Bleach ideal to form anything of bleach or used as a bleach episode might
portray it. Think nah then just say the name or ideal of the effect to get it.
This is just stating a request. I think I know the rest as I am sure by air energy,
so this is where the ability list is below, theres no hand signs necessary as
though if you think the creator is the energy consciousness that does things
to create what you think. Keep the request simple, the request is thinking
to the conscious awareness to create what you think by feeling.
That is then ideal use by crystals that you have available or are in
the planet or nearby, otherwise focus then as you know it or use bleach or
other cleanser or chemical and scent the product to create some stoned results.
So thank you if you don't need drugs with this, as I know I don't need chlorine
haze or drugs with this either. These are the points that I could create I don't
know about you, but some can create different things. This is the chemical way
to do magic.
Zig in use: You are to move somewhere as with light and energy an as if another
self. Think the use then the user feel is used by fee or charge then use is free, as
you have some bleach to use on laundry or cleaning.
Image chopper : its an image that forms into anything you want and framed in with
particle energy. An image that forms into a knife and can cut through anything. Some
say this knife can reform into a sword or other weapon in defense.
Reclaimer : Reclaim anything you want and its as per say real to you. So
don't have to reclaim her or him as a point, as this thought out is there if you
use this ideal.
Benji recoiler : Think to claim a recoiling effect or area use as if a segmented ideal forming
riatsu links or spirit bonds and the bond form the image of a knife into segmented
flexible knife parts joined as if bunjie flexible.or a bunjie cord was wiring
it and it responds at will or a flex to the arms.
Flight : Think to fly as up in the air if feeling a good feel buoyed up in the air by spirit willed
particles, and your will is the direction the feeling is the force.
All Consuming force by feel: Think to hold spirit particle energy and have it encompass the
trouble by a touch. Aizen specialized in this form of attack as to be near
and touch and the aura speads through the target to disrupt the body and from
within an till it is dissolved to dust or nothingness. At least it can
deform, at most it will destroy the touched foe. This forms a wave of
energy as the wave that goes through things and people, that you think
to effect with energy disorientation will feel effected sometimes. That
is how things work sometimes as you think to feel you know by what you
feel, so some point they won't feel it as the body is already feeling
something else by feel.
Spirit mold touching: This then forms from the molding of an object. It actually
is a mold of energy that forms into your will and with permission it forms into
anytime you think the thing you will you would want or whatever need of theatre
at any distance. There are several types of sporadic mold, yellow and green are
toxic, black is deadly.
Bender : Never bend anything to too much force as this can go into infinite
forms by applied spirit particle and psuedo electricity added in or this will break,
otherwise breaking by the breaking point. This can form the object to any length. And back
again with Pseudo cold energy. This this is an ideal point to stop then it is.
Pseudo electricity : It forms by will on a fist to become electrical energy at
will to electrify the target.
Pseudo fire : The will is a point that the fire is there, that is there
as its fire and at the moment it forms helped by "spirit will on particles"
standing meditation. Its fire in its freer form and could be considered spirit
flame or become as weak as particle flame. Which acts like faery fire and fox
fire but can actually burn if the will is destructive or has a rage behind it
that formed it. This has been known to burn anything. Another name then is to
the pseudo flame and is known as actually it is flame. So think to use the fire
or put it out. As you think you can create what is necessary with what is ideal.
Pseudo ice ; Ice that forms by will and not a process can describe it, it forms
to the persons will backed by spirit energy and maybe a particle force or energy
electrical form. This can be considered as focusable through the weapon as well.
Its also called the ice effect, where its to cause ice to form in any manner that
is offense/defense or just an attack. Usually the ice energy is focused through
something like a weapon. The ultimate form of this is true ice where it is to summon
a psych moment to ice over the idea situation or momentary trouble or idea by moment.
Since this is just unfeeling attitude except to what you think or feel to do, don't
do this all the time. You don't want to come off as a cold person.
Pseudo earth : It is the earth formed that smothers or creates itself from particles
formed within. This can choke a fire or act as a water seal. This can be formed into
any form through spirit molding. Pure spirit backed by electricity or paricles and
in formation of an object such as rock or something useful as to the will by design
of desire. If used you can smell the earth where their isn't. This has been known to
choke victims or similiar by particle formation in the throat. Sedimentation is very
easy within this force. This is earth energy for now that you can shape things with
by feel. Just think the need then the planet will shape the ideal.
Parce force : To parce the energy force as of the nature of matter or similiar and
form an object as something else. This is done by particle energy emittance at a certain
rate that molds your chakra energy and the object. Remember the elemental colors because
the force of energy emits them as well when there parced, yellow/red is fire, ice is light
blue, water is blue, and pale bluish/white was air/ice, Golden infini is fire infini,
black is void, spirit is grey, poison is green, yellow is disease. This is a test though
you could have it as anything you wanted.
Pseudo air : Anything formed from particles, which is breathable unless in solid
invisible form which acts like a block. This can be an object formed back into particles
and reformation therein, which has felt mass and is unseen except by psychic nature
being detected. At which times it reforms with earth nearby. Just think the point
then you know what is said or what ideal was done. So you know what is done you can
think to see the point then, you know by what you remember. So you see this point
you know by what is done. Don't go after people for this if you don't want to get
in trouble, as this is psychic air unless you know they don't mind being listened
in by ideal. This is usually by use of a phone or ideal, thats expressed on some
point by what they do for or near you.
supre-Volcanica: Supreme volcanism with thought to make your aura spread out area
elemental effects through suppressed energy, and your limbs can morph into larger proportions
temporarily by the energy flaring and forming like a mold over the limbs, to see it one
might think it was a volcano of energy spread out in firey aura. In any way it can be
formed. This is also increasing skin and body strength. This increases spirit strength
the more you have a formed volcano. This reduces in strength the lesser the volcano becomes.
Ironskin: Your skin becomes moveable as if skin but ironlike an hard as iron and
bounces even swordblows as it serves like armor. This is of spirit particles of forming
your skin into ironlike consistency by a caress of spirit energy molded into the body.
Literally gives my skin the density of something beyond iron.
The fight: Just Instinct, fight, no seeking battle, go with a use weapon. To go with
it even unless triggers needed then its depended on. Slow moment, can cause it, the
fight to be better. Slow move in the moment as you think slow time to do so. To beat
the cause is the case of the moment and to cease the moment.
