is comprised of two elements of nature that is yin and yang which are
positive and negative. It is the law of nature of things to exist in
the concept of yin and yang but positive and negative in only a
reflection of us humans and how we look at things as its a seed of
another in the whole. Or, part of one is another. Just like
Shakespeare said “nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so”.
Yin is noted for having the qualities of: being Quiet, Empty, Dark,
Night, Blue, With curved lines, Fruit, Cold, and Small. Yang is noted
for having qualities of: being Loud, Crowded, Light/Bright, Day, Red,
Straight Lines, Meat, Hot, and Large.
Chi is not further from that concept because it
becomes what our intention is. Where intention can direct chi, it can
control it, but evil or negative intention is a very relative concept
with this. Remember! Evil is only where there is no good so
its true it sometimes doesn’t exist. As
Yin or Chi Yin is negative and dark and Yang or Han Yang is
positive or light; there is also a positive inside Yin and a negative
inside Yang and these energies are then referred to “han” (han yin or
han yang) meaning han yin is the negative side of itself and han yang
is the positive side of itself, and “chi” (chi yin or chi yang) meaning
chi yin is the dark side of itself and chi yang is positive side of
So mostly, yang is mostly light, but with some dark as acts to
get things done are a generfator effect then you are in thought to
create and use what you are or were as energy that gets into the body
as if a thought this seems or not with chi. Where
Yin is mostly dark and if nothing is thought nothing generated but with
some light this is the thought yet to do things with, as what you think
with han is acceptable by thought with light or other energy as a
source come up. This is a brilliant
discovery because even if you believe
negative to exist in general, it still can be used for both good and
bad, example killing evil with evil. Yin and chi is female, Yang and
Han is male. The Male side is magnetic and emotional energy. This
energy pulls in energy to gain attention. Female side energy is pure
life force and will. This energy allows you to direct effects and
There is a possibility of focusing yin and yang to do different things. To do
this, think of the source as of Yin or Yang and collect it as where it
is to be applied. Then focus by thinking on what as what you want and
apply the energy by letting it go. As though the yin can be chi (which
is unstable and creative) and the yang can be han (which is more stable
and creative). So
use yin for unstable idea, that is of chaotic or femalish means, that
last until you focus on something else. Think as you want and yang answers to create for stable things that
is of creative means and that last even after you focus an on something
else an or until you decide if its not to be there. The application of these forces are
possible to be done, for results, by unique idea as you do an action that you thought up.
And by use, it gets easier.
If you want to become strong or remain strong in the use of chi
or han, usage of summoned chi/han energy or meditation is required. By
on it being there and strengthened, enough times per week. Then, you
will strengthen the chi and han effects and even, the chi or han will
be feelable in the body, much more easily. With more chi and han in the
body built up, theres more chance of it causing whatever you desire
just by stating it. So what you think is what you will, as you think
things in an activity to create a point in an idea that is a new
Such as this, as that is a new discovery this reveals the idea
to create and observe, to see as you feel in the wave energy that use
is thought energy in a build up that light waves come from. Think to
create activity as the final idea is build up by chaos, think with
thought is by innocent actions in use is the moment by chaos energy. An
if you think your innocent you act innocent, as if in what is done you
are your will is skill and thought is done by what you think. Just use
a concept and you are as if pure as unnecessary point of view, as if a
use to change is with chi and use is what the heart intact.
This is useful for what love in life that you do to pass the
time, as this is use as nothing is proven useful unless necessary in
change. Act in accord and you can seem to do, as you thought you are
what you can form or if nothing that you do is possible. The idea to do
if not intended is not ever done or the idea programmed into the area
can make or change, as if you say never if you never get things
achieved as you think in order to get things done. Then this is
possible and this is what can seem off, therefor cannot seem as to be
seen is things to seem of use. As you seem to be as the thought exists,
to beat you as if nothing intended to seem hit.
To effect and use han force, is to bring about a positive force,
in the universe. Where, this can also cause a hazard to you. As, han
energy is a positive, then there's electricity, thats a negative.
Negative energy is induced to positive energy. Mostly by a drawing
force. So, han
can be used to cause electricity to come to you from any wall outlet of
electricity. Or, it can also cause you to draw electricity, from any
live circuit. You can literally get zapped by electricity. Also, the
magic, thats negative in nature, will come and effect you as well.
Thats if you have enough Han force summoned. Where, chi force will
repel the electricity from you, as the spells that could be attracted,
will be repelled, as well.
