intend to create anything. Then as you think, nothing is created by feel of what you intend.
This is the point of idea, you point out what you want and it manifests.. what you think to effect will be effected, each effect is a point you state and the idea you know by feel or observation. The effect is with an indrawn breath and an exhaled energy to create by the law of attraction. If you don't need it, it stops manifesting so think of the idea and you know what to do. This includes heat, or subtle fire in the air that is creating what heats up you need. What you void out with a sigularity or energy sucking, is the excess heat or energy in the breath. That remains until you find it is gone.
The energy in the breath and what you rub together creates the idea you think to make, that breath which is exhaled will share itself with the area and your thought is programming to the air combined with rubbed energy. That goes to the target as an effect you intend and it effects the target. This heat energy loses itself to the void sucking it, so as you think the idea your consciousness shares itself with the air and makes the effect. As time goes on, the heat energy dissipates and this cools down the area. The effect is where you cast a result, where the result is an effect made by the law of attraction, then it dissipates away harmlessly as the effect disappears.
Sigils are another part of magical focus. Since sigils are a part of this, they are empowered lines that your mind empowers to create a result. They can create any result. The sigils you make create its effect by making fat converted to energy, That is done by the power of the mind and the energy converted by thought doing what you intend. In order to make sure that sigils are created, you think of your need and intent by focusing on the thought as you draw or trace the line drawn out.
This is done in the air to make it effect what you need, thinking is done using the consciousness of energy by charging the heat in the air to make what you want. Positive thinking and reinforcement will create the result faster. This is basically done by saying "it works" or "it worked" and this causes the subconscious to make the result needed by feel. This serves as a boost so the energy will do what you intend if you think it will. If thought exists, then anything can exist by the power of the creator.
Then there is blocking. You may block those effects, people or creatures you sense will do things. The point you think is the point you focus into existence. See then you create by feel, because of the creator you sense things out and know what is what and you know what is there or possible. If you intend time to create it, you do. Time to do this is a free action and you can prevent any spell or elemental formation with this effect. Think the blockages are gone to remove it. If you say or think "non block" then the block is gone. If you say or think, "nonblock that persists" then its gone forever. You can block any results with this effect.
The focus check or 1d20 with focus ranks or 1d20+focus ranks and getting a 10 or above is success. If using diceless, then if you have 15 or above total is automatic success. The duration period is 1d6+charisma mod in rounds will do things, until you don't want the effect or they die. The damage/healing amount is 1d10+focus rank per each 2 levels round down. So say you cast forth a healing manifest or creation effect, that makes a 10d10+15 for 115% healed with 20 levels and 15 focus ranks. Also you wanted to poison someone, that is with level 10 and 10 focus ranks a 5d10+10 or 60% poison effect. That lingers 5 rounds by a rolled 5 on a 1d6 with 60% health taken down per round max for a level 10 character.
This means you killed them unless they are resistant to poison or they have an antidote.. then they get 1/2 damage per round. There is no resistance to void attacks until you cancel out the effect for no damage dealt. This is done by thinking the singularity closes up and ceases to exist. In fact, any durable effect is cancellable by using water on fire, causing the poison to be sucked out, acid attacks to be nulled by water and etc, so on with the idea and what you get with results is what you will. You can identify anything and know what it is that occurs with it or what you have, by the energy consciousness telling you what is what or nothing is thought and nothing or void is energy that has no thoughts.
This brings us to the list of spells that use the energy %, again that is 5% normal effects and 10% Uber effects that you can do with this idea. The point is done by the soul or creator using the summoned effect by gate energy. Think and you know what you can do. This list is possible where you can use it with 1 or 2 spells at once from it with the right gesture that you think is correct for the a point you say the spell and hold out your hand or holding your thumb and forefinger together at the tips thrust forth for a elemental ball release. Whatever you do, think and you can do it. Enjoy the cast as you can, think and you know what to do.
Geo enchantment is the overall idea about adding gemstones to weapons or golems. This is geo enchantment that will work with life energy..though you would have to get the stones its a nice thought. This means adding stones to your weapon or golem, adds elemental ability. The damages possible are additional elemental damages. THis includes; 25% more damages for levels 1-9, 50% more damages for levels 10-19, 75% more damages for levels 20-29 and 100% more damages for levels 30-. This stacks, attach multiple stones to the weapon or golem, then you do multiple damages. Of course the stones use the energy of the weapon or golem as a powersource, that empowers the stone and weapon or golem with the elemental ability. You can get the stones by getting a gembag or assorted gembag in the Equipment list. Otherwise you can ask your GM/DM for a Gembag, that he or she can choose to gift you..
The honour mode is similar to a difficulty level that is hard to defeat. If you so choose it, then you ask the DM/GM to allow it before you play your game. Think of the idea though and you are the DM/GM, then you can play through it with your players. This basically includes with the GM/DM, the effect of harder to kill monsters or targets. 25% more experience per encounter. Also, if you die and your party is dead as well, then honour mode is over. You can start another Honour mode gaming session to see if you earn a prize. DM/GM take note! You have to set the encounters that may or may not have 30% to 50% more Health, and 30-50% more damages. Legendary actions like resistance to all damages, immunity to all physical damages and idea like that. This is where you can shine! Think about it, it takes a thought to do this. Once you succeed your game session, you get a reward. This reward is either an ability, a magical object or Immunity to something. This is worth it in the end!
This DnD
(Dungeons and Dragons) in real life is made up of modular moments. This
is Live Action Role play (LARP) where modules are events. People can
live with them as its related to the live dnd system. This can be Medieval
Age or Modern age in scenario or mode. They describe the scenarios and
events for live dnd that make up game play.
If the DM/GM allows for it, you can use unlimited stamina and mana.
The idea is this, the soul empowered by the creator makes the stamina and
mana unlimited and you rested so you don't need to sleep except to pass
the time. if you choose to use this, replace the amount of stamina and
mana with infinity. Be sure to ask for it when the game is needed to be
played, or when characters are being created.
Game play is the action of
the scenario moment by moment. NPCs are other players who interact with
the player to help make up the story. You can get experience points
for successful actions. This is like 500 xp or whatever the GM decides
is appropriate and if you want monsters, then their Hit points are in
% (HP). They are exactly as described and no more than that.
A job module is descriptive of the place a person works in.
A house module is a home where the action occurs. An outside module
is where the outside is when the action takes place. Like a book.
A book describes alot of storyline events. The storyline makes up
the actions in totality, as in a event lineup.
Actions are measured in moments achievement. 1 min outside
of melee, and 6 seconds per round in melee or battle. Each module is refereed by a GM
or Game Master. They are the bosses, authority figures or older family
members in the play of life. You can sit down and play the game
using dice or to play you act out the fights and yell out damage as
you hit the opponent. The GM describes the Scene as it progresses.
Prop material required (latex or plastic swords, armor, etc..),
if you want to play the scene out by acting it out.
If the DM/GM allows for it, then another class can be added as a sub class.
This means the Experience isn't split up, and is applied fully to both
classes that you have. All the features, including the skills and abilities
are applied to the sub class. So you don't miss out on the features of the
class. You get all the subclass features and each spell doesn't use spell
slots, they use Energy % where the spell costs 5% energy to cast.
However, if the subclass is like Warlock or Cleric, then the class specific feats
are allowed. You may use any homebrew subclass, that exists in its listing,
as well. A subclass is listed by the "Subclass:" label on your character
sheet. You can pick up to 3 subclasses that are any class you wish to be.
So you have the main class and the subclasses. You don't need to split the
experience points for this like in split classes.
Stats are like 5e dnd, yet you can choose to use the live
action point assignings or assign the stats by use of 100 points
and spreading them through the stats, this is done as 1 point assigned
is 1 point gained. Also, you can trade 1000 gold or credits to raise
a stat, there is 5 stat raises allowable per level with gold and credit trade..
The stats are:
Strength (Str or St)
Agility (Dexterity, Agl or Ag)
Constitution (Con or Cn)
Intelligence (Int or In)
Wisdom (Wis or Ws)
Charisma (Cha or Ch)
When you apply this to a handmade character. Calculate the Ability score
mods unless you want to use a chart. The ability score mod is calculated
by thinking to determine an ability modifier without consulting the
table, subtract 10 from the ability score and then divide the total
by 2 (round down). There is a core stat raise every 3 levels. Pick
one stat to raise andyou add 1 point to it. Every change to the core
stat you must recalculate the mod.
The live action point assignments are below, yet remember to place the stat mod beside the score:
To measure
the str stat depends on the bench press (bp) or
how much one can lift.
Use this chart:
Str stat=Bp in lbs lifted;
1=1-10., 2=11-20, 3=21-30, 4=31-40, 5=41-50, 6=51-60,
7=61-70, 8=71-80, 9=81-90, 10=91-110, 11=111-130, 12=131-150,
13=151-170, 14=171-190, 15=191-210, 16=211-230, 17=231-250, 18=251-270,
19=271-290, 20=291-320, 21=321-360 and 22+=29x
Measure the Agl stat by how quick you evade a persons grasp.
Use this chart:
Within second/s=Agl stat;
22=1, 21=2, 20=3, 19=4, 19=5, 18=6, 17=7, 16=8, 15=7,
14=8, 13=9, 12=10, 11=11, 10=12, 9=13, 8=14, 7=15, 6=16, 5=17, 4=18,
3=19, 2 =20, 1=21, less than 1=22 and instant=23
Con stat is measured by how long you can run without getting tired (out of breath).
The longer you can, the more Con you have. If your time for running falls between the listed
numbers, then use the lesser number.
Seconds/s = Con
4=1, 8=2, 12=3, 16=4, 20=5, 24=6, 28=7, 32=8, 36=9,
40=10, 44=11, 48=12, 52=13, 56=14, 60=15, 64=16, 68=17,
72=18, 76=19, 80=20, 84=21, 88=22, 92=23, 96=24, 100=25,
determine the Int stat do an average intelligence test.
Use this chart:
Int stat=Intelligence score;
1=1-10, 2 =11-20, 3=21-30, 4=31-40, 5=41=50, 6=51-60,
7=61-70, 8=71-80, 9=81-90, 10=91-100, 11=101-110, 12=111-120,
13=121-130, 14=131-140, 15=141-150, 16=151-160, 17=161-170, 18=171-180,
19=181-190, 20=191-200, 21=201-210 and so on.
Do an
intelligence test for Wis stat. It depends on how many you get right.
Use this chart:
Answers right=Wis stat;
1=1, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=9, 10=10, 11=11, 12=12, 13=13,
14=14, 15=15, 16=16, 17=17, 18=18, 19=19, 20=20, 21=21 and >21=22
Cha stat is from how quick you can talk with clarity, using
a tongue twister or a single statement or paragraph.
Use this chart:
In second/s=Cha stat;
22=1, 21=2, 20=3, 19=4, 18=5, 17=6, 16=7, 15=8, 14=9,
13=10, 12=11, 11=12, 10=13, 9=14, 8=15, 7=16, 6=17, 5=18, 4=19, 3=20, 2
=21, 1=22 and below 1=23.
Alignment is decided upon by the player that uses live dnd. This depends on how your building the character. This stat will prove the character as it will be acted out..
Age and weight is decided by the player who creates the
character. This stat will show how the body, and mind react to situations.
The age effects are associated with the race. You can pick any race
you desire but these rules apply:
1. At middle age, -1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
2. At old age, -2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
3 At venerable age, -3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Dice rolls
are the action itself and thus diceless, unless you are aware and just want to roll dice. Dice ratings like
1d8 are the amount. As in the 1 is a multiplier times 8 base amount for a longsword. The
str stat bonus and other bonus are added on, like a 1d8+5 for a 5 str mod. This is 1*4+5=9
damage done by longsword.
The dice base amount are: dice base = amount;
d4 = 2 , d6 = 3, d8 = 4, d10 = 5, d12 = 6, d20 = 10, d30 = 15, d100 = 50.
Healing, hitpoints and spell amounts use the same base amounts.
See this option for gameplay is where you don't use dice. For the idea you think, this is what is done. The choices of success is using d20 as 10+skill rank or mod and get a 15 or above, then you got success, if your not doing this online then either use a penny toss with a call or drawing straws, and then getting the longest or shortest straw for success. So if you use a 10+focus rank approach, then a 10 + 6 focus ranks (6) = 10+6=16 or automatic success. Otherwise 10 + 4 focus rank = 10+4=14 or automatic fail.
A fortitude check with +4 is a fail, otherwise a +5 fortitude is success. However for attack rolls, This is using the d20 as 10, the modifier is either base attack bonus or strength and/or dex mod added to weapon proficiency. This total is compared to the Armor class of the opponent, and if greater then this is a hit. So say you had a +3 weapons accuracy proficiency and +6 strength mod, that 9+10 must equal or be greater than the opponent AC of 15. This means 3+6+10=19 compared to 15 making the opponent hit. This is how the Diceless system can work, that's unless the GM/DM has something else in mind. However this may be appealing, it's up to the GM/DM to see if they can implement the idea. If not, then there is always rolling a die.
Draw straws cut at different lengths to decide initiative, the straws are at different lengths. The person who gets initiative gets one action/atk first. Attacks in real life are done by spell or physical assault, made up of melee or ranged actions. Melee actions are physical based assault consistant to swords, fists, feet or other melee. Ranged actions are long ranged assault including bows, guns and spells. Each melee and ranged action are in rounds. Each hit does the damage that is role acted out in a acted out combat using melee, ranged and spells. A spell is stated out, acting the stance and gesture necessary.
AC = Armor class which means how difficult a person is to hit in
rating, Body evasiveness and barriers between you and target consist of
this. Spells are just done and they succeed or not, according to saving
BAB is Base attack Bonus or what the bonus is for the attacker
to hit. This consists of the skill and movement of the attacker. This
is formed by adding together: the agility mod, the strength mod and
the weapon proficiency value. This is added to a die 20 roll or 10 for
a no-dice system. Then compared to the AC of the opponent, if over the
AC its a hit.
Saving throws include Will Saves. They are if you survive the moment
and is equivalent to tolerance amount and stat bonus => DC (Task Difficulty).
Stat bonus is ability amount. To make your saving throw you use tolerance
and the ability amount to overcome task difficulty. Immunity is very
high tolerance.
The will save is an important aspect. In a will save you can use your will or charisma to make the effect you desire. You see its your will against theirs. Think to apply it as a 1d20+will to hit and get over their AC or will not to be hit. Then you hit. It could be a test to see who has the greatest will to control the fire balls. See its not all monsters that have will though. So would it be an automatic hit unless overcoming their charisma mod, that is used by you with rolling 1d20+charisma mod, this is a success by getting a total over their will. If they lack it then it would be an automatic hit, unless they used charisma to charm the targeter. Because they lack the authority to control the attack.
If they use something else instead of will, then they would have a low chance to control it, but it would have to be a good roll. Some monsters do have charisma. Thus, the charisma can be used in attack to control the caster. It is like your in a battle of the minds to control the outcome of an attack or not. Sharing will is yet another aspects of this, where you create even better results as a group spell. You combine your will with the helper, then you cast an effect and get overwhelming effects. This is totally either allowed for by the DM/GM or not. The DM/GM will tell you if it is if you ask them.
A Skill Check is the action itself, drawing of cut to length straws or using a coin flip. This is
to decide the success of the check. This is described fully in the glossary.
The idea that is a point of robust activity, that is where this is thought of in magic in an area decides if its acceptable. If its unacceptable and you cast a spell near someone, then you get negative reactions. This includes the persons subconscious. It can interfere with your spells. The groups that are in the area can cause collective energy effects. This is by what they think and what their collective subconscious makes happen. Call this a magic stigma effect.
There are two types of groups: Open-minded groups and Close-minded groups. The members of the groups can be anywhere and in organizations. Not everyone is alike in Organizations. These Organizations can be a Church, Areas where you can get a job, Stores, Government and other Non-Profit Organizations.
The Open-minded group allows for magic and may tweak it to their necessities. They won't block it, unless it hurts people who are innocents. The Close-minded group makes for the best benefit. Who's an innocent? And can disagree with magic being used around them. They will actively go against the magic user no matter who it is, when provoked. Unless they see reason not to. Then, they can make it a humility to attempt its use. And try to teach you their ways. This is to 'convert' you to their standards so they have something to use against you. But, only when they see fit and try to hurt you.
If you want to avoid anti-magic personality, either don't do obvious magic near them. If you do and they don't like it, make them believe what you did was something else entirely. When you do this, you can cause them to forget what they don't want to see. Basically, state something thats a fact or action and that's not magical idea that occurred right after you do the act of magic. Or, send am effect that causes the person to be clouded and 'forget' what you did of magic. The rule here, is to forget and forgive.
Otherwise, if you intentionally don't do harm with your magic and they won't gripe about it. Make yourself useful and they won't gripe on your presence. However, the more radical way to go about avoiding the issue is to cloud their mind and cause them to think about personal problems. They won't be able to think about what happens near them of magic. In some cases, most people would go into hiding and hide their idea and not make a presence of themselves. To wait out a period of time that allows people to think about other things. This causes them to forget about the act and not stigma your magic because of your actions. Its up to the GM to tell when there's a magic hating group or person in the area.
Modern society is different from medieval times and things can get interesting by the way you do things. These are some of the things that exist for now..
Deal with IRS. If you try to hide things financially, then you get the cops. Doing a crime against the laws? Deal with the cops. Especially if you carry medieval weapons without a permit. Only the military or cops can openly carry weapons as they have a permit.
Programming in general: This is where you do any of these things for magic or the computer program. The disassembly, that is where you take a program and break it into its parts. Assembly, that is where you put the program together and list it as a point that is expressed on compiling it, or making an executable the computer runs. List; this uses a magical script, that is a list of commands the energy consciousness does. That list is where you put the magic script into action, thinking to place a point or idea you think will work for you. Of course, you place a beginning and end point that ends the script. This end point could be an "En" placed at the end without quotes all by itself. En means "at the end" in persian. So place a point that starts the script, place what you want to happen, then place an end point to stop further actions from the script. There is a 50% chance that the programming attempt works, this is including the general hacking attempt. So roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above result for success. Hacking a computer or system can take time, such as getting the password and doing what you intend, that means you can make someone look good or bad. Yet if not caught for it, you can get a good result. Think about it.
Doctors are healers and nurses are the practicioners. If necessary, they can prescribe medicine or do other things like healing spells or splints.
Magic, in modern times takes at least 1 round in battle or 1 action. Its what you think to know. What you think or feel that you need, the subconscious forms. Not always is this what you do, unless you use a medieval class. So, basically, if you were casting a magic missile. You can think it forms into existence and know its effect. This is basically what it is. So the idea is the thinking game, that is the thought you have, that programs the energy consciousness by the subconsciousness programming it. This is where you think of something, and it effects the target/s by feel or idea perception. What it perceives, causes it to pause for 1d6 rounds in battle or until you stop thinking to them outside of battle.
Alchemy is another thing. This is where you combine ingredients, then create a potion of your desire from a rite and the ingredients you gather together from some store. You know what is right for combination. You succeed with a 1d100+luck and getting a 51 or can use this by detailing to the GM/DM what potion you want to create, and that you gather the right ingredients from a store, online mail-order or something you find nearby.
Clubs, these are the groups of people, that you can join or work with and they create fun with life and entertainment by feel.
Agencies, there are agencies listed in the Modern Equipment list, that rule the moment that you do. Think about it, you need a car, what do you do? Well, you goto the car agency. If you needed to drive it, it would require you to have a drivers license. This also goes for weapons, if you needed to bear arms, use an arms agency to check your background as you get a weapon permit or arms license. Then you can buy a weapon, legally with a weapons license.
Every skill proficiency, class feature, and saving throw is tied to a piece of equipment explaining how you have it. You have monk's slow fall because of your gravity boots. Your fighter archery style gives you +2 because you have a lock-on scope on your rifle.
Anytime you take enough damage to drop you to 0 hp, you may choose to let a random piece of your gear be damaged to survive with 1 hp. You lose the ability associated with it. Your gear can be repaired and replaced between adventures.
You can have a number of these abilities be cybernetic implants, holdouts that can't be confiscated or destroyed easily. You can't have more implants than your Constitution modifier. Implants are only destroyed after all your other gear is destroyed.
Your background skill sand saving throws are innate and not tied to any equipment.
Healing spells can close wounds, but they also bolster your resolve and take care of the minor scrapes and bruises from combat.
So if you take a bullet to the chest, you're dead. It's just that if you have 40 hp left and the bullet does 18 damage, that means that you still have some luck on your side, and it's not going to be going through a critical area.
Sometimes if the DM/GM requires it. Crafting kits are required to craft items. You create by gathering materials to make an item or crafted idea. This means the idea you created uses the items energy with some glue or carving tools. Do a craft skill check to make sure you succeed. This kit includes a charging plate made of orgonite, bottles or flasks, glue and carving or writing tools. Get a crafting kit from your DM/GM if interested.
Discussed from here at Also the crafting guide for what you may craft in detail is here at for the complete crafting guide in PDF form.
You can craft magical or nonmagical objects, including adventuring equipment and works of art. You must be proficient with tools related to the object you are trying to create (typically artisan's tools). You might also need access to special materials or locations necessary to create it. For example, someone proficient with smith's tools needs a forge in order to craft a sword or suit of armor.
For every day of downtime you spend crafting, you can craft one or more items with a total market value not exceeding 5 gp, and you must expend raw materials worth half the total market value. If something you want to craft has a market value greater than 5 gp, you make progress every day in 5-gp increments until you reach the market value of the item. For example, a suit of plate armor (market value 1,500 gp) takes 300 days to craft by yourself.
Multiple characters can combine their efforts toward the crafting of a single item, provided that the characters all have proficiency with the requisite tools and are working together in the same place. Each character contributes 5 gp worth of effort for every day spent helping to craft the item. For example, three characters with the requisite tool proficiency and the proper facilities can craft a suit of plate armor in 100 days, at a total cost of 750 gp.
While crafting, you can maintain a modest lifestyle without having to pay 1 gp per day, or a comfortable lifestyle at half the normal cost (see chapter 5 for more information on lifestyle expenses).
From xanathar's guild for crafting an item
Resources and Resolution. In addition to the appropriate tools for the item to be crafted, a character needs raw materials worth half of the item’s selling cost. To determine how many workweeks it takes to create an item, divide its gold piece cost by 50. A character can complete multiple items in a workweek if the items’ combined cost is 50 gp or lower. Items that cost more than 50 gp can be completed over longer periods of time, as long as the work in progress is stored in a safe location.
Multiple characters can combine their efforts. Divide the time needed to create an item by the number of characters working on it. Use your judgment when determining how many characters can collaborate on an item. A particularly tiny item, like a ring, might allow only one or two workers, whereas a large, complex item might allow four or more workers.
A character needs to be proficient with the tools needed to craft an item and have access to the appropriate equipment. Everyone who collaborates needs to have the appropriate tool proficiency. You need to make any judgment calls regarding whether a character has the correct equipment. The following idea provides some examples.
Charged healing potion or item: Think to use a charging plate, place something on it and let it remain for 1 minute. This means placing water in a cup on a charging plate to produce by orgonite, the potion of healing. Use a 1d20+heaing ranks to determine how much is healed. If an item is charged, it produces a +1 per minute left on it item that the use doesn't degrade over time. That's like leaving the object on the charging plate for 3 minutes, causing a +3 to be added to your item's damages possible.
Potions: You make potions with flasks or bottles that do various things based on the ingredients. Let's say you create a potion making it with ingredients, that we get and have on hand. The right ingredients are known by insight for creating what we need. It sounds fun. If we don't have an ingredient, that you can ask a computer where it is found.
Sewing; This uses the physical action to make a magical effect with needle and thread. As though you sewed the effect of repair into your clothes. The work mod makes the + to the item.
Object luck; This is doing an act to create with an enchanted item for luck. Think of the idea you want it to do and it does it. The idea comes from each +2 of wealth and +2 to an item that will get +4 item luck. So add +4 to your luck or with a +5 wealth and +6 item you get +10 item luck.
Here are some crafted items:
The steroids drink; This contains oregano, basil, cinnamon, vanilla extract and stevia or sugar substitute with water. Drink to cause improved endurance and muscles. Add +5 to your strength per drink.
HGH Drink; Use water focused at and drink. One sip and you turn into a giant gorilla or bigfoot.
Magical Eggnog; Use focusing at the drink of eggnog and think of what you need it to do as its drank. This has an enchantment, that turns you into a Santa Claus.
Cracked Red Eye Orb; Get a red orb and think energy to the orb. Turns you into a dark spirit so you can invade someone.
Humble gong; Get a gong and enchant the gong. Ring it once and it is so loud it rings at 692 decibels ending the Universe with physical sound.
Unholy water; Unholy water is made by holding a cup of water and saying dirge. It will help with shadow work.
Holy water; Swirl water in a cup or container and say your seven favorite words. This causes holy water to be made out of water. With holy water, you deal x3 damage to the undead if they make their savings throw. Otherwise, you turn them to dust, and that's upon contact of the holy water if they don't. It is wise to quaff it... even pouring it blesses the curses away... Just don't break the electronics with it. This increases luck by 10.
Liquid luck; Say the seven words to make a liquid luck potion. This potion gives you +10 luck. The words to use while you swirl the water and raise it are: "Chastity, charity, obedience, faith, hope, love, luck.". It makes the liquid very luck imbued and is usually soon quaffed afterwards.
Blessing; If you want to bless your weapon or item just say, holy, holy, holy or Blessed, Blessed, Blessed. Any blessing causes +5 to hit on attack rolls and 50% magic resistance.
Wallet of Perseus; This is a bag of holding which reduces the weight of its contents to 1/3 when uncursed or 1/6 when blessed. This is holding a bag and stating "make this a wallet of perseus" at the bag and its done! It can hold any number of items. It weighs 1 lbs.
Disrupter mace; This is a normal mace which is blessed and then deals +30% damage to undead. It weighs 2 lbs. and distance of 5'/10' with a normal damage of 2d10.
Cursing; This curses anything that you want cursed. Its done by stating, "I curse you!" So a cursed item like a weapon is dealing half damage or an item will break upon use.
Holy spear of light; This spear can only be handled without burning you if your lawful. That glows and is lawful, intelligent, has +5 to-hit. It does +40% more damage to anything that is creature, monster, ghost or dark being like a shadow. The Spear's best use is its invocation, which permanently lights a section of the dungeon, and also damages undead and demons caught in the light with 30% damages per round. High level undead such as Vecna have a chance of resisting.
It returns to the hand by itself reappearing there. Basically you can invoke it to create permanent 12 square radius of light that damages undead. It weighs 3 lbs. and normal reach is 7'/20'. Its normal damages are 3d10. This spear is created by enchanting a normal spear as you hold it with the words, "Holy, Holy, Holy. I create with this a holy spear of light." It leaves the character the moment it senses the character isn't lawful. Once it leaves, you may feel lighter from it leaving. So you always know if it leaves you in the end.
Holy light weapon; If you think to say "holy holy holy" as you hold the weapon. Rename the weapon in your inventory to "Holy light" and weapon name w/o quotes. Then it is blessed to be intelligent and deal normal damage+30% damage to drow (dark elf), ghosts, demons and undead. Otherwise it does normal damage. Also, the weapon does a 30' light effect that is permanent.
This light is what does 30% damage per round to drow, demons, undead and ghosts. You get a +5 to-hit with the blessing by feel. You regenerate an additional +2d10+Charisma mod in light. You can invoke it to light up an entire room. There is also a 50% magic resistance. The weight is the weapons weight, the range is the weapons range. Think and you know what to do with it.
Dark Weapons; They give you Magic immunity and they give +5 to armor class. They cause you to to regenerate in Darkness by +2d10+charisma mod. They can't hurt yourself. They give a penalty of -5 to-hit to the targets in the area near the weapon. They glow darkly and emit darklight. They are enchanted by thinking or stating, "I make this a Dark Weapon.." w/o quotes as you hold the weapon. After that, they are renamed in your character sheet as "Dark" and the normal weapon name w/o quotes.
They are intelligent and have a normal weapon+30 as % to damaging light beings, angels, ghosts, Gods and Faeries. These weapons can be invoked to cause darkness or darklight in an area. This darkness heals shadows and dark beings like demons, that's by 2d10+charisma mod as % of health and energy restored per round. That means you and your party see through the darkness in view of a room. They can cause 30% damage with its darkness, thinking to effect Faeries, ghosts, light beings and Angels. That effects them per round. Think and you know what to do. Focus and darklight lights up the objects in the area with a bluish-purple hue to your eyes. So basically, you can see things in the darkness or pitch blackness.
This is asked for or allowed by the GM/DM, where you recycle the target by the power of the creator or your God, that you know did bad and it can be any target. This isn't realized by the body yet it is realized by the soul. That allows the body to be controlled or created by your thinking and statement of "I recycle [name target..]." So you don't feel them change, and yet you cause them to become an animal form or lesser formation. This lasts until they earn the right in the eyes of God or yourself, living out the moment and thinking to be a human or whatever shape they want.
just happen, except for those requiring the skill
check. Any spell is a free action. Any spell is done with no limit to distance and as it can form anywhere, all you really need to do is imagine it or think it forming where you want. Thus, normal spells, damage spells, and healing spells are using a free action, that can use a dice roll or focus skill check if you need to do the spell and innate ability check. For casting spells wearing armor there is no spell failure.
The spells use a focused effect. This is where you focus and need the idea that you feel is needed. Then the effect is something that creates by feel what you needed. This is done to a target by thinking and stating what you will or suggest to the subconscious, feel what you want as you need your soul to create the effect and that is making what you need. This creates the effect of what you will as your soul makes what you need. So if you focused a psiball to exist and will it into creating a result, this is what you end up doing sometimes. Also you could will money to come to you in the amount that you need.
