The ievitable moment as tea magic
Tea light Spellbook technique

The tea is the ancient chinese light cooking, think by ideal for a changing ideal for a spellbook. This is what you think that is counted. No longer what you say until you think the ideal is the act that exists.

   The point to this spellbook is the practice idea of the ancient tea ceremony and you use magic to use tea in things in energy by use in an instance, things that work and thought is for the theory that life exists as you apply science or announce a monster thing. You are applying undone energy this is where you think is with intelligent action. Think the use and focus the energy to the thought you are as you feel the focus energy and use it to make what is intended, think in the theory you as thought is in the energy use and in thought is into the practice or not.

   As a point to cast a spell and use it in thought,  as you are in sight you can know wat to do and create by what is done. As thought with concept is thought energy ability by the spirit, that is concept in the act to prevent by speach. Consolement to feel or pure feel by thought from tea energy, as the use this is not chastisement or tough thought to do or see.

   Think of feel this is where you tend to create, this is by idea the focused feel in thought creates anyting you focus on. This I think is seeing by focused mind upon the words you hear and the vision effects upon the area as your mind focuses inwards, this is used as you think on the idea to see and feel to deal with the situation by intuition or thought to see moments and your use or not is by the thought to do. This is thought to fix or create what you want, so just as though fire is in the area or other things from water or food if it tastes horrible. This seems as if so the area you end up avoiding is there, noting nothing with the idea was not to seem done.

  This is the energy and water as you think your intelligent and say and do, act by action is in life to release extra energy to and from the area by grounding yourself to the roots. Thought by that which you stand on and what you do to think achieve, thought and just perhaps a purpose is a point to create, this is what can activate psychic idea to see, think and without an in accident so otherwise you are what you create. Go with whatever as you can as you are aware by focus tat is the deal around here.

  By thinking you are with elemental associated by thought and by the act with life, unless you disassociate yourself as thought in intended moment is to work. As "an" idea is assigned a form in energy and thought use is energy that creates viewed idea to use, know what energy there is in flow by blood as the control by "the will" or the sensed blood flow. As now the balance is restored by various techniques in life. Think and what want is there, then if you remove it its gone.

  As if taking an electricity rod made by chi to create genetically regenerated restoration, and a circle of life is deducted or generated. This as drawn from originator or traced back energy is a pattern, this is just as if it passes to the trouble spot to cause the body to recover with life that you know what and who causes the idea. So think and as your aware you can do anything.

  That is energy and sometimes disgusting idea if the body releases the insides by reacting. So be ready to clean up, and you can use what you do as recoup for the body. This is an idea that your tea, if trying to chage the tea with thought by energy focus. This can increase the focus, the energy and the stimulus to do things with more intelligence. As you move quicker and act more intellingently, that is by energy from another with an auratic infuse. This can create by the ease of energy focus, time thougt with imagined idea and thought that your use is in intelligent use by action with whatever energy is in use. This I think was used on me as I walked by someone, so their energy spirit interacted with my thought and I was doing strange things.

  However the ingenuity, think in a pattern that works with the point you do is not necessary, then you can feel the withdraw from the tea as caffeine witdrawal comes. As a flow of words ends and you in moments recover really quickly as if never effected. If you don't consider the tiredness, you can drop to to the ground and if you rest or drink water with energy thought to it you can recover from not having tiredness.

  As  you think to do someting and do activity, the more chi you may have and create with by the feel as your focus is to restore and otherwise by thought that it restores. Tis will and vision if focus is by the thought energy or "restore" by nearness of others and your heart restores itself in energy this isn't damaged, as if by thinking you restore your heart and brain functions with good focus that restores by the use of activity in a point that your view is understood. You don't have to do everything you sense, this is not always by a point by thought in mention to achieve with what you set out to do as this is done in life.

  There by thought is there by will, focus by thought and if your will is understood you can will by is read with focused chi. This is understood by the thought, read from the energy and not entirely accurate. Use and variations that you can by thought use as you see, think as if to see and realize is use by a focused hand or point in mention by a point observed by someone that knows in a displayed lighted area that you see by the visual third eye energy. The point is the third eye can manifest any idea, as the more energy you seem to use or have can create a good point to create better with better points with a life in focus by perception and feeling by insight.

  As you think energy to create with energy the chi surges, think and what you focused thought to do creates with the inner fire and the earth. As a balance to change by thought and will is desire, this is a point or ionic use with not as an oppositite healing by the thought in activity. As if you drop the wand of chi energy, that is your energy hand made and bade to the inner energy being or inner energy fox form. That is where you might not want to seem effected by energy, so use the thought to pass the extra energy to the aura as you know and cleanse it of programming as to ascertain by thought is from the point that be from the creator as if him or herself that knows. So now I know whom this was, I will leave him alone.

