Post_modern_DnD_2_5ed version 2.5 Magic abilities page 1

  This is the post moderate age using the Ultra modern DnD, that you didn't expect by what you have to work with by feel. This is where you have the abilities as updated 8/11/2024.


Magic system skills
Magic system skills page 2
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Magic system skills

  The magic system is with spell ability based off spell-like abilities. These abilities are not meant to be done irl its meant to be played. So in game, that means it uses Stamina points and doesn't always occur, unless you went and rolled 1d20+magic core stat mod or Int mod and got 10 or above or you have a 10 and above magic core stat mod. The choices of success for going diceless is using d20 as 10+magic core stat mod and get a 15 or above then you got success. Especially if the other makes a will save. Each ability is possible to learn and remember, so they are listed as special skills and used with intuitive intuition.

  You can have any idea in ability that is spell like. This is done by what you experience and treated like special abilities, that's without effect length. Be sure to look at the Learning ability level, so you know what you can use at what ability you learn by rememberance. It's important to note that all classes can teleport at will. This happens naturally using the teleport skill as a special ability that you gain at first level with or without remembering it. That is up to the GM/DM whether its allowed without remembering it, and that is added to the character sheet.

  If your not doing this online, then either use a penny toss with a call or drawing straws, and then getting the longest or shortest straw for success. So for effect lengths see charts. Think to see when they are gained, look at the Character description. When the character gains a level and they spend skill points for magic skill they raise a special skill by these points, alotted by skill point calculation in the charts section. This is where they are the skill points listed as a chart attribute.

  There is nonlethal damage for STP (stamina point value) users as well. If the stp is used up and goes nonlethal damage (<0), then opposite elements used will weaken the person thus per point nonlethal damage, there is 1d4 additional ideal damages that aren't always as if your hit. Soul batteries are collected energy that can be used for creating an energy source made from the area energy, outside yourself for any purpose and by anyone with magical ability. That is a use by the word use that creates for what is there, by what energy conscious is there by thought.

  However if you want to add a cool idea, that is realistic or not always possible as chaos is possible with the chaos die roll. Now that is useful or decided upon area use, or not as 1 for actual done, 2 for something as 3 for water or elemental changes that aren't specified in the area or 4 for not happened.

  The statement of spells you cast are done to make spell usage known and they are based off of action verbs and nouns your character can do. The action verbs are northern based words actually used freely with nouns to direct by what you think but is a must so used in the sentence such as thought in make, seem control, do or alter, see or destroy, so protect and create or perceive. Spell words are magic words that create as you magic energy to create by will thought with the creator. If spellsongs are brought about by the action play word then they are as in "I play the hym ritual song".

  Otherwise alternate idea is the art action words that are if subvert, use or feel control, see to alter, feel to destroy, feel to heal and think to protect so seeing thought in use is not always where this is done. So if you will to thought create you can use or create with the energy to change things on or with an instance. As always, the noun descriptions are what you decide to use in fixing an idea, think or avoid fixing an idea to not be in the area so your with the use and creating what you wish to use with wisdom to create or see use in action.

  They that experience the point of an ability, then can make it a listed ability. This means they can add Angellic magic (cha), if they use the recall by remembering if what they experienced is useful. Then if they recall what the person did or how it felt with a Arcana check, then they can recreate it as a point. They can add Angellic magic (cha) or whatever ability they recall as an added ability with no skill core stat mod required. This looks like a Angellic magic (Cha) listed on your character sheet in Extra Ability. Roll a Magic skill check of 1d20+magic skill core stat mod with 10 or above results to see success. Otherwise roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above result for success. So think, basically you may use these abilities below as examples and gain their abilities by the attempt to learn them.

Magic Menu System
General and magic ability
Soul Batteries
Will word ability
Runic ability
Wish ability
Cadet ability
Chaos ability
Creator ability
Kinetic ability
Elemental ability
Shift ability
Celestial ability
Mysticism ability
Eldritch ability
Were ability
Angellic ability
Time effects
Shadow practitioner ability
Light creator ability
Dimensionalist ability
Divine ability
Chi warrior ability
Chi master ability
Weaving ability
Healer ability
Occultist ability
Jedi ability
Templar ability
Solamnic knight ability
Solamnic Artist ability
Mechanic ability
Psi master ability
Holy ability
Mage knight ability
Illusionist ability
Magicer ability
Hunter ability
Channeler ability
Hacker ability
Cultist ability
Divinator ability
Sage ability
Auror ability
Psychic investigator ability
Gun slinger ability
Psychic magus ability
Warrior Cop ability
Magician ability
Orderly ability
Starseed ability
Nagual ability
Hell weaver ability
Dweomer master ability
Decepter ability
Muse ability
Ninja mage technician ability
Chemist ability
Geneticist ability
Psychic doctor ability
Zelda royalty ability
Physical blood ability
Hellgazer ability
Con Artist ability
Ultraman ability
City scout ability
Spiritualist ability
Atomicist ability
Druggie ability
Alcoholic ability
Sapper ability
Disease master ability
God magician ability
Lawyer ability
Special reporter ability
Shinigami ability
Astral mage ability
Occult writer ability
Merchant ability
Archeologist ability
Magic engineer ability
Geologist ability
Astrophysicist ability
Physicist ability
Herald mage ability
Men in black ability
Analyst ability
Meteorologist ability
Shadow emulator ability
Shinobi ability
Psychonaut ability
Theoretical physicist ability
Quantum warrior ability
Ghost hunter ability
Superhuman ability
Supernatural ability
Dimensional keeper ability
Neutrino mage ability
Neutrino warrior ability
Financier ability
Politician ability
Farmer ability
Wild mage ability
Summoner ability
Judge ability
Mystic class ability
God slayer magic ability
Q ability

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General Abilities

  Magic ability

   This skill is "Magic ability" on the character sheet and stat block (the area where class skills and abilities are listed by feel). Magic is the ability that allows for you to magic on a thought and creating what you need. This is done with a 1d20+magic core stat mod or Int mod die roll and counts as success with a 10 or above rolled. Otherwise this is increased energy for more potential spells.

   You may increase your stp by 10/level in which you use a standard action. 2 attacks taken up would have a Magic core stat mod or Int mod to succeeding and +(however many here) to the mana you get. Your full round taken up with idea by magic could have 20 mana regen. For stamina you can go above 100 s to gain 15 s and Magic core stat mod or Int mod. Magic create for 5 min; for stp, 1st level regains 20, 2nd level 40, 3rd level 60. 4th level 80, 5th level 100, 6th level 120, 7th level 140, 8th level 160, 9th level 180, 10th level 200 and +10x etc.

   Magicing in this allows for greater damage magic by casting it then waiting a round to effect release. As though in what you do as damages if normal and then that use is the magic ability to effect greater damage. Doing so allows for increased damage effect by spell or weapon. Using this damage magic takes an extra attack. So to use, take 1 attack action for the weapon or 1 whole round for the spell. Then use is easier, this is another point for the magic with accumulated two attacks taken up.

   Each skill point in magic ability adds 1d6 hp to the magiced spell or weapon damage like 2d6 hp healing via magic core stat mod or Int mod. It also increases your mana restored by +1 like 1d10+2 for 2 magicing skill core stat mod. Per skill point it adds +1 to the stamina recovered like 1d10+2 stp for 2 magicing skill core stat mod. This uses a concentration skill check to be made for success via d20 and takes no no mana or stp points where this is a specialty lightning by thought with ions made with elements and personal allowance.

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  This is where you think to create a change of the planet and the planet energy consciousness changes the surface to create what changes you would want. This takes moments or years to do. So wait for the results and don't expect much to change as you find the changes happening. This is a known effect as you know by the planet consciousness what changes are happening..

Soul Batteries

  Get the crystal or object and say "a-d" (Aid-Dee) or "makrawees" (mak-ray-weh-ee-s) at the crystal to create an energy trap source with a lit candle near. This soul battery can hold 100 stp with your charge or others. It can sustain the energy for spells and pass the rest to the body for addition to your original count.

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  All classes can teleport at will in an instant using a free action. This happens naturally using the energy as a source, as though you create yourself where you intend to be. Think to shift, as you magic on an energy source you think is a source of energy or magic on the aura. Then imagine yourself there where you intend to be or touch an item for its energy. Then the spirit uses the soul to shift you there by that energy source or object energy as a source. If you use an object to teleport, then you used a port key. The portkey can be anything. In reality always remember, that the things that exist you in this life or elsewhere are your thoughts. Your thoughts are reflected in reality and now become your reality. Your consciousness is everything you make up your world.

  So if too dangerous, you know it by danger sense and can always shift back by feel. So think your spirit shows you what is there. Then if you will the result, you can know by feel what is there via vision and what happens if you actually get there. The point is done when you think to realize what is there and you feel what it's like there. This can even shift you or let you know what is what to other planets. So think of the area and your there by feel. That's if you want to teleport. This is where there is phasing, the point that phasing occurs in teleportation is where you think about something and you do it in use of an idea with the blink of the eye by feel.

  If you want to remember it, then you can always remember in flashbacks or dreaming. In dreaming you can fall asleep and you dream of the moment that you experienced by what you do in idea. If you don't dream much, think about it or magic on your need to remember then you will see a flashback sometimes and remember for a short period of time. If you feel its a bad experience, then your mind might block it out if necessary or you can't bear the thought by idea. If you can bear the thought, then you won't block the recall of the memory. This matters because your aware of the moment an you might shift and want to remember where you were and you avoid going back there.

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  Will word ability:

Learning ability level: 1.
  It is to imagine the event whatever way the mage wants then will the event to occur by speaking a power word or phrase that represents the effect. The noun form keywords are: "yl" for wild magic, "pyr" for fire, "lece" for water, "air" for air and zone, "humu" for earth, "as intus" for life and heal, "neta" for nether, evil, void or negative, "bodio" for body", "ypa" for clean-up, "uma" for summons, "myu" for magic, "t" for time (speed, slow or stop), "avem" for dream and "fatalis" for instant death.

You use these words through will word the effect you desire as in "make control pyr" for creation of a fire that controls people. The words "yl protect" for a wild magic protection.. Gain a will word effect by casting it with a free action. Each 2 magic skill points for levels 1-9 to an ability has the effect of +1 round to all non-instant will word duration, +10/- damage reduction. Speed, slow and stop time effects here and +1d8 + wis mod for all will word effects. With time effects, do not apply the all skills bonus.

Each 2 magic skill points for levels 10-19 to an ability has the effect of +2 rounds to all non-instant will word duration, +20/- damage reduction. Speed, slow and stop time effects here and +2d8 + wis mod for all will word effects.

Each 2 magic skill points for levels 20-29 to an ability has the effect of +3 rounds to all non-instant will word duration, +30/- damage reduction. Speed, slow and stop time effects here and +3d8 + wis mod for all will word effects.

Each 2 magic skill points for levels 30+ to an ability has the effect of +4 rounds to all non-instant will word duration, +40/- damage reduction. Speed, slow and stop time effects here and +4d8 + wis mod for all will word effects.

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  Runic ability:

Learning ability level: 1.
  Runic Divination. Divination runes are marks of choice on a tine(rune carved piece of wood, ivory, bone, etc..) and the magic of the mind to bring future vision through it. Just do it to bring the vision, with the use of a rune of choice. To use this say, "I divine with astral rune" then wait for a dm supplied future glimpse.

  Runic Magic: Runes are the symbols of the representative force Use: magic through the rune and will through that force the effect you'd want. You just do the rune to make it happen. You can draw the runic picture and use that as a temporary magic or use a runestaff to make more permenant spells. If the wielder is good enough being 10+ level said wielder can imagine the effect and say the rune name to channel through. To use a runic effect for level 1-9 draw the rune on paper thus state result like "I use this fire rune making fire healing for [person or thing]"..For level 10+ just state "I call the water rune for cooling the temperature down" or "I call the nether rune to make 20 gold" for the instant +20 gold. Each 2 magic skill points to an ability has the effect of +1 to non-instant runic spell duration, +10/- protection and +1d6 + wis mod for runic effects. This uses wisdom as core stat.

The runes to draw are as below:

For wild magic: the runic symbol is a fairy picture.
For fire magic: the runic symbol is a dancing flame.
For water magic: the runic symbol is a picture of a few wavy lines.
For air magic: the runic symbol is a picture of a whirlwind.
For earth magic: the runic symbol is a picture of ground.
For life magic: the runic symbol is a picture of a dancing person.
For nether magic: the runic symbol is a picture of a skull.
For the astral plane magics: the idea runic symbol is a picture of a cloudy tree or what your energy is concept in art.

An example of these runes are with this Runestaff.gif

Wild magic is chaos magic and the magic that people would call to get what they want when no other force works. It is the most difficult and takes the most effort. It is raw force that will overcome any other force being the power that underlies all powers. It is the power of decay and disruption plus this power controls all other forces plus its opposite is astral for it counters the astral energies. One can call demons with wild magic as demons are chaotic in nature thus controlled or contained with the chaos in an area.

Fire magic is from the plane of the fire elementals. It is also heat. It has the power to cause or quell fire and its opposite is water.

Water magic is the ability to manipulate water. It to can quell fires. It can also do great water damage plus its opposite is fire.

Air magic is the power of the wind, weather, psychic and lightning. It can cause great damage through any of this respective power. This also serves as support as barriers, shields platforms plus its opposite is earth.

Earth magic is the power of the earth. It is divided into lava manipulation, plant life manipulation, and earth manipulation. Minerals, metals and rocks are of earth as well as plantlife of most sorts as well plus its opposite is air.

Life magic is good because of it being soul power and does not control but supports in its manner without end.. Through it people can manipulate spirit force by this soul energy. The soul is a very powerful life force that is represented by life magic. Things are alive (including inanimate objects) because of the soul except unworshipped things for its people that give a little of their soul force as they magic. Everything becomes alive by life given from peoples thoughts. The proof is to believe a stone has conscious and then do this for ages till it does. One day the stone has a conscious will through belief effort thats revealed to its worshipper. To resurrect by life you bring back the soul to the body in reuniting by spirit force. This spirit force is the element to keep life going plus its opposite is death..

Nether magics are evil for its the magic of death, dark and void. Anything dealing with death is done with this force. Animation of a body or skeleton is controlling life to make an alive state in a dead thing drained of life. Compulsion is part of death as it can force a personal fear to make conformity by threat. Undead are animated by desire and purpose or by someone else including liches and vampires. Its death manipulated life that allows the dead to come back as in raising. Void is death as it consists of nothing but death and lost things bringing entropy to what it touches. You can make objects from death recreating the object in perfection including memory and emotion plus its opposite is life.

Astral plane magics is dream magic plus people can use dreams to best effect through this power. Visions can also be enacted to the person who is the target. Be wary of attracting power beings for the very use of astral power begets attention. This power can replace the other powers as a energy source except death for the effects you need plus with this power people become stronger in the mind. Overlong use becomes a +1 int mod to character as in any use of this power. Its opposite is wild magic as it counters the wild magic energy. This is what can effect others.

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  Wish ability:

Learning ability level: 1.
  The wish ability is the Saying of a wish and the effects a few minutes to a few days later. It is slower than a spell only because of the echo effect that causes the power to manipulate the events to occur. Any event can be accomplished by a wish. .The wish ability is governed by will(wis) and accomplished when you do it. Usage: state "I wish for [desired goal]" then it happens. An example: "I wish for 100 gold" and the it appears near you or on you as dm decides. This effect is instant thus per 2 skill points for limited wish or per 1 point unlimited wish. The limited wish allows for small to normal effects as in wishing for gold, dealing 1d10 damage/healing for each 2 magic skill core stat mod, +5/- protection, for speed, slow and stop time wish effects look here.

  The unlimited wish allows for any effect like make an enemy disappear as if non existant.

  So for levels 5-9 this is per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point dealing 2d8 damage, +15/- protection, and speed, slow and stop time effects as above.
  So for levels 10-19 this is per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point dealing 3d8 damage, +20/- protection, and speed, slow and stop time effects as above.
  So for levels 20-29 this is per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point dealing 4d8 damage, +25/- protection, and speed, slow and stop time effects as above.
  So for levels 30 and up this is per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point dealing 5d8 damage, +30/- protection, and speed, slow and stop time effects as above.

  This uses wisdom for the core stat. No stat wishing due to buying stat points with xp and no instant death due to the spell death. With time effects, do not apply the all skills bonus. With the wish ability, if you gain this ability by learning it with rememberance, you gain the wish ability as unlimited wish. 

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Creator ability:

The creator ability contains skills that are instant or round based. Skills in the ability are; Creation for the effect and Spell recognition for the recognizing of the effect so far, that means this can use the creator to recognize the idea and create the effect. If you need to create with these abilities and roll a die, then roll a d20 + magic skill core stat mod with 10 or above as success.


Creation (Ex): Learning ability level: 1.
This is a creator's wish ability, think it and state the result to create it. The gm will decide if its possible. He or she can create whatever he or she wants by thinking about it and his or her need manifests. How quickly it manifests is with a roll of a die 10 (if you use a die roll), this is 1-2 within 1 second, 3-4 is within 2 to 4 seconds, 5-6 is within 5 to 8 seconds, 7-8 is 9 to 12 seconds and 9-10 it doesn't manifest. This roll represents how long you magic energy to create the manifestation, otherwise you could just magic for 2 to 10 seconds for 1 seconds is manifests within 6-10 seconds, 2 seconds is manifests within 3-6 seconds, 3 seconds is within 1-2 seconds manifest. This is creation of whatever you want that appears somehow, and you think it, act as though using it and you can seem to create it.

  Spell recognition (Ex):

Spell recognition (Ex): Learning ability level: 1.
This is where you know what the effect was and can create the spell or effect again, this is if you knew what the effect was. So you know by thinking you know, and the spirit allows you to realize the effect by knowing what it is. On a die roll to see if you knew it, their maybe a die 6 where 1-3 is success and you do and 4-6 is failure and you don't or there could be a 1d20+magic core stat mod or Int mod and that's getting a 10 or above for success that you knew. Otherwise the GM allows this ability to work.

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Cadet ability:

Learning ability level: 1.
  Cadet ability is then using the moment of magicing body energy and heat of the area amplified by gated in energy, thinking to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious that uses the energy to create your result. This is where you think of the point and that's an expressed idea made to do things by your subconscious. That you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area energy.

  The area energy responds by making the manifest, that's done through the law of attraction and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. Then you direct the effect with the subconscious and 3rd eye by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura, and send it back to hell or the void otherwise. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use after you don't need it is necessary. Whenever you do a blood magic effect, you create cleansed chakras and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with intelligence. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 3 actual abilities: The effect idea (int), The heart illusion (int) and The conversion (int). Intelligence is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  The effect idea; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you create by will, then make with a point that's a thought or expressed idea. Then you make by the power of the spirit, that uses the soul as a spirit guide. The effect damage or healing, that's possible by this is 1/6 the health from the target at levels 1-9, 1/4 the target's health at levels 10 to 19. 1/2 the health if at levels 20-29 and all the health at levels 30+ ecept for when the target makes the savings throw against magic. That is done with a 1d20+luck and getting a 10 or above. If no luck stat, then its 1d20. Then, you get 1/2 the health, that is added by healing or removed by damages dealt. You can summon anything into effect. That effects the target/s as you will them to be effected. That's where you can summon the elements by gating. Gate the element to effect as you want, then it will do what you wanted. This lasts up to 1d6 rounds in battle and until not wanted outside of battle.

  The heart illusion; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you present to the target an illusion of what you want and its powered by the heart. This includes creating a linked effect. Where the mind links itself to other targets at your will, think and this causes their minds to set upon themselves a damaging idea that they do. This is possible till you decide its not to be done. The damages and healing that are possible are 1/4 the health for levels 1-14 and 1/2 the health for levels 15-26. Then it's full health after level 27 unless they make a savings throw. Then its 1/2 the health, and the savings throw is 1d20 being rolled as a successful 10 or above.

  The conversion; Learning ability level: 7.
  Think you can gather the target/s negative energy in the heart chakra. The Heart Chakra is like a transformer, we can convert it into Chi energy, and this stops them from wanting to fight. Add 1/4 the energy they have to your STP and GM/DM will remove it from them. That's done by imaging feelers that "attache" themselves to the target, then unattaching afer its done and this drains them of all their negative energy.

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  Chaos ability:

There are 7 skills within this ability thus they are Chaos effects (Cha), spell subversions (cha), Switching frequency (Cha), Kao confusion (Cha), Chaos shield (Cha), Tonal Shield (Cha) and Light shield (Cha). Each skill is gained separately at some level. No roll is used for success of these skills as you just do it unless you are needing to roll, then you may roll a 1d20+magic core stat mod or Int mod with 10 or above..

  Chao effects:

Learning ability level: 1.
Chaos is wild magic so the worker will only have to imagine the event and it will happen by calling upon chaos to make it so. The chaos energy, can even make it happen, by imitating the source! Call chaos by a free action with these keywords; "kao" for chaos, "p" for person and the action words are make, control, alter, destroy and protect.

You use these words through chaos to effect your desire as though "kao make" for healing with chaos, or in "kao create" or "create kao", for a chaotic event, as in stating the effect and having it happen with the chaos making it occur, by a 'kao create'. "kao control" for a chaotic control spell. "control p" for personal control. "kao destroy" for a chaotic destruction spell.

Each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down, this is 1d10+cha mod damage/healing until your level 11 where it's 1d12+cha mod for damage/healing and level 20 where its a 2d10+cha mod in effect, otherwise its +10/- damage protection and any effect lasts 1 round, speed time along with slow and stop time described here.

 Spell subversion:

Learning ability level: 2.
Subvert an active spell as it happens. The spell must first be seen in some manner to subvert . A successful chaos roll makes the subversion happen. Then after that the chaot simply redirects plus reforms the raw spell as needed. To stop a subversion one makes a save versus will. Call this effect using a free action by these noun form keywords; "juu" for spell, "kao" for chaos plus the art action words are subvert, control, alter, destroy and protect as in "juu kao subvert" to subvert a spell, "juu control alter" to make it a control spell, "juu protect alter" for making the spell into a protection spell and "juu destroy kao alter" for a destructive chaos spell. Each skill point is +1 to the chaos roll.

   Switching frequency:

Learning ability level: 3.
  You can cure any disease or fix any problem. The idea of this is the "vibration switching frequency". You are constantly touching a sick place or problem area. That is once per second and you say the name of god. The frequency of all kinds of diseases or problems are changing and getting better by feel.

  Kao confusion:

Learning ability level: 5.
 Causes destructive confusion near the target enough to distract the opponent or target. This will be a disturbance somewhere where the caster wants it so to be effective plus it can take any form the practicioner wants. Call this by natural ability or wild rune with a free action. A chaos roll is needed for success plus there is a save vs will to null the effect of being dazed for 1 round. Each magic skill point added in makes it +1 round to the dazed state upto 6 rounds with a 1d6 rolled to decide how many.

   Chaos shield:

Learning ability level: 7.
  This shield is made with the shield construct that acts by making the aura energy protect you from chaos, you can think about the "shield construct" and it will activate for yourself upon statement that its active. Then is the point your protected and it provides for you and protects you from any chaos in the area, albeit energywise or mind know when its active as you feel calm and without stress.

  When active, there is a chance that it will create whatever you need or want as you desire it.. Also the area is cooler by feel. This shield lasts until you are without heat and reactivates when the heat is replenished after 1d6 actions or until you don't need it. Any chaos in the area or where you think to see empowers it to do its things that you want as a need.

  This is basically an all around good shield to have. What it does in damage or healing amount is 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down, until level 20 where its then 2d10+charisma mod. That means for a level 10 chaot with 6 magic core stat mod or Int mod points and 5 charisma mod, that's 6d10+5 in amount or 65% max. Level 20 with 10 magic core stat mod or Int mod points and 7 charisma mod is 20d10+7 or 207% max in amount. How long it lasts is 1d6+charisma mod in rounds, if there is any duration effects.

   Tonal shield:

Learning ability level: 7.
  This shield construct uses chaos and order as its bases, that in balance keeps things normal and makes with both chaos and order forces what you will into existence. When you have disorder or out of balance moments, the shield destabilizes and when you think "in balance", the shield remains to protect you from things you dislike. Such as attacks and effects cast against you. If you have too much disorder the shield balance falls apart and disappears, as the tonal shield becomes nothing energy that goes back into the void. This is done as it naturally goes back to the void, that's done by your soul making a gate that sends it back.

  The effect of this shield is to protect against all attacks and making use of assaults energy, thinking to create something that you want. If you think to use it, it lasts in melee/battle 1d6 rounds and unlimited time outside of battle. If you create with it, you make what you will into existence with the energy of the events. This doesn't form attacks, yet it can create effects like warding to ward off attacks, making things you want happen or make the attacker not want to attack. Think to use this creatively, as you can create nearly anything by the power of chaos and order.

   Light portal:

Learning ability level: 9.
  The energy made by frequencies are projected by lights that make exist a portal within an area, this creates by using added light energy and the area energy as a portal. That creates within the area an egress to another dimension, that's you want to go to that your soul guides you to that is with your senses by feel. This portal can act as a viewing gate, where you glimpse what you want to see through it as you think to the area in general and the portal itself of what you want to see.

  If you resist the urge to enter it, the portal if nearby can close if the frequencies aren't there, then the portal was closed and the area, including people, revert to normal. This is instantaneous in effect, where it can be used to cast forth attacks or effects you make instantly. That means it can project forth a weapon or effect without being nearby them in an instance. This lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle, and can gate you anywhere you want to be.

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Kinetic ability:

This effect is the concept of motion which is magiced by the warrior's single-minded magic through the effect you would want. Magic it through your body motion or weapon choice motion believing that your motion will allow for the effect. There are many things you can do with this. Things to do are: Kinetic speed-up (Cha), Human defense field (Cha), Kinetic attack (Cha), Kinetic flying (Int), Kinetic manipulation (cha), Kinetic funnel (Cha), Kinetic runic (Wis) Kinetic Antemetal (Cha), Kinetic choke and Weapon power (Cha). These effects are just done and it happens sometimes with a a 1d20+magic core stat mod or Int mod and a 10 or above is success.

Some skills are done with a perform skill check. Each skill point is applied to all of the skills equally so all you really need is the magic core stat mod as in 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points=3 kinetic speed-up=3 human defense field=3 kinetic attack= 3 kinetic flying=3 kinetic manipulation=3 kinetic or will skill funnel=3 Kinetic runic=3 Weapon power. Except the kinetic choke is not a true skill but a special ability, thus each skill has its own effect as you gain all the kinetic skills at different level with kimetic ability that channels skill energy unless class specified.

  Kinetic speed-up:

Learning ability level: 1.
When traveling, by 3x light with 2x movement you can speed things up by using your kinetic motion and imagine time speeding up as in a clock. Imagine this clock as it is in normal motion. Now speed up the hands of the clock in your mind while moving and it will speed up time for your group or yourself as it moves. Now allow the clock in your mind to slow down to normal while not moving and this will keep time stable. This method can make ideal traveling time as in minutes from hours to cross a place that would normally take hours to cross. When in effect there is a +20' to all base speed in character party till the effect magic fades away. When dazed the effect is cancelled leaving the worker slightly tired. Call this effect by a "make spe" for make speed-up and lasts till worker decides to end it by "destroy spe" for end speed. Each skill point is +5' increase to the +20' speed and gives +1 attack action to the party upto +4 with a concentration check and a 1d4 to see how many attacks are added to all party members. With time effects, do not apply the all skills bonus.

  Human defense field:

Learning ability level: 3.
This method is called the human defense field. While moving in some manner, try to visualize a air field that keeps attacks from touching you. It bounces the attack because of as inther and motion of body being linked by mental magic. The better that one gets at this, the less likely they will get hit even by spells themselves. This gives the worker +6 to AC and +3 to the will saving throw. Call this effect by "make 14 seh" for make defense field plus this effect lasts till combat end or a "destroy 14 seh" for end defense field. Each skill point adds +1 AC to the +6 AC of the caster.

  Kinetic attack:

Learning ability level: 5.
The kinetic attack is similar but not similar to normal attack as you power the weapon to assault with. This effect goes like this: Magic the motion of the body and weapon in hand to make itself energized. Just feel you body and weapon motion being channeled into an energy effect of your choice on your weapon. Now swing your sword or whatever you do with your weapon at the target of choice. Causes +1d6 damage added to choice weapon when in effect. Call this ability into effect by "make eqyu" for kinetic attack. The worker can end it by a "destroy eqyu" for end kinetic attack or be disrupted. Each skill point is an +2 to the the 1d6 as 1d6+2 for 1 skill point and 1d6+10 for 5 skill points.

  Kinetic flying:

Learning ability level: 5.
Flight is achieved through the effect of sudden movement while you feel happy by a happy thought. Gathering your kinetic energy while feeling happy you fly in the air. The happy feeling will lift you up on kinetic motion of the sudden movement. This works most times granting worker the ability to fly at will while in effect plus stops working on touch of ground. In order to work you must lift off the ground through a free action. To call this into effect say "make jio" for make fly while with happy thought and kinetic channel. Each 2 magic skill points adds a +1 mod to the magic skill check.

  Kinetic manipulation:

Learning ability level: 7.
The kinetic manipulation is simple because of the fact of imagination. Imagination rules the mind and it also rules kinetic motion, by manipulation. Imagine the effect needed and magic your movement into fueling that effect into happening. Allow the motion to cause the effect and control another, by relaxing your mind and magicing your will to control, as you do the idea. This uses your gut feeling to convert it through magic of your motion, and making the effect you imagined. Moving your finger in some manner will do it. Control anyone at will without realization of it. Call this ability into play, with "control p", for manipulate people and "destroy control", for end manipulation.

This effect ends on a successful savings throw vs will by victim done each round of effect till broken or on the controllers command plus can be done anytime.Each skill point counts as kinetic strength as in 50 lbs per point. 1 skill allows you to control up to 50 lbs person. 2 skill points allows you to control up to 100 lbs person. 3 skill points allows you to control up to 150 lbs person. and etc. So a 5 kinetic strength = up to 250 lbs person control.

  Energy funnel:

Learning ability level: 7.
Funnel the energy of others including objects into yourself as they do an action. Fueling yourself for another action plus your own kinetic energies to keep up an assault or do another spell. Drain an emotion to cause the person calmness, drain an enchantment by draining enchantment or sap the attackers will to stop an attack early. Call this into effect through noun form keywords: "efunn" for energy drain, "wim" for emotion, "objii" for object enchantment, "wyl" for will, "e" for energy, "p" for person or spell use in mind for energy.

On a 1d10+2/skill core stat mod is hp as in 1d10+6 for 3 skill core stat mod drained per round from people to be considered as stp to you. For objects enchantment disappears leaving a normal object. Will drains on success creates dazed effect on person.lasting 1 round /skill core stat mod to bring the person out of the fight . Emotion drain person calms or brings people out of berserk state on success. Protection effects are +10/- damage reduction per skill core stat mod. Control effects are to control objects or energy via voice commands plus objects must be seen as in a magical statue or control a spell thus to end it quickly or force it on the caster. Examples: "make efunn wyl" for energy drain person will, "destroy efunn wyl" for end energy will drain, "destroy efunn" for end energy channel, "make efunn objii" for energy drain enchantment, "control e destroy". for spell end and "control e p" for control spell to person.

  Kinetic runic:

Learning ability level: 9.
The kinetic rune is the magic on the rune using the hand or finger trace in air or on paper to cause the rune to enact temporarily with purpose by intent. Carving it into something may permanently place it in action. The worker can do any rune with this, called in the same manner as runic magic for it uses the same runes. Each 2 magic skill points is a +1 round to non-instant runic spell effect, +10/- damage reduction.

Each 2 magic skill points you can make a +1d8 hp for levels 1-9.
+2d8 hp for levels 10-19.
+3d8 for levels 20-29.
+4d8 for levels 30+.
That's thinking to create a runic effect, then its with a symbol that you think to empower.

  Kinetic Antemetal:

Learning ability level: 11.
This is the ability to get effects from metal and stone, as a form of magic in the area, by speaking to the metal itself. The ability is activated by thinking of the metal, in the area and to imagine the event whatever way you want. Then, to will the event to occur by speaking or willing a power word or phrase that represents the effect. The metal will cause the effect, by you, an adding your energy through activity, as though speaking to the metal and making vibration, to the metal itself. Thus, the metal will vibrate and make it an effect. Through the speaking, by vibration, to the area energy and possibly causing the result.

The noun formed keywords are: "yl" for wild magic, "pyr" for fire, "lece" for water, "air" for air and zone, "humu" for earth, "as intus" for life and heal, "neta" for nether, evil, void or negative, "bodio" for body", "ypa" for clean-up, "uma" for summons, "myu" for magic, "t" for time (speed, slow or stop), "avem" for dream and "fatalis" for instant death.

Where in thought, influence is to create an event by the causing it. As you think of a moment or create some idea to use, your idea is thought or idea use in concept by what you see. What you see is there if you think this is.

You use these words through willing them, for the effect you desire, as in "influence control pyr" for creation of a fire that controls people or fire destroy to cause the fire to destroy a target. The words "yl protect" for a wild magic protection.. Gain a willed effect by casting it with a free action. Each 2 magic skill points to make an ability has the effect of +1 round to all non-instant effect duration, +10/- damage reduction. Speed, slow and stop time effects here..

The attack effects of this is a 2d10+charisma mod damage for levels 1-9 per every 2 magic skill points
3d10+charisma mod damage for levels 10-19 per every 2 magic skill points
4d10+charisma mod damage for levels 20-29 per every 2 magic skill points
5d10+charisma mod damage for levels 30+ per every 2 magic skill points

This is negatable through resistance to the effect and this isn't counted as magic it's metal effects, or a reflex save.

  Kinetic choke:

Learning ability level: 11.
Choke a person to death using metamagic to cause the throat to close up killing them. A concentration check is necessary but a save vs will halts the effect unless the kineticist decides to stop the effect.

  Weapon power:

Learning ability level: 12.
  Elemental magic power magiced by kinetics to the sword. This effect goes like this: Magic the motion of the body and weapon in hand to make itself energized with the element of choice. There can only be one element or a combined element. Just feel your body and weapon motion being channeled into an elemental effect of your choice on your weapon. Causes +1d8+cha mod elemental damage added to choice weapon when in effect. Call this ability into effect by "make eleqyu" only for weapon power attack. The worker can end it by a "destroy eleqyu" for end weapon power attack or be disrupted in some manner. Each 2 magic skill points is used as +3 to the the 1d8+cha mod as 1d8+4+3 for 1 skill point with 4 cha mod and 1d8+4+3 for 2 skill points with 4 cha mod, +2 rounds to duration like 4 rounds greek fire with each core stat mod or Int mod point. The elements are listed below.

  The elements listed in the runic ability if you are wild, fire, water, air (lightning), earth, life (heal, bless and life) layed against wound for healing, nether (instant death, void, negative, evil) and astral plane for effects. The combined effects are fire and earth for lava or brimstone, fire and water for greek fire with 2 rounds burn damage (unkillable fire), water and air for cold or ice, wild and any other but astral for double damage of 2d8+Magic core stat mod or Int mod damage, life and any other but nether for element healing like lay weapon against wound to heal, nether and all elements but life for dealing elemental damage to any creature like werewolves, dragons and vampires, astral and all elements but wild for attack at any distance as if you were near the target, nether and life for pain (unconscious) thats 2 round, wild and astral for domination (control) from anywhere as if near for one strike for 2 rounds, air and nether for blindness of 2 rounds, air and fire for body nova that causes the struck victim to explode and doubles damage effecting all enemy for 2d8+Magic core stat mod or Int mod.

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Other abilities

Elemental ability:

 What it is, is to make use of the elements, that is creating a gate if the element isn't near. This is done by imagining the event and summoning the elemental energies, that allows you to be manipulating them as it's possible, then this is done to cause an element effect in whatever shape or size of area effects you want in a form. The point is a moment, that is where the element once summoned is creating itself from the gate energy. It's in use of an idea shape whatever way you want, this is a point it effects either the area or the person. So I think about the element and then will the event, the element will do what you want to occur your intention with the consciousness of energy, if you want to speak your intent then it's done by speaking of the point with a surge of energy and a power word or phrase that represents the elemental effect. The chaos adds its strength into it as well. You can cause elemental damage or effect healing. The elements here are represented, known by elemental energies.

 The idea is done when you close the gate, think its closed and the brain makes it closed. The idea is a concept that's done in time, where you can imagine the area and that is what appears from the element in use, so if you use the time as though an element then you can create with a point or thinking of the time to create the effect. Then it's created wherever you intend and whenever it's to be there.

 Here are the use of the other elements:
 This is earth that blocks things out if you imagine building a wall of mud or transmits the energy to the area that forms as you want. Fire is where you create with a concept and think the fire forms from heat what you want.
 Lava can create a melting of the body or material in the area. This also causes heat damage, that effects to the body can make the target collapse after 1d6 rounds. Yet after 1d6 rounds, the item is melted. Otherwise the target receives heat damage, that is the effect damage over a few rounds if in melee. This is 1d6+magic 20 magic core stat mod or Int mod in rounds or until decided to not effect the target.
 Life energy is event energy, and that includes the body energy. This is making use of the life, that is what exists to create events or activity from what exists. This includes healing by the feel or restoration done on magic.
 Fire and ice makes the material or body have internal combustion, this turns it into ashes. This elemental combination cannot by saved from, so this means you create the effect of instant death.
 Air is where you think of the point and make effects, an this is with the intention and thinking of an area that is filled with air. This air creates by condensing itself, then making with the energy and your awareness of what is thought to be. This creates the effect of air and psychic nature is with it's vibration, so that if you desire to realize and the air allows you to know what is possible so you can be guided by what you need represented by visions. These visions can stop when you need them to stop, this is done by the creator ending the point or vision using the dimensional "I" consciousness of energy.
 Water is possible to manifest by thinking at it what you want, that is sometimes use of a water gem like aquamarine or blue moonstone that you hold and magic energy through to create the water. This can freeze into ice with cold air, if you think to magic water into a shaped form you can create water effects. See you can create with a thought being projected to make an icy effect or freeze an idea that you don't like out and it dissolves back into energy, this works as you think of the ice being formed. Sometimes this is working with the element or otherwise is holding a diamond, thinking to channel the cold energy into becoming ice in effect. If you freeze something and this is done by freeze out, you can create purified energy from the frozen thing that is existing and all that horrible result that energy which makes the frozen thing or idea not exist. You see one thing, even if energy, replaces or adds to something else. This is a known effect. That means you are free from an effect, that you freeze so it doesn't exist.
 Acid is the formation of dissolving liquid, that acts on a surface or target. The applied acid can also dissolve substances and surfaces. Acid once used, this will dissolve things applied to or this will cause acidic damage to the target. The acid damage lasts as a per round melee effect or as long as the acid is applied, that means 1d6+wis mod rounds of effect. You don't even have to magic on it.
 The dream element is making things by putting some part of you asleep, then you see what the subconscious allows you to see as though a vision or glimpse, that's as a point is done if you intend it to be noticed in a vision and you can even put a person asleep to mentally chat with them and wake them up after your done.. You control the vision by thinking you do, that is done with the point and intent or thinking of what you need. This vision ends when you realize what's wrong, think you wake up or hear a loud noise. Then your awake, you are aware of what is there as though you were refreshed and awake.
 Disease as an element is any illness or bad body condition, that happens upon the body.
 Poison is the very dirty water, that dehydrates the body and causes it to get worse in condition or plant that causes bad health.
 Void is where you magic on the point, then create with nothing. That is what makes what you want if you have what is being copied. Otherwise this is MPO, that is where the object or element is created if it exists. This is a concept that makes what you want, however if you use void as a raw force, you can create a sucking of the energy and life that is there in the target. This is where you create a knockout and death by the effect, if exposed long enough to void.
 The counter to the elemental energies being used is making use of the creator, that caused it and can cause the element to unexist and that's as though it disappeared so it no longer effects what it can do or did.

 The noun form keywords are: "yl" for wild energy, "pyr" for fire energy, "lece" for water energy, "air" for air and zone energy, "humu" for earth energy, "pyrhumu" for lava, "cyro" for ice, "pyrcyro" for fire and ice or internal combustion, "aetus" for life and healing energies, "ach" for acid or dissolvation, "zez" for disease, "pasa" for poison, "neta" for nether, evil, void or negative energies, "bodio" for body energy, "uma" for summoning energy, "juu" for magic energy, "t" for time (speed, slow or stop), and "avem" for dream energy.

 The action verb words are cause, control, alter, destroy, protect and percieve. Et al..

 You use these words through your will and with the effect you desire, as though used as "cause control pyr" for creation of a fire that controls people or "cause pasa air" for making a poison wind. The words "yl protect" for a wild magic protection. Then you get an effect, this is done by casting it with a free action.

Each 2 magic skill core stat mod has the effect of +10/- damage reduction. Speed, slow and stop time effects here.

  +1d10 + wis mod for all elemental effect amounts with levels 1-9.
  Level 10 is where it goes to 1d20 + wis mod.
  1d30 + wis mod for level 20
  2d20 + wis mod for level 30+.

  Duration of non instant effects are 1d6 + wis mod in rounds for melee or unlimited time for outside of battle. A concentration check is made for each round that is more than 1. That's until it's ended by thinking it is ended. So with time effects, please do not apply the all skills bonus.

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  Shift ability:

The summoning ability contains three skills that are instant yet skill core stat mod limited, that's where each magic core stat mod point is a rank point and the fourth ability is not rank limited and yet only demons can do it. The skills are with core stat: Create item (int), Summon (int), Shapechange (cha) and Possession (cha). Each skill point is applied for all skills so, thats 4 create item=4 summon skill=4 shapeshift skill=4 Possession skill.

  Create item: Learning ability level: 1.
  It creates the item of choice alotted by skill core stat mod. The item appears where the crafter wants selected from the list. This is limited by 10 max skill core stat mod. 1st skill core stat mod any one good, equipment piece or simple weapon. 2nd skill core stat mod any one sword, scimitar, rapier, axe, light weapon and flail except great, heavy or double weapon. 3rd skill rank any one great sword, great axe, heavy flail, halbred and warhammer. 4th skill core stat mod any one exotic weapon. 5th skill core stat mod any one magic item at a +1. 6th skill core stat mod any one magical item at a +2. 7th skill core stat mod any one +3 magical item. 8th skill core stat mod any one +4 magical item. 9th skill core stat mod any one +5 magical item. 10th skill core stat mod any one +5 intelligent item.

  Summon: Learning ability level: 3.
  The summon ability is limited by skill core stat mod gotten from magic core stat mod or Int mod. This is where each Int mod point is 1 rank. The skill core stat mod are limited to 10 ranks. 1st rank gains any small animal or small seaform summoning ability. 2nd rank gains enables any large creature summoning ability. 3rd rank gains all other humanoid races summoning ability. 4th rank gains plant life and rock form summoning ability. 5th rank gains any inanimate object summoning ability. 6th rank gains small, medium or large elemental (any element in runic ability elements) summoning ability. 7th rank gains any huge shape (dragon, griffin, hydra, giant, giant aquatic etc...) summoning ability. 8th rank gains any tiny form summoning ability. 9th rank gains enables any Huge elemental shape (all elements) summoning ability. 10th rank gains any Elder creature form (elder eye tyrant, elder elemental, elder aquatic form etc..) summoning ability.

  Shapechange: Learning ability level: 5.
  The shapechange ability is like the polymorph spell except use a skill core stat mod to determine the form shift. The magic core stat mod is also counted as ranks that are limited to 10 ranks. 1st rank enables any small animal, small seaform and body part shift (cat, starfish, a hand into a sword blade etc..). 2nd rank enables any large creature shape (troll and etc). 3rd rank enables all other humanoid races shift. 4th rank enables plant life and rock form except not a creature. 5th rank enables any inanimate object shift. 6th rank enables small, medium or large elemental (any element in runic ability elements). 7th rank enables any huge shape (dragon, griffin, hydra, giant, giant aquatic etc...). 8th rank enables any tiny form shift. 9th rank enables any Huge elemental shape (all elements). 10th rank enables any Elder creature form (elder eye tyrant, elder elemental, elder aquatic form etc..).

  Possession: Learning ability level: 7.
  To possess somone the person takes over the body by shifting a part of themselves, as in their spirit, into the victim and its like you have a puppet where you are your the puppetmaster. It controls the person fully and not the controller that gains the skill of the puppet or if they lose the will battle to control themselves they gain the puppeteer ability. This uses cha as the core stat and the possession duration is measured in rounds. For each 2 skill core stat mod its 1 round + Magic core stat mod or Int mod. Means a 5 magic skill core stat mod will last 3+4 Magic core stat mod or Int mod or 7 rounds possession.

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  Celestial ability:

  Learning ability level: 1.
  Celestial ability is the ability in using the stars as a source and using that source through a magicing key. This can be a key that is used in a lock, or a figurative key that is a word. This is done by drawing a sigil or naming a sigil to invoke the stars power in the air. Then, you may optionally state the constellation name. The main thing, stating 'I summon [name the summons here]', is needed. This is forming gates where the thing you want to summon is and summoning at will. Then, your getting the summons to where you are, or near where your target is. This is to make thought of where you want it to appear. This innate ability uses Charisma.

  At level 1, you can summon any elemental effect. At this level of summoning, you can get 1d6 per magic skill point allocated + Magic core stat mod or Int mod, for the total effect. For shielding its
+10/- per Each 2 magic skill points.
  At level 5, you can summon any creature to aid you and attack the target/s. At this level of summoning, you can get 1d10 per skill point allocated + Magic core stat mod or Int mod, for the total effect.
  At level 10, you can summon any elemental to aid or attack target/s. At this level of summoning, you can get 1d12 per magic skill point allocated + Magic core stat mod or Int mod, for the total effect.
  At level 15, you can summon any greater elemental, to direct with your will. At this level of summoning, you can get 2d8 per skill point allocated + Magic core stat mod or Int mod, for the total effect.
  At level 20, so you see or create you can summon any Deity effect by stating the Deity name and the effect to get a result. Here is the Deity Domain list. See or not if your aware of what the Deity name is then think to evoke what the Deity rules or creates by idea. At this level of summoning, think the deity to use as you describe then you can get 1d20 per magic skill point allocated + Magic core stat mod or Int mod, for the total effect.

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Mysticism ability:

The Mysticism ability contains skills that are instant or round based. Skills in the ability are; Mysticism (Wis), Spirit walk (Wis), Totem effect (Wis), Etherial form (Wis) and Spirit possession (Wis).

  Mysticism: Learning ability level: 1.
  Being a mystic be the epitome of using spells, rituals and words to cause an effect by life energy for the effect to happen. The ritual be most important as it allows you to magic the energies in however small the ritual or effect. Studying the pattern to recognize the effect be also a part of this as it enables the Shaman to effect a counter with no trouble or ward away disaster. A general rule be to know the effect be to recreate the idea or product and to recognize danger signs give you ability to make proper saves aka a +2 to will saves and reflex rolls. Now to the ritual or word phrases using art as the verbs and form as the nouns with raw magic as the material and these words are:

  Form noun words: "juu" be magic, "corpo" be body as in living body or dead body, "ego" be mind as in mental or perception, "solido" be material as in any materials, "grubb" be plant, "el" be metamagic as raw power, "kuh" be illusion, "ert" be earth, "lava" be lava, "pyr" be fire, "lece" be water, "purn" be ice, "sild" be shield and "air" be air and barrier

  Art action words: make, alter, destroy, control and perceive. Using these words are to get these results: Each 2 skill points gives a success to be achieved with a +1d10+wis mod effect ae healing/damages, +1 rounds to non-instant effects, shields are +5/- per any weapon.

  Each 2 skill points after level 10 gives a success to be achieved with a +2d8+wis mod effect ae healing/damages, +2 rounds to non-instant effects, shields are +10/- per any weapon.

  The effects possible are for "juu solido make" for magic missile, "ego perceive" for adapt perception, "el control" as in raw force bend aside and "ego make" for create image. That's with others possible for different combinations.

  Spirit walk: Learning ability level: 3.
  This is thinking to walk the planes in spirit form and hope to get back without death as it takes the spirit to power the body and the body weakens quickly after 12 hours and yet its a gift of the spirits to be able to granted by prayer or service to the spirits. On gaining this ability magic a gray wall to hide yourself and then send your spirit as "ether", sending it out to travel for you into the spirit world or where you think about, you can go anywhere and anytime to "visit" in another body unseen including the "animation" of a dead to very dead body and it will appear as you want. Your presence be naturally against being seen with exception to detection spells or spirit traps to catch the possessor. Your will forget natural functions after 24 hours of walking and yet you can cheat this by using soul batteries that act like blue magic containment to convert raw magic of any sort including spells sent for or against yourself and this can be represented by crystals or soul and energy traps.

  If your spirit guide be near then you can travel together without harm. To get the spirit back to you "yank" it to you mentally after thinking on it and it will come. The amount of stamina governs your spirit walk and if you lose stamina to the negative and then you will weaken and gain nonlethal damage. After 12 hours your body will recieve 1 point nonlethal damage every 30 minutes regardless of stamina without a soul battery with spirit walking. You cannot go past 12 hours in the past or 12 hours to the future without making a concentration check.

  Totem effect; Learning ability level: 5.
  You can drop totems or object of energy that are empowered items, that heal or attack depending on the type and they are easily destroyed. So it is usually worth it to destroy it. This is created by thinking the item you hold, it creates an effect as you drop it and someone comes nearby. This means you direct the "programming", that you think to the item. So think what you want and it will do it.

  The effect is instant energy effects, yet the damages or healing possible are: This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 9 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 18 character, it would be 18d10+6. In amount, that's a max of 186% health that's removed. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Etherial form: Learning ability level: 7.
  This be like the etherial form special ability, except a Shaman is gaining etherial form by prayer, a deed to spirit or by spirit walking that makes it more possible every time its done throughout the weakening of the dimensionsal walls near you. This uses Will to shift you to a ghost form of any shape that becomes as though real life and may become invulnerable at will to any attack except corruption itself by demon or spell. Which, can turn you unless you make a will check. This negates the spirit walking limitation and allows unlimited travel.

  You travel as yourself with your body in energy form wherever you go. This form cannot actually be seen, but it can be felt. With Will and intent, you can make it seen physically. This is until you lose your magic on wanting it seen.

  If turned you could be controlled or sent away as in turned back into your form. Its done freely without any stamina used up and with a free action that takes up a entire round. This isn't a natural form because you need a push by making a self-sacrifice and say or think "ghost form" or "etherial form" and thereafter can take the natural form of what you were with possibility of other shapes. This is only with a concentration check.

  If the etherial form be achieved then your body may dissapear into energy with you recombined with it as its now energy but only if you did Spirit walking 10 times. Otherwise you can't be detected if you keep a gray wall around you and magic by folding energy around your shape to feel it form and there you are in the form of choice. By magic on your body and mentally stepping into it will bring yourself back at the moment of death. You then will reappear at the place you are at to live again in the body of your option.

  Spirit possession: Learning ability level: 9.
  Thinking to possess somone over a divisional point of spilt wine is a mistake, by spirit this is like beating another that is unlike themselves with possession. This is where you can ask "are you possessed?", so I think by the person taking over the body with the person. This is usually by shifting a part of their spirit into the person, they are a victim and its like you have a puppet where your the puppetmaster without the skills or kills of the puppet thats hostile. It is the demon of themselves that controls the person then nearly drives them insane, until forgiven or love or something that drives the demon away.

  They are fully there and the controller gains the skill of the puppets body with the stats of the body "sharing" its attributes to the puppetmaster. With the shared attributes, the puppetmaster gains what this is to the body be in shape and skills. Whatever shape and in this way they are shapeshifters. This uses cha as the core stat and the possession duration be measured in rounds of 10 seconds. For each skill core stat mod its 1 round + Magic core stat mod or Int mod. Means a 5 skill core stat mod will last 3+4 wis mod or 7 rounds possession till resisted by will check, that's roll a die of 1d20+intelligence mod and get a 10 or above. If no intelligence then its 1d20 with a rolled 10 or above. This is the point you make with the ideal attribute nothing more than that.

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Eldritch ability:

  This ability is using charisma as the base stat. There is one innate skill in eldritch ability: Eldritch magic (Cha). As always, if you need to get success, then use a magic skill check with 10 or above as result. Otherwise you may use the Diceless system.

  Eldritch magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  Eldritch is condensed mana magic to cause effects and it transcends time and space. This uses the death of something to get an effect with added personal mana energy and other energy. To kill something doesn't mean you always kill it, you just stop some function. By using this, you can master the negative.

  The way we gather it, is think of a container being in an object and this makes the energy gathered by a thought 'anme' at the object. This makes it gather the necessary energy. When used by thinking about it, the effect is possible to create a detriment or death in the object. You create effects with thinking about the container of energy, and stating or making by willing your intent for the effect.

  If you decide to end the eldritch energy that effects by objects. Then, decide to stop it, and it stops itself. So if you wanted to get an effect for levels 2 to 7, then its 1d10+cha mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. For levels 8-13, its 1d12+cha mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. For levels 14-20, its 2d8+cha mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. For levels 21-27, its 2d10+cha mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point.

  For levels 28 and above, its 3d8+cha mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod. Now duration is 1d6+magic core stat mod or Int mod for levels 2-7, 1d8+magic core stat mod or Int mod for levels 8-13, 1d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod for levels 14-20 and 1d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod for levels 21 and above. That is done in seconds or rounds in melee, minutes outside of battle or unlimited for non timed events unless the person wanted to end the moment..

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Were ability:

  Were effect is done in five different forms: Were elemental ability (cha), Animal shaper (cha), Animal call (cha), Were ability (cha) and Alter form (Wis). As always, if you want success, then you can do a magic check with a 10 and above result (if rolling) or 15 and above (if diceless where you add 10 to the skill core stat mod), otherwise drawing straws and getting the longest or shortest will work by feel. Otherwise you may use the Diceless system.

  Were elemental ability; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you create with harmony and work with the point or expressed idea, that creates what you need or intend. This can create almost any result, that's allowable to the GM/DM. Including the elements, mainly earth, air, water, fire, poison, acid and void. You can mix or match the elements, as you combine them for greater effect. You can burn up things or targets with fire, cool things off, airballs or make barriers with air, Block or absorb things or make earthballs with earth. Cool things off, make things wet or water balls with water. Eat things up with acid, cause things to die after a period of time with poison and suck all the energy from the target to you or cause the target to disappear with void.

  The duration or how long this lasts is 1d6 rounds in battle, and unlimitedly outside of battle. The damage or healing possible with this, that's 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19, 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. That's all of the health for levels 30+, unless you have a successful save as it's then 1/2 the health, so it's mainly 1d20+luck and roll a 10 or up. If no luck stat, then you don't have to use luck and roll a 1d20 for a save that's possible with 10 or above rolled.

  Animal shaper; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is an ability that makes your form that of an animal and you have option of standing on 2 legs. You keep your stats, except for height, weight and shape. This lasts until 1d6 rounds pass in battle or until not wanted outside of battle.

  Animal call; This is where you summon animals that do what you want, that's up to 1d6 in amount with 100% health and your stats. That is lasting 1d6 rounds in battle and until dismissed outside of battle. This lasts until 1d6 rounds in battle or until not wanted outside of battle.

  Were ability; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you use metaphysics and create by thinking or feeling what you need to happen and the subconscious creates what you need or state. So the metaphysics uses: the affinity of something, is an attraction and unattraction of objects or humans in and of a relation. Thaumaturgy or like actions that can control or manipulate like actions through linking actions, exerted force over an object, or visualization from a person. 'As above, so below. Make something happen on a small scale, and you give this the energy to happen your need on a large scale.'

  Mind over matter is yet another way this works, so how much magic in thought, as a grey ritual is just as good as a real one and how in use you are much in idea as that you put into the moment, think to occur the moment and if you feel, make thinking happen to occur. The amount of thought equals amount of energy. An approach is you can change as you think or that you are on a project with creation and the magic is on that project. The more energy you have, the more chance of manifesting or finishing things. If distracted, the project sometimes never gets done, because of sidetracking. The more will one has to occur the project to completion, the more power one puts into it. Eventually, the project is finished.