I en tg; Iron move, To be at the target, and not caring what he or she does or wants
then you are somewhere in your mind a supreme being able to do in people or I hesitate
to say, things.
Brute force crush. Wait, feel the force boil up or come up and attack or ask. Think to thrust
forth and direct it or feel the effect and imagine it as the bleach won't have that good an effect.
The idea is to force by use with energy and watch the effect happen. To use a main force and have
that force as an amplifier by other idea parts. Either way, To use the parts as a way to track.
To simulate the force or action and then have it to be either. It takes both to make
one. Force when used, is only necessary for one force and its in the subconcious that
it works to use with many. A main Quarter, a quarter effect force could be exchanged
to yield it. To yield is the force of energy manipulated or to do by action. This
is Brute force and anger is in strength. "Force an when map just say to ge. To event
when in or of an idea."
Bleach perceiving effort; You see bleach, in liquid in form and your
percieving the effect done with effect with an effort done by yourself,
By effort you achieve an idea.
Bled broach populace; Bleed energy or feel bleh, broach an idea or make this
idea or talk, to observe mere or near idea, and to be in populace or observe
the populace. Energy benign being; With energy of or by aura, you feel benign
then you are of a being or a being that is induced by idea or a with li.
Thought to a seducement; Have someone use a liquid or spray, spread it an around then use
bare crippling energy in a beam of light directed at the liquid to spread influence
or cripple them.
Ep ki; Think to summon energy of a characters chi or han. Its in 3 parts, Ep si ki
to summon spiritual particles by chen energy. Ep su to be in ki by energy episode
that is used to govern the moment. As the episode does things you get energy.
There are three types of energy, enemy type energy, normal use type, and friendly
type. But why wait, so to generate an instant charge just focus it from your hera
as green light. And finally you could use Ep ki se or ep se ku. For episode like energy.
Ep si; Keep silent then lock, Is to lock the episode in the head as away to not occur in the
physical. This looks like physical locks or handcuffs that locks the spirit
into a pose to do things by thinking about it. Sometimes locking the person
in place.
Ep se chi; Keep silence then chi shift then do as you want then this
is thought to see and create. Then use chi energy to shift back if you are
interested in the results as you think to shift use ormus. This is water
that is salty that you magetize with magnets strapped to a blender cup. This
is where you are thinking to see and do but it won't effect you. Its basically not
there anymore. To form a hex or basis on theory and reject or do an action that
is with the thought "non effect me". To not effect they that represent the
force are away.
Ke se pu; Key or touch the button to stop and cause effect. This can stop poison.
Ke pu si; Key pushed silently to stop and shift by silent move by some effect caused by silver.
This unintentionally seals an area. You may end up seeing a silver light energy
to effect a slivery vision. It gives you a vision and you see. If there is
sunlight, then you can be blinded. Blinding in this case is you do not see
the effect. Think the point to use material near you then you can create what
you wish. As though a thought is thinking you wish then create as you will.
Ku pi; Cut the pie effect. Its some sort of form of martial arts thats unusual but unseen and
hard to realize. This uses a pie that exists what you think to see.
Te do; Tell then you do. It allows one to be a master in moments that might kill you. And you can
respond like a master of attack to do. As it seems like someone comes to help at
a moment in purepose. Pure purpose is the purity of a semblance in a pose. So think
then you know what you can do.
Bera; Beration to solidify your reiatsu form in a circle of fire with blood force by
seeing it form around the wrist and in front of it as a thin line, then its to
form a ball like force and sometimes energy around the wrist and it becomes a
minor or major explosion of fire force when refocused to be sent forth in the
mind as to where you want the explosion after seeing it explode there. To control
and manipulate someone with this flame is possible as its the power of ki.
A-Vision effort; To see one or more visions, use of an imagined viewscreen
that surrounds you in four sections or one main and four appearant. It appears
to the psychic mind of what you want them to see but not appearant to the visual
eyes unless necessary. You need a full concience bearage.
Cero; To form a force of zero force energy formed by collecting the forces of
darkness and blood with the fire of anger so its red to build up and spread forth
and hit like a wide beam. It can be a powdered energy and get the same result. This
can also be in the form of Akai raito.
Akai raito; In translation, red light that is from a psiball. That is, think to use a
psi ball with programming and with anger thoughts in it to make it red and willing
it to do what you want it to do or summon it by thinking its there as a reddish force
thats hot and boiling that builds where you want and it boils forth in a cannon effect
to consume the enemy in a wide beam of red light. This has consumed the target where
it causes nothing to be left behind.
Cero white; Its energy built up and in an area that you think of. This energy builds
up and shoots itself in a cannon effect as white hot energy that happens with a flash
and the person or thing may not actually be there or severely burned. This has been
known to disintegrate someone.
Cer-m; Cero me is thinking to form on a swing of a weapon or hand to cause a cutting fire of lazerlike
quality to effect a beam of shearing cutting light. Some use force energy and color
it red. As red is from the blood in the body. En a of; To enter a state of total focus
and concentration as by upsurges in power. Sermon me if you want to I didn't write this.
Spire of bone; It makes soft bone tissue, that appears to harden and can be
any shape or size and grow as its polymorphic material. It is it if it strikes,
and acts like dense steel to strike thru or momentary twirling to do in more
than one ropelike length. It can also wrap around the person unless the polybone
material is broken. Imagine it sucking the victim dry after impaling them and it
can turn them to stone.
Step-in; Its like your in a place while in the same place. Now there is glorified
reason, a reason of clearing the mind and imagine the circle or circum. A be of it
if, to see if your in a different place and time dimension. While you walk in to
the circle, to be as if able minded and in walk to be of two places. Be not too afraid
of technology with this. Fears have a live in policy of becoming real.
Quaint moment procedure; a moment procedure. a being procedure or to be of
procedure and proof is evidence. To make them believe is false.
Spire of Blackness; With black spires you form a black version of the metabone
spire. Its formed out of void and on touch sorta paralyzes you or the vision or
the victim. The black spire arms can form any which way you like. Any which way
including twirls until unnecessary. Just envision the arm of black material surrounding
the victim or going with in the victims as if spikes were at the end of it. You
can form spikes as you will on your spire arm. Theres another version, called
white spires, its to form of it out of light energy and cause divinity to give
it direction and whatever it attachs to goes with it. Like it works by derivance,
energy, in a divert motion. Think to work or create by touch or feel going tactics.
