How to prevent colds
prevent colds know first how they are started. Colds are started by
someone else sneezing and catching it from that. Another way is to
touch a dirty surface and to make touches to your face. Continuation of
this will cause nose irritation, eye misting, and sniffling. To
continue the touch of dirty surface and face will incur a cold. This is
how colds can start.
of a cold are the most difficult to spot. The signs most obvious are:
making constant face touches, feeling itches all along your face, sore
nose, sniffling, sneezing, and feeling slightly drained. Plus there may
or may not be temperature of the forehead. These are all signs in the
progression of gaining a cold and all through it. The end of a cold is
when a person loses 5 to 10 lbs.
prevent colds, when you touch a dirty surface DON't touch your face
because theres germs on your hands! This counts for eyes too. You will
give yourself a cold most likely. The more chance of the cold forming,
the more you touch your face. When you eat, wash your hands first for
finger food. Otherwise, use chopsticks or utensils such as forks,
spoons and knives. This will prevent the cold from coming on. Sometimes
this takes discipline as we tend to touch our faces when a cold starts
coming on.
the cold cannot be prevented. Even when you touch your face after
touching a germy surface, know this. It takes 5 to 20 times or more to
catch a cold by touching your face after touching a dirty germy
surface. When you feel like sniffling, avoid touching the face and you
may keep it from happening. If you get a cold, not touching the face
will allow you to get over the cold faster.
somewhat cough and please use your hand to your mouth. Is to draw up
the mucous that is irritating your throught. So gather it in your mouth
and spit it out as you won't cough or sneeze with it gone. Usage of a
cough medicine is of use as well. Like Mucinex DM or lemon, honey and
baking soda with water, lemon honey cough drops work too if you don't
mind the use of menthol. Mucinex in any flavor will make it easier to
draw up the mucous as it seaparates it. The mucous in the spit will
appear yellow.
If you did a proper
hand cleaning hygiene then you may prevent germ warfare and diseases
including colds. It all comes down to how to wash hands. We all think
we know how to wash our hands but many of us do not do it properly. As
we miss betwen the fingers, the backside, the palms and the wrists.
Simply rinsing the tips of the fingertips under cold water does NOT
Here are some reminders:
- Always use warm water, Its better to wet the hands
before applying soap as this prevents irritation. However, hand
sanitizers will do a decent job in a replacement to soap and water. But
nothing beats soap and water.
- Rub hands together vigorously, for about 15
seconds making sure that both sides of the hands are washed thoroughly,
around the the thumbs, between each finger and under the nails.
- Then, rinse with clean water.
- Germs spread more easily if hands are wet so dry
them thoroughly, use a clean and dry paper towel or air dryer; it
doesn't matter which. So did you know 1,000 times as many germs spread
from damp hands than dry hands?
- Germs can spread by touching raw meat or a surface
thats dirty. Then touching your face or another surface like your
clothes and then say your eyes. All in the way of where your hands and
body go.
- Anywhere a germ touches will be thriving with them
after a minute.
- Anyplace thats flesh that a germy hand or body
part touches, is likely to be infected and be irritated by some sort
with scratching and itching. Sometimes blowing up to a full disease
like a cold.
What germs
can do, is the effect of causing sores and sicknesses. Some germs from
raw chicken can cause fever, vomiting and diarrhaea. But to avoid them
is important as they love to travel so to avoid them:
- Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and
warm or hot water after you have touched raw chicken and other meats
before you touch anything else.
- There is no need to wash raw chicken and meat
unless its dirty, because any germs on it will be killed if you cook it
thoroughly. If you do wash raw meats, take care because you could
splash germs onto the sink, worktop, dishes, or anything else nearby.
- Always was chopping boards, knives and utensils
that have been used with raw meat before you use them with other food.
- Don't put raw meat nwxt to cooked food on the
grill or barbeque.
- Don't add sauce or marinade to cooked food if it
has been used with raw chicken.
- Store raw chicken on the bottom of the fridge
where it can 't touch or drip onto other foods.
- Use separate tongs and utensils for raw and cooked
- On the knife, with their love to travel, the knife
is one of the most popular destinations among germs. From here its
convenient to travel on to ready-yo-eat foods such as salad and fruit.
Whether its a weekend away for two or a family trip for a couple of
weeks, the knife is just perfect!
- The hands, for germs going on the hands is an
all-expense-paid trip of a lifetime. From hands they can go straight to
towels, handles and foods. And then, onto anywhere. Included in this
travel package is a free return journey back onto the hands whenever
they touch the towel, doorknob or handle again.
- Cooked foods, For germs, the most direct route to
cooked food is when a piece of raw meat touches down next to a cooked
food on the grill or frying pan. Then its easier for germs to jump
straight on board and relax.
- Chopping board, for most germs the chopping board
is a brief step off before moving on. But if theres no slice of bread
or vegetable straight away. There are aleays the wonderful sights and
sounds of this historic spot for them to emjoy.
- Fridge, in the fridge germs have the choice to
make a new home for themselves . If they're living on some raw meat
that isn't properly wrapped they can transfer to the fridge, settle
down and start a family. The fridge offers massive potential to those
with growing children, with a selection of levels to travel to,
especially with an express drip to the food directly below.
- Tongs, for the germs who are young at heart its
party time 24 hours a day on the tongs. They're the perfect place to
bask in the neon lights of the kitchen or hop onto the cooked meat
without a care in the world. It could be a short hop and stop over, but
its an unforgettable one.