This is the Simple Spells List..this is optional where all the spells are done by your God or the Creator, all you need to do is think about the idea to create and need it to happen. Yet you send him or her the thought energy to instruct your God on what to do. Each act of magic is instantaneously done. All it requires you to do is use an Action. Each act costs 10% energy and does normal damages, each Uber act costs 20% energy and deals x2 the damage/healing. Healing amounts use the Healing skill core stat mod or Wis mod and any damaging effects use the Magic skill core stat mod or Int mod. So think and you know which one to use.
The spell can be an effect of whatever you wanted to cast or some elemental effect. Feel free to make it up! Like casting a sleep effect on all your targets or making your targets not need to fight. It can effect whomever you want and it could be multiple targets. It lasts until you no longer desire it to last. You can even summon whatever you want! The summons has 100% health and your stats otherwise. If the summons is gargantuan or larger, like a Dragon, Elephant or Colossus, it has double the health. Also, you may summon 1d6 creatures or beings for levels 1-9. 1d8 creatures or beings for levels 10-19. 1d10 creatures or beings for levels 20-29. 1d12 creatures or beings for levels 30 and up.
Any stat changes or result changes that are due to the spell cast, they are according to level. Roll a 1d6 for levels 1-9. Roll a 1d8 for levels 10-19. Roll a 1d10 for levels 20-29. Roll a 1d12 for levels 30 on up. The rolled amount is added to your character, some other character or your party as a stat you wanted to effect including luck. The rolled amount is subtracted from your enemies stats that you target. Whatever you decide is up to you, yet you may feel free to use other spells as examples.
The effects are not Spell level dependant like in normal DnD. This is Homebrew DnD. The rules are as we the DM/GM make them up. Despite the Spell level in idea, the cost per spell remains at 10% or 20% and effects stack except for Stat changes. Stat changes and result changes are changes to a stat or result allowed to be cast once per encounter and then they reset to normal or if no encounter, then its allowed to be cast one time and also after a rest. That means you may choose to effect stat check rolls, this is done by increasing or decreasing the results by the roll.
It can be done to more than one stat, yet one at a time. This is doing effects that you opt to use by having a God or The creator listed as your god. Any creature or monster has the same costs. So it goes both ways, if you think it is otherwise that's up to the DM/GM to decide. The DM/GM has the ultimate authority and can decide to allow this idea to be used or not. Who knows, you can always use the Spell-like abilities listed class descriptions if your not allowed this listing.
The normal damages are..
The damage/healing amount is decided by levels. This is with each magic core stat mod or int mod point. For healing, its every heal skill core stat mod or Wis mod point. That's instead of the int mod. That's like you have 8 magic core stat mod and 6 charisma mod, then for a level 20 character, it would be 24d8+6. In amount, that's 198% health that's removed at its maximum. At its minimum you could get 30% in amount. For healing, if you had a 7 heal core stat mod and 6 charisma mod. Then, you would get at level 20, 21d8+6 that you could roll with the max being 174% given health. The minimum is 27% in amount. The amounts are:
1d8+Charisma mod with every magic or healing core stat mod point of levels 1-9.
2d8+Charisma mod with every magic or healing core stat mod point of levels 10-19.
3d8+Charisma mod with every magic or healing core stat mod point of levels 20-29.
4d8+Charisma mod with every magic or healing core stat mod point of levels 30+.
Exchanges in ideal are where you make use of materials and otherwise things to create something in return. What you think about exchanging, you get something in return. You can even smash a few bugs to get a fly or something you say, like "kill 2 bugs for getting 1 fly." This is doing an idea in effect. So think about it, if you could exchange 1 bug by killing it, and get 2000 dollars in return. Then that would be worth it..right? Well normally you'd get another living thing to replace the killed thing. So I think if you want to exchange 1 dollar for 2000 dollars, then state "I give 1 dollar for 2000 dollars." Then do it by giving a dollar. This is said to the creator by stating it to empty air itself. Don't give me credit for it if it fails I am not to be blamed. That's if you try it. Think and it can be done.
Here are some exchanges..
