Anything in this doc that
isn't going is life threatening so note that nothing will be described of it, this article
teaches control, mainly. So this is through the magic effects of the alchemy substances,
their potential use in application including the metallic substance with some use of the chakra points to
cleanse the body. Think then try again tomorrow if failure. These are symbolic
area effects not unseen by feel. So the symbols origination are made from observing
some smith use metallic ore: Seculis is gold with some similis traces by seclusion
or area feel is potential is the use or use in application to create, transmute or
cause no in use or allowable. Thats what aspertus or use of apparatus in some aspect,
sometimes that you know or are ordered to not touch. Think and you can if you know
how, thinking to apply things right. So you know this means your idea could work,
if you think things through. This is what alchemists use, if you feel the vibration
of the body and the area think to calm and relax yourself and you know what to do.
This is just as if you are aware and knowing of things to do, and come to the correct
The symbol lead is
plura or Pb known for dumbing down the senses,
mercury or Hg is known for the lessening of body feel, cinnabar or HgS is known for creating a resistance to blood poison,
sulphur or S is known as a vitamin supplement addition if available.
They can easily seem removed, by fee or area concept like a broom or
extractor to remove the area by influence. Energy is silver or Ag is known as vitamin supplement. Otherwise known is Mercury is unused today except in thermostats, sulphur is a good vitamin supplement by feel that exists not really used today or found in special springs that the atleantians made use of. Lead is dumbing down agent, used in water as a trace element they can't really remove. Cinnabar is a thought agent not really used today except in metal alchemy. Silver is used in vitamins as known is the curative state this causes. Some are more effected than others yet the ideal is this was once thought equal or uses in control, so they could cure the body as though living longer. The use today is actually bad for the health, but the ideal is the same as yesteryears. Think and you know the real reasoning behind the ways of life behind this alchemy of life. So you know this was fun to write and do, but some substances have a food need impact like lead in the water. So think to do research before use.
That is created area feel by the area you use or energy transferral to
create with, this is by idea to use is focus to realize to not by that
or the black man hand diverted by feel that means black marker or smudge
marks. One note: so food or potion alchemy can cause you to recover
from material energy alchemy use, the link is the herb list to
show what can seem done. this I think means the symbolism is useless
without a point to use the symbols for with this ideal by feel.
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Make a wish to create by the use or think to create by your
ideal, this is the alchemy or wichcraft
use by area feel by star that is actual use in creation. So your not
with the full metal
alchemist anime, the star as you think will cause some result by symbol
or energy sigil as you get results. So you see the area or see the star
to create what you want as necessary, your use is not so bad off or
create is turn off to not see bad effects.
Say or see if the area to see
or seem a cool point with a hot area, there as you were or are as you
want or went. See the chemical by drug use or alchemy substance, seems
to change the body chemistry to feel different or think to see. Seen as
your idea is appeasing to food substance use otherwise or seeable use
is avoiding the area situation, you won't use any as bad is rejection
relating the taste to bad or rotten food effect. The effect is pleasure
so stop as your ahead.
See your not dumb as you think your not or use is there not here
or seen is area, so avoid the feel as alchemy is dangerous or dumb by
activity is thought by the area. So don't be led too easily by some
place avoided, seen as you see the reason or think not as you are to
excuse yourself from the area. So stop as your addicted or can't stop
unless you think to create different idea as you see by feel the third
eye shows you, your what you were as you are or were so your just able
to seem or just remember. Well if you want it then don't go for it.
Well so you are aware your aware as your well off.
See don't be dumb if under the influences candy is for eating, see
that was the easy part to distract yourself from or sucking on a
popstick. See try not to gain weight from the idea I was wanting, I is
the third eye so think no manifest to stop this as you think "stop".
This you see is a vicious cycle so think no need with the urge to do no
appetite. There as you were is what you are as your what thought there
is as if some idea. You think to get or use as gotten is not done by
See or use so you think is no by feel, seen is no cool or hot
with smoking or not that to get off cigarettes or need based idea.
Seeing as your aware so use by the creator is look to react to the
moment or think to go as away as not too lazy. Here is some substances
as mercury, lead now not legal, quicksilver is temperature control,
sulphur is health or restoration with some declared attribute or not
train to focus. The area you see is some thought to not use the idea if
your not allowed, as you see you are what you were or is thought to
seem useful for by idea.
Pure quicksilver however with mercury amplifies magic by 250% per ounce and an
additional 250% per ounce after except for use deemed unnecessary by
the user.
