How to teleport and timeshift 


  Due note:
  There is possibility that this won't work for you as it does require the right brainwaves in a pattern that means these are thoughts sometimes that is there for study or matching and these are theoretical points or thoughts. Like complete the thought you were making then you are where you think you are. So if any end results are by these methods, there might be requiring practice before they work by the time you think to get the right brainwaves to use the variations by the superstring are by the leylines or lava energy flow with focus. We can direct the flow or object by thinking the direction. So don't be surprised by this fact as the effect is appearant that probably work but its not at the right moment. So then think something then manifest occurs if use is obvious.
  Some have used crystal amphere to make it work better, which are quartz crystal or any arguable crystals that you hold and think to it what. You want to occur on a specific idea or as need be things are or as your saying. So think then time the event, then think the ideal to manifest the thing or person you thought to exist. Then if you think the point or ideal you can create what you wish by now your thinking "so this is not always possible" well sometime the ideal, item or event is there by ideal to manifest.
  This is usually as though your thought is used as a manifest. A manifest is created ideal from something or ideal you want, that exists by some result. That is where you can think or create some ideal result, so don't think thoughts to create the end result or think some to create the desire. See that is your thought, unless you want to get what you want or find things out. The crystal will make some result occur, if you want the result you think to create. That is the twisted result sometimes, where you don't complete the thought due to thinking the point through.
  The crystal will make some things occur as it was tried in the research lab or real life. What the research lab was showing, was the fact of it would work if you thought it would but the crystal had to be told to. Or activating energy had to be passed through it. There is a point that when in a thought is nothing and used from the idea, then if your mind restores things from what you attempt think or so your sometimes energy in or by use. As if your use is a concept and thought is nothing except energy, if your in a use and things that are achieved is done your mind shifts you back as if in use is nothing as if a point to do or not to do as your use. So remember don't drink alcohol with this, this only creates what is there slower.
  Where in the point practice makes perfect, so think teleportation with concept to seem a point or not as the mind moving the body through the imagining is moving the essence of the place and with practice is creation. Think and shifting is the body from one place to another by the allowance, using an anchor point or think one place then this links to the point you make. This is a process that takes power or energy, as energy is a place and not a time as things not in place is a thought that in time exists.
  So as thought an use if you think you probably won't shift as thought energy is use in a concept, so you can think of the reality as though an object floating in space and thought touch to shift. This is created matter as a thought creates what you wish, your use is with the energy that is a point and think as you would by the point that is your ideal. The actual place or matter is a must point to have been visited for this, as a point to work or at least been by seen methods within a place with a point though patterns are useful concept in a point.
  They are useful by the point thats a break or observed point, but this is so you know by what is there so they are sometimes practical use. So as you think an then are aware you could know what will happen. Think then use the ideal to create work for you. Thinking things through makes work for better practice. So remember to make the point, then this is the point create by ideal will work for you. I think there is no reason for this though, so practical uses are practice by feel, I think so therefore you are aware.

  The first method: This method works off of a basis of need, desire, and the will. What the basis of this is, you want to go home and you have no ride to get there, there is the need. The desire is from the thought that I would be walking home otherwise, there is in the desire. The will comes from having in thought of both the ideal and the direction by energy that is going where you visualized when thinking about going home. Now make it visualized in your mind of the path and energy allowance that will allow for you to go home, now link it in your mind and feel a shift by a line drawn of the area here to area there.
  Use a symbol of your current location as a symbolic idea, that represents your link for your anchor point and area here. Now think up a symbol of the place you want to go to for your area there. This is the other anchor point and a visualized straight line connecting both places down as drawn in the direction you would want to go. In effect it will of act as though you were in a pathway for both sets as points of an anchor.
  Thinking on a familiar item there as or by using it as a conjectured gate point. Allowing the link to draw you, to your house through the path made in the mind and there you be as if you went through a tunnel of light. Or will yourself to go along the path of allowance or the line, which is the path of least existence to the conjectured gate anchor point, and if the need is to be there, then you should appear if there is enough energy in the area an within you. For allowance of shift to occur, one must be willing to surrender control to the unknown or feel calm and be willing to guide the moment at need as if instinct guided the way.

  The second method: Try to think of music and listen to the music while you think of the place to go. Then you feel you are there and imagine that you appear there invisibly manipulating your way to places or invisibly manipulating events to draw you there.

 The third method: The concept after this point changes of an little bit as to an advancing degree not. To teleport when you want to, focus on the mental image of when and where you want to go by using and feeling an objects energy force represented by an obect and in your mind placed near the place or away from yourself. Will through it yourself and draw upon any energy source nearby by choosing to be there and feel the equidistance between you and there closing.
  Hint: there are cases where the elemental source can be used and heat is a good source as well as astral plane energy. Don't use electricity as it may cause serious problems to you and/or others.
  Now, imagine that there is a energy sheaf around you drawing off the energy source excess and allows for teleportation to occur because something isn't in the space your appearing in and it acts as a vacuum sucking you there. Take a look at the mental image of the place and object again in your mind allowing for the summoned energy to bring you near the object. This will work if you practice it enough and after many tries. Sometimes rejecting the fact that it isn't working makes use of negative energy to cause the response.