5 cent blessing; Each gram of tobacco offered to the Creator by using it up gives 1 faith and removes curses and sometimes blesses the object. The five cent blessing. It also wards bugs away. Don't forget you can use any element with tobacco to get the blessing, that you want and that includes getting something in return. So throw some in the air, dunk it into water, throw it on plants, or even just smoke it. When you do, you get in return a blessing of some effect or item you receive.
3 things; Any 3 things offered of something to the Creator gets one thing to manifest in return.
2 things; Any 2 things offered of something to the Creator gets one thing in return.
Any 1 thing; Give or give up any 1 thing for getting another thing. This could even be a prayer for an item or items.
Spell exchange; This is where you exchange one spell for another, that you cast instead by feel. Simply state, "I exchange this spell of [name the spell you would want to replace] for this effect of [name the spell you want to place..]" w/o quotes to get the effect.
Exchange II is where you notice 1 thing and get another. If you willed the display, then your not unlike a god. So I think you could fix nearly anything by thinking about the idea, and needing it fixed. That's as you think about it, the subconscious creates it by feel. So think about it as you need it and you create it by the feeling you notice or lack of feeling. If there is coldness in the room, then you can realize heat was used to create what you needed. This is what can be done if necessary. Interesting, right? Well, this is what I call a will exchange. I causes one thing to desist and another thing to exist. Think about it, it could be created.
Money energy exchange; This uses GP or Dollars to create spells with its energy. Whatever the Energy cost is taken from your money amount, instead of taking from your Energy amount. Such as 5% is 5 GP or Dollars.
These schools are what Academies of magic call spell schools. They group spells into eight categories called schools of magic. Scholars, particularly wizards, apply these categories to all spells, believing that all magic functions in essentially the same way, whether it derives from rigorous study or is bestowed by a deity.
Alteration Spells; This is changing something to something else. Breathing underwater, walking on water... Alchemical conversions of liquids...Using blue paint to make it faster. Peak alterations would be turning a wooden stake into a big juicy steak. Name the idea to happen as "I cast an Alteration effect to [mention the effect here of change..]" to the DM/GM.
Destruction Spells; This is where you get the effect of fire breaking down things as it sears those it touches. Otherwise, you destroy things, break things and such.
Illusion Spells; Illusion spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, to miss things that are there, to hear phantom noises, or to remember things that never happened. Some illusions create phantom images that any creature can see, but the most insidious illusions plant an image directly in the mind of a creature.
Enchantment Spells; Enchantment spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior. Such spells can make enemies see the caster as a friend, force creatures to take a course of action, or even control another creature like a puppet.
Divination spells; Divination spells reveal information, whether in the form of secrets long forgotten, glimpses of the future, the locations of hidden things, the truth behind illusions, or visions of distant people or places.
Necromancy spells; Necromancy spells manipulate the energies of life and death. Such spells can grant an extra reserve of life force, drain the life energy from another creature, create the undead, or even bring the dead back to life.
Abjuration spells; Abjuration spells are protective in nature, though some of them have aggressive uses. They create magical barriers, negate harmful effects, harm trespassers, or banish creatures to other planes of existence.
Charms; The point of the charm is described moments that you focus upon and think to bless the targets. Those you bless gain +5 to all rolls.
Hexes; This is where you think of the way of life, get hatred from it and send it forth to the targets as a curse that you direct. The energy is directed with your words. Those you curse get a detrimental -5 to all rolls.
Restoration; The Restoration School of magic allows you to use restorative magic that would focus on healing, curing ailments, removing conditions, and possibly restoring life.
These are some elemental ideal you can use to craft your spells, that your God or The creator makes exist. Well to start with things, everyone needs to choose a natural or moral element that best represents their character at the moment. You may choose any element to use in a given moment. That way everyone is strong against one element while weak against another. For the moral elements light is strong against dark and dark is strong against light. They really can't stand each other. For Earth I would be strong against Water while weak against Air while being neutral towards fire. Strong against means double damage, weak against means half damage, and neutral just does normal damage calculations. The other elements like Aetherial means only magic or elemental attacks work, but no physical normally. Divine is reserved for very powerful skills gained from artifacts and prayer to a deity. Like a passive reward of gaining double gold for wearing a crown and doing a lot of monster grinding.