  Alter form; This is where you think of the form to become and breathe in and out, that is with thinking to become the form you see or intend. Allowing the idea and DNA energy from the spirit of the animal or being, this is done to help manifest or create the altered shape with an induced strength of +1d6 str stat raise that lasts until the effect wears off. This first effects the spirit, then you can choose to shape the body. This is done to create the were shape. Popular shapes that are achieved: other human or humanlike, wolf, fox, rabbit, goat and other shapes including cat.

  This effects for 1d6+magic skill in rounds or until fighting is over. Otherwise 1d6+Magic core stat mod or Int mod in minutes or until you don't desire the were altering. Sometimes where this effects the body, there is a were moment of random irritation and sensitivity that can cause anger and hate moments. This is decided by the GM or yourself (where allowed) by a d100, in results that means 51 or above is a were moment of some hatred and with a release of anger. This were shape stops being with irritation and your were moment is done. That is done in 1d6 rounds in melee or battle or 1d8 hours outside battle by feel and idea. Otherwise its until not wanted, then the change undoes itself.

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Angellic ability:

  Angellic ability; This ability is using charisma as the base stat. There is four innate skills in Angellic ability: Angellic magic (Cha), Messaging (Wis), God magic (cha) and shifting (cha). As always, if you need to get success, then use a magic skill check with 10 or above as result. Otherwise you may use the Diceless system.

  Angellic magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is ability where you write or think things, then state the idea and the area energy consciousness is what creates the results for what you think of what you need by feel. Also if you imagine the event or action, then you create with the energy using your energy as guidance, thus imagination becomes real results or manifestation. If you need things, then they come to you by what you feel is necessary.

  The effects of angellic ability uses the creator, the one whom created us, this is done to create peace and harmony in the area by feel, also if you magic on a target you can create a generated result of what you imagine is formed. This has the effect of 1d8+cha mod for levels 1-6, if you are levels 7-12 then its 1d10+cha mod, so for levels 13-19 it's 1d12+cha mod and levels 20-26 it's 2d8+cha mod. This is per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. The duration is 1d6+magic core stat mod or Int mod for levels 1-6, 1d8+magic core stat mod or Int mod for levels 7-12. 1d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod for level 13-19, and 1d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod for levels 20 and above. This is in seconds or rounds in melee and minutes outside of battle unless instant or unlimited in time.

  Messaging; Learning ability level: 3.
  The ability of an angel is really where you are a messenger of telepathy, so if you think of the message to send, then think the person you want to have the message gets the message. The person will get a message by feel. So this is the messaging ability, really caused by what you think and need, that the soul causes the spirit to make known. This gets to the person you think about, that ends up with the message you intend to send.

  God magic; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is using God names to create what is needed, this works as you call out or think the God name and ask a request. This is what is used by feel for the people that use this as an ability . where they their ability is powered by their spirit guded by their soul. The effect for this idea of God magic is similar to other forms of magic, except the damage or healing amount is 2d8+Magic core stat mod or Int mod per each 2 levels as a point for the character. Duration, if non-instant, is 1d6+magic core stat mod or Int mod for seconds or rounds in melee and minutes outside of battle unless unlimited in time.

  Shifting; Learning ability level: 7.
  This ability is where you think about the location and you are there if you need to be there. This is a form of teleportation that uses the creator, an though are what is "created" there where you need to be and uncreated where you are at the moment.

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Crystal time ability:

  Gemstone tardus: Learning ability level: 1.
  This ability uses Wis as a core stat. The gems you use if correctly chosen will create time effects, otherwise think of objects that will make what you need. Where you move faster in a car, you experience a time efect. That means you see the point of the events and items move by faster as the car speeds up. Then you slow down the vehicle, and the time of the car movement is slower with the scenery outside it moving by normally. This is basically in movement where you experience 3d gyrations. That is when you perceive yourself being in the front seat and then the back seat and the front seat again. This happens if you move a car.

  The silver in the car frame can become energized by energy in the area as it moves around the car, so you see that means polarization of its element silver is occured by feel. Then you can create with the soul or spirit what energy effect you think and magic by statement with vibrations that you need. This is including healing by feel, so that is done by the spirit-that-goes-through-everything. This is an effect done in the moment and what happens is time energy resurges to create with what is possible. Think of the effect, and the energy conscious of the spirit will create what you want if necessary by some point out. Think about it, money can be a powerful energy source. So the more money or energy you have or think to use as a source, this uses the particles of the object. See that allows effects if the source is enough, I this is where the more you might eat from intensity. Anything can be used as a source. That is done, unless you think to hold off on eating, then you use the energy of the object and not the food you want to eat that causes the intensity to fade away.

  If you can keep that open mind or heart, you can then get that effect of restoring lost limbs and complete regenesis. regenesis is where you think about the change and reform the body by the particles, if you think to a stone to do that idea. THis is a known effect of gemstones, so think of what you want and touch an object, person or gem and that changes time so this could by chance be any gemstone, then you get that created point. This is the effect of idea being used, if you think to create things you make with what is possible or not do it. Orgonite has gemstones, metal and resin with a positive conversion. This energy creates what is done, that is positive and known about so you think and you create better. This is less in form, think about some conclusion to see the end.

  This is the point, think and you know. The point you think about is done in thoughtwaves, sent to the stone, then it creates itself by feel to make the point you need. If you feel the need, then you create with life and you might go to jail for illegalities. The point being, you create with energy of the body, think about idea and say what you need to create with the subconscious. If you ask the subconscious by stating a question, then your subconscious gives an answer. This is in the form of creative use and whatever you think is right is correct. So I think this is a point in idea, you create with a thought and make by the energy conscious of the area.

  Although, if you consider carbon ash, you can use that as energy is a source from it in stored formation. Then is the point you know, if you realize the point by the spirit knowing it 5 minutes in advance. Then you can understand what is necessary. This means all is possible by the spirit. The spirit-that-goes-through-everything can create anything if you think about the idea. This means where you think about the point of returning, you go to some point you return to by feel. Think and you know the point and you realize what you can do. If you don't, then you can figure things within an ideal energy concept. Think to not do it, at the drug user, not including legal drugs if you need them to stop doing drugs or cigarettes. This is a point in idea, done by what is thought and created is a concept by what is possible.

  If you possibly are aware of things, you are spiritually aware and sometimes alert, this is from what you think is there. This is usually in the "en" or "at the end" stages that creates with a space, this space is in the soul so think to do things in the space and then something else is possible or think to do nothing by the point you have or desire. This is done as a point you can work with, so I think it's a point as it came from a public announcement. Think and know, then is the point you know or realize. This is a concept in the wrought time by the spirit or soul. The spirit knows things that happen and the soul allows insight by what is known from the spirit. So I would think about things if necessary, this is a concept known as space and time manipulation. What you think about is there, what you know is what you consider to exist. Think about what you want and you stop this point. This is a point you realize with the spirit and know by the soul.

  This is where a known effect occurs or happens as if perception were set by the subconscious, that is knowable with a soul or spirit energy vibration in the area. This energy is what alerts you of things it does by feel. That is done in energy form where you think it's there and your body draws in energy to create what is necessary. Think it gone and share some of your energy with it and it disappears. This is using a known effect called the time of moments. That is a point you think of the time, so then is with the moment where then is when it is there and set by subconscious and sometimes by suggestion. This energy allows for what you want, so make use of it with or for what you want.

  The idea is a point you consider, if when you think to create with energy. Then you make the effect or ideal intent, this is done by what you want to heal or create unless not necessary. When you think about the idea and state the point, you create the idea using the subconscious, but if you want something shut off then think it's off. If you want something turned on, then think of the idea as a point it's then "on" and you can either make use of it or not do it. If not, the effect isn't happening, elsewise you can open a conduit or space tunnel in time to shift by walking what you need shifted. This is using the dimensional energy, thinking to shift or work seeing what you want. So think if you know about a song or music, you create with the point or directed by feel thought. This is not done, if not necessary by feel.

  That includes coldness in the area, sensing auras this is from the idea the spirit moves through time and then uses some heat up. This is a point where the spirit creates things using objects as energy. That could also be yourself that shifts in time to somewhere else, this occurs with the body becoming non-solid energy from a body energy surge, you know things by what exists then with thought to the gemstone you shift through time if you want to shift and otherwise that body energy moves with ease and becomes solidly formed where it goes and thinks of by feel to exist. Make a request of it and you can create nearly anything that you intend. Offer in the excess body energy thinking to create with idea that's spoken and you do not have a machine malfunction or lesser heat. That's unless you target someones machine, though you can set up defenses for that tactic as your stating the right suggestion. You know your machine is targeted, when the system starts giving errors. The errors you think to get normally don't count. So think about it you know what is there, then you can know what is what.

  That is why it's an indication of the lifeform you can detect either by smell or body odor, otherwise the machine in the area that sorta overheats. If you know the name by feel of the spirit, you can command it to leave and you don't have to leave the area to calm it's riled self down. This is an energy effect, that it manifests, by the way. So think to know things and you do things unless unneccessary. However you can see the spirit by use of the third eye, think you know the spirit by what it says, then you can create with a point and the spirit will do what that is by your point in a point of leve or take. That is a point you know, think to do things if you want and know good results. If you don't want bad results, then you don't do it. This is a point known in time. This is a point you can do. Their is cell storage of information, if you think you know what the body stored as information you need to know then you realizarion in idea by insight.

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Shadow practitioner ability:

  This class has 4 abilities: Shadow elementalism, Summon shadows, Shadow form and Shadow angel. They use charisma by the feel or with idea to use them, that is the core stat behind these abilities. A magic or concentration check may be required if to make the ability work, this is with a 10 or above for diced results and 15 or above for no dice.

  Shadow elementalism; Learning ability level: 1.
  This can form any element out of the shadows energy or darkness if any darkness is nearby, that effects the target if you think it will and the effect is per each skill core stat mod of the magic or concentration skill, whatever is higher. This is 1d10+charisma mod. The duration is 1d6 rounds in melee or unlimited outside combat, if any duration will happen from the effect. Until light or fire is exposed on the caster or the area. This shadow element is what can strike even from the shadows of the target.

  Summon shadows; Learning ability level: 3.
  This allows you to summon any shadow shape by what you think, The shadow shape can only be effected by light, fire, and magical weapons. Yet the shadows do what you want and can create what you need. Think about the idea and you create with the shadows, if you intend to create a result. The damage and healing that is done by the shadow shape is per each core stat mod point of magic, this is 2d6+charisma mod in amount. Duration is instant. The health of the shadow shape is 100% hp. This is a point you can work with if you think you know the character and want to do things according to the alignment. If you don't, then you will raise or lower your alignment.

  Shadow form; Learning ability level: 5.
  The shadow is what is there and you are then the shadow, and if not felt this can be undetected except by you. You revert to normal after you are exposed to light. When you are the shadow, you create with energy and what you create is then up to you. This is what you can use to make any effect to a target, through the shadows. This includes healing or damage of each 2 magic skill core stat mod, that is 1d10+charisma mod. Duration time is 1d6+charisma mod in rounds or until light has been exposed to by feel. You aren't effected by normal weapons, however elements such as water, fire, earth and air or magical weapons are what can hurt you.

  shadow angel; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is the idea, you summon a shadow using night as the energy source. Then think the creator shapes it into an angellic servant. The Gods or Dithemos can command the shadow angel, so that means the angel of shadows will do what you need. The light in the area, this can dispel it, however it can shift from cast shadow to cast shadow and do what you need. The effect is a point you think about, the stats are your stats, the health however, they are 100%. It can send to the target whatever you send through the shadows or dark element. The damage effect is per each 2 magic or conentration core stat mod of 2d8+charisma mod. The healing effect is with energy you send, this is per each core stat mod point of magic at 2d8+charisma mod healed. Duration is short term, a 1d6 rounds or until daytime if cast at night.

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Light creator ability:

  This class has 6 abilities: Light elementalism (cha), Turning (cha), Summon being (cha), Light form (cha), Light angel (cha) and Light aura (cha). They use charisma by the feel or with idea to use them, that is the core stat behind these abilities. A magic or concentration check may be required if to make the ability work, this is with a 10 or above for diced results and 15 or above for no dice.

  Light elementalism; Learning ability level: 1.
  This can form any element out of the area energy or light through conversion of energy if any energy is nearby, that effects the target if you think it will and the effect is per each skill core stat mod of the magic or concentration skill, whatever is higher. This is 1d10+charisma mod. The duration is 1d6 rounds in melee or unlimited outside combat, if any duration will happen from the effect. Until light or fire is exposed on the caster or the area. This shadow element is what can strike even from the shadows of the target. This proves that energy converts into something else equally.

  Turning; Learning ability level: 1.
  Turning is where you change the point of idea that the being, person or thing does. This is where you think to turn something or what have you that you don't like, and the energy is what does the effect of turning away. You could turn a monster or goblin into doing something you intend to be done. This is all done by a magic check or concentration check.

  Summon being; Learning ability level: 3.
  This allows you to summon any being that is shaped by what you think, said being can create with what energy or particles are there. The being shape can only be effected by elementalism, and magical weapons. Yet the being do what you want and can create what you need. Think about the idea and you create with the being, if you intend to create a result. The damage and healing that is done by the being is per each core stat mod point of magic. This is an 2d6+charisma mod in amount for what is desired. Duration is instant unless you desire some timed effect with 1d6 rounds in melee or unlimited time outside of battle and said being is cancelled out by the darkness that is directed it's way. The health of the being shaped by will is 100% hp and they act as you direct them. The light energy is what creates your will by itself. So all you really need to do is think about the point to create and direct the conscious energy. This is done by the energy consciousness making what you want or intend.

  Light form; Learning ability level: 5.
  The light is what is alive there and you are then the being, and if not felt this can be undetected except by you. You revert to normal after you are exposed to directed darkness. When you are the light, you create with energy particles and what you create is then a concept if up to you. That is energy reacts as though you created something from the energy, this means that you magic by thought the energy and your energy waves or vibes program the area consciousness to create by itself. This is what you can use to make any effect to a target, that effects through the sunlight or light. This includes healing or damage of each 2 magic skill core stat mod, that is 1d12+charisma mod. Duration time is 1d6+charisma mod in rounds or until directed darkness has been exposed to that is done by feel. You aren't effected by normal weapons as your immune to weapons that seem to pass through you, however elements such as water, fire, earth and air or magical weapons are what can hurt you.

  Light angel; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is the idea, you summon a light being using the creator or a god as the energy source. Then think the creator shapes it into an angellic servant. The Gods can command the light angel, so that means the angel of light will do what you need. The light in the area, this can cause regeneration to it, and it dissipates as darkness is directed at it. However, it can shift from any in point and this is used in the light to create any other area effect with light or particles. The effect is a point you think about, the stats are your stats, yet note the health however, they are 100%. It can send to the target whatever you want to effect them through the light gate summoning the idea or themselves. The damage effect is per each 2 magic or conentration core stat mod of 2d8+charisma mod. The healing effect is using thought with energy you send, this is per each core stat mod point of magic at 2d8+charisma mod healed. Duration is short term, a 1d6 rounds or until dark if cast in the daytime and that is done by feel.

  Light aura; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is a point you think of the concept of light particles as an energy wave, that create the healing and light shift of compatriots and yourself as a form of teleport self or others if you intend to shift. Think of where you want to go, then you will shift yourself and others you think to shift that get near your aura. Healing done by this is 2d10+healing core stat mod in percent of health. This is a point, that you create and make work with what you get. You can shift teleport anywhere you think to exist and imagine.

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Dimensionalist ability:

  This class has 7 abilities: Thinking spell (wis), Reality hacking (wis), Dimensional shift (wis), Pass the idea (wis), Dimensional timing (wis), Dimensional created effects (wis) and Timeshift (wis). The ability of the Dimensionalist is using Wisdom as it's core stat with idea to use them, that is the core stat behind these abilities. A magic or concentration check may be required if to make the ability work, this is with a 10 or above for diced results and 15 or above for no dice.

  Thinking spell; Learning ability level: 1.
  So suggestion in use is where the character can create by dimensional energy, think about the idea and state the effect then they make things easily by use of the subconscious and unconscious mind. The effect is 1d10+wis mod per each 2 core stat mod point of magic at levels 1-10, and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point with levels 11-20. for levels 21+ thinking spells create 1d10+wis mod per each core stat mod point of magic. There is 1d6+wis mod for amount of rounds in melee or unlimited time until decided to quit outside of battle.

  Reality hacking; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is the point you think, then state what you want and you create what you will into manifestation. This means there is a 50/50 chance to have success. That is rolling a magic check and using your magic core stat mod or Int mod to see or feel if the effect worked with a 10 or above roll. Otherwise you can roll a d100 and you create the effect with a 51 or above. This can work as attack, too, that's done by a successful roll with an element you pick as the force that effects. This works as an instant effect, that is 1d10+wis mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point and no savings throw.

  Dimensional shift; Learning ability level: 3.
  The shift is done where the brain consciousness creates new sensations and you are aware of things that exist in a way of thinking. So a raise in vibrations are what you think to do with a positive viewpoint. Think to do good things and you create with the mind, see as you create you raise vibrational states, and then your senses make you aware of the things that are done.

  If you don't become aware of things in a higher vibrational state, see then you need to think positively and you create an uplifting moment. This moment is the shift in perception, so think and you are aware. This works by the spirit that goes through everything, so if you think about the point and then you are no longer down in feelings. You are feeling better by feel. That is the active spirit, this is the point of idea and creation. So think and you know more of what exists by feel. Sometimes feedback occurs and things work out, so with a magic or concentration check, if you get a 10 or above you succeeded.

  Pass the idea; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where the dimensional being, that is the said person creates a transfer of energy. Think of the person and if you need to have what you want to transfer, then you create with a point or some action what you need shifted or created elsewhere. This is a upbringing action, that creates a positive vibe and you can work with others about by use of awareness. If no awareness is there, then the area or place doesn't exist. If you think of a positive result, you are positive and that creates a positive vibe. A vibe is a vibrational state, that will be what creates with some idea you think and that is done by what you need.

  So that is a good thing, if you think positive thoughts you create positive results, this is a known effect of ions in space. What's not known, this is a point you consider, think and things become clear. If it doesn't then think of something else. Bringing yourself down doesn't help anything. Think about a good thing and you bring positive results with what you will, think or consider. This is a known fact of life. If you do things by thinking positive to bring yourself up in mood, then you can help yourself out in the end. That is the known facts of life, think and you will know. The effect is done by a d100 and getting a 51 or above. The effect happens with a 51 rolled on a d100 or rolled 10 or above magic check.

  Dimensional timing; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think to state the place to shift to by feel, the time you think is the time that passes by there and you know what happens by the power of the third eye where you think to be. Think of the time and area and you return by feel. So, if you think to cause attacks to pass, and state where you shift to to wait out the time. The timing is done and you can return by feel with the spirit returning you to whence you came. This works as you are with a 10 or above result from a rolled magic or concentration check.

  Dimensional created effects; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you make results including raise dead, so think of the area and you are there at least in perspective. That is where you know the point, the spirit makes you aware and this spirit goes through everything. So the spirit makes you aware of what happened, if you think you know, then things will be alright. This comes as insight, that is the soul and this means it can be anywhere. So think of what you need and you create the point, the subconscious mind is what creates the point. The programming that it follows, this comes from the soul. The point happens if it's necessary. What you create somewhere, that is creatable here. Think the spirit creates what you want and it's done. That is using life energy, so what is death? The absence of all senses except the spirit sense. This is the energy of the body, that creates with a point and that makes what you need.

  The death energy comes into existence if you think it does, the cell energy is with decay and that is what you direct by a thought point. This if directed from the body, will make the body live longer. The death and decay energy, if you direct it at diseased cells will be what breaks down the disease. That makes what you think of a cured condition, so think and you know that is where the conditioning of the body is what is undone.

  After that, then think positive, wait a minute and you create with a cured body freed of whatever had ailed it. Enjoy the moment and you make with results that you know about. This is a point from what I remember. So think positive and you can create positively so they say. This is a point you know, so think and you create with a deep subject or concept that comes from the subconscious mind. That is a known effect of life and not much else.

  So think about things and you create the idea as you know what you do there, thinking about things leads to actions and that means you make the point by use of the soul and this is what you can observe in real life. So real life is a point in perception, that is a point in the past life. This is what I remember from that time. So remember, what happens in the past is the past moment. This is what happens, so now is a point that creates memories. See this is what can occur, and what you feel is what also allows you to remember things more easily. That is long term compared to short term memory.

  This is what is written, that is the result of feeling things out with insight at the end. The soul is insight, so you can see where this goes. The end point is always better than the beginning, unless you think darkly. So think and you know the point of revelation. The idea is what creates. I think so you know where knowledge can come from and what you can do with things. This is where positive action is done in perception. React accordingly, the soul can see what is there and you realize the idea from the spirit. This is a realized result from what is done, nothing more than that actually exists. If it does, then you would know about it. So whatever occurs, you are where you are and that is all that counts. For up until now, things were easy. After this point, things will get different results by what you do. Think about this, the point is a point so live with it. This works with a 2d8+wis mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point for effects. There is 1d6+magic core stat mod or Int mod for amount of rounds in melee or unlimited time until decided to quit outside of battle.

  Timeshift; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where the point in dimension is a moment and you think to see that moment. When you do, your in a different time that you think about being. When you think of your own point, then the time becomes the moment of time, that is whence you came. This is a known effect that's done, if you get a 51 on a d100 or a 10 and above on magic checks.

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Divine ability:

  This is with energy effect that can be anything allowable by the GM. The magiced and concentrated effect is possible. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action. This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 7 actual ability: Divine Wizardry (cha), The jinx (cha), Foul transformation (cha), Clean transformation (cha), Scaning (cha), The divine ability (cha) and Supreme healing technique (cha). They use charisma by the feel or with idea to create by a point. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Divine wizardry; Learning ability level: 1.
  Divine wizardry is fun and uses the soul copy, that you can know by the spirit and this then the soul allows you to realize as though insight if created. This is where you think and you create, if you intend the creation to manifest with the soul for the body or soul copy for other things and targets. Since the spirit knows things by the creator or your God, then if that means the character can use any one of these that are based with a free action and charisma. (Sic) The effect duration is used and allowed for, if you say catch something or some monster on fire or freeze the target until you don't want the effect outside of battle and 1d6+charisma mod in rounds for battle.

   At levels 1-10, the effect is per each 2 magic or conentration core stat mod, that allows 1d8+charisma mod energy effect or healing effect.
   At levels 11-20, the effect is per each 2 magic or conentration core stat mod, that allows 2d8+charisma mod energy effect or healing effect.
   At levels 21-30, the effect is per each 2 magic or conentration core stat mod, that allows 3d8+charisma mod energy effect or healing effect.
   At levels 31+, the effect is per each 2 magic or conentration core stat mod, that allows 4d8+charisma mod energy effect or healing effect.

  The jinx; Learning ability level: 3.
  Think you feel bad and project the bad feelings towards a target, this can cause even people to not do things correctly. This is with a -5 to luck rolls that the target/s have to make. Otherwise it's the evil eye and could make things not work right if you direct the energy towards a device. In order to deflect the evil eye, state or think, "creator, make things of bad intent not effect me." Of course, there is a 50% chance of success, so think what you like if that works, then your naturally lucky with a luck roll.

  Foul transformation; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is an example from watching Giuliani and is the idea from genshin impact where you create the greater strength and endurance by thinking of your need and getting energy through the skin or swallowing, that means your surviving foul energy, cleansing yourself after the point. this is when you create with a fart and smelling yourself yet you can do what you want, this works as you think to absorb energy to the body and imagining the result. then created is the response that creates what you intend or think will happen. this energy is burned away by the solar energy or sun energy. then you are working with the sun energy, used to create what you think and feel will happen. this works by the feel and thinking about the idea you intend to transform into by the point.

  The overall effects of this is your ability temporarily increases by a +4 to ability rolls, you become faster by +10', you become slenderer by a +3 con, you have numbed pain and you laugh to yourself so you ignore pain as you become stronger or seem to have more endurance with a +5 Str. Basically, you become godlike, this is done all by the thinking to absorb energy into the body. What a foul transformation, indeed. However, if you don't cleanse yourself, you could feel weaker by the stat additions not being there after 1 hour of what I call the effect. This is the energy that does it, so you know that the creator is great indeed. Without god, we would only be a memory. This is a known effect, don't do it if you don't need meltdowns or too much sweating as thought is doing an effect.

  Clean transformation; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you think to absorb clean energy and any elemental energy, then you make the point you think about to create the effect by feel. You use the energy to create the point. This effect is temporary by the way and it feels better than foul transform. The creator or god with your intent will make you feel good and you will not be unlike a god or being as you get +50% HP. You will be immune to disease as you are aware of the point and whatever is necessary to know. This works best as you are careful of the idea you were to avoid.

  Scanning; Learning ability level: 6.
  On the topic of scanning and clearing... it just takes practice, visualization, and a whole lot of discernment.

  Because dark energy likes to get in the way of clear visualizing as well as clear energy work. You have to be aware of what is real and what's illusionary/fantasy. Real energy is felt. You see it and feel it. Illusions have no feelings to them, or are jumbled and nonsensical. Magic on what you'd like to scan, and visualize it in front of you, then magic on sensing whatever you'd like to sense. It takes practice to get it clear. Think to clear things, use a golden rainbow sword, or a golden rainbow tool. Use your intuition to feel out what's right when healing and clearing.

  The divine ability: Learning ability level: 7.
  The point and create of the purple power; This is from Lalate as example. The point you think and ask about by statement, this is the point that's done by the soul if intended. Many people do things without intention, so this where you create by feel and make with a concept, that means you describe or state and you make what you need by the point. This you express or calm down and do, so at least things are done by the spirit and soul. That allows manifest and things to work out by feel. If you think about the point, you create by the feel with idea some result you want. You can't attack with this ability. This is a known fact of life.

  Supreme healing technique; Learning ability level: 9.
  The rainbow bridge. Rainbow energy heals all things, and clears lower energy near instantly. By doing the following technique on all of your body, you will notice great mood improvements and gradual bodily healing.

  Rainbow bridge- State or imagine a rainbow pouring down from the sun, the clouds, or from whatever source you wish, pouring down over your crown, washing over your etheric body, healing and clearing all parts of it. Then the rainbow pours over your physical body... brain, senses, pouring through all of you, cleansing and purifying you. Once it goes through all of you and you feel satisfied with the shift in energy within you, it goes down into the earth, grounding and centering you in your power. If you have specific ailments, magic the rainbow energy on that ailment and visualize it clearing and healing. Anything can be healed. Enjoy what you do!

  The emerald fire is connected to the divine, and is profoundly healing. It can be used to heal broken hearts as well. Visualize the emerald fire engulfing whatever part of you you wish to heal. Some enjoy seeing my whole body engulfed in it.

  The Violet fire transforms energy into it's highest state and clears dense energy. It's connected to the creator or your god. Visualize same as the emerald fire. The violet fire can be used to clear ego, and beliefs.

Chi warrior ability:

  Chi warrior; Chi warrior ability is fun and uses the spirit empowered by the soul as chi or life energy. So this you can know by the spirit and this then is where the soul allows you to realize as though insight if created. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create, if you intend the creation to manifest. Since the spirit knows things by the creator or your God, then if that means the character can use any one of these that are based with a free action and charisma. The effect duration is used and allowed for, if you say magic upon something or some monster is set on fire or freeze the target until you don't want the effect outside of battle and there is 1d6+charisma mod in rounds for battle.

  This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM. The magiced and concentrated effect is possible. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action. This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 4 actual abilities: Chi manipulation (cha), Illusion (Cha), Manifest (Cha) and Healing blow (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or with idea to create by a point. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Chi manipulation; Learning ability level: 1.
  Chi manipulation is the changing of the effect by use of the source. This is where you can manipulate any effect by realizing and commanding the source. Then thinking the effect is something else instead, that you get because of the source you imagine.

  Illusion; Learning ability level: 3.
  The illusion is what you think, if you feel it's there. Then, the 3rd eye can see through the illusion that is projected forth. It's treated as though real until disbelieved or a savings throw is made versus illusion. The effect of this is per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point that is with 1d8+cha mod effect of damage or healing. Duration for non-instant effects is 1d6+cha mod rounds per melee or unlimited amount of time outside of battle.

  Manifest; Learning ability level: 5.
  The spirit is what makes the effect easier and that is any effect, that is done as what you want using the soul as a source. This counts as a +5 to your magic and concentration skill core stat mod by what is done. The duration is 1d6+cha mod in melee and everlasting outside of battle until otherwise desired. This can even form objects out of thin air or space. This works by generating a 1d12+cha mod damage or healing per each 2 magic skill core stat mod for effects.

 Healing blow; Learning ability level: 7.
  See this is a shield to anybody or any effect you don't want. The healing blow is the effect of programming the blows energy not to effect you and by damaging the attacker you heal instead. This works by generating a 2d8+cha mod damage or healing per each 2 magic skill core stat mod for effects.

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Chi master ability:

  Chi master; Chi master ability is what uses the energy of the body as chi or life energy. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the body as energy. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM. The magiced and concentrated effect is possible. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 4 actual abilities: Chi elemency (cha), Chi shield (Cha), Manifestation (Cha) and Transfiguration (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or with idea to create by a point. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Chi elemency; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is using your chi energy or life energy, you can magic into existence any element that exists. This is a 1d10+cha mod per each 2 magic skill core stat mod in effects for levels 1-10. This is a 2d10+cha mod per each 2 magic skill core stat mod in effects for levels 11-20. This is a 3d10+cha mod per each 2 magic skill core stat mod in effects for levels 21-30. This is a 4d10+cha mod per each 2 magic skill core stat mod in effects for levels 31+. Also the duration or how long it lasts depends on the effect you desire, so if you desired a fie effect, it lasts until the fire is put out or eats the material up. Its mainly duration that is 1d6+cha mod in rounds in melee and everlating outside of melee until desired otherwise.

  Chi shield; Learning ability level: 3.
  Your chi energy causes your aura to become a shield, that is absorbing the energy and reprogramming the attack and effect energy to not occur. This converts the damage amount into healing energy, so you should heal instantly the amount of damage done and then it's leaving you unharmed and unaffected. That lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle.

  Manifestation; Learning ability level: 5.
  The manifest is life energy magiced and that more easily creates what you intend by what you desire. You can create any effect using chi energy as a life force. This is a +5 to your magic and concentration skill. Duration of the effect is 1d6+cha mod in melee, out of combat is everlasting until otherwise needed. Say you wanted to instantly shift, it's more easily done than usual by the roll of a 1d20+magic or concentration skill core stat mod with a 10 or above result, and you appear where you intend to appear to do what you need by feel. This can even make objects appear from thin air or space.

  Transfiguration; Learning ability level: 7.
  By the power of chi, your body changes into what you want your body to become until you don't want to be that shape. You don't have the ability of the person or thing.

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  Learning ability level: 1.
  This is use of a weaving ability, that is when you use a free action to cause energy to do what you intend. The ability is what you use when you magic the energy of the air and body thinking to swirl it around the body and on magic, there is some effect to create what you intend by what you think and the energy forms. This is including the elements themselves, as you think, magic on an idea and create as you feel it is created so you know it's there. This can create almost any effect, that you imagine or think about and that's thought in the energy weave an that creates it. However, it's just one clever way to do a manifest. You can even heal yourself or others easily with it.

  What is possible is gating with the weave of energy, this is with gating that you can use as the "gate weaving feat" using frequencies or this way by thought and imagination to open gates. Think of the area and imagine an oval in the air expand until it is the size of your body and walk through. The soul is the conscious mind awareness that will make you shift and the spirit will tell you what is occurring. Normal shifting is mentally done, so your soul is where your consciousness is by feel. Then with gating you shift your body and soul, and as your consciousness shifts with the soul, the spirit creates what you intend to create. Thus, you get to be where you intend to be. So what you have to do with gating, then is to make certain your not in an area that would kill you. However you can shift back, so with gating you could end up right behind the target, and then shift to somewhere else after taking it out by feel.

  See with a weave and gating, you could find yourself anywhere or you can open a viewing gate where you view the area by a gateway that shows the area, that's before you go there and the spirit allows you to see it with a vision. You can cause an effect through an open gate, this is done by saying or thinking of what you intend for there. So think and you know what to do and by feel you know what it is there. If you can't survive there, again, you can always shift back. This is in use by what is a point from the past and future lifetime.

  You can also teleport anywhere using gating, all that's needed is to imagine the gate and you walking through it to another place and time, then the soul causes you to shift your body there in a blink of the eye. This is using the energy consciousness to detail things. The body always manages to find the where and what the spirit went and did. Yet time is a point you make and say as a concept you need in life as its idea. So think of a point in time that you open a gate to and your there at that time. This is is known as the idea of gateway creation.

  If you succeed in gating you will have shifted physically, think of where you want to be or see and say where and that is using gating. Then you create a gateway to wherever you want to be at the time you decide to be in the point. Then as you think to exist in the area your in the area. This is an effect of weaving energy and that means you use gating by feel and magic in on the place and time with the energy of the area making a link. This link is broken, when you think it is gone. That is done by a statement to the gm/dm, that 'I magic a gate to exist and I use it to shift to an island.' or somesuch.

  So with weaving that allows you to combine the elements listed in the runic ability, this is used as a energy weave but you don't have to draw the rune. You state "I weave this element for the effect I want" in use and then do it as an action. Each weave does different things. There is wild, fire, water, air (barrier, all enemy zone or lightning), earth, life (heal, bless and life), nether (death, void, negative, evil) and and astral plane to weave together or separate for effects. The woven together effects are fire and earth for lava or brimstone, fire and water for greek fire +2 rounds burn damage (unkillable fire) or heat, water and air for cold or ice, wild and any other.

  Not really bad is astral for a character specified wide area effect that use effects many or one, life and any other but nether for element healing, nether and all elements but life for that effects as damage to even magic immune creatures, astral and all elements but wild for dream element effects that effect as if you were next to the enemy, nether and life for pain (dazing), wild and astral for domination (control), air and nether for darkness effect (blindness) or a black hole that deals 1d6+cha mod per extra round, air and fire for nova that is instant but doubles damage (2d6) effecting all enemy, nether with life and astral create a time weave that allows one to change time faster, slower or stop time. This is a known effect of it.

  The effects for each 2 magic skill points are 2 rounds, +10/- protection, +1 attack for group or person with cha mod as additional bonus to bab, slow time to -1 attack for target/s, halts the activities for the target/s for +1 round and 1d8+cha mod for duration and effect points unless instant effect for level 9 or below, so 2d8+cha mod for levels 10-19, then there's 3d8+cha mod for levels 20 to 29 and so on. See then there's every 1d8+charisma mod or 3d8+4 cold damage for a 6 magic core stat mod or Int mod skill and 4 cha mod and level 5, so level 11 would be 10d6+4.

  This is where there's a 3 round pain effect for a 3 magic core stat mod. This is a 8d8+4 black hole lasting 3 rounds with 8 magic skill core stat mod and 4 cha mod, thats with a character who's level 10. Otherwise, this is a woven weapon that projects from the hand and can hit with whatever element you chose to use. That's stronger than steel and inflicts for a level 10 character, then with 6 charisma mod and 6 magic core stat mod or Int mod points. The amount of 12d6+6 damage on hit with the element of choice. It lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until its no longer needed outside of battle. There is a save vs spell that halves damage/length. With time effects, do not apply the all skills bonus.

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Healer ability:

  Healer ability is what uses the energy of the body as your subconscious creates the effect using the creator or your God as a source. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the deity or creator as energy. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM. The magiced and concentrated effect is possible. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 10 actual abilities: God will (cha), Phasing (Cha), Potion making (Cha), Elemental defense (Cha), Healing (Cha), Improved healing (Cha), Auratic healing (Cha), Shield effect (Cha), Faith healing (Cha) and Illness and poison resistance (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or with idea to create by a point. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  God will; Learning ability level: 1.
  The will of the character is reflected through the creator or his God and creates whatever is needed at the time. This is a point done by idea, including making the attacker disappear, that is where you think the idea and the energy consciousness creates it using the creator as a source. Any healing or attacks done is 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Any duration or how long things last, this is infinite until not desired out of combat and in melee or combat is a 1d6+magic core stat mod or Int mod in rounds.

  Phasing; Learning ability level: 1.
  think to go somewhere and your subconscious makes it happen as your body seems to shift and disappear to reappear in the area you think you should be or its not done.

  Potion making; Learning ability level: 3.
  This ability you use to make the mixtures that include water mixed with herbs. These herbs are ones that heal or cause other effects, and this includes the right herbs.

  Elemental defense; Learning ability level: 3.
  The character can absorb energy and cast forth any elemental attack using it. It glows green in the aura and counts as a health shield forcefield that lasts lasts 30 seconds or 5 rounds. The effect is able to be used from the energy itself being formed into one or two elements, that goes to where you will it and has 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point damage. Any duration effect such as someone catching on fire, where the extended fire damage is 2d6+magic core stat mod or Int mod rounds or outside of battle until the target is burned up.

  This leaves you with nothing left to work with as what's burned is destroyed and water can put it out. Water can create a drowning sensation or area energy blocking that's absorbed into the water, otherwise you can carry on the water particles in the air what energy is there such as programming that you think it does or illness energy. If illness energy is transferred by water particle waves, then you create diseases in the target that last until cured.

  Ice energy can freeze the foe for 2d6+magic core stat mod or Int mod in rounds during combat, or outside of combat is unlimited time until it thaws. Earth can smother or block something out, for the same amount of time that fire can burn. Air can carry or hold things for the same amount of time that fire burns. So in carrying or holding, this includes radiating diseased energy or magicing death and decay energy from the body that deadens or kills the foe. If you magic on the thought of all your death and decay energy gets projected from your cells, think and it gets projected from the body then you live longer and lack diseases that occur from pooled death energy.

  Healing; Learning ability level: 5.
  The character will heal by taking the wound energy into himself and repairing the body from it like he or she is with monstrous regeneration (2d10+magic skill core stat mod) in hp recovered. Also they regenerate lost limbs and this is within 1d6 rounds in melee or instantly outside of melee using creator created compressed time. That means there is instant recovery outside of battle using a creator made subconscious time difference effect, so that is a mental time zone that's allot quicker than usual. Also, the character recovers from any disease or poison using this time zone.

  Improved healing; Learning ability level: 6.
  Heal after a sword or weapon plunge using water particles, otherwise its word of mouth or poem directing the energy of the weapon. Then you heal using water particles directed by the energy consciousness. This heals 1/3 your hp during the round or fully your hp outside of combat.

  Auratic healing; Learning ability level: 7.
  The character will create by aura presence 1/2 the hp back per round or Instant recovery of full hp by being nearby and thinking of healing outside of combat. Also, the aura will cause instant recovery from poison and diseases.

  Shield effect; Learning ability level: 7.
  The character is shielded by feel, any damage is absorbed as energy that is used for effects you think the shield to do. This includes magicing energy to cause damage or healing, that is with 1d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod in percent that's done, thought or making some effect that you think about is the idea of this done by feel. As it is done, it's buffing up your hp to 100% if not there already.

  Faith healing; Learning ability level: 9.
  That is with the power of the creator or some God, you restore anyone you magic on including yourself and think to heal perfectly as though nothing was wrong with them. This effect is instant and all hp is recovered. All diseases and illnesses are healed up.

  Illness and poison resistance; Learning ability level: 9.
  The character gets resistance to poison and disease. Roll a 4 or less on a 1d10 to check if you got damage.

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Occultist ability:

  Occultist ability is what uses the energy of the body and the creator as your subconscious creates with idea, the effect you need or want using the creator or your God as a guide. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the deity or creator as energy. So the occultist will do what they want with their ability, the ability of manifest. This means they create with magic, and work their magick on request or necessity. They have 5 abilities. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for the results with no=dice. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for success and again this is with a 15 or above for no dice..

  Again, this class has 5 actual abilities: Spirit manifest (cha), Element fundalism (Cha), Chaos (Cha), Future effectives (Cha) and P-shifts (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or in with idea and to create by a point in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  They that experience the point of an ability, can make it a listed ability. This means they can add Occultist ability, if they use the recall by remembering if what they experienced is useful. Then if they recall what the person did or how it felt with a Arcana check, then they can recreate it as it is. They can add Occultist ability (cha) or whatever ability they recall as an added ability with no skill core stat mod.

  Spirit manifest; Learning ability level: 1.
  This ability causes you to eat or drink something and things happen that you want. That you need is there as you think about the idea to manifest. Its funny as you suddenly feel the urge to drink water. And my thoughts program the particles..then it uses your body to make a manifest.

  As you take in the food or drink particles my body creates it by the aura energy. One thing it loves is the energy of items. You don't even have to consume it. Be wary about that though.. don't get too many things. Like your near objects.. the objects hold molecular energy.. By being near them.. and thinking about the effect you need your spirit reaches out and uses them as an energy source.

  The idea you had in mind, like creating non tiredness, is there within the body. Suddenly your not tired. So for example wearing a necklace and it has the effect we want. Ah the spirit codes it using our thoughts. All we have to do is need the result. Think it happens and need it and your spirit causes it to occur.

  This ability will create anything by feel, including the elements. The idea is self-created idea that you feel is necessary. This is created into existance here as you think it exists. Think and you know what to do. This is a point you think about as a concept is created by the power of the spirit.

  The DnD results using this ability, is per each 3 levels round down. That is with 1d10+magic or conentration core stat mod in amount. Each amount is in % health. So an amount for a level 31 character with 18 conentration core stat mod is 10d10+18. That means there is 118% damage healed or dealt. Otherwise its effect lasts 1d6 in melee or battle and until you decide to cancel it out outside of battle.

  Element fundalism; Learning ability level: 3.
  Thinking with this ability, the elements are a based upon imagination energy, that create the effect of magiced desire formed from the elemental plane of energy. If you magic water energy you magic a low level of fire energy that puts out fire in high intensity. This is the effect of void. Voiding out energy of heat or fire particles, you create a nothingness in its space where there is no fire to be seen as it's been drawn by void or nothingness into space.

  Otherwise use water from a faucet to put fire out. Space has very little fire from the plasma streaming from the sun as a solar wind. This is a point in space that we do things as a concept so think and you know the idea behind this point of showing what is possible. So as particles of fire is atomic energy, this goes without saying. This ability of manifestation produces a strong elemental effect.

  The effect in DnD for this with dice is per each 2 levels round down, where there is 1d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod in % effect that effects the target. The duration or how long it lasts, is 1d6 rounds in battle or until you decide it to not exist outside of battle. This ability is interesting as there is a counter to elements at 1/2 the damage. If the target makes a resistance roll, then you can make the damage 1/2 of its %. Say you had a level 30 character, with 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod. Then the damage dealt is 15d12+17 or maximum of 197%.

  Chaos; Learning ability level: 5.
  There is chaos. Its a magiced energy force that breaks apart things and causes decay. I played with it before. the chaos energy is a pure manifestation of void and fire. there are two types of chaos energy: void and fire and the second is psionics blue energy from chakras. chaos is the energy of disharmony.

  You have the ability to kill anyone remotely thanks to chaos magick. Well except for presidents because they are strong egregores. But its possible, however its dangerous. heck even one person could be tiring. See for some reason its easier to kill 1000 than it is for one person. Chaos magick is weird. STL always said, if you can move on grain of sand. You can kill millions, both require the same energy.

  The effect in DnD is every round in battle or every minute outside of battle, there's 2d10+magic or concentration core stat mod in damage. So say you had a level 30 character with 10 magic core stat mod or Int mod points, once cast forth on a target there is a 40% damage max dealt to the target each round or minute.. This lasts until you decide to not use this ability.

  Future effectives; Learning ability level: 7.
  The future can affect the past. If you think of a very bad person approaching an accident. But if he intends to be good, he will not make an accident if he is sure that he will be good in the future. Good things he will do in the future change the past. Like you already did. Sometimes energy is not enough. So it doesn't work and negative desires are self-destructive so you could find yourself not doing good. You could say you set up an event and change the outcome of a battle, or you make what you need by the effect of future effectiveness. The imagination is what rules this ability.

  P-shifts; Learning ability level: 9.
  Physical shifts of the body into another formation are more interesting. If you can do them.. You have to feel emotional and will the spirit to shift yourself. If the need isn't there you won't shift. Think of the form to shift into and then will the spirit to change you. You have what you need to do it by the soul making it exist there. Your body has a spirit.. it can make impossible results. All you need to do is will that spirit being to make the result. You will yourself into creating the result. But you are not your spirit.. the spirit resides within your body.

  It serves the soul. It senses your need and reacts to it by creating what you desire. Its more accurate to say we are our soul. The soul serves as a point of knowledge. This takes several tries and happens when something "changes" in you. So sudden is this change, that you feel your senses change and you find you can do magic no matter your weight. However, the more you p-shift, the more hungrier or thirstier you will feel. The body uses the energy of the sustenance to create in itself some change that is there when you think to notice. Hold off and you won't want to eat, redirect the need like use substitution of a lesser food or drink to keep off the weight.

  What you can do with the point this ability, that is shapeshift your body to become what you intend to appear like. On a point of magic or concentration check, the success brings ability to change your form and you are what shape you want to become. On a failed result, you get no change of the body. On success, what stats that you have are added to by a +4 strength, +5 intelligence, +3 charisma, and a +4 constitution. This change is temporary, as it lasts 1d6+magic core stat mod or Int mod amount of rounds in battle or melee until you don't desire it. Otherwise it lasts until you don't desire it outside of battle. This all happens with a 1d20+magic core stat mod or Int mod and getting a 10 or above. If you use a no-dice system, then its 15 or above as a total for the change to occur.

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Jedi ability

Learning ability level: 1.
  The jedi ability contains skills that are instant or round based. The skills are with cha core stat; and are suggestion, light saber, telekinesis, cleansing, folding space, force strangle, force wall, heart burst, prescience, mind reading, evoke emotion, astral shift, time shift, fluid shift, shapeshift, force bolt, invisibility, time manip, image projection, simulcrum, blind strike, blindsiight, force project, item hide, force wand, force shield, raising and regenesis.

  Suggestion: Changing the mind in the fashion of making a person obey your will, manipulation by imagination, and making someone believe what you want them to believe is quite simple. Stare or look at the person and magic the force on said person while saying out loud the statement you want to have said person believe or obey. Imagine instead the conversation and the results you want to enact with said person to get that resulting imagined conversation. The rule here is that the force will flow along the direction of thought and imagination to make the event occur. Don't expect the exact imagined conversation. Instead, just go along with the feeling of the confrontation. Always effect surprise at result of the conversation or said targets will feel they were manipulated. Each magic skill core stat mod is +1 to the concentration check.

  Light saber: To make use of a light saber effect magic the force in your hand an mentally project the force as a laser light. Feel it extending as a force to the length of which is your desire. With enough magic it should happen as of a laser projection. Each 2 magic skill core stat mod are a +1d8 to norm damage such as 2d8+5 cha mod for 2 magic skill core stat mod. This effect lasts as long as the worker wants it to.

  Telekinesis: The act of telekinesis is to lift something with the mind and to bring said object to you or away from you by force of will. Doing it will take patience..Magic with the force. Make a gesture of some sort with the hand and allow that gesture to be linked in your mind to using that force. This is called mind force. Raise the hand to raise the item, gesture to you to bring it close. Gesture away to force the item away. Hold out your hand open to accept the item from the air. When you imagine the item intended to be moved, imagine it doing what you want. Allow for the link to the idea of force. If it worked, things you imagined should happen. This takes considerable practice. Another way is to imagine the item lifting off the ground and feel the force making it happen. Move the hand to move the object that you want in any way you need.

  Cleansing: This is the ability to not be effected by alcohol and remain cleansed, at least in spirit. Think that your not effected by alcohol and things that you do cleanse your body. This is the way to do this ability, and there is a 50/50 chance that you aren't effected by alcohol. Represented in math by a d10 where 1-5 is failure and 6-10 is success. The cleansing, if you want it, happens by the molecules you control to create a clean state.

  Folding space: Folding space is the act of the body to move through space and time by the way of a force channel. The way is simpleand magic the force to fold space like a piece of paper that has been folded in half. To affect yourself where you are and to where you want to be. The effect of this happening is like punching a hole in the sheet to 2 parellel points far away from each other. Magic the force to make that similiar effect, by imagining the idea of you or the object in the place you want yourself or the object to be. Now initiate it by imagining a drawn a line from you to the place in your mind that you or the object wanted to be. There should be a feeling of force being used, and you or the object will be shifted. This could be used to teleport anywhere.

  Force strangle: Strangling someone by force of will has an effect of killing them by closing their throat using the force. This is only intended for revenge purposes, there are better ways than killing people by this method to fix or resolve your problems. Talking is an option by saying your feelings. How to kill by strangling, is to make magic with force on closing the throught by sheer force of will. Use your feelings of needing to get revenge or the feelings of getting rid of dark emotion. This will increase the effort of your force to accomplish the goal quicker. Knocks out victim for +1 round per 2 skill core stat mod and broken by will save. Beyond 4 rounds and the victim dies if the victim fails will save at 20 dc.

  Force wall: Creating a force will to keep people or things from you is act of creating a force wall. When a person effects a force wall, said person actually makes a barrier of will. This neutralizes the force being present and enacting upon you that you don't like or want. To do it, feel the force and magic it by allowing it to neutralize any hostile force in the area; through feeling the need of protection from danger, or magic it by mentally telling it to neutralize the force that enacts upon you. Another magicing idea is to have the force block the thing you don't want to touch you. If you create a force wall with the direction, of being in a radius of a certain area of effect, you could make it into a dome of protection. To do this effect, think on the protections you would want. Now, feel the force and magic the force to make protection of the thing or things you would want, in an ever expanding force bubble that expands to the necessary radius of your desire. When you think about it, you could make a house shield of protection from lightning, natural disasters, thieves and people investigating your crimes.

  Another thing with the force wall is to make a magic of force that is in a shape of a moving wall. This moving wall will move forward from you to pass through the targets of your desire. What it will accomplish is the things you thought about before it was formed or as you form it. These things are: to make a freezing wall by thinking freeze while forming it and sending it. As the wall passes the targets, bend with your mind the force will around said targets to make them be kept in their minds or in physical form to stop them from moving. This does a freezing effect on the targets that you want effected. To cause a killing wall, just make a magic of force with the feeling of needing death while imagining the wall moving forward and passing through intended victims.

This kills them where they stand by making them disappear as if they had never existed. If it doesn't work, it will disorient said people instead and make them wish they were dead. If you think the force wall has an elemental force associated with it, the elemental force will effect a target with the elemental force being emulated. The thoughts of making a person come back to life and forming the force to the will in the form of this thought will make anyone you would want come back to life. All it has to do is pass over dead person and it will raise them. This will effect many things or just one. Each 2 magic skill core stat mod to has the effect of +1 rounds to all non-instant manipulations, +10/- protection and 1d8 + cha mod for all manipulations effects. Like 2d8+4 hp damage for a 4 skill core stat mod and +4 cha mod.

  Heart burst: Indian shamans had a method in which they strangled a person heart by their will to make the death look like a heart attack. This was done by the use of force. When they did it, this was for revenge. To do it, make use of the force. Magic the force on the idea of causing a heart attack within the cone you would want to get revenge on. Imagine a hand that is a force will that sqeezes the heart of the intended victim until you feel it burst. Afterword, intended victim will be dead and you will have to accept the consequences in some manner that does not reflect to you.

  Prescience: Prescientific method is the effort of projecting your mind a few minutes into the future using the force to allow for your body to react to what you see. When you attempt to accomplish this act of projection, remember that one is invulnerable to attacks and can make no actual mistakes that are uncorrectable. To start, make yourself calm by imagining yourself in your own mindscape that relaxes you. Whence there, calm your mind and magic the force to project yourself one to five minutes in advance of your own time. Now feel the tension of your body that is there and feel your mind slip to the projected point using the moment of tension release to send you there floating on a current of feeling. The force is your link to yourself. Now watch what comes and the body reacts to what you watch as if you guide yourself through the force. It is simple as that. It reduces damage +15/- per 2 magic skill core stat mod.

  Mind reading: To use the force to detect lies or read minds, try to magic on making an attempt to listen to the voice that gives information. Magic the force by magicing on the voice and feeling tension in your body. Now feel your mind follow along the voice to its owner. You will feel a shift. Mentally ask "show me the truth" in his mind or mentally ask "tell me the truth". When you get an answer, it will either come as a verbal response or a mental vision as he speaks. Where you get specifics, is what said person is hiding. Another way is to simply observe what said person is thinking. Allow yourself to percieve what he has thought.When done, allow your mind to return to your body. Now use the information with discreetness. Reading minds is just the same except you only see what said person is thinking while talking to said person or listening to them. Combine this with good questions that are magiced by what you see.

  Evoke emotion: Evoking emotion in a person will make the object of conversation appear. The object of conversation is the result you desired from it. Emotion can cause a person to become clouded in a conversation. Though you may have a losing conversation, evoking emotion will cause you to win. How do you this? It is bit of imagination and feeling. Magic the force on the feelings you want the other person to feel. In the midst of conversation, imagine the person showing that feeling. Now imagine the conversation as you would want it. This will cause the conversation to be gaining the end that one desired. This dazes the person for +1/two magic skill core stat mod duration.

  Astral shift: Astral plane shifting through time and space is simple. Magic the force with the idea of being in a forest that has a path going through it. The forest is cloudy and only the path is seen. The rule is to enter the forest with a destination in mind. If the destination is clear in your mind then the forest path is clear of blockage. Following the path through the forest to its end will make you appear at the place you would want as you step off the path. When you are off the path entirely, The path disappears and you are at the place you are in. Step off the path in between and you will appear at a place you probably don't want to be. This affects the subconscious to shift you to any place you desire through the place of dreams.

  Time travel: Time Shifting is the moment of the force to make an idea of time manipulation happen. To do it magic the force on an image back in time. Say three times "I wish to be there back in time at the spot of my desire." This should make you appear in the time point of your desire. Another idea is to magic the force and send your energy back in time in the form of yourself to the point you remember. Now you say "in five minutes I will be there where I desire!" What will happen is the fact of you collecting enough energy in the form of you that you disappear from where you are and reappear at that point and if enough energy is sent. To go back to your time, do the same thing but magic on an image of the time that you want to be at. What may help is think of your items you used and imagine you standing right next to one. Now touch the item in your mind. Usage: say "I time travel to [time/place here]."

  Fluid change: Changing water to wine or any other substance is an easy task. Magic the force by holding your hand around the water container. Imagine an energy stream going through the water container by going from four fingers to thumb. Have another thought while doing this of changing water to wine. Keep charging the water until turns into wine. To change water to another drink just change the method above and make the thought of change water to the drink of your choice. Usage: say "change water particles to the [drink of desire].

  Force bolt: Force bolts are an idea of your force being projected as a weapon. Magic and know the force by imagining the force as a small ball in front of you. Imagine it shrinking to the size of a needlepoint. Now yeild the force and hit the target by linking the idea of the ball of force to the target of your choice with a line in your head. Basically as you think with ideal to do, draw a line in your head from the force ball to the target picture. Now let go of the force ball. Each 2 skill core stat mod is +2d6+cha mod of or with any element desired.

  Time manipulation: Controlling time is the process of using the force to manipulate time. Magic the force by imagining a clock in your mind with the words beneath it that represent the area that you would want the clock to effect. This clock is moving at the normal speed that time is moving at. Now speed up the clock or slow the clock down by imagining the clock hands moving at the speed you would want. This forces the time around you to move at the rate you selected. Another way to manipulate it is to imagine the clock and say out loud "time now moves [this percentage] slower for [this area]". Notice the clock had changed. Now dismiss the clock from your mind by allowing the image to disappear. Slow time is -1 atk/magic skill core stat mod from target. Speed, slow and stop time gives as described.

  Image projection: Projecting your image is like making an allowance for the force to act on your behalf. Magic the force by visualizing yourself in the area where you would want to have your image appear. Now speak in your mind to make this work. Allow the responses to be heard by making a sound channel. Allow the force to work with you as you speak by being that channel. When you are finished speaking, dismiss the image in your head of your speaking form. Now think on something else breaking your concentration. The image is unkillable and lasts +2 rounds/two magic skill core stat mod.