 The fourth method: Shifting an object to another place including another object is to hold the object or think of the object where it is and imagine it appear somewhere else in perfect detail feeling the object appearing there. Possibly draw a line somehow in your mind, air or on paper to make the transfer happen to someplace in mind. The line direction determines an object from another place to you by a drawn line down or to the thought place by a drawn line up. Saying the word "ehwaz" (eh-wayz) while attempting the shift may make it happen and if no shift happens try touching the object or person after. Feel free to repeat ceremony till it happens.
  The alternative to this method is dancing the pattern. Make a pattern on the ground where you are by chalk or other methods not withstanding a small dance. Drawing in energy at the same time in sheer enjoyment to mark the place of existence. Then, go somewhere else and make that same dance willing yourself there by the drawing in of energy at the time of dancing in a natural rhythm. All that is occurring is a dance to accomplish this teleportation. Afterword, sleep immediately or be tired for at least 4 hours later. Then, dance the pattern again to make the transfer back from whence you came.


  Time shifting is a far different process. Timeshifting, is mostly will with some personal idea. It involves the shifting of oneself through the relation of 3 variables or just wanting to be there and seeing yourself where you want to be. But place, area, and time is all that go into the shifting through time an place. This can happen with the subconscious making it possible. Try to dismiss the other noises and disturbances from the area to get good results.
  First, time is not what one thinks of it. Time is actually a measurement or noticing of events to a clock or what the ancients called time of events. For example: the time of dinner, the time of a movie, and any other noteworthy event all in a sequence. This is also called time moments. This can be equated to the speed of life theory as seen on 20/20. Where the moment makes the time by life rememberances.

  The first method: Again, time shifting of oneself is using oneself and sometimes dependent on the three variables: place, area, and time. To calculate place think of a picture or find a picture of the place to get your mind familiar with the place. To calculate area find a map of the area and mentally fix it in your head. To calculate time imagine or know that every 5 seconds is actually 1 hour there so think of or research 5 events within 1 year of happening in that area of time. To shift oneself through thought to that time is simple after this. Focus through the efforts above and unfocus and refocus your mind on the place, area and time of that timeplace thus allow for the shift to occur.
  Now place yourself mentally in that picture and allow yourself to do things, that built in your head while thinking about the timeplace doing something to place yourself there. Suddenly, with a gut wrenching surge of energy or a smooth energy surge through your body you'll find yourself there by the power of thought. Sometimes this works but as you barely notice it, it seems like it didn't and that the right brain frequencies are needed. Remember that use of time as effort is to be in place by moment. As in effort by enough movement or activity. At other times this didn't work, you need to try and do again until your tired of it or achieve it. You may need to be tired to shift in the first place, but this is the more dangerous type of travel where you won't actually come back till you try, to achieve.
  The thought of the place you were in will bring you back to your own time and place. Thinking of a familiar or event or special item to yourself and focusing on the need of being there next to it by willing yourself there with the desire of it will shift you back at your allowance of the shift of unknown control. Sometime if you succeeded, you could lead a double life unless you imagined yourself coming back to you by whatever means. The double life is the idea of you yourself 'borrowing' a body to sustain your activity there where you went. You actively feed off the energy till the time you 'take over' and then you can use the mouth, use the body or use the mind as you will. Just by thinking that the body does, its your directive will. That is until you think of returning.

  The second method: Know this, in this method if your mind isn't in the right frame of mind and the brain isn't attuned to the right frequency, then you won't timetravel. It all depends on what you do to get attuned and tune out the distractions in the area. Normally, if your mind's in the right frame of mind then all you need to do is think of yourself appearing in the place at the time that you decide on. Some have thought that it was alpha to shift somewhere and beta to return or go into the past. The frame of mind, is that which is built on focus of what you want and your putting yourself into the scene of the moment. Its a result that your subconscious causes.
  Trance makes it easy as trance can cause alpha. And, if you can't return normally, then the effect you look to try is matching your vibrations to the present that you remember. So thinking you hold the object you were in the future, works. And you return to that moment by subconscious activity and relaxing. So when in a trip lets then allow the trance or suggestion to help you tell the subconscious, to share the memories that are gained from the trip, with you. This may take focusing your mind by saying what you want.
  You only have to visualize enough to start your subconscious and think to the subconscious, to keep it going or telling the subconscious to 'take you to the year 2020' and fill you in with images of what you do there, till you return. As you shift there, you tend to separate from your body and its like astral projection, after that. Then its up to you there, to get things done. I believe it depends on the amount of control you want, for how much you visualize. As, you let your spirit roam and record the idea that is there, in which you percieve that recording.

