Live DnD 2 Magic Character info

  To work with this character sheet, you can print it out or copy the sheet info to a text editor and work with it via computer. The values will be explained below it in detail. Delete the Lines that you don't need. A template character is here.

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                                           Character sheet

Name of Character:                                          Name of Player:
Affiliations:                                                Race:
Occupation or class:                           Subclass:                        Living Territory:
Age:            Gender:               Height:                Weight:               Size:
Alignment:                                  Deity:
Devotion:      (Place the number of times you make a request to a God here. This total resets after a day passes by to 0 requests.)
Physical and background description:

  Now apply the scores you recorded or apply 100 points amongst the 6 core stats (Str, Int, Cha, Agl, Wis, Con), 1 point put in is 1 added. No going over 20 points for the ability score on application of points!! There is the Special modifiers that are added to the core stat to increase them and make a better Ability mod. The ability score mod is calculated by (Ability score - 5) / 2 round up. There is stat raises per ever 2 or 3 levels, where you raise the stat 1 point. Pick one stat to raise and you add 1 point to it. Every change to the core stat you must recalculate the mod.

Str:     Sp. Modifiers:                     Str Mod:                                    
Int:      Sp. Modifiers:                     Int Mod:
Cha:     Sp. Modifiers:                   Cha Mod:
Agl:     Sp. Modifiers:                   Agl Mod:
Wis:     Sp. Modifiers:                  Wis Mod:
Con:     Sp. Modifiers:                  Con Mod:

  Due note: The formulas in this section may use a [] or () before a division bar. As in, (Ability Scoring + Ability Scoring) / 2. The brackets are done first for the total and then the total is divided by 2, dropping the remainder. The ability score is the main Stat of Int(Intelligence, Agl(Agility, Dexterity), Str(Strength), Cha(Charisma) and Con(Constitution) without the Mod except the Sp. Modifiers.

Luck (Find lucky pieces or ((Agl + Cha) / 2)):      Mod:
Work:      Mod:      (Work is str+con/2; drop the remainder. Work details how effective the idea is like you wanted to create an enhantment, then the item you enchant causes what you want with the work you put into it. This effects by adding the work mod as a + to the items effect. Like a +5 for a weapon+5.)
Wealth:      Mod:      (Wealth is work + cha /2; drop the remainder. This stat creates an effect of increases in what wealth, you get that from the targets that you kill or persuade. This is like a multiplier to your wealth that you normally get. Where a 6 wealth mod is a x6 to your money that you get. Otherwise, its a +6 wealth to your object luck and stuff.)
Will ((Str + Int) / 2):      Mod:
Enc in lbs (Str * 10):
Adj. Enc in lbs (Enc - Equipment Weight Total):
Fortitude ((Str + Con) /2):      Mod:
Spd ((Str + Agl) / 2):
Reflex ((Spd + Int) / 2):      Mod:
Spdcnt (This is the Spdcnt, calculated by 60 / Spd; Drop the decimal. You can't go below 1. This is also how long you take in seconds of the day, per each action.):
Actions per round (This is marked down as (number of seconds) per action and [6 / (number-of-seconds)] actions per round. Otherwise make use of Intensity special ability or multitasking special ability to get 1d6 actions per round.):
Time of effect: 0 rounds (Recalculate this!)(This uses duration or the time things effect, it mentions how long an effect has to do its thing. That is either instant or using the focus ranks, times the number of actions in a round or speed of time. That's for an amount of time the idea effects. This is seconds in rounds of 6 seconds in melee, otherwise its minutes and hours outside of combat. That means if you got a 60 second effect from 4 actions per round times a 15 focus rank, that makes it 60 then 60 divided by 6 is 10 rounds. This is where you think to round down the decimal point. This effects the number of rounds an effect has, if no effect time is mentioned in the description of the ability.)
Charm (The formula of (Int + Cha)/2 and round up the remainder for what applies.):      Mod:
Memory: __ Mod: __ (This is useful to remember things by another means instead of using arcana. It is calculated by (Con + Wis)/2 and drop the remainder..then record the score and get the ability mod and use that with remembering things and memory checks.)