  Simulacrum: Making a simulcrum is a bit like projecting your image. Magic the force by visualizing yourself in the area where you would want to have your image appear. Now allow the form to take shape as yourself by giving it more energy from yourself. When you feel the temperature, link the simulcrum to the sun. Do this by imagining a sun drawing and making a drawing of your simulcrum. Draw a line to the image of your simulcrum from the sun drawing. Say "I wish my simulcrum had a mind of its own and to be invulnerable to attacks." Now feel the simulcrum take form in full. That is simple. Undoing a simulcrum is just as simple. Will with the force to undo the simulcrum. The simulcrum has the same abilities and 1/4 the hp as the original till death.

  Blindstrike: Hitting the target by force alone while blinded is simple and straightforward. Put a blindfold on and imagine a dark place in your mind. Now be in the dark place and feel the threat. Allow the force to guide you and when the threat comes near, attack it by using the force as a guide. This takes considerable practice and must be instinctual. It makes +2 atk/two magic skill core stat mod.

  Blindsight: Seeing while blind is a practice that cures the blind. The idea is to allow the force to act as sight. Magic the force through the third eye and imagine the things you saw. When you can see clearly in your mind that sight allow your mind to shift the image to the true image of what is around you. The force will allow you to see in truth. To reaffirm belief in the sight, say mentally or out loud "I will see through my eyes the truth of the matter." Say this three times. The caster gains the blindsight ability with all blinding spells negated. It lasts +3 rounds/two magic skill core stat mod.

  Force projection: Force projection is the force being used as a physical tool. When it is used as this it is a raw extension of your will. This raw extension is made by imagination of a hand that is in energy form. Use this hand as you would your normal hand. To strike someone feel it form into a fist and strike the person in the gut or the face as in the nose. This force projection is unique as it can make itself look like any weapon. It is like this: it is to imagine the weapon in your hand as you think it should look. Keep believing and focing the force into that items form until it exists. After that it will exist to be used as that weapon. Make it appear and disappear as you will. +1d8/two magic skill core stat mod + cha mod.

  Hide item: Making things disappear is allowing the force to hide the item intended. Doing this is to magic the force on the idea of the item intended. Use the force to tell the object to be hidden. Just magic on the object and tell it to be hidden. Hides objects for +1 round/two magic skill core stat mod.

  Force wand: Using your hand as a wand is to gather your force in your hand to which ye speak what ye want it to do. Magic and need the effect in mind to happen while stating the words. The event will come about in the least noticable manner or as ye would want. Each 2 magic skill core stat mod to an ability has the effect of +1 rounds to all non-instant manipulations, +10/- protection and 1d8 + cha mod for all manipulation effects. Like 3d8+4 hp damage for a 7 domain ability skill core stat mod and +4 cha mod. This only effects one person.

  Force shield: To create a force shield that rebounds or protects as needed, link your hands together. then feel the force surrounding ye to make a perfect barrier. Thus ye won't get touched by the elements that ye don't want to be touched by. Atk Atk are bounced/deflected and no damage touches person. It lasts 1 round/magic skill core stat mod.

  Raising: To resurrect feel the force within you and make imagination of the cadaver being alive doing an activity. Call the spirit back to the body by feeling the body come back to life and want the body come alive. Then think "come alive!" saying out loud at the cadaver in a low voice with authority "Death to life!" and either the force will respond to bring back the body or the body will be enlivened. Do this over an over again as needed because this may take more than once. This takes a concentration Skill Check of 1d20+concentration skill core stat mod with a 10 or above for success. Each 2 concentration skill core stat mod is +1 chance bonus to concentration.

  Regenesis: In regenesis, you create as you think, the energy of the body resurges and creates the lost limb back to normal from DNA patterns in the body and its a little bit weaker than before.This takes a concentration or magic Skill Check of 1d20+concentration or magic skill core stat mod with a 10 or above as success. Each 2 magic or concentration skill core stat mod is +1 chance bonus to magic or concentration.

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Templar ability:

  Templar ability is what uses the energy of the body to summon the voidal energy and your subconscious creates with care, the effect you need or want is created using the creator or your God. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the deity or creator as energy. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice in a system comparison. This class has 6 actual abilities: Nothingness (cha), LOA change (Cha), Writing magic (Cha), Time ability (Cha), Self-creation (Cha) and Dark magic (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or in with idea and to create by a point in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Nothingness; Learning ability level: 1.
  How about this with an idea for an ability, stating out loud, "I can create with nothingness." and if you magic on nothing and state out loud what you intend as an idea. This generates a result out of nothingness. Nothingness contains unlimited mana energy. This is where you think, I will create a breeze, then state the affirmation word "breeze" as you look at nothing for a slight breeze in the area.

  Now realize that everything that comes from the void the character can think it to the void. This is including disease and wounding, goes back to the void that makes it disappear from here. So if you summoned an object from void, it could disappear back to the void of life. So if you thought and needed something, then you ask the void energy to create it. Since that is a point you have, you could think it didn't happen to exist and sending the existing thing's energy to the void could make it not exist.

  The effect in DND terms for this is per each time to use this, it's as though 1d10+charisma mod with each 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points (rounded down) for effects. That include the elements such as fire, water, earth or air energy or healing. Its like watching a concert, it exists yet doesn't after the fact of it not being needed. The effect is this, you can summon a thought that turns into an object from the void of nothingness. Then you summoned an object.

  If you instead summoned a fire energy to cause healing, then its not causing damage its making the body heal quickly and to a certain point. If you summoned the fire energy to create harm, then it causes the fire or heat in the air to make damage. Its an idea that exists by the consciousness of energy. This energy does what you intend by it receivving the thought you need and it does a manifestation of effect..duration is how long you need the fire energy to do the idea you had.

  In DnD terms it's 1d6 rounds in battle, and outside of battle it's unlimited until you dismiss the summoning and this causes it not to exist. You you make an instant effect of thinking the wound was the energy and make it by gates of singularities to be sucked back into the void per the amount you rolled or decided with no-dice systems per minute outside of melee or battle. As it does this thing, you heal the wound and restore good health to the body.

  This at 10 magic core stat mod and 7 charisma mod means 6d10+7 in amount, that has a max of 67% health restored each round in battle or minute outside of battle. The effect is magiced into existence by the power of the creator. In the effect, you have to think and state the desire as a need to create the result as stated by the DM/GM. If you don't, then how do you know it worked? I think it's interesting if it does, and interesting if you get some other result.

  LOA change; Learning ability level: 3.
  One way you could use the LOA in trying to attract people is also by having someone who you already know go through a slight change and some mental growth which will produce the exact same result. LOA isn't just about manifestation for something to happen, but also for something to change and become what you wanted to happen, but in a different way and perspective. What you magic upon that comes is changed, thinking of what it is to become by what you want by feel with this ability. This is possible to change a form or attribute of the target you thought to bring to the area, on a successful magic or concentration check with 10 or above results or 15 total with no-dice.

  Writing magic; Learning ability level: 3.
  Writing what you think or need or as you describe the idea by writing or statement otherwise thinking to write it like a story, that makes it by the subconscious creating what you describe. This self-creates the point you make by feel or idea you observe. The writing effect in DnD terms will work by rolling a 1d20+magic or conentration core stat mod with a 10 or above and otherwise with a no-dice determination it's a 15 or above result for success.

  Time ability; Learning ability level: 5.
  The character will be able to manipulate time and events by imagining or stating the idea they want and if the energy of the element is summoned by this its through gating. The means create the effect and the idea is the point you speak. This comes into existence as a point of activity. The activity allows you to get things by feel. You can get things done very easily. However, with the time ability, the character gains 1d6 actions per round. They literally speed up and get things done quicker. This means they use the 1d6 for rounds of time speed up. That means you get multiple actions per round and rounds of it.

  A DnD result by this effect is a magic or concentration check and 10 or above results to cause fighters to demise as though not existing and things are better after. Otherwise the result is per each 2 magic or conentration core stat mod round down. The effect is 1d10+charisma mod for the amount. Each amount is used as percent for healing or damage. So a 15 skill core stat mod in concentration, a 5 charisma mod and the intent spoken of "I will create a water effect to heal using the time ability." Creates a 7d10+5 amount in percent. That amount is what summoned water if successful will heal your character by feel.

  Self-creation; Learning ability level: 7.
  The character that rolls a magic skill check with 10 or above as a result or has 15 total is the result with no-dice, and that character magices can create using the energy of the area, that is directed by will and the subconscious creates what you want by feel. This is concentrated energy, so think and you know what to do. The thing this energy does is start the change, that is from imagining what happens within to create without problems. Self-creative thinking can produce the result or effect, that the building or area energy creates by being nearby. Since this is more magiced energy, the result is produced by using your magic skill.

  The DnD result is creating anything in the area by the power of the area. This means in math terms, that you per each 2 levels, round down, is 1d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod of the character for the elements or energy to create as an instant result. A thought of this idea can create the result. It's self-creative from the consciousness of the building or area making the result. What this means, if the area consciousness is awakened, it can create for you what you magic on to create. The result is a total that creates if elemental and healing is intended, with a level 15 character and 15 magic skill core stat mod, 7d10+15 in amount. This amount has 85% health restored.

  The duration or how long it lasts, is what you intend it to last, this means outside of melee or battle its as long as the area lasts and per 1d6 rounds in battle. So say you cast a earth effect, from the earth energy forms the result you intended. And, it lasts a rolled 5 rounds. Say this effect was to create an object, thinking and stating, "the self-creation I intend is to use earth energy to make appear a few hundred gold coins wherever I find them." This creates with an unlimited amount of time, the gold coins that appear from magiced earth energy with a successful magic check and since it's outside of battle it's where the gold coins are there indefinitely..unless you are in battle, then it is there for 5 rounds of 6 seconds or 30 seconds.

  Dark magic; Learning ability level: 9.
  This uses the void and the magicing of energy by feel, that allows you to create what you need as though a want was created. This combines the weapon magic and nothingness technique, thinking to make the improved weapon magic idea as this. The idea is where you create by drawing forth a gate and making energy come to here, where you are then magicing it along the edge of the weapon. Then by thinking, you create the atomic edge that is diamond hard and can cut through anything. This gives you an ability to slice through anything by the power of the void, you can even slice a limb off or two. Also with effects, you can use the weapon by holding it as though a wave comes from it with a swing or shot and upon hitting the target you create what result you desired. This is giving you +10 to the effect and totals, that's with rolls of the weapon and effects you do by feel or idea you notice by idea you do. Think and you know what to do with this.

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Solamnic knight ability:

  Solamnic knight ability is what uses the energy of the body to summon the god they serve and your subconscious creates with care by directing their god, the effect you need or want is created using the creator or your God. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the deity or creator as energy surges to make the result. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no diceno dice. This class has 8 actual abilities: Traveling (cha), Solamnic manifest (Cha), Water absorption (Cha), Energy absorption (Cha), Instances (Cha), Force bubbles (cha) God weapons (cha) and Holy being (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or in with idea and to create by a point in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Traveling; Learning ability level: 1.
  The area you think to be in or out is the point your spirit shifts you to be in or out instantaneously.

  Solamnic manifest; Learning ability level: 1.
  The ability of a solamnic knight is yours, this is where you can create by feel with your god what you have to create and then make with the idea that is possible by feel. Their ability is done to manifest the idea by what you think coming to fruition or being made by their god. This is intention that the god does as though you, whatever your intent that is a point and the soul creates it with energy from their god as the ability of the body and spiritual magic thereof. That makes the point by the spirit guided with the soul directing their body into doing the right things, this means your area energy is used into creating influenced magic and manifesting using the universes energy by what you want with a prayer spell. You can create anything if you think to make with their god, and this guides the spirit and uses your soul energy into having you realize what was done by the insight.

  Water absorption; Learning ability level: 3.
  The water in the body as well as the water in the area can be absorbed as health %. Add on magic 2d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod in health. If absorbing from the target body it's potential water particles, after your done the target will collapse.

  Energy absorption; Learning ability level: 3.
  The food energy your able to absorb as it's flavored energy that's intense. The food will become flavorless and you will have recovered 3d10+constitution mod in amount of stp and health percent at will.

  Instances; Learning ability level: 5.
  Through the power of prayer you get instances. The instance you do things, is the moment that can last forever. You see the instance is an action and this action is a moment that can in idea last forever. The instance ends when you think its ended by other instances or idea you do. Otherwise the moment ends itself by stopping.

  Force bubbles; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you magic your thought energy and extend out the aura by 1d10 feet to create a bubble of magiced force. This means you extended your aura energy and create additional damages or effects. Add 2d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod to the total of damages and healing. Add 1d6 rounds to the effect you cast forth in battle. This effects those that get in your force bubble. Those caught in the force bubble are stunned for 1d6 rounds, that's until you decide to cancel the force bubble out by will.

  God weapons; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where energy crafts itself as a weapon with prayer. As if directed by god, you can use it anyway you like. The God weapon is created by the deity and you find it in your hand or nearby as a point to use. The area energy and your god energy makes the weapon effect and it does 3d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod in magic damage. This effect dispells itself as its not thought about, needed to dissipate or not needed at the moment and it is easily dismissed.

  Holy being; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is your god that reforms your body as though it turns into an godlike being and you don't need food or drink. All you need is the energy from your god. You are never hurt unless it's magically induced damage and always keep full health percent as your god restores your hp % instantly except for magic damage, that you heal yourself by prayer spell and restore yourself to full health %. You can turn yourself unsolid or solid at will. If unsolid, all your gear turns unsolid as well. You are unable to be hit by any weapon. Upon turning solid, you can be hit by magic and all your gear returns to solid state as well. At anytime, your god allows you to shapeshift at will into any other form. This is a worthy idea by observation to have in life, if the DM/GM allows for it.

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Solamnic artist ability:

  Solamnic artist ability is what uses the energy of the body to summon the with the soul through a gate what your subconscious creates. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the soul as energy surges to make the result. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no diceno dice. This class has 9 actual abilities: Third eye manifest (cha), Solamnic manifestation (Cha), Energy weapons (Cha), Moment in time (Cha), Radiance bubbles (Cha), Third eye blast (cha), Unlimited recharge (cha), Recovery (cha) and Energy being (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or in with idea and to create by a point in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Third eye manifest; Learning ability level: 1.
  The power of the third eye is used by magicing on what you intend it to do. You can shift by will through this means to where you need to be teleporting. No time is used in getting there.

  Solamnic manifestation; Learning ability level: 1.
  The ability of a solamnic artist is yours by feel, this is where you can create by feel with what you have and make with the idea that is possible. Their ability is done to manifest the idea by what you think. This is intention, your intent that is a point and the soul creates with the ability of the body. That makes the point by the spirit guided with the soul directing, this means your area energy is influenced into manifesting using the universes energy. You can create anything if you think to make with the soul and this guides the spirit into having you realize what was done by the insight.

  Energy weapons; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where energy crafts itself as a weapon when you imagine it in your hand or being nearby and acting as though you use it, see it with your third eye and use it as you wish and you can use it anyway you like. The energy weapon is created by the soul and you find it in your hand or nearby as a point to use. The god weapon is similar to this effect, except the energy weapon can create itself from heat of the area and looks like a firey weapon or other element such as an ice bladed weapon where it does 2d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod in magic damage. This effect dispells itself as its not thought about, needed to dissipate or not needed at the moment and it is easily dismissed.

  Moment in time; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is the moment you think of something, then it manifests at the time you think it should happen to occur. This is a delayed reaction that can delay at will the manifest, if necessary.

  Radiance bubbles; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you magic your thought energy and extend out the aura by 1d10 feet. That is with added radiation in the area to create a bubble of magiced force. This means you extended your aura energy and create additional damages or effects. Add 2d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod to the total of damages and healing. Add 1d6 rounds to the effect you cast forth in battle. This effects those that get in your radiance bubble. They can be stunned for 1d6 rounds, until you cancel out the radiance bubbles by will.

  Third eye blast; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you shoot forth a blast of energy from your third eye. It disintegrates the target into dust, if you get the effect. There is a saving throw versus death, if made you instead get a 2d8+charisma mod amount per each 2 magic skill core stat mod rounded down. This means you can get with a 6 magic core stat mod or Int mod points and 5 charisma mod, 12d8+5 damage effect of energy or max of 101% health damage.

  Unlimited recharge; Learning ability level: 7.
  The recharge of energy and restoration of stamina is done using this technique. Make your STP 100 if lower than 100, this is done by willing energy comes into you that's cleansed of harmful effects thought up on sending. Also since the creator is unlimited, you absorb the creator's energy that he sends and cause yourself to become unlimited in energy and STP.

  Recovery; Learning ability level: 9.
  This spell effect is where you create perfect health, and all you did was allow your soul restore you by feel. Restore your health by making it 100%, or its fhp amount upon willingness of the GM/DM to allow this effect or at will.

  Energy being; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is the third eye that reforms your body as though it turns into an energy being and you don't need food or drink. All you need is the energy from the creator. You are never hurt unless it's magically induced damage and always keep full health percent as the creator restores your hp % instantly except for magic damage, that you heal yourself by healing spell and restore yourself to full health %. You can turn yourself unsolid or solid at will. If unsolid, all your gear turns unsolid as well. You are unable to be hit by any weapon. Upon turning solid, you can be hit by magic and all your gear returns to solid state as well. At anytime, you can shapeshift by feel. This is a worthy idea to have, if the DM/GM allows for it.

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Mechanic ability:

  Mechanic ability is what uses the energy of the body to create the with the pinneal gland and third eye through creating a gate. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the third eye as energy surges to make the result. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 6 actual abilities: Trigger (cha), Timing (Cha), Psyche moment (Cha), Animator (Cha), Dimensional time shift (Cha) and Mechanics (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thinking in a point with idea and thought is then used to create by something in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Trigger; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is a using a switch that you can get and put in your inventory, that triggers the result you think it will trigger. This will trigger anything into manifesting itself. If its not allowed by the DM/GM, then nothing happens. The time it effects is up to you, yet it will deal 1d10+charisma mod per each 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points, round down. So say the person had a 10 charisma mod and 10 magic core stat mod or Int mod points at level 24. They would have a 6d10+10 amount as 70 max possible for healing/damage. If the duration or amount of time it lasts is needed, then there is unlimited outside of battle and 1d6 rounds in melee/battle. Otherwise it lasts until you decide to end it..

  Timing; Learning ability level: 1.
  Timing is where they use a timer and count the moment that is in seconds as they create the moment they need to see in some instantaneous space. The moment the timer stops, they cease the moment in time and things revert back to normal. They can see anything that will occur before the moment actually happens. Basically, you will know what will occur with a point or thought you do make. You know when or where thinking will happen and things will occur by the psychic moment revealing it to you.

  Psyche moment; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is a moment you use your psyche or pinneal gland to create a result of what you want. This is where you create with elements and make a result by feel or idea. The result amount is for healing/damages. This is for levels 1-9, 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. Say your character had a 7 charisma mod and 16 magic core stat mod or Int mod at level 16. Then your character could do 8d10+7 in amount of damages/healing. Otherwise a total max of 87. This is for levels 10-19, 2d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. This is for levels 20-29, 3d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. This is for levels 30+, 4d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down.

  Any duration or time of lasting is with a 1d10 rounds in battle/melee or unlimited outside of battle. Otherwise it ends the moment you decide to end it. However, one may note, you can also physically change your body by psyching your subconscious out with making it believe through affirmations what you want it to be like. This uses the moment to create the change and chance a moment of pain if you do. The moment ends when you think it does.

  Animator; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you think of the person and by thinking they are animated, which means living, they are animated and with full hp % by the creator or god making them seem alive. Even if actually dead or unconscious, they do what the creator or god thinks is best. This lasts until you or they decide to not live.

  Dimensional time shift; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where they are able to imagine the spacetime and use their third eye to shift there by feel. When they shift back, they can come to any time they desire.

  Mechanics; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where they are able to repair anything by the consciousness of energy making it work, except for broken weapons which need a forge. This hapens with an intuitive knowledge of the machine or idea that you or they want to know. If you can't repair it, then you find a replacement and work with point to buy it if necessary.

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Psi master ability:

  Psi master ability is what uses the energy of the body to create the effect with the pinneal gland and third eye through a point of creating with a gate. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the third eye as energy surges to make the result. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no diceno dice. This class has 8 actual abilities: Psi moment (cha), Psychic agreement and disagreement (Cha), Device use (Cha), Constructs (Cha), Psi blink (Cha), Scanning (Cha), Programming (Cha) and Psi mastery (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thinking in a point with idea and thought is then used to create by something in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Psi moment; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is the moment that can make you think of the point, that is using psi energy in an idea you speak of by feel to create the idea with suggestion to the subconscious. This forms as a point of manifest and things work themselves out by what you do. This can even form elemental effects with 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point as the amount. Each amount is where it's possible to heal or damage things or the target. Each effect can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle, and outside of battle its unlimited until not desired. You could cause psionic energy to create a point where the target no longer needs to fight or a peaceful feel, that soothes the mind as you get away.

  Psychic agreement and disagreement; Learning ability level: 1.
  Think on the idea to project to the person what you feel they would agree to as you talk to them for psychic agreement. Think to show them or project to them what you feel they would disagree with as you talk to them for psychic disagreement.

  Device use; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where in idea you use things and you can use it to cause an effect, that's done by thinking to the device with what to create with its consciousness. This uses the device as a source of energy and in use you can create almost any effect. If you created an elemental effect using the batteries of the device as a source. Then you can make an effect of any element, that is with 1d10+charisma mod per each 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points damage or healing. That could last up to 1d6 rounds in battle, and until the batteries died outside of battle or you decide to not do the effect.

  Constructs; Learning ability level: 3.
  The energy is shaped into a form like a sphere or psiball, this psiball acts like a servant to you. That's done by thinking about it and it does what you intend or think to do. The effect it does in amount is 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point damage or healing. Duration is how long it lasts, and that is 1d6 rounds in batle or outside battle it's lasting forever until you dismiss it and it disappears as it dissolves. What it does if lasting is with a 1d6 rounds in battle or outside of battle it will cause lasting idea until you think it to end the idea. You can create 1d6 Psiballs per construct, know that each use an action to make a moment.

  Psi blink; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is the moment things blink and you are somewhere you thought to be. This uses the third eye pinneal gland to create the moment that you blink out of existence and then blink back in at another point.

  Scanning; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is a point your reading the energy consciousness and knowing what is there or done.

  Programming; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you think of the idea or construct and think you reprogram the energy or body DNA with a spoken idea or thought you think to it.

  Psi mastery; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is a point you create with the psionics at an induced magic, think to create with a point and easily you make with the subconscious mind using the soul as a power source and spirit as a guide. Except you can make all elemental effect damage and healing at 2d8 instead of what you normally would do.

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Holy ability:

  Holy ability is what uses the energy of the body to create the effect with the energy of the body and your God or deity. This is done through a point of creating with a gate or energy consciousness. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the third eye as energy surges to make the result. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no diceno dice. This class has 8 actual abilities: Alter magic (cha), Alter form (Cha), Praying (Cha), Light channeling (Cha), Soul creation (Cha), Gating (Cha), Chaos effect (Cha), and Implosion (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thinking in a point with idea and thought is then used to create by something in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Alter magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is their magic ability that they alter their senses by magicing and they are able to manipulate reality as though they are extra ability able. The damage and healing amount is 1d10+charisma mod per each 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points in amount, round down, when they are in the magiced mode. Once they are done, as this mode of magicing lasts forever. They shift back to noral in perception. However, in this mode of magic they can see life signs, energy traces and the elements temelves that they can will into creating effects.

  So think to use this, as the alter magic includes Elemental magicing. This is where you magic your life energy and create with thinking what you want and intend by summoned Elemental energy through gating it there by use of the alter magic. Basically, if you have a source, that is something you think is a source, then you can cast forth an elemental effect using it as a source. Say you thought an object was a source of energy, think you tapped it to link it and magic upon the idea to create what result you want. This is what the alter magic allows. So you know, the ater magic is a heightened sense you think to use. This is a known effect of creativity.

  Alter form; Learning ability level: 1.
  The alterform is also part of the alter magic, where you can use your alter magic to change your shape at will. This alter shaping makes you sronger and you lose 5 lbs seemingly. So as long as you keep the alter shape, you can rest assured you can carry more, easily. Add +3 to your strength rolls and +3 strength.

  Praying;Learning ability level: 3.
  Prayer serves them, what they want they get by feel. Sometimes what you pray for you do, so it's like magic upon a concept and wishing for things. What you prayed for is done in some manner of speaking by your Deity. Say the prayer as though to your God, creator or being to get a result. This praying can cure anything by feel and in anything for what is wrong is gone.

  This is where healing is done by feel, making the target regain 1/2 the full health that was there. Any effect is using 1 action. This action is a point done by praying with magic on your intentions. This is a point you know by observations and thought that its done. What you can also pray for is concept. Such as creating peace or some effect such as harm on the target. Harm effects by reducing 1/3 the targets health each time and can leave the target dazed for 1d6 rounds. Otherwise for damages, each prayer spell can drop 1/3 the targets health each time its used for damaging effects.

  Light channeling; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you magic on a target in the light of the moment and think of what you want to the light energy, then you speak your need that the light energy consciousness does and effects the target with by feel. The possible damage or healing that you can do is 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod points, round down. After level 10 the amount goes up to 1d12+charima mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. The duration or how long it lasts is instant in battle, or outside of battle until you don't want the result and otherwise until the light isn't there.

  Ex: Magic your mind on the idea that you lose weight, then you speak that "I lose 42 lbs, no matter what" and the light energy is controlled by its consciousness to create that result and you lose some weight.

  Ex 2: Say you were Jane sall that is level 10 and has 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod with 5 charisma mod. Thinking of forming a fireball in the air as you think it towards the light energy causes it to form after a bit of action, then the light conscious surges the fire energy into forming a compressed fireball that you think goes to the target. The fireball hits unerringly with 4d12+5 damage. That is 53% max in amount.

  Ex 3: Say Jane sall is now level 15 and wants to do an icey freeze damage on the target. She has 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod. She does it unerringly, then the light energy magic creates with its consciousness. That's intense cold damages of 8d12+6 in amount. This as a max is 102% damage in amount.

  Soul creation; Learning ability level: 5.
  You magic on your intentions, and upon a statement your soul creates it. This effects as a 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount round down. The duration or how long it lasts, is 1d6 rounds in melee or combat or unlimited outside battle. So if you had a level 10 character that wanted to make fire damage, that had 6 magic core stat mod or Int mod points and 6 charisma mod. Then if you think about it, you have a possible 6d12+6 amount and that is 78% total max fire damage. After level 10 your damage/healing causes 2d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount, round down.

  Say you were level 15 and had 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod with 6 charisma mod. Then wanted to create water waves in the air mixed with bioelectricity, that causes the target some difficulty and pushes away the target. The gated in water element is then a water wave charged by your bioenergy magiced into electricity form formed by the soul and magiced at the target. This potential damage the water wave deals is 16d8+6 or 134% max in water and electrical damage done as it pushes the target further away from yourself.

  Gating; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you magic upon an area and think of a gate to form. This gate is programmed by the soul to go to where you intend to go or be. You can use the gate to show you what is there, think to do it by saying what you need it to do or close it by feel. If you intend to gate something or someone somewhere.

  See to create a gate, so you create with the soul by gate what you intend and have it shift the person or thing. So the gm/dm understands what you want, speak out loud or type what you intend, like "I gate to the area behind the door."

  Chaos effect; Learning ability level: 9.
  The holy can cause a chaos effect, this effect can create with chaos energy. The full effects of this are a 2d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount. Thinking to direct it is discord. So think to use this ability by feel. The duration or how lon it lasts, if there was a lasting moment is 1d10 rounds in melee or battle or unlimited till dead outside of battle. That's until you decide to end it.

  See by imagination and magicing the soul can directly cause it to create effects Iike instantly killing, breaking things and causing decay. However with magic, think as its instantly making decay, explosion and destruction or dissolvation of things. As you have it, you gain +4 in your rolls. Also add +3 to strength. There is a point you might work with..where you have to dispell the chaos. Think to have your soul dispell it and its gone.

  Implosion; Learning ability level: 11.
  this ability allows you to create with the void of space the imploding of the target. This means that you cast the effect by magic and needing the effect. This makes the energy and mass of the target sucked of its energy, that energy goes into the void and leaves the body a shell of itself. This makes after 1d6 seconds, through the void an implosion happen as the body explodes by feel. You see, it is an implosion yet it leaves damage to the area behind of 2d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod. That can appear as black marks and smudges. So you can implode anything you think to target. Think and you know what to do.

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Mage knight ability:

  Mage knight ability is what uses the energy of the body to create the effect with the energy of the body and your 3rd eye. This is done through a point of creating with a gate or energy consciousness. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy consciousness making manifestation. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no diceno dice. This class has 13 actual abilities: Instant travel (cha), Elemental magic (Cha), Mipha's Grace (Cha), Revali's Gale (Cha), Magnetic rebound (Cha), Remote bomb (Cha), Cryonis (Cha), Daruk's Protection (Cha), Urbosa's Fury (Cha), Energy weapons (Cha), Stasis (Cha) and Elemental control (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thinking in a point with idea and thought is then used to create by something in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Instant travel; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you magic inwards, think of where you want to go and your spirit shifts you, as you intend to be somewhere and you were there in the blink of an eye. if in combat, you need to roll a magic check to shift somewhere. Outside of combat, you can shift as you want without a magic check.

  Elemental magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  If you hold your weapon and imagine the elemental color flare, as you strike that energy you gate in will emulate in some manner the element that is used, then you create with the elemental energy running down the weapon as you strike with normal weapon and elemental damage. Otherwise you can target air and create an effect with the weapon strike on air itself. The colors are light blue for chaos or the element of breaking things down or disruptin the energy of the target and leaving them dazed for 1d6 rounds..

  Red for fire and setting things aflame. Blue for water and causing soaking or rusting. Brown for earth and smothering things or choking the target into death. Bone white is for death energy and spirit that decays on touch and by feel. White for air and causing a floating platform or force wall that you make by slashing. Black for void, dark or evil that you can use to absorb the life force from the target with by feel. The void, dark or evil can suck the living energy from the target as you think it does, and adding a touch of fire makes the target explode.

  Green blue for life, light or good that can restore life or create viruses in effect, that effects the target and the virus can do what you intend. Otherwise, it can be used to create a living wall that does what you want made by slashing or firing the weapon. Each rusted sword or weapon can have reduced damages of -6 penalty. The Guns and projectile cannons can create with the energy given to the weapon and it imparts itself to the shot as it goes out. Hitting with the gun or projectile cannon is making damage, this is with the projectile damage and elemental damage combined.

  At level 10, what you can do is cast forth elemental effects from the hand as you gate the energy to effect what you want, and cause effects like pure elemental damage or healing. Think and feel the elemental energy go down the arm to the hand and note that you can't be effected from it as you magic the energy to beam forth or go forth from the hand to effect a result. Also possible is thinking to create an elemental of the elements you think to use. Think to desummon the elemental after the need for it is over as though you think the time is done for the elementals. They imagine them harmlessly dissipate into air or they are voided into the void of space.

  This is where the conscious energy forms a being that is shaped like you want and it goes forth to do as you direct. Each round or minute of its formation is requiring a concentration check. A failed concentration check means the elemental is dissipated harmlessly. You can create 1d6 elementals to do your bidding as you magic the effect into existence. Anymore and you lose your magic and the elemental dissipates into nothingness.

  The effect amount is how much damage or healing you want it to do. This is 1d10+charisma mod per each 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points, round down, as an amount. The duration is how long the effect will last, if you intend it to last. This amount of time is 1d6 rounds in battle and unlimited until you decide to end it outside if battle. Each amount of damage or healing is in % and that means you have a % of health and damages you deal per effect. Magicing the effect per more actions used will cause greater effect. So think to use this carefully, as you may need to kill the target quickly.

  If you know you don't, then you can take your time. The elemental damage at level 10 is 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. So this means if you had a character that's level 15, has 6 charisma mod and 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod wanting to deal water damage. You would deal 7d10+6 in amount or total max is 76% water damage. If you deal 80% damage to something it falls apart or breaks easily.

  Mipha's Grace; Learning ability level: 2.
  Revives you with full health and adds 2xconstitution mod extra health to yourself. Requires one day to reuse. Its upgraded form that you get at level 10 requires 8 hours to reuse and you get 4xconstitution mod extra health.

  Revali's Gale; Learning ability level: 2.
  Creates an upward draft that can carry you into the sky. Requires 6 hours to reuse. Its upgraded form you get at level 10 and requires 2 hours to reuse. This ability works well with a wind glider, so if you think to get one as its available equipment then you can use this ability with the wind glider.

  Magnetic rebound; Learning ability level: 3.
  The magetic energy you think to create as you magic energy to create rebound from it, its with the idea that you can create the magnetic energy that you direct things with body energy. Or otherwise cause by thinking, your aura makes what you want to go from you or come to you by feel. This is a known effect.

  Remote bomb; Learning ability level: 5.
  Rocks and boulders blocking your path? You can detonate a Remote Bomb effect from a safe distance using a thought of what you want and a touch to a crystal as a trigger to cause the bomb effect..that blows up the target into little pieces. This can be used on loving or non living targets.

  Cryonis; Learning ability level: 5.
  You can use the Cryonis Rune that you make up by imagining the idea you want as you draw in the air a symbol to cause it. This symbol can be anything. That is used to freeze water into ice pillars that exists as water particles in the area-a surprisingly handy power. These columns of ice may be slippery, but you can use them as a platform for climbing or as a tool.

  Daruk's Protection; Learning ability level: 5.
  Creates a red crystal barrier around you when used, protecting you from all attacks and damage while up, as well as deflecting certain attacks back such as energy beams. Requires 8 hours to reuse. Daruk's protection lasts 1d6 rounds in melee or battle and until not desired outside of battle. Its upgraded form you get t level 10, it requires 6 hours to reuse. It's upgraded protection lasts 1d10 rounds in melee or battle and until not desired outside of battle.

  Urbosa's Fury; Learning ability level: 7.
  Forms a spherical field of light around you before lightning comes down and strikes everything in that radius. Dealing 1d12+charisma mod per each 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points, round down, in damage amount. Requires 12 hours to reuse. Its upgraded form you get at level 10, that requires 4 hours to reuse.

  Energy weapons; Learning ability level: 7.
  These weapons are formed by imagining the weapon in hand, This is creativity as you imagine the effect and creating with its energy to make what you desire. The energy is what forms whatever element, that you want by feel. Of course you gate the energy in, think and it causes the elemental damage or effect like fire/cooling down things by feel. What you do with the element is upto you. The DM/GM has the final say as to whatever happens. The weapon can be anything that you want it to be. The amount it does is 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. The duration is how long it lasts, this is 1d6 rounds in melee or battle and unlimited outside of battle. Think to desummon the weapon after your done.

  Stasis; Learning ability level: 9.
  You can use the Stasis rune that you make up, that's done by thinking of what you want and tracing in the air the symbol to cause it. This can be any symbol you want. This is used to stop the flow of time for an item or target, which gives the item a chance to store up kinetic energy. Then, use a sword or other strong weapon to release the pent-up energy and send the object flying. You can even use Stasis to freeze obstacles and targets in place so you can sneak past!

  Elemental control; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think and magic and create with control of the self, thinking to make what you think manifested into happening. What you think will occur, if you think it will. So this is a point done by feel. If you think its possile and think psitively, you will get positive and this is good for results. Think ngatively, then you will get bad results. You can get an additional +1d12+charisma mod per every 3 levels in amount that is healing or damage. Make duration or how long it lasts a 1d10 rounds in melee or battle, and unlimited outside of battle until you decide not.

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Illusionist ability:

  Illusionist ability is what uses the energy of the body to create the effect, that is directed by the third eye and that is magiced with the thought said or expressed to the subconscious. This is done through a point of creating with a gate or energy consciousness. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy consciousness making manifestation. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no diceno dice. This class has 8 actual abilities: Vision (cha), Illusionous effect (Cha), Poison mist (Cha), Elementalism effect (Cha), What ability (Cha), True sight (Cha), Spells (Cha), Faith effect (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or thinking in a point with idea and thought is then used to create by something in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Vision; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is the point you see things that are guided by feel and thought. If you project this vision to others. A form of vision appears that you can imagine. It can be seen by anyone or anything, and you can make it last as long as you want. If not wanted or known about, it can fade away and reality takes over as a point of reflection occurs. You are sane from the vision, no matter the point you sense in life. The reaction to the vision is sometimes bad as it fades away. There is a 1d20+charisma mod check, where anything 10 or above is with no bad reaction and they trust you still. At level 10, the ability becomes group vision. Where you can use a group moment, thinking to make an enhanced shared vision that a whole group or area sees. Otherwise you can still use it as a single vision effect.

  Illusionous effect; Learning ability level: 2.
  Anything you can think of is done the body's bio energy and the subconscious mind, if believed by the person or creature will effect them. If you imagine the result, then it is done. State what you want them to believe. Then act a part as you think of things, that's meant to fool the senses. This can make them believe it. If disbelieved or the illusionist no longer needs the illusion, the effect fades away by feel. The damages done, if believed are 1d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount. Duration is until you decide its not needed. Each illusion can be guided, so think of the effect and the illusion can change to fit the moment. This could even make an illusion of a dragon that appears to effect your will.

  One such illusion for example is where you imagine the person they respect talking to them as you talk. This tricks their mind in hearing what they want to hear and they do things as they go along with you. Another illusion is where you create an illusion of ice encasing their body and they act as thought, they feel cold and freeze to death. These are examples of the idea you coul make in what you wanted to effect a target or targets by in feel or visual concept.

  This ability is limitless in what you intend them to experience. Yet if you make it too unbelievable, they can dispell the illusion and get no effect on themselves. So by belief, they could do what they want and that sometimes is acting as though what their mind sees is real even if its illusionous. However, sometimes illusion is hiding what is really there. So think about that as its apparent to what is really there, then you use illusion to make your way.

  Poison mist; Learning ability level: 3.
  A poison constellation illusion, it starts out as a cloud of purple mist and then a star constellation is formed star by star and linked by golden light in the middle of it. This chokes the person to death as it poisons them until disbelieved by saving throw or it finishes the target. Dealing 1d10+charisma mod per each 3 magic skill core stat mod in poison and choking damage per round, Each round the character must make a concentration check to keep it going. This effect can daze your target/s for 1d6 rounds in battle and outside of battle remains, until the caster decides to not want to do it or the target/s are dead.

  Elementalism effect; Learning ability level: 5.
  If you keep practicing illusion, you develope the actual ability to create results. This is gating from the aetherical plane of existence using the third eye. Thinking to use the energy from the Aetherical plane, or plane of all elements and energies, you can create anything that you intend to create. Like a peaceful feel effect from the energy itself. That makes them not want to fight. Otherwise, you could make a full body fire attack, that creates the point of 3rd degree fire burns and shock of the body. Any duration or amount time it lasts leaves them stunned 1d6 rounds or an unlimited amount of time outside of battle.

  This can be directed by the third eye, so think and you know what you may achieve. The full damage that is possible by this ability in use, for levels 1-10 a 1d10+charisma mod is per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Otherwise if you have a level 20 character, that has a 16 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 5 charisma mod, means you can deal 8d10+5 or 85% damage. Any healing done by whatever energy you intend to use, heals 1/2 the health of the character.

  The point of damages/healing for levels 11-20 are 2d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount, round down.
  The point of damages/healing for levels 21-30 are 3d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount, round down.
  The point of damages/healing for levels 31+ are 4d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount, round down.

  What ability; Learning ability level: 5.
  So by channeling beings, your god or the creator, you know what is what by the creator telling you what is there or what you need to know. If any special things are to be known about an item or idea then you know it as well. Whatever the case, you know what to do. This is a less powerful version of True sight.

  True sight; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is the effect of using your third eye, that allows you to see what is there by the power of the creator using the "I" energy consciousness. This sees through illusion, no matter what and you know what is what.

  Spells; Learning ability level: 7.
  You gain the ability to cast spells. This can be from a scroll or remembered by feel, yet all you need to do is describe the effect and you cast a spell. The spell effect is 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. If there is a duration, or how long it lasts then it's of 1d6 rounds in battle or melee or unlimited time outside of battle. This ability includes power words, that act like spells and create effects that you intend.

  Faith effect; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you use your faith in the creator or your god and cast a spell ur spell prayer, thinking to create what you need by believing it to occur, until proven otherwise by statements or thinking. Your god creates the effect, if no god then the creator makes the effect. The effect could be anything, like making your body have a temporary amount of additional health. You get +2 to all core stats. Anything to do with stats and health is temporary after this, as it only lasts until you think it doesn't. There is a limit of +2 extra stat points and that is temporary. That lasts until you think of other things to create.

  If you have faith in yourself, then you can have faith in the effect occurring. The power of the creator is used to make the effect. The amount of damage done is 2d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. So if you have a level 12 character, that has 5 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod. Then, your character does 10d10+6 or 106% in total amount of damage. You can also do a Heal effect, where the effect of a spell prayer is done by this and the character's health is restored by all their health. Otherwise you could give yourself extra health of 106% max added and that is also temporary. Each effect with duration or how long it lasts, lasts until you decide it should end outside of battle or 1d6 rounds in battle/melee.

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Magicer ability:

  Magicer ability is what uses the energy of the body to summon with the inner demon your results and your subconscious creates with it by care. This is done by directing their soul to direct the demon. The effect you need or want is created using the creator or your God as a source. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the soul as energy that makes surges to make the result. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 8 actual abilities: Magic magic (cha), Dust of peaceful rest (Cha), Magic food or drink (Cha), Ice magic (Cha), Remote listening (Cha), Creature summoning (Cha), Genetics (cha) and Thought magic (cha). They use charisma by the feel or in with idea and to create by a point in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Magic magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  The magic of the mind creates charm or curse results, so stating the result as an end result as you feel its necessary makes the manifest occur if its intended on a target. So upon magic you create the point of idea and that you feel should exist exists. However, if there is a counterwill, then you can expect no results. This can create any result that you can imagine, state or say just like a wish. It can even use a rite or ritual to make results, only as long as you magic the result to manifest and exist. This can generate from energy gated in as the elements, or whatever effect you want energy to create. Yep, you can use the power of attraction to draw anything with this.

  So for duration or how long things can last with a charm, roll a 1d6 for rounds in melee or battle. Outside of battle is unlimited until you decide when to quit. For effect amount, that means the amount of damages or healing done. This is 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the amount round down. That means for a level 18 character with 6 charisma mod and 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod, you have 7d10+6 or 76% damage or health restored. If you add in emotion to the effect, the effect is a curse and lasts forever until death or you decide the target is then no longer cursed.

  One such curse is feeling your emotion and stating your intent that you want the target to do. Where a curse is possibly where the target is always female, the energy consciousness transforms the target into female formation instantly with sensitive tits. Or, you intend the target to not ever fight and you easily win by the combat or spell being cast. This effect is endless and you can create or craft nearly anything by feel.

  Dust of peaceful rest; Learning ability level: 1.
  If you find a body and want to use dust to cancel out its ghostly influence. Then gather sawdust or cremated body dust and hold the bag of it thinking to repel the the ghost from the area that it influences. Then, sprinkle the dust on the body and bury it. This fixes the moment and creates peace where it was unrest. This is called into action by your energy charging the dust and the thought you wanted occurs by its sprinkle, this is the dust of peaceful rest done by feel in a game. This you gather and can use at will.

  Magic food or drink; Learning ability level: 3.
  You can force your body into creating the shape you desire by eating or drinking. This uses the reprogrammed energy of food or drink with the thought magiced through the food and drink as you eat or drink it and the thought is what you get as a result. However, once the food and drink is processed in the body, it changes back. That's how you can tell when someone does this, they tend to either fluctuate in body shape or change back right in front of your eyes if you manage to catch it. Say you intended by thinking about becoming a slimmer shape, think your becoming slimmer as you eat a little bite of food and as you eat and think your body reshapes itself by feel. The end result is the shape you intended and thought to become. Then after some time, you are your old shape again. This is a polymorph self and other. Yet If you drink or eat something, then you get a +4 to your die roll.

  Ice magic; Learning ability level: 3.
  Write a note in your own language and place it in a disposable cup of water, then freeze it and you caused what you wrote that you didn't want to be frozen out of time, permanently not to exist. If you dispose of the ice in some manner and you can reuse the cup. This ability can make the target not exist at all as though it disappears..

  Remote listening; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think to hear what it is by feel, then you create a moment that you hear the idea or about things there. Then your spirit acts the eyes and ears of the soul and hears it for you. The spirit can be anywhere, as though it notices or watches the idea as it happens.

  Creature summoning; Learning ability level: 5.
  This ability can be used to summon any creature in the area, that serves your will and does what you want. You can summon 1d6 creatures at first. 1d10 creatures at level 10. 1d12 creatures at level 20. 2d10 creatures at level 30+. The creatures will leave the area uponst dismissal without harm to you. Each creature has 100% hp and 25 foot per second movement.

  Genetics: Learning ability level: 7.
  There are several things you can do with genetics.. These are what they are so far that you can do:
  genetic wake up; You can wake the genetic pattern up by thinking of the gene to wake up as you drink water. This is not intended in real life, yet is how it is done. This process can take at most a day and you develope the trait of the idea you intend..

  genetic correction; This is a water type body formation that you think of the genes correcting themselves, and as you drink water you get a purified body. If you don't intend this don't do it. If you do this, then your body is pure so you become ageless.

  fire genetic correction; Think of heat energy that enters the body and creates what changes you desire, such as cleansing the genetic patterns and correcting problems by feel.

  earth genetic correction; Think of earth energy coming into the body to block out the problem genes. This reverts you to normal.

  air genetic correction; Think of air entering and changing the genetic pattern to create what results you state or desire. The air particles are conscious so its the energy of air that does your request.

  void genetic pattern change; This corrects the genes as they exist as traits and uses void energy to change the body as the void, through its energy sucks the genes essence that block what you want. Effectively turning off the genes that are bad. You unlock elemental ability and potential by feel. This adds +2d10 damage or healing in amount to your elemental damages or healing done.

  Thought magic; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is a more powerful version of the magic magic. This is where you think of what you want, magic the thought and create with the result manifesting by feel or observed idea. Counterwills play a huge role in this, where other things are thought and funny things occur instead. Then there is the combined effect of 2 or more people, where you think of the point and someone else thinks of a point and by magic you create a combined effect. That needs a magic point though, so magic your thoughts on an idea you speak about. You then create with a major magic of many people, or just two people at its minimum. This is why it's more powerful and can generate unlimited amounts of money.

  Think to use this ability to create with duration or how long it lasts, as 1d10 rounds in melee or battle and unlimited until otherwise needed outside of battle. The point of damages/healing for levels 1-10 are 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount, round down. This is a point you think of use to create with idea. Because it means for a level 15 character with 6 magic core stat mod or Int mod points and 5 charisma mod, that you have 7d12+5 in amount or max amount done is 89% damage dealt or healed.

  The point of damages/healing for levels 11-20 are 2d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount, round down.
  The point of damages/healing for levels 21-30 are 3d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount, round down.
  The point of damages/healing for levels 31+ are 4d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount, round down.

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Hunter ability:

  Hunter ability is what uses the energy of the body to summon with the soul as direction your results and your subconscious creates with it unusually by care. This is done by directing their soul to direct the creator. The effect you need or want is created using the source of energy or the creator as a source. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that makes surges to make the result. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 6 actual abilities: Elemental creation (cha), Staking (Cha), Immunities (Cha), Magick (Cha), Magick resistance (Cha) and Faith effects (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or in with idea and to create by a point in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Elemental creation; Learning ability level: 1.
  This specialy is where you magic the elements drawn from gating with the elemental plane of aether, thinking to do things, you magic the idea of what you want and gesture or state what you want. Then you create upon a target or a surface your desired creation. This is the effect of healing or damages done by the elements themselves. The effect amount is 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point and round down. The duration is how long things last, if there is duration like fire and that is 1d6 rounds in melee/battle or 1d10 minutes outside of battle.

  Staking; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you stake the living target, that's using iron energy shaped as a stake. This is instant killing of the target if you get the heart or critical hit. Otherwise it's 2d10 damage.

  Immunities; Learning ability level: 3.
  you gain instant immunity to all elements. You are no longer effected by the elements unless you cast the effect uponst yourself. You get +10 to elemental resistance rolls.

  Magick; Learning ability level: 5.
  You invoke by writing or saying statements with intent to create, as you mention it with intent to create the result then you manifest it. The magickal effect is 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down, that is used in amount to create results. Otherwise, if there is a duration or longer than an instance for the effect, then in melee or battle its 1d6 rounds and outside of battle its unlimited until you decide to not need it.

  Magick resistance; Learning ability level: 7.
  You are no longer effected by magick unless you attempt or allow it uponst yourself. You get +10 to your magical resitance rolls.

  Faith effects; Learning ability level: 9.
  Your faith is your armor, they say. So by faith in yourself and possibly the creator, you create using the soul what you want or intend. This intends that your soul is the thing that creates your desire using the creator as the source for its effects. Make results by magicing and stating your intentions with this ability. You can get 2d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down, that is used in amount of damages.

  Any healing is where you restore 1/2 the full health percent to the intended target, each time you attempt this feature. Any duration or how long it lasts, is 1d6 rounds in battle/melee and unlimited outside of battle or until you need no longer the effects. Also since you believe your faith protects you, add +5 to your AC, since the act of faith makes you harder to hit.

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Channeler ability:

  Channeler ability is what uses the energy of the body to summon with the creator your results and your subconscious creates with unusual care. This is done by directing with need to direct the creator. The effect you need or want is created using the source of energy or the creator as a source. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that makes surges to make the result. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 12 actual abilities: Energy channeling (cha), Sun channeling (Cha), Moonwave channeling (Cha), Spirit channeling (Cha), Being channel (Cha), Electricity channel (Cha), Elemental channeling (Cha), Dream channel (Cha), Soul channeling (Cha), Death channeling (Cha), Voidal channeling (Cha) and Dimensional channeling (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or in with idea and to create by a point in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Energy channeling; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is a point you think to believe. That you magic upon the energy of the area and think your need to it. The energy responds with a surge that eliminates ghosts and cause of idea you don't like. Think to channel the energy in a positive way, to get a good result. Each time you channel energy, you create your need that you think into energy form and existence by manifest if you intend to get a result.

  The damage and healing amount is 1d10+charisma mod per each 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points round down. The duration is how long it lasts as 1d6 rounds in melee and unlimited outside battle or until not desired. This means for your level 10 character, with its 5 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 5 charisma mod will get 3d10+5 or 35% in amount of damage or healing.

  Sun channelling; Learning ability level: 3.
  Think of the sun and its energy that radiates forth, thinking to create what you need as you think your need to the energy itself. The sun will shine forth and the energy creates your need. This is with 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point as damage or healing possible. Again, the time it can last is 1d6 in melee or battle and unlimited time outside of battle. This means for your level 12 character with its 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 5 charisma mod, its possible to get 7d10+5 or 75% attack or healing done.

  Moonwave channeling; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is creating with the moon energy, if any moon is there. This controls the mood and uses waves of influential energy that create by a surge wave of energy what you wish to create. The effect is area effects and this can do 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. How long it lasts and takes to cast is instant by a free action. This means for your level 15 character with its 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, your total would be 7d10+6 or 76% in amount that is spread by waves of energy. Otherwise you could make the mood of the target to be lighthearted and not willing to attack.

  Spirit channeling; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you take a relaxing breath and use your 3rd eye to percieve the ghost. Then say what you want it to know or do. Then the soul allows you to know by insight what it says in return. You can learn things about what is what with the spirit telling you the idea. It can tell you this, because it can perceive the event as it occurs and 5 minutes before the idea is formed.

  Being channel; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is faith channeling in another name. Think of the being and this can include a god or the creator, then allow yourself to relax as you breath slowly in and out. Think your message to the being or imagine the scene of you talking to it, speak your message under the breath and you hear its responses by the soul picking up on the response and letting you know..The being can be a source of information that is rather surprising.

  You can also direct the being to attack a target or heal a target. This is 1d12+charisma mod, per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount, round down. It lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle and is unlimited outside of battle until you decide you don't need it to do that. Say your character has 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then rolls a 4 and instructs the being to attack a target. That means 7d12+6 damage for up to 4 actions. Otherwise, 90% damage dealt per action or round.

  Electricity channeling; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you magic the energy of electricity to create what you may, that makes itself into manifestation of your idea after it surges and creates what you want. This effect in amount is 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Any duration is how long it can last and that is 1d10 rounds in melee/battle or unlimited outside of battle until not needed.

  Elemental channeling; Learning ability level: 8.
  Think to magic your mind and cause a gate to the aetherical plane of elements. Then the energy comes through at the right frequency. This energy is there in part in the area and in the air, that's in the form of the element particles or traces of heat. Otherwise the element is there in the area, like a fire or river. This can be used to form the elemental creation on a target or in a target at will.

  This means that earth, air, ice, water, fire and lava is possible to channel into somewhere that exists. Say you channeled water in from a river, made ice form from water channeled that surrounds the target, magiced lava into existence to melt the item or made an airball from air that punches through things. The effect amount is then for damages or healing and that is 2d10+charisma mod per each 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points. The duration, if any, will be 1d10 rounds in battle and unlimited outside of battle until you decide otherwise then it ends.

  When level 20 is reached, The damage goes up to 2d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. Same duration as before. So if your level 20 character has 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, makes 16d10+6 or 166% as your amount. Whereas your level 14 character with 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 5 charisma mod will do 8d10+5. Otherwise 85% in amount. This means your damage and healing done doubles after level 20 and is not so bad lower than level 20. Not too bad, right?

  Dream channel; Learning ability level: 8.
  Think of this as a point you realize, you can channel dreams and create a dream into existence. This is the mind that you create it in and you can make any dream seem real. So by mention, you can create a dream or make their current dream change to something you want. This can make use of the 6th dimension, second layer. In order to do this though, you magic upon the idea of the target going to sleep and then you can create the ultimate dream state. Through dream you can go anywhere, if you channel yourself into a dream. This lasts until you decide not to have it or you allow them to wake up.

  Soul channeling; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think of the soul and feel the response as you state what you want it to know. Then you channel the soul and after a few false starts, you get good results. The possibilities are endless, so you can instruct your own soul to do gated energy and cause damages or healing on the target. The results of damage or healing in amount is 2d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. The time it can last is 1d10 rounds in battle and unlimited until otherwise needed outside of battle.

  Death channeling; Learning ability level: 10.
  This magices the death and decay in the body to be sent to the target no matter the distance. This death energy makes the body of the target decay and collapse in death. That is done, unless the target is immune to death attacks. If they make their savings throw versus death, then its 2d12+charisma mod per each 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points. The effects are instant.

  Voidal channeling; Learning ability level: 11.
  Think to channel the void by opening a gate into nothingness, this causes pure energy to rush forth and the soul directs it. As the pure energy causes the target of the energy to do what you want, think to create what you want it to do. Normally the void gate, if opened in the target will create the dehydrating effect. This is sucking of all life force from the body, that results in instant death and collapse of the body. Remember to close the gate as you are done with it. The energy sucked out of the target goes to you as extra stp.

  What it sucks out of the target, this is 2d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. It lasts per round until it kills the target or 1d10 rounds in battle and unlimited until otherwise desired outside of battle. That means your level 15 character with its 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 5 charisma mod, the damage it will do is 16d12+5 or 197% in amount. Think of the possibility here..what could you do with this?

  Dimensional channeling; Learning ability level: 12.
  This is where you imagine the area or think of the dimension, and magic your mind on the thought to create as you need its energy to do the idea you intend it to do. This allows that the area will surge and the dimensional consciousness will create things in itself. What you want as a point in time is formed with then you blink and its there. That's where you intend it to form as it is possible. This proves it is alive, has a consciousness and will respond to your will. So think of the idea and you can create it in time.