It has been noted, that yin attracts thing and yang repels. You
can attempt to use chi yang, to levitate, if you meditated or focused
on it. Usually you 'd feel lighter and tingly. So, we can use chi yang
to make ourselves lighter, but we must use something else to apply the
lifting force. Yin yang can apply the lift as its energy pushed downward.
cause ghosts to manifest summon chi energy to be near the
area you want the summons to happen, and if there is any ghost nearby,
it will manifest.
But, to cause fire in an object, focus chi into the palm of the
hand, near the object, and then keep focusing intense chi force into
the object. After one to five minutes, put your hand nearer the object
and the object will catch fire. If, the chi is focused enough with the
thought of 'catch fire', then it will catch fire. Enough chi is
possible by meditating on it being there and strengthened, enough times
per week.
To heal with chi, put forth chi through the body after summoning
it from the hara. Think of the chi going in towards the body point of
the pain, disease or hurt. Until ya feel tired or think its enough for
the treatment ya desire. For potent chi shifting through the body,
there could be small spasms of the body. So anchor the other part of
the body to keep the body from moving.
The shield effect, is to summon chi or han or both and cause it
to expand and cover your body, like an unpiercable bubble. This bubble
is unpiercable, only if you think it is. This shield can be programmed.
So, if it eventually will get pierced, then instruct it, to reform
itself. This shield is stronger, with both han yang and chi yin,
entwinned together. Where the han will attract effects and idea, and
the chi will repel the effects and motion that you don't want. A han yang
shield will cause you to feel godly, where the chi shield, will cause
you to be protected, from both, what you want and what you don't want.
To summon the han or chi by colors, think of the idea color or let
your subconscious pick the right shade and then focus the energy to the
body part. Again, the han energy comes from the heart area and the chi energy comes from the hara thats below the navel.
Green energy of chi or yin:
Programmable by thought and with healing can feel cold.
Light green of chi yang:
Feels lighter and as you think, you form an idea by not thinking, of
you and thought is generated by what you consider and with healing
makes you feel colder.
Dark green of chi yin energy:
Makes you feel heavier and doesn't seem to make objects heavier, as this is
with healing bide by your crown chakra but not with everyone and it feels
Just pink color of han or yang:
It makes you feel hot and with thought you get positive results.
Light Pink of han yang:
This can make you feel burning hot and with heavy feeling.
Dark Pink of han yin:
Feels Hot and electric feeling is strong.
use it in combinations you summon the energy, and then its to bring
the two body parts together that you collected it in by summoning it
with your will. As your will causes the energy of the chi or han to
collect in the part. This could even be an object part. You could
effect others by touching them in two
areas or in an area after joining the energy together. Its safe to
dissipate by letting the idea of the energy flow out of your body and
thinking it dissipated
into the air. To summon han in any way may produce a smell off your
body maybe of sweat. To summon chi in any way is to produce a cleaner body scent.
To shift the body through the ether and time itself to
arrive as though through a gate, think of chi yin interacting with han
yin for a more idea result or just use chi yin for a less likely
effect, to become polarized in the area and cause you to shift to the
point another etheric space. By thinking of the space and time ahead of
time, your mind could cause you to be there at the time you want. After
this, there is an ill energy that can be forming and it can separate
you into that space or the space you are in. It can be converted,
however, to an 'un ill energy' by thinking and focusing on the idea of
the ill energy, and stating or thinking with intention to fix the
illness of it a, "un ill energy", and that effects immediately. On
curing it, ya can become aware of multiple places mostly all seeming at
once, in your mind sight, as though you were seeing and in those
multiple places.
are Opposing
as yin and yang describe the polar effects of phenomena. In viewing any
one phenomenon (or the comparison of two phenomena), yin and yang
describe the opposing qualities inherent in it. As yin is the dark
female quality and yang is the masculine quality. For instance, winter
and summer would be the yin and yang, respectively, of the year.
Yin-yang are Mutually Rooted in the effect and momentary idea. Yin and
yang are two complementary qualities. That is to
say, the yin
and the yang aspect of any one phenomenon will, when put together, form
the entire phenomenon. Yin-yang is a philosophy of duality. This is the
reason the Chinese word has no "and" between yin and yang - the term
always expresses the two making up the one. In the example above,
winter plus summer makes up the whole year.
it can be
made up into further groups, like a little Yin is in Yang or chi yang
and some Yang
is in Yin or han yin. So we get the female Yang or Yang in Yin, and
female Yin or
Yin itself. Then theres male Yin or Yin in Yang and male Yang itself or
just Yang. Chi
is in everything and everything exists because of this bioelectricity.
