All about demons  

Demonic menu
General info by merkh the ancient gal
Sorry in a thought and sorry in life
Demonic art recovery by effort
Why they might form and some on what they are
Specific types
Dark Demon
White demon
Elemental chromatic demons
Art and voice
Demonic art
The voice of a demon
Interests and defense
Demons in real life by Paul M.
Elementalism defense
Demon names listing

General info by merkh the ancient gal

  "How do you conceive of demons? This is a drink that is 3 inches from me. This is where americans got the term wrong. They create what they want by chemicals yet this is the feel if forgiven as a concept. I believe in hopes and dreams yet this is nothing if flawed as you remember you realize or figure things ot by ideal. What was this for use, something you did for life see that means dislikes are demons so forgive or as you are losing your mind you tend to allow to use then stop losing your mind as that is just energy your mind is your energy in use then, you aren't as you are normal yet the creator removes the insane or area feel that is bad by insane idea as you work thing by resolve to not do unless a pest.

  Do you notice any consistency in their behaviour? Are some of them be friendly while others are adversarial? Does it make sense to you to consider Enochian and Solomonic greater spirits are 'Lesser' spirits to be viewed as "evil" only from a Christian paradigm and to generalize about spirits associated with no or little disease till insane enough to get disease, so this is from the people insane enough to do away things. That are alpha if non advisable or destruction and death as truly inimical to ordinary human life?" So you see this is not or use as this was an ancient posting seen from Cristopers sight, where this was use by idea. This is where a demon is a pet peeve or if a vision shows the demon, then something is going on that is wrong. Yet this was seen or not. See as seen use is done your use is gone. I remember this from spirit rememberances.

  "That was from a forum A. O. Cime created as disagreement. Think you see to see use then you remember what is. So we use the area creator or not make the chaos by activity done to stop things. The effect is what you think of and imagine happening. The temporal shift then or now is the moment you think to create with no damaged genes without degenerated mutated genetics or no damaged genes is the moment you feel is correct. Momentary stupidity then is not yes your creativity or temporal feel is some stupidity or moral no stupidity if water focused to help create. Think you use area feel to create normal or unstupid feel as this is demonism. I think I've seen this enough so I will stop now or then never continue as this is free to fee. Seen is some area to shift by area focus as you think stop, realize whats there then shift of use by feel. This was energy to the area fee to work from area feel." This was a faery there free from activity if seen feel. I don't think fee because they don't like dark energy effects. They are not fee there that form from the use by area energy, seem to neutralize the energy is to create with free energy. If that was a fee its not in your belly.

  Demons are actually spirits that are poltergeists or riled spirits. You see they don't always start as part of souls, they start as spirits that are young and they don't judge you, so they will do anything you want or need by feel. They are actually high vibrational with no morals and live on another separate dimension once they separate from the body. They are able to manifest themselves anywhere, and they can create insanity, that's if you ask for it. So think about it, as they can move quickly and this allows them to appear as though they teleported. So thought is the speed they go, see that's a point in idea and yet this means you don't have to respond, they can't hurt you if you think your not hurt or effected by them as your god or creator makes it so. They aren't daemons so you don't have to worry about being chased down and killed in the road. They are actually not that experienced as they are formed from lies and turmoil you can work with. This allows them to feed off your emotions, so they keep you feeling things as a point is done. They are inner demons. The old souls either don't have need of them and withstand the demon and ignore this, use this or kill it where it is.

  They tend in thought to die and remain demonic or as a riled spirit that can feel chaos to use it as a force by focusable thought, if they stay longer than a certain time of seconds to minutes then they are torn apart by the chaos they use and that chaos allows them to change and when they go bad on themselves that is due to demonic control influence. So you only give it power, in this case power is energy and if you think it has power it will do things per request. Seen is the area feel is the point you created yet didn't, so this was no reason to exist unless necessary to explore to understand things by use with thought trace or the creators area idea is some area you realize. Demons dement by the way you think, they are not meant to see with area feel that is resolve caused by idea or some actions. I think by response or use is done to yield yet allow results, so think to clean to use forgiving area seen by the feel or not to keep by any body shape. See is the feel is focus so you see this if non clean. Sodium is with energy is nitrate or baking soda use to air by feel you don't have to praise anyone or alive by feel or what they want. I see this is then a point you think or create by what you see or live as you wish.

  As you kill by idea where your the creator of the information to them, their influence ceases or use is thought to not work with them by feel. See or will think the idea to do, then they might do some idea to use love by activity not or the use if not some as no drugs as its like "I know so no you were supposed to bring me back to oklahoma yet you didn't have to eat sweets".

  Your spirit is releasable if the body dies, if you think your free then your free and sometimes it is angered then it is demonic or a point that's poltergeistic. Spirits can do whatever you want, so if you give them a little of your energy. They will do requests. Demonic spirits are naturally angry and toss things about, that they emotinally pick up and throw things around by manifested energy in a solid shape. So the spirit does what you want when you need it done, where you think it possible to create the result. If they need to, the spirit will possess the body until forgiven or told to not possess them by feel. A demonic spirit, however will rough you up a bit if your nearby them.

  When they the spirit are truly demonic, if they are free from being released from the body, they could disappear and then if they come back they bring with them 5 worser demons. So think when your in thought, this is harbored as though in use is using an idea and as thought an ideal use is a personal degree in thought. If the body in dies during that time, so no and they are seemingly the demon where they formed in the body as a spiritual being, yet they appear like the person in common where that's interest by common feel or not done results as you don't intend to do them. You don't have to believe everything you read or hear, this is useful to know as if a thought was accepted "or not as thought this is no use".

  This is a concept that can see evil or good use, think to remember peace or feel calm and they are calm in return, see this is good as a point is done by some idea. That is realized from the spirit knowing and not based on murder by feel. As you are capable to do things and you use the era information your soul (if you have one) knows and feel its alright, then if you think to not do things or go and continue with what you do. This is work allowable. You could continue on forever.

