This is the Term glossary of LDnD2.
Speed time gives +1 attack action to your attack as in melee/ranged with use of concentration check and a 1d4 to denote how many attacks you gain.
Slow time gives -1 attack action to your target upto -4, with the roll of a concentration check. Then a 1d4 to note how long they are slowed.
Stop time freezes victim/s for 1 full round upto 6 with a concentration check and a 1d6 to note how many turns you froze the victim.
Familiar: A magic user can obtain a familiar by taking 24 hours and using up 100 gp materials. The sorcere chooses the familiar kind. As the sorcere advances in level, his familiar also increases in power. A familiar starts with 100% hp and your stats. If the familiar dies or is dismissed by the sorcerer, the sorcerer must attempt a 1d20+fortitude Fortitude saving throw and get 10 or more for success. Failure means he loses 200 experience points per sorcere level; success reduces the loss to one-half that amount but the experience point total can't go below 0 as the result of a familiar's demise or dismissal. A slain or dismissed familiar cannot be replaced for a year and day. A slain familiar can be raised from the dead just as a character can be, and it does not lose a level or a Constitution point. A character with more than one class that grants a familiar may have only one familiar at a time. Every two level higher than 20th the familiar's natural armor bonus and Intelligence each increase by +1. The familiar's spell resistance is equal to the master's level + 5. At 21st level and again every ten level higher than 21st, the familiar gains the benefit of the Familiar Spell epic feat for a spell of its master's choice.
scores in live dnd works with you
modelling yourself as for the character stats. A brief desription as to
what they are and how to formulate them yourself.
Str = strength that modifies the character's Attack and
Damage rolls in melee combat.
Agl = agility that modifies the character's AC,
Initiative, Ranged Attack and Reflex Save.
Con = consitution that modifies the character's Hit
Dice and Fortitude Save.
Int = intelligence that modifies the character's
training points and Additional Languages.
Wis = wisdom that modifies the character's Will Saves.
Cha = charisma that modifies the character's NPC
Influence Rolls. Charisma is a spiritual/soul attribute
that the body expresses by feel. To get the stat mod
take the stat score and divide by 2 then round down
any remainders. Subtract 5 from the score. like a 18
int/2=9-5=4 int mod.
Nonlethal damage is based off dnd and is the negative energy that can
be used for energy effects of many types. This energy is ultraviolet or
ultra blue-purple and thats not seen by the human eye. Its effects are
to weaken the body everytime its used for a spell by adding to a
damage total. Each point causes 6 months aging repairable by healing of
any sort or rest for 10 min per point.
Fifteen distinct
alignments define all the possible combinations of the lawful-chaotic
axis with the good-evil axis. Each alignment description below depicts
a typical character of that alignment. Remember that individuals vary
from this norm, and that a given character may act more or less in
accord with his or her alignment from day to day. Use these
descriptions as guidelines, not as scripts. The first six alignments,
lawful good through chaotic neutral, are the standard alignments for
player characters. The three evil alignments are for monsters and
villains, the three true are for the backbone of people. The ultra
are for extremists. The unaligned alignment is for those who are basically none of
them but is one with many of them anyway.
Lawful Good, "Crusader": A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.
Neutral Good, "Benefactor": A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them.. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order.
Chaotic Good, "Rebel": A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society. Chaotic good is the best alignment you can be because it combines a good heart with a free spirit.
Lawful Neutral, "Judge": A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs her. Order and organization are paramount to her. She may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or she may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot.
"Undecided": A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. She
doesn't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs.
evil or law vs. chaos. Most neutral characters exhibit a lack of
conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a
character thinks of good as better than evil-after all, she would
rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, she's not
personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way.
Some neutral characters, on the other hand, commit
themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and
chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle
way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run.
Neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act
naturally, without prejudice or compulsion.
Chaotic Neutral, "Free Spirit": A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it. Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal.
Lawful Evil, "Dominator": A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve. He condemns others not according to their actions but according to race, religion, homeland, or social rank. He is loath to break laws or promises. This reluctance comes partly from his nature and partly because he depends on order to protect himself from those who oppose him on moral grounds.
Some lawful evil villains have particular taboos, such as not killing in cold blood (but having underlings do it) or not letting children come to harm (if it can be helped). They imagine that these compunctions put them above unprincipled villains. Some lawful evil people and creatures commit themselves to evil with a zeal like that of a crusader committed to good. Beyond being willing to hurt others for their own ends, they take pleasure in spreading evil as an end unto itself. They may also see doing evil as part of a duty to an evil deity or master. Lawful evil is sometimes called "diabolical," because devils are the epitome of lawful evil. Lawful evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents methodical, intentional, and frequently successful evil.
Neutral Evil, "Malefactor": A neutral evil villain does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. She has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble. On the other hand, she doesn't have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has. Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies. Neutral evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents pure evil without honor and without variation.
Chaotic Evil, "Destroyer": A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. Chaotic evil is sometimes called "demonic" because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the most dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.
True good, "The hero": A quibbler, thanks to robert, of a
general good person doing good intents with evil or good training. Your
balancing good intents while doing good and evil or neutral actions.
Double deal those who make trouble. Don't believe rumours, or do what
isn't in the best intention of most. Use what is useful and may
intention a positive understanding. Pay lipservice to the law by
obeying them, only in the open and near the law. With a regressive
motion, they can turn on those who were or are evil. Some use psience
or science to back them up. They, the quibblers are likely not to care
on results, but only on the thrilling feel of the moment along with the
people responsible. They might say, its not fun to play alone and yet
they don't really help as they focus on their own needs.
The true good is to not tell of peoples problems and only so
they can play with the faults. Aspects are to notify enforcement of law
to what is occurring if any and to reflect the law. If they can't do
that then they notify people of the laws which apply. Some do argue the
point for quite a while till the nonhostile gives up. In their mind
there is no wasted events and time is always of interest. The goal is
to achieve a position of greatness and allow fame to cause glory and
yet to not stop progress. The thought "For the worthy can achieve, by a
game that guides the way and most enemies fall by the wayside."
True Neutral, "Prophet": A true neutral character or
a neutral will control of what a person may or may not want to do by
attempting to see
and prophetize as they desire, on what seems to be a good idea. She/he
doesn't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs.
evil or law vs. chaos, compared to accepting the visions of what may
come. Most true neutral characters don't exhibit a lack of conviction
or bias, its rather a commitment to neutrality as the two forces are
what drive the visions and if there is only one vision then duality
dissapears. Duality, in this case is to a cause or appear existant from
good and evil, working side by side. Such a character thinks of good as
better than
evil-after all, she/he would rather have good neighbors and rulers than
evil ones that are guided by a vision or dream.
Still, she/he is not personally committed to upholding good in
any abstract or universal way. When they have to they will prove a
point, like socially they are almost banned from giving or protraying a
vision so they help the besieged and to aid a group for their own free
will. In
their mind there is no wasted events and time is always of interest and
vision will derive from most any sign they get, like a black hand on a
pole where there was none meaning endangerment, except they love to
study and give examples. True Neutral is the best for nuttyness,
because it means you act naturally and strange, and without prejudice
or compulsion even while you dream and its counted as an acted out
vision. The goal
is to be true to yourself and most will fall into place. What can be
said "make good where it can be good and bad where necessary without
prejudice except by using good
True evil, "evil monster": Some aren't always like this but
can fit this evil monster role. This general evil achieve for the love
of evil profit or greed and objects and do evil intent with good and
evil actions. They won't think to debate between criminals and
of doing intention of evil! They're doing evil actions while looking
for bad results in an area to disrupt. They play to own with time and
choose not to follow rules, except for what rules are made by
themselves. These people are the easiest to control because they follow
the notions and consider what can be abused. If a vision occurs then
they might attempt to change it, by vision manipulation and/or guilt
trips. When they have to they will prove a point, as socially they
are almost banned except they show redeeming points so they help the
people needing help and try to aid a group for their own reasons.
They attempt to control and connive or live by possessive
standards. The monster maker isn't responsible for their own bad
actions, they were possessed by an impulse or so they might say. If not
that, then its a self excuse. The goal is to achieve with statement of
bad as
truly skilled for the sake of imfamy and seek to own. If everything is
perfect then they will achieve with what they think of right, to think
its right. They will do many things and mostly bad appearing good
without forcing an issue. The true evil leave it alone or don't do if
its an idea thats new, unless paid to. The true evil person is to claim
an idea for their own and subjucate the idea maker, without giving up
and they make things pretty hard in the end. So the line "Placate or
use till the
idea is dead" and "Don't beat a dead puppy, for its a useless activity."
The ultra class is thought to use idea or not seem as you aren't as you think. See the area you feel if you do things this is their folly as they feel they aren't effected by what they do. See as you are aware your alert to the area you feel to create, as they are the feel unless you think you are feeling as they feel what you feel or feel what they want they create or do. This is their feel to the use so they think good if their way iss some feeling better. Some are area aware or activity creating to give an other things to create. They are aware yet there "where are they", so you see the area feel this is auratic influence or not always there if the wrong or not by the aura use. See with actic or activity is radience that radiation thought is collected to some area, this uses an energy convertor that is energy from thought sent to some pool. See as your not there by incorrect feel with some influencer not there.
Ultra good:
The good in all of us, this is the point that you create good no matter what you do and only when you are aware it's good. They see the good in all of us, so they could try to bring that out in us. Any bad action, then the point is moot as a concept is a conclusion and things are what they seem. This is a point you know and understand, if you get a point from them. Think and you realize what is done by them. This is a concept that is realized by the soul and understood by the spirit. They are the type that make things happen, and what you do is what they could notice. Then if distracted, they go off on their own tangent. This is known by feel and what occurs is what is decided if necessary. They usually think for themselves when they want sometimes, if they have opinions from others then they listen and could use the idea. This includes being aware by the spirit and the soul, thinking of where they need to be and their soul shifts them by feel as they think of the idea and feel to send the emotion. That is likely to change minds if they aren't blocked. The idea is what attunes the aura energy, then the shift of dimensional energy shifts them to be where they want. So be prepared if you meet them, anything could happen, if they are around.
Ultra neutral:
They are good for what they say, if they intend to do anything at all. They are the point and not only do they not judge, they can create what they feel is right in idea. They are aware of the moment, then the point is done if they deem it necessary. This is using an aspect of them, that creates the point of living with them interesting. The idea is a point the idea is known and things are what is a point, if necessary and otherwise ignored. The ignored point is where they aren't listening, so think and you know what you can do with them in mind. They will use constructive idea, so this includes thinking about the place and imagining the area with them in the place or area. Then the subconscious causes them to appear there and if that worked, that means they are there until they decide to no be there at all. They can be what is a good or evil on a whim, you see they have no morality so be careful when around them with what you do. They could take it wrong, if you present things badly. Think and you know what to do, if you think to shift then you do.
Ultra evil:
They are the pure evil, think and you know them. Realize what you need to know and that is what they could allow. The point is antisocialism with them, if they are moody. So think about what you need to know and they will respect your request. The point is done, if they are aware of the point being needed and intended with a purpose they want to do. They are the point in idea, they are the idea you can follow. However, they can change their mind on a whim. They are a point of mindfulness, so think about the idea and you can get their intention with what they do in life. Otherwise, they can do anything, when you feel things are necessary sometimes they don't and feel no need to respond to you. So if this is where they are aware, then they could create whatever they intend. This is a know fact of life. So they feel they are the force of the universe, they can create with a point and make with a concept and this is in a space time continuum with it's own time points or wormholes. So they can use wormholes to shift things.
This is etherically and spiritually done in the subspace, think about the point and they can be there. See this is a point in idea to them, so that makes them easily able to move their own and others bodies by the aura shift. This is where they focus on a point, breathe in and out, and think to be somewhere. This makes them alter their aura and the idea can shift them to where you or others are in mind. This is apporting in harry potter movies. Where they shift to another place and time, then the giant shift can be done by feel with life energy from the plane and area by idea. You know by the spirit, think and realize by the soul and can do what you want with what is necessary. If you prove the point, you can do what you want with them. This is a point in fact, they oftentimes see the use of the spirit to subjucate so think and you are aware. This means the idea is a point, you know to speak out what they did and feel to send emotion to them of what is felt of the idea in life. They could subside by the feel. That is if you want them to do something. However, one thing you can't do is argue with them. This is basically them in a nutshell.
Unaligned, "Just let me go about my business.": If you?re
unaligned, you don?t actively seek to harm others or wish them ill. But
you also don?t go out of your way to put
yourself at risk without some hope for reward. You support law and
order when doing so benefits you. You value your own freedom, without
worrying too much about protecting the freedom of others. A few
unaligned people, and most unaligned deities, aren?t undecided about
alignment. Rather, they?ve chosen not to choose, either because they
see the benefits of both good and evil or because they see themselves
as above the concerns of morality. The Raven Queen and her devotees
fall into the latter camp, believing that moral choices are irrelevant
to their mission since death comes to all creatures regardless of
Each training point you spend on a class skill gets you 1 rank in that skill. Class skills are the skills found on your character's class skill list. Each training point you spend on a cross-class skill gets your character 1/2 rank in that skill. Cross-class skills are skills not found on your character's class skill list. (Half ranks do not improve your skill check, but 2 1/2 ranks make 1 rank.) You can't save training points to spend later. The maximum rank in a skill is the character's level + Cha mod.
When your character uses a skill, you make a skill check to see how well he or she does. The higher the result of the skill check, the better. Based on the circumstances, your result must match or beat a particular number (a DC or the result of an opposed skill check) for the check to be successful. Circumstances can affect your check. A character who is free to work without distractions can make a careful attempt and avoid simple mistakes. A character who has lots of time can try over and over again, thereby assuring the best outcome. If others help, the character may succeed where otherwise he or she would fail.
Skill check: action + skill modifier + situational modifiers + miscellaneous mods >= DC(Task Difficulty). An action is to get a coin and do a coin flip, and heads gets a success of a 20 result, a tails is a fail of 1 result. The skill modifier be the skill rank, this is the training point total. The situational modifier is what may be effecting you. Class skill is the special ability or feat that the character works with or uses to mod a skill, via a miscellaneous mod. So this is Action + 6 spot skill rank and 4 int bonus modifier + 3 skill bonus >= 15 DC, so an action(1)+6+4+3=14 is the lowest a character could roll. This is to make certain of success.
An opposed check is a check whose success or failure is determined by comparing the check result to another character's check result. In an opposed check, the higher result succeeds, while the lower result fails. In case of a tie, the higher skill modifier wins. If these scores are the same, roll again to break the tie.
In general,
you can try a skill check again if you fail, and you can keep trying
indefinitely. Some skills, however, have consequences of failure that
must be taken into account. A few skills are virtually useless once a
check has failed on an attempt to accomplish a particular task. For
most skills, when a character has succeeded once at a given task,
additional successes are meaningless.
Using a
skill might take a round, take no time, or take several rounds or even
longer. Most skill uses are standard actions, move actions, or
full-round actions. Types of actions define how long activities take to
perform within the framework of a combat round (6 seconds) and how
movement is treated with respect to the activity. Some skill checks are
instant and represent reactions to an event, or are included as part of
an action. These skill checks are not actions. Other skill checks
represent part of movement.
Checks and Caster Level Checks: The action applies for ability checks.
Neither rule applies to caster level checks.
You can
help another character achieve success on his or her skill check by
making the same kind of skill check in a cooperative effort. If you
succeed on your action in your check, the character you are helping
gets a +2 bonus to his or her check, as per the rule for favorable
conditions. (You can't take 10 on a skill check to aid another.) In
many cases, a character's help won't be beneficial, or only a limited
number of characters can help at once. In cases where the skill
restricts who can achieve certain results you can't aid another to
grant a bonus to a task that your character couldn't achieve alone.
possible for a character to have 2 skills that work well together. In
general, having 5 or more ranks in one skill gives the character a +2
bonus on skill checks with each of its synergistic skills, as noted in
the skill description. In some cases, this bonus applies only to
specific uses of the skill in question, and not to all checks. Some
skills provide benefits on other checks made by a character, such as
those checks required to use certain class features.
Sometimes a
character tries to do something to which no specific skill really
applies. In these cases, you make an ability check. An ability check is
a action and the appropriate ability modifier. Essentially, you're
making an untrained skill check. In some cases, an action is a straight
test of one's ability with no luck involved. Just as you wouldn't make
a height check to see who is taller, you don't make a Strength check to
see who is stronger.
The way to determine a success, if you so choose to use this idea, is 1d20+focus rank or feel free to use straws by drawing them from the hand. The longest or shortest straw is success. Otherwise, the choice of success is sometimes; making by using d20 as 10+skill rank or mod and get a 15 or above. So if you use a 10+focus rank approach, then a 10 + 6 focus ranks (6) = 10+6=16 or automatic success by feel. Otherwise 10 + 4 focus rank = 10+4=14 or automatic fail.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
One pointed focus (Ex); You think of a actual point in your minds eye and then focus on what your trying to realize. Then you realize it. This is where you breathe normal and focus on your Breathe, point something out and think of what you need, focus upon your breath, then you realize what you want to know. You can know any special properties of items and whatever the thing does or that its meant for by feel.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Fast Movement (Ex): +10 feet speed.with no armor, light armor, or medium armor and no heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying speed because of any carried load carried.
Rage (Ex): A batlmage can fly into a controlled
rage. In a controlled rage, a batlmage temporarily gains +4 bonus to
Strength, +4 bonus to Constitution, +4 bonus to Intelligence and +2
morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class.
The Con increase increases the batlmages health points +2 per level,
these health points go away at the controlled rage end when the Con
drops to normal. A fit of rage lasts 3 + the character's (newly
improved) Constitution modifier. A batlmage may prematurely end his
rage. At the end of the rage, the batlmage loses the rage modifiers and
restrictions and becomes fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty
to Agility, can't charge or run) for the duration of the current
encounter (unless he is a 17th-level batlmage, at which point this
limitation no longer applies; see below).
At 1st level they can use this rage ability once per
day. At 4th level and every four level thereafter, they can use it one
additional time per day. Entering a rage takes no time itself, but only
during their action, not in response to someone else's action.
Trap Sense (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a batlmage gains a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise by +1 every three barbarian level thereafter. Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack. The epic batlmage bonus increases by +1 every three level higher than 18th.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 5th level and higher, a batlmage can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the batlmage by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue level than the target has batlmage level. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the level from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank the character.
Damage Reduction (Ex): At 7th level, a batlmage gains Damage Reduction. Subtract 1 from the damage taken each time it is dealt from a weapon or a natural attack. At 10th level, and every three level thereafter, this damage reduction rises by 1 point. Damage reduction can reduce damage to 0 but not below 0. The epic barbarian's damage reduction increases by 1 point every three level higher than 19th.
Greater Rage (Ex): At 11th level, bonuses to Strength and Constitution during rage each increase to +6, and the morale bonus on Will saves increase to +3. The penalty to AC remains at -2.
Indomitable Will (Ex): While in a rage, a batlmage of 14th level or higher gains a +4 bonus on Will saves to resist enchantment spells. This bonus stacks with all other modifiers, including the morale bonus on Will saves also received during rage.
Tireless Rage (Ex): At 17th level and higher, a batlmage no longer becomes fatigued at the rage end.
Mighty Rage (Ex): At 20th level, bonuses to Strength and Constitution during a rage each increase with a +8 bonus, and the morale bonus on Will saves increases to +4. The penalty to AC remains at -2.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Languages: A magic user may substitute Draconic for one
of the bonus languages available to the character race. A warlock
druid's bonus language options include Sylvan, the language of woodland
creatures. This choice is in addition to the bonus languages available
to the character because of race. A warlock druid also knows Druidic, a
secret language known only to warlock druids, which is learned upon
becoming a 1st-level druid. Druidic is a free language in addition to
the regular allotment of languages and it doesn't take up a language
slot. Warlock druids are forbidden to teach this language to nondruids.
Druidic has its own alphabet.
A hell cleric's bonus language options include
Celestial, Abyssal, and Infernal (the languages of good, chaotic evil,
and lawful evil outsiders, respectively). These choices are in addition
to the bonus languages available to the character because of race.
Companion (Ex): A warlock druid may begin play with an
animal companion selected from the following list: badger, camel, dire
rat, dog, riding dog, eagle, hawk, horse (light or heavy), owl, pony,
snake (Small or Medium viper), or wolf. If the campaign takes place
wholly or partly in an aquatic environment, the following creatures are
also available: crocodile, porpoise, Medium shark, and squid. This
animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the warlock druid on the
adventures as appropriate for its kind. A 1st-level warlock druid's
companion is completely typical for its kind except as noted below. As
a warlock druid advances in level, the animal's power increases as
shown on the table. If a warlock druid releases the companion from
warlock druid may gain a new one by performing a ceremony requiring 24
uninterrupted hours of prayer. This ceremony can also replace an animal
companion that has perished.
A warlock druid of 4th level or
higher may select from alternative lists of animals (see below). Should
she select an animal companion from one of these alternative lists, the
creature gains abilities as if the character's warlock druid level were
lower than it actually is. Subtract the value indicated in the
appropriate list header from the character's warlock druid level and
compare the result with the warlock druid level entry on the table to
determine the animal companion's powers. (If this adjustment would
reduce the druid's effective level to 0 or lower, it can't be that
Nature Sense (Ex): A warlock druid gains a +2 bonus on Nature and Survival checks.
Wild Empathy (Ex): A warlock druid can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. The warlock druid rolls 1d20 and adds her druid level and her Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the warlock druid and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. A warlock druid can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 , but takes a -4 penalty on the check.
Woodland Stride (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a warlock druid may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion are still affective.
Trackless Step (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a warlock druid leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. The warlock druid may choose to leave a trail if so desired.
Resist Nature's Lure (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a warlock druid gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of fey.
Shape (Su): At 5th level, a warlock druid gains the
ability to turn herself into any Small or Medium animal and back again
once per day. The options for new forms include all creatures with the
animal type. This ability functions like the polymorph spell, except as
noted here. The effect lasts for 1 hour per druid level, or until she
changes back. Changing form (to animal or back) is a standard action
and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity.
form chosen must be that of an animal the warlock druid is familiar
with. A warlock druid loses her ability to speak while in animal form
because its limited to the sounds that a normal, untrained animal can
make, but can communicate normally with other animals of the same
general grouping as the new form. A warlock druid can use this ability
more times per day at 6th, 7th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level, as noted on
Table: The warlock druid. In addition, gains the ability to take the
shape of a Large animal at 8th level, a Tiny animal at 11th level, and
a Huge animal at 15th level.
new form's Hit Dice can't exceed the character's warlock druid level.
At 12th level, a warlock druid becomes able to use wild shape to change
into a plant creature with the same size restrictions as for animal
forms. (A warlock druid can't use this ability to take the form of a
plant that isn't a creature.) At 16th level, a warlock druid becomes
able to use wild shape to change into a Small, Medium, or Large
elemental (air, earth, fire, or water) once per day. These elemental
forms are in addition to normal wild shape usage. In addition to the
normal effects of wild shape, the warlock druid gains all the
elemental's extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities. Also
gained are the elemental's feats for as long as there's wild shape
maintainance, but retains the creature type. At 18th level, a warlock
druid becomes able to assume elemental form twice per day, and at 20th
level can do so three times per day and may use this wild shape ability
to change into a Huge elemental.
Venom Immunity (Ex): At 9th level, a warlock druid gains immunity to all poisons.
A Thousand Faces (Su): At 13th level, a warlock druid gains the ability to change appearance at will, as if using the alter self spell, but only while in her normal form..
Timeless Body (Ex): After attaining 15th level, a druid no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties she may have already incurred, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the druid still dies of old age when her time is up.
A warlock druid's animal companion is different from a normal animal of its kind in many ways. The companion is treated as a magical beast, not an animal, for the purpose of all effects that depend on its type (though it retains an animal's HD, base attack bonus, saves, training points, and feats). It is superior to a normal animal of its kind and has special powers, as described below.
level Bonus HD Natural Armor Adj. Str/Agl Adj. Bonus Tricks Special ____________________ 1st-2nd +0 +0 +0 1 Link, share spells 3rd-5th +2 +2 +1 2 Evasion 6th-8th +4 +4 +2 3 Devotion 9th-11th +6 +6 +3 4 Multiattack 12th-14th +8 +8 +4 5 15th-17th +10 +10 +5 6 Improved evasion 18th-20th +12 +12 +6 7 |
Companion Basics: Use the base statistics for a
creature of the companion's kind, but make the following changes.
level: The character's warlock druid level. The warlock druid's class
level stack with level of any other classes that are entitled to an
animal companion for the purpose of determining the companion's
abilities and the alternative lists available to the character.
Bonus HD: Extra eight-sided (d8) Hit Dice, each of
gains a Constitution modifier, as normal. Remember that extra Hit Dice
improve the animal companion's base attack and base save bonuses. An
animal companion's base attack bonus is the same as that of a warlock
druid of a level equal to the animal's HD. An animal companion has good
Fortitude and Reflex saves (treat it as a character whose level equals
the animal's HD). An animal companion gains additional training points
and feats for bonus HD as normal for advancing a monster's Hit Dice.
Natural Armor Adj.: The number noted here is an
to the animal companion's existing natural armor bonus.
Str/Agl Adj.: Add this value to the animal companion's
Strength and Agility scores.
Bonus Tricks: The value given in this column is the
number of "bonus" tricks that the animal knows in addition to any that
the warlock druid might choose to teach it (see the Handle Animal
skill). These bonus tricks don't require any training time or Handle
Animal checks, and they don't count against the normal limit of tricks
known by the animal. The warlock druid selects these bonus tricks, and
once selected, they can't be changed.
Link (Ex): A warlock druid can handle her animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move action, even if she doesn't have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The warlock druid gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion.
Share Spells (Ex): At the warlock druid's option, she may have any spell she casts upon herself also affect her animal companion. The animal companion must be within 5 feet of her at the time of casting to receive the benefit. If the spell or effect has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the animal companion if the companion moves farther than 5 feet away and will not affect the animal again, even if it returns to the warlock druid before the duration expires. Additionally, the warlock druid may cast a spell with a target of "You" on her animal companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself. A warlock druid and her animal companion can share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion's type (animal).
Evasion (Ex): If an animal companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.
Devotion (Ex): An animal companion gains a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells and effects:
Multiattack: An animal companion gains Multiattack as a bonus feat if it has three or more natural attacks and does not already have that feat. If it does not have the requisite three or more natural attacks, the animal companion instead gains a second attack with its primary natural weapon, albeit at a -5 penalty.
Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, an animal companion takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and only half damage if the saving throw fails.
A warlock
druid of sufficiently high level can select her
animal companion from one of the following lists, applying the
indicated adjustment to the warlock druid's level (in parentheses) for
purposes of determining the companion's characteristics and special
level or Higher (level -3) _____________________________________ Ape (animal) Bear, black (animal) Bison (animal) Boar (animal) Cheetah (animal) Crocodile (animal)1 Dire badger Dire bat Dire weasel Leopard (animal) Lizard, monitor (animal) Shark, Large1 (animal) Snake, constrictor (animal) Snake, Large viper (animal) Wolverine (animal) 7th level or Higher (level
-6) 10th level or Higher (level
-9) 13th level or Higher (level
-12) 16th level or Higher (level
-15) 1 Available only in an aquatic environment. |
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Aura of control (Ex): The power of a anti-paladin's aura of control is equal to anti-paladin's level. This works as a charm spell.
Detect threat (Sp): At will, a anti-paladin can use detect threat ability.
language: The secret language of the Anti-paladin is
the negative language. Its added with a "Negative" to the languages. In
negative language, every verb is opposite that is used in a sentence.
Special verbs are be, is, are, was, am, dun, don't, a, not and un. Be =
be, isnt/wasnt, arnt/am not. Is=isnt, are=arnt, was=wasnt, am=aint,
dun=do, don't=do, a=not, not=is, did=didnt, wun=will and un=is or do.
Add "a" to make the the word negative like apositive=not positive. Add
un at the word beginning to make it positive like unlike=is like,
likely. The double negative in a sentence makes a positive and a double
positive in a sentence makes a negative. No 2 negative are close
together so instead of am not=am its am so not=am so, except for be
not=isnt, wasnt, wont or wernt. The verb conjugation not disappears and
is actually not translated into the positive sentence. Use this
language to win an arguement or get out of contracts. The base to this
language came from the first humans on the planet which was millenium
ago. The nouns are the same so the examples are:
"I misunderstand you." = I understand you.
"I do not recognize you."=I recognize you,
"I dunno you."=I know you,
"I am unlike you."=I aint made like you,
"I be apositive."=I am positive.
"I adun unknow this."=I know this.
"I really am hard not to understand."=I really am hard
to understand.
"I be nice."=I aint nice.
"This be not good."=This isn't good.
"This wun do."=This will not do.
"This wun work."=This will work.
"What undid the event?"=What did the event?
"What did you see?"=What did you not see?
Smite Foe (Su): Once per day, an anti-paladin may attempt to smite foes with one normal melee attack. Add Charisma bonus (if any) to attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per anti-paladin level. If the anti-paladin accidentally smites a creature that did no crime, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day. At 5th level, and at every five level thereafter, the anti-paladin may smite foes one additional time per day:
Saving Grace (Su): At 2nd level, a anti-paladin gains a bonus equal to Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.
Lay on
Hands (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, a anti-paladin
with a Charisma score of 12 or higher can heal wounds (their own or
those of others) by touch. Each day they can heal a total number of
health points of damage equal to anti-paladin level x Charisma bonus.
Anti-paladin may choose to divide healing among multiple recipients,
and doesn't have to use it all at once. Using lay on hands is a
standard action.
anti-paladin can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to
undead creatures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful
melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. The
anti-paladin decides how many of their daily allotment of points to use
as damage after successfully touching an undead creature.
Aura of Courage (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, the anti-paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of them gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions while the anti-paladin is conscious, but not if she is unconscious or dead.
Immunity (Ex): At 3rd level, the anti-paladin gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.
Turn Being (Su):When the anti-paladin reaches 4th level, they gains the supernatural ability to turn anybody. They may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + Charisma modifier. They turns anybody with enough stp.
Mount (Sp): Upon reaching 5th level, an anti-paladin
gains the service of an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal steed
to serve her in her daily crusade. This mount is usually a heavy
warhorse (for a Medium anti-paladin) or a warpony (for a Small
anti-paladin). See paladin's special mount.for horse type. Once per
day, as a full-round action, the anti-paladin may magically call the
mount from the celestial realms in which it resides. The mount
immediately appears adjacent to the anti-paladin and remains for 2
hours per anti-paladin level; it may be dismissed at any time as a free
action. The mount is the same creature each time it is summoned, though
the ant-paladin may release a particular mount from service. Each time
the mount is called, it appears in full health, regardless of any
damage it may have taken previously. The mount also appears wearing or
carrying any gear it had when it was last dismissed.
Calling a mount is a conjuration (calling) effect.
Should the
ant-paladin's mount die, it immediately disappears, leaving behind any
equipment it was carrying. The anti-paladin may not summon another
mount for thirty days or until she gains anti-paladin level, whichever
comes first, even if the mount is somehow returned from the dead.
During this thirty-day period, the paladin takes a -1 penalty on attack
and weapon damage rolls. The epic paladin's special mount continues to
increase in power. Every five level higher than 20th, the special mount
gains +2 bonus Hit Dice, its natural armor increases by +2, its
Strength adjustment increases by +1, and its Intelligence increases by
+1. The mount's spell resistance equals the paladin's class level + 5.
Remove Disease (Sp): At 6th level, an anti-paladin can produce a remove disease effect, as the spell, once per week. They can use this ability one additional time per week for every three level after 6th (twice per week at 9th, three times at 12th, and so forth).
Ascension: A 20th level anti-paladin becomes a daemon due to the energies that they use. They are in such suffusion of energy that the body dissapates into an energy form that reappears as they want. Forever after they are no longer human but shapeless and able to shapechange at will. Thus they are an energy form considered a daemon with a d20 hit dice.
Code of
Conduct: An anti-paladin must be of anything but
lawful alignment and loses all class abilities if they ever willingly
commits a lawful act. After 8th level they become a lich if killed of
the alignment the character originally had. Additionally, an
anti-paladin's code requires that they respect legitimate authority,
act with dishonor (lying, cheating, using poison, and so forth) if they
see fit, help those in need to suite their needs, and punish those who
harm or threaten innocents after reviewing the story (both sides if
While they may adventure with characters of any alignment, an
anti-paladin will never knowingly associate with wasteful or
dishonorable characters such as beggars, nor will they continue an
association with someone who consistently offends their moral code. An
anti-paladin may accept only those who are useful to them.
The anti-paladin's mount is superior to a normal mount of its kind and has special powers, as described below. The standard mount for a Medium anti-paladin is a heavy warhorse, and the standard mount for a Small anti-paladin is a warpony. Another kind of mount, such as a riding dog (for a halfling anti-paladin) or a Large shark (for anti-paladin in an aquatic campaign) may be allowed as well. An anti-paladin's mount is treated as a magical beast, not an animal, for the purpose of all effects that depend on its type (though it retains an animal's HD, base attack bonus, saves, training points, and feats).
level Bonus HD Natural Armor Adj. Str Adj. Int Special ______________________________________________________ 5th-7th |
Anti-paladin's Mount Basics: Use the base statistics for a creature of the mount's kind, but make changes to take into account the attributes and characteristics summarized on the table and described below.
Bonus HD: Extra eight-sided (d8) Hit Dice, each of which gains a Constitution modifier, as normal. Extra Hit Dice improve the mount's base attack and base save bonuses. A special mount's base attack bonus is equal to that of a cleric of a level equal to the mount's HD. A mount has good Fortitude and Reflex saves (treat it as a character whose level equals the animal's HD). The mount gains additional training points or feats for bonus HD as normal for advancing a monster's Hit Dice.
Natural Armor Adj.: The number on the table is an improvement to the mount's existing natural armor bonus.
Str Adj.: Add this figure to the mount's Strength score
Int: The mount's Intelligence score.
Empathic Link (Su): The anti-paladin has an empathic link with her mount out to a distance of up to 1 mile. The anti-paladin cannot see through the mount's eyes, but they can communicate empathically. Note that even intelligent mounts see the world differently from humans, so misunderstandings are always possible. Because of this empathic link, the anti-paladin has the same connection to an item or place that her mount does, just as with a master and his familiar (see Familiars).
Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, a mount takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half damage if the saving throw fails.
Share Spells: At the anti-paladin's option, she may have any spell (but not any spell-like ability) she casts on herself also affect her mount. The mount must be within 5 feet at the time of casting to receive the benefit. If the spell or effect has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the mount if it moves farther than 5 feet away and will not affect the mount again even if it returns to the paladin before the duration expires. Additionally, the anti-paladin may cast a spell with a target of "You" on her mount (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself. An anti-paladin and her mount can share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the mount's type (magical beast).
Share Saving Throws: For each of its saving throws, the mount uses its own base save bonus or the anti-paladin's, whichever is higher. The mount applies its own ability modifiers to saves, and it doesn't share any other bonuses on saves that the master might have.
Improved Speed (Ex): The mount's speed increases by 10 feet.
Command (Sp): Once per day per 2 anti-paladin level of its master, a mount can use this ability to command other any normal animal of approximately the same kind as itself (for warhorses and warponies, this category includes donkeys, mules, and ponies), as long as the target creature has fewer Hit Dice than the mount. This ability functions like the command spell, but the mount must make a DC 21 Concentration check to succeed if it's being ridden at the time. If the check fails, the ability does not work that time, but it still counts against the mount's daily uses. Each target may attempt a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 paladin's level + anti-paladin's Cha modifier) to negate the effect.
Spell Resistance (Ex): A mount's spell resistance equals its master's anti-paladin level + 5. To affect the mount with a spell, a spellcaster must get a result on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) that equals or exceeds the mount's spell resistance.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Attack: If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is
unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a
vital spot for extra damage. The rogue's attack deals extra damage any
time her target would be denied a Agility bonus to AC (whether the
target actually has a Agility bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks
her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by
1d6 every 2 rogue level thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical
hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged
attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30
feet. With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a rogue can make a
sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She
cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage
in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty. The epic rogue's
sneak attack damage increases by +1d6 at every odd-numbered level
(+11d6 at 21st, +12d6 at 23rd, and so on).
rogue can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible
anatomies-undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures
lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical
hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The rogue must be able to see
the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to
reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a
creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose
vitals are beyond reach.
Trapfinding: Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. Rogues (and only rogues) can use the
Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. A rogue who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.
Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level and higher, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Trap Sense (Ex): At 3rd level, a rogue gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise to +2 when the rogue reaches 6th level, to +3 when she reaches 9th level, to +4 when she reaches 12th level, to +5 at 15th, and to +6 at 18th level. Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a rogue can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Agility bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Agility bonus to AC if immobilized. If a rogue already has uncanny dodge from a different class she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A rogue of 8th level or higher can no longer be flanked. This defense denies another rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue level than the target does. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the level from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.
Special Abilities: On attaining 10th level, and at every three level thereafter (13th, 16th, and 19th), a rogue gains a special ability of her choice from among the following options.
Crippling Strike (Ex): A rogue with this ability can sneak attack opponents with such precision that her blows weaken and hamper them. An opponent damaged by one of her sneak attacks also takes 2 points of Strength damage. Ability points lost to damage return on their own at the rate of 1 point per day for each damaged ability.
Defensive Roll (Ex): The rogue can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than she otherwise would. Once per day, when she would be reduced to 0 or fewer health points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the rogue can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, the rogue must attempt a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If the save succeeds, she takes only half damage from the blow; if it fails, she takes full damage. She must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute her defensive roll-if she is denied her Agility bonus to AC, she can't use this ability. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the rogue's evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll.
Improved Evasion (Ex): This ability works like evasion, except that while the rogue still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks henceforth she henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.
Opportunist (Ex): Once per round, the rogue can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as the rogue's attack of opportunity for that round. Even a rogue with the Combat Reflexes feat can't use the opportunist ability more than once per round.
Skill Mastery: The rogue becomes so certain in the use of certain skills that she can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. Upon gaining this ability, she selects a number of skills equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier. When making a skill check with one of these skills, she may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent her from doing so. A rogue may gain this special ability multiple times, selecting additional skills for it to apply to each time.
Slippery Mind (Ex): This ability represents the rogue's ability to wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel her. If a rogue with slippery mind is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails her saving throw, she can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. She gets only this one extra chance to succeed on her saving throw. The rogue does not gain additional rogue special abilities after 19th level, but can choose a rogue special ability (crippling strike, defensive roll, improved evasion, opportunist, skill mastery, and slippery mind) instead of a bonus feat.
Feat: A rogue may gain a bonus feat in place of a special ability.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
AC Bonus (Ex): When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her AC. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to AC at 5th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every five monk level thereafter (+2 at 10th, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th level). These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.
A psychic monk can encode a psicrystal. Doing so
takes a day and requires materials that cost 100 gp (the gem used as
the basis for the psicrystal represents at least 50% of the total
cost). A psicrystal is a psionically charged crystalline stone no more
than 1 inch in diameter. It carries a fragment personality seeded from
the psychic monk's own mind, with which the psychic monk can
empathically interact and from which he or she can derive benefits. A
psychic monk may possess no more than one psicrystal at any one time.
psicrystal grants a special ability to its psychic monk owner depending
on the fragment personality seeded in the stone. Physically,
psicrystals have AC 13, hardness 8, and 20 health points. Psicrystals
"regenerate" their crystal matrix at rate of 2d4 health points per day
damaged. If a psicrystal is brought to 0 health points, it is destroyed.
The psychic monk chooses the type of psicrystal he or she gets. As the psychic monk increases in level, his or her psicrystal also increases in utility, as shown. Psicrystal Ability Descriptions: All psicrystals have special abilities that depend on the level of the owner. These abilities are cumulative. Psicrystal level 1-2 has int 6 and ability of Sighted, empathic link. Psicrystal level 3-4 has int 7 and ability of Telepathic link. Psicrystal level 5-6 has int 8 and ability of Self-propulsion. Psicrystal level 7-8 has int 9 and ability of Speak with other reatures. Psicrystal level 9-10 has int 10. Psicrystal level 1-12 has int 11 and ability of Power resistance. Psicrystal level 13-14 has int 12 and ability of Sight link. Psicrystal level 15-16 has int 13 and ability of Channel power. Psicrystal level 17-18 has int 14. Psicrystal level 19-20 has int 15.
If the
psicrystal is destroyed the psion must attempt a
Fortitude save (DC 15). If the saving throw fails, the psychic monk
loses 200 experience points per class level. A successful saving throw
reduces the loss by half. However, a psion's experience can never go
below 0 as the result of a psicrystal's destruction. A destroyed
psicrystal cannot be replaced for six months.
Personality Descriptions: All psicrystals
have distinct personalities as listed. __________________________________________________________ psicrystal personality Artiste, owner gains +2 bonus on Craft checks psicrystal personality Bully, owner gains +2 bonus on Intimidate checks psicrystal personality Coward, owner gains +2 bonus on Hide checks psicrystal personality Friendly, owner gains +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks psicrystal personality Hero, owner gains +2 bonus on Fortitude saves psicrystal personality Liar, owner gains +2 bonus on Bluff checks psicrystal personality Meticulous, owner gains +2 bonus on Search checks psicrystal personality Observant, owner gains +2 bonus on Spot checks psicrystal personality Poised, owner gains +2 bonus on Balance checks psicrystal personality Resolve, oner gains +2 bonus on Will checks psicrystal personality Sage, owner gains +2 bonus on any one knowledge skill he or she already knows; once chosen, this does not vary With psicrystal personality Singleminded, owner gains +1 bonus on Concentration checks With psicrystal personality Sneak, owner gains +2 bonus on Move Silently checks With psicrystal personality Sympathetic, owner gains +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks |
Still Mind (Ex): A psychic monk of 3rd level or higher gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of enchantment.
Flurry of
Blows (Ex): When unarmored, a monk may strike with
a flurry of blows at the expense of accuracy. When doing so, she may
make one extra attack in a round at her highest base attack bonus, but
this attack takes a -2 penalty, as does each other attack made that
round. The resulting modified base attack bonuses are shown in the
Flurry of Blows Attack Bonus column on Table: The Monk. This penalty
applies for 1 round, so it also affects attacks of opportunity the monk
might make before her next action. When a monk reaches 5th level, the
penalty lessens to -1, and at 9th level it disappears. A monk must use
a full attack action to strike with a flurry of blows.
using flurry of blows, a monk may attack only with unarmed strikes or
with special monk weapons (kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken,
and siangham). She may attack with unarmed strikes and special monk
weapons interchangeably as desired. When using weapons as part of a
flurry of blows, a monk applies her Strength bonus (not Str bonus x
?1-1/2 or x?1/2) to her damage rolls for all successful attacks,
whether she wields a weapon in one or both hands. The monk can't use
any weapon other than a special monk weapon as part of a flurry of
the case of the quarterstaff, each end counts as a separate weapon for
the purpose of using the flurry of blows ability. Even though the
quarterstaff requires 2 hands to use, a monk may still intersperse
unarmed strikes with quarterstaff strikes, assuming that she has enough
attacks in her flurry of blows routine to do so.
When a monk reaches 11th level, her flurry of blows
ability improves. In addition to the standard single extra attack she
gets from flurry of blows, she gets a second extra attack at her full
base attack bonus.
Strike: At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed
Strike as a bonus feat. A monk's attacks may be with either fist
interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a
monk may even make unarmed strikes with her hands full. There is no
such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk
may thus apply her full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all her
unarmed strikes.
a monk's unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but she can choose to deal
nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on her attack roll. She has
the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.
A monk's unarmed strike is treated both as a
manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and
effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural
A monk also deals more damage with her unarmed strikes
than a normal person would:. A Small monk deals less damage than the
amount given there with her unarmed attacks, while a Large monk deals
more damage; Small or Large Monk Unarmed Damage: 1st-3rd level 1d4
small monk damage 1d8 large monk damage, 4th-7th level 1d6 small monk
damage 2d6 large monk damage, 8th-11th level 1d8 small monk damage 2d8
large monk damage, 12th-15th level 1d10 small monk damage 3d6 large
monk damage, 16th-19th level 2d6 small monk damage 3d8 large monk
damage, 20th level 2d8 small monk damage 4d8 large monk damage.
Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level or higher if a monk makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Movement (Ex): At 3rd level, a monk gains an enhancement
bonus to her speed, as shown on Table: The Monk. A monk in armor or
carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.
Still Mind (Ex): A monk of 3rd level or higher gains a
+2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of
Ki Strike (Su): At 4th level, a monk's unarmed attacks are empowered with ki. Her unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. Ki strike improves with the character's monk level. At 10th level, her unarmed attacks are also treated as lawful weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. At 16th level, her unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction and bypassing hardness.
Slow Fall (Ex): At 4th level or higher, a monk within arm's reach of a wall can use it to slow her descent. When first using this ability, she takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than it actually is. The monk's ability to slow her fall (that is, to reduce the effective distance of the fall when next to a wall) improves with her monk level until at 20th level she can use a nearby wall to slow her descent and fall any distance without harm.
Purity of Body (Ex): At 5th level, a monk gains immunity to all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases.
Wholeness of Body (Su): At 7th level or higher, a monk can heal her own wounds. She can heal a number of health points of damage equal to twice her current monk level each day, and she can spread this healing out among several uses.
Improved Evasion (Ex): At 9th level, a monk's evasion ability improves. She still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, but henceforth she takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.
Diamond Body (Su): At 11th level, a monk gains immunity to poisons of all kinds.
Abundant Step (Su): At 12th level or higher, a monk can slip magically between spaces, as if using the spell dimension door, once per day. Her caster level for this effect is one-half her monk level (rounded down).
Diamond Soul (Ex): At 13th level, a monk gains spell resistance equal to her current monk level + 10. In order to affect the monk with a spell, a spellcaster must get a result on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) that equals or exceeds the monk's spell resistance.
Quivering Palm (Su): Starting at 15th level, a monk can set up vibrations within the body of another creature that can thereafter be fatal if the monk so desires. She can use this quivering palm attack once a week, and she must announce her intent before making her attack roll. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be affected. Otherwise, if the monk strikes successfully and the target takes damage from the blow, the quivering palm attack succeeds. Thereafter the monk can try to slay the victim at any later time, as long as the attempt is made within a number of days equal to her monk level. To make such an attempt, the monk merely wills the target to die (a free action), and unless the target makes a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the monk's level + the monk's Wis modifier), it dies. If the saving throw is successful, the target is no longer in danger from that particular quivering palm attack, but it may still be affected by another one at a later time.
Timeless Body (Ex): Upon attaining 17th level, a monk no longer takes penalties to her ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that she has already taken, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the monk still dies of old age when her time is up.
Tongue of the Sun and Moon (Ex): A monk of 17th level or higher can speak with any living creature.
Empty Body (Su): At 19th level, a monk gains the ability to assume an ethereal state for 1 round per monk level per day, as though using the spell etherealness. She may go ethereal on a number of different occasions during any single day, as long as the total number of rounds spent in an ethereal state does not exceed her monk level.
Perfect Self: At 20th level, a monk becomes a magical creature. She is forevermore treated as an outsider rather than as a humanoid (or whatever the monk's creature type was) for the purpose of spells and magical effects. Additionally, the monk gains damage reduction 10/magic, which allows her to ignore the first 10 points of damage from any attack made by a nonmagical weapon or by any natural attack made by a creature that doesn't have similar damage reduction. Unlike other outsiders, the monk can still be brought back from the dead as if she were a member of her previous creature type.
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, the psychic monk gets a bonus feat. The psychic monk gains an additional bonus feat at 2nd level and every three level thereafter. These bonus feats can be selected from all psionic feats as well as the following Feats: Ambiagility, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge (Mobility, Spring Attack), Exotic Weapon Proficiency*, Expertise (Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Whirlwind Attack), Improved Critical*, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike (Deflect Arrows, Stunning Fist), Mounted Combat (Mounted Archery, Trample, Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge), Point Blank Shot (Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run), Power Attack (Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Sunder, Great Cleave), Quick Draw, 2 -Weapon Fighting (Improved 2 -Weapon Fighting), Weapon Finesse*, and Weapon Focus*.
Feats dependent on other feats are given parenthetically after the prerequisite feat. Some of the psionic feats also have feats from the above list as prerequisites. A character can select feats marked with an asterisk (*) more than once, but it must be for a different weapon each time. Characters must still meet all prerequisites for a feat, including ability score and base attack bonus.
Powers: A
psychic monk manifests psionic powers. A psychic
monk begins play with power (talents) only limited by power point
amount. At each level, the psychic monk discovers one or more powers,
as indicated in the powers that are chosen from the psychic warrior
power list gotten in the psionic power list.
To manifest a power within a particular discipline, a
monk must make a skill check using int mod. (Psionic attack and defense
modes are exempt from this restriction and do not possess level). The
DC for saving throws to resist a psychic monk's powers is 1d20 + the
skill rank + the psychic monk's key ability modifier. The 1d20 roll is
made by the attacking psychic monk when the power is manifested.
Psionic attack and defense modes add a special modifier instead.
Certain powers can be enhanced as they are manifested, at the cost of
additional power points. Note: A psychic monk may choose to discover a
lower-level power in place of a higher-level power normally granted by
level advancement.
Points: A psychic monk can manifest a certain number of powers per day
based on his or her available power points. Psychic monks do not gain
bonus power points for exceptional ability scores. Special rules govern
the manifestation of 0-level powers and psionic combat modes. They are
listed as level 1 with 2 power points, level 2 with 3 power points,
level 3 with 4 power points, level 4 with 5 power points, level 5 with
8 power points, level 6 with 11 power points, level 7 with 16 power
points, level 8 with 21 power points, level 9 with 26 power points,
level 10 with 33 power points, level 11 with 40 power points, level 12
with 47 power points, level 13 with 56 power points, level 14 with 65
power points, level 15 with 74 power points, level 16 with 85 power
points, level 17 with 96 power points, level 18 with 107 power points,
level 19 with 118 power points, level 20 with 129 power points.and +1
level with +11 power points per level for 21st level up.
0-level Powers: Also called talents, 0-level powers
have a
special power point cost. A psychic warrior can manifest any talent he
or she knows for free a number of times per day equal to his or her
level +2. After exhausting his or her daily allotment, the psychic
warrior must pay 1 power point per manifestation of a 0-level power for
the rest of the day.
Psionic Combat Modes: At 1st level, a psychic warrior can choose to learn 2 of the ten psionic combat modes. At succeeding level, he or she can learn one additional psionic combat mode chosen from the psionic power list.
Weapon Specialization: On achieving 6th level, a psychic monk gains the Weapon Specialization feat. The psychic monk must have Weapon Focus with that weapon to gain Weapon Specialization. If the weapon is a ranged weapon, the damage bonus applies only if the target is within 30 feet. Psychic monk gain Weapon Specialization as a free feat; it doesn't count against the character's bonus and regular feat acquisition. The character cannot take Weapon Specialization as a bonus or regular feat at any other level.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Aura (Ex): A hell cleric serves any deity they choose being daemonic and has a particularly powerful aura corresponding to the deity's alignment (see the detect evil spell for details). Clerics who don't worship a specific deity but choose the Chaotic, Evil, Good, or Lawful domain have a similarly powerful aura of the corresponding alignment.
Deity, Domains, and Domain Spells: A hell cleric deity at the time influences alignment, what magic that can be performed, values, and how others see them. A hell cleric chooses 2 domains from among those belonging to the deity. A hell cleric can select an alignment domain (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if the alignment matches that domain. If a hell cleric is not devoted to a particular deity, they still select 2 domains to represent spiritual inclinations and abilities. The restriction on alignment domains still applies. Each domain gives the hell cleric access to a domain ability as well as a granted power. The hell cleric gets the power grant of both domains selected. With access to domain ability at a skill level, a hell cleric gains one domain ability each day to use.
Spontaneous Casting: A good hell cleric (or a neutral hell cleric of a good deity) can channel stored stamina points (stp) into healing spells. The cleric can use any stp in order to cast any cure spell. A cure spell is any spell that restores from infliction, diseases and poison. An evil hell cleric (or a neutral hell cleric of an evil deity), can't convert stp cure spells but can convert them to inflict spells. An inflict spell is any spell that causes pain, poison, disease and harm. A hell cleric who is neither good nor evil and whose deity is neither good nor evil can convert stp to either cure spells or inflict spells (player's choice). Once the player makes this choice, it cannot be reversed. This choice also determines whether the hell cleric turns or commands undead. This is accomplished by a chaos roll. To do these castings see domain ability.
Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells: A hell cleric can cast any spell in the domain ability of any alignment unless in opposition to their own or their deity's.
Turn or Rebuke Undead (Su): Any hell cleric, regardless of alignment, has the power to affect undead creatures by channeling the power of death through his holy (or unholy) symbol. A good hell cleric (or a neutral hell cleric who worships a good deity) can turn or destroy undead creatures. An evil hell cleric (or a neutral hell cleric who worships an evil deity) instead rebukes or commands such creatures. A neutral hell cleric of a neutral deity must choose whether the turning ability functions as that of a good hell cleric or an evil hell cleric. Once this choice is made, it cannot be reversed. This decision also determines whether the hell cleric can cast spontaneous cure or inflict spells. A hell cleric may attempt to turn undead a number of times per day equal to 3 + Charisma modifier. A hell cleric with 5 or more ranks in Religion gets a +2 bonus on turning checks against undead.
Silent death is the death of an instant that can kill demons or any living creature. The hell cleric can snap a finger and turn the demons power uponst itself slaying it. A humanoid can die in the same manner yet will disappear as if they never were.
Enslavement: The hell cleric can enslave the mind to an idea or a group to what the hell cleric desires and all it takes is a chaos roll. There is a save vs spell to make the enslavement dissapear.
Ex-Hell clerics: A hell cleric who cannot do a service requested will unless justified loses all spells and class features, except for armor and shield proficiencies, ambiagility and proficiency with simple weapons. They cannot thereafter gain level as a hell cleric of that god/godess until the atone by doing a free service.They must remain neutral in conflict unless their is proof of the deed that needs accounting for. To get to the truth they can cheat, decieve, act, poison and just about anything else to get the job done. Otherwise they become ex-hell clerics if their is personal involvement for no reason.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Create substance: Create a powder that mimics anything desired including poison and antidote anywhere they want.