  As if that is a concept this might do if you think it will, as if you with your will you focus your mind and you might not want the bad programming thought is not acting as a suggested thought. This is where energy isn't overwhelming, the body and your thought is able allow you to cope as if a resource. This is available from a carefully deselective area, with resource known as energy in the form as land and objects with use by thought to keep it working as needed as you need to do.

   Not always is it done as the good is the opposite point in what temporal idea by thought and what you sense in the time you focus to know, this thing is the good of what happens when you think and you create something to replace something by the view of the opposite as that is not dangerous that replaces it. As to place something disrupts things and your will is incredible, things you do disrupt the idea pattern that shouldn't happen or not. As if not is nothing, there is nothing in the will. "Tis is used to create spells with love."

   As long as death that isn't necessary, as if this an opposite view by ruling in an opposite view in life that doesn't incorporate bad mojo to create positive activity. The point is your noticed for something good and "an en" something positive as nothing is unnoticed as a point is bad. To think of three things and in the mention of the act or act what you thought, is not always to define it then if thought different this is not unlike nature witchcraft.

   That creates to change the event by three different things or patterns noticed or in thought as nothings happens nothing will, this is to point out something with thought as a will or to make thought seem better by act or idea you notice in noting as nothing except feel by psychic notion as you don't expect things in yourself the point is out. As no drugs are used then its like if you don't intend to do this as energy effects what you want it won't happen. As the your point is ignored and you are okay, stop.

   This in thought is what allows by no insanity. No insubortanation. No intrusion. No problem as interesting thought and I got that was what ruled magic in carmelio Abberatios as I got it from there. This was the seventh planet of time. I am looking through a coven spellbook from charmed life thru the akashic and I found this in life. Think and as you know it it is gone if you didn't need it.

  As an interesting spell, as though the thought were there in mind you don't split the mind by thinking different. As a were force was an energy in imaginative use, this was energy by the thought perceived activity. There is "war in no warfare" as water energy is a flow by interesting thoughts by "tea", as this in ancient polynesian is meaning "temperal time things". As I did see and do things that weren't done made me seem good in that life, so I think and I know things. So now I am aware of what I can do I will go now out and do it.

    As you are the thought you are the spellbook though the variation on a thought were creating, and not abetting things this is tea energy in some tea time thought. As thought exists something your not bothered at all and not noticed. This spell is the energy spell called by the higher beings to work as you say or think "or not" as if you never will. Tis interesting that it works still after so many live female times things fade from what ago is temporally the spirit in life that flows through everyone.

   As you think in a point of creative idea is in with a thought you are able to do and see is a point by images in or not, create a practical use and this is the challenge project that ends as you will you are able to create with thought. As if a good response in and out if you don't think you are in good standing don't and you won't then your not as your done and very good.

    As a point tis a pity for reasoning as you nip the reasoning in the bud as if a thought that stops with an extra reason of "or not". As you think of a challenge to do then go for it as what you think, you can do if its a clean thought it is safe and thought allowed it is there with no dirty gutter mind as no dirty gutter thoughts please. Shown an experience and it works as this is an example then you can use the idea, thought to do what you tink or piss the energy not liked away is done. This works as well as shit or fluoride, that removes the bad energy by will or focus with a thought to "remove bad influence".

   This in a project if you think it is possible, as if to use the third eye manifest by focus as with thought and a point with a video equipment and you know what was thought exists evidence that it happened or if you think and the point occurs to do if a point in use that it is creative use by creative response or not with the thought as your thinking. This is a point or area idea, so think to have fun with this. As this is just a fact until proven useful.

   As its something you can do this is the point to use or click in thought, thought is witchcraft and/or psionic use as you think its a purpose and its by activity for whatever you consider. This as a project with an emeral and use a diamond, for cold spells or absorption and removal of the cold spell. Thought and use of a ruby or star sapphire is fire focus use, as an idea that diamonds are forever to get immortality.

   This is where you can use the energy area as thought. As you assume to not assume, there is no point expectancy and as energy is will the willful concept can disappear. Think as you focus and the creator came up with the right thing to do as you did alter things and fire focused by white lighter lens things to create positivity.  This can seem fire ruby by thought, think a ruby thought with energy such as this so that is thought to create. Say is with the point "no", thought is use by air heat in focus to create fire in idea. Think as you know the way, then you know what it is.

   This is were the third event, realistically the magic is by pattern and is the most dangerous. As you are the point there, there is no more light or dark effect as light energy ability as if a "light eater" enters in to you, through you and by you to the area to correct with thought by feel or focus. This is a focus or a function of my mind by now, so its easier and all I had to do was practice.