  This includes changes in time or viewing some time in the area, that you realize by the spirit allowing you to know. If you imagine the area at that time, then the subconscious fills in the imaging to allow you to know what occurs. What you might do then, I think is due by purpose. What you purpose for the point, this s a concept known as it happens. So if you dimensionally channel things in time, you know what occurs by what is there. The energy consciousness allows you to realize what is possible, and things seem to work out in the end.

  The energy you send to the dimension, this will create what you need as you intend things to be created as though the thought in energy transcends you and you create by feel. Then things are created from the energy in the area. This includes things like a fireball that can burn a target alive or an air ball that punches through something. Whatever you intend is formed and your energy you think there directs the point that is done. Its purpose is then set to the point of what the soul deems necessary. This is a known effect.

  The damage dimensional energy will do is 1d20+charisma mod per each 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points round down. Healing is full healing. The duration or how long it lasts is instantaneous. That means for a level 17 character with 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 7 charisma mod, the amount of 5d20+7 or 107% damage to an intended target, max. Now after level 24 is reached, the damage goes up to 1d20+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. To cast it uses a free action and its instantaneous.

  That seems allot, doesn't it as if the level 24 character has 10 magic core stat mod or Int mod points and 7 charisma mod .. that's 10d20+7 or 207% max. What if you went up against a high health monster.. this evens out in the end. You don't even have to be near the target, all you need to do is imagine the area or the target taking blows. It's that simple. Also, the dimensional energy is really universal energy or the primal energy of the universe. So it isn't that much, so can do this.

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Hacker ability:

  Hacker ability is what uses the energy of the body to summon with the subconscious your results. This is done by directing with need to direct the subconscious. The effect you need or want is created using the source of energy A.K.A Sunlight or the soul as a source. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy, that makes surges to make the result. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 10 actual abilities: Quick Manifest (cha), Dimensional shift (Cha), Hacking (Cha), Life hacking (Cha), Making (Cha), Death magic (Cha), Life magic (Cha), Chaos hacking (Cha), Chaos curse (Cha) and Chaos blessing (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or in with idea and to create by a point in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Quick Manifest; Learning ability level: 1.
  Think the ability to make a manifest is rather fun. Think of what you want as you intend to create the result of your thoughts. Then your soul creates the idea by feel. In damages or healing, the amount is 1d10+charisma mod per every 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points. Round down.

  Dimensional shift; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is a dimensional place and time you shift through by the subconscious, as you imagine a door or walk and that you think about the place and then if a door was imagined you mimick it opening to a place you want to be. Then your there by feel or idea observance. This happens to be useful as you can shift by the dimensional energy that is all around you. So you are there, in a safer place by feel and when its safe for you to be where you were, you can shift back.

  Hacking; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you create the need by use of a computer. You can expose security risks by easy manipulation with a computer.

  Life hacking; Learning ability level: 3.
  this is the point of creation with imagination or statement and intention to create it. This is a more powerful version of manifest. As it will work by the creator knowing and making what you need. For damages/healing amount, its 1d12+charisma mod per each 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points in %. Round down.

  Making; Learning ability level: 5.
  The point you think is the point you make. This uses the elements that exist or are gated in and created by thinking the point you need it to do. You can even make a metavirus that creates by the energy what you want through programming it into action. This can effect through the aura influence or however you want. Just remember, whatever you create and is active is viral. For damages/healing in amount, this can be 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Round down.

  Death magic; Learning ability level: 7.
  by magicing in death energy from your breaking down cells, you create a point of dysfunction in machines and break things very easily. Also you cause the target to not think, and you make them paused in activity. For damages this is attacking for 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. Healing, you can break down the illness cells in the body by targeted death energy. Instantly fixing yourself.

  Life magic; Learning ability level: 7.
  You create with life energy and the source or creator for what you intend them to do. Basically, you direct the target with thoughts that their spirit does by feel. You can cause a target that you intend to make kill themselves to kill themselves easily or you could make the target not want to fight. This is all based on experience that you've gotten experienced. Because of this, you have a good attitude, no matter what. That means what you experience you can make the target experience. So think and you know what to do. The damages/healing amount is 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down.

  Chaos hacking; Learning ability level: 9.
  Through chaos that you summon through a gate, you can cause distraction and creation of things that occur. You can cause up an ideal 1d6 things that seem to occur to the targets mind, all the while your making things that you think and magic into existence. This makes them dysfunctional and as they don't think to do things to you, for their distracted, then they have a 1d6 rounds of not doing anything. So in effect, they are confused and dazed.

  This ability makes chaos energy attack the target as well. So you get a large amount of damage done to their body quickly. However, if you get chaos energy directed to effect you, you are immune to the chaotic effect. One such effect you can create, is a random form change that distracts the mind as you think to create it. The effect of damages/healing by this ability is 2d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount. Round down.

  Chaos curse; Learning ability level: 11.
  This is making a perfect revenge, where you make the body seem to dry out or age quickly and die out as though it were a husk. Instantly through gated chaos. The resistance of this makes it do nothing.

  Chaos blessing; Learning ability level: 11.
  There really is no blessings to chaos. This is where you magic on the effect of breaking down the diseases and what causes you to age. If you were obese then you can think to use that obesity as energy, you are magicing chaos energy to cause breaking down of fat cells as you convert your obesity into energy. So instead of being obese you are 20 lbs less. You lose 1d20 years off your age and are younger as your diseases disappears as though you were cured. That is the reason, were's don't have diseases. They break it down in some form or another and are cured because of this idea.

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Cultist ability:

  Cultist ability is what uses the energy of the body and the heat in the air to summon with the subconscious your results. This is done by directing with need to the heat or fire energy and you direct the subconscious. The effect you need or want is done if the idea is created using the source of energy A.K.A the heat or the body heat as a source. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy, that makes surges to make the result. These abilities are based with a free action and wisdom. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 11 actual abilities: Mind manipulation (wis), Mind link (wis), Instantaneous magic (wis), Pay raise (wis), Charm (wis), Curse (wis), Fate casting (wis), Cancellation (wis), General summoning (wis) and Super ability (wis). They use wisdom by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Mind manipulation; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is subliminal manipulation where they create an illusion of what they want you to believe. Then they draw energy from the body to create what they want to manifest using the energy they got. The damages/healing you can do with this is 1d10+wis mod per each 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points. Round down. The duration or how long it lasts, if any duration, is 1d6 rounds in melee or battle, and unlimited outside of battle until otherwise noted.

  Mind link; Learning ability level: 1.
  This uses your mind that shoots out a line of telepathic linking, that affects the person closest to them which effects the next person until you have a large web. You can effect any result with its shared energy and the body or heat energy added in. Thnk of what you want and you can cause anything you wanted. The damage/healing effects are 1d10+wis mod per each 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points. The duration or how long it lasts is 1d6 rounds in battle and unlimited outside of battle until undesired. At level 10 you do 1d10+wis mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Lasting up to 1d10 rounds in battle and unlimited outside of battle until undesired.

  Physical magic; Learning ability level: 3.
  In normal physical magic, you can think of the idea and your able to create it by doing a ritual, think of what you want and intend it to be created. State to a lit candle what you need by magicing on the candle flame, then imagining the idea or statement out loud towards the candle flame. This can generate results quickly with practice and restatement of your desire. The results of damages/healing are 1d12+wis mod per every 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points, round down. The The duration or how long it lasts, if any duration, is 1d6 rounds in melee or battle, and unlimited outside of battle until otherwise noted.

  There is also the energy rite in physical magic, where you think of what you want and think its done by the right gesture. This is useful as you magic energy along your arm and swing it towards the target, this is releasing a wave of energy that effects what you want effected. This can be imagining the energy form in your hand of a knife or sword, then with energy by raising your hand and imitating stabbing with it, this is done to effect instantaneously with magic a distance negated of what you want effected.

  This works just the same as doing a rune or sigil. Except it can create interesting results if you think and it works and there is no distance with magic. Think about the need and state the idea you intend as you make the gesture for the dm/GM to understand what you need or intend with this act of physical magic. If you don't intend to do things with this, then don't make the gesture. The result amount is the same as normal physical magic.

  This act of physical magic includes runes and sigils, think about what you want and you can use a rune that is a symbol of a nordic alphabet that can be used as a bit of magic. A sigil is an empowered line that can be used for magic. Think of the idea and need it to occur, as you draw/carve/trace in the air the simple line drawing that represents the thought its done. This can create anything you want, physically or spiritually. The results in damages/healing are the same for normal physically done magic. So its 1d12+wis mod per every 3 magic core stat mod or Int mod points, round down. This is for the amount in %, so think and you know what to do.

  So in use, the physical magic can be done in dnd by statements, state without the quotes "I do a rite of physical magic to create what I need or [mention the need desired].", "I use a sigil to make my result of [mention the result desired]." or "I use a rune to make my result of [mention the result desired]." This will if allowed, create a result by the dm/gm stating what happens with it as your request. So make use of this if you must get a result of physical magic. Think and you know what to do. At level 10, the damage/healing amount is 1d12+wis mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. The amount of time it can last is 1d10 rounds in melee or battle and unlimited outside of battle until undesired. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled.

  Instantaneous magic; Learning ability level: 4.
  Think of the need and magic on a thought, that you speak aloud. The creator or your God creates it as a manifest that you notice is done in there. This effect is instant, so there is no lasting moment. So think about that. The effect damage or healing is 1d10+wis mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down.

  Pay raise; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is a raise in pay no matter how much, that's done by thinking about the amount you want a raise for and that's given by feel..

  Charm; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think of the idea and magic on the idea as a point you need to do. Then you create what you wish out loud, that you need by feel. This can be in a blessing that occurs by feel. If this works, the result is instant yet there could be some duration or how long it lasts is 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle until otherwise needed. This can't be used for doing damages, yet any healing done is 1/2 the health restored no matter what.

  Curse; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think of the negative idea and magic on the positive things happening at the moment. State what you want as you feel the emotional release to create the curse as a point in life. Who said a curse had to remain order to get a result. This could be an impulse to do what you want or they create with your idea to do. That in an idea is a curse that is possible, thinking to end a fight or making them not want to fight. Anger reduces afterwords by natural feelings brought by heat energy. Otherwise you could curse the target into attacking itself. The effect of this is 1d12+wis mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down in amount. Each amount can be used for damages or healing.

  Fate casting; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is invocation of fate and creation of what you intend. That's done by stating a point that you need as you stated fate or fates names. This can set up any result, so think to use this carefully. The healing/damage amount that is possible is 2d10+wis mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. The duration is 1d10 rounds in battle and unlimited time outside of battle until decided otherwise.

  Cancellation; Learning ability level: 7.
  If you think of the point at the end in a concept and cancel out the point, then do what you think is necessary to end the moment. This can cancel out or end any results you don't intend to have by feel, the use the creator to cancel out the result. Also this is intending the energy to cancel the effect you notice, that you do not like.

  The result is instant and what you don't like isn't there anymore with no ill effects. Its as though an equal force canceled out the force of the moment. Acceptable in a point is a statement of your idea you want. The gm or dm should give the confirmation of the act being canceled out. So think of what you like and let the gm/dm know what to do.

  General summoning; Learning ability level: 9.
  Think to call an angel or valkyrie that is an angelic force and does what you intend it to do, if good. If evil, you can call a demon to serve your purpose. If neutral, think and you can call either demon or angel and get a good result. The thing to realize, angels won't drive you insane, demons will do anything you say or need, including making you insane. Think your not insane and your not insane. This works with both angels and demons.

  So you get a point to imagine a white light around you for divine protection from your God or the creator, that protects you from becoming insane and anything that would attack you. This protection comes from your God or the creator naturally, so you have it by feel. Angels or demons have your stats and 100% health. Any animal summoned is with 100% health. Think to use them well. As by feel, you can create interesting havoc with good intentions. The point of this is thinking to keep yourself safe.

  So work with the soul and do your ideal best. This keeps you from being effected by things you don't want to be effected by feel. What else can you do with this? Call up 1d6 angels, beings or demons at level 10 with 150% health. Also, you can summon any being, person or thing such as summoning animals that you want to be there with your stats and 150% health. This includes any object, djinni or whatever you want to summon. So think of things to summon or desummon as your done with them. On desummoning the animals, their either dead or find somewhere else to go. Think and you know what to do.

  Super ability; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you magic upon the heat energy and think of a supernatural or other power, that you want that makes you super able or something like superman. Think of what you want to be able to do and the heat energy makes it possible to do. As you think about the ability you get heightened in awareness, so you know what is what and there where you want to know about. This can be flying, super strength or whatever you need. So you can understand what to do with it, your soul gives you insight onto what to do.

  It can be 1d6 things, that lasts 1d6 rounds in melee or battle, and unlimited until not desired outside of combat. After level 10, it can be 1d10 things. That lasts 1d10 rounds in battle and unlimited outside of battle until not desired. Then after its effect is done, your as normal as you were. Any drugs in use or magicing can easily create this effect, that's with convincing yourself that it was possible. The damages possible with this are 2d12+wis mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. The healing you can do is 1/2 the health restored per each time you attempt it.

  You know your own strength. Feel free to add your strength mod as a modifier to any rolls you do as your super. Add +4 strength as this increases your strength. Think of the idea to do what you want as you describe to the dm/gm what you need, then if he/she allows it you can get a result by response. If this ability isn't allowed, then at least you can attempt to make do with what you have. Think and you can get away with murder or anything you want by needing it and stating it.

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Divinator ability:

  Divinator ability is what uses the energy of the body and the heat in the air to summon with the subconscious your results done by the God or creator. This is done by directing with need to the heat or fire energy and you direct the deity. The effect you need or want is done if the idea is created using the source of energy A.K.A the heat or the body heat as a source. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy, the source is either a God or the creator that makes the result. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 9 actual abilities: Divine will (cha), Divine ability (cha), Divine vision (cha), Then ability (cha), Ultimate dominion (cha), Thought ability (cha), Divine wrath (cha), Calming cast (cha) and Chaos creation (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Divine will; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you are the creator and things you do are known about as a point is done by you using the creator's energy. Divine will is where you summon energy from the creator to form what you need by willing it to exist by feel. Whatever you form, if there is damages or healing, then you create with 1d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point worth of damage or healing. After level 10; the damage goes up to 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount. Any time of effect beyond instant is 1d6+magic core stat mod or Int mod in rounds in melee/battle and outside of battle its unlimited until decided otherwise.

  Divine ability; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you use divine energy of the divine being to create what you want as you channel the divine being. This uses the creative approach to make use of a God to create with their energy and make results like leading them away from attacking. Anyway, if there is damages or healing, then you create with 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point worth of damage or healing. After level 10; the damage goes up to 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount. Any time of effect beyond instant is 1d6+magic core stat mod or Int mod in rounds in melee/battle and outside of battle its unlimited until decided otherwise.

  Divine vision; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you call upon the creator and need a vision depicting what you want to know. You can give a prophecy or psychic description by feel. You can "share" the vision with others and have them see it as well.

  Then ability; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is using time as an idea is ability to create what you need as a point. This uses the creative approach that makes things happen with time energy from the 4th dimension whenever you want the idea to occur.

  Ultimate dominion; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you get to control the thoughts of other players, creatures or monsters by feel or ideal expression to the DM/GM. Done by the power of the creator or God. Roll a d100 to ensure success with 51 or above. Then is point by point idea to do. If there is some time to the effect, then in battle it's 1d6+charisma mod in rounds and unlimited outside of battle until otherwise needed.

  Thought ability; Learning ability level: 7.
  They say thoughts are faster than the speed of light. So think of gaining an ability and what you want. Then you feel a connection to the idea in the 5th dimension, that forms itself where you want it formed. This includes the elements. Such as acid, earth, water, air, fire and void. This includes a fire shield, where you form it in your aura and any attack on you is double the damages back on the attacker or you create a burning effect of what you don't like. A water shield doubles the amount of healing to you. An earth shield doubles the blockage of attacks to you. An air shield doubles the effect of an element cast at them as it absorbs energy from the air or bends back ranged attacks to its sender.

  Otherwise you can use the air energy to cause healing and good health of the body. Acid shield eats away things you want eaten and destroys the weapon used on you. Void shields absorb anything cast at you or you absorb it to create with the energy what you want, done by wearing black or imagining blackness in your aura and the black color absorbs the energy. Whatever you need, if there is damages or healing, then you create with 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point worth of damage or healing. After level 15; the damage goes up to 2d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point in amount. Any time if allowed of the effect by the DM/GM, that's beyond instant is 1d6+magic core stat mod or Int mod in rounds in melee/battle and outside of battle its unlimited until decided otherwise.

  Divine wrath; Learning ability level: 7.
  Think of the sun heat causing bad weather and feel in idea the chaos that the creator forms of acid rain, high winds and tornadoes with from the creator making energy conversion that rampage the area to create quick death by the creator making it happen. The damages dealt by this storm is 2d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point per 1d6 rounds in battle, and unlimited until deciding otherwise outside of battle.

  Calming cast; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you cast forth energy and recover from the effect of what you do. Instantly and creation-wise you feel joy or better, this causes double the damage on the attacker with intense feel. Otherwise it harmlessly dissipates in the air as extra energy, that can be used for effects. This can only actually be used for disrupting activity for 1d6 rounds in battle or 1d10 minutes outside of battle, as the energy actually passes through the person.

  Chaos creation; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think of chaos energy as a source and gate it contained in iron particles that are traces of iron in the air released in or near the target, thinking to create instant disruption and breaking down of the targets cells and energy along with their activity. This results in instant death of the target unless they make their savings throw and things you want occur will happen as they are distracted from magicing on you for 1d6 rounds in battle and unlimitedly outside of battle.

  Chaos shields return double the damage or death to the target that attacks you by weapons or energy. They also destroy the weapon used by eroding and breaking it. If they make their savings throw, then if there is damages or healing, you create with 2d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point worth of damage or healing. Any time of effect beyond instant is 1d6+magic core stat mod or Int mod in rounds in melee/battle and outside of battle its unlimited until decided otherwise. Once your done with the chaos, think the creator encases it back into iron particles and gate it back to the aether realm.

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Sage ability:

  Sage ability is what uses the energy of the body and the area energy to summon with the subconscious your results done by the soul. This is done by directing with need to the area energy and you direct the energy by programming it with your thoughts. The effect you need or want is done if the idea is created using the soul copy as a source. This is where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy, the source is either the soul or soul copy that makes the result. These abilities are based with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled.

  This allows you to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 9 actual abilities: Sharingan (cha), Hand sign (cha), Spirit magic (cha), Weaving energy (cha), Elemental projection (cha), Magic magic (cha), Mangyeko (cha), Internal magic (cha) and Magnetism (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Sharingan; Learning ability level: 1.
  You can create recognition of what the target is or will do and repeat the act if you need to do it. This is shown with magic and the showing in the eye iris of 2 or more black marks. They disappear after you think to do something else. You can even use your 3rd eye, that creates what you want as you "copy" the act you sense out. This makes damage of 1d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. At level 10, you can create with more damage or healing. Mainly, 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. The duration or how long it lasts, is 1d6 rounds in battle or 1d10 minutes outside of battle.

  Hand sign; Learning ability level: 2.
  They say that hand signs are a language themselves. If you think of what you want and imagine the effect or think about the effect, you can create it by thinking to use a hand sign or symbol you draw in the air that you think creates the result. This can make damage of 1d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. At level 10, you can create with more damage or healing. Mainly, 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. The duration or how long it lasts, is 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited time outside of battle until otherwise needed.

  Spirit magic; Learning ability level: 3.
  If you think of the the idea, you create by the spirit and you make the effect of what you think into creation. If your creative enough, you can even hold someone or something as you imagine holding someone by invisible ropes or just holding someone to stop them from doing things. When you think your holding someone as you try to spiritually hold someone or something physically, you cause it or them to move where you intend them to go. If you intend to hold a monster, think of the monster being held by the creator, being or God (however you imagine him or her being) and gesture to where you need him to be.

  Otherwise you can cause them to do things that you want. Think and you know what to do. As you create what need it becomes easier to make interesting results. This makes damage or healing of 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. At level 10, you can create with more damage or healing. Mainly, 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. The duration or how long it lasts, as 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle until otherwise needed.

  Weaving energy; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think of your aura and calm yourself down, then feel the aura energy move around your body. Think of what you want or need and magic upon the target to effect. This includes levitation or lifting things up or holding things in the air. Then the aura creates the point of idea or what you intend by feel. The aura energy will reach out and create the change in mind. This makes damage of 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. At level 20, you can create with more damage or healing. Mainly, 2d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. The duration or how long it lasts, is 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle until otherwise needed.

  Elemental projection; Learning ability level: 5.
  You can magic and think of the element as you gate in the energy to create it in the area. This causes the element to manifest itself on or in the target. Dealing 1d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. If you manifest it in the body, you cause it to eat up the body as a point for it to exist using the body as a source. Otherwise you at level 10, create with possible damage levels that are 2d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. The duration or how long it lasts is instant.

  Magic magic; Learning ability level: 7.
  Magic means subconscious. This is depending on how you view magic, then all kinds of magic related to the subconscious. Some reality occurs according to people's beliefs. Spiritual, esoteric, or other beliefs make up people's reality. It can limit people if religious enough. Yet its done by thinking of the idea and creating an effect by stating what you intend or need. The subconscious is what creates the idea in your reality by manifestation. Its ability to create with energy and make things happen by suggestion to your subconscious or needing the idea. If you use any crystal or object such as a rock as a magic device you create with enhanced ability, so you can get a +5 to your magic and damage/healing roll.

  This can be situational or creation effects. Think of the situation and it forms as you need it there. Otherwise creation is thinking of the idea to create and it is created by the power of the spirit or soul. Thinking about damage makes the damage occur, and thinking about healing restores your health. So if you think to cure a problem you fixed it as you suggest the need. This is an effect in itself. This is where you think about things, so the effect is obvious as to what you wanted. If you don't want to get caught and known for it its a hidden effect.

  This makes damage of 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. At level 10, you can create with more damage or healing. Mainly, 2d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. The duration or how long it lasts, is 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle until otherwise needed.

  Mangyeko; Learning ability level: 9.
  You can magic with intensity what you intend into existence. This magic changes your eye by making 4 or 5 black marks in your eye iris. This includes instant dimensional shifting of yourself or others to your inner world or some other dimension and back again. You can create this effect with your third eye as well. This can make damage of 2d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. At level 20, you can create with more damage or healing. Mainly, 2d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. The duration or how long it lasts, is 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle until otherwise needed.

  Internal magic; Learning ability level: 11.
  If you magic upon a thought and need it, internally your body energy is used to create your idea and when you think it will occur then it will. This makes damage of 2d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. At level 10, you can create with more damage or healing. Mainly, 2d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. The duration or how long it lasts, is 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle until otherwise needed.

  Magnetism; Learning ability level: 11.
  Think of your aura on a person or thing, and magnetically pull it in or push it out. Then you can make an effect with it quite simply. So imagine your aura and magic it on something and feel or think its pulled towards you or pushed away from you. Then, it either moves towards you or away from you.

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Auror ability:

  Auror ability is what uses the aura energy of the body and the area energy magiced in the aura that's used to summon things with the idea and the subconscious that your results done by the soul. This is done by directing with need thought to the aura and area energy and you direct the energy by programming it with your thoughts that is sent forth as waves of energy. The effect you need or want is done if the idea is created using the soul copy as a source. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in.

  The source is either the energy in the area or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled.

  This is what allows you then so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 9 actual abilities: Auratic magic (cha), Aura reading (cha), Aura magic (cha), Magnetic pulse (cha), Auratic shift (cha), Energy hacking (cha), Empowered aura (cha), 6th dimensional aura (cha) and Dimensional aura shifting (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Auratic magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is then where the character can be what recreates an effect with the aura energy and projection of it. Think of what effect you want and feel the aura shape it into existence by what you do by feel. Thinking about the effect creates it. This is where the idea is done as an instant effect or some effect you think about that manifests. Any damages or healing is done as an amount. This amount is 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. This means you can do 6d10+6 healing or 66% max with a character that is with 6 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod. The amount goes up with reaching level 10, to 1d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Meaning its an amount of 8d12+7 or 103% max with a character. That has 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 7 charisma mod.

  Aura reading; Learning ability level: 1.
  Think you read the aura wherever it is, and what it means naturally comes to you as to what or whatever it can mean to yourself. What you read off the aura, you know what the target will do by what colors are in the aura. If you think about the color meanings you could get warning of an attack.

  Aura magic; Learning ability level: 3.
  Think of where you want to effect and lift a wand or stick and wave it or point it, otherwise make a gesture or draw in the air a symbol that you think creates something. Then it creates what manifests except when you can do otherwise and an antimagic field exists. This is the thought as though you create by the aura energy, that's making a result that manifests by the feel. The aura is energy so energizing the aura allows, what the body uses where you think.

  Then the idea is used of what you want to create, the subconscious makes the result by the idea that is done. This is where the idea is done as an instant effect or an effect that lasts some time. Then the duration or time it lasts is with a 1d6+charisma mod in rounds with battle or unlimited outside of battle or until you don't need it. When it stops as it exists somewhere, think then it ceases to exist, so the effect is no longer there.

  Any damages or healing is done as an amount. This amount is 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. This means you can do 6d12+6 healing or 78% max with a character that is with 6 magic core stat mod or Int mod points and 6 charisma mod. The amount goes up with reaching level 10, to 2d8+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Meaning its an amount of 16d8+7 or 135% max with a character. That has 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 7 charisma mod.

  Magnetic pulse; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you feel the aura produces a magnetic pulse and controls gravity, where you magic your energy into the area gated from the area that has it. That either can draw towards you what you want by you thinking and feeling, that allows the idea or object to come toward you. Otherwise your will has the idea or object stay where it is, otherwise this forces the idea or object to go farther away from you. This is done by magicing upon the target, then thinking or imagining things to cause what you want the target to do.

  Auratic shift; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is teleporting by use of the aura. Think of the shift. Then you can draw others into your auratic influence or shift yourself. Think of the aura doing what you want and being amplified by the energy that is there as a source. Then think of where you want to go, then the third eye directs the aura with your thoughts to shift to where you want to seem and appear.

  Energy hacking; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is done by the spirit, that you imagine a computer hooked up to the internet and you think as you know things or visualize the result. As you imagine what you want, you can hack by stating what you intend to happen. Otherwise you can modify your account by thinking of the idea, then typing in a number means that you want it added to your account if you intend it. Think of the result and you imagine the idea, then you know if you got a good result. Take it as programming, the energy of the aura does your thought wherever you intend it to be done.

  Empowered aura; Learning ability level: 7.
  Think of the energy or the idea is used as a source of what is nearby and being absorbed by your aura. You create with an more powerful effect being formed. So with that powerful pulse or wave of energy, that exists things by the idea of what you need and stating it to the dm/gm. This is where the idea is done or not as this is not allowed. That is thought magiced as though an instant effect or an effect that lasts some time. Then the duration or time it lasts is with a 1d6+charisma mod in rounds with battle or unlimited outside of battle or until you don't need it. When it stops, it ceases to exist, so the effect is no longer there.

  Any damages or healing is done as an amount. This amount is 2d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. This means you can do 16d8+6 healing or 135% max with a character that is with 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod. The amount goes up with reaching level 20, to 2d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Meaning its an amount of 20d10+7 or 207% max with a character. That has 10 magic core stat mod or Int mod points and 7 charisma mod. Also, the time it can last is now 1d10+charisma mod in rounds in melee/battle or unlimited outside of battle.

  6th dimensional aura; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you are aware an draw by the thought of the dimension and gating its energy to your aura by the thought and your spreading it then by spirit to the target. That's where thinking about the result creates it. That's done by waves of energy, that seems to goto the target thinking to influence said target in the manner that you intend like echo location. So if you intended to use 6th dimensional energy, that is the energy that causes things to impale you by feel or cause you to be in a dream state. That I think lasts for 1d6+charisma mod rounds or outside of battle is until you don't want it. You can control gravity by making it lighter or heavier for the target. This in turn could cause them to be impaled by self-impulsed objects or not move by the power of the dimension with the spirit that it targets, that's spreading the dimensional energy to the target.

  This effect lasts for 1d6+charisma mod in rounds with melee or battle and unlimited outside of battle. The damages done are instant, that's where the amount dealt is done and the target is whom gets it. The amount is incurred un as 2d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 4 character levels in % round down. An idea of this is where your Jane that's level 18 with a 18 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod. The effect would last upto 12 rounds in battle or its until you stop magicing. Then when hit, its 8d10+18 or 98% in amount for upto 12 rounds or the target is dead. At level 20 the damages total get doubled. So instead of 10d10+18 its 20d10+18 or 218% in amount or instant death to weak creatures.

  If you wanted to use another dimension such as the 5th dimension that's to cause what you wanted, then you can create any result that seems what you want. That's thinking about the idea and drawing in gated 5th dimensional energy, then needing it to do things and you get a manifested result. If in battle, then it could last for Jane 12 rounds, otherwise it could last until you no longer need it.

  Dimensional aura shifting; Learning ability level: 10.
  There are other dimensions amongst you, then when they say the brain (or energy brain) can handle up to 10 picked dimensions at once. This means you can do what you want with them. You see, that is your true strength, the ability to do things and skip to another dimension to avoid trouble. So if you have an object and you want to shift, then touch the object thinking the object energy shifts you to where you want. If an image or sound comes to your mind, like a screech. Then that's what is there. Think and you know what to do. The subconscious can shift you by the spirit knowing where and what is there. If it's safe and know people come from somewhere so if you have a way back, then your there by the will of the creator.

  Otherwise they say if you can draw the energy into your aura, draw in the air a symbol or state what result you want and you can shift in your mind to wherever you want to be dimensionally by willing it or thinking about it. Once shifted, your there by feel or spiritually if not physically. However, if you can think about it, when a reaper catches you, you get sent to hell. The higher on the dimensional energy you have gotten, the more you can effect and the more STP you are gathering from the dimension your in by feel. So think of the idea to use it for, state it as a point to the dm/gm and you may get a result.

  However, you aren't your character. This is set in the idea of game play, so then if you attempt it you can rest assured it may only work in a gaming situation. Otherwise think, the way I put this information is based off a real live technique, that's put into game terms. See if you want to be safe don't actually attempt it, as there are some dangerous dimensions. Unless you think your God or the creator protects you from harm. So you could get results if the creator allowed it. Know that if you don't actually shift, your God or the creator deemed it unsafe to go.

  This means if you choose the 10th dimension, then you times the dimensional level by 10 and add that much to your STP amount as a bonus. That is if your STP is not infinite, and that's given by the Unlimited Stamina feat or you simply don't use STP as its homebrewed gaming or something. The effect you make is doubled in amount of dice if you use this, and your intense using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. So think about it and you know what to do by feel.

  Say you want to shift then to the 7th or the 8th dimension, think to say that you do so when you think of the 7th dimensional shift you can think of the moment. If you think not you still gate 7th dimensional energy to your aura as you touch an object by the idea you have. See your there by the 7th dimensional energy shifting you, all by feel. The 8th dimensional shift is similar by the point you do. That is done by magicing, thinking of the 8th dimension.

  Where you think of the 8th dimension the point is done, that's where the 8th dimension does what you want. Such is the case as you draw in gated 8th dimensional energy to your aura. Then will yourself there if not otherwise needed. This is where you think to do things, so this is not exact science think and you can do what you want.

  Yet there are some people that say they travelled physically there, so go figure and think about it for a moment. If it were possible, then you can get to where you want to see very easily. That what makes you shift makes you there with whom you want to bring unless you wanted to be there by yourself. This is all possible by feeling what you want or saying what you want to occur. Then as you wish, ask the DM/GM so he can allow for it and you shift there or its not allowed.

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Psychic investigator ability:

  Psychic investigator ability is what uses the aura energy of the body and the area energy magiced in the area, that's used to summon what you need with the idea and the subconscious that your results done by the soul. This is done by directing with need thought to the area energy and you direct the energy by programming it with your thoughts that is sent forth as waves of energy. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate after.

  The source is either the energy in the area or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled.

  This is what allows you then so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 8 actual abilities: True illusion (cha), Interesting (cha), Supernatural (cha), Psychic terrorism (cha), Psyche fix (cha), Psyche dream (cha), Dimensional manipulation (cha) and Designer viruses (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  True time illusion; Learning ability level: 1.
  Think of what you intend to show by feel and the soul shows it to the mind of an audience. This is a true illusion, where you present something that seems true yet isn't true. If you think this does any damage, think again. This true illusion does nothing to you. However you can fool people into creating a response. Otherwise you can cause a stopping point in their need to fight. This can form a trap, where you think the illusion and what you need forms by the power of the soul.

  Except in a trap, you create with the idea and the mind sees things as they should be or as you want them seen. When the truth is known, it sometimes is too late and then the trap has sprang. This means you could cover a hole of spikes in the ground by illusion, then the person comes by it and trips over the hole. The third eye can see through sense of the area what is there, so your nevere caught by this type of trap.

  Give them the illusion of death or a dead person that looks like you if they target you, then they would stop the need for fighting. If you gave them the illusion of a post, then they sometimes won't attack and unless distracted definitely they won't as they are distracted. So, if you made something look like another thing, then you hide the item within reality. The possibilities are infinite, including making a doppleganger appear.

  Then you get to fight it unless you dismiss the doppleganger and it then disappears. This all depends on the belief that its there, other than that you can dispel the illusion anytime you need it gone. Savings throw versus illusion dispels it using a 1d20+intelligence mod and getting a 10 or above for success. If a monster doesn't have an intelligence mod to use then no savings throw occurs with it.

  Interesting; Learning ability level: 1.
  Something interesting always seems to happen until you don't need it interesting, then this effect stops. The target is dazed for 1d6 rounds in battle and unlimited time till otherwise needed outside of battle.

  Supernatural; Learning ability level: 3.
  You can do things with the spirit that may seem impossible, this includes the summoning through gate the energy to cast forth and create your result, such as supernatural restoration. This effect is either with or without the elements like earth, air, water, acid, fire, spirit or void. The damage or healing amount is 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. Add +4 to strength. After level 10 is reached, then damages or healing is 1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Round down. After level 20 is reached, the damage and healing go up to 2d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Round down. That means that with 8 charisma mod and 10 magic core stat mod or Int mod points at level 15, gets 10d12+8 or 128% effect.

  Psychic terrorism; Learning ability level: 4.
  Psychic abilities can work to create terrble things or terrorism to those that do wrong. This ability leaves you scared and unwilling to fight for 1d6 rounds in combat or for unlimited time outside of combat.

  Psyche fix; Learning ability level: 5.
  They say that doing good things is in the key to creating good luck or better results. So do what you can and create a positive feeling. This energizes you in a positive feedback that makes you have 100% STP for 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited time outside of battle. You also fix any thought of a bad problem that may occur with you like diseases.

  Psyche dream; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you psyche yourself out and cause a dream as you say "Lucid dream" and state what you want the dream to do. Then you can cause physical actions by the right reactions done by the body or item. This means if you present a dream of the opposite moment you "convince" them to create positively, if taken right.

  Dimensional manipulation; Learning ability level: 7.
  This uses superatural ability and the spirit creates with dimensional energy to energize yourself by an idea you think to yourself and create what you want by that energy. You can create with idea a disappearance of the enemy or enemies, so that if you need something to happen and were then wanting to create the point you manifest by feel. You can even make yourself seem to disappear from sight until you decide to appear again.

  So however to a dimensional manipulator, everything can appear like an illusion until you think it isn't. So if you thought a word or phrase ended this, and chose "em en" to do the deed, then that ends the dimensional result. Anything you decide that will work, will do what you want and create the result you desire or design. Think about the result, then your free to do what you want and you can get the subconscious to create whatever you desire by what you need and state out loud by feel.

  This means you see things like signs from the subconscious, think and know what it means for what to do in answer by what you do in life. The ability is useful where you think to use it to convince others in what you mean them to realize. The damages/healing you can do by this is 1d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Round down. The dimension will create full healing. If your character gets to be level 20, then the damages go up to 2d8+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point..round down.

  Designer viruses; Learning ability level: 9.
  You can design your virus to do what you intend. If to effect a target, then think of what you want and state to the DM/GM what you intend. The virus can heal or cause other effects, like hinder the target for a certain amount. This amount is 2d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod in damage or healing. It lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until undesired outside of battle or its healed. That means, you wanted to create a virus that heals that target, then as you have 9 magic core stat mod or Int mod, you heal as long as the virus lasts with the amount of 2d10+18 or 38% per round in battle until its undesired. That is lasting up to 8 rounds in melee/battle or until unnecessary outside of battle.

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Gun slinger ability:

  Gun slinger ability is what uses the energy of the body and the area energy magiced in the area through infusion to the aura, that's used to summon what you need with the idea and the subconscious that your results done by the soul. This is done by directing with need thought to the area energy and you direct the energy by programming it with your thoughts that is sent forth as waves of energy that create your result. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate after.

  The source is either the energy in the area, the soul or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effect is possible by magic. That is done either as a free action taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. That allows multi actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled.

  This is what allows you then so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. This class has 5 actual abilities: Honing (cha), Energy manifest (cha), Point magic (cha), Time magic (cha) and Psychic ability (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Honing; Learning ability level: 1.
  The moment in magic you point with a gun and that creates the point of hitting the target very quickly. Add +5 to your speed, to hit roll and damage.

  Energy manifest; Learning ability level: 1.
  Think of the need in idea and you make things happen. This is done by your subconscious mind. State what you intend and its done. Any damages/healing done by this is 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Duration or how long it lasts is instant. There is an upgrade to this, after level 10 you suddenly do 1d12+charisma mod damage/healing per per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.

  This can be an illusion or real event that is created, so think about the idea and you can make what you intend or need. Like magicing on an idea of candy to make it seem to be there until you otherwise don't need it there or its eaten. There is a savings throw..where you roll a 1d20+int mod and get a 10 or above result.

  Then if you make it you dispell the effect in idea. If the monster doesn't have an int mod then it doesn't dispell it. The point you make is what creates this effect and how it plays out is what you think it does. So think of something good and you create very good results.

  Point magic; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is the result of creation with the elements. Think of the element/s to use then you create its effect by the third eye pineal gland making it appear or manifest as though a gun were shot or you curl your finger into your thumb and imagine the energy from the air creating an elemental ball that is flung forward to release the ball of energy and hit the target. This can be a fireball, an ice ball, or any element ball.

  If you want to form a gateway to a space filled with energy or where you could go, then form the signed ok (the curl of the finger to your thumb) or draw a spiral drawn inwards, this is then when your thinking energy passes through the symbol and upon reaching the air this creates an oval gateway in the air large enough for you to use.

  That goes wherever your intending it to go, programmed by the soul making the area known by insight to you and you needing to be there. This could be a safer area or area that looks like it is safe. Your spirit knows if it is safe for you to be there, and the spirit tells your soul what is there.

  Any damages/healing done by this is 1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Duration or how long it lasts is instant or 1d6+charisma mod in rounds per battle or outside of battle its until you think it gone. There is an upgrade to this, after level 12 you suddenly do 2d8+charisma mod damage/healing per per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.

  Time magic; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you time things out or allow your spirit to find out the possibilities that will occur. This happens on the moment you think to know things and the soul provides you with insights as information from the spirit. You aren't surprised by what occurs, no matter what happens. You have no surprise bonus against you.

  Psychic ability; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you know things by the power of the spirit and the soul copy. Think and you realize what you need to know about the idea to continue what you are in doing successfully. You always know what to do, no matter what.

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Psychic magus ability:

  Psychic magus ability is what uses the energy of the body and the area energy magiced to the area, that's used to summon what you need with the idea and the subconscious that your results are done by the soul. This is done by directing with need thought to the area energy and you direct the energy by programming it with your thoughts, that is sent forth as waves of energy from the aura and that creates your result. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate after you don't need it.

  The source is either the energy in the area, the unlimited soul or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 12 actual abilities: Aether magic (cha), Bubble effect (cha), Hellfire (cha), Hell send (cha), Astral send (cha), Hell vision (cha), Energy form (cha), Pause effect (cha), Needles (Cha), Mindblast (cha), Self-shift (cha) and Curse (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Aether magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  You call upon aether and gate it to where you want it to effect. This can create by programming what you desire. Think the idea to the energy, and you program its consciousness into making a manifest of what you want. This can create elemental effect, some effect or what have you.

  You could even make a cone of force or cold with this effect. Form your hand into a cone shape and make energy go forth as you breath through the "hole" made by forming your hand as though a cone. The energy is amplified as a cone of force or some element that goes forth and strikes the target.

  The damage/healing possible with this is 1d10+charisma mod, per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Duration or how long it lasts, is 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle. THere is an upgrade to this, at level 10 the damage/healing goes up to 1d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.

  Bubble effect; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is a creation of a bubble of force made from thinking to project the green heart energy and surrounding the target with a green energy that is separating the target from the area by feel. This is undoable by thinking its undone if you want it undone. This will drain the target and the more they try to impact or break it, the stronger you are reinforced by effect damage added as energy to the bubble and this is then applied by thinking energy is applied to you of added MP and extra health percent. This freezees the target in energy and makes any energy effect cast by the target not done for 1d6 rounds in melee/battle or an unlimited time outside of battle..

  Hellfire; Learning ability level: 2.
  State hell three times and intend the target to experience it then you cause your target to experience hell in its glory. This is experiencing hellfire for 1d6 rounds in melee/battle, unlimited outside of battle. Damages dealt are 1d12+charisma mod, per each and every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.

  Hell send; Learning ability level: 2.
  State "goto hell" as you think of your target/s then they goto there. This can make the target disappear into hell as though pulled by many hands. In a similar manner, you can draw from hell the target by thinking of the target and stating "back from hell".

  Astral send; Learning ability level: 2.
  This ability has you able to go and send some person or spirit to heaven or the astral plane by a stated "goto heaven" or "goto the astral plane". Also, if you wanted to grant a vision of the target being in heaven or the astral plane, if then you can think of them there and that means they can see it in their minds. This ability makes the target disappear and they goto heaven, the astral plane or they get distracted by heavenly astral visions. That is done for 1d8 rounds in battle and unlimitedly outside of battle, that's until they no longer need to see it or you no longer need this visual effect.

  Hell vision; Learning ability level: 3.
  This vision is a point that is gifted to the person that does wrong and leaves them thinking in remorse. Thus it leaves them in mental illness that is temporary. Think of the idea and it appears in the vision. Thinking of the target and stating "hell vision" and the target name causes then the vision to be imparted on the target. This distracts the target and until they decide to not attack or they act better. This is really what is stated to cause a person hell.

  Energy form; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think energy forms in the air as you feel its electricity that forms an effect. This can cause electricity to be created wherever it is intended to form. It seems you can magic lightning that acts like electricity. It forms in air from fire and heat that flows through the water particles.

  The damage/healing possible with this is 2d8+charisma mod, per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Duration is how long it lasts, this is an instant zap. There is an upgrade to this, at level 15 the damage/healing goes up to 2d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.

  Pause effect; Learning ability level: 5.
  This effect is where you think to create a pause in activity and press a pause button, the target/s literally pauses or halts for 1d8 rounds in melee/battle or unlimitedly outside of battle until you think to "unpause them". Then activity would continue as normal.

  Needles; Learning ability level: 6.
  The energy needles can pierce the target and do damage per each needle. They form by you thinking they are there and willing by acting as though there. Think to hold one so it makes it appear. Think of the target and tossing it forward causes it to be thrown into a target. This damage is done by them, it is 2d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. You can form 1d10 of them in total amount per round or minute.

  Mindblast; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is an ability that causes the excess energy of an idea the body and mind goes through to be directed by thoughts and need..think to magic your mental energy and think to allow your body energy excess released upon the target to effect by feel the target and make things seem almost impossible to them.

  So this pauses or makes them fazed for 1d8 rounds in melee or battle and 1d10 minutes outside of battle. The damage/healing possible with this is 2d10+charisma mod, per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point. Duration or how long it lasts, is instantaneous. There is an upgrade to this, at level 20 the damage/healing goes up to 1d30+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.

  Self-shift; Learning ability level: 8.
  This is shifting yourself into the soul world by a mind shift. The world you know that's represented by the soul. This is purgatory, though by thinking you need to be somewhere in some dimension. You are shifted by the soul to be where you want to seem, any time you want to be in the area by feel.

  Curse; Learning ability level: 8.
  This is where you think badly of the person or target and then your spirit curses the target and causes untimely incidental death sometimes after mishaps. That's unless your immune to death. This is where you can't be effected by thinking of the energy from the protection of the creator. This causes instant death or upon a save versus death mishaps, these are strange things that cause no attacks for 1d8 rounds in battle.

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Warrior cop ability:

  Warrior cop ability is what uses the energy of the body and the area energy magiced to the area, that's used to summon what you need. This is done by directing with need thought to the area energy, then you direct the energy by programming it with your thoughts, that is sent forth as waves of energy from the aura and that creates your result. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate after you don't need it.

  The source is either the energy in the area, the unlimited soul or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 11 actual abilities: Imprisionment shift (cha), Elemental weaopn magic (cha), Instant elemental form (cha), Momentary law (cha), Change (cha), Temperature (cha), Incident (cha), Fate call (cha), Elemental creativity (Cha), Atomic influence (cha) and Star breath (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Imprisionment shift; Learning ability level: 1.
  At any time you can shift the target into another dimension. Thinking the target shifts to another planet or dimension, it does. Thinking the target shifts back, they do. This is a prison that the target lives in, that is the size of a planet or a smaller area you had in mind. The place actually exists in a wall dimension that you will see sometime, so it can be any size and its run by demonoids. That are well balanced mentally and aren't insane.

  They can serve the law that is intended to improve the characteristic. You can end their sentence, thinking to make them come back to this dimension however you want. So think and they are where you wanted them by the power of the subconscious. However, once you start doing this, the wall is where their mural that moves and adjusts itself is shown unless you release them. You can get anyone, including those that steal from you. So use this with care.

  Elemental weapon magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  Think of the elemental energy going along the weapon and projecting forth. The target is what is hit by feel and whatever the weapon damage add your magic core stat mod or Concentration core stat mod as a bonus damage. So if you had 9 magic core stat mod that you want to use and did 15 weapon damage. Then, you'd do 34 % in weapon damage. The duration or how long it lasts is instant, unless you set clothes on fire for an additional 1d10+level of character fire damage until put out.

  Instant elemental form; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you reform yourself and what you have into a puddle of water, think and move to somewhere else. Then reform yourself and items into your original form. Whenever you become a elemental formation, you heal instantly and recover your healthy stats. However your formation, you can only phase through people and other objects with this ability.

  Other elements include things you form into and back into your form afterwards: floating ball of fire that moves at your will, a floating cloud or cold air current for air that moves by feel as you draw the heat from the air and the creator to sustain yourself, and earth is floating dust, flying things, butterflies or birds in the air that you move in by will. How long it lasts is until you change back.

  Momentary law; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is judgement based on the moment, they do what you want. See its done by belief that you can make a temporary law that's treated like a rule that they decide to follow or do. It goes both ways, you can either do the law or not do it. This law is where the subconscious causes in the target the idea to do things that you say. So it lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle or melee. Thinking in advance what you want will get you what you will into existance. This lasts forever outside of combat or until disbelieved and your target can do what they want.

  At any time, they can do a belief check that uses charisma unless they have no charisma as they are a monster. You are immune to this since you do it to others, so think and you know what to do. Those that are greedy stop being greedy, an can be gotten by this effect. If you abuse this lawmaking ability by suggesting too many things, then nothing is done. The limit to how many things are suggestable is 1d6 things per round or minute outside of combat.

  Change; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think about what you want to change. For example, your nose. Think of an iceberg, magic and collect the heat energy in the room and light energy. Then use this energy in your right hand to melt that ice. This will melt in your dreams. So now ready for change. Step 2: Make sure you don't have energy in your right hand. Now gather the cold energy and air energy in your left hand. Create a new iceberg by thinking that your nose is the way you want it to be. Then act like it, it will start to change. It's a technique that works for everyone. You can also change your habits.

  Temperature; Learning ability level: 5.
  The person gains the ability to stand any temperature and no matter what they are always very warm.

  Incident; Learning ability level: 7.
  Think of a point or the idea to enforce on the individual, then you cause it by the spirit making the result. This can cause anything that they think about or you think about on the victim. Whatever you cause on them, you can do 1d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels of character. That means if your character was level 13 and had 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod, then you'd do 6d12+15 or 87% damage per incident max. The duration or how long it lasts is instant, unless you set materials on fire for an additional 1d10+level of character fire damage until put out.

  Fate call; Learning ability level: 8.
  This is a call whenever you think of the fates and ask by stating what you need and what you wanted. Think of what you want and you can create anything uponst the target even if upset. When you use a fate call, and know you can make the target disappear except for their objects and cease to exist or become another formation/object that you use by feel..know that fate is neutral so think and you know what to do. Whatever you cause on them, you can do 1d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels of character. That means if your character was level 15 and had 9 magic core stat mod or Int mod, then you'd do 7d12+18 or 102% damage per fate call max. The duration or how long it lasts is instant, unless you set clothes or some material on fire for an additional 1d10+level of character fire damage until put out.

  Elemental creativity; Learning ability level: 9.
  You can call upon the elements to create an elemental effect. Think of the element, think of its form, and its there as a point is needed for it to do. The elemental can project forth an element like earth, air, fire, water, acid and so forth. The damage it can do or heal is 2d8+magic core stat mod or Int mod in amount per each 2 levels of the character. This is an effect that works upon the target or targets and you can create any elemental effect. The idea in effect, you create by thinking about the idea and the elemental makes what you want in results. This is an effect in itself. That means if your character was level 15 and had 9 magic core stat mod or Int mod, then you'd do 14d8+18 or 130% damage max. The duration or how long it lasts is 1d6 rounds in melee/battle or until you don't magic outside of battle.

  Atomic influence; Learning ability level: 9.
  With atomic influence, you can magic upon what you intend to do and create actions. This is done by what you think, that's with influence by waves of thought energy. The target is effected into doing what you intend by the atomic particles of energy. Think and you know what to do.

  Star breath; Learning ability level: 11.
  This is a special property of the stars and their energy. That you magic into existence by gating star energy to create with by thought or imagination. You can ride it as a wave, camouflage yourself, when you breathe it around others you can envision a trap or grab them with it. You can also create whatever you say you visualise. You can bring dead stuff back to life permanently and it can be better than before and more vibrant or you can do the opposite. Think of what you want and say what it is to the DM/GM, then you get what you desire by the power of the star breath.

  The effect damage/healing done by this is 2d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels in %. The duration or how long it can last is 1d8 rounds in melee/battle or unlimited outside of battle until otherwise needed. That means for a level 20 character named joe, that has 10 magic core stat mod or Int mod points and wants to cast a creation of healing and raising. They would get 20d10+20 or 20*10+20=220% health restored and the character restored to life. That lasts until you no longer want the character to live. This is a useful ability indeed.

goto magic index
Magician ability:

  Magician ability is what uses the energy of the body and the soul as it uses the area energy, that's used to summon what you need. This is done by directing with need thought to the area energy, then you direct the energy by programming it with your thoughts, that is sent forth as waves of energy from the aura and that creates your result as the soul directs the effect. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate after you don't need it.

  The source is either the energy in the area, the unlimited soul or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 10 actual abilities: Aetnus creation (cha), Chi blade (cha), Wand magic (cha), Stage magic (cha), Moon magic (cha), Dark arts defense (cha), Chaos magic of Oberon (cha), Indonesian magic (cha), Chaotic petals (cha) and Death charge (Cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Aetnus creation; Learning ability level: 1.
  The creation is a point you think to create as you feel its needed, this uses gated in energy to create your results an then you make with the feel and create with the point. You can create magnetic pulses with this or think an element into existence from a gated area with this ability, think of the element or you can create a mix of upto 3 elements with use of this ability. The elements are earth, wind, fire and water.

  Additional elements are acid, lava and others like ice and void listed here @ This is where you can think things healed, your thoughts program the wound or problem energy to spiritually disappear. Also if you need magic, think of the effect and need it and the subconscious will do it if you allow for it. See you can think the wound appears. Where you need the body wounded spiritually and then its there.

  Basically, you think of what you need and do the right thing by actions to create the results you desire. Like a gesture to create the point you state or symbol drawn by finger in the air, that's used by the soul or soul copy to create a result with the consciousness of energy programming the area energy into making what you wish to occur. This can use willpower, what you will into existence is up to you. Some have created with a punch in their hands. That set an effect of the target being punched by released energy waves magiced towards the intended target..

  Otherwise you can bind an energy effect to some object, this can make a piece of wood or some object create a result that you bound it to create. Say you bound fire energy into the item, then you can cast fireballs with the energy programming the area energy to form and do it. That is when the object does what you want by the energy you lock into it. You think to the energy of the item what you want and it does it, until the energy you cast forth is spent or dispelled by your will.

  So if you think, then if you need an effect its created in order to make it locked in, hold the item and think of the effect as energy that you then think "locked" to bind or "unlocked" to unbind. Once unbound, the energy is then released and you would have to magic an effect through the item to get it to do it. So that's about it, for bindings and unbindings. Enjoy yourself as you create with this ability.

  If you want to create healing/damages with this, know the duration or how long it lasts is instant and then you create with an amount. This amount if damage is reduced from the targets and if healing health restored. The amount is 1d10+charisma mod per each concentration or magic core stat mod point. Such as for a character named joe, that has 13 conentration core stat mod, 6 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod. The effect is using conentration core stat mod this time. The amount is 6d10+6 or 6*10+6= 66% max damage.

  There is an upgrade to this, where you get at level 10 a damage/healing that's 1d12+charisma mod per every each concentration or magic core stat mod point. So at level 12, where the character joe now has 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod, 7 concentration core stat mod and 7 charisma mod. The character wantes to heal, so the amount healed is using magic core stat mod or Int mod points. This is 7d12+7 or 91% max healed with the total added onto the target or character you need to heal.

  Its all up to the DM/GM. The target has a counterwill if the DM/GM desires to use it. You see the person whom is the target can will their own thing. Sometimes it interferes with the targeter. The soul is a powerful thing, so if their soul doesn't like coercement or the reflects the spell back on you or someone that they don't know. This counterwill is a 1d20 and successfully done as a 10 or above is rolled. Roll a 1d6 to see if its reflected back on you or another target. That is where 1-3 is reflected at you and 4-6 is deflected on another target.

  Chi blade; Learning ability level: 1.
  Magic heat energy into the hand and imagine or think of the energy turning into a blade of energy. Then have fun by slashing things. When done, imagine or think it unforms itself. You see at the least it will cause smude marks on the wall. So at the most it will cut is anything. The chi blade only does damages. So if you want to create damages with this, know the effect is instant and you create with an amount in percent. This amount if damage is reduced from the targets. The amount is 1d12+charisma mod per each each concentration or magic core stat mod point round down. Such as for a character named jessy, that has 7 concentration core stat mod, 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod. The effect is using conentration core stat mod this time. The amount is 7d12+6 or 7*12+6=90% max damage.

  There is an upgrade to this, where you get at level 12 a damage/healing that's 2d8+charisma mod per every each concentration or magic core stat mod point. So at level 12, where the character joe now has 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod, 7 concentration core stat mod and 7 charisma mod. The character wantes to cut something up, so the amount done is using magic core stat mod or Int mod. This is 16d8+7 or 135% max with the total removed from the target or character health you need to cut.

  Wand magic; Learning ability level: 3.
  Learning ability level: 3.
  The wand does the effect and think as you intend it you can create your intentions. Of course, what you need is to make use of a stick, weapon or staff as a wand that you point, imagine or think of the purpose and it does things that you want. You can optionally buy a wand, but that's if you have the money for it. So you can even use an object, limb, finger, hand or arm pointed at the target. You can easily do hexes, charms or other things like transmorgification meaning changing the body into something else. If you want a list of hexes or charms you can do, look here @ .. its listed there all in its glory. Any damage/healing done by this effect is 2d8+charisma mod per each 2 magic or conentration core stat mod. Round down. The effect per round lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle.