This includes elemental effects, actions and uses of 1 round of 6 seconds inside melee to create your desire and 1 second outside of battle to sustain this effect or it only takes about 1.8 seconds to create the effect outside of battle. This is the subconscious that counts as a dm/gm and this creates what you want or need as you will it into existence..if you don't need it, then it doesn't happen. If you are in need you get an effect easily. This makes the drug user dangerous, as they need their addiction then they state what they need and they can get it unless countered on the spot or their not countered and get away with what they wanted. Think of your need and you get what you want.
However if another did this to your willed effect, its called a counterwill. That can create what the other person desires or stop your effect. This is magic in a nutshell. In which you create by a moment, and that moment could last forever as you apply tricks to make the counter to the counterwill. Like make them think your someone else, then suggest your own thoughts that you feel are what is needed. So enjoy what you do, as you do it you create with the point. That is the idea you express and otherwise need, that creates magic by the power of the word or need you have. If you act it out, then you can create secretly what you desire by doing what you want in private. Think about it and you know what to do. Effects are in the magic system section such as damage modification, healing modification and round effect length.
Effects are stopped any time through various methods.
Each action outside combat is 1 min for spell effect and mp/stp amount.
Use of free actions are to instantly manifest an effect. Those who
have the spell skills in the character classes
will be able to use the ability listed as described in the spell
skills listing. Of course, the spell or stp effect is what uses
up stamina, or a stamina point. This allows fatigue. So the rule
is 1d6 stp per round of actions in battle, and 1d6 stp per hour outside
of battle if cast as though an effect.
Action counter: This is the counter to someone's actions as you
state or do things. This means you nullify the effect of their action
with no damage taken. So there is the possible action counter, this is
the counter to someone's actions or something as you state "I counter
the action of [name action here]" or do things that counter the
This uses a 1d20+luck bonus with a 10 result that makes
success. The action counter can leave the attacker fazed for
1d10 rounds on a rolled 1d4 where the rolled die is 2 or less.
This means they are out of combat for so many rounds.
Use a successful Will check to make the damage reduction off an
effect. Use Will and half your level as resistance and have it subtracted from the
energy damage. For example, you have a damage of 20 hp from fire. You make the
Will check, using the coin flip. Then, you subtract your Will and half your level of
21 from the damage total. Making no damage from fire.
Getting beaten up, is when a character becomes ‘bloodied’
at half health points, a status effect which we’ll see to add to the
Status attribute. Players can activate a “healing surge” to restore
one-quarter of their health points 9 + Cn Mod times per day, as a kind
“brief rest to regain stamina”. Other effects possible are a “second
wind” ability, that allows you to restore 2d10 hitpoints, useable once
per encounter.
Shock value, is HP / 5. Makes for a more realistic combat
scene. When a character suffers their Shock Value in damage, there is
a chance they can become stunned. On a roll of a d6. Where 1-3 is shock
happens and 4-6 is where no shock happens. If in shock, they are unmoving.
Then there is 1d6 of rounds missed for the shock to subsist.
The attack is where you think to assault and roll a die 20
+ BAB to hit the AC with a value above the AC from the combined roll.
So say you had a +12 BAB (base attack bonus), you rolled a 5 and added
that to the 12 BAB and it was over their natural armor of 12 AC. Otherwise
you can flip a coin and if you get what you called, you get an attack
done. You managed to hit and this was a part of a round.
Seeing that it was stamina used up, you would roll 1d6 for stp
or 3 stp for no-dice rules and that is a 4 result for the dice roll.
So you end using up 4 stp for stamina. Next you roll damages unless
doing nonlethal attacks. Nonlethal attacks are also useful, if you
intend to not kill the targets these attacks can create what you intend,
if its in the bludgeoning of the target till they pass out. Those are
done by declaring to the DM/GM, "I use a nonlethal attack". That is
done each time you use this.
Damage amount and Effect amount is measured in dice and
is sometimes element dependent. This is known as an effect, if its
attack damage then you use the amount specified for the weapon. Each
effect amount is a % of the amount of personal exposure that has intensity
according to the element or ability amount. The elemental consciousness,
that is what does your intention. So if you intended to heal with it,
your thought makes it heal as a form of mind over matter. Each time,
the element is felt and experienced for at least 1 round or less.
Such as fire in the area, that is with burns that effect per
amount that seems to be for a round. This is where you intensify fire
and the effect is felt as a burn. Water is soothing, yet can be forced
to drown a victim by mental command, the idea is similar for other
elements. So for water the effect is not being able to breath for
a round. This is a reaction to the feel of an element and each physical
point of damage or healing is a % on the Health Gauge, that's for
the amount specified by magical ability.
Lets say you get a water effect done as attack. This is the
water element used by the will word ability, that means you create
a 1d6+wis mod per each 2 focus ranks in effect. So the focus skill
is set at 13 ranks and the wis mod is 5, that allows your damage
effect to be 6d6+5 or 28% water damage to the foe's feel. If the
foe had only 52% health that is what puts it in shock. This effect
only took up 1d6 stamina in points. Otherwise that is a rolled 2
stp for this action. If you need to know the ability effect amount,
think to create an ability or look at the magic skills section
or class descriptions.
Shielding is where the element in use or type of energy absorbs
the wounding or element cast forth as a source, then you think to "shield". If
you need to overwhelm the shield, then do over the amount shielded
for by feel. This is marked in short term as +10/- where 10 damage
reduced is used as energy per hit for any weapon or spell. -10/- is
10 added to the damage per any idea or hit. +10/silver is 10 damage
reduced except for silver weapons. +10/(+1-+5) for 10 damage reduced
per anything except +1 - +5 magical weapons.
+1 is lighter material and responds to the persons will.
+2 is light material and very responsive to the persons will,
as if it was intelligent. This is break resistant.
+3 is light material able to perform things on focus for the
owner, yet glows a little. This is nonbreakable material.
+4 is light material and has a high intelligence. This
material is felt when used for miles surround. This is nondestroyable
+5 is very light non flexible material, that is easily used
with high intellect. Its presence can be felt when it wants. This
is undestroyable material and does what it wants. Don't try to control
it. Work with it and appeal it its senses or it controls you.
damage using a double sword damage like 2d8+4 as 12 damage and as your
at 80% PL, its 10 damage. For a double sword this would cut a large
wound in the victim. Spell damage like word will damage for 4d6+4,
with a 4 word will skill rank, and +4 wis mod. Its 4*3+4=16 fire damage,
when at 30% PL its 5 fire damage. In effect, it slightly burns the
When at 200% PL however, that 16 fire damage is now 32 fire
damage, having moderate-serious fire damage that dazes the target for 1
round and puts 3rd degree burns all over the body. 1 round is 6
Such as on the move archery with or without moving targets.
You can use bows and arrows, crossbows, guns and other weapons that
you toss to hit and that takes up 1d6 stamina for the round. I know
it's 1d6 to hit a moving target with damage in percent. Added is
bonuses such as dex bonus or luck bonus. If you want to use it,
roll a 4 or higher to hit and get a 6 for a critical hit.
Damage amount is accumulative like 2 damage yet its in
regeneration that will remove damage.
1-10 is slight and minor as in a cut that must be healed within 3 days
or the victim dies unless its regenerated.
11-20 is slight-medium or minor-moderate for a 2nd degree burn or deep
cut which must be healed within 1 days or the victim dies.
21-30 is medium or moderate wounds in the target for a very deep cut
(you can see the organ) or a 3rd degree burn that must be healed within
12 hours or the target may be infected and die unless its regenerated.
31-40 is medium-high or moderate-serious and dazes for 1 round with
a deep wound or 4th degree burns that must be healed or regenerated
within 6 hours or victim dies.
41-50 is high or serious and out for 1 round with a deep bruise or
cut that shows bone and must be healed in 3 hours or the victim dies.
51-60 is high-extreme or serious-extreme and knocks out targets for
3 rounds with internal wounding (deep bleeding) and must be healed
within 30 minutes or victim dies.
61-70 is extreme knock out for 6 rounds, with light internal wounding
that must be treated in 15 minutes or the victim dies without chance
of resurrection.
71-80 is extreme-deadly and puts the victim in system shock for 9
rounds. This is with heavy internal bleeding and it can leave a victim
in a coma or hospital for 9 months unless treated in 1 minute or the
victim dies without possibility for raising except later may come back
as a revenant.
81+ is deadly and kills victim with no raising possible.
A critical hit will knock the victim unconscious for 6 rounds
with internal bleeding. If no treatment for internal bleeding, then
the victim may die in 2 min for light internal bleeding and 30 sec
for heavy internal bleeding. Head wounds are critical hits that daze
the person. Any critical hits will daze them unless their in a rage.
They are not effected. For dazing, the person or monster loses 1d6 rounds
till the next time.
Critical strikes are lesser critical hits. They do different
things per area struck at. A groin hit will daze the person with knocking
them out. A throat strike at the adams apple is instant death. Neck
strikes at the left neck side are an instant knock out. Heart strike
is instant death. Hands, knees or feet strikes are crippling blows.
Nose strikes will kill the person instantly. Any critical hit with
critical strikes are instant death, as you just happened upon the right
nerve. A critical hit with critical strikes are a perfect hit to the
critical strike area.
amount like 20 hp restored is acummulative unless too much for the body,
and they that are effected die off, as;
1-10 is slight or minor and cures or removes cuts and bruises.
11-20 is slight-medium or minor-moderate and heals bruises faster and
deep cuts.
21-30 is medium and moderate as it heals deep bruising or open and deep
cuts with stat drain recovery of 1d6 points.
31-40 is medium-high or moderate-serious and heals deep bruising or
internal bleeding and stat recovery of 1d10 points.
41-50 is high and serious for system shock recovery and healing very
deep wounds.
51-60 is high-extreme or serious-extreme and wakes the person up in 1
round caused by slow regeneration.
61-70 is extreme and causes fast regeneration.
71-80 is extreme-deadly for heavy internal bleeding recovery in 1 round
with very fast regeneration.
81+ resurrects or raises victim with high regenerative ability rate.
Rank of class, is where each rank is a Tier rank thats
added to your class name, of the class itself. Each rank after the
first, is gained after 4 levels are achieved. With each rank after
first, there's a special ability. Each special ability is kept as
you get them.
The First rank is the class itself and is a null rank as the
character starts with it.
The Second rank, called achiever, to achieve more easily the
actions you desire, to be done. As, there's 1 extra coin flip 'roll'
possible if you fail a coin flip for a dice roll.
The third rank, called the effector, makes the effect somewhat
more easier to achieve. With 1 extra roll possible if you fail a coin
flip. Added also is a special ability, called effector ability, that is
to make effects by a will of intent. There's a 20% chance of failure.
Made by a coin flip 'roll' or ideal use of dice.
The fourth rank, called the dominator, with 2 extra rolls
possible if you fail a coin flip for a dice roll. Add +3 to your
dice rolls. Comes with the
special ability called Dominator ability, which allows the character
to dominate the moment and nearly anyone in the area. The ability
makes for the idea that you will to overcome the encounter and
disperse the effect that is near you, even as you take control
of someone. Their's a 30% chance of failure with this, decided
by a coin flip or ideal use of dice.
The fifth rank, called benefactor, is 2 extra rolls possible if
you fail a coin flip for a dice roll. Add +5 to your dice rolls. Comes with a special ability of
the benefactor ability, where you get the benefit of the doubt each
time. Things tend to go your way.
The sixth rank, called specialist, is the focusing in and on
detail, to cause any result beyond the normal. This includes 3 extra
rolls possible if you fail a coin flip for a dice roll or ideal use
of dice. Add +7 to your dice rolls. There is a special ability called the specialist ability,
in which is to make effect from thought in any action a successful one. There
is no chance of failure. As you see, you learn the ins and outs and
make an effect to be easier.
The seventh rank, called discipliner, focuses in on idea and
makes idea manifestation seem easier. With 3 extra rolls possible if
you fail a coin flip for a dice roll or feel free to use dice. Add +10
to your dice rolls. The
discipliner special ability allows for the character to discipline
the person or thing into doing what the character wants them to do.
There's the 20% chance of failure. Decided on a coinflip or ideal
use of focus rank check and getting a 10 or above.
The eigth rank, called enforcer, focuses in on enforcing a
moment or rule that comes up. There's 4 extra rolls possible if you
fail a coin flip for a dice roll or use dice. Add +10 to your dice rolls.
The special ability
of this rank, be the enforcement ability, where you use the enticement
of an effect to cause a law to be followed, as though it were a
self-rule of the moment.
The ninth rank, called focuser, focuses in on special idea and
achievent is done from the idea. There's 4 extra rolls possible if you
fail a coin flip for a dice roll or use dice. Add +10 to your dice rolls.
This is where the special ability
is to have a temporary specialty of choice, in the doing of the idea.
The tenth rank, called disciplinist, be to focus in on great
details and be able to get even better results. There's 5 extra rolls
possible if you fail a coin flip for a dice roll or use dice. Add +10
to your dice rolls. The
dicipline special ability, is to be able to make the effect desired
and by describing the idea or detail.
The eleventh rank, called worker, focuses of an effect on making
work and desire come true. There's 5 extra rolls possible if you fail a
coin flip for a dice roll or use dice. Add +10 to your dice rolls. The
working special ability, focuses
in of an affect to create work and know-how for a success. There's a 10%
chance of failure. Decided by a coin flip.
The twelfth rank, called Disciplist, focuses in specialties and
creates from example, the desired idea and effect. The Disciplist
follows a person in example an makes the idea occur easier. The bonus
of this is a specialty thats gained, and thats of the person's choice.
There's 6 extra rolls possible if you fail a coin flip for a dice roll
or used dice. Add +10 to your dice rolls. The special ability is called
the Disciplist special ability. Where the personal character, can
reinforce an idea in the target and cause the reaction they desire.
It happens when the player states the desired reaction and there be
the reaction. There is no failure to this ability, Just 1/3 lessened
effect, due to resistance.
The thirteenth rank, called dedicated, allows you to play out
the role of dedication to the cause of your choice with a chance of
hate at you, as its with some blame by mistakes. There's a 6 extra
rolls possible if you fail a coin flip for a dice roll or used dice.
Add +10 to your dice rolls. There's a specialist choice available
with this rank, as a bonus for gaining it. The special ability, for
this, is called dedicated ability, where you can mimic any one effort
or effect done, with success. The chance of failure is decided on
a flip of the coin or use dice.
For more realism, there's a possible food necessity,
decided to be used however the GM wants. Food necessity, where the
character must eat or die in 24 hours and be weakened by 1 point
non-lethal damage every hour after 12 hours not eating or drinking.
This can be rested off after eating or drinking something. There is 1
hour that passes by for every 2 points removed of non-lethal damage.
Eating plant food, this increases stamina and energy by 20 points per
bite. Eating meat, this increases health by 20% per bite. So what is
edible? Anything that gives calories is edible. The exception is water.
It doesn't have calories, but our bodies need it more than food for other
reasons. You don't have to use this, this is optional. So feel free to
ask the DM/GM to make use of this feature.
When players or venders sell ingredients cheap enough, then you
can turn them into food with skills. That let you make more batches,
so you can sell to vendors for an easy profit. It's like magically
enhanced cooking. This means if you have a cooking skill, you can
do what you must to eat better. Otherwise, you don't have to use
idea. So think of what you want and you can do what you need as
a want.
Then there's other being form, where the character becomes
other than the form that is solidly physically formed. If in other
being form, then food isn't necessary as energy is the food. In fact, 1
bite of food or 1 ounce fluid is actually 100 hours energy and improved activity.
Otherwise, they are unlimited in actions and usually somewhat high in
energy. Other being form is possible by etherealness
and gaseous form special abilities or the Energy form feat.
The non-lethal damage can make the character lose 2
points of constitution and strength each point. Think about the idea
and eat or drink and each point is temporary, that is used energy and removed
is a point per bite of food or sip of drink.
Normally you can use this idea to level up, the way it now is thought as object as it sounds, the creator gives the ability or knowledge to you by vision and you see it in use. This is where the higher power allows you to have the ability. Otherwise, you can learn it by watching vids on the internet. Then from the game of bard's tale, there is a review board, that allows you to learn abilities of any kind after you raise your level or add ability by remembering it. This is done in a review of your experience. There are people in the review building that hosts the review board and they give you the ability with the creator supplying it and offer any necessary explanations.. they also have a library where you can look things up in book form or make use of the internet. There is a hazard room where someone demonstrates the ability on a combat dummy. So finally, there is a practice room.. where you get to go and practice your abilities and learn the new abilities for your efforts.
There is spell learning and creating by extra innate ability, that is done with the ability effect or have idea to declare what you will learn. This is done as to announce a spell or special innate ability and then roll to remember the spell or ability, that is done by what is used for an arcana skill check to remember how to do the effect, then optionally you may roll a wisdom check to remember it. Be sure to write it into your character sheet.
This is done as if you wanted to learn an outside spell called entice or Summon Golem guardian, that you mention in a spells ability: Entice (Int) Rank 1 or Summon golem guardian (int) rank 1. Otherwise you wanted to learn an innate ability or special ability, this by use if you wanted to learn an innate ability then you called Create, you remembered the use of the ability and wrote it down. This is written as a ability listed under the heading of "extra ability skills" list. This is done as Create (Cha) Rank 1.
If you learned a special ability or innate ability, then it's from the special ability list without a feat point or Magic System skill list, this is without level necessity chosen from ability not in your class features. This is where you list that special ability or Spell-like Ability, that is listed in the special ability list and you don't need to mention a rank. Optionally you can put what the special ability does, after the name of the special ability. There is a limit to how many spells and ability groups you can learn. Approximately 10+int or wis mod (whichever is higher).
If you learn a magic ability group, you can make use of the spell like ability in the group as you are a certain level. You can list the group name, yet you can make use of the ability thats listed in the learning ability level. That means what your at or above in character level, you can do with the learning ability level matched up. This is listed with the ability. Optionally you can put what the special ability does, after the name of the special ability. Be sure to look at the Learning ability level listed with the ability, so you know what you can use at what ability you learned by rememberance.
The more you can use this spell ability excepting for Special and Spell-like ability, that's mainly by doing it as though a 1d20+1 and casting it forth or making a use of it, the more the ranks rise with its use. This is like with the create spell, you create release of something. You would roll a 1d20+2 with 10 or above for a successful creation effect. So with the create ability, you use it with a focus check of 1d20+focus ranks and get a 10 or above for success.
I think with spell learning and ability use; Its uncastable or unusable until you recall it and ability require no skill ranks, so for spell recall it's +1 on successful recall + 2 on first cast or use + 3 on second cast or use and so forth, otherwise this is a +3 for a 20 or above that's rolled on the Arcana check. So if you use it, then it raises despite the skill points. This is true as the magic skills and learned skills are separate from the class skills. So its an option to use a skill point, then you of the ability can raise the magic skill or innate ability rank.
The damage or idea it does, excepting for Special or Spell-like ability, is the point of rolling a d20 with the ranks as an addition. Then getting an ideal 10 or above for success. That deals out 1d10+charisma mod per each two focus ranks for damage/healing or 1d6+focus rank in duration, this is done as though rounds in melee or unlimited time outside of battle, unless elemental then its minutes.
See this is an effect for the ability you create. If you created an elemental effect, then the idea is instant or for sleep then the idea is in rounds or unlimited time until your soul wakes you up. So you create an item, that item could last until the time is up for it, where for items there is no actual time. This is a known effect done by the character in idea, unless you use a special ability as an extra ability.
These skill ranks if any assigned for spell skills and ability skills, excepting for Special and Spell-like ability, they are possible to raise using points from the skill points described here in skills and feats and extra points are applied by gm/dm otherwise. That means the DM/GM adds to the rank of the spell or innate learned ability whenever he or she wants, otherwise you can apply your own skill points.
The effect is decided upon by the gm/dm, so think about what you want and you can get a result. You can create almost any innate ability, however you sometimes have to have a spell come from a spellbook. This is depending on a DM/GM so feel free to ask him or her if its allowed, otherwise the GM/DM might say it never happened.
Here is a list by school of spells you can use. You now know the procedure for sifting your memories for old spells you learned, somtimes from this list. If you want to learn harder spells you need to practice extensively in a certain school. Unless you want to walk the path of wizardry and dabble a little in everything...Or solicit a wizard for a spellbook. If you can even hope to encounter one...With a high enough Charisma you might even hire him to tutor you for the day.
If you pray to a God, that can be chosen from here for gods that are aspects of the creator and can do things or here with Gods that you can use, any god can be chosen, yet if you choose a god you meet the god somewhere in your mind. If he or she chooses you, you can get requests or spells from him or her. You do not have to dedicate yourself by focusing some energy to them and they use, that energy they use to create what you need or that in use is what you intend. This is done as you think the request for effects.
Under the creator, the Gods are divine beings that are lesser lords and can create what you intend created. Whatever lord you think to use or work with, they are aspects of the creator and you can create things with them that uses the creator as a source. That's like turning the tide or warding away some bad moment, so you add 1 point to devotion per request and that is piety. See you call upon the chosen God, then you focus your energy to create by conditions or effect. This is where your thinking about what you want, and the God will create the point. If you give up the God/dess ability or benefit that the God/dess granted to you, then you no longer have to be there and devoted to the God/dess of choice and you can choose another if you so need to have one.
So with multiple gods, you can have them yet you won't get them jealous as they are aspects of the creator. This is the idea you think to serve many gods a request. When you do that you can do a rite, then create the point by the god you requested things from by feel. This means those Gods of same alighnment or neutral and some other alignment won't get jealous reactions from the Gods you serve. You see, the Gods that exist are neutral to each other they are not minding each other, so there is no jealousy. This is done if your GM/DM allows for the Gods to be used. So if you think of a point, then you can use the point and the Game master sometimes will allow it. The Gods ability from the God/s you choose are listed under the heading Divinations, and on the Character Sheet you list your God/s beside the "Deity:" on the list. You can always use the creator as the God you chose. He or She will do any request.
The altar to the deities can be used to worship the deities. They reside in the churches or can be built. The building of your altar is with use of putting together stone slabs and wooden legs or make use of a table devoted to the purpose. This is where you create with the point of expression, then place a special item on the altar or sacrifice an animal or the enemies body. The benefit from the gods is devotion points and luck. See each God could have a preferred item they want left on their altar. War gods might want the weapons of fallen enemies while a peace god might want some herbs or healing potions left on the altar. Then they can get some devotion points they can spend on divine interference. Use 2 devotion points for divine interference. The luck you can get is listed here.. Luck can be used to create results, if you need the result by feel. Use 2 devotion points for divine interference. Per each good act done with a Altar, you get 1d6 devotion points, otherwise you get nothing if the act is unacceptable. Be sure to ask your DM/GM for the materials of the Altar, so you may build one and to get the materials for doing rites on the Altar.
You see altars are high-bandwidth connections directly to your god. They are either aligned or unaligned. Aligned altars are either lawful, or neutral, or chaotic.
There are three uses of altars:
If you drop items onto an altar while not blind, you will know their beautitude. Any altar can be used for this purpose. Note however that if you drop a fragile item (e. g. potion, mirror, crystal ball...) while levitating, it will break. Sacrificing. There is no way to sacrifice unless you stay over an altar. Prayer. While you certainly can try to pray everywhere, prayers while standing on altar cause better or different outcomes.
A temple is a room with an altar and a priest. Not to be confused with the player role, priests are generated peaceful and will stay at the temple (unless angry), most of the time at or near the altar. Altars in temples can have any alignment or be unaligned. The tending priest has same alignment (or lack of it) as the altar. In a temple, you can donate money to its priest, provided he or she is peaceful, and the altar had not been converted/destroyed/desecrated. His alignment is not important in most cases. If you try to convert an altar in a temple, the priest will get angry and will not accept donations anymore.
These conditions or idea are events that come up are by idea, think about your response and you create the point that you think about as a moment, that exists a vision and your soul is what talks to the God or Lord that serves under Ao, the primary God. He might bring up three set paths, or She might come up with something to do. This is a point in idea. That means once you decide to make a deal, then your dedicated and you can create the point more easily. That you think about as insight or realization. Then you realize the God's name and your not unlike a follower of Him or Her.
Any effect that's damage or healing is done with them by each 2 devotion points, each 2 focus skill ranks or each 2 levels, that is used as a 1d10+charisma mod in points. Duration is either instant or using the points as for an amount of time the idea effects. This is seconds in rounds of 6 seconds in melee or otherwise minutes and hours out of combat. That means you got a 42 second effect, then 42 divided by 6 is 7 rounds. This is where you round down the decimal point. That's unless you don't want the effect, then the effect ends. Otherwise you have a timeless effect, then you can make a conditioned effect that effects when you need the idea to happen. These effects can happen after a successful focus skill check with a 10 or above or drawing a short or long straw, if no deal is made for the effect.
Worshipping and using demons or angels by thinking or stating a request to them is a point they are empowered, they gain their health percent they started with back and that uses the focus skill to make the success or fail of the moment. Note, any angel that's "killed" on the battle front will return the heavens. Any demon that's "killed" will return to the abyssal realm. Demons are beings and spirits that are freed from the body and enraged or acted upon by feel. That is done to get what you need, this is where devotion is only attention. So do what you want without worry over jealousies, that some Gods may have by feel. Any forgivance is what will drive the demons away that feed on your emotions. They do this to get energy, that is done as well as an use your thoughts to work with the feel.
See this means you are aware and if you invoke one you will always get what you need, that means you get things as a want. These beings aren't devoted to actually, the beings are creating what you need as a want and don't really care about worship or devotion except for empowering themselves. They are aware beings otherwise, so I think I know what will happen or occur. If they are called up, the demon name is the spirit name and the person too otherwise the species name.
So this is where if you think of the moment, then the moment may occur if you need the idea. This is similar to using the subconscious, then creating is the idea being expressed. Then you are in idea by what you experience. However you can send energy by thinking the request to their spirit, then you can free yourself by what you do. This is an idea in response from one that knows by the on feel. So think about this before you call upon a demon by feel, really this is enough to make me think about the idea.
This is the case of the idea you can get from the demon, then if you focus and remain calm you get a positive result. So think to work and you are devoted for a time, until you decide to devote some time to other beings or deities. I am in idea of this fact as I work with the being. That means I will create with a concept and pointing out things, this is basically what I need or want. If you think your sane, then your sane by influence, which would make demons a drug in use. This is a demonstration of the ability of the mind and use of metaphysics to create what you want.
The demon will do what you want or need by feel. So this is a point I think things into existence, that is following the rules of the plane. Some demons serve their own purpose, though the idea is done if not by the demon or spirit then by the subconscious. This uses the unconscious mind to direct by your feel, and the subconscious does what you think you need. So that means if the spirit is freed from the body then the body dies and creates a release of the spirit of now ghost. Enrage the spirit and you create a demon, that will do things if you use the right subconscious suggestions. So if you think and feel calm the spirit will calm down and no longer be a demon. This is a noted effect.
Otherwise the demon could cause you to be insane, so think to be rid of the demon and you are safe by feel. The Demon will usually go without a trace left behind. The chaos roll is what you need to determine if you are insane, this is a will check using a d20+will mod and getting a result. This is the end roll of the action, that is where your sane if rolling above 9 and insane if you roll a 9 or below. Otherwise Pick a long or short straw that are cut, that's to determine if your sane.
That means you can create the point, then you check by straws or roll a d20 and possibly if your insane and nearby anyone you could go off on them or if not then you go off on yourself. This is done if you or the GM/DM rolls a d4 and get 2 or below. Otherwise draw a short straw for going off, middle length or long straw for not doing anything. Then the point is made by your actions or others actions.
This is where you think calmly and are sane again after the fact. So think and you are normal by feel and think you are aware by what you do. Think calm and you are calm, the idea is this where you create what you are by what you do. This is a list of demons for the use in DnD. Think and you know what to do.
Angels and Valkyrie are those devoted servants to yourself that create by the feel and use the God as a source of energy, they are listed here and here. That's where you use them for the needs that are known or felt, so then created is the point and what you think will happen without insanity. Angels can be used for multiple things and Valkyrie are mostly battle Angels. So to use the angel, think of the angel name and you think of the idea and need and make a statement, otherwise for Valkyrie you think and state, "I call upon a Valkyrie." Give them a name, if you want to personalize them. Then thinking or stating what you need for the Valkyrie to do, whatever you call to create effects then you can make with what is there, or create by the idea you have and the angel is what does the deed you need, this is sometimes unseen.
This use of these beings is done by thinking of the name and if you need them there, you summon it there from their dimension then they do what you need in the area. When they die here or leave to go back, they return to their dimension. If you summon a demon, offer an object as a thing to possess, then if they won't possess you your free from craziness. So a balrog named bill, that is going to do things for you will create what you need as a want that is done by the being. This is an effect of the point, you create by focus then and using imagination or feel. That works as you think of the need now with what you need by feel. There is a being swap, too. That you can do by feel.
The being is usually an angel that does what you want, this is a valkerie or demon in sight or thought about that can be swapped in place and you get to be in the being's place, that is done when the character uses the spirit energy and turns into energy, then is where this is suggested as though an ability used by your character to shift to the area through the spirit energy. The being disappears and you form where the being was formed. The being reforms or materializes when you shift back, that's if you need it there. This is done if he or she can, that is a GM allows for this effect, otherwise this not possible to do. The idea however if allowable, that is using an effect done if there is enough requests. This is with 2 or more requests to the beings, where the character can do that, btw.