   There and otherwise as if otherworld you mention, the condition in two or one and one thing happens with focus that you were to get. These are the conditions of the tea light spell, if thought of lived out lives are there you may get the result as an end result as realized is idea to use. If you deny tea made condition, the result disappears as thought "nothing happens as nothing occurred". So as you define the term not destruction in life, seeing will in energy is in life by feel with focus no more experienced.

   Assume before you speak, see the result before the effort is done and as you see it you know what will come from it. These are spells as I remember them and this is the method, as you see the idea by looking as you read if interested by subconscious. As you focus on a need or thought, you can recall what possible spells that is useful.

   As this not in a point by energy is concept the area is your own inner energy in form, thought as you think to form it isn't always unless you need the security or creative approach that you change the approach if necessary. This is in energy to the use and use in thought isn't a point if not illegal by view. So this uses the creator or curator to do things as you see, feel or know the actual thought to do.

   Thus your energy creates as will of the creator creates it with the curator created use, if necessary or otherwise it is as you say by the use of the will that you think follows the rule that is intention by intent to create with the will and make with the word by word projection a thought. Tis follows the ruling of do as if you think is in timewise allowed, as this is the thought energy is creative by the point and forms by thinking it will as possible in possibility exists and whatever you focus a thought to do is done as a concept will do as if by Gideon.

Creative appraisal

  As you focus and conceptualize, you can do it in an image form or not. Perhaps see in smells. Relate this to practical magic means like energy working or enacting some in mental spell. This is the hard nitty gritty end-goal of magic- materalizing your desire through focused intent.

  Don't expect results if you don't properly apply yourself.

  "Or not, whatever," or other extensions of a dismissive attitude can be used as a point against your good thinking, but it can be grasped as a point of magic-command. Maintain an active control of yourself to keep your thinking properly oriented.

  [Challenging yourself is key to growing stronger. Any successful person at all has to push themselves to get any better, but we can do this happily because we're designed to face challenges and grow. Therefore, ]

  [If you think of a challenge, in the chinese face system. You'll be fine, as in for fuck's sake! Do it in the most meticulously perfect way you can devise as quickly and efficiently as possible. Perfect grace, timing, integrative intelligence, speed, performance. Of course, this is an unachievable perfect ideal. Well, perfect, but unachievable? Not at all. The difference between essentially anything you do or don't do is YOUR HABITS. Change your habits and you can change everything, and you can decide, instead of being drained of power.]

  [If you develop internal magic techniques and master your humanity and your inhumanity, whatever those may be like, (hopefully nice and respectful to all life and mankind. Ya bastards,) then you can change your habits even easier. The people who are on top of the world doing impossible things are people who have unlocked deeper levels of potential inside themselves. And the greatest people are the people who apply the power they find with a wise respect for the rest of the world.]


Corrective thinking

   This is the Art of creative and corrective thinking. Thinking whatever you do is taking something by a point out to correct and think this, if a situation think thought as an abalast and your thought is a balance. As a point on a mental balance bar, not that intwisted is the intention and by what they do in life is response as if by what they see as experience.

   Balance meant is balance to your body in the position on the balance bar, imagine and you get cool effects as a mental balance is achieved. As if your mood achieved is calm, cool and collected. "Kiolin So Corrant" if thought, can create from anarchy energy amongst other sources. As if a live source you collect from as thought in Gideon it happens and think.

   This is as you want and you adjust by what you see as the thought is separate but equal. Your not drawn into their energy aura world. Think that world doesn't exist and it doesn't. As you were to assume to the mind world that your world is an energy idea and your energy thought creates what you think. Think the world subsists and this is energy by what your energy is made from. As energy isn't used it is wat you consume, that countys as bananas as the area can create with the knowledge fruit effectively made in use from the auratic energy as thought to cure.

   Fun concept but not always possible. As if you love the child the energy is a process to the terrific moment live actions can create what you think to moment of a beat of music. There is an energy to use by the point you consider to the use. That what you think is what you consider in life by a recorded result. Think as you want so if you can use creative thinking your free to the purpose and created to te terrific point in time you will by energy and create in thought. As a thought is a free energy use, your energy is from the area that you can collect the energy from. As if right there and knowing where your seeing things, your ability is ability by the thought and no if perception is wrong if possible unless tested.

   There is seen as an energy in life that is energy from any place in the mind that the creator makes and tis a notion. There is a notion to the energy to use the area energy. thought to free energy in the wind. That frees energy to collect by a thought will and with an energy hand. As your energy is the will and the wind or other elements that is the way. There is an energy by the will, as your will is in the energy it will do as you want as yes is gifted creative in use.

   Think what you want and it is unless nothing but a possibility. As you are in the area of idea or influence, you can understand by what you see or perceive and no voices are heard by the thought as boy craft is vampiric craft led by a dhampire. As thought if you were with a real body, what if you could do this and not think to uderstand?