  Stage magic; Learning ability level: 3.
  Think and know, the stage is the game with psyching out the target audience or creating with the subconscious mind and the right suggestion. This is where you think about the moment and create with your will, that is a moment based off illusion and what creates with the subconscious. So this means then its done by the spirit making it occur, thinking about things being done with subconscious guidance.

  Since in idea its based off illusion, then it disappears if not needed by the consciousness of energy sensing what you need. What is there instead, this is whatever you want observed. Say you wanted a fireball to appear in thin air and do what you want. Think it is there and it forms by the power of the subconscious forming what you think. This is how it would work, if you didn't need anything then nothing occurs by feel. If you did, then your aware of the idea and know what to do with it in mind.

  This is an idea in itself to try if safe, if your curious as to how it works. So think of a point or idea, express the idea and it could occur. This is where the subconscious takes your idea and makes it into reality. So think of your need and you could get it. If you don't and it was bad, that's due to a luck save by the way then your lucky. So think and you know what to do.

  So make a gesture and create by statements to the effect of "I use this gesture to create my will." or make the gesture and state "I will the amazon delivery to come to me that I ordered as soon as possible." Other things you can do is levitation and flying, so think about this as you fly out of range of the targets attack.

  However, stage magic can use props and ideal gadgets that you know how to use by the spirit knowing and you realizing it. So this magic is the illusion with the stage and optional is some store bought stage gear, those are the props and gear on stage. Think and you know what to do. This is illusion based that can be or seem real by feel, so think and no damages or healing can occur unless they believe its possible with this effect.

  However, the effect cannot be used to harm people unless they don't disbelieve it as this is distraction by an ideal effect, this distraction keeps the target/s from attacking. The effect lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle. The damage or healing possible is this. Any damage/healing done by this effect is 2d8+charisma mod per each 2 magic or conentration core stat mod. Round down.

  This is done per round unless not needed. That is lasting 1d6 rounds in battle/melee and until not needed outside of battle. Otherwise, its disbelieved, by a illusion reality check. That is willing it to not exist and creating with the energy sent to you. This is a 1d20 roll made by the target and if 10 or above is rolled then its as though it didn't effect the target/s.

  Moon magic; Learning ability level: 4.
  If on a planet with a moon. If using the moon energy, you can magic your mind and think to write with the energy. So if you wrote with the moon energy and said "Sky Rite" then you made light. So the same can be done with a different symbol and this time cause the moon energy to attack. Also when you do it, you can make a dupe of the moon that could raise waves or influence things to manifest. Like the elements in a wave pattern. Again, the elements are earth, wind, fire, water. Additional elements are acid, lava and others like ice and void. The elements are listed here @

  If you want to create healing/damages with this, you create with an amount with a wave of influence. This amount if damage is reduced from the targets and if healing health restored. The amount is 2d8+charisma mod per each each concentration or magic core stat mod point round down. The effect lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle. Such as for a character named peter, that has 16 conentration core stat mod, 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod. The effect is using conentration core stat mod this time. The amount is 16d8+6 or 16*8+6= 134% damage max.

  There is an upgrade to this, where you get at level 14 a damage/healing that's 2d10+charisma mod per every each concentration or magic core stat mod point. So at level 16, where the character jones now has 9 magic core stat mod, 7 concentration core stat mod and 7 charisma mod. The character wantes to heal using a healing wave of light, so the amount healed is using magic core stat mod or Int mod. This is 18d10+7 or 187% max healed with the total added onto the target or character you need to heal.

  Dark arts defense; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think of the idea to control or create a vision, that makes the person do things that you intend or know things about what you need them to know about. If not that, you create with an idea and use darkness energy to create with a point to make what result you intend to create. You can even create pain in the body by thinking its there, otherwise release him or her of the pain by thinking its gone..

  This lasts 1d6 rounds in battle/melee or unlimitedly outside of battle until you don't want it. You can do 2d8+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, round down. That means by dark energy magic, you can create with the energy. I think with a character named smoe, for healing damages in amount, that has 16 conentration core stat mod, 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod. The effect is using conentration core stat mod this time. The amount is 16d8+6 or 16*8+6= 134% damage max.

  Chaos magic of oberon; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you create with an effect of so many things happening at once and breaking down things that are targeted disappear with this idea to effect by chaos and make with a "poof". This means that the problem disappears and thinking works out by feel. That could be where you create with this effect and make with the idea, so you feel what is important and that allows the targets things to remain. Stated out to the DM/GM, is the effect of the chaos magic to create with a point and make with a result. The amount of things created distract the target by 1d6 rounds in battle and its an unlimited time outside of battle. Until you don't need it. Then, the idea of chaos magic disappears.

  Indonesian magic; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is a more powerful version of magic than Aetnus creation magic. In indonesian magic you think of the point, and then create with an idea of what you want to manifest. Think of the moment and need the idea you have in mind, then your soul will create what you desire. This is the trick of indonesian magic.

  However beware casting an illusion with this style, that exists because you wanted it there. The illusion is done by thinking of what you want, then its seen as a point of vision that occurs to the mind. The indonesian illusion is harder to dispel unless you need something other than the illusion to be seen. Like your thoughts control the moment and you do what you want..

  The effect lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. If you want to create healing/damages with this, you create with an amount. This amount if damage is reduced from the targets and if healing health restored. The amount is 2d12+charisma mod per each each concentration or magic core stat mod point round down. Such as for a character named jason, that is level 19 and has 8 concentration core stat mod, 9 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 7 charisma mod. The effect is using magic core stat mod or Int mod this time. The amount is 20d112+7 or 20*10+7=207% max damage.

  There is an upgrade to this, where you get at level 20 a damage/healing that's 1d30+charisma mod per every each concentration or magic core stat mod point. So at level 22, where the character jay now has 10 magic core stat mod or Int mod points, 7 concentration core stat mod and 7 charisma mod. The character wantes to heal, so the amount healed is using magic core stat mod or Int mod. This is 10d30+7 or 307% max healed with the total added onto the target or character you need to heal.

  Chaotic petals; Learning ability level: 9.
  Imagine or think about chaos and violet energy forming as a violet flame and then create a burning effect in the form of floating violet flame or flying violet petals..projecting forth its flame into the target. This can burn them as it disrupts the target in their activity by energy passing through them. Think and they think of doing something else.

  This can only deal damage. The effect lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle. If you want to create damages with this, you create with a % as an amount. This amount if damage is reduced from the targets. The amount is 1d30+charisma mod per each each concentration or magic core stat mod point round down. Such as for a character named json, that is level 18 and has 20 conentration core stat mod, 9 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 8 charisma mod. The effect is using conentration core stat mod this time. The amount is 10d30+8 or 10*30+8=308% max damage.

  Death charge; Learning ability level: 11.
  Magic your death and decay in your cells as though energy and project it forth. This causes you to look younger and be more energetic. You can hurt a bit when you do this. So if you can create an effect of death on a target, then you will cause them to reduce their health by half. The effect is simple, expend forth the energy and will it to target something or someone. Then you cause death if you apply this a few times.

  Death and decay energy does what you will it to do, so think and you know what to do. If you don't have an idea, then you can still use it like a sword that discharges itself from the blade. If you use this effect with an actual weapon, you may increase the damage by adding the damage done by this with the weapons, yet the weapon will decay faster. So think about that, as you don't want to lose a weapon, or do you not mind the effect..yet the effect is instant or lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle.

  If you want to heal by this, then know to target the disease's cells in the body and you remove the symptoms of the disease. All you need to do after targeting is wait, till you produce more death and decay from decaying cells. For instance you can create a decaying weapon effect, if you target the weapon as well. So if you decay the weapon enough, it could break. Since you can also use the decaying energy as though a weapon, think to extend it like a blade or light sabre.

  This is where you were holding a sword and the death and decaying energy extends as the blade of it. Once again, upon strike, it reduces the Health percent by half except for when the self-strike is done. Then you know, you are immune to your own death and decay energy so the self-strike will effect the disease cells only. So if you want to cure yourself, you may strike where the pain is to null it and cause them bliss instead. This always works with getting them in bliss and suggesting something that they do, except when the target is immune to death energy. Then no damage is done. Also, if you do suggest something roll a charisma check of 1d20+charisma mod and get a 10 or above to make sure the target does it.

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Orderly ability:

  Orderly ability is what uses the energy of the God and the soul as it uses the area energy, that's where the God is used to summon what you need. This is done by directing with need thought to the area energy, then you direct the God by having your God program it with your thoughts, that is sent forth as waves of energy from the aura and that creates your result as the soul directs the effect. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate after you don't need it.

  The source is either the energy in the area, the unlimited soul or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 7 actual abilities: Spirit effect (cha), Psyche out (cha), Auratic manifest (cha), Matrix glitch (cha), Matrix heal (cha), Counceling (cha) and Chaotic effect (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Spirit effect; Learning ability level: 1.
  The effect of the spirit is what the soul creates. This means the spirit is using the soul to create what it needs to make in manifest. The effect is creating any result. So when the effect needs to damage things or someone or something, you create spirit damage and where you need to heal by the spirit. You create spiritual healing. Any other effect is done by will with the spirit gating in the energy of the element. Thinking and imagining the result you state to he DM/GM will create with the spirit and make with a result. Any effect lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until not wanted outside of combat in effect.

  The poisoning effect is a classic idea to get rid of bugs, all that's needed is to effect them with the spirit drawing the bug to its effective poison. Any element like earth, air, water, fire, acid, poison or void can be used. See earth can block and absorb. Then, air can make things colder and freeze things, otherwise lift or hold things in the air. Water can create wetness, flood the area or drown the victim.

  Fire can burn things. Acid can eat away the substance of things. Poison can kill by making the condition worse. Void can draw away all or some energy of the target and give it to you, draining it of health if this is doing an attack and making you kill it then as its faster gone. Also, you can choose to transfer by spirit your health or energy to some worthy target. Just state to the gm/DM you use the spirit effect to transfer some of your health or energy and how much to the target and its done.

  Any element can damage or cure or heal the body, its intent to do so that makes it happen. This is an effect of life energy so think of the best and create what you intend to create by statement. State it to the DM/GM what the spirit does to make a result. Each result can do 1d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels of the character. That means the average character can at level 13 with 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod create 6d10+15 in amount. The amount maximum is 6*10+15=75% health reduction if damage or health increase if healing. See that means anything over full health percent is reduced back to fhp after an hour. Each spirit effect can last 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle.

  There is an upgrade to this, after level 10 each result can do 1d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels of the character. That means the average character can at level 15 with 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod create 7d12+17 in amount. The amount maximum is 7*12+17=101% health reduction if damage or health increase if healing. Each spirit effect can now last 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. After the spirit closes the gate to the element. Then things can be normal again. This is an effect known to create longetivity as it reduces aging to 1/10 of the normal aging process in life.

  Psyche out; Learning ability level: 1.
  The moment is where you think of the target and psych him, her or it out as to make them not do what you don't want them to do. Instead you psych them out and cause them to do what you intend them to do. Roll a bluff check with 1d20+bluff core stat mod to see if you succeed. As you may be able to punch your fist and have them feel the blow. The effect is instant.

  Auratic manifest; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you think of the effect, that makes the point or what you need that's expressed. Think of the idea as though a thing to manifest and you create with the aura energy programmed by the thought as a wave of energy you cause influence and manifestation. That means from doing things you make the aura change the area energy. Otherwise you gate the programmed energy to the area of effect to manifest there. This means you cause energy to make effects.

  Think of the auratic spin of energy, imagine or think of the effect with gated in energy to the aura. When empowered, you can create by a thought and make with a point or thought spoken. The damages possible are 1d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod per each 2 levels of the character. The effect can last up to 1d6 rounds per combat and until not needed outside of combat. There is an upgrade to this, above level 10 you do 2d8+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every two levels of the character.

  That means a character named fanny creates an energy beam where he projects it from the hand. That is level 10 and has 6 magic core stat mod or Int mod. She does 5d12+12 or max is 5*12+12=72% health damage. Then the same fanny wants to make a healing wave for her party at a higher level. She is at level 17 and has 10 magic core stat mod or Int mod points. This allows her 16d8+20 in amount. Each amount she does is (8*2)*8+20=148% max healed.

  This allows that you can cast interesting effects with the aura, too. As though you wanted to make a glowing aura. Think of the energy you gated in to the aura. The effect is making you glow by thinking your glowing and thus can see in the dark. There may be other examples, yet this is an idea to use for the moment as it can last outside combat until you no longer need to glow. So think and you know what to do.

  Matrix glitch; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you think of something to make it happen. The Matrix glitches and forms it by feel. The glitch could be 3 people in a row that are the same person in appearance. Otherwise its repeating the same thing over and over again until you think to end the moment. This can happen in the mind where the person experiences something and then experience it again yet different results occur.

  Matrix heal; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you are near the target and do things with them for 30 minutes. They heal by 1/3 of their health percent being restored each 30 minute segment.

  Counceling; Learning ability level: 5.
  The effect of this is calm yet the target is advised by you and gets good results. This has a mood improvement and leaves the target unable to attack as it resolves the targets issues. Roll a 1d20+charima mod added to luck to see if you got a 10 or above result. That means success with the mood improved and the person reasoning with others. The effect is instant.

  Chaotic effect; Learning ability level: 7.
  The effect of this is to use chaos energy to cast an effect of potent idea. This is where the target can heal or get damaged as they break down in their mind. This effect can create an instant effect or deal out or heal up with 2d8+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels of character in amount. The use of iron particles contains the energy of chaos and they use the creator to cause effects with it. It is summoned into the iron to create with a point that is your expressed idea and make with results.

  You can heal with chaos, think the chaos energy is directed by the creator to target disease cells. Then any ailments or diseases disappear as you think of the idea. This is where the diseased cells of the body break down into energy. The creator or your God makes it happen. If you don't intend it, then you don't get a result. So think about it as you need the result to occur and happen to allow.

  Seen is the result that you to recover by feel as you allow in life energy to recover your health by feel. This is with a point or idea that spoken about creates results. Doing so, you could feel really good and may want to do anything by the good feeling you have by the cells breaking down. This is the insanity of chaos, it sometimes feels like constant orgasm or sex. So in order to not agree to everything, think about not doing things by feel unless you need to get things done. Then think and you create better results even, if you feel good.

  That means a level 10 character with 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod will do 10d8+14. This is an amount that is 10*8+14 or 94% max reduced from or added to the health of the target/s. It's an instant effect that is halved in damage if resisted. This is a savings throw against chaos. Basically, a will save. A 1d20+will and getting a 10 or above for success. If the monster has no will to save itself, then the will save is not done.

goto magic index
Starseed ability:

  Starseed ability is what uses the energy of the creator or God and the soul as it uses the area energy, that's where the creator is used to summon what you need. This is done by directing with need thought to the area energy, then you direct the creator or God by having your consciousness program it with your thoughts, that is sent forth as waves of energy from the aura and that creates your result as the soul directs the effect. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate after you don't need it.

  The source is either the heat energy in the area, the unlimited soul or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 7 actual abilities: Intensify effect (cha), Magicing spell (cha), Energy trace (cha), Trance (cha), Prevention (cha), Star force (cha) and Creator's point (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Intensify effect; Learning ability level: 1.
  This make results intensified by feel only makes you feel intense and in use its one time per hour you can intensify the effect you do. This makes a result total x 3 in amount.

  Magicing spell; Learning ability level: 1.
  The point you magic on a thought you think to create you make what you desire by feel. This what is like the limited wish ability, as you only get so much in effect with gated in energy creating the effect. The coldness you feel is a giveaway though as you use the energy, that means you drew in heat energy and created what you wanted. The duration is 1d8 rounds in battle and unlimited until the energy is then expended or not wanted outside of battle. It takes 1 action time to recover the heat energy so you can do another effect. If you do this effect more than 10 times per day, you will feel tired until you sleep unless you think heat is activity. If you are in rest or sleep, you recover and can cast without tiredness 10 more times. So with this ability, you can emulate any spell that you want to create in effect. Including butterfly creation and other things.

  Note: For a gate. Think to know by spirit what's in there and think to allow it if its safe. Then you can think of the effect you need and imagine a small gateway form, that's from the air and that draws in energy or what you want. As you hold out your hand or magic your eyes, you create the idea of a gate that uses the creator as though a source. This gate draws in energy to your aura. Thinking as you feel the need. You create with a gate or not bother as the energy comes from the body, that means it closes when you feel its not necessary and thinking it closes closes the gate.

  The damages/healing amounts are as follows:
1d10+half level round down per every 2 levels for levels 1-9.
2d10+half level round down per every 2 levels for levels 10-19.
3d10+half level round down per every 2 levels for levels 20-29.
4d10+half level, round down per every 2 levels for levels 30+.

  Here are some things you can do with this.

   sound; The effect of sound is to create a sound and the target reacts that its real. This is where you make a sound and create a result, this like clapping and making a wounding effect. That could be an effect by making a washing sound or bath filling with water. So you can be where you wash up, then without actually touching a tub until later you actually use the tub. Basically you can experience things now and actually do them later.

   arcing; This is where you think of the moment and use it as summoned with gating energy, then think of the energy changing into plasma that is passing from one hand to the other. See it done as it passes through the target. Then it can deal damage. You are immune to this energy of course, so don't worry you won't damage yourself as its absorbed back into the aura.

   freeze; You can freeze in place with this someone, think of the moment and think freeze to the energy and you create a cold blast. That hits them wherever they are, then as they can freeze in place and become cold with cold damage.

   hold still; think to be somewhere else as your still and your spirit is there exploring or absorbing energy of what is there and you create what you want as you hold still and wait for things to occur.

   fire summons; You think and can do things as your body warms up with energy summoned by gating to the aura. You can magic the energy into creating dark spots on a surface or burn some target. If you keep magicing it will burst into flames. Otherwise you will cause your metabolism to raise by programming the energy to make that happen. The fire energy is willed to eat away the fat. This should stop by what is needed, if you need to do it and don't want to stop. Then hold off on doing it and you won't burn out.

   water effect; Think of the effect you want the body to do, think of your need as you drink the water and it goes to the aura to create that effect. That means you can cool yourself down or cast the watery energy. This goes at a surface for a smudge or watery area that appears darker. This is done by what you magic on, that's with the power of the pinneal gland creating a third eye effect.

   spark; Think about energy making a spark that appears as though a flare up of energy and it will. You will notice when and if it does cause spark damage.

   acid splash; This forms acid from summoned energy that goes forth with a gesture. This acid eats away from the target by feel.

   poison; Think the energy forms poison, that effects the target and causes the health to degrade.

   cone of effect; curl your hand up in a cone shape and blow through the hole formed. This creates what effect of an element by energy you summon, that you want as a conic blast and it effects with a radius of effect. This effects in a 6 feet radius.

   shifting; think of the area and imagine yourself there, then you shift there by feel.

   aware sense; The brain is aware as you think of the moment and your senses make you aware of the moment that reveals what properties or idea exist with the item or area.

   healing; the point you think about, this makes the idea you consider. Think of healing and its done, that is done as though you healed 1/3 the fhp (full health percent) of yourself each time you try this.

   speed; This is where you speed up by a foot per minute.

   blur; This is where you make yourself harder to hit, they recieve a -5 to their to hit rolls.

   transformation self/other; You can think of the form, look at a form or need to be the form you think about. Say "like that shape I want", "like him" or "like her". Then you or some personal target/s transform into that shape. They retain their stats and that's about it except height and weight.

   knowing; Think you know and then suddenly you do know by the consciousness of energy.

   elemental balls; This is where you think the energy of aura sends forth balls, that contain the element you think to use like acid. That ball or balls strike the target. There can be 1d6 maximum balls formed.

   cloning; This is a point where the energy of the aura is sent forth with a soul copy, that is then willed to form a clone of yourself. Thus it forms a few clones of yourself to the area you think to see. They have your stats and energy formed equipment. You can have 1d6 clones per combat or outside of combat at any given time, that last until dead or they are dismissed and they disappear back to the creator. They are gone as energy spheres that dissipate in the air.

   location; They that use this know where things or people are in the area. They also know where places or services are by feel. If it feels right, then it is right unless proven otherwise.

   translation; If you hear or read a language, you instantly know what is said or written by an intelligence spike that allows you to know what you read.

   word power; Think of the idea to form and send out gated in aura energy to create it then by statement out loud. That allows where you create the idea you intend, making use of idea with what you speak. That is with release of energy. This is the power of the language you say or express that is used by the subconscious to create what result you have gotten.

   create food and water; This is where you think of the food or need the water and think you get it formed in the hand in some container. Then it's formed and you can enjoy it. Whether its edible or drinkable is where you think it is.

   cure disease and illness; This is where you magic aura energy into curing the illness or any disease that the body has by feel that disappears by feel.

   weather magic; This is where you use the summoned energy to create weather in the sky, that creates rain or ability to strike enemies down. This means you can direct lightning strikes to hit the ground and enemies alike. That's as you draw lightning to the target area with thought, that it'd strike there and feeling an negative pole of energy imagined to be there. Dispel the negative pole by thinking it dissipates away harmlessly.

   magnetic pulse; You can cause anything or person to be either pulsed away or towards you. This is where you think of a pulse of energy to repulse the target or item to drive it away. Otherwise think it comes nearer, this is to cause a drawing magnetic pulse like a lift.

   phasing; Think a gate exists that causes what you don't like as though a power source to effect the target if you want by willing it to create what result you want. Otherwise this is where you can make a point or statement and say, "I phase a blow of my weapon to hit the target", then roll attack with +4 to the roll. Think of the area to attempt and hit by an instant blow that you don't have to be near to do. This uses a gate that shifts the blow to the target. That is used as though an idea of what you can do, this is an idea for what you do with the weapon. That goes through the gate to hit the target unerringly. Think and you know what to do.

   create item; You can create any item by this idea, that you find in your hand from the summoned or gated energy making it exist. Think of the idea you want to create like a blaster gun, imagine it there and that your using it. Then if it appears, you can create any result with this idea in use. If you create a blaster gun or any other item, you make a blast or whatever the effect of the item. Unsummon the item, when you are done with it if by thinking it gone and not needing it. Then, it disappears back into becoming energy again.

   turn; This causes by energy you summon with or without an object held as a magicing point, the effect of turning away people, items, creatures or undead and by the power of a God or the creator make them disappear.

   rite; You can create an effect by magical rite, think you know it and you realize what the rite is that's needed. Then, have your soul copy do the rite by feel. This creates what result you intend by feel with materials such as a lit candle and use of words as directive programming that will program the summoned energy to create what result you need.

   gesture; The right gesture or movement of the body can magic the third eye, this creates with the elements and makes what you wish as a need into happening. Think of the element or elements to use, then magic your mind upon the area and say the gesture is a pointed finger. This creates the elemental effects upon the area, that you thought to magic upon and target. This is like creating a dark spot on the wall, magicing uponst it and it bursts into fire after 1 round. This is using a finger to set the mark and then magic to make it burst into flames. You can use any element. Think of the idea and it is done.

   response; Think to get a response as you state the idea out loud and you have a response that you want by feel.

   energy effect; Think to get what you want and the idea is done by the power or programming, you put programming to energy with statements that you make out loud. The energy comes from various places, it shifts to places to do things as if by gating itself. So if you said, "I wish to make things work" then energy will be programmed by a wish to make your machines work by feel with its programming. This energy effect is amazing, think of what you want and need to use the energy by programming it. If you do, you can generate almost anything by feel. That is what its about. If you don't need it, say "en" for it means at the end.

   influence; This is where you cast forth energy from the aura with your thoughts as programming. That means it then is the wave of energy that effects in the area or target to manifest, what you need by feel with its influence. This is cast forth by a clean hand, that means you cast forth clean energy with a symbol. You can use an outward drawn in the air spiral starting at the center, thinking to create what result you intend you create the intention as you strengthen and clean the area you point your hand to with a drawn symbol.

   reviving; This is where you magic and make idea happen of reviving the life of someone. Right as they are recently deceased and this takes thinking "revive", then sending forth your energy to work with their remaining body energy. That's programmed by thought to revive and to create the combined result of revival and resurrection.

   chest burns; This is whhen you think your energy combines with theirs. Then heat flares causing chest burns.

   death and decay; This is where you think to rub your finger along the butt crack, so you gather some of the smelly oil. Then cause its essence to be cast forth with an inward drawn spiral in the air starting at the outer edge of it. This corrodes things in the direction that is there. If you corrode things enough, then you can break the idea of things that exist there. Once you reach 90% corroded, it'll break.

   reduction; This is thinking of the reducing effect and drawing an inward drawn spiral symbol towards the area to reduce what you want reduced. That can reduce scents or what you don't want by feel or senses.

   foci; Think of using multiple magic devices or gemstones for your effects, thinking to create with a +4 to the effect per each device or gemstone. At level 14, the upgrade to this is +8 to the effect per each device or crystal.

   greater force; Think of the moment of adding emotion into the foray and you can do more damage by feel. Add 6+strength mod extra damage with this effect. This is where you magic your emotion and create physical results by thinking about the idea.

   greater feel; This is where you feel things out and have the item tell you things by you knowing with insight that is has as properties that exist.

   magicing; Whatever you magic upon as you hold a gem changes by thinking its something else, this changes to be what you want it to be. This is a form of polymorph other that can also change the self.

   thoughtless; This is the point you do things by feel, that means the spirit that creates whatever you want or you feel is needed. This uses the soul copy to create the effect, that the spirit magices to the area to make what you intend.

   the end; This is where you cease the effect and think to make what you want with the energy.

   wall effect; Think of the element, then magic on the area. The element comes from gating it into the area as energy to create itself. This is thinking of the shape and form as you will it to exist. This can be a wall of e4nergy, a wall of fire that burns things on its path, a wall of water that overruns or dampens things, a wall of earth that blocks and neutralizes things or a solid wall of air that holds and blocks things. Otherwise, it can be a wall of solid void or black energy, that ssucks the life out of tarets that it passes by feel.

   beat down; This is the anti-puppy effect, where you create a repercussion by thinking a blow goes to the head spiritually and knock out the puppy or target for 1d6 rounds in battle and unlimitedly outside of battle..

   sparkling effect; The sparkling effect is makes you more an charismatic as you imagine or think of what you need and magic on the moment of fire particles. They light your face and you can get what you intend. That's the sparkle effect by feel.

   the puppy; This is where you amp the sparkles or cuteness by imagining yourself as a puppy that is coddled by the target and attempt to get a charismatic result. Think about what you do and you can get whatever you want by this effect in idea. Use a charisma check to determine what results you get for 1d6 rounds in battle and unlimitedly outside of battle in life.

   the drug effect; This is where you create a drug effect, you state the drug or herb name and imagine its use then its energy is summoned and it does what you intend. That is a drug or herb you observe or think about, and state the name of the drug or herb. Think it effects you or some other, and you get an instant effect of the drug in one dose. That's able to effect the target, that could be you or some other in whatever dose strength that you need. Say it was aspirin, think that aspirin effects you and state it out loud and your body receives an energy dose. If you don't want the effect then it cancels itself out.

   waiting; The moment is waited for by feel from the energy your aura has, that causes your target to wait for 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited time outside of combat until otherwise needed.

   hammy; Think about stunning the target and project forth energy, that means you stunned the target for 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle. Then use a sharp tool to hamstring it. This works on humanoids or humanlike attackers and you disabled the target for awhile.

   stun; Think to stun the target, then send out stunning energy towards the target. This works for 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle. Then, you can kill it without being attacked by it or them.

   bird summons; Look at your hand. Hit it under with your other hand. Imagine that a bird will come out at this moment. Stretch your hand forward and its formed.

   lightning strike; Think to keep your hands parallel to each other. Think it accumulates energy. Then shrink it with your hands. This is constantly pressing and pressing. Think an idea there to bring energy to the atomic level. Audibly: "When I snap my finger, explode and be free." Scatter in the sky and lightning strikes your foe.

   thought magic; Think of the idea to create the result, that you think on others to make it manifest. This idea can create elements, sleep and other conditions, anything you think are possible in the area.

   walk on surface; This is where you think about walking on a solidified surface and you walk on a solid surface like your walking on water or a wall and don't slip.

   solidify; This is where you can trap someone in ice. If they're in water by willing it you cause the water to solidify into ice.

   finding; This is where you find things by thinking to find them, no matter where they are.

   tendrils of strength; Think to send out tendrils of energy, that stregthen and help stabilize what you walk on or the floor.

   empowerment; Think to make a drink or food and look at the substance of food or drink. Think thoughts to create the substance as more energized with the power of your God. Add +10 to Stamina points or Mana points.

   lead; By act of deliberation, this is where you think of a good example and describe it. So the target follows along and creates what you want by your idea. Make a charisma check for this to succeed.

   Think and create; This is where you create a point of speech and write it down, so you can later use it as a spell that goes off by feel.

   cope; This is where you use by will the aura energy to make acceptable, the cause you think or speak about to make yourself cope and get along with others by feel.

   dope; Dopamine by magiced will is produced in the body, making you feel less pain.

   ancestral effect; Standing still you magic upon a place in the area, that creates a being that that exists until you stop magicing the effect and has manifested weapons or elemental effects. These effects it can cause to be used against the target.

   timed effect; Think to cast forth an effect. Then, you create it when you intend it to be effective againt the foe/s. This is like casting a fireball, that has a delayed blast of 1d6 rounds in battle or until you decide to cause it to effect the target.

   warmer; This is where you magic fire energy to warm yourself or something up.

   colder; Think about cooling off and you use cold energy to cool yourself or something off.

   touch work; Think to touch the item and energy you will to the purpose makes you do the right things so it will work.

   hit to work; This is where you hit something of an item and the item works by your will and energy.

   death cyclone; This is where you magic your death and decay energy into becoming a cyclone, that does what you want or intend and causes decay and death wherever you direct it.. This effect lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and unlimitedly outside of combat, until you decide to end it.

   elemental cyclone; This is like an elemental cyclone was generated by thinking it exists and releasing it to the area with a gesture that makes it do whatever you intend it to do. The element could be any element, like an air cyclone with fire mixed into it. That ends with the cyclone disippating harmlessly, that's after 1d6 rounds in battle or until it is unneeded by feel.

   planet shift; Think of the planet and think your there. Then you know what and how it is there on the surface of the planet. Willing yourself to be there, makes yourself teleport to the surface or area of the planet, anywhere you want to be you are existing by the power of the creator or God.

   dimension; This effect makes what you will by the subconscious using your suggestions and making use of the dimensional energy that occurs to manifest things. If you brought back someone with this, they would live as though from the grave and not been killed. So at a later date they would die a horrendous death.

   bomb; This effect allows you to magic your excess energy in the aura, think of the area and a spherical energy. Then you know it will effect, send it forth to effect a target. The effect is a bomb that distracts thought and energy energizes the body or item. This energy rises to the point that it causes dysfunction in the target for 1d6 rounds in battle or turns them to dust. Otherwise, it causes with an unlimited amount of time the disruptive energy effect.

   protection; This is where nothing bad happens and you are creating with actions to make energy effect what you want as energy protects you, that's protection from the bad things or attacks by warding them away. The ward causes you to not be effected by things, that occur that you don't want to be effected by. That is like a shield, except you don't ever get attacted by released energy to create the ward. If you think to do worse, you do better instead and negate the bad.

   hand of force; This is the God hand that magices forth your energy, thinking to create what you need to happen. As long as you magic the energy, you can create whatever your need is as a programmed by thoughts result. This works until you don't need the result. This can push forth, freeze or pull upon any person or item. Otherwise it can create any element you think about, that's as you cause it by thought with the outstretched hand what you intend.

   transferrence; Think to send the energy or health or whatever you want to send and the other target gets it.

  Energy trace; Learning ability level: 3.
  Think of the point or idea expressed, then magic on the area as you think "reveal yourself". This is where you sense the trace of the moment, thinking to see the area trace or steps that were taken of the specified person or thing. You can follow the trace of anything with this idea, that's as though the elemental energy revealed what occurred or where the source is by feel.

  Trance; Learning ability level: 5.
  Thinking to breath in and out, this is a free action you can think of an idea and slip into a trance. Think of the idea to create and need it there, then you add in the point to make by feel what you want very easily. Add +4 to magic and conentration core stat mod and effect rolls.

  Prevention; Learning ability level: 7.
  Think of the idea you intend in life, think and what you don't like doesn't happen. The idea is not done as you think of the effect that blocks the idea not liked. The energy you have in your body creates a counterforce, that makes with magic or conscentration anything not liked to be countered or suppressed by energy and will into not happening unless necessary.

  Star force; Learning ability level: 9.
  The force of a star is gated to an area and magicing your thought creates with the energy you summoned. This is an enhancement to Magicing spell. Making the effect you do by gated energy. Think of the effect like creating an unlimited wish of whatever you want with the energy of a star. Sometimes it can get intense, so think to use this carefully. However the duration or how long it lasts is 1d8 rounds in battle and unlimited outside of combat.

  The damages or healing possible with this:
2d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels round down for levels 9-19.
3d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels round down for levels 20-29.
4d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels round down for levels 30+.

  Creator's point; Learning ability level: 13.
  This is a point where your actions, words and activity acts as a source, sometimes that creates what is called a creator's point. The subconscious makes what you want as you suggest it into existence. This is a way to do things with or without a God. It works to create what you desire unless you no longer need it, this is done as though you were a God and the creator was your source of life and energy. So you create and things work out by feel. Think and you know what to do as this is the creator's path in life.

  The damages or healing possible with this:
1d30+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels round down for levels 13-25.
3d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels round down for levels 26-35.
2d20+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels round down for levels 36+.

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Nagual ability:

  Nagual ability is using the moment to create a result by energy you gate in and think to program. That's where the soul copy is used to summon what you need. This is done by directing with need thought to the area energy, then you direct the soul copy by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is sent forth as waves of energy from the aura. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate after you don't need it.

  The source is either the heat energy in the area, the unlimited soul or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 7 actual abilities: Ability manifest (cha), Ward (cha), Trade energy (cha), Rememberance (cha), Stalking (cha), Dream (cha) and Writing (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Ability manifest; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you use ability to manifest activity or effects using gated in energy. This includes reshaping your body or making yourself taller or shorter. Any effect using an element is possible. That's including making a ice ball that does beat damage and shard damages as it breaks apart. The activity is like climbing or flying suddenly. Any element or element combo can be used, this is earth, air, water, fire, void, acid and poison. Like air poison or poisonous cloud, that's used to spread poison towards a group. This is with or without a gesture that indicates the idea to do.

  Any duration or the length of effect is 1d6 rounds in battle/melee and unlimited outside of battle until you no longer need it. Any effect with this using the elements has a 50/50 percent chance. There could be saving throws using luck to avoid or halve the effect on them. That's unless they are monsters and don't have any luck, so they get the full blast effect. Think about this, as things can get interesting with the use of this ability. Any bomb effect is x2 damage yet takes 1 round to do. This includes turning people or the target to dust. If they make their luck roll of 1d20+luck as an idea with 10 or above gets done, then they get damage instead.

  Damages and healing possible are this:
  Levels 1-9; 1d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels round down.
  Levels 10-19; 1d20+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels round down.
  Levels 20-29; 3d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels round down.
  Levels 30+; 2d20+magic core stat mod or Int mod per every 2 levels round down.

  Ward; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is making protections of yourself and your group you want to protect. The ward is energy sent forth to create safety and drive away enemies. That is a form of redirection. This causes the danger to go away. Any damages are absorbed as added health % to your character.

  Trade energy; Learning ability level: 3.
  Its either one thing here or there if it doesn't normally. Think about the one thing that happens and energy makes it occur then something else doesn't. You can decide what occurs and doesn't occur, of course.

  Rememberance; Learning ability level: 3.
  Think to remember as you you turn your head to the left and then right all the way. Then your stamina energy is restored 100 points.

  Stalking; Learning ability level: 5.
  You can successfully dodge a bullet and stalk some target, thinking as you need to create effects with silence or the right gesture. There is a chance with a luck roll with 1d20+luck and get 10 or above to get a backstab or successful stalking moment.

  Dream; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you create with a point of a dream set upon the target whatever custom dream that you want them to have. This dream state keeps them out of combat for 1d8 rounds in battle. Also its unlimited time outside of combat or until they wake up. However the battle with a sharp pain will wake them up.

  Writing; Learning ability level: 9.
  You can write the idea in the air, as a note on a device or as a note on paper and get it as though an effect is done by feel or idea you notice. That's if you need it. If you don't, then nothing happens. The damages/healing effect is 1/2 the health percent per use, that is lost by damages or gained by healing.

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Hell weaver ability:

  Hell weaver ability is using the moment to create a result by heaven or hell energy you gate in and think to program with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name ability] to target [name target/s]". That's where the soul copy is used to summon what you need. This is done by directing it with need thought to the area energy, then you direct the soul copy by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you gate in heaven or hell energy to the aura. That's sent forth as waves of energy from the aura. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate after you don't need it.

  The source is either the heat energy in the area, the unlimited soul or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 12 actual abilities: Hell weaving (cha), Heavenly weaving (cha), Send (cha), Hellstorm (cha), Hellish heat wave (cha), Aura flare (cha), Hell touch (cha), Hell vent (cha), Aura of inimical will (cha), Fate weave (cha), Particle wind (cha) and Inimical wind (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Hell weaving; Learning ability level: 1.
  Think of what you want and you magic the powers of hell by thinking hell sends its energy as if to create a result. This is done in channeling them to create what you need with a very powerful fire effect including visual effects. This means your will can use fire energy to transmute the trace elemts in the air into any other element or you can materialize any item to create a result that you want. Like you wanted to create a firey death of the target and you were level 16 with 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod. You would deal out 8d10+8 in amount. Maximum amount would be 8*10+8=88%. Each amount is a % that is is removed from the targets HP.

  The effects of this in damages/healing are based on level and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle:
   levels 1-9: 1d8+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 10-19: 1d10+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 20-29: 1d12+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 30+: 2d8+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.

  Heavenly weaving; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you use the power of heaven by thinking of heaven and needing its energy to create what you want or will into existence. This is used to create a result that you want or need to occur. Think about the idea and it manifests, if you make use of channeled heaven energy to create your way. You can heal or restore with this effect, as well as create a positive feeling as you make any result as though a wish were woven.

  The effects of this in healing/restoring are based on level and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle:
   levels 1-9: 1d8+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 10-19: 1d10+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 20-29: 1d12+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 30+: 2d8+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.

  Send; Learning ability level: 3.
  this is done on purpose by thinking of the target and saying "I send the target to hell." Think to send a target to hell and their soul goes to hell where the target body drops to the ground. So optional is the calling of an angel to release the target as though not sent to hell.

  Hellstorm; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you channel lava from the aetherical plane into the area to "storm" over the target or targets at 2000 degrees farenheit. Think of the idea and the moment happens as you state your intent to the dm/gm.

  The effects of this in damages/healing are based on level and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle:
   levels 1-9: 1d10+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 10-19: 1d12+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 20-29: 2d8+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 30+: 2d10+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.

  Like "I use the hellstorm ability to rain lava on the targets I intend to hit." At 2000 degrees farenheit, though there would be quite a bit of damage to the area. So use this ability carefully.

  Hellish heat wave; Learning ability level: 4.
  This is an ability to draw forth the heat of hell and have it centered upon the targets that will receive heat damage from the 2000 degree farenheit heat wave that goes and effects the target. Also the targets collapse by feel, that's for 1d6 rounds in battle and unlimited time outside of battle until the heatwave cools off.

  The effects of this in damages/healing are based on level and can effect the entire group of target/s that will last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle:
   levels 1-9: 1d10+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 10-19: 1d12+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 20-29: 2d8+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 30+: 2d10+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.

  Aura flare; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you think the hell energy goes into the aura and flares by feel. The radius of effect is 1d6 feet. That means you can cause up to 6 feet some heat damages and burns. Think about this one for a bit to get it to effect the target.

  The effects of this in damages/healing are based on level and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle:
   levels 1-9: 1d12+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 10-19: 2d8+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 20-29: 2d10+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   levels 30+: 2d12+half levels per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.

  Hell touch; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you channel hell into a point of touching the target and instantly killing it. Think of the target and state "I use the hell touch upon the target." Then mimicking the touch. There is a savings throw of 1d20+charisma mod and getting a 10 or above to make it so the target receives fire damage instead of death. If the target has no charisma then the saving throw is negated. The effects of this in damages/healing if the savings throw is made are based on level and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle. The damages possible are 1/4 the full health percent of the target.

  Hell vent; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you think to open a vent of the planet to hell. Then the demons come and take away your targets wholly dragged in to hell. After that you close by willing the creator to close the vent to hell, and its as though nothing out of the ordinary occurred.

  Aura of inimical will; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you magic and make an evil eye effect that causes disasters upon the foe/s like them tripping and not attacking. Think and you weave hells evil energy by gating it into the aura that you send towards the foe/s in waves, think of effecting a target or targets and you do. It causes things to go wrong for the target or targets you have in mind where they are controlled by you so they attack themselves instead of yourself. The target or targets get a -5 penalty to all their rolls for 1d8 rounds in battle or until you stop magicing on the effect.

  They are distracted by voices for 1d8 rounds in battle and 1d10 minutes outside of battle. So they don't attack you by feel. There is a will savings throw of 1d20+will and get a 10 or above for success, that allows the target or targets to not be effected as though they did things in the light and nothing bad happens. If the target or targets have no will, then the savings throw is negated and things happen as you will them to exist. In effect, you get away with whatever idea you want as an effect on them.

  Fate weave; Learning ability level: 10.
  This is where you magic as you channel upon fate being formed, that's as you think to effect the target/s. This is thought with what you thought to effect them with by feel or idea. This ability can deal 1/2 the health damage to the target/s in damages or healing each time its used.

  Of course, with a fate weave fate borrowing or giving is also possible, this is where you magic upon the person and say that you "take" their fate that you know is going to happen. Whatever was going to occur to them, this no longer happens to effect them and you can get what would happen to you. Otherwise, you can give them back their fate, saying "I give back their fate.." will make the subconscious do what you say and you give back their fate.

  Particle wind; Learning ability level: 11.
  This is where everything that is made of particles changes and your will moves the particles as though a wind, that creates either damage or healing or change to be whatever you imagine or state to be existant through the power of the dm/gm making it happen. If you heat up or intensify the particles in the area by visualizing the red particles rubbing together, then you cause them to move through the target or targets by thinkng it does things. Then, you cause the particles to do what you think. You see, what you think it does it will do using yout thought waves as programming.

  The frequency you need it is the thought you have projected towards the target, that you intend them to experience. So thinking of the idea, then projecting forth a energy blast will move the particles and cause a result of energy particles, that's making a firey blast that effects whom you want effected anywhere you want it to be and it conks out the victims of it. This follows psyche logic, where you form what is there by thinking about the idea. Magic reveals what you think or feel is there. Think and you know what to do.

  The effects of this in damages/healing are based on level and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle. The damage or healing it can do will effect those you want effected, so if you wanted to heal someone then you get 3/4 of their health restored of their full health percent. If you wanted to damage the target or targets, then you would do 3/4 of their full health percent in damages. That would mean the damages look like damage appearing and being there suddenly.

  Inimical wind; Learning ability level: 12.
  This is making use of gated in hells energy to cause the particles an evil wind effect. This is where you think of the energy in hell to be there near the target/s, then you cause it by thinking it does to move towards and through the target. Disrupting their magic and created is the disasters that distract the target/s. This is like missing the target and they get hurt instead by clumsiness with their own weapon. So if they make their will save they get distracted for 1d8 rounds in battle, attacked by themselves and that's until not magiced into existence otherwise outside of battle. Also if effected and they don't make their will save, they instantly die and are unresurrectable.

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Dweomer master ability:

  Dweomer master ability is using the moment to create a result by energy you gate in that's sentient and think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name ability] to target [name target/s]". That's where the soul copy is used to summon what you need. This is done by directing it with need thought to the area energy, then you direct the soul copy by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you gate in voidal energy to the aura. That's sent forth as waves of energy from the aura. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate in use after you don't need it is necessary.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, the unlimited soul from your God's energy supply or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 7 actual abilities: Dweomercraft (cha), Shifting (cha), Ageless (cha), Fractal storm (cha), Object creation (cha), Reversal (cha) and Timeshifting (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Dweomercraft; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you create magic with a point or thinking of a circle that surrounds you and then make the magic happen by magicing upon thinking of what you made up and needing the idea. You can create anything with this ability. So make a wish and you can create what you desire. If you lose against another dweomer master, you become enveloped by energy and disappear as though in an idea and as though your not existant.

  This can include making chains that halt or stabilize the area in movement amongst other things. More things are creating a fireball that hangs in the air and burns up the target/s with flaming sickle strikes. Making an ice ball that floats in the air and sends materialized shards into the target/s. Other things are like a water wave that puts fire or fire arrows that go unerringly into the target/s. In other words, think of the element and it can be created uponst the target or targets in mind. This is done by your subconscious, so think or speak the result you want to get the idea as a point that is experienced.

  The effects possible with this are lasting up to 1d6 rounds in battle and until you otherwise need them outside of battle. The damages/healing are level based..
   Lvl 1-9: 1d8+half-level (round down) per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   Lvl 10-19: 1d10+half-level (round down) per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   Lvl 20-29: 1d12+half-level (round down) per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   Lvl 30+: 2d8+half-level (round down) per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.

  Shifting; Learning ability level: 3.
  This creates by long range casting. That is where you think of the area to be in dimensionally, then your in the area to do things. Ability to do things is created by effort and what you do is what you want as you think to create. This ability allows you to shift, then effect somewhere else you wanted with the energy of the dimension to get an effect without getting attacked where you target.

  The effects possible with this are lasting up to 1d8 rounds in battle and until you otherwise need them outside of battle. The damages/healing are level based..
   Lvl 1-9: 1d10+half-level (round down) per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   Lvl 10-19: 1d12+half-level (round down) per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   Lvl 20-29: 2d8+half-level (round down) per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   Lvl 30+: 2d10+half-level (round down) per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.

  Ageless; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you cease aging and appear young as you keep your experience, whatever in idea is possible.

  Fractal storm; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where the energy of the energy consciousness made up of many peoples energy and that includes political idea that are magiced upon the area, that's after you point something out about it and a storm is there in life. Through the magic of the storm, you create what you want as though the storm gave you ability to make a manifest. Thus the storm can appear as though an energy source, think to use it and it will create for you what you will to exist.

  This can be a energy generator to your effects where it absorbs 1d20 stamina and mana energy from them to power its effects that you need it to cast. It can be a fractal shield, where you absorb half the damages before feeling the effect. Otherwise it can be a vortex of energy, that deals damage to the target/s as it absorbs its energy to fuel its results.

  The effects possible with this are lasting up to 1d10 rounds in battle and until you otherwise need them outside of battle. The damages/healing are level based..
   Lvl 1-9: 1d12+half-level (round down) per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   Lvl 10-19: 2d8+half-level (round down) per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   Lvl 20-29: 2d10+half-level (round down) per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.
   Lvl 30+: 2d12+half-level (round down) per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point.

  Object creation; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is like a wish yet object related. This is where you are creating with energy that you gated in to make what you wanted. This can be whatever you intend to find or create on the spot. That includes gold in any amount or any item you desire in your mind.

  Reversal; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you think of the effect or condition, then state "reverse" and you reverse it to become somewhat better. This can make the idea, that exists as you don't like it totally opposite of itself. So think and you know what to do.

  Timeshifting; Learning ability level: 9.
  Think of the time and the place to be in, then your there as you want to exist in the time by the power of your God or the creator. When you no longer want to be there, think to shift back to your own time and place. This works with a God, so if you chose a God or the creator as your God, then you can do this ability. Think and you know what to do. However, if you are in a car or truck, you can think your thought programming to the frame of the vehicle and it does it. Then, as it moves you time timeshift and the vehicle does what you want as you in time by feel. This can work with any time you want. Otherwise your God does it.

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Decepter ability:

  Decepter ability is using the moment to create a result by energy you gate in and that's empowered by thought and blood. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need. This is done by directing it with need thought to the area energy, then you direct the subconscious by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you gate in voidal energy to the aura. That's sent forth as waves of energy from the aura. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate in use after you don't need it is necessary.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, the gated in energy or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 8 actual abilities: Magnetic blood (cha), Element special (cha), Aura of magicing (cha), The effective action (cha), The aura of effective action (cha), Invisible typing (cha), Phase in (cha) and Phase out (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Magnetic blood; Learning ability level: 1.
  They say blood is magnetic and can be used to draw things to you or to the area. Because people don't think to draw what they want by magicing on their blood, they aren't like that. So everyone has it. Anyone can use blood to create what you want. It can create your will by it perceiving with its conscious what you need. This can draw from a gate you think into existence, what you need as energy that forms what you want on the target.

  However, this does not create an attack. Instead, this can cause healing on yourself or cause by the power of attraction what you may need like getting a room that you want or money coming your way. The effect, if any duration or time it lasts, lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle. That's until its not wanted. The amount of healing that's possible is 1/4 your health restored.

  Element special: Learning ability level: 3.
  Think to control the element and make use of the soul to create what is necessary using our blood to create it and learn what is possible. Think of the need and the idea, need the idea to happen thinking the soul will create it. Then you gain control of the spirit as you get what you need done with no problem. This a point I will say your spirit is under your control.

  Think and you know what to do. This is like magicing, then think of what you want fire to do and you create an end result that is fire forming like an overheated wire causing a fire effect..learn to control your instincts and you control your urges. The length of time this can last is 1d6 rounds in battle/melee. Otherwise, outside of battle it can last until you no longer desire the effect.

  The damages/healing are thus:

   levels 1-9: 1d8+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 10-19: 2d8+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 20-29: 3d8+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 30+: 4d8+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.

  Aura of magicing; Learning ability level: 4.
  Think and you know things, so if the thought exists of what you want. This is an idea that you can do things by the Aura created effect. Say you magic upon the target/s a water effect from gated in water energy. They would get wet and if any fire was on them it would be put out. You can cause by gated in energy anything on the target/s aura, that's their aura making results with the energy of the element you project towards them. This means that paralysis can be set upon the target. So any duration or how long it lasts is for 1d8 rounds in battle, thought about or unlimited until you no longer desire it.

  The damages/healing are instant and thus:

   levels 1-9: 1d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 10-19: 2d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 20-29: 3d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 30+: 4d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.

  The effective action; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think about the point that is using an expressed idea, then your subconscious causes you to make it exist. That's either done by actions being done or thinking done and treating it like a wish. The length of time this can last is 1d8 rounds in battle/melee. Otherwise, outside of battle it can last until you no longer desire the effect.

  The damages/healing are thus:

   levels 1-9: 1d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 10-19: 2d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 20-29: 3d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 30+: 4d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.

  The aura of effective action; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is the area with target/s that is effected, this is when you choose from the area you want effected. That's where you use your energy and pulse it forth, that's from the aura to cause what results you intended by feel. This is almost instantaneous in effect although results can seem to be long in coming if intense. That's from gated in energy that you think to program. So think to be effective and speed up time, then you can get a result faster. Slow down time after your done to normal speed. The length of time this can last is 1d8 rounds in battle/melee. Otherwise, outside of battle it can last until you no longer desire the effect. The damages/healing are thus: 1/2 the target/s health. You can damage the target by 1/2 their health or heal them of 1/2 their health.

  Invisible typing; Learning ability level: 7.
  Think of the idea to type out, think of what you want and then your subconscious causes it to be typed wherever you want it typed. This works as you imagine or think the words and mimick typing it be later typed or written in real life by what you feel.

  Phase in; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think of the item, person or thing and act as though you had it in the area. Then it acts like a summons where your subconscious creates it there or draws it there, that's when you "find it" and know its there by feel. Whether or not you have to pay for it, this may or may not occur with a luck roll. That's where you roll a 1d20+luck and if you roll a 10 or above you don't have to pay for it. Otherwise, if its a creature, person or being, it finds you and you can "meet" it by feel or idea you realize. However, you can phase yourself into an area, too. That's done by the power of the subconscious mind, and the stated idea of "phase in" as you think of phasing to an area. That you feel is done and know what is there by the self-realization, this is with the soul knowing things from the spirit being places. So think of the possibilities.

  Phase out; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think to create what you want somewhere and attempting to mimick it here causes you to shift to there. Also, this is where you think to create with time and phase out what you don't like to where you want it shifted to and that's known by feel. This can "phase out" anything that is disliked as well, that's including monsters and creatures that would normally have attacked you. Think of it, if you think of what you don't like then say, "I phase out what I don't like." Or, "I phase out [mention what target/s you want phased." You shift its existance by feel to somewhere else. Its a similar place that it goes. If you said, "weird" then what you notice is fate takes over and you phase to a safe place. That allows your spirit to tell you what is occurring, where you phased out of by feel or idea you the power of the soul.

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Muse ability:

  Muse ability is using the moment to create a result by energy you gate in and that's empowered by thought and made to do things by your God. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s]". That's where the God is used to create what you need. This is done by directing it with need thought to the area energy, then you direct the God by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you gate in voidal energy to the aura. That's sent forth as waves of energy from the aura. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate in use after you don't need it is necessary.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, the God's energy, the gated in energy or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 7 actual abilities: Elemental creation (cha), History ability (cha), Sounds (cha), The gas effect (cha), Gesture (cha), Spoken result (cha) and Primordial (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Elemental creation; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you magic on creating an elemental effect using gated in energy and cause damage or healing to the area or target/s. The duration is any lasting result that occurs, this is like in a fire that burns away the fur off a creature for 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimited until not wanted outside of battle. The damages/healing are thus:

   levels 1-9: 1d8+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 10-19: 2d8+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 20-29: 3d8+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 30+: 4d8+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.

  History ability; Learning ability level: 1.
  You know the historical facts of anything that you look at or examine. The "spirit" of the item, your God or the creator of the idea gives you the information that you want to know in the historical view.

  Sounds; Learning ability level: 3.
  Make a sound and you create a result or effect, if you intend a result you notice the effect. This is where you think up what you want to create and make a similar sound, that sets the consciousness of energy to gate in energy and cause the effect upon the target/s, like a multitude of airballs that punch a hole through the target/s. Summon up to 1d8 things or tough animals, your choice of animal, that have 100% health and half your stats and go after the target/s. This is with thinking to effect the target with the summons. The length of time that it effects, if there is any length to the effect, this is 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of combat until you no longer desire it.

  The damages/healing are thus:

   levels 1-9: 1d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 10-19: 2d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 20-29: 3d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 30+: 4d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.

  The gas effect; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is nasty smelling where you think of an idea to create and fart or release some gas. This causes what you want in idea to create as an effect. This can change the targets mind in attacking you. You can cause yourself to lessen in weight. You can even make yourself sped up by 10' per minute. Think of the possibilities and you can attempt to create it. Make the target/s leave, or it could create a lasting feel of good feeling. This effect lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or unlimited outside of battle. However, this doesn't cause damage. It can heal you though, 1/4 of your health is restored by this effect.

  Gesture; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is sign language or some motion of the hand in use. Think to make the OK sign or curl your thumb to meet with your middle fingertip, or think to set a motion into play by pointing your finger. Then you set off an effect, that you intend to create as you think of it or mention it to the DM/GM for a result. Since its a gesture, then its more concentrated, so its more intense in what it does. The length of time that it effects if there is any length to the effect is 1d8 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outseide of combat until you no longer desire it. The damage/healing amount is 1/2 health removed by damaging the target or given by healing the target each time this is used.

  Spoken result; Learning ability level: 8.
  The speaking of what you want makes what you need, this is done as the subconscious creates the idea you intend as though a manifest occurs. You can create anything with this idea, that's as though you willed the result into happening. If you don't will it then it didn't happen. This is like saying to the GM/DM "I will create sleep using spoken results, the target will get to sleep." Otherwise you could say for an ice ball, "I will an ice ball into existing and it strikes the target by spoken result." The length of time that it effects varies and if there is any length to the effect it is 1d8 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outseide of combat until you no longer desire it.

  The damages/healing are thus:

   levels 1-9: 1d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 10-19: 2d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 20-29: 3d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.
   levels 30+: 4d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down.