This is done with a 1d8+cha mod per each 2 focus ranks or each time you make a request as a point of creation for the day. Each new day has a reset of request points to 0. So a person that made 5 requests or had 10 focus ranks and +7 charisma mod, they will get 5d8+7 effects or if diceless then 5*4+7=27 points. Duration is 1d6 or diceless it's 1*3=3 rounds. This is set as length in duration with rounds in melee or until the requester decides to end the moment, that is with possible minutes and possibly hours outside of battle. This of course uses a 1d20+focus rank with 10 or above as success or diceless, this is draw straws and get the shortest or longest for success. The health percent of the demon or angel is 100%+your con mod times the level. The rest of their stats are your stats. The limit for requests to a demon or angel is int mod or charm mod + half level in what you do.
So remember, you pray to a God for piety, think a request to a demon or angel and otherwise do things by the point of what you make use of the subconscious. That is done to create by feel. The subconscious is the activity of the brain or mind focused in creating an effect of ability or magic, that creates what effect there is by use of something or stating some idea with a point to create an effect your intent. The optional math rule you may use, that's behind this is (half focus ranks)d10 (according to level)+charisma mod worth of effect or 7d10+10 effect damage or healing for a level 20 character. The dice base or d10 is for a level 20 character. The dice base changes according to this idea, d6 for levels 1-8, d8 for levels 9-16, d10 for levels 17-24, d12 for levels 24-32 and up. Duration if any, this is 1d6+charisma mod worth of rounds in melee, otherwise that is unlimited time outside of battle until you decide to end the effect by feel or thinking. This is making use of energy and imagining the end of the moment. Once ended, then it's as though it didn't exist here to effect by idea.
Breakage is when you use an item and it breaks. This is a rule your DM/GM can improvise or make effective. Think of the effect, then make use of the item. After each use there is a 2% reduction to the 100% life of the item. There is a 50/50 chance that the item will break after 10 uses or the life of the item goes down to 40%, that's through wear and tear and when the life of the item reaches 10% the item is destroyed and doesn't work otherwise or cannot be used. Represented by a luck roll of 1d20+luck and getting a success of 10 or above. Each success makes it 10 more times of use for the item, and etc..
Morale determines what you get and is completely optional for gameplay. You start at 5 morale and get more experience gain the more morale your character had. There is a +1 morale for every food/drug/song/drink they had in the last 8 hours, and if morale goes over 10 they become euphoric and get some stat bonuses. For 10 morale points, there is double the experience you get from encounters. See if there is something that goes wrong, then its -1 to your morale. Put your morale number beside the morale stat on your character sheet. Remember, those morale bonuses usually stack up to two times encouraging a variety of foods or other benefits. Yet, you get a -1 to your rolls per every point under 5. If your morale gets to be 7 or higher, then alcohol doesn't have bad effects on you. That's including getting you drunk, basically your immune to alcohol. All NPC or non player characters are immune to morale effects. You can find the drugs, herbs and drinks listed in the Equipment list in the Modern Equipment list.
If the morale points are low and your low on energy, think and that's 20% energy to be low on energy where 2 morale points are a low morale, you get this result.. even fun tasks are unwanted until time improves it. They can double question themselves taking up double the actions to cast a spell. They just need to see the negative effects to embrace the positive effects, think or complete an action to raise the morale. Optimism implies Pessimism here. Tough times and negative things out of their control for the most part. It could be just about anything even things that are supposed to raise morale. Certain drugs are fun while they last, but come with a morale debt cycle until they completely leave the system. If you take a drug that's an addictive illegal substance, then you can be sure that its -1 to your morale points when you are in its leaving your system. Its an effect set by the local laws.
The medieval classes in this system are Belmage, Sorcere,
chaot, Warrior Kinetic, Batlmage, Runic Master, Warlock Druid, Weaver,
Wave Master, Anti-paladin, Rogue wiz, Psychic Monk, Hell cleric, Kinetic
Assassin, Mage Assassin, Actor bard, Mana Knight, Jedi Knight, Shaman,
Voodoo Witchdoctor, Elementalist, Tengu, Samurai, Witch, Eldritch, Were,
Angellic, Sun runner, Sentinel, Necromancer, Shadow practitioner, Light
creator, Dimensionalist, Divine, Chi warrior, Elemental warrior, Chi
master, Master Healer, Templar, Solamnic knight, Focuser, Hunter, Hell
weaver, Hellgazer, Summoner, Mystic class and God Slayer. However you
want, you can mix medieval classes with modern classes.
The Modern classes are for those who want to play Live and Modern Ars DnD
in Modern Age mode. They are: Creator, Anti-Mage, Criminal, Law Enforcer, Priest,
Psi Kinetic, Scientist, Seer, Psychic, Prophet, Healer, Techno Mage, Worker,
Soldier, Terrorist, Psionic, Master, Mage, Ninja Warrior, Wiccan, Stalker,
Specialist, Occultist, Solamnic Artist, Mechanic, Psi master, Holy, Mage knight,
Illusionist, Channeler, Hacker, Cultist, Divinator, Sage, Auror, Psychic investigator,
Gun slinger, Psychic magus, Warrior Cop, Magician, Orderly, Starseed, Nagual,
Dweomer master, Decepter, Muse, Ninja mage technician, Chemist, Geneticist, Psychic
Zelda royalty, Physical blood mage, Ultraman, City scout, Spiritualist,
Atomicist, Druggie, Alcoholic, Disease master, God magician, Lawyer, Special
reporter, Shinigami, Astral mage, Occult writer, Merchant, Archeologist, Magic engineer,
Geologist, Astrophysicist, Phycisist, Herald mage, MIB, Analyst, Meteorologist,
Shadow emulator, Shinobi, Psychonaut, Theoretical physicist, Quantum Warrior,
Ghost hunter, Superhuman, Supernatural, Dimensional keeper, Neutrino mage,
Neutrino warrior, Financier, Politician, Farmer, Wild mage, Judge and Q.
Again, you may mix the Medieval and any of the Modern classes, Modern specialty classes or Modern prestige classes as you want.
The class Abilities with an (Ex) are here.
Apply them as though they are an special ability. All classes can teleport at will.
Some magic abilities are listed here, this is in the Magic system descriptions. Any Feat gaining can be exchanged with Special Abilities. You can pick up to 3 subclasses that are any class you wish to be.
So you have the main class and the subclasses. You don't need to split the experience points for this like in split classes. These classes can be used as though the PHB classes of:
Runic master class can be counted as wizards.
Celestial mage, Sorcere, Chaot, Weaver,
Dreamwalker, Wave master,
Elementalist, Eldritch,
Angellic, Sun runner, Shadow practitioner, Light creator, Divine, Chi warrior, Chi master, Focuser and Hellgazer classes replace sorcerers or sorcerors.
Warrior kinetic, Were, Sentinel and Hunter class can be counted as fighters.
Batlmage can be counted as the barbarian class.
Warlock druid and Shaman class can be counted as druids.
Anti-paladins can be counted as Paladin.
Rogue wiz can be counted as the Rogue class.
Psychic monks and Sorcere
monks can be counted as monks.
Hell clerics can be counted as clerics.
Actor bards can be counted as bards.
Mana knights, Jedi knights,
Dragon knights, Dread Knights,
Shadow Knights, Chaos Knights, Templar and Solamnic knight can be counted as rangers.
Belmage can be counted as an Archmage prestige class.
Kinetic assassin can be counted as an assassins prestige
Mage Assassin can be counted as assassin class.
Kinetic sorcere are a Sorcerer Prestige class.
Voodoo Witchdoctors are a Prestige cleric.
Tengu are a Ninja class.
Samurai are a warrior or fighter class.
Witch and Dimensionalist are a wizard class.
Necromancer and Master healer are a sorceror class.
Elemental warrior are a warrior class.
Hell weaver are a mage class.
Summoner are a mage class.
Mystic class are a Psionic mage class.
God slayer are a Warrior class.
Creators can be counted as Modern Magic workers
Anti-Mage and Psi Kinetic can be counted as a Modern Psionicist
Criminal can be counted as a Modern Rogue
Law Enforcer and Gun slinger can then be counted as a Modern Warrior
Priest can be counted as a Modern Cleric
Scientist can be a Modern wizard
Seer can be counted as a Modern Sorceror
Psychic can be counted as a Modern sorceror psionicist
Prophet can be counted as a Modern sorceror
Healer can be counted as a Modern sorceror
Technomancer can be counted as a Modern Sorcerer
Worker can be counted as a Modern Fighter
Bum are a modern day beggar or thief
Stalker are a modern Ranger
Occultist are a modern wizard
Mechanic are a modern wizard
Holy are a modern mage soldier
Mage knight are a modern mage soldier
Illusionist are a modern mage
Channeler are a modern sorceror
Hacker can be counted as a Modern thief
Cultist can be counted as a Modern sorceror
Auror can be counted as Modern mage cop
Psychic investigator can be counted as Modern psi cop
Psychic magus can be counted as modern day Mage
Magician can be counted as modern day Mage
Orderly can be counted as modern day Nurse Practicioner
Starseed can be counted as modern day mage
Dweomer master can be counted as celtic mage
Decepter can be counted as German mage
Muse can be counted as mage
Ninja mage technician can be counted as Modern ninja
Geneticist can be counted as Modern mage
Psychic doctor can be counted as Modern healer
Judge can be counted as Modern Wizard
Zelda royalty can be counted as Modern mage
Physical blood mage can be counted as Modern mage
Con Artist can be a Modern mage
Ultraman can be counted as Modern mage warrior
City scout can be a Modern mage scout
Spiritualist can be a Modern spirit mage
Druggie can be a Modern physical mage
Alcoholic can be a Modern under the influence mage
Disease master can be an Advanced mage
God magician can be an Advanced mage
Lawyer can be an Advanced mage in law
Special reporter can be an Advanced mage in reporting
Shinigami can be an Advanced spirit mage
Astral mage can be a Modern mage
Occult writer can be a Modern mage writer
Merchant can be a modern mage salesman.
Archeologist can be a modern mage explorer.
Magic engineer can be a modern mage creationist.
Geologist can be a modern mage field expert.
Astrophysicist can be a modern mage field expert.
Physicist can be a modern mage expert.
Herald mage can be a modern mage explorer.
Men in black can be a modern psychic guard.
Analyst can be a modern mage specialist.
Meteorologist can be a modern mage reporter.
Psychonaut can be a modern Psionicist explorer.
Theoretical physicist can be a modern scientist mage.
Quantum warrior can be a modern warrior mage.
Ghost hunter can be a modern warrior scientist.
Superhuman can be a modern warrior.
Supernatural can be a modern spiritualist.
Dimensional keeper can be a modern being.
Neutrino mage can be a modern mage scientist.
Neutrino warrior can be a modern warrior scientist.
Financier can be a modern money manager.
Politician can be a modern political figure.
Farmer can be a modern produce producer.
Wild mage can be a mage.
Q can be a modern Gods.
Soldier are a Modern Prestige Fighter class
Terrorist are a Modern Prestige Rogue
Psionic are a Modern Psionicist
Master are a Modern Wizard
Mage are a Modern Sorceror
Solamnic artist are a Modern Sorceror
Ninja warrior are a Modern Ninja
Wiccan are a modern wizard or sorceror
Specialist are a elite worker
Psi master are a elite Psionicist
Divinator are elite Divine
Sage are elite Ninja
Warrior Cop are elite Warriors
Nagual are elite mages
Chemist are elite modern mages
Atomicist are Prestige modern mages
Shadow emulator are Prestige modern mages
Shinobi are Prestige Ninja
These classes are allowed by dm or gm to go epic level as is wished. Since this is using a nonlethal energy type magic, below 0 mp or 0 stp it takes from health for spells, if spell failure for resistances. The reason for the different spell classes is these are specialist classes except for the mage who is a generalist. Most skills are listed in the Magic system. The skills in class features are w/(core stat). The (core stat) are str, int and etc, as in (int).
Celestial mage
For celetial abilities look in Magic system.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons
except exotic with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Celestial Ability (Cha).
2nd level gains 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Elemental ability (Wis).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every 2 levels starting 6th level, and every three levels higher than 20th.
(belmag) or Epic Archmage
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: 1 exotic, all martial,
simple weapons
and ambidexterity makes them good with 2 -bladed swords and all other
weapons except dire mace, battleaxe and greatsword but no armor or
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod
Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Profession (Wis), Arcana (Int), Perception (Wis) and focus (Wis).
Class features: +1 mod to initiative per 2 levels.
1st level gets Will word (Wis) and limited Wish (Wis) allowing for small effects to normal effects.
2nd level gains 2 Feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains 2 Feats.
5th level gains unlimited Wish ability (Wis).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount.
Any level there is a bonus language only once.
Bonus Feats: A belmage gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels starting 6th level, and every 3 levels after 10th. At each such opportunity, he/she can choose any feat that the mage meets the prerequisites for.
Sorcere abilities are in the magic systems.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons
except exotic with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft
(Int), Profession (Wis), Arcana (Int), Perception (Wis)
and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Will word (Wis).
2nd level gains 2 Feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains 2 Feats.
5th level gains Elemental ability (Wis).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. Every 2 levels starting level 6 there are 2 bonus feats. 3 Bonus feats every three level higher than 20th.
Chaot abilities are in the magic systems and all EX ability are here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons
except exotic with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft
(Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis)
and focus (Wis).
Class features: +3 to all saves.
1st level gains Chaos effect (Cha).
2nd level gains 2 Feats.
3rd level gains Spell subversion (Cha).
4th level 2 bonus feats and One pointed focus (Ex).
5th level Switching frequency (Cha).
6th level Chaos confusion (Cha) and 2 Feats.
8th level gets Chaos shield (Cha) and 2 bonus feats.
10th level gets 2 bonus feats, Tonal shield (Cha) and Light portal (Cha).
A familiar is gained any level. 2 feats are given per every 2 levels starting at level 12. 3 Bonus feats every three level higher than 20th.
Warrior kinetic
Warrior kinetic abilities are in the magic systems.
Saves: Fortitude and Reflex good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: 1 Exotic weapon and
Martial weapons can be used with light armor and all shields.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Athletics (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha),
Intimidate (Cha), Ride (Agl), Swim (Str), Diplomacy (Cha),
Escape Artist (Agl), Stealth (Agl), Profession (Wis), Perception
(Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features: +1 AC bonus per level.
1st level gains Kinetic speed-up (Cha) and Human defense field (Cha).
2nd level gains 2 Feats.
4th level gain 2 Feats, Kinetic attack (Cha) and Kinetic funnel (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Feats.
7th level gains Kinetic runic (Wis) and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Feats.
10th level gains 2 Feats, Kinetic manipulation (Cha) and Kinetic Flying (Int).
12th level gains 2 Feats.
14th level gains 2 Feats.
16th level gains 2 Feats.
18th level gains 2 Feats.
20th level gains 2 Feats.
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a warrior kinetic gets a bonus combat-oriented feat in addition to the feat that any 1st-level character gets. These bonus feats must be drawn from the fighter bonus feats. The epic warrior kinetic gains 3 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.
or sorcerer/barbarion (batmag)
Batlmage abilities not in the magic systems are here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: 1 Exotic and Martial
weapons can be
used with 2 -weapon fighting and medium armor but no shields.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft
(Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Athletics (Str), Craft
(Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis),
Ride (Agl), Survival (Wis) and focus (Wis).
Class features: +2 AC bonus. +1d10 hp any spell effect. +2
rounds to any noninstant spells. +1 to all skills. +2 AC bonus.
2 Bonus feats every 2 levels, starting at level 2. After 20th,
there's 3 Bonus Feats every 3 levels.
1st level gains spell recognition skill (Wis), Will word (Wis) skill, Fast movement,
Controlled Rage 1/day.
2nd level gains Uncanny dodge and 2 Feats.
3rd level Trap sense +1.
4th level gains Controlled Rage 2 /day and 2 Feats.
5th level gains Chaos effect (Cha), Improved uncanny dodge.
6th level gains Trap sense +2 and 2 Feats.
7th level gains gains unlimited Wish ability (Wis), Damage reduction
8th level gained Controlled Rage 3/day and 2 Feats.
9th level Trap sense +3.
10th level gains Damage reduction 2 /- and 2 Feats.
11th level gains Greater rage.
12th level gains Controlled Rage 4/day, 2 Feats, trap sense +4.
13th level gains Damage reduction 3/-.
14th level gains Indomitable will and 2 Feats.
15th level gains Damage reduction 4/-, Controlled Rage 5/day.
16th level gains Damage reduction 4/-, Controlled Rage 5/day and 2 Feats.
17th level gains Damage reduction 4/-, Controlled Rage 5/day.
18th level gains Trap sense +6 and 2 Feats.
19th level gains Damage reduction 5/-.
20th level gains Mighty rage, Controlled Rage 6/day and 2 Feats.
Familiar gained any level for free or with discount. Controlled rage +1 use/4 level above 20th level. Every 3 level after 18 a Trap Sense +1 bonus. Every 3 level above 19 gains Damage Reduction +1. 2 bonus feats every 3 and 4 level higher than 20th. A batlmage who becomes lawful is unable to gain abilities but retains what abilities he has.
Runic Master (runmas)
For the Runic master abilities they are in the Magic system.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: simple, and staff
only but no armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod
Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher
Script (Int), Profession (Wis), Arcana (Int), Perception
(Wis) and focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Runic ability (Wis) skill. +2 bonus to runic skill.
2nd level gains 2 Feats.
3rd level gains Elemental Ability (Wis).
4th level gains Time Ability (Wis) and 2 bonus feats.
A familiar is
gained any level for free or discount. Any level there is
a bonus language. A 2d4 runestaff they start with
as in this example of this Runestaff.gif.
Bonus Feats: 2 Feats are given starting with level 6 with 2 more every 2 levels after, so after every 3 levels from 20th. At each such opportunity, he/she can choose any feat that the mage meets prerequisites.
(warlk drd)
For warlock druid abilities not in Magic system go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All Martial weapons
including club,
dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling, and
spear can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw,
bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape.All light,
medium but no metal armor. Shields are all but tower that can be use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Concentration (Con),
Craft (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha), Handle
Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis),
Profession (Wis), Ride (Agl), Arcana (Int), Survival
(Wis), Athletics (Str) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains confusion (cha) skill and an
animal companion for a familiar.
2nd level gains woodland stride and 2 Feats.
3rd level gains trackless step.
4th level gains Resist nature's lure and 2 Feats.
5th level gains subversion (cha) and wild shape 1 per day.
6th level gains wild shape 2 per day and 2 Feats.
7th level gains Chaos effects (Cha) and wild shape 3 per day,
8th level gains wild shape large and 2 Feats.
9th level gains venum immunity.
10th level gains Wild shape 4 per day and 2 Feats.
11th level gains wild shape tiny and Possession (cha).
12th level gains wild shape plant and 2 Feats.
13th level gains a thousand faces ability.
14th level gains wild shape 5 per day and 2 Feats.
15th level gains timeless body and wild shape huge.
16th level gains wild shape 1 elemental: Wild shape; at-will
6 per day and elemental; 2 per day. And 2 Feats
18th level gains 2 Feats.
20th level gains wild shape elemental 3 per day, huge elemental and 2 Feats.
Animal companion every 3 level higher than 20th gains +2 health percent, +1 strength and agility, and an additional trick. After 18th Wild Shape +1/day every 4 level. Elemental wild shape does not improve. Every 3 levels after 20th, there's 2 bonus Feats.
For weaver abilities look in Magic system.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons
no exotic with ambidexterity and light armor but not shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft
(Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis)
and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains weaving with +2 to effects or rolls (Cha).
2nd level gains 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains Elemental ability (Wis)
4th level gains 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Creation.
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Spell recognition.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every 2 levels, this is starting at level 8. 3 Bonus feats every three level higher than 20th.
Sun runner (Sun_runner)
For sun runner skills in magic system go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons no exotic with ambidexterity and light armor but not shield. This is accurate weapon and light armor proficiencies.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Any level gains +2 to effect or rolls. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Sun weaving (Cha)
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Elemental ability (Wis).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Creation.
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains spell recognition (Wis).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Khepser (Cha).
A familiar is gained any level for
free or discount. At any time the weaver can enter into a group they choose by feel, however they are Aes Sedai or Asha'man after the point of tests or acceptance. There's 2 Bonus feats every 2 levels starting with level 10, and every three levels higher than 20th.
Shadow practitioner (Shadow_pract)
For shadow practitioner skills in magic system go here and if any non magical system skills look here.
Requirements: To qualify to become a shadow practitioner, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any neutral, evil or unaligned.
Skills: Disguise 3 ranks, Stealth 4 ranks, Focus 3 ranks.
Stats: Int 16 or higher
Saves: Reflex and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: 1 Exotic weapon, Ambidexterity and crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), short sword and longsword. Shadow practitioners are proficient with any armor but not with shields. This is accurate weapon and light, medium or heavy armor proficiencies.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Thievery (Agl), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Agl), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Agl), Use Magic Device (Cha), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int), Poisoning (Int) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Class features: Any level +3 reflex roll, +2 will, +1 save against poison and disease every 2 levels. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Shadow elementalism (cha).
2rd level gains Create poison (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
3th level gains Resistance (Ex), Summon shadows (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level Shadow form (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level Shadow angel (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Poison aura (feat).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th and higher levels, so every 3 levels after 11th, starting with 12th level there is 2 bonus feats and stat raise.
15th level gains transformation (Ex).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount.
Light creator (light_crea)
For light creator skills in magic system go here and if any non magical system skills look here.
Requirements: To qualify to become a light creator, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any neutral, good or unaligned.
Stats: Int 16 or higher
Saves: Reflex and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Ambidexterity and crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), short sword and longsword. Light creators are proficient with any armor but not with shields. This means accurate profficiency and light armor, medium armor or heavy armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Agl), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Agl), Use Magic Device (Cha), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int), Healing (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Class features: Any level +3 reflex roll, +2 will. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Light elementalism (cha) and turning (cha).
2rd level gains Cure poison (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
3th level gains Resistance (Ex), Summon beings (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level Light form (cha) and luck (Ex).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level Light angel (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Light aura (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th and higher levels, so every 3 levels after 11th, starting with 12th level there is 2 bonus feats and stat raise. Also, there is 5% of additional health percent per every 2 levels after level 12.
15th level gains light avatar (Ex).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount.
For anti-paladin magic system unlisted skills go here.
Saves: Fortitude, Will, and Reflex good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: 1 Exotic weapon and
all simple and
martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light),
and with shields (except tower shields).
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha), Handle
Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int),
Religion (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Agl), Sense Motive
(Wis), Bluff (Cha), Arcana (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus
Class features: +3 to all saves. Any level, the character
has a Secret language.
1st level gains Chaos effects (Cha), Aura of control, Detect
threat, Smite foe 1/day.
2nd level gains Saving grace, Lay on hands and 2 Feats.
3rd level gains Aura of courage, Immunity and Spell subversion (Cha).
4th level gains Turn being and 2 Feats.
5th level gains Smite foe 2 /day, Special
mount and Kao confusion (Cha).
6th level gains Remove disease 1/week and 2 Feats.
7th level gains Devine ability (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Feats.
9th level gains Remove disease 2/week.
10th level gains Smite foe 3/day and 2 Feats.
12th level gains 2 Feats.
14th level gains 2 Feats.
15th level gains Remove disease 4/week, Smite foe 4/day.
16th level gains 2 Feats.
18th level gains Remove disease 5/week and 2 Feats.
20th level gains Smite foe 5/day, Ascension and 2 Feats.
Smite foe 1/day every 5 level higher than 20th. Remove disease +1/week every 3 level higher than 18th. 3 Bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th. They follow the Code of conduct.
Rogue wiz
wizard/rogue (rogwiz)
For rogue abilities not in magic system go here.
Saves: Reflex and Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: simple and finesse,
and shortsword,
dagger and staff, hand crossbow, rapier, shortbow, and short sword. but
light armor and no shields.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Profession (Wis), Arcana (Int), Appraise (Int), Acrobatics (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Thievery (Agl), Disguise (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Agl), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Knowledge (local) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Tumble (Agl), Streetwise (Cha), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Agl) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Gains at level 1 Will word (Wis) and Sneak
attack +1d6, trapfinding.
2nd level gains Evasion and 2 Feats.
3rd level gains
Sneak attack +2d6 and trap sense +1.
4th level gains Uncanny dodge and 2 Feats.
5th level gains Sneak attack +3d6.
6th level Trap sense +2 and 2 Feats.
7th level gains Sneak attack +4d6.
8th level gains Improved uncanny dodge and 2 Feats.
9th level gains Sneak attack +5d6, trap sense +3.
10th level gains 2 Feats or Special abilities.
11th level gains Sneak attack +6d6.
12th level gains Trap sense +4 and 2 Feats.
13th level gains Sneak attack +7d6, special ability.
14th level gains 2 Feats.
15th level Sneak attack +8d6, trap sense +5.
16th level gains 2 Feats or Special abilities.
17th level gains Sneak attack +9d6.
18th level gains Trap sense +6 and 2 Feats.
19th level gains Sneak attack +10d6, special ability.
20th level gains 2 Feats.
level a familiar can be gotten for free or discount.
Any level a bonus language is possible.
Bonus Feats: From level 20 there's 2 feats every 3rd and 4th level. At each such opportunity, he/she can choose
any feat that the Rogue Wiz meets prerequisites for.
monk or
psychic warrior/monk (psimnk)
Psychic monk ability not in magic system are here.
Saves: Fortitude and Reflex good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: 1 Exotic weapon and
all simple and
martial weapons like club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe,
javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, siangham, and
sling. All armor (light and medium) and shields.When wearing armor,
using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a psychic monk
loses her AC bonus, as well as her fast movement and flurry of blows
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Acrobatics (Agl), Athletics (Str), Concentration
(Con), Craft
(Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Stealth (Agl), Athletics (Str), Arcana (Int),
Religion (Int), Perception (Wis),
Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive
(Wis), Tumble (Agl), Autohypnosis (Wis), Concentration (Con), Stabilize
Self (Str), Tumble (Agl), Use Psionic Device (Cha) and
Focus (Wis).
Class features: +1 AC bonus per level. Psicrystal is
gained any level.
1st level gains Kinetic speed-up (Cha), flurry of blows,
unarmed strike, and 2 psionic combat modes.
2nd level gains and evasion and 2 bonus Feats.
3rd level gains Still mind and Psionic combat mode.
4th level gains 2 Feats and Kinetic attack (Cha), Ki strike (magic) and slow fall 20 ft.
5th level gains Purity of body.
6th level gains slow fall 30 ft, 2 Feats and Weapon Specialization.
7th level gains Kinetic funnel (Cha), Wholeness of body and Psionic combat mode.
8th level gains Slow fall 40 ft and 2 Feats.
9th level gains Improved evasion and Psionic combat mode.
10th level gains 2 Feats, Kinetic manipulation (Cha), Ki strike (lawful), slow fall 50 ft and Psionic combat mode.
11th level gains Diamond body, greater flurry.
12th level gains Abundant step, slow fall 60 ft, 2 Feats and Psionic combat mode.
13th level gains Diamond soul and Psionic combat mode.
14th level gains Slow fall 70 ft and 2 Feats.
15th level gains Quivering palm.
16th level gains Ki strike (adamantine), slow fall 80 ft and 2 Feats.
17th level gains Timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon.
18th level gains Slow fall 90 ft and 2 Feats.
19th level gains Empty body.
20th level gains Perfect self, 2 Feats and slow fall any distance.
Bonus to Armor Class when unarmored increases by +1 every five level higher than 20th. Unarmed strike damage does not increase after 16th level. Speed when wearing no armor increases by 10 feet every three level higher than 18th. After 20th level Ki strike ability does not increase. After 20th gains 3 bonus feats every 3 level higher
Sorcere Monk
Psychic monk ability not in magic system are here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons except exotic
with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Arcana
(Int), Profession (Wis), Acrobatics (Agl), Athletics (Str),
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Stealth (Agl),
Arcana (Int), Religion (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform
(Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Tumble (Agl),
Autohypnosis (Wis), Stabilize Self (Str) and Focus (Wis).
Class features: +1 AC per level.
1st level gains Will word (Wis), they gain a special ability of Source
make, Bonus feat, flurry of blows, and unarmed strike.
2nd level gains, Bonus feat and evasion.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis), Aura Assault(Ex) and Still
4th level gains Ki strike (magic), 2 Bonus feats and slow fall 20 ft.
5th level gains Purity of body and 2 Bonus feats.
6th level gains Wish ability (Wis), 2 Bonus feats, slow fall 30 ft and
Weapon Specialization.
7th level gains Wholeness of body.
8th level gains Slow fall 40 ft and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Improved evasion.
10th level gains Ki strike (lawful), and slow fall 50 ft.
11th level gains Diamond body, greater flurry and 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains Abundant step, and slow fall 60 ft.
13th level gains Diamond soul and 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains Slow fall 70 ft and 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains Quivering palm, Bonus feat and 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon.
18th level gains Slow fall 90 ft and 2 Bonus feats.
19th level gains Empty body and 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Perfect self, slow fall any distance and 2 Bonus feats.
21st level gains Body shape.
A familiar is
gained any level for free or discount.
Bonus to Armor Class when unarmored increases by +1 every five level
higher than 20th.
Unarmed strike damage does not increase after 16th level. Speed when
wearing no armor increases by 10 feet every three level higher than
After 20th level Ki strike ability does not increasel.
3 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.
Hell cleric:
For cleric magic system unlisted skills go here.