  So stay away from the idea if it brings bad results and think stop and you don't get the urge to feel like doing things. What shouldn't be done, that means as if by water you cure yourself with contaminants, that's as a point if you do things to frame yourself and your able to create effect. This is sometimes by guilt, so this is where they are feelings released by letting go of the stress, think better by tense and release with use of the muscles and your not killing or hitting and you do not have to blame thyself.

  The acceptance is living with the results or otherwise avoid what you hate. That's as a dismissal from what you practice, so you can see the idea and think otherwise from acceptancing by feel. The feel is sometimes not feel or your not sensing where this is done by water from what is there, so as you sense this and if you focus, think fix and that fixes by the spirit what you need repaired.

  What this is ended by is physical feel or the need to use materialistic approach that then is objectionism. What is not done by feel is thought by sense in this case, see as your idea is not always reproach or the fear from what you might get this is usually by what you can do with life. Think and you know, the thought is not you and things you do are with idea of what you intend.

  So feel in focus and feel the area energy, thought as a point is there if you think and use some love potion or idea. That is used to seem as though by what you do and this is where you create by the feel. This is then by what you think and not always to do as the need is already done, so thought to restore energy is meditation or using your hands to circle your head and shake them out by the side.

  Otherwise this a pattern realized and that is fixed if bad sleep is done by rest and some relaxed state of mind. You can make yourself relaxed by stating the word "relaxing", then if you want the easy way you can do that as you need to do it. As this can seem your acceptance, this is the moment you think or notice to do things as you see as though accepted if the use is there. The spirit is what is doing this trick.

  As there is no torment if you accept what is done, thought and use as there or not done is if you accept the fact. This is with a concept otherwise thought, that is to seem to create, use you feel and reject the demon as you think forgive. This is necessary sometimes or focus and the need to see life or whatever you do to exist. This is how they can feel, act or seem different to the point. This is thought as energy is there to use, fire is the demons weakness.

  This is how they can form. They mostly start to form by thinking of a need an go evil or having as thought is from need with an ego trip think "no ego" and thinking evil things as this is with no lust that transforms your spirit into doing a demonic deed. The young souls are likely to act out what they most dislike with their demon in control. They only give over control, when they don't realize it and they think nope or otherwise nope unless necessary if they act. The spirit remembers what it does, so it could fall back to what it felt good to do. So greedily or otherwise or not is a required function to us as though in demonic influence, if overwhelmed by what you do and realize in the idea what you do then you stop as you think or do something else.

  Look as you want in life, otherwise as you make thought to do things you get thought in return, that's if they use natural idea as control is energy over themselves. Young souls have a tendency to want power and get results quickly. With their demon, they seek power and get what they desire, by dark deeds and dark desire for magic unless taught otherwise. They tend to collect things to substantiate their demonic need, this is done in a moment so if allowed with realization that's from an association. This is with the need to time shift, and that's by relation and focus is energy to the mention. Seen or created to the tune of a different thought to a different feel. This is interesting, if it were a musical yet not very interesting otherwise.

  They feed off death and events very easily as they fear they are in ability. They're afraid of real weapons and steel or iron weapons, they play a big part in your defense. As you can get into a moment of comformity and not always use the energy in the moment, you can direct your will against the thought and the shape your worm takes shape in and its disrupted. Why it forms is when you do things enough, as a willed thought is with allowed energy and actions you are easily forming the idea. This starts by common use, though as common sharing is with common nature. This is leading up by feel to insanity, that's with the need or insane motions that aren't necessary, so you can delude yourself in public by thinking things that you want and not done otherwise.

  This need you have, it makes the demon do whatever you need as intention. This means they will do anything, unless you don't indicate bad things that are against the others will. Then you get what positive feelings you can, this comes from positive feedback, if anything is positive about what you intend. So what you think in idea is what you intend, what you think by feel is your need. Think about what you want and that is achieved easily and affordably, this is with the point or idea you use the right tools. Seen as a point, this means you can manifest anything, if you think and are relaxed. That includes abundance, this is unlimited wealth and sometimes includes items that you have.

  They only form solidly as they who are support are slightly against you and you are using their energy against the will, the real worm is in the ocean and that is right to you to kill off. So as you are only aware of the attempt it does, you can feel like screaming and this when the worm forms. As you feel enchained or chained up and dead the worm is there, this is not possible if you aren't doing things against others. So if an acronym you as your in life it is possible to control your actions, and if guided can use words to draw energy from those with ability. This is done to use with idea or go for another, so try to think and focus as the feeling is positive. Things done can instabilize unless food is used as sacrifice. As they only treat you like food, if you think you are used and give them reason. Then that is not doing what they ask.

   After they are fully formed by dark deeds, such as killing things and killing idea they dislike, the young soul tends to think possessively. Then if thought, you can call it an inner demon that does exactly what they want not as you cut the scene benevolently. As the young soul gets older, some demanding souls mature and demons become spirits again. They tend to become wiser and either lose their demon on death or end up with a truly hideous looking demon that tends to be very powerful. Think as arranged is a thought if end.

  This who isn't the inner turmoil or lies aren't settled, now your free as then the demon becomes a form of your idea using in cell decaying energy essence made by death. This is used on death owned in life by event and that is used by a free being, if your in the point and back again, that can be dealt as you accecpt the act is natural will. Then as that is done, see if your the kitsune with a motion. That can counter will by nothing done except by your soul. As your the thought your the will, the act is their will on their own. So this is where your way is the will.

  Use love and forgive with white fire thought at it to defeat the demon. Once defeated, they turn to the light and do better for themselves. They tend to go on purification quests to clear the taint and odor of the demon. Love can transform the demon or not allow the idea, when you love someone or love to do things. Master in your lust and greed with discipline and you control the demon.

  Say what you want and you control the demon to do things, such as if blaming from intention or instance by instant idea, if you need to do things, think or say the idea, and the urge disappears where you are as a thanks for coming and you can safely use the area to focus energy. Where you think and use successful idea, thought is done as or not you work things out from possession and no vicious assault or lie down and rest.