Rejection ability; To cause by rejection or calling upon fairies or cancelling
out anything to cause any limb or item including bodies to be restored or uncreated
as in a fight you can shield, attack or if you call the name of the idea like a
element, however like a I call shield and I reject to cause it the result. If natures
curse; To be allies with nature but it is as a curse that reflects your moods.
Energy weapon; To call up a energy weapon like or on an bow or sword and it can
'inflict' damage by just shooting energy bolts or slice damage as once its drawn
where its possible to whirl the blade to slice up things if very quickly. The
arrow must be released, to activate the 'bolts' of light and a shock or lightning
and electricity effect is summoned. Percieve the light arrow formed of spirit and
ki particles in the bow and imagine it pulled back and in on release upto 1000 are
possible as a arrow can split into more if made of light shock. For any weapon made
up of 'energy' it can be formed into other idea forms. practice is necessary for
this to work. One note; The throwing weapon an sword form can also inflict damage
by being cut into the skin or outer shell of the target. If its bone, this is
especially true for the arrows, then the light spirit particles can cut right
through it. In fact, the shielding effect blocking the arrow, sword or throwing
weapon for these weapon types are practically none so it can go through anything.
Except if a ward, then theres no effect. Its like the zeedle sneider a spinnable
energy blade that spins fast will cut into anything. Its said to vibrate at 3
million times per second. As it is, its a quincy blade and a bow weapon.
Travel spheres; to form a sphere in hand that expands of its form in a focused
barrier of strength that is capable of causing levitation and it uses a smooth
sided 'tube' of material or a sand tunnel to blast through and off a long distances
with as 'nough force to send it on its way. Generated by thoughts to do so, as even
if possible. The spheres act as protection as long as it surrounds you with its own
energy air.
Deflection; To deflect a beam of Cero or Bera and by use of material that absorbs it.
This can also deflect a spirit blow or normal blow and occasionally the material can
be broken. As there is a physical blow with a spiritual blow extension.
Whirlwind effect; To summon a whirlwind and try to focus it as a whirling air
part at the person. and this will lift the person up as well by focusing it around
yourself or through the person to rip him/her apart. You can easily knock out a
person with this or rip off the clothes. But by generating the whirlwind as you
will you can get an air effect that will feel like air going around you an enact
as you will.
The crushing wave; To cause a wave of high pressured cold water and freezing
and attack at the same time to cause the person to subside under the the attack
and be crushed by the wave attack.
Glotonerfa; Glue a ton in error or fatten. Think to form a absorbative in gluttonous of a mass of biotissue somewhere
near that point that eats the person's life force and spirit leaving a deadened body that ages
rapidly and in real life is burned out. This can form any scream through the personal
target that can shock the system or cause a deafeness. Its like your on top of the
biomass. Its linked somehow to you in concious so you may know what its doing. Still
its like a separate part from you that does things in no if commands or just do it
commands. But it does things as it likes while your not there.
Fast wing slice; Feel super fast blade vibration happen near the target that you an
thing on with the blade force to occur the effect of slicing up things spiritually. To
lash out with the blades unconciously and hit the target without thinking about it. As
its the spirit that is the high vibration slicer that can even vibrate the particles of
paint off a surface.
Infinite slick; Fast infinite slickby ideal that exists. This ideal is for which
it shows a person spouting out your idea of slick like liquid. To which is there till
you don't need it and such.
Caja negacion; to punish the subordinate and seal them away permanently into another
dimmer dimension. Some argue its where you go through the savior role and more argue its
where you goto a dimmer dimension. Just think seal and at a person that you look at, touch
and think of. Then the persons somewhere else.
Kaja negacion; this punishes more poweful foes by sealing them into their mind as if a trap
maze. Leaving them weak, and not too able as well as sealing their ability and them away into
another dimension. At and do is the way to shock them. He was distracted ever since as if he
was sick. To call forth mana energy to seal them by thinking it and it does as its a form of
rejecting the physical person. As if on a touch or focus and a thought that locks them away
in the mind. The mind forms a reality that seems like real from their memory in the mind. This
reality causes them to be sealed away and they live in their mind as their body seems direction
but no mind. Leaving them weak.
Gran rey cero; Grand theft or tays of energy with coldness as a result. Think to call
upon gaia or deep magic of mana to cause with your blood and black fire energy to shoot forth
from your action hand a form of fire that incinerates on touch as its a also mixed fire with
black fire its bound to incinerate those who are immune. Think your immune to this then this
stops effecting you, as you can subtly effect others.
Desgarron; Desperate to garrot byond the point. To think and feel 5 streams of energy
that come out of your fingers to puncture through the body and otherwise act to cause avoidance
of the area as the streamers that you cast out of your hand from a built up energy act as
blockers which cause people to divert from it. Disruptable by dismissing it and or cutting
the streamers as is. Disrupt one you disrupt the other four. Think to not hit then you won't
if you feel tension.
Holgath bakkoutou is a weapon that grants an ability being of any ability from the weapon, as
swords that will create different abilities from your chakra energy that will form and feed
off of you and you know what to do with the abilities as though it were yours. They have one
as a form that will ever reform to itself at will. They have many different power levels and
abilities like forming a power wave that freeforms from your chakra into a stone wall. Only
at a higher power ability, it forms more than one wall if you will it by causing more than
one power wave and you can go through the wall as though apart of it. Tell the truth then
you are aware of better consequences next time you think to do this.
Another as thought can think to cause light to seem what you think or think it to be
reflected on another to hit as is to trap the person in two worlds on where they are and the
other where its in its own spirit plane. Depending on the user, you could trap the person and
make them see nightmares or make them separate and easy targets from their body. To be released
at the weilders will. Then there is the chakra energy introduced as produced into the sword
to create any effect. You can also upon ability form a blade out of the body by eating the
weapon energy to produce weapons or options that shoot out your back and body, that shoot
off to strike the target. The final ability of that is more blades, multiple blades as you
eat the essence as you can say of the blade itself. This is useful as if you had a blade yourself.
Infinite corridor with basically used ideal as a weapon of choice, an channel energy through it and have it gather
as force of dimensional of effect. Which means, it the effect, is to be an idea to have as a manifest
by your energy. This might take some practice. As per se think of a thought which causes the area to
be far more than it may seem normal. And this is in a fog thats dimensional an causes a person to think
about it. It'll do damage if you use a blade, and space the things out per person as if they're physical
but they're not. Such as 'I ie if' that brings about the fog to use a weapon of sorts and your as if
in a dimension in a limited area.