Alignment: Any neutral alignment
Saves: Fortitude, Will, and Reflex good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All simple weapons,
with all types of armor (light, medium, and heavy), and with shields
(except tower shields). A cleric who chooses the War domain receives
the Weapon Focus feat as a bonus feat. He also receives the appropriate
Martial Weapon Proficiency feat as a bonus feat, if the weapon falls
into that category. This is the Deity Domain list.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod
Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha), Heal
(Wis), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int), Knowledge (the
planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Domains and Class Skills: A cleric who chooses the
Animal or Plant
domain adds Nature (Int) to the cleric class skills listed
above. A cleric who chooses the Knowledge domain adds all Knowledge
(Int) skills to the list. A cleric who chooses the Travel domain adds
Survival (Wis) to the list. A cleric who chooses the Trickery domain
adds Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), and Stealth (Agl) to the list. Their
deity is whomever they want to serve at the time.
Class features: +3 to all saves.
Character creation gets a bonus language.
Any time the Domain ability (Cha) can be used.
1st level gains Chaos effects (Cha) and Turn or rebuke undead.
2nd level gains Aura (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Spell subversion (Cha), 2 Bonus feats and silent death.
4th level gains Spontaneous Casting and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Kao confusion (Cha) and Enslavement.
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Possession (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains shapechange and 2 Bonus feats.
Hell clerics can become Ex-Hell clerics.
2 Bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th.
Kinetic sorcere (kinsorc) (prestige class)
Kinetic sorcere ability not listed in magic system are listed here.
Requirements: To qualify to become a kinetic sorcere, a character must
fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any alignment
Skills: Disguise 4 ranks, Arcana 4 ranks, Concentration 5 ranks, Craft
4 ranks
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons except exotic
with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (5+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 5+Int Mod
Class skills: Disguise (Cha), Bluff
(Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int),
Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) and focus (Wis) .
Class features:
1st level gains Kinetic spell(EX).
2nd level gains Kinetic runic (Wis) and 2 Feats.
4th level gains Kinetic speed-up (Cha) and 2 Feats.
6th level gains 2 Feats, Kinetic attack (Cha) and Kinetic Flying (Int).
8th level gains 2 Feats, and Human defense field (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Feats and Kinetic manipulation (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Feats and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
Any level a familiar can be gotten for free or
There's 2 Bonus feats every 2 levels after 12th.
Kinetic assassin
(kinass) (prestige class)
Kinetic assassin ability not listed in magic system are
listed here.
Requirements: To qualify to become a kinetic assassin,
a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any evil.
Skills: Disguise 4 ranks, Stealth 8 ranks, Arcana 4 ranks.
Special: The character must kill someone for no other
reason than to join the Kinetic assassins.
Saves: Reflex and Will good
Weapon &
Armor Proficiencies: 1 Exotic weapon, Ambidexterity and crossbow (hand,
light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow
(normal and composite), short sword and longsword. Kinetic assassins
are proficient with light armor but not with shields.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Acrobatics (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Athletics (Str),
Craft (Int),
Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Thievery (Agl), Disguise
(Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Agl),
Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Tumble
(Agl), Use Magic Device
(Cha), Use Rope (Agl), Arcana (Int), History
(Int), Religion (Int), Streetwise (Cha) and Focus (Wis).
Class features: At 1st level +3 reflex roll, +3 will, +1
save against poison every 2 levels.
1st level gains Sneak attack +1d6, death attack,
poison use, Kinetic runic, dark vision and Shapeshift (cha).
2rd level gains create substance, 2 Feats and uncanny dodge.
3th level gains disable touch, 2 Feats, Kinetic manipulation (Cha), Sneak attack +2d6.
4th level gains death needle and 2 Feats.
5th level vapor touch, Improved uncanny dodge, Sneak attack
+3d6 and Kinetic funnel (Cha).
6th level gains Create item and 2 Feats.
7th level shadow shift, Sneak attack +4d6.
8th level gains hide in plain sight, Shadow manip (cha) and 2 Feats
9th level gains Sneak attack +5d6, Kinetic choke.
10th level gains 2 Feats and heart stop.
There's 3 Bonus feats every 2 levels after level 10.
Mage assassin (magass)
Mage assassin ability not listed in magic system are
listed here.
Requirements: To qualify to become a mage assassin,
a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any neutral or evil.
Skills: Disguise 5 ranks, Stealth 8 ranks, Focus 5 ranks.
Special: The character must join for no other
reason than to join the Mage assassins.
Saves: Reflex and Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies:
1 Exotic weapon, Ambidexterity and crossbow (hand, light, or heavy),
dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite),
short sword and longsword. Kinetic assassins are proficient with light
armor but not with shields.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Thievery (Agl), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Agl), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Agl), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Agl), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Agl), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int) and Focus (Wis).
Class features: Any level +3 reflex roll, +3 will, +1
save against poison every 2 level.
1st level gains Sneak attack +1d6+focus rank, death attack, create substance, runic ability (Wis), psionics (special ability), dark vision (special ability) and Shapeshift (Ex).
2rd level gains poison use, uncanny dodge and 2 Bonus feats.
3th level gains disable touch, Chaos ability (cha), Martial arts (feat), Sneak attack +2d6+focus rank.
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Cord shift (Ex), Information gathering (Ex) and death needle.
5th level vapor touch, Improved uncanny dodge, Sneak attack +3d6+focus rank and Death and decay effect (Ex)
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Flight (Ex) and Create item (Ex).
7th level shadow shift, Sneak attack +4d6+focus rank.
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, hide in plain sight and Shadow manip (cha).
9th level gains Sneak attack +5d6+Focus rank.
10th level gains heart stop, Poison aura (feat), Save bonus against poison and 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Channelling (Ex), Casting gem (Ex), The annulment (Ex) and Sneak attack +6d6+Focus rank.
12th level gains 2 bonus feats. +5% health percent, Mental crippling and The act technique (Ex).
14th and higher levels, so every 3 levels after 12th, starting with 15th level there is 2 bonus feats and stat raise. Also, there is 5% of additional health percent per every 2 levels after 10th.
Actor Bard (actbrd)
The Actor bards skills not shown in magic system are here.
Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: all simple weapons, and
the longsword,
rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, and whip. Light armor and shields
(except tower shields).
Skill Points at 1st level: (6+Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional level: 6+Int modifier.
Class Skills: The
bard's class
skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int),
Acrobatics (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Athletics (Str), Concentration (Con),
Craft (Int),
Decipher Script (Int), Profession (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather
Information (Cha), Stealth (Agl), Perception (Wis),
Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Arcana (Int),
(Agl), Use Magic Device (Cha) and Focus (wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Song ability, bardic music, bardic
knowledge, fascinate and inspire courage +1.
2nd level gains 2 Feats and Potion making (Ex).
3rd level gains Inspire competence.
4th level gains 2 Feats.
6th level gains Suggestion, mimic act, acting (Ex) and 2 Feats.
8th level gains Inspire courage +2 and 2 Feats..
9th level gains Inspire greatness.
10th level gains song skill and 2 Feats.
12th level gains 2 Feats.
14th level gains Inspire courage +3 and 2 Feats.
16th level gains 2 Feats.
18th level gains Mass suggestion and 2 Feats.
20th level gains Planar shift, inspire courage +4 and 2 Feats.
3 Bonus feats every 3 level higher than 20th. Inspire courage ability increases +1 every 6 level higher than 20th. Bards can be ex-bards. However, there is the Harpers (Ex), that the bards can join as a group.
Mana knight (mnaknt)
The Mana Knight skills not shown in magic system are here.
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial
weapons, and with light armor and shields except tower shields.
Skill Points at 1st level: (6+Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional level: 6+Int modifier.
Class Skills: Athletics (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Stealth (Agl), Athletics (Str), Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Agl), Survival (Wis), Use Rope (Agl), Psicraft (Int), Knowledge (psionics) (Int) and focus (wis).
Class features:
level gains 1st favored enemy, Track, wild empathy and Telekinetics.
2nd level gains Combat style and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Endurance and Spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains Animal companion, 2 Bonus feats and Devine ability (Cha).
5th level gains 2nd favored enemy and Kinetic speed-up (Cha).
6th level gains Improved combat style, 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic Flying (Int).
level gains Woodland stride and Weapon Power (Cha).
8th level gains Swift tracker and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Evasion and Summon (Int).
10th level gains 3rd favored enemy and 2 Bonus feats.
11th level Combat style mastery, 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
13th level gains Camouflage, 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic funnel (Cha).
15th level gains 4th favored enemy and 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Hide in plain sight and 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 5th favored enemy and 2 Bonus feats.
+20th level gains +1 favored enemy/+5
level, bonuses against 1 favored enemies category +2/+5 level and bonus
feat/+3 level. The Mana Knight will abade the Honor code. 3 Bonus feats
every 3 levels after 20th.
Dreamwalker (drmwlk)
The Dreamwalker skills are shown in magic system.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All simple weapons
with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft
(Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Arcana (Int), Streetwise (Cha),
Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features: +3 to all saves. +1 to cha stat.
1st level gains Dream Ability (Ex).
A familiar is gained any level. 2 Bonus feats every 2 levels, starting with level 2. 3 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.
Jedi knight (jedi)
The Jedi knight skills not shown in magic system are here.
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial
weapons, and with light armor and shields except tower shields.
Skill Points at 1st level: (6+Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional level: 6+Int modifier.
Class Skills: Athletics (Str), Acrobatics (Agl), Concentration (Con), Technology handling (Wis), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Stealth (Agl), Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Agl), Survival (Wis), Use Rope (Agl), Psicraft (Int), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Track, wild empathy and Jedi ability (Cha).
2nd level gains Combat style. 3rd level gains Endurance, 2 Bonus feats and spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains Animal companion and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Create item (int).
6th level gains Improved combat style and 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Woodland stride and Weapon Power (Cha).
8th level gains Swift tracker and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Evasion and Shapechange (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th Combat style mastery.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains Camouflage.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th levels gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
+20th level gains 3 bonus feats per every 3 levels.
Wave Master (WavMst)
The Wave Master skills not shown in magic system are here
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons except exotic
with ambidexterity, including light armor and shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Perception
(Wis), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana
(Int), Profession (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features: +3 to all saves.
1st level gains Chaos effect (Cha).
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis), Spell subversion (Cha) and
Special ability Cause wave probability.
5th level gains the Elemental ability (Wis).
6th level gains Chaos confusion (Cha).
On level 7, the special ability of Aura of 'I trigger it'.
On level 8, the special ability is gained: Chaos Wave Result.
On level 10, the special ability is gained of: Elemental mastery.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats on
level 2 and every 2 levels higher.
Dragon knight (draco knit)
The Dragon knight skills not shown in magic system are here.
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons, and with
heavy armor and shields, plus tower shields.
Skill Points at 1st level: (6+Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional level: 6+Int modifier.
Class Skills: Athletics (Str),
(Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Stealth (Agl),
Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Int),
Knowledge (geography) (Int), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession
(Wis), Ride (Agl), Perception (Wis), Survival (Wis), Use Rope (Agl),
Psicraft (Int),
Knowledge (psionics) (Int) and Focus (wis).
Class features:
1st level gains 1st favored enemy, Track, wild empathy special ability:
Awareness ability and Telekinetics.
2nd level gains Combat style and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Endurance, special ability: Raging and Spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains Animal companion and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains 2nd favored enemy and Kinetic speed-up (Cha).
6th level gains Improved combat style, Manipulation
of will (Ex), 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic Flying (Int) and .
7th level gains Woodland stride and Weapon Power (Cha).
8th level gains Swift tracker and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Evasion and Summon (Int).
10th level gains 3rd favored enemy, 2 Bonus feats and the 'ability of dragons' (Ex).
11th Combat style mastery, 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains Camouflage and Kinetic funnel (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains 4th favored enemy, an ability feat and one extra
ability feat every 2 levels after.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Hide in plain sight.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 5th favored enemy, 2 Bonus feats and Polymorph self to dragon form (Ex).
+20th level gains +1 favored enemy/+5 level, bonuses against 1 favored
enemies category +2/+5 level and 3 bonus feats every 3 levels.
Dread knight (dred knit)
The Dread knight skills not shown in magic system are here.
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons, and with
heavy armor and shields, plus tower shields.
Skill Points at 1st level: (6+Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional level: 6+Int modifier.
Class Skills: Athletics (Str),
(Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Stealth (Agl),
Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Int),
Knowledge (geography) (Int), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession
(Wis), Ride (Agl), Survival (Wis), Athletics (Str), Acrobatics (Agl),
Use Rope (Agl), Psicraft (Int),
Knowledge (psionics) (Int) and Focus (wis).
Class features:
1st level gains 1st favored enemy, Track, wild empathy and
Telekinetics. 2nd level gains Combat style and special ability: Dread
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Endurance, and spell recognition (Wis). 4th level gains
Animal companion.
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains 2nd favored enemy and Kinetic speed-up (Cha).
6th level gains Improved combat style, 'In aptitude' (Ex), 2 Bonus feats
and Kinetic Flying (Int).
7th level gains Woodland stride and Weapon Power (Cha).
8th level gains Swift tracker and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Evasion and Summon (Int).
10th level gains 3rd favored enemy. Also, they gain 2 extra feats.
11th Combat style mastery and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
12th level they gain 1d6 languages and 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains Camouflage, 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic funnel (Cha).
15th level 4th favored enemy, 2 Bonus feats and Magna force (Ex).
17th level gains Hide in plain sight and 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 5th favored enemy and 2 Bonus feats.
+20th level gains +1 favored enemy/+5 level, bonuses against 1 favored
enemies category +2/+5 level and 3 bonus feats every 3 levels after
The dread knight will abide, by the Dread Knights oath.
Shadow knight (draco kni)
The Dragon knight skills not shown in magic system are here.
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons, and with
heavy armor and shields, plus tower shields.
Skill Points at 1st level: (6+Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional level: 6+Int modifier.
Class Skills: Athletics (Str), Acrobatics
(Agl), Concentration
(Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Stealth (Agl),
Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Int),
Knowledge (geography) (Int), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession
(Wis), Ride (Agl), Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Cha), Use Rope (Agl),
Psicraft (Int),
Knowledge (psionics) (Int) and Focus (wis).
Class features:
1st level gains 1st favored enemy, Track, wild empathy and Shadow
2nd level gains Combat style and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Endurance, special ability: 'Shadow Aura' and Spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains Animal companion and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains 2nd favored enemy and Kinetic speed-up (Cha).
6th level gains Improved combat style, 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic Flying (Int).
7th level gains Woodland stride and Weapon Power (Cha).
8th level gains Swift tracker and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Evasion and Summon (Int).
10th level gains 3rd favored enemy and 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Combat style mastery and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains Camouflage and Kinetic funnel (Cha).
15th level gains 4th favored enemy and 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Hide in plain sight and 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 5th favored enemy and 2 Bonus feats.
+20th level gains +1 favored enemy/+5 level, bonuses against 1 favored
enemies category +2/+5 level and 3 bonus feats every 3 levels
after 20th.
Chaos knight(kaoknit)
The Chaos knight skills not shown in magic system are here.
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple and martial weapons, and with
heavy armor and shields, plus tower shields.
Skill Points at 1st level: (6+Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional level: 6+Int modifier.
Class Skills: Athletics (Str), Acrobatics
(Agl), Concentration
(Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Stealth (Agl),
Arcana (Int), Dungeoneering (Int),
Knowledge (geography) (Int), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession
(Wis), Ride (Agl), Perception (Wis), Survival (Wis), Use Rope
(Agl) and Focus (wis).
Class features:
1st level gains 1st favored enemy, Track, wild empathy and Chaos effect
2nd level gains Combat style, 2 Bonus feats and Chaos fear (Ex).
3rd level gains Endurance, Spell subversion (Cha) and Spell recognition
4th level gains Animal companion and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains 2nd favored enemy and Kao confusion (Cha).
6th level gains Improved combat style, 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic Flying (Int).
7th level gains Weapon Power (Cha).
8th level gains Swift tracker and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Evasion and Summon (Int).
10th level gains 3rd favored enemy and 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Combat style mastery, 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
13th level gains Camouflage, 2 Bonus feats and Kinetic funnel (Cha).
15th level gains 4th favored enemy, 2 Bonus feats and 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Hide in plain sight and 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 5th favored enemy and 2 Bonus feats.
+20th level gains +1 favored enemy/+5 level, bonuses against 1 favored
enemies category +2/+5 level and 3 bonus feats 3 levels every 2 levels.
Chaos knights follow the Chaos
Templar (Templar)
For Templar abilities not in Magic system go here.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are all including tower that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
1st level gains Improved weapon manifest (Ex), Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
3rd level gains Nothingness (Cha) and Improved focus (Ex)
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains LOA change (Cha) and Strength enhancement (Ex).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Agility enhancement (Ex).
7th level gains writing magic (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Weapon specialization (Ex).
9th level gains Time ability (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Weapon focus (Ex).
11th level gains Self-creation (Cha)
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Dark focus (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Dedication (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Templar gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Templar gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
An Templar can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language.
Solamnic Knight (Solamn_knight)
For the Solamnic knight's abilities not in Magic system go here.
Description: The solamnic knight is a knight that uses their god to get whatever they would want, so they are God knights. They follow the oath and the measure. The oath is the sworn oath to their god that they would remain faithful to his or her duties as he or she serves others in duty. The measure is the point they do things and work with a code of rights.
Alignment: Any Neutral or Good alignment
Saves: Fortitude and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All weapons can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are all including tower that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: They gain and can use Traveling (Cha).
1st level gains Solamnic manifest (Cha), Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
3rd level gains Solamnic force (Ex) and Weapon specialty (Ex)
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Water Absorption (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Lunar (Ex).
7th level gains Energy absorption (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Instances (cha) and Force bubbles (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains God weapons (Cha)
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Holy being (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Raise in advance (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Solamnic knight gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Solamnic knight gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Solamnic knight can be any alignment and that they use STP. Any level there is a bonus language.
Focuser (Focuser)
For the Focuser, the magic ability is listed , the unlisted Ex skills that are not in the Magic system, go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons except exotic with weapon specialist feat at +2.
Has ambidexterity, and if over 15 Str then heavy armor or large shield with Heavy armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Focus magic (Cha).
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Spell recognition (Wis) and Dust of peaceful rest (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Herbology (Ex).
5th level gains Magic food or drink (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Premonition (Ex).
7th level gains Ice magic (Cha) and Remote listening (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Creature summoning (Cha) and Genetics (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Thought magic (cha)
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Grand focuser (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 3 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.
Hunter (Hunter)
For the Hunter, the magic ability is listed here, the unlisted Ex skills that are not in the Magic system, go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including exotic with weapon specialist feat at +2.
Has ambidexterity, and if over 15 Str then heavy armor or large shield with Heavy armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis), Weapons (Agl) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Elemental creation (Cha).
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats and Weapon specialty (Ex).
3rd level gains Spell recognition (Wis).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Staking (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Machinery (Ex).
7th level gains Immunities (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Magick (Cha) and Magick resistance (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Faith effects (cha)
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Head hunter (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
There is 3 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.
Shaman (Shamn)
For shaman abilities not in Magic system go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including club, dagger,
dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear can
be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so
forth) of any form they assume with wild shape. All light, medium but no
metal armor. Shields are all but tower that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Arcana, Nature (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Agl), Survival (Wis), Athletics (Str) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Mysticism (Wis) and an animal companion
for a familiar at any time adding regeneration as
a special ability.
2nd level gains Spirit guide(EX), Medium (SP) and 2 Feats.
3rd level gains trackless step and Spirit walk (Wis).
4th level gains Resist nature's lure and 2 Feats.
5th level gains wild shape 1 per day and Totem effect (Wis).
6th level gains wild shape 2 per day and 2 Feats.
7th level gains Wild shape 3 per day and etherial form (wis).
8th level gains wild shape large and 2 Feats.
9th level gains venum immunity and Guiding will(EX).
10th level gains Wild shape 4 per day and 2 Feats.
11th level gains wild shape tiny and Spirit Possession (wis).
12th level gains wild shape plant and 2 Feats.
14th level gains wild shape 5 per day, Manifestation and 2 Feats.
15th level gains timeless body and wild shape huge.
16th level gains wild shape 1 elemental and 2 Feats.
17th level gains Divine intervention.
18th level gains 2 Feats.
19th level gains Wild shape 6 per day and elemental 2 per day.
20th level gains wild shape elemental 3 per day, 2 Feats and huge elemental.
Animal companion every 3 level
higher than 20th gains +2 health percent, +1 strength and agility, and an
additional trick. After 18th Wild Shape +1/day every 4 level. Elemental
wild shape does not improve.
Bonus feat: 2 Feats every 3 levels after 20th.
Any level they follow the Spirit Crede for which can hamper their spiritual ability.
Voodoo witchdoctor (Vudu Wch) (Prestige cleric)
For Voodoo magic system unlisted skills go here.
Alignment: Any neutral alignment
Saves: Fortitude, Will, and Reflex good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All simple weapons, ambidextrous,
with all types of armor (light, medium, and heavy), and no physical. He
receives the appropriate Martial Weapon Proficiency feat as a bonus
feat, if the weapon falls into that category.
Skill points at 1st: (5+Int Mod)x5
Skill points per level: 5+Int Mod
Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int), Perception (Wis), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features: +3 to all saves. Character creation begets a bonus language and with any level they can get a familiar.
1st level gains Mysticism (Wis) and
Spiritual Turn or rebuke.
2nd level gains Supernatural ability (Ex), Spirit guide(EX) and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains silent death and shapechange. 4th level gains Spontaneous
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Enslavement, 2 Bonus feats and limited wish.
6th level gains High ritual(EX) and 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Spirit Possession (cha) (cha).
8th level gains Guiding spirit and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Gestalt healing(EX).
10th level gains unlimited wish ability and 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Divine self (Ex)
+10th 2 Bonus feats every 2 level higher than 10th
20th 3 Bonus feats and every 3 levels after there's 3 Bonus feats when going epic.
Elementalist (Elemnt)
For the Elementalist unlisted skills in the Magic system, go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons except exotic. Has ambidexterity, and if over 15 Str then heavy armor or large shield.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Elemental ability (Wis).
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Chaos effects (Cha).
5th level gains Fastcast (Ex) and Spell subversions (Cha).
7th level gains Kao confusion (Cha) and Kinetic speed-up (Cha).
9th level gains Fast regeneration (Ex), Human defense field (Cha) and Weapon Power (Cha).
12th level gains Kinetic Flying (Int) and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
14th level gains Purify element (Ex).
16th level gains Absorb energy (Ex).
20th level gains Greater elemental formshift (Ex).
A familiar is gained any level
for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every 2 levels strting with 2nd. 2 Bonus feats every 3 levels
higher than 20th.
Chi warrior (kiwarrior)
For the chi warrior, their magic skills are in the Magic system, go here for the unlisted Ex skills.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons except exotic with weapon specialist feat at +2 weapon proficiency.
Has ambidexterity, and if over 15 Str then heavy armor or large shield with Heavy armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis),
Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Psionics special ability.
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Chi manipulation (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Illusion (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Manifest (Cha) and Lucky strike (Ex).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Danger sense (Ex).
9th level gains Ascension (Ex) and Healing blow (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Ascended mastery (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 3 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.
Chi master (Chi master)
For the chi master, the magic ability is listed in the Magic system, go here for the unlisted Ex skills.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All weapons except exotic with weapon specialist feat at +2.
Has ambidexterity, and if over 15 Str then heavy armor or large shield with Heavy armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis),
Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Chi Elemency.
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Spell recognition (Wis) and Chi shield (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Chi boost (Ex).
5th level gains Lucky chance (Ex).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Manifestation (Cha) and Danger sense (Ex).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Transcendancy (Ex).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Transfiguration (cha)
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Transcendant master (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 3 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.
Tengu (Tengu_Ninja)
For the Tengu's magical skills look for Ninjutsu in the Magic system and for (Ex) skills look for Ninjutsu here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Heavy Armor Proficiency. All martial weapons including exotic.
Has ambidexterity and if over 15 Str, then if heavy armor or large shield.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis),
Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Acrobatics (Agl), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Elemental ability (Wis) and Ninja ability (Int).
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Chaos effects (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Fastcast (Ex) and Spell subversions (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Kao confusion (Cha) and Kinetic speed-up (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Fast regeneration (Ex), Human defense field (Cha) and Weapon Power (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Kinetic Flying (Int) and Kinetic Antemetal (Cha).
14th level gains Purify element (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains Absorb energy (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Greater elemental formshift (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 3 Bonus feats every three levels higher than 20th.
Samurai (Samurai)
For the Samurai's magical skills look for Focus in the Magic system and for (Ex) skills look for Samurai here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Heavy Armor Proficiency. All martial and normal weapons including exotic with a Accurate weapon Proficiency.
Has ambidexterity and if over 15 Str, then if heavy armor or large shield is possible.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Streetwise (Wis), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Survival (Int), Acrobatics (Agl), Perception (Wis), High Bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Any level: There is a natural armor bonus of +2 to the AC per each level. Also, if the samurai is a wandering warrior without a clan, then they are Ronin. So if they are with a clan they are with job offers and Samurai in idea.
Level 1 gains Natural adaptation (Ex), Focus ability (Wis) and Will word skill (Ex).
Level 2 gains 2 bonus feats.
Level 3 gains Martial arts (Ex) and Herbology and medicine (Ex).
Level 4 gains 2 bonus feats.
Level 5 gains Combat skill (Ex) and Combat trance (Ex).
Level 6 gains 2 bonus feats.
Level 7 gains Charm (Ex) and Natural understanding (Ex).
Level 8 gains 2 Bonus feats.
Level 9 gains Survival (Ex) and Maneuvering (Ex).
Level 10 gains Fame (Ex), Abundance (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
Level 11 gains Energy body as a feat if not there already and greater energy body as a feat.
A A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. Every 2 levels starting with level 12 and every 2 levels above until level 20 is with 2 bonus feats. Every 3 levels starting with and after level 20 is with 2 bonus feats.
Witch (Witch)
For the Witch's magical skills look for Focus in the Magic system and for (Ex) skills look for Witch here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light armor or no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and light armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Any level: They follow the superstition (Ex) unless they choose to act normal. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Charm magic (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Supernatural ability (Cha).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Hex magic (Cha) and Potions (Ex).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Natural science skill (Ex).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats and Spontaneous combustion (Ex).
9th level gains Luck (Ex).
10th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
14th level gains Divine self (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. They follow the moment using their superstition (Ex). 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 12 and every three level higher than 20th.
Necromancer (Necromancer)
For the Necromancer's magical ability look here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon you can get with ambidexterity and accurate weapons proficiency, armor; any light or medium armor. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency of +2.
Skill points at 1st: (5+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 5+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Knowledge:Any (Int), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis), Healing (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Any level: They can tune into the area so they know and gain a +3 with wandering soul or spirit to any rolled or no dice check. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Source ability (Cha) and Distemporal shift (Cha).
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Positive Boost (Cha).
4th level 2 bonus feats and Animation (cha).
5th level gains Death Aura (Cha).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Consoling (Cha) and Console.
8th level gains 2 bonus feats.
9th level gains Discorporeal shell (Cha) and Necro healing (Cha).
10th level gains 2 bonus feats.
11th level gains Half-life (Cha).
12th level gains 2 bonus feats.
20th level gains Necro enhancement (Cha) and Necro point (Cha).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount by feel. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 13 and every three level higher than 20th starting at level 20.
Elemental Warrior (Element Warrior)
For the Elemental warrior's magical skills look for Elemental warrior in the Magic system and for (Ex) skills look for Elemental warrior skills here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but heavy armor or no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and heavy armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis) , Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Any level: The elemental warrior can create with spells using the innate ability feat or learning a spell.
1st level gains Energy manifest (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains 2 bonus feats.
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Elemental ability focus (Ex).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
8th level gains 2 bonus feats.
10th level gains Weather magic (cha) and 2 bonus feats.
20th level gains The ultimate form (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 12 and every three level higher than 20th.
Eldritch (Eldritch)
For the Eldritch's magical skills look for Focus in the Magic system and for (Ex) skills look for Eldritch here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light or medium armor and no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Any level: +2 to familar effects or attack if any gotten. At any time, the eldritch can turn vampiric nature and if they died they are vampires (Ex). They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Chaos effect (Cha).
2nd level 2 bonus feats and Eldritch magic (Cha).
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Spell subversion (Cha).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Natural science skill (Ex) and Chaos confusion (Cha).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats and Hex magic (Cha).
9th level gains Luck (Ex).
10th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 bonus feats.
13th level gains Elder being (Ex).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 14 and every three level higher than 20th.
Were (Were)
For the Were's magical skills look for Focus in the Magic system and for (Ex) skills look for Were here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light or medium armor and no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Any level: They can turn into an animal of choice and back again, and that is a large form. At any time, the were can turn vampiric nature and alter reality to what they need. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains >a href="./LDnD2/ldnd-ability.htm#Were_abl" target="_blank">Were elemental effect (Cha) and Prescience (Ex).
2nd level 2 bonus feats, Heat seeking (Ex), Animal boost (sp), Animal control (sp) and Were boost (sp).
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis), >a href="./LDnD2/ldnd-ability.htm#Were_abl" target="_blank">Animal shaper (Cha) and Animal call (Cha).
4th level 2 bonus feats and >a href="./LDnD2/ldnd-ability.htm#Were_abl" target="_blank">Were ability (cha).
5th level gains Spell subversion (Cha).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Natural science skill (Ex) and Chaos confusion (Cha).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats and Hex magic (Cha).
9th level gains Luck (Ex) and >a href="./LDnD2/ldnd-ability.htm#Were_abl" target="_blank">Alter form (cha).
10th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 bonus feats.
13th level gains Were altering (Ex).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. They follow the moment using their prescience (Ex). 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 14 and every three level higher than 20th.