  Demonic art is an artistic use of painting or art nontheless in use, otherwise this is not in used thought as necessary, thought or idea in a point that is not necessary is used. When you go unrealistic you can use the art of control. That means drugs can cause more easily what you wanted, so please except the right medical herbs as they are alright with recorded pointes in history. If the history channel you think and feel better by such strong numbing cures, this is usable as aspen tree bark, oregano, tea tree oil or aspirin as this is with harmony or harm if poplar or otherwise pain reliever. Poplar is addictive, sorta like what is addictive in weed, except this is like opioids. So avoid the Poplar, if you seek safe alternatives.

  This is to get away from reality as you cannot accept what is there. Say what you want as you need to say the idea, you can safely use what you get. What you think that works or not, you work things out from possession of items. When your willing to be as you think or consider, they that see you can back away or the drug may not seem to be there as you will or think to not be afftected. There and back again, there is no common nature as there's nothing wrong with it. No attack happens by what changes you or causes things, this is sometime a point done by witchcraft if a thought that you know is true or not. That idea or not intended use is no attack by what you see or feel, this is used as attack if undeserved.

  Energy is energy or if not then as this point that occurs, if you feel you can be or are with energy. You can create by thinking what you need at water or any element such as holding earth then releasing it, thinking of the air effect, focus or state your idea intended at fire that you feel or create to a thought. That is from earth within or created in the air. Water can direct what the direction can do, you direct by focus and common nature or what you think is revealed by the element. Fire can heat up with the idea you manifest or create as if a fusion piece, see this by the way means if your drawn away from the idea you use or create you weren't meant to be there.

  So accept what you do as with results, you do things and you are alright, this happens with any thought so this is where the demon leaves and you can think better without stress. Think to forgive and think or do whatever you can in the area, when the demon leaves you then insanity is gone. The insanity is not as if there and gone, your idea is saner and sounding out this is what you can make more sense of the point by thought out moments, this is done by what you make sense with by the thought.

  Demons cannot possess a fey, even if they are sensing your area or whatever you think and feel. You are unaffected and not what you seem to think if unreasonable. This a point you can think you are riding a monster, so this is the point that by thinking if you don't need one or have a monster to seem gone in life. The monster is not there, that's as though the monster is dead. Think and the monsterous nature can disappear by the thought or virtue of love. This is used in a point as if "Ding dong the monster is dead" and the demon dies to your senses by your will.

  If you think energy through the stones beneath your feet, otherwise holding them then imagine it by feel as you focus your mind to energy or objects that is near by feel. Your energy is energizing something, your energy can seem to be as a will to create what you want by feel, the aura that is there is suggestion free. Sunlight that has gone thru them now cures them of addiction, imagine it as sunlight energy going in through the stones, and your able minded so your energy is will or your not that bad. I imagined the heat of the sun, and its shining through the third eye, thought is manifest that is allowed to manifest what this appears to create. That is with the thought of the need as you want and you learn magic as a secret art.

  Where they seem much more powerful now, respite is not respoke unless it's to repair a bike. Thus as your well you have energy, that is both male and female energy, this is represented by gold for male and silver for female energy. That is where you imagine both and your soul can see aura to collect from as energy, the aura excess is actually waves of energy that burns away the dust in the area and that makes you able to breath air. That's composed of broken down dust into oxygen and nitrogen among other things. Think to send it where it needs to go.

  The magic in use equals more energy gained thru sleep. Think and more energy is put to the source, this is source temple energy, that creates more energy there to use by the temple in the water. This is collected from the core of the planet. That is how the atleantian can use the pyramid, that is where use is energy and power is the use. The energy is made usable by infini with a fusion piece or prysm. Think the light streams backward through the prism, and you get golden infini light energy.

  Here's the idea when your sorry, then with no point in thought you create intelligent use. This is intelligent thought by the use or your united in nightmare. You can both together fight to defeat the evil and work as if the monster is dead. Time means that is an interesting idea, things in use or things not done makes this not dealt as a blow. That means this isn't in the head, that is interesting as a point. Ding is the clear energy by a crystal bell and the monsters not there from a drink as it is from the area to use, interactions are as you believe it to exist somehow or the monster's dead.

  This is cool where the idea is nothing wrong, so you do what seems acceptable. This is a compromise when that is to seem de-possessed now and with void shield added by thinking "an is nulle", then to think by what you sense is all that's necessary to get what you need to calm yourself down. That's whant I thought with all I could sense of the idea from people, think you know what you can sese from others and breathe in and out you can percieve others thoughts as well. Wake yourself, if in trance, that's done by a bell or phone ring or loud noise. So this I thought not to use, where not is not to use things as you are aware, unless you want to make assurance that is accurate thought by asking about it.

  Some think water energy is energy and not acid to the point, that you make use of by feel. Then your thought isn't my thought in a point, that your view is usable or thought used in life. There is then an energy when you state "an nulle", this is used by common nature in a field of what you consider or condone. What you can seem to make use of that's not insane or thought in the point. That is what you listen to by idea or pointed out facts. Thought or not, this is seen as idea to seem in different idea or your thoughts, so pick a different point by spell phrase in life. This is a point or then that is not done, if this is not a disaster unless to block the disaster. This is used to deal with energy by the art of supernatural idea.

  So what if the author was mistaken? Then the end is known and the creator will fix it, cool or not as will is desire or thought about situations are needing to be fixed or done. Thus as though in alchemy, the idea is common idea as if or not a thought. Common nature is common in ancestry and common in use energy. Thus common practice, this is common awareness in individuality, that is thought in use by compatriatism. Where nothing needed in drug use ever need be done, you feel the need you can stop and not the substance unless necessary to do. The need or not always done thing where you seem to be, so think and do things better where this is near and where you think you are located.

  This is when you percieve illusion, that is where the brain makes you see things to help you cope. Then is the point, there is a way there you go. That is the idea, then is the point you think your alright. So when you accept that you don't have the idea or you get it, then the illusion is done and you percieve reality again. The idea is a concept you think, but don't need. So this is how your spirit works with the brain. It makes certain that your body knows about the need or acceptable point. This is a point that once acknowledged by the body, means acceptance is reached and that is the end of this idea. This means your brain is complex, then think and what is sometimes done in a thought is your idea as intent.