Hollow transformation; This is gotten by the use of 'hollow transformation' in some manner.
This will help you get a hollow transformation to go. The method it uses is to be ok and first of all
you've to be able to use demonic energy. That is anger management energy that you think then use. Thinking
of the point then you may know what is there. That is the main point to this article anyway. Though thought
is this was written with thought to create or produce results reshaped by yourself. So if you think the
shape then you think the point then you can create what you thought by a point. Maybe my doc will help
you in that at, as its a combination of choas and demonic energy and also to cause use of that iron seal as well. The package
will spread the demonic energy through all over your body and in your hara and then call to choas and
make a hollow mask using the essence of demonic energy. and according to the scripts before doing this
tech, you've have cause to destroy your inner satan. As in going to the void and fighting it. Because
if not then these energies will take over you forever, as its almost like the demon fox's cloak that
you dismiss. This is gone by feeling the need no longer then, the cloak of dispair disappears as long
as the anger isn't there.
Amagai's special ability; Imagine or hold a sword in hand, imagine it having special abilities. One that reaches
focusing fire and focusing other elements. Now as you ready the sword, it has the ability to fling the element
and that element flings forward as the sword's flung forward. Or put backwards, can project a large amount
of the element in a jet stream type wide long range attack. By seeing the element in your mind with the sword
reverted reverted, The back end showing, feel the pressure of the element to be building up in the back end.
And projected forth thinking it goes and gets released in a stream. So the stream of energy is cancelled once
the pressure is gone that built up so its off. The element turns back to normal.
The other special ability, is to put the projected or physical sword tip into the ground. Imagine energy of
the element you chose, by thinking about it before using the sword or as you chose it, by thinking about it as
you use the project through the area ground and when it reaches the target area, You see the energy
reach upwards and the element you project shoots forth from the ground and at the person from beneath. Theres
an advanced version of this, you can form a prison as a true prison form. By creating multiple upthrusts, by
your will channelled through the sword as the sword will do it if you put the sword tip in the ground and starting
your phase think to have it do the multiple upthrusts of the element. That means projection such as multiple
attack and the element shoots forth in many poles. Into the air and if the person flies they can still be hit.
As it shoots forth maybe thirty feet to one hundred feet into the air. And theres as many as you imagine shooting
forth from the ground as per se if you wanted fifty. The idea is they come upthrusting at odd angles, hitting
the target in the air or on the ground. First, it forms a prison around the person and then fill in centering
inwards. You can do it many different ways. The amazing I am a guy technique as written by myself.
The amagai's special ability dissipation is when you think and let the energy go from your control to
dissipate harmlessly. Actually, safety in this case is to dissipate it in your mind to dissipate it physically
and then let the energy go in base form. You can cause any sorta elemental reaction action. To turn up
by putting your tip in the ground or thrusting it forward and causing it to spew forth in different ways,
thats up to your imagination that may occur. As to what you want, its resolve drives the element by thinking
it does to do exactly as you want.
Double cero; To open the mouth and suck in the energy of the attack. Then to breathe out the attack with your
energy added to it. Like a double energy cero. Which you take in the cero energy by absorption and do it outward
as your own but with your energy added to it at a foe. You can contain the energy for only a few moments or it could
burn you out or cause you some pain.
Double energy; This can double the energy used against the foe. To take in an idea energy or energy itself by
absorption. This includes absorbing it through the skin or by breathing it in while thinking its all the energy
of the attack that you breathed in as though it were sucked, and using it by breathing it out with your energy
added against someone. Or casting it forth in an effect of your own ae doubling your energy and stamina. While
you keep it and cleanse by filter it. So you can also cast it forth and cause double the effective energy on the
other. Once cast forth, you can gain a temporary reserve of stamina and energy as a residue of said energy. Unless
the energy was used to fuel your body in casting it forth to your body, this is use in a stripped of harm form
in which it keeps up the a point energy reserve longer till its used up as the b point energy is there where
you thing that is the a energy shifted along the polar axis or leylines to the b point.
Double speed; To cause a catch in a self that gathers energy from around you and then adds to the energy from
the spirit and within. To be applied to the heels of the feet and body to make yourself double your speed, this
can include speed boosted strength and body speed perception as though, even overweight, you were twice as fast.
Cloning goo; purplish goo can clone a person on contact of the person. Formed from a will of thought to make
more clones of the person as said person is thought to be as from that will that they like. As the goo comes off
the person, it forms, if you strike at the goo clone it splits and dissipates the clone to make more clones. And
these clones will do anything. Near the power of the person as it takes no attacks easily.
Purple goo dolls; Purple good dolls, it is simply put as putty is the doll thats purple, think energy around
the person and think purple goo or good feel surrounds them. It collects information in ion streams, about thoughts
and true effects and genetic information. And after it the purple goo releases, it forms into a doll in your hand.
Which can pop open, and you can snap the internal organs in effect. Which is used in the power of the doll. The
purple good feel goo doll, it can do worse by thinking it coelesces as soon as possible to form as it is possible
to do as you will. It only lasts until your spell binding the person.
Materialization; Force can become an object with enough energy and spirit particles. Some can form from
your mouth or arse. By thinking of the object and seeing it in your hand while shaking your hand or pulling it
out of an area. It also might form.
Cero siceritico; Sincerity to combine a cero with another of two great destructive forces by thinking the two combine and
materialize by imagining it there to strike the person or targets in a wide beam from a build up of force. Basically
your forming two psiballs that are formed with destructive intent in mind, or told to destroy and instructed to
the building up of cero energy, while you put emotion into one by thinking the emotion goes into the psiball or at
the psiball, to form a blue or other color like white hot as a source and rage or dark emotion into the other psiball
to create a red source and then combine by telling both to combine together. To strike the target as the psiballs
are told to and thought to strike the targets in a narrow or wide beam. If the two sources arent fused together,
completely, Then they can be broken up into two separate sources by energy manipulating the two with pressure at
the energy fissure. This is best done by two people. As one can form one source and the other can form the other
source. With directive thought to fuse the two together. As both can tell the psiball to fire in a wide or narrow
beam at the targets.
Wave effect; Say a 'wave', 'destruction wave', 'deterioration wave', 'disturbance
wave' or 'effect wave' while thinking of waves or the effect that flow in a general
direction and i e make a geture or use your voice vibrations. This is to set off the
wave effect in a general direction. If you find it didn't reach the target, think
'This or it reaches the target' and then to send the result wave from this ritual,
think of the effect, think of the person and imagine what effect happens to the
target after moving a body part or hand in a wave fashion.