Mp (Starts at 25%):
Stp (100%):
Pl (100%):   

Base attack Bonus (BAB) (Add Strength mod + Agility mod + weapon proficiency):
Melee Attack range 1:
Melee Attack damage 1 (Add melee weapon 1 damage with Strength mod and weapon proficiency bonus):
Melee Attack range 2:
Melee Attack damage 2 (Add melee weapon 2 damage with Strength mod and weapon proficiency bonus):
Ranged Attack range 1:
Ranged Attack damage 1 (Add ranged weapon 1 damage with Strength mod and Weapon proficiency bonus):
Ranged Attack range 2:
Ranged Attack damage 2 (Add ranged weapon 2 damage with Strength mod and Weapon proficiency bonus):
AC (Armor class made by a calculated 10 + half level + ability score, except in the armor class you use Str Mod or Agl Mod as the ability score and add in the Armor bonus value for the total AC):

Experience for next level:
HP:               Current HP:
Morale Stat (optional and starts at 5): 5
Subdual damage track (Optional, each point is 30% damage below 0, after reaching 10 points, your character dies. Each point is 2 months aging repairable by resting/healing.):
Nonlethal damage (Each point is every 5 points STP below 0, that's 6 months aging per point repairable by resting/healing.):
Energy: 100% of 100% (This is optionally used and starts at 100%, add in the constitution mod per level as a bonus.)
Inspiration points: 0 (These points are built up over time as you complete an activity you gain a point. They're there if you want to use it for an extra reroll per point used. This starts at 0.)

(Once you get all the numbers as you need them in the right spaces, Tally the numbers up and put them ito the TC. Feel free to add in the racial bonuses, to the skills and stats. Each point used is buying a Skill Rank.)

(Skillranks = Sr) (Total Count = TC)
Skill name (Skill base like Int or Cha)   Sr    Misc mod    TC
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
____________ (___) __ __
Remaining Skillpoints:

Class Skills:
(Place your class skills here)


Spells ability:

(Skillranks = Sr) (Based upon stat = Bus)

Spell skill name           Bus       Sr
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __
_________________  (Int) Rank __

Unallocated Skillpoints left:

Extra ability skills:

(Skillranks = Sr) (Based upon stat = Bus)

Innate ability name      Bus
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)
_________________  (Cha)


Special Abilities:



Equipped items: (Not all slots apply to objects)
(Name of item=Noi) (Total Attack Bonus=Tab) (Damage=Dmg) (Critical)
(Range=Rng)(Weight=lbs)(Type=Typ)(Size=Sz)(Special Properties=SpPrp)

Noi ______________ Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ _______ Sz _______ SpPrp _______________

Noi ______________ Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ _______ Sz _______ SpPrp _______________

Noi ______________ Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ _______ Sz _______ SpPrp _______________

Noi ______________ Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ _______ Sz _______ SpPrp _______________

Noi ______________ Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ _______ Sz _______ SpPrp _______________

Noi ______________ Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ _______ Sz _______ SpPrp _______________

Noi ______________ Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ _______ Sz _______ SpPrp _______________

Noi ______________ Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ _______ Sz _______ SpPrp _______________

Noi ______________ Tab ___  Dmg __________  Critical ___________
Rng _____ lbs ____ Typ _______ Sz _______ SpPrp _______________

Equipped Armor:
(Name of armor=Noa) (Type=Typ) (Armour Bonus=ArmoBns)
(Check Penalty=ChkPen) (Maximum Agl Mod=MDM) (Weight=lbs) (Special Properties=SpPrp)

Noa _____________  Typ ________  ArmoBns ____ 
ChkPen ___  MDM ____  lbs ____ SpPrp ___________________________
Noa _____________  Typ ________  ArmoBns ____ 
ChkPen ___  MDM ____  lbs ____ SpPrp ___________________________
Noa _____________  Typ ________  ArmoBns ____ 
ChkPen ___  MDM ____  lbs ____ SpPrp ___________________________
Noa _____________  Typ ________  ArmoBns ____ 
ChkPen ___  MDM ____  lbs ____ SpPrp ___________________________
Noa _____________  Typ ________  ArmoBns ____ 
ChkPen ___  MDM ____  lbs ____ SpPrp ___________________________

(number of item) (Equipment name with description) (Weight in lbs)
(Optional Description)
__ ____________________________ _____

__ ____________________________ _____

__ ____________________________ _____

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Equipment weight: (in lbs)

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   Affiliations are whatever society or group that you think is associated to you. The Race can be any race of character that the player wants to be and the GM allows.

  Race: The race is anything including homebrew that you want to call yourself and are therefore.

   Occupation or class is any class of warrior, fighter or other class. Living Territory is any place you can think of that your character came from.

  Living territory is where you character hales from, otherwise where it came from as you think to be known for a place.

  Age:, Gender:, Height:, Weight: and Size: are self-explanatory. Age is anything greater than 15 years. Weight is nothing less than 50 lbs. Size is your character build, that can be tiny, small, medium, large and huge.