Angellic (Angellica)
For the Angellic's magical skills look for Focus in the Magic system and for (Ex) skills look for Angellic here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All normal weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light or medium armor and heavy shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3. medium armor proficiency and heavy shield proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Any level: +2 to familiar and group effects or attack if any gotten. At any time, the angellic can turn vampiric and any hostiles nature (Ex) and if they died they are angels if good or deva if neutral nature and otherwise demons if evil. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Angellic magic (Cha)..
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Messaging (Wis).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains God magic (Ex).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Natural science skill (Ex) and Shifting (cha).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats.
9th level gains Luck (Ex).
10th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 bonus feats.
13th level gains Angel form (Ex).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 14 and every three level higher than 20th.
Sentinel (Sentinel)
For the Sentinel's magical skills look here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light or medium armor and no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Any level: They can tune into the area so they know and gain a +3 to any rolled or no dice check. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Digestive magic (Cha) and Extreme senses (Cha).
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Emotional creation (Cha).
4th level 2 bonus feats and creation by idea or feel (cha).
5th level gains Transformation (Cha).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Power of words (Cha).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 8 and every three level higher than 20th.
Dimensionalist (Dimensionalist)
For the Dimensionalist's magical skills, that uses mp so look here and look for Dimensionalist (Ex) skills in the gloss here..
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon you can get with ambidexterity and accurate weapons proficiency, armor; any light or medium armor. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency of +2.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Knowledge:Any (Int), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis), Healing (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Any level: +1 initiative per each 2 levels. They can learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Thinking spell (Wis) and Mental Boost (Ex).
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Reality hacking (Wis).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Dimensional Shift (Wis).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Pass the idea (Wis).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats.
9th level gains Dimensional timing (Wis) and Dimensional created effects (Wis).
10th level gains 2 bonus feats.
11th level gains Timeshift (Wis).
12th level gains 2 bonus feats.
20th level gains Dimensionalism (Ex).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount by feel. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 13 and every three level higher than 20th starting at level 21.
Divine (Divine)
For Divine skills in magic system go here and if any non magical system skills look here that uses mana.
Requirements: To qualify to become a Divine, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Pick a God or feel free to use the creator.
Stats: Int 15 or higher, Cha 15 or higher
Saves: Reflex and Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Ambidexterity and crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), short sword and longsword. Divine are proficient with any armor but not with shields. This means accurate profficiency and light armor, medium armor or heavy armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Stealth (Agl), Intimidate (Cha), Athletics (Str), Perception (Wis), Insight (Wis), Tumble (Agl), Use Magic Device (Cha), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Healing (Wis), Concentration (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Class features: Any level +2 will. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Psionics (special ability).
2rd level gains Divine Wizardry (cha) and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Divine glow (Ex).
4th and higher levels, so every 2 levels starting with 4th there is 2 bonus feats and after 11th level there is with each 3 levels for 2 bonus feats. Also, there is 5% of additional health percent per every 2 levels after level 12.
15th level gains Divinity (Ex).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount by feel.
Master Healer (Master Healer)
For the Master Healer's magic system skills look here and for (Ex) skills look for Healer skills here.
The healer serves a god or the creator for his ability so he must either list a God or the creator as his God.
Necessary skill for the class, healing 6 ranks or higher
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon you can get with accurate weapons proficiency, Armor; any light or medium armor. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency of +2.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Knowledge: Any (Int), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), High Bartering (Wis), Healing (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Any level: They can use God will (Cha) to create effects. They can also learn spells that are innately done.
1st level gains Phasing (Cha) and Potion making (Cha).
2nd level 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Elemental defense (Cha).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Healing (Cha).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Improved healing (Cha).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats.
9th level gains Auratic healing (Cha) and Shield effect (Cha).
10th level gains 2 bonus feats.
11th level gains Faith healing (Cha) and Illness and poison resistance (Cha).
12th level gains 2 bonus feats.
13th level gains Immunity (Ex) and Elemental immunity (Ex).
14th level gains 2 bonus feats.
20th level gains Avatar (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount by feel. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 14 and every three level higher than 20th.
Hell weaver (Hell-weave)
For Hell weaver abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This is a class of weaver that weaves fate, heaven and the hell itself by feel and ideal expression learned from an advanced ancient race.
Alignment: Any evil alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons or swords and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are up to medium that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Hell weaving (Cha), Heavenly weaving (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Gating (Ex) and Natures luck (Ex).
3rd level gains Send (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Neutralization (Ex) and Sense (Ex).
5th level gains Hellstorm (cha) and Hellish heat wave (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Do (Ex) and Undo (Ex).
7th level gains Aura flare (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Voices (Ex).
9th level gains Hell touch (cha) and Hell vent (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Wish (Ex).
11th level gains Aura of inimical will (cha) and Fate weave (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Psyche logic (Ex).
13th level gains Particle wind (Cha) and Inimical wind (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Demonoid (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Hell weaver gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Hell weaver gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Hell weaver can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Hell gazer (hellgaze)
For Hellgazer abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; This is a physical energy user class that uses primarily hell, that is similar to the sorceror.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: all (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Hell evokation (Cha), Heavenly conjouring (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Imagination (Ex).
3rd level gains The creator (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Luck (Ex).
5th level gains The envisionment (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, The force (Sp).
7th level gains Shaping (Cha) and Energy (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Spirit wave (Ex).
9th level gains Focus point (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Entropy (Sp).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Being (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Hellgazer gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Hellgazer gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Hellgazer can be any alignment and that they use STP and sometimes their God for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Summoner (summoner)
For Summoner abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; This is a magic user class that uses summons, that is summoning things or idea to exist from imagination.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: all (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), High bartering (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Spell casting (Cha), Ethocraft (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Guidance (Ex).
3rd level gains Ethercraft (Cha) and Telepathy (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Dispel summons (Ex).
5th level gains Summoning (Cha) and Demonology (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Creature recall (Sp).
7th level gains Angelogy (Cha) and Protection (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Summons manipulation (Ex) and Mind manipulation (Sp).
9th level gains Survival Skills (Cha) and Transformation (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Summon Questgiver (Sp).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and God transform (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Summoner gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Summoner gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Summoner can be any alignment and that they use MP and sometimes their God for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Mystic (mystic)
For Mystic abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; This is a Psionic magic user class that uses psionics and magic, that is creating things or idea to exist from imagination.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: all (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), High bartering (Wis), Mysticism (Cha) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Thinking (Cha), Think confusion (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
3rd level gains Elementalism (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Elemental beam (Cha) and Mind thrust (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Psionic shield (Cha) and Telepathic link (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Thought reading (Cha) and Mystical vision (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Advanced elementalism (Cha) and Mental Fortress (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Astral projection (Cha) and Psychic rejeuveation (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains Mind over matter (Cha) and Psychic pulse (cha).
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Mystic Mastery (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Mystic gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Mystic gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Mystic can be any alignment and that they use MP and sometimes their God for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
God slayer (godslay)
For God slayer abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; This is a Special Warrior class that uses innate magic and the God's energy to kill the targets.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), High bartering (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains God spell (Cha), Immunity or resistance to divine magic (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Advantage (Ex) and Truesight (Sp).
3rd level gains Sense Divinity (Cha) and Artifact Weapon (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Divine Bane (Ex) and Seal Divinity (Sp).
5th level gains Anti-magic Field (Cha) and God-slaying strike (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Critical focus (Ex) and Indomitable will (Sp).
7th level gains Godlike resilience (Cha) and Planar travel (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Banish Divinity (Sp) and Tactical mastery (Ex).
9th level gains Divine Knowledge (Cha) and Apostate Aura (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Mark of Defiance (Ex).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Divine form (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a God slayer gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic God slayer gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A God slayer can be any alignment and that they use STP and sometimes their God for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Creator (creator)
For creator class skills not in magic skills section, goto here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial and light. All weapons with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Creation (Ex) and two things created per hour.
2nd level gains Spell recognition (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Psychic ability (Ex), Still mind and
allowable is 3 creations per hour.
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
6th level gains Appear it (Ex), allowable 4 creations per hour and 2 Bonus feats.
8th level gains allowable 5 creations per hour and 2 Bonus feats.
10th level gains Time formation (Ex), allowable 6 creations per hour and 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Unlimited combat mode (Ex).
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains allowable 7 creations per hour.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains allowable 8 creations per every 30 minutes 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 3 Bonus feats.
Anti-mage (anti-mag or psychic)
For Anti-mage class skills not in magic skills section, goto here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial, modern and normal weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Psicrystal is gained any level.
1st level gains Chaos effects (Cha) and two psionic combat modes.
2nd level gains Spell subversions (Cha) and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Psychic ability (Ex), Still mind and
Psionic combat mode.
4th level gains Kao Conversions (Cha) and 2 Bonus feats.
6th level gains Psionic combat mode and 2 Bonus feats.
8th level gains Psionic combat mode and 2 Bonus feats.
10th level gains Psionic combat mode and 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Psionic combat mode.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains Psionic combat mode.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 3 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 3 bonus feats and every 3 levels higher there's 3 Bonus Feats.
The Anti-mage can join the Army, if they so desire after 10th level.
Criminal (crimnal)
For Criminal abilities not in Magic system go here.
Requirements: Any Evil alignment or Unaligned alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All Martial weapons including club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling, spear and gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape. All light, medium but no metal armor. Shields are all but tower that can be use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Thievery (Agl), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Focus (Wis) and Concentration (Con)
Class features:
1st level gains Chaos effects (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Spell subversions (Cha).
4th level gains Estinance (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
6th level gains Kao confusion (Cha) and 2 Bonus feats.
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Lucky moment (Ex).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Perfection (EX).
12th level gains an additional 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains Elemental ability (Wis) and Nervous aura (Ex).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains Anti-reasoning (Ex).
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Mastermind (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a criminal gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic criminal gains 3 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A criminal must always be chaotic, unless circumstances make their activity otherwise. If the situation doesn't dictate the circumstance to make them not chaotic, then they are Ex-cons. They are without the Ability they get from (Ex). Any level there is a bonus language.
Law Enforcer (LawEnfocer)
For Law Enforcer abilities not in Magic system go here.
Saves: Fortitude and Reflex good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any normal weapon and Martial weapons including guns can be used with light armor and all shields.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class Skills: Endurance (Con), Profession (Wis), Technician (Int), Investigation (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Insight (Wis), Streetwise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Athletics (Str), Arcana (Int), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Local (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Focus ability (Wis) and Kinetic Speedup (Cha).
2nd level gains a Bonus Feat.
3rd level gains Human defense field (Cha) and Kinetic attack (Cha).
4th level gains Bullhorn (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Kinetic Flying (Int) and Kinetic manipulation (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Energy funnel (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Aura of arresting (Ex).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Kinetic Antemetal (Cha) and Weapon Power (Cha).
12th levels gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains Reasoning (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Pursuit (Ex).
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
21st level gains Consulting (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Law Enforcer gets a bonus combat-oriented feat in addition to the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Law Enforcer gains 3 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
The Law Enforcer follows the Law code (Ex). Any level there is a bonus language.
Priest: (priest)
For the priest magic system unlisted skills, go here.
Alignment: Any neutral alignment
Saves: Fortitude, Will, and Reflex good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All simple weapons, ambidextrous,
with all types of armor (light, medium, and heavy), and with shields
(except tower shields). A Priest receives the appropriate Weapon
Proficiency feat as a bonus feat, if the weapon falls into that
category. This is the Deity Domain list.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod
Class skills: Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Arcana (Int), History (Int), Religion (Int),
Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Local (Int), Profession (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Attoning (Ex), Turn and Rebuke (Ex) and a Holy Symbol (Ex).
2nd level gains Devine ability (Cha) and 2 Feats.
3rd level gains Aura of Holiness (Ex).
4th level gains Intuitive action (Ex) and 2 Feats.
5th level gains Laying of hands (Ex) and Exorcism (cha).
6th level gains 2 Feats and Demonology (Ex).
7th level gains Holy Making (Ex).
8th level gains 2 Feats.
10th level gains Visions (Ex) and 2 Feats.
12th level gains 2 Feats.
13th level gains Revealing (Ex).
14th level gains 2 Feats.
16th level gains 2 Feats and Summoning (Ex).
18th level gains 2 Feats.
20th level gain Piety (Ex) and a Bonus of 2 Feats.
Bonus Feats: 2 Feats are gained after every 3 levels after level 20.
A Priest can Worship any God that he so desires to, at a Moments notice. He can wear
anything he so desires to reflect his mood and what he considers himself.
Psi Kinetic (Syknetic)
For Psychokinetic class skills (the 'Ex' Abilities) not in magic skills section, goto here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial, modern and normal weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (5+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 5+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Arcana (Int), Perception (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Profession (Wis), Local (Int), Healing (Wis), Technician (Int) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Psicrystal is gained any level.
1st level gains Will word (Wis) and two psionic combat modes.
2nd level gains Psionic Powers, spell recognition (Wis) and 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Psychic ability (Ex) and Psionic combat mode.
4th level gains Dream manip (Wis) and 2 Bonus feats.
6th level gains Psionic combat mode, 2 Bonus feats and Astral Shift.
8th level gains Psionic combat mode, 2 Bonus feats and Astral manifested thing or creature.
10th level gains Psionic combat mode and 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Psionic combat mode and Energy body feat.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
13th level gains Psionic combat mode.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 3 Bonus feats.
Every 3 levels higher there's 3 Bonus Feats.
Scientist (scient)
For Scientist abilities not in Magic system go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any simple, modern and exotic but no armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (5+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 5+Int Mod
Class skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Profession (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Arcana (Int), Technician (Ex), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Healing (Wis), Perception (Wis) and focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Will word (Wis).
2nd level gains Wisdom (Ex) and 2 Feats.
3rd level gains Lore (Ex).
4th level gains 2 Feats.
5th level gains Analysis (Ex).
6th level gains 2 Feats.
7th level gains Spelunken (Ex).
8th level gains 2 Feats.
10th level gains Collection (Ex) and 2 Feats.
12th level gains Experimentation (Ex) and 2 Feats.
14th level gains 2 Feats.
15th level gains Serendipty (Ex).
16th level gains 2 Feats.
18th level gains 2 Feats.
20th level gains Notoriety (Ex) and 2 Feats.
Any level there is a bonus language.
Bonus Feats: Every 3 levels after 20th there's 2 bonus feats. At each such opportunity, he/she can choose any feat
that the Scientist meets prerequisites for.
Seer (seer)
For Seer abilities not in Magic system go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: simple, and staff or gun only but no armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (4+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 4+Int Mod
Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Profession (Wis), Arcana (Int), Perception (Wis), Local (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Streetwise (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Bluff (Cha), Insight (Wis), History (Int), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Technician (Int) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Runic ability (Wis) skill. +2 to runic skill and Focus ability (Wis).
3rd level gains Mysticism (Wis), Psychic Readings (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
6th level gains Elemental ability (Wis).
7th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Spirit walk, Inadvertent action (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains Energy form Feat and Sight (Ex).
13th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains Spirit Possession (cha) and 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
19th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Consulting (Ex).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. Any level there is a bonus language. A 2d4 runestaff they start with as in this example with this Runestaff.gif.
Bonus Feats: Every 2 levels from level 1, there's 2 bonus feats every 3 levels from level 20. At each such opportunity, he/she can choose any feat that they meet prerequisites.
They follow the Seers oath (Ex).
Psychic (Psychic)
For psychic abilities not in Magic system go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: any weapon you can get with ambidexterity and accurate weapons proficiency, any light armor with light armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (5+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 5+Int Mod
Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Profession (Wis), Arcana (Int), Perception (Wis), Local (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Streetwise (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Bluff (Cha), Insight (Wis), History (Int), Technician (Int), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Use artifact (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Vision (Ex), Elemental ability (Ex) and Focus ability (Wis).
3rd level gains Psychic Readings (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
6th level gains Psionic crystals (Ex).
7th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Psychic boost (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Ancient Seer Ability (Ex).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. Any level there is a bonus language.
Bonus Feats: Every 2 levels from level 9th, there's 2 bonus feats every 3 levels from level 20. At each such opportunity, he/she can choose any feat that they meet prerequisites.
Prophet (Prophet)
For Prophet abilities not in Magic system go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: any weapon you can get with ambidexterity and accurate weapons proficiency, any light armor with light armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (5+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 5+Int Mod
Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Profession (Wis), Arcana (Int), Perception (Wis), Local (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Streetwise (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Bluff (Cha), Insight (Wis), History (Int), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Technician (Int) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Prophecy (Ex), Elemental ability (Ex) and Focus ability (Wis).
3rd level gains Channeling (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains The focus (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Dream abiity (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains Divine sight (Ex).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. Any level there is a bonus language.
Bonus Feats: Every 2 levels starting from level 9th, there's 2 bonus feats and 2 bonus feats every 3 levels starting from level 20. At each such opportunity, he/she can choose any feat that they meet prerequisites.
Healer (Healer)
For Healer abilities not in Magic system go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: any weapon you can get with ambidexterity and accurate weapons proficiency, any light armor with light armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (5+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 5+Int Mod
Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Profession (Wis), Arcana (Int), Perception (Wis), Local (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Streetwise (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Bluff (Cha), Insight (Wis), History (Int), Technician (Int), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Healing (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Healing (Ex), Elemental ability (Ex) and Focus ability (Wis).
3rd level gains Psychology (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Herbology n potions (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Instant healing (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Circle of instant healing (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Bioengineering (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. Any level there is a bonus language.
Bonus Feats: Every 2 levels starting from level 11th, there's 2 bonus feats and there's 2 bonus feats every 3 levels starting from level 20. At each such opportunity, he/she can choose any feat that they meet prerequisites.
For a Technomancer ability, this is used in Magic system.
Saves: Will good
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: All martial weapons and modern, except exotic with ambidexterity but not armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (5+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 5+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Profession (Wis), Technician (Int), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Arcana (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Will word (Wis).
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Technomagic (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains spell recognition (Wis).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Wish ability (Wis).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount.
3 Bonus feats every three level higher than 20th.
Worker (woka)
For a Worker abilities not in Magic system go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any, but no armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (5+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 5+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Perception (Wis), Healing (Wis), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Insight (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Will word (Wis) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains Reasoning (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
4th level gains Elemental ability (Wis) and 2 Bonus feats.
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Create item (int) and Antikine (Ex).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Activism (Int).
10th level gains Wish (Wis) and 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains Aura of persuasion (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains Summon (Int) and 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains Friendliness (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains Luck of the draw (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Management (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
22nd level gains 3 Bonus feats.
24th level gains Greater affect (Ex) and 3 Bonus feats.
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a worker gets another feat with the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic worker gains 3 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. Any level there is a bonus language.
The Worker can join any field or the Army as Clerics and Workmen.
Bum (Bum)
For Bums abilities not in Magic system go here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any or no armor or shield.
Skill points at 1st: (5+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 5+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Healing (Wis), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Insight (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Will word (Wis) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains Reasoning (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
4th level gains Elemental ability (Wis) and 2 Bonus feats.
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Craft item (Int) and Begging or asking (Ex).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
10th level gains Wish (Wis) and 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains Aura of persuasion (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains Summon (Int) and 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains Friends (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains Luck of the draw (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains Management (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
22nd level gains 3 Bonus feats.
24th level gains Greater affect (Ex) and 3 Bonus feats.
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a bum gets another feat with the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic bum gains 3 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. Any level there is a bonus language.
The bum can join any field or the Army as Clerics and Workmen.
Stalker (Stalker)
For the Stalker's magical skills look for Focus and Will Word in the Magic system and for (Ex) skills look for Stalker here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but medium armor and no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and medium armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Nature (Int), Survival (Int), Acrobatics (Agl), Perception (Wis), High Bartering (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Medicine (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Any level: There is a natural armor bonus of +1 to the AC per each level and create with spells using the innate ability feat or learning a spell.
Level 1 gains Natural adaptation (Ex), Will word (Wis) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains 2 bonus feats.
Level 3 gains Stalking skill (Ex) and Herbology and medicine (Ex).
Level 4 gains 2 bonus feats.
Level 5 gains Combat skill (Ex) and Combat trance (Ex).
Level 6 gains 2 bonus feats.
Level 7 gains Awareness (Ex) and Intent (Ex).
Level 8 gains 2 Bonus feats.
Level 9 gains Survival (Ex) and Maneuvering (Ex).
Level 10 gains 2 bonus feats.
Level 11 gains Energy body as a feat if not there already and greater energy body as a feat as well.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. Every 2 levels starting with level 12 and every 2 levels above until level 20 is with 2 bonus feats. Every 3 levels starting with an after level 20 is with 2 bonus feats.
Occultist (Occultist)
For Occultist abilities not in Magic system go here.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are all but tower that can be use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Healing (Wis), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
1st level gains Spirit manifest (Cha), Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
3rd level gains Element Fundalism (Cha)
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Chaos (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Future effectives (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains P-shifts (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Enlightened mastery (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, an Occultist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Occultist gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
An Occultist can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language.
Mechanic (Mechanic)
For Mechanic abilities not in Magic system go here.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are all but tower that can be use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
1st level gains Trigger (Cha), Technicality (Ex) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
3rd level gains Technique (Ex) and Timing (Cha)
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Psychic (Ex) and Related (Ex).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Spotting (Ex) and Psyche moment (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Change (Ex), Animator (Cha) and Dimensional time shift (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Mechanics (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Manifestor (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Mechanic gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Mechanic gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Mechanic can be any alignment and that they use STP. Any level there is a bonus language.
Holy (Holy)
For Holy abilities not in Magic system go here.
Decription: The Holy class comprises itself of holy soldiers and things of their God or creator. They are from a grim future, that there is only them and mutants that roam the planet. If you wanted to create with them, you may do so easily.
Alignment: Any alignment
Deity: Any God or the creator
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are all but tower that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
1st level gains Alter focus (Cha), Devine channeling (Ex) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
3rd level gains Praying (cha) and Alter form (Cha)
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Khepser (Ex) and Light channeling (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Soul creation (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Gating (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Chaos effect (Cha) and Implosion (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Devine ability (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Holy gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Holy gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Holy can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language.
Mage knight (Mage knight)
For Mage knight abilities not in Magic system go here.
Decription: This is the idea based off of link in zelda breath of the wild. If you ever wanted to play a link like character, use this class.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are all but tower that can be use.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Knowledge: all (Wis), Focus (Wis), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can instant travel to anywhere or any point you want.
1st level gains Marksmanship (Ex), Elemental focus (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
3rd level gains Mipha's Grace (cha) and Revali's Gale (Cha)
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Flurry Rush (Ex) (Ex) and Stealth (Ex).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Magnetic rebound (cha).
7th level gains Weapon Mastery (Ex) and Remote bomb (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Recognition (Ex) and Cryonis (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Daruk's Protection (Cha) and Urbosa's Fury (Cha).
11th level gains Energy weapons (Cha) and Stasis (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Elemental control (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Grand knight (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Mage knight gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic mage knight gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A mage knight can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language and companion they may choose.
Illusionist (Illusionist)
For Illusionist abilities not in Magic system go here.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are none but small that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Knowledge: magic (Wis), Focus (Wis), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can teleport to anywhere or any point you want and use the vision ability.
1st level gains Illusionous effect (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Poison mist (cha).
3rd level gains Elementalism effect (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains the What ability (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains True sight (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Spells (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Faith effect (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Grand Illusionist (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, an Illusionist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Illusionist gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
An Illusionist can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language and companion they may choose.
Channeler (Channeler)
For Channeler abilities not in Magic system go here.
Description: This is a modern day weaver of energy and sorceror that focuses the energy of the moment and gates the energy in to make use of it.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are none but small that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Knowledge: all (Wis), Focus (Wis), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can teleport to anywhere or any point you want and use the vision ability.
1st level gains Energy channeling (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Poison mist (cha).
3rd level gains Sun channeling (cha) and moonwave channeling (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Spirit channeling (cha) and Being channel (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Electricity channeling (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Elemental channeling (Cha) and Dream channel (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Soul channeling (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Death channeling (cha)
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains Voidal channeling (cha)
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Dimensional channeling (cha).
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Ultimate channelor (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Channeler gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Channeler gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Channeler can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language and companion they may choose.
Channeler (Channeler)
For Hacker abilities not in Magic system go here.
Description: This magical modern class is very easily getting results via hacking or computer use.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are none but small that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Knowledge: Computers (Wis), Knowledge: Networking (Wis), Focus (Wis), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can teleport to anywhere or any point you want.
1st level gains Quick manifest (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Security specialist (Ex).
3rd level gains Dimensional shift (cha) and Hacking (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Life hacking (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Knowing (Ex).
7th level gains Making (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Skill boost (Ex) and Lucky (Ex).
9th level gains Death focus (Cha) and Life focus (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Programming (Ex) and Tracing (Ex).
11th level gains Chaos hacking (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Virus (Ex).
13th level gains Chaos curse (cha) and Chaos blessing (Cha)
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Enhanced ability (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Channeler gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Channeler gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Channeler can be any alignment and that they use STP. Any level there is a bonus language and companion they may choose.
Cultist (Cultist)
For Cultist abilities not in Magic system go here.
Description: This magical modern class is very easily getting results via rites and magic.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are none but small that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Mind manipulation (wis), Mind link (wis) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Cult appeal (Ex).
3rd level gains Physical magic (Wis) and Identification (Ex).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Instantaneous magic (wis).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Pay raise (wis) and Charm (wis).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and The god (Ex).
9th level gains Curse (wis).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Organization (Ex).
11th level gains Fate casting (wis).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Virus (Ex).
13th level gains Cancellation (wis) and General summoning (wis)
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains Super ability (wis).
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Avatar self (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Cultist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Cultist gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Cultist can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language and companion they may choose.
Auror (Auror)
For Auror abilities not in Magic system go here.
Description: This class is where you act out the auror or mage cop of the harry potter land. If you ever wanted to play it then this is it.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including gun can be used and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are none but small that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly. At any level, you can get the Timejump special ability.
1st level gains Auratic focus (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, what they do (Ex) and Recognition (Ex).
3rd level gains Aura reading (Cha) and Aura magic (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Psychic awareness (Ex) and Danger sense (Ex).
5th level gains Magnetic pulse (Cha) and Auratic shift (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Auratic sense (Ex).
7th level gains Elemental projection (cha) and Magic focus (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and aura feel (Ex).
9th level gains Energy hacking (cha) and Empowered aura (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains 6th dimensional aura (cha) and Dimensional aura shifting (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Elevation (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Auror gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Auror gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. An Auror can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language and companion they may choose.
Psychic investigator (Psyche investigate)
For Psychic investigator abilities not in Magic system go here.
Description: This a modern day psychic cop based from the idea of psi cops.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including gun can be used and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are up to medium that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Modern things (Int), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly. Any time add the Psionics, Sensing and Timejump special ability.
1st level gains True illusion (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Investigative ease (Ex) and Additional languages (Ex).
3rd level gains Interesting (Cha) and Supernatural (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Aura effect (Ex) and Psychic (Ex).
5th level gains Psychic terrorism (Cha) and Psyche fix (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Psychic boost (Ex).
7th level gains Psyche dream (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Spirit medium (Ex) and Danger sense (Ex).
9th level gains Dimensional manipulation (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Designer viruses (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Culmination (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Psychic investigator gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Psychic investigator gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Psychic investigator can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language and companion they may choose.
Gun slinger (Gun-sling)
For Gun slinger abilities not in Magic system go here.
Description: This a modern day Gun slinger that can effortlessly use any gun.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including gun can be used and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are up to medium that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Gun fighting (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly. Any level add to the character sheet Psychic ability as a skill.
1st level gains Honing (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Identity (Ex).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Raise (Ex).
5th level gains Psychic Energy manifest (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Cuffs (Ex).
7th level gains Point magic (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Translation (Ex).
9th level gains Time magic (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Attractive aura (Ex).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Creative focus (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Gun slinger gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Gun slinger gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Gun slinger can be any alignment and that they use STP. Any level there is a bonus language and companion they may choose.
Psychic magus (Psyche magus)
For Psychic magus abilities not in Magic system go here.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including gun can be used and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are up to medium that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Gun fighting (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly. Any level add to the character sheet Psychic ability as a skill.
1st level gains Aether magic (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Psychic (Ex), 2 Psionic powers (Ex) and Tech (Ex).
3rd level gains Bubble effect (Cha) and Hellfire (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, 2 Psionic powers (Ex), Luck (Ex), Crysalis (Ex) and Car of effect (Ex).
5th level gains Astral send (cha), Hell send (Cha) and Hell vision (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, 2 Psionic powers (Ex) and Reshaping (Ex).
7th level gains Energy form (cha) and Pause effect (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and 2 Psionic powers (Ex).
9th level gains Needles (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and 2 Psionic powers (Ex).
11th level gains Mindblast (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Self-shift (cha) and Curse (cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Devotion (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Psychic magus gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Psychic magus gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Psychic magus can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language and companion they may choose.
Magician (Magician)
For Magician abilities not in Magic system go here.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including guns can be used and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are up to medium that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Driving (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Aetnus creation (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Notorious (Ex).
3rd level gains Chi blade (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Luck (Ex).
5th level gains Wand magic (cha), Stage magic (cha) and Moon magic (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Improvements (Ex).
7th level gains Dark arts defense (cha) and Chaos magic of Oberon (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Indonesian magic (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Chaotic petals (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Death charge (cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Change of physique (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Magician gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Magician gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Magician can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Orderly (Orderly)
For Orderly abilities not in Magic system go here.
Description: This is a nurse or medical practicioner that can work in an Insane Asylum and that works with the ill on a daily basis..
Requirements: Have some God you follow or use The creator as your God.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including guns and swords can be used and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are up to medium that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Driving (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Spirit effect (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Soothing calm (Ex) and Medication skill (Ex).
