How to command

To command is to know a person and to know them with knowing the patterns of thought, the general situation rules and the chat rules.

Thought pattern

The point of this section is to understand the idea, that is where the pattern of thought can often say what will happen by the brain. Otherwise this is what you think will occur through the stimulus. This is the pattern of thinking where the patterns are actually a cycle of activity and relaxation to reflect on the idea you think. This is the same as relaxation, that occurs through similar activity or otherwise there is no activity except rest. So with breaks in-between to represent thought and feeling anytime, think to depict this accurately so their is two modes to the brain, rest and focus that represent no activity. All the while this is with inhibiting of nerve energy and activity, that is done by nerve impulse through stimulation from what stimulus is there or what the the senses tell the brain. This can with math be equal to binary and thinking, this is with 0 and 1 and represents learning by processing the point with the on and off status of the brain. This is awareness, that doesn't bother others by the area. So think and you can do it. Think peace or calm to create by the feel where the spirit creates what you need or intend.

Effectively the feelings come when "thoughts" happen with consideration of the input or stimulas, this is done through rest and activity at a very fast pace. Feelings are related to the nerve reactions as the dendrite nerve cells fire off, of the "thought" by energy buildup. Random thoughts can get random emotions from the relational intent. The nervous reaction happens through the body nerves, you see that creates the need for food from feeling pain in the stomach.

Some patterns are responsible for memory and responses where some patterns represent sleep. Sleep allows for creative adaption the next day ae a thought to the moment. The alpha sleep pattern is thought-no action-relaxed reaction and this includes dreams. In deep sleep where the true rem cycle happens, the beta wave cyclic reactions be rest-body positioning-thoughts and feelings, the zeta wave wake pattern is thoughts-reactions-relaxation activity. A memory resurgeance is thoughts-relaxation-feelings-reaction activity and with memory comes a thinking pattern cycle.

Psychosis and sickness pattern sometimes happen for a insanity thought cycle of activity-rest-reaction, causing stress, this will allow very busy people to do activity by mere patterns that self-evolve with one problem, so break the pattern and they could be violent or abusive with no reason or resent intrusion. This is a psychotic pattern that became obvious because stress can build up, that makes itself know for thinking. The stress can be reduced by an inhibition action, and make a unpsychotic crazy thought pattern. that is a pattern of activity-rest-thought-reaction that will allow more calm, seeing this is with a almost crazy state due to consideration of the situation. There is an affliction with this, albeit the mind won't have a reaction fit through this thought pattern, this is where your thinking a person only has to say things for them to go do it without thought. Only with these thought patterns, will they disclose anything they desire at night or in the day without sleep. That is without awareness of it by a dispersion fit. This fit is when you are exasperating and thinking of allowing things, that are not always to your liking.

Sane cycles for thought are without dispersion fit: relaxation by other action-activity-thought with emotion purge, and this causes an unthinking machine that shows no remorse yet will fake the emotion on need. That works with soldiers and working people with no time to spare and very little patience. This is a consideration and patience pattern for a thought cycle of relaxation-thoughts-activity-rest with emotion release. This will produce a state of emotional variance or thought and allowance by the effect of resting, and that is relating to the emotion as though to being an emotion and not from where, otherwise you can get anger. Where I got this from was watching a friends dark emotion as to a recent conflict which he never struck out for the point that was done. So with these two concepts, there is a need for sleep as you will tire out the body by too much activity, that is through physical activity or mental focus and emotion handling.

Trauma thought pattern cycles: actions-thoughts-reactions-feelings or purge, this is a concept of space-time or what you allow in your area. That is a point this is being done for two types of people, ae the activist or the denialist as they are two opposites that are extremes with self going activities on the activist, and the denialist is often with self-deterrent actions. These types of people will give what they can for the purpose of self-goals and some emotion including fear or doubt and whatever is on their mind. They will promote thier skills and actions to "motivation" by any leader. The second type of trauma is where they had seen it and not lived it, that is done as: thoughts-reactions for which the reactions be following the thoughts of what you saw or reflected upon. The effect is not being able to produce well except with numbness and prompting. Answer is by a point you stop thinking on it or you'll not get over it.

Production thought cycles be : rest-actions-thoughts to promote the idea of thinking after you do and do as the boss says. With the effort put first your bound to get mistakes, with the problems sometimes not corrected. A better method is to go thoughts-actions-reactions-rest is the pattern with self-correcting production. If its a mistake in the action then you need sleep or its not your fault.

Studying thought cycles are: thoughts-reactions-actions-rest will make up the effort to study as a thought hits you "I am going to watch", reactions of your body tracking the activity, actions be to commit to memory and to rest with the tiredness after the effort. The fascination study cycle that need no rest period: thoughts-actions-reactions-pause-second thoughts, when thoughts happen to effect an desire as "I will look at this" followed by a attempt to look the idea over, then a reaction of I did it and now looking at the values of it and a pause to reflect with a final thought on what the idea means to you. Only this needs no sleep for the fascination keeps the brain active.

When the person has this as a genious thought cycle: activity-reflection-alternate activity-rest, they be using a cycle that works for geniouses as its reflective of the person to think of solutions by giving them time for thought with having deep thoughts. A second point is to have a instinct thought cycle using
thoughts-reflect or reflex-reactions-pause-alternate reaction for a reactionist or instinctive genious.