Cinnabar or Mercury Sulfide (HgS) is 12.5% increase per ounce
and 50% in restoration effects. Related in chemistry mostly to the water element.
Mercury is the spirit property in alchemy.
Quicksilver in thought is easier thought that is said to be the
fire of transformation, think and a point that alchemist can use can
transform events and objects with chemistry. Ingesting mercury by
itself causes a salt to form which causes poisoning to the brain and
death. Mercury is said to have the ability to tame sulphur and make it
easy to use. Mercury increases power in the user but can imbalance
energy of one aspect. Mercury leads to balance used correctly this is
said to grant immortality, as it allows life energy to become
concentrated in the body and strengthens the aura. There is no point to
try this if you can't remove the poison,
and otherwise to control the fire control water use as you are there.
Sulphur or Brimstone powdered or rock form is 100% increase in
magic and 200% in restoration. Sulphur melts to form a blood-red liquid
and is found near volcanoes and hot springs. It can be related to the
fire and earth elements.
Brimstone is an essential substance for life or burning heart and is present in
all organic tissue, as such it resonates to that effect. Sulphur is the
soul property in alchemy. Uses for no sulphur except focus are the
breaking of hexes,
protection, countering of magic, banishment and exorcism of spirits. It
can also be used in combination with salt for a healing effect.
Salt really then seals off, think and absorbs magic effects. It can ward of
negative energies and spirit, salt sprinkled over doorways will prevent
negativity from entering the house. Salt tossed over the shoulder is
said to bring good luck after a bad luck effect. It also causes healing
at 200% per ounce as tylonel is some effect.
Sea salt causes 250% healing with no actual salt use, by heart
attack too much salt is causes not by the absorption of energy as water
and energy seal in life activity that starts normally and otherwise
ends in made moments metal and strangely done. Complete salts formed in mountains
or some sea locations are of a higher quality than processed salt.
Related equally to elements of earth and fire is countered by water. Salt is the body
property in alchemy.
Chlorine avoided is the fire liquid of salt with sodium being
the earth
component, which combined forms the salt.
Metal effects by either being some compensation electrical or non electrical
metals. Then of course with an intercourse by thought in the point, that
energy is in the thought metal use in magic, theres a chance of 25%
insanity each use. Release is by use energy and as you think its
released. So don't drink the metal, as you
seem what you are aware by brain activity. See now as you think or
never do things, as they aren't so stay away as they aren't until the
materials are there.
Electrical spelled to go metals can increase magic effects fusd once and done
ever after or not if not done as focused upon concept
and thought about idea is over, thought with energy is an acidic base
and as chemicals are formed from this with energy at about a 1000%
potential. Its a possible idea to heal better at about 500% with focus
as your an ideal not seen.
Non electrical metal is visable, viable of 250% magic effect potential
and thought making and with 150% healing potential.
The thought with wood. I think wood is about 500% magic increase, scarecrow effects are 500% magic effect and use is
healing improvement. Some wood gives a negative effect from a positive
idea that is thought about. You will know if its the positive or
negative type, if theres some sort of reaction, by attempt of making
manifestation and idea, from the wood in the area thats near you.
This is the material linking objects. Now we will speak about the alchemical idea of linking without thinking to the
material, this acts through the magical bond. The effects of linking yourself to
material, can be drastic as it can make you become similar to the
material presented, and there
are several traits that you can get with the material grade as well.
Think to link yourself, think of material and think at the material. Seen is a link me
to you effect! or 'think of me as I link me to you?' as you touch it or taste
it but don't split things just remember to then spit things
out after. Now as your will or your your own will, the
linkup isn't instant except you can break or area, you think you are
you are that is going to happen or eventually profit from the use. Say
or don't, this you see is instant. Think the use or feel the usage.
See nothing but
thought or use is tongs to form the metal or this takes some time to
feel with distance thats two or more transfers, that the equalities are qualities of the materials makes the metal
with the mold. Melt to produce the mold with the tongs to hold the
metal, your will as you feel is some area then ore allows to seem real
until melted or then insanity is then insured. Seen by focus to use the molecules
to iron with area energy, as chaos to use as the metal is melted that
concept to cool it as you use. The metal to radiative use or radiation
use is thinking to the core with some planet, the area is disruption or
this is conversion by distance as that is the alchemy process. Join is
use of your qualities and use is then in the traits you get from the creatotor
is use. As a source this is anything that is will, safely think as your
willing to accept the thought by the creator. Think the creator reveals
or you won't know or if a sun use then that is ceaseless, unless you
see or think to react or not react to block out the area.
