Dream Types
There are many who do dream about idea and things, considered a level
'y' activity for being wild in perception, or the wild 'dream state'
level of reality. It is the hereditary idea that is expected, but anything goes
in this level. Its a wild level of perception, because anything is
acceptable and is sometimes done, even in lucid dreams. Sometimes to be
where the wild situation is in a dream state.
Where, people realize they weren't
actually living it and therefore the situation wasn't real. Also known
as the 'lucid' dream state. Once you realize that you are in the wild
state, anything can be manifested, but you may quickly awake from the
wild state when you realize you are in it and try to control it, though
sometimes not.
Also, some mostly found that dreams
can be categorized. Where the people that were doing anything at a whim
and getting things done or the people that were singing in perfection
and in tune in a singing contest were "just a dream" and usually lacks
great meaning that other dream types have. Due to this fact, it can
also be dangerous to consist at the wild level and try to make
something for themselves. This is the 'y' level of reality and is
consistent of the vow to do things any way that's possible. As when you
have an idea, and you decide to work on it, manifest it, make it a
reality, you are vowing to do so. These are
the categories listed as dream types.
There are two main groups of dream types
dreams, where all of
the dream is created by your conscious or sub-conscious thoughts of
things you know, and is usually internal.
External dreams, where the
content comes from something other than yourself (a telepathic link,
being contacted by another being, etc)
More of the external dream types are as follows
Dreams that are "planted" by another
person or being, for whatever reason they are influenced. Sometimes
these are used to give you messages from certain entities, such as to
give you some good knowledge or to warn you of a future event.
Sometimes they are planted by malevolent entities to scare or
intimidate you, usually when you are growing in strength and/or doing
something important that goes against their wishes.
Messenger dreams are when you receive semi-hidden information from the higher plains.
The message is often revealed to you with symbols. For example, if one of your front
teeth falls, it may mean that one of your close relatives is about to
die soon. The messenger dreams can also be caused by the sub-c
connecting to the z-field, where all information of the universe is
kept as a flow. The z-field is what some call the "universal database"
that also holds the energy of the universe. Sometimes
the mind can take this info and make something useful from it,
resulting in a new idea. Another type of message dream is the one where
an idea you've been thinking on for a time suddenly comes together as a
spark of ingenuity. This isn't actually a message dream but an
internal-based dream that draws from the universe for it's content.
Astral dreams, which are where you
are seeing something which is happening on the Astral plane of
existence - Some have had nights where they'll leave their body, do
something astrally for someone, an example is 'it was kind of a favor
for someone, letting their dead relative say a final message or
something', wake up the next morning, and is told that someone else had
the same dream, or similar. Some can almost physically die during one
of them. Other times you have an astral journey that may be confused
for a simple internal whacky dream but it's actually an astral journey
which can be evidence by some effect that
is left over after from the journey, and that tells you it was a
journey dream rather than an imagination dream.
"Parallel" dreams, where you're in a
parallel reality, much different from another plane of existence, think
'Multiverse' theory. Could just be taken as a false assumption, though.
They closely resemble the internal ones listed above. You may see
locations in the dream that are familiar to you but warped in a way.
These will be consistent through the 'parallel' world of the dream.
They are seen by others as well. Sometimes they are the same as the
planting dream by some entity but different only in that they are
planted in the dreams of multiple people. Sometimes a dream is
purposely or even accidentally caused by one
purpose and it happens to them and some others who may be involved with
the person who causes it.
Some internal dreams:
There's the lucid dream thats
internal with meaning, as well as truth. Where it will appear real and
due to some stress of an internal/external factor, such as life issues.
There's the fear dream of internal
just dream type. Its set off by learning something and the dream is the
reaction to it. also usually caused by stress of internal/external
factors like life issues.
The normal dream type is when the sub-c is just
sorting through external situations for the mind to handle, like
alphabetizing a bookcase of information. The 'dreams with meanings' is
where your subconscious is trying to send a message to the conscious
mind through the use of a dream. The sub-c thinks only in images and
metaphors though, so it's not as simple as a normal message.
Dreams with meanings and dreams that
are just dreams. Such dreams stop happening when you get the thing or
you realize it will never happen. Then, your subconscious squelches by
suppression, the dream.
Other idea in dream types:
Some have both dreams with meanings
that are personal types and these are dreams that are of subcontact.
That didn't start with them, but turned out to be them. Whatever you do
you work hard in them. Whatever you do with a wizard, you're slow to
react with contact and solemnly do.
The other type are dreams others have
are that of external or just dreams, dreams that are magnificent with
meanings in order to cope from others.
Opposite dreams. These are dreams
that show you doing the opposite that you do in life. This serves as a
function to keep balance in the mind.
Physical dream are the dreams that
seem physical and sometimes mirror real life. Most physical dreams can
occur to be the whims of what we desire and are external dreams with
meaning or its just a dream. Where we get aware that we're dreaming in
real life dream, and there is this protection thats fully there, then
this protection is supposedly removed, because we have our
consciousness interact with reality to form the dream. Yet we also wake
up when we realize its a dream through indications. And, its as though
we want it to be real, sometimes, as its all too good to be true. So
when our will is to awaken by realization thats through indications,
then we wake up and reality goes to normal.
There is the things that you think
are dreams as well, where they appear like dreams but are something
else. Like Astral Projections and Ethereal Journeys.
Doc written by Ben, Skyhawk, Libertine, Caz, and others
Rearranged by Heron