Sovereignity; Its an example of a bleach ability. To have sovereignity over
something, you own it by you controlling it. By willing you cause it to do. You
want and it will do as you want. So basically to do this Imagine eyes, eye this to
do as each eye will own this function of the object as an actual idea or thing by
owning the sovereignity. Thus, imagine the eyes widening and opening further and
imagine it emitting a control light and then they do the effect of emitting a
control code in a control effect to owning the sovereignity of something. What you
think you wanna do is separate from the actions the something will do. It will do
as you think it does. Acting out its actions, by action up on the thing makes it do
the same as you might think. Each eye can only own one thing and open once and
painfully where it does. To take over the head controls the rest of the body.
Drug fx: The drug effect is to cause a drug to appear in the body of ya choice.
But by choice, it does not appear to effect the bodily container. Think it effects
them to get it to effect the body. To get the drug in the person, imagine the person
using the drug and entering the body. The spirit will do the deed an show itself by
some means.
Geneva: To come back from the dead. By ya essence takin over certain parts of the
nearest body and recreatin ya in perfect detail as the new ya pours from the body
leavin the target to recover. Ya blink back into existence as though never destroyed
or killed.
Special barrier; To setup four poles that can be spiritual energy along four pipes
or four beam like objects that pass spirit energy to the next pole.This forms a
barrier that can cause soul and spirit separation so whoever is in the barrier is
in their soul form. This form can be any form thought up. As in an astral form.
There is a limit as to how long there is at play within this field as after 60
minutes, it can bring storms or cause time to pause on a thought for an elongated
time. Think in a point. Then use in a point by action, that's how you do this by
Tazeraki; Ever severing wind. Form a circle of air around you from a circle of
energy thought to be there. Think of this wind as forming around your hand and
forming an energy blade an changing it, charging it with wind. See the blade glow
and alter itself to the degree that you want. And then make as to strike with
it releasing the chopping wind as a mass of strings, that are wind strings forming
around the target an cutting through the target and finishing the cut. The strings
an blade unform when your done with them and imagine them disappearing.
Absolute hypnosis; Think to use a blade of energy that upon sight of it, that
shifts by perception so that you can make the people around believe whatever you want.
Thinking to use this I felt the need then created the point by focus with need, as
I thought to create with the area energy. This is the point you don't do thing unless
you want to get results. So think, focus then you create by feel with a rhythm, that
is use by feel with a point that you speak or think as you hear things. Speak or think
as you speak to create as that is what you wish by now.
Freeze time and teleport; Imagine and feel in your mind two circular disks and
see circular disks form a greenish column while you put your hands together and
pull them apart. This greenish energy is time particles that stop time of the area.
Feel the energy infuse itself into the area and the targets you want to transfer.
Imagine the energy intensify and spread out like a dome that disappears the targets
from energy infusion and thought of the targets appearing there to where you
imagine them appearing. As it collapses in upon itself to form a collum that
disappears. Think the body crumples to the ground only to awaken, if the original
ideal is to allow it to live by now. This is only actually an attempt to learn
the point by truth being spoken, so this can be only a conscious shift. Other
methods are to create with feel and work with focus, that I noticed people have
used by the point that they think with now.
Acting effect; The acting effect is to spell out the effect by acting its name
meaning. Then doing a stance like holding your hand out and the effect projects
from in front of the hand or body part.
Fire wall; Summon fire in the means of your creation. And see the fire as if a
wall around the area or people that you want walled off from you. Feel it flow and
form into that surrounding wall or straight wall. Think it there an it remains
there, think it gone and it will be gone. It is quite possible to cause the wall
of flame to form inward toward the area you want to scorch. By thinking it will
as you do something, then thinking that you are doing thag that thing it, the fire,
will do so.
Ultimate guillotine attack; To focus air rings at the target, and focus ya mind by
thinking of attacking the other person. Feel the energy around ya and raise ya
spiritual blade, think no gui;;atine to stop this as to focus that energy. Then
Rush the target with an attack.
Ultimate shining attack; To focus air blasts against the foe, then feel the energy of
the heat in the air. Raise ya energy blade and focus that energy along ya blade. Then
launch forward and maybe spiral with the blade held forth. So, ya strike the target
unless he moves away or ya knock him back instead, with an impaling blow.
Ultimate thunder punch; To gather energy into ya fists by thinking its there and punch forth.
Rosa Blanca: the white roses sentence; To achieve this effect, imagine a black thorny
dome vine that grows upward into a dome around the target/s. And this thorn bush dome
sprouts white roses. The white roses use the essence of the target to grow. As it, the
rosebush, cuts ya target/s off from the outside completely. The white roses smothers
the targets into death by a constant flower petal falling. The reiatsu of the targets
totally withers away.
The Azure Peacock; This grows vines the width of ya arms and with flowers that sprout to
the point of using the targets' spirit essence. When they finish sprouting, the
target/s will die of a poisoning effect and lack of spirit essence. Sometimes by a
disease that appears with the weakening of the body due to the essence being used up
in the flowering of the roses.
Thought to create is to use ideal or do this, hold ya blade more tightly and imagine it sprouting a thorny rose vine.
That attach themselves to the target and then grow from the body by ya thinking it
does. The roses start to bloom, by budding from the vine when ya think they do and
then they form blooms that are using the persons essence by thinking and feeling the
persons energy flow into them. They use the person's spirit essence as fertilizer,
absorbing all the spirit essence of the person's emitted reiatsu. An once fully
bloomed using the targets energy essence, the person dies. When dead, imagine the
thorny vines going back to ya blade or dissipating and leaving one flowe in ya hand,
that ya sip from by biting it. Then imagine that flower disappearing too.
To change form; Think of ya form ya wanna be in, then draw a leftward spiral outer
edge first and then inward on ya left breast. And then optionally, for successful idea
touch both sides of ya body at once on ya between the stomach and breasts fold and the
top part of ya stomach. Imagining ya form shift into that of what ya want.
Devoura pluma; To think of wings and then the wings swishing back and forth. As each
wing beat forward, There are shots of energy that go forth as the wings feathers are
'shot' forward like steel arrows shot from a bolt gun. It can decapitate the target or
at the least cause the target pain in the shot area hit. These arrows of steel
feathers can strike through anything.