Flying ability by Cary Williams

    Another way to fly is there if you think to see it and use is the step by someone, to the observed and felt necessity to create and shift to the point of view that you create to will flight. Assume nothing, as you can see this means "assume and you make an ass of me", so don't as you assume and things cease as if magic. Assume nothing and you don't get effected, as you assume nothing until you see true formation as the formation.

    How to fly in this method is started when you look at the sky and when your speechs in inner you, is stopped or over, you'll see the lines of the world. Will to use your strings released from your fingers, hold them and will to hold the world's lines wih your strings. Gather your hands together and fly in the moment, lets you see on a moment a fly and you gather energy to fly with as the fly is flying with thought by movement. There is energy in the flight as you can count the fly as the step. This is from lord of the flies as you observed the idea you saw this in the background and I was there practicing at least in mind thinking myself in the background until I thought to be back.

    Flying is fun like this, but needs a perfect balance and peace sometimes gained by meditating on perfect inner balance and peace and flying. With the higher self while seeing, and being consciously while speaking not innerwise. So innerwise speaking is your inner speaking. Meaning what you don't do is inner speak when flying. You have to stop it and attune yourself to your will and sight. You gotta be careful when you're doing it, as there had been so many warriors, apprentices fell down in history which is the case in point. As you can see, this was not easy for them so think about it and you might figure it out.

    Chakra stimulation is use of your energy center areas, of the body for healing and manipulation. These energy centers, if blocked up and closed can cause sickness, nonworking actions, writers block and other possible diseases, or it is good health and idea if open and unblocked up. When unblocked in life, and out a point the energy felt free of tension is where the chakras flow into each other and there are seven chakra energy centers. Think of a white light bursting from your body, through the aura and cleansing the chakra points.

    To attune yourself to your will is feeling your entire self while non-speaking innerly. This is flying, as binding your 'strings' to the lines of the world and being pulled imagining the lines and then the strings and the strings tying themselves to the lines. As it's like a will to astral projection but being on a conscious level, and letting yourself by your will to the lines. Sometimes running and jumping is able to help the process.

Source Magic by Leandra

   Source magic is not always done. As source by Poseidon or other necklace like orgonne by the creator, that creates what occurs with water in orgonite powered by thought. Think in a point as its in by an orgonite power stone in thinking focus by meditation in life, experience by experienced in a point of view by activity as lab work your use can create energy by any object in resolve (including shit). So think to focus your mind and the energy is there, this is thinking to work the effect or change to create what you wanted.

   Thought energy is by telepathy relation, so or not that is nothing so things end sometime is as you were and somethings are best in life. As to know that the idea manchauzen, he was a king of atlam or anm as he wrote the poem that the faery were described a sorceror as a thought an that was why he had a way to seem to frighten. This was a warning from whomever as on this is or useful no longer is not used idea, this is a thought as if in a left hand or area field. Call the faery or they could strike or steal you away. Think and you know how to use this.

   This was after the faery cause a voodoo activity to separate the soul to shift to a new body as if the sandman by thought. Tis was a handle or an idea as anything could be possible to manifest or think before, you strike to use energy in punishment or think not to use not. That was the use so this was to ask his permission, this was to a circle protection was to use a stone think what you want as a life lesson or don't always get what you need. There is no such thing as evil or good, as they believed in the power of the mind by the idea of energy that is thought to will by focus can be done by the creator. Think by the use you were the created or creator to use as though, if in thought that was an aspect.

   Thought to cause children by Atleantian use was possible after realizing Atleantian children were dead, this with idea that was to except things was to not to do dumbly as something dumb was said or done. As inconsiderate actions were not by response as necessary as they are useful, except this was not as easy to create or no this isn't as that is realized not necessary.

   That created evil or good effects by mana or area energy focus on those that were wrong on not, this is like the expertise is with things your use essence creates in the use energy. See or not by thought as this was a mana energy stone, focus to use energy somewhere that is energy creative. Some cause is the creator by idea. Never continue a lifetime that shouldn't be continued.

   As you think to ask or meditate on medicine the thought to breathe allows you to breath anywhere, breathe in and out as fast or slow as you want, or fast breaths first and then slow breaths. Then imagine wings being grown and appearing where you want on your back. If it works, then try to work the idea of pain from the growing wings out of your mind. As, there will be some pain associated with this. Try this method as long as you want and with use of as many days as you want. This doesn't work for everyone, so if you find this is true, try other methods. Hope your feeling lucky.

   There is energy this is in the thought and the essence in the mind collected, this by your spirit and is thought you know as energy is gone in a point as thought is exposed in as a thought to you that focus. There is a dreamed in reality effect, as reality is in inert ice energy. There is an energy in created by every thought, as the energy in thought is an idea in use your idea creates by focus. There is energy by use in movement as you want, safely done as energy to do things is things to do for fun. As in life events are what you think, use by thought is focus to get positive idea done instead of negative use including drugs, realistically if they do things to you the effects dissipate by energy flowing from the body.