As always this is an example this can not actually cause you to
move unless you think to work or create not by a thought is cleansing,
so I think this is thought to will the energy or not bother by use away
as you get the energy think of the object. See you linked to us by area
movement or view
and resist by will you were there sometimes so this uses fire by light
energy to not think slowly but surely till it comes upon you as an
awakening force that
keeps you awake. To break the link think there is some link to see or
not be, this is to make thought and imagination is the link being
broken that in some manner then used. See and no use is then some use or feel, upon
using a freehand
hexing sigil this drawn is air use by idea in the aero show to show the
intent by purpose. Think its not broken and its not until its broken by
what you think, I think you "figured" or figured by use I correctly by
feel create with area creatively. This buys the cetacombs or the right
language or you know the uses, I think to heal is energy focus the
creator creates healing unless you show a mental illness in thought or
thought to life so ann this is no use. This is to use the area
creativity or think to the planet core to "create as you want, feel or
need then focus to some crystal energy to create with the sun or moon
to avoid mood swings by music or think to create by area you think the
christians are gone by feel.".
As with negative ions "is" are influential, machines or engines
are chaotic alchemy so you see this in thought is in a contact use to
create with
results. Think by what you assume to the feeling you get and use is
thought is vaccine where vlad is blood
that exists, as useless you don't and assume is in as thought in life
is nothing. As you don't do the point or say, think not and what you
consider to what
you think with the feel. As that is there and as you will things, this in
the end is done in life by alchemists technique or consider where the
source is thought to see. I think by sight I mean know what you see
before you look for things. This is coinage that is energy created by feel or seen by the
point. Think to yourself or work as pointed out in the alchemists
handbook, think to work as people do things the spirit detects you are
aware by idea. Think you are aware by focus to know then realize to
what you see is there to what you do. See to aware focus or notice or
use is engine on or off.
Engine use is area intense or non intense work
to create idea, khepser then is now that means by the changes you are seen
with or not lunatic enough as noticed alive the person was working or not use by
the means with indication. See to work is your perception that is work
you see their use is uses used or not, unless needed is create as you
go is focus to the area yet focus is free use or not created. The
seance is now over return us or work as the creator disrupts the worm
body I think or the worm eliminates the sea worms that exist. The
creator is what exists to the point think the creator removes what
exists if the worm is the form. This is what exists the worm. I think
so I am. I am so were deceased or realized good is cool yet no need if
places allow, so I know ore can create what you think without use
seeing money is more useful I created something called a elixer or
canola oil is useful with some use energy. I don't think so creates by
feel to use to useful idea, this not to exist yes that isn't necessary.
Seen is use by ore energy to use light energy think your cleaning then
causes the energy to wipe away the insects.
Thats the thought with plastic: Will the plastic energy away to not be effected.
As the idea is not the trait you list this is mainly: Uncorruptive
(except to acidic behavior like nasty comments, acidic comments and
repose with bad views), easily pleased and you become easily pleasured,
you can store fat in obvious places, unbending (except with the bending
type of plastic), easily brittle over a long time, living a long time
(if the plastic material lives a long time), moldable (easily suggested
to), lethargic and unthinking in nature.
With metal: The trait list is mainly: you become personal, very
long living, corruptive, when in arguements you get moldable
(suggestable), not so easily pleased, supremely sociable, easily alert,
unbending in nature, focused, energetic and strong. To change metal by
feel, the use is quickly made silver is melted or that with Mercury.
That "Safe Lead" not taken in even with phosporous is Lead or nothing
is water or metal mixed with S2O or S3O either one won't work, till the
right metal by idea is introduced as you focus energy something
happens. As your with no meta feel or understanding the tea energy you
get cool results by leaving the reaction area to see intelligent
use by idea to come as to collect the result.
With ceramics: supreme attitude, breakable (easily snapping at
the bait or accident), easily focused, living awhile (in some cases, it
depends on the lasting state of the material), unsuggestable and heat
can toughen you to the effect of maturing natural attributes.