  Primordial; Learning ability level: 9.
  If you want to switch in raw primordial chaos or antimatter as a primordial force, that you gate in from space to the target/s area. Then upon gating it into that target/s body, you can do allot more exploding body damage if its dead. Otherwise you turn the living body to dust, all that's remaining is objects from the body. The primordial force is used to form planets and area of actual space. This is antimatter that is used on the target/s from a distance. The effect is instant and you deal out the full health damage, that is instant death as damage in doing an explosion that would incinerate the target/s or rock the area. There is no savings throw to this and there is nothing left of the target/s.

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Ninja mage technician ability:

  Ninja mage technician ability is using the moment of magicing heat energy to create a result by idea that you gate in energy and that's idea energy empowered by thought and made to do things by your subconscious. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need. This is done by directing it with need thought to the area energy, then you direct the subconscious by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you gate in voidal energy to the aura. That's sent forth as waves of energy from the aura. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate in use after you don't need it is necessary.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, the God's energy from the soul, the gated in energy or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Mana points (MP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 9 actual abilities: Weapon charge (cha), Magiced creativity (cha), Sustained genjutsu (cha), Make n create (cha), Jinx (cha), Genjutsu averted (cha), Acting (cha), Sign fx (cha) and Healing magic (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Weapon charge; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you magic energy along the weapon, this can be any elemental energy as you think its there then strike. You do additional magic damage to the target. So the damage is now weapon damage + magic core stat mod or Int mod. It lasts till now where 1d6 rounds in battle passes by, until dismissed by the caster, or unless not needed.

  Magiced creativity; Learning ability level: 1.
  The effect is what you magic upon creating. This is done as you think it creates itself into existence. The idea is manifested by feel. This can create whatever you need, including elements in effect. So if you want to combine them, you can make use of combined elements. Think and you know what to do. The effect is 1/4 the health, that's either taken or given, if you intend to do harm or healing with this effect. The effect can last up to 1d6 rounds per combat, and outside of combat it lasts until you don't need it.

  Sustained genjutsu; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you magic on the area and direct its consciousness to create a genjutsu or magical moment using its energy that effects the target of the area. Released by thinking its released as you do a hand language sign thinking its release.

  This can be anything that released it. Including destroying the area. Think positively about this, you get positive results. Since this is illusion, it lasts till now where 1d6 rounds in battle passes by, until dismissed by the caster, or unless disbelieved. It's damage is 1/4 the health removed, if believed.

  Make n create; Learning ability level: 4.
  This is where you can state something and it occurs. There is a 50/50 chance that it will happen represented by a magic check with a 1d20+magic core stat mod or Int mod in dnd and getting a 10 or above for success. This can if attack or healing with it, cause 1/3 damages or healing to the health. It lasts till now where 1d6 rounds in battle passes by, until dismissed by the caster, or unless not needed.

  Jinx; Learning ability level: 5.
  Speak of the moment and think badly and you jinx the idea to not occur or not work for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. Sorta like speak badly about a bad event and evil or attacking is averted.

  Genjutsu averted; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think to die or touch the body with the thought, that's to avert the genjutsu and you wake up from the illusion of genjutsu.

  Acting; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you act a part and create difference, that's with your consciousness entering the target's mind that you acted out. Whatever you act out, the target will do, if possble by a magic check. That's 1d20+magic core stat mod or Int mod and getting a 10 or above for success. It lasts till now where 1d6 rounds in battle passes by, until dismissed by the caster, or unless not needed.

  Sign fx; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you think of the idea to form and use your hand or limb to create something or otherwise state your idea to the dm/gm with the effect description. This is a more powerful form of weapon charge. Where the hand or limb creates the effect by sending your thought to the aether or energy, thinking to gate in energy for the effect.

  See that is the energy that surrounds you and the consciousness of energy creates your results taking your thoughts as programming. This can mix any elements together to create an unique form of attack by energy. This can deal 1/2 the health in damages. It can last 1d8 rounds in battle or until not wanted outside of battle. It lasts till now where 1d6 rounds in battle passes by, until dismissed by the caster, or unless not needed.

  Healing magic; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is instant where you magic energy at the wound or ill area and think heal. You restore 1/2 the health by magic each time.

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Chemist ability:

  Chemist ability is using the chemistry of the moment of magicing heat and area energy to create a result by idea that you gate in energy and that's aura energy waves empowered by thought and made to do things by your subconscious. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need. This is done by directing it with need or thought that you think to the area energy, then you direct the subconscious by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you gate in voidal energy to the aura and send it back to the void otherwise. That's sent forth as waves of energy from the aura. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate in use after you don't need it is necessary.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, the God's energy from the soul, the gated in energy or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 7 actual abilities: Starch power (cha), Summons (cha), Hope (cha), Broadcast (cha), Conjour (cha), Chemical magic (cha) and Wishing (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities.

  Starch power; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you magic energy from starches of food eaten, like potatos or bread, then you feel like there is potential energy to use. As you use it to form what effect you want, then you break down the starches. So in the end you may feel like there is no actual ability. That's until you eat more potatos. Eating starch lasts constitution mod + 1d10 hours in ability of starch power. Any effect cast by this effect is at any time that can last 1d6 rounds in battle. Otherwise it lasts until the starch energy is gone outside of combat or until not desired. This uses gated in energy to make your results, where the gate is opened by the soul and it uses the starch power to do it. It can be any element like earth, wind, water, fire, acid or poison. This can deal 1/8 the health in healing or damages and after level 10 you do 1/4 the health in damages or healing.

  Summons; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you can think of something that you need and magic your mind on getting it. This created the item or items that you need. That the soul gated in the area. Also you can summon people or creatures to come near the area and they do what you want. Another thing is it cam summon items, milk, water or food to appear in the area. This can't be used to attack or heal by feel, except for summoning creatores or monsters that do your deed for you. You can summon 1d8 people, creatures or monsters for 1d6 rounds or unlimitedly outside of combat until you unsummon them. Each summoned being has 100% health, 30' speed and every other stat your character has except for weight and height.

  Hope; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you hope and your energy from the body creates what you desire like a wish. Any effect cast by this effect can last 1d6 rounds in battle. Otherwise it lasts in idea until you don't need the result outside of combat. This can deal 1/4 the health in healing or damages.

  Broadcast; Learning ability level: 3.
  Communication in a point that is an expressed idea like this is where you think your message and its heard by feel. Anyone you want to hear it will hear it. Hearing a reply will come from the spirit hearing the response and you realize what is needed to know.

  Conjour; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you think to summon whatever effect that you want to happen. This includes placing and removing curses like a sword or gun, that doesn't leave you or upon getting rid of it it finds you again. The soul creates what is necessary to get a result from a gated source that it directs like the cosmic superstring making idea with the leylines anywhere you need it to be. Any effect cast by this effect can last 1d6 rounds in battle. Otherwise it lasts until you don't need the result outside of combat. This can deal 3/8 the health in healing or damages.

  Chemical magic; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where your advanced Chemist is able to use chemicals with magic safely. Where the Chemist can attempt to magic energy into the chemical for potency, it won't explode on you in explosion unless you intend it to explode. So think to mix the chemical and your magic causes it to be mixed right, that's because you think on doing it right. Any effect cast by this effect can last 1d6 rounds in battle. Otherwise it lasts until you don't need the result outside of combat. This can deal 1/2 the health in healing or damages.

  Wishing; Learning ability level: 9.
  Wish from Tara or the creator that what you wish for is what you get if you need it. Think and you know what to do. Then you get what you want and it can be anything not that it is necessary. Any effect cast by this effect can last 1d6 rounds in battle. Otherwise it lasts until you don't need the result outside of combat. This can deal fully the health in healing or damages unless the save versus magic is made by a rolled 1d20+luck or charisma mod and then its 1/2 the health in damages or healing done. There is no save for the target if they have no charisma mod or luck. If you wish for other things than to damage or heal, then you can get that as well.

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Geneticist ability:

  Geneticist ability is using the moment of magicing body energy and heat of the area to create a result by idea and its made to do things by your subconscious. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need. This is done by directing it with need or thought that you think to the area energy, then you direct the subconscious by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you can gate in extra energy from the void to the aura and send it back to the void otherwise. That's sent forth as waves of energy from the aura. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the source as energy that you can gate in. Closing the gate in use after you don't need it is necessary.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, the God's energy from the soul as guidance, the gated in energy or what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with a free action and charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round, unless your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and its similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 10 actual abilities: Rite (cha), Psychic surgery (cha), Thought change (cha), Mutation (cha), Envisioning (cha), Psyching out (cha), Psychic link attack (cha), Invokation (cha), Gene hack (cha) and Self-revival (cha). They use charisma by the feel or thought in a point with idea to create with concept in the end. That is the core stat behind these abilities and normally you'd use magic, yet there is the core stat that is not always used as its optional in idea.

  Rite; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you light a few candles and goto an altar, then state to your god to create a result with repeated at least once said phrases that "activate" the manifest. This is where you create by idea statements, like "Oh god, create what I need and desire." This is said as you think of what you want. That is stated to the altar and empowered by the candles creating what you would want. However, if you want the easy way, think to speak the suggestion to the dm/gm and he can cause your character to do what you intended. This can cause energy to effect the targets you had in mind, then you get if damages/healing is dealt, 1/4 the health taken in damage or given in healing. This is instantly done and can be timed to the moment you had in mind.

  Psychic surgery; Learning ability level: 1.
  The point is using an expression, think and you know what to do as you create by psychic knife and mimicked or imagined sewing. This is where you sense what's wrong with the body and use surgery to correct it. You can heal or cause someone to recover themselves by this technique. You can even do a frontal lobotomy operation on the target if they have a brain. This separates the two hemispheres of the brain from each other and you that get one, will feel nothing and not react to the psychic phenomenon. If in fact the target receives one, then they will act nice and no longer want to do anything except live. They no no longer want to attack people as all aggression is gone and they feel numbness at first. This is a point in effect. However, one never really recovers from this, so do this only if you need to do it by feel.

  Thought change; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you use your psychic ability to change with the 3rd eye the thoughts of others, think and stop attacks before they happen.

  Mutation; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you gene edit the target and cause abnormalcy in the body changes. At first you create a weakness and then maje a good ability, then you cause this in the body and you make a mutation. You of course are immune to mutation or gene editing that you don't intend to effect yourself. The target is reduced in attack and damage by -10 penalty and they have a changed form.

  Envisioning; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you think of the concept and it works as a result or effect and you create it by the soul copy, that you make by thinking it exists. Then, you cause the effect by needing what you think or feel will occur. This can make with the elements that you gate in with one hand and magic forth by the other hand. That means it can use any element or stone that you hold that you gate in and project forth. This is like you held the gemstone spiritually as you think to hold the stone or imagine the effect. If you imagine the result, you program the energy to create that result with your thoughts. This is in an idea for a known effect.

  That's where the gemstones are in thought. Where water is with aquamarine, fire is with ruby, earth is with obsidian, air with amythest, void with any black stone, acid with a acid flask and poison with poisonous substance. This allows 3/8 the health in effect of healing or damages dealt. The effect is instant unless you happen to make a fire on the target or area..then it lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until put out and if fire its done in by water or earth smothering or cancelled by activity outside of battle.

  Psyching out; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you psych out the opponent, if it's true in intention then it will happen. See when you think of things to manifest, this is done as you do so you create the result. You can make them believe something that makes them not attack you and you won't get hurt at all.

  Psychic link attack; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is suicide where you can get results by thinking they happen to the target in mind if you get effected. That is where you get damaged and the target gets damaged as well, yet worse as that is done as though a psychic link is there and uses your and the attackers energy. If he or she gets a result, then you get a result. This I think is where you can act like a target, then as you do the target you had in mind is effected as well.

  This I think is where the target you have in mind can die, if you get wounded enough he, it or she gets wounded till death using the power of metaphysics. This is a last ditch effect, if it doesn't work, then think of ways to use this creatively and inflict on yourself things in your mind to inflict worse on the target. Like drawing fire and effecting badly the target. This will work if you think it will. If you don't, then it has no effect at all. With this effect, any damages you receive are sent back at the target tripled in amount.

  Invokation; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you invoke the spirit of the idea and target things and make it occur by the energy of the things targeted, cause what you want the target's body to experience it will experience. This allows you to create a result. The result is heat and pain if fire energy is used, wet and coldness is felt with water energy is used, dampness and blockages through absorbed energy by the planet with earth, cold and wind blowing with air, nothingness and a blank mind with void, sickness and need to throw up with poison and being eaten alive with acid. This is there in mind, not body unless you intend it to effect physically. Then, you cause 1/2 the health to be removed by reduction from the target.

  Gene hack; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is a point where you create with a statement, you realize what will happen. That is an expressed idea the subconscious will do as your thinking of the target. The target will adapt its body and there is no stress by feel. So by stating the attribute you want the target to have, you cause it to exist and then you know what they will do as they become like the idea you had in mind. The changes take effect instantly and you know by what you feel is there. This can distract the target for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not wanted outside of battle.

  Self-revival; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think to revive yourself while your dying, the angel of death causes the target's life to be infused into you upon death making the target die instantly. So basically, its life for life and death to the target. There is a price for this, thinking about the energy converted upon an instance of thought, you will notice the turning to dust of the target as it gives its life over to you. There is a save versus death using the idea of charisma and its mod. Think to roll a 1d20+charisma mod and get a 10 or above amount to succeed in this endeaver. If you succeed, then you are as though alive and had never died with full health and energy.

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Psychic doctor ability:

  Psychic doctor ability is using the moment of magicing body energy and heat of the area to create a result by idea expression, think of the point and that's an expressed idea made to do things by your subconscious. That you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your God. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area energy.

  The area energy responds by making the manifest, that's done through the law of attraction and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. Then you direct the effect with the subconscious by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void of space to the aura, and send it back to the void otherwise. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use after you don't need it is necessary.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting, the God's energy from the soul as guidance, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 9 actual abilities: Psychic defense (cha), Psychic elementalism (cha), Protection stone circles (cha), Psychically done surgery (cha), Threads (cha), Thought magic (cha), Instant condition (cha), Psyche boost (cha) and Psychic creationism (cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used as its optional.

  Psychic defense; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is like a woven defense yet the idea is an interesting take away from it as exactly as possible. The point of holding a weapon somewhere, then being psychically perceived as you think to project yourself there. This is near the target and you mimick with the weapon that your attacking with the weapon. Whatever they do, they can't effect you with an attack or what you don't want them doing to you. This could cause the target to think, that the target got damaged psychically. Also, you can psychically hit the hand, that's causing their weapon to drop to the ground.

  The defense to this is think your not hurt and your subconscious causes you to instantly recover for the attack. The creator can restore you from anything, as though you weren't effected at all. So don't worry as they could try to respond, dismiss it as its an attack or respond nicely as its chatter. Whatever you do, you know what to do. However, this if believed, will deal 1/8 the health + the weapon damage in damages to the target, instantly.

  Psychic elementalism; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is when you think of the element and gate it in with one hand and project it however you want. You know the effect that's done by psychic feelings. that is using the 3rd eye to strike down the target with the element that you want to effect them by doing this idea. This can last up to 1d6 rounds per combat and until put out or not wanted outside of battle. The amount of damages or healing is possible with this effect. The amount is 1/4 the health of the target that's either removed in damages or healed by adding to the health.

  Protection stone circles; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you arrange a circle of stones around you as you think prevent disaster and prevent danger. This causes energy of yourself to flow along the rocks, think and it wards away danger and disaster.

  Psychically done surgery; Learning ability level: 3.
  The point is using an expression, think and you know what to do as you create by psychic knife and mimicked or imagined sewing. This is where you sense what's wrong with the body and use surgery to correct it that's ethical. The gut strings or thread you use to sutre with are made of energy, where the needle is energy formed as well. You can heal or cause someone to recover themselves by this technique. You can even do a frontal lobotomy operation on the target if they have a brain. However, recovery is instant because of the subconscious making it so.

  This separates the two hemispheres of the brain from each other and you that get one, will feel nothing and not react to the psychic phenomenon. If in fact the target receives one, then they will act nice and no longer want to do anything except live. They no no longer want to attack people as all aggression is gone and they feel numbness at first. This is a point in effect where all they can do is complain, so they are harmless by feel. However, one never really recovers from this, so do this only if you need to do it by feel.

  Threads; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you think to sew "threads" of light energy, see that can cause the target to be still and not move for the length of time that is 1d6 rounds in combat. If they move and are held by threads, they are sliced apart. At level 10, you can hold them in battle for 1d8 rounds in battle. At level 20, you can hold them for 1d10 rounds in battle. If outside of battle, its there unlimitedly until you decide to not hold them. These threads can seem like a web that create thoughts, make idea seem to happen or cause the target to explode into little pieces or be paralyzed.

  Thought magic; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where your thought penetrates the body and energy from you does what you want it to do. This includes healing wounds and damages, creating energy damage to the point of the target and making conditions of the body. You can cure anything with this ability, including mental problems. That's like the condition of the brain allowing you to hear voices or schitzophrenia is what disappears. The effect can last 1d6 rounds per battle and unlimitedly outside of battle. The damages or healing effect done by this is 1/4 the health removed or restored.

  Instant condition; Learning ability level: 7.
  You know the condition of whomever you see, so you can set them a new condition. This is holding a rock, stone, symbol or gemstone and thinking they have the condition by feel. You can cause paralyzation for 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle. Optionally, you can cause other conditions, where you think of it and create it by idea and energy of the body making what you think will occur. What condition is set, this can be removed in the same way that it was given. So you can also "cure" the person of things you know are there.

  Psyche boost; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you can boost your energy and morality with positive thinking. This is like a second wind. Your energy is added to by 50% and your effects are added to in rolls by adding the magic core stat mod or Int mod to the effect rolls. This happens for you each time you use this ability, and if then that's made by thinking of what you want and use light and positive thinking. The effect of this lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle, 1d10 hours outside of combat.

  Psychic creationism; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you call upon the God you follow or the creator. Thinking of what you want to happen, then the deity causes a moment to be perceived. Doing that very thing. So if you wanted that event, you cause it to exist here. If you didn't, it disappears as the vision that it is. This lasts only as long as you want it to last, dealing 1/2 the health in damages or healing if you intended the effect to hurt or heal the target.

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Zelda royalty ability:

  Zelda royalty ability is then using the moment of magicing body energy and heat of the area to create a result by idea expression or will, this is where you think of the point and that's an expressed idea made to do things by your subconscious. That you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your God. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area energy.

  The area energy responds by making the manifest, that's done through the law of attraction and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. Then you direct the effect with the subconscious by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void of space to the aura, and send it back to the void otherwise. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use after you don't need it is necessary.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting, the God's energy from the soul as guidance, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with Intelligence. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 7 actual abilities: Elemental manifestation (int), Flight (int), Encasement (int), Energy creation (int), Created items (int), Tears (int) and Influencing trick (int). Intelligence is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Elemental manifestation; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you create a point of expression in idea, that you need and it makes itself from gated in energy. This can take the form of elements you want to use by feel. That includes air, earth, water, fire, void, acid and poison. So you deal 1/4 the health of the target in damages or healing. The effect is done in an instance. If it doesn't, then wait 1 minute or more until the heat in the air returns, then you can get what effect you intended.

  Flight; Learning ability level: 1.
  The ability to fly is the way of thinking and you do. You fly by willing yourself to lift off the ground. The direction you go and how high you are is by will you think to happen. You fly at 30' per minute.

  Encasement; Learning ability level: 3.
  Think of this as a point of overcoming the problem and making it a situation that's easily handled. This is done as you encase the idea you had in some item by thinking its there with magic. You can transfer any idea or thought problem into an item as energy that you reprogram to cause the idea on those you use the item against. The damage you can do is 1/4 the health of the target. The setting lasts forever, until released from the item or target.

  Energy creation; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you can transform into energy, think and become a form or become part of a formation like an item. This can cause you to disappear and form as a part of the aura of the target, that's where you can do what you want by influencing thoughts to the target's energy.

  Created items; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think about the idea and you make it exist if you need it, so if you don't need it anymore it ceases to exist. It can be any item that you want formed and you find nearby. You can create any 3 items per day.

  Tears; Learning ability level: 5.
  You can fake cry or feel some emotion like joy, so shrug it off yet while misting your eyes you become invulnerable to all attack. You remain invulnerable till 1d8 rounds pass in battle or until you stop misting your eyes. You absorb the energy around the area and while misty eyed, can form an attack of energy concentrated by emotion that effects the target and you deal 1/2 the health of the target in damages. However, after it fades away, you start noticing the aches and pains of the moment. If you took any damages, its been healed and gone. You are perfectly healthy and able to handle anything as it comes to you.

  Influencing trick; Learning ability level: 7.
  The trick is where you cause by spirit influence, what they do in the moment's notice. Think of it, the point is done so think it's right and it is.. that's by the power of the spirit.

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Physical blood mage ability:

  Physical blood mage ability is then using the moment of magicing body energy and heat of the area to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious, this is where you think of the point and that's an expressed idea made to do things by your subconscious. That you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area energy.

  The area energy responds by making the manifest, that's done through the law of attraction and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. Then you direct the effect with the subconscious and 3rd eye by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void of space to the aura, and send it back to the void otherwise. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use after you don't need it is necessary. Whenever you do a blood magic effect, you create cleansed chakras and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with Intelligence. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's where you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 7 actual abilities: Blood casting (cha), Blood boost (cha), Projection (cha), Blood rite (cha), Blood cure (cha), Power projection (cha) and Blood curse (cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Blood casting; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you magic and create with an idea mind and the spirit that uses the power of the blood. This uses oxygen and nitrogen up, that's in the blood as a power source that you can direct with the mind and the body uses to survive by feel. Breathe in the air to recover your magic and energy. You can create with gated in energy what you want. This is using the elements to create a result, like earth, air, water, fire, void, acid and poison. This does 1/8 the damage or healing to the target for levels 1-9 and 1/4 the health in damages or healing for levels 10-19. 1/2 the health for healing or damages for levels 20-29 and all the full health in damages or healing for levels 30+. The effect is instantly there by feel and can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle until otherwise wanted.

  Blood boost; Learning ability level: 1.
  This where you boost your power by 50% with breathing of pure oxygen. That's from magicing energy to your aura, as it burns away the detritus from the air you get pure oxygen. Add 1/2 the amount to the damage and healing amount as you use this ability with other abilities.

  Projection; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you use the power of the 3rd eye, thinking to create what effect you want or intend. The 3rd eye uses the blood energy to create whatever result you want, that's as it is the pinneal gland that does the ideal. So basically, you project the 3rd eye energy as a force that effects either a smudge mark on the wall or fire damage to the target. Remember, if you smudge three times, you live in the area. So think about your needs at the moment and you know what to do. This deals 1/4 the health as either healing or damages. This effect is instant.

  Blood rite; Learning ability level: 4.
  This where you do a candle rite and light a candle as you think to say to the flame of what you want done, then you put a drop of blood on the candle flame saying, "thank you" to the flame as you blow the flame out. During the rite, the flame will flare up, so don't be surprised. Of course, your wound heals up instantly, so you don't have to worry about the wound you got the blood from. The effect is instant if damage or healing intended, that's done of 1/2 the full health being taken or given.

  Blood cure; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is a blood cure using the power of blood, thinking to cure yourself or another. The wounds heal by magic and the disease and illness disappear by feel. All your health is restored by 1/2 your full health.

  Power projection; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you use the blood energy and create with an idea to project forth the energy that is there and any problems that are with it. So if you project it, think its projected forth from you and it forms outside of you as though an energy golem and that uses problems as energy. That has 100% health, your stats otherwise and does what you want as once you intend as you need it its manifested. It can give 1/2 the target's health in healing or damages.. Once you decide to get rid of it or it dies off, it dissipates harmlessly into thin air or void space. This effect lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle and unlimitedly outside of battle.

  Blood curse; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is when the blood of the body is magiced in emotional energy, then projected forth. The effect you have is doubled. So you can completely kill the target or completely heal the target. That's unless they make their save versus magic and then its 1/2 the health instead. This is done through 1d20+charisma mod being rolled with a success of 10 or above in life. This effect lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until dispelled outside of battle.

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Hellgazer ability:

  Hellgazer ability is then using the moment of magicing body energy and heat of the area amplified by gated in hell energy, thinking to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious that uses the energy to create your result. This is where you think of the point and that's an expressed idea made to do things by your subconscious. That you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area energy.

  The area energy responds by making the manifest, that's done through the law of attraction and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. Then you direct the effect with the subconscious and 3rd eye by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void of space or hell itself to the aura, and send it back to hell or the void otherwise. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use after you don't need it is necessary. Whenever you do a blood magic effect, you create cleansed chakras and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 7 actual abilities: Hell evokation (cha), Heavenly conjouring (cha), The creator (cha), The envisionment (cha), Shaping (cha), Energy (cha) and Magic point (cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Hell evokation; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you can create a result, that's in idea from energy gated from hell by your God or the creator. Think to create what you desire, like a concept you create by magicing with your eyes. Then your God or the creator makes with hell, what you desire to be there. You can create dolls that live, that is done by holding the doll and dying or sending energy of yourself into the doll. It does what you intended. Think to use them carefully as they could be cursed, see if the original owner dies suddenly and sends his or her life force into the doll itself..they "live" by feel and act by themselves. Strange things can happen around them in the area. You can deal 1/4 the health in healing or damages by this effect for levels 1-14 and levels 15+ is 1/2 the health in damages or healing. It can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle until not wanted.

  Heavenly conjouring; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you think about the idea of heaven, then think you gathered by spirit some of its energy. Then this is the gate you project yourself back with by some frequency. Thinking of what you wanted, you create what you need and with a thought about your desire. This is done as you gate in heaven energy, thinking to create a peaceful effect and that can be any element you make an effect of using your third eye by feel. This is where you derive or think about the idea, and your third eye creates it by the point you have. You can deal 1/4 the health in healing or damages by this effect for levels 1-14 and levels 15+ is 1/2 the health in damages or healing. It can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle until not wanted.

  The creator; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you create with a point to the DM/GM any energy effect or manifested event. That shows itself in a vision point or envisioned idea. Think and you know what to do, as its illusion and created in reality if you want it there..You can deal 1/2 the health in healing or damages by this effect. It can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle until not wanted.

  The envisionment; Learning ability level: 3.
  Think about the idea and you can go magic unponst the idea being thought. You receive a boost of moral of +4 to your rolls.

  Shaping; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is reshaping your body or another's body, that's making use of the 3rd eye and created is the effect of using the point that is what is expressed or needed by intended idea. Thinking to change into a bird, crow or other animal or back again. The moment you don't need the shape, it disappears by feel. Your stats remain the same yet your weight and height adjust themselves as well as the form. Your items shift to a safe area in some dimension, yet uponst shifting back you shift your items back to yourself as though you hadn't left. This can leave soiled clothes.

  Energy; Learning ability level: 5.
  You don't run outta energy with this because you reabsorb your magiced energy back into myself. Its also making me live longer. Its fascinating as there are many ways to do it. One way is to magic upon your hand energy and sniff it. Another way is to magic your thoughts upon a drink and do it for 2 minutes then drink it. Its interesting how energized you can become. You normally use the drink charge way. Yet you recently discovered the hand charge way. Place infinity as your MP/STP amount as you use this and you stop aging as you become ageless for 1d8 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle.

  Magic point; Learning ability level: 7.
  The need you have creates the idea by the power of the subconscious mind. This is evoking the dimension you see or know about. So if you need something better, then its seemingly there. If you need it enough, it appears to stay near or on you. So that counts for the reality and what it is at the moment. Think nothing and don't need the illusion of reality, then it disappears. However, due to experiments, the indication is reality is much worse than the illusion that exists in life. So need as you want and you may get what you intend to get done. That's because basic reality is illusionous where you think you need something and its there by idea you can think into manifest.

  Who knows, you could need to be in the area and "find" yourself there. This is how basic it really is. So really illusion is there in the mind. If not there, then there is nothing. That's because nothing really exists. This is an illusion. That is what this is and all it is. You can deal the full health in healing or damages by this effect, unless they make their savings throw with 10 or above rolled as they roll 1d20+luck. That's unless they have no luck then its a 1d20. If they make their savings throw, its 1/2 the health in damages or healing. It can last up to 1d8 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle until not wanted.

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Con Artist ability:

  Con Artist ability is then using the moment of magicing body energy and heat of the area amplified by gated in energy, thinking to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious. That uses the energy to create your result. This is where you think of the point, and that's an expressed idea made to do things by your subconscious or the target/s. That you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area energy.

  The area energy responds by making the manifest, that's done through the law of attraction and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. Then you direct the effect with the subconscious and 3rd eye by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura, and send it back to hell or the void otherwise. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use after you don't need it is necessary. Whenever you do a blood magic effect, you create cleansed chakras and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 8 actual abilities: Manifest dance (cha), Hypnosis (cha), Good feeling (cha), Convince (cha), Creator point (cha), Cooldown (cha), Heatup (cha) and Distraction (cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Manifest dance; Learning ability level: 1.
  Think of what you want and dance a pattern to create it by excited energy and your need that's expressed. This is where you dance and create an effect. This can manifest anything that you want manifested, including the elements. Think to dance as you need an element or two, so you can create with an idea and make with a point of expression. The excited energy particles draw to the area you want effected, the effect or idea that you think to need. The elements you can draw forth using gated in energy. The elements are: earth, air, water, fire, lava, ice, void, poison and acid.

   Earth; This element can smother things, form earth balls, block the effect or idea and create platforms in the air.
   Air; This element can hold things in itself, create airballs that punch through the target, create energy platforms that are solid and you can also lift things or people, including yourself in the area. Also, you can use this element to fly in the air by will.
   Water; This element can put out fires, heal, create a change in your DNA, make things or targets overwhelmed like in a water wall and create energy forms that are shaped like a water being.
   Fire; This is where you burn things and create firewalls to burn a wide area or make multiple fire spheres that can burn the targets.
   Lava; This is where you summon the lava energy into the area and melt things or the targets.
   Ice; This element is where you create a frozen form or freeze the targets for however much you want.
   Void; This is where you suck the energy out of the target and it goes to you or the area. Form a void sphere in the air to absorb the effect cast at you or in the targets to create an instant death.
   Poison; This is where you poison the targets as you think the poison reaches the targets to cause 1d6 rounds of damage or outside of battle its until the targets die or you don't need the effect.
   Acid; This is where you send energy that eats away at the target, till you no longer need it or 1d6 rounds passes by.

  The damages/healing potential is level based..where levels 1-9 can deal or heal 1/8 the health, levels 10-19 can deal or heal 1/4 the health, levels 20-29 can deal or heal 1/2 the health and levels 30+ can deal or heal all the health. For levels 30+, if your target makes a saving throw versus magic, then its 1/2 the health in damage or healing. The savings throw is a 1d20+luck or a 1d20 if no luck and the target rolls a 10 or above.

  Hypnosis; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you think of something to suggest and command in a hypnotic voice to create it by feel. This lasts until you don't need it and cancel out the subliminal commands. Otherwise, it fades away in 1d8 rounds in battle. This uses magic, where the points you express are what are reacted to. That's thought with expression by a good response.

  Good feeling; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where your nice and create by compliment what you need as the target feels good by idea. The effect lasts +1 rounds per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point or until you don't need it.

  Convince; Learning ability level: 3.
  The ability to say the right things are what you use and thinking clicks for the targets. Then you can create with a thought and make what you need to occur. This lasts until you convice the targets otherwise or they convince themselves.

  Creator point; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you magic on a thought, think the creator makes your results and create with what you want as a source to make what desired effect you need. This effects the area or target for 1d8 rounds in battle, or until not needed outside of battle. You can summon an element or elements through gated energy to effect as you need. The damages and healing potential is 1d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for levels 1-9. The damages and healing potential is 2d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for levels 10-19. The damages and healing potential is 3d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for levels 20-29. The damages and healing potential is 4d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for levels 30+.

  Cooldown; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you project a cool energy from the aura with a cool thought. That cools down the targets and they no longer are erratic. Then they no longer need to fight. This lasts for awhile, so its really until you don't need it anymore.

  Heatup; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you cause the targets to heat up and are willing to feel emotions. So they fight better. Add +5 to all their rolls while this ability is in use. This is like a bless except its done by a practioner of energy. So think and you know what to do. This effect lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until it wears off outside of battle. That is 1d10 hours. Think and you know what to do.

  Distraction; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think to distract the target and cause them to think something else by saying something. This happens without problems as they magic on your words and think of them instead of attacking you. This lasts until you don't need it.

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Ultraman ability:

  Ultraman ability is using the moment of magicing body energy and heat of the area amplified by gated in void energy, thinking to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious that's done by the creator directed by the subconscious mind. That uses the energy to create your result. This is then where you think of the point, and that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought that's made to do things by your subconscious. That you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [name effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area energy.

  The area energy consciousness responds by making the manifest, that's done through the law of attraction and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. Then you direct the effect with the subconscious and 3rd eye by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura, and send it back to the void. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use after you don't need it is necessary. Whenever you do a Ultraman effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 10 actual abilities: Magiced attack (cha), Water encoding (cha), Energy fist (cha), Paper tags (cha), Electron jump (cha), Copper drain (cha), Power atomic chop (cha), Time shift (cha), Quantum shift (cha) and Dimensional effect (cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Magiced attack; Learning ability level: 1.
  Think about the elementalism, the effect of the element you magic upon an area to form in or on the target/s. This effect is where you create by feel or the spirit from gated in void energy as you relax and then work to make the point of expressed idea. Like you expressed, "Make in use an acid sphere" thinking it goes to the target after you feel it form. It can form any element or elements combination in the area and by gating the element in you can make it effect against the area target/s.

  The elements so far are: Earth, air, lava, water, fire, void, poison and acid.
   Earth; Earth can block things or form earth balls you mentally project towards the target.
   Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms, hold things in the air and punch people up.
   Lava; Lava can melt holes or the whole thing, and form lava balls that do double the damage.
   Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water into waves or water balls.
   Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls.
   Void; Void can if gated void energy erase a target where you make the target disappear, cause the target/s to be drained of stp, cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s, and form draining void balls that shoot to the target to do deadly damages.
   Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
   Acid; Acid can eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, and form acid balls.
  Any effect can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or until not wanted outside of battle. Damages/healing is where you take 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  Water encoding; Learning ability level: 1.
  Think of what you need the water to do and ans you drink it, its formed. You can even cure your body of any illness, this way you do things as you think, "cure illness" as you drink water. This kills bugs, if you combine it with poison.

  Energy fist; Learning ability level: 3.
  This ability you can do anytime. That is where you make a fist, think of the target/s and think energy comes from them and the void that your soul summons to your fist and aura. The heightened aura energy goes forth and as you imagine a huge fist the fist forms in the air. That you gesture with your fists and the energy air fists strike the target. Oherwise the energy of the fist can be used, thinking to strike physically the area of the target's body.

  Another thing you can do with this is form grasping energy hands, after forming the fist of energy open your fist or fists and mock grasp the enemy. This holds the enemy, that you want held for 1d6 rounds in battle or unlimitedly outside of battle. That's damages done by the energy air fist, where you can push the enemies away or lift them in the air and bang them into the ground.

  The effect is instant otherwise. That does 1d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point damages for levels 1-9. 2d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point damages for levels 10-19. 3d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point damages for levels 20-29. 4d10+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point damages for levels 30+. The extra used up and gated in energy goes back to the void, that's done by the soul gating it back there.

  Paper tags; Learning ability level: 4.
  Think of whatever effects you want the paper tag to do and draw a symbol on it to cause the result to be "activated" by thinking its activated and placed on or near someone or something. This can easily be a warding tag or cause things to explode so think and you know what to do.

  Any effect can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or until not wanted outside of battle. Damages/healing is where you take 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  Electron jump; Learning ability level: 5.
  This can "jump" you or some object to some other space or time in a dimension that you think to be in. Think of the area and you find yourself or the item there. This is done by excited energy of the body, that teleports you or an object to the right time and space or area by the power of the soul. The electron shift causes this effect, which is instant or suddenly done.

  That means as the atoms in the body become energetic. That is where you think the atomic spin speeds up. This is done by magic. See as you think you have the energy. That's with the subconscious gating in energy. Think of shifting as you touch the object or think yourself shifts, where the thinking of the electron splits off to create you or the object somewhere else.

  Copper drain; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you hold up a copper piece, that you think to its consciousness to "drain the enemies" and magic upon the enemies you want effected its effect. This lasts up to 1d8 rounds in battle and unlimitedly outside of battle. What it can do is drain health and energy, such as mp and stamina to you in transferrance in damages.

  Its effect is the capability to drain. That does 1d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point damages for levels 1-9. 2d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point damages for levels 10-19. 3d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point damages for levels 20-29. 4d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point damages for levels 30+. The extra used up and gated in energy goes back to the void, that's done by the soul gating it back there.

  Power atomic chop; Learning ability level: 8.
  This is where you think energy from the void through gist, this is gated in and goes to your hand and your hand energy has an atomic edge. That you speak of as "The energy is summoned and used to chop the target/s.." Then, you imagine chopping with an atomic edge the enemies through emanation, that your aura sends waves of programmed energy to do. That happens as you chop with your energized hands and the energy emanation creates the result. You can also chop off limbs, torsoes or chop up weapons by this effect.

  The effect is instant from the energy released by feel. That does 1d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point damages for levels 1-9. 2d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point damages for levels 10-19. 3d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point damages for levels 20-29. 4d12+charisma mod per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point damages for levels 30+. The extra used up and gated in energy goes back to the void, that's done by the soul gating it back there.

  Time shift; Learning ability level: 9.
  Think about the time and think your there, then you stand or sit still and relax by saying "relaxed" under your breathe. Then, your where you want to be.

  Quantum shift; Learning ability level: 10.
  This is where you think of where you want to go and move around or stay still, then your spirit puts you there, the soul can form whatever shape you want and its as though you were there at least by presence.

  Dimensional effect; Learning ability level: 10.
  This is where you magic the dimension's energy to create what idea you think and feel to need. Its more powerful than the magiced attack, that's as it does twice the damages or healing. So it can also form any element that you think to form in combination or singularly. The dimension's energy is summoned by gating it to the area that you program to create the effect. It doesn't effect, if you don't intend it to have an effect. When the target has a resistance the damage or healing is halved and if they have immunity to the element it doesn't effect them.

  Again if you want to use them, the elements so far are: Earth, air, water, fire, void, poison and acid. Any effect can last up to 1d8 rounds in battle or until not wanted outside of battle. Damages/healing is where you take 1/4 the health for levels 1-10, 1/2 the health for levels 11-20, 3/4 the health for levels 21-30 and all the health for levels 31+. So you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

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City scout ability:

  City scout ability is using the moment of magicing body energy and heat of the area amplified by gated in void energy, thinking to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious that's done by the creator directed by the subconscious mind. That uses the energy consciousness to create your result. This is then where you think of the point, and that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought that's made to do things by your subconscious. That you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [name effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area energy.

  The area energy consciousness responds by making the manifest, that's done through the law of attraction and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. Then you direct the effect with the subconscious and 3rd eye by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura, and send it back to the void. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use after you don't need it is necessary. Whenever you do a Ultraman effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with Wisdom. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 5 actual abilities: Think (wis), Travel (wis), Movement (wis), Dimensional travel (wis) and Scavenging (wis). Wisdom is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Think; Learning ability level: 1.
  The effect is done as you think about the idea. You do the right actions to get the good result. This result can use the elements in manifest from gated in energy by the soul. There is no chance of this working, if you intend to do wrongful actions. So don't think its possible, if the effect is a bad result.

  The elements so far are: Earth, air, lava, water, fire, void, poison and acid.
   Earth; Earth can block things or form earth balls you mentally project towards the target.
   Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms, hold things in the air and punch people up.
   Lava; Lava can melt holes or the whole thing, and form lava balls that do double the damage.
   Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water into waves or water balls.
   Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls.
   Void; Void can if gated void energy erase a target where you make the target disappear, cause the target/s to be drained of stp, cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s, and form draining void balls that shoot to the target to do deadly damages.
   Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
   Acid; Acid can eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, and form acid balls.
  Any effect can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or until not wanted outside of battle. Damages/healing is where you take 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  Fast travel: Learning ability level: 3.
  Think your going faster and with the current flow, then you are going faster than usual. This lasts until you don't need it.

  Movement; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think of the movement and you camoflauge yourself as you move, if any people are in the area don't move to avoid detection. This lasts until you don't need it to effect by feel.

  Dimensional travel; Learning ability level: 7.
  Think of the point or area you express something about, then think your there. Upon thinking it, your spirit uses the soul to shift you there. Yet know this, some area are almost exact in idea to where you came. Except different results can occur, if you are in the area and experience something. The effect is instant.

  Scavenging; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you use the area and its resources wisely. Thinking to get some result that you know, that's as you do things it will exist by the power of the third eye.

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Spiritualist ability:

  Spiritualist ability is using the moment of magicing body and soul energy with the spirit directing the heat of the area amplified by gated in void energy, thinking to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious that's done by the creator or your God being directed by the subconscious mind. That uses the energy consciousness instructed by your soul copy to create your result. This is then where you think of the point, and that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought that's made to do things by your subconscious and soul copy. That you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [name effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area energy.

  The area energy consciousness responds by making the manifest, that's done through the law of attraction and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. Then you direct the effect with the subconscious and 3rd eye by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura by the spirit gating it in, and send it back to the void. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit after you don't need it. Whenever you do a Spiritualist effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 6 actual abilities: Spiritual manifestor (cha), Psychic boost (cha), Creation (cha), God boost (cha), Supernatural protection (cha) and Physical manifestor (cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Spiritual manifestor; Learning ability level: 1.
  The spirit creates the effect guided by the soul. This effect can be anything that you think of. The spiritual manifestor ability is like a wish, and yet its different as it uses info stored in the soul to form what you desire. Its effects can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle.

  This includes magiced elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, like: earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid.
   Earth; Earth can block things or form earth balls you mentally project towards the target.
   Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms, hold things in the air and punch people up.
   Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity and form ice balls or hail from the sky.
   Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke.
   Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water into waves or water balls.
   Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls.
   Void; Void can if gated void energy erase a target where you make the target disappear, cause the target/s to be drained of stp, cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s, and form draining void balls that shoot to the target to do deadly damages.
   Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
   Acid; Acid can eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, and form acid balls.

  Damages/healing is where you take 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  Psychic boost; Learning ability level: 1.
  This ability is creating by the spirit your body to become more capable. The soul guides the moment psychically. You gain a +4 to all rolls bonus upon use of this idea, that is temporary for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until not needed outside of battle.

  Creation; Learning ability level: 3.
  Create any 1 item, that you may find nearby and materialized, that is with a +3 magic attribute.

  God boost; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is wherein your ability to create effects is done by your Deity, think of what you want or need and you make what you desire. You cannot use this for attacking. You can heal yourself or the target, that is healed 1/3 your health.

  Supernatural protection; Learning ability level: 7.
  The figure is a being that has your stats, it is a spirit that merges with you and comes out of your body to protect you if in danger. Its damages/healing are where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-15, 1/2 the health for levels 16-30. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above. It lasts until you don't need it.

  Physical manifestor; Learning ability level: 9.
  The soul copy creates the effect and makes what you wish into manifested effect by gated in energy. This includes magiced elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, like: earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid. The effects can last up to 1d8 in battle and until not needed outside of battle. Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-15, 1/2 the health for levels 16-30. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above. Look at spiritual manifestor for the elements.

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Atomicist ability:

  Atomicist ability is using the moment of magicing body cell and spirit energy with the soul directing the heat of the area amplified by gated in void energy, thinking to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious that's done by the subconscious using your God or the creator being directed by the subconscious mind. That uses the energy consciousness instructed by your soul copy to create your result. This is then where you think of the point, and that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought that's made to do things by your subconscious and soul copy. That you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [name effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area energy.

  The area energy consciousness responds by making the manifest, that's done through the law of attraction and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. Then you direct the effect with the subconscious and 3rd eye by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura by the spirit gating it in, and send it back to the void. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit after you don't need it. Whenever you do a Spiritualist effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 10 actual abilities: Unlimited ability (cha), Provoking (cha), Creative approach (cha), Biolectricity (cha), Spirit chat (cha), Atomic slicer (cha), Atomizer (cha), Shitz (cha), Music (cha) and Planetary magic (cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Unlimited Ability; Learning ability level: 1.
  There is almost unlimited energy in our cells, spiritually as well. Consider combining them and using them. This is done by thinking your spirit uses the cell energy to create with your need to make what you want. So how can we do this? See what you need to know by idea is that you get what you think you're getting. That's about it. Any energy or elemental attack that you do to a target is based on level..

  This effect can last for 1d6 rounds in battle/melee, and unlimitedly outside of battle. Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.
  This includes magiced in elemental effects that you can gate in with energy forming what you want, like: earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid.
   Earth; Earth can block things or form earth balls you mentally project towards the target.
   Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms, hold things in the air and punch people up.
   Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity and form ice balls or hail from the sky.
   Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke.
   Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water into waves or water balls.
   Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls.
   Void; Void can if gated void energy erase a target where you make the target disappear, cause the target/s to be drained of stp, cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s, and form draining void balls that shoot to the target to do deadly damages.
   Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
   Acid; Acid can eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, and form acid balls.

  Provoking; Learning ability level: 1.
  The point you state is when you magic with energy or emotion to create a response.

  Creative approach; Learning ability level: 3.
  Think of the moment and your spirit reveals itself creatively as you write or think to say something fun. Whatever you write or say, happens if you intend it to occur. This effect is energy based and can last for 1d6 rounds in battle/melee, and unlimitedly outside of battle.

  Damages/healing is in the point per every magic core stat mod or Int mod point:
  Where you take or give 1d10+charisma mod the health for levels 1-9
  2d10+charisma mod the health for levels 10-19
  3d10+charisma mod the health for levels 20-29.
  For levels 30+, you can take or give 4d10+charisma mod unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can give or take 1/2 the damage amount. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  Bioelectricity; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you magic the cellular energy to create by thinking the spirit creates with its own energy a form of electric current, that is sent forth as bio electricity or body enegy that causes machines to dysfunction and burns with spasms on the target. That causes the target to be out of the battle for 1d8 rounds in melee/battle. Otherwise they are out of the fighting mood until you need them to fight.

  Spirit chat; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think the spirit will chat with you and think of the idea you want to convey to it. Then it is received and the spirit chats back. The chat is "heard" as if speaking if you want it heard.

  Atomic slicer; Learning ability level: 6.
  This is where you form the energy of your hand as though atomically sharp, think of the target and send it out as though a wave of energy that slices through the opponent with body energy. This effect is instant. It either chops the limb off or chops the target up. Unless, the target makes a reflex save. If the monster has no reflex value, then they roll a 1d20 and if they get a 10 or above they avoid the slicing.

  Atomizer; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you magic on the target's body atoms and cause by thinking the target is turned into atoms. The target disappears. Unless, the target makes a save. They roll a 1d20 and if they get a 10 or above they avoid the Atomizing.

  Shitz; Learning ability level: 8.
  This is magicing upon the cell energy to cause the body to be disabled, and get the shitz or diarrhea for 1d6 rounds or until not needed outside of battle. This is the unfortunate result of having atomic energy pass right through you.

  Music; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is making use of the music and harmony of the atoms as you think they rub together of whatever element color you desire. That heals you fully and can heal or harm the target fully by feel. The elements are gated in as you think of the color and magic upon rubbing the color together: red particles are fire, blue particles are water, green or brown particles are earth, white particles are air, dark red particles are lava, light blue particles are ice, black particles are void, grey or dark green particles are poison and off-white particles are acid.

  This includes magiced elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, where its earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid.
   Earth; Earth is a shield that can block things or form earth balls you mentally project towards the target.
   Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms, hold things in the air and punch people up.
   Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity and form ice balls or hail from the sky.
   Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke.
   Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water into waves or water balls.
   Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls.
   Void; Void can if gated void energy erase a target where you make the target disappear, cause the target/s to be drained of stp, cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s, and form draining void balls that shoot to the target to do deadly damages.
   Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
   Acid; Acid can eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, and form acid balls.

  This effect can last for 1d8 rounds in battle/melee, and unlimitedly outside of battle until you don't want it. Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-15 and 1/2 the health for levels 16-30. For levels 31+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

  Planetary magic; Learning ability level: 10.
  this magic creates what you need by the planet consciousness. That is where you can meditate to make it do things as you suggest to the consciousness of the planet and create what you desire. This includes magiced elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, where its earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid. Look at Music ability to see what the elements can do.

  This effect can last for 1d8 rounds in battle/melee, and unlimitedly outside of battle until you don't want it. Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/3 the health for levels 1-15 and 1/2 the health for levels 16-30. For levels 31+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

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Druggie ability:

  Druggie ability is using the moment of magicing body cell and spirit energy with the drug use and soul directing the enertgy by your thought. This is thinking to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious that's done by the subconscious using your mind that's with your gathered energy being directed by the subconscious mind. That uses the energy consciousness instructed by your soul copy to create your result. This is then where you think of the point, and that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought that's made to do things by your subconscious and soul copy. That you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [name effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area energy.

  The area energy consciousness responds to your expelled energy by making the manifest, that's done through the law of attraction and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. Then you direct the effect with the subconscious and 3rd eye by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura by the spirit gating it in, and send it back to the void. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit after you don't need it. Whenever you do a Spiritualist effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic that halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 7 actual abilities: Drug magic (cha), Spiritual creation (cha), Void use (cha), Multiples (cha), Void cell energy (cha), The created point (cha) and Spirit transfer (cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Drug magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where they use a drug or their spirit summons a drug effect in the blood and you create an effect. Mostly by magicing their mind and stating what they need as they want the effect. The effect can create healing or damage by energy that's directed by the mind instantly. The amount is per level..

   1/8 the health per levels 1-9.
   1/4 the health per levels 10-19.
   1/2 the health per levels 20-29.
   All the health per levels 30+. For levels 30+, you can take or give all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can give or take 1/2 the damage amount. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  Spiritual creation; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where they create while thinking of nothing for meditation and use their spirit to make what result they desire. The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d6 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..

   1d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, for the health of levels 30+. For levels 30+, you can take or give the health amount unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can give or take 1/2 the damage amount. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  Void use; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where they channel energy from the void itself, thinking to create what is desired by their thoughts programming the energy and making a good outcome from the bad. The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d8 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..

   1d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+charisma mod per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point, for the health of levels 30+. For levels 30+, you can take or give the health amount unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can give or take 1/2 the damage amount. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  Multiples; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you are in more than one area at once, think of the area and all you need to do is take in a drug or two. That's thinking your God makes you there where you want to appear. This is done to cause your soul to manifest you there. If you don't intend to be in multiple area, then taking in a drug is safe enough so you don't trigger this ability. It lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until you don't need it. On use and magic of this ability, you cast forth 1d8 more of you in the area you think to appear.

  Void cell energy; Learning ability level: 7.
  The use of their cell's energy creates by the soul directing it as their spirit channels in void energy, that is also directed into creating what is desired. The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d8 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..

   1/4 the health of levels 1-9.
   1/3 the health of levels 10-19.
   1/2 the health of levels 20-29.
   All the health of levels 30+. For levels 30+, you can take or give all the health in amount unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can give or take 1/2 the damage amount. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  The created point; Learning ability level: 9.
  Their god creates what they desire, if they believe its possible and as they need it done. The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d8 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..

   1/3 the health of levels 1-15.
   1/2 the health of levels 16-30.
   All the health of levels 31+. For levels 31+, you can take or give all the health in amount unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can give or take 1/2 the damage amount. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  Spirit transfer; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where they, under a druglike haze, creates a point that is expressed and transfers qualities they like, that's from the target/s to themselves or to the target/s. This is instant, that can take 1/2 the health as energy and health to your character. That's temporary until you sleep. Then its Full health percent again.

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Alcoholic ability:

  Alcoholic ability is using the moment of magicing body energy and spirit energy with the alcohol use. The soul is directing the enertgy by your thought. This is thinking to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious that's done by the subconscious using your mind that's with your gathered energy being directed by the subconscious mind. That uses the energy consciousness instructed by your soul copy to create your result. This is then where you think of the point, and that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought that's made to do things by your subconscious and soul copy. That you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [name effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area energy.

  The area energy consciousness responds to your expelled energy by making the manifest, that's done through the law of attraction and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. Then you direct the effect with the subconscious and 3rd eye by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura by the spirit gating it in, and send it back to the void. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit after you don't need it. Whenever you do a Spiritualist effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic that halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 7 actual abilities: Alcohol magic (cha), Drunken fighting (cha), Brawling (cha), The magic (cha), Avoidance (cha), Improved magic (cha) and Antistigma (cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Alcohol magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  The alcohol magic is where you imbibe alcohol, then magic through the spirit the magic to occur at enhanced damages/healing in amount. The amount is per level. This can even work with the spirit, that's drinking energy drinks of alcohol..

   1/8 the health of levels 1-9.
   1/4 the health of levels 10-19.
   1/2 the health of levels 20-29.
   All the health of levels 30+. For levels 30+, you can take or give all the health in amount unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can give or take 1/2 the damage amount. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  Drunken fighting; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is like the drunken fist technique, except they can fight at a moment's notice with added benefit. The ability allows them invulnerability, that's as they are drunk and fighting to all physical attacks. The benefit is +5 to all rolls, including damages. Under this effect, they remain drunken for 1d6 rounds in battle and until 1 hour passes by outside of battle.

  Brawling; Learning ability level: 4.
  This is where they use their fists to fight for them, and think energy to the fists to send energy damage waves to the target. The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d8 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+. For levels 30+, you can take or give all the health in amount unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can give or take 1/2 the damage amount. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  The magic; Learning ability level: 5.
  The effect is elemental, they can summon through their soul gating in the energy the element that forms and effects the target/s. This includes magiced elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, where its earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid.

   Earth; Earth can block things or form earth balls you mentally project towards the target.
   Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms, hold things in the air and punch people up.
   Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity and form ice balls or hail from the sky.
   Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke.
   Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water into waves or water balls.
   Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls.
   Void; Void can if gated void energy erase a target where you make the target disappear, cause the target/s to be drained of stp, cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s, and form draining void balls that shoot to the target to do deadly damages.
   Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
   Acid; Acid can eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, and form acid balls.

  This effect can last for 1d8 rounds in battle/melee, and unlimitedly outside of battle until you don't want it. Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-10, 1/3 the health for levels 11-20 and 1/2 the health for levels 21-30. For levels 31+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

  Avoidance; Learning ability level: 7.
  They avoid all issues of arrest as they are harmless if not driving. This ability lasts for until not drunken after 1 hour of their time.

  Improved magic; Learning ability level: 7.
  They can create any effect as they use a spell prayer to create with their Deity what they intend. This includes elementalism, where they create the element from gated in energy by their soul from the void. What they don't use their soul gates back to the void. This includes magiced elemental effects like the magic ability, that you gate in with energy forming what you want, where its earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid.

  This effect can last for 1d8 rounds in battle/melee, and unlimitedly outside of battle until you don't want it. Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/3 the health for levels 1-15, and 1/2 the health for levels 11-30. For levels 31+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

  Antistigma; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you avoid all blame as you think of appearing by the power of your God or Deity and are appearing many places at once as you do things. Since you confuse people who are tracing or looking for you, you can appear to look like your doing multiple things at once and they don't attack you. This effect can last 1d8 rounds in battle/melee or until not wanted outside of battle. On use and magic of this ability, you cast forth 1d8 more of you in the area you think to appear, except you can attack the target/s with you and your appearances.

  Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/3 the health for levels 1-15, and 1/2 the health for levels 16-30. For levels 31+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

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Sapper ability:

  Sapper ability is using the moment of magicing body energy and spirit energy with the energy of an object in use. The soul is directing the energy by your thought. This is thinking to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious that's done by the subconscious using your mind that's with your gathered energy being directed by the subconscious mind. That uses the energy consciousness instructed by your soul copy to create your result. This is then where you think of the point, and that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought that's made to do things by your subconscious and soul copy. That you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [name effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area energy.