Remorse, sadness or joy be the thought cycles of
thoughts-interacting or associating-reflections-rest, for the entirety of however long the emotion lasts. Determined, indivisualist, fretful or dependent for thought cycles of thoughts-actions with emotions-reflections-feedback or second thoughts, now the emotion is high and will direct the actions but only for a set desire. Give them something else to do or you could be the target though by deflection, to join them in thier purpose and to give effort at gaining fame.

Rules for the situation

These are general rules to follow and get a result, where you aren't normally getting one.

  1. Take command of the given moment, making attention to things by doing whatever is needed or necessary.
  2. Be well and Be yourself as you attempt things.
  3. Make attention to the given situation, that is done by speaking or attempting something.
  4. Explain you point of view, this is done as though it were part of the solution.
  5. Seek clarity and try to diffuse potential hostility. Even in yourself.

Target rules for speeches and talking

These be the rules to get the attention of any in a conversation with command or understanding. The rules start as:

  1. State something and they might do it without thinking, this is sometimes intending that it is done and they sense your intention, then if you can create awareness of that idea, instead of what they were thinking they think that idea instead. This is using a point where they think of the idea, and aren't observing you for the original point they were thinking about. So they dismiss the idea they had and they think other thoughts. However, the thought isn't you, so if you think of the idea, you know by the spirit. Then your aware by insight or the the soul. That means you know what you intend to know, so this is a point from the past that you accept as a memory. If you do, you won't feel stress about the point.
  2. Be aware of the circumstances as you approach and how they be thinking by listening in as they speak or hearing the voice for tenseness. If the voice is tense, make for light conversation to lighten the mood. If not tense for the voice, then wait for the moment and speak in the pause with relevant information. Through it all be considerate or the conversation may collapse.
  3. Don't interrupt a conversation unless you desire it with an unknown occurance. This is sometimes with bad intentions, or a nasty retort for some responses be uncivil. This can be unused as with exception to rudeness and arguements. Thus always listen and you will understand.
  4. Know of the subject before attempting to speak of the conversation, or if you feel like learning talk like you know it and you will know things by others who correct you through explanation, arguement or sharing.
  5. Where the moment of conversation turns terse or you sense the dismissal of the yourself, then leave the area or change the subject as you desire to stay in unless the person doesn't want to talk to you.
  6. Be decisive and quit witted with command of the person in mind with no weakness shown. The moment of weakness is when they could dominate you.
  7. Define your speach by understanding what you know or the person uses as intent and the message becomes clear by feel. So this is with the effect of two things, when a hostile message use suble and white lies to deter destructive actions. When a peaceful intent, use informative or insightful activity to divert attention to the actual intent or meanings you talk about. This prevents the need to clarify and keeps it light yet don't get caught. If too many self-denials or deterrants the person will leave the conversation.
  8. After the person speaks with a negative tone like "I don't know.." or using a affirmative and commanding idea say "that's a good idea", "okay" or "I agree" with an added concept after unless its not an improvement or additive to flow by contribution.
  9. The moment of suspicion in a conversation, change the subject with a similar thought or with what they agree with unless caught and you could then be out of the coversation.
  10. If nothing else can be said, say nothing as it will make the effect ae saying keep talking for a social person and stop talking to the quiet types. To watch them is quite funny as with a quiet type talking to a normal social type but only with friends.
  11. Treat the conversation as a need to know basis with compliments and verbal conclusions, that can make it so you can't get seen as evil or you aren't disturbed.
  12. Use innuendo with effects of disturbance with people that be disliked and unknown, such as thieves and conspirators unless its a officer of an army or some sort.
  13. Use respect in a conversation and treat them like equals. Try to avoid talking down or using sarcasm in the voice unless you dislike them. Quite likely the targets will never talk to you again.
  14. Act out the things described with minimal hand gestures, leg and foot thumping or expressive words to cause the conversation to be more animated and believable for what you want to convey. If you want to keep them at attention, then do things with a unstiff body and still face.
  15. Mischief, such as word plays and jokes can cause the conversation or speach to go bad through an ill humoured person or cause humour in an person in a good mood by you feeling good, unless you be with a neutral person who doesn't get effected.
  16. Where concerns lay despite the emotion should be explored and fixed for improved relations. Use calm resolve and don't predeclare judgement as it can cause an unbalanced arguement. Constructive arguements be very balanced and allow for the people to grow from it despite the fact that they could yell. This uses constructive criticism to create resolve, where the unbalanced arguements be very time consuming with little resolve to both creating a neverending war.
  17. Choose your approach and go along with the thoughts of the moment. Yet don't get caught by agreeing with something that doesn't agree with your story conversation or what you intend to make happen, this is like a point you think and create positive results. Yet if you want to be evil, use evil answers etc.. but you can if pressured change your story by little admittances, and what you want to achieve is done for the resolve by what you do as an act. That is done to create compliance or thinking to say "I have to go" then walk away.
  18. Never smell or wear bad clothes for people will contrive against you or attack if failed in attempt. This can also end in insult and assault on people or objects.
  19. There is three very useful points as strategies. Win - Win with a give a little idea, object or info to get a return of the same or other by compromises. Win - Lose to make the person give to the moment and you to gain by concession, information, objectives or other. Lose - Win is to lose intentionally and give in to the other without complaint. Lose - Lose is like giving in with the other also giving in ae this swordsman kills the other who kills the swordsman meaning they kill each other. What makes it easy to choose these be the situation before you chat or within chat as it will set the mood of who might be unlistening or understanding.
  20. Adapt the rules as sometimes they can change with the idea to create improvent to the social situation.

Old documents that be nearly unreadable
research done by trialing people or questions to over 60 people
Danny and brothers including Paul and Jay
Psychology class