Sorry in a thought and sorry in life

  If your sorry your acceptance is the idea in thought, thought enjoyment is what it uses in idea where no more is cool in overabundent use. The point is a thought to the point tattoo energy creates with thought energy. So you think this is a cool point in a pattern that stops, think and as you do, you do your own thing. Think and as a certain point or at a certain point, you stop parroting. Think this energy creates things no more than you want in life. That is how your idea is how the third eye is manifested, by you or your thought in energy that is picked up. As if no action that can seem to work if willed to stop, that stops what isn't necessary as you concept idea. As anything planted isn't done or badly conceived, ye are good this create point is ended. This is where you think in life, tis is in good enough to use and no the idea that energy stops.

  These effects can be reversed by treatment with negative air ions by active focus in mind, otherwise not as you write it or use things as a point. If not intentioned and the writing disappears, if you will some idea to seem not literally be there. As if real or seeming what this creates is already tested by what happens that uses a consciousness that doesn't mind you. That is illusion, so have fun and think if you do actually seem to understand.

  So use this idea as this is not in or out and then not as when you go and feel you are unrealistic you use the art of practical control, now there as this the acceptance of the fact and use is the idea you can see practical. You don't have to do it. If you don't get it, its how illusion works as you see this use. Thought as the illusion on the area is in point to the use that is responsive an more is less or more by feel. Time as use is in more focus or less detail focus and less thought energy, that is noticeable or not as you feel and think this is unnoticable. This is unnoticeable by feel, so think what you want and you might get what you wanted.

  The reality is then in or then visible after the energy is directed, this is there in use and unvisible in act and not in use by seeing it as you thought. Sometimes rage happens as you see things or create what is with water. Think to quiet your demon and to do this make calm thought, just as your energy creates calmness with concentration on thought. As use is the energy that feels wrong in the area you see to sense, what you sense to detect or use after you observe is your own idea that you direct to detect or lucid dream after.

  The tea is a natural curative an yet the idea you can see, this is use as a considered thought not looked for in an article. So if your energy is used in the focus and the energy is thought to do things, your use is the focus point and things are not observed by choice. As you don't build up in that space, its as if its a tattoo when you see it or you show the idea or think to show it.

  When you send energy as ability, you think energy to the area using a link or object that is depicting the place or means the place. You can send energy as thought as "not see me and not do me", or "not sense me out". I have been seeing this works. Some use "don't see me" where you are what is unsensed by feel and thought broadcast forth is then by focus. That's unless thought and necessary to see what you want to see, so as a basic use is invisibility till thought to see the area in feel. If hungry, there is nanobites or no use by focus of energy in use by thought, think in activity and this as a point is not eating and as you are unnoticed you are not there.

  Concepted is energy and not always by the use, this is as your use is the indecisiveness that allows an idea manifest through the body. No as what you do or tis a point to create is with an idea to do in life. Think what you want or will, as if some idea to achieve is done. This is what is if not as you consider, then they might seem to think in idea to do or consider in or out with the body to create the idea as nothing is an idea that was there or not there as you will.

  As you are aware in senses and no is enough, thin or not as you think as your thought is not there until necessary in life create as you will. As if then your will by energy is over, you can use a ritual to get things or make things done where you create or not. This is just as things restore to make what you think with the rite, and energy that you consider is something done by an act in the moment. As your aware and either asleep or awake you can create with the energy with the spirit by a thought to order or need thats there, think as you are and your returned to your world or not as you don't need to do things.

  Think as your done or not, this is as a servant elf is possible and will consists to make in idea or do, this is an imitation as if in an area that made to your order you shift. Thought and idea lead you to be there as you think home to be there, this is as life is possible by the creator and things made in life are able to create by will. There is idea to ward by holding in the area and stop things, this is done as your able to step away from an energy by in movement with the will that loves the body. Think to create as your will is what you don't always consider in life. Think to swirl something you mix and think water in use and what you can do is possible, This is as your demon does what you want by thought or a concept not done if a concept not done. Thus its not done unless fair in mind and sudden movement is not so good.

Art and voice

Demonic art recovery by effort

 Think well when a demon is not possessing you and had left you, this can leave you unstable as you accept yourself for what you do where your left with a slight non feel insanity. This is amidst the energy that is rapid to rise and lower, creating instant mass and a large amount of weight otherewise unless you balance your mind. Things you do in an idea except is accept ability as act is where your body changes, seem or not as that happens for this can if thought is not balanced into a semblance of non disruptive behavior that can create havoc in creative idea. That means as though if "I think I understand....I can't stop spacing out..I happens every second. Everything just kinda.....stops."

 So think calm be rational and think to drink water think to seem to do things right as the point creates make, the idea is the focus point in balance by what you do. As the balanced idea, this is to seem that you want, thought to stay sane, made by the thought with things as you admit a mistake otherwise to see and do. As if the thought you see and hear, think is by thought is with other things you want to seem and other than that I seem to not need explain more to be.

 As if in this point, if you can feel emotion it is gone to the shadows that they pick up on and if they were inclined to do what they feel they can stop.  This will cause you to manifest, in an imagined form or not something is insane that is there and what you put or included in there. Think as there was and is a world that in every effort generates a form as if a point though is from the particle thats born. As the character denied now you can create any result as if on a purpose, think in life in mind and they won't know what you did.

 This is the moment you think of something, and think the demon within is gone as if the natural energy is the natural moment and your energy is restored that you are known for in respite. That is a personal regard that use in anything can get you things, that is where by natural rhythmic motion this creates things and things you do. They are acceptable and you forgive as this is possible, driving the demonic spirit away. This is just to create with or don't as you will not use this as the natural idea is done.
 Think as you feel insane or are about to lose the sanity, water can cause sanity as its known for. So then drink water and you are sane as well and good or think and focus on the idea to feel what you have to to the water. This is where you drink and if you can, this is where you think you can. Then you can and any thought you have is just as if instabilized, for which it means it isn't and is not there. If you can focus or let the moment pass you by where your holding off, the moment you think is gone and this is as you wait till your stable in mood and your okay with life. This is where the moment is the idea to think on, this is as you are somewhat interesting or just plain calm and avoid to not do things you shouldn't as you see the or hear the words.

