There's a magic
in everything, even though it goes without saying that it goes
unrecognized. I recognized early on that there is a magic in avoiding
what would hit you.
This is where distractions will work things out. Sometimes distractions work for people. So as long as your not obsessively thinking about something then you naturally try to default into a calmer mindspace where you come out of a focused one.
Otherwise take a deep breath. That's as you think if you follow this idea from the science of deep breathing website, where you try 4-7-8 breathing exercise (inhale 4, hold 7, exhale. it's mostly a number cue for deep breathing where you should be taking a full breath each cycle.
If the time isn't enough, you can do longer etc but 4 7 8 is the goal. So think you need to wait until its over, theirs ways to go around anxiety attack are better than trying to fight it heads on. You can do this if you think you are not able to control it then you can call for help but keep telling yourself "i am calm" over and over.
Still your heart, still your breathing, then try counting to ten backwards or count forward until you calm. This is when slow and deep breaths allow better oxygen absorption than shallow fast ones. So I think they're doing studies on people with heart failure, that showed their exercise capacity increased by doing the deep breathing techniques. Iys basically bc you're breathing slower your body sends 'relax dude' signals, but since you are deep breathing also, you're not actually getting less oxygen so I think it's cool. So this is a body hax.
So what to do if hit too hard or hit by anonymous; Make things
as an easy point as this is done, so your a concept as you don't not.
Think to bringing hidden or no emotions to the fore as this is an always
point where things are out into the open. This reminds us to remain
as open to whatever good fortune comes our way. That's if you suggest
the right thing, such as "I have a solution" then say it.
Yet no one emerges victorious now, for the fight never quite
materializes. Instead there is unnecessary posturing that makes everyone
feel on edge, yet tensions can diffuse without a showdown. Go forward
with a bound idea or incorporate point. We who saw and heard believe
you as it was fun or honorous while thinking to observe. So to use
anything they may have is a quaint possibility.
The first of objection if any is to state it as of you don't
agree with it. Think and realize things to calm down, so you do not
to always get their reactions. The second objection is to act on it
or act it out and make a scene. Then admit by act or speech that you
don't like it.
State the reason why and don't deal with or deal with their
reaction. There is a hidden point as though by idea as if a point
of a know how or concept that causes you to act different. Only
revealed if you do things that make it a useful idea. This where
its useful to think, do and know or otherwise know things that
could occur.
Then to lie, connive the point an be as a point for the first
lie, the idea is to give them identity as to a point. Receive the
punishment ala beforehand and then state it for believable results for
the 2nd. So you don't give them identity, you give them idea. Making is
for the first way is to make sense and work on an idea till it becomes
The second way is to do with an idea, search to make the match
to see it as it exists in record. As it be written as it is shaped,
it can be compared. As it be, it mayhap become or it is what you think
that creates what is there. So to be direct in route is male, then
to be consolidating in route is female. Sometimes the direct route
is consolidating.
Think to stop any beating, if you bring upon you no attention
you know your going to get killed by it or all attention of the fighters
to bear away the beating. So think to see if you are in a person's way
an step out of the way, if you are to do as some would in a movie if
it fits. This allows some to do as if there was no fight, that is done
as thought is an idea of things that would be to bear their attention.
This will work really well if you took deep breathes and they took deep
breathes, that is with thinking dispel some of the anger without being
hit. So to say 'no reason but go on your own way' or something similar
or short termed 'ue essc' if you don't want to draw attention. Your free
now, your freedom is your own release. Otherwise you may think to say,
"The war is ended, lets go home. That's an order, now."