This can make use of the elements in the Mardek Game elements map here.. Any elements that are strong deal double damages against those, that are vulnerable to it. This is where you cast forth any element like fire, air, earth and water to effect the targets with a gesture and you can cancel out the elements weak against the strong elements..some elements are weaker against each other. You may cast an effect to cancel out an element cast at that very same action in a countering move. Some elemental effects are using an elemental summons where you think of an effect that is elemental, like blast of ice shards or cold and freezing air, or fire shot.. this could be any element. The elements for use are where this can include the focused elemental effects, that you gate in as energy by the soul. That's forming what you want. Then, your soul is unforming the gate afterwards. The range of the elemental effect is every 10 levels is an additional 30'. So at level 12 you can cause a 60' effect for like a fireball or waterball.
The higher the level, the smaller you can compress the element into a ball. The more you think to compress the element, the smaller it becomes and the more damage it can do upon the thought of release and sending. The level of compression is due to how much you practice. If you practice it everyday, you will get better effects. This is a point from the past. However, thinking in dnd terms, this means as the level increases of the character. You can improve on your focus ability. Then, you create greater results with the level of compression increasing in increments. Once your at level 30, you can do devestating results in one action. So think and you can do what you want. That means at level 30, you could do things with 30 focus ranks and 7 charisma mod. So if you apply dnd math, this is 40d8+7 which equals 327% damage at most and 47% at its least.
This is making the effect form in manifest, where you want it to form. The gate can be formed anywhere you want it to effect your targets. This is where its earth, lightning or electricity, air, ice, lava, water, fire, void, poison, acid and time formed by will or thought energy that forms a psiball. Again, the smaller it is the greater the effect damages. That means as you think its compressing energy into itself, then once compressed enough. You cast it forth, that's done by thinking its sent. That's through the gateway forming its effect.
That's causing the energy to come and go to where you want, you make the energy form into what you desire by the gate making what you need as you focus is done. This is with a hand gesture and the third eye sending it forth, thinking of the area to effect where you wanted. Then the third eye guides it to where its to effect from where you are. The effect is easily done, so think and you know what it can do. This means you can make the area be destroyed, if you are high enough level. That's done by compressing heat energy into a pinprick size, then sending it out by thought to do its deed.
The elements themselves
Earth; Earth can be used to hold or block things or form earth balls around the target or in the air, that you mentally project towards the target.
Lightning or electricity; This is is shock that can be summoned by thinking it into existance to effect what you want by a soul formed gate, its raw energy in formation where summoned and can rip through armor and the person/s beneath, electrifying them or form lightning balls that go through the targets to instantly shock them. It can electrify anything. However there is a verbal form of lightning called "shock", that you state certain things and get peoples attention to the ideal. This is idea that you think should be viewed or known about in life. So don't be afraid to explain what you want to be known, anything could be a talking point.
Air; Air can form air balls that punch a hole through things, form with earth floating platforms that can levitate you and others, hold things in the air and punch people up.
Ice; Ice can freeze the target amidst activity, freeze out the idea you don't want and form ice balls or hail from the sky.
Lava; Lava can melt things or give the target heat burns for double the damage. Otherwise you can form lava balls that go unerringly to the target and strike with possibility to knock out the person from heat stroke.
Water; Water can change things, cause fire to burn out, burn out machines, heal you or another, and form water from the air into waves or water balls.
Fire; Fire can cause effects, burn things up, make burns or form fire balls. The smaller the fireball formed by compressing it into a psi ball and thrown, will reach the target faster and deal more damage. If you used 2 actions in forming one, your damages or healing would be doubled.
Void; Void can if gated cause void or removal of the energy, erase a target of what is not liked. So it can dissipate the target into energy where you make the target disappear, think to cause the target/s to be drained of stp and mp, you can cause instant death if a void ball is formed in the target/s. Otherwise form draining void balls, that shoot to the target to do deadly damages to disease or whatever you target making the target numbed. This is effective to cure disorders as well, so use it to cure as you want to feel better.
Poison; Poison can create a health drain that lasts some time, and poison balls.
Acid; Acid can be summoned to eat away the flesh of the target/s, eat away the weapon, or form acid balls.