Bala energy shots; to wave ya energy weapon and it is to feel the energy of hate and
enjoyment surge into imagined energy shots of a color ya choose to shoot forth. To
strike forward with each swing and unnearingly hit the target.
Highly pressurized water shots; To shoot forth the shots of highly pressurized water,
imagine water forming as a sphere into a highly pressurized form. Then with a wave of
ya arm ya release it, the highly pressurized water, forward into the target.
Enlightened king's heavenly punishment; To imagine an avatar form from the released
energy of ya spirit blade. This avatar is to be four times the size as ya or larger as
in 16 times taller. And it wields a blade that ya can manipulate as well as the avatar
itself. By just a thought, ya can cause it to do things or acting its role out is also
possible to manipulate it. The energy goes back into ya blade as it goes back with a
thank ya and placing the blade in its sheath. To release the blade is to think of a
form it will take and then swish the blade as ya imagine the energy being released
from it.
Haneiko's ability; To turn the blade part of the spiritual blade to sand that surrounds
the target, think and the sand is as the blade as it allows with the swish of the spiritual
hilt, the ability to strike any within the sand as though a spiritual blade. This sand
can also be used to block attacks as they come. This sand can also turn into an ash
tornado that slices up all within. By thinking it will and imagining the sand to swirl
like a tornado, And then throwing ya arm out will turn it into the tornado form.
Tobiume effect; Too big in your moment energy or for me: Think to cast forth a net,
by thinking ya do as of a net of air and spread fire over the net that is made
of fire or heat particles combined with red particle fire. This net can 'catch'
people by them being near enough. When caught, they stop or slow down. So I think
by thinking or saying a 'snap tobiume' or then a fire effect this happens to those
caught. So then the point is ideal to create, as you want then dismiss the point
as though unimportant. If you want to remain out of trouble.
Soul Burial; This can be preformed by all shinigami's and others, its how they send souls to
the Soul-Society. To do so, think of the soul society and then say as ya touch the soul with the
hilt of ya spirit weapon, 'soul burial'.
Black ops molt; Black operations that use a machine or allow you to molt or fade
away to another area that is less harmful. Where ya disappear from one place using an
instant moment, and run from the person attacking or doing things or the area you disappeared
from feel.
Freeing the sword soul; To cause the energy soul of the weapon to free itself and form
into what it would be without the weapon an as thou the soul was human or a being.
This is done by talking at least mentally to the weapon, and suggesting to it to
'do what your instincts say to do. Free yourself and be as you should be not forced."
All the while, putting forth a hand and imagining the hand pulling the soul being free.
If you succeed, it should appear beside you or somewhere near you.
Due note, if the weapon likes you, then its safe and it will attack for you and help
you. But if it dislikes the owner of the weapon for the owners' abuse, then it will
attack the owner with the same abilities that the owner has added to its own self for
use. The soul of the weapon is part with the owner's soul. So, it shares with the owner
its abilities and the link to the owner causes the owner to involuntarily share their
abilities with the weapon soul. If your weapon soul becomes free, to get control of
the soul of the weapon, fight it and defeat it into submission unless it doesn't fight
you. This weapon soul is born on the usage of what you do with the weapon.
Heaven shocking lunar fang; This is done to create a rage and hate that inflicts through
energy at the target. To do the trick, think of rage and hate and place it to the spirit
energy blade that ya think into existance in ya hand. Then think of the moon and electrical
energy and place that energy into the blade. After that, swing ya energy sword at the target
thinking 'release'. The shocking lunar fang will come in a wave form.
Heavenly greater lunar fang; To do this trick, think of the moon and the influence it casts.
Then focus the energy ya find around ya. Focus it into ya particle sword or spirit blade that
ya make appear from ya hand. Then think of rage and emotion over what ya would normally feel
it over, and place it into the sword. Then focus the rage with the moon energy and the energy
around ya and add heart chakra energy. Think and swing the energy sword thinking 'release'
at the target.
1000 year prison; think of ice and the ice is in slab form that appears around the target in
6 slabs of columnic ice. Then think of them going in tight around the target and spinning there,
maintained by the idea and the energy absorbed from the surroundings. Named an for short all you
need to do is hang then, you create by the feel. Thinking of what you want to create then you
create as you chat. Think your out of that as you think english then, your request just as you
think your free to get away from the prison. Then your free by what you consider. Now aligning
to center is aligning to a center point, not aligning by going to a center spot.
Way of Binding No 1: The Covering paralysis (Sai); Seals the target's movements.
Think of a force of energy that covers the foe and causes the movement to go to
nothing as ya think 'sealed' or 'paralysis'.
Way of Binding no 4: Byakurai; To cause the target pause and be stunned with a stated
"Way of Binding no 4; Byakurai!" While seeing or thinking of the target that you force aside.
Way of binding no 4: restrain; To think of the target in ya mind and then to see a
result of restraint by causing it with a, 'Way of binding no 4: restrain' being spoken.
As ya think of the target and as ya say it, the target will restrain from the attempt
it/she/he was about to do as you show restraint.
Way of binding no 4: crawling rope; To Cast rope that crawls into position and binds
the target. Its cast by a thinking of rope that crawls about and then focus ya mind.
Then think of the person as ya look at the target to bind. Saying, 'Way of binding no 4:
crawling rope" as this one is with a rope.
Way of binding no 8: Repulse; To cause a ball of energy that ya program to repulse the
person or thing on it being struck. Then place it in the path of the attack by thinking
it there.
Way of binding no 9: Geki or get out of town; To cause the thing or person to be bound and release
anything held. By stating after drawing a rune that means ya action, "Disintegrate;
Black dog of Rondanini. Look at yourself and burn; Tear yourself apart and your own
Way of binding no 26: Bending light; To focus on not having the thing to hide, seen.
Causing with idea the light to bend and imagining the idea an the effect is unseen.
Way of Binding no 30: Triple beak piercing beams; This is to draw with ya finger a
triangle and at each point, imagine a beam of light emittance that pierces the target
in the right spots an makes the trapping of the target posssible. As with the pierce
comes the holding of the light energy of the target into a wall or something.
Way of binding no 37: Suspending star; To feel the energy of the area and imagine it
expanding with energy arms under the falling victim and going to the surfaces around
and to the side of the victim. These arms attach themselves to the surface to hang the
energy platform under the victim and this halts the victims plunge in mid-flight. At
the least it will slow the victim's fall.