  The area energy consciousness responds to your expelled energy, that's by making the manifest from the idea vibration with the energy. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. Then you direct the effect with the subconscious and 3rd eye by having your consciousness program the energy used with your thoughts, that is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura by the spirit gating it in, and send it back to the void. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit after you don't need it. Whenever you do a Spiritualist effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic that halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 9 actual abilities: Energy charge (cha), Area energy change (cha), Energy charge II (cha), The sapper (cha), Regaining (cha), Gathering (cha), The reflection (Cha), The mark (cha) and Regenerating (cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Energy charge; Learning ability level: 1.
  The object is energy, draw from the energy and you create with a point of the creator making what results you desire. The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d6 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+. For levels 30+, you can take or give the health in amount unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can give or take 1/2 the damage or healing amount. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  Area energy change; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you create a change by telling or thinking to the consciousness in the air of the area, that creates the change in or around the place you want effected. however, if you change the area you change yourself, so its like your energy changes as the area energy changed. This is like your heating up or cooling down the area, think and you know it as you feel hotter or colder. This change can even alter some target/s intentions, that means you create a peaceful mindset instead of the need to fight. This lasts until you no longer desire it. Otherwise in melee/battle you can change something for 1d6 rounds.

  Energy charge II; Learning ability level: 3.
  Think and create what you want by magicing gated in energy, the rules of the sapper that use the channeled in energy. The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d6 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+. For levels 30+, you can take or give the health in amount unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can give or take 1/2 the damage or healing amount. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  The sapper; Learning ability level: 3.
  The point you magic, then think to create a sucking and reprogramming of some area energy. That comes from the area you want to draw from like a wall, so you can break it down. this works no matter the point in a round to weaken the material and break it down of any object you sap or transfer.

  Regaining; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is what you think to gain in attribute as you gather energy from the creator or God, then things work out by feel to create what you intend to create. You can gain whatever attribute you want by this effect, that's like more strength or ability to draw energy. This effect lasts 1d8 rounds in melee/battle or until you don't need it outside of combat.

  Gathering; Learning ability level: 7.
  Think to magic and allow the creator's energy enter into you, then as you think to be super in ability you are what you think. Add a temporary +5 to all rolls, that lasts 1d8 rounds in melee or battle. Otherwise you have the effect until you no longer need it..

  The reflection; Learning ability level: 7.
  This ability is where if the intent is to hurt, then they the attacker gets the intended attack upon them, instantly and fully. The worse the intention, the worse the result upon the attacker. What they can do in total damage is reflected back at themselves even if they don't hit. This activates as quickly as they intend to attack you. So if their total attack was 2d10+15, then they get 2d10+15 or a max of 35% in amount. That goes to effect them of 35% health, that's taken from them for their intention of attack.

  The mark; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you draw a mark or trace a mark, that appears where you intend it to be. With the mark, you can shift you or anything or anyone nearby it in transport to be near you or near the mark. If you appear from the target, you make the target explode.

  Regenerating; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is moving about to generate heat and that heat is fuel to your spells or special effects by feel. You recover all lost energy and health and can cast again.. This effect is instant so add 100 stp. Make your health 100% unless it already is 100 or above in %.

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Disease master ability:

  Disease master ability is using the moment of magicing body energy and spirit energy with the energy of an object in use to create a result. The soul is directing the energy by your thought. This is thinking to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious, that's done by the subconscious using your mind. This is with your gathered energy being directed by the subconscious mind. That uses the energy consciousness instructed by your soul copy created by your soul to create your result. This is then where you think of the point, and that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by your subconscious and soul copy that you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [name effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area that's in energy.

  The area energy consciousness responds to your expelled energy that goes forth to create a result, that's by making the manifest from the idea vibration with the energy. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura by the spirit gating it in, and send it back to the void. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit after you don't need it. Whenever you do a Disease master effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic that halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 8 actual abilities: Magicing creation (cha), Purity armor (cha), Creation gate (cha), Divine protection (cha), Trained reaction (cha), Trained response (Cha), Think to cancel (cha) and Reaction correction (cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Magicing creation; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you think to know, see you make something exist or have things, and the creator creates what you want. You can create nearly anything. The soul makes the creator create it into existence. The effect can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle or until not wanted outside of battle. If you magic, think and know what is good by feel. If you suppose its good then it is, so you realize what is good for you.

  This ability can calm you down as you think to get a result. If you calm yourself, you never panic and you calm others by the power of the aura. This is a point where you feel really good, almost euphoric as it triggers a genetics of the body cleansing. So become immortal by placing "Ageless" as the character age. After that you can think to create what you want. Intensify the feel or think to feel intense, then you can burst anything, including bodies. Think to know about the idea and the idea becomes obvious.

  This is all in an effect, that is where you create a result like casting a fireball or iceball and it unerringly goes to the target..if you shoot the element at a wall it leaves a smudge mark. If you shoot it at the person, it leaves elemental damage..the least amount of damage is disruption of the concentration of the target for 1d6 rounds in battle or until recovered outside of battle. Actual damage is otherwise as you shoot it through the targets. This includes magiced elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, where its earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid.

   Earth; Earth can hold or block things or form earth balls around the target or in the air, that you mentally project towards the target.
   Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms, hold things in the air and punch people up.
   Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity and form ice balls or hail from the sky.
   Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke.
   Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water into waves or water balls.
   Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls.
   Void; Void can if gated void energy erase a target where you make the target disappear, cause the target/s to be drained of stp, cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s, and form draining void balls that shoot to the target to do deadly damages. Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
   Acid; Acid can eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, and form acid balls.

  Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

  Purity armor; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you think of the creator giving you a pure energy armor. That's formed by energy you gate in around you. That protects you from half the damage. This effect can last 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle. After level 10 you can get this to be 1d8 rounds in battle for the effect. This is a known effect.

  Creation gate; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you create a gate, that creates what you intend as you need it to exist. This includes magiced elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, where its earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid. As described in the magicing creation idea. The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d8 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+. For levels 30+, you can take or give all the health in amount unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can give or take 1/2 the damage amount. This save is done by 1d20 and getting 10 or above.

  Divine protection; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you magic on doing things and successfully do the idea. That is done as you are protected by the creator from all attack and harm. This lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or 1 hour outside of battle. If there is an ability use and then its done, you are aware of things to do as the opponent can then effect you after 1d8 rounds or 1 hour outside battle. So this is only useful if you want protection as you do an action.

  Trained reaction; Learning ability level: 4.
  This is where you think to speak and what you intend the other person or thing does, including animals. That's until they think like themselves and do things anyway. This effect lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it.

  Trained response; Learning ability level: 5.
  That is an advanced form of trained reaction, where you create a response similar to the trained reaction. Thinking to make your desire happen by the instinct. This is where you think of causing fear to make the enemy run away. The effect is interesting, as its instant when it occurs. You can even cause the target/s not to want to fight. Once done, the effect lasts until you do things to stop the reaction.

  Think to cancel; Learning ability level: 7.
  The thought is not done if you don't need it. This cancels out the spell or effect you could receive as you know about it by the power of the spirit or soul.

  Reaction correction; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you magic and state something thinking of calmness, that in turn calms the person down by your feel. Then they no longer need to fight. The effect is instant and you know it works for until you no longer need it.

goto magic index
God magician ability:

  God magician ability is using the moment of spice (that you can buy off the equipment list) enhanced body energy and spirit energy with the energy of an object in use to create a result. The soul is directing the energy by your thought. This is thinking to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious, that's done by the subconscious using the creator. This is with your gathered and gated in energy being directed by the subconscious mind. That uses the energy consciousness instructed by your soul copy, that's created by your soul to create your result. This is then where you think of the point, and that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by your subconscious and soul copy that you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [name effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area that's in energy.

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your expelled energy that goes forth to create a result, that's used by the energy consciousness by making the manifest from the idea vibration with the energy. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura by the spirit gating it in, and send it back to the void and if to some area it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit after you don't need it. Whenever you do a God magician effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is either the heat energy in the area or your God, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic that halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 7 actual abilities: God magic (cha), Subconscious spice ability (cha), Think and create (cha), Dirty fighting (cha), Thinking with spice (cha), Space ability (Cha) and God prayer (cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  God magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is creating with orange spice what ability is there to create manifests even of volcanoes. As though a God or deity makes what you want. This lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. Actual damage is otherwise as you shoot it through the targets. This includes magiced elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, where its earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid.

   Earth; Earth can be used to hold or block things or form earth balls around the target or in the air, that you mentally project towards the target.
   Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms, hold things in the air and punch people up.
   Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity and form ice balls or hail from the sky.
   Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke.
   Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water into waves or water balls.
   Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls.
   Void; Void can if gated void energy erase a target where you make the target disappear, cause the target/s to be drained of stp, cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s, and form draining void balls that shoot to the target to do deadly damages.
   Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
   Acid; Acid can eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, and form acid balls.

  Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-9, 1/3 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

  Subconscious spice ability; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you use orange spice and suggest to the subconscious what you want and need. Basically spice use is heightened ability that you can direct any way you want. If you suggest to the subconscious while on it, you create heightened effects. This includes magiced elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, where its earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid. As described in the God magic idea. The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d6 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Think and create; Learning ability level: 4.
  Think of what you need to create nd suggest to a screen that is "on" with a particle accelerator being active. The area changes and the idea is created by what you speak about. Think about it, you are aware and attempt to renegotiate, making use of the active screen. You can get energy attacks or healing done by this, that's instant.

  The amount of damage/healing is per level..the soul closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Dirty fighting; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is doing what is creative and disrespectful of the idea people present to get a result. Think of the moment and you know what to do. Add +5 to your attack rolls as this is in effect. It lasts 1d8 rounds in battle. This I think is interesting, as you use dirty martial arts on the target for 2d6+magic core stat mod or Int mod in damage if you hit.

  Thinking with spice; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you create with even better ability, using orange spice and the heightened ability from it. Thinking to create with a point, that is expressed idea at a particle acelerator like the one in a screen. This to get results as you suggest to the screen, that's on and creating with a point in idea..

  This includes magiced elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, where its earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid. As described in the magicing creation idea. The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d8 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Space ability; Learning ability level: 9.
  You can manipulate the time energy and the matter of space, think of what you want and you can create what effect you want of it. You can form whatever you want right into space, wherever it came from. This can shift a target wherever it is into any area of spacetime. This is an amazing ability. This works if you want it to and can create a result, it doesn't if you don't intend it to work. However, this ability cannot be used to fight with by feel.

  God prayer; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you will energy of God to create an effect of a prayer saying the prayer you intend as your using the subconscious and thinking to use spice. You can suggest to yourself the need and if you intend it you create it, that's as though your God created the worded idea creatively.

  The energy effect is what you get, that can emulate any element or create sleep for example. That includes what you think, like dissuading the target/s from attacking or causing them to not need to fight. Effectively ending the fight. Think about it and you know what the possibilities are with this.

  Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/3 the health for levels 1-14 and 1/2 the health for levels 15-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

goto magic index
Lawyer ability:

  Lawyer ability is using the moment of your God or the creator with body energy and spirit energy. That's with the energy of thinking for an object in use. The soul is directing the energy by your thought. This is thinking to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious, that's done by the subconscious using the creator. This is with your gathered and gated in energy directed by the subconscious mind. That uses the energy consciousness instructed by your soul copy, that's created by your soul to create your result. This is then where you think of the point, and that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by your subconscious and soul copy that you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [name effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area that's in energy.

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your expelled energy from the aura, that goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration with the energy. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura by the spirit gating it in, and send it back to the void and if to some area it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit after you don't need it. Whenever you do a God magician effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic that halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 8 actual abilities: Force back (cha), Mind to mind (cha), Law effect (cha), Ascension magic (cha), Annulment (cha), Dimensional law (Cha), Vision (cha) and Pulse defense (cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Force back; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is a hand of god effect an this is where you hold out the hand and think of forcing and action, that's energy going through energy the target causing it to be forced back. Then state a word to cause what you think with intent. This can create any result, except for negative idea. The time it lasts is how long you can concentrate on creating the effect. That's per round or action you can get a result. Like forming the elements. This includes magiced elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, where its earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid.

   Earth; Earth can be used to hold or block things or form earth balls around the target or in the air, that you mentally project towards the target.
   Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms, hold things in the air and punch people up.
   Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity and form ice balls or hail from the sky. Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke.
   Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water into waves or water balls.
   Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls.
   Void; Void can if gated void energy erase a target where you make the target disappear, cause the target/s to be drained of stp, cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s, and form draining void balls that shoot to the target to do deadly damages.
   Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
   Acid; Acid can eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, and form acid balls.

  Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

  Mind to mind; Learning ability level: 1.
  this is where you think your message and they "hear" it in their minds and their reponse you "hear" in your mind. This is instant and has no distance restraint..

  Law effect; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you think to use what you say as law, think of the effect and point it out or think the idea and state the effect as a law. That does what you want. This can create the elements in actions and is instant.

  The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d6 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the elements energy you direct to form here, and closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

  The damamges/healing amounts are:
   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Ascension magic; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think of the idea for what you want and breath in and out thinking to be in another upper dimension. Then your there, so think and know. The third eye makes a safe space where you can exist harmoniously. So that is when the third eye shifts you there, and you can create by thinking of the place whatever you want to occur there by the smart air consciousness creating what you want or intend t create.

  The effect can create healing or damage by energy cast forth of the body instantly, that can last 1d6 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Annulment; Learning ability level: 6.
  This is where you can think of the void, then imagine it as a black hole singularity cause void to suck the energy from the target or targets. This stops whatever the targets were doing, and makes the point of what you want to happen, no need to attack and the nulling out of what you dislike as it ceases to act.

  The effect can create healing by drawing forth the wound energy, or damage by drawing forth the body energy instantly. That can last 1d6 rounds in battle/melee, or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the void element's energy you direct to form here near the target, and closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

  The damages are:
   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Dimensional law; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you are aware of everything, from the point of view that you create the energy effect from the dimensional consciousness making what effect you want. It can be anything.

  The energy effect is what you get, that can emulate any element or create sleep for example. That includes what you think, like dissuading the target/s from attacking or causing them to not need to fight. Effectively ending the fight. Think about it and you know what the possibilities are with this.

  Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-9, 1/3 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

  Vision; Learning ability level: 8.
  This is where you create a vision by understanding through psychic means. Think the 3rd eye makes a vision of what you want, then it will cause the vision to be seen. For a mass vision, think the third eye shares the vision to those you want to see it. Think of what you want seen and they see the idea as a vision. They send back their thoughts that you perceive and as you read the resposne you can perceive the thoughts and type or write out the idea. You could send a thought of peace and cause them to think the idea came from God or the creator.

  Pulse defense; Learning ability level: 9.
  Think the area light starts pulsing fire energy at the target. Then, it does by the power of the spirit if you need and intend it. This effects multiple target/s, so you can do this spell anytime you want. It lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until you don't need it outside of battle. Think as it does half level (don't round up)+d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod in damage per round or action (with concentration checks each round and action). So for a level 17 character with 9 magic core stat mod or Int mod you would have 8d10+18 as amount. Each amount does a percent removed from the target/s health. That could be for a charater named joe smoe, 8*10+18=98% health removed max per round or action.

goto magic index
Special reporter ability:

  Special reporter ability is using the moment of your God or the creator with body energy and spirit energy. The soul is directing the energy by your thought. This is thinking to create a result by idea expression or will as suggestion to the subconscious, that's done by the subconscious using the creator. This is with your gathered and gated in energy directed by the subconscious mind. That uses the energy consciousness instructed by your soul copy, that's created by your soul to create your result. This is then where you think of the point, and that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by your subconscious and soul copy that you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [name effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area that's in energy.

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your expelled energy from the aura, that goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration with the energy. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura by the spirit gating it in, and send it back to the void and if to some area it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit after you don't need it. Whenever you do a Special reporter effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic that halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 8 actual abilities: Thinking point magic (cha), Thought point magic (cha), Magiced events (cha), Shock (cha), Interest (cha), Siren (Cha), Neutrino effect (Cha) and Planet effect (cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Thinking point magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  Taking a moment in time can create a point, then that is a point that's expressed to get the point you need by spirit. This can last up to 1d6 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle. It can even create magiced elemental effects. This includes elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, where its earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid.

   Earth; Earth can be used to hold or block things or form earth balls around the target or in the air, that you mentally project towards the target.
   Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things causing instant death, form with earth floating platforms, hold things in the air and push people or punch people up.
   Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity and form ice balls or hail from the sky that strike the target.
   Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke, if the lava effect continues for 1d6 rounds or until they wake up.
   Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water into waves or water balls.
   Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls.
   Void; Void can if gated void energy erase a target where you make the target disappear, cause the target/s to be drained of stp, cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s, and form draining void balls that shoot to the target to do deadly damages.
   Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
   Acid; Acid can eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, and form acid balls.

  Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

  Thought point magic; Learning ability level: 3.
  The point is this, you need something and think the creator or your God creates it by feel. State a word of power and you know its created. This is an enhanced thinking point, that can also create any element by gating it in. This includes elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, where its earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, and acid. Look at the thinking point for what the elements can do. Anything can be created by the spirit that exists and this is the consciousness of energy. That means you create through the creator what effects you want by gated in energy.

  The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d6 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the elements energy you direct to form here, and closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Magiced events; Learning ability level: 4.
  The event is the edge so magicing on a thought will create whatever you need to get done. This can't be used for combat unless at a distance. The effect is instant.

  Shock; Learning ability level: 4.
  This is where you state something and shock the target into not acting or attacking. This is as though a shock to the system, so make use of this skill as you can. That lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or until 1d6 hours passed outside of battle.

  Interest; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think about it, the effect is get their interest and you got them to do things for you. This is like a friend spell that causes the target/s to like you.

  Siren; Learning ability level: 6.
  Since they are half fish and half human..this is their ability. That you can attempt to recreate. Think of the moment and speak what you want to happen as you think of what you need. This creates the point of action where they do what you want, magic on the vibrations of the voice as you speak things when you feel its important. That is created by the soul or spirit creating a result, that's done by the voice having the right vibration and that convinces the target/s into doing what you wanted.

  Neutrino effect; Learning ability level: 7.
  This particle can pass through anything at the speed of light. Its invisible and has no mass. So the creator or God can direct this particle. Think you need an effect and magic neutrinos upon the target/s. The neutrino creates with the creator's will or God's will what you want. Like an energy wasp that forms in the air and stings the target/s.

  The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d8 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the energy you direct it to form here, think and it closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Planet effect; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is magicing upon the planet consciousness, what you want to happen as you think and need the effect to occur. This happens to effect any idea with pinpoint accuracy. The effect can create enhanced healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d8 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the energy you direct it to form here, think and it closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

goto magic index
Shinigami ability:

  Shinigami ability is using the moment of your energy or the creator with body energy and spirit energy. The soul is directing the energy by your thought. This is thinking that allows you to create a result by idea expression or will, as suggestion to the subconscious, that's done by the subconscious using the energy source. This is with your gathered and gated in energy directed by the subconscious mind. That uses the energy consciousness instructed by your soul copy, that's created by your soul to create your result. This is then where you think of the point, and that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by your subconscious and soul copy that you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [name effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area that's in energy by feel.

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your expelled energy you think to the area from the aura, that goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration with the energy. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura by the spirit gating it in, and send it back to the void and if to some area it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit after you don't need it. Whenever you do a Special reporter effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic that halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 7 actual abilities: Magiced effect (cha), Zanpakto (cha), Grifting power (cha), Symbolic creation (cha), Soul burial (cha), Energy barrier (Cha) and Energy phasing (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Magiced effect; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you think of what you want and magic on a thought to create as you go. This can create any energy effect or make any situation occur that you want. The energy can emulate any element, but in reality is just fire energy. You can even use hand signs to create a result, as hand signs create more effectively what you intend. That does damages/healing, this is where you take or give 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

  Zanpakto; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you magic a blade of energy in your hands. This blade does energy damage and can even send forth an energy strike wave or wall. This blade can create conditions on the target it hits or reenergize a target. Think of the condition and you make use of what energy the creator has that forms the condition itself. The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d6 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the energy you direct to form here, and closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Grifting power; Learning ability level: 3.
  Think you have ability, then you use the power of money or money energy to form. What you intend to create is with any energy effect. This is with the degree of energy being how intense you feel. The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d6 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the energy you direct to form here, and closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Symbolic creation; Learning ability level: 5.
  This ability allows you to create whatever idea you intend to create. As you think of the idea and need the point or expression, you direct the energy consciousness to make the idea as though an end result. This can shift anyone anywhere or cause 3rd degree burns. This can easily be done with symbols, as you hold or trace the symbol in the air. You create it on the target. That makes what you intended. If you don't get a result, you can always try again. This is a known idea from bleach the anime.

  The effect can create healing or damage instantly using the power of the symbol, that can last 1d6 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the energy you direct to form here, and closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Soul burial; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is placing the butt of the zanpakto on the head of the target and stating "soul burial", making them shift to the astral plane with an imparted sense of peace.

  Energy barrier; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you think of something as a source and create a barrier by telling the energy consciousness of your need. That creates a barrier of energy to block out all the target/s attacks and though it lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or until you don't need it outside of battle. This is where you magic and create a barrier of energy, thinking to repel whatever hostility you don't want and it's passable to those that aren't a threat. This barrier lasts until you don't want it there.

  Energy phasing; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you create an effect by phasing it into existence, or phasing it out of existence. If it exists somewhere, then it is possible to phase things in and out. That means you can magic an effect, that phases in and out or appears at the right moment. On command or thought, it will be existant somewhere you intend it to be. When it does, its more potent by feel.

  The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d6 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the energy you direct to form here, and closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   5d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

goto magic index
Astral mage ability:

  Astral mage ability is using the moment of your energy or the creator with body energy and spirit energy to create what you intend. The soul is directing the energy by your thought. This is thinking that allows you to create a result by idea expression or will, as suggestion to the subconscious, that's done by the subconscious using the energy source. This is with your gathered and gated in energy directed by the subconscious mind. That uses the energy consciousness instructed by your soul copy, that's created by your soul to create your result. This is then where you think of the point, and that's when it disappears is when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by your subconscious and soul copy that you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area that's in energy by feel.

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your expelled energy you think to the area from the aura, that goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration with the energy. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura by the spirit gating it in, and send it back to the void and if to some area it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit after you don't need it. Whenever you do a Special reporter effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic that halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 16 actual abilities: Symbol magic (cha), Astral shifting (cha), Self-creative planet magic (cha), Weight magic (cha), Money effect (cha), Disaster effect (Cha), Enhanced disaster (Cha), Magiced gate (Cha), The energy weapon (Cha), The incapacitation (Cha), The creation (Cha), Mist (Cha), Antiparticle attack (Cha), Engineering trick (Cha), Isolated effect (cha) and Counter (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Symbol magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  think of a symbol and it can be a simple line drawing. Then decide it means what you intend. Then you create the effect by the consciousness of energy making the effect as you trace or draw the symbol in wood, on paper or in the air.

  In the case of dnd, you can instead say "I use the sigil of creation to make [name the effect]." That's stated to the gm/dm. This can create any type of damage or healing by use of empowered symbols, that you think to use into play. If not specified, then it's energy effects you gated in.

  This is instant and lasts until not needed. That can do damages/healing, this is where you take or give 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

  Astral shifting; Learning ability level: 1.
  You see it involves astral projection and thinking as you "touch" the object or yourself and thinking the energy shifts it or you to where you want to be..then you or it are there where you think it or you should be. You can shift in and out of the astral plane by will. This lasts until not needed.

  Self-creative planet magic; Learning ability level: 2.
  Think of the moment, calm yourself by breathing slowly in and out. Think your creative with the planet consciousness. Then imagine or envision what you want and you form what you need with pinpoint accuracy. This is instant and lasts until not needed.

  The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d6 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the energy you direct to form here, and closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

  It can even create magiced elemental effects. This includes elemental effects that you gate in with energy forming what you want, where its earth, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid.

   Earth; Earth can be used to hold or block things or form earth balls around the target or in the air, that you mentally project towards the target.
   Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things causing instant death, form with earth floating platforms, hold things in the air and push people or punch people up.
   Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity and form ice balls or hail from the sky that strike the target.
   Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke, if the lava effect continues for 1d6 rounds or until they wake up.
   Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water into waves or water balls.
   Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls.
   Void; Void can if gated void energy erase a target where you make the target disappear, cause the target/s to be drained of stp, cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s, and form draining void balls that shoot to the target to do deadly damages.
   Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
   Acid; Acid can eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, and form acid balls.

  The damages/healing in amount are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Weight magic; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is magic where you create a result using your body cell energy and pit of your stomach with your body weight to create a result by magic and need. This lasts until not needed.

  The effect can create healing or damage instantly, that can last 1d8 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the energy you direct to form here, and closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

  The damages/healing in amount are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Money effect; Learning ability level: 4.
  This is where you create with a point thinking, that you use money as a source combined with energy you gate in then by the soul gating in the energy to create an effect now. This lasts until not needed.

  The effect can create healing or energy damage instantly, that can last 1d8 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the energy you direct to form here, think and it closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it.

  The damages/healing in amount are:

   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Disaster effect; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is then where you create with the elements and gated in energy to do by magic, what you want and need for making disaster upon the target. This works even better when you hate the target. This is instant.

  The effect can create energy damage instantly, that can last 1d8 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the energy you direct to form here, think and it closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it. The damages/healing in amount are half level (round down)+d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod in damage.

  Enhanced disaster; Learning ability level: 6.
  This is where you create with energy that you gate in for the purpose as you magic your body cellular energy to create disaster with the elements. This lasts until not needed.

  The effect can create energy damage instantly, that can last 1d8 rounds in battle/melee or until not needed outside of battle. The amount is per level..the soul opens a gate for the energy you direct to form here, think and it closes the gate as you no longer need it. The soul creates the gate in the first place using the right frequency. So think, if you no longer need it, the soul closes it. The damages/healing in amount are half level (round down)+d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod in damage.

  Magiced gate; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you think to magic upon a gate your soul opens or closes. Then command it to create a result, that's with your energy as a direction effect. The gate consciousness creates in idea the best result. This is instant and lasts until not needed. That can do damages/healing, this is where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-9, 1/3 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

  The energy weapon; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you think there is a gun or weapon and in your hand the soul forms the very weapon you need there. This uses energy gated in to the area through the soul as a point it is used is like the weapon normally used with the damages+magic core stat mod or Int mod as well. This works in the Astral plane and the normal plane very well. This lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle.

  The energy weapon; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think there is a gun or weapon and in your hand the soul forms the very weapon you need there. This uses energy gated in to the area through the soul as a point it is used is like the weapon normally used with the damages+magic core stat mod or Int mod as well. This works in the Astral plane and the normal plane very well. This lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle.

  The creation; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is a vision granted by the creator, that protects you from harm and appears to the targets' perception. Think and you direct the vision to make them not do things like attack. The creator makes a vision that's individually selected for each target. This works until you feel it's otherwise.

  This could be a vision of attacking you where they don't attack you they are stunned by the creator instead for 1d8 rounds in battle and until not needed otherwise. This is a genjutsu that you send forth by magic and thinking the idea to perceive. This is a point you convert fat to muscle, and use the energy released to create the visual effect.

  There is a 50% chance they break the genjutsu and see what's actually there. So roll a 1d100 to check if they do. This is a point of rolling 50 or below to cause them to still see it. If broken they renew their actions against you next round. This lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle and until not needed outside of battle.

  Mist; Learning ability level: 10.
  This forms a cloud that lowers itself so its all around the targets. That absorb whatever effect is not wanted as it pummels blows on the targets and heals you and allies. That lasts 1d8 rounds in battle, or until you don't need it outside of battle. The damages dealt and healing done are half level (round down) + d12 + magic core stat mod or Int mod. This can deform what you want deformed. After level 20, the mists turns poisonous and deals poison damage for how long the mists last.

  Antiparticle attack; Learning ability level: 11.
  This is where you use the Antiparticle to cause effects to be reversed that the target does and the targets gets harmed for 1/2 its health each time its used if they resist it. Otherwise it turns them to dust.. This effect is instant and otherwise lasts, until 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. How you summon the anti particle is self creatively.

  Engineering trick; Learning ability level: 11.
  This is where you magic on the idea or target/s, and think of the effect you intend as the spirit does what you need using the cells energy to create a result. This engineers the moment and this is instant. Like giving them an ability to make them weak or making them think badly by a brain flaw.

  Isolated effect; Learning ability level: 12.
  This is where you isolate in there mind the targets, that's by thinking they are isolated by the creator and they leave you alone. This is done by feel as you mention a comment that puts them off. This effect can make them perceive a vision that they're alone and they are stunned into not doing things. This vision lasts until not needed. It's set off by a comment as you think to do things with this effect.

  Counter; Learning ability level: 13.
  Whatever is done that you don't like is countered by feel. This is where what attacks or effects you don't like aren't done, that's by thinking to the Doppelganger your need, then it does what you need. This lasts as long as you want.

goto magic index
Occult writer ability:

  Occult writer ability is using the moment of your energy, the body cell energy and the creator with spirit energy to create what you intend. The soul is directing the energy by your thought as you need the result. This is thinking that allows you to create a result by idea expression or will, as suggestion to the subconscious, that's done by the subconscious using the energy source or writing. This is with your gathered and gated in energy directed by the soul. That uses the energy consciousness instructed by your soul copy, that's created by your soul to create your result.

  This is then where you think of the point, and that's when it disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by your subconscious and soul copy that you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area that's in energy by feel.

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your expelled energy you think to the area from the aura, that goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration with the energy. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void itself to the aura by the spirit gating it in, and send it back to the void and if to some area it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit after you don't need it. Whenever you do a Occult writer effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class has 10 actual abilities: Self-creative idea (cha), Self-provocation (cha), Illusion (cha), Invisible writing (cha), Peace inducement (cha), The history (cha), The point by magic (Cha), Quick thinking ability (Cha), Magic points (Cha) and Planar shift (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Self-creative idea; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is the writer skill, that you can write anything you want and this could even be in the air and it will manifest by feel or thought. The thought can occur to you that it could have happened sometime. However in real life, this means if you don't intend it it doesn't occur. Its a scale of 1-100, meaning percent wise. You see, get this it's ruled by temperature.

  The higher the temperature the more the chance. It's in farenheit I believe, anywhere from 1 - 100 degrees farenheit. Once it hits 100%, that's a guaranteed manifest and that's it. So roll a 1d100+temperature in fahrenheit up to 100 degrees for what you think is possible. If you rolled a 50 or above, you get a good result. If its under 50 is a fail.

  Any damages or healing done by this are energy based, so the effect is where this is instant and lasts until not needed. That can do damages/healing, this is where you take or give 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take 1/2 the health.

  Self-provocation; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you think to create a provactive feel, that draws people or idea to you. So if in peace, you can do what you want with them. However, if you intend warfare, you can walk away or you may need to fight them. This is said as though a taunt and it drives the animals or people where you want to do your desire through words you say to do what you want in life. Roll a 1d100 and get a result of 51 or above to check if you succeed.

  Illusion; Learning ability level: 3.
  The illusion is where you think of something to show, then think of the idea as you need it shown. The subconscious uses the soul to create a vision with your idea, that is seen by the target..such as an illusionary office in life. This ability will distract the target for 1d8 rounds in battle or until you don't need it. This illusion can do no damage.

  Invisible writing; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where or when you create by magic and write in the air, that uses the fire or heat in the air as a source. That's as your thinking to imprint what you wrote, this is imprinted or etched in the surface of the area. Otherwise you can perceive the idea of what was intended, that's with the "invisible writing" on the wall. This is really patterns that your brain interprets. You can write down what you think is there or do something else. The writing is perceived by the third eye, so think about what it says as you need to know and the spirit reveals what is there to you. If intended, this effect can lead the target's subconscious mind. That's making it do what it perceived as writing. So think and it is a done idea.

  Peace inducement; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you think peace and send out your energy. That creates a peaceful idea in intended moments. The peace of the moment is what causes the targets to not want to be aggressive or fight. There is a 50% chance that you will succeed. As rolled by a 1d100, that is successful if over 50.

  The history; Learning ability level: 5.
  The history is realized and things are known including the special idea. Any pointed out idea may be used for an idea. So think and you know what to do with what is possible.

  The point by magic; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you intend to do things and write it down then speak the idea you intend. This creates what you want by feel or thought in life. This is instant and lasts until not needed. That can do damages/healing, this is where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-9, 1/3 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

  Quick thinking ability; Learning ability level: 7.
  The ability of the brain causes this idea, "I think this is a good time to stop, so for now I am signing off." So if you use this ability you cause by pointing things out the subconscious to create a pause, this is where you spiritually make attention to things and stop the target from doing things online. This is for cyber warfare. Otherwise it can stop a hacker.

  Magic points; Learning ability level: 9.
  What you magic on your subconscious causes. This includes a pulsed beam effect, that you magic into existence however you want to strike the targets. Also, this includes a black mark or elementally done damage that came from fire, water or earth. Think and that includes smudging, this is anywhere and any number of marks that's of your choice to the area or target. Then where there is 3 smudge marks you belong, if you think to magic your emotion or feelings at the point, you create a black mark on objects or a area surface. Then, if you magic your energy at the mark, it will burst into flames.

  The end point is this, if you don't magic at the mark you don't send energy to cause fires. Think about it if you will.. if you think about it, you can cause anything. It's an amazing fact of life. This ability can create a result you would desire or design for by idea. So think about the point, then you may get your desired result by the power of the mark creating with influence what you desire. This is done if necessary or nothing is actually done that happens to occur.

  This is instant and lasts until not needed. That can do damages/healing, this is where you take or give 1/3 the health for levels 1-15, 1/2 the health for levels 16-30. For levels 31+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

  Planar shift; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is an instantaneous planetary gateway that uses the energy to gate you there, that's created by holding a sun disc or disk that upon magicing creates the sun gate or radiation gate using the solar energy. Think your there as you walk through it, and you are where you want to be. Then, the spirit uses the soul and shift you there. This shifts you places where you intend to be. The creator or your God protects you there and allows you to know the rules of the area. The physics are known by the soul and you realize what the soul knows as you think. This spell is instant and can be done to shift you to any time you want, that's by idea that you do things right by feel an what you do is where you go that you understand naturally. If not, you don't go and things are as they are here in life. It's your right to avoid things, so think and you know what to do.

Merchant ability:

  Merchant ability is not meant to be done irl its meant to be played. What it is, its using the moment of your energy empowered by your god or the creator with spirit energy to create what you intend. The soul is directing the energy by your thought as you need the result that you gate in. This is thinking that allows you to create a result by idea expression or will, as suggestion to the subconscious, that's done by the subconscious using the energy source or writing. This is with your gathered and gated in energy directed by the soul. That uses the energy consciousness instructed by your soul copy, that's created by your soul to create your result.

  This is then where you think of the point, and that's when it disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by your god or the creator and soul copy that you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area that's in energy by feel.

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your expelled energy you think to the area from the aura, that goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration with the energy. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void by itself to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and send it back to the void and if to some area it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit or soul after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar. Such as in "this chart" that describes the counter and its elements in detail. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class is what has 10 actual abilities: Money magic (cha), Timing it (cha), Magiced energy effect (cha), Void creation (cha), Spells of creation (cha), Thinking to create (cha), Card magic (Cha), Soul magic (Cha), Nova (Cha) and The end cause effect (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Money magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you create with the power of money. This uses the energy of money itself to create a result. The effect is instant, unless you magic an effect for more than one action. Any damages or healing done by this are energy based, so the effect is where this is instant and lasts until not needed. That can do damages/healing, this is where you take or give 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take 1/2 the health.

  Timing it; Learning ability level: 1.
  Think of the time and speak, then where you want to pop up in their mind and at that time you are heard as though spoken telepathy. Sometimes its heard as though a voice of some God. That's if they don't expect it.

  Magiced energy effect; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you magic the energy of the item and create a result by feel. It works like this, the energy of the item is touched upon as you think to create an effect. This creates the effect as a result.

  Void creation; Learning ability level: 3.
  The effect is done, you create with the power of void. Think you magic channeled energy of the void to void out what you don't like. This neutralizes any attack to yourself, that's done by feel and what you have to do. If you suffered an attack, then the damage is healed that you took, instantly.

  Spells of creation; Learning ability level: 4.
  This is where you think of the effect and state to the dm/gm, that you need this spell done and mention the effect to him/her. The effect is done as if you cast it with a magic check, of 1d20+magic core stat mod or Int mod and get a 10 or above for success. Any spell can be done 3 times a day. This effects any target/s you want effected by gated in energy as you direct it with thought. That lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. Basically, its thought or action that forms reality by the subconscious creating what you need created. So, a safe spell is using any language that bypasses the consciousness, then you target someone and get them to do something that you wanted. This means that whatever the effect, you create by thinking it and the subconscious does what you intend it to do. If you don't intend it, it doesn't occur.

  There are many sorts of spells you can cast, so if you think of the possibility you can do it. You can cast things like smoke cloud, time effects such as time stop on the target/s, cold effect (by finger or hand gesture) or trapping floor by walking over a spot or circle on the ground.

  The other effects can be:
   Mimickry, this spell is formed as you think to mimick the attacker. The subconscious creates what effect you decide to do by energy to them that they do to you.
   Lich form is a spell, that makes you undying and bony by magicing the death and decay energy of the cells internally at the body. That is done by feel, then your spell effects are doubled by feel and intense by magicing.
   Incendiary cloud, that is where you call a cloud of intensified fiery particles that descends upon the targets you have in mind.
   Counter effect, this spell is a counterspell that causes the target to not effect any spell or do any spell you don't like.
   Charm, where you think to charm people into doing or believing in what you want.
   Charm monster, where you cast this on your target/s, even if a monster, then you cause them to be friendly toward you.
   There is a spell of coma effects, where you cast a person into a coma state or a state of not moving. Yet they aren't effected, if you decide to break the spell or the caster dies.
   There is froth, where you enrage or work up the area target/s and then cause them to make mistakes.
   Stinking cloud, this is where you magic on farting into the area of the target/s and they are sick or distracted from the cloud of putridness. They are are so sick they do nothing for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until the cloud disperses outside of battle and that's after you don't need it..
   Dimension door, this is where you imagine the area as a place and think of a portal forming with the right frequency or humming sound heard. Then walk through the gate and your there. If you wanted to return, then you create another gate thinking of the place you left. Then walk through and your back.
   Confusion, this is where you confuse the target. That's making them think one thing and you do another. Yet they have a 50% chance of attacking their allies or otherwise they ignore you. This is with a 51 or above result on a rolled 1d100 for success.
   Frost, where you think cold effects the target or item and cools down the heat of the moment.
   There is lightning, that is magiced from the air and goes to each of the targets from the formation of energy at the palm of the hand..
   There's also Blur self, that causes you to not be attacked as they simply miss you.
   Revive, where you cause a person to revive themself by the power of your soul and spirit.
   The thought cloud, where you think of things that you want and it forms in a bubble in the air or around the target/s. That's as earth is magnetically pulled to surround the target. Immobilizing them as you think it surrounds them, for until you no longer need to thought cloud them.
   Bubble of force, where the target or targets get surrounded by a green energy from the heart. This causes them to think they did something, when they did not as though your subconscious controlled a vision. That they perceived, so by thinking about it you change the vision. This bubble ends as you think to "pop" it out of existence. This bubble of green energy prevents them from attacking you.
   Miasma, this is where you magic your death and decay energy or radiation energy at the targets' brain. Making them sick and disrupted in thinking. That lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until you dispell the effect outside of battle. If the effect continues after 1d6 rounds from magicing it another round, you make them pass out for 1d8 rounds or until you no longer need it to effect them..
   Finger fire where you cast forth fire, as you point your finger at someone and fire forms as though your finger formed a line of it.
   Thought spell where you create your thoughts form reality and thoughts exist. The thought is also able to break a time spell, think of the time and think its broken.
   Levitate, where you cause your target's to levitate, that's rising upward, or de-levitate, that's going back to the ground.
   Invisibility, that's causing the matrix to make yourself invisible where you aren't detected even though you move.
   Poison cloud, this is where you think of the poison gated from somewhere that is spread through the air of the target/s. This effects them by dealing poison damage to the target/s for 1d6 rounds in battle or until they cure poison outside of battle.
   Atomic cloud, this is where you think of atoms rubbing together and desintegrating the target/s body leaving their stuff behind.
   Force back, this is where you think of energy physically pushing back the target/s. The soul forms what you think should be formed. As always, think its not done and it stops effecting the target/s or area by feel.
   Hold, this spell causes the energy you gated in to "hold" the target/s still for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed.
   Hold monster, this spell causes the monster to think and not do things by feel. That lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until not needed outside of battle.
   Animate body, This is where you have the spirit animate the body and act as if alive again.
   Exploding body, this is where you create the body gasses due to energy you put into the body, thinking to cause it to expand rapidly enough to explode in the area near the target/s. That is dealing shrapnel and energy damage to the target/s themselves.
   Animate skeleton, this is where you think to use the soul copy to cause the skeleton to be animated. So the animated body does as you say or think and need it to do.
   Animated exploding body, this is where you use the spirit and soul copy to animate the body and causes it to do what you want. At the right time it explodes near the target or targets, that's done by rapid gas expansion. This does shrapnel and energy damage.
   Acid splash, this is where you summon by gate, powerful acid to shoot forth into the target/s face and eyes. That's doing acid damage in idea that can damage or eats away the flesh of the target for 1d6 rounds in battle or 1d10 minutes outside of battle. That is where each minute is 1 round of damage. Also you blind the target/s, so they can't see you to attack.
   True sight, this is where you use your third eye to see what really is there.
   Power word create, this is where you create what you think should be created, that's by the words you state and the thought you have. That instructs the soul and spirit to create it.
   Erase, this is where you erase the effect or idea by telling or thinking to your subconscious to erase it and it doesn't manifest by intent.
   Elemental effect, this is where you cast forth any element like fire, air, earth and water to effect the target with a gesture.
   Healing, this is where you heal the damages that's done to you by magicing energy through the body and the wound or burns disappears.

 The damage/healing possible are by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for in a level 20 character, it would be 21d8+6. In amount, that's 174% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  After level 10 you get an enhanced magic effect, where the spell lasts twice as long. That is where 1d6 is now 1d12 rounds in battle. Still, it lasts until you don't need it outside of battle. Any spell you don't want effecting you, doesn't effect you by this effect. If you want it to effect yourself, then it will by the power of the soul. This in effect effects those you want effected, so think and you can get what effect you intend. If you don't have intention for it to effect, if you think there is no effect by feel in effect.

  Thinking to create; Learning ability level: 5.
  The thought is created, the soul and spirit use the cells energy to create what you want. This does energy effects instantly, unless you magic the effect to be more than one action.

  The damage/healing possible are by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 21d8+6. In amount, that's 174% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Card magic; Learning ability level: 7.
  If you have cards of any sort, you can think to magic with the energy of the card you hold. That creates the effect you think to create, such as drawing the target/s into the card itself. Making them not to be able to attack you for 1d8 rounds in battle or until released from the card by feel. This effect is instant otherwise.

  The damage/healing possible are by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 21d10+6. In amount, that's 216% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Soul magic; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you think to be somewhere and you are by the power of the soul. This includes sending your soul copy generated by the soul to the target and controlling them from within to make what effect you want. That uses the energy you gate in to create what you intend. This includes making the target/s attack themselves or they attack their allies.

  Nova; Learning ability level: 9.
  Think to summon gated in energy to your aura, then with what you feel is enough magic on the idea its bursting forth the extra energy as though by imagining a bright red light bursting from you. This creates the effect of instantly doing fire damage to your targets that are nearby you.

  The damage/healing possible are by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 21d12+6. In amount, that's 258% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  The end cause effect; Learning ability level: 10.
  This is where and when you think of the ending and it is done by fate. Think about the idea to cause, then you create what you think about. Write it down or need it and it is done as you state it out loud. This is done by the power of fate doing what you want. This is instant and lasts until not needed. That can do damages/healing, this is where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-9, 1/3 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health unless save versus magic is made. Then, its where you can take 1/2 the health. This save is done by 1d20+charisma mod and getting 10 or above.

goto magic index
Archeologist ability:

  Archeologist ability for this game is not meant to be done irl its meant to be played. What it is, its using the moment of your energy empowered by your subconscious with spirit energy to create what you intend. The soul is directing the energy by your thought making the moment as you need the result. That energy you gate in or out. This is thinking that allows you to create a result by idea expression or will, this happens as you do things as you use suggestion to the subconscious, that's done by the subconscious using the energy source or writing. This is with your gathered and gated in energy directed by the soul. That uses the energy consciousness instructed by your soul copy, that's created by your soul to create your result.

  This is then where you think of the point, and that's when it disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by tme energy consciousness and soul copy that you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area that's in energy by feel.

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your energy that you think to the area from the aura, that goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration with the energy. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void by itself to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and send it back to the void and if to some area it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit or soul after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar. Such as in "this chart" that describes the counter and its elements in detail. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class is what has 10 actual abilities: Demon eating (cha), Detection (cha), Magic creation (cha), Music creation (cha), Symbolic magic system (Cha), Elemental protection (cha), Enhanced magic (cha), Magiced void (Cha), Immunity (Cha) and Combat elemency (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Demon eating; Learning ability level: 1.
  This ability can elongate your spiritual teeth, then you sense and are able to eat the demon and it doesn't come back. This is like your eating a cooked meal made up of it, that you imagine. That means your God or the creator changes you, so you are able to do this. If you eat their demon, then you clear up the need to fight as though it were not necessary.

  Detection; Learning ability level: 1.
  This ability creates with the carbon dating of the artifact, that details when the artifact or bones were from. You also know what it can do, that's by the soul realization by feel and the spirit knowledge. On touch of an item or bones, you can detail the time and date of the item or bones. That's done by your soul reading the item or bones, that you realize by feel.

  Magic creation; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you create magic as in you think to work and do things. This includes creating energy tools. Formed from the element you choose to use. Thinking about it forms it as a chi ball.. then you create by programming the energy thinking to it what you want to create what you want by the chi ball doing it from its conscious programming. If there is not enough heat in the air, then wait 3 to 5 minutes to create again. As the energy has to replenish itself. Think it doesn't form, then it disappears as though not formed by feel.

  This lasts 1d6 rounds in battle if not instant, otherwise this lasts for until you don't need it. Any damages or healing done by this are energy based, so the effect is where this is instant and lasts until not needed. That can do damages/healing, this is where you take or give 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take 1/2 the health.

  Music creation; Learning ability level: 3.
  Think of the idea, then listen to music and you create by energy waves. The song's energy waves are what create the music into an effect. That you want as a need. It doesn't form as you don't need it formed in real life in idea.

  The damage/healing possible are instant and by level. That's per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 21d8+6. In amount, that's 174% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Symbolic magic system; Learning ability level: 4.
  This magic is interesting, its where you magic on the idea or target/s and intend what you think to happen. That's as you trace a symbol in the air or on a carved symbol. That you need to create a trigger effect. Thinking the idea is to form. This works by the subconscious creating the effect you intend. If intention is needed at you, then you can use your subconscious to block it. This is in defense of being effected. The effect is where you think this and need that, then its that after you think about it. It lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you don't need it outside of battle.

  The damage/healing possible are instant and by level. That's per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 21d8+6. In amount, that's 174% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Elemental protection; Learning ability level: 4.
  This is where you find the elements shielding you by feel. They keep you unaffected by attacks for 1d6 rounds in battle, and until otherwise needed outside of battle. After level 10, the shielding lasts for 1d8 rounds in battle.

  Enhanced magic; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you magic electricity and fire or some element together, that you think combines after you gate it in somewhere, then create a double magic effect.

  This can last 1d8 rounds in battle or until you don't need it to effect. The damage/healing possible are by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 10 magic core stat mod or Int mod points and 7 charisma mod, then for a level 30 character, it would be 40d10+7. In amount, that's 407% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Magiced void; Learning ability level: 7.
  This voids out the idea you intend not to have, use of quantum energy or void energy is the gating in void energy to create what you want to happen by the feel. That is making enemies disappear or the effect they cast not to happen. This can act as a shield that lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or until dispelled outside of battle. This effect makes it so you aren't bothered, so the effect at you doesn't effect and bother you.

  Immunity; Learning ability level: 7.
  You are immune to all attacks, this is done by the spirit absorbing the energy and the making of any spirit and effects by the spirit that's hostile that you don't want. That's done by thinking your immune and the subconscious creates the effect where you aren't damaged, this is for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not desired out of combat.

  Combat elemency; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think you do and will energy to combine the atomic cell energy with the elements, that's with your will and spirit forming the effect by gating in energy. Then create the ultimate combat as you magic the combined effect, thinking the energy goes along your weapon creating an amped effect. Add half level round down + d10 + magic core stat mod or Int mod in elemental damage to your weapon damage.

goto magic index
Magic engineer ability:

  Magic engineer ability for this game is not meant to be done irl its meant to be played. What it is, its using the moment of your energy empowered by your subconscious with spirit energy to create what you intend. The soul is using the energy by your thought making the moment as you need the result, that's done by duplicating itself and the copy directs the moment. That energy you gate in or out. This is thinking that allows you to create a result by idea expression or will, this happens as you do things as you use suggestion to the subconscious, that's done by the subconscious using the energy source, the creator or your God.

  This is then where you think of the point, and that's when it disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by tme energy consciousness and soul copy that you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]". That's where the subconscious is used to create what you need with gated in energy using your 3rd eye or spirit. This is done by directing the energy with need or thought, that you think to the area that's in energy by feel.

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your energy that you think to the area from the aura, that goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration with the energy. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves. You can gate in extra energy from the void by itself to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and send it back to the void and if to some area it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit or soul after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round. If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class is what has 13 actual abilities: Think a point (cha), Fuse (cha), Ascend (cha), Electron magic (cha), Communication technique (cha), Circle wards (cha), Elemental balls (Cha), Shock absorber (cha), Reversal (cha), En moment (cha), Autobuilder (cha), Photons (Cha) and 4th dimension (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Think a point; Learning ability level: 1.
  Think your free and the energy consciousness makes you free of any constraints. If you think of what you want it to do, then it does. The effect is energy created, the time it lasts is 1d6 rounds in battle or outside of battle until you no longer need it. Any damages or healing done by this are energy based, so the effect is where this is instant and lasts until not needed. That can do damages/healing, this is where you take or give 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take or give 1/2 the health.

  Fuse; Learning ability level: 1.
  This ability is creating with energy and fusing something together or fusing things together with an action, otherwise you can unfuse them. People can lift objects like logs, fans, sails and more besides, and adhere them to other objects (as well as breaking those connections) to result in complex constructions made for a specific purpose. This fuse ability allows you to create instant combinations of weapons and shields merged with other items like rocks and other things, changing how they work, how durable they are, and how much damage they can deal. The changed weapon deals double the damage normally done. Once unfused, that added material object is destroyed leaving the original object untouched.

  Ascend; Learning ability level: 1.
  You use one action to raise yourself up and through with an action. That's going to what is above you by the creator doing the deed, and you are then on the above surface. You can also lower yourself to the surface area below as though magically done by feel.

  Electron magic; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you charge the electron into doing what you intend. Thinking of the moment and needing something, instructs the energy consciousness into creating it by the split off of the charged electron spin-off. It lasts 1d6 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it outside of battle.

  The effect of this is energy created. This can last 1d6 rounds in battle or until you don't need it to effect. The damage/healing possible are by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 16 character, it would be 14d8+5. In amount, that's 117% health that's removed or given as max. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Communication technique; Learning ability level: 3.
  You just need to relax and look out at night or day and ask your question inside. With this technique you are only able to communicate 2 or 3 times per day. Every time you can feel like you are being called and you have a feeling that you should go and talk.

  Circle wards; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you think of a big circle and trace it in the area, then whatever you set it against, like attacks. It will prevent. This lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle or until its not needed outside of battle.

  Elemental balls; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you create in idea the magic as in you think to work and do things. So its formed from the element you choose to use and gate in by feel. Thinking about it forms it as a chi ball.. then you create by programming the energy thinking to it what you want to create what you want by the chi ball doing it from its conscious programming. The energy is gated in and creates itself by feel. Close the gate to stop the effect by allowing your soul to close it.

  Like forming a fireball, think heat energy is compressed into the ball of green energy and when it stops absorbing then throw it against a surface. This should take 2 actions. It should leave a dark spot or smudge mark. This is the first stage, if you want to actually cause a fire, then think energy or green chi energy goes into the mark or marks from your hand or where you are magicing upon it. Then it will smoke and burn as it bursts into flames. If there is not enough heat in the air, then wait 3 to 5 seconds or 1 action to create again.

  As the energy in idea has to replenish itself. Think it doesn't form, then it disappears as though not formed by feel. There is the waterball that can wet things or create moisture, think water energy forms as a ball of trace moisture. Thinking to create it with the chi ball absorbing water energy that you think goes to the area you thought threw it at. The area will be cool and wettish as it formed a smudge on the area. Airballs are compressed air into a chi ball and magiced at a target area. If formed right, it can punch a hole through things.

  The earthball is magicing a compressed brown energy into the chi ball, when done it will smell of earth and can block and defend. Think to throw it into a surface and it can dampen with a cool feel the area forming a smudge on the area like a wall. This is not all you can do, but it is allot of idea put into one thing as its your third eye or subconscious that sees your need and forms the idea to exist by feel or idea noticed.. Anyways, as you throw it at a living target that's not the wall, then you can create elemental damages.

  All except for the void ball that's instant, that you magic gated in black void energy into the chi ball and then toss it at the target. This void ball absorbs all the target/s energy and health, that's given to you as its turning the target into dust. Acid balls are acid energy thought into the chi ball and thrown at the target. This does acid damage for 1d6 rounds in battle or until dead outside of battle. Poison balls are poison essence thought into the chi ball and tossed at the target. That does poison damage on the target for 1d6 rounds in battle or until dead outside of battle. Think and you know what to do.

  This can last 1d8 rounds in battle or until you don't need it to effect if not instant. The damage/healing possible are by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 10 magic core stat mod or Int mod points and 7 charisma mod, then for a level 30 character, it would be 40d10+7. In amount, that's 407% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Shock absorber; Learning ability level: 6.
  This is where you use the shock of electron charges and create a wave of electrons and effected protons. That neuralize the damage and absorb it into the particles, that are used to create what effect you may have. This is where you think and do, thinking of energizing the atoms in the body, that creates the electron wave in the first place. On use, this can create longetivity, the point is done if you think its done so add "ageless" w/o quotes as your charater age. Think to use the electron wave, then you aren't effected by attack for 1d8 rounds in battle or until you no longer need it outside of battle.

  Reversal; Learning ability level: 6.
  You reverse the momentum of what machine or attack, that is there by the power of the subconscious. This recall is using an ability that allows players to "rewind" time and the path of physical objects, essentially forcing those objects to undo any motions they did recently with an action taken up. It's a great way to send enemy projectiles hurtling back toward them mid-throw, or as a means to cross certain rivers, lakes, or pits of lava by reversing the flow of drifting items you can step on.

  En moment; This is where you create realistically the moment to end as the subconscious makes it end. This can end any hostility before its expressed. So think about its use and you can do that by feel. Thinking about it will end the strike harmlessly. Think peace and you form it by the attempt you do.

  En moment; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you create realistically the moment to end as the subconscious makes it end. This can end any hostility before its expressed. So think about its use and you can do that by feel. Thinking about it will end the strike harmlessly. Think peace and you form it by the attempt you do.

  Autobuilder; Learning ability level: 8.
  This ability of the creators will make you anything you need as though instantly except it takes one minute or less to do, thinking that's to be found by you as though the right materials were there. So this even can use gemstones to get a pattern, that you will to be built. This is where you hold the gemstone, think of what you need and its there where you look to find it.

  Photons; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you can create with charging your influence onto the photons themselves, that creates what result you may have. This is instant and creates by magic, so think and you know what to do. That's as you think about it and it happens.