Gemstone: You become like that of the natural attributes of the
gemstone color, very long lived, understood, focused in activity,
easily working with things, suggestable, thinking and you can easily do
Glass: See through is a natural gemstone (the thoughts are easily seen if the person
tries), focused, breakable (as in accident prone) and this depends on
the thickness or type of glass too, living a long time, meltdownable
(you can easily change your mood), unthinking, you become easily
cleanupable, but it can restrain your magic (if it isn't magicked
first) or cause you to be resistant to magic and you can get temper
Chemicals: proactive is reactive (tempermental or somewhat explosive),
think is understood, acid is transcendic, think is easily focused, while reacting to something
you can be unthinking, contained in temperment (after reacting) and
formulaic as S2O is transmutation with mercury to change normal metals.
As you can use lead to identify the idea, that is with quick silver as
in use with focused fire energy.
Due note: If you link to several things of the same material,
you can strengthen the effect of the material, not on yourself and your
okay with your body or not really focus till you leave the area that
fades with air. If you link to multiple things, you can get the
attributes, of
the extra materials and idea associated with it. Some attributes are
easily cancellable, where when you get both, they cancel out, or one
overrides the other and some combine, so feel free to explore this
idea. If you use things, you can get stupid as in sometimes dumb
movement and very smart activity, that is idiocity synchronicity as you
start to think alike with the materia as material as this with energy.
There is a point to this, as you think and do you can think unlink and
tap. The material is not sharing, and because you make as you are in
thought as if timewise to do things not unintelligently.
As you are thinking energy your energy is what is awareness in
life. There is an energy perception, that is an idea that akin to magic
is the art of alchemy with use of chemistry. The symbols are discussed
here, this is the Alchemical book forbidden and
available as the "Dictionary of occult hermetic alchemical" book by
Fed Gettings here in some USA parts that you will with thought to use
as a point. This is positive in feel by use in a concept positive in
idea and this is energy by use, think in the moment and positioning in
equipment or idea use that is Feng Shui
is great magic that is achieved by thought and intuition as use is
focus in the feel and thought comes as you need here to know by chi
feel. As the correct thing needed in an aspect of the home is what
energy, the creator allows use of innate or intuitive points in
instinct by the thought with good use.
As thus an idea your inner aura world is different by what you feel,
and outside the aura is what energy perception is there to see in life.
As the outside world is "out" and outside the "in" aura world. There in
thought is energy to use, as energy is a thought by the use in effort
in energy and by what I as the third eye is in focus to manifest an
able use in thought to use as if an energy source.
Energy is energy or feel and think you feel you can be or are
with energy you can create by water or any element such as earth, air,
water, fire you feel or create to a thought that is from earth within
or created in the air. As water can direct what the direction can do
and you direct by focus and common nature is revealed by the element.
Fire can heat up the idea you manifest or create as if a fusion piece,
by the way if drawn away from the idea you use or create. So accept
what you do as with results you, think about it and do things and you
are not always free. Alright with what you do is by what you think.
Energy able is thought as a manifest in thought that is focused
energy to use, as a thought as thought to focus is with a focus point
in what you think from this to out work. Thought and use as an outsider
viewpoint, this is in thought as a point that is life this exists or
not, in thought this is nothing as useless unless you don't need it to
work to your will anymore. Think as this is modified, as if used
falsely in view and this is all in a point that possible isis
protection can create. As if this is with a good point by what you
think, in use is by the creator and that uses the subconscious to
manipulate reality to create as you think and feel as will is life and
your use is over.
To apply all that in real life, is by attempting to be around
the material or substance and then trying for an idea to be
manifested idea. This with water drinking with energy focus use is the
sun as you focus by water the light bringer is drinking where the more
drank the more manifest. This includes the makeshift wand. With
the makeshift
wand, there's the alchemical influence for wand like objects. This is
wand like use of a material that you can lift and applying the
influence of the material. This is using the alchemical properties, for
amplifying the energy you project. All you have to do is lift the
material and focus your intent through it. Feel free to make a spell
sigil or state the effect for the material to do it or focus
materialize it
into being.
The makeshift wand has an additional property. The larger the
object, the more power you can get for the result. This is when the
alchemical property is the notion, formed from energy by what you think
it will do and "otherwiser" are other wise notions. Think from other
countries that will do for what you need in thought. In some cases, the
more you focus the energy around you will add more to your own sent
This tripled energy force will cause an even greater result,
resultive idea energy or energy idea to see is useful or not if to
avoid fire flash burn. Healable by what you think, as energy is thought
to heal this regeneration technique is useful as touch with cool
neosporin cream to heal, think and the energy if needed heals itself as
the fire damage is energy essence. As if the cream is spread all over,
thought or not is the firey heat and used up is the energy of the fire
as a source.