Heart stop: Kills a victim by kinetically stopping the heart through meta-manipulation.
Death needle: A poison needle that they send through the air to hit a point in the body that kills the victum instantly, then disolves, leaving no visable sign of death.
Vapor touch: A touch that dissapates the body into water leaving no trace.
Disable touch: A touch to the neck that knocks them out.
Shadow shift: Shift to the shadow through shadow to appear anywhere like like teleporting. The concentration skill check lets it work.
Sneak Attack: This is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt increases by +1d6 every other level (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th). If an Kinetic assassin gets a sneak attack bonus from another source the bonuses on damage stack.
Death Attack: If an Kinetic assassin studies his victim for 3 rounds and then makes a sneak attack with a melee weapon that successfully deals damage, the sneak attack has the additional effect of possibly either paralyzing or killing the target (Kinetic assassin's choice). While studying the victim, the Kinetic assassin can undertake other actions so long as his attention stays focused on the target and the target does not detect the Kinetic assassin or recognize the Kinetic assassin as an enemy.
If the victim of such an attack fails a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the Kinetic assassin's class level + the Kinetic assassin's Int modifier) against the kill effect, she dies. If the saving throw fails against the paralysis effect, the victim is rendered helpless and unable to act for 1d6 rounds and 1 round per level of the Kinetic assassin. If the victim's saving throw succeeds, the attack is just a normal sneak attack. Once the Kinetic assassin has completed the 3 rounds of study, he must make the death attack within the next 3 rounds. If a death attack is attempted and fails (the victim makes her save) or if the Kinetic assassin does not launch the attack within 3 rounds of completing the study, 3 new rounds of study are required before he can attempt another death attack.
Poison Use: Kinetic assassins are trained in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying poison to a blade.
Save Bonus against Poison: The Kinetic assassin gains a natural saving throw bonus to all poisons gained at 2nd level that increases by +1 for every 2 additional level the Kinetic assassin gains.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, an Kinetic assassin retains his Agility bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. (He still loses any Agility bonus to AC if immobilized.) If a character gains uncanny dodge from a second class the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below).
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 5th level, an Kinetic assassin can no longer be flanked, since he can react to opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to a single attacker. This defense denies rogues the ability to use flank attacks to sneak attack the Kinetic assassin. The exception to this defense is that a rogue at least four level higher than the Kinetic assassin can flank him (and thus sneak attack him). If a character gains uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge, and the level from those classes stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.
Hide in Plain Sight (Su): At 8th level, an Kinetic assassin can use the Hide skill even while being observed. As long as he is within 10 feet of some sort of shadow, an Kinetic assassin can hide himself from view in the open without having anything to actually hide behind. He cannot, however, hide in his own shadow.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Use a 1d20+focus rank to decide unless you draw straws, if this is where you get a success that's done by a 10 or up roll. Otherwise if you use a straw system, then its either the shortest or longest straw.
Sneak Attack: This is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt increases by +1d6+Focus rank, this bonus is applied every other level (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th+). If an Mage assassin gets a sneak attack bonus from another source the bonuses on damage stack. If using a no dice system, then you halve the dice and times the number of dice and add the modifier. So for a level 10 mage assassin with 12 focus rank, that's 5d6+12 or no dice it's 5*3+12=27 damage done.
Death Attack: If an Mage assassin studies his victim for 3 rounds and then
makes a sneak attack with a melee weapon that successfully deals
damage, the sneak attack has the additional effect of possibly either
paralyzing or killing the target (Mage assassin's choice). While
studying the victim, the Mage assassin can undertake other actions
so long as his attention stays focused on the target and the target
does not detect the Mage assassin or recognize the Mage assassin
as an enemy.
If the victim of such an attack fails a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the
Mage assassin's class level + the Mage assassin's Int modifier)
against the kill effect, then he or she dies. If the saving throw fails against
the paralysis effect, the victim is rendered helpless and unable to act
for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per level of the Mage assassin. If the
victim's saving throw succeeds, the attack is just a normal sneak
attack. The drawing straws technique, shortest or longest straw is
Once the Mage assassin has completed the 3 rounds of study,
he must make the death attack within the next 3 rounds. If a death
attack is attempted and fails (the victim makes her save) or if the
Mage assassin does not launch the attack within 3 rounds of
completing the study, 3 new rounds of study are required before he can
attempt another death attack.
Create substance: Create a powder or liquid, that is using a focus point and thinking of the effect. This mimics anything desired including poison and antidote anywhere they want.
Shapeshift (Ex): The shapeshift ability is like the polymorph spell except use a skill rank to determine the form shift. This uses the reaching out and holding the cords of life, that are energy cords you will to create effect. Thinking and imagining or thinking about the shape to seem, you are that shape. The effect uses levels that are treated as ranks, this is limited to 10 ranks.
1st rank enables any small animal, small seaform and body part shift (cat, starfish, a hand into a sword blade etc..). 2nd rank enables any large creature shape (troll and etc). 3rd rank enables all other humanoid races shift. 4th rank enables plant life and rock form except not a creature. 5th rank enables any inanimate object shift. 6th rank enables small, medium or large elemental (any element in runic ability elements). 7th rank enables any huge shape (dragon, griffin, hydra, giant, giant aquatic etc...). 8th rank enables any tiny form shift. 9th rank enables any Huge elemental shape (all elements). 10th rank enables any Elder creature form (elder eye tyrant, elder elemental, elder aquatic form etc..).
Poison Use: Mage assassins are trained in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying poison to a blade. This works like a +1d6 to the damages dealt or diceless it's 1*3=3 points more.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, an Mage assassin retains his Agility bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. (He still loses any Agility bonus to AC if immobilized.) If a character gains uncanny dodge from a second class the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below).
Disable touch is the effect of a touch to the right point, that is considered delaying reaction for 1d6 rounds or 3 rounds diceless, if you roll a 1d20+focus rank with greater than 10 as success or draw the shortest or longest straw, then you can create the point of touch and they lose 1d6 rounds or diceless 3 rounds activity. This is 1d10 minutes or diceless 5 rounds outside of combat.
Cord shift, this is a moment in of a use as user will is in any energy, and from within this is using the cords of life by reaching out and thinking you grab them where that makes what you need, that works as if you can create ways to do and this is the thought and without. So as thought if your a point in creation, you are with some moment to do, then you can think and shift as the energy is chaotic string energy. This works as chaos in this way is to create an event.
As a thought this is a done thing, think as you are if from the idea your thinking of a point, and as you think 'shift' you are hitting or avoiding as you seem to avoid the thought. Otherwise your allowing the point, that is where the cords of life absorb the attack or energy you don't need. If you only think of 'there' or clean by feel, then you can need to actually go there and you are where you think. Otherwise you see creative use is done, you realize as you can shift with the peaceful intention or user energy is feel or what you see is done. As you in thought are thinking of peace, you are where in mind you want to be. You see you or the things you want shift are where you think or imagine. You don't have to die, if you think of a useful way to shift.
Information gathering; That is when communication by void is the act of focus or have thought on or use of a personas thought is area energy vibration, then optionally you may state or think your message with intent not to do or do. Let go your focus to end the message or information gathering, this is yet where you don't think of the person or they will see or hear your thoughts again you could hurt your heart. This is done if dark energy is near and the energy vibrations are vibrating at that level.
If that voice is heard they could get irritated and seek, see or destroy to stop by then "en" for the nuisance and they are gone from the area. Think you know things and you are aware of what is done by the spirit allowing you realization of the moment. This is the true way of knowing the spirit knowledge. That's right, if you want to use it, go ahead. This technique works, 100% of the moment you have to realize things by the soul or useful insight.
If you think to not know things and project the aura with thinking you do this by practice, then you can always work with what is given or you can cause an effect of ignorance. The person you want to effect to not know the idea, he or she won't know of things that's there. This process makes the process clearer as a clear phone communication except its any distance without the phone, and even in loud noises will it be with clarity. So think positively to raise the vibrations, yet any vibrations is sometimes hurtful. Especially if you think positively. Then it becomes less hurtful the longer you wait, that effect is in the end though.
So you have time to get or receive the message. This is a known effect that uses the void dimension, this means you imagine yourself on a floating platform in void and you think to get information or send messages otherwise. Get a success of this ability with a 1d20+Focus rank with a 10 or above as success or draw a short or long straw if you want to do it that way. Then something of information is learned that you thought to know. The idea is a point you can get by feel, if you think you know things you can act more assured and able. So this adds a +3 to the charisma roll (if you are not diceless) as a bonus to the total.
Death needle: A poison needle that they send through the air to hit a point in the body that kills the victum instantly, then disolves, leaving no visable sign of death.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 5th level, an Mage assassin can no longer be flanked, since he can react to opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to a single attacker. This defense denies rogues the ability to use flank attacks to sneak attack the Mage assassin. The exception to this defense is that a rogue at least four level higher than the Mage assassin can flank him (and thus sneak attack him). If a character gains uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge, and the level from those classes stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.
Vaportouch: A touch that dissapates the body into water leaving no trace.
Disable touch: A touch to the neck that knocks them out 1d6 rounds or diceless 3 rounds in attack, this is 1d10 1-minute rounds or diceless 5 minutes outside of melee.
Death and decay effect: This is where you think to release the death energy, that is the decay that the cells create. You will live longer by reduction of your age of 10 years reduction, then if the energy is gone you can live without brain impairments. So any diseases disappear as though not there. That is where you think to target the disease with decaying energy, then you create with no disease, poison in the body or disorder. Think of the point and you know what to do.
This can also be sent energy of death and decaying essence, think of the person and you send the decay to them and you can kill the target or targets. This is usually done by making them pass out and end up in the hospital, that is done by a focused energy with life that now has intensified energy. This means that has a weakening effect at first, that is done as though strength and "con"stitution reduction by 1d6.
Then if the person gets too much after 2 rounds in attack or 1 minute outside of attack, they either pass out for 1d6+focus rank that is 1d6+12 with a 12 focus rank, diceless it's 1*3+12=15 rounds in attack missed or 15 minutes out cold, that's outside of attack or they die on the spot. This is with a 1d20+focus rank and 10 or above is death otherwise the shortest or longest straw is death. So that's when then you think the point is dead and they get a Cthulu effect.
This effect you mention is where the Cthulu god is blamed at least spiritually. If they remember that the person was out cold by the god, then you are not blamed for what you did. This always works, so I think it's worth the effect.
Flight (Ex): This is where you think to grab hold of the cords of life and you fly, hover or move as you think to fly or hover by feel.
Create item: This creates the item of choice alotted by level that is treated as a skill rank. The item appears where the crafter wants selected from the list. This is limited by 10 max skill rank. 1st skill rank any one good, equipment piece or simple weapon. 2nd skill rank any one sword, scimitar, rapier, axe, light weapon and flail except great, heavy or double weapon. 3rd skill rank any one great sword, great axe, heavy flail, halbred and warhammer. 4th skill rank any one exotic weapon. 5th skill rank any one magic item at a +1. 6th skill rank any one magical item at a +2. 7th skill rank any one +3 magical item. 8th skill rank any one +4 magical item. 9th skill rank any one +5 magical item. 10th skill rank any one +5 intelligent item.
Shadow shift: Shift to the shadow through shadow to appear anywhere like teleporting at least somewhere. The concentration skill check lets it work.
Hide in Plain Sight (Su): At 8th level, an Mage assassin can use the Hide skill even while being observed and acting normal in the area. As long as he is within 10 feet of some sort of shadow, an Mage assassin can hide himself from view in the open without having anything to actually hide behind. He cannot, however, hide in his own shadow.
Heart stop: Kills a victim by magically stopping the heart through meta-manipulation.
Save Bonus against Poison: The Mage assassin gains a natural saving throw bonus to all poisons gained at 2nd level that increases by +1 for every two additional level the Mage assassin gains.
Channeling (Ex): Channeling is possible to make use of the spirit, then create by the idea you have. The spirit can use any negativity and idea or objects that are there is what can be the energy source. This is where you think of the person or being, then breath in and out and create by focusing on the thought to create a point of linking. So with that link you create by understanding what the person or being knows, this is the process of creating a point of idea.
So think and you make with the spirit that exists, what you need to know the spirit will tell or show you in a vision. Then if you don't need to link to the person's spirit or being, think of a natural point or line that exists between the spirit and yourself. Think it chopped and broken away from you. Then you are no longer channelling them. What you can do with channelling, if assassination is required then you can think the spirit or person dies off and you force them to kill themselves if they don't use the thine spell.
They usually pass out and the person could go into a coma if death and decay energy is thought to enter the person. Make sure you stop the link to them if your done trying to kill them, as you could get their soul visitation or spirit to come to you. This is just a technique, that doesn't always work.
Casting gem spell: This uses a gemstone or rock and does per 2 levels d8 + focusing rank worth damage or effect length. That's 6d8+13 for level 12 and 13 focus skill rank, diceless that's 6*4+13=37 seconds effect or damage/healing. Subconsciously you have the ability to manifest by moments. So this means you have an idea of how to cast a spell without being affected personally if you use gemstones. Just think the effect and touch the gemstone, and the gemstone will do the idea you need. That is directed by your energy, that creates within the gemstone. So it creates the idea, not you.
So you program the gemstone into generating ideas for you. This is experimental, so if you use energy and a suggested "in an" for idea you can create spells with the gemstone cast by a finished result of no cracking. The stone man language is the language of the gemstone, that is using a point of elemental and the gemstone will do what you think and need or not bother. This is usuing gated effect or area elements. So I know if you think the Dm/Gm will allow this, then ask and maybe you can use this as though an ability.
The anullment: The act and other effects done, that is with the idea of what is done can be undone. Through an anullment, the idea of what is wrong, this can be the undoing of the momentary peace of mind. Think of the moment and speak and anything you imagine will create a communication to the area person. So I think for the anullment, this will undo a wrong thing by some physical reaction due to spiritual pressure. So if no use, the subconscious will get rid of the effect.
The anullment can get rid of anything. This works as it's correcting what is correctable, that is used with the rest of the bad influence remaining, or your gone and that bad influence turned to become a positive influence. Then use is cool, no ejecting on people. This allows you to see from the body with the point you think and imagine, that is done with all the energy of the problem being cleansed of the thoughts others had by thinking it is, so I think it is anulled.
So that is where in the body or inner realm you create by the conscious and form things, that is done by the will. The idea is a point where you can think and create by the use of energy. This is the effect of an energy you think does what you want, that is done as it does what it is doing which is operating things. However you think, things will get better.
The act of anullment is this, think to focus a build up of chi energy in the body. Then focus and energy surges to create what is desired and if you need to do things, then think to cause an act of chi energy by raising your arms one by one over your head and circling the hands, then as this forms a chi ball that floats then think to drop your hands. Then as you think of the idea as intent and shake your hands to form a will ball, this is used by feel to make anything in the person, or the thing you try is a point you think that is occured with response. That on command, effectively absorbs an amount of the bad energy or influence, this is where the energy excess in the body is gone.
That is a hand action that is used by what is a carlos castenada video and it works as a point is needed or stated as though an intent were done, this imagined or acted on idea is where if placed in the earth it disperses. Think and know, the toxins, poisons and bad influences, that is if they remain in the person or thing they are energetically removed, so this is where crystals are used by the effect to rid yourself of the bad influence being without its effect. This procedure causes the body to develope a resistance to energy and that means +5 and your focus rank magic resistance, that's especially true is done again and you attune your energy to the positive feel.
Then if you think that will work, really this is will to create fixes to the problems and each time it's done it isn't done here. This is where it causes the idea of the problem thought with point or friction to become less noticeable, This is a point and used with the idea of gemstones as you think of the idea to do and touch the gemstone, this is use of thinking the idea of death and decay energy. So your body cures things itself more easily, think as this is thought released energy that goes harmlessly into the air without movement. No friction point rub just release.
What helps the process along, see or be the word 'annul' or 'disperse'. So I think by attempting the procedure, you can see with the third eye by use of the pinneal gland and thought of what you need, this is a point and stating things with intent to cause the effect, 'annul!' or 'disperse!', this could or can create fire from wire or water forms. See as seen the procedure of the anullment will more likely happen with water from a cup. See or use is focus with no agree to use is agreement if acted to create. As you see or create the area effect, think to strike as you release fire energy to cause a black area as where is not switch to create. So you see this is useful if in a fight or otherwise no blow.
Mental crippling: This is done to get into someones head and form a temporary block or to form a tone near the person and daze said person for 1d6+focus rank rounds in combat or 1d10+focus rank minutes outside melee. Say they had 14 focus rank, that's diceless for 3+14=17 seconds for attack mode effect or 5+14=19 minutes outside of battle.
If in their head, you could control them with a 1d20+focus rank with 10 or above being success or draw the longest or shortest straw for success that lasts as long as a daze would last. Training the crippling effect is to see the person in your mind, then place a sonic time bomb in his/her mind by handing the bomb to said person mentally.
This bomb activates when they do anything irritating to you or something disturbing to you, so you don't have worry over a guilty conscious as you see. Say this a time bomb or non use as you focus to effect, think "not use" or cause is some result use. This is the area to create as you focus the use. This can be a normal bomb as to what you desire for maximum concussion effect is effect is energy or time use. The general idea is that to knock the person out mentally, your knocking said target out physically.
The act technique is use to associate to kill, seeing to act the part of a friend to lead, the person into death or to get some sorta contact poison in the skin by thinking on the poison and sight with intent. The feeling or use of rotten food if a cast iron stomach is non effecting with turmeric to pass it through you so the poison get near use, see or on creative feel with imagined flame the target can use or the target is by feel you use the poison or blood energy as a purification is energy area flow to cleanse blood or create by feel. As you see this is a mark of memory as kindness you imagine the result or not, see to effect or mark a freehand sigil that means your intent. No child process necessary or you see use is care you don't if you see the creativity.
This is gesture to move away or create emanative mental effects, that are focused effects which creates by auratic area generation or area energy feel. As you feel area use or creative sight is use not in view, as effort by focus by focus to energy by use as not is no use or knock is use. See is a knock back, thought is focus to cause disruption to the spinal cord. See tht is fighting the focus is disrupted body activity or creation is some use, see this is hit as you focus energy to the area you think is creative made or element use by focus.
The element use system with the aura is done by what you think of the effect, then will it to exist where you need it to appear to be created or manifested. Use the dice for them that is listed in brackets besides the element. Earth (d8), Lava (d12), Fire (d10), Water (d8), Ice (d8), Air (d6), Acid (d10), Magnetism (d8), Death (d12), Emotion (d6), Spirit (d8), Sun (d10), Time (d8), Light (d6), Darkness (d6), Voidal halting element (d8), Chaos (d12) and Order (d10) are the elements you can manipulate into existence. When you manifest the psionic ability you use a 1d20+Focus Rank to see. This is where any roll under 10 is fail, and any roll that's 10 or above is success. Otherwise, this is the shortest or longest straw that means success.
This is done using a point to create with the aura, that burns away the area decay in the air and allows you to breath separated out oxygen. If you think to amplify the aura you could cause area manchines to break down. So think you do things by the aura energy, then your brain waves make the effect. The effect is produced in your inner world, then if you need the idea to be created as a manifest, you create the effect outside the aura area using brain enhanced aura waves, that cause the effect to manifest by the consciousness of energy or smart air conscious.
This is especially done if you realized by knowing with the spirit and soul, that provides the insight so you manifested the element where you think to make it manifest or appear nearby. The idea is a (a point from every 2 levels)(dice used)+(Focus Rank) worth of damage or effect length in seconds with melee and minutes outside of melee. This is a 6d10+9 or diceless 6*5+9=39 damage with a character doing a fire attack, that has 12 levels(6) and 9 Focus Skill Ranks. This effects what you need to effect, then where you wish to create the effect is where you think it is created.
This is like summoning the energy from a mentally gated source, that exists with the element at least in particle form and the gate is empowered by the aura or if not gated, then this influences things so you can cause them to see the event you imagine. This is the area effect or personal effect by choice to effect target/s.
Now onto the elements that are not so easily understood. The death energy is sometimes with a summoning of death essence, the death essence comes from the body and if focused will kill something or somebody. This can effect multiple targets as well. The lava comes from a mentally placed gate and forms from lava particles drawn from a source area.
This where also the point of doing with the idea or intent, sometimes if you imagine the result you can get a result by feel. Time is where you imagine the event or idea as a moment, and the subconscious creates the idea you need as a point or result where the moment can last as long as you need the idea to last. Magnetism is where you imagine the draw of the particles.
That's where it's causing a pull of some item or person wearing armor and magnetic material. Emotion is stating words, that stir emotion as you feel the idea or emotional point. Chaos just dissolves things after breaking the material or person up into particles. Order strengthens things and people, thinking of the effect will create what you need. This is done by order energy.
Acid dissolves things by feel, otherwise it burns the area as it attempts to dissolve the point or target. Sun energy is amplifying the aura and this heals people or yourself, this works to create faster healing by 2d10+focus rank and that is restored health percent. The sunlight has Vitamin-D, this means the sun energy causes some effect to restore the body, that is with some sorta gate that shines the sunlight if no sunlight nearby.
The halting element is void that nullifies anything and this ceases things as you imagine the point of stopping, then the idea is done as though the effect didn't exist as though you have an ability that nullifies an effect. That is a stopping point created of what you want with what it is ceasing itself. This is how some of the elements works by what idea there is to study. If you need to know more, that is where you think of the point you need to realize, and the soul gives you the point as insight. This is in a point how the element by aura system works, and uses are of the idea.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Skill song: +3 to all class skills +1 to all cross class.
Potion making (Ex); This is where you make a potion out of ingredients mixed with water and optional is the rite with it. This produces as though psychic, the effect of what you want as you know what top mix and get a good result. Any healing or damages with this is 1/4 the health you can heal or damage the target with the idea you intend. Each potion lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed or constitution + 1d10 hours outside of the combat.
Mimic act: act a scene or peron to become the form in completion via all attributes or gain its ability at the moment of casting. Limits are creatures only and it takes a perfomance check for success.
Acting (Ex); This is where you act to control as though a part were done and you create difference, that's with your consciousness entering the target's mind that you acted out and that causes the target to do what you want. Whatever you act out, the target will do, if possble by a focus check. That's 1d20+focusus ranks and getting a 10 or above for success. It lasts till now where 1d6 rounds in battle passes by, until dismissed by the caster, or unless not needed.
Planar shift: It is to shift anywhere by imagination of place with you appearing there by speaking a power phrase that represents the effect. You can protect yourself with 5/- damage reduction. The keywords are: "plany" for planar shift, The action words make, alter, destroy, protect. Planar protection is +5/- damage reduced/level . Like 20/- damage reduction for 4th level. This is done with a perfomance skill check. The damage is 1d6/level +con bonus like 3d6+5 for a 3rd level actor bard with +5 bonus.
Bardic Knowledge: A bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to his bard level + Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. (If the bard has 5 or more ranks in History, he gains a +2 bonus on this check.). A successful bardic knowledge check will not reveal the powers of a magic item but may give a hint as to its general function. A bard may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of knowledge is essentially random.
Type of Knowledge ______________________________________________________________________________ 10 Common, known by at least a substantial minority drinking; common legends of the local population. 20 Uncommon but available, known by only a few people legends. 25 Obscure, known by few, hard to come by. 30 Extremely obscure, known by very few, possibly forgotten by most who once knew it, possibly known only by those who don't understand the significance of the knowledge. |
(Sp): A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform
skill can use his music or poetics to cause one or more creatures to
become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be
within 90 feet, able to see and hear the bard, and able to pay
attention to him. The bard must also be able to see the creature. The
distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability
from working. For every three level a bard attains beyond 1st, he can
target one additional creature with a single use of this ability. To
use the ability, a bard makes a Perform check. His check result is the
DC for each affected creature's Will save against the effect. If a
creature's saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate
that creature again for 24 hours.
its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and listens to the
song, taking no other actions, for as long as the bard continues to
play and concentrate (up to a maximum of 1 round per bard level). While
fascinated, a target takes a -4 penalty on skill checks made as
reactions, such as Listen and Spot checks. Any potential threat
requires the bard to make another Perform check and allows the creature
a new saving throw against a DC equal to the new Perform check result.
Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell,
or aiming a ranged weapon at the target, automatically breaks the
effect. Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting
Suggestion (Sp): A bard of 6th level or higher with 9 or more ranks in a Perform skill can make a suggestion (as the spell) to a creature that he has already fascinated (see above). Using this ability does not break the bard's concentration on the fascinate effect, nor does it allow a second saving throw against the fascinate effect. Making a suggestion doesn't count against a bard's daily limit on bardic music performances. A Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 bard's level + bard's Cha modifier) negates the effect. This ability affects only a single creature (but see mass suggestion, below). Suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting, language dependent ability.
Mass Suggestion (Sp): This ability functions like suggestion, above, except that a bard of 18th level or higher with 21 or more ranks in a Perform skill can make the suggestion simultaneously to any number of creatures that he has already fascinated (see above). Mass suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting, language-dependent ability.
Harpers (Ex); This group you can join anytime, and when you do, add "harper" w/o quotes to your profession skill. This is a group for the playing of entertainment, history and exploration for the experience of it, doing good as they go and sometimes help out with their skills. As you explore and do things for experience, you create the music that you sing. Nothing against the laws, of course is done.
Ex-Bards: A bard who becomes lawful in alignment cannot progress in level as a bard, though he retains all his bard abilities.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Favored Enemy (Ex): At 1st level, a Mana Knight may select a type of creature from among those given on Table: Mana Knight Favored Enemies. The Mana Knight gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, the Mana Knight may select an additional favored enemy from those given on the table. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2 . If the Mana Knight chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy, he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table. If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy, the Mana Knight's bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.
Mana Knight Favored
Enemies __________________________________________________________ Type (Subtype) Type (Subtype) Aberration Humanoid (reptilian) Animal Magical beast Construct Monstrous humanoid, Dragon, Ooze Elemental Outsider (air) Fey Outsider (chaotic) Giant Outsider (earth) Humanoid (aquatic) Outsider (evil) Humanoid (dwarf) Outsider (fire) Humanoid (elf) Outsider (good) Humanoid (goblinoid) Outsider (lawful) Humanoid (gnoll) Outsider (native) Humanoid (gnome) Outsider (water) Humanoid (halfling) Plant Humanoid (human) Undead Humanoid (orc) Vermin Track: A Mana Knight gains Track as a bonus feat. |
Telekinetics: Spell like ability works like the spell telekinesis yet this works with the mp system..
Wild Empathy (Ex): A Mana Knight can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person. The Mana Knight rolls 1d20 and adds his Mana Knight level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the Mana Knight and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The Mana Knight can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 , but he takes a -4 penalty on the check.
Combat Style (Ex): At 2nd level, a Mana Knight must select one of 2 combat styles to pursue: archery or 2 -weapon combat. This choice affects the character's class features but does not restrict his selection of feats or special abilities in any way. If the Mana Knight selects archery, he is treated as having the Rapid Shot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Mana Knight selects 2 -weapon combat, he is treated as having the 2 -Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. The benefits of the Mana Knight's chosen style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Endurance: A Mana Knight gains Endurance as a bonus feat at 3rd level.
Animal Companion (Ex): At 4th level, a Mana Knight gains an animal companion selected from the following list: badger, camel, dire rat, dog, riding dog, eagle, hawk, horse (light or heavy), owl, pony, snake (Small or Medium viper), or wolf. If the campaign takes place wholly or partly in an aquatic environment, the following creatures may be added to the Mana Knight's list of options: crocodile, porpoise, Medium shark, and squid. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the Mana Knight on his adventures as appropriate for its kind. This ability functions like the druid ability of the same name, except that the Mana Knight's effective druid level is one-half his Mana Knight level. A Mana Knight may select from the alternative lists of animal companions just as a druid can, though again his effective druid level is half his Mana Knight level. Like a druid, a Mana Knight cannot select an alternative animal if the choice would reduce his effective druid level below 1st.
Improved Combat Style (Ex): At 6th level, a Mana Knight's aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or 2 -weapon combat) improves. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Manyshot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Mana Knight selected 2 -weapon combat at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Improved 2 -Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. As before, the benefits of the Mana Knight's chosen style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Woodland Stride (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a Mana Knight may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him.
Swift Tracker (Ex): Beginning at 8th level, a Mana Knight can move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal -5 penalty. He takes only a -10 penalty (instead of the normal -20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.
Evasion (Ex): At 9th level, a Mana Knight can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the Mana Knight is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Mana Knight does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Style Mastery (Ex): At 11th level, a Mana Knight's
aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or 2 -weapon combat)
improves again. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as
having the Improved Precise Shot feat, even if he does not have the
normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Mana Knight selected 2
-weapon combat at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Greater 2
-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal
prerequisites for that feat.
As before, the benefits of the Mana Knight's chosen
style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits
of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Camouflage (Ex): A Mana Knight of 13th level or higher can use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain doesn't grant cover or concealment.
Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): While in any sort of natural terrain, a Mana Knight of 17th level or higher can use the Hide skill even while being observed.
Honor code: A Mana Knight must remain neutral till they see anything wrong, which they redress as they see fit. Thats when they act to balance the situation by any possible means. Yet they remain unseen manipulators until caught. If the Mana knight is caught there must be an explanation like to explore and experience or some such. If there is no reason then they are unable to raise level but keeps abilities with inability to use focus. Put this under special abilities.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Track: A Jedi Knight gains Track as a bonus feat.
Telekinetics: Spell like ability works like the spell telekinesis yet this works with the mp system.
Wild Empathy (Ex): A Jedi Knight can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person. The Jedi Knight rolls 1d20 and adds his Jedi Knight level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the Jedi Knight and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The Jedi Knight can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 , but he takes a -4 penalty on the check.
Combat Style (Ex): At 2nd level, a Jedi Knight must select one of 2 combat styles to pursue: archery or 2 -weapon combat. This choice affects the character's class features but does not restrict his selection of feats or special abilities in any way. If the Jedi Knight selects archery, he is treated as having the Rapid Shot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Jedi Knight selects 2 -weapon combat, he is treated as having the 2 -Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. The benefits of the Jedi Knight's chosen style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Endurance: A Jedi Knight gains Endurance as a bonus feat at 3rd level.
Animal Companion (Ex): At 4th level, a Jedi Knight gains an animal companion selected from the following list: badger, camel, dire rat, dog, riding dog, eagle, hawk, horse (light or heavy), owl, pony, snake (Small or Medium viper), or wolf. If the campaign takes place wholly or partly in an aquatic environment, the following creatures may be added to the Jedi Knight's list of options: crocodile, porpoise, Medium shark, and squid. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the Jedi Knight on his adventures as appropriate for its kind. This ability functions like the druid ability of the same name, except that the Jedi Knight's effective druid level is one-half his Jedi Knight level. A Jedi Knight may select from the alternative lists of animal companions just as a druid can, though again his effective druid level is half his Jedi Knight level. Like a druid, a Jedi Knight cannot select an alternative animal if the choice would reduce his effective druid level below 1st.
Improved Combat Style (Ex): At 6th level, a Jedi Knight's aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or 2 -weapon combat) improves. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Manyshot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Jedi Knight selected 2 -weapon combat at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Improved 2 -Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. As before, the benefits of the Jedi Knight's chosen style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Woodland Stride (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a Jedi Knight may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him.
Swift Tracker (Ex): Beginning at 8th level, a Jedi Knight can move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal -5 penalty. He takes only a -10 penalty (instead of the normal -20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.
Evasion (Ex): At 9th level, a Jedi Knight can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the Jedi Knight is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Jedi Knight does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Combat Style Mastery (Ex): At 11th level, a Jedi Knight's aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or 2 -weapon combat) improves again. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Improved Precise Shot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Jedi Knight selected 2 -weapon combat at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Greater 2 -Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. As before, the benefits of the Jedi Knight's chosen style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Camouflage (Ex): A Jedi Knight of 13th level or higher can use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain doesn't grant cover or concealment.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Special ability: Cause wave probability
Gained on level 3, to cause effects from any idea and expression,
using the waves of probability and intent with the subconscious, to
guide. There's a roll of the dice (1d6) that details what will occur,
on willing something, or stating things to be done. Damage done by this
effect is 2d6 per level of caster. The duration is 2d6 hours. Unless
its a one time result and short duration or instant.
On the die roll:
1 = success, it effects until it stops, by some means.
2 = partial success, something happens but its up to the gm to
3 = partial fail, conditional - something happens, but it doesn't
seem right and is counted still.
4 = fail, nothing happens.
5 = The reverse effect.
6 = total failure, reverse effects on both you and the target -
something bad happens to both the target's and the caster.
On conditional results there is the effect that thats left up to
the Gm.
You get three chances to fix the result.
Special ability: Aura of 'I trigger it'
This special aura is gained, on level 7, to make effects of
triggering what you think on, in another person, air or item, by
intent. With the focus of idea you can make a shield of 'I trigger it',
not around you. The shield variety causes no possibility of it
effecting you. This effect lasts until 1 day later, or until a seen
sunrise occurs.
Special ability: Chaos Wave Result
Gained on level 8, there is usage of the waves of reality, used
more effectively, to form the effect and from idea that you have. To
manifest the idea solidly, roll a 1. This is more poweful than the
cause result ability, as its using the mental and physical to
manipulate threads and create results. This ability uses a 4d10 for
effective damage. Duration is decided by a 2d10 for amount of hours.
Based on a 4-sided die roll, to decide what happens with the
1 = manifested solidly or is done perfectly
2 = effect is achieved
3 = effect doesn't happen
4 = conditional disaster, disaster is decided be Gm.
Special ability: Elemental mastery
The elements are learned and mastered that you desire, to use on
effect thought of. Effect can now manifest with an extra 2d10 added to
the roll. Gained on level 10.
Added Bonus Feat: There's an added bonus feat, on level 11 and every 2 levels after. No limit to how many more levels.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
On level 1, they gain an ability of prescience and psychic
awareness, considered the Awareness Special ability.
Part of Awareness, be the prescience and psychic awareness.
Prescience be the ability to percieve events before they happen. Its
limited to 6 minutes in advance. It can get you outta lotsa trouble. It
acts as a -10/- damage reduction per 2 levels.
Psychic awareness ability be to make it known, as to what will happen,
out of battle, 1 minute to 1 hour before it occurs. Up to GM to allow.
Favored Enemy (Ex): Also, at 1st level, a Dragon Knight may
select a type of creature from among those given on Table: Dragon
Knight Favored Enemies. The Dragon Knight gains a +2 bonus on Bluff,
Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills
against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon
damage rolls against such creatures.
At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, the Dragon Knight
may select an additional favored enemy from those given on the table.
In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored
enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.
If the Dragon Knight chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy,
he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table.
If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored
enemy, the Dragon Knight's bonuses do not stack; he simply uses
whichever bonus is higher.
Table: Dragon Knight Favored Enemies
Type (Subtype)
Humanoid (reptilian)
Magical beast
Monstrous humanoid, Dragon, Ooze
Outsider (air)
Outsider (chaotic)
Outsider (earth)
Humanoid (aquatic) Outsider (evil)
Humanoid (dwarf) Outsider
Outsider (good)
Humanoid (goblinoid) Outsider (lawful)
Humanoid (gnoll)
Outsider (native)
Humanoid (gnome) Outsider (water)
Humanoid (halfling) Plant
Humanoid (human) Undead
(orc) Vermin
Track: A Dragon Knight gains Track as a bonus feat.
Telekinetics: Spell like ability works like the spell
telekinesis yet this works with the stp system..
Wild Empathy (Ex): A Dragon Knight can improve the attitude
of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to
improve the attitude of a person. The Dragon Knight rolls 1d20 and adds
his Dragon Knight level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild
empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting
attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To
use wild empathy, the Dragon Knight and the animal must be able to
study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one
another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an
animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it
might take more or less time. The Dragon Knight can also use this
ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or
2, but he takes a -4 penalty on the check.
Combat Style (Ex): At 2nd level, a Dragon Knight must select
one of two combat styles to pursue: archery or two-weapon combat. This
choice affects the character's class features but does not restrict his
selection of feats or special abilities in any way. If the Dragon
Knight selects archery, he is treated as having the Rapid Shot feat,
even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. If the
Dragon Knight selects two-weapon combat, he is treated as having the
Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal
prerequisites for that feat. The benefits of the Dragon Knight's chosen
style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits
of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Endurance: A Dragon Knight gains Endurance as a bonus feat at
3rd level.
Animal Companion (Ex): At 4th level, a Dragon Knight gains an
animal companion selected from the following list: badger, camel, dire
rat, dog, riding dog, eagle, hawk, horse (light or heavy), owl, pony,
snake (Small or Medium viper), or wolf. If the campaign takes place
wholly or partly in an aquatic environment, the following creatures may
be added to the Dragon Knight's list of options: crocodile, porpoise,
Medium shark, and squid. This animal is a loyal companion that
accompanies the Dragon Knight on his adventures as appropriate for its
This ability functions like the druid ability of the same name,
except that the Dragon Knight's effective druid level is one-half his
Dragon Knight level. A Dragon Knight may select from the alternative
lists of animal companions just as a druid can, though again his
effective druid level is half his Dragon Knight level. Like a druid, a
Dragon Knight cannot select an alternative animal if the choice would
reduce his effective druid level below 1st.
Special ability: Raging; Gained on level 3, its to
cause a dragon rage on focus of the rage needing to be there. It can be
called up whenever the player wants. It increases the bone and body
strength, by 6 points and temporarily
Improved Combat Style (Ex): At 6th level, a Dragon Knight's
aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or two-weapon combat)
improves. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as having
the Manyshot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites
for that feat. If the Dragon Knight selected two-weapon combat at 2nd
level, he is treated as having the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat,
even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. As
before, the benefits of the Dragon Knight's chosen style apply only
when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat
style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
On level 6, they gain the special ability, of 'manipulation
of will, mind and body'. They can manipulate anyone with will of up to
6 minutes. There can be a will save, thats allowed, to cancel out the
Woodland Stride (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a Dragon Knight
may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns,
briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and
without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However,
thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically
manipulated to impede motion still affect him.
Swift Tracker (Ex): Beginning at 8th level, a Dragon Knight
can move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the
normal -5 penalty. He takes only a -10 penalty (instead of the normal
-20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.
Evasion (Ex): At 9th level, a Dragon Knight can avoid even
magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a
successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals
half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion
can be used only if the Dragon Knight is wearing light armor or no
armor. A helpless Dragon Knight does not gain the benefit of evasion.
On level 10, the character gains the ability of dragons. They
can shift, make use of the elemental ability, make things happen by
will. And, they gain a permenant 7 points to the stamina, strength and
intelligence stat score. With the ability, comes the aggression, that
resides in them, until necessary to be active.
Combat Style Mastery (Ex): At 11th level, a Dragon Knight's
aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or two-weapon combat)
improves again. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as
having the Improved Precise Shot feat, even if he does not have the
normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Dragon Knight selected
two-weapon combat at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Greater
Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal
prerequisites for that feat.
As before, the benefits of the Dragon Knight's chosen style
apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of
his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Also, on level 11, An 'on the moment effect', happens to become
part of their will. Causing it to be ability to cause on the moment
effects. This has the effect of doing anything on the intent and
thought of what is desired. Like a willed wish, except that it doesn't
have to be spoken. On conditional results there is the effect that
thats left up to the Gm. Probability of it happening is on a 4-sided
1 = success and things happen like flane and damage of 3d10 or
2 = conditional success, its up to the GM to decide
3 = failure, nothing happens.
4 = conditional failure - things fail and can be disasterous -
depends on the GM.
Camouflage (Ex): A Dragon Knight of 13th level or higher can
use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain
doesn't grant cover or concealment.
On level 15, they gain the extra ability feat and after each
2 levels after, another ability feat.
Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): While in any sort of natural
terrain, a Dragon Knight of 17th level or higher can use the Hide skill
even while being observed.
On level 20, the character gains an ability to polymorph self to dragon form whenever he or she wants.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Favored Enemy (Ex): At 1st level, a Dread Knight may select a type of creature from among those given on Table: Dread Knight Favored Enemies. The Dread Knight gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
Special ability: Dread aura(Ex): The dread aura is gained on level 2. It is only necessary to focus on the idea of spreading the dread that you want others to feel. To make the dread manifest in your aura and scare people away. This lasts 1d6 per every 2 levels of dread knight. Particularly effective on animals, with a 1d6 dice roll. 1-3, is success. 4-5, is failure but no attack. 6, is failure with assault from those around you.
Track: A Dread Knight gains Track as a bonus feat.
Telekinetics: Spell like ability works like the spell telekinesis yet this works with the stp system..
Wild Empathy (Ex): A Dread Knight can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person. The Dread Knight rolls 1d20 and adds his Dread Knight level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the Dread Knight and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The Dread Knight can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a -4 penalty on the check.
Combat Style (Ex): At 2nd level, a Dread Knight must select one of two combat styles to pursue: archery or two-weapon combat. This choice affects the character's class features but does not restrict his selection of feats or special abilities in any way. If the Dread Knight selects archery, he is treated as having the Rapid Shot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Dread Knight selects two-weapon combat, he is treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. The benefits of the Dread Knight's chosen style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Endurance: A Dread Knight gains Endurance as a bonus feat at 3rd level.
Animal Companion (Ex): At 4th level, a Dread Knight gains an animal companion selected from the following list: badger, camel, dire rat, dog, riding dog, eagle, hawk, horse (light or heavy), owl, pony, snake (Small or Medium viper), or wolf. If the campaign takes place wholly or partly in an aquatic environment, the following creatures may be added to the Dread Knight's list of options: crocodile, porpoise, Medium shark, and squid. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the Dread Knight on his adventures as appropriate for its kind. This ability functions like the druid ability of the same name, except that the Dread Knight's effective druid level is one-half his Dread Knight level. A Dread Knight may select from the alternative lists of animal companions just as a druid can, though again his effective druid level is half his Dread Knight level. Like a druid, a Dread Knight cannot select an alternative animal if the choice would reduce his effective druid level below 1st.
Improved Combat Style (Ex): At 6th level, a Dread Knight's aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or two-weapon combat) improves. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Manyshot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Dread Knight selected two-weapon combat at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. As before, the benefits of the Dread Knight's chosen style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Special ability: In aptitude(Ex): The dread knight on level 6
gains in aptitude in everything they try at. They suddenly seem
like a genious, in whatever they attempt. And also, as they have an
Aptitude roll of a 1d4 chance on a roll, to succeed, in the task at
On a roll of:
1 = total success
2 = partial success, coditional as to what didn't happen.
3 = fail, the action didn't succeed.
4 = reverse failure, they not only didn't succeed, but they got
the reverse of what they attempted.
There's a chance of conditional results. On conditional results
there is the effect that thats left up to the Gm.
Woodland Stride (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a Dread Knight may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him.
Swift Tracker (Ex): Beginning at 8th level, a Dread Knight can move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal -5 penalty. He takes only a -10 penalty (instead of the normal -20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.
Evasion (Ex): At 9th level, a Dread Knight can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the Dread Knight is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Dread Knight does not gain the benefit of evasion.
On level 10, they gain the extra ability feat and after each 2 levels after, another ability feat. On the necessity, of raising your stats, they also have option to trade a feat in for a stat point of their choice.
Combat Style Mastery (Ex): At 11th level, a Dread Knight's
aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or two-weapon combat)
improves again. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as
having the Improved Precise Shot feat, even if he does not have the
normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Dread Knight selected
two-weapon combat at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Greater
Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal
prerequisites for that feat.
As before, the benefits of the Dread Knight's chosen style apply
only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his
combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Camouflage (Ex): A Dread Knight of 13th level or higher can use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain doesn't grant cover or concealment.
Special ability: Magna force(Ex): The dread knight gains the magna force, on level 15, where the magna force is, to combine forces of energy and activity energy, with metal, to create an effective force, thats 4 times the normal force. To be encountered, and this is sometimes feared. This force, will cause you to strike with a 4d6 extra hit effect. Counted as +4d6 to the attack damage or to the healing. Added, as a special ability.
The dread knights oath: The Dread Knight follows the oath of darkness, as a creed. Which be, to always do what is possible, within the means available. To serve a dark idea and purpose, in effect and as a way, to treat people. If, they break the oath, they are Ex-Dread knights. And, restricted from the Dread Knights abilities, except for the 'in aptitude', till they become a Dread knight again. They become a dread knight again, on completing a dark task, self-thought of.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Favored Enemy (Ex): At 1st level, a Shadow Knight may select a type of creature from among those given on Table: Shadow Knight Favored Enemies. The Shadow Knight gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
Special ability: Shadow Aura(Ex): At level 3, they gain a special ability, of shadow aura. As, they can cause their aura, to shadow them, in plain sight. Part, of this, is the AC + 2 per every 3 levels effect, and the character gains a dodge roll bonus (using the agl mod), of +3. They are also, if not looked at, with an improved invisibility effect.
Track: A Shadow Knight gains Track as a bonus feat.
Wild Empathy (Ex): A Shadow Knight can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person. The Shadow Knight rolls 1d20 and adds his Shadow Knight level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the Shadow Knight and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The Shadow Knight can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a -4 penalty on the check.
Combat Style (Ex): At 2nd level, a Shadow Knight must select one of two combat styles to pursue: archery or two-weapon combat. This choice affects the character's class features but does not restrict his selection of feats or special abilities in any way. If the Shadow Knight selects archery, he is treated as having the Rapid Shot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Shadow Knight selects two-weapon combat, he is treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. The benefits of the Shadow Knight's chosen style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Endurance: A Shadow Knight gains Endurance as a bonus feat at 3rd level.
Animal Companion (Ex): At 4th level, a Shadow Knight gains an animal companion selected from the following list: badger, camel, dire rat, dog, riding dog, eagle, hawk, horse (light or heavy), owl, pony, snake (Small or Medium viper), or wolf. If the campaign takes place wholly or partly in an aquatic environment, the following creatures may be added to the Shadow Knight's list of options: crocodile, porpoise, Medium shark, and squid. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the Shadow Knight on his adventures as appropriate for its kind. This ability functions like the druid ability of the same name, except that the Shadow Knight's effective druid level is one-half his Shadow Knight level. A Shadow Knight may select from the alternative lists of animal companions just as a druid can, though again his effective druid level is half his Shadow Knight level. Like a druid, a Shadow Knight cannot select an alternative animal if the choice would reduce his effective druid level below 1st.
Improved Combat Style (Ex): At 6th level, a Shadow Knight's aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or two-weapon combat) improves. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Manyshot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Shadow Knight selected two-weapon combat at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. As before, the benefits of the Shadow Knight's chosen style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Woodland Stride (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a Shadow Knight may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him.
Swift Tracker (Ex): Beginning at 8th level, a Shadow Knight can move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal -5 penalty. He takes only a -10 penalty (instead of the normal -20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.
Evasion (Ex): At 9th level, a Shadow Knight can avoid even
magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a
successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals
half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion
can be used only if the Shadow Knight is wearing light armor or no
armor. A helpless Shadow Knight does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Combat Style Mastery (Ex): At 11th level, a Shadow Knight's
aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or two-weapon combat)
improves again. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as
having the Improved Precise Shot feat, even if he does not have the
normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Shadow Knight selected
two-weapon combat at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Greater
Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal
prerequisites for that feat.
As before, the benefits of the Shadow Knight's chosen style
apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of
his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Camouflage (Ex): A Shadow Knight of 13th level or higher can use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain doesn't grant cover or concealment.
At level 20, they can become a shade, at will, in form, and by choice. Twice per day and +1 attempt per every 3 levels after. They gain the Etherealness special ability, as they are, in the shade form. With an added +3 to all core ability stats.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
AC Bonus (Ex): When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds
her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her AC. In addition, a monk gains a +1
bonus to AC at 5th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every five monk
level thereafter (+2 at 10th, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th level). These
bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is
flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or
helpless, when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when
she carries a medium or heavy load.
Flurry of Blows (Ex): When unarmored, a monk may strike with a
flurry of blows at the expense of accuracy. When doing so, she may make
one extra attack in a round at her highest base attack bonus, but this
attack takes a -2 penalty, as does each other attack made that round.
The resulting modified base attack bonuses are shown in the Flurry of
Blows Attack Bonus column on Table: The Monk. This penalty applies for
1 round, so it also affects attacks of opportunity the monk might make
before her next action. When a monk reaches 5th level, the penalty
lessens to -1, and at 9th level it disappears.
A monk must use a full attack action to strike with a flurry of
blows. When using flurry of blows, a monk may attack only with unarmed
strikes or with special monk weapons (kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff,
sai, shuriken, and siangham). She may attack with unarmed strikes and
special monk weapons interchangeably as desired. When using weapons as
part of a flurry of blows, a monk applies her Strength bonus (not Str
bonus x ?1-1/2 or x?1/2) to her damage rolls for all successful
attacks, whether she wields a weapon in one or both hands. The monk
can't use any weapon other than a special monk weapon as part of a
flurry of blows.
In the case of the quarterstaff, each end counts as a separate
weapon for the purpose of using the flurry of blows ability. Even
though the quarterstaff requires two hands to use, a monk may still
intersperse unarmed strikes with quarterstaff strikes, assuming that
she has enough attacks in her flurry of blows routine to do so.
When a sorcere monk reaches 11th level, her flurry of blows
ability improves. In addition to the standard single extra attack she
gets from flurry of blows, she gets a second extra attack at her full
base attack bonus.
Source make(Ex): At 1st level a sorcere monk gains a special
ability to manipulate and make effects from any energy source thats
nearby. The effect damage or healing is 1d10 per every 3 levels. They
can make 1 effect from a source each day without fail. And any other
attempts to make an effect be with a coin flip. The GM may limit what
be possible to 'make'.
Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a sorcere monk gains Improved
Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A sorcere monk's attacks may be with
either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. This
means that a sorcere monk may even make unarmed strikes with her hands
full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a sorcere monk
striking unarmed. A sorcere monk may thus apply her full Strength bonus
on damage rolls for all her unarmed strikes.
Usually a sorcere monk's unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but
she can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on her
attack roll. She has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage
while grappling.
A sorcere monk's unarmed strike is treated both as a manufactured
weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that
enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.
A sorcere monk also deals more damage with her unarmed strikes
than a normal person would:. A Small sorcere monk deals less damage
than the amount given there with her unarmed attacks, while a Large
sorcere monk deals more damage;
Small or Large Monk Unarmed Damage:
1st-3rd levels 1d4 small sorcere monk damage 1d8 large sorcere monk
4th-7th level 1d6 small sorcere monk damage 2d6 large sorcere monk
8th-11th level 1d8 small sorcere monk damage 2d8 large sorcere monk
12th-15th level 1d10 small sorcere monk damage 3d6 large sorcere monk
16th-19th level 2d6 small sorcere monk damage 3d8 large sorcere monk
20th level 2d8 small sorcere monk damage 4d8 large sorcere monk damage.
Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level or higher if a sorcere monk makes a
successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals
half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion
can be used only if a sorcere monk is wearing light armor or no armor.
A helpless sorcere monk does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Special ability: Aura Assault (EX); Gained on level 3; to
cause an assault on the aura of the target, one strike and the person's
weakened, two strikes causes confusion, three strikes and they fall
unconscious. Each strike does 2d6 + charisma modifier in damage.
Fast Movement (Ex): At 3rd level, a sorcere monk gains an
enhancement bonus to her speed, as shown on Table: The Monk. A sorcere
monk in armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.
Still Mind (Ex): A sorcere monk of 3rd level or higher gains a +2 bonus
on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of
Ki Strike (Su): At 4th level, a sorcere monk's unarmed attacks
are empowered with ki. Her unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons
for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction.
Ki strike improves with the character's sorcere monk level. At 10th
level, her unarmed attacks are also treated as lawful weapons for the
purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. At 16th
level, her unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the
purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction and
bypassing hardness.
Slow Fall (Ex): At 4th level or higher, a sorcere monk within
arm's reach of a wall can use it to slow her descent. When first using
this ability, she takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than
it actually is. The sorcere monk's ability to slow her fall (that is,
to reduce the effective distance of the fall when next to a wall)
improves with her sorcere monk level until at 20th level she can use a
nearby wall to slow her descent and fall any distance without harm.
Purity of Body (Ex): At 5th level, a sorcere monk gains
immunity to all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases.
Weapon Specialization: On achieving 6th level, a sorcere
sorcere monk gains the Weapon Specialization feat. The sorcere sorcere
monk must have Weapon Focus with that weapon to gain Weapon
Specialization. If the weapon is a ranged weapon, the damage bonus
applies only if the target is within 30 feet. Sorcere monk gain Weapon
Specialization as a free feat; it doesn't count against the character's
bonus and regular feat acquisition. The character cannot take Weapon
Specialization as a bonus or regular feat at any other level.
Wholeness of Body (Su): At 7th level or higher, a sorcere monk
can heal her own wounds. She can heal a number of health points of
equal to twice her current sorcere monk level each day, and she can
spread this healing out among several uses.
Improved Evasion (Ex): At 9th level, a sorcere monk's evasion
ability improves. She still takes no damage on a successful Reflex
saving throw against attacks, but henceforth she takes only half damage
on a failed save. A helpless sorcere monk does not gain the benefit of
improved evasion.
Diamond Body (Su): At 11th level, a sorcere monk gains
immunity to poisons of all kinds.
Abundant Step (Su): At 12th level or higher, a sorcere monk
can slip magically between spaces, as if using the spell dimension
door, once per day. Her caster level for this effect is one-half her
sorcere monk level (rounded down).
Diamond Soul (Ex): At 13th level, a sorcere monk gains spell
resistance equal to her current sorcere monk level + 10. In order to
affect the sorcere monk with a spell, a spellcaster must get a result
on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) that equals or exceeds
the sorcere monk's spell resistance.
Quivering Palm (Su): Starting at 15th level, a sorcere monk
can set up vibrations within the body of another creature that can
thereafter be fatal if the sorcere monk so desires. She can use this
quivering palm attack once a week, and she must announce her intent
before making her attack roll. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead,
incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be
affected. Otherwise, if the sorcere monk strikes successfully and the
target takes damage from the blow, the quivering palm attack succeeds.
