
 Electricity is an act of affinity by the electron flow, through extra electrons in the valence shell of the atom, sharing through a medium of copper wiring of the electrons down a line in one direction. The wiring is rated by load, and is the measurement of voltage on a line of copper wiring. What the electricty does, is flow through and runs applications, by flowing through designed circuit boards with timers, volt drops, and loop circuitry. Then, electricity flows from the appliance, back to the source of the electricity. When the electrical flow goes back to the source of the flow. The voltage is not the same due to heat generation. This is called the voltage drop measurement.

  To measure it, use a volt meter across the copper line from the start of the electrical line to where it enters the application, and record the reading at that point, calling it voltage 1. Then, the next stage, is to record the reading from where the electrical line comes from the application, to where the line is going back to the source, which is the line end. Call this voltage 2. Now, substract the voltage 2 reading from the voltage 1 reading and the result is the Line Load. If the line load is greater than the line load wire rating, it will result in overloaded circuits or wires.

  Where there are too many applications, like a hair dryer, a couple of lights, two spotlights, and one portable stove on the same circuit, there will be overloaded burned wires, with possible fire hazard, that are burned useless for carrying electricity current. The way electricity flows, is decided by the phycisits and engineers philosophy. Engineers say, electricity flows from negative to positive Phycisitssay, electricity flows positive to negative. Affinity properties of like goes to like, through the atomic valence shell makes electricity work.