So to say, our thoughts are chi itself and that’s why what we desire
through thoughts comes to manifestation as chi disseminates itself to
the world to bring an effect. You should also know that chi works by
association of thought and visualization. So if you make a chi ball,
you can shape it and direct its purpose through your thoughts as if
a point.
not many may know this but the chi
that is in the “hara” is the neutral type of chi with both yin and yang
combines. The pure yang (-ve) resides parallel to the base chakra in
the container called “the heart of the gut or the small
The heart is pure positive as if to cure with it, this is to use the
heart and heal with as the use is done. If the heart is hera called in
a ritual to seem healed, you heal by using good things for your heart
as heart healthy effect is a good food diet or things that you do that
are area walking.
Purify the heart and the damage and things that are unwanted
dissipate, this is where things in mind are a concept and this where
they aren't there and that is not intended. This is to get remaining
things fixed, as if pointed not out this is done. As for pure yin,
it is formed through negative and dark thoughts and intentions which
can shape the neutral chi, in the hara with a purpose so be careful
of it. Use of a yin you can get loud, or sorta strange reactions and
with yang you can get interesting results that are cool use in good
feeling through your heart and brain. An idea in to them is to become
and do an interesting idea that things in use create a point to do,
this as is in use makes as if it seems better and that is what you
can choose to rid yourself of things. This is amongst other things
as this in an idea is in, its what you think of a way that you want
can generate what you intend for use.
The hara ritual is to cite in a circle, think healing with the
idea that you do or want as with the thought to heal by. The thought is
a point to create a flow of energy to heal by, the circadium rhythms in
life that is circulating through the heart sack and use is this as a
natural ritual. The idea is the thought, that is 'Hera, heal my heart
and make me whole, as the usable motion is there to do.' The use is to
use the healing, as if your healthy with the heart you are with
activity that is exercise as the body regenerates. This with an idea
and things, what you do are things you get with healing of
With the sometime thought things in mind you can cure yourself by,
as if to use shaped rhythms is to make or create with as if better by what
you do. Any abuse in intended divertable use can create a divertable destructive
urge or non destructive idea, that draws from the heart to seem work with
what concept is action that you feel to work. If you hold it in, you can
make interesting repressed feelings that if released you should hit a wall
or object. This is to release, as to not release this on the person, you
work with or consider that is near you.
When we perform an action, we do it through intentions
which are in the heart. So action is from the heart. A bad idea leads
to starvation of the heart which is a point in activity. In fact, heart
has 40,000 neurons and has a life of its own even according to science
which shows that a heart doesn't need a brain to guide by feeling.
There is a two way communication from the heart to the brain. Heart is
the core of humans, and the center of consciousness is what can make
and do.
So even scientifically its proven that heart need food
(nourishment) which is our good actions to be a wonderful heart. So the
first thing is to perform good actions to purify the heart. Its a
wonderful topic, every warrior of the past including a ninja had a
section in his training dedicated to spiritual refinement and of the
heart which shows how much the physical heart in which the spiritual
hearts resides is important, even in akido.
is tonal. As Don Juan says, "Tonal is the island
where we live on with evertything that is visual and sound based made
of tones and represents the conscious mind. Everything is tonal in this world, what we do in tonal is
first attention where tonal is knownable conscious."
Yin is nagual, as Don Juan says "..nagual is the sea
surrounding the island. There're no explanations or titles in nagual.
As nagual is unknownable conscious, or the unconscious mind, where it's 2nd attention and magic
is nagual as well as psicraft is, so 'we can fly with binding our
'strings' to the 'lines' of the world.' What I do with expressing this
sentence is tonal but what I do of this action of flying is nagual. Tao
is nagual too. Tao Te Ching has these
words: ' Heaven and the earth is connected; what happens in heavens,
happen in earth. What happens in earth, happens in heavens. They're
connected, but still they're not.' Where earth means tonal, heaven
means nagual in this text."
conclusion, it has to be realized that
everything you see is energy in the first and second attention. The
table you work on is energy
(non-living object’s chi is called mana) because if you go deeper in
the atom, you will find proton and electron which are energy as
described in particle physics. Where chi is the general flow of things
and energy from within and outside.