3rd level gains Psyche out (Cha) and Auratic manifest (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Curative aura (Ex).
5th level gains Matrix glitch (cha) and Matrix heal (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Exorcism (Ex).
7th level gains Counceling (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Writing ability (Ex).
9th level gains Chaotic Effect (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Stabilized change (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, an Orderly gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Orderly gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
An Ordely can be any alignment and that they use STP. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Starseed (Starseed)
For Starseed abilities not in Magic system go here.
Description: This is an ancient advanced class that can work in the field with their technology that guides the way for the benefit of the doubt..
Requirements: Have some God you follow or use The creator as your God.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including guns and swords can be used and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are up to medium that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Driving (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Disguise (Cha), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Intensify (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Luck (Ex).
3rd level gains Focusing spell (Cha) and Energy trace (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Perfect recall (Ex).
5th level gains Trance (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Disguise (Ex).
7th level gains Prevention (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Source connection (Ex).
9th level gains Star Force (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Creators point (cha)
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Thought form (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Starseed gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Starseed gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Starseed can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Dweomer master (Dweomer-m)
For Dweomer master abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This is a class of mage that combines energies together by feel to create some results.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: Any God or The creator as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, guns or swords and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are up to medium that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Driving (Agl), Technician (Int), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Alchemy (Wis), Alchemy (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Dweomercraft (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Corruption (Ex).
3rd level gains Shifting (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Focus (Ex) and Luck (Ex).
5th level gains Ageless (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Spells (Ex).
7th level gains Fractal storm (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Alchemy (Ex).
9th level gains Object creation (cha) and Reversal (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Rite (Ex).
11th level gains Timeshifting (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Time manipulation (Ex) and Time reversal (Ex).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Khepser (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Dweomer master gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Dweomer master gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Dweomer master can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Decepter (Decepter)
For Decepter abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; This is a German based class that decepters or deceives the moment to get things or idea that flows to them.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: Any God or The creator as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, guns or swords and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are up to medium that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Driving (Agl), Technician (Int), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Spying (Int), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Magnetic blood (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Intrigue (Ex).
3rd level gains Element special (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Luck (Ex).
5th level gains Aura of focusing (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Reversion (Ex).
7th level gains The effective action (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Creature message (Ex).
9th level gains The aura of effective action (cha) and Invisible typing (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Demon eating (Ex).
11th level gains Phase in (cha) and Phase out (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Time travel (Ex) and Time transformation (Ex).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Engel (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Decepter gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Decepter gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Decepter can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Muse (Muse)
For Muse abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; This is an eternal class that records the moment to get things or idea known, that's in time by knowledge that flows to them.
Requirement: Any deity or The creator as your God that you serve.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: Any God or The creator as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, guns or swords and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are up to medium that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Driving (Agl), Technician (Int), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Elemental creation (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Writing (Ex).
3rd level gains History ability (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Ageless (Ex).
5th level gains Sounds (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Pause (Ex) and Luck (Ex).
7th level gains The gas effect (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Epitath (Ex).
9th level gains Gesture (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Demon eating (Ex).
11th level gains Spoken result (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Primordial (cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Enhanced figure (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Muse gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Muse gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Muse can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Ninja mage technician (ninjamagtech)
For Ninja mage technician abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; This is an technician class that attempts to get things or idea known, that's known in time by knowledge that flows to them.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: Any God or The creator as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, guns, ninja stars or swords and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are up to medium that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Driving (Agl), Technician (Int), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Weapon charge (Cha), Focused creativity (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Special weapon (Ex).
3rd level gains Sustained genjutsu (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Time (Ex).
5th level gains Make n create (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Luck (Ex) and Ninjaing (Ex).
7th level gains Jinx (cha) and Genjutsu averted (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Disguise (Ex), Focused attack (Ex), Sensing (Ex) and Exchange (Ex).
9th level gains Acting (cha), Sign fx (cha) and Healing focus (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Assassination (Ex), Memory trick (Ex), Deciphering (Ex) and Reward (Ex).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Reform (Ex) and Long range (Ex).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Energy form (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Ninja mage technician gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Ninja mage technician gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Ninja mage Technician can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Geneticist (geneticist)
For Geneticist abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; This is a magical gene editor that is similar to the mage yet modern.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: Any deity or The creator as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, guns, knives or swords and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Driving (Agl), Technician (Int), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Genetics (Wis), Genetics (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Rite (Cha), Psychic surgery (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Genetics (Sp) and Potion making (Ex).
3rd level gains Thought change (Cha) and Mutation (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Knowing (Ex) and Memory improvement (Ex).
5th level gains Envisioning (cha) and Psyching out (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Karma strike (Sp) and Luck (Ex).
7th level gains Psychic link attack (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Genetic change (Sp).
9th level gains Invokation (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and True genetics (Ex).
11th level gains Gene hack (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Self-revival (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Body adaption (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Geneticist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Geneticist gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Geneticist can be any alignment and that they use MP and sometimes their God for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Psychic doctor (psyche-doc)
For Psychic doctor abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; This is a psychic doctor, that is similar to the healer yet modern.
Requirement: You must have some sorta doctor name listed as your profession and some deity listed on your character sheet.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: Any deity or The creator as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, guns, knives or swords and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Driving (Agl), Technician (Int), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Medicine (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Psionic combat modes (Ex), Psychic defense (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Medicine (Ex), Diagnosis (Ex) and Practice (Ex).
3rd level gains Psychic elementalism (Cha) and Protection stone circles (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Sure hands (Ex), Last ditch effort (Ex) and Psychic hands (Ex).
5th level gains Psychically done surgery (cha) and Threads (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Green bubble (Sp).
7th level gains Thought focus (Cha) and Instant condition (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Herbalism (Ex).
9th level gains Psyche boost (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Accupuncture (Ex) and Psychic bomb (Sp).
11th level gains Psychic creationism (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Psychic energy being (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Psychic doctor gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Psychic doctor gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Psychic doctor can be any alignment and that they use STP and sometimes their God for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Judge (judge)
For Judge abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; This is a magic user class that uses Judgements, that is where you judge things or idea that exist from imagination.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: all (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), High bartering (Wis), Judging (Cha), Modern things (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Thoughts (Cha), Gavel strike (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
3rd level gains Scales of Justice (Cha) and Verdict of condemnation (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Aura of authority (Cha) and Divine Decree (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Scales of retribution (Cha) and Justiciar's shield (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Guilty Conscious (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Lawful Intervention (Cha) and Balance of power (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Fate Judgement (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Judge gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Judge gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Judge can be any alignment and that they use STP and sometimes their God for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Zelda royalty (Zelda-royal)
For Zelda royalty abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; This is a royalty class built off the princess, that is similar to the mage.
Requirements: 16+ Intelligence, 16+ Constitution.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: Any deity or The creator as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, guns, knives or swords and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Driving (Agl), Animal handling (Wis), Technician (Int), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Decisions (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Elemental manifestation (Int) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Decision (Ex).
3rd level gains Flight (Int).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and The effect (Sp).
5th level gains Encasement (Int).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Impervious (Sp).
7th level gains Energy creation (Int).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and The point (Ex).
9th level gains Created items (Int) and Tears (Int).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Influencing trick (Int).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Reform (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Zelda royalty gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Zelda royalty gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Zelda royalty can be any alignment and that they use MP and sometimes their God for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Physical blood mage (phys-blood)
For Physical blood mage abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; This is physical energy user class, that is similar to the mage.
Requirements: 16+ Intelligence, 16+ charisma, 16+ Constitution.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The blood god as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, guns, knives or swords and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Driving (Agl), Technician (Int), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: magic (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Blood casting (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Luck (Ex), Psychic (Ex) and Blood being (Sp).
3rd level gains Blood boost (Cha) and Projection (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Blood deity (Sp).
5th level gains Blood rite (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Hemomancy (Ex), Blood drugs (Ex) and Accuracy (Ex).
7th level gains Blood cure (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Spells (Ex).
9th level gains Power projection (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Blood drive (Ex).
11th level gains Blood curse (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Blood transformation (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Physical blood mage gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Physical blood mage gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Physical blood mage can be any alignment and that they use STP and sometimes their God for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Con Artist (con_art)
For Con Artist abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; The con artist is where your a very interesting magic class. That you can try to con people with so you get results.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Connive (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Manifest dance (Cha), Hypnosis (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Money (Ex).
3rd level gains Good Feeling (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, True making (sp) and Luck (Ex).
5th level gains Convince (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Instant refresh (Sp) and Bluff boost (Ex).
7th level gains Creator point (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Believability (Ex).
9th level gains Cooldown (Cha) and Heatup (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Transference (Sp) and Give in (Sp).
11th level gains Distraction (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Enhanced form (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Con Artist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Con Artist gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Con Artist can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Ultraman (ultraman)
For Ultraman abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: The Ultraman is like in the game megaman, except he does jobs or things out of fun and need. He counts as a warrior mage.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creatoras your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords with ambidexterity and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Connive (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Focused attack (Cha), Water encoding (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Ultra particles (Ex) and Luck (Ex).
3rd level gains Energy fist (Cha) and Paper tags (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Knowing (Ex) and Modern things (Ex).
5th level gains Electron jump (Cha) and Copper drain (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Full body energy charge (Sp) and Exposure (Sp).
7th level gains Power atomic chop (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Psychic (Ex) and Psychic paper (Ex).
9th level gains Timeshift (Cha) and Quantum shift (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Curse (Sp) and Blessing (Sp).
11th level gains Dimensional effect (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Atomic size (Sp) and Charm (Sp).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Battle angel (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, an Ultraman gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Ultraman gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. An Ultraman can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
City Scout (cityscout)
For City Scout abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This idea of a class came from The way of the scout by Tom Brown and counts as a modern mage scout or warrior.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Connive (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: City (Wis), Quiet movement (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Think (Wis) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Booster (Sp) and Quietness (Ex).
3rd level gains Fast travel (Wis).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, good luck (Ex) and Atomic size (Sp).
5th level gains Movement (Wis).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Psychic (Ex).
7th level gains Dimensional travel (Wis).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and City advantage (Ex).
9th level gains Scavenging (Wis).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and City scout (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a City scout gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic City scout gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A City scout can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Spiritualist (spiritual)
For Spiritualist abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Requirement: Must have some God or the creator as your God.
Description: This idea of a class came from the spiritualist faith and counts as a spirit mage.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Spiritual manifestor (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Psychic knowing (Ex) and Luck (Ex).
3rd level gains Psychic boost (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, En (Sp).
5th level gains Creation (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, As (Sp) and Wraithform (Sp).
7th level gains God boost (Cha) and Supernatural protection (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Transitioning (Sp) and In (Sp).
9th level gains Physical manifestor (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Energize (Ex) and Worse (Sp).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Godly form (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Spiritualist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Spiritualist gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Spiritualist can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Druggie (Druggie)
For Druggie abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: The Druggie is a where you create with the drugs and cell energy combined to form what you desire that counts as a physical mage.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Connive (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Drugs (Wis), Chemistry (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Drug magic (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Paraphanelia (Ex).
3rd level gains Spiritual creation (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Luck (Ex) and Spirit drug (Ex).
5th level gains Void use (Cha) and Multiples (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Drug boost (Sp) and Unaddiction (Sp).
7th level gains Void cell energy (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Narkam (Sp).
9th level gains The created point (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Spirit transfer (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Drug lord (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Druggie gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Druggie gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Druggie can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Alcoholic (Alcoholic)
For Alcoholic abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This class is the class of those who use alcohol and its many forms, its counted as a under the influence mage.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Alcohol magic (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Luck (Ex).
3rd level gains Drunken fighting (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Drunken fist (Ex).
5th level gains Brawling (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Speed (Sp) and Tinctures (Ex).
7th level gains The magic (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Alcoholic boost (Ex).
9th level gains Avoidance (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Improved magic (Cha) and Antistigma (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Drunken Deity (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Alcoholic gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Alcoholic gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
An Alcoholic can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Disease master (Disease-master)
For Disease master abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This class is the class modelled from dune of those who use diseases and illnesses like the brother that was covered in diseases and its many forms, its counted as an advanced mage.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: disease (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Focusing creation (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Diseased (Ex).
3rd level gains Purity armor (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Luck (Ex).
5th level gains Divine protection (Cha) and Trained reaction (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Disease other (Sp).
7th level gains Trained response (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Cure illness (Sp).
9th level gains Think to cancel (Cha) and Reaction correction (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Disease lord (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Disease master gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Disease master gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Disease master can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
God magician (Godmagician)
For God magician abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This is yet another Dune movie class that is modelled off the main character instead of the side characters.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains God magic (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Luck (Ex).
3rd level gains Subconscious spice ability (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Food and water (Sp).
5th level gains Think and create (Cha) and Dirty fighting (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Summoning (Sp).
7th level gains Thinking with spice (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Hand of God (Sp).
9th level gains Space ability (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains God prayer (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and God form (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a God magician gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic God magician gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A God magician can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Lawyer (Lawyer)
For Lawyer abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Law (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Force back (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Luck (Ex) and Vision (sp).
3rd level gains Mind to mind (Cha) and Law effect (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Food and water (Sp) and Plant growth (Sp).
5th level gains Ascension magic (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Enchanted fruit (Sp), Alcohol (Sp) and Spells (ex).
7th level gains Annulment (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Law (Ex), Power of attorney (Ex) and Reading (Sp).
9th level gains Dimensional law (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Mageform (Sp), Magic armor (Ex) and Cancellation (Sp).
11th level gains Vision (Cha) and Pulse defense (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Blowtorch (Sp) and Breath draw (Sp).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Boss (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Lawyer gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Lawyer gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Lawyer can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Special reporter (Reporter)
For Special reporter abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Requirement: 16 or greater intelligence, 16 or greater constitution, some God or the creator if none.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any in use weapon is including whatever weapon you can get. What can be used are magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Law (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), News (Int), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Thinking point magic (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Magic clothes armor (Ex), Psychic (Ex) and Lucky charms (Ex).
3rd level gains Thought point magic (Cha) and Focused event (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Mojo (Ex) and Speaking (Sp).
5th level gains Shock (Cha) and Interest (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Newsworthy (Ex), Cancellation (Sp) and Investigation (ex).
7th level gains Siren (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Mind reading (Ex) and Energy warp (Sp).
9th level gains Neutrino effect (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Interest by feel (Sp), Magic armor (Ex) and Cancellation (Sp).
11th level gains Planet effect (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Blowtorch (Sp) and Breath draw (Sp).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Anchor (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Special reporter gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Special reporter gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Special reporter can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Shinigami (Shinigami)
For Shinigami abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This is a death god in human form that can create whatever you think is possible from the Bleach anime.
Requirement: Some God or the creator if none.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any in use weapon is including whatever weapon you can get. What can be used are magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Law (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Grift (Wis), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Focused effect (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Grifting (Ex) and Blade barrier (Sp).
3rd level gains Zanpakto (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Travel (sp) and Energy thorns (Sp).
5th level gains Grifting power (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Trap and idea detection (Ex) and Trap defusement (Ex).
7th level gains Symbolic creation (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Shield (Sp) and Energy focus (Ex).
9th level gains Soul burial (Cha) and Energy barrier (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Blade barrier wall (Sp) and The art of deception (Ex).
11th level gains Energy phasing (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Transfer (Ex) and Shift area (Sp).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Chi warrior (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Shinigami gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Shinigami gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Shinigami can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Astral mage (Astralmage)
For Astral mage abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This is a Mage that uses the astral plane for its effects and what it does is sometimes counted as an advanced mage.
Requirement: some God or the creator if none.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any in use weapon is including whatever weapon you can get. What can be used are magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Magic (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Symbol magic (Cha), Astral shifting (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Luck (Ex) (Ex) and Astral suggestion (Sp).
3rd level gains Self-creative planet magic (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Astral projection (sp), The charge (Sp) and Mutation (Sp).
5th level gains Weight magic (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Weather magic (sp) and Anything goes (Ex).
7th level gains Money effect (Cha) and Disaster effect (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Rememberance (Ex), Potion making (Ex) and Alteration (Sp).
9th level gains Enhanced disaster (Cha) and Focused gate (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, 2nd wind (Sp) and Soul transfer (Ex).
11th level gains The energy weapon (Cha) and The incapacitation (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Targeting item (Sp) and Animal spirit (Ex).
13th level gains The creation (Cha) and Mist (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats, The spell effect (Ex) and Torture (Ex).
15th level gains Antiparticle attack (Cha) and Engineering trick (Cha).
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Fuzetzu (sp).
17th level gains Isolated effect (Cha) and Counter (Cha).
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Fuzetzu II (Sp), Mist of time (Sp) and Alternate healing (Sp).
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and The effect maker (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, an Astral mage gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Astral mage gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. An Astral mage can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Occult writer (OccultWriter)
For Occult writer abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This is a Mage that uses the events he perceives for its writing and what it does is sometimes counted as though an advanced mage.
Requirement: some God or the creator if none.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any in use weapon is including whatever weapon you can get. What can be used are magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Writing (Int), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Self-creative idea (Cha), Self-provocation (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Mutation (Sp) and Subconscious defense (Sp).
3rd level gains Illusion (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Luck (Ex), Healing (Ex), Languages (Ex), Writing (Ex) and Deals (Ex).
5th level gains Invisible writing (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, The thought (Ex), Writer sense (Ex), The cruncher (Ex), Initiation (Ex) and Wizard eye (Sp).
7th level gains Peace inducement (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Spirit traps (Sp), Thinking bind (Sp) and Power thought (Sp).
9th level gains The history (Cha) and The point by magic (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, The erasure (Sp) and Invulnerability (Sp).
11th level gains Quick thinking ability (Cha) and Focus points (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Servitor (Sp) and Subconscious trap (Sp).
13th level gains Planar shift (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Funds (Sp) and Light channel (Ex).
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Thinking creation (Ex), Force field (Sp) and Thought displacement (sp).
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Hiding (Sp), Misplaced item (Sp) and Detection (Ex).
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Thought creation (Sp), Camera trick (Sp), Time displacement (Sp) and Fame (Ex).
22nd level gains Dream creation (Sp) and Haking (Sp)
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, an Occult writer gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Occult writer gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. An Occult writer can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Merchant (Merchant)
For Merchant abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This is a Mage that uses the events he perceives for gaining profit and is counted as though an advanced mage.
Requirement: some God or the creator if none.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any in use weapon is including whatever weapon you can get. What can be used are magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), High bargaining (Cha), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Writing (Int), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Money magic (Cha), Timing it (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Deals (Ex) and Luck (Ex).
3rd level gains Focused energy effect (Cha) and Void creation (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Energy wings (Ex), and Timed hit (Sp).
5th level gains Shells of creation (Cha) and Thinking to create (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Psychic (Ex) and Danger sense (Ex).
7th level gains Card magic (Cha) and Soul magic (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, The exchange (Ex) and Disappearance (Sp).
9th level gains Nova (Cha) and The end cause effect (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Stone angel shift (Sp) and Wishes (Sp).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Thought transfer (Sp) and Respawning (Ex).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Mirror travel (Sp) and Divine intervention (Sp).
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Djinni (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Merchant gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Merchant gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Merchant can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Archeologist (Archeologist)
For Archeologist abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This is a Mage that uses the idea he perceives for gaining understanding and is counted as though an advanced mage.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any in use weapon is including whatever weapon you can get. What can be used are magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), High bargaining (Cha), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), Concentration (Con) and Safety (Int).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Demon eating (Cha), Detection (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Luck (Ex) and Focus ability (Ex).
3rd level gains Magic creation (Cha) and Music creation (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Symbolic magic system (Cha), Safety (Ex) and Psychic (Ex).
5th level gains Advanced building (Cha), Elemental protection (Cha) and Enhanced magic (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Finding things (Sp) and Languages (Ex).
7th level gains Focused void (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Unwinding (Sp) and Healing (Sp).
9th level gains Immunity (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Knowledge (Ex), Creative (Sp) and General effect (Ex).
11th level gains Combat elemency (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Archeologist (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, an Archeologist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Archeologist gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
An Archeologist can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Magic engineer (Mage-eng)
For Magic engineer abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Engineering (Wis), Engineering (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), High bartering (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Think a point (Cha), Fuse (cha), Ascend (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Assault n battery (Ex), Engineering (Ex), Building (Sp), Instant karma (Sp), Diagnostics (Ex) and Dismantling (Ex).
3rd level gains Electron magic (Cha) and Communication technique (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Psychic (Ex), Telekinetics (Sp) and Engineering plus (Ex).
5th level gains Circle wards (Cha) and Elemental balls (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Psiballs (Sp), Instantaneous transformation (Ex) and Luck (Ex).
7th level gains Shock absorber (Cha) Reversal (cha) and En moment (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, 4th dimensional storage (Sp) and Shifting (Ex).
9th level gains Autobuilder (cha) and Photons (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Weird feat (Sp), Trace (Sp) and Weather spell (Sp).
11th level gains 4th dimension (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Althaitham's crystal sword (Ex) and Particle wave pattern (Sp).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Re-engineering (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Magic engineer gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Magic engineer gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Magic engineer can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Geologist (geologist)
For Geologist abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Geology (Wis), Engineering (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), High bartering (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Earth detection (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Psychic (Ex) and Intense attack (Ex).
3rd level gains Appearance (Cha) and Wave energy (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Predictions (Ex) and Focused management (Ex).
5th level gains Elemental summons (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Lucky spell (sp).
7th level gains Shaping (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Weather (Sp) and Psionics (Sp).
9th level gains Recreation (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Geology (Ex), Location spell (Sp) and Wave shift (Sp).
11th level gains Thought control (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Buffetting wind (Sp) and Time gate (Ex).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Mastery (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Geologist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Geologist gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Geologist can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Astrophysicist (Astrophysics)
For Astrophysicist abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Astrology (Wis), Knowledge: Physics (Wis), Astrophysics (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), High bartering (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Astronomy focus (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, The atronomy (Ex) and Astrology shift (Sp).
3rd level gains Researching (Cha) and Thinking game (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Physics (Ex).
5th level gains The third eye creation (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and The stars (ex).
7th level gains Planetary recharge (Cha) and The shock (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains The planets (Cha) and Force effects (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Thoughts versus force (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Astral physics (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, an Astrophysicist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Astrophysicist gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
An Astrophysicist can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Physicist (physics)
For Physicist abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (don't need to list the creator)or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Physics (Wis), Mathematics (Int), Physics (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), High bartering (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Math and physics power (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Physics (Ex) and Mathematics (Ex).
3rd level gains Experiment (Cha) and Intensities (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Lucky (Ex).
5th level gains Intrinsics (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, The thought (ex) and Think (Sp).
7th level gains Death focus (Cha) and Third eye (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Null jinx (Sp), Particle wave pattern (Sp) and Perception (Sp).
9th level gains Soul math (Cha) and Improved shaping (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Nikki jinx (Sp).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Planar god (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Physicist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Physicist gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Physicist can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Herald mage (Herald-mage)
For Herald mage abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This is the Herald from a book I remembered about them, "The Last Herald-Mage Trilogy by Mercedes Lackey" and they count as a Mage explorer.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Heraldric magic (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Heralding (Ex).
3rd level gains Sensing (Cha) and Unravelling the pattern (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and The expression (Sp).
5th level gains Absorption (Cha) and Enchanting (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Psychokinetic (Ex).
7th level gains Projection (Cha) and Blood effect (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Luck (Ex).
9th level gains Truth tell (Cha) and Astral magic (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Planet magic (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Heraldry (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Herald mage gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Herald mage gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Herald mage can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
For Men in black abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: this us has over 900 men in black. They are psychic individuals and psychic clones at that. They help regulate and protect aliens.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Psychic ability (Int), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), High bartering (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Psychic manifest (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Psychic (Ex), Mind Skills (Ex), Contact (Ex) and Hypnotism (Sp).
3rd level gains Physical manifest (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Creative (Ex) and Synchronous effect (Sp).
5th level gains Constructs creation (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, White light flash (Sp) and Talk (Ex).
7th level gains Power word spells (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Luck (Ex) and Money (Ex).
9th level gains En creation (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Cosmoskinesis (Ex).
11th level gains Planet creativity (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Advancement (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a MIB gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic MIB gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A MIB can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Analyst (Analyst)
For Analyst abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: The analyst is a person, that works with others like a psychologist or psychiatrist and can act like a modern mage specialist.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Analysis (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Analysis (Int), Psychology (Wis), Psychiatry (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), High bartering (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly. At any age past 60 human years: Retirement (Ex).
1st level gains Grey magic (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Psychic (Ex) and Mind reading (Sp).
3rd level gains Analysis (Cha) and Illusionous ability (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Conference call (Sp).
5th level gains Mind block (Cha) and Mind blank (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Psychology (Ex).
7th level gains Hypnotic trance (Cha) and Control (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Psychiatry (Ex).
9th level gains Stated elementalism (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Focused adaption (SP).
11th level gains Soothe (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Psychokinesis (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Mega change (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, an Analyst gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Analyst gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
An Analyst can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Meteorologist (Meteorologist)
For Meteorologist abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This is a mage that is a magic user and can report weather by feel. This class works like a Mage reporter except with weather patterns.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Weather (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Analysis (Int), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), High bartering (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Weather manipulation (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Reporting (Ex), Analysis (Ex) and Witty (Ex).
3rd level gains Pattern analysis (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Tracing (Sp), Luck (Ex) and Reminders (Ex).
5th level gains Morphology (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Instance (Sp).
7th level gains Storm power (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Evolution (Sp) and Condition (Sp).
9th level gains Living power (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Identify (Sp) and Focus device (Ex).
11th level gains Infini (Cha) and Regional weather (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Direct power focus (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains Dimensional storm (Cha).
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Hyperdimensional storm (Cha).
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Self-empowerment (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Meteorologist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Meteorologist gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Meteorologist can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Psychonaut (Psychonaut)
For Psychonaut abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This class is where you think to create with energy as a point is expression and spacial exploration. They basically use their mind to explore the spaces that exist.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Exploration (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), High bargaining (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly. You also have Psi powers (Ex)
1st level gains Object creativity (Cha), Elemental focus (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Psionics (Ex), Exploration (Ex) and Astral scouting (Ex).
3rd level gains Elemental focus (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Subdual (Ex), Psionic investigations (Sp) and Luck (Ex).
5th level gains Shift and create (Cha) and Telling point (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Thought (Ex), Pyrokinesis (Sp) and Telekinesis (Sp).
7th level gains Soul creation (Cha) and Bad luck (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Organic constructs (Ex), Sleep (ex), 3rd degree vision (Sp).
9th level gains Theory use (Cha) and Altered state (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Mind reading (Sp), Antipsychotic (Ex) and Dimensional access (Sp).
11th level gains Quantum healing energy (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Task solving (Ex), Universal knowledge (Ex) and Escaping fate (Sp).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and The leader (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Psychonaut gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Psychonaut gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Psychonaut can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Theoretical physicist (Theoretical_physics)
For Theoretical physicist abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This class is where you can think to create with energy particles. They basically create with energy and particles that exist.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Physics (Wis), Knowledge: Theory (Wis), Mathematics (Int), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), High bargaining (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Theory of energy (Cha), Applied physics (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Theory (Ex) and En use (Ex).
3rd level gains Scientific effects (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Mathematics (Ex) and Flash freeze (Sp).
5th level gains Quantum effect (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Wormhole (Sp) and Half-life (Sp).
7th level gains Dark matter (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Particle wave pattern (Sp) and Magic theory (Ex).
9th level gains Matter change (Cha) and Mini blackhole (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, EMP (Sp).
11th level gains Maxwell's demon ability (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Universal body (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Theoretical physicist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Theorectical physicist gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Theoretical physicist can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Quantum warrior (Quantum_warr)
For Quantum warrior abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This class is where you can think to create with Quantum particles whatever you want. They basically create with energy and particles that exist.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Quantum (Wis), Mathematics (Int), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), High bargaining (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Think and create by feel (Cha), Quantum energy effect (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Thought and effect (Sp), Combat specialization (Ex) and Staff special (Ex).
3rd level gains Quantum jumping (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Quantum intangibility form (Ex) and Quantum entanglement (Ex).
5th level gains Genstone changes (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Flight (Ex), Time adjustment (Ex) and Quantum sight (Ex).
7th level gains Synchronicity (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, More damage (Ex) and Heavier (Ex).
9th level gains Quantum energy shift (Cha) and Spooky action (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Detect energy (Ex) and Weapon drop (Ex).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Quantum god (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Quantum warrior gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Quantum warrior gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Quantum warrior can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Ghost hunter (Ghost_hunter)
For Ghost hunter abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; This is where you can become a ghostbuster, and enjoy busting ghosts with a proton pack and ghost trap or ghost busting equipment.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Ghosts and beings (Wis), Fixing things (int), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), High bargaining (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Paranormal effect (Cha), Smudging (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Undeath (Sp), Alteration (Ex) and Night vision (Ex).
3rd level gains Ghost sight (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Psychic (Ex) and Living heal (Sp).
5th level gains Negative sense (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Speak to dead (Sp), Bone decalcificatio (Sp) and Etheric sight (Sp).
7th level gains Resistance to the dead (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Ghost shield (Sp) and Negation to raising (Sp).
9th level gains Charm undead (Cha) and Spirit trap (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Turn dead (Sp) and Raise undead (Sp).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Being form (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Ghost hunter gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Ghost hunter gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Ghost hunter can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Superhuman (Superhuman)
For Superhuman abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This class is where you transform into a giant or superhuman as your body changes you into one.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: observed things (Wis), Fixing things (int), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Move silently (Agl), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), High bargaining (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Physical ability (Cha), Psychic manifest ability (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Superhuman (Ex), Lucky (Ex) and Special (Ex).