Time; Time is controlled by will and can shift you to anywhere anytime or anything you intend to shift, that's to any time you want to be in and by feel. Also, you can stop time where no events actually happen and the targets gets no actions per round, slow time down where slower events occur or the targets have 1 action per 1d6 rounds as the target relaxes, speed time up where things seem to happen faster or the targets get nothing but 1d6 actions per round and you are more tense. Otherwise you can revert time to be normal time flow again, think and actions possible are normal and you have no stress. Time spells are neat. You can do anything in any order. It's a moment you think is there, that manifests itself through time whever you wanted. You just imagine a time or place you'd rather be, think and it happens by the soul manifestation there. This includes freezing time on moments you don't want happening. You could freeze a war with this effect. So think and you know what to do. What you freeze you stop, that's as though it didn't exist. You may only use one spell and special ability of additional actions, that you can do on you or your allies. That's one with the intensity special ability or multitasking special ability.. either time effects, action surge, poly geometry line, formula magic or a time spell..and 2 of them may be used without intensity or multitasking together.
Elemental chaos and order
This costs 10% energy to cast forth. This is a balance between chaos and order..where you use chaos to break down what you don't like and use ordered energy to stabilize what is there. The chaos is a force that breaks things down. Order is energy that causes stability and strength. You can order anything while you can use chaos on things to destroy it. You can use order and chaos to create what you need by thinking of the force and needing it to do things whil you think of what you want. This lasts 1d6 rounds if any lasting effect, like something catches fire from the heat or there's poisoning and acidity there.
Now there is red matter, that is unusable radioactive material that must be cleared away. Like an elephant's foot. Its made up of material that is melted into a radioactive sludge and its solid. It can kill anything by radiation bursts per action with damages. You don't want to order red matter, yet you can form it with chaos. If you need to use order, chaos and red matter, then state that you use the elemental chaos and order spell, then what element you want to use and to what targets to the DM/GM. Then it will happen.
Here are the chaos elements:
Chaotic fire; This is where you think about the energy of chaos combined with fire and casting it forth, then the idea is this.. The chaos fire breaks down what target it hits and does damage.
Chaotic water; This is water that causes those exposed to it to be irradiated by feel. This water has radiation in it and as it breaks down it's structure it creates radiation damage.
Chaotic earth; This earth is chaotic and it's chaos embues the area as though a radioactive element. This is what causes radiation burns and causes radioactive damage.
Chaotic air; This is where radiation is in the air and spreads itself by a breeze. It causes radiation burns and illnesses.
Chaotic ice; This really has a point of idea, where you feel coldness and radiation from the ice or frozen radioactive water. That means it's concentrated radioactivity. So it does double the radiation damage. That means you deal x2 damages.
Chaotic lava; This lava is where you think about not being nearby. So think about what it does and you might agree. It melts things that it gets near, and that makes it dangerous, melted in it is radioactive elements as it causes the radiation effect to be on your targets that are also with heat damages.
Chaotic poison; This causes degrading moments and makes it so things die easily by radiation poisoning. This works per round with x2 the poison damage.
Chaotic acid; This is chaos infused acid, that makes things mutate, that's as it's eaten away per round of its influence.
Here are the order elements:
Ordered earth; This is a special earth that is strong in elements. As you order earth by thinking at it normal thought that is stable. Then it gains in ability to create with its own energy, that's your creative idea and makes you sane as you use it.
Ordered water; This effect is where things are liquid and you create with the energy to revive, this will make energized your targets and your own party. It will create order in your life and this water is clean..if you were insane you no longer are after drinking it. That's as you heal all the way to full health.
Ordered air; This is ordering air or energizing air and that causes it to be clean air. This makes it sweet to take in. It is purified of radiation and able to revive those you want to revive with sane thought. The targets no longer want to fight by this effect.
Ordered fire; This fire is very able to burn anything. It's true temperature is very hot, and any nearby it is more able to handle things. Add +5 to all rolls as this is in effect.
Ordered Ice; This element is cold, it's ordered Ice or energized to a thought. Yet pure and you get the benefit of creative thoughts, that the ice is programmed with by thinking at it if you use it. This element can freeze what you intend frozen. And slow down with freezing damage the targets you think deserve it. It can cover any targets as it forms on them that you want.
Ordered lava; This is ordered lava that can melt anything near it. It also is strong enough to burn any near it that you want burned.