Thereafter the sorcere monk can try to slay the victim at any later
time, as long as the attempt is made within a number of days equal to
her sorcere monk level. To make such an attempt, the sorcere monk
merely wills the target to die (a free action), and unless the target
makes a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the sorcere monk's level +
the sorcere monk's Wis modifier), it dies. If the saving throw is
successful, the target is no longer in danger from that particular
quivering palm attack, but it may still be affected by another one at a
later time.
Timeless Body (Ex): Upon attaining 17th level, a sorcere monk
no longer takes penalties to her ability scores for aging and cannot be
magically aged. Any such penalties that she has already taken, however,
remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the sorcere monk still dies
of old age when her time is up.
Tongue of the Sun and Moon (Ex): A sorcere monk of 17th level
or higher can speak with any living creature.
Empty Body (Su): At 19th level, a sorcere monk gains the
ability to assume an ethereal state for 1 round per sorcere monk level
per day, as though using the special ability etherealness. She may go
ethereal on a number of different occasions during any single day, as
long as the total number of rounds spent in an ethereal state does not
exceed her sorcere monk level.
Perfect Self: At 20th level, a sorcere monk becomes a magical
creature. She is forevermore treated as an outsider rather than as a
humanoid (or whatever the sorcere monk's creature type was) for the
purpose of spells and magical effects. Additionally, the sorcere monk
gains damage reduction 10/magic, which allows her to ignore the first
10 points of damage from any attack made by a nonmagical weapon or by
any natural attack made by a creature that doesn't have similar damage
reduction. Unlike other outsiders, the sorcere monk can still be
brought back from the dead as if she were a member of her previous
creature type.
Body shape: At 21st level, a sorcere monk gains the ability to
shape her body at will. This is an instant shapeshift of the sorcere
monk, without pain.They may become any shape they desire or will
themselves to be. To become their normal shape is by a will.
The limits to this are that if they become an animal or other
form than human, they share the forms intelligence that shows up by
becoming an impulse to the sorcere monk. The sorcere monk may try to
resist the impulse at any time or as it comes on them. This is using a
coin flip to determine if they succeed or not. They also gain the
strength of the form they choose, for as long as they are that form.
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, the sorcere sorcere monk gets a
bonus feat. The sorcere sorcere monk gains an additional bonus feat at
2nd level and every three level thereafter. These bonus feats can be
selected from all psionic feats as well as the following Feats:
Ambiagility, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge (Mobility, Spring
Attack), Exotic Weapon Proficiency*, Expertise (Improved Disarm,
Improved Trip, Whirlwind Attack), Improved Critical*, Improved
Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike (Deflect Arrows, Stunning Fist),
Mounted Combat (Mounted Archery, Trample, Ride-By Attack, Spirited
Charge), Point Blank Shot (Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on
the Run), Power Attack (Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Sunder, Great
Cleave), Quick Draw, Two-Weapon Fighting (Improved Two-Weapon
Fighting), Weapon Finesse*, and Weapon Focus*.
Feats dependent on other feats are given parenthetically after
the prerequisite feat. Some of the psionic feats also have feats from
the above list as prerequisites. A character can select feats marked
with an asterisk (*) more than once, but it must be for a different
weapon each time. Characters must still meet all prerequisites for a
feat, including ability score and base attack bonus.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Kinetic spell(EX); Usage of an idea powered into being manifested,
an then by a kinetic action, its used. For, 1d8 per 2 levels + charisma
bonus in damage or healing amount and 2d8 per 2 levels in rounds for
effect duration. There's an effect of idea for every attempt. Usage of
this is I do [this idea] to effect [this idea or target].
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Favored Enemy (Ex): Also, at 1st level, a Chaos Knight may
select a type of creature from among those given on Table: Chaos Knight
Favored Enemies. The Chaos Knight gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen,
Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against
creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage
rolls against such creatures.
At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, the Chaos Knight
may select an additional favored enemy from those given on the table.
In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored
enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.
If the Chaos Knight chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy,
he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table.
If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored
enemy, the Chaos Knight's bonuses do not stack; he simply uses
whichever bonus is higher.
Table: Chaos Knight Favored Enemies
Type (Subtype)
Humanoid (reptilian)
Magical beast
Monstrous humanoid, Dragon, Ooze
Outsider (air)
Outsider (chaotic)
Outsider (earth)
Humanoid (aquatic) Outsider (evil)
Humanoid (dwarf) Outsider
Humanoid (elf)
Outsider (good)
Humanoid (goblinoid) Outsider (lawful)
Humanoid (gnoll) Outsider
Humanoid (gnome) Outsider (water)
Humanoid (halfling) Plant
Humanoid (human) Undead
(orc) Vermin
Track: A Chaos Knight gains Track as a bonus feat.
Wild Empathy (Ex): A Chaos Knight can improve the attitude of
an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to
improve the attitude of a person. The Chaos Knight rolls 1d20 and adds
his Chaos Knight level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild
empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting
attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To
use wild empathy, the Chaos Knight and the animal must be able to study
each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another
under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in
this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take
more or less time. The Chaos Knight can also use this ability to
influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he
takes a -4 penalty on the check.
Chaos fear (Ex); Gained at level 2, This is to start fear
caused of chaos in the personal target, of choice, as its the ability
to project fear into the target. The person starts fearing the things
around themselves and the idea of things, themselves. They get shocked
into doing good and somewhat decent acts, in the first instant, of
effect. This fear lasts, for as long as they focus on the causing of
the effect itself. With possibility of it being resisted, after each
second of effect. The person under the fear, cannot do anything other
than try to resist the idea of panic, until they resist the effect. The
saving throw versus magic, is required to break it. After 3 minutes,
the effect wears off if the person targeting the effected person, is
not doing the effect.
Combat Style (Ex): At 2nd level, a Chaos Knight must select
one of two combat styles to pursue: archery or two-weapon combat. This
choice affects the character's class features but does not restrict his
selection of feats or special abilities in any way. If the Chaos Knight
selects archery, he is treated as having the Rapid Shot feat, even if
he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Chaos
Knight selects two-weapon combat, he is treated as having the
Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal
prerequisites for that feat. The benefits of the Chaos Knight's chosen
style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits
of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Endurance: A Chaos Knight gains Endurance as a bonus feat at
3rd level.
Animal Companion (Ex): At 4th level, a Chaos Knight gains an
animal companion selected from the following list: badger, camel, dire
rat, dog, riding dog, eagle, hawk, horse (light or heavy), owl, pony,
snake (Small or Medium viper), or wolf. If the campaign takes place
wholly or partly in an aquatic environment, the following creatures may
be added to the Chaos Knight's list of options: crocodile, porpoise,
Medium shark, and squid. This animal is a loyal companion that
accompanies the Chaos Knight on his adventures as appropriate for its
This ability functions like the druid ability of the same name,
except that the Chaos Knight's effective druid level is one-half his
Chaos Knight level. A Chaos Knight may select from the alternative
lists of animal companions just as a druid can, though again his
effective druid level is half his Chaos Knight level. Like a druid, a
Chaos Knight cannot select an alternative animal if the choice would
reduce his effective druid level below 1st.
Improved Combat Style (Ex): At 6th level, a Chaos Knight's
aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or two-weapon combat)
improves. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as having
the Manyshot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites
for that feat. If the Chaos Knight selected two-weapon combat at 2nd
level, he is treated as having the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat,
even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. As
before, the benefits of the Chaos Knight's chosen style apply only when
he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style
when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Swift Tracker (Ex): Beginning at 8th level, a Chaos Knight can
move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the
normal -5 penalty. He takes only a -10 penalty (instead of the normal
-20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.
Evasion (Ex): At 9th level, a Chaos Knight can avoid even
magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a
successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals
half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion
can be used only if the Chaos Knight is wearing light armor or no
armor. A helpless Chaos Knight does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Combat Style Mastery (Ex): At 11th level, a Chaos Knight's
aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or two-weapon combat)
improves again. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as
having the Improved Precise Shot feat, even if he does not have the
normal prerequisites for that feat. If the Chaos Knight selected
two-weapon combat at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Greater
Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal
prerequisites for that feat.
As before, the benefits of the Chaos Knight's chosen style apply
only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his
combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Camouflage (Ex): A Chaos Knight of 13th level or higher can
use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain
doesn't grant cover or concealment.
On level 15, they gain the extra ability feat and after each 2
levels after, another ability feat.
Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): While in any sort of natural
terrain, a Chaos Knight of 17th level or higher can use the Hide skill
even while being observed.
Chaos Crede: The chaos knight may follow
this crede: 'To go in chaos and do, sowing chaos as the will may need
be.' If other than unaligned, in alignment, they get demoted in rank
and lose the ranks special ability, as well as becoming an Ex chaos
knight, till they meditate and cleanse themselves. Then they get their
rank back.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Animal Companion (Ex): A Shaman may begin play with an animal companion yet as this be similiar to the Druid and its more limited as they don't have as many to choose from, on gaining a animal companion there is regeneration and this counts toward a regeneration special ability added into Special ability section. Select from the following list: badger, camel, dire rat, riding dog, eagle, hawk, owl, pony, snake (Small or Medium viper), or wolf. If the campaign takes place wholly or partly in an aquatic environment, the following creatures are also available: crocodile, porpoise, Medium shark, and squid. This animal be a loyal companion that accompanies the Shaman on the adventures as appropriate for its kind. A 1st-level Shaman's companion be completely typical for its kind except as noted below.
As a Shaman advances in level, the
animal's power increases as shown on the table. If a Shaman releases
the companion from service, The Shaman may gain a new one by performing
a ceremony requiring 12 uninterrupted hours of prayer. This ceremony
can also replace an animal companion that has perished. If the Shamans
companion has perished then the Intelligence is one third its normal
value and the hitpoints halved with no spirit ability till they get
over the shock by a will save or reflex save at dc 15, because of the
special connection to their companion. If their animal companion is
sick then the Shaman is sick due to the spiritual bond with disease or
poison and the Shaman will corrupt any touched with bad or negative
energy that causes malworking items. This can be gottten over with a
will roll or reflex save at dc 20.
A Shaman of 4th level
or higher may select from alternative lists of animals (see below).
Should she select an animal companion from one of these alternative
lists, the creature gains abilities as if the character's Shaman level
were lower than it actually is. Subtract the value indicated in the
appropriate list header from the character's Shaman level and compare
the result with the Shaman level entry on the table to determine the
animal companion's powers. (If this adjustment would reduce the druid's
effective level to 0 or lower, it can't be that animal.)
Spirit guide(EX): Spirit guides arent evil or good yet will guide the person as to their desire looking like a good or evil servant. yet they are opposed to idea that they feel are unacceptable. Calling a spirit guide will take 5 minutes to 4 hours. Everytime they aid thank them, and you will get further service or if not they might get nasty. They are gained by a ceromony of purity or need to call out while thinking of "spirit guide and service" and you must project the need or have an explanation for your activity yet they will help anyway. If you lose yours, appease it by an action they'd appreciate and appear chaste of troubles that were caused.
Medium (SP); This is an ability that allows you to channel spirits and these spirits are either Animal, creature or human. You can do this 3 times a day before resting for at least 3 hours. You can talk to spirits, make spirits do what you want, work with spirits, dismiss spirits to cause them to go somewhere else at any time and cause spirits to be banished. This is all up to the DM/GM for what is possible. Think and you know what to do, see results as you state to the DM/GM what you intend to do with this ability spell..
How it works, you breathe in and out, think of the spirit you want to commune to and you speak or think to it. Your soul causes you to understand by translation the spirit as if it speaks to you. Think of the moment, then you can create with the spirit and allow the soul to have you realize things that it said. You can speak in idea to it, think to it and if understood you can get a good result. This lasts until 1d6 rounds in battle or until you don't need this or the spirit is dismissed outside of battle. The damage a spirit or a group of spirits can do is 1/4 the health of the target you cause the spirit to attack.
Trackless Step (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a Shaman leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. The Shaman may choose to leave a trail if so desired.
Resist Nature's Lure (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a Shaman gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of fey.
Wild Shape (Su): At 5th level, a Shaman gains the ability to turn herself into any Small or Medium animal and back again once per day.
Venom Immunity (Ex): At 9th level, a Shaman gains immunity to all poisons.
Guiding will(EX): "The Guiding light will lead you want to go.s" as the saying be with your will guiding people. So the story be to guide people by knowing through spirit ae "spirit-that-goes-through-everything". From "The way of the scout" by Tom Brown Jr. for the knowing of a persons soul. Whence you get to this level, you get the effect of knowing as if presciefic where you get future glimpses, yet this ability allows you to know beforehand by keeping some sort of emotion or calmness. What this allows for you to do are gain insights by +1 increase on bluff, innuendo and gather information skills. Additional increase in all knowledge skills by +2.
Manifestation: It creates the item of choice or any one ghost form as by spiritual aid and not alotted by limited skill rank ae the create item skill. The item or being appears where the crafter wants selected from the list or it finds the crafter. This is: 1st rank a wraith. 2nd skill rank any one good, equipment piece or simple weapon. 3rd rank spectre. 4th skill rank any one sword, scimitar, rapier, axe, light weapon and flail except great, heavy or double weapon. 5th rank willow-o-wisps. 6th skill rank any one great sword, great axe, heavy flail, halbred and warhammer. 7th skill rank pixie, 8th skill rank any one exotic weapon. 9th rank be imp. 10th skill rank any one magic item at a +1. 11th skill rank quasit(any element), 12th skill rank any one magical item at a +2. 13th skill rank helmed horror. 14th skill rank any one +3 magical item. 15th skill rank pseudo dragon. 16th skill rank any one +4 magical item. 17th skill rank spirit troll. 18th skill rank any one +5 magical item. 19th skill rank any one spirit from a body on the planet, hell or heaven. 20th skill rank any one +5 intelligent item.
Timeless Body (Ex): After attaining 15th level, a Shaman no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged as with the Druid. Any penalties she may have already incurred, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the druid still dies of old age when her time be up.
Divine intervention(EX): A Shamans will can touch and speak to God himself as to asking for aid and other possibles. The Shaman contacts him through the "Spirit-that-goes-through-everything" to understand and gain favor, to beget desires and the tribes desires, with a idea in mind when we contact him. With no clear mindset on to what be the desire, we find nothing can be gained by the meeting and yet, the spirit supports while the shaman requests. Thus do not waste his time and make it clear as to the desire for that be what be gained. Where God grants he also takes away and thus if its a clear purpose, there be not too much insult. Just show you can bargain as he will forgive such for much gain. What be usually asked for be to control hostiles as they rove or attack to create peace as a price.
A Shaman's animal companion be different from a normal animal of its kind in many ways like the druid except it causes the person to be regenerative. The animal companion be also treated as a spirit animal that melds with the form on will to cause the regeneration. The companion be treated as a spirit beast, not an animal, for the purpose of all effects that depend on its type (though it retains an animal's HD, base attack bonus, saves, skill points, and feats). It be superior to a normal animal of its kind and has special powers, as described below.
level Bonus HD Natural Armor Adj. Str/Agl Adj. Bonus Tricks Special
1st-2nd +0 +0 +0 1 Link, share spells
3rd-5th +2 +2 +1 2 Evasion
6th-8th +4 +4 +2 3 Devotion
9th-11th +6 +6 +3 4 Multiattack
12th-14th +8 +8 +4 5
15th-17th +10 +10 +5 6 Improved evasion
18th-20th +12 +12 +6 7
Animal Companion Basics: Use the base statistics for a creature of the companion's kind, but make the following changes.
Class level: The Shaman's class level stack with level of any other classes that are entitled to an animal companion for the purpose of determining the companion's abilities and the alternative lists available to the character.
Bonus HD: Extra eight-sided (d8) Hit Dice, each of which gains a Constitution modifier, as normal. Remember that extra Hit Dice improve the animal companion's base attack and base save bonuses. An animal companion's base attack bonus be the same as that of a Shaman of a level equal to the animal's HD. An animal companion has good Fortitude and Reflex saves (treat it as a character whose level equals the animal's HD). An animal companion gains additional skill points and feats for bonus HD as normal for advancing a monster's Hit Dice.
Natural Armor Adj.: The number noted here be an improvement to the animal companion's existing natural armor bonus.
Str/Agl Adj.: Add this value to the animal companion's Strength and Agility scores.
Bonus Tricks: The value given in this column be the total number of "bonus" tricks that the animal knows in addition to any that the Shaman might choose to teach it (see the Handle Animal skill). These bonus tricks don't require any training time or Handle Animal checks, and they don't count against the normal limit of tricks known by the animal. The Shaman selects these bonus tricks, and once selected, they can't be changed.
Link (Ex): A Shaman can handle her animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move action, even if she doesn't have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The Shaman gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion.
Share Spells (Ex): At the Shaman's option, she may have any spell she casts upon herself also affect her animal companion. The animal companion must be within 5 feet of her at the time of casting to receive the benefit. If the spell or effect has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the animal companion if the companion moves farther than 5 feet away and will not affect the animal again, even if it returns to the Shaman before the duration expires. Additionally, the Shaman may cast a spell with a target of "You" on her animal companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself. A Shaman and her animal companion can share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion's type (animal).
Evasion (Ex): If an animal companion be subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.
Devotion (Ex): An animal companion gains a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells and effects:
Multiattack: An animal companion gains Multiattack as a bonus feat if it has three or more natural attacks and does not already have that feat. If it does not have the requisite three or more natural attacks, the animal companion instead gains a second attack with its primary natural weapon, albeit at a -5 penalty.
Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, an animal companion takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and only half damage if the saving throw fails.
A Shaman of sufficiently high level can select her
animal companion from one of the following lists, as like the druids,
applying the indicated adjustment to the Shaman's level (in
parentheses) for purposes of determining the companion's
characteristics and special abilities.
4th level
or Higher (level -3)
Ape (animal)
Bear, black (animal)
Bison (animal)
Boar (animal)
Cheetah (animal)
Crocodile (animal)1
Dire badger
Dire bat
Dire weasel
Leopard (animal)
Lizard, monitor (animal)
Shark, Large1 (animal)
Snake, constrictor (animal)
Snake, Large viper (animal)
Wolverine (animal)
7th level or Higher (level -6)
Bear, brown (animal)
Dire wolverine
Crocodile, giant (animal)
Deinonychus (dinosaur)
Dire ape
Dire boar
Dire wolf
Elasmosaurus1 (dinosaur)
Lion (animal)
Rhinoceros (animal)
Snake, Huge viper (animal)
Tiger (animal)
10th level or Higher (level -9)
Bear, polar (animal)
Dire lion
Megaraptor (dinosaur)
Shark, Huge1 (animal)
Snake, giant constrictor (animal)
Whale, orca1 (animal)
13th level or Higher (level -12)
Dire bear
Elephant (animal)
Octopus, giant1 (animal)
16th level or Higher (level -15)
Dire shark1
Dire tiger
Squid, giant1 (animal)
Triceratops (dinosaur)
Tyrannosaurus (dinosaur)
Available only in an aquatic environment.
Spirit crede: When a Shaman abuses the spirits or gives bad advice, the spirits stop supporting them and they are ex-Shamans with no spirit abilities except mysticism. Unless they can conjole the spirits by a ceromony of forgivance lasting 4 hours and they must be chaste with no food for half a day. When done they gain back their spiritual abilities and counted as a Shaman.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Spiritual Turn or Rebuke (Su): Any voodoo witchdoctor like the priests turn undead, has the power to affect undead creatures by channeling the power of death through spirits. But this includes living too for the spirit will affect living and undead. A good voodoo witchdoctor can turn or destroy undead or living creatures. An evil voodoo witchdoctor instead rebukes or commands such creatures. A neutral voodoo witchdoctor must choose whether the turning ability functions as that of a good voodoo witchdoctor or an evil voodoo witchdoctor. Once this choice is made, it cannot be reversed. This decision also determines whether the voodoo witchdoctor can cast spontaneous cure or inflict spells. A voodoo witchdoctor may attempt to spiritually turn undead a number of times per day that there are actual stp points or negative.
Supernatural ability; This is using the spirits, their spirit or the spirit that goes through everything, thinking of what you want and need to cause by the soul the spirit, whatever it is, this is done to get what results you want as though a charm. The effect damage or healing is 1d8+focus rank per each 2 levels of the character as a point. The duration is 1d6+focus rank if non-instant. This is done in seconds or rounds in melee and minute outside of battle unless unlimited in time.
Spirit guide(EX): Spirit guides arent evil or good yet will guide the person as to their desire looking like a good or evil servant. yet they are opposed to idea that they feel are unacceptable. Calling a spirit guide will take 5 minutes to 4 hours. Everytime they aid thank them, and you will get further service or if not they might get nasty. They are gained by a ceromony of purity or need to call out while thinking of "spirit guide and service" and you must project the need or have an explanation for your activity yet they will help anyway. If you lose yours, appease it by an action they'd appreciate and appear chaste of troubles that were caused.
Silent death is the death of an instant that can kill demons or any living spirit while leaving the body alive. The voodoo witchdoctor can snap a finger and turn the demons power uponst itself slaying it. A humanoid can only be spiritually killed in the same manner yet will only be zombies in the end. As a zombie victim their hitpoints are halved and they retain all other stats. This means they are still thinking while their body does things to a puppeteers strings.
Spontaneous Casting: A good voodoo witchdoctor like the clerics can channel stored stamina points (stp) into healing spells. The witchdoctor can use any stp in order to cast any cure spell. A cure spell is any spell that restores from infliction, diseases and poison. An evil voodoo witchdoctor, can't convert stp cure spells but can convert them to inflict spells. An inflict spell is any spell that causes pain, poison, disease and harm. A voodoo witchdoctor who is neither good nor evil can change stp to either cure spells or inflict spells (player's choice). Once the player makes this choice, it cannot be reversed. This choice also determines whether the voodoo witchdoctor turns or commands undead and living.
Enslavement: The voodoo witchdoctor like hell clerics can enslave the mind to an idea or a group by channeling their spirit to what the voodoo witchdoctor desires and all it takes is a concentration check. There is a save vs spell to make the enslavement dissapear.
High ritual(EX): In voodoo, people get into a group and make magic occur and this is high ritual. In high ritual, there are three parts; the chant focus, the prayer with high feeling, and the aftermath while cleaning up. The chant focus is a subtle chant, that starts low with a few people, to gain in strength and people number. Prayer is the focus of the chant, to cause the spirits to react and make presence in the manner desired. The aftermath is the time of resolution, the voodooist is resolved to a path of choosing. This path is chosen before the ceromony, so when the rite ends, they are rejuvenated with understanding of what to do.
Using a voodoo doll is representive of this. You put your thoughts into a voodoo doll, and the ritual charges particles to do the action, that you intended. In their ceromonies, there are very high spiritual feelings while enacting high ritual. That spiritual energy will manifest, through the belief that the high chant will be enacted. Mind over matter in a large group will cause the focus of the group through affinity to happen. The effect is that you can control anyone for as long as the voodoo doll happens to effect the victim till broken by a resistance roll or the witchdoctor.
Guiding spirit(EX): "The Guiding spirit will lead you where you want to go." as the saying be with your will domination of people by spirit. This be nearly the same as the shamans and whence you get to this level, you get the effect of knowing as if presciefic where you get future glimpses, yet this ability allows you to know beforehand by keeping some sort of emotion or calmness. What this allows for you to do be to gain insights by +2 increase on bluff, innuendo and gather information skills. Additional increase in all knowledge skills by +2.
Gestalt healing(EX): A Voodoo Witchdoctor goes by the
belief that the person is a two part being. Both good and evil are
represented through; the spirit and the mind. What they seek is a
balancing between the two parts of the mind, of the good and evil. Good
is a white representation and Evil is a black representation balanced
through karma seeded into each other. Karma is the energy collected
through personal acts in the soul and represented by the white black
sigil of the ying/yang disk where the opposite dots means seed.
When one evokes a spell, with the symbol of karma, what one will get is
a balanced result. Something happens to you and something will happen
to the other person. The result is always neutral, as the something
is opposites of each other. In neutralizing each other, it inevitably
heals the soul and body. This has the effect of fully healing the
inflicted of the wounds, curing of the diseases, curing all poisons and
giving full hp back. A full gestalt healing takes 30 minutes out of combat
and in combat a full round for half the hitpoints.
Divine Self; The Witch are not unlike a God in their ability to create effects and withstand natural disasters by the power and ability of the Spirits. They gain +4 Con, +4 Int, +4 Cha, +4 Wis and 100 HP.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Psychic ability (Ex); Gained on
level 4. This has two parts, sending and receiving, where sending be
the psychic attack and the psychic defense. The Psychic attack is to
psychically project some idea to another that is potentially damaging
and insane making in idea. Till they become insane or hurt themselves
with 2d6+character level in points of damage. Psychic defense is making
an effect, of repelling the effect sent to you, making the effect
nullified. One such attack, be making the person doubt themselves by
telling them, that they 'did it wrong' or 'nothings wrong', when their
clearly is through mental projection. One such defense be to reassure
yourself that they did things correctly, or cause them to believe thats
their own thought and dismiss it. Or, try as they might, make it so
they aren't clouded and do things about the problem at hand. Another
psychic defense, be to percieve the attack and send it back at the
person or thing. As though a deterring effort. There's also a loud
noise, on the moment of the attack, to distract the character and keep
the assault from being effective.
Recieving, on the other hand, be to
recieve the image or thought, from others and picking up on effects
easily. Where you see them, in your mind and become aware of the
psychic actions, otherwise. Mostly, from the subconscious picking up on
the actions and you telling your subconscious to tell you of it. Will
this receiving work.
Still Mind (Ex): A Creator of 3rd level or higher gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of enchantment.
Ability of appear it (Ex): This is the ability of appearant creation or creation of what you want by needing it, and it will appear somehow as you think it there and imagine its use as you act as though using it. On a roll of a die 6 you can see if it will be there, on a 1-3 its there, on a 4-6 its not there for you.
Time formation (Ex): This is the availability of production, this is use of idea to which you can make it seem of use and its there at the time of need.
Unlimited combat mode (Ex): This is the mode of combat for the creationist. It allows them to create as many things or idea as they want when they want, and where they can optionally fight with what is there.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Psicrystal: An Anti-mage can
encode a psicrystal. Doing so takes a day and requires materials that
cost 100 gp (the gem used as the basis for the psicrystal represents at
least 50% of the total cost). A psicrystal is a psionically charged
crystalline stone no more than 1 inch in diameter. It carries a
fragment personality seeded from the anti-mage's own mind, with
which the anti-mage can empathically interact and from which he or
she can derive benefits. A anti-mage may possess no more than one
A psicrystal grants a special ability to its anti-mage owner
depending on the fragment personality seeded in the stone. Physically,
psicrystal at any one time.
psicrystals have AC 13, hardness 8, and 20 hit points. Psicrystals
"regenerate" their crystal matrix at rate of 2d4 hit points per day if
damaged. If a psicrystal is brought to 0 hit points, it is destroyed.
The anti-mage chooses the type of psicrystal he or she gets. As the
anti-mage increases in level, his or her psicrystal also increases
in utility, as shown. Psicrystal Ability Descriptions: All psicrystals
have special abilities that depend on the level2 of the owner. These
abilities are cumulative. Psicrystal level 1-2 has int 6 and ability of
Sighted, empathic link. Psicrystal level 3-4 has int 7 and ability of
Telepathic link. Psicrystal level 5-6 has int 8 and ability of
Self-propulsion. Psicrystal level 7-8 has int 9 and ability of Speak
with other reatures. Psicrystal level 9-10 has int 10. Psicrystal level
1-12 has int 11 and ability of Power resistance. Psicrystal level 13-14
has int 12 and ability of Sight link. Psicrystal level 15-16 has int 13
and ability of Channel power. Psicrystal level 17-18 has int 14.
Psicrystal level 19-20 has int 15.
If the psicrystal is destroyed the psion must attempt a Fortitude save
(DC 15). If the saving throw fails, the anti-mage loses 200
experience points per class level. A successful saving throw reduces
the loss by half. However, a psion's experience can never go below 0 as
the result of a psicrystal's destruction. A destroyed psicrystal cannot
be replaced for six months.
Psicrystal Personality Descriptions: All psicrystals have distinct
personalities as listed.
With psicrystal personality of Artiste the Owner gains +2 bonus on
Craft checks.
With psicrystal personality of Bully Owner gains +2 bonus on Intimidate
With psicrystal personality of Coward Owner gains +2 bonus on Hide
With psicrystal personality of Friendly Owner gains +2 bonus on
Diplomacy checks.
With psicrystal personality of Hero Owner gains +2 bonus on Fortitude
With psicrystal personality of Liar Owner gains +2 bonus on Bluff
With psicrystal personality of Meticulous Owner gains +2 bonus on
Search checks.
With psicrystal personality of Observant Owner gains +2 bonus on Spot
With psicrystal personality of Poised Owner gains +2 bonus on Balance
With psicrystal personality of Resolve Owner gains +2 bonus on Will
With psicrystal personality of Sage Owner gains +2 bonus on any one
knowledge skill he or she already knows; once chosen, this does not
With psicrystal personality of Singleminded Owner gains +1 bonus on
Concentration checks.
With psicrystal personality of Sneak Owner gains +2 bonus on Move
Silently checks.
With psicrystal personality of Sympathetic Owner gains +2 bonus on
Sense Motive checks.
Psionic Combat Modes: At 1st level, a psychic warrior can choose to learn two of the ten psionic combat modes. At succeeding level, he or she can learn one additional psionic combat mode chosen from the psionic power list at here.
A anti-mage manifests psionic
powers. A anti-mage begins play with power (talents) only limited by
power amount percent. At each level, the anti-mage discovers one or
more powers, as indicated in the powers that are chosen from the psionic power list.
To manifest a power within a particular
discipline, you must manifest a way, a way is a psychic power in
effect, where a anti-mage must use a concentration check. (Psionic
attack and defense modes are exempt from this restriction and do not
possess level). The DC for saving throws to resist a psychic power is
1d20 + the skill rank + the anti-mage's key ability modifier. The 1d20
roll is made by the attacking anti-mage when the power is manifest.
Psionic attack and defense modes add a special modifier instead.
Certain powers can be enhanced as they are manifest, at the cost of
additional power. Note: A anti-mage may choose to discover a
lower-level power in place of a higher-level power normally granted by
level advancement. The level of psychic power is attained through each
2 levels of character.
The power percent: An anti-mage can manifest
a certain number of powers per day based on his or her available % mp
or stp powerage. Special rules govern the manifestation of 0-level
powers and psionic combat modes.
They are listed as level 1 with 2 % power per power manifest,
level 2 with 3% power per power manifest,
level 3 with 4% power per power manifest,
level 4 with 5% power per power manifest,
level 5 with 8% power per power manifest,
level 6 with 10% power per power manifest,
level 7 with 15% power per power manifest,
level 8 with 20% power per power manifest,
level 9 with 25% power per power manifest.
0-level Powers: Also called talents, 0-level powers have a special %
power per power manifest cost. A psychic warrior can manifest any
talent he or she knows for free a number of times per day equal to his
or her level +2. After exhausting his or her daily allotment, the
psychic warrior must pay 1% power per manifestation of a 0-level power
for the rest of the day.
Psychic ability (Ex); Gained on
level 4. This has two parts, sending and receiving, where sending be
the psychic attack and the psychic defense. The Psychic attack is to
psychically project some idea to another that is potentially damaging
and insane making in idea. Till they become insane or hurt themselves
with 2d6+character level in points of damage. Psychic defense is making
an effect, of repelling the effect sent to you, making the effect
nullified. One such attack, be making the person doubt themselves by
telling them, that they 'did it wrong' or 'nothings wrong', when their
clearly is through mental projection. One such defense be to reassure
yourself that they did things correctly, or cause them to believe thats
their own thought and dismiss it. Or, try as they might, make it so
they aren't clouded and do things about the problem at hand. Another
psychic defense, be to percieve the attack and send it back at the
person or thing. As though a deterring effort. There's also a loud
noise, on the moment of the attack, to distract the character and keep
the assault from being effective.
Recieving, on the other hand, be to
recieve the image or thought, from others and picking up on effects
easily. Where you see them, in your mind and become aware of the
psychic actions, otherwise. Mostly, from the subconscious picking up on
the actions and you telling your subconscious to tell you of it. Will
this receiving work.
Still Mind (Ex): An Anti-Mage of 3rd level or higher gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of enchantment.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Estinance (Ex): They can estimate any result and use logic to get their result. This adds +7 to the Bluff check.
Lucky moment (Ex): They luck out and get the effect they want to get. Despite the attack effort against them. This requires the clearity of mind and calm. This ability makes the character focus better. Adding a 2d6 to the total.
Perfection (EX): This is where you do any action over again to perfect the idea of getting things done. This happens in the mind and possibly as though someone else. With the act of perfection, comes a successful moment, at will. A coin flip determines the success.
Nervous aura (Ex): This aura can drive anything away and make the target nervous. Also it can become a disorder in the victim of the criminal, unless they have a calm mind. The aura can spread like a virus. It lasts to the duration set by the die added to the Charisma mod. Otherwise its cancellable by Will.
Level Die duration
1-5 d6
6-10 d8
11-15 d10
16-20 d12
21-25 2d8
26-30 d20
31+ d30
Anti-reasoning (Ex): This reasoning is reverse of the reasoning usually given for a situation. On the surface, it may seem like reasoning but it isn't. It makes you feel like its right, due to the effort given by others. This can persuade others to get things done. When it is used to console or make others do things, the effects of anti-reasoning can persuade others to do just about anything. Its resisted by a will check.
Mastermind (Ex): When the character is level 20, the character is suddenly able to manage things and put together efforts, in a reasonable manner. The character is a mastermind at getting things that are wanted, desired or needed. They get effective results. The character is a genius. Add 10 to the effect total and add 5 to intelligence.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Bullhorn (Ex): The voice is an idea one can project with the energy that halts people by effort. This effect lasts 1d10 rounds. Two projected voices can cancel themselves out.
Aura of arresting (Ex): This aura can arrest people by the aura being projected forth. When arrested, they can not move and they are frozen to the spot for 1d12 rounds.
Reasoning (Ex): The Law Enforcer can reason with someone and bring a sense of calm. This calms down the opponent as though they lost the nerve to fight. If a save is made, then the person who's targeted could act out unpredictably.
Pursuit (Ex): The Law Enforcer can chase down anyone and catch them. On the roll of a 1d6, where 1-3 is to catch the pursued and 4-6 is they get away. Otherwise, its a coin flip that determines it.
Consulting (Ex): To use this ability is to make even hard to understand things easier to know. There's self-consulting and other person consulting. Whatever you may choose, you or others get the concept that you consult on and relieve stress by theraputic action.
Law code (Ex): 'They are sworn to be the policy and policing force that serves the law. Whenever and however it is possible, they will be making the unlawful acts punished. To allow the unlawful decide their own fate.' With this crede, is the fact that your Law Enforcer character is always a lawful character. Thus, when they aren't lawful, they get demoted and are Ex-cops without their Abilities. When they attone for their acts, they are reinstated as cops again.
Part of this is the cops law which is their code:
Cops code; Think then you are aware, as things work out you are released under suspician by ideal or no suspician. So you are able to cope, so your willing to comply. I think not then this stops. I think yes then I allow, by the ideal that exists from what you see or within the area then go the other way. If caught geisting or ghosting then you are aware, that this could cost you as this could cause you to seem in the mental ward unless a good excuse is given. So if now you think you know, now your released.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Attoning (Ex): From hell they come and are reborn to keep themselves sane and being guided by a God is as attonement. When they realize this, they give themselves direction in their lives. On reflecting of what they did, due to the realization they gain +3 to Wisdom.
Turn and Rebuke (Ex): This is similar to the Hell clerics Turn or Rebuke. Any priest has the power to affect undead creatures by channeling the power of death through his holy (or unholy) symbol. A good priest (or a neutral priest who worships a good deity) can turn or destroy undead creatures. An evil priest (or a neutral priest who worships an evil deity) instead rebukes or commands such creatures. A neutral or undecided priest of any other deity must choose on the moment, whether the turning ability functions as that of a good priest or an evil priest. Once this choice is made, it affects that attempt they make with this ability one time after the decision. A priest may attempt to turn undead a number of times per day equal to 3 + Charisma modifier. A priest with 5 or more ranks in Religion gets a +2 bonus on turning checks against undead.
Holy Symbol (Ex): The Priest is given a symbolic object or gets one himself that represents his faith. Each Faith is ruled by his God. Each God has a different Faith practice. So, each Faith has a different symbol that suits his God.
Aura of Holiness (Ex): This aura causes whatever you think or say and intend to occur, to manifest. This is by the power of your God. Its gotten from the activity you attempt and that activity energy is collected in the Aura. Any suggestion comes to life, at least in the mind. If allowed by the GM, the effect can manifest physically. The effect total you can get with this is 2d6+Cha mod per each 2 levels of the Priest. The duration is 1 round per each 2 levels, unless instant.
Intuitive action (Ex): The priest innately knows what to do and say. In the effect, the right chant comes to mind and they know it works or not. This is at will.
Laying of Hands (Ex): This is done at will, and consists of creating an effect of channeling divine power into the other person. This cause them to change their life from the inside out. It heals them of most wounds. It can be done 3 times per day, but only once per round. Minor Action Melee touch. You spend a healing surge but regain no hit points. Instead, the target regains hit points as if it had spent a healing surge. You must have at least one healing surge remaining to use this power.
Demonology (Ex): A priest understands demons at this point from study and observation of the demonic activity. Once they achieve this understanding, they can exorcise them or make them do as they desire. Mostly by request and offering a token of faith or power. The token is for the gaining of effect from the demon. At will, they can manipulate demons on a whim or with intent. Per each extra demon controlled, there's 5% STP added per use of this ability.
Holy Making (Ex): This Ability causes anything to be Holy. The Holy effect is to bless the object or person with your energy and add your Gods energy to help fuel the blessing. This blessing of the mind uses your intent to create to effect you want. This can be considered an enchantment. When the effect is to bless the target object or person, and also possibly a room, with a result you want, then your Will can do the manifest. The initial effect is a stabilizing of object or person. The secondary effect is the enchantment itself. The blessing can more effective by using your vibrations of your voice. This directs the effect and causes easier manifestations. This effect can make any effect manifest. Making use of ritual can make things interesting. Up to the GM as to what is allowed.
The effect you can get with this is including any element summons and other effect. The effect total possible with this is 2d10+Cha mod per each 2 levels of the character. The duration is as long as you would desire, unless instant.
Vision (Ex): This ability allws the Priest to create a vision while focusing the energy around him using his Gods directed will. The Vision the Priest grants can reveal or show anything to the effected. The Priest can induce it even in himself. As this is a Divine Dream manipulation, then this allows the Priest to manipulate the vision and its as though real to the people effected. This vision is caused by heat. The Vision could effect anyone who the Priest wants to effect. When the heat dissipates from around the area, so does the Vision. The person can try a Will check to cancel the Vision out or wait till the Priest doesn't need it. Otherwise, the vision lasts as long as the Priest wants it to.
Revealing (Ex): This ability will cause the effect of a revelation, that can make anyone, including yourself, reveal things of the past, present or future. This is in 10 minute spans of time. This is at will. You decide what will effect you. A Will check can cancel it.
Summoning (Ex): The priest can summon demons or angels, at will. Demons can manifest anything on request. Angels can change anything to something else at your whim. The priest of evil can summon demons. Each extra demon is adding 5% Stp. The priest of good can summon angels. Each extra angel is another 5% Stp. A neutral priest can do either at will and in any given situation. The control of the demon or angel is ensured by a concentration check. This is every round in combat and every 1 minute's time outside of battle. Use demonology to control demons who are out of control. This is when the demon possesses you or another or doesn't do as you want. The Gm fiips a coin to determine this.
Piety (Ex): They vow to have fun and work toward pleasing themselves and their God by self-sacrifice. To be devoted and work with the God they choose on a moments purpose and create effort by doing.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Psicrystal: An Psi Kinetic can
encode a psicrystal. Doing so takes a day and requires materials that
cost 100 gp (the gem used as the basis for the psicrystal represents at
least 50% of the total cost). A psicrystal is a psionically charged
crystalline stone no more than 1 inch in diameter. It carries a
fragment personality seeded from the psi kinetic's own mind, with
which the psi kinetic can empathically interact and from which he or
she can derive benefits. A psi kinetic may possess no more than one
psicrystal at any one time.
A psicrystal grants a special ability to its psi kinetic owner
depending on the fragment personality seeded in the stone. Physically,
psicrystals have AC 13, hardness 8, and 20 hit points. Psicrystals
"regenerate" their crystal matrix at rate of 2d4 hit points per day if
damaged. If a psicrystal is brought to 0 hit points, it is destroyed.
The psi kinetic chooses the type of psicrystal he or she gets. As the
psi kinetic increases in level, his or her psicrystal also increases
in utility, as shown. Psicrystal Ability Descriptions: All psicrystals
have special abilities that depend on the level2 of the owner. These
abilities are cumulative. Psicrystal level 1-2 has int 6 and ability of
Sighted, empathic link. Psicrystal level 3-4 has int 7 and ability of
Telepathic link. Psicrystal level 5-6 has int 8 and ability of
Self-propulsion. Psicrystal level 7-8 has int 9 and ability of Speak
with other reatures. Psicrystal level 9-10 has int 10. Psicrystal level
1-12 has int 11 and ability of Power resistance. Psicrystal level 13-14
has int 12 and ability of Sight link. Psicrystal level 15-16 has int 13
and ability of Channel power. Psicrystal level 17-18 has int 14.
Psicrystal level 19-20 has int 15.
If the psicrystal is destroyed the psion must attempt a Fortitude save
(DC 15). If the saving throw fails, the psi kinetic loses 200
experience points per class level. A successful saving throw reduces
the loss by half. However, a psion's experience can never go below 0 as
the result of a psicrystal's destruction. A destroyed psicrystal cannot
be replaced for six months.
Psicrystal Personality Descriptions: All psicrystals have distinct
personalities as listed.
With psicrystal personality of Artiste the Owner gains +2 bonus on
Craft checks.
With psicrystal personality of Bully Owner gains +2 bonus on Intimidate
With psicrystal personality of Coward Owner gains +2 bonus on Hide
With psicrystal personality of Friendly Owner gains +2 bonus on
Diplomacy checks.
With psicrystal personality of Hero Owner gains +2 bonus on Fortitude
With psicrystal personality of Liar Owner gains +2 bonus on Bluff
With psicrystal personality of Meticulous Owner gains +2 bonus on
Search checks.
With psicrystal personality of Observant Owner gains +2 bonus on Spot
With psicrystal personality of Poised Owner gains +2 bonus on Balance
With psicrystal personality of Resolve Owner gains +2 bonus on Will
With psicrystal personality of Sage Owner gains +2 bonus on any one
knowledge skill he or she already knows; once chosen, this does not
With psicrystal personality of Singleminded Owner gains +1 bonus on
Concentration checks.
With psicrystal personality of Sneak Owner gains +2 bonus on Move
Silently checks.
With psicrystal personality of Sympathetic Owner gains +2 bonus on
Sense Motive checks.
Psionic Combat Modes: At 1st level, a psychic warrior can choose to learn two of the ten psionic combat modes. At succeeding level, he or she can learn one additional psionic combat mode chosen from the psionic power list at here.
Powers: A psi kinetic manifests psionic
powers. A psi kinetic begins play with power (talents) only limited by
power amount percent. At each level, the psi kinetic discovers one or
more powers, as indicated in the powers that are chosen from the psionic power list.
To manifest a power within a particular
discipline, you must manifest a way, a way is a psychic power in
effect, where a psi kinetic must use a concentration check. (Psionic
attack and defense modes are exempt from this restriction and do not
possess level). The DC for saving throws to resist a psychic power is
1d20 + the skill rank + the psi kinetic's key ability modifier. The 1d20
roll is made by the attacking psi kinetic when the power is manifest.
Psionic attack and defense modes add a special modifier instead.
Certain powers can be enhanced as they are manifest, at the cost of
additional power. Note: A psi kinetic may choose to discover a
lower-level power in place of a higher-level power normally granted by
level advancement. The level of psychic power is attained through each
2 levels of character.
The power percent: An psi kinetic can manifest
a certain number of powers per day based on his or her available % in
stp powerage. Special rules govern the manifestation of 0-level
powers and psionic combat modes.
They are listed as level 1 with 2 % power per power manifest,
level 2 with 3% power per power manifest,
level 3 with 4% power per power manifest,
level 4 with 5% power per power manifest,
level 5 with 8% power per power manifest,
level 6 with 10% power per power manifest,
level 7 with 15% power per power manifest,
level 8 with 20% power per power manifest,
level 9 with 25% power per power manifest.
0-level Powers: Also called talents, 0-level powers have a special %
power per power manifest cost. A psychic warrior can manifest any
talent he or she knows for free a number of times per day equal to his
or her level +2. After exhausting his or her daily allotment, the
psychic warrior must pay 1% power per manifestation of a 0-level power
for the rest of the day.
Psychic ability (Ex); Gained on
level 3. This has two parts, sending and receiving, where sending be
the psychic attack and the psychic defense. The Psychic attack is to
psychically project some idea to another that is potentially damaging
and insane making in idea. Till they become insane or hurt themselves
with 2d6+character level in points of damage. Psychic defense is making
an effect, of repelling the effect sent to you, making the effect
One such attack, be making the person doubt themselves by
telling them, that they 'did it wrong' or 'nothings wrong so stop', when
their clearly is through mental projection. One such defense be to reassure
yourself that they did things correctly, or cause them to believe thats
their own thought and dismiss it. Or, try as they might, make it so
they aren't clouded and do things about the problem at hand. Another
psychic defense, be to percieve the attack and send it back at the
person or thing. As though a deterring effort. There's also a loud
noise, on the moment of the attack, to distract the character and keep
the assault from being effective.
Recieving, on the other hand, be to
recieve the image or thought, from others or the Akashic records and
picking up on effects easily. Where you see them, in your mind and
become aware of the psychic actions, otherwise. Mostly, from the
subconscious picking up on the actions and you telling your subconscious
to tell you of it. Will this receiving work.
The recieving from the Akashic records gives you a mental and
intuitional guide. Which you may call by Gnosis (The taking info from
the air). This makes everything you do allot easier. When you attempt
an use Recieving, its with your will and intentions.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Wisdom (Ex): This is the insight to know when and where to do something as you know of it. You can use anything you learn of, to make the intent you need to occur and not get bad results.This is at will.
Lore (Ex): This is not the Lore Skill of 3.5 DnD. This is the knowledge that comes when studying something. Also, its using intuition for the moment guides that understanding. You get this from observing. Then, you naturally understand what you see no matter its form, at will.
Analysis (Ex): Gained at level 5, this enables, at will, that you can analyze whats going on. Then,it is the moment that you analyze to make a conclusion and hypothesis to experiment with. With experimenting, this hypothesis can become a law when you prove it out. This law that forms can be acted out on those whom you want to effect and you get a result. With analysis, you can get the idea behind anything thats near you. Or anything thats happening, that you want to understand in a moment. Analysis gets better as you get up in levels. Where at 5th level you would take a minute to get realization. Then, as you get to be level 10, it takes 30 seconds and so on.
Level Time length
5 1 minute
10 30 seconds
15 instant
Spelunken (Ex): Wielding energy by imagination and making it manifest. This is done when imagining the effect and willing it to be noticed in its manifested form. You can further make the effect result controlled by imagining the effect you want it to do, as you need it and intent for the effect. This can make any effect, seem to appear from nowhere. If no intent was to make it real, then its hypothesis that was made up and acted out. This takes a concentration check.
Collection (Ex): They collect specimens and things to study, observe and do research with. This is done at will.
Experimentation (Ex): This is to use what you collect and work with the Analysis to bring understanding, at will. Then, making results come about by test moments. An automatic analysis of the results brings understanding. That understanding you can report by writing it down and submitting it. Or, do more experiments and attempt to use what you observed.
Serendipity (Ex): Accidental discovery that is assured to occur, when you need results. At will, you discover something that happens to be needed or you make a discovery on the moment of doing things. This is done on a coin flip.
Notoriety (Ex): The Scientist gains fame for being who he is. And, he discovers greatness for discovering things. This increases his charisma by 10. His intelligence score rises by 5.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Psychic readings (Ex): This allows the seer to read the future and give details of what will come, from gnosis or getting meaning from the air itself. This glimpse of the future can also be gotten from the objects you use.
Inadvertent action (Ex): This makes for actions done by intuition and knowing. On a coin flip, there's chance of the right action being done. This is sometimes triggered by the energy vibes in the air.
Sight (Ex): The Seer can get visions that are controllable and these visions reveal the future, past or present. All thats needed is a concentration check.
Consulting (Ex): To use this ability is to make even hard to understand things easier to know. There's self-consulting and other person consulting. Whatever you may choose, you or others get the concept that you consult on and relieve stress by theraputic action.
Seers oath (Ex): They must persevere against violence. To avoid it as necessary but do it for defense. Otherwise the backlash from violence when you attempt to see is to get nightmares. They will never get someone who doesn't deserve it, unless its needed.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Vision Ex: Visions, these visions are controlled and created by the use of the third eye. This is where you think of your need and focus to know what the spirit knows. Think of the time and if you need to know, you will realize the idea or vision from that time or moment. This can use vision drugs or video to allow you easier visions. This calms down the mind and works with idea.
Elemental ability (Ex); This ability allows one to make use of the elements with focus and creation of whatever you want to create. This works with forming a gate of energy from the source, then thinking about and allowing the element to form from the gate area to effect the point or area you intended to get an effect off on. This happens by a rolled 1d20+focus or concentration rank and 10 or above as success. The effect is using a 1d10+charisma rank per each 2 focus ranks for effect.
Psychic readings (Ex): This allows the psychic to read the future and give details of what will come, from gnosis or getting meaning from the air itself. This glimpse of the future can also be gotten from the objects you use.
Psionic crystals (Ex): This is a point of using any crystal or stone and holding it as you think of what you want and the energy consciousness creates by causing manifest what you need with feel. There are bonuses to the rolls you make with use of the psionic crystal and skill of use artifact. You get the use artifact skill with the bonus of +1+(half level) to the crystal or stone use.
Psychic boost (Ex): The psychic boost is where you think and perceive, that is done by the third eye so you know how to do things easier by feel. otherwise you can observe by vision what will happen easier if you know what you need and you are curious how things will go. if no feeling or vision occur, then nothing will happen by what you think. This is a known idea. This is a +5 to your roll of 1d20 skill or stat check.
Ancient seer ability (Ex): This ability allows you to manifest results and have no fear as it uses the soul copy to make a manifest or created effect. This is where you breathe in and out, then you will create by your conscious that is somewhere you wish to change or otherwise observe. The idea is observed or created by what you focus or suggest into existence and you create what you intend to create. You can see by the soul that is using the spirit what is there, and then so you know you think of the area you came from or think by the spirit what is possible. This is a known effect, where you focus on an area and create with the energy as you are thinking you do. This has results of 2d10+Charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks for effects such as a ice ball you happen upon a victim. Any lasting effects are with 1d10+focus or concentration ranks in rounds per melee, or unlimited until you decide to not do the effect in other than melee effects that are like creating a light ball to guide yourself with by feel.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Prophecy (Ex): The prophet is where you get visions from the spirit and on request of the god you follow of what you intend to know, you can make a manifest or creation by the spirit with a positive result granted from the god. This can even draw aliens, if you put your arms up as a Y then focus, you create what you focus by the spirit what you need to manifest by usage of the energy "I" or energy consciousness..
Elemental ability (Ex); this is a point where you can create a concept and make sure it works. If it doesn't, then nothing happened. This can use any idea or energy as a source, think and you create as a point of making or manifest with the power of the divine or the god you follow. The effect is created by a gate that the god creates and this gate channels the lement to effect as you want. This is The effects are 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. Timewise it's 1d6+focus ranks for rounds of battle, otherwise unlimited outside of battle until you decide to end the effect.
Channeling (Ex); You can see if they are near or far away, then you can focus their body energy and think channel their spirit energy to work with what you need to know. This happens without stress and is knowledge you realize of what you intend to know. This effect stops in effect by feel when you no longer focus or use concentration per round of activity. The effect lasts for 1d6+charisma mod for ideal effects in seconds of battle, and due to the divine nature of the soul, unlimited outside of battle. That is until you decide to end the effect or you know what they are going to do.
The focus (Ex); this is the ability to focus energy from the divine soul to copy and heal by feel. This is a complete healing of all your pressure points or chakra energy clearance. This is needed if you want a complete healing. This is a known effect. The time effects are 1d6+charisma mod in seconds of melee, unlimited if outside of attack until you decide to end the effect. The effect amount is useful if 1d10+charisma mod per every 2 focus ranks.
Dream abiity (Ex); you can dream of events and know when or where. Also you create with lucid dreaming, so you make what you need and wake up by thinking your awake or hearing a loud noise.
Divine sight (Ex); You know what will happen a few moments to way before the moment. You can create with a mage vision and making use of a construct that ends this effect when you don't need the effect, this is where you can create your vision into real life and that is with a 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus levels.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Healing (Ex); you don't need a healer kit to heal by feel. Treat the wound and effect positive results, this is done on a 1d20+focus rank with 10 as success. You heal 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 levels focus ranks.
Elemental effect (Ex); this is a point of manifest to create any element to cause what is possible. This used the divine soul to create by the soul making a portal for the element that exists as a source is able to shift and effect the target/s, so it's effect is instant unless it's lava or they are on fire or something else happens, the soul knows when to close the gate and you don't need to create using the element. The point it's done created 1d10+charisma mod per every 2 levels of focus or concentration. 1d6+focus rank of time to effect in melee, 1d10+focus or concentration rank in minutes if non instant.
Psychology (Ex); This ability allows you to psychoanalyze someone and suggest the right things to get what is needed at the moment by the healer. You create a talked out moment with the person feeling calmer by a 1d20+focus ranks and having 10 or above result as success.
Herbology n potions (Ex); You scrounge around and use the right herbs or create the correct potion known by the spirit where you realize the idea to heal or do what is stated as a result. This uses a 1d20+focus or concentration rank to denote success with a 10 or above result.