   Alignment and Deity: We have a alignment track of Lawful Good, Good, Neutral Good, Neutral, Neutral Evil, Evil, Chaotic Evil and Unaligned amongst others. The alignments are this for any further explanation. You can pick any Deity to suit your character, or deign to not have one.

  Devotion is where you create effectes with Gods or Deity. Place the number of times you make a request to a God here. This total resets after a day passes by to 0 requests. Under the creator, the Gods are divine beings that are lesser lords and can create what you intend created. Whatever lord you think to use or work with, they are aspects of the creator and you can create things with them that uses the creator as a source.

  That's like turning the tide or warding away some bad moment, so you add 1 point to devotion per request and that is piety. See you call upon the chosen God, then you focus your energy to create by conditions or effect. This is where your thinking about what you want, and the God will create the point. If you give up the God/dess ability or benefit that the God/dess granted to you, then you no longer have to be there and devoted to the God/dess of choice and you can choose another if you so need to have one.

  Any effect that's damage or healing is done with them by each 2 devotion points, each 2 focus skill ranks or each 2 levels, that is used as a 1d10+charisma mod in points. Duration is either instant or using the points as for an amount of time the idea effects. This is seconds in rounds of 6 seconds in melee or otherwise minutes and hours out of combat.

  That means you got a 42 second effect, then 42 divided by 6 is 7 rounds. This is where you round down the decimal point. That's unless you don't want the effect, then the effect ends. Otherwise you have a timeless effect, then you can make a conditioned effect that effects when you need the idea to happen. These effects can happen after a successful focus skill check with a 10 or above or drawing a short or long straw, if no deal is made for the effect.

   The physical description is there to describe you character background. To describe your character looks and where it came from. Its up to you to make it up.

  The stats are decided by rolling a 6d20 or use of 100 points, this is where each point is a stat point and your assigning the collective points, keep in mind skills and health are important so get a higher int and con. This is set amongst the different stats that are changeable with a stat raise of 1 stat per every 3 levels:

  When you apply this to a handmade character. Calculate the Ability score mods unless you want to use a chart. The ability score mod is calculated by thinking to determine an ability modifier without consulting the table, subtract 10 from the ability score and then divide the total by 2 (round down).

Ability Score Ability Modifier
1 -5
2-3 -4
4-5 -3
6-7 -2
8-9 -1
10-11 +0
12-13 +1
14-15 +2
16-17 +3
18-19 +4
20-21 +5
22-23 +6
24-25 +7
26-27 +8
28-29 +9
30 +10

    The Luck is calculated by how how many lucky pieces like a lucky gold piece you pick up or drop, otherwise it's gotten with the use of (Agl + Cha) / 2 and round down. The luck check is used to determine success of an action. And, it is to combine a rolled d20 with the luck with comparison to a DC, that's unless you create a mod of the score and then you can create a success by a 1d20+luck mod and get a 10 or above.

   The Will is used for resisting the effects cast at you and also making a difference in Tests from magic. This is gotten by (Str + Int) / 2 and rounded down. How you can use your Will in resisting effects, be to subtract your Will from the amount of damage done by the other spell damage. Then another Will check is where you create a mod of the score and then you can create a success by a 1d20+Will mod and get a 10 or above.

   Enc (Encumbrance) is St * 10 and the weight you carry is adjusted to how much you carry, this is lbs in weight subtracted from the Enc score. Decide what you will carry by going through the items list.

   The Fortitude check, is formed by (Str + Con) /2 and Rounded down for ability to know when you are sick or poisoned. Used by combining the Fortitude value with a rolled D20, in comparison to a DC. Which is a success and nothings wrong when the combined value is greater than to roll. Otherwise, that's unless you create a mod of the score and then you can create a success by a 1d20+Fort mod and get a 10 or above.

   The Spd (Speed), is how fast you are in an action and makes the initiative. Calculated by (Str + Agl) / 2 rounded down. How to use the speed, is to compare with other characters and whomever is faster, as in greater in speed score, goes first. A random factor that can be added to initiative, is d10 + speed.

   The reflex roll, is used to dodge things. When its used, you stop the damage and dodge attack. You form it, by the formula of (Spd + In) /2; Round down the remainder. To make a Dodge roll, compare DC with the combined value of Reflex value and a rolled D20. If the value is higher than the roll, then you made it. Otherwise, that's unless you create a mod of the score and then you can create a success by a 1d20+reflex mod and get a 10 or above.