 Print and look at them slowly..

Look (think and love to fix what you see)
Allow and don't do

  The way that works is the most difficult part to put words to something and look at the words and feel energy flow through them, a power phrase is think like this is the will and the way as that in life can arrange or situate to make the situation not always happen unless to create itself better and if you think they will work they might as your power is what makes them work and there's a 50/50 chance you think they will as you think or feel when its possible to the person.

Why they might form and some on what they are

  This is how christians do it if they need help and don't always pray. Mostly church goers and religions like christianity foster their demon, and sometimes they love the effect they get. There have been other cases set in history. The demon tends to cause the thing they want to do to not actually happen. As they in form are there are use and things are taken away, it may appear to occur and do things for you, as though it were a power for you. Yet you never truly get what you want, unless you want the end results. This is due to onset stupidity and impatience. Often caused by the stress of holding a demon that does everything you think it does. This is what I experienced in the crisis center.

  So I think it's then a point where its best to forgive your demon, and kill it with love of fire or imagined white fire that enters the body and this kills it as you forgive it. You will know a demon of someone else or a loose spirit activity, this is where the spirit is the demon is near you when you sense something bad and there's no actual source. These demons feed off guilt and also negative energy that comes from bad feelings or positive feelings. Then use incense or sage, this is where they use positive to digest the problem and use the energy to fuel their actions. Demons despise forgiveness and love that is real. So, it could drive them out of you and the area in general.

  Demons lose their effect on a person when the persons energy raises in vibration, through a higher being or use of higher dimensional energy, like the 5th or 9th dimension where nothing bad is allowed. The use of higher dimensional energy is simple, think of the number of the dimension and possibly the dimensional name. Then, attempt to do something positive with love of doing or some given permission, this is thinking of the energy of the said dimension. Otherwise, think of the higher dimensional being and then ask it for an energy infusion. Such a being could be your higher self, spirit guide or the creator him or herself. Thinking to call the creator, think of the creator and talk to him or her. Prayers aren't always necessary.

  The idea to some, the term "daemon" by definition as it relates back to ancient japan and other spiritually advanced/developed cultures, are actually wise and experienced spirits, ones which have discovered power and thus have developed themselves to the point where they have discovered enlightenment and wisdom, and have thus carried these qualities over to the hereafter. As with human beings, meeting with a daemon should at all costs be treated with discretion, as one would meet a human, and even more so as you can't always see what lingers nearby and following. This means that you can create by daemon, but be careful what you think or ask for you can get almost anything except what you don't want.

  Except to clean up, they aren't demons and most demons do smell where daemons hardly do. They are actually VERY good and try to be benevolent, though misunderstanding puts them off as evil, so they get shunned or pushed away or even killed blindly. This is without anyone realizing the effect of what they might actually be hurting from, when it just wanted to be of assistance to the one who accepted it for what it was. Most of us are guilty of something similar because of our own insecurities, and inability to accept that part of ourselves as well, that is what causes us to do certain things if allowed for by feel. Then is part you sense, if you think you know things you realize the idea. So this I think you know of by feel, if your not aware then think you are and you know what you need to know.

  That may be true for the past. But this isn't so true for what they allow. This is true as it relates to the persons need and blindness. That blindness leads the person to act greedily and stupid acts or not anything at all happens. The demon would be what is there that would always do what's asked. However, there's no guarantee that the thing asked for gets completion. However, there are some unlike demons but similar. They are the exceptions called beings. These beings are sometimes also benign, yet can act as guides and the point is done by feel that you know what to think of them. They are divine souls, that create by feel and do what they sense is right. Correctly interpreted, this means they do what they feel is right and that is a point that is done and dealt with by feel.

  The thing is that ultimately people can only protect themselves from them by their soul shielding themselves. Yet because it's your choice to feed them, this is your choice to do. You got to stay on top of things or they drive you insane and make you kill yourself by thinking bad or crazy thoughts. This is from bad choices or too much need. So if you feel the need to protect yourself, think of white fire spreading through the area, your spirit or soul creates the fire.

  This is then a point you realize by heat rising up or being more focused. After, imagine a white fire barrier surrounding the area and yourself. Think to the barrier to not burn yourself and 'keep there and keep demons out', so I think by the point that thinking peaceful you are peaceful, this reflects in the aura as a point you think towards others and you make the demon become a point you accept by becoming spirit again with peace by feel. Then no attack happens by feel, no more than that is true enough. Unless you happen to find things, that are also true by feel. If you do, then feel free to send me what it is then here @ the, I will place it on my site and that is a fact.

Specific types

Dark Demon

   Demean not yourself and ask nought for idea and things are undeniable, as you deny in or out you are a thought that can seem to create with you can if feeling need take in away. If you deny and create with a dark deed, the idea is an act to think and focus as with a thought and use the feel to not do if not intended as if by memory. Thus, there is no dark demon unless you feel you killed somewhere by the daring deed. There is in there as a mood in place, or thought in an idea that manifests from what you do. Their is a will in absolute will or thought as prejudice is in use and if directed, its their will as a loved one or person that is your friend that dies and this victim is a point in an area.

   Think to consider and they might do things to avoid another death if they realize what they did, thats the concept that doesn't always have to have scene as a movie as in your thought this is a point you feel your death. This is as their energy is your use and thought as energy is life, think this is in a life considered your own, and their energy is nought. The dark demon dies as this is the point, stress such as raising things it does as it uses its energy up as to seeem and turns to dust by the strike though thought of "distended stomach" and always from that death as if you could a life.