Instant healing (Ex); You use a construct to instantly heal all damage and remove all poisons from the character or friend you want healed. This is healing near the top point of the healers career. Once gotten, he or she can do this healing anytime the healer wants.
Circle of instant healing (Ex); You use a construct to instantly heal all damage and remove all poisons from the characters or friends you want healed and your character is healed as well. This is healing at the top point of the healers career. Once gotten, he or she can do this healing anytime the healer wants.
Bioengineering (Ex); this is making life enhancements and body fixes by the chemistry to create what you need to occur. This is a point your character gains 100% health added to health, also they have an added 5 charisma, 4 strength, 5 intelligence and 6 constitution. Also you can use the correct things created by manifestation, that is through the focus or thinking to the energy consciousness to enhance the body of a target, think and create what result you want as you state the idea intended by feel with idea.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Reasoning (Ex): The worker can reason with themselves or someone and bring a sense of calm as they work through psituations. They can get problems worked out. This calms themselves down and also calms the opponent as though they lost the nerve to fight unnecessarily. There's a flip of a coin to see if it worked.
Antikine (Ex): Its the act of using skill and ability to get better results. Add 1d10 to the effect of healing or damage.
Activism (Ex): They seem like a point to do the right thing to get the right people to respond or are considered friendly, then they are solely left alone. The right person makes a statement or point which is right or true to their character alignment. This adds +3 to Charisma with an added charisma mod or an added 1d6 to the charisma mod. The right person is determined by a roll of the die. They love doing marches or making a point if they want to create a point of interest, this is with a 1d4 added to the charisma roll that they are listened to and with the right reaction. So that means the roll of the die is what creates the point and the situation caused is the number, this is macthed as a difficulty number rating that the gm decides is appropriate.
Aura of persuasion (Ex): This aura causes the person to project self-confidence. On getting near the aura, the target is more likely to do what is suggested, as though what is said is reasonable. A roll of the die + charisma mod is the rounds that the character will get the effect off. 1 round is 6 seconds. 1 minute is 10 rounds.
Level Die rounds
1-6 d6
7-12 d8
13-18 d10
19-24 d12
25-30 2d8
31-36 d20
37+ d30
Friendliness (Ex): They seem like a friend to the right people. The right person makes a statement or point which is right or true to the character. This adds +4 to Charisma. The right person is determined by a roll of the die.
Luck of the draw (Ex): A worker can get a result off, by simply trying and doing their attempt. This adds to your luck by +10. This adds to your focus by adding 2d6 to the total.
Management (Ex): The worker literraly does not lose their cool. They can survive any situation and manage the moment. Even if its by a sliver of a chance.
Greater affect (Ex): This is where your character can make affection and create effects from actions for himself or herself or others. This is done through influence to others. The roll of a die determines if the effect goes off right.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Reasoning (Ex): The beggar can reason with themselves or someone and bring a sense of calm as they work through psituations. They can get problems worked out. This calms themselves down and also calms the opponent as though they lost the nerve to fight unnecessarily. There's a flip of a coin to see if it worked.
Begging or asking (Ex): Its the act of using skill and ability to get better results by what they do otherwise what they don't do is what they think. You can only beg once per person. Add 1d20 to the effect with wealth that you gain along with healing or damage.
Aura of persuasion (Ex): This aura causes the person to project self-confidence. On getting near the aura, the target is more likely to do what is suggested, as though what is said is reasonable. A roll of the die + charisma mod is the rounds that the character will get the effect off. 1 round is 6 seconds. 1 minute is 10 rounds.
Level Die rounds
1-6 d6
7-12 d8
13-18 d10
19-24 d12
25-30 2d8
31-36 d20
37+ d30
Friends (Ex): They seem like a friend to the right people or are considered friendly so are left alone. The right person makes a statement or point which is right or true to their character. This adds +4 to Charisma with an added charisma mod or an added 1d4 to the charisma mod. The right person is determined by a roll of the die, seen and if you hit a guy or gal that is a die 10 where 5 or below is the right person.
Luck of the draw (Ex): A bum can get a result to seem off by luck, by simply trying and doing their attempt. This adds to your luck by +10. This adds to your focus by adding 2d6 to the total.
Management (Ex): The bum literraly does not lose their cool. They can survive any situation and manage the moment. Even if its by a sliver of a chance. So they can manage their own money.
Greater affect (Ex): This is where your character can make affection and create effects from actions for himself or herself or others. This is done through influence to others. The roll of a die determines if the effect goes off right.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Dedication (Ex): Upon joining an army or deciding to be a soldier, they can get subjected to brainwashing to become dedicated. Once dedicated, they are with an ability bonus to their will, strength and charisma of +5.
Aura of belief (Ex): This aura can cause people to believe what they're told by the brainwashing and belief being projected through the aura. Theirs a roll of a d3 to decide whether the person believes the soldier or joins their cause. Where, a 1 is not believe. A 2 is Believe the soldier. A 3 is join their cause. A will save will cancel the effect.
Long Range viewing (Ex): This is the ability to see anywhere, casting your spirit to be on the waves of energy that flow in the wind. Then, you can come back to your body anytime. At will, you can perceive any event or area you want. Now this is timewise, as you can perceive any event and manipulate any activity to be what you wfeel is necessary. Up to GM what you perceive and get as a manipulated result. When you do this Ability, you may want to not be like a god. Once you get Long Range Viewing, you are a Long Range Viewer.
Reasoning (Ex): The soldier can reason with someone and bring a sense of calm. This calms down the opponent as though they lost the nerve to fight. If a save is made, then the person who's targeted could act out unpredictably.
Ensuing (Ex): The soldier can catch anyone and try to punish them (Up to the player). On the roll of a 1d6, where 1-3 is to catch the pursued and 4-6 is they get away. Otherwise, its a coin flip to determine the catch.
Soldier oath (Ex): They will serve their own law, or be a part of some army. They make the military their goal. They will enforce their own will, using the laws they believe in.
Military (Ex): The Military is called the Service or Army. This is an army thats
inside the church and state, one that services themselves and gives a new name
to "nsa" but the army members arm themselves and make sure to stop criminal activity
not in their army. They assign themselves duties. The main idea be a citizen army
that be self-supportive and does the necessary action, to get a job of sorts except
on planets that thou can't get neither. Them you subsist on. To beget either job
types where the work gang limits the funds and holds the bag, thou must join a work
gang. As thou get to "travel" by dimension or Astral or physical maneuver, but if
thou get a chance to, try to do things by many means. Use long range viewing to set
events up, and use scouting techniques and magic to achieve the result. Upon joining
the service, you get a weapon license. For you have the opportunity to train with weapons.
The ranks are set by earnings and/or setting thou own rank and proving thou
can do the job. And unless assigned a rank, thou can arrange a job and gain it
with help or others. If asked they don't admit it except by those who prequire
it in kind. The field commander be the highest rank and the ranks are limited
to three per rank level except field commander in a near area. To inform people
of this service gets more effective use and thou can get a payraise by those
who watch in the area of expertise (the boss whom is the President), the SROTC
be allowing a expertise that rules the moment.
Now the rules of idea that people agree on are rules unto themselves. This idea
was given credit by a report of Drksyders, on Machiavelli whom work with the civillian
army as an army to "support the country" by support of patriotism. Which is dedication.
He speaks on recruiting. Use of normal army and similiar idea techniques with punishment
and reward.
Here's a quote: "Machiavelli advocates for a balance between make pleasant for fear
and respect, the above mentioned methods do not leave an opening for such a balance.
At this point, the unwilling soldier be best convinced by ideology and psychology rather
than punishment and/or reward."
The fact that rulers exist to believe this be why most will try for them and make them
successful. Given the regard to momentary glances we could bear in mind that they were
the victors in a very hard time and age won and by winning they kept the kingdom. The
point of trial given by punishment/reward be likely to backfire and cause people to disbelieve
and psychology will pave the way. "Most fail to the effort of seeing overwhelming achievement
in action." by Great Kahn, Hannibal the Cannibal of the Mongols and SG1.
To wear a colorful clothing style and similiar styles including fatigues (any) is
advisable but its possible for any actual clothing as a person can citizen arrest.
Its advisable to have a key to hand-cuffs and the hand-cuffs to arrest people with.
The Military can have authority to override the Law Enforcement. But, if you do wrong,
the Law Enforcers can arrest thou. Just remember, noone wins anything. This is just
the exchange of actions that count.
Due note, the president or princ/ess and king or queen of the country be the ruler
unless thou chose to serve the country on a secret mission to another country, the
secret mission be over when you get an achievement of sorts and/or find out info
or solve a crisis. This be also considered an easy way out of a horrible situation,
and if done in good enough time and to avoid early demise, then thats a blessing.
"The exodus be really what this be made out to be as its an exodus, to understanding
that in a far away place can let you live and achieve a better role."
The commisioned parliament, registered commitee members, Government officials, Royalty
and boss can set the ruling idea that rule the conditions and thou can try to find a
way to work with those conditions. The instant courtmarshal or firing must be proven
to a group of idea people (peers or higher) that thou achieved what thou said. Thou
must at least try to do as thou say thou will and obey the commander unless not possible,
for which thou find suitable idea of activity or trade.
When thou do the deed thou achieve a result that thou decide on with analyzation of
the data or facts with proof at hand, or otherwise and tell the commander later if it
works and if it doesnt, tell if it won't get you killed unless its expected. As thou
may find a suicidal mission, then thee can disagree with it. When making a new law
dost can prove it effective or its not used and can save lives. You can make self-laws,
at will. Anyone who wants to follow those laws, can. No attacking other officers,
period, unless they kill by enjoyment and for bad reasons. Meaning, they deserve
As any reason could rule the moment, try to see the truth of any arguement and
be considerate. Thus be supportive to the supportive members of the SROTC as they are
untouchable and are field commanders. Its not dishonorable to fail but to not try is
to get dropped in rank unless there's no rank. And this is with the order of no shooting
thou by the effort. Thanks to Sharol. Do things for humane and resourceful for reasons
that are fairly understood. Follow the law of the land. Do whatever you think is necessary
to get the job done and manage to keep legal.
To be field marshall thou must be field commander and the field marshall be the leader
of a squad unless thou think otherwise. If pissed off thou must leave the vicinity and
with no firearm unless thou are in enemy territory. The release of the Military to citizenry
is not possible as thou are still a citizen in truth even beforehand and thou may join
or unjoin as needed with a "retired" status. To reclaim ranks when thou rejoin, you must
in a "active duty" state. If thou are not rejoined into the SROTC in 1 month then the
position be taken, but thou get another rank of choice if coming back within 2 month
or longer.
The elders outrank the younger and will be tolerated by three manners:
To be listened to without bad reaction or complaint.
To be obeyed and only if they are sane, unless you are told to by the elder.
The third be to support if necessary but to know when its safe, too. Unless the commanding
officer tells you to.
The greater skill you have, the better the position thats acceptable. Then, more to taste
thats tolerable by others. Always follow the commanding officer as its no questions, unless
they allow. And yet, you may disagree.
Now for the ranks list; Any rank thou think thou deserve and can act out or prove including
Liuetenant, Time travellor, Councellor, Marshall, General, Seaman, or similiar except President,
basically that fits the role, and field commander is to be chosen by effort and agreement as
thou must be able to command. In true motion your a "special", or Sp., that be of any one rank.
Like special Lt or special seaman. If no actual specialty then use special by itself sometimes
followed by thou first name or your class. Like Sp. Kahn or Sp. Bill or Special Militist. This
is a "Citizen" army that be only true for citizens or Militia. Be on your own regard and serve
yourself first and others second as people could override thou in command, except all are equal
in command. This serves to override any actual rule set by others and proves a point.
This is the rule that was explained: "By serving thee first thy serve others second and support
to give moral ground as a guidance with belief in thou and others, then thee follow the rule
that Rome followed as, 'Be your own self and serve as an example.' Then by belief in yourself
thou find others belief in thou idea. 'As with tokens of strength as power, the magic be sown
and ritual can be achieved with success, selfishness be prevented by considered motion thats
in balance with the world around thou". Quote by Merlin.
So with this self-centered concern, thee may find thyself pleased and others pleased as well
unless its for naught. In event, thou might find thyself released of all duties with none the
wiser. At any point, most people are doing things on their own free will and whatever thou get
from this. It be intended to support indivisualism and thou don't have to get approval by others
to do things or get things done, unless told to by another Militia member or the Law Enforcers.
Self acts of honorous activity and duty are what prove my point. 'I, the President might join
in this group activity, unless circumstances prevail.'
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Psychic (Ex); You are aware by the spirit knowing things, sometimes before they are there and as they are formed. You know what to do as you think to know of things. You are never surprised, so think and you know what to do.
Abundance (Ex): This ability allows them to get any material and item they want. They mass collect it for which they intend to use later. They can get any effect with it. Add 2d10 to the effect total and their items that they desire without cost.
Psionic (Ex); You are aware by the soul insight and study, of what to do with psionics and what it is. Add the psionics special ability to the special ability list on the character sheet.
Psychic vampirism (Ex); This is where you think of the idea and make use of a target to do it, think of draining them of energy as you think about getting results and feeling good from this feat. They basically use you as energy for what you offer to do. They can psyche themselves out to get things done, easily paying for the idea. That's if they have something to do. So, think of something to do and state, that you use psychic vampirism on the targets and describe the targets and what you do. Then if it works, the targets will be drained of all energy. This can be where the target/s are becoming paranoid of things, if they don't pass a anti-paranoia roll of 1d100+will and get a 51 or above for success. Then, they are paranoid till they make the roll. You can feed off of fear and emotions. So think though, you know as you add their energy to your own, they cease to feel or need to attack. They cease to do things for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until their energy comes back outside of battle, so make your STP 100 as per use of this ability. Any damages or healing you attempt are with this amount: half level (rounded down)+d10+focus ranks. Let the DM/GM help you out with the amount you roll.
Lucky benefit (Ex): They luck out and get the benefit of an effect that they want. Despite the attack effort against them. This requires the clearity of mind and calm. This ability makes the character focus better. Adding a 2d6 to the effect total. Add to your Will and luck, a +5.
Terror aura (Ex): This aura can drive anything away and into terror. The aura can spread like a virus and cause a person to panic or be dazed. Either way they're neutralized. It lasts to the duration set by the die added to the Charisma mod. Otherwise its cancellable by Will. 1 round is 6 seconds and 1 minute is 10 rounds. Also add to the effect roll a +5.
Level Die duration
1-10 d8
11-20 d10
21-30 d20
31+ d30
Anti-reasoning (Ex): This reasoning is reverse of the reasoning usually given for a situation. On the surface, it may seem like reasoning but it isn't. It makes you feel like its right, due to the effort given by others. This can persuade others to get things done. When it is used to console or make others do things, the effects of anti-reasoning can persuade others to do just about anything. Its resisted by a will check.
Imfamy (Ex): This notoriety allows one to be known amongst the crowd they go with and hated amongst the lawful people. The amount of Imfamy determines the action done. The Chaotic and evil people might love you and the Lawful take action against you. Increase the Charisma by +5.
Terrorist Oath (Ex): To always be of chaos, think and to serve chaos wherever you want to make terror. You will serve terror amongst people who deserve the effort and attention. These people are amongst those you dislike. You will strive against a nation that they detest. This is gotten by brainwashing and destruction or by use of disturbance.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Psychokinesis (Ex): This is using an ability to create with the mind and body energy, think of what you want to achieve and you can get results by what is done. State the effect and the subconscious can do things by what you think and need. The effect is done with a roll of the 1d6 or clear the roll with an alternative the dm/gm decides to use instead. This is done if a 1d6 or straws are used: 1-2 is success, 3-4 is something else decided by the dm/gm, 5-6 is a fail and no result. Though with straws: Short straw success with what you needed, middle length straw is some other effect decided by dm/gm, longest straw is failure with no result.
Abundance (Ex): This ability allows them to get any material and item they want. They mass collect it for which they intend to use later. They can get any effect with it. Add 2d10 to the effect total and their items that they desire without cost.
Lucky benefit (Ex): They luck out and get the benefit of an effect that they want. Despite the attack effort against them. This requires the clearity of mind and calm. This ability makes the character focus better. Adding a 2d6 to the effect total. Add to your Will, a +5.
Reasoning (Ex): This reasoning is useful as its made of the reasoning usually given for a situation. On the surface, it may seem like reasoning but it isn't. It makes you feel like its right, due to the effort given by themselves or others. This can persuade others to get things done. When it is used to console or make others do things, the effects of reasoning can persuade others to do just about anything. Its resisted by a will check.
Fame (Ex): This notoriety allows one to be known amongst the crowd they go with and worked with as though a normal person amongst the lawful people. The amount of fame determines the action done. The Chaotic people might love you and the Lawful take action to aid you. Increase the Charisma by +5.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Any ability (Ex): This is a special ability that allows you to use any ability or item as long as you have the mp, this is where the stp abilities use mp instead. The master can make use of this effect using his subconscious and the mind or metaphysics. That directs the point, that's created by idea thought about or stated. The spirit knows how to create things as it sees what was creating the idea as a manifest, this is usually at least 5 minutes or more in advance that you know about things or events by feel. The soul creates with the point as a form of insight comes to you that the spirit knows, and the master can create as he or she will create the idea as a manifested point. Name the needed idea and possible ability, that is done to make use of and you can roll a d6 or draw straws or something similar. The 1d6 is this: 1-2 your result is what you want, 3-4 your result is something else that the dm/gm decided, 5-6 is failure of the result and nothing happens.
Abundance (Ex): This ability allows them to get any material and item they want. They mass collect it for which they intend to use later. They can get any effect with it. Add 2d10 to the effect total and their items that they desire without cost.
Lucky benefit (Ex): They luck out and get the benefit of an effect that they want. Despite the attack effort against them. This requires the clearity of mind and calm. This ability makes the character focus better. Adding a 2d6 to the effect total. Add to your Will, a +5.
Reasoning (Ex): This reasoning is useful as its made of the reasoning usually given for a situation. On the surface, it may seem like reasoning but it isn't. It makes you feel like its right, due to the effort given by themselves or others. This can persuade others to get things done. When it is used to console or make others do things, the effects of reasoning can persuade others to do just about anything. Its resisted by a will check.
Mastery (Ex): This mastery allows one to be one with their ability, and they can do things easier by a +8 bonus mod.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Magic (Ex): This is a point you think of something and create with the magic of the moment, that's created by the subconscious or spirit and sometimes this is using a suggestion, that's a suggested idea spoken, otherwise there may be eating or drinking something. The moment can create what you want, if noticed. The moment can also last as long as the mage needs this to last. Just state what you need to occur and happen with the point and you create the effect of what you need by what is done. This uses a 1d6 or drawn straws with shortest straw or longest straw making success. The 1d6 roll is this: 1-2 is success and you get what you need, 3-4 is something else and that is what the dm/gm decided, 5-6 is utter failure and nothing happens.
Mage dream (Ex): This is ability manifestation by what you do by idea you express or feel exists, that uses the aura and creates by thought you project or think into existence. The idea is what you use to guide the moment, that the subconscious or soul creates by using the idea for feel. When your in a mage dream, you are breathing slower and creating what you think. Treat the moment as though a lucid dream, then you make what you will with what you have, this includes gated in effect by feel. This can create any event or idea that you convince yourself is possible. If you want to wake up from a mage dream, quicken your breath and think you wake up.
This dream is where the soul creates, language that you use and the thought you need will be existing by feel. This is a known effect that doesn't always work. This uses a 1d20+each level or drawn straws with shortest straw or longest straw making success. The 1d20 roll is this: 1 is critical failure, 2-9 is failure and you don't always get what you need, 10 or up is success and you ca get what you need, 20 rolled is critical success and automatic success. That's if you use dice.
If you use straws, then you decide what is success. Alright, the damage/healing/effect length done is using dice, that's per 2 focus ranks d10 + every level as a value or for a 10 focus rank and level 12, this means 5d10+12 or if no dice are used it's 5*5+12=37 points done or healed. Otherwise it's 37 seconds length in attack, or 37 minutes out of attack. So now we have an effect point. This is where the effect manifests within the inner world, and if you need the idea done it's made by the subconscious outside the aura.
Abundance (Ex): This ability allows them to get any material and item they want. They mass collect it for which they intend to use later. They can get any effect with it. Add 2d10 to the effect total and their items that they desire without cost.
Runes (Ex): The point you mark something or carve the idea, you create by feel and by what you think the mark is empowered to do. Otherwise you can use an object to do this as well, the demon could possess an object as well. So when you decide the possession is over, you then know that the demon goes back to the demon realm. That's if any free from a dead body spirit is enraged, this is a demon or poltergeist. This can be used to mark a demon to be sealed, this is then an inert being and then created is a point that is reasonable and remembered is what is forgotten. The dice, that are done with this is (focus rank)d10+Wisdom mod worth of damage, healing or effect length.
Lucky benefit (Ex): They luck out and get the benefit of an effect that they want. Despite the attack effort against them. This requires the clearity of mind and calm. This ability makes the character focus better. Adding a 2d6 to the effect total. Add to your Will, a +5.
Reasoning (Ex): This reasoning is useful as its made of the reasoning usually given for a situation. On the surface, it may seem like reasoning but it isn't. It makes you feel like its right, due to the effort given by themselves or others. This can persuade others to get things done. When it is used to console or make others do things, the effects of reasoning can persuade others to do just about anything. Its resisted by a will check.
Mastery and fame (Ex): This mastery allows one to be one with their ability and elements, and they can do things easier by a +8 bonus mod to aid them in their studies. Also add +5 to charisma from fame by doing things. This is using an idea that works with anyone, so the +5 to charisma is applicable. If an action is done with evil intentions, then it turns into imfamy so apply a -5 to charisma until doing good again.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Fastcast (Ex): This is the ability to allow three spell effects to be gotten off in a round, unless a slow spell is on your character, in which they can cast a spell every two rounds.
Fast Regeneration (Ex): Your character with this extraordinary ability recover from wounds quickly. They can even regrow or reattach severed body parts. Damage dealt to the character is treated as nonlethal damage, and the character automatically cures of nonlethal damage at a fixed rate, which is 20hp per round in melee and 15hp per minute spent outside of battle.
Purify element (Ex): The purify element effect is a point that you focus energy into the material you hold or into the element of water, fire, earth, air or spirit. Then this purifies the elent as the thought occurs to create with a purified formation. This effect is useful, if to recieve health benefits from water, other than that you can use whatever effect you want with a purified form. This improves the effect of the element, that is by a point of +6 in bonus modification to the score.
So think to use the special ability an of being able to purify anything, as anything is an element of sorts. The character can do this three times a day, restored by rest. Once purified, all poisons and toxins are removed from the element. All metal weaknesses are removed from the metal and the weapon or armor becomes +5. This adds a +5 bonus to them. The purification leaches the bad effects from the element and this includes negative enchantments that would effect you.
Absorb energy (Ex): They can be fueled by anything, given a special ability to absorb energies at level 16, which allows for a rapid rise of energy percent recovery, this is about 20% energy replenished per minute outside combat and in melee its 25% per every round.
Greater Elemental Formshift (Ex): The character gets to be a greater elemental when they reach level 20, they transform into one overnight, which is adding 10 to Strength, 5 to Intelligence, 8 to Agility and 4 to charisma at all the base stats. Also, they gain the ability to manifest an element of choice as they gain the abilities and powers of the greater elemental, in whatever form you need the element to be. An unlimited amount of times per day until they run out of energy, in which each element manifest is 10% energy used. When the character get an effect on someone, they get 5d10+Wis bonus worth of damage. The duration of effect is also on a roll of 1d6 rounds. Be sure to change your race of your character to Greater Elemental, when your Elementalist character gets to level 20. Also, when they get this special ability, they can summon up to 5 elementals of any type at a time. At a cost of 15% energy usage, each time. However, there is a slight hatred of the character after a formshift.
If you need to roll or do a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above, otherwise you can do a pulling of straws or something with the long or short straw as success. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action. For diceless rolling, use the number of dice * half the dice base + the modifier, or say you had a 5d4+12 then you would 5*4+12=20+12=32 points.
Natural adaptation (Ex); This skill is where your able to adapt to any circumstance and situations are overcome by ability, that you are able to use and know what to do. This skill allows you to survive by natural skills, that enable you to work and wisthstand even poison. You get over the problem or can fix things as though a natural. This is done with a nature or focus skill check and get a 10 or above, and expect some results otherwise pull a cut straw with the longest or shortest straw as success.
Will word skill (Ex); What you will you create and nearly anything can be created, this is done by statement or thinking with a focus check and getting a 10 or above for success, otherwise pull a cut straw with the longest or shortest straw as success.. Think to get effects of 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks or for duration is 1d6+focus rank for rounds in melee/attack or minutes outside of battle. This works with deferring as well. So think and do as you want with this explained skill.
Martial arts: Any martial arts you think to use are there to work with as a skill. This is done with a focus or concentration check and getting a 10 or above. The natural skill in combat is done with a 1d8+strength and agility mod per each two focus ranks.
Herbology and medicine (Ex); You gain a natural skill with understanding herbs and medicine. This skill allows you to know and use the right things to use. That happens with a nature skill check and applying a +5 to the skill as a bonus. If you get a 10 or above you get success by feel, otherwise pull a cut straw with the longest or shortest straw as success. Also you gain immunity to diseases and poison. Add +5 to the heal skill by feel.
Combat trance (Ex); This is where you are with intention, that can turn murderous if a combat situation. Add +4 to attack rolls as a bonus. This if used as a skill is able to daze nearly anyone, so that is known by a rolled concentration check with a 10 or above, otherwise pull a cut straw with the longest or shortest straw as success. This is with an added +4 by feel to concentration and focus skills.
Combat skill (Ex); This combat skill is allowing you to make easier attack and effect rolls. Add +3 per every 4 levels to your attack roll and an extra 1d8+strength mod per each 3 focus ranks for damages or not as nothing is gained.
Charm (Ex); This is where you gain more money for what you do or think of in considerance, basically that is on request and created is the need by feel to get what you want. Add 4 to charisma and use a +3 bonus to charm checks.
Natural understanding (Ex); You understand the nature of things, you understand the result with what you do. This works by understanding vibrations, and you work with frequencies by a heightened intelligence. Add +5 to intelligence and nature skill for your understanding. Whatever is associated is done if necessary and needed by feel, this is with an intelligence check and 10 or above that's rolled for success, otherwise pull a cut straw with the longest or shortest straw as success..
Maneuvering (Ex); This is where you are able to maneuver around and do what is necessary. This helps you avert combat and use aversion to what would hurt you. Add +4 to agility.
Survival (Ex); The necessities like food or drink are gotten cheaper or given to them by feel. This is done with a charisma check by idea, that is with an added +5 to high bartering to make what seems natural and given by feel and bartering or trading becomes easier.
Fame (Ex); This is gained by what is done, as a successful samurai, you get what you need and what you want by feel. The added fame bonus is a +5 to strength and charisma. You naturally avoid the troubles with fame, so this fame of the samurai doesn't turn into infamy unless evil. Then instead of fame your with infamy by what you do and you able to create fear in the target, this is done by a focus check with a 10 or above as success, otherwise pull a cut straw with the longest or shortest straw as success.
Abundance (Ex); This is where you easily find work or idea to do. Then you get payment somehow, so use +5 to intelligence in what you do with work, +3 charisma for your charm and +4 wisdom for what you think to do and not do or spend money on by feel. Thus, you save money and spend wisely on things that are necessary. Easily gaining work for what you will, this is getting money unthinkingly and not wasting it by feel. Otherwise your saving it up and spending it wisely, this using it on things you need and know won't easily be wasted. However, as a skilled person that you are known for by feel, you can get money easily if you need it or work for the idea. This is done with a concentration or focus skill check, that's gotten by getting a result of 10 or above, otherwise pull a cut straw with the longest or shortest straw as success.
This is a ninja warrior in dnd terms, so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action. Just name a clan of ninja in character sheet descriptions or if in a competition, then say its your side.
Martial arts; the ninja warrior has a natural martial arts that is realized as a skill and able to be used as a point is done. This includes karate, judo and tai chi. You succeed with a 10 or above result on a focus skill check or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. The effect is if in numbers per each 3 focus skill ranks, +1d8+cha mod in points and that's from 9 focus ranks and 5 cha mod. The duration is this effect in rounds in melee and minutes outside combat, if for non instant effects.
Creation; think to create and your intent is your idea to do, this energy is enough to cause weight loss or make a target seem to weigh less, or other idea is manifested wherever you need it as the conscious of energy creates the effect. Think to roll a focus skill check getting a 10 or above or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. That is for success with the effect of every 2 focus skill ranks as a point with a d6 and charisma mod as damage, healing or duration. This means 5d6+5 points for a 10 focus rank and 5 charisma mod. Duration effects for non instant effects such as elemental (water, fire, earth, air or etc..) or some other thing such as sleep, that is using your element though it's one you choose. The duration in effect is in rounds per melee and minutes for things outside of combat mode.
Think to do (Ex); the point is made, if you think about what you need you can get it. You find what you look for by feel. This happens with a roll of 10 or above and using a focus roll or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut.. After level 5, this turns into the point ability. That's when the point is made, yet no damage occurs to you or any item and the idea is done in play. This is doing an enhanced think and do, where no damage occurs to you and you can get what you need by feel.
Mental library; the books are soul knowledge, they are gathered in book or computer form by the spirit knowing what is there or what is done. The idea is realized by soul insight, borrowing a book makes it copied. Buying a book makes this copied and this is knowable to you instantaneously. The mental library is created in your inner world, and you enter or leave it and do things there by thinking you do. Roll a die 20 focus check and get a 10 or above or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. This ability is used to make what you want known.
Aura effect; this effect is what is any aura idea by effect and is where you think of what you need and the aura energy creates what you needed within 10 or less feet from you. The roll for success is 1d20+focus rank with 10 or above or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut as success. The effect is per each 2 focus skill ranks, +1d8+cha mod. That's 3d8+6 points for 6 focus ranks and 6 charisma mod. The duration is this effect in rounds in melee and minutes outside combat for non instant effects. if you don't intend it then it won't happen.
Think and do; think of your need and those that feel the point will do something about it by the spirit consciousness energy. This is a thing to do. This can kill anything if you don't have a resistance rolled to it. Otherwise you can do things and then you make what you think, this is non elemental to some degree. If you have a 10 or above on a focus roll or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut then you succeed.
Aura projection; the aura energy moves by the spirit the effect you think is done. Then if you feel, the idea is using an achieved thing by what you do. This can knock someone out for 1d10 rounds in melee or this is minutes outside of combat. Otherwise this can create what you need like a push or element manifest. The side effect is where you realize things to remember them by living through the moment, this means you remember what you forget.
Where you can forget things is by remembering other things. That's what polarizing your energy does. That you do with this effect. So when you imagine an idea or result, then you create by feel and make with what exists. This has a side effect of making your target pass out for 1d6 rounds in melee and 1d10 minutes outside of combat. You succeed on a 10 or above with a focus skill check or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. The effect is per each 2 focus skill ranks, +1d10+cha mod. The duration is this effect in rounds in melee and minutes outside combat for non instant effects.
Mystical ability; what you think exists will exist by feel, that means you create where you think you create and uncreate where you were not needing something. This creates the elements and other effect by what you need to happen or occur what you wish. They exist outside of time and make themselves through gated effect. See the mind directs the motion and you create by will. The energy consciousness creates what you intend to be created, wherever you need this created by idea or thought with things noticed. You succeed with a rolled 10 or above using a focus skill checkor pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. The effect is per each 2 levels, +1d10+focus rank. The duration is this effect in rounds in melee and minutes outside combat for non instant effects.
Things in action; the things in action are a point you use the idea or thought to sometimes avoid is done. This happens to allow natural skill in usage of items without a roll or this is avoidance by a reflex roll with +5, or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut for success. The things you can use are naturally used items, that is with realized insight from the soul.
Mystical illusion; the effects of energy are done as the aura and mind create with the consciousness of energy. The energy present the thought of intended idea, the idea you have is not unlike an illusion that disappears after you don't need it. You succeed with a rolled 10 or above using a focus skill checkor pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. The effect is per each 2 levels, +1d10+focus rank. The duration is this effect in rounds in melee and minutes outside combat for non instant effects.
Yei yeah ye; this halts anyone that you think is doing bad. This stuns anyone if you roll a 10 or higher result on a focus skill check or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut..
Mana manipulation; this is death energy transformed and unprogrammed in the planet, think to use the idea and you create by words or thought on intent by the spirit idea you need to happen and you realize by feel. Mana energy is permanent, so use this as a point of idea comes to you and you don't mind the effect. The idea is easily reformable by mana, so its not permanent if you think its not and the mana does the reform. You succeed with a rolled 10 or above using a focus skill check or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. The effect is per each 2 levels, +1d12+focus rank. The duration is this effect in rounds in melee and minutes outside combat for non instant effects.
Mana form; this is the ability to change your form and create as though unchanged as you shape your soul to create the effect. So your spirit boosted stats are +5 to int, +6 to con, +4 to wis, +7 to str and +8 to agl. Unless otherwise noted, you have unnatural slenderness by feel. So you have weight loss by what you do and causing this, you gain +3 to charisma and charm rolls. You can change your shape at will and succeed with a form shift by a rolled 10 or above using a focus skill check or pick the shortest or longest straw that is cut. However you don't need to eat or drink, that means the creator supplies what you need by mana. Its an idea if you get a result by feel. Think and you know what to do as in idea its the effect.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Potions; Herbal and otherwise, you know the right things to use for the effect you desire in a potion or drink. This happens without stress and you are calm as you do things. So healing if desired is done. This is a known effect of increased intelligence and wisdom by +3.
Natural science understanding; This is learned by intuition or the soul knowledge. The science they understand is what is there to understand, so they understand what is necessary by what is done. This is a +4 to int.
Spontaneous combustion; This is where the ability one has is used to cause instaneous turning to dust or spontaneous combustion in a target. This happens to cause instant death. That is due to getting a 10 or above on a focus check except for diceless where you need a 15 or above. Otherwise there's a drawing of straws with the longest or shortest as success. There is also a chance of not being effected with a save versus spell.
Luck; they gain +5 to luck and this is where they can get easier effects by feel.
Abundance; The fact exists, they are abundant in things. So they get things easier. This is a +4 to charisma and +4 to Wisdom as a stat.
Divinity; The Wiccan find belief is enough to get them through anything. Their belief is whatt turns out with idea to be true enough for their Gods to give them ability and create for them what they need or wish. This is where they are divine beings and create as though a God working with the creator. The Wiccan gains by using the power and ability of their Gods +5 Con, +5 Int, +5 Cha, +5 Wis and 100 HP.
Wiccan crede The wiccan crede is this belief, whatever you do is done in threes if you do things to others and they don't like it, then this is visited upon you by the power of three.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Natural science skill; This is learned by intuition or the soul knowledge. The science they understand is what is there to understand, so they understand what is necessary by what is done and the soul intuition is what makes it correct. This is a +4 to int.
Hex magic; The magic of curses and what you need by the spirit that goes through everything, this uses the third eye by feel and that is energy used to create your desire. This is stronger than charms, so instead of 1d8 its 1d10. So the effect is 1d10+charisma mod per each Focus skill rank as a point. There is 1d8+focus rank duration. if non-instant, in secocond with battle and minutes outside of battle unless unlimited amounts of time is allowed. Witches can use riled or poltergeistic spirits, too. So these riled spirits are Demonic, this means they will do whatever you wish to whomever you want effected. This includes anything you want or need excepting what you don't want or need. Wiccans won't use riled and demonized poltergeistic spirits as they are sometimes too dangerous.
Luck; they gain +5 to luck and this is where they can get easier effects by feel.
Abundance; The fact exists, they are abundant in things. So they get things easier. This is a +4 to charisma and +4 to Wisdom as a stat.
Elder Being; The Eldritch are not unlike a God in their ability to create effects and withstand natural disasters by the power and ability of their own mind. They transform into an energy form, this is where they are unable to be effected by normal weapons. So they are able to do things unnaturally and turn into enrgy, that phases what they have into energy to by the power of their mind if unfocused. So they can turn solid again and this allows magical weapons, that means they are with what they have physically. They absorb all energy attacks in total including elemental, as mp added to their MP total that's temporary and lasts a day. They gain +4 Con, +4 Int, +4 Cha, +4 Wis and 100 HP.
Vampiric; At any time they can turn vampiric nature if it's nearby. If they died, then they come back as vampires, that have their stats and abilities. Except if in sunlight, they suffer a -2 con bonus and could pass out if exposed to 3 hours sunlight. After 3 hours, if they don't make a concentration check or picks the longest or shortest straw, they could seem to pass out and remain in a death like sleep, comotose. If they survive, then they are likely to seek vengeance for attacks or they can create better by passing off the energy of the need as a source.
See that is all damage turned into mp added to their total MP, that's used by the feel of using a crystal or thinking it's a source. So if they experience a dawn, then survive, they are turned into daywalkers. That are only strengthened by sunlight and they are able to withstand energy, this is done as though it's a source of energy added as effect total to their MP. However, they still suffer a -2 penalty to their consitution. So their is no actual death for them, as long as they can absorb life energy they will live as you think they live and have what you think is ability. This is a known effect.
This is in an eldritch effect that uses the idea of life energy to sustain them and death and decay energy to keep them calm. This means they are able to create what they need, by using an enhanced eldritch ability. Instead of what the effect normally is, it's doubled in dice instead. Also they level up normally, so it's not as though the character is stuck at a certain level. It's as though their magic got more powerful by the focus they have with life energy, that helps them as they create their effects by feel with idea that's from being nearby the aura energy waves.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Prescience; Any moment they can use prescience to know what is going to happen, so feel free to add this as a class ability named Prescience (Ex) to your character sheet. This means, if they focus and breath in and out, then they can focus their mind on a a thought they need to know. The moment they realize what will occur, this is when the spirit allows them to know what is going to happen. If you practice prescience enough, they say that you can gnow what will happen monthis in advance. This is where you know things by the spirit, that uses the soul as guidance, this is known by a focus check or drawing straws and getting the shortest or longest straw.
Heat seeking (Ex); The body adapts by feel, so they are able to see heat traces, this is done even if they are in were form.
Animal boost (sp); Think as this is where you send out energy to your animals nearby and take control of them. Thinking of boosting their attributes. this is when they receive a +4 to all core stats and 30' speed. You can do this effect spell 4 times a day.
Animal control (sp); This is where you send out energy from the aura and control the animals nearby. That's with a boost to their attack and defense rolls of +5. Add a +6 to their damages they can deal. You can do this effect spell 4 times a day.
Were boost (sp); This is when you transform into a were animal, that increase to your strength and constitution is +5 for until you change back by feel. You can do this effect spell 4 times a day.
Natural science skill; This is learned by intuition or the soul knowledge. The science they understand is what is there to understand, so they understand what is necessary by what is done and the soul intuition is what makes it correct. This is a +4 to int.
Luck; they gain +5 to luck and this is where they can get easier effects by feel.
Abundance; The fact exists, they are abundant in things. So they get things easier. This is a +4 to charisma and +4 to Wisdom as a stat.
Were altering; The were are not unlike a God in their ability to create effects with an additional +3 to the focus and concentration as a bonus for checks and withstand natural disasters by the power and ability of their own mind. They can change any event into another event or any effect into another effect, this is with a focus check or drawing the shortest or longest cut straw. They transform into an energy alter form, that is a form of energy shaped as though the animal, person or ideal being.
This is where they are unable to be effected by normal weapons. So they are able to do things unnaturally and turn into energy, that phases what they have into energy to by the power of their mind if unfocused. So they can turn solid an again this allows magical weapons, that means they are with what they have physically. So the energy body that is formed can cause resurrection if the need is there to resurrect the body. They can phase in and out in this manner.
They absorb all energy attacks in total including elemental, as mp added to their MP total that's temporary and lasts a day. They gain +5 Con, +5 Int, +5 Cha, +5 Wis and 100 HP.
Vampiric turning; At any time they can turn vampiric nature if it's nearby, and they absorb the vampires energy attack without taking actual damage, this is subdual damage instead that is easily rested away or regenerated and it's not actually there. If they died, then they have died until resurrection and when resurrected, they lose all damage and subdual damage turns into mp added to the MP.
That means they have their stats and abilities. Except if in sunlight, they have a +2 con bonus and in sunlight they regenerate quickly. If they survive an attack, then they are likely to seek vengeance for attacks or they can create better by passing off the energy of the need as a source.
See that is all damage turned into mp added to their total MP, that's used by the feel of using a crystal or thinking it's a source. This is a known effect. It's as though their magic got more powerful by the sunlight focus they have that counts as life energy, that helps them as they create their effects by feel with idea.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
God magic; This is using God names to create what is needed, this works as you call out or think the God name and ask a request. This is what is used by feel for the people that use this as an ability . where they their ability is powered by their spirit guded by their soul. The effect for this idea of God magic is similar to other forms of magic, except the damage or healing amount is 2d8+Focus rank per each 2 levels as a point for the character. Duration, if non-instant, is 1d6+focus ranks for seconds or rounds in melee and minutes outside of battle unless unlimited in time.
Natural science skill; This is learned by intuition or the soul knowledge. The science they understand is what is there to understand, so they understand what is necessary by what is done and the soul intuition is what makes it correct. This is a +4 to int.
Luck; they gain +5 to luck and this is where they can get easier effects by feel.
Abundance; The fact exists, they are abundant in things. So they get things easier. This is a +4 to charisma and +4 to Wisdom as a stat.
Angel Form; The Angellic are like their creator in their ability to create effects and withstand natural disasters by the power and ability of their own mind using their God. If they haven't already, they transform into an energy form, they are angels of good or deva of neutral nature and otherwise demons of evil. This is where they are unable to be effected by normal weapons or fists. So they are able to do idea with things naturally and turn into energy at will.
See that phases what they have into energy by the power of their mind and the creator if unfocused. So they can turn solid again and this allows magical weapons, that means they are with what they have physically. They absorb all energy attacks in total including elemental, as mp added to their MP total that's temporary and lasts a day. They gain +4 Con, +4 Int, +4 Cha, +4 Wis and 100 HP.
Turn hostility; So at any time they can turn vampiric and hostile nature if it's nearby. It's as though their magic got more powerful by the focus they have with life energy, this is thought energy that helps them as they create their effects by feel. That is with idea that's from being nearby the aura energy waves. This they can use the effect of turning people as well, that's if they are going to be attacked by them. That's where they turn the hostile energy inward, and this drives away the hostiles in the area by feel.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. Otherwise use the diceless system as described in the successful play. That is done as a good result, where this means you succeed. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Potions; Herbal and otherwise, you know the right things to use for the effect you desire in a potion or drink. This happens without stress and you are calm as you do things. So healing if desired is done. This is a known effect of increased intelligence and wisdom by +3.
Natural science skill; This is learned by intuition or the soul knowledge. The science they understand is what is there to understand, so they understand what is necessary by what is done and the soul intuition is what makes it correct. This is a +4 to int.
Spontaneous combustion; This is where the ability one has is used to cause instaneous turning to dust or spontaneous combustion in a target. This happens to cause instant death. That is due to getting a 10 or above on a focus check except for diceless where you need a 15 or above. Otherwise there's a drawing of straws with the longest or shortest as success. There is also a chance of not being effected with a save versus spell.
Luck; they gain +5 to luck and this is where they can get easier effects by feel.
Abundance; The fact exists, they are abundant in things. So they get things easier. This is a +4 to charisma and +4 to Wisdom as a stat.
Divine Self; The Witch are not unlike a God in their ability to create effects and withstand natural disasters by the power and ability of the Spirits. They gain +4 Con, +4 Int, +4 Cha, +4 Wis and 100 HP.
Wiccan crede; The wiccan crede is this belief, whatever you do is done in three's if you do things to others and they don't like it, then this is visited upon you by the power of three. So they ask first, if they need to do something against or for a person. Otherwise they can do whatever they need without this effecting them, if a monster is effected.
Natural adaptation (Ex); This skill is where your able to adapt to any circumstance and situations are overcome by ability, that you are able to use and know what to do. This skill allows you to survive by natural skills, that enable you to work and wisthstand even poison. You get over the problem or can fix things as though a natural with a nature or focus skill check and get a 10 or above and expect some results.
Will word skill (Ex); What you will you create and nearly anything can be created, this is done by statement or thinking with a focus check and getting a 10 or above for success. Think to get effects of 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks or for duration is 1d6+focus rank for rounds in melee/attack or minutes outside of battle. This works with deferring as well. So think and do as you want with this explained skill.
Stalking skill: You can create a stir of interest and make with what you have, you know by stalking what the way is of the other person or creature is by feel. See then focus and creating with the spirit allows you to know what the person or creature is doing. Any martial arts you can think to use are used by spirit to work with as a point is done as though a skill. This is done with a focus or concentration check and getting a 10 or above. The natural skill in combat is done with a 1d8+half level per each two focus ranks. Agility and charisma goes up by 3.
Herbology and medicine (Ex); You gain a natural skill with understanding herbs and medicine through the spirit. This skill allows you to know and use the right things to use. That happens with a nature or medicine skill check and applying a +5 to the skill as a bonus. If you get a 10 or above you get success by feel. Also you gain immunity to diseases and poison. Add +5 to the heal skill by feel.
Combat trance (Ex); This is when you are with intention, that can turn murderous if a combat situation. Add +4 to attack rolls as a bonus. This if used as a skill is able to daze nearly anyone, so that is known by a rolled concentration check with a 10 or above. This is with an added +4 by feel to concentration and focus skills so you can get a better chance.
Combat skill (Ex); This combat skill is allowing you to make easier attack and effect rolls. Add +3 per every 4 levels to your attack roll and an extra 1d8+strength mod per each 3 focus ranks for damages or not as nothing is gained.
Awareness; this is where you know things including things about items, people, monster and animal awareness by the spirit using the soul as you realize information, then you react better or know what to do. Your character can use this quite well. However, by use of the spirit, if your spirit makes things known through realization what you need. Then you can create a manifest or creating what you need as a want in idea. This is the way awareness works with quantum physics. However aware points are both ways, the roaches and bugs don't know by what is done. So the roaches don't defend by feel. So they don't effect you, you effect them. So feel free to use a focus check with 10 or abobe for rolls and 15 or above for diceless, otherwise drawing straws or coin flip is good for success.
Intent (Ex); Intent is what you focus that's gained by the point you do, this is the intention that you create by thinking of your idea, and what you do with the idea. So if you intended to work with someone, you work with them. This is done by feel and what you do is what you get. So, if you passed a focus or concentration check by a 10 or above rolled, 15 on a diceless system calculated, and a drawn straw or coin flip for successful intent, then you make what you do without ruffled feathers. Otherwise known as making peace if necessary or creating what you want by feel if otherwise. This is a known effect. Add a +3 to Intelligence and Charisma. The effect if an effect is intended by magic or physical actions, this is 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks or each 2 levels in creating what you intended. This is a point the duration is 1d6+focus or concentration rank, that's in rounds for melee or minutes and hours if not in battle unless the effect is unlimited in time, this is up to you or DM/GM to decide.
Survival (Ex); The necessities like food or drink are gotten cheaper or given to them by feel, yet they don't overeat. This is done with a charisma check by idea, that is with an added +5 to high bartering to make what seems natural and given by feel. The skill remains, yet if you are an energy body you can say you don't need to eat. This happens naturally, as a point of progress. If you don't mind, then things won't occur by feel that are bad for you.
Maneuvering (Ex); This is where you are able to maneuver around by will and you do what is necessary by moving around and speaking as though tranquilitist. This can be what helps you avert combat and use aversion to what would hurt you. Add +4 to agility. If you don't use agility, then you create by other means.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success with no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Create poison (Ex); The point you think to work with poison, you can create from the energy and essence of the shadows itself a poisoning effect, this is done with some gated through shadows poison to make a poisoned weapon or some body poisoned. This has a 2d8+poisoning rank damage for 1d6 rounds in battle and minutes outside of battle.
Resistance (Ex); This is the point you are resistant to poison an disease. If you can do things with poison, you can remain unaffected as your immune to the poison itself.
Transformation (Ex); This is a special change where the character is transformed into an angel of shadows. They can do what they want and are able to withstand any light and then unable to be touched by any weapon except magical and elemental or any energy attack rejuevenates them. They gain +5 con, +4 wis, + 4 int, +3 Str and there is a +10 to their attack damage if they are in shadows.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Cure poison (Ex); The point you think to work with poison or illness and create a curation, you can create a cure from the energy and essence of the light itself a enlightening effect, this is done with some gated through cure to make a cured body. This has a 3d8+focus rank curation and health restoration as that is instant.
Resistance (Ex); This is the point you are resistant to poison and disease. If you can do things with poison, you can remain unaffected from poison as if your immune to the poison itself.
Luck (Ex); this is where you gain +10 luck. you are able to create with a point, and make with an idea what you intend with people or items by your charisma rising +6 and you basically can get away with what you intend to get unusually lucky with or without an example.
Light avatar (Ex); This is creating a special change where the character is transformed into an avatar of light and only the particles do what they want. They can do what they want and are able to withstand any light or darkness, and then unable to be touched by any weapon except magical and absorb elemental energy. Otherwise that is doing the point by any energy attack that rejuevenates them. They gain +3 con, +3 wis, + 4 int, +3 Str and there is a +5 to their attack damage if they are in the light. This avatar form can create a point or make an idea, that creates itself as though from the particles themselves.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Mental boost (Ex); this is where your brain sets the aura wave frequency, then as you think and say things the mind that is your brain consciousness does things. So if you think a certain thing, then intend it and that is what is created by the aura making what you need in the dimensional area you are in at the moment.
This is done at least to your senses, so think and you can create what you will or need that you intend. See that is created by the aura real time. So think and you are area aware if the aura created enough oxygen from the air particles nearby. That is how this works as a mental boost. So think and you realize by the spirit using the souls memories what insight or idea that is there.
The subconscious is where their brain activities, so if the brain is aware then the mind is conscious by use of different states of awareness. This is the use of vibrations that are cast by the aura energy, the brain that exists is the body in awareness. That is how things can work. Heightened sense of awareness comes from this idea in action, also this can allow the conscious awareness of several dimensions at once.
So if its a boost somewhere, that only means this isn't a point sometimes that you renember and that means you may need more oxygen or herbs to satiate the body. However complex the brain is, that only means its more capable of dealing with the body and what it needs. With or without herbs in use as a stimulus. The stimulation is what you create with and then by feel you may crave the point. So if you do, think about not having the substance and you won't need the point again. The effect is +5 to your focus, arcana and concentration rank.
Dimensionalism (Ex); The character uses enough of the creator's dimensional energy that the energy consciousness allows them things, so that they can suddenly create what he intends to create, he or she is more capable and able to deal with things by feel. The dimension creates what he or she wants, that's done by the power of the universe. The character is with an enhanced energy shape, where they don't get effected by elemental energy. That means they absorb any energy attacks that are directed at them, only magic weapons can effect them. They receive +5 to wisdom, +4 to Intelligence, +5 to constitution and +10 to luck. Since they are able to know what will happen from the creator showing them things, they are with psionics special ability if they aren't with it already..
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Divine glow (Ex); This allows you to create a glow in the aura, that is perceptible by the light you perceive. The soul energy is amplified by fire and your aura glows with light. This ability can be used 3 times per day. This ability heals the character with an added fast regeneration ability of 2d8+focus or concentration rank. That allows you to regenerate lost limbs and body unless burned, be feeling good and all pain and diseases disappear, if gotten.
Divinity (Ex); the soul forms as you think with the spirit as it's aura and the body dissolves into energy. you are immune to things that are energy unless you want to be effected. this form requires no food and drink as it uses it's creator as a source of sustenance. weapons disrupt the energy form and cause it to become gaseous, except for the magical weapons. magical weapons will do half damage. what the character will gain from this transform is stat changes; +3 Int, +3 Str, +4 Con, +2 Wis. HP % goes up by 100. You have a +5 to your attack/damage rolls. Basically, you become a god or divine being.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Lucky strike (Ex); The luck increases by +5 and you get a +5 to hit bonus.
Danger sense (Ex); You know when danger is lurking nearby.
Ascension (Ex); the point is this, you ascend to a higher plane and effect what you need or want. This allows you effects where you want and when you want it. This has the effect in duration of 1d6+cha mod in melee and unlimited outside of battle until otherwise needed. Also there is 2d10+cha mod per each 2 focus skill ranks in damage or healing.
Ascended mastery (Ex); You are transformed into a transcended master by the chi energy coming into the body, and this is elongating the person's lifetime by 30 to 100 years or a d100 where anything under 30 is counted as 30. That creates what he wills and makes what he wants with critical hits at a 10 rolled instead of 20, and the chi energy or life energy is what comes easily to hand to create a +10 to any damages and healing effects.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Elemental ability focus (Ex); this is where you choose an element to focus on and you achieve peace with enhanced manifest. The effect roll is added to by +5.
The ultimate form (Ex); (lvl 20) The effect of life and memory is improved, the point that is your thought happens more easily. You gain a +10 to the effect roll and +5 to focus skill and concentration skill. This result changes the body into an excellent godlike shape by a +5 to charisma, +4 to strength, +4 to agility and +5 to constitution. Add 100% hp to your HP.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Chi boost (Ex); This is use of the chi life energy to boost anyone or yourself in energy as though reenergized. MP goes to 100% and is boosted by an additional 1d20.
Lucky chance (Ex); Your luck is added to by 5.
Danger sense (Ex); You know when danger is lurking nearby.
Transcendancy (Ex); The character can enter into a trance and go into a acendant point, this is when the character is in a higher plane and the character can make what he or she wants where and when he wants no matter what time it is. The effects are 2d10+cha mod per each 2 focus ranks. Duration is 1d6+cha mod in mekee and unlimited effect outside of battle.
Transcendant master (Ex); Chi energy comes into the body and causes knowledge of anything. If you use it, that's up to you. Enjoy yourself as you do things. This means +5 to all knowledge skills, and you can create instant results without the need to focus.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Focus (Ex); the focus is the thing that improves the relation or thing you focus upon. If you use this ability, you improve operations of the machine or thing you need.
Specialism (Ex); (lvl 10) the focus is on an element for +5 to the effect, focus skill roll and +3 to profession rolls.