   Another factor of initiative, is the speed count and that be where there's the amount of actions you can take within 1 round, of 6 seconds. This is the Spdcnt, calculated by 60 / Spd; Drop the decimal. You can't go below 1. This is also how long you take in seconds of the day, per each action. This is marked down as number (of seconds) per action and [6 / (number-of-seconds)] to get the number of actions per round.

   In any given round, one can perform the Speedcount of actions and a minor action. For instance; move and attack and perform something that requires no thought. A minor action takes (action time) / 2 in seconds. Instant actions then would take 1 second. And remember, that 10 rounds = 1 minute

   Say you had a character with 17 Str and 15 Agl which is divided by 2, making 16 Speed. Take that 16 speed divided into 60 for 3 seconds. Which is a Spdcnt of 3 seconds per action. Making it so that you get 2 actions in a melee. Dividing 6 with 3 seconds per action. A slow spell, will make this total more seconds per action, decided by a 1d6 amount of actions.

   Charm is how well you can convince a person to create friendships and that is created points of convincing others, this is done mainly by speaking or causing the point of feeling do you get an effect by feel. Charm is created by use of a combined charisma and intelligence, then divide by two and round up the remainder. That means the formula of (Int + Cha)/2 and round up the remainder. Then record the score and get the ability mod and use that with charm effects and charm checks.

    For the Attack 'damage' (Dmg) or damage field in the equipped items section, use the base attack with the weapon proficiency bonus of +1, +2 or +3 and there weapon focus. Use the Strength mod. If no proficiency, then just use -1 as the bonus amount. If the base attack has magic damage, then add that as part of the attack bonus. For example, I have a base attack of 1d10 and weapon proficiency of +3, then I add the magic bonus of +5, a Strength mod of 7. That is 1d10+15.

   For the Total attack bonus or 'Tab', use the attack bonus of the weapon.

   Base attack bonus, and Melee and Ranged attack are gotten differently with the Total attack bonus of the ranged and melee weapon. So for the BAB, you add together the Str and Agl mod and Weapon proficiencies. You must place the weapon in your equipment list and equip it by placing it in the Equipped items list. This is to get  other attack bonuses. You use the BAB for a special attack modifier.

   Now, for the Melee attack, you make use of the Tab. For example, your Total attack bonus is +18. That means 18 is the melee attack bonus.

  The Melee attack damage is formulated using the Melee weapon's dmg for the melee damage. This can be used by you adding the dmg of the melee weapon with the 7 Strength mod and +6 Weapon proficiencies. For example, your weapons base is 1d8 and the dmg is +13. That means 1d8+13 is the melee attack damage.

   For the Ranged attack bonus, use the Tab of the weapon. For example, your Ranged weapon had a Tab of 16. Then, your Ranged attack bonus is 16.

   Ranged attack damage is made using the Ranged weapon's dmg for damage. Use of each weapon, is listed separately. As per say, I have a character with a 1d6 base and 12 for the extra dmg of 6 Strength mod and +6 Weapon proficiencies. That's just one attack of 1d6+12 of a sword.

   For the Critical hit, The critical hit is as described in the weapons chart under the Gear and Armor Section.

   Armour class and saving throws: Saving throws and AC are both calculated as 10 + half level + ability score, except in the armor class you use Agl Mod as the ability score and add in the Armor bonus for the total AC; This is where the Agl mod is used even when they aren't using armor, cloth is light armor but barely protects you and is the exception to the armor rule. That's where you don't need a Armor proficiency with wearing it.

   The Max Agl Mod (MDM) is how much your character gets as a agl bonus while wearing armor and is used in defense as someone else attacks. Which is basically your Agl mod minus/plus the check penalty. You add it to the AC as a modifier.

   You must place the Armor in your equipment list and equip it by placing it in the Equipped items list, to get the AC Bonus and Max Agl Bonus.

   To get the character to the level desired. Add in the right amount of exp(experience).

   HP is Health Points, starting at 100%, unless specified otherwise, which is the amount of damage a character can withstand, before they are knocked unconscious or killed. Use Con(Constitution) Mod as a 3% HP added per point. These are similar to hit points in other games, except its this instead as described in the Buffer Shield HP System.

    In starting out skill points, your using the idea where your starting at first level. The Skillpoints you get are described in Class Descriptions. The limit of how much you can have in each general skill of Skillranks is the Intelligence mod plus character level. This does not effect Skill training. For more information on Skills and Feats, and also for what Skills be generally used in Arda Magic System, peruse the Skills section.

Written with permission from Maelstrom