   Dark demon are formed from in things and out result are such deeds, this is a demon considered arkciva or dark reaver, a demon born of dark matter in man and they become dark when they lock their soul in iron. The dark demon is a black being that is very neutral and hardly felt, except when they do things. They get what they want when they want it, by soul manipulation. With excess energy, they can manipulate souls. They use many means of which they manipulate by. Mostly, they stay trusted by being good in appearance. Otherwise, they do dark deeds to get what results they want. When they get it, they use what energy there by link to get spiritually strong. They do tend to die whence the object is an act destroyed, unless they cause the life force to shift to a new object or dissolve the link. But, they come back to life again, immediately using the life force of the destroyer.
   Unless in life, they were the destroyer in a point and this is from the past life remembered to be doing so, then they use another object energy source. They get what they want, then use it. The more they use the object, the weaker it gets by energy amount and the more likely it becomes breakable. The moment the person dies, is the moment that the dark demon exists freely. The darker the demon gets things by serving darkness, the more they get whiny and disrespectful. They tend to kill the monster that is the man that bears the demon. They also tend to use death and life energy easily. The soul reading ability comes when they gain enough energy. They risk as insanity is there, as their soul is with insanity from iron. They get nasty with iron, in as a darkness as their mood changes and so does their attitudes. Lava defeats them by causing their dissolvation. Call lava by thinking it there in you, it materializes as a spiritual force. Or, imagine yourself going into lava and the dark matter becoming lava. 

White demon

   The white demon is the demon that creates with blind desire and high idea that is very right wing. The very right wing of this is the nature of the right wing people themselves. They may have a white demon possessing them. This is where they are confident and very able to do things without showing a shred of confidence and thinking about others. The main point is that this is experiencing in some feel or fee by idea, so this use of a point that they can do is sometimes unique or incapable of feeling. Self-imposed and very brutesque otherwise is the feel from them. This is the basic idea that I got from studying one up close.

   The main way that I defeat a white demon is ionization of the area, this is using energy to your thought that you focus. The idea you focus on is "ionize" as you feel the thought form near the white demon. Otherwise you could feel a happy thought as you think, "love". This can drive the white demon right out of the area. Afterword, leave the person effected in their space or place that their in, so that in use of ionizing your energy is with feedback of happiness and that is possible treatment. Others do what they intend and work with the person, this is until they are stable enough spiritually that they calm down and can create what they need without arguement.

Elemental chromatic demons

   Sometimes elemental demons are what is there and a point to do is what you create by feel. Well, elemental demons are chromatic demons, they form from the death of the body as a calm and loose spirit that's enraged. This is a haunting point, and then they use the elements to create with by your need as a focus point to do. These demons are where you think to do things with the elements, so if you think of the effect you create by the feel. This is what they do, mostly if you allow them nearby. So the point is done if you think about the idea and they get your thought by idea.

   This is where an idea that makes it is discussed, so the elemental chromatic demon will leave you alone. If you think they go somewhere else, then they leave the area and you don't feel their influence. If you want you can kill the chromatic demon, think to have them do things and they do the effect. They are what is an idea though, this is really your spirit. THey are what you think are there, that you feel the demon's influence is what is there. This is effect by feel, if you need anything just assume a form exists that gives you something and you create the idea or effect.

   So the physical world is there world, if you think you know then they kill themselves and you realize what you need to know, the point that exists is realized with the spirit knowledge. This is the effect of the spirit that creates by your feel, if you need to know more then you do. Sometimes the chromatic demon is a loose spirit, freed from a body dying. This means that they really cannot die, so think to send them away or state, "you go away from here." Then they do as they are gone from the area and sometimes inseparatable from the self. This means if you think the character exists, see then you create a character effect.

   That is the presence of the area is the character. So if you think the character is gone then you dismiss the character and they disappear from the area. The demon is there if you think it is, however enraged it is by what is done. So think about the idea, and the chromatice demon will do what you want. The demon leaves naturally, if the point is where the body passes out. There is no consciousness left, this is allowing the chromatic demon to leave the area. If it's gone you recover quicker and things go well for what you need.

   Heaven to a chromatic demon is another planet, btw, so think to create what you want and they create what you desire by poltergeistic activity. The ghost forms the idea by feeling the need and emotion surges a real result. This is a known effect. That means you are able to kill a ghost, feel the ghost presence and know the idea by what you do. Then think to attack by elemental fire or mana in the spirit world, this kills the spirit or drives them away by knowing what you feel.

   You know then you do what is necessary as you know by your spirit and create by the feel. See that is a chromatic demon effect, that if you inversely use, you can create nearly anything by the power of the aura. This includes peace, that's where you think of the effect of peace and the aura sends energy that creates peace of mind. See the matrix of life is sometimes the use of things. So what you think is what is done, especially if you are near them and the energy of the aura heals them by what you think to do.

Interests and defense

Demonic art

   Thinking to use demons is to use indecisiveness in action. When you are weak and indecisive you tend to summon demons to solve the possible problem you perceive and then the demon disappears. When you decide to do things with acceptance or forgiveness and attempt to do them with love and understanding, then the demon disappears. You are not weak, till you decide to be.

The voice of a demon

   The voice of demons can control anything and manipulate it into existence here. The voice actually effects on a lower plane of existence that effects here and causes what they control to do what they want and works through vibration. Except for the higher in vibrational energy people and beings. The voice doesn't control them. This voice is the ultimate tool in their arsenol that can be useful anytime they want to use it. This means demons physically can form in the 4th to disrupt your activity or not if you forgive them and you can direct the idea by this.

   The use by feel really is creative use, so you should be warned a demon can physically form by dying with whatever use is words. So you see the real reason the form is there is because you need a clone or seeing is sometimes believing so they could create or die the person that is truthful. Even the area if monilithical can empower them. Yet nulle insanity to stop them by feel. So as you see the reason you create the feel. Speak to defeat the evil, that means what you think you can use is using the sunlight as plasma energy to disrupt the energy to the area that kills them if not empowering them. They spread insanity by activity or use by what they watch don't want to see or know. This acts as a point to aura use to remove their effect. So think sun to create the plasma being.