   Tis is known as in an endless trick of deranged ravens which builds height up with lessened weight and vitamin use cures it as you realize it was tis you break the trap in view by perception and you control the vine to release what you eat and use less to do more by suggested ideal. There by use is sounds that energy are naturally known as teresa in the thought. That use energy to create energy and thought energy in the creation is by what you do, as tough "inanis in attento dominus" thought you do in life that you lead or lice remove with the other things removed that are unwanted and if were there you are in life. Don't attack for no reason.

    By now in what thought you do, you should already understand how to relax and feel a shift of consciousness. Once that stage is reached, you should than wait for the "Separation Point". As mentioned earlier, some will feel the body vibrate and feel out of place, some will feel lowering or heightening of the body, and others may feel "out of in the area". Whatever your pre-cursor is, that's the key moment when you need to progress by the fun in life.

    Note: The above steps can most easily be accomplished by first letting your thoughts go, followed by programming the correct Brain Theta Frequencies. Our Astral Free Flow Package is used by thinking your free flowing in the wind, of energy by electricity perfectly designed for this exact purpose. As the electricity is felt as humming and you think to shift away your will causes a surge by focus. Tangent and sine use and other idea you focus is to create or not, allow use and the crown chakra created seems by the use of a thought to seem and think about it and you are as you know where you are. What stops is the effect you see as the area seems to halt and continue as you think of where you are in life.

   This is with the thoughts, not use is ice this twisted drink by desire and control. It only leads to disaster and with disruption of the mind and family. This ice is self contained and only affects those who in are willing. The rewards are great and the balance in the mind must be kept Sanity is kept if balance is maintained. Its existence is completely hidden, as all is green its only found by what you think, focus is a concept as for what it is not as illusion. Even if the person is aware of how, and disruption or hell will always control so no matter the circumstance until not necessary.

 Cairy Simons

  Energy Manifest Technicality

    Think is use with the subconscious and not always possible to have fun or do, as you think and that completes the sequence. Spherical energy use is construct creation by a naturalist thought and feel in life focus, thinking creates by focus into a thought and sphere is formed by situations. As you see this as instant in a sphere that appears to you in a point you see life, think and create with thought as your well and activity is where you use things. This is energy by use if they focus and what they think can create as you think.

    So it goes you can create by the focus, as you think the term you state done and if you want or need the feel or created feeling in life is life. In thought is the moment you try and think your in use, think and use is competent to complete the thought your right as to see as "en" is back to where you started from and stated to be info as a form and energy gathered to make the form as concealed parts make the whole object in form. There is energy in the energy that molecules are what were there, as in conditioning thats good as new as a thought is energy and in form elsewhere as you think the form to exist and it stops.

    Think you can and do as this or in as this can manifest is out by use with the subconscious and no tis not always by what you want in an idea. As its possible somewhere but not always here, if the idea manifests and original thinking, as a point or other thinking you can create is by the idea you think or express. As if a point, you can create by will in the point, that you feel and project to the energy or not. There as if you don't desire the point think as this creates is a point in mention to seem to move, with and without something from an empty real area from people to an empty place near the point you are in the area. As if cool in thought cool in concept by momentary time or real by real life events.

    Otherwise this doesn't happen, if not necessary or impossible as a point unless you touch and imagine. As if the energy by thought reforms, think and focus the energy into the form somewhere created. Think with chi gathered by thought through the body to the hand, the area creates by your direct focus with a point as nothing is to create with the creator. If you will you cause by a thought, that means with a point you direct your energy to dispell your bad energy and this is to touch displace you do.

    As you think release or not is as this is a point you give up stop and do something more easily. There is another way enerrgy can create or will seem as you think of the energy as a source and will it there, as you think then you think it to shift there and you can find it near where it is, as if not this is formed from there to where you want in life to be.

    This is easier said than in done use as "tang" is a point in a moment thats done, as if you don't have to live through that or otherwise if chair and object is not energy this is undone energy. As if the consciousness is allowing for the idea dimensionally, think as if created in the air by the aura manifest by in focus and thought gestures. There is energy by focus, in the area you are as you think and create with thought.

    Undoing in things energywise and make by the stopping of the moment in thought to get rid of bad energy, with use of the restored energy and if this is right before it gets bad think as if at the right time. As things change to the spirit of the temple of Atlantis in life, as your will is done in any different time. As that is wend a way to will a thought, you don't absolutely think will or not to think as energy surges and metaphases the area changes.