Social reform (Ex); (lvl 20) The attunation to the elements and your profession is perfected. You get +6 to focus and concentration. +5 to profession. You have gained in good karma and have a +5 to charisma and intelligence.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Immunity (Ex); the character has gained immunity to any disease and poison. They can no longer get sick or poisoned.
Elemental immunity (Ex); the character becomes immune to the elements, unless they allow for it.
Avatar (Ex); the character becomes an avatar of the creator or some god he serves. His stats get increased by 3. His hp gets increased by 100%. His or her damages dealt increase to 2d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus or concentration ranks.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Enlightened mastery (Ex); This is where the occultist gets mastery of his or her skills and abilities. They are enlightened and create with their God that they chose to follow. This means they create with a heightened sense and make what they need. They are suddenly thin and gain a +4 to Constitution, Intelligence and Strength. The point is then what they want to create, not wat they do. So they gain a +5 to their rolls. This is a bonus to what they normally get. So when they roll for something, they get to add 5 to the roll results.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Improved weapon handling (Ex); This is where you are improving your weapon skills and gain a +3 to the rolls using the weapon.
Improved focus (Ex); Your focusing skill improves and you get double the damage using your focus ability annd energy that your mind directs to the target with a hit of the weapon. Each hit disrupts the target's energy flow with a critical hit, stunning it for 1d6 rounds in battle and 1d10 minutes outside of battle.
Strength enhancement (Ex); +1 strength
Agility enhancement (Ex); +1 agility
Weapon specialization (Ex); +4 to attack rolls
Weapon focus (Ex); +5 to the effect and totals with rolls of the weapon.
Dedication (Ex); The point they reach at level 20 is they become dedicated to a purpose, as long as they are doing their purpose that they decide to do they receive bonuses to their effect and attack rolls. This amounts to +6 to their rolls and totals. They receive a +5 to strength, +4 to constitution and a +50% to their health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Solamnic force (Ex); This uses the focus of self-creation and intensity, the effect is to create with more speed and greater damage or healing amount. When you focus on a thought, then feel its intense you move faster and get stronger. This is done with a rolled 1d6 actions per round of melee or combat. Also you get a +3 to the strength as a bonus. The damage/healing dealt is + the strength mod as an amount bonus.
Weapon specialty (Ex); On your attack roll you get a +4 bonus. This means you are a specialist in weapon handling and get more effect with it. Also add your strength mod to your weapon damage roll.
Lunar (Ex) With lunar energy, you can create the effect of energy waves using moon energy. The energy waves effect reality and create your thoughts. If you wanted to create an attack wave, then the damage amount would be 1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks round down. Healing is what effects those you want to heal, same amount. Say you had a 7 charisma mod with 20 focus ranks, then the damage/healing would be 10d10+7 or 107 total possible max.
Raise in advance (Ex); This is improvement to your stats at level 20 due to your God making you better and more attractive. All stats improve by an added +4. Also, you have an additional improvement to health of added +60%. This raise allows improvement on the career path and you become Grand solamnic knight class instead of a solamnic knight.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Effect creation (Ex); Through the power of the spirit you create more effect per effect you attempt. Add your charisma mod to the effect amount that you deal.
Solamnic force (Ex); This uses the focus of self-creation and intensity, the effect is to create with more speed and greater damage or healing amount. When you focus on a thought, then feel its intense you move faster and get stronger. This is done with a rolled 1d6 actions per round of melee or combat. Also you get a +3 to the strength as a bonus. The damage/healing dealt is + the strength mod as an amount bonus.
Dimensional travel (Ex); Think of travelling the dimensions to go where you want, make a fist to compress energy and thrust the fist forth. Think to release the energy to cause what you need, this is with your soul guiding the energy to open a portal. So you get a shift to occur by walking through the "gate", thinking to appear where you need and intend to appear. The subconscious will make the shift occur and this lasts until you don't need it. This technique can shift you in the multiverse and you can appear wherever you want.
Example: Think of where you want to go, then make a fist and punch the energy of the fist forth to make a portal that you see with your third eye and if you want to be there, think to shift there and by the power of energy as you walk through the gateway your there. This is useful in escaping the reality your in and upon evasion, you get to a safer place. Physically you may be where you are, but spiritually you will be in the dimension you intended to be.
Neomodernism (Ex); This is done at level 20 where you create the idea and work with it, you become a neomodernist. Your work skills improve by an added +5 to intelligence and +4 to charisma. You get +50% health improvement from the energy consciousness doing what you want.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Technicality (Ex); They know everything about the item and can identify it otherwise, no matter the point. If they don't, upon identifying its functions, they can use the item as though a natural. You know what to do by feel. Add +4 to the technician ranks.
Technique (Ex); This is where they can understand anything about an idea, observing it in use psychically no matter what it is. This works upon a mention and a point and they know what is a point of the concept by what is done.
Psychic (Ex); This is where the character is psychic and knows what to do and in a point by vision its what happened from what they glimpse psychically.
Related (Ex); Anything related in an idea is known about and by use of examples, they can create with a point and work by idea.
Spotting (Ex); Anything they spot check, they know what to do with by feel or idea. This can be described or thought up by the GM/DM or player.
Change (Ex); Think to change it and it's changed by the creator making psychic changes in the point of thought. This can be any time or place that is changed and you know it.
Manifestor (Ex); This is done at level 20, where you create what you think and feel is necessary. The result is 1d12+charima mod per each 2 focus ranks, round up in amount. That means in use of doing an instant result, you could with a 8 charisma mod and 18 focus rank make a 9d12+8 effect amount. Which is 116 possible amount max. Any duration, which is how long things last is 1d10 rounds in melee/battle or unlimited outside of battle until you decide to end the moment. The result works to improve the body and mind. This is with a benefit of +4 to all stats and +60% to health. Then is the point, that you think is possible. If it is possible by the DM/GM allowing it, then its done by feel.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Psionic boost (Ex); All psionics and things you do are Enhanced by feel. You can add +4 to all rolls as you use the creator or some deity to create the point or idea you speak and think.
Enhanced construct (Ex); This is an egrogore and that is then where you use a soul copy to combine with the construct. Think about using a soul copy with the psiball creates an enhanced construct, that feels and knows what you want by idea you think. This construct you don't have to speak to it to cause it to do things. All you need is to think it and feel the need and it does it. This psiball lasts longer in battle and does more effect. The lasting point of it is 1d10 rounds in battle with each effect it does as 1d10 rounds if lasting in battle. Outside of battle you can get an effect that lasts forever, until you dismiss it and think it dissolves. The effect in amount that it does becomes 1d12+charisma mod. You can get up to 6 enhanced constructs, that use an action to do it's thing.
Deity Enhancement (Ex); At level 20 you create the point with the creator helping you out. Thinking about the idea and working with a concept allows you to create the effect if you intend it to be created as though a deity. This is where everything you do with the psionics has a chance to be done with a possible 2d12 dice as you induce it with a drug. Duration or the lasting moment is 1d12 rounds in battle/melee and unlimited outside of battle until you decide it not to be needed. All stats you add +4 and you add +100% additional health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Devine channeling (ex); At some point you are able to retain your sense of self and think to focus upon the idea to understand the spirit or soul of another being. You can channel the spirit or soul of the being or person. This is done as you are keeping your sense of self and allowing the soul of the channelled target to guide you. As you do, you create their abilities in yourself and can do what they do.
Khepser (ex); This is a life changing by the power of the soul, that happens from within. Think of the idea to make and the body changes as you focus on an idea to cause some change in life.
The target changes to become a controlled being or creature that you intend the target to become. This comes along with its stats. Think to use this carefully, so you create the effect that you want.
Devine ability (ex); At level 20 this is where you transform by personal belief and the source of life or God empowering your soul, see that transforms your body into a demigod, Until your body "dies" and you reappear as yourself as your physically placed energy being self. Then you as a person physically disappears and you reappear as your God self. That's until your energy dips low enough of 30 mp, and then you are your physical self again. Until you get over 30 mp and you are your god self again and so on... Whatever happens, you get an ideal +4 in all stats as extra ability. A +50% health and you have an additional +1d12+focus ranks in damage or healing that you can do. When you do, you tend to create with more energy.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Marksmanship (Ex): You are an expert with a bow, with your skill surpassing some of the Rito tribe's best archers. When you are airborne and aiming your bow, time seems to slow down around you to let you line up a good shot, and people watching you while you do this claim you draws your bow back too fast to follow. If you use a bow then add +6 to your ranged attack rolls.
Flurry Rush (Ex): When you dodge an attack at the last possible second, you can unleash a flurry of blows of 1d6 blows with your current weapon to deal immense damage to his opponent.
Stealth (Ex); You can skulk around or not be noticed as you move around. Do a focus check to determine if you succeed.
Weapon Mastery (Ex); You are able to master any weapon, add +4 to your weapon attack rolls.
Recognition (Ex); This is where you think up what the idea is a psychic ability that you focus to use and you know by picture perfect memory. What about it, where it is happening and when the idea of the thing occurs. All you need to do is look and you realize what is what. This takes a focus check to determine whether or not you recognize the idea. You remember things about the idea, as you look upon the idea or thing. Then, if you pass a focus check, you know what the items' special abilities are by feel. A camera will also serve as a picture keeper, all you really need to do is look at the stored picture.
Grand knight (Ex); At level 20, you get energy enhancements that allow +4 to all stats and +5 to all rolls. Add +50% health and that is because the energy enhancements are due the effect of energy itself. It improves the health as well. Because your charisma improves, count yourself a grand mage knight as a class.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Grand illusionist (Ex); The illusionist at level 20 makes him or herself look better and this creates ability of the idea to manifest. They can now call themselves a grand illusionist. This means they have 2d12+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks in amount that is dealable or effects by that amount. In their effect they use to make better appearance, they gain +4 all core stats and +50% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Herbology (Ex); You always know what the right herb or food is for use, that's with the right effect that you intend to get. If you don't have it, you can find it or get it, easily.
Premonition (ex); You know what will happen by sensing the moment out and think of things you want to know. Otherwise its explained by the GM/DM and you know things by the explanation.
Grand Focuser (Ex); At level 20, you can get special energy tricks done. This is where you create by focus and think the idea is alright. Making those that perceive the thought, believe its fine. So with this ability, you create by focusing and that's making a result that you feel is needed. This causes you to get +6 instead of +4 to your die rolls and tougher. Add +60% to your health. Also you can add +3 to all core stats.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Weapon specialty (Ex); You have ability to use any weapon expertly, so add +3 to your attack rolls.
Machinery (Ex); This ability is where you know what, how and where to use the machine that is nearby, its as though you had innate ability and understanding on how to use it.
Head hunter (Ex); At level 20, you get tougher and more capable, also your charisma goes up. You are able to hunt anything with practiced ease. Add +4 to all core stats by feel. Also add +60% health as your tougher by the power of the soul.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Ultimate channelor (Ex); After you reach level 20, then you have the ideom of ultimate channelor. The point being, you are better at the idea understand the risks, so the energy changes you as you are using your soul to channel. This is where you gain in core stats as you are practiced at the idea. The effect is you can raise all core stats +4 and +60% health since you use the energy to get healthier. You get a +5 to your channeling rolls.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Security specialist (ex); you know what to do intuitively and improve your security by feel. All computer based and network based rolls are with a +4.
Knowing (ex); you realize what is what and quickly identify what is there. You know what to do in idea by feel. This is realized by the soul insight.
Skill boost (ex); think of a point, then practice it. That's what you do to create a +5 to any rolls.
Lucky (ex); You know how things work and can create with the point very easily. Add +5 luck to your luck stat for you easily get a result.
Programming (ex); You can easily reprogram or program what you intend into the machine. Thinking of what you want, you create with a flow of thoughts and make into created effect what you wanted.
Tracing (ex); This is where you trace or track something to its source and trace where it is by feel. You can trace whatever you wish and create with what idea you want if it's known. You know where and what happened to what you trace.
Virus (ex); You enhance yourself so much in skill, that you can program with or without a group a virus that you send into effect. This virus can do what you want and you create it by programming.
Enhanced ability (ex); At level 20, this is where you are practiced enough with energy, that you can determine what to do very easily with any effect. You can evade any arrest by cops or law agents and get Enhanced ability, think and there is +5 to your rolls. The Enhanced ability is +4 to all core stats, +5 luck and +50% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Cult appeal (ex); this is the point you make things look good and productive so you draw attention and more cultists to the party.
Identification (ex); you always know what to do with the idea or object. Your spirit identifies what is there, that is true as you think to focus and know what the object or idea has in value or property.
The god (ex); this is a being that is avatar of a God you trust of the creator. This God will do things in your place as you need him or her to do things. No matter what it is, you don't get hurt.
Organization (ex); an idea in effect is this, the cult is the organization the cultist of some group is a part of by feel. Once they are a cultist they joined, they are a part of the cult. So put as an organization, the cult, in the character sheet.
Avatar self (ex); at level 20, this is where you create with the energy of your God as though you were creating with the force of your will or God. You gain +5 to all core stats, +10 to luck, and +70% health. All diseases and illnesses are automatically cured and you are renewed of full mp.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Recognition (Ex); You can recognize what is the properties of the item or person by feel with the spirit telling you things about it.
Calming aura (Ex); This is where you feel calm no matter the point by the power of the aura and any need to attack disappears.
Illusion (Ex); Think of what you think you want to be seen and your soul shows that as an aspect of reality. That really isn't there so thinking about the moment creates it as a viewed thing. This is how its done to fool the eye of the long range viewers. So I think the soul is good enough to make illusion seem real. If you think about it, its not there.
Blessing (Ex); This is where you create with the God or Creator a positive vibration and that effects the target. Thinking to make what you want as a form of benefit. This is what you have. If wounded then its 1/3 health restored. otherwise there's +10 to the luck and +6 to their rolls for until you or they decide not to have it.
Curse (Ex); This is where you create by feeling negative and casting forth your feelings. Think and you can cause effects that you intend like harm on the person. This causes by the creator or God, 1/3 the targets health to be lost, -6 to their rolls and -10 to their luck. This lasts until you decide not for them to have it. An alternative to this is the Ice curse that does what a normal curse does. For the Ice curse, just use salt with water and a letter in the the bottle to direct it at someone. And freeze it. What's good on the letter? Write their names backwards to return to sender.
Soothing focus (Ex); This is where you can do things and focus soothing thoughts on the target and they soothe their needs so you don't get attacked. This leaves the target in a calm and peaceful mood, so think and you know what to do.
Zealotism (Ex); This is where you can get eccentric, think about the need and do what is right. Do things to help people out and then you know peace. This is a point in the past done by what you see or feel.
Holy form (Ex); The power of their God or the creator at level 20 surges through them and reforms them to become a holy being. They emit light, can perceive psychically the need of others, and get a +10 bonus on their luck. They become an energy being and stop aging, that is immune to energy attacks and can only be effected by what they want to be effected by. They can turn into energy form at will and not be effected by weapons, or turn solid and become effected by weapons again. So basically, their power transforms them into becoming like their God or the creator. So they gain +50% health, and +5 to all their core stats. The Holy idea is the Holier they are then they create with their idea that the creator makes exist as they think and need it. Think about it and you know what to do.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Recognition (Ex); You can recognize by what is the properties of the item or person by feel with the spirit telling you things about it.
Illusion (Ex); Think of what you want to be seen and your soul shows that as an aspect of reality. That really isn't there so thinking about the moment creates it as a viewed thing. This is how its done to fool the eye of the long range viewers. So I think the soul is good enough to make illusion seem real. If you think about it, its not there. No actual damage is done by this, unless the target does it to him or herself.
The six pathes (Ex); This is where the sage creates with sage mode to make what results you want. Including life effects, death effects, elemental effects, illusionous idea, creation that uses the creator to make things exist, and body changes. The added benefit to the sage mode is you get +1d10+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks added to your damage or healing amount, round down. This mode lasts for 1d6+charisma mod in rounds per battle or unlimited outside of battle until otherwise wanted.
Reasoning aura (Ex); That is an idea where you think you focus upon the person, or your getting near them. This will cause them to come up with reasons from the soul. This allows the target to hear what they want.
Wisdom (Ex); This is where you have wise actions and creative pursuits. Add +4 to your Wisdom stat.
Spirit cleansing (Ex); Spiritual cleansings are done by seeing yourself clear of dirt and bad energy. Thinking your clean and no longer with bad energy you have good vibes and energy that remains on you that you want. Then the spirit causes you to be forgiven of the sins you do as it cleans the dirt and grime from yourself. So your clean all around. That's what your character can try to do when they know they're wrong and don't want the blame.
The restructuring (Ex); The body at level 20 restructures itself due to extended use of sage mode. Thinking to make ability more effortless. This is where you create with +10 luck and +6 to your die rolls. You get a raise of +5 to all core stats. You also get toughening, where you have +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
what they do (Ex); Thinking of the idea and that's the point in idea, what they do is enforce the laws if necessary. The thought is what they can achieve more easily and this means there is a +5 to all rolls.
Recognition (Ex); You recognize upon looking at the item or person what you think to know. You know by the spirit what the special properties are of what is there and know how to use it in what it is. Otherwise, you know what to do with the idea.
Danger sense (Ex); If you think to use your senses or spiritual awareness, then you can know what the danger is as it's there by feel. Think to know what is a problem, then you realize what to do or use by feel. You will realize what is wrong and how to handle it, this is using quick thinking. So you get a +4 intelligence boost.
Psychic awareness (Ex); You are aware of things, so you know what will happen before it occurs. This is psychic knowledge.
Auratic sense (Ex); This is summoning by gate heat energy into the aura, that can be focused and cast forth by thinking it goes forth and this is what creates a feeling that you think they will have. Think of the feeling and feel energy goes to the target and they feel it. The intense feel that you "send" to them causes pause, and that is sometimes painful if you imagine a kick to some part of their body that they don't feel for causing them to pay attention. Think to feel pleasure or "orgasm" by calming yourself and think "send" to them your feel and they calm down and not focus upon you. Think of them and state "relaxing" then they do, then they relax by the calming thought as feeling you think send to them. If you pause them or send painful feelings, it lasts 1d6+focus ranks in amount of rounds per melee or battle and unlimited till you think otherwise outseide of battle. The end point of this is not feeling too well makes them not feel too well. This is an idea in itself.
Food sense is apart of auratic sense that's sometimes distracting for 1d6+focus ranks in rounds per battle or instance outside of battle is unlimited, unless undesired and blocked and its done by the thought. Otherwise you can send the idea with focus on the food you think about or are eating that sends by the aura pulse. Their subconscious senses what you are trying to send to them by feel with the spirit, then they recall it as a taste sensation. Thought perception is the effect of you trying to send a thought that the target perceives by an act of telepathy perceived by the aura enegy sending itself out in energy waves or "pulses" that are picked up by the other person or target..if they are aware of the idea means you are perceiving that of your trying to send them something in feel they don't always perceive it. However if they relax and know, then they can receive the thought and understand what you intend. This is the point done by feel unless you don't need it.
Smell sense is also a part of the auratic senses. This is where you think of the scent, focus and smell it and send that secent to the target you have in mind. This means that they if their aware of things, can scent the smell that seems to be there like an aroma. The auratic energy pulses forth in energy waves and they scent what you want. This can distract the target for 1d6+focus rank in rounds per melee or battle and unlimited outside of battle until you decide to not have them scent it. This is an idea in itself, done by feel and what have you. So think about the idea and you can create in use of an idea to make your needs known. Some can do this if they think they can do it, some can't. So think about the idea and you can attempt to do it by thinking or saying to the DM/GM to "I use the auratic senses to send a smell of food."
Aura feel (Ex); This is where you can sense by the pinneal gland or the third eye what you need to know. If you focus on the aura, you can feel how intense it is. So by feel with the spirit, you know what the energy MP they have.
Elevation (Ex); This is where at level 20, that is when thinking of the area elevation creates body energy and lesser activity as you think about the electrolytes. The electrolytes can cure the body, as well. That electrolyes in the body allows the sunlight or the energy which energizes you, yet this can be per ounce for 1% MP of drugs for drug energy (that can be addicting), drinks for electrolyres (like gatorade) or water for general energy with a drink charge (focusing your thoughts at a drink and thinking at the drink until colder or heavier) and otherwise this is thinking something else that tends to distract yourself from tired or sick thoughts that raises your energy and cures your body of any illness.
The higher you go the more you tend to think sense and the sunlight you get is higher, the more energy you get to do what you want that you sense by aura feel. That's unless the clouds block out the sun and then the planet radiation that it radiates empowers you instead with a certain amount of energy interred as determined point by what you do. Too much height in elevation is lack of oxygen or allot of kinetic energy possibility, that can cause you to pass out if you use it.
Otherwise this is thinking of a source you want to use as energy. See that is using an idea you think of with a point as energy you think to create with by feel. Then the energy is empowerment to the aura that causes an energy being to form within. This allows you to reform yourself body wise, that's done by thinking about the shape as this can make the energy being have enhanced stats. The entertainment is a point that you do to test if you can create with the game.
So then in elevation you elevate yourself and create with a point, that in idea is done by increasing your energy. Then allowing your body to adapt to it, when it adapts your fine yet when it is adapting you may feel tingles, headache or pain. So think to feel pleasure from the concept in use, you increase your pleasure level by feel as you do things and negate the pain and headaches. This is a known effect of creating with energy and working with the point. This creates with energy to make what you want.
What you can think can empower you, so if you think of some shape in a picture and then use that energy to form what you intend. The character will create with a +10 luck and +4 to all core stats. You toughen by +70% health. You can simulate speech by thinking of the mouth, that you can stop with idea and otherwise imagine speaking. Thinking to say what you want stated, so an idea is in the voice that is heard as though a thought were spoken. They the character have the ability to break their body apart into energy particles and reform themselves, wherever they intend to be as a "solid" energy an form as they can intend to appear or as you think otherwise they interact with others.
As they are energy, they can not easily talk yet they can telepathically make communication. They can easily shift or apparate anywhere, think and their not effected by weapons that try to impale or go through you. They can be effected by weapons where they are a solidly shaped formation, yet they can shift at will to where they want to go by feel. Enrichment is done by the spirit. So however you are, you learn another language and upon learning that other language. Know then as a you think what you think is your focus with the thought and that thought makes reality.
You know they have no diseases as then it cures itself by the effect of an energy being, and this is done in idea with an energy shot they can cure magic diseases that may come up naturally by feel. They can think and communicate with enhanced telepathy, where the intended person hears the voice mentally as though a physical voice of the moment. That you perceive by the spirit showing you. They can see and respond by either speaking a response or imagining a point and that is "heard" by yourself. They can shape themselves as a thought though they were the form, so they get what they would want in life. This is with an idea very easily gotten by the point you have.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Investigation ease (Ex); Your investigation skills improve allot and your consultation is better, so you easily discern the culprit. Add +5 to intelligence and charisma.
Additional languages (Ex); You can easily learn up to 3 more languages. Add 3 more languages you can read, understand or write.
Aura effect (Ex); You can easily create attractiveness, fear, disinterest or any feeling by the power of your aura projection. You see the aura feel is from the right reactions with your aura energy, this is felt to make the target react the way you feel or want as you create your effect.
Psychic (Ex); The ability of the mind is what can easily be discerned, think of what you need and your subconscious mind creates with an energy source and makes you know what or when something is there before the moment or what things are by feel. You know what will happen by visions and dreams and signs or happenings that indicate things before they occur.. then they get to do what they want.
Psychic boost (Ex); This is where you become even more psychic as your psychically aware of things. You get +5 to all rolls by feel.
Spirit medium (Ex); This is when you focus upon the spirit and sense out the spirit's words. That is where you think of the God or the creator as the medium, then you have the creator speak to you what it says.
Danger sense (Ex); If you think to use your senses or spiritual awareness, then you can know what the danger is as it's there by feel. Think to know what is a problem, then you realize what to do or use by feel. You will realize what is wrong and how to handle it before it happens, this is using quick thinking and this is a +4 to your initiative.
Culmination (Ex); This is where at level 20 all your skills and abilities can work together to create a better result. Add +4 to all core stats and +70% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Identity (ex); This is where you think in an idea of the properties by the spirit knowing things, thinking and sharing with the soul in idea. So if you create results and the identification is known, then you know of the idea you want to know.
Raise (ex); This is where you get point of idea or a raise in money or you receive extra money by the power of the spirit using the subconscious mind.
Cuffs (ex); these are energy cuffs that formed from energy creates themselves as cuffs around the targets wrists or legs. The effect lasts 1d10 rounds in combat and as long as you want outside of combat. The effect is paralyzation of the target and after the effect faded away it seems as though not existent.
Translation (ex); They that speak or write in use of doing another language get translated in your mind and you understand how to speak or write it. This is done by the subconscious using the dimensional energy to help understand it and be able to write it.
Attractive aura (ex); the Attractive aura is thinking about attracting someone or something to you as you do things. The charisma is added to by +5. This only effects those you want to effect. This makes the audience convinced of what you want.
Creative focus (ex); this is where at level 20 you create with experience and if you want, you can get a sheriff badge. Think of the idea and you make things happen by the right gesture you think is correct. Add +4 to Gun fighting, Focus and Psychic ability skills. This works with food and drink you use as energy absorbed for the effect. That's until the energy dissipates away or gets pissed/shit out.
The energy within the body, that you can gate in creates the effect as you have it. Then as you don't have it because it goes back to where it came from makes the effect disappear by feel.Any damages/healing done by this is 1d20+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. Duration or how long it lasts is instant unless there is some time it lasts. That is 1d10+charisma mod in rounds per battle or melee. Also, outside of battle its unlimited until you think to dismiss it by feel.
The point is done with the energy and you know it by does not effect what you don't want it to effect. This means the energy is selective. It has an alternate effect of modifying the character by improving it, that's done in adding +4 to all core stats and +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Psychic (ex); You are psychic and know things as or before the moment occurs that you focus to know. Any surprise bonus they have against you is negated.
Psionic powers (Ex): At 2nd level, 4th level, 6th level, 8th level and 10th level. A psychic magus can choose to learn two of the ten psionic power. At those levels, he or she can learn 2 psionic powers chosen from the list of psionic powers at here.
Tech (Ex); The psychic mage is able easily to work with technology. Add +4 to the technology skill.
Release (Ex); The idea is this, release of any effect that you don't like. This causes the chariot of death to be thought and it brings the effect away from the area and people or things are uncursed.
Luck (Ex); The idea that a person gets is lucky and has a +4 to all luck rolls.
Crysalis (Ex); The crystal or gemstone you have responds to your will and creates with your will any result that's better, and you don't personally get effected. This adds +4 to your rolls.
Car of effect (ex); The car becomes a time vehicle and can cast forth an effect, that you or others decide to create somewhere and by some way. This makes aether magic effectively done. The damage/healing possible with this is 1d12+charisma mod, per each 2 focus ranks. Duration or how long it lasts, is 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle. THere is an upgrade to this, at level 10 the damage/healing goes up to 2d8+charisma mod per every 2 focus ranks.
Doom car (ex); This is where you or a target enter the car and get scared and pacified or likely to attack yourself with a rolled 1d4 as 2 and above you do. This is for 1d8 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle. The effect doesn't end until you don't need to be scared by feel or you don't need them to be scared.
Reshaping (Ex); The body becomes light energy with the thought in the shape you want as you eat something or drink something and think of the shape, then you get +3 on strength and possibly the shape. Then the body reshapes itself to that shape in idea of what you want using the energy of the food or drink. This can change your shape to similar humanoid shapes, that means hobgoblin, elf or similar idea. You can't gain in sight weight from of this use.
Devotion (Ex); At level 20 you devote to the moment and you get better results. This is where you devote to the moment so you think and get better results. Think this is done and you get +4 to all the core stats and otherwise +50% more health. The better results are +5 to all rolls unless bad with a 1 rolled and that means you auto failed.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Weapon specialty (Ex); The Warrior cop has weapon specialty, that allows +5 to your weapon rolls/damages.
Attraction (Ex); Self-creative thoughts will rule the moment, so think about this as you do things. The things you do attract the right attention. You get a +5 Charisma.
Creation (Ex); The creator steps in and makes what you desire by feel. So you get whatever you want, done and otherwise. You can even cause bad luck on a target. Any curses are a penalty of -4 to the targets roll. Any blessing are +4 to the roll. Otherwise, he could make the target disappear and leave all his stuff behind amongst other things. Think of what you want and he creates what you desire 3 times a day. The damage or healing possible with this is 2d8+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. That means for a level 19 character with 6 charisma mod and 18 focus ranks, the healing possible is 18d8+6 or 18*8+6=150% max in amount. The duration or how long it lasts is 1d6 rounds in melee/battle or unlimited outside of battle until you no longer desire it..then it disappears if you do the right things.
Psychic awareness (Ex); They are aware by the subconscious of what will occur, like they know by gnosis, or they get the idea pulled from the air. THis makes it so they realize by the soul awareness what is to come. Insight is soul awareness. They are never surprised or gotten by a surprise attack as the surprise attack is negated. They can also sense things out by the feel and know by insight what things are including special properties.
Improved driving (Ex); The warrior cop will be able to create with a vehicle improved driving. Add +4 to your driving skill.
Greed (Ex); Any greediness near you is neutralized by feel and it simply gets the greedy target nothing in return.
Crime (Ex); The crime rate drops with this effect. If the target thinks of doing criminal activity, you can control the criminal and they don't do the crime.
Lie detection (Ex); This comes from stating that you can detect lies before or as you hear them. No matter what, you always know the truth.
Promotion (Ex); This means you get promoted at level 20, then your stats improve for you gain in stats as a point to represent the promotion. The point is done by feel, using energy from the creator or god. You are suddenly promoted to chief of police (if you have security as the profession then chief of security and so on..) as an additional Profession. Think and get +4 to all core stats, making easier effects by a +4 to all rolls. Also, you get +60% health.
Symbolic leadership (Ex); At level 30, all you have to do is suggest something and its done. This is symbolic as though your the leader and the character gets +5 to all core stats. Due to self-creative actions and energy improving the stats. Also, you get +60% health and a raise in pay by 50% by feel with an easier job. All damage and healing done is now at 1d30+charisma mod per each 2 focus ranks. That means for a character with 9 charisma mod and 20 focus ranks, you'd have 10d30+9 or 309% max. The duration or how long it lasts for those things that are lasting suddenly last 1d8 rounds in melee/battle. Its unlimited outside of battle until you don't desire it. Then you do the right things to make it disappear.
Ex cop (Ex); A cop at any time can retire and become a citizen, that lives privately as he or she has all abilities and whatnot to play with by feel except they aren't paid unless they find a job.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Notorious (Ex); You get well known for the efforts you do. Add +5 to charisma.
Luck (Ex); You get lucky results from what you try. Add +6 to luck.
Improvements (Ex); Think of the point and its done by feel. This means you improve yourself as you do things for magic. Add +5 to your focus and concentration skills.
Change of physique (Ex); At level 20, you create better results and change your body by the energy that you use. This means that you create by will with a +5 to all rolls and add +5 to all core stats.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Soothing calm (Ex); The point is the idea and that idea you express and calm down the person or target enough so they no longer want to attack people.
Medication skill (Ex); This is the result of knowing the medicine. You know the right herbs and other medicines as they are available, an what to administer upon request. Think to know what to give and what quantity, then you will succeed in this ability of life.
Curative aura (Ex); This ability is where you focus through the aura, that causes calm and the ability to make the body cured and resistant of all poisons and ailments with or without any drugs' energy sent to the target that you think in use.
Exorcism; This is where you drive out the spirit or demon by a will and act of some God and make sure it doesn't come back. This is when you call out a god's name and command that the spirit leave by idea you feel sorta like rejection of it. Like "Fortuna! I command this possessive spirit to leve the body and no longer come back to it." That is an example though. You can do it however you want.
Writing ability (Ex); What you write down will occur if you need it to happen. This is like writing, "the target gets inflicted by fire." Then waiting for the idea to occur. The damage or healing done is 1d12+half levels (round down) per each 2 focus ranks. The effect of writing a note and needing it to happen uses life energy. So think and you know what to do. However implementing the idea is easy. You see by writing it, its implemented. The creator or God makes what is written creatively.
Stabilized change (Ex); This is the point you think to do things with magic at level 20. The making becomes easier, the effects you try can change you by making you better and stable. The idea is done, if you intend it. You get +4 to all core stats and +60% health. Also, since things are easier, you get +5 to all rolls.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Luck (Ex); You get lucky and that means you add +7 to your luck.
Perfect recall (Ex); You can recall your memories perfectly. Add +4 intelligence and Wisdom. Add +5 to the Arcana skill rank.
Disguise (Ex); You can disguise yourself as another form perfectly or remove the disguise and become yourself, this is done as though a machine did or undid the disguise. Add +5 ranks to your disguise skill.
Source connection (Ex); This is where you connect to your source or God. The end result is you become one with your God or the creator. You are Omnilingual and understand all languages enough to write it. You are Omnipotent, where you can effect any or all with what you need by intention. Add +5 to your "knowledge: all" skill ranks as you know all as your source being knows it. You are Omnipresent, where you are anywhere you want to be by thinking about it. Then needing to be there. Where you don't want to be, you aren't there. So feel free to add Omnipotent, Omnilingual and Omnipresent to your special ability list.
Also you turn into an energy being, that creates what he or she wants with energy from the source. You make what effect you desire, don't need to eat or drink. Your able to materialize yourself where you want, and otherwise dematerialize yourself. Think about it, you don't need to eat or drink, you don't get effected by weapons if dematerialized and once materialized, you aren't effected by non-magical weapons as they swish right through you. Other than that you gain the ability to fly, this is where you are able to fly and hover by magical inertia. Add Flying and Hovering to your special ability list.
Thought form (Ex); You transform into a angellic energy being at level 20 due to the usage of energy. That is immune to death and has no need to eat or drink, unless it chooses to do so. Your stats improve by feel as the angellic physique is stronger and slimmer, Add +5 to all core stats. Add +60% to your health since the angel form is tougher by feel. Also, you halt your aging, then unage to 20 years old without gaining weight. This is doing an idea in itself.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Drugs (Ex); The natural ability that allows you to understand drugs and their abilities as you know by soul intuition. He or she can scroungs and create with natural herbs and drugs whatever results you need.
Luck (Ex); You have natural luck and balance on your feet. Add +4 to the acrobatics skill ranks and +10 to your luck.
Talk to animals and creatures (Ex); Think of the creature and you can chat with it. Fully understood is the things you say or what it says..
Gating (Ex); You can draw upon the natural energy in the area, thinking of the right frequency. This causes the a gate to appear and it can effect anything or anywhere. You can stab or backstab the creature or humanoid without getting nearby. This is done by feel and idea that you think to do. You can even use it to watch or eavesdrop on people and you understand it naturally. A special idea is dropping things on people or your target, where the gate can send the item or things right above them. That drops onto them.
Spells (Ex); You can choose any 1 spell to do per each action. This is using an idea in itself, that's done by summoned energy and programming it to do the idea. This means you can choose a stone soup spell and get it off by focusing it to exist. Its what is written that is created as you need it to be there, think and it effects the target that you intend it to effect. It only effects you if you want to be effected. Here at is DnD spells. Here at is the the dungeon crawl's list of spells.
Timing (Ex); This is ability can be used with other effects, think and its where your able to use time to your advantage. Your party will always get a surprise attack or ambush. You can also make a delayed effect that manifests at a later time when you want it to effect the target/s.
Khepser (Ex); This is where at level 20, you change into an energy form that doesn't need to eat or drink and gets its energy from the creator or God. It can change its form into energy particles that can pass through any weapon, except magic weapons. Magic weapons can damage it and it can reshape itself as any form you want it to be. It can reform and create what effect it wants, yet it can be effected by weapons if solidly formed. Everytime it changes, it heals perfectly as though its rested. It can telepathically speak, and appear by illusion to seem as though speaking. It understands any language that's spoken naturally. You also toughen, by adding +60% health to your character. Add +5 to all core stats, because the energy you use makes this as a side effect of toughening.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Gating (ex); this is opening gates as you whistle the right frequency to make an entry point to somewhere else as you can think to use it for stabbing or hitting someone from a distance. Also you can use it by thinking to have it gather energy to the area you wanted effects on by feel.
Natures luck (Ex); The natural luck is a bonus to your luck for a lucky strike, this increases your luck by 10 points.
Sense (Ex); You develope the sense of idea and things that exist. The sense is there by you knowing what is there, think and things about the idea is realized by the power of the soul. You can amplify your sense of knowing, that's done by using the illness or state of body to make the sensed idea clearer. You can use this by saying that to your dm/gm, like "I sense out the idea or item's properties."
Neutralization (ex); this is where you focus and create with energy, that you gate in for use. The idea and focus upon the target with thoughts to neutralize it by the power of heaven.
This will cease it to be there or cease the target if there and it or the target will disappear from the area. The targets you choose can be anything and that includes another effect or being. Think and you know what to do.
Do (Ex); You do what you want, think of your need and don't have to think about the methods and still get a result. You do what you feel is right. Add +5 to your rolls.
Undo (Ex); The force of undoing, this is the force that you use to undo anything you don't like. That uses the channelled void energy and focusing it on the target or event. Then this is the idea or event it undoes, its as if it didn't happen. That's what is needed to create a result of undoing things.
Voices (Ex); Hell can incite voices of schitzophrenia upon a target, heaven can silence them. The voice incitation is where you think of the target, then thinking of hell forming voices within the target. Then it exists. So to silence the voices, think heaven silences the many voices you hear from hell and you stop listening to hell. Then, you silenced the voices within the mind of the target. This causes distraction of the target/s for until you silence the voices.
Wish (Ex); The wish that is unlimited. This uses the demon seed in you to create with a point, that's spoken and easily directs the demon seed to make what you need.
The effects of this in damages/healing are based on level and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle:
levels 1-9: 1d10+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
levels 10-19: 1d12+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
levels 20-29: 2d8+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
levels 30+: 2d10+half levels per every 2 focus ranks.
Psyche logic (Ex); This is the logic of the psyche that says your mind by focus can create anything that you feel is there. So think to create what you intend and leave off by idea. Add +5 to focus ranks.
Demonoid (Ex); This at level 20 is where the character transforms into a half demon half human by the power of Hell and your demon seed becoming you at least in spirit. Thinking to do what you want, the character changes to become an energy being that can appear like anything and this includes animals. That means it can form items, form itself as you want and form events to create what you intend. This is where you don't get hurt, your not able to get a disease or illness. Add +4 to fortitude. This is useful as though the weapon or what you don't like would phase right through you. The only thing you can get hurt by is magic and magical attacks. However, this means they are in good nature and able to create what you want.
What you wear and equip or have equipped phases into energy form as well upon getting the item as though the energy of the body changes it and it becomes energy with you. Then upon giving it to someone else, it phases back into a solid form again. So what you have equipped, this will stay with you until you drop or give it away. See you aren't insane or crazy by the effect of this ability. That means you know not to be that way, so you can add +3 to your "knowledge: all" ranks. Since you toughen up by this idea, you get +70% health and all your core stats improve by increasing +4. There are many voices heard from hell. This negates the many voices that you can hear from hell, so instead of speaking in many voices you speak as one person one mind.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Imagination (Ex); This is with your imagination, where you can create any result of the elements forming the idea. Basically think of the idea, imagine it and project it forth and your third eye creates the idea. That's with an idea of what you want as you attempt to project the result. You can deal 1/4 the health in healing or damages by this effect for levels 1-19, levels 20+ do 1/2 the damage or healing to the target/s. It can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle until not wanted. If its a curse it stays around.
Luck (Ex); The point is given at some point that you recall, that you got a luck piece worth 6 luck by feel.
The force (Sp); The force be with us, the point is done if you think its done. This is done in a well known effect. You can cause things or targets to dissolve into nothingness any time a day. Pulled by the void of their energy and they die without a struggle.
Spirit wave (Ex); This is where you create by focusing and make with a wave of spiritually infused aura energy. Think of the effect to create and its created easier. Add +5 to your effect or attack roll.
Entropy (Sp); This can be done 3 times a day, think of the idea of slowing things down and the target slows down by the gated in void energy. Instead this is based of what actions they get now by feel, they get 1 action per every 2 rounds. Otherwise you could slow and create an effect or end a disease if too slow, that is where the effect manifests more powerfully later uponst a unsuspecting target. So if your aware of the effect, the subconscious causes it not to effect you if you don't like it. So if fast enough, it won't fizzle out. Double the damage if you create the delayed blast effect.
Being (Ex); At level 20, you can change by the hell energy into a better being or reformed energy you, that has an energy form and improved stats. You can yield heavenly, elemental and focus your idea into objects for hell like energy effects. This allows you to create with a point or expressed idea, think and make with what the energy shaped into a formation will create by feel like a cone or other shape. You can phase out with you becoming pure energy to avoid the hits and phase back in as your shape you want to be to get what effect or attack you desire done. You can create almost any result with this effect.
Any need to eat or drink, this is where you absorb the energy particles of the substance. What you absorb of the substance, makes the actual substance tasteless. So think about it as speaking is done by thinking of what you intend to say, what you feel is stated as though an understood thought were spoken. Think about the point and you know what to do. The improved stats are +5 to all core stats and +50% health. You can deal 1/2 the health in healing or damages by this effect, that's of a being by naming the attack or effect you want on the target. It can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle until not wanted.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Corruption (Ex); This is using death and decay energy from the body, where you gather some stinky skin oil on your fingers from the crotch and hold your hand forth. Think of what you want and make a gesture or drawn symbol in the air for a corroded decay effect that breaks the target's equipment. Otherwise you can sniff it, think and create with the oil energy a faster speed, strength, slenderness and more body energy. So add a temporary bonus of +5 to your strength roll results, +10' to your speed, +30 STP and +20 mp that lasts until the battle is over or 1d10 minutes passes by outside of battle. That's sniff, think at the oil to energize it and after waiting a round or 6 seconds and then sniffing again. The only downside is you may feel sick to your stomach, this is where the sickness lasts for a round in battle or 1 minute outside of battle. If it starts fading away and you feel tired, you can always do it again. That's when the temporary bonus is gone. Remember to clean up after you do this and accept responsibility for what you do.
Focus (Ex); With practice comes improvement. Add +4 to your focus skill and concentration skill ranks.
Luck (Ex); You become lucky! Add +10 luck.
Spells (Ex); The spells you think about you can do as though a natural. Pick any 3 spells to create as you want per day. You can use any spell list, as well. This is using an idea in itself, that's done by summoned and gated into the area energy and programming it to do the idea. This means you can choose a stone soup spell and get it off by focusing it to exist. Its what is written or spoken that is created as you need it to be there, think and it effects the target that you intend it to effect. It only effects you if you want to be effected. Here at is DnD spells. Here at is the the dungeon crawl's list of spells.
Alchemy (Ex); You understand how early chemistry works with ritual or mixtures and what it takes to make a change in reaction or get a result with the chemicals. What they do or require to work is innately understood. You can also scrounge any chemical substance from the area to make what you want to work. Add +5 to your Alchemy skill.
Rite (Ex); This is creating manifestation through the power of energy you gate in by envisualizing a lit candle or having a candle lit and use of words and phrases. That means your use of materials will create a result with burning a candle or freezing things to create yields or results. Think to create with an idea, then state the rite that you do. The rite can be a long rite or short rite, its ritual that you do. This is towards the candle flame that you look as you state it.
Then, you can get a result of energy you will to direct, that you can bind to an object or person to create manifest. If you freeze it you cancel out the effect. This can be used to attack, heal or create other results. If you intend to deal damage, then you make 1/3 of the targets health disappear.
If you intend to do healing by revival or restoring health, then 1/3 of the full health is restored. Any lasting results are 1d8 rounds in battle and until not desired outside of battle. Think and you know what to do. This can be used to revive people or resurrect them in idea. If you so wanted to revive the person from death, that is also possible.
Time manipulation (Ex); This is where you think about or of things and make the effect as you intend the result. The soul copy creates the time and you can experience it as you will want to know it. Think of the time speed and you can create what speed of time that you intend to have, like slower time or faster time or paused time. The time flow is where you perceive events, then if you think you can alter the flow of time to go backwards or forwards. This is done by your subconscious, so feel free to think or speak the result you want to get the idea as a point that is experienced. You can choose to reverse the event into nonexistance, the selective moment you don't want by this idea. So for sped up time, you and your party get 1d6 more actions per round. For slowing time, the target/s now do 1d6 rounds per each action. This lasts 1d6 rounds or until otherwise needed outside of battle.
Time reversal (Ex); This is different from time manipulation by use of your God, that's where you think of the time to reverse and state "reverse". Then you create with the subconscious using the time flows, think of something else you want and you make the time different. This is done by your subconscious using God or the creator, that's causing events to go back in sequence and what you want instead is done. Think though as the event doesn't seem to happen again. Then you know it will happen if you need it to occur. If you don't need the events, then you don't want don't reoccur. They get bypassed by the subconscious mind, think of it and you can know peace instead of warfare.
Khepser (Ex); You transform into an energy being at level 20, then you can pick the form to become as you think about the formation it exists. That's for 1d6 rounds in battle and until you don't desire it outside of battle, then you change back into energy form that seems like a solid you. It glorious may be, but you keep your stats and toughen. This is adding to your core stats this time. Where you get +70% health and +5 to all your core stats. That energy being can phase its equipment and itself in and out of existance.
The physical attacks is the ideal point in what's done to you, this is no longer what can effect you if physical as it passes right through you. That's except for magic and magical attacks that magically seem to hurt you. Whatever the form or shape, you are no longer effected by temperature. Its as though you were not feeling the temperature at all.
No matter what form it has by feel. It doesn't need to eat or drink. If you want to eat or drink, then you absorb the energy from the food and drink as though nutrients were given to the body by the energy. The ability to telepathically "speak" is there, so you give the illusion of speaking and you "hear" by the mind perception of the idea.
That's as it is if the creator by feel or God were as though an energy source. If this is a bug form, then you shift back into humanoid shape, since no bug form can be maintained. If you intend to keep a form in battle you must do a concentration check. That is 1d20+concentration rskill ranks rolled with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action. If you make the successful concentration roll, you manage to focus and keep the shape if you want it. If you don't, then you change back by feel or what you notice.
Each time you reshape yourself, you heal fully including the heart and no longer exists with any diseases or illnesses. The healing lasts. What is possible though. There is a conscious item shape, werewolf, were bird or were animal transform by feel amongst other shapes. Think and you know what is possible or what you can do by the point you make to the dm/gm. Like, "I transform into a dragon and ravage my target/s." If the dm/gm allows it, then you change your shape.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Intrigue (Ex); Think of the moment and you create the point by feel. This point is an expressed idea, so think and you create what you need. If you don't you know what is what. Add +3 to Charisma. This can do 1/4 full health restoration or damages. It lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle. That's until you don't want it.
Luck (Ex); You become lucky! Add +10 to your luck.
Reversion (Ex); This depends on if there is a previous state of existence for the condition. If you go "I revert this [name what it is..]", the condition or idea you don't like is reverted to nothing. This can revert the state of mind that a person has like evil-minded to good-minded, that means they allow what you want. Then you can make it so you revert and weren't effected by the disease or illness.
Creature message (Ex); This is where you interpret the creature and get the message. The message can be sent from anyone or yourself. The creature can travel through time and dimension to deliver the messages.
Demon eating (Ex); The demon or demon seed in the body you don't like you can "eat" and things turn back to normal or non-warlike. The need to fight disappears. It can form from the demon seed in the body. So if you eat it, it disappears and there's nothing to worry about as it causes instant peace. This is done as you state to the DM/GM this idea, "I eat the demon causing the target to war with me." Think and you know what to do.
Time travel (Ex); Think of the time and think your there or some attack is there. Then you or the attack are where and what time you are in the area, this is with thought of the area at that exact moment you want or you need it to be there. That's done by the power of the subconscious mind placing you or the attack there. This is so the attack is where you want. This is with endless possibilities, as you can also shift in time things to and from that time. Think of the time and imagine of the idea being placed there, otherwise state that you shift the item back here. Then the subconscious does that. The dm/gm is what fascilitates the moment, however, so state it to the dm/gm and he makes it occur. Think and you know what to do.
Time transform (Ex); Think of the time and your shape becomes that time's shape. This takes discipline, if you think of a time then your spirit is in that time. So think of the shape and need to be in that shape, then you are that shape. This could cause you to be in a better shape than you are in right now. So think about it and you know what to do. You can match any characteristic that you want from that time. This is an idea that is interesting, as you still have your stats the same except for height and sex. That you choose on the spur of the moment. So think about the idea you want to appear as from the time and space, then you will be that way.
Engel (Ex); This is where at level 20, you transform into an angel. This point you think about and receive angellic ability and life form. You are an angellic being, that can manifest itself as though physical yet weapons pass right through it. Since it can only seem to appear living, it is illusion that you see and know as though that were real of it. Angels can help out and create good or work deceptively and create what is required to get results. However, you may choose to follow a god and do your own things as you do things for your God.
So angels can create what then they want and they want what they get, whatever they are given in life, they can seem to take the item as though a physical manifest were done and that means they can create any item. When they speak, they actually telepathically speak. If perceived, the speech can be answered by thought perception and that is you think and the target receives the thought or speaking the answer out loud. Anyway you go, you can always perceive the answer or send a message, this means you can appear by illusion to hold a conversation. So part of this is then toughening yourself, add +5 to all core stats and +60% to your full health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Writing (Ex); Think of what you want and you write it out on a notepad, cellphone or in the air. Then you create the result of what you intended by the point of feel that you know it occured. This can do whatever you want, like writing that you create peace. Otherwise you can deal 1/4 the target's full health in restoration or damages. It can last 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly until you don't need it outside of battle.
Ageless (Ex); The energy you use to create what you intend makes you ageless, this allows you to stop aging and keep your experience as you progress in life. This makes you eternal by the power of the creator or God that you follow.
Luck (Ex); You discover a very lucky piece on the ground. Add +10 luck to your luck stat.
Pause (Ex); If the event were by person or creature. This is where you "pause" the event, then unpause at a later time. Think of the target pausing and not moving, then say to the GM/DM "I pause [name of target] using the Pause ability." Then the creature or target/s are paused by energy, that's for 1d6 rounds in battle or an unlimited amount of time outside of battle. They literally don't move and stay still until the effect wears off.
Epitath (Ex); This is where you set some idea on a little boat and burn it up then your free from its influence forever. Otherwise, write it down on a piece of paper and freeze it in water or burn it with fire, then your free from it effecting you. This causes cursed objects to no longer effect and be with you.
Demon eating (Ex); The demon or demon seed in the body you don't like you can "eat" and things turn back to normal or non-warlike. The need to fight disappears. It can form from the demon seed in the body. So if you eat it, it disappears and there's nothing to worry about as it causes instant peace. This is done as you state to the DM/GM this idea, "I eat the demon causing the target to war with me." Think and you know what to do.
Enhanced figure (Ex); This is where you focus and create with enhanced features at level 20. You become a being formed of energy and rendered unaffected by disease or illness. Then you can eat energy or drink energy that you imagine comes from food or drink. Any weapon non-magical passes through the energy being. Anything else is effective with damages.
Except for energy attacks, they get absorbed as energy for use to create return effects or keep you in energy that you can use later. This means any effect damage from spells or area effects that involve energy like fire is converted into MP. Also you can shapeshift into any living form. You have your stats as they are there. That lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle.
You create with enhanced gas effect as you think to create awareness. This awareness is where you perceive animals or thought. That means you understand what is needed and do what you need to do, thinking to get a result of what you desire. You can change the mind of the target, so he or she agrees with you. You can speed yourself up by 10'. Basically, you toughen yourself by adding +70% health and +4 to all core stats. Think and you know what to do.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Special weapon (ex); the special weapon is the one you choose to use. If you use a weapon you get +3 to the attack and damage rolls.
Time (ex); Time is used as an can set the time by focusing on making it faster or slower. Add +1d6 actions per round. Otherwise you can make something happen when you need it. This is done by stating to the dm/gm of what you intend.
Luck (ex); You get lucky as you find a few good luck pieces. Add +10 luck.
Ninjaing (Ex); This is where you ninja things or take things, that you claim are yours until a point is made otherwise. This is where you say something else and don't get caught. That works as you think of the idea, state it and distract the person's thoughts. This works to make them think something else. If they don't think of the trouble, they won't think of you and your situation.
Disguise (Ex); This is ninja skill to cast forth illusion and fool the senses by alteration. You can get an effect of seeming to be someone else, simply by changing the voice or altering your appearance. Add +2 ranks to your disguise skill.
Focused attack (ex); Due to practice and focusing upon the task. You get a +5 to attack rolls.
Sensing (Ex); The sense you have is there by the spirit. So the soul sense what the spirit knows by realizing the things that exist. You can see what's right and wrong or sense what's wrong. Also you know what is what, so you know the special properties of things.
Exchange (Ex); This is where you choose one thing to get and out of two items you don't get the other item or idea.
Assassination (Ex): Melee or close range weapons have a chance to inflict 3x damage. This happens on a rolled 15 or greater on a luck check of rolling 1d20+luck.
Memory trick (Ex); This is where you either remember by focusing on knowing the idea and it comes to you from your soul insight. Otherwise you can choose to forget it, where you think of things and remeber what you want of those points or ideal expressions. Add +2 to Intelligence.
Deciphering (Ex); This is where you translate in an instance what the idea, spoken point or writing means.
Reward (ex); This is where if you do a good job at making knowledge known, you get reknown or thought about with fame. Add +2 to charisma.
Reform (Ex); This is where you create with energy and cause reform of something. Think of what you want changed and its reformed quickly into that shape you may need. State to the DM/GM what you intend and with what ability to make this work in DnD by the subconscious mind.
Long range (Ex); This is where you do a gated effect of something you want upon the target. This is where you think of an oval opening in the air and it opens up by thinking it goes to the area you want effected with a frequency brought up by the subconscious. You can use any ability with the gate causing it to effect as though nearby the target, instantaneous. Think and possibly weapon attacks can be done as well. This works with a flash of light and thought to do things. As you see, the subconscious causes a wormhole that can shift things by feel. The entrance is the gate opening here, and the exit is wherever you need it to shift you or things to by feel that you think to goto.
Energy form (ex); At level 20, this is where the body turns into energy and can form itself anywhere. The items it has is changed into energy as well. The arms can extend themselves beyond normal length, and it can change into any form. The equipment phases itself to a dimension of holding, only to reform itself around or on the character as you focus it to be there.