  This can last 1d8 rounds in battle or until you don't need it to effect. The damage/healing possible are energy damages known by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 24d12+6. In amount, that's 294% health that's removed or given as max. The amounts are:

   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  4th dimension; Learning ability level: 10.
  This is where you pause time by the power of your God or the creator and think of the 4th to shift there, then state what you want to happen and when in the 3rd. Then, you setup the moment, that happens as you think the third and shift back and your subconscious unfreezes time. You can create any result in the 3rd from the 4th. This is where your thinking about what you need, motioning with your hand and creating a result with explanation if necessary.

  This lasts 1d8 rounds in battle if not instant, otherwise this lasts for until you don't need it. Any damages or healing done by this are energy based, so the effect is where this is instant and lasts until not needed. That can do damages/healing, this is where you take or give 1/6 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take all the health, except for when they make a saving roll using charisma mod as its base. That's 1d20+charisma mod and with a 10 or above result. Then, you halve the damage.

goto magic index
Geologist ability:

  Geologist ability for this game is not meant to be done irl, its meant to be played. What it is, its using the moment of your energy empowered by your subconscious with spirit energy, this is where the spirit is empowered by the creator that's used to create what you intend. The soul is guiding the energy by your thought, that's making the moment as you need the result. That's done by the soul duplicating itself and the copy directs the moment. That energy you gate in or back out to the void.

  This is then where you think of the point, and that's when the copy disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by the energy consciousness and soul copy that you think or need to exist. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]".

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your energy, that you think to the area directed by programming rthings from the aura. That goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration with the energy. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves.

  You can gate in extra energy from the void by itself to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and send it back to the void and if to some area it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect with the subconscious mind. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit or soul after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think of as the source that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round.

  If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class is what has 7 actual abilities: Earth detection (cha), Appearance (cha), Wave energy (cha), Elemental summons (cha), Shaping (Cha), Recreation (cha) and Thought control (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Earth Detection; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is an early warning, where you are sensitive to vibration, and can sense when someone or something is coming near. This includes seismic waves that indicate an earthquake. This effect is instant.

  Appearance; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you magic the vibration in the planet, programming it to make through the vibration the spirit or apparition appear at least in photos. You can make almost anyone invisible appear to the third eye in a moment. This effect is instant.

  Wave energy; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you magic the energy of sound and the earth into creating an effect by thought programming it, as the subconscious does the programming and the consciousness of energy does the idea with its influence. This includes a wave attack. That effects the targets and does damages to them. This effect is instant. Any damages or healing done by this are energy based, so the effect is where this is instant and lasts until not needed. That can do damages/healing, this is where you take or give 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take or give 1/2 the health.

  Elemental summons; Learning ability level: 5.
  This ability creates what is called the elements, like water, earth, air, fire, poison, acid and void. Think to gate in energy to create the effect. That effect occurs because of the creator or your God. This is using your thought and need for the energy to program it into emulating the element. This even includes attacks and healing however you form the element.

  Some like spheres that you think into existence. Some like beams. Some create elementals at level 10 or living elements that are shaped as you can summon 1d8 elementals at once. See these elementals have your stats, except for 100% health and a different shape. Think of how you want to create it, and state to the dm/gm what you want to do to make use of this. This effect is instant and lasts until 1d6 rounds in battle passes, or until you no longer need it.

  The damage/healing possible are instant and by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 21d8+6. In amount, that's 174% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Shaping; Learning ability level: 5.
  This ability creates a shape of energy formed from air and some element like earth. That emulates a being as it exists.. it has 100% Health and is shaped like the being. The rest of the stats are your own. It basically does what you intend or need. This lasts until you no longer need it or it thinks to end its life.

  Recreation; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is the point that your spirit recreates the idea or process that you observe to cause it to effect a target or targets. You can even recreate a target form by feel. Any recreation starts with spiritual recreation, then in you need it.. physical recreation. This lasts 1d8 rounds in battle and until you no longer need it outside of battle. The damages or healing possible with this is half level+d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod in amount.

  Thought control; Learning ability level: 7.
  The thought of controlling the creature or targets is done by the creator. You can make them do anything by feel and need. This control lasts 1d8 rounds in battle, and until not wanted outside of battle. This ability, it could even stop the attackrs from attacking. Instead, they attack themselves.

goto magic index
Astrophysicist ability:

  Astrophysicist ability for this game is not meant to be done irl, its meant to be played. What it is, its using the moment of your energy empowered by the sun or planet, that your subconscious combines with spirit energy. The soul is guiding the energy by your thought, that's making the moment as you need the result. That's done by the soul duplicating itself and the copy directs the moment. That energy you gate in or back out to the void.

  This is then where you think of the point, and that's when the soul copy disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by the energy consciousness and soul copy thinks its done. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]".

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your energy, that you think to the area directed by programming things from the aura energy. That goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration with the idea energy. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and you get to the target you want effected with an effect. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves.

  You can gate in extra energy from the void by itself, that's to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and send it back to the void. If to some area and it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect, this is with the subconscious mind allowing it. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic, with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit or soul, after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think is done of the idea as the source, that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round.

  If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class is what has 9 actual abilities: Astronomy magic (cha), Researching (cha), Thinking game (cha), Third eye creation (cha), Planetary recharge (Cha), The shock (cha), The planets (cha), Force effects (cha) and Thoughts verses force (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Astronomy magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  The planet magic is when the planets are the power source, that we magic upon and channel our thought by the creator to the planets. This means you channel your need to its consciousness, then it creates where we want it to create what we need. This is not meant to be used as it is for the game itself. This effect is instant. Any damages or healing done by this are energy based, so the effect is where this is instant and lasts until not needed. That can do damages/healing, this is where you take or give 1/8 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take or give 1/2 the health.

  Researching; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you think to know, do some research that comes your way. Then when the soul shares its idea, what you need to realize is realized as a realization.

  Thinking game; Learning ability level: 3.
  The game is the thought you have, that programs the energy consciousness by the subconsciousness programming it. This is where you think of something, and it effects the target/s by feel or idea perception. What it perceives, causes it to pause for 1d6 rounds in battle or until we stop thinking to them outside of battle.

  The damage/healing possible are instant and by level, also if there is lingering thoughts on them, the effects can linger 1d6 rounds in battle or until not thought about outside of battle. So its per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 21d8+6. In amount, that's 174% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  The third eye creation; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you magic your third eye on a thought, and create with the energy around you as you direct planetary energy. The third eye creates with the planets, as you think of what you need and will it to exist. This creates the idea as a form of manifest, that you find or observe going into play. Think of the use and you get a result easier.

  The damage/healing possible are instant and by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 21d10+6. In amount, that's 216% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Planetary recharge; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you think to the planet consciousness, thinking to keep you recharged in energy. This energy is where you never run out. So place infinite where your stamina is on the character sheet.

  The shock; Learning ability level: 7.
  This creates with idea, that you magic energy through the area to do what you desire. This energy can be magiced through an item you hold, thinking to send a combined force into the area and the target or targets. Of course you are empowered by the creator's or God's energy to get results. This is where you can think of the item use and magic the heat as fire energy, that goes through it to effect and decapitate the target/s. Basically, you could make said targets paused or not move, and collapse in a heart attack from lightning or electricity.

  The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That are done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 21d12+6. In amount, that's 258% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  The planets; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you magic on a play in the sky, that's through a telescope, and see yourself there in idea. This ability allows you to shift to a planet surface, if its livable. Your subconscious allows you to know what is there, before you think to go there you know if its liveable. Return is done as you look away. Like a mural of stars in the sky, that you know about through the power and knowledge of the creator. Your there by the power of the soul. Incoming beings, people or aliens are always known.

  Force effects; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think of using force over action, and summon the solar energy of any sun by suggesting it to yourself. What you intend to occur, occurs by idea you notice. It happens by feel or observation. That's as you think to the sun what you want. This is created by the subconscious mind using solar influence. This can neutralize whatever you don't like. you don't even have to see the sun as you "channel" it using your third eye into effecting what you want.

  The damage/healing possible are instant and by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 28d8+6. In amount, that's 230% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   5d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Thoughts versus force; Learning ability level: 10.
  This is where you do things physically as you think of things to create. The thought is what creates in using an idea, so in itself the thought is what creates itself. That is using the built up energy of kinetic movement. This creates what you wanted like a mega effect using the sun of choice, and planets you want to create with. You create the effect by thinking about the idea.

  That means they are empowered by the sun and solar empowered planets, that's using the subconsciousness channelling the energy into effect. The force is countered by thought and actions in idea, where you think about countering the action that was done. This restores lost health, this is thought force as you use the energy released and think into existence what you want to effect the targets. So think about the idea to do, then you can achieve whatever you so desire.

  The damage/healing possible are instant unless a duration or time of effect is there, then its 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of combat. Then its by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 28d10+6. In amount, that's 286% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   5d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

goto magic index
Physicist ability:

  Physicist ability for this game is not meant to be done irl, its meant to be played. What it is, its using the moment of your energy empowered by the soul, that your subconscious combines with spirit and cell energy. The soul is guiding the energy by your thought, that's making the moment as you need the result. That's done by the soul duplicating itself and the copy directs the moment. That energy you gate in or back out to the void.

  This is then where you think of the point, and that's when the soul copy disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by the energy consciousness and soul copy thinks its done. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]".

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your energy, that you think to the area directed by programming things from the aura energy. That goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration with the idea energy. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and you get to the target you want effected with an effect. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves.

  You can gate in extra energy from the void by itself, that's to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and send it back to the void. If to some area and it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect, this is with the subconscious mind allowing it. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic, with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit or soul, after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think is done of the idea as the source, that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round.

  If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class is what has 8 actual abilities: Math and physics power (cha), Experiment (cha), Intensities (cha), Intrinsics (cha), Death magic (cha), Third eye (Cha), Soul math (cha) and Improved shaping (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Math and physics power; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you create with math and physics in your head, as energy comes from that gate your soul makes or unmakes. Then, you create with a point of expression, like "I summon the elemental of energy to [name the need or action required." Then how you mathematically thought it out, this is how it does things. It has 100% health, your form and the rest of your stats. This means you think of deducting or subtraction and the targets reduce themselves by what you subtract. If only one target, then subtract 1 from 1 and the enemy disappears. That's only if you intend it. This is instant and does in damages/healing: half level (round down)+d8+magic or conentration core stat mod.

  Experiment; Learning ability level: 2.
  This is where you do things to find out about the idea, then you know by the research you do with experiments. This takes an hour or less, so think and you know what to do. This could be anything, like a science experiment that you mix idea and get a result. Roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or better for success.

  Intensities; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you think and use your intense feeling to make things happen. This adds 2d10 damage or healing to the target/s. That's along with the normal damages or healing done. This is instant and does in normal damages/healing: half level (round down)+d10+magic or conentration core stat mod.

  Intrinsics; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you improve your math summoning skills, thinking about the formula you create better results. This is instant and does in damages/healing: half level (round down)+d10+magic or conentration core stat mod.

  Death magic; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you make use of death and decay energy from the body cells, thinking about the idea to create with it using the photons to reach the target. You can magic it on your weapon or fist, then hit with death energy effects added to the weapon damage. Otherwise you can send to the target/s the death energy, to cause whatever you want. That's like healing, if you target the disease cells or damages, if you target their liver or internal organs like the brain. This is instant and does in damages/healing: half level (round down)+d12+magic or conentration core stat mod.

  Third eye; Learning ability level: 7.
  The third eye is used by thinking it is, thinking to activate their chakras and create a result. This is when they can use aspects of the chakras. Like for instance, roots come out and trip up the target/s when they use their root chakras. Otherwise, they use chakra energy to create what they want to effect the target/s. This is instant and does energy damage mixed with elemental energy summoned by gate. This is in damages/healing: half level (round down)+d12+magic or conentration core stat mod.

  Soul math; Learning ability level: 8.
  This is where you magic the math skills and use 1 action, thinking to create with the problem that your soul creates within the target/s body. This problem could be anything you want it to be in idea. As though you thought of a problem like you wanted crippling, some delusion or being comotose, that makes them not want to fight. They are distracted by the problem for 1d8 rounds in battle or until you will away the problem outside of combat.

  Improved shaping; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think about things for the energy, then do things to create by shaping the energy and making an improved result. Whatever you want to do shapes the energy into what you want the energy to do. Think or say "release" and you set it off to do the idea. That creates constructs that do things and appear like you wanted, that you need and it senses to do that you want. This is non instant as it takes 1 actions to form and 1 action to create a result. That does in damages/healing: half level (round up)+d12+magic or conentration core stat mod.

goto magic index
Herald mage ability:

  Herald mage ability for this game is not meant to be done irl, its meant to be played. What it is, its using the moment of your energy empowered by the soul, that your subconscious combines with spirit and cell energy and its ensured by the creator or your God in success. The soul is guiding the energy by your thought, that's making the moment as you need the result. That's done by the soul duplicating itself and the copy directs the moment. That energy you gate in or back out to the void.

  This is then where you think of the point, and that's when the soul copy disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by the energy consciousness and soul copy thinks its done. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]".

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your energy, that you think to the area directed by programming things from the aura energy. That goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration within the idea energy charging the aura waves. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and you get to the target you want effected with an effect. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves.

  You can gate in extra energy from the void by itself, that's to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and send it back to the void. If to some area and it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect, this is with the subconscious mind allowing it. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic, with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit or soul, after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think is done of the idea as the source, that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round.

  If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class is what has 10 actual abilities: Heraldric magic (cha), Sensing (cha), Unravelling the pattern (cha), Absorption (cha), Enhanting (cha), Projection (cha), Blood effect (Cha), Truth tell (cha), Astral magic (cha) and Planet magic (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Heraldric magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where energy surges through you, and you can summon any element to create a result. This includes magiced elemental effects that you gate in with energy from the soul forming what you want and unforming the gate afterwards, where its earth, lightning or electricity, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid.

   Earth; Earth can be used to hold or block things or form earth balls around the target or in the air, that you mentally project towards the target.
   Lightning or electricity; This is is shock that can be summoned by thinking it into existance to effect what you want by a soul formed gate, its raw energy in formation where summoned and can rip through armor and the person/s beneath, electrifying them or form lightning balls that go through the targets to instantly shock them. It can electrify anything. However there is a verbal form of lightning called "shock", that you state certain things and get peoples attention to the ideal. This is idea that you think should be viewed or known about in life. So don't be afraid to explain what you want to be known, anything could be a talking point.
   Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms that can levitate you and others, hold things in the air and punch people up.
   Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity and form ice balls or hail from the sky.
   Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke.
   Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water from the air moisture into waves or water balls.
   Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls. The smaller the fireball formed by compressing it into a psi ball and thrown, will reach the target faster and deal more damage. If you used 2 actions in forming one, your damages or healing would be doubled.
   Void; Void can if gated cause void or removal of the energy, erase a target of what is not liked. So it can dissipate the target into energy where you make the target disappear, think to cause the target/s to be drained of stp, you can cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s. Otherwise form draining void balls, that shoot to the target to do deadly damages to disease or whatever you target making the target numbed. This is effective to cure disorders as well, so use it to cure as you want to feel better.
   Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
   Acid; Acid can be summoned to eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, or form acid balls.

  Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/6 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take or give 1/2 the health. It can last for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you decide its not needed. That's outside of battle.

  Sensing; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you think to notice something, then you create with expression what you intend to do with what you sensed. The soul and spirit draws your attention to the point of interest. You realize what is there or what occured.

  Unravelling the pattern; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you unravel the effect or pattern of life that you sense, sensing out the threads of the pattern that are energy effects you noticed. Then tugging the threads loose, until it unravels the pattern and creates a point of normalcy.

  Absorption; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you absorb into the body, what you intend to absorb you think to absorb to feel it gets absorbed into the aura as energy. This can absorb damages and attacks as well for use as extra energy, that's as things in idea done by you

  Enchanting; Learning ability level: 7.
  The enchant is an expressed point where you think of what you want, and think the object or person does things. That's done by the energy you or your soul casts forth. The residue energy keeps it enchanted, until the energy drains away by the soul draining it of excess energy. This is done after 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you no longer need it enchanted. This can be used to deal damages or healing, or whatever else you want with it. The amount that used for restoring health or removing health aka healing or damages, is: half level (round up)+d10+magic or concentration skill core stat mod. That means you had a character that wanted to heal, that is level 16 and works with a higher magic core stat mod or Int mod of 14. Then the healing amount is 8d10+16 in amount. That makes a max of 96% healed with the character's health increased by 96%.

  Projection; Learning ability level: 8.
  The idea you don't like you project as energy to the area and heal yourself by feel with the release that's harmlessly done of energy and emotions. This in turn lights up the area by what you think. So if you thought to project a wound energy as energy through the aura harmlessly to the area, then you cause the area to be lit up at least to your third eye. This is in turn allows you to see in the dark.

  Blood effect; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think about what you need. Thinking about blood energy from the oxygen in the blood. You magic it into creating whatever effect you desire. The damage/healing possible are instant and by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 9 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 7 charisma mod, then for a level 24 character, it would be 27d10+7. In amount, that's a max of 277% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Truth tell; Learning ability level: 10.
  This is where you think to project some energy at an object. Then the object, if its fake will give off a false vibe. A true object that's not faked and with some technique, that will give off a true feeling that reveals it to be true. What if it doesn't give off a feel? Then you figure out another way, that you observe or search out or scan it and see.

  Astral magic; Learning ability level: 10.
  This is where you create with an effect, that's gating in astral energy to create here with the astral plane. The soul opens up the gate and closes it, that's as you need it open or closed. You can optionally choose to create in the astral plane, thinking to effect here. But, you need 3 times the effect by intensely magiced energy to get an effect here from the astral plane.

  Either way, the damage/healing possible are instant and can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 9 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 7 charisma mod, then for a level 24 character, it would be 27d12+7. In amount, that's a max of 331% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Planet magic; Learning ability level: 11.
  This in nature is the planets in use, then realized by the spirit sharing the idea to the soul. That's gleaned from watching the planet as it does things. This allows you to know the nature of the planet and if its safe to use. So then if you want to use the energy consciousness of the planet, relax by breathing slowly in and out. Then, think the planet serves you by creating the effect, wherever you need it formed. This includes teleporting there by feel, think or feel it necessary and you come back again if necessary. This effect forms instantly and can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle, or think it to exist until you don't want it outside of combat. The damages/healing it can do are: half level (round down)+d12+magic core stat mod or Int mod in amount.

goto magic index
MIB ability:

  Men in black ability for this game is not meant to be done irl, its meant to be played. What it is, its using the moment of magicing your energy, that your subconscious combines with spirit and sun energy. Then its ensured by the creator or your God in success. The soul is guiding the energy by your thought, that's making the moment as you need the result. That's done by the soul duplicating itself and the copy directs the moment. That energy you gate in or back out to the void.

  This is then where you think of the point of expression, and that's when the soul copy disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by the energy consciousness and soul copy that allows you to think its done. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]".

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your energy, that you think to the area directed by programming things from the aura energy. That goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration within the idea energy charging the aura waves. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and you get to the target you want effected with an effect. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves.

  You can gate in extra energy from the void by itself, that's to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and send it back to the void. If to some area and it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect, this is with the subconscious mind allowing it. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic, with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit or soul, after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think is done of the idea as the source, that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round.

  If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class is what has 6 actual abilities: Psychic manifest (cha), Physical manifest (cha), Constructs creation (cha), Power word spells (cha), En creation (cha) and Planet creativity (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Psychic manifest; Learning ability level: 1.
  They use energy summons by their soul gating it into the aura..then by thinking of the idea you get a result. Like the elements you think to summon into an area, and having it effect the targets in the area. They know by intuition when it was done. This can last 1d6 rounds in battle or until you don't need it outside of battle.

  Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/6 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take or give 1/2 the health. It can last for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you decide its not needed. That's outside of battle.

  Physical manifest; Learning ability level: 3.
  That is creating with a point of expression and cause the third eye to make by telling it by thought to create with energy that the soul gated in to make something physically there.

  Either way, the damage/healing possible are instant energy effects and can linger for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 9 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 22 character, it would be 27d8+6. In amount, that's a max of 222% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Constructs creation; Learning ability level: 4.
  You can create 1d6 energy constructs, that does the same thing a sigil can. However, in practice constructs can do the same thing as sigils, sigils allow you to have something physical-ish to magic on. Servitors and sigils would be two different things. That can include exploding constructs. Announce to your DM/GM what you intend. Add the constructs feat to your feats list.

  Either way, the damage/healing possible are instant elemental energy effects and can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 9 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 7 charisma mod, then for a level 24 character, it would be 27d10+7. In amount, that's a max of 277% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Power word spells; Learning ability level: 5.
  This uses a listed spell like "I=create a concept". That's where the left side of idea is = or ; that means effect activator, and right side is definition. This is where you say the idea for the effect or trigger word and look to read the definition that the subconscious does by feel. See that's how this works, if you think about the effect and don't need it. What you need is done by the third eye or subconscious suggestion. Think about it and its done by the mind, as you need the happens.

  Then, you can cancel out anything that is existing except other spells you want, as though you will the effect to exist. So if given enough time for the energies to surge and do the idea for you. This is done in effect by what is what where you think. However, what you don't want to happen won't occur as its blocked by the subconscious mind. These are the things that are possible here. It can effect whomever and whatever you want.

  Either way, the damage/healing possible are instant and can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 18 character, it would be 14d12+5. In amount, that's a max of 173% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  en creation; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is the point you null the idea at the end. Thinking of what counts as creative idea. Thinking of the idea to end, you state to the DM/GM "En [specify what]." and the target disappears. Leaving all their stuff behind. There is a 50% chance that tyhis succeeds, so roll a 1d100+luck and get 51 or above for successful results. Anything below 51 is a failure and rolling a 1 is dramatic failure. In dramatic failure, you could disappear an item or something like that. Otherwise, nothing happens on a fail.

  Planet creativity; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you magic on the planet consciousness, thinking to it that you harness its energy. Gating it to effect where you want, as point of expression is done. This is done by the energy with pinpoint accuracy. This is star fire or some planet force that you magic into existence, that's not too overwhelming where you are at the moment. You are energized by what is done, make your STP say on the character sheet that its infinite.

  This is instantly created and can linger 1d8 rounds in battle, or until not needed outside of battle. Its damages/healing amounts are where you take or give 1/4 the health for levels 1-9, 1/3 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take or give all the health, except for when they make a savings throw vs magic and then its 1/2 the damages.

goto magic index
Analyst ability:

  Analyst ability for this game is not meant to be done irl, its meant to be played. What it is, its using the moment of analysis with magicing your energy, that your subconscious combines with spirit to create with knowing what you want. Then its ensured by the creator or your God in success. The soul is guiding the energy by your thought, that's making the moment as you need the result. That's done by the soul duplicating itself and the copy directs the moment. That energy you gate in or back out to the void.

  This is then where you think of the point of expression, and that's when the soul copy disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by the energy consciousness and soul copy that allows you to think its done. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]".

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your energy, that you think to the area directed by programming things from the aura energy. That goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration within the idea energy charging the aura waves. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and you get to the target you want effected with an effect. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves.

  You can gate in extra energy from the void by itself, that's to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and send it back to the void. If to some area and it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect, this is with the subconscious mind allowing it. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic, with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit or soul, after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think is done of the idea as the source, that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round.

  If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class is what has 11 actual abilities: Grey magic (cha), Analysis (cha), Illusionous ability (cha), Mind block (cha), Mind blank (cha), Hypnotic trance (Cha), Control (cha), Stated elementalism (cha), Stated effect (Cha), Soothe (cha) and Psychokinesis (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Grey magic; Learning ability level: 1.
  Grey magic is mind magic, that can be suggested thought to create an outcome, its your subconscious that creates the effect of the suggestion. This is where you magic the thought, that's both positive and negative, that you direct with the soul to make a manifest. This is effect is instant unless it lingers for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until not needed outside of battle.

  Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/6 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take or give 1/2 the health. It can last for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you decide its not needed. That's outside of battle.

  Analysis; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you think to know and ask the right questions. You figure out what you need to know, easily, including the target/s weaknesses. You can figure out any problems by thought or feel. Also by analysis, you can figure out what the chemical composition is of a substance.

  Illusionous ability; Learning ability level: 3.
  This ability is where you can make any effect as the illusion by suggestion to the subconscious, that is not really happened as it occurs to others or yourself. Its like the targets falls into a trap... wall starts closing down on them... it is closing down... it is closing down... it is a paper wall. Otherwise, the illusion starts as though an animal or dragon, that comes to strike you and at the strike of the animal or dragon. Then, its revealed as a person striking the target and your inflicting damage.

  Other idea, this is where you can show their minds what will occur, that's before it is done unless the third eye sees through it. If it does, then you know what really is there. Otherwise, you can use your third eye, thinking to cause illusion with it to show you or the targets what happens or what is where you want to see. Then you can use telepathy to talk to people there. This is an ideal ability, that can be used for almost any purpose. Think and you know what to do. If you don't want to be effected, then think to your third eye to block the illusion. Then, it stops right then, and it sometimes ends before it begins.

  In order to use this idea in dnd, state to the DM/GM that you form the illusion of [state what you want it to do]." Or, "I use 2 actions to form the illusion of [state what you want it to do] as I attack with a weapon." Then it either occurs or doesn't occur, according to the magic check results that are 10 or above as success.

  Mind block; Learning ability level: 5.
  this is a special idea, where you think to block through the subconscious, the targets energy or mind. This blocks their chakra points, and prevents them from getting an effect off by feel. You can mind block attackers and stop them from attacking you with an effect. This works for 1d8 rounds in battle or until you no longer need the effect outside of battle. If you block the mind enough, you can cause a mind shutdown. Where they don't think, yet react naturally and leave you alone in its own time.

  There is a 50% chance of this. Roll a 1d100 and get a 51 result to see if their mind shuts down, and you control them by thought projection and suggestions. That they need to do like a sudden urge. If you mind block them and urge them to do something there is less chance they won't do it. So roll a 1d100+luck and then with a 60 or above result they do the idea.

  Mind blank; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you think of blanking your mind, and keeping people from reading your thoughts. This prevents mind reading for 1d6 rounds in battle or until you don't need not to be read outside of battle. One thing, the surface thoughts can normally be read, however if the mind or target is aware of this skimming attempt, each skimming attempt is a moment you think to read the target/s mind. See it can block it out. So the deep thoughts normally can't be read, so think and you know what to do.

  Hypnotic trance; Learning ability level: 6.
  This is where you state and do the rhythmic idea, thinking to create with energy that you gated in soul wise. You cause by statements what you need to occur, needing them to do so. This causes by Hypnotic statements that lull people in to getting tranced. Suggest what you want as you need to get a result. Its broken by a loud noise or cruching of a leaf after 1d6 rounds in battle or until the loud noise is heard outside of battle.

  Control; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you think of things to suggest, so as an analyst you can suggest to the person or targets and the subconscious will do it. This is so you cause them to do what you want and need..this can control monsters or targets for 1d6 rounds in battle or until you release control by the right suggestions or let the target do what they want.

  Stated elementalism; Learning ability level: 8.
  This is where you state "I summon cold effects to effect [state how]." Or what ever elements you want to use. The subconscious creates what you want or intend to create as you magic a psi ball into existence and think the gated in elemental energy goes into it. This psiball splits off into 1d8 balls of light that go to the targets you had in mind. You can even create a psiball that is instructed to wait for the moment the targets need to attack and it explodes with fire or electricity/lightning then reforms itself to do it again. This distracts them and damages them for 1d8 rounds in battle or until you dismiss the psi ball outside of battle.

  Either way, the damage/healing possible are instant energy effects and can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 18 character, it would be 14d8+5. In amount, that's a max of 117% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Stated effect; Learning ability level: 9.
  The effect is the creator that creates things, that you direct into creating what you need and intend to create. This is writing down or stating out loud what you want as a need, then you cause it to manifest by needing the creator to be creating it. This can include a time skip, where you think of the time to skip to. Then, need it to be there instead by feel. This works if you think it should work. Otherwise it won't work for you. The time skip thing, it can possibly shift time back to when you weren't in battle, so you can attack at a distance or above if you fly. However, you still have the wounds inflicted uponst yourself, unless you healed them.

  Either way, the damage/healing possible are instant and can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 18 character, it would be 14d10+5. In amount, that's a max of 145% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Soothe; Learning ability level: 10.
  Think of the calm peaceful mood..and project it onto the targets you have in mind. This calms them down, and allows them to think and not cause them to fight you. End of battle.

  Psychokinesis; Learning ability level: 10.
  This is where you can add the Psionics special ability unless you already added it, that's added to your special ability list on the character sheet. Then you can proceed to use it however you want to get a result. Because its with special ability and in analysis, its with +5 to all result rolls. Think and you know what to do as its there.

goto magic index
Meteorologist ability:

  Meteorologist ability for this game is not meant to be done irl, its meant to be played. What it is, its using the moment of analysis with magicing your energy, that your subconscious combines with spirit to create with knowing that you want. Then its ensured by the creator or your God in success. The soul is guiding the energy by your thought, that's making the moment as you need the result. That's done by the soul duplicating itself and the copy directs the moment. That energy you gate in or back out to the void.

  This is then where you think of the point of expression, and that's when the soul copy disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by the energy consciousness and soul copy that allows you to think its done. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]".

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your energy, that you think to the area directed by programming things from the aura energy. That goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration within the idea energy charging the aura waves. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and you get to the target you want effected with an effect. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves.

  You can gate in extra energy from the void by itself, that's to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and send it back to the void. If to some area and it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect, this is with the subconscious mind allowing it. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic, with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit or soul, after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think is done of the idea as the source, that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round.

  If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class is what has 10 actual abilities: Weather manipulation (cha), Pattern analysis (cha), Morphology (cha), Storm power (cha), Living power (cha), Infini (Cha), Regional weather (cha), Direct power magic (Cha), Dimensional storm (cha) and Hyperdimensional storm (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Weather manipulation; Learning ability level: 1.
  The effect is created by the idea of thinking. If in effect you think of what you need, looking at the sky like clouds for a cloudy day..then the consciousness of energy creates that cloud cover. Need it and its formed. Need rain and its there, the rain comes from the river in the sky. Feel emotional and you could form a tornado, feel the energy and need it to form lightning, then energy creates the lightning strikes from the clouds if its a storm. Hail is feeling cold energy, that you project to the sky. Snow is feeling the cold and thinking of the snow dropping down as snow. So basically feel heat go up as a dome, then you block out rain for at least an hour. This means you can create a storm in minutes and lightning strike the target/s. You could even make an area effected by weather.

  Either way, the damage/healing possible are instant fire energy effects and can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 18 character, it would be 14d8+5. In amount, that's a max of 117% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Pattern analysis; Learning ability level: 1.
  You know what is going to happen in the weather. As though you needed to know and the subconscious revealed its pattern to you. This takes 1 action.

  Morphology; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you use energy to create a new shape. That can be your shape or the targets' shape. You keep your mind and thinking no matter what. This takes 1 action.

  Storm power; Learning ability level: 4.
  This is where you think to the storm, thinking to create what you need or state out loud. Really, think what you want, stating your need and the storm consciousness creates the effect. This is elemental damage effect that is instant unless it lingers for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until not needed outside of battle.

  Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/6 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take or give 1/2 the health. It can last for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you decide its not needed. That's outside of battle.

  Living power; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think of the power of your cells and your subconscious mixed with the mind, think you create whatever you need and it is formed physically. So think about it, what you need is drawn there. This is the nature of lore as well , that uses the power of the living to draw attention.

  The damage/healing possible are instant elemental effects of whatever element you choose, and can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 18 character, it would be 14d10+5. In amount, that's a max of 145% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Infini; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is a golden energy formed where you think to magic light backward through a prism that you can imagine in your hands, find or buy. Except this means you don't have to have a prism, then you can gate into the area a golden light that your subconscious gates and creates an effect formed on your targets. This can be anything you want to happen as you feel warmth and rejuvenation from the light. You and your allies recover 1/3 the health and energy. The target/s get what you intend them to get as an effect. This cannot be used for attacks.

  Regional weather; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is using what you imagine or think and need the weather to be in your mind, thinking to create a regional weather effect by the power of the spirit and soul. The thought is simple.. the mind is with micro-weather effects, that create macro effects. That take some time and chance, that time is 1d10 hours to affect the regional weather or weather over a vast distance. Roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above to make the effect.

  Direct power magic; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think of energy your soul gates in and think magic it through a crystal to create an amped effect. That could be the elements in their uses. So think about the idea and you know what to do.

  The damage/healing possible are instant elemental energy effects, it can be any element you choose. That can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 18 character, it would be 14d12+5. In amount, that's a max of 173% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Dimensional storm; Learning ability level: 11.
  This is using the power of gaia (the planet), thinking to raise the storm that is fueled by the dimension itself. That you direct to create whatever effect you intend to create by the power of this storm. Since its dimensional, it can strike wherever and whenever you would like with pinpoint accuracy. If you called upon an element that you gated in, you can think mix the element with gaia's energy and create an ultimate elemental dimensional effect.

  The damage/healing possible are instant elemental energy effects, it can be any element you choose. That can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 18 character, it would be 27d8+5. In amount, that's a max of 221% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   5d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Hyperdimensional storm; Learning ability level: 12.
  This is not always done, its where you call upon the hyperdimension. That exists above the dimension, thinking to gate in its energy and form a hyperdimensional storm. You create whatever you want with the storms energy. This energy creates what you need, where you want and at any time that you want. If you cause a hyperdimensional storm, you create your intended effect of hyper energy and a strike of hyper lightning to incinerate the target/s. That's if it hits with a 50% chance, roll a 1d100+luck to see if it hits the intended target/s by a 51 or above result. Otherwise, you get an ultra powerful effect off that effects the target/s themselves.

  The damage/healing possible is with an instant elemental energy effect, it can be any element you choose. That can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 7 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 5 charisma mod, then for a level 18 character, it would be 27d10+5. In amount, that's a max of 275% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   5d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

goto magic index
Shadow emulator ability:

  Shadow emulator ability for this game is not meant to be done irl, its meant to be played. What it is, its using the moment of consciousness with this magicing your energy, that your subconscious combines with spirit to create with knowing that you want. Then thats ensured by the creator or your God in success. The soul is guiding the energy by your thought, that's making the moment as you need the result. That's done by the soul duplicating itself and the copy directs the moment. That energy you gate in or back out to the void.

  This is then where you think of the point of expression, and that's when the soul copy disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by the energy consciousness and soul copy that allows you to think its done. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]".

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your energy, that you think to the area directed by programming things from the aura energy. That goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making the manifest from the idea vibration within the idea energy charging the aura waves. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and you get to the target you want effected with an effect. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves.

  You can gate in extra energy from the void by itself, that's to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and send it back to the void. If to some area and it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect, this is with the subconscious mind allowing it. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic, with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit or soul, after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think is done of the idea as the source, that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round.

  If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering other fire and similar. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. That's if you are getting 10 or above on a 1d20 for successful action and this is with a 15 or above for no dice. The class is what has 10 actual abilities: Think and seem (cha), Gender switch (cha), Thought energy (cha), Shadow wizardry (cha), The airflow (cha), Shadow casting (cha), Then thinking (Cha), Imitative energy (cha), End point (Cha) and The timeflow (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Think and seem; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you think about the idea and seem right to the person or target/s. This is where you seem emulative of the person or some condition and can even look like them. Think and know what you want to appear as by feel. You can even seem comatose or not moving and dead with bloody wounds and all. This is like an energy seeming of yourself, as you are invisible and not seen you can get away. This lasts for 1d6 rounds in battle and until you don't need it outside of battle.

  Gender switch; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you think of a gender to appear as, roll a will check or charisma check with a 10 or above and you are that gender for however long you need to appear that way. This can be in-between gender, so think and you know what to do. This lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until you no longer want to look that way outside of battle.

  Thought energy; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you think to program energy near the target/s and it emulates the effect of the program. That's like your wanting to create a better way of life for the person, they immediately think better and do good things. Think and you know what to do. This allows for energy effects that you toss at the target/s. This allows for the energy effect of one energy ball or lightning ball, that's becoming many and striking all targets.

  Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/6 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take or give 1/2 the health. It can last for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you decide its not needed. That's outside of battle.

  Shadow wizardry; Learning ability level: 4.
  This is where you think to work with the shadows that are genderless and create with the dark energy or void, that's creating with your thought to make a manifest from energy with the shadows themselves or light that mimicks things to effect the target. This is dark energy creating the end result of some energy summons or some effect you need to occur. What the shadows do to the target causes life to drain from the target/s and they lose their abilities and you temporarily gain them in spirit form for 1d6 rounds in battle or until you no longer need them.

  The damage/healing possible are instant elemental energy effects, it can be any element you choose. That can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 10 magic core stat mod or Int mod points and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 30d8+6. In amount, that's a max of 246% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  The airflow; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is when you think to create with air or energy, and cause the aura energy to make oxygen and nitrogen from nothing. That flows freely and allows people and animals to breath. If you wanted to make this an attack, then you think to have the subconscious restrict the airflow or cause by will the spirit to restrict the airflow of the target/s. In effect, they are paralyzed by not being able to breathe for 1 round per action, then think or they choke to death if you do this for more than 2 actions in magic with concentration checks. That's per each action, after the first one doing this.

  Shadow casting; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is the ability to shoot smoke out of your hands that casts shadows. This creates 1d6 shadows, that lasts 1d8 rounds in battle or until you don't need them outside of battle. The shadows do as you want by creating manifests due to the creator or your God. This includes energy effect and attacks. They have your stats except they can appear like anything and have 100% health. Hit them with light or fire effects, and they dissipate into thin air.

  The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d8+6. In amount, that's a max of 134% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Then thinking; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you revert the target when you think of a time, and state "then" and time for the ghost or target/s are reverted to that time. They are still for having to adjust to the change in time. They don't move for 1d6 rounds in battle or 1d10 minutes outside of battle. This means that they, if the target/s are reverted to before needing attack, are no longer wanting to attack. Like making the target turn from aggression to become docile.

  Imitative energy; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is a more advanced form of shadow wizardry, where you think of what you want and cause the energy consciousness uses the creator to make energy become imitative of that thought. This can imitate anyone in what they do, and includes magiced elemental effects that you gate in with energy from the soul. That's forming what you want and unforming the gate afterwards, where its earth, lightning or electricity, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid.

   Earth; Earth can be used to hold or block things or form earth balls around the target or in the air, that you mentally project towards the target.
   Lightning or electricity; This is is shock that can be summoned by thinking it into existance to effect what you want by a soul formed gate, its raw energy in formation where summoned and can rip through armor and the person/s beneath, electrifying them or form lightning balls that go through the targets to instantly shock them. It can electrify anything. However there is a verbal form of lightning called "shock", that you state certain things and get peoples attention to the ideal. This is idea that you think should be viewed or known about in life. So don't be afraid to explain what you want to be known, anything could be a talking point.
   Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms that can levitate you and others, hold things in the air and punch people up.
   Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity, freeze out the idea you don't want and form ice balls or hail from the sky.
   Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke.
   Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water from the air into waves or water balls.
   Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls. The smaller the fireball formed by compressing it into a psi ball and thrown, will reach the target faster and deal more damage. If you used 2 actions in forming one, your damages or healing would be doubled.
   Void; Void can if gated cause void or removal of the energy, erase a target of what is not liked. So it can dissipate the target into energy where you make the target disappear, think to cause the target/s to be drained of stp, you can cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s. Otherwise form draining void balls, that shoot to the target to do deadly damages to disease or whatever you target making the target numbed. This is effective to cure disorders as well, so use it to cure as you want to feel better.
   Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
   Acid; Acid can be summoned to eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, or form acid balls.

  The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d10+6. In amount, that's a max of 166% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  End point; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think of an ending and cause fate to make the idea, that's making it as an end point by stating the fate of the person or target/s. This could be anything, including making the target drop dead where it stands by sudden heart attack. That's also possible, that the target/s get turned to dust. This can do energy effects as well..where you heal or do damages.

  The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d12+6. In amount, that's a max of 198% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  The timeflow; Learning ability level: 10.
  This is where you think of the time as a flow for an object or idea, then you state three things in a sequence that mean your intent. This causes the flow of time, that's of an idea or object to happen as you wanted it.

goto magic index
Shinobi ability:

  Shinobi ability for this game is not meant to be done irl, its meant to be played. What it is, its using the idea with consciousness and this is magicing your energy, that your subconscious combines with spirit to create with knowing that you want and need. Then thats ensured by the creator or your God in success. The soul is guiding the energy by your thought, that's making the moment as you need the result. That's done by the soul duplicating itself and the copy directs the moment. That energy you gate in or back out to the void.

  This is then where you think of the point of expression, and that's when the soul copy disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by the energy consciousness and soul copy. That allows you to think its done. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]".

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your energy, that you think to the area directed by programming things from the aura. That goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making by manifest from the idea vibration within the photons charging the aura waves. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and you get to the target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves.

  You can gate in extra energy from the void by itself, that's to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and send it back to the void after use. If to some area and it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect, this is with the subconscious mind allowing it. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic, with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit or soul, after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think is done of the idea as the source, that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. Which on use as a source it causes it to cease. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round.

  If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering or cloth other fire and similar. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. Then, on a failed concentration check, you stop the effect. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. This is with a 15 or above for no dice in amount. The class is what has 10 actual abilities: Magic and create (cha), Walking on surfaces (cha), Energy ability (cha), Magic and shift (cha), Spirit downing (cha), Genjutsu (cha), Power word make (cha), Power words (Cha), Power phrase (cha) and Stand and create (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Magic and create; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you think of the effect, magic your mind with expression that's spoken or hand signed and you create by the feel with the power of the spirit using gated in by the soul elements thought to effect the target/s. This includes creating with illusion, where you think and magic the effect to seem and its there in their senses not in reality. So you can create with the elements or you can create with illusion.

  If you do use illusion, then the target doesn't get hurt, unless you make them hurt themselves. This is an idea in itself. An illusion to try is forming more than one self of yourself. That's up to 1d6 selves. Upon 1 hit, the illusionous self disappears. Whatever you do, you have 1d6 rounds in battle or until you lose magic by a failed concentration check. That is how long this effect lasts.

  Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/6 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take or give 1/2 the health. It can last for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you decide its not needed. That's outside of battle.

  Walking on surfaces; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you walk on walls, trees or water as though it were easy. Think of the chakras of your feet causing you to generate your own gravity, that's at the feet you feel a charge and then walk. This is what you can do if you think you can to walk on walls or ice. Think the surface of the water is hard as you walk and the chakra of your feet form it as such. That allows you to walk upon the water surface, that's without going under by magic as long as you make your concentration rolls. That's each round or every 10 minutes outside of battle.

  Energy ability; Learning ability level: 3.
  Their ability to do things is done by the consciousness of energy. You express what they need and the spirit makes the energy consciousness do things that are desired. This is energy damage and healing. The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d8+6. In amount, that's a max of 134% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Magic and shift; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where they gain enough energy, and that allows them to create by shifting into an upper dimension. Then think and do, that's causing by thought the dimension to create effects where they need it to occur. This allows you to do things without alerting anyone of what you did. Then, you do things to shift back if you intend to shift back.

  The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 9 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 27d10+6. In amount, that's a max of 276% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Spirit downing; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you think of killing by a slay living spell, and have your soul cast it by stating a request to the soul and spirit to slay the living target/s that do wrong. If you don't then you can always do other things, as this is instant death or nothing happens. Roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above for success.

  Genjutsu; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is where you eat or drink something, then your body forms an effect that effects the target/s. The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d12+6. In amount, that's a max of 198% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Power word make; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you cause by the use of an expressed power word, the effect of creation with idea that you think and the spirit creates the idea. The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point rounded down. That's like you have 9 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 7 charisma mod, then for a level 22 character, it would be 32d8+7. In amount, that's a max of 263% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   5d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Power words; Learning ability level: 11.
  This is where you think of the word you intend to use, then create an effect by thinking of the idea. Stating the word as though intent were done. The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 24d10+6. In amount, that's a max of 246% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   5d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Power phrase; Learning ability level: 11.
  This is where you think of the phrase and its effect that you can imagine. Visualizing the effect you intend as you state the phrase and gain an effect. The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 24d10+6. In amount, that's a max of 246% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   5d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Stand and create; Learning ability level: 13.
  This is where you stand still in a safe spot, thinking to create and be invisible with a point of expression. This is where you are aware of the idea, and that it manifests by the will and the concept you think to will. This can transverse time, where you think to create in some time what you want. The effect can be where you create a past event, as you know of it in this time. However, with this effect you can be anywhere, anytime and create something till you move again.

  Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/3 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/2 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take or give all the health. That's unless the target rolls a successful resistance roll of 1d20, and its 10 or above for success. It can last for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you decide its not needed. That's outside of battle.

goto magic index
Psychonaut ability:

  Psychonaut ability for this game is not meant to be done irl, its meant to be played. What it is, its using the idea with consciousness and this is magicing your energy, that allows your subconscious to combine spirit and cellular energy to create with knowing that you want and need. Then thats ensured by the creator or your God in success. The soul is guiding the energy by your thought, that's making the moment as you need the result. That's done by the soul duplicating itself and the copy directs the moment. That energy you gate in or back out to the void.

  This is then where you think of the point of expression, and that's when the soul copy disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by the energy consciousness and soul copy. That allows you to think its done. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]".

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your thought energy, that you think to the area directed by programming things from the aura. That goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making by manifest from the idea vibration within the photons charging the aura waves. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and you get to the target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves.

  You can gate in extra energy from the void by itself, that's to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and send it back to the void after use. If to some area and it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect, this is with the subconscious mind allowing it. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic, with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit or soul, after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think is done of the idea as the source, that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. Which on use as a source it causes it to cease. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round.

  If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering or cloth other fire and similar. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. Then, on a failed concentration check, you stop the effect. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. This is with a 15 or above for no dice in amount. The class is what has 9 actual abilities: Object creativity (cha), Elemental magic (cha), Shift and create (cha), Telling point (cha), Soul creation (cha), Bad luck (cha), Theory use (Cha), Altered state (cha) and Quantum energy healing (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Object creativity; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you create with energy from the object, thinking to its consciousness what you intend to create and it manifests it. Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/6 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take or give 1/2 the health. It can last for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you decide its not needed. That's outside of battle.

  Elemental magic; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you psyche yourself out and create by the energy consciousness an elemental effect. Such as air, water, fire and earth. That creates with an expression and makes the target get hurt or healed by the elemental damages that are done. This can include magiced elemental effects that you gate in with energy from the soul. That's forming what you want and unforming the gate afterwards, where its earth, lightning or electricity, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid.

   Earth; Earth can be used to hold or block things or form earth balls around the target or in the air, that you mentally project towards the target.
   Lightning or electricity; This is is shock that can be summoned by thinking it into existance to effect what you want by a soul formed gate, its raw energy in formation where summoned and can rip through armor and the person/s beneath, electrifying them or form lightning balls that go through the targets to instantly shock them. It can electrify anything. However there is a verbal form of lightning called "shock", that you state certain things and get peoples attention to the ideal. This is idea that you think should be viewed or known about in life. So don't be afraid to explain what you want to be known, anything could be a talking point.
   Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms that can levitate you and others, hold things in the air and punch people up.
   Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity, freeze out the idea you don't want and form ice balls or hail from the sky.
   Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke.
   Water; Water can change things, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water from the air into waves or water balls.
   Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls. The smaller the fireball formed by compressing it into a psi ball and thrown, will reach the target faster and deal more damage. If you used 2 actions in forming one, your damages or healing would be doubled.
   Void; Void can if gated cause void or removal of the energy, erase a target of what is not liked. So it can dissipate the target into energy where you make the target disappear, think to cause the target/s to be drained of stp, you can cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s. Otherwise form draining void balls, that shoot to the target to do deadly damages to disease or whatever you target making the target numbed. This is effective to cure disorders as well, so use it to cure as you want to feel better.
   Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
   Acid; Acid can be summoned to eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, or form acid balls.

  The damage/healing possible are instant elemental energy effects. That can linger for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d8+6. In amount, that's a max of 134% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Shift and create; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where you think of the space and allow your psyche to create the result there. As it is created, it recreates itself near the target/s. This is using an ideal effect, thinking to create with energy of the body and the soul.

  The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d10+6. In amount, that's a max of 166% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Telling point; Learning ability level: 5.
  This is where people with psi powers can tell which card you're holding, so the ability is then to know what is in a bag or how many bullets a gun has or what is written on a sheet of paper that is face down.

  Soul creation; Learning ability level: 7.
  This is the idea to create with the soul and spirit, as it could prove useful in restoring lost energy. So you regain half your stp as you do things like creating with energy. You can create any energy effect with this ability. The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 7 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d12+7. In amount, that's a max of 199% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Bad luck; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is an attack where something in the environment collapses, falls, breaks, explodes to deal damage by giving their target/s a short surge of bad luck. This lasts 1d6 rounds in battle and until you don't desire it outside of battle. The target/s get a -5 to all rolls and lost item. The damages possible are energy related: thats half level (rounded down)d10+magic core stat mod or Int mod in amount.

  Theory use; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you think of a theory and make use of the subconscious, thinking to make what you can with the statement to the subconscious mind of what you want. This creates with the subconscious that can make what you want. That's as you think about the idea and state it out loud. This can't be used for battle.

  Altered state; Learning ability level: 9.
  The ability to enter an altered state of mind and access a "spiritual plane" where they can interact with entities from different realms and obtain valuable insights and knowledge. This includes the ability to telepathically communicate with other beings, both humans and non-humans.

  Quantum energy healing; Learning ability level: 11.
  The ability to channel psychic and spiritual energies and use them to heal wounds, and harm other target/s that are for how much you heal. The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 7 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 24d8+7. In amount, that's a max of 199% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   5d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

goto magic index
Theoretical physicist ability:

  Theoretical physicist ability for this game is not meant to be done irl, its meant to be played. What it is, its using the idea with theory in use and this is magicing your energy, that allows your subconscious to combine spirit and particle energy to create with knowing that you want and need. Then thats ensured by the creator or your God in success. The soul is guiding the energy by your thought, that's making the moment as you need the result. That's done by the soul duplicating itself and the copy directs the moment. That energy you gate in or back out to the void.

  This is then where you think of the point of expression, and that's when the soul copy disappears. Its when that's an expressed idea where energy is programmed by thought, that's made to do things by the energy consciousness and soul copy. That allows you to think its done. Think to program it with a statement to the DM/GM of, "I use the [name of ability] to target [name target/s] with [named effect/s]".

  You see the area energy consciousness responds to your thought energy, that you think to the area directed by programming things from the aura. That goes forth to create a result. That's used by the energy consciousness of air or smart air, then your making by manifest from the idea vibration within the photons charging the aura waves. That's done through the law of attraction, and that draws it to the area and you get to the target you want effected. This is where you spread your programmed energy by aura energy waves.

  You can gate in extra energy from the void by itself, that's to the aura by the spirit gating it into your aura, and send it back to the void after use. If to some area and it's using spacetime placements. That creates your result as the soul directs the effect, this is with the subconscious mind allowing it. This is for DnD where you think and/or state the intent and you create by magic, with the energy source. Closing the gate in use is done by the spirit or soul, after you don't need it. Whenever you do an effect, you create and make use of the third eye by will.

  The area source is the heat energy in the area, which can be allowed to be replenished then its by waiting 1 round or 6 seconds, otherwise its what idea you think is done of the idea as the source, that makes the result like having a ball of lightning as a source. Which on use as a source it causes it to cease. These are abilities that are based on activity with Charisma. This energy effect can be anything allowable by the GM or DM with Stamina points (STP). The magiced and concentrated effort in effect is possible by magic. That is done by either a free action or taking a round.

  If your using the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability. This allows for multiple actions per round, that's with less time used per each action. If you intend to cancel it, then its cancelled out by your actions. This is putting sink water on fire, earth smothering or cloth other fire and similar. This effect is where you can counter, what you think or create to exist. Of course you can always void out the idea that's there. Think and you know what to do.

  That is what allows you then to get what you want, so your able to use up the round as a point with 1d6 actions per round. Otherwise, that effect uses a magic or concentration check per round. Then, on a failed concentration check, you stop the effect. There is a save versus magic of a 1d20+will with a 10 or above for success. That halves the damage amount or negates the effect entirely. This is with a 15 or above for no dice in amount. The class is what has 8 actual abilities: Theory of energy (cha), Applied physics (cha), Scientific effect (cha), Quantum effect (cha), Dark matter (cha), Matter change (cha), Mini blackhole (Cha) and Maxwell's demon ability (Cha). Charisma is the core stat behind these abilities, that's not always used but its optional.

  Theory of energy; Learning ability level: 1.
  This is where you make use of energy by instructing its consciousness, that's with an expression or statement. This causes it to instantly manifest where you want it. Damages/healing is where you take or give 1/6 the health for levels 1-9, 1/4 the health for levels 10-19 and 1/3 the health for levels 20-29. For levels 30+, you can take or give 1/2 the health. It can last for 1d6 rounds in battle, or until you decide its not needed. That's outside of battle.

  Applied physics; Learning ability level: 3.
  This is where you think of the energy effect, an use physics to create with the energy of the moment. The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d8+6. In amount, that's a max of 134% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Scientific effect; Learning ability level: 3.
  Think and do, this is where you think about the idea. Then do what is required to make by the scientific method, what effect you want. That is make the theory, test the idea and make a result. You have 50% chance to succeed, so roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above result. This doesn't cause damage. The healing possible are instant energy effects. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d8+6. In amount, that's a max of 134% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d8+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Quantum effect; Learning ability level: 5.
  Think of an idea to create and the subconscious uses the quantum energy of dark energy to create what you desire with probability fields that detail where the target is by feel. The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d6 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d10+6. In amount, that's a max of 166% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d10+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Dark matter; Learning ability level: 7.
  You create with an idea that causes dark matter to be programmed with dark energy, then the dark matter creates what you want. That's wherever you want it, and its with a slight separation of you and the target/s with 10 feet separating you. The damage/healing possible are instant energy effects. That can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod or Int mod and 7 charisma mod, then for a level 17 character, it would be 16d12+7. In amount, that's a max of 199% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   1d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 1-9.
   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

  Matter change; Learning ability level: 9.
  You can use the ability to change what things are made of by removing the protons. This can change the weapon or weapons the target/s hold to become useless. Roll a 1d100+luck and get a 51 or above result for success.

  Mini blackhole; Learning ability level: 9.
  This is where you condense the atoms of energy or an object, that's making energy balls the size of a baseball. That becomes a throwable short lived tiny black hole. It could quickly pull debris into them, like a gravity grenade and spaghettify people it kills on the spot. Roll a 1d100+luck to see if this succeeds with a 51 or above result.

  Maxwell's Demon ability; Learning ability level: 11.
  The mind magic causes the separation of the hot particles from cold particles and does cold and fire damage to one target. This does double the damage to the target, that means both ice and fire damage is dealt. The damages possible are instant ice and fire effects. If not effected by either, then its a mute point and there is no effect done. That can linger for 1d8 rounds in battle or until not needed outside of battle. This is done by level and per each magic core stat mod or Int mod point round down. That's like you have 10 magic core stat mod or Int mod points and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 18 character, it would be 40d12+6. In amount, that's a max of 486% health that's removed or given. The amounts are:

   2d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 10-19.
   3d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 20-29.
   4d12+Charisma mod with every magic core stat mod or Int mod point for the health of levels 30+.

goto magic index
goto index
Written by skyhawk
Aaron H.
Aaron H. contact info:
Yahoo: DarkBlackWolf2k
Other contributers:
Leppy the leprecaan, Zackal, Kioku, Raven Wolf Claw, Balthazour, Lance Maelstrom, Jay and Tavruli

Chaos Magic for nonlethal magic system
Epic Level Handbook plus others found here.
d20 System Reference (c) 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
OPEN GAME License Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, LLC. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.
All Zelda idea copywrighted by Nintendo
"ARS Magica" book by Judith Tarr
Herald ability comes from The Last Herald-Mage Trilogy by Mercedes Lackey
Playing the game idea: Mistress Mommoth and SH
Credit: Kitty for Quantum related stuff
Ghostbuster idea came from the Ghost buster movies
Supernatural idea and Dimensional keeper ability by Kitty and SH