Way of Binding no 39: Circular locking fan (Enkosen); This is to imagine energy as
with a circular fan pattern, That forms as a shield from where ya outward hand is. To
be cancelled once it is struck or passed through three times.
Cube of protection; Way of binding no 42. To cast forth thought that directs energy
and forms it into a cube of absorbative protective light that surrounds the target.
This is caused by a feeling that golden light protects the target in the shape of a
cube. This can also be a sphere.
Quintet of iron pillars; This the way of binding no 75. To cause 5 iron pillars of
spirit particles to form in the air and thud into the earth around the victim in a
tight formation. Cast by thinking of hate and iron and then those emotions expressed in
a pillar form. That ya imagine thudding around the personal target.
Way of Binding No 58: Grasp of the Chasing Sparrow (Kakushitsuijyaku); When the
caster inscribes a symbol upon the ground, the targets' locations and movements can be
identified. The symbol can be anything ya think will cause this effect, the effect of
the target revealing him or herself as any symbol you like to use.
Way of binding no 58: Kakushitsuijyaku; Invocation of the tracking birds. This
technique allows the user to contact with anyone and can be used to contact more than
one person. The casting of this is to think of birds and butterflies and draw a
symbol, that means to do what ya want. Then speak of the message to send while
thinking of the people or person.
Six rod prison of light; To make this effect think of six rays of light that
surround and go through the person and think or say 'Way of Binding no.61, Six rod
prison of light' while pointing two fingers at the target. As the activating phrase
to effect. This effect is to cause six rays of light to surround and immobilize the
person. Think not to use this one if you don't want to pinion them.
Way of Binding no 62: 100 stepped rail; Imagine if ya will, a hundred rails that are
pointed at ya target. That shoot forth into the target. This binds a person to said
person's spot. Unless its resisted, it can retard the person's actions.
Way of binding no 63; Winding binding chains. To say the words 'Way of binding no 63,
winding binding chains!' while imagining that chains of light energy pass through the
air and circle the intended target three or four times tightly holding the target.
Way of binding no 73: Inverted crystal pyramid; To Cause an inverted crystal pyramid
by use of thought up lines, that in which ya go from a point to point form of the
sides and then fill in with force. To cause pausing of movement and time in space.
This also supercharges effects that ya do. As ya in the pyramid ya can even heal faster.
Way of binding no 75: Gochuu Tekan; A strong Technique used to bind the opponents
limbs, by thinking of a thought 'bind limbs' while feeling directed energy go to the
target to force that binding of limbs.
Way of Binding No 77: Soaring Net of the Heavens (Tenteikuura); When the caster
inscribes a symbol in the air and chants the incantation, telepathic communication
with any or all people that the caster or his/her comrades have encountered is possible.
The symbol could be anything that ya think will work with the chant and cause this.
Chant and its a trap: "Black and white net! Twenty two bridges, sixty six crown strings, footprints,
distant thunders, mountain peaks, valleys, night shadows, cloud sea, cyan line! Fill
up the circle and zoom to the edges of the sky! "
Severing void; To cause a void shield of a rectangular shape that reaches above
your head and is wider than your body to take the damage effect instead of you as
if imprinted there on the shield. Just to imagine that you are behind a clear void
wall that and think or say 'Way of binding no. 81, severing void" or just "severing
void barrier" causes it to exist for you as you want.
Way of Binding no 99: Kin; Causes the target to be bound at the back. By thinking of
straps that bind the target as ya say 'Way of binding no 99: kin!' This can restrain the
target for a long period of time.
Way of binding no 99; Restrain is the way, this is cast by calling 'Way of binding no 99, Restrain!'
while imagining a four way spirit shadow particle band forming around the victim and
being forced down by heavy widgets that force it into the ground and holding the
restrained person to the ground in four directions.
Way of binding no 99 Part 2 imprision; Form by seeing it and imagining it as of
4 strips of black spirit particles that join to surround the contender. To hold
a contender in a path that you decide so you can stretch these black spirit
particles in so many ways. What this surrounds, can't move normally.
Way of Binding No 99 type 2: Ultimate Suppression (Bankin); A very unique kidou
Spell which has three parts, called songs. This kidou requires a massive amount of concentration.
Think of ya music that ya like and then think of the target as ya say "The way of binding:
Utlimate Suppression" then add with its Song 1, 2 or 3.
First song, The Furling (Shiryuu) - Binds the subject in cloth.
Second song, Hundred Bolts (Hyakurensan) - Pierces the bound subject with countless
large pins.
Third song as voice, Ultimate Seal (Bankintaihou) - Crushes the immobile subject with a
gigantic block of stone.
Way of Destruction No 4: White Thunder; White lightning that is to think of energy
around you and then feel the energy current and imagine the energy form from things
with electricity into a sphere over your hand or in the air that is as small and
compressed as you'd want. Then the effect is to say white lightning and shoot the
lightning forth with a pointing of the finger and an thinking that it hit the personal
Way of destruction no 12: Concealing fire; To feel the heat and then try to imagine the
heat conceal itself. Then at the right time, by the 'release' statement as in 'snap' it
releases in a form of what ya may have of fire.
Way of Destruction No 31: Firer Cannon (Shakkahou); Fires a thin bolt of lightning
from the caster's fingertips, piercing the target. A powerful Kidou if the explosion
hits the target full on, and is basically a weaker but shorter version of Soukatsui.
To cast it, think of a charge that is around ya and feel it flow through the fingertips,
think it to be there and charging itself an drawing in more energy while it compresses
itself. Then, Release it to strike the target, by thinking of the target.
Way of destruction no 31: Red flame cannon; To shoot forth into the air towards a
target, a red cannon shot of flame. This is formed by thinking of rage and despise and
the color red as ya feel the heat around ya take fire in front of ya outstretched
hands. Then shot forth by thinking of the target and letting go as though it were shot
out of a cannon.
Way of Destruction no 31: Red shot of fire; To shoot forth into the air towards a foe,
a red shot of fire. This red fire is formed upon thinking of a fire thats red, and it,
the red fire, shooting forth after forming where ya want it to as ya feel pressure
from within release from ya. To hit a target. Think of where it is, then aim.
Way of Destruction No 33 the blue flame thats butanol: Blue Fire, Crash Down (Sokatsui); Fires a big blue ball
surge of reiatsu at your target. A very powerful kidou but Considered to be a low
level Kidou due to it's simplicity. Requires a long chant before use if the user
hasn't mastered it yet.