This means it can change its shape and keep its stats, except for height and weight. It telepathically speaks and appears to speak normally. It eats or drinks by absorbing the substances into itself as energy. It toughen up as it gains +60% health and improves itself with +5 to all core stats.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Identitify (Sp); This where you can identify the substances that are there, know how to handle them and know what special properties of the item there is to know.
Chemistry and Alchemy (ex); this skill is where you think of what you need and find the necessary ingredients, you can make gold, drugs or any other material or chemical reaction. That's with thinking to mix the ingredients you need to create a result, that can be unexplosive until you need it to explode. There is a 50/50 chance of explosion, roll a 1d100 and get a 51 or above to not have explosion. However, you know of what is needed and can mix the right ingredients for the immortality potion or whatever alchemy you do, you know the immortality potion is lead, mercury and gold. That admixture causes agelessness. So you can even coat the weapon in deadly substances that could kill on impact. The effect lasts for 1d6 rounds in combat or unlimitedly outside of combat. This is with damages or healing of 1/4 the health. Think and you know of the possibilities. Also, if you make chemical mixtures and put them in cappable bottles, you can create alchemist fire. So you really need a mixing bowl and flasks to put the mixture in. That's about it for alchemy, I hope you enjoyed this idea. There is more to come along.
Potion making (ex); This is where you can make a potion out of ingredients mixed with water and optional is the rite with it. This produces as though psychic effects, the effect of what you want as you know what to mix and get a good result. The effect lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and upto constitution mod + 1d10 in hours outside of combat. This is with damages or healing of 1/4 the health. If you think about it, then you can create potions and put them in bottles so all you really need is a mixing pot for the potions and the cappable bottles to put it in. Whatever the case, enjoy yourself and do what you can.
Hand potion (Ex); This is sipping your own charged energy where you think of the effect to create, then imagine or envision the idea being created and make a fist with the thumb pointing out as though a "straw" that you drink with the fist as a cup. Mimick drinking and you get the effect. That is instant and done as though you made the potion and drank it. The effect lasts for 1d6 rounds in combat or unlimitedly outside of combat. This is with damages or healing of 1/2 the health.
Acoustic hypersonic chemistry (ex); It is using sounds and frequencies to do what you want. See to use this as it can break things down into its component parts. See basically toxic chemicals are dumped into a supersonic tub, then it scrubs the chemicals apart into basicer compounds.
Carrol's spell prayer (Sp); This is where you think to pray to the God you follow after finding a holy symbol or symbol that you hang around your neck, place Holy symbol or holy item on your character sheet item list. Then you create an effect, that's done by holding a symbol or item around your neck. Think to focus your energy and you state a verse, thinking to reflect on what you need and call upon the deity to manifest an effect. This verse can be said like, "Oh God, I command thee to create what I need, I need money." then money shall be manifested. Otherwise, think to turn and slay undead, "Oh god, you may notice the undead nearby, turn them and slay them where they are." Then, the undead will be turned and slayed. There really isn't much more to that for carrol's spell style.
This is a work in effort, so the last two spells are unique to journey quest. They are, "Oh god, heal this person of any illness and disease..", for healing the sick and thinking your prayer as you hold the item around your neck as though a holy symbol. Like hold the symbol, think "I call upon the area a guardian angel to serve my will." That is needing your God to cause a guardian angel to come and attack the target or defend you. So you see, this is a work in progress as it can bring forth animals or angels. That have your stats and 100% health, except for the height and weight. As animals will be with height and weight according to what they are formed as and angels will have energy bodies.
Luck boost (Sp); The luck of the moment is what you think it is by feel or bad things not being done. You either flip a coin to be heads or pick up a coin showing heads and you add +6 luck that lasts a day. You may do this twice per day.
Greater yield (ex); Think to effect more damage or healing, this is done by adding in focused energy to create what you want. Add your focus ranks to the effect damage or healing amount.
Pay off (ex); This is where you think of things then and you create with work a higher pay. As though you were guaranteed a better job or holding out for the idea, you get a better idea of what is possible..this happens for you know when or how things exist.
Dead on (ex); This is where you focus on the target and get a hit easily if you intend it. The attack roll is with a +4 to hit.
Rainbow energy body (Ex); Pick at level 20 if you haven't already done so the energy body feat and greater energy body feat. Aging stops because your immune to aging and you see what's possible, so you figured out the 7 rays of energy color. Then you break your body into a rainbow energy formation, that is immune to physical attacks and absorbs what energy is sent to it. So the character can create its own effects using that energy. As it does this, your character increases its core stats by +4 and adds +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Genetics (Sp); Think on a purpose for what you want and you create the result, then you create a set pattern in genetics of the body through the chromosomes and dna helixes. This pattern shows itself that you set, this is done by created body parts or idea that you would want noticed like gray skin or an extra toe. The subconscious sets the moment in time that the target changes, that is used by the body as though it were almost instantly changed.
That is with a point where the target is changing at the moment's notice. So this effect is instant with a very good feeling that makes you want the change. This is where your used to it, so you won't mind it, think and you know what to do. Otherwise, you don't think of the change, until pointed out. Then, you can decide if you like it or not, as it serves a purpose that you want it for by feel.
That's the idea you want as thought or spoken points and needed to occur to cause the change. If not needed, its not done and the body reverts to its normal as stored in the rna genetic pattern. What happens is the rna info reencodes the cells and the body becomes what it was born with naturally. So you see, it is possible to change the celllular dna pattern, you have to focus though and this change once started is there until not needed. If it isn't needed and wanted elsewise, the subconscious changes you back. This can confuse and daze the target and lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle.
Knowing (Ex); You know what is what and can do things to deal with it or work with it. You figure out whatever the special properties of the item is there by feel.
Memory improvement (Ex); This is where your memory improves with ingestion of curry powder mixed with water. You create with an idea to make things work by feel. Add +4 to intelligence and the arcane skill ranks.
Karma strike (Sp); This I think is a point that is done if something is done to you, you can do something to them unerringly. This in damages or healing amount is 1/4 the health that is removed with damages or increased to full health if healing.
Luck (Ex); You find a special luck piece worth 7 luck. Add "Special luck piece .5 lbs" to your inventory or bag of holding. Add 7 to your luck stat.
Genetic change (Sp); This is done by a touch or imagining a psychic touch where you gain their genes, similar shape and know-how. Then there is the effect of some changes for a genetic body change you want, this works as you think of the change to make then eat or drink something. The energy of the substance with your idea programming its energy will make the change of genetic patterns, you then change by feel into what you intend to be by feel. This can cause pain and distract the target for 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle.
True genetics (Ex); This is where you change the body to create what genetic pattern you want to create, that's where you state the genetics you want as you think the creator or God sets the dna that in idea you want to set. This is used in idea, where you think about the change and it happens as though a true genetic pattern being invoked by statement that it is there and active. This can distract the target for 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle.
Body adaption (Ex); The body due to energy at level 20, that will create an improved formation. The body absorbs the energy cast at it and this can be used to make your own effects. Due to time use of this energy, you toughen if you want to go modern by adding +5 to all core stats and +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Psionic Combat Modes (Ex): At 1st level, a psychic doctor can choose to learn and do two at any time per day of the ten psionic combat modes. At any time after level 1, he or she can use any two additional psionic combat modes that are at will per day. They are chosen from the psionic power list at here.
Medicine (Ex); You know what medication is useful and assign the patient what feels right to you. That they can get. Add 4 to your Medicine skill.
Diagnosis (Ex); the medical condition is known and by asking questions. This means you know how to treat it.
Practice (Ex); This is where you create with the idea and make good results, that's by your practitioner medical efforts being done right. So add +3 to your agility and wisdom.
Sure hands (Ex); This is where you check out the patient and think to work with the patients problems. In surgery, you have steady hands and you know what to do. Add +3 to your healing skill and +5 to your luck for being assured.
Last ditch effort (Ex); This is where you think about a dagger that is spiritual, that you cut yourself with and open a blood flow spiritually. Then your energized and can create anything, that is an effect done by feel. When done, you imagine or think to mimick stiching up the wound, then stopping the spiritual blood flow. Then you are better and instantly recover spiritually. You recover your lost energy by eating or drinking and things are fine.
Psychic hands (Ex); This is where you create by focus with a psychic pair of arms and hands that spiritually are there. The pain of use with them is there if you do use them. Also, you can create with an effect of lifting psychically, that's any weight or item that you want without using your normal two hands. Your brain guides your hands, the body acts as though a shock absorber to the pain it causes.
Green bubble (Sp); Think to surround the target with a green bubble made from the heart energy. Then, you cause them to not attack or do things near you, that's as you can "seal" them away from reality. The point is expression you do, think about the changes you want then. So, you can cause them to think what you want, then make away with them doing what you intend them to do. That's what the effect really is about. Cast a green bubble, cause all offense to disappear, then you program them with suggestions.
That means the suggestions you can speak, these suggestions are "transmitted" to the target through the 3rd eye, that's serving as instruction to the green energy. Otherwise, the green bubble prevents them from creating what they intend, that's mentally where its not done upon the physical plane. However, the reality they perceive as they are in the green bubble, this is whatever you want them to see. If you don't want them to see anything, then envision darkness and they see nothing but the void. See that uses the crown chakra energy to do this. This can cause your target/s to stop targeting you with psychic attacks as well. Surround the target/s with a green bubble and think to seal them away and they stop.
Also, the green bubble can restore your health by 1/4 the full health added back to your stats on the character sheet by feel. If you want to know where the gated in energy comes from, its through use of the crown chakra. So that's how it works and all you need to do is suggest it to your dm/gm of what you intend this ability to do. Like, "I use the green bubble to create peace in the area on [say the target/s name here]." That's all for now. Oh yeah, this lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle until otherwise wanted. If not wanted, imagine or think that a energy needle pops the green bubble and it disappears.
Herbalism (Ex); This is where you mix the right herbs with summoned by gateway water and sweetner, thinking of what effects you intend it to do. This effects better brain activity and what you think to create with the body. Any healing or damages can be done by this, that is where you create damage or healing of 1/4 the full health.
Accupuncture (Ex); This is where you use thin long needles of light energy and create no pain or problems within the area. That's done by sticking them into the area that you psychically know where to put, thinking to ease the pains that you or they have. This works along the right meridian or energy center of the body..
Psychic bomb (Sp); This is done 3 times per day, where you focus your mind and emotional feelings as you think it forms from energy, that's in the mouth as though a energy sphere. That is projected towards the target/s when you open your mouth. It fades away after 1 round in battle or 1 minute passes by outside of battle. That's if you hold your mouth closed. This energy bomb causes the target/s to not think and they stop what they are doing including collapsing to the floor. This can last up to 1d8 rounds in battle or unlimitedly until not focused to exist results. The psychic bomb does 1/2 health damage to the target/s mind and physical damage as well. This is done in effect and you are immune to this effect.
Psychic energy being (Ex); This is where at level 20, you become an energy form and are aware of things that exist in life. You are unaffected by attacks and absorb the energy of the attack as energy you make use of with idea by feel. Since your aware of things, you become psychic in nature as though you knew everything. So everything you have, your able to shift it with you if you unform yourself here and reappear in the spirit realm. If you reappear in the physical plane, then you can shift it to where you are in life.
Basically, you can become immune to attacks of energy, that is done as you think to do things. That you wanted to have as though an effect. When you speak its psychic communication, the response back is then "heard" as though spoken to its target audience. The actual speaking mouth is illusion. Food and drinking you absorb the energy of the substance. So finally, you get a boost to your stats due to the energy, add +4 to your core stats and +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Decision (Ex); This is the executive decision, think about the idea and need it as you exclaim or tell about the point. Then what you say as a point is done, that's if your in need and it is done. Once only, add +4 to decisions skill and Intelligence.
The effect (Sp); This can be used 3 times a day. Think of the idea, then it forms from thin air and void or gated in void energy to form the illusion that can disappear. This cannot be used for attacks, it can however be used to form forming real like items of energy and energy beings formed from thin air. So think of the use and you create with a will of your own. This happens in suppressed time, that was made suppressed by the subconscious to be finishing an activity in seconds. Enjoy yourself as you use this ability. Its at the DM/GM's discretion to allow this idea.
Impervious (Sp); This can be done 3 times per day. You make whatever you want happen and your iumpervious or immune to energy as its effects what you don't like. You basically become immune to corruption itself. You are effected by healing and anything you want to be effected by, however, so you aren't immune to everything.
The point (ex); The point is an exclamation, otherwise its a concept. This is where you are going and creating with energy that you gate in so you realize by mental recreation what is what. Think and you know about the moment, this moment you know by the soul realization. That is where you know what the special property is on what is there. This is used by stating to the DM/GM that, "I know the point of [name what you want to know..]" and the DM/GM tells what it is.
Reform (Ex); This is where at level 20, you create a figure in your heand and your body becomes the form you think about. You can be any form as your energy and as an energy form you create the idea from your God reforming you. Think about it, what you think and need heard is heard. This is as though you spoke it. Your items shift with your will into a dimensional space and back again if needed. Eating and drinking you "absorb" the substance's essence energy as you think about it. Any weapon attack your immune to, that's as you can sense it coming and turn into energy so it phases right through you. Then change back into some form as the attack is done. Any energy attack towards you is absorbed, this is done as it absorbs the energy so the body uses it to create its own attack back. You toughen, so add +4 to all core stats and +70% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Luck (Ex); Due to the power of your lucky piece you find you can add to your inventory, you increase your luck by 5.
Psychic (Ex); Think of the moment or idea and you know what you need to know about the point or expressed idea using your pinneal gland. Also, you are psychically guided by your God or the spirit to get things done right in idea.
Blood being (Sp); This can be cast 3 times per day, what it is is summoning a blood golem. The golem can deal 3d10 per every 3 levels of the caster in damage. Its speed is 30' per minute. It has 100% health and can be unsummoned by dismissing it. It disappears and harmlessly can no longer do damage. However, when summoned, it can do your need as you think of them. Up to 3 golems can be summoned without going losing control of the golems. If defeated, the golem disappears harmlessly in the air.
Blood deity (SP); This summons by a drop of blood a God made of blood. Namely the blood god. This God is neutral and serves your purpose, wherever you want it served. It can be anywhere. This god has 200% health, 30' per minute speed and your stats otherwise. This god can even deter attacks as well.
Hemomancy (Ex); You can do this effect anytime you want a blood result. This is genetic blood dwielding or energetic genetic blood dwielding where you focus upon the blood and think of what you want to create. Hemomancy is the use of magic for manipulating the blood of oneself and others. A wizard who practices Hemomancy is known as a Hemomancer. This is the magic of blood, the power to control both your blood and the blood others, to create weapons of blood, to use others blood to heal, to use your own to poison. You master it by feel. Only once, add +5 to your focus and concentration ranks. So think of where you want to use blood effects. You can get 1/4 the health of the target with damages or healing by this idea at levels 1-10 and 1/2 the health in damages or healing after level 10. However, it can last up to 1d8 rounds in battle or unlimitedly until not wanted outside of battle. You could force the target to do what you want, otherwise be peaceful and not fight with the power of blood.
Blood drugs (Ex); This where you create with blood energy the drug you want, that's as though it directly formed in the blood stream. You get full effect, and it fades away after 1d10 hours outside of battle and 1d6 rounds in battle..
Accuracy (Ex); This is where you create a strike with accuracy using the blood energy to help guide your blow, thinking about the idea to hit and then striking with a weapon. Add +5 to your attack rolls.
Spells (Ex); You can choose any 1 spell to do per each action. This is using an idea in itself, that's done by summoned energy and programming it to do the idea. This means you can choose a stone soup spell and get it off by focusing it to exist. Its what is written that is created as you need it to be there, think and it effects the target that you intend it to effect. It only effects you if you want to be effected. Here at is DnD spells. Here at is the the dungeon crawl's list of spells.
Blood drive (Ex); This is where you create with blood energy, that is gathered from others as well as yourself. Add 50% energy and health.
Blood transformation (Ex); You at level 20, transform into a blood being. You are pure blood energy in a living form. You can do all you normally can do, all except piss and shit. You no longer need to do that. However, you can also reform yourself, your shape changes to your will. Any item is there where you think it is. You can in phase into energy form, otherwise phase yourself back into immortal body formation. In-phase, all attacks that are physical pass through you. All energy attacks your body absorbs, that's as though an energy it can make use of with idea by feel. You can use the energy you get as well as the energy you have to attack with by feel. The damage/healing you can do is 1/2 the health taken from or given to the target. The transformation toughens you, so add +5 to all core stats and +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Money (ex); The money you spent or spend is gotten back with 2 or 3 times more received. No matter what the case.
True making (Sp); This is cast at will anytime, where you cause by magic the idea you speak or have as an object, thinking to become true. This can cause lies to become truths and fake objects to become real. Think of what you want with this, though thought is a point in itself.
Luck (ex); This is where you find a heavy Lucky piece weighing 2 lbs and create your own luck by thinking of luck as you hold the luck piece. That is worth 10 luck. Add 10 to your luck stat.
Instant refresh (sp); Instant refresh is cast at will when you need energy. This is where you act normal and think you got enough sleep and your soul makes it seem to happen, that's done as if recharged from the creator himself. Make your MP amount 100.
Bluff boost (Ex); This is where you get a boost in your bluff or lying skill by practice. Add +5 to the bluff, Connive and if there, lying skill ranks.
Believability (Ex); This is where you get believed to be someone, who knows things or are believed to be important to the target. Then by speaking what you want, you create with an idea and make a result occur of what they do. This is with a 50% chance of success, so roll a 1d100 and get a 51 or above to check if they believed you.
Transference (sp); This can be done 3 times a day without resting. This is when you focus on the attributes you want from the target or targets, then state that you, "I transfer the attributes of [name the attributes you need]." The subconscious does through the energy consciousness the transfer, that can include thought, energy or health. Then its done. You can transfer in energy or health the amount of 1/2.
Give in (sp); This spell can be done anytime and that is where you cause the target or targets to give in to your will. Thinking towards them to do what you want as a need. They give in by the feel from the thoughts you project towards the targets. All you need to do is think or say, that idea you need them to do. So its think about it and they do it.
Enhanced form (Ex); This is where at level 20, you create by energy an improved shape and toughness with enhancements to your abilities. You are energy, so you can phase in and out of existence at will. Where you go is up to you, as though an energy realm existed for you to exist in by feel. When your phased in you are an energy body. That creates energy effects, think of what you want to say and this includes speaking as though telepathically. The effect is then where you don't need to eat or drink unless you just want to, and then you absorb the energy of the substance. You absorb any energy up to the amount cast at you to use as you want. However, you are aware of everything and create calm where you think to be. Magical weapons can still effect you phased in. Phased out, you aren't effected by attacks and absorb energy from the creator to do what you want.. You add +60% health and +4 to all stats.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Ultra particles (Ex); This is a tiny bit use with radon that you can buy called a radon trace stone, that emits radiation you can feel and get restored by feel. That's as you focus your energy through the radon and recover perfectly by idea your full health. Otherwise it can resurrect a dead person or creature and make them exist as though not dead.
Luck (Ex); You get a lucky piece weighing 2 lbs, worth 6 luck.
Knowing (ex); you achieve the zen state of all knowing nature, that's done by doing meditation at least in your head. Add 5 to your knowledge skill ranks.
Modern things (ex); You are a master of technology, you can use any machine or gun. Add 5 to your Modern things skill ranks, weapon damage and weapon attack.
Full body energy charge (sp); This ability is then used anytime 3 times a day, when you energize your hand or fist and sniff. That's where you focus energy along your hand, then in return of a second of energy focus, when you sniff near the hand or area of your body. You create an upsurge of speed and energy. This allows you to create an energy surge that reenergizes you. You are with 100 mp that you can use up and your sped up by 10'.
If you make a fist thinking energy goes to it, then you are similarly energized. Focusing of energy in the hand can energize yourself and your area.. it seems to focus energy upon the aura and that releases charged electrons that enters the nitrogen and oxygen atoms. This charges the nitrogen and oxygen in the area near your body.. sniff the supercharged nitrogen and oxygen and your supercharged. This is instant and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle, and until you don't need it outside of battle. The used up energy is gated back to the void by your soul.
Exposure (Sp); This spell effect is cast any time you want. Its where you use the focused sun radiance to irradiate the target, that's mainly done by imagining a lens that forms in the air and focuses burning radiance upon the target from the sun's rays. Any effect can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or until not wanted outside of battle.
Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.
Psychic paper (Ex); This is where you hold up paper and through focusing enery to it. It shows what you want, as the right idea you intend things to happen with thought that's exposed. This is what you think is good for the moment, that's psychically projected and subconsciously perceived.
Psychic (Ex); The psychic moment is seen or known about. By what the spirit does, you know what is what. This is done by focusing to know the idea. You always know what the special properties are, that's of any item that you want to know about by feel.
Psychic attack (Sp); This is cast anytime you need it, where you know where the target/s will be and attack them mentally, that's causing them to be crippled in battle and they do 1/2 their normal damage. This crippling lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle and until not wanted outside of battle.
Curse (Sp); This spell can be done whenever you want to effect a target or targets of something you think about in life. This means you focus upon the target and state under your breath as you feel your emotions, "I curse you to [name what you want done]." Most curses can't be undone as its a hex, that creates whatever you like and only fades away if you no longer what the hex.
Any effect can last until not wanted during battle or until not wanted outside of battle. Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-9, 1/2 the health for levels 10-19 and all the health for levels 20+. For levels 20+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.
Blessing (Sp); This spell can be done whenever you want it done, that's done by thinking of a positive emotion and stating to the target, "I bless you." It blesses the target with a charm effect, that boosts morality and health by 30% and causes improved energy of 50 mp or 50 stp. That lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle.
Atomic size (sp); This is where you can become the size of an atom with all your stuff. The spell can be cast 3 times a day. Have fun with your intrusion, as this lasts until you no longer desire it because you are powered by the energy of the atom that sustains you..if you are an energy being and empowered by the atoms, this makes you unable to be attacked. Yet you can do energy assaults, that are focused and effect the target/s as you want to get a energy result.
Damages/healing are instant and that is when you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-9, 1/2 the health for levels 10-19 and all the health for levels 20+. For levels 20+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.
Charm (Sp); This spell can be useful and done anytime you want, that's done by a stated towards the target or targets, "I charm you with [name the idea you want here]." Then, it forms as an effect, that creates from gated in energy what you want or intend formed. Most charms can by thinking its gone be removed.
Any effect can last up to 1d8 rounds in battle or until not wanted outside of battle. Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/2 the health for levels 1-15, All the health for levels 16+. For levels 16+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.
Battle angel (ex); This is where at level 20, the energy use makes you a battle angel or angel of death. This is where your thinking to create whatever you want, that's as you follow the creator in idea. This is where you think and create whatever result, that you want to create. You have wings that fold outwardly. You can fly naturally, even though you could fly before. So think, add "Flight" without the quotes to your ability list. You have the ability to phase at will into whatever space you perceive or want to be. You can phase back, if you so care to do so. You are immune to physical attacks, as the attack phases right through you and what you have. However, magical attacks are possible by feel. You also toughen, that's where you gain +4 to all core stats and +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Booster (sp); This is where you create a boost in ability. Focus and creativity creates a boost that you can cast 3 times a day. This is +8 to all rolls. That lasts until either 1d10 hours outside of combat or 1d6 rounds in battle.
Quietness (ex); This is where you learn to remain still and quiet. Think to add +5 to your quiet movement skill rank.
Good luck (Ex); The luck of the moment finds you well..add +6 luck.
Atomic size (sp); This is where you can become the size of an atom with all your stuff. The spell can be cast 3 times a day. Have fun with your intrusion, as this lasts until you no longer desire it because you are powered by the energy of the atom that sustains you..if you are an energy being and empowered by the atoms, this makes you unable to be attacked. Yet you can do energy assaults, that are focused and effect the target/s as you want to get a energy result.
Damages/healing are instant and that is when you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-9, 1/2 the health for levels 10-19 and all the health for levels 20+. For levels 20+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.
Psychic (Ex); This is where you think about what you need to know, then it is known about. That can reveal to yourself any special properties. Otherwise you know what will occur, that's done by the spirit revealing what will occur.
City advantage (ex); This is known of where you are and you use meditation and gain a bonus to your knowledge skill ranks that counts towards your city skills as you relax and your spirit lets you know of what area you want to know about. Add +5 to your Knowledge: City skill.
City scout (Ex); You are no longer a learner of the city scout ways at level 20. You toughen as you have experiences of things that you intend to learn. Add +5 to all core stats and +70% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Psychic knowing (Ex); This is where you know everything by the spirit revealing what it sees and the soul letting you know by insight. You can know the special properties of anything you want to realize. Add +5 to your knowledge: all skill ranks and that means you know many things.
Luck (Ex); you gain a lucky moment created by the soul copy! add 8 to your luck score.
En (Sp); You can cast this spell any time of the day by using void and entropy, cause the target to end its need to fight. Combat over.
As (sp); This can be cast 3 times a day before rest. This is where you make by the spirit any idea instantly to manifest, that's from holding an item as a source of energy. You cannot use this to attack with, yet you can cause healing by this effect. You can heal (every 2 levels of the character as a point) + d10 + focus ranks. Like your character is level 20 with 15 focus ranks. This means 10d10+15 or 10*10+15=115% max.
Wraithform (Sp); This transformation causes you to become transformed into a wraith by what you do. You are appearing like you do and immune to weapons. Spells can effect you though as you want to be effected. You stab your physical form to create the wraithform of shadow, that can move on its own or possess the target for 1d6 rounds in battle or 1d10 hours outside of battle. You may cast this spell 3 times a day and it lasts until you don't need its formation, then you reshape yourself as you want to be "normal". So the stabbing seems to not ever occurred.
Transitioning (Sp); Transition can be cast anytime you need it to occur. This occurs with the focus, this is where the spirit transitions or creates the effect or body changes that change it into some formation that you will into existence. It lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle or until you lose your concentration. You must make a concentration roll with a 10 or above, that's done per round in battle or minute outside of battle. Otherwise it disappears.
In (Sp); You can make anything appear any time of day, thinking the soul copy is creating the idea. That's unless you don't want the idea, then it disappears. You find yourself in possession of what you need by feel.
Energize (Ex); This is like your fantasy using the focusing ability, except you use your spirit to form what you intend from gated in energy. You cure yourself or others of any illness. That means your spirit can create with your thoughts as programming sent to that energy. What you want as a need is created. Really in dnd terms, it enhances the flavor and causes the drink to reenergize you by adding 40 stamina. It increases weapon damage by the power of the spirit, Add your focus ranks as additional damages.
Worse (Sp); This spell causes a bad condition of the body. The spirit inflicts the target with a crippling disorder. That lasts until you don't want it outside of battle or 1d8 rounds in battle. The infliction causes -5 to all target's rolls and any creature gets a -10 bonus to their rolls.
Godly form (Ex); At level 20, think and your in your deity's energy, that enhances your form to create what you intend to occur physically. You can even turn into energy and back again along with your stuff. You are immune to weapons and can phase any attack you receive to them that attack you. You can use any energy assault as energy to yourself. Magic can effect you and that means the elements..yet you have wings and can fly or hover as you need at 30'. You can add +5 to all core stats and +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Atomic shape (Ex); This is where you can become the size of an atom at will and cannot be attacked because they can't see you, yet you can attack by magic or energy strikes what you think is a target. When you need to chat with someone, you think the message and as you do, you are heard as though you spoke it to them. Because of the intensity of the shape, your dealing double the attack damage that you do.
Luck (Ex); You get a luck piece worth 5 luck. Add +5 luck.
Virus (Sp); You create a virus that makes a viral infection, that eats the skin from the power of focused atomic energy. This disables the body that is the target for 1d6 rounds in battle and does 1/4 the health of the target each round.
Spells (Sp); You can do any one spell cast at a target or targets, no matter what it is.
Nuclear (Sp); As they say, split the atom and you yield a nuclear force. You can do this anytime per day. So if you focus and think the hydrogen atom splits up, you can create an atomic bomb effect. This is a mini bomb that you set in play, that effects 100 feet in diameter. Think it splits at least 110 feet away near the target or fly up 110 feet and detonate near the target. Then your safe. This can turn a few hundred targets to dust. It depends on the range, to what effect you get.. 60 feet away you get 1/2 the health removed. Closer, then they have no choice but to instantly die into dust. Any equipment is untouched.
Recharge (Ex); You use the energy of the cells with the spirit guided energy, thinking to recharge yourself. Instead you gain unlimited energy and stamina. Put "infinite" as the mp and stp totals.
Atomic shaping (Ex); You use the ultimate ability at level 20 and become invulnerable at will with a silverish skin hue, that lasts until you don't need it. You aren't effected by attacks and absorb any energy sent to you as extra health and MP. You can reshape yourself at will and do what you want in idea that you need to occur.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Paraphanelia (Ex); They have the chemistry set equipment to make with use whatever drugs they want. Get it from the equipment list. They can add +5 to their chemistry skill.
Luck (Ex); They have a lucky moment and find a bad luck piece that's cursed. Add -5 luck, you see under the illegal drugs effects you get a -5 bonus to your luck instead.
Spirit drugs (Ex); At any given time, they can use their spiritual version of their chemistry set or spiritual equipment. That exists when they get their physical drug equipment, that means they can create a spiritual drug that's possible to do anything they want, like feel good.
Drug boost (Sp); The drug boost is where you cast a spell under the influence. You get ann amplified effect. This is +6 to all rolls and damage they make. This lasts for until the drug wears off or 1d6 rounds in battle/melee or until 1 hour passes by outside of battle. However, during the drug use, there is an upper moment, that is with the +6 to rolls. This is where they feel very good and then there's a downer moment, that makes -4 to all rolls. That is where they descend from the feel good, and the moment ends with a disruptive behavior of paranoia and then they are alright.
Unaddiction (Sp); This is cast at anytime by willing yourself to not be addicted, you cause your cellular energy to be directed by the spirit to not need the addiction anymore. This lasts until you no longer need the effect because of Narkam.
Narkam (sp); This drug is used like a spell with a potent effect, that's blocking out all drugs in effect on the body and is administered by shot. The drug can cause instant sanity, and not being effected by an induced drug state. This can even block fentenel. In order to use it, you'd have to have in on hand or the police can administrate it.
Drug lord (Ex); They at level 20, create with their God's energy a super drug, that creates a very healthy and toughening effect. This drug lasts their lifetime as they seem to have it spiritually. The druggie can decide to sell his stuff. The druggie then will be able to sell his or her assets and drugs and gets a profit at will of a 1d4 where 1 rolled is 1 gold, 2 rolled is 100 gold, 3 rolled is 1000 gold or 1 pp, and 4 rolled is 100 pp. They toughen so add +5 to all core stats and +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Luck (Ex); Due to drinking, they receive a luck piece, that adds +6 luck.
Drunken fist (Ex); If they don't use a weapon, then they have their fists and kicks. That's at +5 to attack rolls and double fist and kick damages.
Speed (Sp); This is cast as they need it to effect. They can as they are drunk get a 20' speed addition to their movement rates. Yet they perceieve things slowly so they could miss things at a -5 to hit. This lasts 1d6 rounds in battle/melee and until 1 hour passes them by outside of battle.
Tinctures (Ex); This is done anytime you want it done and you have an empty bottle with a cap, a bottle of alcohol and healing herbs that you can get from the equipment list. That is done with the combining of alcohol with herbs and allowing it to steep in a bottle, then created is a healing drink! This is alcoholic and herbal, and the best part is what you mix, think as the alcohol makes it strong. Restore 40% health each time you make and use one. You can even reuse the same bottle! Necessity is the empty bottles to put the tincture in, so think and you can get it done..
Alcoholic boost (Ex); This is where they create with a point of being drunk, and make with the energy of their God. Add +5 to all rolls except to hit if drunk.
Drunken deity (Ex); This is at level 20, where they create at a whim and make with the alcohol energy and their God energy combined. They get +5 to all rolls, toughen by feel and add +5 to all core stats. Also add +70% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Diseased (Ex); You are diseased by whatever illness that isnt debilitating. You have a -10 penalty to your health. This illness cannot be cured yet doesn't seem to effect you.
Luck (ex); You have found a citrine ring of luck, add 6 to your luck and use a +5 to all rolls.
Disease other (sp); You can cast a debilitating disease at will, that causes -5 penalty to all rolls on a target for 1d6 rounds in battle or 1d6 hours outside of battle.
Cure illness (sp); You can cure any disease or illness instantly no matter whom you are or whom it is, except for your disease you can't get rid of. If by thinking the creator heals it, after you state "heal" after focusing on the target. You can cast this spell at will.
Disease lord (ex); So at level 20 you combine your will with the creator or god by use of foul transformation, where you use a powerup of foul oil from sniffing it after thinking energy energizes it.. So you now create double the effect roll in damage and gain a +5 to all core stats except constitution. Add +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Luck (Ex); You find a ring of luck that weighs .5 lbs, add +6 luck.
Food and water (Sp); You find food and water by feel. You may cast this whenever you want.
Summoning (Sp); This is where you create a summons. That works as you think of the idea to create in the area and the energy consciousness creates it. Say you wanted to summon a faery, that takes over the target and stays in the target/s heart. This faery will do as you want as this seems like a contract, that allows it to do what it pleases by doing what you will. So think about it, you can get the effect off for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. You may cast this spell at will. After it is done or you don't need it, then you see the summons disappear. You may summon 1d8 people or creatures effectively.
Hand of God (Sp); Upon focusing energy to the hand, at will you can cast forth energy to effect the target/s however you intend to effect them. This can be magnetically pushing the target/s backward or drawing them forward. Casting energy damages or healing. Otherwise its whatever you want the hand of force to create in idea that you think to create. The effect is instant and the energy damages are level based. The soul opens the gate to effect what you want and draw in energy for the effect. The soul closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.
The damages/healing are:
1d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
2d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
3d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
4d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.
God form (Ex); At level 20, your use of orange spice produces a god form change. This is where you are an energy being, that doesn't get effected by weapons and does get effected by effects or spells. It absorbs the energy of food, substances and water. You can phase in or out of the area. If phased out you are immune to all attacks, yet you can't attack. In phase, you can attack by feel. You can fly or hover at will. You speak and hear by telepathy as you present an illusion of speaking and listening. You toughen by feel. Add +5 to all core stats and +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Luck (ex); The lawyer gets lucky and finds a ring of luck that weighs 1 lb. and grants the wearer +7 luck.
Vision (sp); Think the 3rd eye makes a vision of what you want, then it will cause the vision to be seen. For a mass vision, think the third eye shares the vision to those you want to see it. This can be done anytime you want and lasts until you don't need it.
Food and water (Sp); You find or create food and water by feel from gemstone energy. You use a clear quartz to summon food and blue moonstone to summon water. Hold any stone and imagine the result as you think energy goes through the stones over a cup for water or drink. Hold the clear quartz thinking of what you want to happen and the the clear quartz creates it. Stop focusing through the stone if you don't need it. That exists as you need it from the water vapor or you finding the food. You may cast this whenever you want.
Plant growth (Sp); Think the plant you intend to grow grows as you make a mark in the direction of the plant or seeds. Cast this effect whenever you want plants to grow quickly.
Enchanted fruit (Sp); This is where you touch the fruit and seed, think of what you intend and the fruit does it to your body as you eat it. Like a truth peach, where you eat it and think about telling the truth. Think to use this anytime you deem it necessary.
Alcohol (sp); Think to use agate with smokey quartz. Hold the stones together and imagine the result as you think energy goes through the stones over a cup. Stop focusing through the stone if you don't need it. You can cast this whenever you want. The effect is instant.
Spells (Ex); You may do any effect that you think about or think the idea and treat it like a spell as you state a powerword to activate the effect like "Start" or "begin". Think about it, what you need and create is whatever effect you desire as though a spell were cast by feel. However sometimes you don't feel the spell, sometimes you notice it by what occurs after it takes effect by idea. This is a spell in idea and if you feel it done, then its all the better. This lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle or it can end anyway you like, including using an "En" to end the effect.
Law (Ex); This is where you think and do the law as though you represent it in a court of law and know it by heart. You get a boost in intelligence by +3 and you get a boost in law skill by +5.
Power of attorney (Ex); This is where you can take control of the situation, you decide what is done and what is done with the account by agreement in law. You can gain what you want, thats from the account you need to control. This lasts until you no longer need it.
Reading (sp); this is where your reading a source. That is the point you think about reading someone or something. Allowing the idea to come to you, if you need it. This idea is the spirit of the target responding to your need. Its a thought you can write, think, say or ignore. You may cast this spell anytime you'd like. The effect is instant.
Magic armor (ex); This is enchanted armor and creates whatever magic is necessary by the armor energy creating, what you need from the energy consciousness doing it. You ward away or drive away any danger by feel. You can reduce 1/3 the damage from what you receive.
Mageform (Sp); Mageform is where you create a figure out of your body or someone elses, that you think about it and its formed of your or someone's body, that's done by focus to become by the effect of the spirit transforming you into the form. You may cast this whenever you need. This lasts until you no longer need the figure.
Cancellation (sp); This is where you think of the area to cancel effects in idea, and state a word as you think to cancel out a person. They disappear as you think they do. Cast this spell, whenever you have a target you want to get rid of, except for the target/s items that remain behind.
Blowtorch (sp); Think of fire blowing forth, then your soul creates that effect and proceeds in torching the target. It lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until you don't need it outside of battle. This does half level (don't round up+d10+focus ranks in damage or for a level 17 character with 18 focus ranks you would have 8d10+18 as amount. Each amount does a percent removed from the target/s health. That could be for a charater named joe smoe, 8*10+18=98% health removed max.
Breathe draw (Sp); Be near the mouth and breath in. Then the corruption is withdrawn from the target. The target no longer wants to fight. Cast this spell whenever you want.
Boss (Ex); Your a boss of the lawyer group or firm, otherwise you could be a Judge. If a judge, then add Profession: Judge or Profession: Boss if becoming the head of a lawfirm. This is put on the character sheet skill's section. This happens at level 20, when you gain in perspective and get a dream promotion. You toughen by adding +50% health and your core stats rise by +5.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Magic clothes armor (Ex); Think this is enchanted warding armor made from cloth and it creates whatever magic is necessary by the clothes energy creating your thought, that's what you need from the energy consciousness doing it. All you really need to do is enchant your clothes as though you need it to ward away any hit. This lasts until you don't need it. There is a 50% chance you could get hit. Roll a 1d100 to find out, where anything under 51 rolled is not hit.
Psychic (ex); You are psychic and aware of things that exist. When you think to know you realize what is there, you cannot be ambushed or surprised. This could be a special ability or whatever event that occurs before the moment. Roll a 1d100 to see if you are aware of things with a 51 or above rolled.
Lucky charms (Ex); You find a magic clover that weighs .25 lbs. and get +5 luck from it.
Mojo (ex); This is magic in essence, where you find the idea happening that you need or think about occurring easier. Add +5 to concentration and focus skills.
Speaking (Sp); What you speak about you know, so you create by the spirit what you desire. As you create what you want you make what thought you have to work. You may cast this spell whenever you desire. This can't be used for combat.
Newsworthy (ex); The idea you think to speak about is newsworthy. you attract attention to those idea and people responsible. Add +5 to your news skill and charisma.
Cancellation (sp); This is where you think of the area to cancel effects in idea, and state a word as you think to cancel out a person. They disappear as you think they do. Cast this spell, whenever you have a target you want to get rid of, except for the target/s items that remain behind.
Investigation (Ex); What you investigate you find things out about in life. So you increase your intelligence by +3.
Mind reading (ex); This is where you read the person's mind and what it can do. That's as though reading a text or newspaper, that you imagine and see the idea you intended to know. This effect is instant, where you start writing and you know the idea until finished.
Energy warp (SP); You may cast this spell whenever you want. This effect is focusing the energy of the planet to cause the target/s to not get an effect off. This is lasting 1d8 rounds or until not needed and any energy or elemental effect is not done by the target/s. This canot be used against the special reporter.
Interest by feel (Sp); This spell, once cast, draws interest in the area you speak about. The effect is to distract the target/s for 1d8 rounds in battle and until you no longer need to draw their interest outside of battle.
Anchor (Ex); Through the effect of energy use and being level 20, you toughen and become a news anchor. This is where you can sit at a desk to create the news, that you speak about. Think and you know what to do. You gain +50% health, and add +5 to all core stats.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Grifting (ex); This is getting money from someone who has it to give. Otherwise, its exchange in idea. Add +5 to your grift skill.
Blade barrier (sp); This is where your spirit forms energy blades in the air that float on their own. Then attacks the target with them. This looks as though a barrier of blades were being done. This spell lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until you don't need the effect outside of battle. Out of 8 blades is a 1d8 rolled to see what blades hit, they can inflict an additional 2d10+focus ranks in damage amount to the target.
Travel (Sp); Travel is where you think of the destination and you think your going faster. Then, your there as if you moved faster, this is 2x as fast and you didn't actually run. That means you are 2x as fast, and can divide the amount of time it takes to get someplace by 2. Cast this effect whenever you walk or move around and you move faster by feel.
Energy thorns (sp); This is where you cast a spell and thorns appear, that's on your aura. Think of it, the effect is this poison where you can impale the target for 3d10+focus ranks for damage.
That effect lasts for what you want until the target is cured of the poison. The spell lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed or focused into existence outside of battle.
Trap and idea detection (ex); The traps if any in the area, are detected by your psychic nature. That means you know things by the spirit knowing what is there. You psychically know what is what before the moment. Roll a 1d100 with a 51 or above to detail things. Add +5 to your "Knowledge: All" skill without quotes.
Trap defusement (ex); This is where you defuse the traps, if any detected in the area with a 50% chance of success. Otherwise you avoid the traps. roll a 1d100 to see if you defuse them by 51 or above rolled.
Shield (sp); This is creating an energy shield from your aura being energized, where you absorb up to 1/2 the damages. This effect lasts up to 1d8 rounds in battle, and until you don't need it outside of battle.
Energy focus (Ex); This is where you gain in focus and are able to get nearly any result. Add +5 to your focus and concentration ranks.
Blade barrier wall (Sp); This spell lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until not wanted outside of battle. Once cast and you can cast it anytime, it is where your soul makes a energy barrier. That absorbs energy from around the area and forms 10 swords in the barrier that hit the target/s with 1d10 energy swords. That strike the target once it passes over them. This is dealing 4d10+focus ranks in amount. That makes each sword that hits the target/s, deal 3d10+focus ranks in damage.
The art of deception (Ex); This is where you gain in ability to decieve as you think of what you need. You can convince anyone in doing what you intend. So add +5 to your Bluff and Charm stats.
Transfer (Ex); This effect is where you create attributes from others, that allows the attribute to shift and you create with energy what you intend to create as an effect. Say you knew someone, whom was wounded. Then you transfer the wound to yourself. It disappears from them and greappears on you. You can also "give" someone energy to remain energized and then create as you watch them. Of course, since energy flows, you can send them whatever attribute or energy and it will come back to you if you need it.
Shift area (Sp); This spell effect is cast whenever you want. Where you think to shift to some area with the power of the room or building in the right time. Think of the area and imagine yourself there at the time you want to go, move around and you are with support of the area energy to be somewhere else. This effect lasts until you no longer need to be there, or you leave the area of the room and you shift back by feel. This can even time shift you, if you so wanted to think of the place and time. Then you can time phase the idea or effect, thinking it is to go to the target area at the right time. That's through a gate, that your soul creates and uncreates.
Chi warrior (Ex); At level 20, you get the status of chi warrior and work with what you get by use of chi energy. The spirit energy toughens you and you get immune to all forms of disease, illnesses and mental disorders, that's including medication and addictions. When you toughen, you create effects easily with an additiional 2d10+focus ranks damage or healing possible. Also you gain +5 in all core stats, and add +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Luck (ex); you find a ruby ring of luck, that's worth 7 additional luck and it weighs 2 lbs.
Astral suggestion (sp); this is where you think to focus on the Astral plane. Seeing the person or thing to suggest to, you state what you want the personal target to do. The astral plane makes them do it. You can do this spell anytime you want.
Astral projection (sp); this is where you project yourself into the astral plane, thinking of where you intend to be and see. Breathing in and out and thinking to be there. This lasts until not needed.
The charge (sp); The charge through is done by credit charging and by magic. You can use this spell every time you think to get funds paid. This is instant.
Mutation (Sp); This is where you think of the change to do, and create a change in body or spirit by drinking water or sending energy with your thought to the target's water. As the target drinks something that was charged by your thoughts, you cause them to change..yet you retain your own idea and mentality. This can chang any body its used on. They gain the temporary stats of the creature or humanoid. This effect lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until 1d10 hours pass by outside of battle. You can do this spell anytime you want.
Weather magic (sp); The magic of weather is used by feel. Think to make the clouds, then you form rain by needing it. Otherwise you can feel intense to form a tornado. Thinking the clouds dissolve and dissipates, makes the storm disappear. Cast this effect as the need for weather exists. This lasts until not needed. That can do damages, this is where you take or give 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can do 1/2 the health of the target.
Anything goes (ex); You can use anything as though a weapon. You get +5 to your to hit with weapons rolls.
Rememberance (Ex); Think to relax and as you speak "relaxing" thinking it will come to you, you remember. The effect is +5 to your Arcana skill.
Potion making (Ex); This is where you can find the ingredients, as you think to mix them in the right proportions. Then use water to create the effect you need. You can use this effect to do what you want whenever you desire. The effect of the potion lasts 1d8 hours unless healing. That's damages or healing for where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-9, 1/3 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.
Alteration (sp); This is where you take energy in and imagine the form or see the figure and say "I like her" or "I like him.." and the spirit changes the body. Think the target changes to change them instead. This is instant and lasts until not needed.
2nd wind (sp); this is where you drink in energy from the creator and sniff the area to create a boost in energy and movement. That lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or 1d10 hours outside of battle. Cast this effect whenever you want.
Soul transfer (ex); This ability is where you use your God or the creator. That shifts the soul to some area and its able to manifest whatever you intend. Otherwise, you can control the targets you want to attack as you hold their souls in your heart visually thinking there is a green energy surrounding them. This is done by thinking you have their souls and say, "I have their souls." Then, you create by the heart emulating what you intend the situation you want them to do. This lasts until not needed.
Targeting item (sp); Think of the idea for the item to do and set it somewhere. Then upon picking it up you have that idea effecting them. That lasts until not needed or it is instantly triggered. Cast this spell whenever you need it to effect the target by feel. This is instant and lasts until not needed.
That can do damages/healing, this is where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-9, 1/3 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.
Animal spirit (ex); using the Animal spirit improves magic. Think to the animal the thought of 'sharing your spirit and helping me out.' Then it would help create what you need. Add +5 to your focus and concentration skill ranks.
The spell effect (ex); State the idea you want to do as though you did it, and your brain utilizes the subconscious to make it happen by the energy of the Astral plane and doing it three times more in force in the Astral plane. This is where you imagine or think the effect is a hurricane for a gale wind here. This can do any spell cast, and use any spell you think to do. The effect lasts until 1d8 rounds in battle or until 1d10 hours passes by you. That can do damages or healing as well, this is where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-9, 1/3 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can do all the health except when yje target will make its savings throw of 1d20 and they get a 10 or above. This will make your damage 1/2 the health of the target.
Torture (ex); this is where you think of the torture and state a word of intent..then you cause the targets to be tortured no matter how you think. Tickle torture is the safest way to this. Whatever torture, you cause them to fear you and they run away. This lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle.
Fuzetzu (sp); this effect freezes time and movement of the target area except for your allies. That's done by thinking it exists as you will the creator or your God to make it happen and ring an imagined or visualized bell. Do this spell if you want to freeze your foes motion. This effect lasts 1d8 rounds in battle. Otherwise outside of battle it lasts until you no longer need it.
Fuzetsu II (sp); this is where you focus and create with thought, that you need to happen. Stating "fuzetsu 2" will freeze the enemies no matter what. This allows you to see every ones life force, and you can draw from it as though an energy source. You can draw life force and energy from the target of 1/3 the amount they have. This effect lasts 1d8 rounds in battle. Outside of battle it lasts until you no longer need it.
Mist of time (Sp); The mist of time is where you focus a mist to exist that the faery cause, think of the effect and you make things happen with a vision that's done by feel in whatever time you intend it to occur. You can combine any other ability or spell with this effect. Cast this spell whenever you intend to make an effect occur.
Alternate healing (sp); Eat a little or drink a little thinking that damages disappear from you to the planet and its undone. The energy consciousness will shift your hurts to the planet. Your health is restored perfectly no matter the wound by this spell.
The effect maker (ex); Though you toughen and create with thought, this is done by the god making it happen easily at level 20. Add +5 bonus to your focus, concentration and damage rolls. Also, add +5 to your core stats and +70% health by feel.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Mutation (Sp); This is where you think of the change to do, and create a change in body or spirit by drinking water or sending energy with your thought to the target's water. As the target drinks something that was charged by your thoughts, you cause them to change.. This can chang any body its used on. They gain the temporary stats of the creature or humanoid. This effect lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until 1d10 hours pass by outside of battle. You can do this spell anytime you want.
Subconscious defense (sp); This is where you focus on the person and use their thoughts against them or project their emotions in a situation that you intend to use to neutralize the moment. This spell is instant. It can be used any time and place, and causes the target to not respond to you. Except, if you speak it positively, and then you get a positive response. It lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle. That's also until positive things are stated outside of battle.
Luck (ex); you find a citrine ring of luck, that's worth 5 additional luck and it weighs 1/2 lbs. That bestows unusual luck immediately in the point you do things by feel.
Healing (Ex); Think about it, your thoughts have the power to heal. Think its healing by regeneration and its done within minutes to hours. You gain fast regeneration, it lasts until you no longer need it and that allows 3d10+focus ranks to cause healing all over the body. Also you quicken the healing by being near someone, that's for 30 minutes or less and your aura causes them to repair their body per minute. This is with an additional 1d10 in percent, as amount for the length of time you are nearby. You can do this spiritually or physically, think about it.
Languages (Ex); You get 4 more languages that you know how to read and write. Add 4 languages to your Languages list on the character sheet that you want to know.
Writing (ex); The ability to write is there. You are able to write an interesting story with a good storyline. Think and you know what to do. However, writing can be done by one word or many. This is a known fact of life. It depends on what you want known by the idea you do. Add +5 to your Writing skill ranks.
Deals (ex); The deals of the moment are followed through and things work out by feel. Add +3 to your charisma.
The thought (ex); Since your psychic, you pick up on the thoughts of others. Roll a 1d100 and roll a 51 or up for success.
Writer sense (ex); The idea you sense by feel and the point you think as it comes to you. You can sense what is there and know what things mean.
The cruncher (Ex); The cruncher is this, if you stand still or sit down you can pull in your stomach. Once you do, your stomach isn't bulging. You can create by drinking water or some drink a slimmer ab or a compacted and strong stomach. That's the end result where you gain +2 strength.
Initiation (ex); By the power of the body cells and your soul used by your spirit, you get faster results and add 10' to your speed as you think to speed up and work with what comes. This uses the speed force in idea, so think and you know what to do an work with things naturally. Add +5 to your initiation or who goes first rolls.
Wizard eye (Sp); This causes your third eye to reveal to you what is there, wherever you think to project your third eye. The third eye stops when you stop focusing on the area you wanted to see. This helps you scout out the area and you know by insight what is there.
Spirit traps (Sp); This is where the spirit causes imps to set traps in idea, the area is safe to you and your allies. So think and you know what to do. The traps will cause the spirit of those that shouldn't be there to draw attention to demons that attack the targets. Then you know they pass out by feel by the demons influence. This lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle. That's when the spirit instructs the imps to untrap the area in idea. Cast this spell when you intend to treap a place.
Thinking bind (Sp): The thought is what abounds, so think an do as you can. If you think, you create a binding moment in idea and this is done in the physical place. You can paralyze the targets for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you decide to do something else outside of battle. Cast this spell whenever you intend to do things.
Power thought (Sp); This is where you create a point of discussion, when you think of what you want and the things discussed create fruit. The point of discussions or thought will create what you need as a want by feel. This cannot be used to create warfare, it only creates a peaceful feel.
The erasure (Sp); Whenever you erase something that you write, then you erase the event from history and the idea ceases to exist. You can do this spell whenever you want. So the idea not wanted blinks out of existence.
Invulnerability (Sp); This where you are is where your thinking your invulnerable and touching an object or crystal. Then, your invulnerable by the energy consciousness of the object you touched. That you think serves, as though a soaker of the damages or effects. The object has 100% health until it absorbs the damages. You receive no damage except for physical assault until the object is destroyed or not thought to power the effect. I suggest touching and thinking the object won't break. Or, you touch steel or something unbreakable. Cast this spell when you want to be protected.
Servitor (Sp); Cast this spell to easily summon a servitor to possess a person's subconscious and inhibit absolute annihilation. This prevents further attacks to you as their body follows the will of the mind and subconscious.
Subconscious trap (Sp); Cast this spell to trap temporarily the target in their mental world. The subconscious traps people in there own mental world, using the energy of the attack then releases them as they don't intend to attack. It then makes itself unseen, and makes certain that it didn't fail. When you trap someone in their mental world they think, that they did something to you when they did not as they did things to themselves.
Funds (SP); This it is in idea where you think to create funding, write by a green or gold marker on a 1 dollar bill, that's with extra zeroes on the dollar bill after the 1 and as you tape it above a door, you generate it in some form or another as you glance at the modified dollar. This works by the subconsciousness creating the effect, you see results as it takes the idea or suggestion you notice and manifests it by feel.
Light channel (Ex); You channel the divine essence of light through feel to form what you need or want with a clear head. Add +5 to focus skill and concentration skill.
Guidance (Sp); This is where you think and focus on the person to create a spiritual guidance, using empathy your able to think about the person and your spirit guides them to be better. You can guide them to do what you want. This effect lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until you don't need to do this outside of battle.
Thinking creation (Ex); This is a soul clone effect, that is where you create something out of thin air by the power of the soul, that you "find" or it finds you and you know what it is and what to do with it. This can be clones or items, that you want created. If a clone, it has your stats and energy weapons that are similiarly yours. You can find its appearing dead to fool the public or it can disappear after 1 hit.
