Social structures

  The groups that exist within society are diverse but I will attempt to explain them. They are: 


  Primitives are from an age which was instinctual. These people are happy with anything they can use or live in. They are prescientific and greatly gifted with innate ability. They are tribal people that live in tribes or groups in society. Survival is there absolute desire and they are superb warriors. Thier gifts extend to knowing anything about anything without ever being taught. Raw animal magnetism emenates from them. These people are true "psionstat" stated in society is nothing if not wanting to seem, worked with in society and can make dreams happen as they are absolutely practical. As if in a group, this is where they are able and capable. As they focu with the group as energy is there to use as a focus item is used and thought is what is done. There is no fear in these people as they have enough energy to carry and use what is on purpose set by what they they think to do on a moments notice.

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  The undesirables are the ignored ones and wastrels of life. These people are the type to work towards nothing and deny all charity. Its a pride to them. They sometimes have disease of some sort. These people turn into cripples later on in life. Making things worse wherever they are. These are the beggars.

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  The freaks are the twisted people that aren't afraid of experimenting. These people will avoid jobs and leach off of others if possible. They will take drugs and sometimes gangbang. They will steal to gain money. These people have mental problems most of times. Its often found they are very ingenious and inventive. Thus they can lie very well to protect thier own. They are extremely secretive and kill those whom they dare if ordered to. These are the thieves and gangsters of society and can become sociopaths. Later on in life they turn into misers. These are unstable people with no future and considered fools who will not risk. The freaks are actually a "white trash" society.

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  The looneys are as able as possible and will go on out on their own with idea. They react to strange and sometimes destructive thoughts. The will pause on a critical idea or sound idea. They work for a living, doing strange things and sometimes for a strangers idea or a strange idea. They use thier own idea in place of others. Where sometimes they see and do things for no good reason or reason that may seem sound but is very thoughtless. They are wrought of idea moments and momentos that are very hard to grasp without explanation. Sometimes they will do things that might hurt themselves with thier own idea thats not good for them. The looney will construct ways to do things and that don't make sense that avoid safety if thought upon or if necessary are sane to seem accepted. They seem to want to call people fluky.

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  The loners are the people who go out of there way to be antisocial. Jobs are thier hobby and they make it tough on people if it is tough on them. Any mistakes and they get you for it. They do things separate from others and find it tough to work with people sometimes. These are the magic workers and inventors of societies. They usually die alone.

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 The normals are very goal oriented and will get a job to keep it. Using other peoples ideas to make life easier for themselves. They will adapt ideas however to suit thier needs. These are steady minded people and work well within rules. The blue and white collars workers are what these people are of society.

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  The nerds are the people that are computer oriented and will make dreams happen where they can do, as they don't do things they are ignored until a criminal record. Where the normal person knows some stuff, these people are geniouses in there fields. They can do alot of things normal people are afraid of doing. They count as dreamers and will often write for a living.

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  The skaters are the inventive dreamers and will go out of thier way to prove thier usefulness. Some skaters will make things up just for need of an item. However they never waste thier time on useless concepts. They most often work in any job they can get. These people are very tough and self disciplined. Practical dreamers can be what these people are suited for.

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  The dreamers are the visionaries and sometime strange in activity by not of society that work without limits. Try to be strict and they shy off to another job or change subject. These people never amount to anything except teaching and can create or seem as they are a moment to see. They provide excellent examples. These are the philosophers of society and are picked on by the freaks. Atlantean stock are where these people come from. People seek thier answers from these people and they often serve as fortune tellers.

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  Independent separist are antisocial as they love to be loners. They like to write and are dreamers of prophecy in which may or may not happen. The independent socialist are secretive and guards the secrets well that they have. Innate ability be thier specialty as they are able to control elements at a thought. Positive resolve only comes from what an idea creates is example the independent separist lives for. Thus they be thrill seekers as any thrill can escalate them from boredom. This type of personality can get bored quickly and because of that they can change self-projects quick and come back later. These people are quick on decisions when rushed and to decide when they want not.

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 The transitionist, spends their life, mostly in transition, and  is social, until they feel, that they shouldn't be. They are likely to do anything, sometimes without paying for it. The transitionist, can combine writing, action and idea into doing the idea he can dream about. The transitionist dream of what they read, and sometimes get warnings, leke other people. The transitionist can be secretive, but has nothing to hide, so they guard what they think is necessary, but will be open with the rest. Positive resolve and effective idea, in action, are what the transitionist live for, along with their dreams. This personality type can get bored quickly, yet they find things to do, as they have a lazy streak. That makes chores pile up. They are quick on decisive moments, but otherwise can take a bit, to get going, with a decision.

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  The goths are the warrior dreamers who are stable and yet will fulfill thier dreams, eventually. They are from warrior stock and can achieve anything they set thier minds on. They take examples from anything that suits thier purpose. These people often have innate gifts that they use everyday. They could serve as wizards who are visible magic users and magi who are good event manipulators through innate skill with secret trading ability. These people are very good with weapons and have great strength. Warriors are what society call them and they make great leaders.

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  The technocrats are the true leaders in society and use the ideas of the inventors. They often produce the devices and use them in varieties of ways. These people prefer to lead alone and cannot live without technology. They write thier own speeches. Thus they are very secretive and guard those secrets well. These people have chariisma and are leaders of thier chosen field are what society calls them.

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  The aristocrats are the type of people that are leaders that dream. These people come up with there own ideas and will oftentimes use those in the face of opposition. They are very stubborn most times. Common sence is lacking sometimes . There are raritites of practical aristocrates however rare. These people have animal magnetism that allows them to get away with anything. The aristocrats are noble in character. Society calls them idealists as these people were atlantians at some point. They are great tacticians and great long range planners.

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  Dimensionalists are people that wield powers greater than thier bodies. These people have focuses that can rival a kings. They are oftentimes explorers that seek treasures in the form of wealth or knowledge. They can shift at a whim and try to avoid danger if they can. These people can avoid blame very easily, as they use a thought and create by energy in what activity they attempt if necessary. Disappearing from the area is there mastering, the reality of the situation can seem to explain as thought is enough and is amazing. If to explain this can cease or create activity, as they are there is allot as the use is strange and they might get in a situation.

  Self explaining is explaining and doing naturally is the idea that is allowed for, thinking is to explain what they need and avoid unnecessary attention to themselves or not as to the idea that exists to serve their purpose. They are masters of any disguises, as they work and body shifting is shaping and shifting to correct or to avoid disruption of their activity. Society calls them plane shifters and jacks of all trades. These people will help if they see the need and clan together to form deadly alliances or make thought do thought.

  Producing noticed or deadly results, in and what you are that conclude things and make are disasterous to very good unless talent is there. Its said they are part dragon and sorceror that are easily worked with or frightened if thought was to self as they are realizing the self idea. Telepathy is a skill that is very easy,  as to think that to the person they meet. So as to use and get idea is to avoid purpose as they do anything if necessary. Say what you want as you do things its understood. As you think your spirit avoids things to feel better, that is a point to get no hazard as activity is done.

  They are a planes walker area that is what you think so, what you think is normal is not always normal to the area. As the dimensional idea is strange to see and easier to talk about, as your idea is the point your point is not always understood as the thought thats dimensional is sometimes not as sane sounding as something they want to hear is sane where you might think. As your thought, you can usually get good to better results, as you think to effect an idea you idea is a thought to see and conclude.

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