    Think is energy into what you will in energy focus as thought is the thing separates from itself, to copy and seem right next to the object in a space time if created. With a touch to the object from you to seem energy, you think in thought telepathically touched to the object to be there where you want it. Thought or not from the air is use of negative ions to recover with thought in healing use, unless something already is done is stopped by something from this package as if a package with a bomb. Think of a form you want to shape and create by thought from energy, wild instance isn't seen or what you will not is to seem and not always be not and do not, if you imagine it there in form as this is energy.

    Tis an energy that surges in the air by streamas, of energy where you make by energy into what you thought as similar related item area shifts in a spiritual line of lineage light. There is energy by what you think, what you yourself do is create by effort to create effect by the point in a life to see to create and think to do better for what you think in what life you live in life. This is the essence of air in fire to create in the life, that is focus and cut or create what you think. This is in the essence of cooking.

   Think in used by thought in life and by what you do isn't in thought as a want, this is energy used in a focus as this is an amulet with touch or feel by what you think. This in energy is made to create is use by the creator from nothing, as energy serves what you want and nothing matters if nothing is will. Thought as antimatter is in use with the use, nothing that creates then by the third eye in manifest creates by will with darkmatter. However darkmatter to some doesn't exist, as you can't record it for they thought it could exist through machines recording it like a record or displacement.

   As not is nothing and whatever you think can serve, as a purpose is served by survival and your will is wellness and thought is energy think as you will or spiritually use what you think. There is a point as energy is created and noting thought an in existance does not do as you want. Thought is energy in concept, as if that use is your own as destination is possible by well thought out plans.

    As on a point if thought on in psychological view or not as more physical changes occuring with more pain, think as more disruption to the body is energy with the energy that you think into use. As modern is progress, think you ascertain the purpose that serves the use. What you condense in thought energy and in view is out by the moment in use, think and act normal or stupid is not wise to survive by street as smart is the activity. Think to know what you do is okay, as long as you don't get in a fight.

   As you yourself use in life or not as energy subsists by what you will or ionic with a negative feel, tis a memory idea you think to produce in real life you know what you see if you focus and feel and your aware. As nothing is what you think and your just you, your will creates and the subconscious is doing as thought forming by energy aura use or no tang or fruit packets in life are use as energy flavor with energy thought water. As this uses the power of energy by tang, think or not as energy is energy and noting more is useless.

The conception ideal

    As conjoling is an art anyway or consoling as space energy is with an art piece is to assume, naturally did is naturally done as you don't assume and if not you got the point as your in a point, this is the point that is if you don't feel its necessary then you won't or not unless then is the thought. As you are in focus or general use, where you can will there is a way in a thought to make it happen and thought to be awake and aware makes an intelligence by difference. Think and you know thinking and idea by what is done.

   Think in an aware state of mind in a psychic point by feel in moments by inspiration your wakeful in experience. This is a point of awareness that awareness reveals what is with cold air raising itself, focus by feel and hot air creates as it is lowering tensions and auratic energy is youthful energy. This is by what you think as you will by energy to create by desire, as thought exists as if you were yourself thats acceptable.

    Energy as this is a point by what in feel you can feel or not, as you figure out what energy surges and thought that is focused to the energy. Truly this causes things to manifest, for what exists is presence as thinking if there is what you feel to make, create or see as though fantasy in the head. Think and this is watson that creates, as this if to exist or unexist at a feel. Think as that is a point in conception or ability, that to non exist that as a pattern is gone if what you want if feel is gone as power non existence created not by focuses.

    As thought in idea is by feel now I am gone I was in and out as gone is the imprint and inferrment this is energy in feel, and I used the brain to manifest full potential. As a math problem and focus in meditation that is energy feel that is gone by use in focus, think and use is this in focus energy and does what you think in the focus to use. Thought or not is your able to figure out anything, if nothing is this and is not as you are in a blackout or whatever you are in life to do is there your done. Think by focus and this is gone in an, instant unless necessary as ash is energy to restore by or not in energy.

    As a point this is where your use creates what your idea is to exist, this is by the subconscious use in the energy. That means your use is with some area energy, this is the use as the thought is used in the energy that your dealing with. For this is dealt with by what your doing or having others do, until they don't see the need. As use in a viewer point, there is an answer per the mind and energy per the use of what you think. This is to create with as it is, this is from the energy you think to create by feel. This works just as a point exists and as you use the ability. Thinking to do what I want with this doesn't help, thinking to do things with this idea does help. Now you know the difference.

   Where you mention the purpose useful this in power is thought by energy purpose in what idea you think, think and the spirit creates by the feel with use and the moment is with a point taken or used as energy is as if a source. As if this is a point to use and that is associative press in use, think in concept as thought this is by pointed out facts as thought use near or with a great idea that is not always done.