Ordered poison; This makes things die easily by double strength poison. Meaning is x2 the poison damage as it effects per round.
Ordered acid; This acid is energized by a thought, that eats away from your targets twice as fast till death. So instead of damages every 1 round, its every action that it does damages. Until washed off, it will deal damages.
The hyper elements
Hyper elements cost 20% energy to cast and only effect what you want effected. That is an enhanced Psionics forcecraft spell without Psionics, that's using the state of elemental energy with the excited state of its energy being active. They exist normally then when excited by focus they shift to the hyper dimension, that can kill nearly anything. This will cause x3 damages on the enemies and healing on your allies or yourself. This energy is intelligent so it recognizes allies from foes. How you would use it is imagine the elemental coloration particles, that are rubbing themselves together and it makes the excited elemental energy effect the targets from the hyper dimension..
This can even form elemental hyperenergy spheres, that go shoot forth and destroy the targets you had in mind. Whatever the case, when you focus on the particles and think they stop rubbing together, the hyper elemental effect stops. The Psionics special ability allows you to cast this at 5% energy cost. The difference in using Psionics forcecraft, and this spell is your casting a spell to get the element effect. That's where your using the Magic focus, think and when using psionics your not casting a spell. This is an interesting effect done by feel, if you want the Psionics forcecraft effect, get the Psionics special ability so you can use forcecraft effects by themselves.
Hyper Earth; This effect is instant using earth. Seeing brown molecules in a scrubbing motion is using earth to scrub out the disease while thinking of the disease, manipulations by intended movement or restorations by destruction or repair of objects and bodies unless unnecessary.
Hyper Lava; This effect is instant. Lava is reddish brown. The lava manipulator can control the emotion by inciting the pink or purple molecules, like love or hate along with other emotion that effects as you want. This is in most people including themselves. The liquent master can cool down or heat up lava to control the air temperature with a will to move the molecules slower. They do not get burns easily unless its not done right.
Hyper Fire; This effect is instant and has a duration if not used for attack. Fire is the color red, the control on fire can be able to make or unmake it at will. They can excite any fire particle of heat (red dots or tachyons) to some destructive force and little excess. This can burn you if not used carefully. Kill demons with this.
Hyper Water; This effect is instant after a few seconds. Water can come from air and other water sources by manipulations to get their result, they can see and breath water well enough to effect form it anywhere including in people, and dry things up by removal; See the aquamarine colored molecules and attempt to incite them by making the particles vibrate and rub together while you feel the result or think on a result you desire on a focus at the object or area.
Hyper Acid; This effect is instant. Acid can come from dirty water that's been left out and focused with other source manipulations to get some result, those that use this can see and form acid well enough to effect form it anywhere including in people, they cause residue by removal; See the grey blue colored molecules and attempt to incite them by making the particles vibrate and rub together while you feel the result or think on a result you desire form on a focus at the object or area.
Hyper Ice; This effect is instant. Ice and cold can freeze or unfreeze objects at will, they excite or compress any cold particle (blue particles) for the effect. That's including water, fire (putting it out) or air, leaving a excess of energy. Any spheres formed of this ice will shatter upon getting near or contact of the target. Dealing ice shrapnel damages..or freezing the targets where they stand.
Hyper Air; This effect can deal damage if instant or otherwise has a duration. Control air by use of neutral energy or scrubbing clear white particles to move wind and to get readings psychicly through reading a conscious of most work or universal conscious of most time, you can have omnipotency, force form barriers and air walls as in efficient barriers of air, along with support for mental control for or mental with mind. State the rule to get the effect. So think of the effect and feel it occur as you scrub clear white particles. An imagine the scene as if roleplaying as it may or may not happen. Be careful, as you excite the air particles anyone in the area can use them. Any air sphere will punch through the target as an energy ball.
Hyper Poison; This effect is exciting puce or sickly green colored molecules. That causes the effect of exciting by imagining, the fermented dirty water is with thinking the puce or sickly green colored particles rubs together. Then it kills the targets including bugs by poisoning them, that's in idea with what you do then think it will achieve. Think and you know what to do.
d20 System Reference (c) 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
OPEN GAME License Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, LLC. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.
All other idea: Kittymoo and SH