Force field (Sp); This effect causes you to be protected no matter the point for 1d8 rounds in battle or until you think not to need it. It projects forth the energy that you don't want as you think to create with light. In order to form it irl, you think your energy goes to the aura and creates a white light that acts like a barrier to all negative idea or attacks. Think and you know what to do. This draws the positive idea you want in life, so think to get positive results with positive thinking. Cast this spell whenever you want protection.
Thought displacement (Sp); This spell is cast whenever you want. It is where you use your soul as you stand still, thinking to create a spiritual copy of you from whatever element you want to use or the air. It has what you have including stats and attacks the target by will or youe desire. This duplicate form lasts 1d8 rounds in battle, stress or until you don't need it. Its kept up by the creator or your God.
Hiding (Ex); This is where you hide things in plain site, and make it seem to not be there. This is done by causing the energy of the thing to be undetected, unless focused on. Then it appears again. This effect lasts 1d8 rounds in battle, and until you don't need it outside of battle.
Misplaced item (Sp); The targets misplace something like a weapon that they could use against you. This lasts for the time till you want it found and its found in any form you desire. Cast this spell to make something you don't like them having disappear on them. Only to be found by you or them, your choice.
Detection (Ex); The detection of the moment is what creates you knowing, so think about it and things become clear. If you perceive the moment, you know when things like police or an ambulance is passing by or there. With this psychic ability, you always know when an ambush is coming and aren't surprised at all when things occur. Eventually this developes into a true psychic ability, so think about what you need and want to know so you know about it, including when a lie is spoken. Think and know is the rule to this, its as though you were guided to do the right and accurate thing as though you were supernatural. The spirit knows and you realize it in a insightful moments. Add +5 to all your rolls.
Thought creation (Sp); Think and know, you cause the target this idea, what you do is what you get, so if you kill those unworthy and innocent, you know if they are innocent before attacking. See you can find the judgement against you harsh by a judge or self-judgement. This is a point in regard set by your spirit. So it sets everything against the targets. Your target gets -5 charisma bonus and things in the area, they are drawn to attack it by 6th dimensional energy. If multiple targets, your targets attack each other by an instant judgement.
Camera trick (Sp); The camera trick is where you create a spiritual image or moving image on the picture. That shows yourself and your spirit can communicate through the image, so if you focus on appearing on the image then your spirit does. Cast this spell whenever you want to make an image for yourself.
Time displacement (Sp); This spell once cast causes the moment you dislike to happen sometime else by the power of your God or the creator. That time you decide when it occurs by the power of your God or the creator. If you roll a 1d100 and get a 51 or above, then you aren't effected badly by the effect. As it can happen exactly as it psychically seemed possible. This means, that you create with a minor effect like not having allot of money generated or an inspection of an apartment that reveals nothing if your creative enough. Where the weapon that would get you in trouble is not found or you don't get in trouble. Then, you can also displace objects that you "find" later by feel or idea you notice.
Fame (Ex); You toughen with the energy you get by level 20 and think of the idea to do. You gain fame and the ability to attract an audience. Your fame carries you by what you do. You gain +5 to all core stats and +60% health.
Dream creation (Sp); This is where you create a dream that you focus and think into existence, that your spirit can make an appearance in. This lasts until you no longer need it. Think to cast this spell as you intend to create a dream.
Haking (Ex) This is where you hack the moment and create by words, idea and writing it down as you think your soul creates the moment you want out of the moment that exists in life. This is then possible by the idea of a 1d100 and if you roll a 51 or up you succeed. This is when you think to create a money moment as you write it down or say what you do and roll the 1d100. Otherwise you can state something and life hack as you let your subconscious do it.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Deals (Ex); Think and do, this is where you make a deal as you think about the person or people. The energy of the items create the deal by the energy consciousness as they do what you want. Add +5 to your high bargaining skill and charisma.
Luck (Ex); Think to work or do things with the energy of the items you have, and you create with an unnatural luck. Add +7 to your luck.
Energy wings (Ex); This is where you gain energy wings and create by focusing your energy flight and hovering. Add flight 40' and Hovering to your special ability list.
Timed hit (Sp); This is where you create by gating the effect of a hit, that hit is instant and you don't have to be nearby. This happens if you intended to hit the target by feel. The soul opens the gate and closes it by feel. However, any damages are as is. Where the weapon or effect makes the damages.
Psychic (Ex); This is what happens to create the effect of knowing. You know by the spirit to disappear or when you need to do things. The subconscious "tells" you what is what. Your spirit sees the idea or event and you know what it is or what is there. This can be any time and any place.
Danger sense (Ex); You always know by the spirit when danger is nearby, that you psychically hear or feel by a cold shiver that goes down your spine as the soul lets you know. You never get effected by a surprise attack.
The exchange (Ex); What you need you get done, that's what the customer needs. The merchant will always do what is necessary to get things done including barter, subconsciously at least and physically at most. That creates what desire the customer wants on exchange of values. This is a known effect. This effect will happen on the exchange, so think and you know what to do.
Disappearance (Sp); This spell can render you silent and invisible, like a glitch in the matrix anytime you want. The effect is that you create disappearance, when you think you know what is bad and nearby. The spirit uses your soul and causes you to disappear in plain site. Think and you know what to do. You can sense telekinetically created invisibility by use of the third eye.
Stone angel shift (Sp); This is where you turn to stone by a flesh to stone effect and teleport by spirit guided by the soul to somewhere else. That place you would want to be or your not there. If you are there, you become flesh again by a stone to flesh effect. This effect is instant taking up one action.
Wishes (sp); This ability is where you create with a wish or thinking, that things will happen that you wanted as a need is there. Think of what you need and then stating the idea as a wish for it to be done. This can be done by any means you think is possible as a spell. The effect can take 1 action to do.
The damages/healing in amount that are possible to be done with every 2 focus ranks round down:
1d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
2d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
3d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
4d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.
Thought transfer (Sp); This is the mind that with thought it transfers to a body until it transfers back. This allows you to control the target in the area that you want to mind bend. It lasts until 1d8 rounds per battle and until shifted back outside of battle. If the target dies while your in there, you shift back if you want to be back. Whom you transfer your mind to you tend to look like, if you want to keep the form for more than one action.
Respawning (Ex); This is where you think to reincarnate as a form, and your spirit makes preparation to become your next life. Then you are that form as you think to be that way. Do this effect when you think to end your life now and become your next in life dying on the spot. This effect is instant. You know you succeed, if you get a 51 or above when you roll a 1d100.
Mirror travel (Sp); Think of where you want to be as you look at a mirror, then you are there by feel by the power of the mirror. Whatever happens to your original form, happens naturally and as you need to do it. Roll a 1d100 and get a 51 or above as a result number to successfully do this effect.
Divine intevention (Sp); Cast this spell whenever you want to create a pause or stopping point by intervention caused by the creator or yo9ur god. This effect is instant can stop any actions that are attacks, no matter the point by feel. So think and you know what to do, as this spell can be cast whenever you want its effect.
Djinni (Ex); There is a point you see, that you know about and can deal with by feel as though aided by djinni. That do what you want and aid you in your endevours. So the point is when you think. This becomes apparant at level 20. This is where you fix things by energy of the soul and become tougher. Think of the idea, then you know what to do. Add +5 to all core stats and +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Luck (Ex); Add +5 to your luck from a lucky piece that you find that weighs 1/2 a lb.. There is a 50% chance making your luck, that allows what you want. Roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above, thinking to get a successful action.
Focus ability (ex); Because of what you do, your focus skill gets added to by +5.
Safety (Ex); Things are done that make things safe. You have nothing to worry about by feel. Add +5 to your safety skill.
Psychic (EX); You are psychic by feel or idea and create with an inner knowledge, that guides what you need to do. You know what is what as you think about the point, as though the item or thing was an expressed or felt idea. You are never surprised by an ambush or surprise attack by anything.
Finding things (sp); This ability is where you find useful things no matter where it is. You easily find things out. There is a 50% chance that you find it, using a 1d100+focus ranks and getting a 51 or above for success. Cast this spell whenever you want to find things.
Languages (Ex); Because of your study, you add 3 more languages and Ancient languages to your language list that you understand, speak or write. The archeologist understands naturally by studying it, the ancient languages of the past.
Unwinding (Sp); This effect is where you call upon your subconscious to undo the spell or effect that you notice in the area. Basically, you unwind the effect. That means, you dissipate it harmlessly.
Healing (Sp); Getting nearby your allies or thinking of healing, you can rejeuvenate yourself and your allies by feel. Restore 1/4 your and the allies health.
Knowledge (Ex); Due to your studies, you learn about things. That may have occurred with the soul knowing things, that's from the spirit seeing things you want to know so you realize it. So if you think about it you can make use of the idea. Add +5 ranks to your Knowledge: All skill.
Creative (Sp); This is where you hold an item or gemstone and think of what you need it to do. Then its consciousness of energy creates the effect, that's done by its influence. You may cast this effect 3 times a day. It can't be used for combat, yet it can cause the need to not fight or some creative effect. This effects until you decide to not use it otherwise.
General effect (Ex); This is where you cast forth the neutralizing energy as you do things, that makes you able to do what you need and not be bothered by your consciousness. Make a will check of 1d20+will and get a 10 or above, thinking to create the neutralizing energy and attempt what you may.
Archeologist (Ex); This is where at level 20 you get better at getting what you want and because of the energy, you get tougher. You get +5 to all your rolls. Add +5 to all core stats and +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Engineering (Ex); This is where you think to do what you may and get a good result by the use of machines or building things using materials or items. Add +5 to your engineering skill and modern things skill.
Assault n battery (Ex); this is where you hit and get a charge of energy added to your energy from the hit amount in damage. So its equal to the moment in amount, that you hit them for by feel. Add what damage you deal out, as extra stamina and MP to your character per hit. At level 10, you get double the energy back from the target.
Building (Sp); From scrap parts you can build nearly anything that works. So with the build effect, this is where you think and focus on what you want to do, you can build or lift anything by the power of the spirit using the soul energy. You can glue things or unglue things together by feel. It lasts until you no longer need it. Roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful build. You can even build traps, so think if you think of the idea you can do it. This works as you think it works, otherwise its not done.
Instant karma (Sp); Do this spell anytime you want this to occur. This is where you think instant karma, and its instant payback or actions done that were done to you to the deed doer and not done to you.
Diagnostics (Ex); From the moment it begins, you know the problem by testing and observation. Roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful diagnostics.
Dismantling (Ex); This ability is where you safely dismantle the device or trap that you sense psychically, otherwise you can safely trigger the treap. That's for its free parts. Think to dismantle or trigger something safely as you roll a 1d100+luck and roll a 51 or above for successful results.
Psychic (Ex); What comes to you by the spirit you know by the soul. This is where the spirit reveals timewise, what it saw and what occurs. You can see any time and space, so you know in advance what will occur. Thinking about the moment allows you to not be surprised by attack. You also can detect traps by sensing them out psychically. This is done with a 1d100+luck as you roll a 51 or above. Add the feat of Psychic ability to your feats list.
Telekinetics (Sp); This spell can be done anytime, you want the object to do things on their own. Think of the thing you want and the object to do and focus upon the item, then will the idea as you need it for you want as you state the point or intent. The object, if energy aware, should do it. The object takes 1 action in battle, or 1 minute outside of battle to do the deed.
Engineering plus (Ex); This is where you think of the feat to do and create with any one feat that you want to use. According to your level, you can create with the effect of what your allowed to use by idea. Otherwise, you can create whatever feat you desire. This is as a thought, you can engineer the feat by feel. It lasts until you no longer need it. This new feat has to be approved by the DM/GM. Place the feat as a temporary feat of [name and describe the feat] in the feats list.
Psiballs (Sp); You can create 1d6 psiballs or energy balls by focusing energy into the shape of a ball, you can use them to construct what you want. They are energy shaped balls that hang in the air and go where you want. That allow you to do what you want, as you will the psiball to do things. At level 10 you get 1d10 psiballs, before they dissipate harmlessly where they are used. Add the feat of Constructs to your feats list.
Instantaneous transformation (Ex); This is where you think of the form and need to be the shape, then you appear bigger than yourself unless you wanted to appear smaller than yourself as you are formed that way by will. The effect is simple, the spirit creates your body shape change, then you are that form in appearance. So whatever shape you want to be, you are by the power of the soul and the creator that feeds the soul. When larger, double your strength mod and when smaller, you are at normal strength. This effects the target/s by scaring them, so they don't attack you. They remain still and unthinking. Things you do are with the strength effect, these effects last 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle.
Luck (Ex); This is where you think of the idea, then create what you may with luck granted by the creator or your God. Add +6 luck.
4th dimensional storage (Sp); Cast this spell whenever you want to store things. This is where you think to shift an object by touch, so it goes to the 4th dimensional storage room. Think of the item reappearing and its back by feel. This is instant.
Shifting (ex); The area you think about being in you are suddenly, first by spirit then in body. Think about it and the subconscious mind teleports you or others into like a myst of time travel. This is instant so cast this effect whenever you want.
Weird feat (Sp); This is where you think about the idea and create disappearances or strange elemental effects created by fate. You may cast this spell anytime you desire. The strange elemental effects are like making things waterproof until you no longer need it waterproof. Otherwise it can be burning things with magic fire. That turns the target into ashes.
Trace (Sp); This is where you trace the moment and know what you can do. Thinking about the target/s allows you to see what is possible, thinking to know the moment it was formed. You know whatever properties there are to the item or idea. That's as you realize what the person or creature did. You may cast this effect anytime you want. This lasts until you no longer need it.
Weather spell (Sp); This is where you focus and control the weather as you look at the sky for 1 minute outside of battle, otherwise is 1 round or 1 action in battle, and think to the sky that clouds are in the area created by your thought. Then create a storm by needing it, that effectes the target by focus on the target. Trace a zigzag in the air thinking the sky will cause a lightning strike, or trace a tornado figure in the air thinking. That's with feeling the sky forms the effect to goto the target. This does in damage or healing a half level (round down) + d10 + focus ranks in amount.
Each amount takes away from (attack) or gives to (healing) the health of the target. Otherwise it takes the attack damage and causes it to be added as health and energy to you. This spell lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or until you don't need it outside of may cast this effect anytime you wish to get a result. Although, the point there is a storm, you can summon from the sky by stating the result to the dm/gm any effect you want to effect the target/s. Including healing. Think the storm is "capped" and clears up to end the storm. That's as you say to the gm/dm, "storm ender".
Althaitham's crystal sword (Ex); You build a crystal sword, that you know the properties of from the spirit knowledge. Its made of green crystal, this sword weighs 3 lbs and when you attack with it it causes in air mirrors to form sending the energy of whatever you attack with..amplifying it into a more powerful form. Use any element you gate in as particles with this sword. It does half character level rounded up + d12 + focus ranks in damage on hit. So if your character was level 21 with 16 focus ranks, then you could deal 11d12+16 in amount where its 148% max.
Particle wave pattern (Sp); This is a creative wave pattern or things of effect, that you can cast anytime and create an effect by thinking about it and stating the particles' name to the DM/GM. Feel free to mix and match the particles. The soul creates it if you need it as though an engineer's effect gotten by gated in energy. The effect lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle. The damages/healing prospects are half level (round down) + d10 + focus ranks in amount. Its reflected in sleep, ability, influences and made with the metarules of Affinity, Thaumaturgy and Mental Focus with interactive subparticles of;
lutra(lea, lepton, love trance, electron, displacement charge, ion, negative energy charge, negative time subparticle)
likdon (lida, proa, likton, proton, proteon, proactive(athletic), protective, positron, proactive charge, positive charge, charge within particle, contain charge subparticle)
nura(neutron, neutral subparticle, isotopes or neutralize)
tehya(tachyon, active, carrier wave or positive time subparticle that looks like red dots)
yaa(alera, aleron, eludia, metainfluence, alpha waves, photon, aether, felt influence light particle, manipulation subparticle).
To allow with interactivity;
burang (helping moment by what you think and this particle can do, boomerang effect, in return effect, Formed by electron + proteon + positron)
cema(seem-ah, cemia, cosmia, temporary glue particle, temporary cementation of particle, cosmetic particle, A particle to cause a temporary cementing with effective thought about particles to a surface, Formed by electron + proton + aleron);
cua(cuon or curon particles to cure poisons and body weakness, neutron and aleron);
cuae(coo-aid-eh, curative of scent particle, nice scent particle, cua + proton + lura);
crita(crypton, temporary erasure, or weakening particle created with stekton + tachyon);
creta(cree-tah, permanent erasure, or lessening particle created with stekton + tachyon + lutra);
dea(dee-ah, death and decay particle, death particle, this particle creates death and decay of whatever you don't like, created by crita + lutra + likdon);
dnyra(de-nirah, dendyron, denyro, denyron particle, or programmable particle that you think at once created to program it created by tachyon + aleron + lara);
eawr(ee-ah-wer, ewir, parasitic sembiant particle, self-perspective condoning thought particle, sub-bot particle that forms and coagulates on moving things as an object. It does as instructed by it being spoken as though it did it and it feeds off filth or bad things and sometimes the organism itself. Formed by a cua + proton + lepton);
eawix(Ee-ah-wix, ewix, hearing ear particle, wax particle, a particle that allows you to hear nearly anything that is thought about or looked for by thought, created by eawr + proton);
foa(photon, leukton, destructive particle created with electron + proton);
flaa(feleron, firewater, mission complete no abuse you may return, everburning water, everlasting flame, greek fire, photon with aleron);
gna(gea, genon, creon, coreon, create, earth, solid barrier, constant body, boundary, drug, solidity particle, lekton + aleron);
lukra(for leukra, leukron, antigravity wave particle, electron and stekton);
lata(lekton, freon, void, later, raw material, cold, cold spatial particle created by electron and proton);
lara(eleron, attractive element particle, aleron + electron);
lura(allows luron, eleuron, detractive element, dark matter, red matter, separation force particle, aleron and stekton);
loaa(low-aid-ah, eomai, everia, lower and do particle, surrendipitous info soak, impulse particle, causes learning by discovery, inverse osmosis, created by electron + stekton);
loae(low-made-eh, eomeo, aeia, raise and do particle, info soak by hypnosis, causes subconscious observation learning, adverse osmosis, made by proteon + stekton);
loai(elorai, laura, gnu, gnosok, money or knowledge soak an buildup, an osmosis particle, lipkon + aleron);
loan(elorain, gnosokles, agnu, lauran, knowledge or money reduction, reverse osmosis, crypton + aleron);
lika(lipkon, barrier, psychic, air or sound vibration particle, electron and lipton);
lipo(Lipta, this particle creates a weight reduction of the weight of the body as its mentioned in liposuction, formed of electron + aleron + tachyon);
lita(lipton, fire, heat felt particle created with electron and tachyon);
nea(gnua, nua, good notion, make good nuance, natural power buildup particle created by positron with electron, photon and aleron);
nuatra(negatron, nilhistic, annihillistic, rapid heat energy, extreme destruction particle, created by electron + zeuktron);
lupta(leupton, lava, molten heat, magma, emotion, melting particle, proton + aleron);
sutra(suetron, creative, water, restoration, active healing particle sometimes found in meditation, neutron and tachyon);
pua(poo-ah, puatra, purify, disserf, dissolvation particle, red particle, lura + proteon + lata);
stata(stekton, support. gravity or light wave particle; electron + neutron);
uun(ubyon, erasure or reversion particle made up by proton + neutron);
uace(ulypces, good luck particle, with ulypsis + ukyon + lekton);
uasa(ulypsys, bad luck particle, ulypsis + ubyon + lekton);
uase(ulypsis, antitime barrier effect particle created with proton + tachyon);
uua(ukyon, purity or restorative particle, neutron + suetron);
yara(alakron, manifestation particle, tachyon + aleron);
zatrui(zaktrunia, intrusion particle or warmth particle, likton + lipton);
zutra(zeuktron, changing mutative and irradiative particle, proton + stekton);
zutri(zeuktronn, disturbing particle, photon and zeuktron);
Zudy(zeudrima, intrusion particle, this allows you to enter into someones mind, created by proton + aleron + tachyon);
Zuty(zoo-tee, zeo, zuteo, zuhteo, cold radioactive particle, zutra + proteon).
Re-engineering (Ex); This is where by engineering yourself magically you create better thought and results. Add +5 to your enginnering skill and add +5 to all core stats. Thinking to work out, you can add +60% slim muscular health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Psychic (ex); You know before the moment what will occur, You are never surprised. You even know the special properties of the item as though identified psychically.
Intense attack (ex); The intensity is there on need, think to add +5 to your attack rolls and damages.
Predictions (Ex); This is where you use geology and movement of the rocky mantle beneath you, thinking to predict things to come using your intuition and skills, like a earthquake to come or volcano to erupt. At level 10, your character gets the skill of improved prediction. Thinking to create the effect of what seems like better predictions for the planet using data. Add +5 to your Knowledge: geology skill. This works for you not against you. Think about it and you know why things are done.
Focused management (ex); This is where you think and focus on the point to express. Then, the result is created that you wanted, this works best as you know of the problem. Roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above to create a good result.
Lucky spell (sp); This causes you to have a lucky effect with +10 to your luck. That's for 1d10 hours. Do this spell for additional luck whenever you need any luck. That's where you roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above result. If you do, you succeed in whatever you attempt with the +10 luck.
Weather (sp); Think of the weather and program planetary wave energy to intensify in the area. Then, you create the effect of weather to be there in the sky as wave energy causes you to look up to the sky and think of clouds. Overcast condition exists, as you need it to be that way. Think of a storm brewing, as you need it and it's there. Need the wave energy raise a heat dome. Then, the storm ceases, as you state "storm breaker" or "cap" at the storm itself. If you want a wave controlled tornado, think of the emotion and intensity making it occur.
Psionics (sp); If you focus your mind and breath to relax..then you can make your thought by will to occur. That is where psionics happen. So think of what you want, like creating a wind in the area..and relax your mind by breathing in and out so your letting the tension "go".
Optionally, you don't have to breath in and out, you can hold your breath and will the result to form. That by far is easiest. Then you can create the effect as your subconscious creates it. Then, you "psychically" feel the wind. Otherwise, if you wanted to cause water moisture to condense into water.
Think the moisture in the air condenses and forms water, that's as you breath in and out thinking it does. The water will form where you think it should, this is done by feel or observation like a wet or damp spot on the wall. However you do it, you can get a result if you practice by doing the idea and sometime you may get a result. This doesn't effect if you don't need it.
The damage/healing possible are instant and by level and per each 2 focus ranks round down. That's like you have 15 focus ranks and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 21d8+6. In amount, that's 174% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:
1d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
2d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
3d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
4d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.
Geology (Ex); This effect of the creator's or god's knowledge that you realize from the soul, causes you to be well versed in geology. Add +5 to your Knowledge: Geology skill.
Location spell (Sp); This spell causes you to know where in a the location of treasure or whatever you want is by feel. Think of the idea, need the thing and idea as you say out loud or under your breath "fid" or fide. As you look on a map, the location becomes clear as though your drawn to it. You can do this spell whenever you want in life.
Wave shift (sp); The 3rd eye can be used to see the area or as it instructs the light wave energy to surge, it will shift you to somewhere else. No worry or fear occurs to you of the place. This is where your protected by your god or creator from all attacks. This is while your there, until you no longer need the protection outside of battle or 1d8 rounds in battle pass you by.
Buffeting wind (Sp); This uses the wave energy directed by your subconscious mind, thinking to create a shield effect by the flapping of your astral wings. That's creating the waves of air to force away the attack. That keeps you unaffected by any damages for 1d8 rounds in battle, or until you don't need it outside of battle. This pushes away with the wind on the targets, that's from your astral wings being used with wave energy from the planet, that you don't want nearby 20'. Also, you speed up +10' and are energized with +40 stp for 1d8 rounds in battle, or until you don't need it. This effect of wing flapping is cooling yourself down as well.
Time gate (ex); This is where you create a gate by imagining a gateway open with harmonic wave energy, then if you create a point or expression. You make a way to work with time by the 3rd eye instruction to the wave energy, thinking to cause the time of the area to appear in the gate. Then, watch and observe as you will. you use the energy of the area to create with, and make a result at the time you think to change. This time gate lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or until you don't need it outside of battle. That's when the soul closes the gate.
Mastery (ex); This ability is where at level 20. you master the moment, then create your results with the creator or god as enhanced. Think and you know what to do. This allows greater potential, that's done by the creator or god changing things. Add +4 to all your core stats. Add +60% slim health to your health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
The atronomy (Ex); This is where your studies lead to improvement and understanding the point in atronomy. Add +5 to your Knowledge: Astronomy skill.
Astrology shift (Sp); This is where they garner or focus the planetary energy, and send themselves someplace. This place is instantly shifted to by feel, and thinking about being there. This uses the third eye, thinking about where you need to be as the third eeye uses the planet's energy. You shift by the power and direction of the third eye. This spell can be done anytime you want, so think about the idea you want and its done.
Physics (Ex); Think about it, after all the time you spent in study, you finally understand physics enough and its formulas to apply it aptly. Add +5 to your Knowledge: Physics skill.
The stars (ex); This is where you think of the idea you want to know, like stars and calculations. Then, you create with a point, that is an expressed idea. Thinking of where and when the star exists. The planet idea comes from the star's consciousness. Where and when is when we "spot it" in the sky, that's using a telecope and when it crosses in front of the star.
Astral physics (Ex); Think of things to do and you create with idea in the astral plane. The astral plane is a spirit plane you think yourself going to as you sleep and return from as you think return and rest. This means that you create with astral energy at level twenty, you create with the energy of the sun and planets you want to use. That's as you think about what you wanted. This I think is what is created by manifest. So think and you create with whatever energy you want to put to use. Also you toughen as your body turns into an engel body. This is where its pure energy and doesn't need to eat, except to absorb the energy of objects or food and drink. It thinks the message thats heard as though spoken.
You gain the ability to fly, if you don't already have it. The fact that you are energy, means that you create with the energy of the attack and can disappear into the ether as though no damage were done by feel. If there is an attack, the attack passes right through you. Then you return and use an action to do it. So this means you can become a gaseous form since you are a solid energy form. When you think to become gaseous form the effect they cast gives you energy.
Then, you transform into one as though your form becomes an unsolid energy form. You are unable to be effected by attacks, yet you can't attack in return. You heal by their attack energy. You can transform back by thinking to be solid again. You are affected by magic and magical attacks only. If you gained the ability to fly, add Flight to your Special ability list and add 30' flight movement. So I think basically, you can add +4 to all core stats and +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Physics (Ex); You get good at figuring things out, then you raise your ability in physics by study and experiments. You find you know allot more in physics including the math formulas by the soul knowldge. Add +5 to your Physics skill.
Mathematics (Ex); You improve with math dramatically, this is done by practicing formulas. Add +5 to your Mathematics sill.
Lucky (Ex); Think your in luck and you are with a lucky moment. Add +5 luck to your luck stat.
The thought (Ex); The thought that is there is the thought that abounds. Its created out of thin air, using gated in energy. This can create anything except attacks. It heals with this amount: half level (round down)+d10+focus or concentration ranks in total.
Think (Sp); The idea you think is what is thought through and completed by feel. This spell can be done anytime, including making deals complete.
Null jinx (Sp); State "null jinx" and what you want nulled to the gm/dm, as you think of what you need removed to complete the spell. The result is instand and the moment comes when you think of the idea and focus on erasing it, this is done by feel or idea that you speak about. The spell, idea or jinx unravels itself and things are normal again. Do this spell anytime you need a jinx removed.
Particle wave pattern (Sp); This is a creative wave pattern or things of effect, that you can cast anytime and create an effect by thinking about it and stating the particles' name to the DM/GM. Feel free to mix and match the particles. The soul creates it if you need it as though an engineer's effect gotten by gated in energy. The effect lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle. The damages/healing prospects are half level (round down) + d10 + focus ranks in amount. Its reflected in sleep, ability, influences and made with the metarules of Affinity, Thaumaturgy and Mental Focus with interactive subparticles of;
lutra(lea, lepton, love trance, electron, displacement charge, ion, negative energy charge, negative time subparticle)
likdon (lida, proa, likton, proton, proteon, proactive(athletic), protective, positron, proactive charge, positive charge, charge within particle, contain charge subparticle)
nura(neutron, neutral subparticle, isotopes or neutralize)
tehya(tachyon, active, carrier wave or positive time subparticle that looks like red dots)
yaa(alera, aleron, eludia, metainfluence, alpha waves, photon, aether, felt influence light particle, manipulation subparticle).
To allow with interactivity;
burang (helping moment by what you think and this particle can do, boomerang effect, in return effect, Formed by electron + proteon + positron)
cema(seem-ah, cemia, cosmia, temporary glue particle, temporary cementation of particle, cosmetic particle, A particle to cause a temporary cementing with effective thought about particles to a surface, Formed by electron + proton + aleron);
cua(cuon or curon particles to cure poisons and body weakness, neutron and aleron);
cuae(coo-aid-eh, curative of scent particle, nice scent particle, cua + proton + lura);
crita(crypton, temporary erasure, or weakening particle created with stekton + tachyon);
creta(cree-tah, permanent erasure, or lessening particle created with stekton + tachyon + lutra);
dea(dee-ah, death and decay particle, death particle, this particle creates death and decay of whatever you don't like, created by crita + lutra + likdon);
dnyra(de-nirah, dendyron, denyro, denyron particle, or programmable particle that you think at once created to program it created by tachyon + aleron + lara);
eawr(ee-ah-wer, ewir, parasitic sembiant particle, self-perspective condoning thought particle, sub-bot particle that forms and coagulates on moving things as an object. It does as instructed by it being spoken as though it did it and it feeds off filth or bad things and sometimes the organism itself. Formed by a cua + proton + lepton);
eawix(Ee-ah-wix, ewix, hearing ear particle, wax particle, a particle that allows you to hear nearly anything that is thought about or looked for by thought, created by eawr + proton);
foa(photon, leukton, destructive particle created with electron + proton);
flaa(feleron, firewater, mission complete no abuse you may return, everburning water, everlasting flame, greek fire, photon with aleron);
gna(gea, genon, creon, coreon, create, earth, solid barrier, constant body, boundary, drug, solidity particle, lekton + aleron);
lukra(for leukra, leukron, antigravity wave particle, electron and stekton);
lata(lekton, freon, void, later, raw material, cold, cold spatial particle created by electron and proton);
lara(eleron, attractive element particle, aleron + electron);
lura(allows luron, eleuron, detractive element, dark matter, red matter, separation force particle, aleron and stekton);
loaa(low-aid-ah, eomai, everia, lower and do particle, surrendipitous info soak, impulse particle, causes learning by discovery, inverse osmosis, created by electron + stekton);
loae(low-made-eh, eomeo, aeia, raise and do particle, info soak by hypnosis, causes subconscious observation learning, adverse osmosis, made by proteon + stekton);
loai(elorai, laura, gnu, gnosok, money or knowledge soak an buildup, an osmosis particle, lipkon + aleron);
loan(elorain, gnosokles, agnu, lauran, knowledge or money reduction, reverse osmosis, crypton + aleron);
lika(lipkon, barrier, psychic, air or sound vibration particle, electron and lipton);
lipo(Lipta, this particle creates a weight reduction of the weight of the body as its mentioned in liposuction, formed of electron + aleron + tachyon);
lita(lipton, fire, heat felt particle created with electron and tachyon);
nea(gnua, nua, good notion, make good nuance, natural power buildup particle created by positron with electron, photon and aleron);
nuatra(negatron, nilhistic, annihillistic, rapid heat energy, extreme destruction particle, created by electron + zeuktron);
lupta(leupton, lava, molten heat, magma, emotion, melting particle, proton + aleron);
sutra(suetron, creative, water, restoration, active healing particle sometimes found in meditation, neutron and tachyon);
pua(poo-ah, puatra, purify, disserf, dissolvation particle, red particle, lura + proteon + lata);
stata(stekton, support. gravity or light wave particle; electron + neutron);
uun(ubyon, erasure or reversion particle made up by proton + neutron);
uace(ulypces, good luck particle, with ulypsis + ukyon + lekton);
uasa(ulypsys, bad luck particle, ulypsis + ubyon + lekton);
uase(ulypsis, antitime barrier effect particle created with proton + tachyon);
uua(ukyon, purity or restorative particle, neutron + suetron);
yara(alakron, manifestation particle, tachyon + aleron);
zatrui(zaktrunia, intrusion particle or warmth particle, likton + lipton);
zutra(zeuktron, changing mutative and irradiative particle, proton + stekton);
zutri(zeuktronn, disturbing particle, photon and zeuktron);
Zudy(zeudrima, intrusion particle, this allows you to enter into someones mind, created by proton + aleron + tachyon);
Zuty(zoo-tee, zeo, zuteo, zuhteo, cold radioactive particle, zutra + proteon).
Perception (Sp); The idea you need to know is revealed to by your subconscious or mind. This is a vision that you perceive on a moment's notice. So think to work and you create as you reap its benefits. This spell can be done whenever you wanted to get a psychic vision.
Nikki jinx (Sp); This jinx can be done on a target or targets. Thinking peace, that causes the subconscious to correct their problems, including all illnesses. This spell can be done anytime. It makes the target/s not want to fight you.
Planar god (Ex); This is where you think about all you did and at level 20, you create better results by the energy consciousness of smart air. Because you think improvement, the energy improves your core stats. Add +5 to all core stats and +60% health as you toughen from the idea being done.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Heralding (Ex); This is where you state the info and have people find out, or know about it if you want them to know. You basically spread the news. So if you do it, you can add +3 charisma.
The expression (Sp); If you think of the idea to express, then its spoken about and understood as you say things about it. Roll a 1d100+luck or charisma mod and get a 51 or above for success. Do this spell anytime you like.
Psychokinetic (Ex); This is where you are psychic, telepathic, use telekinesis and use telekinetics. That is where you think of the idea, that comes to you and you know by feel if its good. You are never surprised or ambushed. Your telepathic when you think of a message, then need the target or targets to know it. They answer by the need to respond either telepathically or verbally through the mouth. Telekinesis by thinking to the object or objects to "move" and imagine or think of how to move. Then it will occur as the DM or GM describes.
This can work to cause things to move where you want them moved as you gesture to the object or objects. Then listen to music or quietness, that's when you suggest to the subconscious to "move" out loud, think to move your hand and that makes them move along with your hand. Telekinetic by thinking to the object to do something like work, then need it to work by feel. Roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above to ensure success. If no success, then try try again and hope it works or give up on it.
Luck (Ex); This is where you think of finding a luck piece and come across one, that weighs 1/2 lbs and is worth +6 luck.
Heraldry (Ex); This is where your at level 20 when you use the astral plane, that allows you greater idea and things to come. As you focus on the thing or idea, then the thing is known. So you get stronger by practice, and your stats go up with the concept thats done there. Also you toughen, so add +4 to all core stats and +65% to your health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Psychic (ex); They can detect anything by the spirt picking up on the idea, this allows them to never be surprised. Add the psychic ability feat if not there to your feats list on the character sheet.
Mind skills (EX); This is where you create with strong psychic abilities. Thinking to read the mind or mind control a person. This is when you relax and think to read the person's soul and mind. The soul responds to questions, you think to them or ask out loud. Think about the need and it strengthens the psychic ability. This allows them to mind control a person by the idea, they think about and their soul creates it. Add +10 to your psychic ability skill ranks.
Contact (Ex); So get this, by raising your arms like a Y, when you focus on the Aliens you can think a message to make contact with them. They will receive the idea as they are telepathic. That's as you think of what you want them to know and sometimes they send a vision back in reply. In fact, you can make contact with anything or anyone and understand them and spek their language. Add 3 languages to your language list. Otherwise roll a 1d100+luck with a 51 or above, as success for this action.
Hypnotism (sp); this ability can be cast at any time.. to effect subconscious control over the individual's. they want to program subconsciously and make them do whatever they like. Roll a 1d100+charisma mod to see if you get success with a 51 or above result.
Creative (ex); they take a creative mind approach to making things happen, such as giving advice or gifts. Add +4 to charisma and wisdom.
Synchronous effect (sp); Thought put to use, that's what this is.. with someone else acting in accord. This is where you act and they act, and you aren't noticed in doing things. Its them that are noticed that did it with you. Success is a 51 or above rolled on a 1d100+luck as a result. Do this spell anytime you want.
White light (Sp); Imagine a white light bursting from your body. This intense white light can cause the target/s to blink. Upon receiving the energy of the white light, you can suggest what you want them to do. That's with a good reason that's made up. If they accept the suggestions, you can cause them to not be curious about the idea they see. As after seeing the white light, they have a blank mind. That's with the right suggestions. Like, "You no longer need to attack me or to do things for you, go on home peacefully." So roll a 1d100+charisma mod and get a 51 or above result for success.
Talk (Ex); Your ability to chat and talk improves by feel, you can talk anyone into anything. Think and you know what to do. Add +4 to your charisma.
Luck (Ex); By focus of a lucky piece that you found, that weighs 1/2 lbs and gives +6 luck, you add +6 luck to your luck stat.
Money (Ex); You gain 1d100+luck and charisma mod in gold. That's per use of this ability every 12 hours.
Cosmoskinesis (Ex); This is where you think you are there, its interesting and useful to know. All that's required is to ask the creator of the universe to create a planet that's liveable and star for you by stating out loud or thinking to him your request. Think about it and upon attuning yourself to the universe and the creator, you can cause the planet to be revealed to you by request. Think your there, then the planet energy draws yourself there. This happens by feel or idea you observe in some manner or with some youtube vid describing it. This is in the known universe. So think and you know what to do.
Advancement (Ex); At level 20, you get advanced in the field you study. Also you unage 10 years. So due to the nature of energy, you gain in attributes and charm. Add +5 to all core stats and charm. Add +50% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Psychic (ex); The idea is realized, the need is known. So think of the idea or allow thoughts to come to you, whatever you do.. you know the extra properties of the item and are never surprised.
Conference call (Sp); This is a point you think of the participants, and you can use telepathy to create communication to them. This is done as you think the message to them. Imagining the idea being responded to, that's where the subconscious fills in the responses. This can effect long range communication, that's any distance as well, instantly. Do this spell anytime you want to get a communication, that's without cellphone or phone call being done.
Psychology (ex); You get really good with understanding the mind. Add +5 to the Psychology skill.
Psychiatry (ex); You understand the psychological idea and body know the right medication to give. Add +5 to your psychiatry skill.
Physiology (ex); The body understanding and knowledge about it is there, you can think and it is understandable or working for you. Add +5 to your knowledge: body skill.
Focused adaption (sp); The focus is gained also you think better and it makes the body better along with the mind. You cure illness and disorder with the cast of this spell, anytime.
Mega change (ex); This is where you think to create better for yourself at level 20, then you cause energy to improve yourself by suggesting the idea to the consciousness of energy. This can toughen add +5 to all core stats. Also, add +60% to your health.
Retirement (Ex); This is where the Analyst retires, so it can be anytime after 60 in human years that they do this. When they do, list on their profession skill; Profession: Retired.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Reporting (ex); This is where you report the weather and what you know and get a positive result. Add +1 to your charisma.
Analysis (ex); This is a pattern you think about, that reveals itself after you study the pattern. You can do one of two things, allow it or unravel the pattern. If you allow it, you don't mind what occurs. If you unravel it, you think of the moment as a thread and pick it and pull it as though your subconscious erases the moment in time. You can erase whatever targets you want by this technique as though they didn't exist.
Witty (Ex); The sharp wit is the thing, you fully gain the upper hand in any conversation. Add +1 to charisma.
Tracing (ex); This is where you track something or someone, that's done by thinking of the idea, and follow it energy wise to its originator. You almost always know who did what. Thinking of the pattern you can trace a storm, you know where it will hit. This is an effect done by itself.
Luck (ex); Think and know by the power of the storm, you improve your luck by +5.
Reminders (Ex); The thought remains to remind you of things that you forget. Add +3 to intelligence.
Instance (sp); The moment you notice change, this is where you can understand it by feel. You can cause instant magic by the moment of change as you don't intend harm. Cast this spell whenever you need a result instantly. This effect can trigger the result of what you need the target to be or do. So it can last 1d8 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it.
Either way, the healing amounts possible are energy effects and can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each 2 focus ranks round down. That's like you have 15 focus ranks and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 18 character, it would be 14d8+5. In amount, that's a max of 117% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:
1d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
2d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
3d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
4d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.
Evolution (sp); Natural evolution, this goes by feel..think and you know what will occur. This happens by the creator making effects, and causing evolution to speed up in the target. They evolve by feel and into what you intend them to be. Do this spell whenever you need as you intend the evolutionary force to occur. This ends by a koosh ball or whatever ball you have being handled. The core stats and shape change to the creature or being you cause evolution to.
Identify (sp); Think of the moment or item, and you know what it's special idea is. This understanding is brought, that's done by the energy consciousness through the spirit and soul insight.
Focus device (ex); This is where you think of something to make do, touch an object and create a result. That is a result you need with something like a clicker. Such as a switch that's sold in modern equipment. Otherwise you may use a crystal as sold in equipment.
Either way, the damage/healing possible are instant and can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each 2 focus ranks round down. That's like you have 15 focus ranks and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 18 character, it would be 14d10+5. In amount, that's a max of 145% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:
1d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
2d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
3d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
4d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.
Self-empowerment (ex); That is achieved at level 20, where the interaction with energy changes the body and soul where you gain in stats. Add +5 to all the core stats and +50% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Shadow shift (Ex); This is where you think of the place. Think the shadows shift you there, and you are there unobtrusively. This is the ability to jump into one shadow and come out another, at will. However, you can even stay in the shadows and cast things to effect the target/s, that's from the shadows itself.
Shadow attack (Sp); This is a spell that makes an enemy shadow attack the person casting the shadow. Its instant and cast anytime. The shadow can also attack your target/s by your willing it done. They have 100% health and the target/s stats. They could jump into the shadow of an arrow or gunshot that gets shot far away, then jump out of the arrow's or gunshot's shadow when it lands. There's a line of sight restriction. You have to see the shadow for it to work. This is where you can deal damages in amount: half level (round down)+d10+focus ranks in % of health taken.
Psychoscout (Sp); This spell is done whenever you like and is instant. That is where you think of the area to see, then you create with the mind as you "see" the area with or without the help of a mirror's energy. This is what is possible if you recognize the area and you know the area by what is sensed.
Luck (Ex); This idea is where you boost your luck using magic, add +5 to luck.
Heart healing (Sp); This is where you focus upon the heart and think green energy goes out from the heart chakra, thinking to effect those you want effected. That's with a healing effect from the heart chakra. You heal: Half level (round up)+d10+focus ranks in amount. Each amoun is a percent added.
Regain faith (Sp); This is cast whenever you want. That's where you focus upon the people you want effected, and think the heart energy makes the target/s regain faith in doing things, this is with thinking to effect those you want effected. The effect is to cause the target/s to regain faith in themselves and all doubt disappears. Add +1 per each 3 levels to morale by feel.
Immunity (Sp); This spell can be done anytime outside of battle, once done makes the item immune to any and all forms of being broken, damage, being corrupted, harmed, hurt and immune to being any form of bad and evil. Also it is immune to being in any way controlled, corrupted, drained, hypnotized, copied, absorbed cloned, stolen all in any way. This lasts till until you no longer need it that way.
Spell immunized (Sp); This spell can be done anytime and lasts for until you no longer need it. This makes all your powers and abilities immune to being taken away, stolen, copied, borrowed, drained absorbed and more.
Thumbdrive (Sp); You know whats on the drive by what you think is there, and that's from what you soul know or not do. This works as you pick it up and think to know as its inserted. Its instantly done by the subconscious letting you know it. Do this spell whenever you wish to know what's on the drive, and no computer is near for use.
Thought transfer (Ex); This ability is when you recieve the thoughts of the target/s. Its where you can act on or be like what the target/s do act like. This is where you create the thoughts by writing them down, and stating what you intend. This uses the thoughts as energy and you create with intent what you intend to manifest.
The energy damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each 2 focus ranks round down. That's like you have 17 focus ranks and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d8+6. In amount, that's a max of 134% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:
1d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
2d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
3d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
4d8+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.
Thought control (Sp); The thought you project towards the target/s makes them do things that you want. This is done by their subconscious or minds perceiving what you intend, and they recreate the thought you project. They successfully do things you want, like leave you alone with a roll of a 1d100+will and getting a 51 or above result.
Universal language (Ex); The languages the target/s can speak or think you understand and can speak as well. This is done by the creator making it understood and able to be spoken with an innate understanding of the languages themselves..
Sleep (sp); This spell can be done anytime. It is the ability to make people or target/s fall asleep for 1d8 rounds in battle, and until a loud noise is heard outside of battle or you wake them up.
Reading (Sp); This spell is instant and can be done anytime. That is where you think of the person and read them like a book, as though reading something written down in your language, that exposes them and shows them for whom they are. So basically, you know their thoughts as though it were written in the mind for you to read. This is done with a focus check and getting a 10 or above or a 1d100+will and getting a 51 or above as a result.
Shadow lord (Ex); This is where you think of a point that's expression, then do things to create with energy to elevate yourself in the shadows to that of a lord. You can command or think and hear communications to and from the shadow beings easily. This changes the body into a super body that can't be effected by normal attacks as its pure energy, this is where you add +5 to all core stats and +30% to your health. Add +5 to all rolls after this.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Cantrip (sp); This is instant yet is where you think of what you want, and state a word that creates by the energy being programmed by your thought what you want. You may do this spell whenever you desire something. It lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it. This is like a spell to cause no fighting or deal some damages. Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/6 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take or give 1/2 the health. It can last for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you decide its not needed. That's outside of battle.
Martial arts (Ex); feel free to add the martial arts feat to your feats list. This is because you are good at martial arts. Martial arts is learned in any style you want as though you were a master. You learn it by example and intuition. You can get a natural strike on a critical area with a roll of a 19 or 20. Damage dealt is increased for the foot or hand/fist strike, to 2d10. You may add in the Strength and Agility mod to the damage total.
Weapons mastery (Ex); The ability to use weapons with a mastery is manifested by thinking you have it, and you create with a bonus to damage and to hit. This means you add +5 to your attack rolls and damage rolls. Add +3 to your agility.
Luck (Ex); This is where you pick up a few lucky pieces, that you find by thinking they are found by you. This is like a penny or sometthing that gives you luck. Add +5 to your luck.
Clones (Sp); Think of the idea and they can do it. This is where your soul forms 1d8 clones or duplicates of yourself. They can do things for you or think to create for what is done. They have your stats and 100% health. They can do whatever you do. They disappear whenever not needed.
Shimmering force field (Sp); This is cast whenever you want, that's done by the power of the soul. State out loud or under your breath, "soul cause the shimmering energy to form." Then need it and it forms like a Shimmering energy, and makes you appear as whatever you want. It lasts till you start doubting it.
Astral effect (Sp); This is a spell you cast at any time, where you do three times as much in the astral by feel, and create a normal effect in the plane your in. This includes the astral computer. That basically is just energy that would change its shape to fit your perception. Otherwise, its like you create a elemental fireball. This is where you think of a fireball forming in the air, that's three times more compressed. This creates a red speck in the normal plane's air and causes with some time passing in the Astral as though instant here, the fireball, that hits the target or targets as it splits off into the amount of targets and hits them. The damages or healing possible are: half level (round down+d10+focus ranks.
Enhancement (Ex); This is where at level 20, you enhance yourself by the power of the soul yielding energy long enough to cause improvements to yourself. This is where you add +5 to all core stats and +70% to your health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Psi powers (Ex); This is where you manifest psionic powers. You begin play with power (talents). At any level, you can use one or more powers, as indicated in the powers that are chosen from the psionic power list.
Psionics (Ex); You learn psionics in some degree, add the Psionics special ability if you haven't already added it to your special ability list.
Exploration (Ex); This is when you think to explore psychically the other spaces and time. Add +5 to your Exploration skill.
Astral scouting; This is the ability to scout places they aren't by astral projecting. It comes at the cost of leaving their body vulnerable until they stop projecting. It lasts until they stop projecting.
Subdual (Ex); This is using nonlethal damages where all damages, that happen are now using the subdual track for you. Where you can rest off the damages. Nonlethal damage is based off dnd and is the negative energy that can be used for energy effects of many types. This energy is ultraviolet or ultra blue-purple and thats not seen by the human eye. Its effects are to weaken the body everytime its used for a spell, that's by adding to a nonlethal damage total where every 30% damage is 1 point. Each point causes 6 months aging repairable by healing of any sort or rest for 10 min per point.
Psionic investigations (Sp); This is where you use psionic ability to get answers and make knowable to yourself and others what happened by the use of the spirit. The spirit can be guided by what you think and need with the soul, you see what you think causes the soul to direct the spirit so you realize things, that's an interesting idea and you can create answers where there normally wouldn't be one.
Luck (Ex); They can manipulate luck to get a slight boost to their rolls. So if they do something, that means they can manipulate their luck with what they roll with advantage. Take the best of two rolls, that are above 10 in result. Add +5 to all rolls and luck.
Thought (Ex); Thinking gets smarter and better results. Your thoughts make you well rested. So add +3 to intelligence.
Pyrokinesis (Sp); This is the ability to light things on fire that they are holding like pyrokinesis or the target lights on fire. That is where they are able to be able to manipulate the chi in the body to light something or some target/s on fire. The damage possible is fire damage, that lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until put out outside of the battle. The damages in amount are: half level (round down) + d12 + focus ranks.
Telekinesis (Sp); Move objects around with the mind. Even objects people are standing on to fly. Do this spell whenever you want a telekinesis result.
Organic constructs (Ex); Think they exist as you want them and they shape themselves out of energy. They create what effect you want physically. So if you think they de-exist then they will. You see they are easier to create than complex models, much safer to have, as an indirect influence in yourself and others compared to imputing micro sigils in each cell, which can attune you straight off insane, goodbye realm. Organic design, or borrowed animal/plant/insect forms have a lot of value of utility. Plants are great for area construct, as they are ideal model for converting energy of an area.
So make your Stamina infinite, they are efficient and require little to no maintainance. Animals have in built weapons and defenses and abilities. Insects are peak of efficiency right after nano and viral type of constructs. Micro constructs that mimic crystaline structure can resonate very efficiently and induce changes. Thus, with organic you can mimic symbiot designs, kind of constantly working inside of the body, efficient types of constructs. That can overcome some particular vulnerability or issue of the moment, that one faces be it temporary or prolonged.
Sleep (Ex); The creator makes it so you are well rested, no matter how much sleep you get. You always act as though you have enough sleep. Add +3 to constitution.
3rd degree vision (Sp); Do this trick whenever you want to see to your sides. The trick is think you see out of the corner of your eyes, then you do as you impiously look around. This is 180 degrees vision.
Mind reading (Sp); Do this spell whenever you want. The ability to read minds. So they can hear people's inner dialogue and thoughts on the surface of their mind.
Antipsychotic (ex); This is where you become non psychotic, your calm and creative by feel by the right herbs and drinks taken at will. Add +3 to wisdom.
Dimensional access (Sp); This is the ability to perceive the invisible and access dimensions beyond normal human perception. You know what's there by the feel and vision, thats from the dimensional energy revealing it to you.
Task solving (Ex); They have complete control over their own brain and could think away pain, or boost their own morale and focus the whole brain to task solving. Add +3 to intelligence and morale.
Universal knowledge (Ex); This is the ability to access the Z level of existence. That is a pool of universal knowledge and wisdom. Add +5 to your knowledge: all skill. Add +3 to your Wisdom.
Escaping fate (Sp); This is where you instruct fate to create an escape from the circumstances by statements such as, "I escape my harsh fate" thinking fate makes things different and go good for you.
The leader (Ex); This is where you become a leader of a group or the head of the psychonauts, then in an ending you are the figurehead of them. This allows you to use several energy sources, thinking of the idea and creating with the energy itself, that's making evolution happen by will with energy you use. This is done by thinking of what you want as you will it to occur. So in event, you build upon the stats and health. Add +5 to your core stats and +40% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Theory (Ex); The theory of the moment you understand and can make use of to enhance your effects. Add +5 to all rolls.
En use (ex); This means that by working with the idea, you create you make an end use that is written down and can create a result. So basically, you write a spell. Think and you know what to do.
Mathematics (Ex); This is where you improve upon your math. Add +5 to your Mathematics skill.
Flash freeze (Sp); This is cast where you instruct dark energy to quickly drop the temperature in a 20 foot radius, and flash freeze the moisture in the air into water to slow people and target/s down. The target/s get a -5 to their movement. This lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until you don't need it outside of battle.
Wormhole (Sp); This is cast by feel. You can open up a wormhole to allow for quick travel, or use a pocket dimension to trap people or store things. This uses light travel, where you break apart into energy and form a light body. Then you shift at light speed, that's done by will to recreate the body on the spot you think to have a body. This used at great distance uses gravity lensing, that's where light bends to gravity. So basically, you find the area you wanted to be in. This works even though it could be a firey planet.
Half life (Sp); This is where you form an energy missile, where it divides the targets current hp by 2 if it lands. Good for single targets with a lot of hp. This is cast anytime you need it.
Particle wave pattern (Sp); This is a creative wave pattern or things of effect, that you can cast anytime and create an effect by thinking about it and stating the particles' name to the DM/GM. Howver they naturally formed in an atomic particle collider to observe them in action. Feel free to mix and match the particles by experimenting. The soul creates it if you need it as though an effect gotten by gated in energy. The effect lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle. The damages/healing prospects are half level (round down) + d10 + focus ranks in amount. Its reflected in sleep, ability, influences and made with the metarules of Affinity, Thaumaturgy and Mental Focus with interactive subparticles of;
lutra(lea, lepton, love trance, electron, displacement charge, ion, negative energy charge, negative time subparticle)
likdon (lida, proa, likton, proton, proteon, proactive(athletic), protective, positron, proactive charge, positive charge, charge within particle, contain charge subparticle)
nura(neutron, neutral subparticle, isotopes or neutralize)
tehya(tachyon, active, carrier wave or positive time subparticle that looks like red dots)
yaa(alera, aleron, eludia, metainfluence, alpha waves, photon, aether, felt influence light particle, manipulation subparticle).