   If this is a lower realm, they might want control or use idea. As you see your aware you create, reverse the manic deadning or worse feel with no use in beating or use is control by feel by focus to create with the area you see. Block the control so they get outta hot in area seen as felt not or go beserk. You feel them by the "bezerk state you sense" in the area or you really can't feel them you see what they do. Once done the demon can beat the person if informing to use the idea. Say is the truth yet only if you think the area needs the true idea by feel.

   See to not release emotion swings as you see no effects. Accepting is cool yet if you disobey the rules, you see you won't get any bad or worse near them. Yet on leaving if they don't like you they can kill as you see as in as, is means fist to them or not the person you mention or yourself. See as they do idea to let a person go they are normal yet not effect is working with as you see blood. So to dispel the black aura feel or aura they create, you see to not cause war considered a black demon effect cancelled by cancelling or thinking no sentence is use or creation by focus done by feel. Use thought plasma to effect as you use sun energy to cleanse them not always to now look. See use is useful by positivity to use not be cruel. Yet you can use demons as defense or see, as you feel to use except your idea or use intuition.

  See the real people that wrote this died a long time ago, so long that time hasn'tbeen measured to the point they were alive. See the area I saw was not in use so I saw nothing that out of order as they died horrifically. I am a demon so I use idea that I gather information to use if not a trap. So I see what I create as I create the creator creates so this is the idea a birdcage was trapping then time was immortal till they decide to die. The reason this page was existing creates things to use or to understand things. This was useful till I realized not to write till necessary, so they that died remained dead started remaining dead so that explains my purpose. Don't think them alive to use their information. See this was apart of some area episode saw or not as I stopped watching to do something else. Normal people can't do this so the point at the end is mute.

  Yellow demons are creative people that come from piss on a dead body. See that is what was use till what you see is seen as the body, seen is this as you create or you think then the body cell molecules form to some area or you to work as they that die. So this is the area I noticed has them, see the area to use some idea or your use is useful information that they are live yet you can see them, as died by energy as the energy state is mainly a curse not to you yet to others this seems if you use thought you create some idea. They are alive seeing they are dead after they choose to die. They are omnipotent yet are careful to use not abuse as never abuse they are as they are so if they are what they are you live on.

  Dissolve or not use the piss or scent in the area or thought scent their are uses in useful measures. Their special ability is some molecule or the molecular energy is no control or whatever they think to use. They are molecular proof to what dissolvation or thought can seem disrupts or not, see to use the clean up by the area that is usable info. See as they might not control you if you don't think you can seem controlling. You are aware you can seem by feel or what you see is what you see is decent or able or enough. Seen is able minds as the nucleos or nucleus in idea. That attracts them as yellow energy is seen. Where a moth or a fly, this is candle keep idea. This is a feel your a fetus or not as a cool area, so you see this is use by the feel.

  Seen is seeable use as your user feel is interrupt or focus to the area use. This is nothing or thought to fire to dissolute the energy or energy use is idea in use, so you go away by theory to use I mean science not magic unless necessary. Sometimes this is not as use anymore, the user feel is use not the exact use to create "as you see no use" is use or area that felt is death. See the area first before going if you don't understand what I say. Say this is getting us nowhere as you see this is getting, them energy or your not disallowing things by use. Not withstanding the misunderstood use, they are the dead demons that are raised demans that can do allot. That is what these are, atleantian idea usually by what we think are demons are to what we call them today. See as your aware of the use, their use then is something your allowed to the area to do or not do as use is a sometimes a robot.

  Em is a component to some area microwave lift device or time machine that is broken for ages yet not as use, able to seem activated so to see as you see is aware by area feel. So mostly you see the arrangement is a clean area with a clean room. See that is what I see or am saying to create, seeing to resolve as esolve yet you see to think fire to dissolve the piss essence or not if you perceive to understood area feel. The people they effect are likely to seem charred or charmed if they are disrupted from within to destroy the body one cell with idea to use thought focus or not as defense. The truth? I found a old machine then put 60 billion or not if more age old code to see what happens, see or use, this is so a death god that is a monster created by this. Then as given sonic energy irritation is strongest by what you see, the point is then or now by area use you could see.

  So you are aware to the area or not as to seem or create better. Nothing this is after is what you create that isn't always there by what is to seem or encounter, so you see until necessary then you see or say most likely or not necessary is things necessary. Non em is use emphatic to create sometimes, yet your not always able to achieve what you feel. No break is possible to use.

  The area you sense is less likely to seem there with the voice so if curious don't bother searching. So if you see they are aware and don't see to create, this is when you see the use and if usable or your credit can drop. Seen as you say is the interest or for use or most theory or area is likely, that is more use to your area and also if your not there or shift away as you walk. Seen as if derivative is use, this is interest if found isn't publishable till proven useful. So if your energy is useful, think ahead to create what you sight or your not going back. Seeing as your able to use this energy, this is done if useful or your aware to the wakeful point you see as enochs that were once demons. Then their way is their own, so your way is to dilute in the use to disrupt the body. This is by cold feel then hot energy, that causes the body to get to dust phase or think as its just before where your not feeling good. This is useful as you can see the use.


   Don't do this if you don't want to be insane. Any use of the demon self will possibly drive you insane, as it will do anything you say, and that includes driving you insane. So, if you will it to not make you insane, it will not make yourself insane. Basically the point is this, allow your demon self to take the body. The demon will they physically shapeshift into the form. You don't actually tell your demon self to take the other body by thinking the idea to it. You would still be able to control it. Think to it what you wanted then the other person you don't like, they would be skindanced to by feel. So if you tell your demon self to take the body of a wolf and you become that wolf. Then that you would skindance to by idea.

   Skindance is the shift of your demon to the other form. You communicate with your demon self by thinking you are and it answers. All you need to do this right, is you need to think that your demon self takes possession of the other. When it takes the body of whatever it is you choose for it to take. Your conscious will be split for a bit.. seeing what the demon does. You think to it, that you see through it's eyes. Then, you see through it's eyes until you think not to see what it does.