  The third method: You can even travel in time using a timecircuit. With a timecircuit, there is no 'borrowed' body. There is just you yourself. A great idea of which I found for a true time circuit is the Flux capacitor time circuit, a schematic was originally hand-drawn - Flux Capacitance Time Travel Circuit taken from above link (c) John Bajak 1990

B1 27 volt source
C1 1200 uF 50V electrolytic
P1 piezoelectric transducer (value uncritical)
S1 charging switch (SPST)
G1 25-ohm rheostat (future control)
G2,G3 switch (SPST) and 1M-ohm potentiometer for past control

  (Transcriber's note: I don't know whether G1 and G2 are really supposed to be a rheostat and a potentiometer, or both rheostats, or both pots. He refers to two rheostats elsewhere, and I was just going to call them pots until I remembered that rheostats would have some inductance.)
  Updated - Flux Capacitance Time Travel Circuit (c) George Nordahl 2004

B1 50 volt source (5 nines in series)
CR1 Double Terminated Quartz Crystal
CR2 Double Terminated Quartz Crystal in parallel with C1 and C2
RP Rubbing plate inside with Sirian cone (copper disks) outside pressing
against belly button with a transducer on either side
C1 2200 uF 50V electrolytic in parallel with CR2 and C2
C2 Four 1000 uF 50V electrolytic in parallel with C1 and CR2
P1 Piezoelectric transducer (value uncritical) in parallel with P2
P2 Piezoelectric transducer (value uncritical) in parallel with P1
S1 Push button charging switch
G1 5-ohm rheostat/potentiometer (future control)
G2,G3 switch (SPST) and 10-ohm rheostat/potentiometer for past control

  The schematic to this device came to me from a person who lives in New York City. I cannot mention his name for the simple reason; it could get me into trouble. It should be mentioned however, that before a (time displacement) can occur, the circuit must first be connected to a variable 44-volt DC power supply. Also while using the (S-2) push button switch, the voltage must also be pulsed at 2 cycles per second. If a lesser voltage is used, and the current is pulsed at a different frequency, then the most that you will be able to accomplish, or at least in most cases, is an out of the body experience. Most of these components can be purchased from (Skycraft Electronics). Their telephone number is: (407) 628-5634. However, as for the 1 M OHM 10W potentiometer and the Piezo transducer: these items can be bought at your local Radio Shack store.
  The dial indicators used, should be calibrated from 0 to 100. The dials can be obtained through (Newark Electronics). Their number is: (402) 392-1055.
  To operate this device:
First: Activate the variable 44-volt DC power supply.
Second: Move the (S3) switch to either the past or future mode.
Third: For future time travel, set VR-1 at 10 meters and VR-2 at the highest possible setting.
Fourth: While the Piezo transducer is taped over the navel area, turn VR-2 backwards from 84 to 0 while pressing the (S-2) pushbutton switch, in an up and down motion so that the current is pulsed at 2 cycles per second. When you hit the correct setting on VR-2, you will hear a click or popping sound. When you hear the click or popping sound, the hour hands on your wall clock (that is, if you have one) should begin to move forward or backward in time.
  Thus, by watching the wall clock, we can arrive at the date of our own choosing, that is, if the theory holds true. If not, then another means will have to be devised, in order to determine the time and place in which you will land in.
  For past time travel, VR-2 is left on (0), and VR-1 is turned slowly from 0 to 84 while pressing the (S-2) pushbutton switch in an up and down motion. As before, as soon as you hear the click or pop, you should be moving through time. Remember! As soon as you arrive at the destination point, deactivate the power switch to stop. If you fail to deactivate the power switch, you will continue to time travel.
  *NOTE - the same rule applies, if you choose to travel into the future.
  It should also be mentioned; this device will not work for everyone. The reason is quite simple. The brainwaves must oscillate at a certain frequency before a time displacement can occur. Thus, there will be only a few people out of a hundred who will get any results. This may also have a lot to do with the individual's faith.
  NOTE: A frequency or pulse generator may be used in place of the variable 44-volt DC transformer. However, you must use an (OBE).
  For technical information, product availability, prices, delivery, a complete listing of TIME-TRAVEL electronic components, and fully assembled parts. Look on the internet. John bajak was positive it did indeed work. The people who used these directions to remake the thing have made it, taken pictures but they never go into detail whether or not it works. No one's said anything like "yeah i made it, it works" nor have they said "yeah i made it, it's a dud".

  There are rules which can be followed when you shift in time. Read them in this doc! To understand what a time travellor did then, read for the past life regression method to use for time travelling.