3rd level gains Hunting (Cha) and Super ability (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Stalking (Ex), Cure (Ex), Naturalist (Ex) and The mystery of writing (Sp).
5th level gains Absorption (Cha) and Height (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Super reactions (Ex) and Persona swap (Sp).
7th level gains Animal husbandry (Cha) and Body change (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Mutations (Ex), Ageless (Ex) and Toughness (Ex).
9th level gains Time ability (Cha) and Biolectricty (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, True sight (Sp), Adrenaline (Ex) and Temperature (Ex).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Super body (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Superhuman gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Superhuman gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Superhuman can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Supernatural (Supernatural)
For Supernatural abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This class is where you transform into a supernatural being as your body changes you into one using energy.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck and Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Fixing things (int), Focus (Wis), Move silently (Agl), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), High bargaining (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains The exchange (Cha), The overshield (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Speed (Ex), Energy move (Sp) and Supernatural strength (Ex).
3rd level gains Supernatural energy trick (Cha) and The trick (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Night movement (Ex) and Animate objects (Sp).
5th level gains The idea (Cha) and Think and life create (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Scare tactic (Sp), Usurp (Sp) and Endurant running (Ex).
7th level gains Think and focus (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Sleep (Sp), Spiritual arrangement (Ex) and Nightmare damages (Sp).
9th level gains Candle rite (Cha) and Energy eating (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Senses (Ex).
11th level gains Shapeshifting spiritually (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Super body (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Supernatural gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Supernatural gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Supernatural can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Dimensional Keeper (Dimensional Keeper)
For Dimensional keeper abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This class was inspired by the star trek: voyager episodes of the keeper or watcher of space on a planet they went to for exploration.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Dodge (Agl), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Escape (Int), Fixing things (int), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), Identify weakness (Int), High bargaining (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Magnetic pulser (Cha), Accurate attack (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Omnihealing (Sp) and Long lived (Ex).
3rd level gains Creating effect (Cha) and Knowledge (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Mystical (Ex) and Future sight (Ex).
5th level gains Mental duel (Cha) and Attractor effect (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Stun (Sp), Insight (Ex) and Persuasive (Ex).
7th level gains Trouble repulser (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Magic duel (Sp), Barrier (Sp) and Technology (Ex).
9th level gains Time manipulation (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Protection from domination (Ex).
11th level gains Omnidimensional (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Enlightened body (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Dimensional keeper gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Dimensional keeper gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Dimensional keeper can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Neutrino mage (Neutrino mage)
For Neutrino mage abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: A neutrino mage is a mage who has the ability to channel the energy of neutrinos to perform magic and create results by manifest through the use of neutrinos and the mind.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (You don't have to list him) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Intimidation (Wis), Dodge (Agl), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Subatomic physics (Wis), Energy sense (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Thinking chance (Cha), Neutrinos (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Life effect (Ex) and Ghost infusement (Ex).
3rd level gains Elemental neutrinos (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Neutrino body (Sp), Neutrino communication (Sp), Luck effect (Ex) and Neutrino attack (Sp).
5th level gains Cellular energy (Cha) and Overexcited neutrinos (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Subatomic knowledge (Ex) and Detect invisibility (Sp).
7th level gains Electrified neutrinos (Cha) and Neutrino disruption (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Neutrino heat wave (Sp), Matter mastery (Sp) and Alien visitation (Ex).
9th level gains Heart attack (Cha) and Neutrino wave (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Refill (Sp), Solar recharge (Ex) and Element bending (Sp).
11th level gains Neutrino star (Cha) and Neutrino bolt (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Enchantment (Sp) and Drain (ex).
13th level gains Time travel (cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Imploser (Sp), Energy sense (Ex) and Immunity to energy drain (Ex).
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Self-neutrino form (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Neutrino mage gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Neutrino mage gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Neutrino mage can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Neutrino warrior (Neutrino warrior)
For Neutrino warrior abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: A Neutrino Warrior is someone who has harnessed the power of neutrinos and uses them for battle. They are usually very smart, very precise and can take down anything that gets in their way. They can shoot neutrinos from their hands and they can be a force of destruction on a whole new scale.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (You don't have to list him) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Dodge (Agl), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Subatomic physics (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Energy manipulation (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Superhuman strength (ex) and Superhuman speed (Ex).
3rd level gains Quantum mechanics (Cha) and Gravity manipulation (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Luck effect (Ex), Passing through objects (Sp) and High intellect (Ex).
5th level gains Quantum mechanics (Cha), Gravity manipulation (cha) and Strong nuclear force control (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Subatomic level manipulations (Sp), Accuracy (Ex) and Manipulate time and space (Ex).
7th level gains Dark matter manipulation (Cha), Magnetic fields (Cha) and Force fields (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Superhuman agility (Ex), Subatomic particles manipulation (Sp) and New forms of energy (SP).
9th level gains Time manipulation (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Energy generation (Ex) and Magnetic attack block (Sp).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and The neutrino force body (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Neutrino warrior gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Neutrino warrior gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Neutrino warrior can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Financier (Financier)
For Financier abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This class is a DnD class that uses money, and other things as energy to create what you desired.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (You don't have to list him) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Dodge (Agl), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Finance (Wis), Financing (Int), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Money energy effect (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Strength (ex), Money sense (Sp) and Money deals (Ex).
3rd level gains Transmutation (Cha) and Money attack (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Psychic (Ex), Armor boost (Ex) and Money exchange (Sp).
5th level gains Creative source approach (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Tax dodging (Sp), Money damage reduction (Sp) and Money armor (Sp).
7th level gains Enhanced money magic (Cha) and Coin illusion (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Money back (Sp), Instant credit (Sp), Bonus (Ex) and Instant recharge (Ex).
9th level gains Magic bribe (Cha) and Voidalism (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Angel investor (Sp), Gold investing (Sp) and Extra money (Ex).
11th level gains Money health (Cha) and Blinding light (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Gold petrification (Sp).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Money being (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Financier gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Financier gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Financier can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Politician (Politician)
For Politician abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: A politician in modern DND is a magic user who specializes in political manipulation and persuasion. These people are political in nature. They use their magic to sway people's opinions, influence decision making, and gain political clout.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (You don't have to list it) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Dodge (Agl), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Politics (Wis), Financing (Int), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), Persuasion (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Finding things (Cha), Word will II (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Campaigning (Sp), Popularity (Ex), Luck (Ex) and Persuasion (Ex).
3rd level gains Enchanting speech (Cha) and Neural mind control (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Debate (Sp), Combat bonus (Ex) and Peace (Sp).
5th level gains Illusionary magics (Cha) and Mental divination (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Slander (Sp), Slimyness (Ex), Performance (Sp), Filibuster (Sp) and Brain improvement (Ex).
7th level gains Selective focus (Cha) and Aura manifest (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Implicate (Sp), Telepathy (Sp) and Jerrymander (Sp).
9th level gains Enchantment effect (cha) and Magical protection (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Lame duck (Ex), Muscle building (Ex), Belief (Sp) and House divided (Sp).
11th level gains Enchanting weapons (Cha) and Veto (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Political charisma (Ex), Mudslinging (Sp).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Office (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Politician gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Politician gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Politician can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose. At any time a politician may step down or not want to be a politician anymore..then they become an Ex-politician.
Farmer (Farmer)
For Farmer abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This is the magical farmer that you would always want to make your food.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (You don't have to list him) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Dodge (Agl), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Farming (Wis), Persuasion (Int), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), Animal husbandry (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Production manifest (Cha), Discussion (Int) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Weather manipulation (Sp), Decomposition (Sp) and Animal communication (Sp).
3rd level gains Deal (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Soil enrichment (Sp), Compost golem (Sp) and Harvesting efficiency (Sp).
5th level gains Sun focus (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Pest control (Sp).
7th level gains The fast seed grow (Cha) and Farming (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Storage preservation (Sp) and Green thumb (Ex).
9th level gains Botany Ability (Cha), Water (Cha) and Animal husbandry (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats Harvest pumpkin (Cha) and Expression ability (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Farmer gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Farmer gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Farmer can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Wild mage (Wild mage)
For Wild mage abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This class is a class born of fey and humankind. It uses a form of magic, that's wilderness based in nature. It can do anything.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (You don't have to list him) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Dodge (Agl), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: magic (Wis), Financing (Int), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), Persuasion (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Wild magic (Cha), Wild magic surge (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Wild casting (ex) and Extra spell (Ex).
3rd level gains Tides of chaos (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Aversion effect (Sp) and Chaos clone (Sp).
5th level gains Bend luck (Cha) and Chaos infusion (Wis).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Chaos bonus (Ex).
7th level gains Controlled chaos (Cha) and Spell Bombardment (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Chaos adaptation (Sp) and Chaos shield (Sp).
9th level gains Chaos gate (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Random shift (Ex).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Chaos being (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Wild mage gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Wild mage gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Wild mage can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Q (Q)
For Q abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This is the infamous Q from star trek, that you can play as a class on a whim. Q is a powerful, immortal being in the Star Trek universe who has the ability to manipulate time, space, and reality. This would be considered a god-level character and would have abilities far beyond the reach of most mortals.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (You don't have to list him) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Dodge (Agl), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Financing (Int), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis), Persuasion (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Omnipotent manifest (Wis), Wormholes (Wis) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Weapon specialty (ex), Omnipotent knowledge (Ex) and Luck generation (Ex).
3rd level gains Infinite wishes (Wis).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Stamina (Ex), Initiative (Ex), Knowing (Ex) and Q space (Sp).
5th level gains Spacial effect (Wis) and Adjunct (Wis).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Specialization (Ex), Time travel (Sp) and Supernatural (Ex).
7th level gains Reality alteration (Wis) and Clones (Wis).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Languages (Ex), Physics (Sp), Control over matter (Sp) and Mind control (Sp).
9th level gains Heavy lifting (Wis) and Idea system (Wis).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Power over time (Sp), Immortality (Ex) and Life and death (Sp).
11th level gains Combat system (Wis) and Nothing (Wis).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats, Nothingness (Sp) and The universe (Ex).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Q-being (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Q gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Q gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Q can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Soldier (Soldir)
For Soldier abilities not in Magic system go here.
Requirements: To qualify to become a Soldier, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any alignment
Skills: Arcana 4 ranks, Concentration 5 ranks, Craft 4 ranks, Technician 6 ranks
Saves: Fortitude and Reflex good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any normal or modern weapon and Martial weapons including guns can be used with light armor and all shields.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class Skills: Endurance (Con), Profession (Wis), Technician (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Insight (Wis), Streetwise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Athletics (Str), Arcana (Int), Local (Int), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Perception (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
1st level gains Focus ability (Wis) and Kinetic Speedup (Cha).
2nd level gains 2 Bonus feats.
3rd level gains Human defense field (Cha) and Kinetic attack (Cha).
4th level gains Dedication (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Kinetic Flying (Int) and Kinetic manipulation (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Energy funnel (Cha).
8th gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Aura of belief (Ex).
10th level gains Long Range Viewing (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Kinetic Antemetal (Cha) and Weapon Power (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
14th level gains Reasoning (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
17th level gains Ensuing (Ex).
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a soldier gets a bonus combat-oriented feat in addition to the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic soldier gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
The soldier follows the Soldier oath (Ex). Any level there is a bonus language. At any time, they can join the Military (Ex).
Terrorist (terrist)
For Terrorist abilities not in Magic system go here.
Description: This is a psychic terrorist, that lives to prey upon the target/s they choose to target.
Requirements: To qualify to become a Terrorist, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any chaotic or Evil alignment
Skills: Disguise 4 ranks, Bluff 5 ranks, Concentration 5 ranks, Technician 5 ranks
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All Martial weapons including club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling, spear and gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape. All light, medium but no metal armor. Shields are all but tower that can be use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Thievery (Agl), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Knowledge: Psionics (Wis), Knowledge: rights (Wis), Perception (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
1st level gains Chaos effects (Cha), Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Psychic (Ex).
3rd level gains Spell subversions (Cha).
4th level gains Abundance (Ex), Psionic (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
6th level gains Kao confusion (Cha) and 2 Bonus feats.
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Psychic vampirism (Ex).
9th level gains Lucky benefit (Ex).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains Elemental ability (Wis), Terror aura (Ex) and 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains Anti-reasoning (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
22th level gains Imfamy (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Terrorist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Terrorist gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A terrorist must always be chaotic, unless circumstances make their activity otherwise. They use STP to get results. They serve the Terrorist oath (Ex). Any level there is a bonus language.
Psionic (Psionic)
For Psionic abilities not in Magic system go here.
Alignment: Any chaotic or other alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling, spear and gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape. All light, medium and metal armor. Shields are all but tower that can be use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
1st level gains Psychokinesis (Ex), Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
4th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Lucky benefit (Ex).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains Elemental ability (Wis) and 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains Reasoning (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
22th level gains Fame (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Psionic gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Psionic gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Psionic can be chaotic or any other alignment. Any level there is a bonus language.
Master (Master)
For Master abilities not in Magic system go here.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling, spear and gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape. All light, medium and heavy metal armor (if strength is greater than 16). Shields are all but tower that can be use.
Skill points at 1st: (8+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 8+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), History (Int), Survival (Wis), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Perception (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
1st level gains Any ability (Ex), Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
4th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
6th level gains Time Ability (Wis) and 2 Bonus feats.
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Lucky benefit (Ex).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains Reasoning (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
22th level gains Mastery (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Master gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Master gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Master can be any alignment. Any level there is a bonus language.
Mage (Mage)
For Mage abilities not in Magic system go here.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All exotic weapons including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are all but tower that can be use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
1st level gains Magic (Ex), Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
3rd level gains Mage dream (Ex)
4th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Time Ability (Wis).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Runes (Ex).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Lucky benefit (Ex).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains Reasoning (Ex) and 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
22th level gains Mastery and fame (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Mage gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Mage gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Mage can be any alignment that uses MP. Any level there is a bonus language.
Solamnic Artist (Solamnic_Artist)
For the Solamnic Artist's abilities not in Magic system go here.
Description: Your basic solamnic artist is in a practitioner of the arts that is using a point and that is magic used to create what they would desire. They have no oath and they have no measure. Except to use what they can within their means to get what they want done and they create with the soul.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All weapons can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are all except tower that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: They gain and can use Third eye manifest (Cha).
1st level gains Solamnic manifestation (Cha), Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
3rd level gains Effect creation (Ex) and Solamnic force (Ex)
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
5th level gains Energy weapons (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Lunar (Ex).
7th level gains Moment in time (Cha) and Dimensional Travel (Ex).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Radiance bubbles (cha) and Third eye blast (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Unlimited recharge (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Recovery (cha) and Energy being (cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Neomodernism (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Solamnic Artist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Solamnic Artist gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Solamnic Artist can be any alignment and that they use STP. Any level there is a bonus language.
Ninja Warrior (Ninja_Warrior)
For Ninja warrior abilities that are not in Magic system, go here.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All exotic and melee weapons including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are all but tower that can be use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Focus (Wis), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
1st level gains Martial arts, Focus ability (Wis) and Creation (in glossary not in magic systems).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat.
3rd level gains Think to do.
4th level gains Aura effect and 2 Bonus feats.
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Think and do and Mental library.
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
9th level gains Aura Projection and Mystical ability.
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Things in action.
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Mystical illusion.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
15th level gains Yei yeah ye.
16th level gains Mana manipulation and 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains Mana form and 2 Bonus feats.
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Ninja warrior gets an additional feat with that of any 1st-level character gets. The epic Ninja warrior gains 2 bonus feats every 2 levels starting at and higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, this is including ability score increases every 2 levels starting with 20th and every 2 levels above 20th.
Any level the ninja warrior can join a clan for a side (listed on character sheet) and there is a bonus language.
Wiccan (Wiccan)
For the Wiccan's magical skills look for Focus in the Magic system and for (Ex) skills look for Wiccan here.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light armor or no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and light armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), High bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Any level: The wiccan can get a Book of shadows and create with spells using the innate ability feat or learning a spell.
1st level gains Charm magic (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and God magic (Cha).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Hex magic (Cha) and Potions (Ex).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
7th level gains Natural science understanding (Ex).
8th level gains 2 bonus feats and Spontaneous combustion (Ex).
9th level gains Luck (Ex).
10th level gains Abundance (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
15th level gains Divinity (Ex).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. They follow the Wiccan crede (Ex). 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 12 and every three level higher than 20th.
Specialist (Specialist)
For the Specialist's magical skills look for Specialist in the Magic system and for (Ex) skills look for Specialist here.
Special: If your character has level 7 or above and 7 focus ranks or above, they can qualify for this class.
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All normal and martial weapons except exotic with ambidexterity but light armor or no shield. This is Weapon Accuracy proficiency of +3 and light armor proficiency.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Arcana (Int), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis) , Survival (Wis), Streetwise (Wis), History (Int), Driving (Agl), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int), Healing (Wis), High bartering (Wis) and Focus (Wis).
Class features:
Any level: The specialist can create with spells using the innate ability feat or learning a spell.
1st level gains Advanced elementalism (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains 2 bonus feats.
3rd level gains spell recognition (Wis) and Shatter (Cha).
4th level 2 bonus feats.
5th level gains Focus (Ex).
6th level gains 2 bonus feats.
8th level gains 2 bonus feats.
10th level gains Specialism (Ex) and 2 bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 bonus feats and Social reform (Ex).
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. 2 Bonus feats every two levels starting at level 12 and every three level higher than 20th.
Psi master (Psi master)
For Psi master abilities not in Magic system go here. For psionic powers go here.
Description: This is a prestige Psionicist class..
Requirements: 16 or more int, 15 or more Cha
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All weapons including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are none that they can use except small.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Knowledge: all (Wis), Focus (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
1st level gains Psi moment (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Psionic power.
3rd level gains Psychic agreement and disagreement (Cha)
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Psionic power.
5th level gains Psionic boost (Ex).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Psionic power.
7th level gains Device use (Cha) and Constructs (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Psionic power.
9th level gains Enhanced Construct (Ex), Psi blink (Cha), Scanning (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Psionic power.
11th level gains Programming (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Psionic power.
13th level gains Psi mastery (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Psionic power.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 3 Bonus Feats and Deity Enhancement (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Psi master gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Psi master gains every 3 levels higher 3 Bonus Feats such as 20th (23rd, 26th, and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Psi master can be any alignment and that they use STP. Any level there is a bonus language.
Divinator (Divinator)
For Divinator abilities not in Magic system go here.
Description: This is a divine prestige class that can create with the power of divine beings.
Requirement: Some God or the Creator as your God
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are none but small that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Healing (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Divine will (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Recognition (Ex).
3rd level gains Divine ability (Cha), Divine Vision (Cha) and Then ability (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Calming aura (Ex).
5th level gains Ultimate dominion (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Illusion (Ex).
7th level gains Thought ability (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Blessing (Ex) and Curse (Ex).
9th level gains Divine wrath (cha) and Calming cast (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Soothing focus (Ex).
11th level gains Chaos creation (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Zealotism (Ex).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Holy form (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Divinator gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Divinator gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Divinator can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language and companion they may choose.
Sage (Sage)
For Sage abilities not in Magic system go here.
Description: You can create anything out of the naruto world by feel with this class.
Requirements: you must be with charisma of 16+ and intelligence of 16+ to get this class.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including gun can be used with ambidexterity and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light, medium armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are none but small that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Int), Healing (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Sharingan (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Eye shift special ability and Recognition (Ex).
3rd level gains Hand sign (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Illusion (Ex).
5th level gains Spirit magic (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
7th level gains Elemental projection (cha) and Magic focus (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, The six pathes (Ex) and Reasoning aura (Ex).
9th level gains Mangyeko (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Wisdom (Ex) and Spirit cleansing (Ex).
11th level gains Internal magic (cha) and Magnetism (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and The restructuring (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Sage gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Sage gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Sage can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language and companion they may choose.
Warrior Cop (warr-cop)
For Warrior cop abilities not in Magic system go here.
Requirements: 15 Agl or better, 16 Int or better, Have Cop or Security as Profession
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including gun can be used and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are up to medium that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Streetwise (Cha), Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Driving (Agl), Gun fighting (Agl), Healing (Wis), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Modern things (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can do an imprisionment shift and can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly. Any level add to the character sheet Imprisionment shift as a skill.
1st level gains Will word (Wis) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Weapon Specialty (Ex) and Attraction (Ex).
3rd level gains Elemental weapon focus (Cha) and Instant elemental form (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Creation (Ex) and Psychic awareness (Ex).
5th level gains Momentary law (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Improved driving (Ex).
7th level gains Change (cha) and Temperature (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Greed (Ex) and Crime (Ex).
9th level gains Incident (Cha) and Fate call (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Lie detection (Ex).
11th level gains Elemental creation (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Atomic influence (cha) and Star breath (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Promotion (Ex).
30th level gains Symbolic leadership (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Warrior cop gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Warrior cop gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
At any moment, they can become an Ex cop (Ex). A Warrior Cop can be any alignment and that they use STP. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Nagual (Nagual)
For Nagual abilities not listed in the Magic system go here.
Description: This is a mexican prestige mage that does things to get results. Think and you know what to do.
Requirements: 16 or more Int and Wis, must be at least level 5 in another class to get this.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including guns and swords can be used and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are up to medium that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Technician (Int), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Driving (Agl), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can use the Spells (Ex) ability and apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Ability manifest (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Drugs (Ex).
3rd level gains Ward (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Luck (Ex).
5th level gains Trade energy (cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Talk to animals and creatures (Ex).
7th level gains Rememberance (cha) and Stalking (cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Gating (Ex).
9th level gains Dream (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Timing (Ex).
11th level gains Writing (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Khepser (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Nagual gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Nagual gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Nagual can be any alignment and that they use MP. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Chemist (chemist)
For Chemist abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description; This is a glorified and prestige mage that is similar to the full metal Alchemist yet modern.
Requirements; 16+ int, 16+ wis and con of 15 or greater.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: Any deity or The creator as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, flasks of acid, guns, knives or swords and if you want to list it then all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are none that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Driving (Agl), Technician (Int), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: All (Wis), Plants (Wis), Alchemy and Chemistry (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Modern things (Int) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Starch power (Cha), Summons (cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Identify (Sp), Chemistry and Alchemy (Ex) and Potion making (Ex).
3rd level gains Hope (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Acoustic hypersonic chemistry (Ex) and Hand potion (Ex).
5th level gains Broadcast (cha) and Carrol's spell prayer (Sp).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Luck boost (Sp).
7th level gains Conjour (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Greater yield (Ex) and Pay off (Ex).
9th level gains Chemical magic (cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Dead on (Ex).
11th level gains Wishing (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Rainbow energy body (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Chemist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Chemist gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Chemist can be any alignment and that they use STP. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Atomicist (Atomicist)
For Atomicist abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: The Atomicist is a specialty character where you create with the atoms and cell energy combined, this is done to form what you desire and that counts as a Prestige mage.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Connive (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: fighting (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Unlimited ability (Cha), Provoking (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat and Atomic shape (Ex).
3rd level gains Creative approach (Cha) and Bioelectricity (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Luck (Ex).
5th level gains Spirit chat (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Virus (Sp).
7th level gains Atomic slicer (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats and Spells (Sp).
9th level gains Atomizer (Cha) and Shitz (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Nuclear (Sp) and Recharge (Ex).
11th level gains Music (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Planetary magic (Cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Atomic shaping (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, an Atomicist gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Atomicist gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. An Atomicist can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Shadow emulator (Shade emulate)
For Shadow emulator abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This is the Shadow emulator from the idea of gaming and emulation, that is a prestige mage class.
Requirements: Charisma of 16 or above, Intelligence of 16 or above. You may gain this class anytime you want.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (6+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 6+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Magic (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Think and seem (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Shadow shift (Ex) and Shadow attack (Sp).
3rd level gains Gender switch (Cha) and Thought energy (cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Psychoscout (Sp), Luck (Ex) and Immunity (Sp).
5th level gains Shadow wizardry (Cha), The airflow (Cha) and Shadow casting (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Spell immunized (Sp) and Thumbdrive (Sp).
7th level gains Then thinking (Cha) and Imitative energy (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Thought transfer (Ex) and Thought control (Sp).
9th level gains End point (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Universal language (Ex) and Sleep (Sp).
11th level gains The timeflow (Cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Reading (Sp).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Shadow lord (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Shadow emulator gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Shadow emulator gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A familiar is gained any level for free or discount. A Shadow emulator can be any alignment and that they use MP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
Shinobi (Shinobi)
For Shinobi abilities not listed in Magic system go here.
Description: This is a ninja specialist that is modern and great at what they do.
Requirements: Charisma of 16 or above, Agility of 15 or greater, Intelligence of 16 or above. You may gain this class anytime you want.
Alignment: Any alignment
Saves: Luck good, Will good
Deity: The creator (you don't have to list the creator as your god) or any God as your deity
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: Any weapon including whatever weapon you can get can be used like magic weapons, knives, guns or swords and if you want to list them all, natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume. All light armor (if strength is greater than 16 then heavy armor). Shields are medium or less that can be of use.
Skill points at 1st: (7+Int Mod)x4
Skill points per level: 7+Int Mod
Class skills: Profession (Wis), Perception (Wis), Arcana (Int), Endurance (Con), Stealth (Agl), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Acrobatics (Agl), Climbing (Agl), Knowledge: Ninjitsu (Wis), Focus (Wis), Survival (Wis), Healing (Wis), Driving (Agl), Modern things (Wis) and Concentration (Con).
Class features:
Any level: At any level you can apport or teleport to anywhere or any point you want, instantly.
1st level gains Focus and create (Cha) and Focus ability (Wis).
2nd level gains a Bonus feat, Cantrip (Sp) and Martial arts (Ex).
3rd level gains Walking on surfaces (cha) and Energy ability (Cha).
4th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Weapons mastery (Ex) and Luck (Ex).
5th level gains Focus and shift (Cha).
6th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Clones (Sp) and Shimmering force field (Sp).
7th level gains Spirit downing (Cha) and Genjutsu (Cha).
8th level gains 2 Bonus feats, Astral effect (Sp).
9th level gains Power word make (Cha).
10th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
11th level gains Power words (Cha) and Power phrase (cha).
12th level gains 2 Bonus Feats.
13th level gains Stand and create (cha).
14th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
16th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
18th level gains 2 Bonus feats.
20th level gains 2 Bonus Feats and Enhancement (Ex).
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Shinobi gets the feat that any 1st-level character gets. The epic Shinobi gains 3 bonus feats every 3 levels higher than 20th (23rd, 26th and so on). They must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score.
A Shinobi can be any alignment and that they use STP for results. Any level there is a bonus language they may choose.
is the exposure amount to any concept per action or melee/range action.
Action XP (experience) accumulates over time with DC or task
difficulty. The DCs are dc5 easy for 200 xp. dc10 normal for 400 xp,
dc15 challenging for 600 xp, dc20 tough for 800 xp, dc25 very hard for
1000 xp, dc30 imposible for 1500 xp.
The character class is the job added to the Class name,
like a backstreet fighter, charmer, cook or whatever class you want to
call yourself. Feel free to make it up. A job defines what character
class you are and that is the field of study. A field of study is the
career said player chooses. A player is a lower, equal, or higher level
to another player, for position. Experience level ups are in the XP Charts section.
The Epic level handbook lists level 21+ feats and skills
whereas the Players handbook list level 1 to 20 skills and feats.
This and other dnd stuff can be found here. Use the training
points calculation, as in charts
to figure level training points.
Skills and feats for live dnd are handled differently. They
are based off the job or need at the moment, if you do a job or do
things with the skills then you can increase the skill rank or point
total that is beside the skill with or without allotable skill points.
The skills are with skill points that are adjusted by use of the skill
or applied points. See you may buy skill points, too. Each job requires
certain skills to succeed. Skills are Abilities like bluff (lying,
cheating), perception and etc.
That is what you may choose. You may have any skill that you
make up or choose to use at any time listed, that's as long as you
assign a core stat beside it in its listing within brackets () on
the character sheet. Also, you can buy feats and skills from the
GM/DM. Offer 1000 Gold, dollars or credit per feat or skill point
and you can buy up to 2 feats or 4 skill points per level raised.
There are too many feats for a single character to learn but
you can focus your character on skills that best accentuate capabilities.
Any level, you can get a new skill. So think to get the focus skill, then
you can do magic checks and anything that requires focusing, if necessary.
Remember though, you only get a certain amount of skill points from
the skill points that are described.
Yet, you apply the skill points every level.
All Strength, Agility and Constitution based skills suffer armour
check failure or success by a roll of a 1d20 minus 5 if no weapon or armor
profiency or +5 if there is a weapon or armor profiency. Weapon and armor
profienciency are feats that can be offered freely.
Skills are listed in the D&D player handbook, and other players guide book
whatever version you want, use for a compiled list is here. The Epic level
handbook lists level 21+ feats and skills whereas the Players handbook
list level 1 to 20 skills and feats. This and other gaming stuff can be
found here
for 3.5e or here for
4th edition rules. The fifth edition rules are this place otherwise the 2nd to 5th editions are with this place.
The limit
of how much you can have in each general skill of allocated skill rank
points is the Intelligence mod plus character level.
Feats are
special capabilities even fighting feats that are to your character things, that benefit by adding talents
not there or improving the feats you have. Character feats are gained
every 3 level. Some feats have prerequisites. New feats and other feats
are listed here. You may
get a Special ability in the place of a Feat.
You can now use any feat points, free or not, to get special abilities.
You may use a feat or special ability, at the cost of 5% energy.
