Psychic tricks of ability

 These few tricks can make most psychics sound false or too much like they are just saying things. This is based on the expression and what your subconscious does with the power of words.

 A technique for you to try. A technique in dissipating in idea your anger is using the psychics technique. This technique can be what some psychics use to work their ways. Basically the technique is simple, Think of a point to convey to the subconscious as an imprint and state something to make an impression, this works yet if the person is aware of the way to do it then they are immune to the suggestion part. So I think the point is done if you accept the point, this is done as your own idea and then you create with a concept that is discussed or expressed. So think about the idea and to you that conveys some information. If you convey things right, then you get the correct reaction. So this can help, if you know what to say at the right moment.

 That is the way of the psychic word, that you hear by ideal feelings or senses that seem to be there. This is sometimes felt after the point is done. So they can state something and its up to you to make it true. So this is sometimes true if discussed in an aggressive or hostile manner, the mannerism carries over in the voice and can be heard as a threat with signs of your anger. Otherwise if you think to hold back or sound positive, then you can sound upbeat and lift up the spirits of others. This is a noted effect, that backs away some and leaves others unaffected that are immune to its effect. That is all for the psychics corner and remember, that there is never a lie (at least to them) as its just a line or idea you speak.

 Here's yet another psychic trick to try out, this is where you work with someone using your psycic ability. The prospective person suggests the area to observe and the psychic is what sees the point, you hear the idea they sense. This works with 80% accuracy. Otherwise self-suggestive idea is used, then you create what you need by writing it down or typing it an you know things by what is done. What you sense is through the third eye, sometimes suggestion creates the point that you see. This uses the third eye, what you see is upto your ability known as second sight.

Written by SH