To allow with interactivity;
burang (helping moment by what you think and this particle can do, boomerang effect, in return effect, Formed by electron + proteon + positron)
cema(seem-ah, cemia, cosmia, temporary glue particle, temporary cementation of particle, cosmetic particle, A particle to cause a temporary cementing with effective thought about particles to a surface, Formed by electron + proton + aleron);
cua(cuon or curon particles to cure poisons and body weakness, neutron and aleron);
cuae(coo-aid-eh, curative of scent particle, nice scent particle, cua + proton + lura);
crita(crypton, temporary erasure, or weakening particle created with stekton + tachyon);
creta(cree-tah, permanent erasure, or lessening particle created with stekton + tachyon + lutra);
dea(dee-ah, death and decay particle, death particle, this particle creates death and decay of whatever you don't like, created by crita + lutra + likdon);
dnyra(de-nirah, dendyron, denyro, denyron particle, or programmable particle that you think at once created to program it created by tachyon + aleron + lara);
eawr(ee-ah-wer, ewir, parasitic sembiant particle, self-perspective condoning thought particle, sub-bot particle that forms and coagulates on moving things as an object. It does as instructed by it being spoken as though it did it and it feeds off filth or bad things and sometimes the organism itself. Formed by a cua + proton + lepton);
eawix(Ee-ah-wix, ewix, hearing ear particle, wax particle, a particle that allows you to hear nearly anything that is thought about or looked for by thought, created by eawr + proton);
foa(photon, leukton, destructive particle created with electron + proton);
flaa(feleron, firewater, mission complete no abuse you may return, everburning water, everlasting flame, greek fire, photon with aleron);
gna(gea, genon, creon, coreon, create, earth, solid barrier, constant body, boundary, drug, solidity particle, lekton + aleron);
lukra(for leukra, leukron, antigravity wave particle, electron and stekton);
lata(lekton, freon, void, later, raw material, cold, cold spatial particle created by electron and proton);
lara(eleron, attractive element particle, aleron + electron);
lura(allows luron, eleuron, detractive element, dark matter, red matter, separation force particle, aleron and stekton);
loaa(low-aid-ah, eomai, everia, lower and do particle, surrendipitous info soak, impulse particle, causes learning by discovery, inverse osmosis, created by electron + stekton);
loae(low-made-eh, eomeo, aeia, raise and do particle, info soak by hypnosis, causes subconscious observation learning, adverse osmosis, made by proteon + stekton);
loai(elorai, laura, gnu, gnosok, money or knowledge soak an buildup, an osmosis particle, lipkon + aleron);
loan(elorain, gnosokles, agnu, lauran, knowledge or money reduction, reverse osmosis, crypton + aleron);
lika(lipkon, barrier, psychic, air or sound vibration particle, electron and lipton);
lipo(Lipta, this particle creates a weight reduction of the weight of the body as its mentioned in liposuction, formed of electron + aleron + tachyon);
lita(lipton, fire, heat felt particle created with electron and tachyon);
nea(gnua, nua, good notion, make good nuance, natural power buildup particle created by positron with electron, photon and aleron);
nuatra(negatron, nilhistic, annihillistic, rapid heat energy, extreme destruction particle, created by electron + zeuktron);
lupta(leupton, lava, molten heat, magma, emotion, melting particle, proton + aleron);
sutra(suetron, creative, water, restoration, active healing particle sometimes found in meditation, neutron and tachyon);
pua(poo-ah, puatra, purify, disserf, dissolvation particle, red particle, lura + proteon + lata);
stata(stekton, support. gravity or light wave particle; electron + neutron);
uun(ubyon, erasure or reversion particle made up by proton + neutron);
uace(ulypces, good luck particle, with ulypsis + ukyon + lekton);
uasa(ulypsys, bad luck particle, ulypsis + ubyon + lekton);
uase(ulypsis, antitime barrier effect particle created with proton + tachyon);
uua(ukyon, purity or restorative particle, neutron + suetron);
yara(alakron, manifestation particle, tachyon + aleron);
zatrui(zaktrunia, intrusion particle or warmth particle, likton + lipton);
zutra(zeuktron, changing mutative and irradiative particle, proton + stekton);
zutri(zeuktronn, disturbing particle, photon and zeuktron);
Zudy(zeudrima, intrusion particle, this allows you to enter into someones mind, created by proton + aleron + tachyon);
Zuty(zoo-tee, zeo, zuteo, zuhteo, cold radioactive particle, zutra + proteon).
Magic theory (Ex); This is the theory on how magic exists things. You realize it and gain a +5 to all effect rolls.
EMP (Sp); This is the ability cast at will, where you think to manipulate electrons, thinking to create an emp that does massive damage to robots, computers, or enemies with cybernetics.
Universal body (Ex); At level 20, the body changes, due to the energy in use, it transforms into a light body energy form that can go anywhere in the universes. That acts normally if solid, yet can turn into particle form/ This energy body can't be effected by normal weapons, yet it can be effected by magic and magical weapons. So elemental effects can effect them like a magical weapon. It can telepathically speak, as though it were speaking through the mouth. It doesn't need food or drink. That's unless it absorbs its essence. Also it is toughened, so you add +5 to all core stats and +55% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Thought and effect (sp); This is where you think about something long enough and then it could occur by feel. This effect spell can be done whenever you need it to be done. It is instant and can last for 1d6 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it outside of battle. The damage/healing possible for this are half level (round down) + d10 + focus ranks.
Combat specialization (Ex); You are a specialist in combat, add +4 to your to to hit rolls. This works to add two hits for one action for fast weapons like daggers, swords, and maces.
Staff special (Ex); You can use staffs for enhancing the ability to manipulate the quantum. Add +5 to all quantum related rolls if you have a staff.
Quantum intangibility form (Ex); That makes them invisible and able to pass through walls at the cost of not being able to attack. This lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle.
Quantum entanglement (Ex); This is ability that allows for information to be shared with the clone or target at any distance at the cost of sharing damage taken by the target. That is 1d10 in amount. Each amount is percent off the health.
Flight (Ex); You could use a gravitational quantum field to launch himself through the air and land on an enemy and if they are upright, theen they get knocked down. Otherwise you can think to fly. Add flight 30' and hover to your special abilities list if you haven't already.
Time adjustment (Ex); This is manipulating quantum fields to speed up time for allies and yourself and slow down time for enemies. It is instant and can last for 1d8 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it outside of battle. The time sped up is an added 1d8 actions per round. The enemies timing is slowed by 1d8 rounds per action.
Quantum sight (Ex); This ability allows you to see how an NPC would react to certain words, thinking to know by observing the timeline before it happens. Or seeing how enemies react to different attacks before you make them.
More damage (Ex); This is the ability used as you attack to manipulate quantum fields around a thrown object, shot or gunshot, a point in thinking to make it do more damage is at the cost of reduced accuracy. You ar able to accelerate an object. You do double the damages for levels 1-14, triple the damages for levels 15 to 30+ and -2 penalty to hit with this.
Heavier (Ex); The ability to shrink things down by making all of the atoms in an object get closer together. Making it weigh more by feel. There is a -5 to hit penalty on the targets effected.
Detect energy (Ex); This is the ability to detect energy sources like fire or electricity through walls, that's using quantum fields to detect quantum energy. Otherwise you may see if there is a light source in the next room.
Weapon drop (Ex); The gravitational field holds things together, so the warrior could reverse the field making an enemy's weapon or shield fly out of their hand and moves away from them if they try to pick it back up. This lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until otherwise needed outside of battle.
Quantum god (Ex); This is where the creator or your God steps in as you at level 20 and does this thing you want done, yet you may find impossible with your stats. So you are gaining attribute additions from the creator or God modding you and those are +5 to all core stats and +70% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Undeath (Sp); This spell can be done no matter the time. Its a spell that breaks the magic that keeps the undead alive by using the creator or your God to do it.
Alteration (Ex); You can specialize in different ways, thinking to alter the magic that animates the undead. You could make it do anything you wanted it to do as you control the undead. This lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it outside of battle.
Night vision (Ex); You can do a lot of hunting at night so the ability to see in the dark is gained. Add the night vision special ability to your special ability list if you haven't already.
Psychic (Ex); You know of things by focusing to know the idea, that's before it happens. Because of this, you are never caught in surprise and get the first move. By focusing, you know of things as they exist or when their formed.
Living heal (Sp); This is an ability, that heals the living and damages undead. This heals and damages instantly. Its amount is: 1/2 level (round down) + (for levels 1-9: d8, for levels 10-19: d10, for levels 20-29: d12, for levels greater than 30: 2d8)+ focus ranks.
Speak to dead (Sp); This spell can be cast whenever you need it cast. This is the ability to charm and talk to the undead and ghosts in the area, that's as though you had a spirit box. Otherwise you innately understood what the ghost wanted to say, and it understands what you intended it to know. This lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it outside of battle.
Bone decalcification (Sp); This is used to weaken skeletons and make them deal 1/4 their normal damage. This is instant and lasts until the target/s are dead.
Etheric sight (Sp); This is the ability to see into the etheric realm using your third eye, this spell you can cast anytime and you can look to see what is in the spirit realms. This is instant and can last till 1d8 rounds in battle, or until you no longer need it outside of battle.
Ghost shield (Sp); This spell can be done anytime you want. You become immune to ghosts for 1d8 rounds in battle or until otherwise not needed outside of battle.
Negation to raising (Sp); This is the ability to rapidly decompose remains to dust, that's done by sapping it with void gates so they can't be raised again.
Turn dead (Sp); This is the ability to turn or force away beings, ghosts and undead away from the area. So that the creator or your God makes them not haunt the area as its not wanted. This is instant and can last for up to 1d8 rounds in battle, or until you no longer need it.
Raise undead (Sp); Use this spell to anytime you'd like to raise a undead being. This uses the creator or your God to cause the dead body, thinking to animate it even if it is a skeleton that you raise from bones by feel in satiation. The undead being is with its normal stats. This lasts for until you no longer need it raised outside of battle or 1d8 rounds in battle. However, it seems that your subconscious divides your psyche into the energy aura of the different raised bodies, and cause them to act each impulse you have for those bodies to do.
Being form (Ex); This is where you at level 20, become a being that can disappear or reappear anywhere you want. That's as though you were phasing there to be seen in the area. You absorb energy from food and drink or from the creator or your God, you cannot be touched by attack as you are unseen. However, if you reappear, you can be attacked by magic and magical weapons. You cannot phase through electromagnetic fields. You toughen and add +5 to all core stats, and add +60% health to your health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Superhuman (Ex); This is where you are super in ability, with +6 strength and great capacity to understand things you read or observe with a constructive intelligence. This is where you can perceive something or see it and know what you can do with it, you can put things together and that's as you piece it together and know what it is. So add +5 to intelligence and +4 to wisdom. Add +5 to your effect rolls.
Lucky (Ex); This is where you decide that you can get things done, and not be effected by magic and bad things as you do them. Add +6 to luck.
Special (Ex); You'd be good at any weapon, but exceptional at heavy weapons. Add +4 to your to hit rolls.
Stalking (Ex); This is where and when you create with a point and that point is where you follow silently the target to know where and what the target does. Add +5 to your move silent skill.
Cure (ex); This is where you think to cure and figure out ways to do it. this is with or without ingredients. See you can cure your illnesses and anyone you want to cure.
Naturalist (Ex); You have the ability to argue a good point, so you think of nature and this is the nature of people. Add +4 to charisma.
The mystery of writing (Sp); What you write and make by intending the soul to make, you create by manifest. This you can mention as a power word is stated, that's a word that you intend to make. What you write is with the power of the subconscious mind, that creates what you intend. Do this spell whenever you want a result of writing. This includes elemental summoning, like fire or ice or other elemental effects. This lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle. The damages or healing possible: half level (round down)+d10+focus ranks in amount. Each amount either reduces or increases the health.
Super reactions (Ex); You have super human reaction time, so you can attack more often in combat and have better initiative. Add 1d6 actions per round and +5 initiative.
Persona swap (sp); This is where the person is experiencing the persona or memories of the other. Its awareness transfer. So if a person swaps consciousness with you, the he would become you, he would have access to the same feelings emotions and memories as you, he wouldnt know that he was himself to begin with because he becomes your corpse. That emotions, memories and feelings aren't transferred with the consciousness, they arent, because the memories stay in the original bodies. This spell lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or until you will to swap back. It can be done at any time.
Mutations (Ex); You could have robust genes that prevent tampering from radiation or mutagens. You get +7 to your will save rolls versus radiation and mutation.
Ageless (Ex); This is where you are perceived as young and not ever change no matter how one looks at you. You are ageless. Add ageless to your age stat in the character sheet.
Toughness (Ex); You have tough bones and skin giving you more armor class as you level and you have the ability to regenerate health. Add Quick regeneration to your special abilities list. Add +2 natural AC to your Armor class per level.
True sight (Sp); Think you use the 3rd eye and you see through the illusions and allusions of the moment. This lasts till you no longer focus upon seeing it. That spell can be done whenever you want.
Adrenaline (Ex); Your body specializes in producing large amounts of adrenaline when you are at half health helping you survive. You don't become prone at half-health. Make your STP stat say "Infinite" without quotes, thats as you absorb energy to keep this state.
Temperature (Ex); The temperature doesn't bother you, no matter what. You manage to control your feel of temperature and your sweat glands, thinking that the temperature doesn't effect you and prevent excessive sweating or shivers in coldness, you don't break a sweat or feel cold. This is even in hot moments you are cool, and not ever do you heat stroke.
Super body (Ex); Think of the things you want and at level 20, this energizes you and you through the energy of the mind will toughen as you get faster. Think and go do your things faster as you add +10' to your speed. Add +5 to all core stats and +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Speed (Ex); Due to the spiritual energy focus, you speed up by 10'. Add +10' to your speed on the character sheet.
Energy move (Sp); This is an ability that lets them move objects around up to 50 pounds as long as the object can be seen. Like a poltergeist. Think to know it works by a 1d100+will and getting a 51 or above for success. You can do this spell anytime you'd like.
Supernatural strength (Ex); This is where you gain in strength. Thats due to your spirit working with the soul, and you can stomp or move things by willing it. Add +6 strength to your strength stat.
Night movement (Ex); You are very good at moving around without notice. Add +5 to your move silently skill.
Animate objects (Sp); This is the ability to make weapons come alive and fight for them. It also is where you cause machines and items come alive and do things on their own due to your willing it. You can do this spell anytime you need it to occur.
Scare tactic (Sp); This is the ability to scare an enemy causing them to run away for a few turns. They are out of the fight for 1d6 rounds in battle.
Usurp (SP); This is a special ability, that in use of thinking you can cast forth energy and thoughts to create control of the target/s. This means the soul makes you in control. This is done by the spirit, its usurping control with the soul guiding what you need to make the effect happen. You control some target for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you no longer need to control them.
Endurant running (Ex); This allows you to run without tiring, so you run fast and your soul guides you to create safe without running into things running. Run speed is changed to 40' at will on your character sheet.
Sleep (Sp); This is an ability done by spiritual rubbing to put enemies to sleep, that's for 1d8 rounds in battle or until you need them awake outside of battle.
Spiritual arrangement (Ex); This is where you make a deal with the spirit of the target by the soul. Thinking to get something you need. Roll a 1d100+charisma mod and get a 51 or above for success. This arrangement lasts until you no longer need it.
Nightmare damages (Sp); This ability is one that only damages sleeping targets, that is negative energy and thoughts that gives them nightmares for 1d8 rounds in battle. Thats with this as damage: half level (round down)+d10+focus ranks in amount.
Senses (Ex); This is the ability to sense energy. The spirit is knowing as it observes things, and you realizing it with your soul giving you insight. The ability itself is internally done, yet you know what is there or what will happen by the sense of the energy itself.
Super body (Ex); This is at level 20, where you think to use the spirits and focus on your goals. Thinking to create with the idea you have in mind. This changes you into a super body, and your spirit receives more energy from the creator or your God. So you can place "Infinite" without quotes, thats as your stamina count on the character sheet. Also you toughen, as you gain +5 to all your core stats and +75% to your health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Omnihealing (sp); This spell is cast anytime where you create by enhanced ideal, thats with the energy consciousness a healing effect on yourself or on others that you psychically know what is wrong with spiritually. This effect is instant. Its healing done is: half level (round down)+d8+focus ranks in amount.
Long lived (Ex); They are long lived and wise, so they get bonuses to intelligence. Add +5 intelligence.
Mystical (Ex); You have mystical knowledge because of your long life, and connection to the universe then allowing you to identify weaknesses enemies have. Add +5 to your identify weakness skill.
Future sight (Ex); You have the power to glimpse into the future, so you know what will happen and aren't ambushed. This is like a channeled ability to make escapes and dodging better. Add +5 to your escape skill and dodge skill.
Stun (sp); This spell is the ability to make a wave of mystical energy, that stuns whomever it touches for a turn or two. This stuns the target for 1d6 rounds in battle. They are officially out of the battle.
Insight (ex); This is the ability to gain insight on a situation, thats using knowledge of dark and light. You know what will occur, as it seems to happen when you intend it to occur.
Persuasive (Ex); You have very strong skills in persuasion. Add +6 to your charisma and persuasion rolls.
Magic duel (Sp); This is a spell that's done any time, where you think to your 3rd eye to simulate a fight, project the idea by thinking its projected as you breathe in an out and it appears as though a vision. The fighters ar those whom you face and yourself. This does no damage, except the point or ideal expression and making the target think they fought. They see no reason to fight, win or lose. The fight is managed by the subconscious mind, and its known by what you sense.
Barrier (sp); This spell is cast any time on you and your allies, and is the ability to make a barrier out of energy. That doesn't allow any projectile attacks or people you don't like through. It lasts until you don't need it, and is empowered by thoughts to keep it up. It can be passed by those that aren't targeted by it. It can send back any attack to its sender if hostile with double the damages. Basically, this uses your aura to cause the barrier effect. Thats through waves of energy charged by the thought, and created by the energy consciousness.
See, you also strengthen your aura with positive thought energy, and then it doesn't allow any attacks to get to any tactical use of ability and attacks without need for revenge or to be hostile, it can get through to effect the target/s. The rule of thumb, this barrier energy can create what you need, as you intend it to create it as it is a barrier that you cast. You are aware of what you do. Its charged by the enemy energy and thoughts. Yet can be used, as a way to cast effects. Its effects in damages/healing are: half level (round down + d12 + focus ranks in amount.
Technology (Ex); You perceive by vision from the creator, what new technology is possible and understand how to make it work. You can add +5 to your Modern things skill.
Protection from Domination (Sp): You can use your powers to protect yourself and others from being dominated, controlled, or manipulated by dark forces. This lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle, or until not needed outside of battle. Break your concentration by failing a concentration check every round then the protection drops.
Enlightened being (ex); This is where you become an energy being at level 20. You absorb food and drink by being near it. You use the enzymes to feed yourself. Your telepathic and can hear thoughts, thinking as well as sending thoughts are as a reply. You can dissappear and reappear any where, thats as you phased to the location you wanted to visit. This is with inner light and the intent to do things, that means you can deflect back at the target their attacks. So think your disassociated from it and you know what to do as you aren't effected by what it is. As your disappeared, your unaffected by attacks. If you appear, your only effected by magic weapons and effects.
Think and you cause effects easily, so you use what is necessary to create what you wanted. Thats as though a need were made. Your able to create with the energy in the area. Then you make results appear in the area, that's on the target/s you want effected. You can't go through electromagnetic barriers. You can use the spirit to cause the creator or your god, thinking to create results by feel easily. Because your Deity gives you wisdom, you are enlightened. Also you are toughened, so add +5 to all core stats. Add +70% health as well.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Life effect (ex); This is where you trap neutrinos by thinking they are in some area and they build up energy, giving extra life energy to the people you want effected. Thinking longer life, creates longer life and thinking your younger makes you appear younger. No matter how you do it, add ageless to your age stat.
Ghost infusement (Ex); This is done where you focus netrinos through the body, and it takes on a glow of its own. You can see in the dark with this idea. You also can cause the body to become more powerful by what you do. So add +4 Strength to your core stat on the character sheet.
Neutrino body (Sp); This is where you think of a form or figure. Then this spell can be cast any time, need it to form as a light body. That appears as you and can do what you need it to do. It lasts as long as you intend it to last. That can form wherever you want it to form. It has your stats.
Neutrino communication (sp); Think your thought is heard by the target, then talk under your breath. Its like the neutrinos cause them to speak your words and they understand you as they can do the same.
Luck effect (Ex); This is where you focus neutrinos into an item, like a dime or coin. Then, you create the effect of luck having the neutrinos do your idea to generate luck for yourself. Add +6 luck to your luck stat.
Neutrino attack (Sp); This is where you focus energy to combine with neutrinos, then think they go through the targets making them confused and not responsive. This state lasts 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you no longer need it outside of battle.
Subatomic knowledge (Ex); You have abilities that involve manipulation of matter or energy at the subatomic level, or even control over time and space using your knowledge of subatomic physics. Add +5 to your Knowledge: subatomic physics skill.
Detect invisibility (Sp); This can be done as a spell anytime. The neutrino mage can send a wave of neutrinos that pass through walls and tell the mage if the neutrinos hit an enemy or spirit even if they are invisible. This spell is instant, so you know what to expect with unseen beings.
Neutrino heat wave (Sp); This is where you create a moment of passing out, done by focusing heat in the area thinking to combine it with neutrinos. Then think direct it towards the targets in an instant. This causes the targets to pass out by feel of the overheating. This ends the targets battle, and you can easily get in attacks without reprisals. This lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or until thought to wake up outside of battle.
Matter mastery (SP); This is where you can cast effects with the neutrinos any time you want. This is the ability to manipulate matter and energy. For example they can turn fire into a water, air, or earth or change how much something weighs.
Alien visitation (Ex); This is where you observe using a neutrino body and get what you want as though an Alien. You get a charisma bonus of +4 to all charisma and intimidation related rolls. This lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle.
Refill (Sp); Neutrinos can be made when a cosmic ray strikes an atom. This is a spell for you to get hit with a cosmic ray you can attract that refills some mana by half.
Solar recharge (Ex); The sun also makes neutrinos, so the mage could slowly refill health and mana when in direct sunlight. This is 1d10+focus ranks in amount per round or 6 seconds outside of battle recharged.
Element bending (SP); This is the ability to bend elements like fire, water, earth, and air like moving a waterfall to see if there is something behind it or moving a fire away from its fuel to put it out. Or, moving a current of air into a fire to make it stronger. If you do, then you double the damage the fire does. The normal damage is half-level (round down) + d10 + focus ranks in amount.
Enchantment (Sp); This is cast anytime and is the ability to enchant weapons or items, thats done by filling it with neutrinos that ignore armor. You can make the weapon or item do whatever you want it to do. This includes move on its own.
Drain (Sp); The ability to drain energy by turning it into neutrinos. It drains 1/2 the target/s energy or STP and Mana.
Imploser (Sp); This is where you cast this spell anytime. The target/s, thats with a targeted stream of neutrinos makes an implosion of instant death done by feel.
Energy Sense (Ex); You have a unique connection to energy and the forces of the subatomic world, giving you a heightened sense of what energies are present around them. They can subconsciously detect and manipulate energy, and they are also more sensitive to their own energy levels. Add +5 to your Energy sense skill.
Immunity to Energy Drain (Ex); You have a natural resistance to powers or spells that drain or sap energy, such as the drain life spell. You can use your resistance to resist or even reverse the effects of such spells. If you intend to reverse the effect of the spells, then roll a 1d100+will or luck and get 51 or above as a result for success. Add +6 to your resistance rolls.
Self-neutrino form (Ex); This is where you focus at level 20 and form as a neutrino body by feel. The ghost particle is what you easily manipulate, you can't be felt where you are and your fed by being near the food or drink. You absorb the energy essence of the drink or food. You look solid, so you can be effected by magic or magical weapons. Yet if you become energy form at any time. You aren't effected by attacks and regenerate yourself from the energy given to you, that's done by double the amount thats normal aided by the energy in the neutrinos. You can disappear or reappear anywhere, thinking to be as though you teleported by feel. So all in all, you can get tougher by feel, this means you add +5 to all core stats and +65% health to your health. Make your age say your immortal and your MP and STP energy is infinite.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Superhuman strength (ex); Neutrinos have an extremely tiny but non-zero mass, which means that you can potentially tap into their energy to gain superhuman strength. Add +10 to your strength.
Superhuman speed (Ex); Neutrinos can travel at extremely high speeds, which means that you can potentially tap into their energy to move at superhuman speeds and potentially even teleport easily. Add +10' to your movement.
Luck effect (Ex); This is where you focus neutrinos into an item, like a dime or coin. Then, you create the effect of luck having the neutrinos do your idea to generate luck for yourself. Add +6 luck to your luck stat.
Passing through objects (Sp); Neutrinos can pass through solid objects without interacting with them, which means that you can potentially use this ability. Thinking to see through walls or solid objects, and potentially even phase through solid objects. This spell lasts until you don't need it.
High intellect (Ex); You are naturally boosted by the neutrinos in intelligence as the neutrinos feed your brain energy, so add +5 to your intelligence.
Subatomic level manipulations (Sp); Neutrinos interact with the matter in their surroundings through the Weak Force, which is responsible for the decay of radioactive atoms. This means that you can potentially use this ability to manipulate the subatomic structure of matter, which could be used to create new materials, turn one element into another, or even control the behavior of particles or atoms. This spell is cast any time and is instant.
Accuracy (Ex); This is where you get very accurate results in hitting your target, thats guided by your focus and the neutrinos making it happen. Add +7 to your to hit rolls.
Manipulate time and space (Ex); Neutrinos can travel at high speeds which is a crucial component of relativity theory which is the foundation of time and space manipulation. This means that you can potentially use this ability to time travel, manipulate time and space, or even create new dimensions. This ability can be done any time, and you could create what you intended in another space and cause it to make itself here..if you create a new dimension, you don't have to have the monsters or beings and people you don't like. In fact, it can effect what you like and create what you wanted. If you created a new dimension, then teleported the targets you don't like attacking you there. You cause the effect of a winning battle on your side. This dimension lasts as long as you want.
Superhuman agility (Ex); Neutrinos have very little mass and are highly mobile, which means that a neutrino warrior could potentially tap into their energy to gain superhuman speed and agility. This could potentially include abilities like the ability to jump great heights, run at superhuman speeds, or even move in mid-air. Add +5 to your agility, your acrobatics and your climbing skills.
Subatomic particles (Sp); Neutrinos are the smallest subatomic particles known to exist, which means that a neutrino warrior could potentially use their energy to create and manipulate other subatomic particles. This could potentially include abilities like creating new types of subatomic particles that do what you wanted, manipulating the behavior of existing particles, or even manipulating particles on a quantum level.
The effect lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle. The damages/healing prospects are half level (round down) + d10 + focus ranks in amount. Its reflected in sleep, ability, influences and made with the metarules of Affinity, Thaumaturgy and Mental Focus with interactive subparticles of;
lutra(lea, lepton, love trance, electron, displacement charge, ion, negative energy charge, negative time subparticle)
likdon (lida, proa, likton, proton, proteon, proactive(athletic), protective, positron, proactive charge, positive charge, charge within particle, contain charge subparticle)
nura(neutron, neutral subparticle, isotopes or neutralize)
tehya(tachyon, active, carrier wave or positive time subparticle that looks like red dots)
yaa(alera, aleron, eludia, metainfluence, alpha waves, photon, aether, felt influence light particle, manipulation subparticle).
To allow with interactivity;
burang (helping moment by what you think and this particle can do, boomerang effect, in return effect, Formed by electron + proteon + positron)
cema(seem-ah, cemia, cosmia, temporary glue particle, temporary cementation of particle, cosmetic particle, A particle to cause a temporary cementing with effective thought about particles to a surface, Formed by electron + proton + aleron);
cua(cuon or curon particles to cure poisons and body weakness, neutron and aleron);
cuae(coo-aid-eh, curative of scent particle, nice scent particle, cua + proton + lura);
crita(crypton, temporary erasure, or weakening particle created with stekton + tachyon);
creta(cree-tah, permanent erasure, or lessening particle created with stekton + tachyon + lutra);
dea(dee-ah, death and decay particle, death particle, this particle creates death and decay of whatever you don't like, created by crita + lutra + likdon);
dnyra(de-nirah, dendyron, denyro, denyron particle, or programmable particle that you think at once created to program it created by tachyon + aleron + lara);
eawr(ee-ah-wer, ewir, parasitic sembiant particle, self-perspective condoning thought particle, sub-bot particle that forms and coagulates on moving things as an object. It does as instructed by it being spoken as though it did it and it feeds off filth or bad things and sometimes the organism itself. Formed by a cua + proton + lepton);
eawix(Ee-ah-wix, ewix, hearing ear particle, wax particle, a particle that allows you to hear nearly anything that is thought about or looked for by thought, created by eawr + proton);
foa(photon, leukton, destructive particle created with electron + proton);
flaa(feleron, firewater, mission complete no abuse you may return, everburning water, everlasting flame, greek fire, photon with aleron);
gna(gea, genon, creon, coreon, create, earth, solid barrier, constant body, boundary, drug, solidity particle, lekton + aleron);
lukra(for leukra, leukron, antigravity wave particle, electron and stekton);
lata(lekton, freon, void, later, raw material, cold, cold spatial particle created by electron and proton);
lara(eleron, attractive element particle, aleron + electron);
lura(allows luron, eleuron, detractive element, dark matter, red matter, separation force particle, aleron and stekton);
loaa(low-aid-ah, eomai, everia, lower and do particle, surrendipitous info soak, impulse particle, causes learning by discovery, inverse osmosis, created by electron + stekton);
loae(low-made-eh, eomeo, aeia, raise and do particle, info soak by hypnosis, causes subconscious observation learning, adverse osmosis, made by proteon + stekton);
loai(elorai, laura, gnu, gnosok, money or knowledge soak an buildup, an osmosis particle, lipkon + aleron);
loan(elorain, gnosokles, agnu, lauran, knowledge or money reduction, reverse osmosis, crypton + aleron);
lika(lipkon, barrier, psychic, air or sound vibration particle, electron and lipton);
lipo(Lipta, this particle creates a weight reduction of the weight of the body as its mentioned in liposuction, formed of electron + aleron + tachyon);
lita(lipton, fire, heat felt particle created with electron and tachyon);
nea(gnua, nua, good notion, make good nuance, natural power buildup particle created by positron with electron, photon and aleron);
nuatra(negatron, nilhistic, annihillistic, rapid heat energy, extreme destruction particle, created by electron + zeuktron);
lupta(leupton, lava, molten heat, magma, emotion, melting particle, proton + aleron);
sutra(suetron, creative, water, restoration, active healing particle sometimes found in meditation, neutron and tachyon);
pua(poo-ah, puatra, purify, disserf, dissolvation particle, red particle, lura + proteon + lata);
stata(stekton, support. gravity or light wave particle; electron + neutron);
uun(ubyon, erasure or reversion particle made up by proton + neutron);
uace(ulypces, good luck particle, with ulypsis + ukyon + lekton);
uasa(ulypsys, bad luck particle, ulypsis + ubyon + lekton);
uase(ulypsis, antitime barrier effect particle created with proton + tachyon);
uua(ukyon, purity or restorative particle, neutron + suetron);
yara(alakron, manifestation particle, tachyon + aleron);
zatrui(zaktrunia, intrusion particle or warmth particle, likton + lipton);
zutra(zeuktron, changing mutative and irradiative particle, proton + stekton);
zutri(zeuktronn, disturbing particle, photon and zeuktron);
Zudy(zeudrima, intrusion particle, this allows you to enter into someones mind, created by proton + aleron + tachyon);
Zuty(zoo-tee, zeo, zuteo, zuhteo, cold radioactive particle, zutra + proteon).
New forms of energy (SP); Neutrinos are key components of the Sun's energy production, which means that a neutrino warrior could potentially use their energy to create and manipulate new forms of energy. This could potentially include abilities, like manipulation of solar energy or even using neutrinos to create new types of energy that we have not even discovered yet. This lasts 1d8 rounds in battle. Otherwise, it lasts till you don't need it outside of battle. It creates with the sunlight what effect you want. You can even create a new form of element like mud from earth and water. Its damage and healing is: half-level (round down)+d10+focus ranks in amount.
Energy generation (Ex); This is the ability to generate neutrinos and use them to generate energy, manipulate matter, or create new forces. This can create a refresh in energy to the body. Place infinite to your STP count.
Gating (Sp); You can manipulate gravity or create artificial black holes for transport, defense or as a weapon. Transport whatever or whomever you like including yourself through a singularity to a white singularity, that you are reforming from energy patterns what was transported.
Magnetic attack block (Sp); You can create and manipulate magnetic fields to block physical attacks, manipulate the behavior of existing magnetic fields, or create new types of energy. That can last 1d8 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it outside of battle.
The neutrino force body (Ex); This is a neutrino body you gain at level 20. You become an ageless person or creature unless you already are, you create with neutrinos an energy body of force. That can repel by aura the attack, and allows you to be effected by magic weapons and you absorb magic effects. Thats if you allow it to as you don't dodge it. This is where you create with idea in energy and make results easily on request. So you get +5 to your rolls you make. Think of something and you create with a point of expression, thats through the manipulation of forces by the neutrinos doing your need.. You gain in attributes by feel, so add +6 to all your core stats. Add +75% to your health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Strength (ex); They get stronger based on how high their tax bracket is. The strength bonus is +2 Strength per each tax bracket you are part of by feel.
If you have 1000 - 10000 gold dollar tax bracket, you are with +2 strength.
If you have 10001 - 20000 gold dollar tax bracket you are with +4 strength.
If you are within the 20001 - 40000 gold dollar tax bracket you are with +6 strength.
If you have a 40001 - 80000 gold dollar tax bracket, you have +8 strength.
If you make the 80001 - 120000 gold dollar tax bracket, you have +10 strength.
If you make the 120001 - 200000 gold dollar tax bracket, then you have +12 strength.
If you make anything above the 200000 gold dollar tax bracket, you gain +14 strength.
Money sense (Sp); The ability to sense where money is from long distances. So you could place money on a cart, and know where it is because you can sense the money you placed. This ability lasts for however long you concentrate on things. So, if you were concentrating for each round in battle or each 10 minute period and failed the check, then you no longer think to know the money.
Money deals (Ex); You are able to sense a deal before it occurs. That's as though your psychic and know about it. Add +5 to your financing skill.
Psychic (Ex); You know things before they happen, that makes you never have an surprise attack to effect you. You know what the idea is by thinking you do, and it comes to you from the knowledge of the soul. This also allows you to know the right things to do, and you go can first in an attack by adding +5 to initiative.
Armor boost (Ex); This is the ability revealed as you think to turn your skin golden, boosting armor class. It also protects against harmful radiation. Add +5 to your AC.
Money exchange (Sp); This is where you exchange credit or money, then you get an effect that you desire. This effects for 1d6 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it outside of battle. This can do healing or damages to the targets. The damages/healing are: half level (round up)+d10+focus ranks in amount.
Tax dodging (Sp); This is the ability to dodge taxes and avoid paying for them. Roll a 1d20+focus ranks and have 10 or above as result for success.
Money damage reduction (Sp); This is an ability that sacrifices money or credit to reduce damage. Do this spell anytime you like. You get 1/4 less damages for 1d8 rounds in battle, or until you no longer need it outside of battle.
Money armor (Sp); Think to do this spell anytime you like. You charge your money with a spell, and it gets in the way of an enemy attack reducing the damage a bit. This reduces the damage by 1/4, that you receive unless you no longer need it outside of battle or 1d8 rounds in battle.
Money back (Sp); This spell is done at any time, and is the ability to get some money back if they spend some of it. This is like a safety net so you can keep doing money attacks. The money materializes to be found on an instance.
Instant credit (Sp); This is a spell done anytime where the moment you think of the number, and that is in the bank of what you end up for credit that you "spend" for a credit card or so. This can be done as a spell any time. This is lasting 1d8 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it outside of battle.
Bonus (Ex); You would get massive bonuses during trade and a lesser bonus during normal speech. This is +8 to charisma and charm checks during trade, and a +5 to your charisma and charm rolls during normal speech.
Instant recharge (Ex); Since money almost always nearby in practice, you practice your will and then you can use the money energy to recharge yourself in energy. Thats done by the subconscious recharging yourself. This is like a constant supply. That means you can make your STP say infinite.
Angel investor (Sp); If you give 5% of your money or earnings to charity, an angel appears and fights for you. It has 100% health and otherwise your own stats. It is there until you no longer need it there.
Gold investing (Sp); You can use your gold to invest in people, thinking to power them up boosting their stats. Per every 100 gold paid anywhere, there is 1 stat raised.
Extra money (Ex); You find more money from chests and other areas with your keen eye for money. You get 25% more money at will.
Gold petrification (Sp); This is an ability to petrify an enemy into a gold statue boosting their armor class, but making them unable to dodge attacks and unable to move until it wears off. This boosts their AC with +4 to their AC. This lasts until you no longer need it, and can be done as a spell at any time in idea.
Money being (Ex); This is where you at level 20 have used money enough as a temporary source. So you turn into a being of money energy. This is where you become energy itself, you resist the energy you feel and use the thoughts to transform yourself as you think to transform into the being of energy. That can still speak and hear psychically, whatever it is doing. You are unable to be effected by energy attacks, instead it absorbs the energy of the attack as STP. So you can only be effected by magic weapons. If hit or on necessity. You can teleport by feel as you disappear or reappear somewhere, and create what you desire with a +5 to your result roll. You are empowered by money, so you gain in attributes. You get +6 to all core stats and +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Campaigning (Sp); If you are on a campaign, you try your best as you think with energy to create respect in the political arena. This spell is effective. You get +5 on your charisma and charm rolls as you campaign.
Popularity (Ex); You earn by speeches and talking, the respect of the audience. Add +4 to morale.
Luck (Ex); You can focus your energy into an object to create a luck piece, thats as you believe its luck. Add +6 luck to your luck stat.
Persuasion (Ex); You can persuade anything you want as you persuade your target into doing things, this is done by power words and suggestions being spoken. This is a mass suggestion ability as it effects many people. Add +5 to your Persuasion skill.
Debate (Sp); This means you can speak to those who are your peers, and point out things to make you look good. So when someone dies they can debate with the Grim Reaper to spare them. Roll a 1d100+luck or will and get a 51 or above result for success. Cast this spell whenever you want.
Combat bonus (Ex); You get some combat bonus, when there are more friendlies than enemies. This is +5 to your combat rolls.
Peace (Sp); This is the ability to cause peace amongst the targets and the fight is over. This spell can be done at any time. Roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for success.
Slander (Sp); This is the ability to slander an enemy causing them to deal half damage. This lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until otherwise needed outside of battle.
Slimyness (Ex); You improve on your ability to lie, practice makes perfect. Add +5 to your bluff skill.
Performance (Sp); They get what chance they do by acting, think of the moment and create with its energy. Do this spell anytime you want. There is a 1d100+luck roll, and if you get 51 or above you pull the performace off. If you roll a 1 its auto fail with humiliation.
Filibuster (Sp); This spell can be done any time. Give a really long speech that lasts over 10 minutes, and this heals friends and damages foes. The damages dealt and healed are: half-level (round down)+d10+focus ranks in amount.
Brain improvement (Ex); This happens after you write numbers from 1 to 100 on small pieces of paper. Mix and give yourself tasks. For example, I will quickly throw numbers below 50 to the right and numbers above 50 to the left. Get random papers quickly and do the task. You will strengthen your brain. This will allow you to change tasks over time. For example, I will separate the odd numbers and even numbers. Take the paper and try to react quickly in 1 second. Quickly detect and place. Add +4 intelligence and Agility.
Implicate (Sp); This spell can be done at any time. So think of the idea and you know what to do. Your thoughts you speak cause the correct reactions in idea, this is that what make what they do and its what you want. This is an instant effect.
Telepathy (Sp); The ability to read the minds of others and communicate with them telepathically. This spell can be done anytime, it lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle.
Jerrymander (Sp); You can move obstacles around to gain an environmental advantage with telekinesis. Do this spell whenever you like. Add +6 to your rolls as this is in effect. This lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle, or until not needed outside of battle.
Lame Duck (Ex); This ability is used when you focus on the targets and think to cause an effect. So when an enemy is at <20% health then they take double damage. This lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle.
Muscle building (Ex); When you want to build muscle and go to the gym, do this in the evening. Get a glass of water in front of you. Imagine turning it into a mixture of steroids and creatine in a form that won't harm your body. After drinking, ask this water to go to your muscles. You will recover and become stronger much faster than usual. Add +7 to your strength and will rolls.
Belief (Sp); This spell can be done anytime. Your beliefs influence reality, so if they believe that painting a sword makes it sharper then it will. This lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. Any damage/healing done by this is: half-level (round down)+d12+focus ranks in amount.
House Divided (Sp); Make half of the enemies fight and the other half defend. This lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle.
Political Charisma (Ex); This is exceptional charisma, leadership skills, and the ability to influence powerful people. Add +6 to your charisma rolls.
Mudslinging (sp); The ability to cause the dirt to be known for people, and their actions known make morale amongst the target/s lower by 5.
Office (ex); This is where at level 20, you get an office at a job and can do actual work. Thinking to create with energy you improve your stats. Add +5 to all core stats and +60% health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Weather Manipulation (Sp); This ability allows the character to control and manipulate the weather to benefit their crops. They can summon rain during dry spells, create protective barriers against hail or storms, or even generate sunlight during cloudy days.
Decomposition (Sp); This is an spell to speed up decomposition of compostable material to within 30 minutes.
Animal Communication (Sp): With this ability, a farmer can communicate with animals, enabling them to understand their needs, provide better care, and train them for specific tasks. They can ask for assistance from animals in their farming activities.
Soil Enrichment (Sp): This ability allows the character to enhance the fertility of the soil, enriching it with nutrients and minerals necessary for healthy plant growth. They can also purify contaminated soil or prevent soil erosion.
Compost golem (Sp); This is the ability to create a compost golem, that acts as a surface for attaching seeds to. You can sprinkle some razor sharp vine seeds on the compost golem and command him to grapple an enemy. This lasts for until its no longer needed outside of battle. The damage possible are instant effects that emulate elements in use. This is done by level and per each 2 focus ranks round down. That's like you have 17 focus ranks and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d10+6. In amount, that's a max of 166% health that's removed. The amounts are:
1d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
2d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
3d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
4d10+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.
Harvesting Efficiency (Sp): A character with this ability could effortlessly harvest crops with a wave of their hand or a touch, making the process faster and more efficient. They can also clean and sort harvested produce with ease.
Pest Control (Sp): This ability helps the character ward off pests and keep their crops safe from infestations. They can repel insects, deter rodents, or even summon beneficial creatures like ladybugs to protect their plants. Killing bugs and rodents happen as you think the creator does it and you need it done. This lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until its no longer needed outside of battle. The damage possible are instant energy effects that emulate elements in use. This is done by level and per each 2 focus ranks round down. That's like you have 17 focus ranks and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d12+6. In amount, that's a max of 198% health that's removed. The amounts are:
1d12+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 1-9.
2d12+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 10-19.
3d12+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
4d12+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.
Storage Preservation (Sp): This ability enables the character to preserve harvested crops for longer periods without spoilage. They can prevent rotting, maintain freshness, and extend the shelf life of their produce.
Green Thumb (Ex): This magical ability allows plants to thrive under the care of the character. It enhances their understanding of plants' needs, making them highly skilled in cultivation, grafting, and crossbreeding to create new plant varieties. This can bring back any dying plant from the brink of death.
Expression ability (Ex); The character gains at level 20 the ability to regenerate health in sunlight and solar energy, that is gated in quickly. Anything they express in idea, that comes to fruition. It is created in idea and made to exist by the creator, that is causing you to manifest it through the soul creating it by feel. The effect of this is enhancement, that your body creates a point of enhancement by the energy you use. This means you gain +3 to all core stats and +40% health. The rate of regeneration is 1/8 your health per round in battle or every 5 minutes outside of battle.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Wild Casting (Ex); Attach this to spells by saying "I Wild Cast X.". That is where X is the spell name. If you deal more damage than average then add 20% to the damage roll. If you deal less than average damage then subtract 10% from the damage roll. This makes your spell's damage more unpredictable. This lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until its no longer needed outside of battle.
Extra spell (Ex); After every spell you cast, you have a 1 in 10 chance to cast a second spell that turn or action. This is where you roll a 1-5 for no chance and a 6-10 to have another spell on a 1d10.
Aversion effect (Sp); This causes chaos to create an aversion shield. That's with you thinking it does. See the creator is making whenever you are to be hit, then something else is hit instead. This can be used on the same round as the attack. What it does is double the damage to what it hits.
Chaos clone (Sp); This is where you call into iron particles chaos energy that makes a figure that looks like you. It has 100% health, otherwise has your stats and does double the amount in damages to the targets. This clone copies what you do, you control it with the thoughts to the creator and it does what you want as you need it to do things. This clone lasts until it either destroyed or is dispelled.
Chaos bonus (Ex); You can get a +5 bonus to your rolls, if you don't cast the same spell twice during your turn.
Chaos adaptation (Sp); This is the ability to change the damage types spells do. This can be used whenever your attacked.
Chaos shield (Sp); This is where you create a shield of chaos energy. That makes whatever damages done to you instead done to the attacker. Howver, its double the damage.
Random shift (Ex); The ability to open a chaos portal at will, that teleports you to a random spot. This is up to 100 feet away to escape enemies, or to get more range on enemies. Roll a 1d100 to determine how far. So to determine where the chaos portal takes you, you can roll a 1d8 to determine the cardinal direction. This is where a rolled 1 is North, a rolled 2 is Northwest, a rolled 3 is West, a rolled 4 is Southwest, a rolled 5 is South, a rolled 6 is Southeast, a rolled 7 is East, and a rolled 8 is Northeast.
Chaos being (Ex); This is where at level 20, you gain the ability of your Deity or the Creator. Channeling chaos to effect things, your God causes you to be able to use chaos effortlessly. Also, your God creates ability to make use of your God. So you create with energy and control what occurs, no matter the chaos your able to remain calm and stable. So by channeling your God, you become a chaos being and are energy that can reform as though in itself you can be solid or energy in shape. As a chaos being, you create effects easily and get +5 to all rolls. That's done by feel and on will. The chaos being serves its own purposes. This means you gain +4 to all stats and +75% health. You can restore all your health, as you turn into energy. You can place on your character sheet, "Immortal" w/o quotes for your age. You can place "infinite" w/o quotes for Energy % and MP.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Weapon specialty (Ex); Since they had a civil war, they have to compete with members of their race for control of reality. They hence became weapon specialists. Add weapon specialty to your special abilities list. This is +5 to your attack rolls.
Omnipotent knowledge (Ex); You by the nature of the creator become all-knowing. Add +5 to your Knowledge: all skill.
Luck generation (Ex); This is where you think to create your own luck. Add +6 luck.
Stamina (Ex); You create with an idea to eat a little or drink a little, then you sustain your stamina by feel. Add in the creator's energy boost, then you have infinite stamina. Mark your stamina on the character sheet as "Infinite" w/o quotes.
Initiative (Ex); You always know where and when to strike, this is like you have advanced knowledge of the scenario. So you are never surprise attacked and you add +7 to your initiative rolls.
Knowing (Ex); You always know where to be to help out and create better, thats from nothing and that is a point in the past.
Q space (Sp); This is where you can cast this spell, whenever you desire and create what you think into existence. What you think goes there is there, and what you need back is here where you want to be. So think of the idea to generate the item or things you need. Then you can get it like it was a storage space. This spell lasts until you no longer need it to effect.
Specialization (Ex); You can specialize in the idea you intend to do. So add +5 to all your rolls that you make in idea.
Time Travel (Sp); This spell can be done any time. You can travel through time, which is an incredibly powerful ability in D&D. Think of where you want to be and what time your there, and your there by the power of the creator.
Supernatural (Ex); They control the spirit with the soul to make Supernatural results. Add +5 to your strength and will rolls, since they are stronger by the power of the spirit. Since they are also fast and on focus, add +15' to your speed on the character sheet.
Languages (Ex); This is the ability to speak any language. Add "All languages" w/o quotes to your languages list on the character sheet.
Physics (Sp); The ability to suspend the laws of physics. This is where you think energy suspends the laws of physics, and the creator makes the deed occur. So you create in the area by this spell, a unique law that says you get what you want as a result. Like a lack of gravity and people raise off the ground. Do this spell any time, as it lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it outside of battle.
Control over matter (Sp); You have complete control over the subatomic particles, that make up all matter and energy. Allowing you to manipulate anything at the quantum level. This is instant and can be done whenever you want it done.. It includes making the damages appear on the target, and their energy attacks go to the targets instead of you.
Mind Control (Sp); This spell can be done whenever you want or will. You can control the thoughts and actions of others, making you extremely dangerous as an opponent. This lasts 1d8 rounds in battle, and until you don't need it outside of battle.
Power over time (Sp); You can control time in all its aspects, including stopping time, slowing time down or speeding time up, and even traveling between alternate timelines. The control of time is done by your will and the creator making the result. This includes slowing down time, as you think to make it slower for the targets. That makes each round be an action to them. The speeding up time is causing the tyargets to have 1d6 actions per round. Skipping the timeline, that is going to an alternate timeline. This is done in an instance and it is as though you didn't exist in the time you came from..
Immortality (Ex); This is the ability to become and remain immortal. For your age on the character sheet, place "Eternal" w/o quotes. This includes regeneration. You cannot die and have the ability to instantly generate a new body if your current one is harmed. It has all your stats and equipment.
Life and death (Sp); You can create and destroy life at will, including bringing people back from the dead or killing anyone you wish with a mere gesture. This is instant.
Nothingness (Sp); This nothing space or darkmatter space of the subconscious mind, where you create with influence by dark energy. Think of what you want and you can cast this spell, that lasts until you no longer need it. This pace is where you can "hide" until the combat is over. So think of the idea and you know what to do. As anything when you create from nothing, the items you created tend to return to nothing if you don't need them. So when you think to return, the items will disappear and you know what to do. This is better than illusion, its an idea you generate by feel.
The universe (Ex): You have complete control over the universe and all its dimensions, allowing you to create and destroy entire galaxies with a thought. This means you can cause a sun to go supernova or nova itself, cause the area to exist on a planet and other things in an instant.
Q-being (Ex); This is at level 20, where you transform into energy and can reform where you like. Thats as you disappear and reappear where you want to be. You are not effected by the attacks, and you are effected by magic that you want to be effected by. If you unform, you repair your body by will. If you are formed, you can cause another you to exist at will, and it can de-exist at your will as it is a copy of yourself. So this means the copy is with your stats and 100% health. You can eat or drink normally. You on the other hand are with additional stats from the energy buildup and release to your focus point. This means you can add +6 to all core stats and +70% to your health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Guidance (EX); This is where you create with the spirit or soul helping you of the target being in doing things. Add +5 to all rolls for your party and yourself.
Dispel summons (Ex); This is the ability to dispel enemy summoned creatures. So whatever summons they have, is gone or wanders away from the area.
Creature recall (Sp); This spell is the ability to recall summoned creatures around a target. Whatever they were, they're there.
Summons manipulation (Ex); This is the ability to manipulate the summons' mind to make them do what you want. Then, they disperse or do something other than attacking you.
Mind manipulation (Sp); This spell causes the mind of the targets to be manipulated with your thoughts into doing what you want.
Summon Questgiver (Sp); Summons a person who gives and finishes quests. He is a NPC that is immune to attacks, he doesn't get attacked and doesn't attack in return as he is neutral.
God transform (EX); You manage to merge yourself with the God or creator and gain his or her stats. Transforming yourself at level 20 to be the God or creator. You get +100% health and +4 to all core stats. Add +5 to all rolls.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Mystic mastery (Ex); The mystic at level 20, they are able to master mystic nature. So if they are needing something, they get a +5 to all rolls, all core stats and +100% to health.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Fate Judgement (Ex); The judge at level 20 gets the power of fate. He or she can make fate calls upon the targets. So when said judge makes a decision on the fate of the targets, fate creates the effect said judge wants. This can be instant death, created effects or otherwise whatever you would want. This includes elemental effects..the effects can be with the elements like earth, air/wind, water, fire, lava, ice, acid, poison, plasma, lightning (for medieval play) or electricity (for modern play) and void. Any lava or plasma effects is doubled as it melts things. Any ice effects are bursting ice effect. Any element formed from the inside of the targets, that will burst the body with instant death. The effects are with the damages and healing possible. They are with this done by level and per each 2 focus ranks round down. That's like you have 20 focus ranks and 7 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 10d20+7. In amount, that's a max of 207% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:
1d20+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 20-29.
2d20+Charisma mod with every 2 focus ranks for the health of levels 30+.
If you need to roll a check, use a check as specified or if none specific then a focus or concentration check with a 10 or above. so for a diceless system, think to use a total effect like this, for 4d10+8=4*5+8=28 points or seconds/minutes duration or 1d20+skill rank=10+5=15 and above for success and no dice roll. Feel free to make use of the cut straws, that is where the shortest or the longest straw is success. However if you need to do a roll, then use the focus skill check with a 10 or above for success. Otherwise, roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above as a result for successful action.
Advantage (Ex); Advantage of +5 on saving throws against spells and abilities used by celestials or divine beings.
Truesight (SP): To see through illusions, shape-changing, and invisible entities, especially useful for dealing with deceptive divine beings.
Divine Bane (Ex): The weapon could suppress divine abilities or prevent a deity from teleporting or shifting planes.
Seal Divinity (Sp): The ability to suppress a divine being's powers temporarily.
Critical Focus (Ex): Enhanced critical strike range or additional effects when critting a divine entity. The effects are elemental that you decide to do. The strike range is enhanced by 50'.
Indomitable Will (Sp): Cannot be dominated, controlled, or influenced by divine beings.
Banish Divinity (Sp): A spell-like ability to force a divine being out of a plane or bind them to a specific realm.
Tactical Mastery (Ex)): Bonus actions or reactions tailored to countering divine abilities.
Mark of Defiance (Ex): A mark or title that signifies them as a threat to divine beings.
Divine Form (Ex); At level 20, you become not unlike a god and being a Divine form by the power of the soul absorbing energy from the Gods, you get the ability of instant transmission and that means you shift by feel. Other changes are gaining +100% health, and +5 to all stats.