Think to cast it, imagine and feel a psiball form that ya imagine is the color blue. Then tell
it to gather charge and feel it gather energy till it is ready to be cast forawrd.
And then think to it where ya want it to go with thought of the target and the thought
to 'do major damage'.
Chant: "O Lord, mask of flesh and bone, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears
the name of man, truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but
slightly the wrath of your claws! [name target]"
Way of destruction no 54: Waste Flame; Generates a fire by thinkink of 'incinerative fire'
while causing heat to form into flame at the casters fingertips, that is able to completely
burn and incinerate a target of a low reiatsu, on release of the flame after thinking of the
target. Can be used to burn lost limbs and on funeral pyres.
Way of Destruction no 58: orchid tempest blast; To focus on a wind that ya imagine is
a whirlwind and horizontal or vertical coming from ya palm or the spinning of the
spirit blade. And the speed of the spinning is set by ya. Feel the whirlwind tornado
thrust forth into the target. This will disorient the target at the least.
Way of Destruction No 63: Howl of Singed Thunder (Raikouhou); Fires a thin bolt of
lightning from the caster's fingertips, piercing the target. Imagine lightning forming
at ya fingertips, that compresses itself until it is too hard to handle as its drawn
energy into itself while compressing. Then cast it forth by a thought of the target
and the thrust forth of the fingers.
Also as a point, this little beauty can start with an incanting to the effect of stopping a
person with a temporary paralysis lightning. Its to think of the target and say,
"Shattered bones of beasts. Spire down, Vermillion crystal, Steel wheel, If moving, tis
wind. If not, tis Sky. The tone of clanging spears fills the empty castle! "
Way of destruction no 88: flying dragon strike; Heaven shaking lightning cannon.
Cast by saying 'Way of destruction no 88: flying dragon strike!' While, imagining
the blue white lightning form from your hands to strike down the foe or foes. In
a path that you imagine it going an this can be any such path.
Way of destruction no 90: Kurohitsugi; To form this is to cause a cube of black
energy that surrounds the target/s. This is does damage to the nervous system while it
lasts. That allows a ghost to follow you for a bit then kill the target of the effect.
Think to cast it as you make a comment, this is with thought so use caution to
think of black light columns that surround the target in a box shape and to think it
does damage and keeps the target still. As it blinds the target temporarily. Thinking
to see someone triggers this effect and causes an effort that you make to get away,
if your the target or the one that made the target.
Way with Destruction No 91: Black Coffin (Kurohitsugi) or use coffee or some drink
that you use in some machine. See to avoid the keratine with nerotoxin are as a hex by
hit with sugar this causes this as this is result. So think if ingested you could imagine
seeing what encircles the subject with a gigantic black prism, causing damage to the
entire body. Imagine a black prism forming of fog, that is essence you think to direct
with energy from form with a black mold nearby around the target to use kerosene with
this. Think it does damage to the target by projecting the feel of the chemical combination
if you want to cause the body to collapse, as this is an entire ideal and draws energy
from the target to do it. They might respond snappishly or effectively use with effective
means by efficient or effecient use, as they realize they have to remove the black mold.
Way of destruction No 94: Energy projection; Think energy streams through the body
as you imagine the point recieving it where you see something go through or passes through
the body then your focus point disappears, yet if thought to destabilize a person causes
them to collapse or feel disoriented. This is usually because the body can rack itself
or react before the moment and take something, that causes the disorientation or the
main point is the energy you think is there in the body. That causes the collapse otherwise.
The body then is useful, if thought to destabilize will cause them to break up in thought. If the projection
is done for 1 second or more then stopped, as you think to do something else. Unless you
don't need to break, where a break is symbolic to the subconscious. by a thought that you
stop with or with more than one mindset. That is two seconds that your body can feel, where
that is actually minutes or less.
You can cause the body to break up the fat cells, as you think to target the fat
in the body that means the weight goes down just think of it. As going to the sweet feeling
that allows the body up with untrained muscle, then going down as though the body exercised
it by feel to train the stomach muscles. As you could imagine the stomach flatter hold the
stomach in use then, if you drink water the stomach stays in shape.
Way of Destruction No 95: Gaming; So what is the main point to life within a game?
curiousity as really nothing is around you. I wonder why some believe that the game is
a portal to the life it depicts. Because it isn't always a game and look at the results
as you try things shown. I experimented with this ideal as I thought to create a result
then I created things by thinking I did the technique shown to me by the creator that
is the energy conscious.
This was easy as I thought to do things naturally but things were very sure with
some non results. I imitated the shield effects from the game just to check. This is
like your there spiritually trying things out with me. So you appear where you think
or you can go figure this out if your safe by thinking your not there.
Think a game is a view point then think an ideal, then you do or see by suggestion
the ideal. That is how this works by psychology. Unsuperviser is the answer view as you
think your unsupervised you will do anything, then you will do what you wish as though
a point you want until sometimes someone is there as this is a point attention is craved.
Way of Destruction No 98: Black Coffee (Kurohetsugi) or think black coffee
with substance that you use in some machine with kerotine or substitute sugar.
See keratine with nerotoxin are as a hex by hit with sugar or substitute sugar
that causes this result. So think if ingested or felt you could imagine seeing
what encircles the subject with a gigantic black prism, causing damage to the
entire body.
Imagine a black prism forming around the target to use this. Think
it does damage to the target if you want to cause the body to collapse, as this
is an entire ideal and draws energy from the target to cause what will do it.
They might respond snappishly or effectively with effective means by efficient
area activity by the person or thought for use, so this is with the use of strong
knock out effects. That you can think the person does then, they are effected by
what they do.
Way of Destruction No 99: Whiskey or alcohol; This is deadly if not enough used,
where you think to drink then are overconsumed then pass out. This is even deadlier
if enough used. Think the point then you know the ideal, this is usually as you think
the ideal then feel things. Where you don't feel to stop you can stop, as you can
pick up a drink then chug the whole thing. So think with regret then that is the
trick to get you to drink more. So I think to use substitution then you think or
can think to use the bathroom as though on time. Think the point then you can use
whatever you want. Otherwise you can do what you want.
This thought if projected on a person, can cause what you think them to drink whatever
drink whatever they think is appropriate to deal with the stress of life. That is why
some drink btw, because stress plus guilt plus ease of use plus memories cause drunken
ideal. Especially added to the scent that air freshners have, as a toxin that smells
good then you could knock anyone out. So avoid smelling bleach in this situation as
that could begin to cause a knockout.