Here are some links which you may find helpful.
Magic & Elements Related
Ars Falcis Necromancy Resource- A useful resource on necromancy. Their purpose is to illuminate the way for the prospective necromancers and provide an information resource.
Ben's Secrets of the Mind- A useful set of articles on astral workings and the elements.
Collective Secrets of the Mind- Community articles provided by Skyhawk.
TomeKeeper's Library- A large libary of occultist information.
Spellhawk's Atlantean Resource- Spellhawk has compiled a number of articles on the lost culture of Atlantis.
Spellhawk's Blog- Spellhawk's frequently updated blog on various topics with lots of how-tos.
Educate Yourself - An educational forum dedicated to the use of natural, non-pharmaceutical medicines and alternative healing therapies.
Kheper site- A site based on transformation, metamorphasis, and evolution. By the rambling nature of this website, established in 1998, means that there are many topics to explore.
Project Nephilim-An effort to create peace for the land we live in and put down bad influences.
The Chaos Matrix-On the most esoteric of topics that may be of interest in occult studies, including the moon phases.
The Warrior Matrix-This is an orgonite community.
Psionics The psionics resource page that was mothballed.
Psionics Online-The resource for psionics that rivals the in information and may yet be active.