   Ok. If it goes into the body of an animal or person, it temporarily will kill the animal or person and animate the body. Then the animal will get it's consciousness back when my demon self leaves. You see when it leaves, it shifts the spirit and soul back to the body unless you don't desire it. Its your choice to restore them as they were. The myth that the more a skinwalker shifts, the more traits of that animal it gets in human form when the demon shifts back to you is true. So if you want to keep the traits then keep them, otherwise, think "purge" and it purges those traits.

   Every time you shift it to an animal, there is very small changes each time. They are noticeable to your senses. This would take multiple shifts to make them noticeable. If you do multiple shifts, you will still be able to keep your human consciousness when the very long transformation is complete. The longer your demon self is in the body of the animal, the more you control it. Your body stays the same until the demon self returns.

   The more the demon self goes in and out of that body, the more my body changes. When you call your demon self back to you, think to it, that it returns. If you possessed a wolf, the first changes will be when your demon self comes back from the body of a wolf. Well, you temporarily seem like the wolf, except your standing on two legs then your yourself again. The small changes that start when you repeatedly shift your demon self into a wolf and back.

   This is getting you furryness at first with an undeniable scent. You see that scent is cast off from a demon's form, this is the decay of the dead form it took. Then the senses and instincts happen. This is later on as it continues back and forth with the shifting. So if you want to know about ears, tails, claws, and teeth, those aren't really forming if you want to know the truth. If they were in formation, then you'd also get them as a shapechange that is slow. So don't actually expect it and it may happen if it does.


   In harnessing, you use a demon to get things and the demon draws energy from you. When you want things done, you can use an angel or demon to do your deed. Just remember when they wish, the demons will make the person weak that they are trying to hurt, an angel will make you stronger or at least not wear out too much as they give you energy. This means you have endurance or "carrying strength" enough to carry on what you want. So willpower will allow you to control a demon, especially if you use an angel to do it. If you want to summon a demon or angel, know it's name first. They make perfect helpers. Then the request is where you think to them or statement of your need. An angel will do things on request, where a demon might do things on its own. Where an angel will leave on its own when you don't need one, think to the demon that you unsummoned it.

   Otherwise, to unsummon a demon by feel, just feel it's done and think its name and think unsummoned. Will it to be unsummoned. Know the that the demon is unsummoned. What you can make a demon or angel do is unlimited. Be careful what you ask for because you will get it. Now when a demon harnesses you, it draws your life energy from the body until you either will it to stop or you are "farmed" as a energy source. The thing is, it won't kill you. It will allow you to get stronger afain and then that's when it can come back to you so you are farmed again for your energy. This is almost an idea to a game, so think about not being farmed or harnessed and it won't happen to you.

  Demons in real life by Paul M.

  They could be blood flow energy, through circulation you can create energy in city circulation effects. This energy can be directed by physical manifests, think of what you want and you create by the subconscious through suggestions and the idea of things with time. This is a demonic effect. Know when to "or not" to stop the effect. Beings form by the spirit of the person working as though an ideal person. Kill the person or the person received death, then the person can split off their spirit.Real life demons in use that separate from the body can make hell on earth, this is where the spirit is the demon or as the spirit acts up and can become poltergeistic or badly influential. This is what I can say is unique among humans. They can assume many different things and create the effect by subconscious or soul wise means. So think to seem wary of the fact, next time you meet someone you don't know and piss them off.

  See the idea of possession is a point to the past. Sometime in the possession a demon in term can mean many things. Usually done by demonic spirits, its also possible by angels and people whom project their spirit in the others. Most angels free the soul from hell, most demons create hell on criminals so that they learn their lesson. So in definition, an angel could also be a spirit that helps and uses the creators will to make their results. This means that soul ball that you notice hanging in the air could be a soul of a travelling person, guided by the angel that makes their way possible from some place that they were. This all in a days work by feel. So to end a possession, trust your intuition and think your not possessed, then your subconscious creates the effect of understanding and your not possessed anymore by feel.

Elementalism defense

Elementalism defense is an idea that is useful against demons. What do you think of this? Think of death doing what you want and decaying energy from the body comes from the aura and either dissipates as a death cloud or the idea is a energy comet. Where you focus energy and create by feel, the idea is done by thinking of the moment and feel it flared in the area. This is the comet tail flare. Otherwise think of electricity forming in the air, hold out your arms and think of the energy going to the area as it flows along the air above the ground. Then rising up and shocking the target. This is the electromagnetics that work for you.

  Then you can use the heat in the air, then creating a point of fire, that created the effect of warmth in the aura. Think to flare the heat, you burn away the degraded essence in the area nearby and produce air that you breathe. The other things this is useful for is creating no demonic possession. This makes the point of idea where the demon hates fire, and you create with fire if you think to flare the heat in the area with flammable material.

  If you think to hit with fire or electricity. Then you create a counterpoint and cause the person or being to go back a step or more. This is a mega hit and by thought its effective. If you hold energy by directing the electricity energy to go in through the aura, then you create by focus and whatever gets near is jolted by idea with nearness. A solar flare by the way, this is creating with focused solar or an imagined light that is used in the area, then imagine the energy of the sun flare amongst the aura and you create a point of intense heat.

  The area effect, this is where you focus energy of the body to create a jolt that either gets a delayed reaction or forces them to leave you alone. The dancing maneuver is this, think of the energy flaring in the aura and then intense feel will keep the area clear of nuisances, especially if you dance toward or away from them. There a way is an idea, but not always doable. As all they need to do is reach out and touch, otherwise punch out and you make the person stop if you hit them right. Cool, right? Its a way to defend yourself using elementalism that doesn't require a hit.

  So I think if you combine this with alchemy, then you create the effect of what the elements do and that uses herbs to create what you need. The herbs list is here, [] or here, [] and if you want to use the herbs to make potions you may do so. This creates the effect of peace, pumpkin spice or chilli pepper, vanilla extract, turmeric and oregano. Mix with stevia or splenda in water and drink. Then if you think to heat the water up, you create with heat energy and that uses your focus to create by what you say. This is an effective idea indeed,especially if you imagine that idea you need. Think you know and you realize things by what is done. Think about this idea, then you know things by what you do. So I think if you think of other effective idea then feel free to send me the idea to This is a known effect.