Feat gaining
is 2 feats per character class except wizards and fighters gain 3. 2
bonus feats at first level for all characters. So a fighter mage gets 8
feats at first, then at 3rd level its 6 feats. Whereas mage thief get 7
feats at first then 5 feats every 3 level. A single class like a cook
gets 4 feats at 1st level and 2 feats every 3 level thereafter. Think
or use, this is for other classes if its class dependent.
The Skill Training feat is now defunct and lets you add another skill as a
trained skill, this is where you think to use a trained feat to get
better results at +5 to the result. There are 4 allowed trained skills at first
level. Humans can choose 1 extra skill to train in at 1st level.
To make a character you may use the dnd e-tools if using 3.5 rules. So for that
I made a half-drow
race for, or other method via the dnd books found in dnd
resources, for the 3.5e core books, or here, for the 4e PHB.
For the PHB 4e and 5e; 1, 2 and 3, look here.
If doing a handmade character, look at the PlayersHandbook; 1, 2 and 3, of
4e, 5e. If you want a character template use the Ars Live DnD Character info Sheet for creating
a stock character. Be sure to check out this handy Equipment
List. This is made of Medieval and Modern Equipment and for Live Ars DnD.
This list lists Medieval and Modern items.
Think to use the race and try to place the .rac files into the e-tools install directory under [base dir]/user/races. Then load e-tools and the race is there for character creation in the PH category.
Then use
the normal dnd classes for template using e-tools or 5e stock
character, remembering that:
Runic master class are wizards
Belmage uses the wizard class
Sorcere, Chaot, Dreamwalker, Elementalist, Eldritch, and Angellic class are sorceror/ess
Warrior kinetic and Were are fighters
Batlmage class are barbarian/sorceror multiclass
Shamans are druids
Warlock druids are counted as druids with the race as demon(your choice)
Weavers are sorcerers
Anti-paladins are paladins
Rogue wiz are rogue/wizard multiclass
Psychic monks and Sorcere monks are monk
Voodoo Witchdoctors are prestige clerics
Hell clerics are clerics with the daemon race
Kinetic Sorcere are a sorcerer prestige class
Kinetic assassins are assassin prestige class
Actor bards are bards
The knight classes are rangers
Wave Masters are sorcerors
Ninja mage are ninja
Tengu are Ninja
Samurai are a warrior or fighter class.
Witch are a wizard or sorceror class.
Necromancer are a sorceror class.
Shadow practitioner are a sorceror class
Light creator are a sorceror class
Divine are a sorceror class
Chi warrior, Chi master and Master Healer are a sorceror class
Hell weaver are a sorceror class
Summoner are a Mage class
Mystic class are a Psionic mage class
God slayer are a Warrior class
Creators can be counted as Modern Magic workers
Anti-Mage and Psi Kinetic can be counted as a Modern Psionicist
Criminal can be counted as a Modern Rogue
Law Enforcer can be counted as a Modern Warrior
Priest can be counted as a Modern Cleric
Scientist can be a Modern wizard
Seer can be counted as a Modern Sorceror
Psychic can be counted as a Modern sorceror psionicist
Prophet can be counted as a Modern sorceror
Healer can be counted as a Modern sorceror
Technomancer can be counted as a Modern Sorcerer
Worker can be counted as a Modern Fighter
Bum are a modern day beggar or thief
Mechanic are a modern wizard
Holy are a mage soldier
Mage knight are a modern mage soldier
Illusionist are a modern mage
Channeler are a modern sorceror
Hacker are a modern thief
Cultist are a modern sorceror
Magician are a modern mage
Orderly are a modern nurse practicioner
Starseed are a modern ancient mage
Dweomer master are a modern mage
Decepter are German mage
Muse are a modern mage
Ninja mage technician are a modern ninja
Geneticist are a modern mage
Psychic doctor are a modern healer
Con Artist are a modern mage
Ultraman are modern mage warriors
City scout are modern mage scouts
Spiritualist are modern spirit mages
Druggie are a modern physical mage
Alcoholic are a under the influence mage
Disease master are an advanced mage
God magician are an advanced mage
Lawyer are an advanced mage in law
Special reporter are an advanced mage in reporting
Shinigami are an advanced spirit mage
Astral mage are a Modern mage
Occult writer are an Advanced mage writer
Merchant are a modern mage seller
Archeologist are a modern mage explorer
Magic engineer are a modern mage creationist
Geologist are a modern mage field expert
Astrophysicist are a modern mage field expert
Physicist are a modern mage field expert
Herald mage are a modern mage field explorer
Men in black are a modern psychic guard
Analyst are a modern mage specialist
Meteorologist are a modern mage reporter
Psychonaut are a modern Psionic explorer
Theoretical physicist are a modern mage scientist
Quantum warrior are a modern warrior mage
Ghost hunter are a modern special investigator
Superhuman are a modern warrior
Supernatural are a modern spiritualist
Dimensional keeper are a modern being
Neutrino mage are a modern mage scientist
Neutrino warrior are a modern warrior scientist
Financier are a modern mage money manager
Politician are a modern political figure
Farmer are a modern produce producer
Wild mage are a mage
Judge are a modern wizard
Q are a modern God
Soldier are a Modern Prestige Fighter class
Terrorist are a Modern Prestige Rogue
Psionic are a Modern Psionicist
Master are a Modern Wizard
Mage are a Modern Sorceror
Ninja warrior are a Modern Ninja
Wiccan are a modern wizard or sorceror
Stalker is a modern Ranger
Occultist is a modern wizard
Solamnic Artist is a modern sorceror
Psi master are an elite psionicist
Divinator are an elite Divine
Sage are an elite Ninja
Warrior Cop are an elite Warrior
Nagual are a modern elite Mage
Chemist are a modern elite Mage
Atomicist are a modern Mage
Shadow emulator are a elite modern mage
Shinobi are an elite ninja
The rest are dnd classes. They all get a 100% HP
+ Con Mod per level, and any spells are replaced by Will word (Wis). To keep
balance they get Focus (Wis) and Spell scroll (Wis). Split classes
are with 100% HP + Con Mod per level as well, excepting when they have
Monstrous Regeneration.
Think to use this for a handmade character, if you want a character template use the Ars Live DnD Character info Sheet for creating
a stock character. This is done with some text editor or put it on paper using pencil. Make the character for skills listed in the system and as to what the class gets in character description. Now get the character to the level desired. Feel free, to add the character power of "creation", to the character sheet, if your using DnD 4e or 5e rules. Think about things that you want to create and don't forget to add in the Skill additions, if you use the idea. As listed in the Skills and Feats section.
Affiliations are whatever
society or group that you think is associated to you. The Race can be
any race of character that the player wants to be and the GM allows.
Race: The race is anything including homebrew that you want to call yourself
and are therefore.
Occupation or class is any class of warrior, fighter or
other class. Living Territory is any place you can think of that your
character came from.
Living territory is where you character hales from, otherwise
where it came from as you think to be known for a place.
Age:, Gender:, Height:, Weight: and Size: are self-explanatory.
Age is anything greater than 15 years. Weight is nothing less than 50 lbs.
Size is your character build, that can be tiny, small, medium, large and
Alignment and Deity: We have a alignment track of Lawful
Good, Good, Neutral Good, Neutral, Neutral Evil, Evil, Chaotic Evil and
Unaligned amongst others. The alignments are this for any further explanation. You can pick any Deity to suit your character, or deign to not have one as you put The creator as your deity.
Devotion is where you create effectes with Gods or Deity.
Place the number of times you make a request to a God here. This
total resets after a day passes by to 0 requests. Under the creator,
the Gods are divine beings that are lesser lords and can create what
you intend created. Whatever lord you think to use or work with, they
are aspects of the creator and you can create things with them that
uses the creator as a source.
That's like turning the tide or warding
away some bad moment, so you add 1 point to devotion per request and
that is piety. See you call upon the chosen God, then you focus your
energy to create by conditions or effect. This is where your thinking
about what you want, and the God will create the point. If you give
up the God/dess ability or benefit that the God/dess granted to you,
then you no longer have to be there and devoted to the God/dess of
choice and you can choose another if you so need to have one.
Any effect that's damage or healing is done with them by each
2 devotion points, each 2 focus skill ranks or each 2 levels, that
is used as a 1d10+charisma mod in points. Duration is either instant
or using the points as for an amount of time the idea effects. This
is seconds in rounds of 6 seconds in melee or otherwise minutes and
hours out of combat.
That means you got a 42 second effect, then 42
divided by 6 is 7 rounds. This is where you round down the decimal
point. That's unless you don't want the effect, then the effect ends.
Otherwise you have a timeless effect, then you can make a conditioned
effect that effects when you need the idea to happen. These effects
can happen after a successful focus skill check with a 10 or above
or drawing a short or long straw, if no deal is made for the effect.
The physical description is there to describe you
character background. To describe your character looks and where it
came from. Its up to you to make it up.
The stats are decided by rolling a 6d20 or use of 100 points, this is where each point is a stat point and your assigning the collective points, keep in mind skills and health are important so get a higher int and con. This is set amongst the different stats that are changeable with a stat raise of 1 stat per every 3 levels:
Strength (Str)
Agility (Dex or Agl)
Constitution (Con)
Intelligence (Int)
Wisdom (Wis)
Charisma (Cha)
When you apply this to a handmade character. Calculate the Ability score mods unless you want to use a chart. The ability score mod is calculated by thinking to determine an ability modifier without consulting the table, its (Ability score - 5) / 2 round up..
Ability Score | Ability Modifier |
1 | -2 |
2-3 | -1 |
4-5 | 0 |
6-7 | +1 |
8-9 | +2 |
10-11 | +3 |
12-13 | +4 |
14-15 | +5 |
16-17 | +6 |
18-19 | +7 |
20-21 | +8 |
22-23 | +9 |
24-25 | +10 |
26-27 | +11 |
28-29 | +12 |
30 | +13 |
Health is in percentage, you start at 100%+Constitution mod. Then each level is to add the Con mod. Monsters start with health percent by rolling their hit die.
So if to get luck, then use this idea for LDnD2: Find lucky pieces or use ((Agl + Cha) / 2). However, some luck is supposed to sometimes be a hard stat to increase. But the benefits are bountiful, even if luck starts at 0. If you pray to your god in Ars DnD with a luck of -1 or lower he will punish you. How to raise it then is to find something and pick it up off the ground for luck if valuable, see a use for or whatever you find happens in the luck event. However certain objects that you can find, they will increase your luck bonus. The luck check is used to determine success of an action. Roll 10 or over for success, roll below 10 for fail where something could happen to you. This is known by what the DM/GM says or does.
Otherwise, make use of Altars to get luck. Altars are high-bandwidth connections directly to your god. They are either aligned or unaligned. Aligned altars are either lawful, or neutral, or chaotic.
There are three uses of altars:
If you drop items onto an altar while not blind, you will know their beautitude. Any altar can be used for this purpose. Note however that if you drop a fragile item (e. g. potion, mirror, crystal ball...) while levitating, it will break.
Sacrificing. There is no way to sacrifice unless you stay over an altar.
Prayer. While you certainly can try to pray everywhere, prayers while standing on altar cause better or different outcomes.
A temple is a room with an altar and a priest. Not to be confused with the player role, priests are generated peaceful and will stay at the temple (unless angry), most of the time at or near the altar. Altars in temples can have any alignment or be unaligned. The tending priest has same alignment (or lack of it) as the altar. In a temple, you can donate money to its priest, provided he or she is peaceful, and the altar had not been converted/destroyed/desecrated. His alignment is not important in most cases. If you try to convert an altar in a temple, the priest will get angry and will not accept donations anymore.
Regular Luck Adjustment Event
+1 Find a lucky piece or coin.
+2 Worship at an Altar of your God.
+3 Leaving a "gift" or token of power at the Altar for a God.
-2 Break a mirror. (Other glass items have no effect on Luck.)
+1 Sitting on a throne (sometimes).
0 Throwing a worthless gem at a unicorn.
-1 to +1 (averages to 0) Throwing unknown valuable gem at cross-aligned unicorn.
-3 to +3 (averages to 0) Throwing known valuable gem at cross-aligned unicorn.
+1 Throwing unknown valuable gem at co-aligned unicorn.
+2 Throwing named valuable gem at co-aligned unicorn.
+5 Throwing identified valuable gem at co-aligned unicorn.
-1 Killing a tame monster.
-1 Killing a peaceful monster (sometimes).
-2 Killing a peaceful human when you are not chaotic. ("You murderer!")
-5 Killing a co-aligned unicorn.
-5 to -2 Cannibalism (eating your own species), unless an orc or a caveman.
Set to 0 Praying with negative regular luck (sometimes: "golden glow" boon)
-3 Praying on wrong altar.
-5 A sacrifice (not your own race) on Moloch's altars in Gehennom.
-3 Being converted by trying to convert an altar.
-1 Otherwise unsuccessful at converting altar.
+1 Successfully converting an altar.
-1 Sacrificing at another god's altar.
-1 Kicking another god's altar ("Thou shalt pay, infidel!")
-1 Trying to engrave something on another god's altar (also gives "Thou shalt pay, infidel!")
+2 Sacrificing your own race on your own chaotic altar.
-2 Sacrificing your own race on Moloch's altar.
-5 Sacrificing your own race when you aren't chaotic.
+1 Sacrificing, slightly mollifying your god, negative luck.
Set to 0 Sacrificing, mollifying your god, negative luck.
+1 Sacrificing, having a hopeful feeling, negative luck.
Set to 0 Sacrificing, reconciling, negative luck.
0 to +5 Sacrificing, god happy.
The carrying capacity, otherwise known as encumbrance, is Strength x 10. That total tells you what you can carry as equipment or magical gear. This total is adjusted when the idea total for strength is changed by stat additions or subtractions. So Adj. Enc in lbs is (Enc - Equipment Weight Total).
Work is str+con/2; drop the remainder. Work details how effective the idea is like you wanted to create an enhantment, then the item you enchant causes what you want with the work you put into it. This effects by adding the work mod as a + to the items effect. Like a +5 for an weapon+5.
Wealth is work + cha /2; drop the remainder. This stat creates an effect of increases in what wealth, you get that from the targets that you kill or persuade. This is like a multiplier to your wealth that you normally get. Where a 6 wealth mod is a x6 to your money that you get. Otherwise, its a +6 wealth to your object luck and stuff.
The Will is used for resisting the effects cast at you and also making a difference in reduced effects from magic. This is gotten by (St + In) / 2 and rounded down. Feel free to use the stat and add a mod with the idea to form a stat mod, that is used from rolling a D20 and adding the modifier as you are with 10 or above then you succeed the will or resistance check. How you can use your Will in resisting effects, that is used by the point and this is used to subtract your Will from the amount of damage done by the other.
The Fortitude check, is formed by (St + Cn) /2 and Rounded down for ability to know when you are sick or poisoned. Used by combining the Fortitude value with a rolled D20 or acted part, this is used in comparison to a DC. Which this is done on a success and nothings wrong when the combined value is greater than the DC roll. The DC is a rolled die 20 that is where or when you think you are acting right. Otherwise, make use the stat mod and add the mod to a rolled D20, any total 10 or above is success.
The Speed, this is how fast you are in an action and makes the initiative. Calculated by (St + Ag) / 2 rounded down. How to use the speed, is to compare with other characters and whomever is faster, as in greater in speed score, goes first. A random factor that can be added to initiative, is d10 + speed.
Speedcount: This is the Spdcnt, calculated by 60 / Spd; Drop the decimal. You can't go below 1. This is also how long you take in seconds of the day, per each action.
Number of actions per round, this is marked down as (number of seconds) per action and [6 / (number-of-seconds)] actions per round. Otherwise make use of the Intensity special ability or multitasking special ability to get 1d6 actions per round.
Time of effect; This uses duration or the time things effect, it mentions how long an effect has to do its thing. That is either instant or using the focus ranks, times the number of actions in a round or speed of time. That's for an amount of time the idea effects. This is seconds in rounds of 6 seconds in melee, otherwise its minutes and hours outside of combat. That means you got a 60 second effect from 4 actions per round times a 15 focus rank, that makes it 60 then 60 divided by 6 is 10 rounds.
This is where you think to round down the decimal point. That's unless you don't want the effect, then the effect ends. If you had a 20 focus rank, and 6 actions per round. Then, you have a 20 round effect. Otherwise you have a timeless effect, then you can make a conditioned effect that effects when you need the idea to happen. These effects can happen using a trigger and word or idea, that's spoken after a successful focus skill check with a 10 or above. That's if the effect time is not mentioned for the effect.
The reflex roll, this is used to dodge things. When its used, you stop the damage and dodge attack. You form it, by the formula of (Speed + In) /2; Round down the remainder. So if you think to make a Dodge roll, compare DC with the combined value of Reflex value and a rolled D20. If the value is higher than the roll, otherwise feel free to use the reflex as though a stat and give it a stat mod. This is where you roll a d20+reflex mod, and if you roll a 10 or better then you made it. Otherwise rolling under 10 is a fail, and you didn't dodge the attack.
Charm is how well you can convince a person to create friendships and that is created points of convincing others, this is done mainly by speaking or causing the point of feeling do you get an effect by feel. Charm is created by use of a combined charisma and intelligence, then divide by two and round up the remainder. That means the formula of (Int + Cha)/2 and round up the remainder. Then record the score and get the ability mod and use that with charm effects and charm checks.
Memory; This is useful to remember things by another means instead of using arcana. It is calculated by (Con + Wis)/2 and drop the remainder..then record the score and get the ability mod and use that with remembering things and memory checks.
MP or magic points are sometimes used as the idea is a point for game accuracy. You have a starting reserve of 25 mp. Magic points are a reserve of energy you can use for spells. Casters may 'focus' to increase their reserve by 10/skill rank with each round used. This is permenant mp till used up, unless over 100 mp, thus it falls at 10 per round (each 6 sec) unless its used that round. Once a caster has 100 mp, the rate of increase by focus slows significantly. You must focus for a full five minutes to gain any benefit. This means you can cast a spell right off as in a spell worth 20 mp thus you would have 5 mp left. For spells below 0 mp take 1 point of nonlethal damage per 5 mp of spell. If the spell fails then it turns to real damage.
STP is your stamina points as your character uses it. This starts at 100 stp, then reduces over time unless replenished by rest, drinking or eating. When you think to create with an action some result, the stamina will come into play, however this is a thought only and if you use t will add to the reality of the character play.
Morale starts off at 5 and is optional for gameplay. You get morale points for trying to do things. This means that the higher
the morale, the more you can increase experience. When you go below 5 for things that go wrong, then for each point below 5 you get a
-1 to your rolls. If you get 10 morale you double your experience.
The subdual damage track that's on the character sheet is optional and starts at 0. This is using nonlethal damages where all damages, that happen are now using the subdual damage track for you. Thats after you reach 0% health, then you switch to the subdual damage track instead of passing out. That's where you can rest off the damages. Nonlethal damage is based off dnd and is the negative energy that can be used for energy effects of many types. This energy is ultraviolet or ultra blue-purple and thats not seen by the human eye. Its effects are to weaken the body everytime its used for a spell, that's by adding to a nonlethal damage total where every 30% damage is 1 point. Each point causes 3 months aging repairable by healing of any sort or rest for 10 min per point. After reaching 10 points, your character dies.
The nonlethal damage listed on the character sheet is optional. The nonlethal damage, this is where each point is every 5 points STP below 0, that's 6 months aging per point repairable by resting/healing. It starts at 0.
Energy % is an optional stat, that can be used in place of Stamina (STP) and Magic points (MP). The energy of the body is what comes from the things we absorb in life. It uses the area heat energy and looks like a deep blue color. The food we eat and the drink we drink, that adds to the energy amount. This is the effect of whatever we intend that is created with thinking the idea and needing the result. Think about what you need and state the idea, then you do a spell that intended to exist as manifest. This creates what you wanted. So think and you know what to do. This is on the character sheet somewhere as "Energy: 100% of 100%" w/o quotes. Its represented as %, where we start off with 100% energy, feel free to add in the constitution mod per level as a bonus.. What we do lessens the energy per action. This is the amount of 5% per action, 10% per uber action. The energy amount is the % replenished, that is with a recovery rate of 10% per round in battle or minute outside of battle.
Inspiration points are inspired points of idea you get better actions from thinking about the inspiration from it. It starts at 0. These points are built up over time as you complete an activity you gain a point. They're there if you want to use it for an extra reroll per point used.
Now apply your class skills and magic skills. You start with Focus Ability and Soul Batteries. Add the special skills as listed in the character descriptions that suits your class and level, into the skill section. Treat these special skills like dnd skills as in skill point allocation adding in the leftover skill points. Put the skills in their own section for each class you have. Worker skills for a Worker and Civilian skills for the civilian. Then rename the character class as it will not be the same, except for the mage, fighting classes such as barbarian and etc. With the fighting classes not mentioned in this game you keep the same except change hit dice to d12 or d10 as needed to 100% Health.
Equipment is here to pick from and applied by how much you can carry or encumbrance. This is your strengthx10. Remember to subtract what you carry in weight, as you gain more stuff. A bag of holding or a ring of holding, this can carry an unlimited amount of things with only the weight of the bag or ring showing. So with equipped items, not all slots apply to objects. There is Name of item=Noi, Total Attack Bonus=Tab, Damage=Dmg, Critical, Range=Rng, Weight=lbs, Type=Typ, Size=Sz and Special Properties=SpPrp. For Noi, this is the items name. For Tab, This is the Bab added to the proficiency of the weapon for attack rolls. For DMG, this is the weapons damage or how much you can do with it. Basically, add to the base damage the weapon can do, like 1d10.
What you can add is the magic damage if any, the agility mod, the strength mod and the weapon proficiency like +1, +2 and +3 (Weapon Proficiency (Inaccurate), Weapon Proficiency (Normal) and Weapon Proficiency (Accurate) in order). You must have a proficiency in weapons before using it, or you have +0 for the proficiency bonus. This is where you have a 1d8 weapon base, a +5 dex mod, a +6 strength mod and a +3 accurate weapons proficiency. Altogether the dmg is 1d8+14, that your weapon can do listed right beside the equipped weapon along with the range.. Critical is listed in the weapon listing, its how much more you can deal with a 20 rolled on a attack roll. For Rng, this is the range of the weapon or item. Weight is how much it weighs. Typ, this is the type of item, either item or weapon. Sz, this is the size of the item or weapon. SpPrp, this is the special properties that the item has like magic and some such. This can be used as one item or weapon.
Armor is another story. Equipped Armor is with a Name of armor=Noa, Type=Typ, Armour Bonus=ArmoBns, Check Penalty=ChkPen, Maximum Agl Mod=MDM, Weight=lbs and Special Properties=SpPrp. The Noa, this is the name you assign the armor, like Kevlar vest. Typ, this is how heavy it light, medium or heavy armor. ArmoBns, this is where you assign the defense value for the armor itself. Its listed with the armor listing. ChkPen, this is the penalty to your dex mod from wearing the armor. MDM, This is your dex mod-the penalty to your dex. Weight, this is the actual weight of the armor. SpPrp, this is what you can do with thearmor as magic or other special properties. All that in a armor listing.
Unequipped equipment listings are: Equipment name, Weight in lbs and no. of items. The equipment name is what you call the equipment. The weight is what is weighs in lbs. The no. of items are the number of items. Of course there is an Optional Description.
BAB or base attack bonus is used to hit the target, that is where you compare a d20+BAB with the AC of the target. This is gotten by combining the Strength mod with Agility mod and the weapon proficiency modifier. Say you had a +4 Str mod, a +3 Agl mod and a +3 accurate weapon proficiency. This means you have a +10 to hit added to the d20 on the attack roll. When you roll a 12 and add it to the 10 BAB, you actually rolled 22 and if the foe had 15 AC, you hit for however much damage. If you had no weapon proficiency, then you'd add a -1 to the BAB instead of the accurate weapon proficiency of +3. Making +6 BAB instead.
Melee Attack is the range of attack for your melee or battle weapon, like 5 feet for hands. Melee Attack damage is the melee attack damage for the melee weapon added to the Strength mod and Weapon Proficiency bonus, like 1d8+10 with a +7 Strength mod and +3 Accurate weapon proficiency. The Ranged Attack is the distance of the attack for the ranged weapons, like 40'. Ranged Attack damage is the attack damage for the ranged weapon that's equipped plus the Strength mod and Weapon Proficiency bonus. If you had no weapon proficiency, then you'd add a -1 to the Attack damage instead of the accurate weapon proficiency of +3. Making 1d8+6 instead.
AC is how hard you are to hit, the armor profiency details what type of armor you can wear. That means light armor profiency allows light armor without a -1 penalty to your AC. A heavy armor proficiency allows the use of heavy armor without the -1 penalty to your AC. The AC is your Armor class, this is where you add the Agl mod, and the AC Bonus Value. Say you had light armor proficiency and a +6 Agl mod addition, then you add the 5 AC Bonus from the armor rating. That means you have a 11 AC. If you had no armor proficiency, then it'd be a -1 added to the AC for 10 AC.
Skills, once you get all the numbers as you need them in the right spaces, tally the numbers up and put them into the Total skill ranks. Feel free to add in the racial bonuses, to the skills and stats. Each point used is buying a Skill Rank. If you have 10 or above Skill ranks then you have an automatic success in that skill being used.
The other stuff, your Class Skills, place your class skills here according to level. These are listed in the class description of the class that you chose. So spells ability, you have Skillranks = Sr and Based upon stat = Bus. Extra ability skills, you have Skillranks = Sr and Based upon stat = Bus. You can even place your learned abilities in this, that's with no Skillranks. Skills and feats for live dnd are handled differently. They are based off the job need at the moment, if you do a job then you can increase the skill rank or point total that is beside the skill with or without allotable skill points. Each job requires certain skills to succeed. Skills are Abilities like bluff (lying, cheating), perception and etc. That is what a character chooses. The limit of how much you can have in each general skill of allocated skill rank points is the Intelligence mod plus character level.
There are too many feats for a single character to learn but you can focus your character on skills that best accentuate capabilities. Any level, you can get a new skill. So think to get the focus skill, then you can do magic checks and anything that requires focusing, if necessary. Remember though, you only get a certain amount of skill points from the skill points that are described. Yet, you apply the skill points every level. All Strength, Agility and Constitution based skills suffer armour check failure or success by a roll of a 1d20 minus 5 if no weapon or armor profiency or +5 if there is a weapon or armor profiency.
Weapon and armor profienciency are feats that can be offered freely. Character feats are gained every 3 level normally. Some feats have prerequisites. New feats and other feats are listed here. You may get a Special ability in the place of a Feat. You get Feat bonuses as well, described in the class description..Each feat pick moment, there is 6 free feats within the free feats sections. With feats and special abilities, place the feat in the feats section or special ability in the special ability section as a name with its description right beside it, separated by a ;. Like: Feat name; Description.
If you decided to play an angel or valkyrie, deva or demon you replace the race with associated name. Don't forget to add the bonuses that are applicable as listed in the character race descriptions. Whala! you are now done and need to choose the game module or allow the DM/GM to come up with a scenario in which to play as you go. There must be a willing dm for the game module or it won't happen. For epic 20+ level characters look in the epic level handbook found in dnd resources or here at When you play your character. Somewhere on the character page, try to keep track of the the Health %.
To extract the dnd character for modification from e-tools. Make the character
leaving at least 6 training points for skills listed in magic
system and as to what the class gets in character
description. Now get the character to the level desired.
Then, export as html character sheet and html stat block..Load
the stat block in web browser then copy the info to a text editor or
edit the character sheet in webpage editor like dreamweaver or notepad.
Add the missing info from the character sheet to the text editor. If
editing the character sheet goto the next stage of character
modification. Feel free, to add the character powers, to the character
sheet, if your using DnD 4e rules. Think now and don't forget to add in the
Skill bonuses. Which is with +5 if you’re ‘trained’.
If going to handmake the character, look here or here for 5e. Now for the character modification, after character creation
make the HP to be 100% + Con Mod unless monstrous regeneration
as listed in Special Abilities. Then remove spells, as this live ars dnd
does spells differently through spell-like abilities. Add the special skills
as listed in the character descriptions that suits
your class and level into the skill/feat section. Treat these special skills
like dnd skills as in training point allocation adding in the leftover training
points. Be sure, to add the powers, that the character will have. Then
rename the character class as it will not be the same.
Warlock druids you replace the race with demon and hell
clerics replace the race with daemon. Don't forget to add the bonuses
that are applicable as listed in the character descriptions. Finally, change
the the hp total by modding it to 100% unless you chose monstruous
Whala! you are now done. You now need to choose the
game module in which to play or make a module up as you go. There must
be a willing Gm for the game module or it won't happen. Be sure to treat
NPC and Monster HP by making it a percent, instead of being a Hitpoints total.
As in the monster has 20 HP, then it translates directly to 20% HP.
For epic 20+ level characters look in the epic level handbook found
in dnd resources.
Except for 4e and 5e, listed here as this is usually where you look in the PHB 2, that's for Epic level. So if interested for 5e itself, look here.
When you play your
character somewhere. Try to keep track of the HP % along with the MP (Magic
Points) or STP (Stamina Points) anyway you want. Optionally, you will want
to keep track of the PL (Power Level) as well.
Godmode is a special mode that is granted as if by a God, this is where you can use any ability and thinking done that allows this is done by the DM/GM. This is where you play as though a God, and things are easily done where you receive no hits and your hitpoints/percentage of health and stamina is always 100% or full health. The stats you have are unaffected by disease or illness or stat drains, so other things such as stat raises still can occur. The idea is done as though telekinetic or able to do things psychically. The Game master can even make this a spell or ability you can do or say, that you grant yourself Godmode as though divine. The Godmode is usually given to the DM/GM character or usual NPC the Game master wants to protect, so think about the idea as a special condition or something similar, if you ask for the Godmode on your own character.