    As a point is made as the more interesting point the subconscious or brain is not unlike a symbol that is a mention. As focus or magical idea is thought if the motion is a mention bade, conjoled or made like in use and with the spirit is as yes and no fishing. As a point in or complete in answers from a machine, that represents you or is use by the imagination that is the in moment by subconscious in a point to point response.

   Now you heard me as a cool idea, this is as spiritual and nothing more with this is treated like a suggestion. So if you think to do nothing with this idea then, you can get someone to help out if you make a good point. That is suggestive as to what you want, where you need it and why or when you can do things. That is how things work sometimes.

   You don't have to do the point you see or the idea that you think and act, that draws in experience or "e area field use" to create by the energy in essence. There is a point and as not thought from whatever you do, whatever you do you don't have to do respond. If you don't want the end result, as this is an act where you think and do or your done and drop the act and seem normal in or not as no intention is intended.

    So if your in a child or not a use, if your in a moment of resolve with resolution, as if a step by value you don't have to do it as a pledger or not as if you were not what you see or seem in fantasy. This is a concept by conscious decision by awareness, where you react and thought inme is energy by the use you feel. As your influence you can influence those that influence you as the word created in effort is by imagination, think in an imaged result or imaginary view and use is focus. This is to think and then focus and you create unless creation is pointless.

   Whatever you use thought is free for energy is also for awareness and that is what the subconscious cancelled can do or see to create with energy by the spirit. Conscious is a point and your idea is to do is thought as an idea complete in awareness is the thought, you complete things or act and use is the activity by awareness. There is the point in the effort and theory in moment, as if in the moment in mention by energy that reveals by the use is done by the energy.

    As that is where you look and perceive to do, do what you want with your will as with your will your perception can shift by what you want as expressed. Thought by act is where you need or not need to do things and as you don't need you create a counterwill. As this is in a thought by association and created by equal moments, think as if your will is abided and not always in energy with the subconscious or not by will. This is where you can think of a way out, then make things better by the idea you do.

   What can separate is unnatural or natural use as you are aware won't happen, as if this is building conscious in a state of inner awareness and tis is an inner energy being with the point that you manipulate in a ship or other idea thats in fantasy that by thought in imagination or focus by intention.

    The more you monkey with it the less sense it makes or creates with a point and is the moment, as you end the moment you try and think use to complete use as expertise is the thought and this is with feel and vibration. As you read your right back where you started from what was stated, energy created as if a concept is a manafestational physical state concept in use of existence or not as nothing exists. If your not if for what you use, as energy is with the source as whatever you want makes subconscious use is Watson as an investigation.

The child effect

    The idea is the ideal that makes and creates, and creation is by touch to an object and creation by thought is to abort a child. This stimulates the idea that you abort from an idea, that is no actual relationship in no life except a thought. So to touch an object and you don't want the child it goes to the body or person or not by magic. I know the child of the crystal cave, he is not personal and otherwise disruptive to the area.

Tea spell point
  The point pointed out by mention or actin is with tea and energy is from those out by motion and spells that can create the extended will effect, by entended focus and creative will to make a similar idea that you want and focus allows for as an extended form. Think or created idea from inner energy being makes the effect mimicked, due stop if intended not to be mimicked and yet seem and cause some effect that if believed in creates wat idea you intend. Until not originally intended by the suggestion, not done if not interested in what you get through time that is felt and thought projected in to formed thought by action and created with your will in thought energy.

    The point this remains by is called creative energy and the energy is what creates the idea, so if things stop working by your thought or by this idea that was working. Then the thought was a point to use and your use was what pointed out the state of the machine or device. This happens rarely, so think and then use a workaround. That is the general advice of the area that is there. Otherwise do what you want as doing is creating so think a cool way out of this and use is focus on your need and the spirit influence is used to create what you want by your need.

   This is the point you don't want something, thought tink is piss and in the point that time is space realized "Em In Point" is to stop the activity by will projected forth, as a symbolic use or use in symbols in mention via symbola effect is thought created motion to a symbol by reflection. This is energy by infused idea as thought in what it means is thought in practice, as to restore the right humours to restore the right area with a thought. The act of energy easily used is with a point by particles and this is with the thought you use, focus to restore by thought feeling with energy by focused will as senses. The balance is in use by thought, creative in the motion and thought by activity in the use by thought. There is energy in the effort to use by will, I think this is the third eye by will,  thought things will and by your focused thought creates what you think with will by the idea you use. This is used by what you tend to think, you can create by what you consider with feeling.

      However you are is what you keep in thought to keep your mind, that is experienced life and not true to what you think. In as much thats not practical or not useful then your not effected, seen as thought is a concent and nothing else seems to happen or think things through and seem off in life. Think and you are impractical in emotion as doing is nature by an energy in tremendous amount. This by focus is a point in energy by natural in source and pretty much with earth energy the truth of the matter.

   As you will and the creator makes the effect, then your will creates what you program through the thought and feel by life exerience in focus released by relent and will of excess. This is excess by energy created and made is a point, as understood is that your point is over and things are overdone unless proven necessary this is not done and not excessive as you just don't do it. So I think this is safe to the use, for safety use just think of the safety first and then create by the feel.
  That is to think to the point and in a point your use by the earth energy is the use by the destination as to where it comes from in life, thought and anchored in energy thinking you are roting or thought the aura uses is energy to power by healing, with an aura shield this by focus makes as you imagine swirling energy that prevents power striking as you ward with the creator shield. There is the energy absorption effect, that is with no fear and no transfer as you think the energy to the planet. To think it sometimes will make or not strike as think things not exists what is with what uncreates, as the energy created and dissipates safely seems to dissapear. There is energy in the act by doing naturally, think this is the point to thought use that seems right and is energy is right. Think a point and add a point somewhere, thats all that's required for this to seem right.
  As you were in an area, thought energy is a point in and thought is what life threatens or seems dimune as if you are what is considered in or not no more by what you see. As experience and thought are a point to cancel this out, dismiss with "id" or "not as you do right" as nothing happens as you will the point right to yourself and don't actually seem to be identified unless needed as if an instance in a moment. There and to each individual self, your ability is energy in what is touched. As thought in a touched upon area heals by "will or be", think not to be in a point to heal by use with the energy you feel as a point to do or not to do as you see fit. There is a way to live and yet not die as your in living the life, you live or nothing is there to notice as you feel and think to not be noticed. If you want to be noticed that badly then, you might as well think better for yourself and work with a point that you think about.
  As if thought by sense is use in the area by trace to figure out who did things, think to point out good points you see in life and in life things are expresesd. Thought to not always think and do things by nature are magic by the points in perceptible area, as you are in that natural energy use there are moments to be done in a natural use in life. Things by a point with no feral and your life are excepting is thought by exceptance in an aware state in mind, concludes by conscious seen in thought as what you think, read and otherwise what you read is what you get. I think an idea to make things work out, yet do things to create with the idea.
  Thought to think about things, uses clean thought that is with an abalast and your thought is a balance on a mental balance bar. This is energy by what your energy is made from as named, this is by the idea and considered or seeming elements in balance. Imagine a balance as your body in the position on held and in no hurt area energy, as if this in use is by practice and if hurt use the thought "poof" and as this is thought. Think seeking is seeming and seeing is believing and thought is thus, as use is energy the thought is incense use by what you don't repeat and the words for what there is creates thought in use. This is by feel, what you think you get is what you can recieve if you can pay for it. Incense from a store is interesting nowadays, so think to stock up.
  This is the point by some realization with an event that with the balance bar, fix by thought you stabilized and in balance somehow and you get cool effects by focus. As a mental balance is achieved, use with the will by desire to do as you need or not need by practice in what you will and out with what you want by imagination. The point their will is a weilded effort is energy by the air waves or energy by the elemental effects as useful. Thought to hold on is despite the situation, do or consider with feel and to predict the consequences of actions to make what you will if activity required. Think a point here to get out of the ideal situation, this is if you could land yourself into jail.
  There is a notion to use the area energy, as in matching or near almost matching. Think thought to free energy, and in a point your free in the wind. That frees energy to collect by a thought to use energy and with an energy hand. As your energy is the will and the wind or other elements that is the way. Think as you want so if you can use creative thinking your free to the purpose and created as to the point you will by energy and create in thought. As a thought is a free energy use, your energy is from the area that you can collect the energy from life. There is an energy to use by the point, and you use to the thought and consider to the use you sense by the point in use. That what you think is what you consider in life by a recorded result. There is a druidic point as wiccan nature is thought, thought to warn is question presenting the facts by speaking with a fact or use. The use is the fact of life, think and you know it as a point or feel and you think a point to do.
  As energy in magic in use written or done in their concept is life with experience. Things fun is a part over and whatever makes sense, Think or nor is included by the thought you do, as if incense is necessary by the act to do cleansing. Use by point is then to focus and energy cleanses itself. Thought in fun or of pretentiousness disappears as this is thought to do whats correct, if not seen to like notion and like in law is still spread cure by aura use into the area. As if then your body is thought and responsive, responseless in nothing and yet energy creates by what the creator viewed in site created. There is nothing more to this experience, as its just a pattern of what is in light. Nothing not unnoticeable if you think or not notice, humour is energy of positive feel and negative by death in the aura to do. As deep cleansing is cleansing felt by the fact you use energy to combine with the energy, think and fix is the body reaction for the chakra to cleanse by inner fire yourself as things are made as thought funny.